Re: [elm-discuss] elm-seeds rocks!

2017-08-29 Thread António Ramos
Nice :)



2017-08-29 20:41 GMT+01:00 Lars Jacobsson :

> This is not a question and I hope I this won't sound like spam. But I just
> want to give some praise to the fantastic Eric Person (is that his name??)
> and elm-seeds.
> 44 episodes now posted at a regular interval - that's good stamina. Clear
> and to the point instructions, and great varied topics. I don't know the
> dude, but I know he is worth some public praise.
> --
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Re: [elm-discuss] Re: Cell - simple web framework

2017-06-20 Thread António Ramos
where is the todo example?

2017-06-15 11:06 GMT+01:00 Simone Vittori :

> Very interesting and minimalistic approach for building web apps. Thanks
> for sharing, Franček!
> On Wednesday, 14 June 2017 11:42:24 UTC+1, Franček Prijatelj wrote:
>> Hi
>> Cell is very simple web framework (no APPI).
>> --
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Re: [elm-discuss] Elm GUI component library

2016-10-24 Thread António Ramos
If you prefer js and keep the ELM architecture in your code you can try
 Choo framework

2016-10-24 9:14 GMT+01:00 Witold Szczerba :

> I love Elm. The problem with it is that's a niche. It is now and, sadly,
> it will be :(
> Last time I used it for my pet project I was looking for tree components,
> so I could draw files and directories.
> The problem is, in Elm you are left alone.
> For JS there are many libraries, not only showing the foldable tree,
> skinnable to mimic many OSes, but also auto downloading data from server.
> Integration seems to be few lines of code.
> There always will be 100x more JS libs than Elm ones. We should think how
> to make them live together easily in Elm apps, not the other way around.
> Regards,
> Witold Szczerba
> 11.10.2016 11:17 PM "Casper Bollen"  napisał(a):
>> I would love to use ELM as my client side language. However, a show
>> stopper at the moment is the lack of a decent ELM GUI component library.
>> Currently I am using webix  an extremely simple to
>> use library to create a complex one page application. I think it would be a
>> great boost to the ELM usage if a library like that would be natively
>> available. I also, tried to lure
>>  the webix
>> developers into looking at ELM.
>> If you, from ELM were to cooperate in implementing a sort of 'ELM webix'
>> with the webix developers, this could be a very interesting project. I
>> personally don't have the time and the skill to do this.
>> Just fishing here;-)
>> P.s. To get a gist of the kind of application I am working on see:
>> Look at the latest commits in the
>> client folder.
>> --
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Re: [elm-discuss] Re: Inter-Component Communication in 0.17

2016-10-23 Thread António Ramos
Were does this all stand?
can anyone post an example that all agree to understand the best way to
Inter-Component Communication in 0.17 ?!

2016-10-22 18:26 GMT+01:00 Erik Lott :

> You're such a jerk Richard :)
> On Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 1:21:44 PM UTC-4, Richard Feldman wrote:
>> Oh man, now I feel like a total jerk for my harsh tone.
>> My apologies, and thank you for the update Erik! <3
> --
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Re: [elm-discuss] Proposal: Rename case..of -> match..with

2016-10-20 Thread António Ramos
I´m a "no Elm experience people" and i dont like "match with".

to type "case of" i need 6 keystrokes(without spaces) to type "match with"
i need 9 .

i would prefer to remove the "of" and just leave it as "case ?!?  ->"
instead of "case ?!? of ->"

Regards to whomever lives to type less and love more... ;)

2016-10-20 15:06 GMT+01:00 Robin Heggelund Hansen :

> First of, I would like to say that for me personally, this proposal
> doesn't matter.
> This proposal is written because I believe people with little to no Elm
> experience will understand the construct better.
> The proposal, as the title of the post suggests, is to rename the
> "case..of" expression to "match..with". The reason being that I believe the
> words better matches what the construct does. As a non-native English
> speaker, case..of doesn't immediately make sense. However, match..with
> makes perfect sense.
> Match..with is what the same construct is called in F#, so it has that
> going for it.
> Case..of to match..with renaming could be handled by elm-format.
> As said, to me personally and, I believe, other seasoned elm devs, this
> won't matter that much.
> The question therefore becomes, how big of a difference will it make to
> new and future elm developers?
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Re: [elm-discuss] Re: Do the same with ELM?

2016-10-20 Thread António Ramos
I´m so in love with ELM,
@Erkal please submit this code to

Thank you

2016-10-20 14:56 GMT+01:00 Erkal Selman <>:

> Thanks Marco, here is the corrected version:
> *import Html exposing (text, div, input, button, p, span)*
> *import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)*
> *import Html.Attributes exposing (..)*
> *import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick)*
> *main =*
> *beginnerProgram*
> *{ model = { state = WaitingForSubmit, inputStr = "",
> submittedValue = "" }*
> *, update = update*
> *, view = view*
> *}*
> *-- MODEL*
> *type alias Model =*
> *{ state : State*
> *, inputStr : String*
> *, submittedValue : String*
> *}*
> *type State*
> *= WaitingForSubmit*
> *| WaitingForConfirm*
> *-- UPDATE*
> *type Msg*
> *= NewContent String*
> *| Submit*
> *| Cancel*
> *| Confirm*
> *update msg model =*
> *case msg of*
> *NewContent str ->*
> *{ model | inputStr = str }*
> *Submit ->*
> *{ model | state = WaitingForConfirm }*
> *Cancel ->*
> *{ model | state = WaitingForSubmit }*
> *Confirm ->*
> *{ model*
> *| state = WaitingForSubmit*
> *, inputStr = ""*
> *, submittedValue = model.inputStr*
> *}*
> *-- VIEW*
> *view { state, inputStr, submittedValue } =*
> *div []*
> *[ input [ onInput NewContent, value inputStr ] []*
> *, case state of*
> *WaitingForSubmit ->*
> *span []*
> *[ button [ disabled (inputStr == ""), onClick Submit
> ] [ text "Submit" ] ]*
> *WaitingForConfirm ->*
> *span []*
> *[ button [ onClick Cancel ] [ text "Cancel" ]*
> *, button [ onClick Confirm ] [ text "Confirm" ]*
> *]*
> *, p [] [ text ("Submitted value: " ++ submittedValue) ]*
> *]*
> On Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 3:49:49 PM UTC+2, Marco Perone wrote:
>> you could just add a `value` to your input field like
>> input [ onInput NewContent, value inputStr ]
>> and then reset the `inputStr` value when you confirm the submission
>> Confirm ->
>> { model
>> | state = WaitingForSubmit
>> , inputStr = ""
>> , submittedValue = model.inputStr
>> }
>> On Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 2:57:54 PM UTC+2, Erkal Selman wrote:
>>> You can paste the following into :
>>> *import Html exposing (text, div, input, button, p, span)*
>>> *import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)*
>>> *import Html.Attributes exposing (..)*
>>> *import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick)*
>>> *main =*
>>> *beginnerProgram*
>>> *{ model = { state = WaitingForSubmit, inputStr = "",
>>> submittedValue = "" }*
>>> *, update = update*
>>> *, view = view*
>>> *}*
>>> *-- MODEL*
>>> *type alias Model =*
>>> *{ state : State*
>>> *, inputStr : String*
>>> *, submittedValue : String*
>>> *}*
>>> *type State*
>>> *= WaitingForSubmit*
>>> *| WaitingForConfirm*
>>> *-- UPDATE*
>>> *type Msg*
>>> *= NewContent String*
>>> *| Submit*
>>> *| Cancel*
>>> *| Confirm*
>>> *update msg model =*
>>> *case msg of*
>>> *NewContent str ->*
>>> *{ model | inputStr = str }*
>>> *Submit ->*
>>> *{ model | state = WaitingForConfirm }*
>>> *Cancel ->*
>>> *{ model | state = WaitingForSubmit }*
>>> *Confirm ->*
>>> *{ model*
>>> *| state = WaitingForSubmit*
>>> *   

Re: [elm-discuss] Re: Do the same with ELM?

2016-10-20 Thread António Ramos
As a side note we need "elmbin"  to share and collect stuff like we do with for example..

2016-10-20 13:57 GMT+01:00 Erkal Selman <>:

> You can paste the following into :
> *import Html exposing (text, div, input, button, p, span)*
> *import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)*
> *import Html.Attributes exposing (..)*
> *import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick)*
> *main =*
> *beginnerProgram*
> *{ model = { state = WaitingForSubmit, inputStr = "",
> submittedValue = "" }*
> *, update = update*
> *, view = view*
> *}*
> *-- MODEL*
> *type alias Model =*
> *{ state : State*
> *, inputStr : String*
> *, submittedValue : String*
> *}*
> *type State*
> *= WaitingForSubmit*
> *| WaitingForConfirm*
> *-- UPDATE*
> *type Msg*
> *= NewContent String*
> *| Submit*
> *| Cancel*
> *| Confirm*
> *update msg model =*
> *case msg of*
> *NewContent str ->*
> *{ model | inputStr = str }*
> *Submit ->*
> *{ model | state = WaitingForConfirm }*
> *Cancel ->*
> *{ model | state = WaitingForSubmit }*
> *Confirm ->*
> *{ model*
> *| state = WaitingForSubmit*
> *, submittedValue = model.inputStr*
> *}*
> *-- VIEW*
> *view { state, inputStr, submittedValue } =*
> *div []*
> *[ input [ onInput NewContent ] []*
> *, case state of*
> *WaitingForSubmit ->*
> *span []*
> *[ button [ disabled (inputStr == ""), onClick Submit
> ]*
> *[ text "Submit" ]*
> *]*
> *WaitingForConfirm ->*
> *span []*
> *[ button [ onClick Cancel ] [ text "Cancel" ]*
> *    , button [ onClick Confirm ] [ text "Confirm" ]*
> *]*
> *, p [] [ text ("Submitted value: " ++ submittedValue) ]*
> *]*
> A question: Is there a way to clear the input field (on confirm) without
> using ports?
> On Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 12:48:40 PM UTC+2, António Ramos wrote:
>> eact-and-angular2/
>> 2016-10-20 11:48 GMT+01:00 António Ramos <>:
>>> can anyone dare to code the same app in elm?
>>> eact-and-angular2/~
>>> i would like to see it and learn from you guys because i just "hate"
>>> javascript...
>>> Regards
>>> António
>> --
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[elm-discuss] JSComp with elm

2016-10-20 Thread António Ramos

I see that elm has a lot more code than the others to do the same tasks.


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[elm-discuss] Re: Do the same with ELM?

2016-10-20 Thread António Ramos

2016-10-20 11:48 GMT+01:00 António Ramos <>:

> can anyone dare to code the same app in elm?
> choo-react-and-angular2/~
> i would like to see it and learn from you guys because i just "hate"
> javascript...
> Regards
> António

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[elm-discuss] Do the same with ELM?

2016-10-20 Thread António Ramos
can anyone dare to code the same app in elm?
i would like to see it and learn from you guys because i just "hate"


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[elm-discuss] Offtopic Choo Framework

2016-10-17 Thread António Ramos
Hello guys just trying to learm Elm but its not easy.
I just found this js framework

i has the same concept as TEA

subscriptions , model, update and messages

Maybe i just learn it too, because i just feel that going back to
angular/react/vue is giving up in good and simple  ideas from ELM


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Re: [elm-discuss] #PolymerSummit

2016-10-17 Thread António Ramos
sorry my lack of knowledge...
after i read

i understood that  components are the same as web components and are not
the path offered by elm.
Also elm is an alternative to polymer/angular/vue/react and as such i dont
understand why are you trying to put them together.
What piece of the puzzle am i missing here?


2016-10-17 13:21 GMT+01:00 Ed Ilyin :

> Anybody at the #PolymerSummit in London? Maybe let's discuss Elm with Web
> components?
> --
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[elm-discuss] D3js for 0.17??

2016-10-17 Thread António Ramos
hello i dont find any d3js library to use with elm 0.17

Any ideas?

thank you

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[elm-discuss] why -> Sub msg in ports instead of Sub Msg

2016-10-13 Thread António Ramos
I would like to know why Sub msg in lowercase in above code

port suggestions : (List String -> msg) -> Sub msg

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Re: [elm-discuss] Re: using js library inside elm?

2016-10-13 Thread António Ramos
Nice. thank you.

2016-10-13 15:00 GMT+01:00 Wouter In t Velt <>:

> On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 5:46 AM, António Ramos <> wrote:
>>> any example of calling an external js method ?
> Another example of calling external JS method is in the Todo.elm example
> app <>.
> Where port to JS is used to store the model in LocalStorage.
> --
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Re: [elm-discuss] Re: Learning Elm and feeling alone in the world

2016-10-13 Thread António Ramos
this guy is very good at it :)

2016-06-22 17:49 GMT+01:00 Joe Terry :

> This is a really exciting time in the ELM community and I'm embracing the
> rapid ... breaking changes ... world that we are in now ... because the
> tools are in place (semantic versioning) for this to be a much, much more
> orderly world going forward than other ecosystems like NODEJS and what's
> going on over there ... Nightmare ...
> And I would love to be involved in educational tools as you describe ...
> it's a national economic imperative ... coding is working ... in the future
> unless you are an athlete or working with people in healthcare, law, the
> arts, etc. But for many if not most professions in 20 years and beyond, if
> you can't think logically or program computers in the most rudimentary way
> ... you will not be able to work.
> Great Stuff ... ELM is up to the task ... You are in the right place ...
> at the right time.
> Joe Terry
> The Software Sculptor
> On Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 9:38:14 AM UTC-7, wrote:
>> Further to the above (in case I'm not clear enough about what is IMO
>> missing for Elm to become "the missing link") I found this updated Space
>> Invaders code:
>> This 1.7 rewrite might be be near perfect as a foundation if only it took
>> the next step and added rudimentary graphics play.  Although it could use
>> more documentation it is simple enough that I can almost understand the
>> skeleton.Would adding graphics be really easy?  Could someone give me a
>> hint?
>> On Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 9:05:34 AM UTC-7, wrote:
>>> On Saturday, November 7, 2015 at 4:12:22 AM UTC-8, Mohammad Alshafey
>>> wrote:

 Is there sufficient material online for someone to learn Elm? It seems
 that the examples available each use different libraries and functions and
 each with some unique elements. There are no tutorials only basic
 introductions. The core library documentations are very abstract and
 lacking. Feeling stuck. I want to learn but there's nothing to go on!

>>> I had just decided to try and learn something and I'm also foundering.
>>> First:  A lot -- I'm inclined to say "most" -- of the online learning
>>> material has been broken by the switch to version 1.7.  "An Introduction to
>>> Elm" is only half there (the more useful half, where things are actually
>>> becoming graphical, is promised in "the next few weeks"how many weeks
>>> exactly?).  The online tutorial has
>>> been removed.  I have no doubt the move to subscriptions vs signals will be
>>> good in the long run but right now it is pretty painful right now.
>>> Second:  Beyond this, even the existing docs are IMO too presumptive of
>>> prior knowledge.  There are few/no line by line comments in "An
>>> Introduction to Elm", for one specific example. Doubtless that is because
>>> "everyone" already understands the line-by-line basics but, in fact, they
>>> don't.  At least *I* don't.
>>> Suggestion: A single one page (52 line max but ideally less) graphical
>>> game MASSIVELY documented (I mean, don't let there be anything on the line
>>> which a reasonably intelligent sixth grader wouldn't already know go
>>> unremarked) would, I think, work wonders for Elm.   Something as simple as
>>> a blob which could be moved in four directions on a screen to "eat" static
>>> "fruit" would work wonders.  The working tetris (flatrus) game DOES work in
>>> 1.7 but it is way, way, way too complicated for tutorial purposes --
>>> especially since if follows the practice of basically assuming people don't
>>> need line by line comments).   With the most simplistic of graphical games
>>> MASSIVELY overdocumented a solid foundation of understanding and playing
>>> with Elm could be laid.  A great follow on would be to step-by-step (over
>>> explaining every step) build on that base. For example, add a counter.  Add
>>> reset buttons.  Add movement to the fruit.  Etc.
>>> I would love to participate in development / documentation of such a
>>> thing but I can't figure out how to get to the basic level of understanding
>>> of what is going on.  FYI I have only the most basic level of "basic"
>>> programming skill.  I don't know javascript (and don't want to learn) nor
>>> HTML nor how to design a webpage.  I am, therefore, a perfect candidate for
>>> a student.  My motivation for wanting a really, really, really easy on-ramp
>>> to Elm?   (1) Of the functional languages Elm is, or could be, the most
>>> approachable and "playable"  (2) I would like to teach Em to 6th graders as
>>> an on-ramp to functional programming and, then, to functional thinking.
>>> These kinds of simplistic and "obvious" games existed once upon a time;
>>> that is how I learned to write BASIC 

Re: [elm-discuss] Re: using js library inside elm?

2016-10-13 Thread António Ramos
any example of calling an external js method ?

2016-10-13 12:44 GMT+01:00 Matthew Griffith <>:

> You still have to use ports.  Check out the SpellCheck part of this
> On Thursday, October 13, 2016 at 5:00:47 AM UTC-4, António Ramos wrote:
>> hello i know that i have to use ports to pass data from elm to javascript
>> but if i want to call an external  library method inside my elm is there a
>> way to do it?
>> As i load my exeternal js file before my compiled elm in my index.html
>> file there should be a way right?
>> regards
>> António
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[elm-discuss] Personal trainer ?

2016-10-13 Thread António Ramos
Hello i need an "expert" elm personal trainer
I´m in Portugal . the chosen one will get a week offer in;label=romantic-spa-AbhuY4Mto34pPpnuKyglJQS52637424275%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap1%3Ap2%3Aac%3Aap1t1%3Aneg%3Afi%3Atiaud-146342138710%3Akwd-381243277%3Alp20865%3Ali%3Adec%3Adm;sid=29357db8b53203bc67b17da12f8e4ee5;dest_id=-2179627;dest_type=city;dist=0;room1=A%2CA;sb_price_type=total;srfid=3d3c02d747dbfe0a8ac611c44cfdfce7bca54d2dX1;type=total;ucfs=1;

valid for 2 people in november subject to discussion for the dates.
I need 3 hours a day ( in the evening). the rest of the day is free  and
i´m far away...
Dont need to bring a PC. i have 2 laptops...

Take it or leave it :)


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[elm-discuss] any boilerplate of elm and cordova ?

2016-10-13 Thread António Ramos
Hi all
where can i find a simple boilerplate of elm and cordova together ?


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[elm-discuss] meaning of ![] ?

2016-10-03 Thread António Ramos
sorry my simple question
NoOp ->
model ! []

what does ![] mean in the above code?


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Re: [elm-discuss] Re: Why is ELM?

2016-06-09 Thread António Ramos
Nick, i think you took my comments too much personally.
I promise i will never bring it up again.Also i have more interesting
things to do than to come here from time to time just to say, "TOO MUCH
It was just a coincidence and you should not be following my tracks, unless
for a good reason. You are a "bug" tracker ;)
Can we move on ?

2016-06-09 18:38 GMT+01:00 Nick H <>:

> If I sound a little too harsh, it's just, this is the only topic you've
> posted about in the past 2 months, and you keep bringing it up...
> But I think you are confusing amount of coding with amount of typing. When
> you are coding, you spend much more time thinking than you do typing, so I
> think measuring lines of code is a really bad way to measure how much
> "coding" you are doing.
> Sure, if you switch to a language with better design and higher-level
> abstraction, that usually leads to shorter programs ... There's a reason
> people switched from assembler to FORTRAN, for instance. But we have
> decades of knowledge built up for how to write readable, testable, bug-free
> code, and that often -- I would dare say, usually -- means making the text
> of our code *longer* than it strictly needs to be.
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 8:55 AM, António Ramos <>
> wrote:
>> Nick, sorry to mislead you about my intentions here.
>> I´m just a curious guy. I´m not here to promote vuejs because i like
>> diversity.
>> In my path i tried some things and i´m just searching for better ones.
>> If i´m here its because i´m not sure that vuejs is better because its
>> not.Some things i like ad some things i like more in elm.
>> But for a solo developer i need to keep things as codeless as possible.
>> For those that think the same please read this
>> but..
>> i hate to code too much.. and its just that...
>> 2016-06-09 15:20 GMT+01:00 Nick H <>:
>>> Antonio, this is the third time you've come around here trolling the
>>> list with this weak argument.
>>> If you honestly think vuejs is better because its fewer lines of code,
>>> then try it and leave us alone. Maybe try Elm when you are a little older...
>>> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 7:11 AM, Peter Damoc <> wrote:
>>>> Lines of code are important but are not always the best metric.
>>>> Elm code explodes quickly when it comes to Lines of Code because of
>>>> records and type annotations and let notations.
>>>> A lot of that code could be written in a way that would minimize the
>>>> lines of code but it hurts readability.
>>>> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 4:27 PM, António Ramos <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I like the idea of elm but the todo mvc example has too many lines of
>>>>> compared to some js frameworks like vuejs canjs and others.
>>>>> My goal finding other js alternatives is to also code less.
>>>>> Elm has many good ideas but why should i code more if i can do the
>>>>> same with less?
>>>>> 2016-05-13 17:50 GMT+01:00 Rex van der Spuy <>:
>>>>>>> So what's the use case of ELM? I feel like I am in the middle of
>>>>>>> building my deck with hammer and nails and people keep making new tools 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> throwing them at me - screws, screwdrivers, staples, staplers, power
>>>>>>> drills. I am confused about knowing when to use what. I have so many 
>>>>>>> such
>>>>>>> 'design questions'  for example - why should i bother with Redis when I 
>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>> write and read json files right from my webpage into local storage. 
>>>>>>> Maybe
>>>>>>> there is a place where  these 'design' decisions are spelled out so we 
>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>> not have to reinvent the wheel every time. I would be grateful.
>>>>>> Hi Stefan,
>>>>>> Imagine that you're living in a world without hammers or nails.
>>>>>> But, you need to nail two planks toget

Re: [elm-discuss] Re: Why is ELM?

2016-06-09 Thread António Ramos
Nick, sorry to mislead you about my intentions here.
I´m just a curious guy. I´m not here to promote vuejs because i like
In my path i tried some things and i´m just searching for better ones.
If i´m here its because i´m not sure that vuejs is better because its
not.Some things i like ad some things i like more in elm.
But for a solo developer i need to keep things as codeless as possible.

For those that think the same please read this

i hate to code too much.. and its just that...

2016-06-09 15:20 GMT+01:00 Nick H <>:

> Antonio, this is the third time you've come around here trolling the list
> with this weak argument.
> If you honestly think vuejs is better because its fewer lines of code,
> then try it and leave us alone. Maybe try Elm when you are a little older...
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 7:11 AM, Peter Damoc <> wrote:
>> Lines of code are important but are not always the best metric.
>> Elm code explodes quickly when it comes to Lines of Code because of
>> records and type annotations and let notations.
>> A lot of that code could be written in a way that would minimize the
>> lines of code but it hurts readability.
>> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 4:27 PM, António Ramos <>
>> wrote:
>>> I like the idea of elm but the todo mvc example has too many lines of
>>> compared to some js frameworks like vuejs canjs and others.
>>> My goal finding other js alternatives is to also code less.
>>> Elm has many good ideas but why should i code more if i can do the same
>>> with less?
>>> 2016-05-13 17:50 GMT+01:00 Rex van der Spuy <>:
>>>>> So what's the use case of ELM? I feel like I am in the middle of
>>>>> building my deck with hammer and nails and people keep making new tools 
>>>>> and
>>>>> throwing them at me - screws, screwdrivers, staples, staplers, power
>>>>> drills. I am confused about knowing when to use what. I have so many such
>>>>> 'design questions'  for example - why should i bother with Redis when I 
>>>>> can
>>>>> write and read json files right from my webpage into local storage. Maybe
>>>>> there is a place where  these 'design' decisions are spelled out so we do
>>>>> not have to reinvent the wheel every time. I would be grateful.
>>>> Hi Stefan,
>>>> Imagine that you're living in a world without hammers or nails.
>>>> But, you need to nail two planks together.
>>>> How do you do it?
>>>> That's the kind of world the web-development is in now.
>>>> Nobody has yet invented the hammer or nail of software.
>>>> And so we find ourselves in the midst of a wild, multi-decades long
>>>> Cambrian explosion of evolutionary experimentation with tooling.
>>>> Will the fundamental hammer and nail of software eventually emerge?
>>>> Elm is in part a back-to-basic attempt to help find an answer.
>>>> What's the simplest, easiest most reliable and most fun way to build
>>>> software?
>>>> --
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>> There is NO FATE, we are the creators.
>> blog:
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Re: [elm-discuss] Re: Why is ELM?

2016-06-09 Thread António Ramos
I like the idea of elm but the todo mvc example has too many lines of
compared to some js frameworks like vuejs canjs and others.
My goal finding other js alternatives is to also code less.

Elm has many good ideas but why should i code more if i can do the same
with less?

2016-05-13 17:50 GMT+01:00 Rex van der Spuy :

>> So what's the use case of ELM? I feel like I am in the middle of building
>> my deck with hammer and nails and people keep making new tools and throwing
>> them at me - screws, screwdrivers, staples, staplers, power drills. I am
>> confused about knowing when to use what. I have so many such 'design
>> questions'  for example - why should i bother with Redis when I can write
>> and read json files right from my webpage into local storage. Maybe there
>> is a place where  these 'design' decisions are spelled out so we do not
>> have to reinvent the wheel every time. I would be grateful.
> Hi Stefan,
> Imagine that you're living in a world without hammers or nails.
> But, you need to nail two planks together.
> How do you do it?
> That's the kind of world the web-development is in now.
> Nobody has yet invented the hammer or nail of software.
> And so we find ourselves in the midst of a wild, multi-decades long
> Cambrian explosion of evolutionary experimentation with tooling.
> Will the fundamental hammer and nail of software eventually emerge?
> Elm is in part a back-to-basic attempt to help find an answer.
> What's the simplest, easiest most reliable and most fun way to build
> software?
> --
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> "Elm Discuss" group.
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> email to
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