Re: Automatic Semicolon Insertion: value vs cost; predictability andcontrol; alternatives

2011-04-18 Thread P T Withington
On 2011-04-18, at 13:48, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Do popular minifiers still not parse and insert semicolons (and remove 
 newlines) as needed?

Only the broken ones!  :)

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Dynamic Scope [Was: Existential operator]

2011-04-16 Thread P T Withington
On 2011-04-15, at 21:48, Mark S. Miller wrote:

Why dynamic scoping was
 attractive and why it turns out to be bad is one of the most important
 lessons from the history of language design.

It's a power tool, and can be misused, but it still has adherents.  Scheme (and 
Dylan) have a more-controlled version in their `fluid-let` construct (which 
leaves out the pervasive special feature of Lisp).
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Existential operator

2011-04-15 Thread P T Withington
On Apr 14, 2011, at 20:48, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Seems to me Tucker was pretty clearly arguing that ?. should be explicit as 
 in CoffeeScript, not implicit and inevitable via . as in AS2. That's all.

Yes. Our experience was that implicitly short-circuiting on dereferencing 
undefined had benefits, but was more trouble than it was worth.  I want the 
best of both worlds — an error when I don't expect undefined, and a way to 
explicitly permit short-circuiting on undefined.  A syntax like Dmitry's 
proposal would make duck typing and lazy allocation patterns more succinct.

Sent from my device that I decline to endorse blindly.  Nor do I request 
absolution for any typographical sins.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Existential operator

2011-04-14 Thread P T Withington
On 2011-04-13, at 15:23, Brendan Eich wrote:

 in my view, the operator is not ?. (i.e. a question followed by a dot), 
 but still just ?. The following dot is already about property accessor:
 again, bar? is separated, and only after that it's accessed to `baz` via 
 casual dot notation.
 ?. is doable as a new operator

And ?( as an operator, too?

   , but we need a better quantification of how 
 useful it is in CS.

Or look for the patterns it would simplify in JS?  Seems like a lot of these 
patterns come from duck-typing, from continue down this path if it applies.

On 2011-04-14, at 11:55, John J. Barton wrote:

 Perhaps there is no better solution, but often I find that I want to say 
 call this chain of functions and use the bottom value, but if any of them 
 return undefined, then just be undefined, don't get all pissed off and throw 
 an exception. Being undefined is how JavaScript is. I was imagining that 
 this was the feature being discussed.

This is the way AS2 worked.  If at any point an undefined value was hit 
(whether property access or call), the evaluation stopped and undefined was 
returned.  The experience of OpenLaszlo was that this led to many myserious 
bugs.  We ended up making our compiler insert annotations in debug mode to 
detect and warn when an expression failed due to an undefined value.  That 
experience makes me believe that the current behavior in ES is a better 
default; but having a shorthand for stop now if this is undefined, seems like 
it would be a nice addition.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Removing labels

2011-04-09 Thread P T Withington
On 2011-04-09, at 04:33, Peter van der Zee wrote:

 Am I missing anything? Or are there cases where labels allow you do
 something that's impossible without labels?

They let you write more literate code?  I agree labels should be eschewed, 
except where necessary.  But sometimes, you just need them.  Here's some fairly 
complex algorithms from the OpenLaszo source that I think would be even more 
difficult to understand without their judicious use of labels:

Sure there are plenty of other ways to write this code, but I'm not convinced 
they are more maintainable.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ECMAScript Object equivalence classes proposal

2011-04-08 Thread P T Withington
On 2011-04-07, at 13:27, Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Apr 5, 2011, at 2:19 PM, David Bruant wrote:
 What I'm worried about is the memory cost of such an implementation. The 
 current [[HasInstance]] implementation has a constant memory cost. Keeping 
 references has a linear memory cost in terms of instance number. My favorite 
 real-world memory-intensive use case is the one-page Standard HTML 
 ( Right now, it contains 
 125684 DOM Elements. If trying to implement EventTarget [[HasInstance]] 
 internal method, it would require as many entries in the WeakMap. 
 First, there's no free lunch. Either the DOM objects need internal fields 
 (vptrs in C++ sense, plus static shared vtbls) or brands or trademarks, which 
 is per-object overhead. Or we need an entry in a weakmap for each object, 
 which can be quite efficient (better if the map were a set, but still).
 Second, although the details do matter, the asymptotic space complexity is 
 the same, ignoring static or singleton costs which amortize to epsilon: k*n 
 for constant k and n objects, or O(n).
 The time complexity to test is-a would be O(1), but of course as David Bacon 
 likes to point out, small constant factors can matter: a field load and 
 compare beats a hashtable lookup. A C++ virtual call to QueryInterface or the 
 like is slower than a well-implemented hashtable lookup.
 Again, big-O does not distinguish even if some benchmarks run on different 
 implementations could tell.

An oldie, but a goodie, perhaps relevant to this discussion:
es-discuss mailing list

Re: A few more module questions

2011-04-04 Thread P T Withington
On 2011-04-04, at 12:40, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

 - I find this syntax slightly unintuitive: import Geometry.{draw: drawShape}
  At first glance this would mean for me: rename drawShape to draw. draw 
 feels to me like the result of the import.
 This is based on the destructuring syntax, where this:
 let {draw: drawShape} = ... some expression ...;
 also binds the identifier |drawShape|.

FWIW, I read these destructuring patterns backwards too.  Must be a left/right 
brain thing.  Something I will have to learn the hard way to make it stick.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Inner functions and outer 'this' (Re: That hash symbol)

2011-03-30 Thread P T Withington
On 2011-03-29, at 17:52, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 On Mar 29, 2011, at 1:12 PM, P T Withington wrote:
 If I had a vote, it would be for a way to explicitly name the `-1th` 
 argument to a function.  And I would wish for it to be available in all 
 function forms, defaulting to using the legacy name `this`, if not otherwise 
 specified.  I believe it not only addresses the issue in this thread, but 
 leaves the way open for generic functions.
 [As a user, I infer I fall into your functional proponent camp, but I 
 claim to also be an o-o proponent.  I just find it much easier to think in 
 generic functions and consider the distinguished receiver of message 
 passing as being a degenerate case of that, which has a layer of syntactic 
 sugar to let you express foo(a, b, c) as, c), if you like to think 
 the other way.]
 Yes, the generic function camp largely coming out of the Lisp world has 
 always been much more closely assigned with the functional world than with 
 the object-oriented world.  To us objectivists,c) really does carry a 
 very different  meaning than foo(a,b,c).  The OO design process centers on 
 identify the objects that will make up a system, not the functions that make 
 up the system.

While I appreciate this is a religious battle, IWBNI there were a solution 
that allowed alternative religions, rather than only the mainstream one.  Hence 
my vote.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Inner functions and outer 'this' (Re: That hash symbol)

2011-03-30 Thread P T Withington
On 2011-03-29, at 17:38, Brendan Eich wrote:

 We did not discuss allowing |this| to be bound otherwise, *except*
  #foo(this = this| arg1, arg2) {...}

Am I right in understanding the above to be an idiom for trampolining the outer 
`this` binding into the closure?  (With the hazard that someone could override 
that binding.)  Or are you just giving an example, not endorsing a particular 


 The other use-case, what Alex Russell calls soft-bind, also wants |this| not 

Is there an example of what 'soft-bind' means somewhere?
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Inner functions and outer 'this' (Re: That hash symbol)

2011-03-29 Thread P T Withington
On 2011-03-29, at 08:52, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

 I agree entirely that it goes with the existing fixed implicit |this|
 binding -- I just think that cuts the other way.  The reason we're
 having this discussion is that the existing behavior of |this| isn't
 always what you want, and is hard to get around because of its fixed
 and implicit nature.  I think we should alleviate *that* problem, not
 just the worst symptom.

Way back in

I raised the `this` problem:  When you write a function you can choose the 
names of all your parameters (for maximum legibility of your code) except the 
implicit one, where you are forced to accept the name `this`.  If you could 
specify a different name, specifying which implicit binding you meant in the 
presence of multiples would be simplified.

I won't propose a syntax for specifying an alternative name for `this`, for 
fear of being taken out to the (bike)shed and getting caned, but I do think it 
worth considering:  why must that implicit parameter have a fixed name?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Inner functions and outer 'this' (Re: That hash symbol)

2011-03-29 Thread P T Withington
On 2011-03-29, at 14:19, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 I'll leave it to reader to weigh the above pros and cons.  But I do have a 
 closing statement:
 There is a decades long disagreement among designers/users of function and 
 object-oriented languages.  OO proponents think there is something special 
 about the receiver of a method call and that self-calls have special 

If I had a vote, it would be for a way to explicitly name the `-1th` argument 
to a function.  And I would wish for it to be available in all function forms, 
defaulting to using the legacy name `this`, if not otherwise specified.  I 
believe it not only addresses the issue in this thread, but leaves the way open 
for generic functions.

[As a user, I infer I fall into your functional proponent camp, but I claim 
to also be an o-o proponent.  I just find it much easier to think in generic 
functions and consider the distinguished receiver of message passing as being 
a degenerate case of that, which has a layer of syntactic sugar to let you 
express foo(a, b, c) as, c), if you like to think the other way.]
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Standardizing __proto__

2011-03-18 Thread P T Withington
You wouldn't need to reset the __proto__ of result if construction and 
initialization were separated, if the __proto__ of objects were only set by 
`new constructor`.  If `constructor.apply` did _not_ create a new object, only 
initialized it according to the arguments.

[The pattern you give is essentially how OpenLaszlo creates its class system, 
although we manually separate construction from initialization.]

Yes, I know that many constructors are already defined in the spec as creating 
a new object when called as a function.  That's unfortunate, IMO, since in 
general, ES has avoided there's more than one way.

On 2011-03-18, at 13:00, Oliver Hunt wrote:

 I kind of dislike the proliferation of .create methods.  It's seems 
 inelegant.  What if we had (use __proto__ for semantic description)
 Object.subclass = function(constructor) {
use strict;
function cons() {
var result = constructor.apply(this, arguments);
result.__proto__ = cons.prototype;
return result;
cons.prototype = Object.create(constructor.prototype);
return cons;
 This would provide a function that does that allows arbitrary subclassing 
 of any function.  Obviously there are issues (call vs. construct behaviour, 
 etc), but I think it's not too far off being a decent generic solution.
 On Mar 18, 2011, at 9:46 AM, Mike Shaver wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 9:29 AM, John-David Dalton wrote:
 @Mike Shaver
 For other possible uses please check out:
 Those all look like they are needing custom-initialization, not
 arbitrary mutation at any point.  Would you agree?  For symmetry with
 Object.create, you might want Boolean.create, Date.create and so
 forth, but that's still initialization-time, and TBH I would be
 surprised if there were actually many collisions between libraries
 that augment those prototypes.
 Preserving (or adding to other engines) arbitrary prototype chain
 mutation in order to work around name collisions seems wrong to me.
 Mutable proto just happened to be the hack that worked (though so did
 iframes), and I can't really find anything other than Fuse that uses
 it on the web today.  The solution to name collisions is simple
 modules, IMO, not monkeypatching of the builtin prototype hierarchy.
 I think you can also achieve what you want with Harmony proxies, so
 you'll have that option in the next edition of ES.
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Re: Extended Object Literals to review

2011-03-14 Thread P T Withington
On 2011-03-13, at 18:15, Juan Ignacio Dopazo wrote:

 @Brendan My mistake was thinking that setting enumerable to false also made
 it return false on hasOwnProperty().
 The idea behind it was to be able to walk down the prototype chain by doing
 o.constructor.prototype.contructor.proto... But then I realized that's not
 the case even in today's javascript.

I agree that we need this.  Can something like:

 On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 4:36 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock 
 good point, the desugaring should be:
 function c() {};
 c.prototype=Object.create(s,protoype,{'constructor': { value:c, enumerable: 
 false, writable: false, configurable:false}});

make 'walking the prototype chain' work _without_ giving each instance a 
constructor property?

  see = new c();

  see.constructor = c
  see.constructor.prototype.constructor = s


ES3 does not have the luxury of Object.create, so to get the same effect I 
_have_ put the constructor value in each instance.  This is what OpenLaszlo 
does today.  I'm looking forward to the day when I won't have to any more.

It seems the desugaring quoted above should do this for you (assuming `s` is 
similarly defined).
es-discuss mailing list

Re: iteration order for Object

2011-03-11 Thread P T Withington
On 2011-03-11, at 18:40, Charles Kendrick wrote:

 These developers didn't take a calculated risk. They saw it worked
 with the implementations at the time and hoped it would be so in the
 That is precisely the calculated risk they took.

FWIW, OpenLaszlo does not take that risk, because we want to work across many 
platforms.  When we care about iteration order, we don't use Object.  What we 
do use depends on the application:  Usually when we care about iteration order, 
random access is not an issue, so we just use a plist (an array of 
alternating keys and values).
es-discuss mailing list

Re: A proposal to add String.prototype.format

2011-03-09 Thread P T Withington
On 2011-03-09, at 13:20, Shanjian Li wrote:

 It doesn't specify how to print objects, except for %s, which says that if
 the argument is not
 a string, convert it to string using .toString().
 If the format specifier does not apply to the argument given, it should
 raise exceptions. Except string conversion, no other conversion will be

Disagree.  Since ECMAScript knows the type of the arguments, it does _not_ need 
the format specifier to tell it the type (as C does).  Apparent mismatches 
should be left open as extensions.  For example, the `x` formatter should 
simply specify that numeric values should be expressed in base 16, not that the 
value _must_ be a number.  That way, you could pass an Array of numbers to `x` 
and see the numbers in base 16.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Additional language features

2011-03-05 Thread P T Withington
On 2011-03-05, at 14:38, Christian Mayer wrote:

 Am 05.03.2011 17:31, schrieb Brendan Eich:
 On Mar 5, 2011, at 5:41 AM, Christian Mayer wrote:
 1) A printf compatible format string
 Both handle nicely the placement of external values into a string at
 given positions.
 But this is only one part of an printf-format string. What I'm still
 missing is the feature to define the format of the inserted data. This
 is for me more important, as that can't be easily achieved by the
 current ECMAScript.

FWIW, OpenLaszlo has a fairly complete implementation of 'printf':

created long before the quasis proposal (which is quite nice).  I agree there 
needs to be a way to direct _how_ the value is interpolated, and I suspect this 
is what the comment Meta data can be attached using a syntactic convention 
chosen by the quasi function is meant to hint at.  An example along the lines 
of printf format control might be nice...

es-discuss mailing list

Re: LOG10E mystery constant

2011-02-22 Thread P T Withington
On 2011-02-21, at 00:47, Mark S. Miller wrote:

 But they convert to back to two different floating point numbers, at least
 on all the browsers I quickly tried.
 0.43429448190325176 === 0.4342944819032518
 0.43429448190325176  0.4342944819032518
 0.43429448190325176  0.4342944819032518
 A little more testing reveals that the two numbers seem to be consecutive,
 in the sense that there are no intermediate representable numbers.

Have we forgotten this lesson:

es-discuss mailing list

Re: idea: try/catch and rethrow...?

2011-02-01 Thread P T Withington
[Interested bystander 2p.]

The thing you are looking for is common in other advanced dynamic languages 
(mostly Lisp derivatives, see  It is the 
concept of handling the condition in the context where the condition is 
signaled, rather than magically unwinding the stack looking for catch blocks to 
throw to.  DOM2 has a similar distinction, whether to handle an event in the 
'capturing' phase or the 'bubbling' phase.

try/catch can be implemented in terms of condition handling, but not the other 
way around.  I would be all in favor of adding condition handling to JS, and 
recasting try/catch as syntactic sugar.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: idea: try/catch and rethrow...?

2011-02-01 Thread P T Withington
Us old geezers have a tendency to repeat ourselves...  If you remind me often 
enough, perhaps I'll stop.  But it _is_ seductive!

On 2011-02-01, at 14:14, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Deja vu all over again:
 On Feb 1, 2011, at 11:09 AM, P T Withington wrote:
 [Interested bystander 2p.]
 The thing you are looking for is common in other advanced dynamic languages 
 (mostly Lisp derivatives, see  It is 
 the concept of handling the condition in the context where the condition is 
 signaled, rather than magically unwinding the stack looking for catch blocks 
 to throw to.  DOM2 has a similar distinction, whether to handle an event in 
 the 'capturing' phase or the 'bubbling' phase.
 try/catch can be implemented in terms of condition handling, but not the 
 other way around.  I would be all in favor of adding condition handling to 
 JS, and recasting try/catch as syntactic sugar.
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 es-discuss mailing list

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Question on + and type conversions

2010-12-17 Thread P T Withington
If I define an object with both valueOf and toString methods:

  var color = {
valueOf: function () { return 0xff; }
,toString: function () { return 'red'; }

The rules of `+` result in:

  color + 1 = 16711681

  color + '' = '16711680'

This is because of:

 11.6.1 The Addition operator(+)
   7. If Type(lprim) is String or Type(rprim) is String, then
a. Return the String that is the result of concatenating ToString(lprim) 
 followed by ToString(rprim)

Is it intentional that after discovering that one of the operands' primitive 
value is a string, that toString is called on the other operand's primitive 
value, rather than its (original) value?  Because I was hoping:

  color + '' = 'red'

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Nov 18 notes

2010-11-23 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-11-22, at 02:37, David Herman wrote:

 if we allowed for-in to be overloaded, I would tell people that they should 
 deprecate the legacy for-in and replace it with an explicit iterator such as:
for (x in keys(obj))

I have learned a mnemonic for for-in: that it is iterating using the `in` 
operator.  You propose that I unlearn that?  Or in your new hypothetical world 
does the `in` operator also get overloaded?

Ramdom thought: Can I use destructuring in for-in?

  for ({key:value} in enumerable)

  for ([value] in iterable)

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Nov 18 notes

2010-11-23 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-11-23, at 14:14, Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Nov 23, 2010, at 5:19 AM, P T Withington wrote:
 On 2010-11-22, at 02:37, David Herman wrote:
 if we allowed for-in to be overloaded, I would tell people that they should 
 deprecate the legacy for-in and replace it with an explicit iterator such 
  for (x in keys(obj))
 I have learned a mnemonic for for-in: that it is iterating using the `in` 
 operator.  You propose that I unlearn that?  Or in your new hypothetical 
 world does the `in` operator also get overloaded?
 Excellent question. One (Java extension language) answer:
 Python allows unstratified meta-programming of both its for-in 
 loop/comprehension syntax *and* its |in| operator.
 Harmony Proxies allow meta-programming of |in| already, via the |has| trap. 
 So the answer to your quesiton does the `in` operator also get overloaded? 
 is Yes, but you have to write two traps, iterate and has.

How does the `in` in for-in decide which of it's overloaded meanings applies?  
Based on the type of the operand?  Based on the existence of the enumerate or 
iterate trap on the operand?

And despite the `in` in for-in either enumerating or iterating, the `in` 
operator only has a single associated trap.  The non-parallelism is bugging me. 

 Ramdom thought: Can I use destructuring in for-in?
 for ({key:value} in enumerable)
 for ([value] in iterable)
 Absolutely. Destructuring (separate proposal but composes well) applies to 
 all LHS and binding forms.

I was being too subtle.  I was suggesting something like your JS 1.7 example, 
where the 'top-level' destructuring is a pattern for the `in` operation.  
`{key: value}` means I want the property keys and their values, `[value]` means 
I want the values, and `key` is (backward-compatible) shorthand for `{key: _}`. 
 Destructuring iteration over an hash of triples:

  for ({key: [s, v, o]} in tripledb) ...

Too cute?
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Guards are now ready for discussion (was: Nov 18 notes)

2010-11-22 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-11-22, at 13:13, Brendan Eich wrote:

 That, plus the relative rarity of annotated initialisers (in my best guess -- 
 we can argue about this or try to estimate by adding guards to existing 
 code), make me still favor (2).

The idea of guards as adjectives (ala C) is a non-starter?

Would keyword arguments ever be added to JS?  Any chance that would influence 
the choices made here?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Guards are now ready for discussion (was: Nov 18 notes)

2010-11-22 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-11-22, at 14:33, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Is losing the braces really worth the added complexity?

Perhaps not.  Braces are surely as good a way to denote keyword args as any 
other flag.  It occurred to me that there is no equivalent of object literals 
in the languages I know that have keyword arguments.  There are strong 
parallels, which is probably why the discussion of the guarded literal syntax 
brought it to my mind.  But that makes me wonder how I would write a function 
with keyword arguments that were both guarded and had default values?

  function f (a:V, b:W=w {c:X=x, d:Y=y}) ...

or, the less parallel:

  function f (a:V, b:W=w {(c:X):x, (d:Y):y}) ...

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Spread and non objects

2010-11-05 Thread P T Withington
[2p. from the Lisp world, the putative inventor of the rest/spread operator.]

In Lisp, arglists are lists instead of arrays, the operator is `.`, and 
conveniently, the empty list, `()`, and Lisp null, `NIL`, are just two ways to 
write the same atom.  In Lisp, option B just falls out:

  (f . NIL) === (f . ()) === (f)

+1 for B as the best approximation (in the absence of a List data type).

We can't really have the symmetry that Zeppieri is looking for because you want 
the rest operator to return an empty array when there are no rest args (rather 
than null), so you don't need to test for null before manipulating a rest arg.

On 2010-11-04, at 20:54, Erik Arvidsson wrote:

 We've run into an edge case with the spread operator. What should
 happen if we try to spread null or undefined?
 A. Throw an error
 B. Follow the path of Function.prototype.apply and others and special
 case null and undefined and just call f with 0 arguments
 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Usage for weak-maps

2010-10-29 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-10-29, at 04:50, Peter van der Zee wrote:

 What's the use case for weak maps? What would you do with it that currently
 impossible and why is the workaround (if any) problematic enough to warrant
 a weak map implementation?

Another use case was mentioned in the New topic regarding Proxies: 
intercession for === thread.  If you want to write a value type, the 
constructor needs to return the same object for identical parameters for === to 
work, which means it needs a table of all the objects it has ever made, but it 
doesn't need (or want) to hang on to objects that are no longer in use.  [The 
alternative being discussed in the proxy thread is to be able to customize === 
to give the same illusion.]
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Concerns about weak refs and weak maps.

2010-10-29 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-10-28, at 17:10, Hudson, Rick wrote:

 GC implementation
 Software stacks on multicores will need GCs to become increasingly concurrent 
 and latency free. Weak maps cause concurrent GCs and additional mutator 
 synchronizations.  While a concurrent GC already has to do some 
 synchronization, each additional synchronization point impedes scalability. 
 My concern is that the number of synchronization points might be proportional 
 to the number of k, v pairs in the weak maps (see below).

This is old information, but perhaps relevant.  Basically handling weak 
references in a standard hardware by emulating what a Lisp Machine would have 
done  [From]


AWL has another special power: it enables better handing of barrier hits on 
weak objects. To explain the benefit we need to describe a problem first. The 
MPS uses a read-barrier to perform incremental garbage collection [@@ link to 
canned-for-client explanation of how a garbage collector works in broad terms]. 
When the client tries to read an object containing weak references the MPS may 
have protected it so that the MPS can process the object before the client gets 
to see it. The problem for weak objects is that the client may try and access 
the object at a point in the collection cycle when the MPS cannot yet determine 
the status of the objects that the weak object refers to. What the MPS does in 
this situation is assume that all the referenced objects are going to live. 
This assumption is correct but conservative; it may result in objects that are 
weakly referenced staying alive for longer than they need to. In the worst case 
this can result in a very large amount of memor
 y being used by objects that are no longer needed.

In order to combat this problem the MPS sometimes does the following: Instead 
of processing the entire weak object and unprotecting it so that the client can 
access the object the MPS may emulate the processor instruction. When this 
happens the MPS doesn't process the entire weak object, it only processes the 
exact location that was being accessed (typically a single word), it emulates 
the processor instruction, and it keeps the object protected. This happens 
invisibly from the client's perspective, it's exactly as if the instruction 
executed as normal. The MPS instead of processing the entire object processes 
just a single word.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: New topic regarding Proxies: intercession for ===

2010-10-27 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-10-27, at 17:09, Brendan Eich wrote:

 JS will never be as simple as Self, but with proxies and value types based on 
 them, it seems we might have get very close to the right answer to David's 

2p. from the Dylan POV:  Dylan only had equality and identity (thinking Lisp 
had just way too many equivalences).  Dylan's MOP let you override (the 
equivalent of) `new` and `==`, but not `===`.  If you wanted value objects that 
were indistinguishable, you wrote a `new` implementation that always returned 
the identical object for parameters that would otherwise create `==` values 
(using a weak-key table).  If you only cared about equality, you wrote a `==` 
method that implemented your equality test.  You chose based on whether you 
expected to do more constructing or more comparing.

Is a proxy enough of a power tool that you just have to warn the user they must 
know what they are doing to use it?  I.e., if you override the MOP in some 
inconsistent way, it's not our fault?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: if O is an Array object

2010-09-24 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-09-24, at 18:11, Jorge wrote:

 So b is truly a subclass of Array, not a fake one.

I stand corrected.  At some time in the past, this did not work for me.  
Apparently things have improved!

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Syntax for Efficient Traits is now ready for discussion (was: Classes as Sugar is...)

2010-09-15 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-09-14, at 17:39, Tom Van Cutsem wrote:

 It is true that original traits are always stateless. This is not so much to
 avoid name conflicts as to avoid the whole problem of diamond inheritance
 (duplicate state inherited via different inheritance paths, cf. C++'s
 virtual inheritance).

Off topic, but the problem of diamond inheritance is a myth IMO.  It come's 
from C++'s premature optimization[*] of property access in instances to 
base+offset and shared methods -- it is not an intrinsic problem of OOP.  In 
many OOP languages (most with a Lisp lineage), what C++ calls virtual 
inheritance is the norm, not the exception.

Original traits, again IMO, propagated this myth by declining to include state.

[*] Or less generously, compiler's simplicity.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Syntax for Efficient Traits is now ready for discussion (was: Classes as Sugar is...)

2010-09-15 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-09-15, at 14:44, Tom Van Cutsem wrote:

 It's the easiest way though (Python e.g. uses linearization too to avoid
 diamonds issue). The way with warning a user about naming conflicts (in
 particular, in your implementation too) seems also good. From the other hand
 we don't warn a user if he overrides (in JS) a parent method with the same
 Linearization is indeed a well-known approach to resolve the diamond, but it
 doesn't adequately 'solve' the problem from a software evolution point of
 view: small changes in one part of a large code base (i.e. changing the
 order of two 'include' or 'extends' statements) may end up impacting a
 totally different part of the code base - usually without warning. I can
 recommend Alan Snyder's classic 1986 OOPSLA paper titled Encapsulation and
 Inheritance in Object-oriented Programming Languages, where he explains
 this and related issues with inheritance.

See also: and its antecedents.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Syntax for Efficient Traits is now ready for discussion (was: Classes as Sugar is...)

2010-09-14 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-09-14, at 04:56, Tom Van Cutsem wrote:

 If we want to stick to reserved keywords, implements seems the most
 appropriate (although this similarly confuses trait composition with
 interface implementation).

Alternatively, you could repurpose the (now disparaged) `with` keyword.  That's 
what OpenLaszlo uses for its paint:

  class sundae extends icecream with jimmies, chocolatesauce, cherry implements 

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Classes as Sugar is now ready for discussion

2010-09-09 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-09-09, at 06:13, Tom Van Cutsem wrote:

 There's no mistake that dedicated syntax for traits would help users and
 implementors alike. However, while I (or others) could definitely come up
 with a 'traits-as-sugar', or even a 'traits-as-a-new-value' proposal, that
 still wouldn't solve the version evolution problem associated with trait
 composition (or any other traditional inheritance mechanism). As long as
 this remains a deal-breaker, I don't think it's worth looking into
 alternative traits proposals.
 As Dave said, traits.js is out there for people to experiment with. Any
 feedback on usability issues of the design in its current form are highly

I have on my to-do list to try re-casting the OpenLaszlo class framework as 
traits.  Of the proposals for better class support in harmony, traits seems the 
most feasible to me for my work (we already translate to Ecmascript 3 and 
Actionscript 3).  Clearly, I've got to actually implement it to test that 

I certainly don't know any solution to the version evolution problem.  AFAIK, 
it's why no one uses DLL's any more (or if they do, each app ships with its own 
private copy of every DLL it depends on).

It's great that we can experiment with Traits without standardizing.  It would 
be a shame to end up standardizing on an inferior proposal because of that 
feature of Traits.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Classes as Sugar is now ready for discussion

2010-09-08 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-09-05, at 10:33, Mark S. Miller wrote:
 Of the three straw contenders for this niche, my preference order continues
 to be
 * Traits

If I had a vote, it would be +1

 * Classes as Sugar
 * Enhanced Object Literals
 But since Traits seems to be blocked from advancing,

Is there someplace I should read to understand why Traits cannot advance?

 I have now finally put
 the Classes as Sugar strawman on the agenda for consideration by the
 committee. It is now ready for discussion.


 Inheritance using the prototype chain does not work since the members are 
 added to the instance and not the prototype. This makes this proposal non 
 compatible with existing JavaScript paradigms. This in turn leads to classes 
 becoming something completely new that exists on the side of existing best 
 practices of doing OOP in JS.

seems damning, without further explanation.  Enough so that I would say the 
proposal should not use the word class to describe what it does.  From a 
users point of view, it is baffling why you would want to standardize something 
so non-standard, when there is a clear call from use cases for a standard for 
doing normal OOP in Javascript.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Classes as Sugar is now ready for discussion

2010-09-08 Thread P T Withington
On Sep 8, 2010, at 15:52, David Herman wrote:

 libraries should generally be very widely used and very stable before they 
 are added to the ES standard library.

That would seem like an unfair penalty. Am I to infer classes-as-sugar OS 
preferred because it _can't_ be implemented as a library (despite being a more 
experimental approach, and at odds with existing OOP libraries)?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object.eq is ready for discussion

2010-09-07 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-09-07, at 12:02, Brendan Eich wrote:

 3. identical

If I had a vote, +1

Is there someplace that concisely explains the cost of just fixing `===` so I 
could understand why that is not a choice?
es-discuss mailing list

Re: es-discuss Digest, Vol 41, Issue 9

2010-07-06 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-07-04, at 04:09, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Likewise for hashcode: if the object's address is one-way hashed to the 
 hashcode() result, but the GC moves the object, then the object will need to 
 grow a field to store its invariant hashcode.

FWIW Dylan (and its ancestors) gets around this by having object-hash return 2 
values:  a hash code and a hash state.  You can only compare hash codes 
associated with the 'same' state. The hash state is an opaque object with 
operations for comparing and accumulating (e.g., to compute the hash state of a 
table of objects).
es-discuss mailing list

Re: We need to name EphemeronTable (was: Do we need an experimental extension naming convention?)

2010-07-03 Thread P T Withington
Coming late to the party:  'alias' might be intuitive (from it's dictionary 
definition and use in filesystems as a non-preserving way to give an alternate 

On 2010-07-03, at 00:57, Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Jul 2, 2010, at 8:58 PM, David Herman wrote:
 Cool. I'm warming to WeakMap as well. Do we have any objections to WeakMap?
 I 3 WeakMap.
 The Force is strong with WeakMap! ;-)
 +1 or more
 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: modules proposal

2010-05-15 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-05-15, at 11:22, Brendan Eich wrote:

 On May 15, 2010, at 7:53 AM, David Herman wrote:
 FWIW, the rename on import looked backwards to me at first glance, but I 
 think I can learn.
 Yeah, I'm not thrilled about how hard it is to remember which way it goes. I 
 meant for it to be consistent with the syntax of destructuring:
   let { draw: d } = obj;
   import M.{ draw: d };
 One has to grok destructuring, but once past that, this is the only sane way. 
 The shorthand applies.

Ah, destructing `.`, I missed that.  Perhaps I would have gotten it with a 
closer parallel like

  let { draw: d } = import M;


  import { draw: d } from M;

 Alternatively, we could a) disallow leaving off the '.{...}' for importing a 
 single binding and 'import x1.---.xn' would only be allowed to specify a 
 module-binding and would import all its exports, or b) allow leaving off the 
 '.{...}' but specify that it imports just the single binding when it's a 
 value-binding and imports-all when the path indicates a module-binding. I am 
 a little concerned that the former is too restrictive and the latter too 
 subtle. IMO. the extra '.*' is only a two-character hardship and EIBTI.
 +1, or more -- agree on always requiring .{x} for lone x being too 
 restrictive, and the subtlety of .x meaning import-all sometimes, import just 
 x from left-context module other times, is even worse! EIBTI FTW ;-)

I guess `.*` is there for a purpose:  to remind me that it's very likely I 
don't want to say that.  :)
es-discuss mailing list

Re: names [Was: Approach of new Object methods in ES5]

2010-04-17 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-04-17, at 00:06, David Herman wrote:

 PS Still, I have my doubts about using any such mechanisms for versioning.
 The topic is not versioning in full, rather hiding properties added to 
 built-in prototypes.
 I had the impression Tucker was thinking about versioning, but I may have 
 imagined it. I guess I'm not clear on what desiderata the names proposal 
 as-is doesn't address. Tucker mentions enumeration, but I'm not sure how 
 important that is. It doesn't seem like a common need, but might be an 
 interesting reflective operation.

I was just thinking about ways to use private names to create distinct 
namespaces (sets of names).  The benefit of names being leaf nodes would seem 
to outweigh being able to annotate names.  Introspection could be supported by 
just keeping track of the names in my namespace, although it would be more 
convenient if there were a capability to enable `for in` to iterate over my 
names -- that's what led me down the sub-type path.
es-discuss mailing list

names [Was: Approach of new Object methods in ES5]

2010-04-16 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-04-16, at 13:07, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Another Harmony idea: 
 for unforgeable property names not equated to any string. These cannot 
 collide, and with sugar to let them be used with . (not only in computed 
 property accesses using []), we may have a complete solution for injecting 
 new names into standard prototypes without breaking existing code.
 Comments welcome on the names proposal. There are open issues at the bottom, 
 and the private keyword syntax is straw for sure, although we don't have a 
 better proposal AFAIK.

Name sounds like a stripped-down uninterned symbol ( to me.

It's an object with a magic attribute that says, unlike any other object you 
might try to use it as a property name, it is not coerced into a string first.  
And it is compared by identity when looked up.  And it is invisible to (all?) 
enumerations of property names.

I have to wonder if it would be a worthwhile generalization to be able to 
confer these magical attributes on arbitrary objects?  This might allow more 
experimentation with namespace ideas.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: names [Was: Approach of new Object methods in ES5]

2010-04-16 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-04-16, at 14:31, David Herman wrote:

 Tucker: if the property-nameness attribute weren't transferrable but names 
 were objects with property tables, do you think that would be powerful 
 enough? Or would you want the ability to define custom constructors, e.g.:
function MyCustomKindOfNamespace() {
// ...

I was thinking that for exploratory purposes, you might want a custom 
constructor so you could, say, enumerate all the names in your custom 
namespace, or test for a name being in your namespace.  But I could do that 
with just properties by (something like):

  private customnames = [];
  private custom;
  function CustomName (pretty) {
let name = new Name;
name[custom] = pretty;
name.toString = function () { return custom:: + this[custom]; }
return name;

  function isCustom(name) { return name.hasOwnProperty(custom); }


A conundrum is that you don't want private names to be revealed by property 
enumeration in general, but IWBN if they could be enumerated by someone with 
access to the namespace.  Using the idea of names having properties themselves, 
if there were a way to say enumerate the properties that have some property, 
you could use a private property as a capability to get at private names.  I'm 
sure we can have hours of fun suggesting how to extend the `for` syntax to 
handle that.  :)

es-discuss mailing list

Re: quasi-literal strawman

2010-04-05 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-04-05, at 17:37, Mike Samuel wrote:

 You can
 find my slides at

I'd love to see your presentation, but I can't seem to reach your home dir from 
my LAN.  Any chance there is a more public copy somewhere?
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Traits library

2010-02-18 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-02-17, at 18:49, Tom Van Cutsem wrote:

 As a unit of code reuse, trait composition is more flexible than class


On 2010-02-17, at 19:30, Mark S. Miller wrote:

 Of the three, I would rather see Tom's traits than either my
 classes-as-sugar or Allan's extended object literal syntax.


On 2010-02-18, at 00:29, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Add to this tax revolt the plain desire for better syntax-as-user-interface. 
 If you want const f(){}, why //wouldn't// you want declarative trait syntax?


On 2010-02-17, at 18:49, Tom Van Cutsem wrote:

 As a unit of classification, interface types are more flexible than class
 types (of course ES doesn't have interfaces, so I think a solid
 object-type-testing mechanism would be a more useful addition to ES than
 classes would be).

This seems like an important loose end to me.  If Harmony adopts a declarative 
trait syntax, is there still a reason to have an orthogonal type mechanism, 
rather than traits being types?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Traits library

2010-02-17 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-02-16, at 17:55, Tom Van Cutsem wrote:

 Mark Miller and I have been working on a small traits library for
 Javascript. It is documented here:

Nicely done.  A couple of high-level questions.  [Full disclosure:  I'm with 
OpenLaszlo, and we have our own class/mixin implementation based on 
prototypical inheritance, built around some extra syntax, transformed by our 
compiler, and a runtime library; all running in es3 (and as2 and as3).  We 
haven't yet thought about how we might take advantage of es5.]

1) I understand the motivation for traits (removing some of the magic of 
mixins), but I don't understand why that needs to be anything more than a 
lint-like tool, rather than insinuating itself into the implementation.  The 
fact that you provide the order-sensitive `override` compositor weakens the 
case for strict traits.  If override combination somehow made the overridden 
property accessible with a standard name (`super`), it seems to me you would 
have mixins.  What am I missing?

2) Could you elaborate on this:

 The renaming performed by resolve is shallow: it only changes the binding of 
 the property. If the property is a method, it will not change references to 
 the renamed identifier within the method body.

It seems to me that this 'feature' could lead to more magic than mixins.  If I 
read this correctly, overriding a method in a trait will be visible to methods 
outside the trait, but not to methods inside the trait.  That doesn't seem to 
follow the original traits composition principles.

3) In our usage, being able to test that an object is an instance of a mixin 
is quite important.  In your description, you imply that type testing is an 
exercise left to the future.  Has this not been an issue in applying your 
traits library?

4) Your 'stateful trait' example shows why I would call 'class state' and 
'each-subclass state' (with the latter recommended, but the former could have 
applications).  Because your implementation allows any type of property (not 
just methods), you also have 'instance state' in your traits.  I think this is 
a good thing.  Perhaps you should make that more explicit, since it diverges 
from the traits references.

5) I've lost track of where Harmony is heading with classes, but do you have 
any thoughts on that?  Do you see you traits as an alternative to any other 
class proposal, or would it be intended as an extension of classes (as the 
original traits proposal was), should they ever arrive?

P T Withington
OpenLaszlo.ORG/Laszlo Systems

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Friday afternoon scoping quiz

2010-02-06 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-02-05, at 18:08, Dmitry A. Soshnikov wrote:

 Scope chain (test): [
  {foo: undefined, bar: undefined},
  {foo: 20, test: function () {...}}

This is the key that I was missing, as Brendan made clear.  Despite `foo` and 
`bar` being declared inside the `with`, because declarations are hoisted, the 
`var foo` is shadowed by the `with (this)` when the assignment `foo = 42` is 

Thanks for the clarifying illustrations.
es-discuss mailing list

Friday afternoon scoping quiz

2010-02-05 Thread P T Withington
  'foo': 20, 
  'test': function () { 
var f = function () { 
  alert(foo:+ foo);
  alert(bar:+ bar);
with (this) { 
  var foo = 42; 
  var bar = 21;; 


By my reading, `foo` and `bar` are declared and initialized in `test`, and 
closed over by `f`.  I expect to see:


But in Rhino, Firefox, Safari and Opera I am seeing:


Flash 10 gives me the answer I expected.  I have not tested other JS engines.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Friday afternoon scoping quiz

2010-02-05 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-02-05, at 17:25, Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Feb 5, 2010, at 2:14 PM, P T Withington wrote:
 'foo': 20,
 'test': function () {
   var f = function () {
 alert(foo:+ foo);
 alert(bar:+ bar);
   with (this) {
 var foo = 42;
 var bar = 21;;
 Doctor, it hurts when I use 'with' in JavaScript!


 By my reading, `foo` and `bar` are declared and initialized in `test`, and 
 closed over by `f`.  I expect to see:
 But in Rhino, Firefox, Safari and Opera I am seeing:
 This is correct. The vars are hoisted but the initialization of foo puts 42 
 where it found foo on the scope chain, in There's no 'bar' property 
 in |this| so that goes in the var.

Interesting!  I couldn't convince myself that var hoisting would be quite so 

 Flash 10 gives me the answer I expected.  I have not tested other JS engines.
 Flash 10 bug.

I will report.  Thanks.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Friday afternoon scoping quiz

2010-02-05 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-02-05, at 17:42, P T Withington wrote:

 Flash 10 gives me the answer I expected.  I have not tested other JS 
 Flash 10 bug.
 I will report.  Thanks.

FTR, appears to be already reported as:

es-discuss mailing list

Re: typed array strawman proposal

2010-01-27 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-01-27, at 12:17, Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Jan 27, 2010, at 8:16 AM, Peter van der Zee wrote:
 new ArrayMapping(arrBuf, intBits, intStart, intFinish);
 The WebGL use-case cannot tolerate scaling by a variable intBits element 
 width. It wants constant (compile-time) element size.

Really?  In these days of the JIT-compiler, when is compile-time?  I'd rather 
see a simple interface like the above, or like Lisp's displaced arrays, and 
just know that if I pick normal byte-sizes and offsets that I'm likely to 
trigger an optimization that turns my indirect array access into just a few 
hardware instructions (just a load if I am lucky, otherwise load/shift/mask).
es-discuss mailing list

Re: typed array strawman proposal

2010-01-27 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-01-27, at 13:06, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Anyway, we do not want to require exotic techniques. We want to allow C++ 
 implementations, which require constants to avoid obvious performance hits 
 for no good reason. Competition will kill any browser foolish enough to take 
 such hits.

That seems inconsistent with the philosophy that classes can be syntactic sugar 
on closures that will be magically optimized.

I'm just seconding the suggestion that you could have a flexible syntax that 
would allow specifying any byte width and offset and optimize the cases where 
the byte width and offset are known at compile time.  Instead of guessing which 
of the n*m combinations you should cast in stone as built-in types.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: typed array strawman proposal

2010-01-27 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-01-27, at 13:17, Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Jan 27, 2010, at 10:15 AM, P T Withington wrote:
 On 2010-01-27, at 13:06, Brendan Eich wrote:
 Anyway, we do not want to require exotic techniques. We want to allow C++ 
 implementations, which require constants to avoid obvious performance hits 
 for no good reason. Competition will kill any browser foolish enough to 
 take such hits.
 That seems inconsistent with the philosophy that classes can be syntactic 
 sugar on closures that will be magically optimized.
 That philosophy cannot possibly implement native GPU-oriented fixed-size 
 machine-int-element-typed arrays!

I must be missing something.  You can optimize:

  new Int16Array(foo, n)

but not:

  new IndirectArray(foo, 'int', 16, 0);

es-discuss mailing list

Re: typed array strawman proposal

2010-01-26 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-01-26, at 13:43, Vladimir Vukicevic wrote:

 At Brendan's request, I've just added a new strawman proposal for ES typed 
 arrays to the wiki.  This proposal comes from the WebGL group, which needed a 
 way of efficient access to and manipulation of native machine-type arrays; 
 once we came up with a reasonable baseline API, it looked like something that 
 would be generally useful as more interop and performance demands are placed 
 on ES.  Typed arrays is probably not the best name; but that's probably an 
 easy bikeshed.
 The strawman page is at and the 
 associated [rough] draft spec is available at
 Thoughts  comments appreciated; not sure if this is something that could be 
 considered for the core language, or for a standard library of sorts -- 
 feels more like something that should go in the latter.

So, like Lisp displaced arrays 
es-discuss mailing list

Re: subclassof

2010-01-18 Thread P T Withington
On 2010-01-18, at 15:41, Mark S. Miller wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 7:32 AM, P T Withington wrote:
 In the various classes-as-sugar proposals, is there a way to test if one
 class is a subclass of another?  Is it as simple as:
 classa.prototype instanceof classb
 In some of them, yes. For the desugaring presented at,
WobblyPoint.prototype instanceof Point
 would work for the right reason.

Yeah, I saw (and liked) that.

In OpenLaszlo we allow mixins (which are flattened into a single-inheritance 
prototype chain + multiple-inheritance interfaces), and we adopted the AS3 `is` 
operator, so we say:

  subclass.prototype is superclass

and superclass can be either a class or a mixin.  [Sadly this doesn't work in 
 In some later proposals, no, because the
 concept of subclassing is being replaced by the concept of trait
 combination. Since this gives non-tree-like subtype relationships, it can't
 accommodate instanceof.
 Should there be a `subclassof` operator?

Do you have a pointer to the later proposals?

I guess my question stands.  Even if I implement classes using traits, I would 
want to be able to ask if a class had a particular trait.  I guess that would 
have to be part of the class protocol then, not a language primitive.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: array like objects

2009-12-16 Thread P T Withington
On 2009-12-15, at 23:28, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Something more like Self, in other words. I still wonder if we can't recover 
 that lost form, enable prototype-based composition as Tucker wanted, and 
 banish host objects to the ninth circle of hell, in a future edition.

We can dream!  :)
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Weak references and destructors

2009-12-13 Thread P T Withington
On 2009-12-12, at 18:14, Mark S. Miller wrote:

 In my experience, it is always a bad idea for the GC to invoke user-code.
 Always? E uses async post mortem finalization to implement distributed
 acyclic GC. Without some way for GC to invoke user code, I don't see how
 this is possible. Without it, the resulting memory leak is severe enough to
 discourage many good distributed programming patterns.

I guess it depends on how you define user code.  And I should never say 

My main point was to not give up weak-key tables just because finalization 
semantics are messy.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Weak references and destructors

2009-12-12 Thread P T Withington
On 2009-12-11, at 12:43, Brendan Eich wrote:

 It would be more than nice. It is important that the spec not mandate any 
 particular schedule. We have seen endless over-coupling to GC implementation 
 details where programmers who can hook into finalization or another GC phase 
 do so for all the wrong reasons: to close fds, free database cursors, send a 
 message, update UI, etc. Crazy stuff.


In my experience, it is always a bad idea for the GC to invoke user-code.

Please don't throw out the weak-key tables with the finalization bathwater.

 But if there is no guarantee of when the notification might happen, then 
 programmers should not expect any scheduling akin to setTimeout with a 
 timeout of zero.

I initially mis-read this as saying setTimeout with a timeout of 0 might never 
be scheduled.  But that's not what you said.


I was amused by this aside from the strawman:

 Since I can never remember the black/white polarity of traditional gc 
 descriptions, I will use retained for black, fringe for gray, and untraced 
 for white.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES6 and Error Object properties

2009-11-04 Thread P T Withington
Sure would be nifty to have #file and #line directives, now that  
Javascript is the new C.

FWIW, OpenLaszlo generates annotations like so:

Filename, line, column:

/* -*- file: lpp-8534.lzx#10.7 -*- */

Same file, but line numbering needs to be reset (because output has  
more or less lines corresponding to source):

/* -*- file: #15 -*- */

No corresponding source file (i.e., generated code follows):

/* -*- file: -*- */

I can see merits to one gigantic comment up front with a mapping table  
ala Caja, but we found interspersing them worked better for humans  
staring at Javascript assembly in a Javascript debugger.

IWBNI @sourceurl could be expanded in some form to work with loaded  

On 2009-11-04, at 14:39, Patrick Mueller wrote:

Coincidently, I posted a blog entry on SyntaxError and eval()  

On Nov 4, 2009, at 11:10 AM, Kevin Curtis wrote:

This has probably been chewed over but -

The ES5 spec defines 'name' and 'message' as properties of the  
Error -

and ReferenceError, SyntaxError etc - objects.

Currently engines have useful additional non-standard properties:
Mozilla - fileName, lineNumber and stack.
V8 - stack (and type, arguments). (The string returned by 'stack' is
not in the same format as Mozilla).
JSC - line, sourceId, sourceURL, expressionBeginOffset,
expressionCaretOffset ,expressionEndOffset - and a few others for
Statement errors.

Any chance for ES6 on standardizing Error object property/ies which
report back the error location.

Maybe a property 'location' on the Error object which returns an  
object. e.g

e.location -
{fileName:filename, pos: character posNumber, line:lineNumber ,
lineEnd:lineNumber, col:colNumber , colEnd:colNumber, stack:

With maybe pos and line being mandatory properties and the other
properties set if they can be set.

Patrick Mueller -

es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES6 and Error Object properties

2009-11-04 Thread P T Withington

On 2009-11-04, at 15:28, Brendan Eich wrote:

On Nov 4, 2009, at 12:26 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

SpiderMonkey, when you set the JSOPTION_ATLINE runtime option flag,  
understands a comment of this form:

//@line n

//@line n f

Can I enable this option from my script (preferably, or Firebug as a  
second choice)?

I'm happy to adopt this syntax as being as good as any other.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES6 and Error Object properties

2009-11-04 Thread P T Withington

On 2009-11-04, at 16:27, Brendan Eich wrote:

Alas not in content script. It seems the original bug that depended  
on //@line infrastructure (which is in SpiderMonkey, ready to be  
used), the bug to enable //@line *only* for our browser UI  
(chrome) and similar such (XBL, XPCOM component) scripts, has  

I will get this bug going again, including the ability to set

_options.atline = true;

in the first script in a document, in order to get //@line support  
in the rest of the scripts.

Cool!  Thanks.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Operator overloading revisited

2009-07-01 Thread P T Withington

On 2009-07-01, at 03:48EDT, Christian Plesner Hansen wrote:

Methods live on objects and their prototypes.

Only if you co-opt the word method to mean that.  I would claim this  
is just shorthand for instance method.  There is also class method  
or static method.  There are other definitions (see below).

On 2009-07-01, at 10:23EDT, Brendan Eich wrote:

How much sweeter could this be sugared?

function +(a :Point, b :Number) {
  return new Point(a.x + b, a.y + b);

function +(a :Number, b :Point) {
  return new Point(a + b.x, a + b.y);

function +(a :Point, b :Point) {
  return new Point(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);

(Here the quoted operator names imply multimethod addition, where  
previously I used |generic function| to Tucker's enthusiastic +∞).


Not to suggest paint, but I think the syntactic sugar of Dylan has a  
nice color:

`a + b`  is sugar for `\+(a, b)`

`\+` is a generic function (of 2 arguments) to which you can add  
methods.  Methods are just syntactic sugar for specifying the  
branches of a dispatch algorithm ( 
).  [That is since `+` is not a legal identifier, you have to escape  
it to use it as an identifier, to name a generic function.]

If method has to be used uniquely in Javascript as the word that  
means a computation attached to an instance, maybe we just need a new  
word to mean dispatch element of a generic function.  I would have  
said generic function method, which (ambiguously) gets abbreviated  
to method, and may be the source of objection?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Operator overloading revisited

2009-06-30 Thread P T Withington

On 2009-06-30, at 01:26EDT, Brendan Eich wrote:


The flip side of the diffusion of responsibility is the solipsism  
of encapsulation, which falls down as soon as there is more than one  
self (or `this` :P).

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Operator overloading revisited

2009-06-30 Thread P T Withington

On 2009-06-30, at 14:06EDT, Brendan Eich wrote:

These are nice generic functions. With type annotations or guards,  
you could imagine them as adding to generic function +:

 generic function +(a :Point, b :Point) {
   return new Point(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);

Syntax is not the point, please hold fire and spare the bikeshed --  
the unencapsulated (no |this| or |self|) nature of these functions  
is what I'm stressing.

+∞ again

If the reason is to assign responsibility to the different  
constructors [*]

I don't understand the assign responsibility argument.  Is this  
about aligning (conflating?) security/access-control with classes/ 

Isn't a generic function a class that you could assign responsibility  

es-discuss mailing list

Re: extension modules

2009-06-28 Thread P T Withington

On 2009-06-27, at 22:12EDT, Alex Russell wrote:

But this has demonstrated, to me at least, that the important  
language optimizations can be done well under the hood, without  
hinting. IMHO this is a good use of human capital, compared to the  
alternative of unleashing pragmas and machine types on the web  
developer masses, where the pragmas and types add complexity and  
often bite back.

I'd just like to double +1 this point.

Me 3.

Compiler cycles we have plenty of, it's programmer cycles we need to  

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Another de-facto insecurity we need to fix in ES5

2009-06-18 Thread P T Withington
Does making an object not extensible imply/require than the object's  
prototype is also not extensible?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Classes as Sugar -- old threads revisited

2009-05-26 Thread P T Withington
These two are reversed, aren't they?  The const should have the getter  
rather than the value?

On 2009-03-30, at 22:41EDT, Mark S. Miller wrote:

   pubInstVar: {get: Object.freeze(function{return pubInstVar;}),
enumerable: true},
   pubInstConst: {value: pubInstConst,
  enumerable: true}

es-discuss mailing list

Pretty function expression names

2009-05-04 Thread P T Withington

Assuming we're allowed to speculate on futures here...

I was thinking about improving debug-ability by adding descriptive  
names to function expressions thusly,

  var myFun = function my description here (...) { ... };

I.e., be able to use an arbitrary string as the name of a function  
expression.  It seems to me this would be an unambiguous extension,  
only giving up an unlikely syntax error.  No runtime is required to do  
anything with the name, although it would be encouraged to make it  
available as the .name property of the function object.  Comments?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Pretty function expression names

2009-05-04 Thread P T Withington

On 2009-05-04, at 17:39EDT, Brendan Eich wrote:

On May 4, 2009, at 2:00 PM, P T Withington wrote:

On 2009-05-04, at 14:46EDT, Brendan Eich wrote:

On May 4, 2009, at 10:45 AM, P T Withington wrote:

Assuming we're allowed to speculate on futures here...

I was thinking about improving debug-ability by adding  
descriptive names to function expressions thusly,

var myFun = function my description here (...) { ... };

Is this better for your purposes than

var myFun = function (...) { ... };
myFun.prettyName = my description here;

Just that it's shorter and easier to type.  It would be a shorthand  
notation for setting the .name property of the function object  
created.  I wouldn't expect the function to be referenceable by the  
name, but I'd want Function.toString to display it (as a string  

As Michael Haufe and Mike Wilson point out, this might leave some  
wanting to call the function by that name within its own body. I'm  
interested in why you wouldn't care about that use case -- because  
you can guarantee that myFun never varies?

An intrinsic name for toString and reflection is a fine thing, but  
people tend to expect functions with names to be callable in some  
scope. There's the rub.

My real use case is passing an anonymous (non-recursive) function as  
an argument.  I don't actually know what identifier my function will  
be bound to when it is called.  If I need a recursive function _and_ a  
pretty name, presumably I could use either your proposal or:

  let x = function pretty name () { ... x() ... }

I see that people might expect to be able to say:

  pretty name()

but I wasn't asking for that.  (OTOH, there is precedent for using  
string literals for attribute names that are not valid identifiers.)

I'm adding strawman and harmony pages to the wiki based on existing  
discussions, so I'll roll up the function name proposal thread and  
add this item. Thanks.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Announcement: ES3.1 renamed to ES5

2009-03-30 Thread P T Withington
Worse yet, you have inspired my managers to rename OpenLaszlo 4.2.1 to  
OpenLaszlo 4.3.  Granted we are behind ECMA in our absolute value, but  
we make up for it in total decimals.  I have just now released  
OpenLaszlo!  Can be far behind?


On 2009-03-30, at 19:05EDT, Zachary Carter wrote:

I honestly thought this was an early April fools.

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 6:40 PM, Mark S. Miller  
On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

I don't want to jump the gun, steal anyone's thunder, nor mix
metaphors, but to avoid confusion in some posts I'm about to make, I
thought I'd go ahead and announce this now:

Apparently, the issue of announcing this numbering change publicly  

discussed at the same EcmaScript meeting. Somehow I missed it. My
previous post violated the agreed protocol for no good reason. My
sincere apologies.

Es-discuss mailing list

Es-discuss mailing list

Es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object.prototype.inspect ?

2009-03-12 Thread P T Withington

On 2009-03-12, at 14:28EDT, Jason Orendorff wrote:

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 6:20 AM, Tobie Langel wrote:
It is very useful to be able to specify the debugging  
representation of an

object distinctively from it's toJSON or toString representation.

No doubt.  I've implemented similar functionality on every serious
JavaScript project I've done.

Same here, but I bet I did it differently.  Which makes me think this  
is _not_ an area for standardization.  As long as there is a standard  
way to enumerate the properties of an Object and a standard way to  
determine an Object's 'class' (i.e., constructor, which you can only  
do in ES3 if you annotate each object yourself), you can write your  
own inspect and this is a dandy place to allow innovation, IMO.

toSource or repr can learn from Lisp, but if you really want to do it  
right, we have along way to go.  There is a big difference between  
being able to inspect/debug an object for human legibility and  
expecting that you can convert an object to a source expression that  
when evaluated will be equal to the original object (for some  
definition of equal!).

Es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object.prototype.inspect ?

2009-03-12 Thread P T Withington

On 2009-03-12, at 16:31EDT, Brendan Eich wrote:

On Mar 12, 2009, at 11:57 AM, P T Withington wrote:

Same here, but I bet I did it differently.  Which makes me think  
this is _not_ an area for standardization.  As long as there is a  
standard way to enumerate the properties of an Object and a  
standard way to determine an Object's 'class' (i.e., constructor,  
which you can only do in ES3 if you annotate each object yourself),  
you can write your own inspect and this is a dandy place to allow  
innovation, IMO.

This was Rok's argument against standardizing toSource/uneval in ES3  
timeframe, and it's a good one if the intention is to serialize and  
deserialize all cases preserving private state, non-enumerable  
properties, etc.

I think we are a long way from needing serialize/deserialize arbitrary  
Objects.  Having JSON should suffice.

On the other hand, if the intention is to provide an easily  
inspected string representation that gives obvious or overt property  
values, e.g.,
uneval([0,1,[2,3]]) = [0, 1, [2, 3]] instead of the muddled  
toString result 0,1,2,3, then there's benefit in a common standard.

And I agree that toString is next to useless as a debugging tool.   
Which is why I wrote my own.  In my experience of writing my own, I  
have found that I've changed what I want the 'representation' of an  
object to be, and continue to change that.  (Since my output is  
intended to help the human programmer, and not be eval-ed, I continue  
to adjust how attributes of an object are sorted, labelled,  
abbreviated, hidden/revealed, re-inspected, etc.  Since my users are  
programming in a language above Javascript, I'm starting to change the  
representation to be more like the high-level language they write in,  
rather than display the Javascript assembly language.)  Those are  
some of the reasons I'm not in a rush to standardize what inspecting  
an object means.

But, I would very much like to see a standard way to discover an  
Object's constructor, and a way to enumerate _all_ the properties of  
an object.  I know there is a tension between security and  
introspection.  I don't know if this is something that can be handled  
by the presumably already-overloaded strict mode.

Es-discuss mailing list

Re: name property for built-in functions??

2009-03-01 Thread P T Withington
Personally, I always name my function expressions, (and don't use new  
Function) so I am not presented with this dilemma. And that works  
great for me except for the one runtime in the universe that makes a  
hash of named function experssions...

For introspection purposes, I create an object identity table and  
assign unique identifiers to objects, so I'd find either undefined or  
 acceptable for unnamed functions.

On Mar 1, 2009, at 13:56, Brendan Eich wrote:

It's hard to be sure without more user feedback

Es-discuss mailing list

Re: Allen's lambda syntax proposal

2008-12-07 Thread P T Withington

On 2008-12-06, at 00:23EST, David-Sarah Hopwood wrote:

P T Withington wrote:

Would it work to move the parameter list inside the block (as in the
Smalltalk way, but as a regular parameter list, not using ||'s)?

 {(a, b) a + b}

AFAICT, `{(` is a syntax error for an expression in es3.

I think this is unambiguous, but I don't like it because it has no
symbol or combination of symbols that is specific to a lambda.
( {( can occur as the start of a block.)

  ^{(a, b) a +b}

Perhaps?  An expression cannot start with `{(`, a statement cannot  
start with `^`.

Es-discuss mailing list

Re: Allen's lambda syntax proposal

2008-12-04 Thread P T Withington
Would it work to move the parameter list inside the block (as in the  
Smalltalk way, but as a regular parameter list, not using ||'s)?

  {(a, b) a + b}

AFAICT, `{(` is a syntax error for an expression in es3.

Es-discuss mailing list

Re: Allen's lambda syntax proposal

2008-12-04 Thread P T Withington

On 2008-12-04, at 15:23EST, David-Sarah Hopwood wrote:

Arguably, the problem here is that semicolon insertion is and always
was a bad idea.

That and not requiring whitespace around operators, thus taking away a  
huge domain of possible multi-symbol names (such as := for  
initialization/assignment to preclude the =/== trap, or say, )\ for λ,  
and forcing camelCasing or carpal_tunnel_syndrome upon everyone who  
prefers descriptive-symbol-names...)

Es-discuss mailing list

Re: Allen's lambda syntax proposal

2008-12-03 Thread P T Withington

On 2008-12-02, at 20:32EST, Peter Michaux wrote:

I keep a list of all the X-ES3 compilers I encounter in the middle of
the following page

Clarification on:

OpenLaszlo is the opposite direction: JavaScript compiled into Flash.

OL compiles an XML language to a subset of ECMAScript4 (or ECMAScript3  
with the more mainstream parts of ES4: classes, type declarations,  
parameter defaults, rest args, etc.) and has multiple back-ends that  
compile that ECMAScript4 subset to (for example) JavaScript,  
ActionScript 2, or ActionScript 3.  So, in a sense, we use Javascript  
as both an intermediate language and as an assembly language.

Es-discuss mailing list

Re: Allen's lambda syntax proposal

2008-12-02 Thread P T Withington

On 2008-12-02, at 11:48EST, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

As long as we're giving the bikeshed a few more coats of paint,  
Objective-C is adding block-like closures with ^ as the prefix, so  
we could take inspiration from that:

^(a, b, c) { ... }

That's cute.  Mnemonic for Λ (capital λ), also 'pointer-ish',  
implying an object reference.

Es-discuss mailing list

Re: Allen's lambda syntax proposal

2008-12-01 Thread P T Withington

On 2008-11-30, at 01:30EST, Brendan Eich wrote:

// Instead of lambda (a, b, c) { ... }, why not:
{ |a, b, c| ... } ?

I would rather have a more literate syntax, lest we degenerate to  
where practically any comic book blasphemy is a valid program.

(BTW, I'm pretty sure I have that same Byte issue, in a similar box,  
with a similar musty smell, _and_ the blue book.  Back then,  
worrying that 'line noise' or the death throes of your modem hanging  
up would write code for you was a legitimate concern.  Today, it is  
just my old eyes that might gloss over `{||` and wonder why the `var`s  
in that block are not visible in the enclosing function...)

Es-discuss mailing list

Re: Allen's lambda syntax proposal

2008-12-01 Thread P T Withington

On 2008-12-01, at 11:30EST, Mark S. Miller wrote:

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 7:31 AM, P T Withington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 2008-11-30, at 01:30EST, Brendan Eich wrote:

// Instead of lambda (a, b, c) { ... }, why not:

{ |a, b, c| ... } ?

I would rather have a more literate syntax, lest we degenerate to  

practically any comic book blasphemy is a valid program.

(BTW, I'm pretty sure I have that same Byte issue, in a similar  
box, with a
similar musty smell, _and_ the blue book.  Back then, worrying  
that 'line
noise' or the death throes of your modem hanging up would write  
code for you
was a legitimate concern.  Today, it is just my old eyes that might  
over `{||` and wonder why the `var`s in that block are not visible  
in the

enclosing function...)

Since it's a lambda, the 'var's will be visible in the enclosing  

Eh?  So:

function () {
  var foo = 42;
  {|| var foo = 3; }
  return foo;


function () {
  var foo = 42;
  { var foo = 3; }
  return foo;

Give the same answer?

The point of having a very compact syntax for lambda is too make it  
to write control abstractions, as one does casually in Smalltalk.  
With the
verbose lambda spelling, people will avoid those, or invent macro  
(as Scheme programmers do) mostly so they can avoid seeing all those  

lambda letters in the code.

Think of lambdas as blocks plus a bit more, rather than function  
minus a

bit. Viewed this way, their block-like syntax is a virtue.

I agree with the goal of compactness.  I just don't like it to be too  
compact.  Call me a curmudgeon.  I don't like that `not` is spelt `!`  
or that it is so easy to make a one-letter misspelling of `eql` and  
end up with `setq` either.

Es-discuss mailing list

Re: Allen's lambda syntax proposal

2008-12-01 Thread P T Withington

On 2008-12-01, at 11:54EST, Mark S. Miller wrote:

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 8:47 AM, P T Withington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Eh?  So:

function () {
var foo = 42;
{|| var foo = 3; }
return foo;


function () {
var foo = 42;
{ var foo = 3; }
return foo;

Give the same answer?

No, because you forgot to call it.

Cool. So I can use `{||` and `}` to comment out blocks of code...  :P

function () {
var foo = 42;
{|| var foo = 3; }();
return foo;


function () {
var foo = 42;
{ var foo = 3; }
return foo;

do give the same answer.

Ok, your suggestion of 'block plus' not 'function minus' is making  
more sense to me.  Still hard for me to understand the newspeak.   
Trying to wrap my mind around `var` meaning free; I think I get it.   
But, I still think `{||` looks like my cat stepped on the keyboard.

Es-discuss mailing list

Re: Allen's lambda syntax proposal

2008-12-01 Thread P T Withington

On 2008-12-01, at 15:59EST, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

\(a, b, c) { ... }

Es-discuss mailing list

Re: return when desugaring to closures

2008-10-14 Thread P T Withington
On 2008-10-11, at 08:34EDT, David Herman wrote:

 Thank you for pointing out, though, that try/catch isn't so easily  
 defined on top of return-to-label, since it still needs special  
 handling for finally. The options are either to define a lower-level  
 primitive underlying try/finally (akin to Scheme's dynamic-wind), or  
 to leave exceptions -- or at least try/finally -- as primitive. I  
 lean towards the latter; dynamic-wind is a subtle beast.

 [For those interested in dynamic-wind, Flatt et al's ICFP 07 paper  
 has a nice investigation into its 

My 2p:  If introducing a lower-level primitive would mean the language  
could someday have handler-binding (the ability to handle a condition  
in the frame it is signaled in), I think that would be a big win.
Es-discuss mailing list

Re: Ye olde arguments argument (was: Topic list - pending changes and issues for the ES3.1 spec)

2008-09-29 Thread P T Withington
On 2008-09-19, at 09:18EDT, Mike Shaver wrote:

 On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 12:26 AM, Garrett Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 If a thrown native object did not already have a stack, what is the
 harm in adding one?

 What should be done with a sealed object that's thrown?

Rather than throwing a whole stack, I'd rather see a mechanism to let  
handlers run in the error context.  I.e., HANDLER-BIND

Es-discuss mailing list

Re: Ye olde arguments argument (was: Topic list - pending changes and issues for the ES3.1 spec)

2008-09-13 Thread P T Withington
We use it for debugging/backtrace. If it could be had in non-strict  
or, as mentioned elsewhere in this thread, by constructing an error  

(Actually, it looks like our current debug compile inserts it's own  
annotation to maintain a backtrace. So apparently we don't _have_ to  
have arguments.callee.)

On Sep 12, 2008, at 8:08 PM, Brendan Eich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Great -- good to have library authors / maintainers on this list.

 I hold no brief for callee. The only issue in its favor is the cost of
 migrating to strict mode. A new version of Prototype that loses
 internal arguments.callee uses and is otherwise compatible helps.

 Dojo and other Ajax folks on the list, please pipe up.

 / be

Es-discuss mailing list

Re: Es-discuss - several decimal discussions

2008-09-04 Thread P T Withington
On 2008-09-04, at 03:37EDT, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Not really, but eq has been used to refer to this operation for
 in both the Lisp and capability communities. I can live with
 Object.identical, but I'll always think of it as 'eq'.


If `identical` is too long, try `id`?  Or, since it is the equivalence  
predicate for Object/hash, maybe it should be an operator named `#=`.

Es-discuss mailing list

Re: Sugar

2008-09-03 Thread P T Withington
On 2008-09-03, at 02:24EDT, Yuh-Ruey Chen wrote:

 However, ES-Harmony shouldn't introduce anything either not tested in
 other languages or extensively researched in academia. I would place
 hygienic macros for procedural languages in that category. Maybe we
 ought to look in existing research papers for some inspiration:

[The Java syntactic 
) is the descendant of Lisp macros, adapted to Algol-like syntax via  
Dylan, and probably the best candidate for study, IMO.
Es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal: opt-out local scoping

2008-08-28 Thread P T Withington
On 2008-08-28, at 07:52EDT, Dave Herman wrote:

 Lexical scope is in the air.  :)  Please take a look at the lexical
 scope proposal on the wiki and offer any comments or suggestions:

 Essentially, the above is a less radical proposal that simply uses the
 lexical scope that's already there in JavaScript, but as you suggest
 enforces it with a pragma. The result is a language where free
 variables, both in assignments and references, are a statically
 detectable error, but with otherwise essentially the same semantics  
 JavaScript already has.

I like this, but wouldn't you want to provide escapes, like reformed  
with and/or a way to declare an individual reference to be free?
Es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal: opt-out local scoping

2008-08-28 Thread P T Withington
On 2008-08-28, at 09:09EDT, Dave Herman wrote:

 As for free references, what can you do with a free variable? If you  
 mean you want a way to look something up in the global object, then  
 use `' or `this[expr]' (or `let global = this' followed by[expr]).

 It might be nice to have a standard library (called `global' or  
 something) that's bound to the global object so you can have a less  
 fragile binding to the global object than `this'.

Exactly.  I think it would be worthwhile to have a standard way to  
refer to the global object.
Es-discuss mailing list