Re: [Emc-users] Metric

2009-06-12 Thread Ian Wright
Andy wrote...<<

You can also find most sizes from 0.10 inch (.254mm) up in 
the table on my website at . This 
information is also down-loadable as an Excel file if you 
want to keep a copy in the workshop.


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Re: [Emc-users] Metric

2009-06-12 Thread Ian Wright
Jack wrote: <<<>>>

The French tried it during the French Revolution when it was 
mandated by a decree on 5 Oct 1793. It was brought into use 
in 1794 and abandoned in 1795
The Chinese used a decimal time system alongside a 
duodecimal one for two or three thousand years. Their day 
was divided into 100 parts and also, optionally, into 12 
double hours. The 100 parts were subdivided into 60 smaller 
parts. Their months were split into three periods of 10 days 
which they called xun and this is a term still used in some 
official documents. The 100 part day was dropped in the 17th 
century under the influence of Europeans and was changed 
instead to 96 parts.
More recently, in 1998, Swatch tried to introduce a decimal 
time system which they called 'Swatch Internet Time' and 
which had 1000 'beats' per day. Like every other system, it 
didn't catch on.

Best wishes
Ian W Wright
Sheffield  UK

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Re: [Emc-users] Metric

2009-06-12 Thread Ian Wright
Jack wrote...

Why do programmers always get Christmas and Halloween mixed up?
Because DEC 25 = OCT 31


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Re: [Emc-users] Metrics

2009-06-12 Thread Ian Wright
Andy Pugh wrote:

What's one of those Andy? ;-) - Oh, maybe you mean Metre and 
not something for measuring with... time someone 
standardised the 'English' language ( and yes, I did 
spell 'standardised' correctly!)

I think you will find that the International  Master 
Kilogram IS getting lighter due to 'corrosion' and atoms 
being knocked off by cosmic rays etc... Also, the 
International time standard is not one Rubidium-based clock 
but the average time of about 300 Caesium clocks distributed 
around the world. Of course, comparing these clocks is not 
easy as their time has to be relayed to a central point by 
satellite and the time for the signal to reach the satellite 
and bounce back to earth can vary dependent upon weather 
conditions, solar wind etc.. Another thing, of course, is 
that you can never know the exact time at any particular 
point in your travel through life because, while you are 
reading it, that time has passed and so, all-in-all, time is 
really just a guess at an arbitrary number. As an 
horologist, time is MY hang-up I'm afraid...

Best wishes,

Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

at " 11:45 and twenty seconds precisely.."

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Re: [Emc-users] Metrics

2009-06-12 Thread Ian Wright
 > back that metric is scientific measurement because it is 
a part of the
 > > circumference of the world.  That may matter to a map 
maker but I don't


In actual fact, the metre has no relationship to any 
physical thing. It arose as a 'standard' measurement in 1791 
after the French revolution when King Louis XVII instructed 
the French Academy of Sciences to define a standard metre. 
They decided that it should be One ten-millionth of the 
distance from the North Pole to the Equator measured on a 
line which passed through Paris. Unfortunately, even though 
the best minds in Paris at the time spent about four years 
working on this, they failed to allow for the flattening of 
the earth near the poles and so got the measurement wrong.
At about the same time both the UK and the US were also 
proposing a change to metric measurements and Thomas 
Jefferson made a report to Congress on 4the July 1790 with 
such proposals. If this had been accepted, the standard 
measures would have been:-
  "Let the foot be divided into 10 inches;
 The inch into 10 lines;
 The line into 10 points;
 Let 10 feet make a decad;
 10 decads one rood;
 10 roods a furlong;
 10 furlongs a mile. "
If you want to read the whole transcript of the report, you 
can find it here..

Best wishes,

Ian W Wright
Sheffield  UK

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Re: [Emc-users] Metricks - Mill-Drill needs steppers and servos?

2009-06-12 Thread Ian Wright
Jack wrote

You sure its about 2.54mm and not 2.55mm? My thumb is maybe 
wider than yours  this illustrates one of the 
sillinesses of our use of the metric system - 1 inch is a 
good approximation but 2.54mm is not an approximation, its a 
direct conversion from an inch and accurate to 4 thou. This 
way of working leads to many similarly silly measurements 
appearing in the real world. In a previous post I mentioned 
bricks - in the previously Imperial world of the UK, their 
size was set such that the brick plus a normal thickness 
mortar joint below and to one side would form a convenient 
modular size. Only now, after almost 40 years, are bricks 
readily available in truly metric sizes but, while that is 
good for new-builds, they don't blend in with older 
brickwork and so you see walls with ugly infill panels where 
the mortar joints are almost as wide as the bricks!
The metric system also seems to encourage a sloppy attitude 
which can easily lead to errors - decimal points in the 
wrong place or verbal use of the wrong units. Being involved 
with a local primary school, I have a constant battle with 
both children and teachers to get them to understand 
precision. For some unknown reason, about half the British 
public would say 2.54 as two point fifty-four - you even 
hear such rubbish on TV quite regularly, particularly on 
children's programmes. When I hear this at school I always 
ask - right, well which is the bigger then, two point 
fifty-four or two point a hundred and twenty-five? Most 
times I just get a glazed look and complete lack of 
comprehension!!! This may be a pet peeve of mine but it is 
the kind of stupidity the metric system encourages that 
ultimately leads to things like shuttle disasters..
Having said that, I use the metric system all the time - 
except for my weight which is in stones and pounds, pounds 
and ounces for cooking, miles and furlongs for distance and 
miles-per-gallon for fuel economy although I do have to buy 
my fuel in Litres as, I guess, the fuel companies have 
worked out that a price rise of a penny-per-litre would not 
have the same shock effect and backlash as a rise of 4 1/2 
pence-per-gallon ( I wonder, is the US liter different from 
the UK litre just as the US gallon is?) - oh, and its still 
cheaper to buy some types of steel rod in 'standard' 
Imperial sizes rather than metric. ;-)

Best wishes,
Ian W Wright
Sheffield  UK

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Re: [Emc-users] Mill-Drill needs steppers and servos?

2009-06-09 Thread Ian Wright
Andy Pugh wrote> Ian W. Wright
 > > Sheffield ?UK


Hi Andy,

No direct connection with the uni I'm afraid although I did 
have several friends working there and used to do a bit of 
trawling through the skips round the back ;-)


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Re: [Emc-users] Mill-Drill needs steppers and servos?

2009-06-08 Thread Ian Wright
John wrote...

Interesting maths but what would the effect of changing 
temperature be - which would be the more stable, he belt or 
the ballscrew?

Best wishes,

Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

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Re: [Emc-users] Inspiration please......

2009-05-31 Thread Ian Wright
Thanks for these links guys - I'll follow them up..

Best wishes,
Ian W Wright
Sheffield  UK

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[Emc-users] Inspiration please......

2009-05-30 Thread Ian Wright

I'm looking for inspiration as to how I can use a 12 volt 
6-8 Amp motor
to drive my mini-mill spindle. I'm currently using an old 
mains voltage
teleprinter motor which, although it does the job admirably, 
is as noisy
as hell and I have to leave the room while it screeches 
away. I've now
got this nice little 12 pole 12 volt motor which should do 
the job
better and quieter but, while I am fitting it, I would like 
to get some
automatic control over its speed. So, does anyone know of any
schematics/circuits which I could build to allow me to hook 
the motor up
to EMC2 and send it meaningful M3 / M4's?


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

Register Now for Creativity and Technology (CaT), June 3rd, NYC. CaT 
is a gathering of tech-side developers & brand creativity professionals. Meet
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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Datron Pulsed Ethanol Mist

2009-05-29 Thread Ian Wright
Sounds like time to dust off the old moonshine still;-)


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[Emc-users] Linux installation problem

2009-04-20 Thread Ian Wright
Jim Fleig wrote:PS (My attempt to replace a previous 
version of Ubuntu with 8.04 has resulted in the following 
error message: Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and 
Press Enter.  Prior to installing the 8.04 version the hard 
drive was scrubbed with DBAN.  I have tried several things 
that I found on the internet (more than a few people have 
had the same problem) but have yet to solve the problem.  It 
seems that the hard drive needs to be formatted.  I have 
tried to find a format utility that will fit on a floppy. 
The computer will still boot from the floppy.  I haven't 
been able to find that utility yet.  This is where I so 
often find myself.  The computer will not work and I spend 
hours wrestling with the computer instead of doing whatever 
it was I wanted to do with the computer.  This is where I 
need tech support.)

Hi Jim,

Have you made the computer boot from a CD - this would be 
your best option to start with. As the machine boots up, 
look on the first screens for an instruction how to get into 
the BIOS - probably F2.  Find the part which deals with Boot 
options ('advanced' tab probably) and set the first boot 
option to CD = you can make the first hard drive the second 
boot option. Now if you boot the computer from the Ubuntu 
CD, this should deal with all the partitioning and 
formatting of the hard drive as it installs the product. If 
this isn't possible, then you need to look for a partition 
manager such as Partition Magic or Ranish.

Best wishes,
Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

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Re: [Emc-users] Stepper drivers

2008-09-28 Thread Ian Wright
Ian,  I think it's great that you would build your own driver.
But to do so is not for the sake of saving money.
Maybe as a learning excersize, but not to save money.>>>

Thanks for the replies guys - from all the traffic I seem to have generated, I 
guess I may have bitten off more than I can chew at present. I do have a couple 
of real simple driver boards which will drive the motors but they, and 
particularly the motors, get hot as hell when the motors are not moving and I 
was a bit afraid that they may fry themselves. I had hoped that there may be a 
relatively easy way to do a chopper drive with current control - I had naively 
thought that maybe it would be possible to grab a current reference from a 
higher powered FET output stage ( maybe driven by the existing output FETs/ 
Transistors) and feed that back into one of the 'standard' microstepping 
designs - perhaps even using another PIC chip as the current controller. As I 
said before, I guess I'm somewhat out of my depth here and since, while the 
'spares box' is full of electronics bits, the bank is somewhat depleted, it 
looks like I may just have to root out a few big fans and go with what I've 

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

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Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] Stepper drivers

2008-09-27 Thread Ian Wright

I'm considering cnc'ing my Harrison Lathe and have a couple of steppers 
which will do the job nicely. However, they take about 4.5AMPs and I'm 
having difficulty finding a driver circuit to control them with. Due to 
very limited funds I'd like to build the drivers myself and I'm thinking 
that a PIC controlled microstepping driver would be nice. The primary 
sticking point at the moment is that I can't find any decent information 
on how I might incorporate current limiting and 'off-use current 
setback' into a design. there are one or two circuits on the web for PIC 
based microstepping drivers but they all seem to be limited to about 
2Amp output with no indication that I could beef up the FETs without 
everything toasting itself. I'm not too well clued up on this type of 
electronics so any help you could give would be very much appreciated 
or, if you could point me to a web resource which would help me, I would 
be very grateful. Thanks..

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

"The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory than in 

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Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] booting PC

2008-02-03 Thread Ian Wright

I just rebuilt a PC which had died and I have put both windows XP and 
Ububtu on it - its all working fine but I'd like to change the order of 
the boot options in the initial startup screen. I installed WinXP first 
and then auto installed Ubuntu and so the startup screen has Ubuntu as 
the first 4 or 5 options and then winXP at the bottom - I'd like winXP 
first as that will probably get used most for design work before 
switching to Ubuntu to do the magic. So, can anyone please point me 
to the relevant config file or whatever to change the order... Thanks..

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

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[Emc-users] Encoders

2008-01-19 Thread Ian Wright

I have a couple of servo motors out of an old Olivetti printer which I'd 
like to try to use, however, I can't find any information about the 
encoders fitted to them. The encoders are in flat brown plastic 
enclosures on the end of the motors and have 7 pin plugs with 6 wires 
connected (the motor power wires are separate). Looking inside there 
appears to probably be 3 photo sensing elements and a clear plastic 
encoder disk with, I think, 100 prismatic lumps on it and so I assume 
that the 6 wires must somehow represent a quadrature encoder with index 
mark - or maybe a quadrature encoder with two power connections - I 
don't know. Has anyone come across this type of motor and worked out the 
connections or is there some way I could work it out for myself?? thanks.

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

"The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory than in 

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Re: [Emc-users] Installing emc2 on Compact Flash drive

2008-01-11 Thread Ian Wright
It would be nice if someone would put up an image somewhere which could 
just be written to a flash drive - it would save other people a lot of 
trouble and would probably save us from having a lot of questions on the 
list when people's compilations go wrong...

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

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[Emc-users] spring loaded engraving tool

2008-01-05 Thread Ian Wright
Hi Dean,

If you go to and register there you can do a 
search for 'spring loaded engraving toolholder' which will give you a 
couple of pdf files of the patents for a tool like the one you linked to 
with drawings etc - I believe you can make a copy of any patented 
device for your own use so long as it never gets sold

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

"The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory than in 

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[Emc-users] G-code subroutines

2007-12-26 Thread Ian Wright

I'm completely confused with G-code subroutines or, more particularly 
with the possibilities of nesting them. What I am trying to achieve - 
and failing miseably - is to write a generic script which will 
cylindrically grind a shaft to several diameters and each of different 
lengths. I want to be able to enter into a set of variables the various 
diameters and lengths and have the script sort out the rotations of my 
'A' axis and step the grinding wheel along the right number of times to 
get the full length (I'm only at roughing cut stage - I haven't even 
considered a finishing cut yet). So, I can set the starting 
diameter, ending diameter and depth of cut and work out the number of 
turns of A necessary and put that in a subroutine (maybe called 'cut' or 
something similar). However, I next want to move the grinding wheel 
along and repeat the same cut several times to achieve the full length 
(the grinding wheel being less in width than the cut length). This would 
seem like another subroutine doing a 'while less than' loop but it then 
wants to call the first subroutine to make the cuts. From the 
documentation the WIKI says that:- 

* Subroutine declarations may NOT be nested.
* Subroutines may be called anywhere (but must be declared before
  they are called. They may be called from other subroutines, and
  may be called recursively if it makes sense.
* while and if may be nested. They may not overlap without nesting.

I don't think I fully understand this - can I call one subroutine from within 
another or not?? If not, how could I achieve what I want to? Thanks,

Best wishes for whatever your holiday season is and my good wishes for a 
peaceful and prosperous new year,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

"The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory than in 

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[Emc-users] Befuddled by Wine!

2007-11-30 Thread Ian Wright

I was trying to get my head round the concept of 'virtual machines' the 
other day and failed to understand just how they work - do you have to 
install the other operating system on the machine you are using the 
virtual software on - ie. if you want to run a windoze program on a 
linux machine using Wine - do you have to load a version of windoze also 
or does the Wine prog do some magic? Please explain to yet another 
senior citizen...!

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

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[Emc-users] Subject: (no subject)

2007-11-29 Thread Ian Wright

Have you tried running the EMC2 cd as a Live cd - that is, don't install 
it, just put the CD in the drive - it should start up and give you the 
Ubuntu screen from which you should be able to run EMC2 from the file 
menu. It will run much slower than normal but if it runs from here, it 
should run from an install. One thing you could check is whether your 
screen resolution etc. is set right - video cards can give all sorts of 
wierd problems. Also, are you accepting the default repartitioning of 
your hard drive?

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

"The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory than in 

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from Novell.  From the desktop to the data center, Linux is going
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[Emc-users] stepper and servo

2007-11-07 Thread Ian Wright
Thanks to all who have replied - both on and off list. I'd better start 
reading up - and being nice to the domestic chancellor!!

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

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[Emc-users] stepper and servo

2007-11-07 Thread Ian Wright

This is probably a silly question but is it possible to mix stepper and 
servo drives on one machine? I'm a bit tight on funds just now but I 
would really like to get a bit more speed out of my rotary axis so that 
I can use it for screwcutting. I can screwcut on it now using its 
present stepper drive but it is SO pedestrian. I would be thinking of 
using a Gecko 320 which seems to act like a stepper but I'm not sure if 
the axes would still maintain their coordination one to another - am I 
talking rubbish??

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

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Re: [Emc-users] Axis Jog Speed

2007-10-21 Thread Ian Wright
Thanks guys,

I had altered the [TRAJ] MAX_VELOCITY and DEFAULT_VELOCITY a bit, partly 
because I read in one of the recent posts that it should be more than 
the individual axis MAX_VELOCITY, however, I didn't think I had changed 
it so much and it then got pared back until all the axes would run 
happily in a G0 situation. It was only late that I noticed that the jog 
speed which was indicated by AXIS was showing 300mm/min for the linear 
axes and 5000 degrees?/min for the angular axis. The system will only 
jog reliably at a little over half these speeds - so, the next question 
is, what is the difference between the speed in a G0 move?

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

"The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory than in 

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[Emc-users] jog speeds

2007-10-20 Thread Ian Wright

What actually controls the jogging speed? - I'm sure I knew but my brain 
is in Estop just now When I start up Axis, the jogging speed sliders 
are at ridiculously high values and, if I forget to change them then the 
axes give up half way through a move losing my position. G0 works fine 
on all axes so I assume there is some other parameter that I am 

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

"The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory than in 

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[Emc-users] Load cell

2007-10-20 Thread Ian Wright

Has anyone considered the possibility of including load cells / strain 
gauges into the control loop of EMC2? What I am considering is an idea 
for making something which would require me to 'drill' a number of very 
small holes in precise positions through synthetic sapphire sheet. I 
could probably do it be making some form of sprung drill holder and 
using a rod or tube with diamond grinding paste to cut the hole but 
there would probably inevitably be some 'slop' in the sprung holder 
which would lead to inaccuracies in the finished holes (which would be 
maybe 0.1 - 0.2mm diameter). So, I was wondering if there might be a 
possibility to incorporate a load cell or strain gauges into the cutting 
head and provide some kind of feedback to EMC2 to regulate the downfeed 
on a 'peck drilling cycle' in a way similar to an EDM machine. If this 
hasn't been done already, I could envisage it being useful in other 
applications where it may be useful to optimise the cutting forces or 
provide some form of automated tool overload protection - such as if a 
drive belt fails?

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

"The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory than in 

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[Emc-users] Topolinux?

2007-10-15 Thread Ian Wright

Does anyone know whether it is possible to run EMC2 in Topolinux within 
Windows XP? I'm not bothered about it running slow or not doing anything 
'real' but my only computer with linux running on it is in the workshop 
and it would be nice to be able to mess about with sims etc. on EMC 
without having to go out in the cold!! If it has been done, maybe you 
could point me towards some kind of 'idiot's guide' to setting it up. 

p.s. my brain's not really in gear today as I've just become a 
grandfather for the second time this morning.

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

"The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory than in 

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[Emc-users] Touch Probe

2007-10-08 Thread Ian Wright

If I hook up a touch probe as I hope to in a couple of days or so, does 
it matter which parport pin I use? Is there a 'preferred'pin? Thanks.  
Oh, and I'm thinking I ought to make some kind of 'amplifier' to make 
the thing more accurate (reproducible) - any ideas on where I might find 
a suitable circuit or would just a single transistor switch do?

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

"The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory than in 

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[Emc-users] kernel headers

2007-10-03 Thread Ian Wright

I'm trying yet again to get my D-link usb wireless thingy working and 
getting nowhere fast..!
I found a howto which says it should work easy - straight out of the box 
but it won't! However, this howto tells me that maybe I should update 
the driver to the latest daily cvs. Now, without a working connection 
tot he web this gets a bit laborious but I've downloaded the necessary 
tarball and tried to install it. Now it tells me that I need to have the 
Kernel Headers in place before it will compile and it tells me that I am 
looking for kernel headers for 2.6.15-magma  I can't find these 
anywhere on the web. I have found the normal 2.6.15 headers but I assume 
that the magma ones maybe contain stuff relevant to the realtime kernel 
and I'm bothered that if I use the wrong ones I might screw up EMC - can 
anyone advise please?

If all else fails I'll just reinstall everything and hope that the USB 
dongle gets picked up during the install - would this be the easiest 
answer? The wireless thingy is a D-link DWL-G122.


Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

"The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory than in 

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Keyboard shortcuts - Axis

2007-09-29 Thread Ian Wright

I'm watching the table. I know the jog is working as if it were the tool 
but my mind seems to want to think in terms of which way the table 
moves. Also, the inconsistency between the X&Y axes and the Z axis often 
confuses me (i.e. the arrow keys work reversed w.r.t. the table but the 
page down button brings the Z axis down) and I'm apt to run the tool 
into the work accidentally. The work I am doing is tiny and so are the 
distances I'm moving (like 6mm or less most of the time) so, if I 
accidentally send an axis the wrong way on continuous jog thinking I'm 
going to send the tool away from the work, I can easily wipe out yet 
another 0.3mm carbide drill before the axis grinds to a halt! :-(  I 
just think I might get on better if the axes buttons were reversed - I 
could always change them back if not.

I've just been drilling 0.4mm holes in a couple of 1mm ball bearings - 
now there's a fun occupation!!! and no, I'm not aiming to shoot a 
Russian spy in the leg with an umbrella gun..

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

"The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory 
than in practice..."

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

"The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory than in 

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] Keyboard shortcuts - Axis

2007-09-28 Thread Ian Wright
Can someone please give me a heads up on how to change the keyboard 
shortcut assignments in Axis. At the moment I have to press the 'right' 
button to jog the axis to the left etc. and I'd like to change 'em 
around a bit. Thanks..

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

"The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory than in 

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Emc-users mailing list