Re: Proposal: Optional Static Typing (Part 3)

2018-01-17 Thread Brandon Andrews
I moved some more thoughts to an issue. I'm finding this discussion is helping 
me a lot to see potential problems and what syntax might need to be included 
for everyday use.

I included code to const/freeze Object also to continue the ideas presented 
earlier. At the bottom of the issue is my concerns and also some possible 
syntax proposals for essentially what other languages would call a sealed class.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal: Optional Static Typing (Part 3)

2018-01-16 Thread Brandon Andrews
Some follow-up as I think more about this.

> You can't freeze all builtins for obvious reasons.

I'm getting that the reason for not freezing them would be to define 
extensions? Could they not be defined and then frozen? I get that doesn't stop 
them from being dynamic still.

The ability to change the built ins like Object causes a number of issues as it 
makes all classes dynamic and your destructuring swap shows that well. It seems 
like as long as Object can be modified everything has to use run-time checking.

If Object could be made non-dynamic - froze it and made it const (or 
equivalent) - then one could write:

const f = function(a:A)
a.x = 0;
const A = new class
x:uint8 = 5; // Object.defineProperty(A.prototype, 'x', { type: uint8, 
writable: true, value: 5 }); (I think, might have to think about this again, 
been a while).
f(new A()); // A is dynamic and the interpreter is forced to use a run-time 

Object.freeze(A); // A is both const and frozen making it no longer dynamic? If 
the dynamicness was removed then the engine could search the code/AST and 
optimize f doing essentially a compile-time check at that point

f(new A()); // Compile-time verification for all instances of f where the 
argument is typed or the type can be inferred.

This usage of const works at global scope, but I feel like I'm missing 
something that would undermine this. Like without real namespace support this 
won't work well for some libraries. The syntax is also wordy and confusing. One 
could add const class A {} modifiers, but that's still confusing since 
codebases would be filled with it.

Also expecting users to freeze their classes to allow the interpreter and JIT 
to function sanely is asking a lot.

One problem that keeps bothering me is this delayed freezing doesn't help 
tooling. A class could be created, properties added in a complex operation, 
then the class frozen later. The tooling would be blind to all these changes.

I'm probably just barely touching the surface of issues. Anything I'm 
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal: Optional Static Typing (Part 3)

2018-01-15 Thread Brandon Andrews
>> Part of this has had me considering if freezing classes (and all recursively 
>> referenced types) used in the type system is viable. 

function foo(bar: Array.)
// whatever
[Array, Set] = [Set, Array];
foo(new Array([Set()]));

> You can't freeze all builtins for obvious reasons. 

I'm out of ideas. Do you or anyone here see a way to get around such an issue?

> You totally omitted point that your type system can't use or describe this 
> function: 

function issue(Ctor)
assert(Reflect.isConstructor(Ctor)); // Type system don't provide way 
to disguintish object with [[Construct]] and [[Call]] methods.
assert(Foo.isPrototypeOf(Ctor)); // Type system don't provide way to 
ensure prototypal inheritance
const retClass = class extends Ctor // Type system don't provide way to 
describe types being returned from function
Object.assign(retClass.prototype, mixin); // Object.assign can be 
overridden to do anything, so actual code execution is required to prove it's 
return retClass;

Just to be clear. Is Ctor a type? Like "class Ctor extends Foo {}" or an 
instance? If it's a Type it might be better handled with generics later like:

function issue(mixin)
const retClass = class extends Ctor
Object.assign(retClass.prototype, mixin);
return retClass; 

I hope I understood the requirements. Is it necessary to allow the type system 
to handle passing types as arguments? Do other languages allow this?

assert(Reflect.isConstructor(Ctor)); // Type system don't provide way to 
disguintish object with [[Construct]] and [[Call]] methods.

So you'd expect a language feature like an interface that mandates a 
constructor or something more general like "this object is a class"?

assert(Foo.isPrototypeOf(Ctor)); // Type system don't provide way to ensure 
prototypal inheritance

So I should explicitly state that derived classes can be passed to parameters 
typed with their super like most languages allow like:

class A {}
class B extends A {}
function f(a:A) {}
f(new B()); // Valid

In your example:

function issue(Ctor:Foo):Foo
class A {}
// issue(new A()); // TypeError, A must be type Foo or extended from Foo

Is that sufficient?

const retClass = class extends Ctor // Type system don't provide way to 
describe types being returned from function

Would this be asking for interfaces and structural matching like in TypeScript? 
I left it out originally to simplify the proposal with the expectation it would 
be added in later. Do you see this more as a mandatory feature? "any" can be 
used in the meantime unless I'm mistaken. (I should probably add a section in 
the proposal covering this).
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal: Optional Static Typing (Part 3)

2018-01-14 Thread Brandon Andrews
> (btw the SIMD proposal has been dropped to stage 1, and implementations are 
> not pursuing implementing it in JS for now 
> tc39/proposals/blob/master/

Yeah, that seemed predictable. I wanted the SIMD operations to use operators 
intuitively. That and all the SIMD core types lacked ECMAScript equivalents. 
Like one expected to be able to write SIMD code and not lose all the speed-up 
dealing with Number or casts. Was never really sold on the idea of having a 
float32x4 when the language can't even represent float32 without a TypedArray. 
Putting the cart before the horse.

> where is this demand coming from?

Wherever TypeScript and Flow are used; so companies like Microsoft and 
Facebook. I know friends that use TypeScript exclusively for application 
development with teams of over three people. Personally I've worked on projects 
over 25K lines of Javascript usually by myself, and while it would have been 
nice to have types it's not necessary for what I did. I didn't use classes 
either and relied more on a mix between agile and cowboy programming. Things 
have changed over the years though.

One of the reasons I started wanting types and created this specification years 
ago was because I was working on more complex applications. Essentially taking 
programs that would be written (or were written in my case) in C++ and C#/WPF 
and writing them for the web for Android, Mac, Linux, and Windows. Part of this 
involved architecting and designing out ORM systems with database types and 
schemas. I was also doing a lot of binary WebSocket stuff at the time, some of 
which was somewhat performance critical with node.js on the backend. So to 
answer your question the demand would be developers that have transitioned to 
using HTML5 and Javascript for application development in teams. (In my case 
programs for all OSes along with web applications and interfaces). There's 
other reasons. My work projects have spawned off personal projects for myself 
in networking in databases. I'd like to use Javascript more, but I tend to 
fallback to C++ or C# simply because of the lack of types.

I find it strange to pretend like the demand isn't there. TypeScript, and Flow 
have existed for a while now and I hear about them all the time in my circles. 
OST as described in my mind brings in the core features that people are seeking 
such that they can use Javascript again by itself in the future. Some people 
might not use them, but a lot of people would in certain places. It also might 
open up new features and spin-off languages since types would have already been 
handled without reinventing the wheel like AS3, TypeScript, and Flow did.

Also realize I never intended this proposal to be implemented right away. It 
could take years still. Part of my slight worry as things draw on is that with 
all these proposals floating around that one of them will change the grammar 
slightly add new tokens, ASI, or other slight changes and make types infeasible 
or very inconsistent across the language.

> Choosing type system descending from Java type system is message "creators of 
> language endorse OOP as main JavaScript paradigm". It's fine for TypeScript 
> to take opinionated approach, but it's unlikely with TC39.

More like descending from Actionscript 3. I wouldn't relate a type system to 
OOP though. People still write non-OOP TypeScript. If you want to blame the 
rise of classes in Javascript you'd be looking at the introduction of classes 
themselves. You give programmers what they want and they'll use them for 
frameworks and programming. (The old way was just ugly or cumbersome so people 
avoided it was my experience). In any case classes are already in the spec. 
Types aren't going to change that.

> Runtime type checking would incur significant cost on browsers (and 
> JavaScript parse time is already an issue for smartphone CPUs). It's 
> especially important to remember about dynamic nature of JavaScript. 
> TypeScript can rely on assumption that no one creates accessors on 
> Object.prototype or Array prototype, but it's unacceptable for language 
> feature.

I'm glad you brought that up. I've been thinking about this problem of types 
changing for a while. Can you write down a bunch of examples and scenarios? It 
would help to analyze them. (Creating an issue with all of them would be ideal).

Part of this has had me considering if freezing classes (and all recursively 
referenced types) used in the type system is viable. That is referencing a 
class in say a variable declaration or function signature would freeze the 
class. Seems a bit extreme of an option though that would cause problems for 
certain designs or ideas later where people want to add, remove, or update 
properties. Is it that important? When would a freeze even happen?

I think having a lot of examples would make this easier to analyze.

> People hates writing types
> That's why C++ have auto, Kotlin have val, and it's 

Re: Proposal: Alternative public, private, static syntax and questions

2018-01-14 Thread Brandon Andrews

Is this closer to what you think would be acceptable? Essentially 
C++/TypeScript kind of modifiers. Or does that still have issues?
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal: Optional Static Typing (Part 3)

2018-01-11 Thread Brandon Andrews
> I'm still yet to read the entire proposal, but with a quick skim, it seems to 
> me like this is essentially what Typescript or Flow offers you: i.e. an 
> opt-in type system?

This is in the core of ECMAScript, so the types would be real. The implementers 
would be encouraged to use native hardware types. But yes, outside of that it 
is an opt-in type system. Language built on top of it would then benefit from 
this. I often wonder if languages built on top of ES6 haven't limited 
themselves because types don't exist. That is they'd do more, but didn't 
because the complexity of transpiling. Stuff like this: Imagine if ECMAScript 
already had all those types and support function overloading. TypeScript could 
move on and implement more experimental ideas.

> I'm wondering if you have any good reasons to want there to be a standardised 
> static type annotation syntax within ECMAScript instead of a "Bring Your Own 
> Type Checker" system. If you do have some thoughts on this, you might also 
> want to include that as a preface on your Github's README.You have a 
> "Rationale" bit that seems to ignore the existence of these existing systems.

Did you read the rationale? It specifically says:

> The demand for types as a different approach to code has been so strong in 
> the past few years that separate languages have been created to deal with the 
> perceived shortcomings.

More of the rationale was below the types proposed. I've moved it up into the 
rationale since it fits better there. If there's more you think should be added 
I'll include it. I'm trying to keep things concise since it's a long proposal. 
I could go into an explanation that TypeScript and other languages are 
generally just a superset of Javascript and benefit from bringing their 
features closer to the base language and possibly the hardware? It seems too 
obvious to me to write something like that.

> From a quick read, I'm more in favor of something that's a little more 
> restricted to start, something like what Python has. Python has optional 
> static type annotations, but the Python interpreter just ignores them. They 
> are present purely for the purposes of tooling, and are silently ignored at 
> runtime.

The goal with this proposal is to get essentially native hardware types where 
applicable. All the proposed types have special operator rules, value ranges 
(overflow behavior), and in the case of SIMD very real performance impact 
behind them. While documentation hints are a side-effect, I'm more focused 
instead for pushing ECMAScript toward being a more powerful language. Python is 
a classic example of where data type shortcomings lead to unintuitiveness or 
weird design like: I'm trying to 
avoid such things.

> One of the reasons why I'd prefer a simpler approach to start is that 
> TypeScript and Flow, the two main implementations that add syntax, have a 
> *very* similar syntax, but have several nuances that would make a heavier 
> proposal much harder to accomplish:

> - Flow has `?Foo` for optional types, TypeScript just uses unions.

I have a section on unions with a small explanation on why I left it out. I 
kept it simple by only adding nullable types. Right now someone would overload 
or use 'any'.

> - TypeScript has mapped/index types, where Flow uses special named types.

I didn't include these.

> - Flow allows omitted parameter names in function types, TypeScript only 
> allows named parameters with implicit `any` types.

I created an issue to be more explicit about optional and default typed 
parameters and the behavior.

> - Flow has exact types, TypeScript doesn't.

I hadn't even considered something like this. It sounds interesting for 
configuration options. They introduce new tokens. Something I'm very much 
avoiding for this initial proposal.

> - Flow has `opaque type`, TypeScript only has `type`.

Something to be decided later. Doesn't create breaking changes to add later.

> - Flow constrains with `T: Super`, TypeScript uses `T extends Super`.

There's a section on generics and why it isn't included already. I'm with you 
that it's far too complex to add in with initial types. There's no breaking 
changes introduced by adding it later. (Mostly because it introduces new tokens 
which would be a huge deal).

> - Flow has existential types, TypeScript doesn't.

I definitely haven't included this. Flow is a few steps ahead of this proposal.

It seems like a lot of these features already aren't included in the proposal. 
I definitely hold your view that the proposal has to be minimal, but I think my 
minimal is functionally minimal. Something that when implemented allows 
developers to experiment and then discussion can progress from there to how 
more features can be added. I'm trying to be thourough though as to not harm a 
future proposal so if any of my decisions block something I'm open to 

Re: Proposal: Alternative public, private, static syntax and questions

2018-01-11 Thread Brandon Andrews
That is a very useful document. I guess I haven't opened the proposal in a 

He puts a lot of stress on preserving encapsulation where as I was planning on 
relying on a type system to optionally provide that feature. That is given a 
dynamically typed variable accessing privates would probably be allowed. 
(Statically typed variables would detect and not allow that kind of like a more 
strict usage).
I think the inheritance and using private names as keys are decent arguments. 
That said I'm personally not against allowing inherited classes access to their 
base class private members though. That is private acting like protected in C++ 
I think is fine for ECMAScript. Am I alone in being fine with that behavior? 
I'm kind of leaning toward:
 that syntax for a true private class scope variable.

The key name conflict seems niche outside of key based data structures. I wrote 
an ORM system before and just used a key called "internal" to hold data in the 
past to get around a similar conflict. The # sounds like a similar workaround 
when required but allows everything to not be hidden in a nested object which 
is nice.

Are "protected" class fields a thing in this discussion at all? Or is the idea 
to use or implement a friend system later somehow?

With how I use Javascript currently, and the direction I want ECMAScript to 
head - toward types - I don't particularly like the proposal or necessarily 
support its goals toward creating an ideal encapsulation. (Also I really 
dislike the syntax).
es-discuss mailing list

Proposal: Alternative public, private, static syntax and questions

2018-01-11 Thread Brandon Andrews
I created a thread about static constructors a while ago here:
 It left me with some design thoughts so I wrote up the following proposal idea 
below, but never posted it because I couldn't understand why the current Stage 
3 private proposal introduced a new token '#'. Maybe I missed something obvious 
in the design of the grammar or the way the internals work, but I didn't 
understand. Also I didn't understand why it does this.#x which seems verbose 
since every language with private members doesn't introduce this clutter. (It's 
like writing private everywhere you use it rather than one place which can't 
really be the simplest implementation right?).

In the above proposal above I stuck with 'private' and 'static' keywords since 
it seems closer to other languages. Also I kept with the idea that default 
behavior is public to not introduce breaking changes. Can someone explain why 
ECMAScript can't use something like I proposed?
es-discuss mailing list

Proposal: Optional Static Typing (Part 3)

2018-01-10 Thread Brandon Andrews
It's been a year and a half since my last post and I've made a number of small 
changes and corrections over 2.5 years. The proposal is still on my github at:

I've talked to a lot of people about it, but I haven't gotten much criticism or 
suggested improvements. I'm a bit in over my head in trying to flesh out all 
the details or all the nuanced syntax changes that a championed proposal would 
be expected to do. That said I've been making more changes lately to try to 
find edge cases and potential problems.

I've been jotting down issues here: I closed a number of them 
recently as I made changes.

If anyone has any comments on what I should expand, look into more, or change 
I'm open to discussing them here or on github.

One issue in particular is this: It covers whether I 
should introduce a new assignment operator to my proposal. Maybe there's 
another way to look at it or a different solution. I need fresh eyes on the 
whole proposal really to get a list of new issues to tackle this year.

I'm also not against having one or multiple people champion it and working on 
it without me. (I haven't been able to dedicate time to read the ECMAScript 
spec and really understanding the grammar fully so having someone qualified to 
take over would help the proposal a lot).

Thanks for reading the proposal for anyone that has the time.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Migrating to a better communication tool

2017-07-27 Thread Brandon Andrews
Previous discussion:

I argued there for using Github issues in the TC39 account and covered every 
concern brought up. I'll point out it's trivial to use github's API to convert 
all of the mailing list into individual issues.

Also I've noticed people don't know how mailing lists work. (This should be 
obvious glancing at any topic brought up). I regularly still get people sending 
me emails and they don't CC things correctly. If I would hazard a guess there 
has been hundreds of lost comments from people replying to the mailing list 

That said TC39 would have to decide on this among themselves and they seem 
indifferent. There's also a common theme among mailing list communities that it 
keeps the low-effort comments out compared to Github, Discourse, and numerous 
other platforms.

If it wasn't for to view these mailing list I'm not sure I'd even 
follow these discussions myself. I find it hilarious that using google and 
searching is the easiest way to find old threads though. No 
wonder this thread was made. OP probably couldn't find all the old discussions.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal for a static constructor and static member variables

2017-01-25 Thread Brandon Andrews
The public one is the one I was thinking of when I said it shouldn't conflict. 
(I don't see the private spec going anywhere to be honest with that syntax, but 
if it does that would be interesting).

As for the conversion, yes that would be a good conversion for the first 
example. In the second example putting things outside places them in a 
different scope. Imagine you had multiple classes defined and they had their 
own instances member.

As for static constructors a more contrived example would be a memoization 
operation where one does initial work or generation in the static constructor 
rather than initialization.

class MathLibrary
    static table = {};
    static constructor()
    // Common cases
    for (let i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
    MathLibrary.table[x] = // something complex and time consuming
    static Calculate(x)
    if (MathLibrary.table.hasOwnProperty(x))
    return MathLibrary.table[x];
    let complexCalculation = // something complex and time consuming
    MathLibrary.table[x] = complexCalculation;
    return complexCalculation;
> Keep in mind that if something is a "static" in the ES6 class method sense, 
> you will never be able to do `this.instances` to get it because the property 
> does not live on `this`, it lives on the constructor.
I'll have to think about that. Might need another proposal. I always like to 
think about static methods and variables as being shared among all instances. 
Would be nice to get that kind of meaning also. Essentially aliases. Accessing 
static methods inside of a instance methods requires using the type name which 
I find less than ideal. Probably a personal preference though.

On Wednesday, January 25, 2017 11:41 PM, Logan Smyth 
<> wrote:

 So we're on the same page, in the active proposal list 
( you'll find* Public Fields:* Private Fields:
Public Fields includes a syntax for static properties that would convert your 
example to something like
```class Multiton {    static instances = {};
    constructor(name) {
        if (Multiton.instances.hasOwnProperty(name)) throw `Multiton name 
already used`;
        Multiton.instances[name] = this;

though I don't know I'd personally do this in this instance, rather than 
putting it outside the class, like
const instances = {};class Multiton {    constructor(name) {
        if (instances.hasOwnProperty(name)) throw `Multiton name already used`;
        instances[name] = this;
Keep in mind that if something is a "static" in the ES6 class method sense, you 
will never be able to do `this.instances` to get it because the property does 
not live on `this`, it lives on the constructor. I'm unsure if the private 
fields proposal would allow `static #instance = {};` as a static with 
`#instance[name] = this;` inside the constructor.
On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 8:40 PM, Brandon Andrews 
<> wrote:

The initial proposal for discussion is below: ecmascript-static-constructor

I don't believe this conflicts with other proposals yet, nor any future 
proposals. Essentially it adds static members in a very compact syntax with 
minimal grammar changes required.

What I foresee happening years from now is public, private, and static member 
syntax will be added. Much like how public members are defined in the 
constructor for the moment the static constructor would be the way to define 
static members of the class for now.

__ _
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Proposal for a static constructor and static member variables

2017-01-25 Thread Brandon Andrews
The initial proposal for discussion is below:

I don't believe this conflicts with other proposals yet, nor any future 
proposals. Essentially it adds static members in a very compact syntax with 
minimal grammar changes required.

What I foresee happening years from now is public, private, and static member 
syntax will be added. Much like how public members are defined in the 
constructor for the moment the static constructor would be the way to define 
static members of the class for now.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Optional Static Typing (Part 2)

2016-07-17 Thread Brandon Andrews
> - Changing behavior of typeof would probably break the web or cause big 
> troubles (eg. "we can't upgrade library because new objects break our typeof 
> checks").

That's why all breaking changes are behind the "use stricter" mode. In the 
normal mode typeof functions as one would expect with the normal rules. I've 
separated "use stricter" into another proposal to avoid confusion and keep 
things independent.

> - Including special types like "uint32" is MUCH bigger task than including 
> optional typing - we need to get types first, then include compile time type 
> checks

Agreed, I noticed 64 bit integer operations are already in discussion at stage 
0: I assume 
you mean I need to expand the sections 6.1 in my spec changes and detail every 
type. It's on my list of things to work on. Or are you suggesting another path 
toward types with a more minimal proposal first?

> - Typed exceptions are inferior to more flexible exception filters

One of my friends brought this to my attention already. Maybe I'm missing a big 
picture thing, but could we not have both? Would introducing typed exceptions 
block the introduction of exception filters? One of the things I've been 
looking at are future proposal conflicts so this would be a very interesting 
one to analyze. If it does conflict I can remove it and add a note in the 
future concerns section that another proposal will need to make those changes.

> - Your type system is primitive - it's support for functions is almost 
> non-existant (what is your type annotation for foo:uint32 => bar:float32 => 
> anno:string => `${anno} = ${foo+bar}), unions, intersection types, this type, 
> interfaces.

let baz:(uint32):(float32):(string):string = foo:uint32 => bar:float32 => 
anno:string => `${anno} = ${foo+bar}`;

I have function signatures in the proposal already. Maybe I need to expand the 
examples though. Would it be possible for you to create issues with examples 
for the ones you listed and what you'd expect the type annotations to be for 
each. There's still an open issue that has some complex examples: Someone else was debating 
the merits of different syntax in that issue.

Also while it might seem primitive the proposal is designed so that it could be 
expanded later. If you have concerns regarding how it might conflict with more 
complex type system features in the future I'd be very interested in that. I 
have a section on generics since people kept bringing it to my attention. 
Ideally this proposal is somewhat minimal as a first step into types. I fear 
that if I include anything outside of a minimally viable type system it would 
be immediately rejected. Presenting the core foundation for a type system with 
clear paths towards other type system features I think is much easier for the 
community and implementors to work with.

> - "use stricter" - it's out of scope of optional static typing

You're right. I've spun it off into its own proposal. Can work on that after 
things are done then and ensure things work independently from any semantic 
changes. It was created initially because of feedback I got that people wanted 
to see type annotations as strings and that typeof could be repurposed to be 
more useful. Needs a lot more thought. So does instanceof for that matter.

> - Multiple dispatch in dynamic language is much bigger problem than one 
> section paragraph.

Agreed. Every section relating to it needs to be expanded a lot. Need to find 
people that are well versed in the subject.
es-discuss mailing list

Optional Static Typing (Part 2)

2016-07-16 Thread Brandon Andrews
I've been very slowly expanding a proposal that I started 1 year ago. The 
current proposal and links to the previous discussion is here: (If the link gets truncated by because of the hyphen view the source to see it).

Since a year ago I've read through the current specification partially 
analyzing key pieces that would need to be modified, have their wording 
changed, or that would need to be discussed for static typing to happen. In 
that effort I've spoken to a lot of developers about certain features, 
preferences, use cases, and where others want the language to head. I'd rather 
not see this post devolve into discussions about how TypeScript, CoffeeScript, 
or WebAssembly exist. I've seen many people try to discuss those as reasons to 
not evolve ECMAScript, but as has been mentioned before the language is 
expected to continue to exist and evolve separate from them.

What I would like from the ECMAScript community is anyone that wants to discuss 
specification issues or expansions to the current proposal. Basically the 
current pool of people I've been talking to think I've covered the key pieces 
they wanted to see. If anyone here is interested in the subject and wants to 
create issues on the github or pull requests to expand sections I'd appreciate 
it. I'm also looking for anyone that has more intimate knowledge about the 
grammar. I've been working my way through the grammar, but it's a very daunting 
and time consuming task for me to create the extra grammar rules or analyze 
conflicts. Anyone that's done that in the past and would be willing to help it 
would help the proposal a lot.

Also since I've been asked before, when all the specification sections and 
grammar are done I'll look for a champion. It's too risky to present a type 
proposal without first considering everything which is why the proposal needs 
feedback and work.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Tracking proposals should be standardized with issues

2016-05-11 Thread Brandon Andrews
For those not aware of the "currently compiled list" he's referring to this It has no clear history other than viewing the 
change log.

I agree. Ideally every link on that page should link to an issue that tracks 
the information. This would allow for much cleaner archival of proposals. 
People just need to be clear that each proposal issue is for status purposes 
only. The issue for each proposal could contain a link to the proposal's github 
repo where the mailing list and issues could be found.

> It would also be worthwhile to organize more general design ideas into issues 
> that could be referenced by specific proposals.

The thinking right now seems to be that people creating proposals should 
reference mailing list discussions directly. Creating issues would just mean 
people would be referencing an issue which then references mailing list 
threads. I do see the the usefulness though. Currently there are probably over 
10 threads for null coalescing operators under multiple names. The mailing list 
has no method for marking duplicates so the posts generally just reference each 
other. I posted about this months ago, but I don't think there's any interest 
in simplifying this.

In theory under the current system you should create a proposal then get it to 
stage 0 then everyone would reference the proposal which would then reference 
the full list of discussions. That is general design ideas really just need a 
stage 0 proposal.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: New Assignment Operators (Not bit-wise OR)

2016-04-20 Thread Brandon Andrews
Perhaps this proposal might fit with what you had in mind:

Been meaning to clean this up and submit it as an actual proposal since the 
idea is kind of simple:
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Are there any 64-bit number proposals under consideration?

2015-11-13 Thread Brandon Andrews
You can view the current proposals here:

There are none that mention 64-bit types. The closest might be the "Typed 
Objects" proposal.

I started a competing type proposal (still in the theory stages) here in an effort to define types into 
the core language. (Compared to adding ad-hoc objects for every proposed type). 
Something like that would take years progress through the proposal system 
though. (Been too busy to finalize it and present it for stage 0).

Right now the lack of 64-bit integer types is also holding back the TypedArray 
stuff from supporting them. There was also this post from 4 years ago:

Not much progress on any fronts though from what I've seen. From reading a lot 
of the mailing list casually there were quite a few users against adding more 
types or extending the language with types in the past. Not sure if they're 
still here though.
es-discuss mailing list

Proposal for a null coalescing operator

2015-08-16 Thread Brandon Andrews

Essentially x ?? y will return x when not null or undefined else it will return 

A nice Javascript explanation of the current problems with using || that can 
cause unforeseen bugs:
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES8 Proposal: Optional Static Typing

2015-08-08 Thread Brandon Andrews
Since I can't edit the original post I moved everything over to a github repo. 
It's easier to read the proposal there.

Added bool SIMD types to the proposal and explained the operators more. Lot of 
edge cases to still define though, but it's looking rather solid. I've shown it 
to others that are used to TypeScript and they seem to agree with the general 
syntax. Still have to think more about generic constraints and 
typedefs/aliases/interfaces though and how they fit into Javascript moving 
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: [Meta] Proposal: Switch es-discuss from a mailing list to using the TC39 GitHub issue tracker for discussion.

2015-07-23 Thread Brandon Andrews
 Personal note: If you must kill es-discuss and move it, move it to medium 
 that is not political, that is, not to github. Github has recently made a 
 move that pushes me to leave it as soon as I find suitable alternative.

The recent changes with the open code of conduct shouldn't affect ECMAScript. 
For those unfamiliar the announcement was here: Specifically 
this page: I checked quickly and this 
doesn't appear to be incompatible with anything ECMAScript currently does or 
participates in.

 It shouldn't be that everything is in github, because github will then have 
 too much power, and it is unable to resist the urge to abuse it. 

While an important topic to consider, GitHub presently has no such bent. If it 
does become an issue nothing stops ECMA from moving discussions someplace else. 
That said, the argument for centralizing keeps all the discussion and hosting 
in one place. This works well also since many of the community's transpilers, 
polyfills, and other work already exists on GitHub.

 In the similar vein, you cannot automatically assume everyone has / can 
 create account on github.

There is no assumption being made. Currently every country with access to the 
Internet can create a GitHub account. It's as easy as creating an email 
account. I verified this before posting. I think that might be why TC39 already 
uses it for a lot of their hosting.
es-discuss mailing list

[Meta] Proposal: Switch es-discuss from a mailing list to using the TC39 GitHub issue tracker for discussion.

2015-07-23 Thread Brandon Andrews
I was looking at the most recent notes. 
One thing stuck out to me is that ECMA uses GitHub a lot. There was a line that 
caught my attention:

 ?: What needs to live on the ECMA GitHub?

 Waldemar Horwat/Allen Wirfs-Brock: Any contributions need to be in some 
 format that ECMA can archive, for legal, librarian, and historical needs — 
 imagine someone needing to track down the history of some contributions 15 
 years from now. For individual documents (pdfs, etc.) the simplest way is to 
 send them via the ECMA reflector. ECMA keeps an archive of those forever. For 
 ongoing things use an ECMA-sanctioned repository such as ECMA's GitHub.

The line ECMA-sanctioned repository such as ECMA's GitHub makes it sound like 
GitHub is relatively trusted as an archival system.

I know many people here probably love mailing lists, but I've never much cared 
for them. They're often riddled with mistakes and formatting errors that can 
never really be fixed. People also reply wrong for instance fragmenting 
discussions. This can hurt discussion. Also some people have problems replying 
to them or simply don't feel comfortable using them. I've pointed people here 
to view and gotten replies like I don't have time to use a mailing list. The page I think helps, but it has its own issues. Most 
people don't know it uses the GitHub styling so it garbles a lot of things from 
its plaintext version. Also, as I figured out finally, only moderators can edit 
their own posts which means editing to try to clean things up is impossible.

So my proposal is for TC39 to create an esdiscuss project at So people would just go to Then using their GitHub account they could 
easily login and post issues and comments without having to subscribe or figure 
out how to use mailing lists with their email client. GitHub's issue tracker 
offers many nice features also that mailing lists lack. You can have labels 
which is amazing for archiving. It's also very easy to search. Users can also 
edit their posts and past code examples trivially into their comments so 
comments and replies flow smoothly. As an example look at That's a link 
to all the language design proposals and discussions for Roslyn.

Also from what I can tell there's no country that currently blocks GitHub. At 
one point Russia, China, and India blocked the site, but from what I'm reading 
they no longer block it. In the future that might not always be the case. 
That's the biggest downside I can think of that would be a potential issue.

I see using GitHub's issue tracker as a way of encouraging more discussion 
also. Pretty much every Javascript developer has a GitHub account for working 
with various Node.JS projects so they'd probably be more receptive following 
and joining in on the discussion. GitHub also has a very easy to use moderation 
system so it's easy to correct small formatting errors and titles to make 
searching simple and terminology consistent. It's also easy to see which topics 
are active and which are done being discussed.

Is there any support for something like this?
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES8 Proposal: Optional Static Typing

2015-07-19 Thread Brandon Andrews
 My personal feeling is that I’d rather ES not have static typing of this 
 form.  I believe it makes the language substantially more complex, and to me 
 it feels best to try to minimize the growth of the language in order to 
 ensure that those things that we do add are added in a compatible and sound 
 way.  Also, I wonder if static typing wouldn’t work out better if instead of 
 extending ES, you found a way to instead make wasm 
 ( powerful enough to handle the 
 language that you want.  The benefit of that route is that (1) there is 
 already support behind wasm and what I see as a broad desire to enable wasm 
 to handle statically-typed object-oriented/functional languages, and (2) it’s 
 a clean slate, so a proposal doesn’t have to worry about the compatibility 

It's an understandable response. Just looking at the changes required is 
absolutely daunting in the complexity. The way I view it though is growing the 
language slowly, without types in place, is actually causing more complexity 
and limiting the language for future growth. The way TypedArrays and SIMD for 
instance were approached are needlessly verbose. Now that types are being seen 
as a requirement the way they're handled is being done poorly. The aversion to 
topics like operator overloading being the clear candidate when looking at 
SIMD. The complexity continues when looking at the syntax proposed for class 
operator overloading in the previous suggestions . This is something that will 
continue as more types and features are added. Setting up a framework for types 
and language features early on will allow these features to be added with clean 

As much as I like the idea of WebAssembly I don't see it being viable for 
decades. In the mean-time ECMAScript will still exist and grow as a language. 
One day it'll be implemented on top of WebAssembly and personally I'd like 
Javascript to age well. It's rather close to being a very general purpose 
language. (I use it on the client, server, and database(PLV8) which is pretty 
awesome. It'll be years before WebAssembly gets to that level).


 Are these types baked into the language, or can these types be user-defined?  
 It’s fine if they are user-definable but present in the standard library, but 
 it seems weird if these were baked in at the language level.

Yes, they'd be baked into the language as core types. One of the big reasons is 
that they'd be natively implemented generally by implementations. There is no 
fast way to implement bignum without a native implementation. I've written 
bignum algorithms in Javascript before and never got performance anywhere close 
to native. Same for SIMD operations, thus the SIMD proposal in ES7.

 In theory the following current keywords could be deprecated in the 
 long-term: Boolean, Number, String, Object, and the TypedArray objects. 
 Their methods and features would be rolled into the new type system.

 Deprecating these would be almost impossible given how widely used they are.  
 We still have to support JS idioms from before ES1 standardization (like 

It's something that could co-exist for years along-side the preferred ones. If 
ES8 has an implementation a warning might exist that would continue for a 
decade. A lot of web developers have kind of got used to the idea of living 
specs from HTML5 and CSS's continuous changes. It's not that the features would 
be removed, they just might not exist forever or in all implementations.

 Support for resizable typed arrays.
 var foo:uint8[];
 var bar:uint8[] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
 Currently, typed arrays are not resizable.  Are you suggesting that this is a 
 separate type from the existing typed array types?

Yes. A resizable typed array is a new types proposed here. What we have right 
now would be essentially a var foo:any[] = [1, 'foo', {}]; example. A resizable 
typed array, like the current type array, has finer control for allocation with 
the advantage of native implementation speed. I was talking to people comparing 
this to C++'s Vector class. If it should have things like a capacity would be 
up for debate if it's even worth it.

 Support for fixed-length typed arrays:
 var foo:uint8[4];
 foo.push(0); // invalid
 foo.pop(); // invalid
 var bar:uint8[4] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
 How do you propose to handle:
 var foo:uint8[4] = …;
 var bar:uint8[8] = …;
 if (p) return foo; else return bar;
 Is this a type error, or does the function have some type?  This is an 
 important question.  Usually, non-resizable arrays do not store the length as 
 part of the type, since preserving a relationship between length and type is 

Re: ES8 Proposal: Optional Static Typing

2015-07-19 Thread Brandon Andrews

 I heard Gilad Bracha in ECOOP to say [paraphrase] optional typing is great 
 to help with documentation, and to help the tools; but it should not touch 
 the runtime. This is what I take for my own as well, nicely said. Your 
 overload proposition, though, changes the language so that this would need to 
 touch the runtime. It seems there are two distinct view on bringing static 
 typing in to dynamically-typed languages: one of them in line with the 
 aformentioned, the other taking over the semantic and runtime as well. There 
 are also two terms: optional typing and gradual typing. I really don't 
 know if those are defined precisely, but there seemed to be a sentiment that 
 optional typing is the Gilad-Brachaish Strongtalk-like view, and gradual 
 typing is the view that actually changes the semantics of the language and 
 the runtime. What I wanted to say, is, that maybe this thread should be 
 called ES8 Proposal: Gradual Static Typing.

I'm definitely advocating run-time changes. Adding static typing that does 
nothing other than help with code-hinting or documentation would be pointless. 
I don't think anyone would seriously consider changing the language just for 
that. While having cleaner documentation, code-hinting, and more readable code 
would be useful a bigger change is performance. Giving programmers the ability 
to write clear code that also gives them finer control over allocation and data 
structures is key in the continued and expanding usage of Javascript. It's with 
these changes I'm hoping Javascript can be used more as a scripting language to 
further fill gaps where other languages are used. I think that's also the view 
many hold when they proposed SIMD integration. SIMD alone though is a targeted 
fix for a few applications. Types on a whole solve many small performance 
issues across numerous applications.
es-discuss mailing list

ES8 Proposal: Optional Static Typing

2015-07-18 Thread Brandon Andrews
ES8 Proposal: Optional Static Typing

It was once said by Brendan Eich that 'Types are hard. This doesn't mean no, 
never.' It's been a while since ES4. With ES6's TypedArrays and classes 
finalized and ES7 SIMD getting experimental tests, ECMAScript is in a good 
place to finally discuss types again. The demand for types as a different 
approach to code has been so strong in the past few years that separate 
languages have been created to deal with the perceived shortcomings. Types 
won't be an easy discussion, nor an easy addition, since they touch a large 
amount of the language; however, they are something that needs rigorous 
discussion. I'm hoping this initial proposal can be a way of pushing the ball 
forward. Turning this into an official proposal discussed by TC39 is the goal. 
This could very well be most of ES8 due to the complexity.

Since it would be potentially years before this would be implemented this 
proposal includes a new keyword enum for enumerated types and the following 


These types bring ECMAScript in line or surpasses the type systems in most 
languages. For developers it cleans up a lot of the syntax, as described later, 
for TypedArrays, SIMD, and working with number types (floats vs signed and 
unsigned integers). It also allows for new language features like function 
overloading and a clean syntax for operator overloading. For implementors, 
added types offer a way to better optimize the JIT when specific types are 
used. For languages built on top of Javascript this allows more explicit type 
usage and closer matching to hardware.

In theory the following current keywords could be deprecated in the long-term: 
Boolean, Number, String, Object, and the TypedArray objects. Their methods and 
features would be rolled into the new type system.

One of the first complications with types is typeof's behavior. All of the 
above types would return their string conversion including bool. (In my 
experience boolean is seen as verbose among C++ and C# developers. Breaking 
this part of Java's influence probably wouldn't hurt to preserve consistency 
for the future).

The next few parts cover type features that should be supported. The examples 
aren't meant to be exhaustive but rather show parts of the language that 
require new grammar and discussion.

Support for nullable types.

var foo:uint8? = null;

Support for resizable typed arrays.

var foo:uint8[];
var bar:uint8[] = [1, 2, 3, 4];

Support for fixed-length typed arrays:

var foo:uint8[4];
foo.push(0); // invalid
foo.pop(); // invalid
var bar:uint8[4] = [1, 2, 3, 4];

The ability to type any variable including arrow functions.

var foo:uint8 = 0;
var foo = uint8(0); // Cast

var foo:(int32, string):string; // hold a reference to a signature of this type
var foo = (s:string, x:int32) = s + x; // implicit return type of string
var foo = (x:uint8, y:uint8):uint16 = x + y; // explicit return type

Function signatures with constraints.

function Foo(a:int32, b:string, c:bignum[], callback:(bool, string) = (b, s = 
'none') = b ? s : ''):int32 { }

Simplified binary shifts for integers:

var a:int8 = -128;
a  1; // -64, sign extension
var b:uint8 = 128;
b  1; // 64, no sign extension as would be expected with an unsigned type

Destructing assignment casting:

[a:uint32, b:float32] = Foo();

Function overloading:

function Foo(x:int32[]) { return int32; }
function Foo(s:string[]) { return string; }
Foo([test]); // string

Constructor overloading:

// 4 byte object
value class MyType
x:float32; // Able to define members outside of the constructor
this.x = x;
this.x = float32(y) * 2;

Number would convert implicitly with precedence given to decimal, 
float128/80/64/32/16, uint64/32/16/8, int64/32/16/8. (Or whichever order makes 
the most sense). As an example using the MyType class:

var t:MyType = 1; // float32 constructor call
var t:MyType = uint32(1); // uint32 constructor called

Implicit constructors could also be added to the proposed SIMD classes to go 
from a scalar to a vector.

var v:float32x4 = 1; // Equivalent to an ES7 SIMD splat, so var v = 
float32x4(1, 1, 1, 1);

Implicit array conversion would also exist:

var t:MyType[] = [1, 2, 3, uint32(1)];

Types would function exactly like you'd expect with decorators in ES7, but with 
the addition that they can be overloaded:

function AlwaysReturnValue(value:uint32)
return function (target, name, descriptor)
descriptor.get = () = value;
return descriptor;
function AlwaysReturnValue(value:float32) { /* ... */ }

Class example and operator overloading:

class Vector2d
x: float32;

Re: Re: Proposal for new floating point and integer data types

2014-11-24 Thread Brandon Andrews
Took a break while I worked on some Javascript projects for the past year to 
see if they'd give me more perspective on types. I'll keep this short though.

Brendan Eich wrote:

 No one is proposing type annotations a la ES4 or TypeScript, note well.

I'm thinking the discussion needs to start up again for the sake of JS's 
future. Basically building a base for other languages and also making JS a more 
complete language by itself. Before I get into that though I have a few 
comments and questions.

Starting with this video from Brendan Eich that was linked:

Regarding Literal Syntax ( ) 
used in other languages I think Javascript could handle it cleaner without 
arbitrary suffixes like L, UL, f, n, and m. I'm not totally against the idea, 
but would constructors always work as an alternative? bignum(1234567890). If so 
it seems fine. (I just want to make sure the literal syntax is optional for all 
proposed types).

The proposed operator overloading syntax ( ) has the right idea, but I 
think partial classes might be a cleaner approach. Basically being able to 
define the same class multiple times and having their implementations merged 
ignoring duplicates.

value class vector2d
x: float32;
y: float32;
get Length():float32
return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); // uses Math.sqrt(v:float32):float32 
due to input and return type
constructor(x:float32 = 0, y:float32 = 0)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
operator +(v:vector2d)
return vector2d(this.x + v.x, this.y + v.y); // return value type
operator ==(v:vector2d)
// equality check between this and v

// In MyClass.js defined extensions to vector2d
class vector2d
operator ==(v:MyClass)
// equality check between this and MyClass

The implementation would then just need to update the current class definition 
as Javascript files are loaded. The other advantage with this is it allows for 
organization of operators which can be convenient for math objects that are 
required to work with many objects or third party code.

For value type classes are they always passed by reference? I didn't see 
anything regarding pass by reference syntax. Do value classes have a copy 
constructor or something for cloning objects in that case?

Okay onto typing. Ultimately what I'd like to happen is for an ECMA member to 
understand the value of static typing for JS and help turn this into a rough 
draft proposal that can be expanded on with critiques.

What I keep seeing from years of conversation are comments like in this thread:

Brendan Eich wrote:

 Types are hard. This doesn't mean no, never. But big brains are still 
 researching the general topic, and btw what Dart has can't be called types 
 according to the researchers and literature I trust.

There's not even a proposal for people to begin discussing the grammar and 
implications on JS though. It was given mild interest years ago, but it's past 
the time for putting off the discussion. (Also it doesn't look like anyone is 
against adding this. I've read a large part of the mailing list so far which 
discusses typing a lot).

So what a static typing proposal should have at the minimal are the following 
types (lowercase seems to look best I think):

int32x4, int32x8
uint32x4, uint32x8
float32x4, float32x8

I saw the following mentioned in Brendan's slides and they'd probably be nice 
if a standardized interface and implementation is found:

The ability to type any variable including lambdas. I'd go with the already 
proposed syntax that's been around for years. I've read the old guard and 
trademarks type proposals, but they seem unneeded for now.

var foo:uint8 = 0;
var foo = uint8(0); // cast

var foo:(int32, string):string; // hold reference to a signature of this type
var foo = (s:string, x:int32) = s + x; // implicit return type of string
var foo = (x:uint8, y:uint8):uint16 = x + y; // explicit return type

Support for typed arrays.

var foo:uint8[] = [1, 2, 3, 4];

Support for nullable types.

var foo:uint8? = null;

Function signatures with constraints.

function Foo(a:int32, b:string, c:bignum[], callback:(string, bool)):int32 { }

Function overloading:

function Foo(x:int32[]) { return int32; }
function Foo(s:string[]) { return string; }

Foo([test]); // string

So by default Number would convert implicitly with precedence given to decimal, 
float64, float32, uint64/32/16/8, int64/32/16/8. (Or whichever order makes the 
most sense).

Then lastly, support within the currently proposed class syntax to support 
multiple constructors and fixed size classes.

// 4 byte object
value class myType

Re: Re: Proposal for new floating point and integer data types

2014-11-24 Thread Brandon Andrews


Those are reasonable additions also. Wasn't sure with decimal was going to 
assume 128 bit for financial type applications. Having it vary with 32, 64, and 
128 bit thought is much closer to the other suggestions. (I updated my original 
post on esdiscuss to include them.)

I saw your esdiscuss post on Float16Array also.
es-discuss mailing list

Using const to remove debug code? Is there something stopping implementers from doing this?

2013-11-28 Thread Brandon Andrews
Lately I've been writing very processor heavy Javascript. I feel like it could 
benefit a lot from having a syntax feature for removing debug statements. 
Obviously JS is interpreted and not compiled, so I'm not sure if this sounds 
completely unrealistic, but it has some very useful scenarios.

I like to write verbose type checking for functions to check ranges and throw 
exceptions if invalid input is detected. The issue is in a production 
environment (especially with games) the code executes too slowly with all the 
extra branches. It would be nice if there was a simple syntax to treat code as 
if it's commented out when a flag is set. In some languages this is done with 
preprocessor statements like:

#if debug

  console.log(Debug Mode);


  console.log(Release Mode);


The alternative is simply:

const debug = false;

if (debug)
    // Tons of type checking


What I'd expect would be possible for an implementer is to get to the constant 
and evaluate the branch and remove the whole statement before running it 
through the JIT. This would allow a very standard way to turn on and off pieces 
of code. An example program:

// Debug Off Control
    console.time(benchmark control);
    for (var i = 0; i  1000; ++i)
    console.timeEnd(benchmark control);
// Debug Off
    const debugOff = false;
    var debugOffCounter = 0;
    console.time(benchmark debug off);
    for (var i = 0; i  1000; ++i)
    if (debugOff)
    console.timeEnd(benchmark debug off);
// Debug On
    const debugOn = true;
    var debugOnCounter = 0;
    console.time(benchmark debug on);
    for (var i = 0; i  1000; ++i)
    if (debugOn)
    console.timeEnd(benchmark debug on);

On the latest Firefox there's a 11 ms difference between the control and using 
a constant in the if. In chrome there's a 23 ms difference. Is there anything 
stopping an implementer from evaluating the constant and making the control and 
debug off identical in performance?

I kind of want this to be like a standard goto technique that's expected to 
work since I believe right now the alternative is to simply create two files or 
remove anything that might slow things down.

I decided to post here first in case there's a fundamental reason that such a 
use case would be impossible or if an alternative was in the works that would 
fit this goal.

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Proposal for new floating point and integer data types

2013-10-27 Thread Brandon Andrews

On Sun, 10/27/13, Domenic Denicola wrote:

 Subject: RE: Proposal for new floating point and integer data types
 To: Rick Waldron, Brandon Andrews
 Date: Sunday, October 27, 2013, 12:18 AM
 presented in convenient video form at

(I'm not sure how to replay to these. I see people bottom posting usually. Not 
overly familiar with mailing lists, so I hope this works).

Woah, I didn't see that video when I was searching. (Finding a bunch searching 
for ECMAscript 7 and 8 and simd now). That's exactly the direction I was hoping 
JS would go. I was actually typing up SIMD types, but removed it as it seemed 
too much to request. If they're willing to add all the types and the operators 
with swizzling support that would probably make JS nearly perfect for 
computing. (I have a few projects I did in the past which could have used it). 
I found a gist where someone wrote of a proposal apparently , looks very well 
thought out, even including prefetch operations which would be amazing.

Looking at his direction and slides, then single and double in my proposal 
would be float32, float64 which is more aesthetically similar to the other 
types. I'm impressed at how well thought out everything is for the future of JS.

I see the slide with the types he's suggesting. Are there types for the 
int8/16/32, and uint8/16/32?

var foo = 0: float32;

On slide 14 he has float32(0) indicating something like the following (or using 
the literal syntax):

var foo = float32(42);

I was worried about suggesting something like that for compatibility with old 
code, but if that's the direction and has no issues, then it's perfect. I just 
realized that Brendan Eich created JS so I assume he fully knows about any 
compatability issues. His solution is cleaner for conversions.

With what he's proposing how do you perform a bitwise conversion from uint64 to 
a float64? I think the norm right now is to use the typed array spec with views 
for 32-bit conversions. (It comes up in a few problems). I assume they're 
adding Uint64Array and Int64Array with his proposed changes which would provide 
a solution for the bitwise conversion.

I think strong typing would be a really good idea with all of these types 
flying around. Found a few posts Brendan Eich made about strong typing. Can't 
figure out how he feels about that. Would static typing ever work for JS? Kind 
of like a use static; with proper all or nothing compilation?
es-discuss mailing list

Proposal for new floating point and integer data types

2013-10-26 Thread Brandon Andrews
I've seen posts asking for optional strong typing (often relating to 
typescript), but not many asking for data types. I think since the process 
takes a while it would be a good idea to consider adding extra data types on 
top of the already existing dynamic ones. I'll keep each comment short since 
everyone here is probably familiar with how Actionscript did their type specs. 
I'd like to discuss proposing these data types to start:

single (32-bit IEEE 754)
double (64-bit IEEE 754 as an alias for Number)

These correspond to most computer hardware and have fairly standard instruction 
set operations on them. The goal here is mostly to bring ECMAScript closer to a 
generic bit based computer. These types are fairly standard across hardware and 
are well understood in other languages.

var foo: uint16 = 100;
var bar: uint64 = foo;
var baz = bar  58;

This would in turn expand things that JavaScript was never able to do, which is 
to work with 64-bit types. (The idea being this could be expanded later for 
higher bit types).

This would translate to functions:
function Foo(a: int32, b: int32): int32
    return a + b;
var foo = new function(): void { }

Then expanding more, users would be allowed to type functions making function 
parameters easy to understand:

function Foo(a: function(a: int32, b: int32): int32): void

Other type specifications allowed would be bool, string, and object with the 
concept that classes would fit seamlessly into the typing when added later.

Some specific rules would be applied. Integer data types would not throw 
exceptions when overflowing keeping them simple. Any binary operation would 
immediately convert a single and double type to corresponding uint32 and uint64 
data types.

The untyped Number data type would convert to any of the other types if 
possible. It would be up to the programmer to ensure a Number variable fits 
into the required data type.

var foo = 1000;
var bar: uint8 = foo; // 232

However a programmer could explicitly convert the type with the following 

var foo = (10 * 100): uint8;

This proposal would also include changes to Array, Map, and Set with a generic 
type syntax found in C#:
var foo = new Arrayint8(100); // Identical to Int8Array
var foo = new Arraystring, int8();
var foo = new Mapint32,object();
var foo = new Setobject();
It would work as one would expect only accepting a specifically defined type.

int and uint would correspond to big integer data types which would remove any 
current limitation with integer based math. they would support syntax for typed 
array like views.
var foo: uint = 9;
var bar: Arrayuint8 = foo;
var baz: uint8 = bar[0];

These views would also work with the non-big integer types. So:
var foo: uint32 = 42;
var bar: Arrayuint16 = foo;
var baz: uint16 = foo[0];

They would also be the only way to go from an uint32/64 and int32/64 to a 
single or double like:

var foo: uint32 = 42;

var bar: single = (foo: Arraysingle)[0];

While more verbose than other possible proposals it keeps with one syntax for 
all bitwise conversions.

The last edge case I'd like to cover is making the changes work with Math:

var foo: uint32 = 42;
var bar: single = Math.cos((foo * 42):double);

By default the return type would be inferred by the input type or storage type 
(in this case single) and the function would be overloaded for different 
inputs. As another example Math.min and Math.max would return their input data 
type rather than Number when the types are specified.

Benefits to this proposal would be easier optimization to map to hardware and 
operators. It would also help to alleviate the issues that caused the need for 
the TypeArray spec. That is allowing the user to work with types that map to 
native hardware on the CPU and GPU.

For developers who work with binary formats this simplifies the usage of 
integer and floats along with their respective binary operators.

The main issue I see is that big integers are niche so it might be a bit naive 
to include them, but it's something I'd prefer was included as it makes the 
language flexible for the future. The other issue is defining any type of 
generic syntax using  would need serious discussion if there are any issues 
making the system compatible.

Future additions this would allow would be function overloading, but I left 
that out as it complicates the proposal.

I've been looking through the archive for similar discussions as I assume 
something like this has been proposed before. If anyone has any related links 
that would be appreciated along with a discussion of issues or compatibility 
conflicts. (Or general feelings toward adding types in general as ECMAscript 
has been fairly unchanged over the years with regards to types).
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