[FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

2011-08-14 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall  wrote:
> > >
> > You don't care how deep the replies have become.   I will tell you this,
> > Ravi.   Go the thither and commit fornication upon thyself.  That applies to
> > Rory and RC as well.
> * * Tom, many thanks; your kind and loving wish has already become my command.
> As it turns out, my greatest bliss in life erupts from and through the sacred 
> act of loving myself, curving back upon myself again and again, as our love 
> enlightens and thrills every particle of myself into showers of ecstasy to 
> nourish and rejuvenate our entire creation ... in truth, self-love is the 
> ultimate re-creation.

Rory, you and Curtis ought to get together with Tom for a circle jerk. Let the 
hard feelings between you come to a peaceful conclusion before all this talk of 
erotic ball tickling and erupting showers gets out of hand. I'd hate to see 
Alex have to mop up after you guys.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

2011-08-14 Thread RoryGoff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall  wrote:

> >
> You don't care how deep the replies have become.   I will tell you this,
> Ravi.   Go the thither and commit fornication upon thyself.  That applies to
> Rory and RC as well.

* * Tom, many thanks; your kind and loving wish has already become my command.

As it turns out, my greatest bliss in life erupts from and through the sacred 
act of loving myself, curving back upon myself again and again, as our love 
enlightens and thrills every particle of myself into showers of ecstasy to 
nourish and rejuvenate our entire creation ... in truth, self-love is the 
ultimate re-creation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

2011-08-14 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall  wrote:


Funny you should mention that because every time I have done just that,it works 
out really well!  Seriously, who else knows about that ball tickling thing I do 
before the clouds and the rain?  You can teach a chick, but 5 times out of 10 
she will forget. But when they get it right whooh. That is a party.

So if you are try'n to diss a critter, I would suggest telling them to NOT 
fornicate upon themselves, cuz, seriously, from my experience (vast) this is 
one of the best ways one can find to get exactly what one needs.  You are 
basically cursing them to get way better satisfaction then they will find 
from 90% of the chicks out there.  I mean who else knows that if I put a strong 
(fist shaped) magnet near my prostate, I can cause a chain reaction that causes 
a Mt. Vesuvius eruption?  No one but anyone reading this forum. Just say'n...   

> On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 9:21 PM, Ravi Yogi  wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hey Tom - you don't even seem to realize that you are replying to Bob and
> > not Mark. Time to wake-up brother - no one here hates you.
> >
> > Let me say this - regardless of my earlier stupid messages, I love you Tom
> > and its never too late to let this hatred energy go.
> >
> >
> >
> You don't care how deep the replies have become.   I will tell you this,
> Ravi.   Go the thither and commit fornication upon thyself.  That applies to
> Rory and RC as well.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

2011-08-14 Thread seventhray1

I'm not sure where to go with this.  But if  you say Tom's name fast,
well it sounds just like a renegade Repulican candidate.  TomPall.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:
> I agree.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_HnBac5jWs
> From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@...
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2011 6:21:34 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension
> Hey Tom - you don't even seem to realize that you are replying to Bob
and not Mark. Time to wake-up brother - no one here hates you.
> Let me say this - regardless of my earlier stupid messages, I love you
Tom and its never too late to let this hatred energy go.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@ wrote:
> >
> > On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 8:56 PM, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
> >
> > > I know we've all figured out that Tom is from the Ozarks (where
else do
> > > they fantasize about being Polish) but I think its time for us to
> > > acknowledge what we've known for a long time-Tom is Tina, and let
her know
> > > there is help out there to escape this abusive relationship she
> > > trapped in. Tina you have to face the reality that many before you
> > > faced-he's not going to change no matter how many times he
promises. You are
> > > not his punching bag no matter how much you feel you deserve it.
Now I'm not
> > > recommending you get a gun, although heaven knows you would be
> > > Its time to put down that "Big N' Tasty with Cheese and that
remote control
> > > and pack your bags.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > And so in your final, ( I doubt it! ) histrionic moment, you have to
> > the great state of Arkansas, home of a very successful president of
> > united states, Bill Clinton.  You are an embodiment of hate
> > self-righteousness.  Which hate and self-righteousness gets
you designated
> > by the Cosmos as a looser a hate ,monger.  You came on FFL
to fulfill your
> > agenda,. and you have succeeded.  You wanted even more
punishment by God for
> > your sins, you begged for it and you've gotten it.  It will
flollow to you
> > through the ages.
> >
> > May  God bless you, despite your hatefulness, your feeling
of entitlement,
> > your lashing out at those who would have offered you help.  
May you, like
> > Maharishi, rest in pieces.
> >
> Â

[FairfieldLife] Re: Democratic Base Solidly Behind Obama

2011-08-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> ;...]
> > It would also be interesting
> > to see whether the results would change, especially among 
> > independents, if the candidates for the Republican
> > nomination were more credible, as they were in 1994 (Dole,
> > Buchanan, Forbes, et al.).
> Buchanan is/was a credible candidate? 

Relatively speaking, yes, he was. He won the New Hampshire
primary, if you'll recall. Dole ultimately won the nomination
overwhelmingly at the convention, 59% to Buchanan's 21%, but
early in the primary campaign Buchanan was considered a
significant threat to Dole.

As loathesome as his political positions are, he's a very
smart guy in comparison to what the Republicans have to
choose from this time around.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

2011-08-14 Thread Denise Evans
You are welcome (I think)...I have to go find my dictionary - (this happens all 
the time on this forum).  My vocabulary should be improving any day now.   I'll 
email you when I'm on the road to somewhere.  Best of luck.  Denise. 

--- On Sun, 8/14/11, Mark Landau  wrote:

From: Mark Landau 
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, August 14, 2011, 2:45 PM



  Thank you, dear Denise, I'll never forget you, your perspicacity and your 
open hearted, good Samaritan (in the best sense) generosity.Love back at ya,  
(You're fuckin' awesome.)m
On Aug 13, 2011, at 9:50 PM, Denise Evans wrote:


Ditto for much of this, Mark.  
Also, as an aside, my 18 year-old daughter just read "Who Moved My Cheese".  I 
just pulled it off her bedside and will read it as well now.  I get a lot off 
of this forum that helps me.
The "questionnaire" you answered was fascinating btw.  
Love to you...

--- On Sat, 8/13/11, curtisdeltablues  wrote:

From: curtisdeltablues 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, August 13, 2011, 6:30 PM



One of the nicest things about FFL is that you can post for a while and then 
drop out when you feel like it.  When you return there is a Cheers quality to 
it even from people who post in an antagonistic style.  A familiar comfort 
there.  Bit of a home-for-misfit-toys to the place that is endearing.

You have served up some great stuff here for us Mark, I have enjoyed your 
participation here.  I understand the need to unhook and unsubscribe, but my 
way is to just drop out for a while and then come back when it suits my writing 
needs.  You may need more of a dramatic break and I can understand that.

Maharishi's sandals!  Damn if that is not a metaphor for the vortex 
intersection of the worlds we live in man.  I feel privileged to even know the 
perspective that they are special, even having rejected it as romantic fantasy. 
(Not that there is anything wrong with that. Well maybe a little...)  

And finding yourself at economic crossroads has my profound attention and 
compassion.  In my world, that is the only thing that shakes me. Well death of 
a relative or friend does it too.  Oh yeah, and anything medical that arises 
that involves my nutsack.  (Theoretically speaking of course, I hope I have 
made the vital nature of said nutsack abundantly clear, not for the male 
members, not that there is anything wrong with that, but for the nubile women 
among us.)  Anyhoo I feel your pain and hope you get your economic shit 
together cuz you seem like you will enjoy your life just fine if you do.  I 
can't recommend "Who Moved My Cheese" enough as a way to look at economic 
survival and the proper mental approach to succeed. 

Finally, since you took an opportunity to man the bully pulpit yourself, I 
can't resist a bit of sermonizing myself.

Skeptics are not the problem.  We are an important part of the solution.  And 
we are all skeptics and believers both at heart.  If you and I decide that 
strapping on a bomb and walking toward a bunch of infidels before detonation is 
a bad, bad idea, we are expressing skepticism of a deeply held belief of people 
who we have decided are misguided.  They are collaging together a reverence to 
an outdated scripture and an interpretation of its poetic intentions filtered 
through humans who have an over-abundance of surety.  It is not too far out on 
a limb to say that I am skeptical that you are in a position to know what is 
going on in the future of mankind from whatever source you are claiming it.  
But I hope that your association with me has at least let the idea flicker 
across your mind that our surety with its accompanying assumptions about 
reality is one of the big problems in our world today. Even as we face complex 
problems that will require the best
 scientific thinking we can muster.

But through it all you are a charming delightful guy and I wish you the best.  
Thanks for really showing up here, for real real! You are an authentic 
interesting voice in the wilderness, across the Internet, if not across the 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau  wrote:


> Hi all,

> Sometime tomorrow, I will unsubscribe, so I won't be receiving any more posts 
> after that (I'm hoping all I need do is email 
> fairfieldlife-unsubscr...@yahoogroups.com and it soon thereafter happens).  
> I'll probably wait till the evening in case anyone has anymore they wish to 
> say to me.  If any of you ever wish to reach out to me, besides, of course, 
> for purely dissing purposes, please feel free to email me directly.  I 
> shouldn't be hard to find if you wish to do so.

> I wanted to thank all of you for everything.  It's been really... well, all 
> kinds 

[FairfieldLife] Re: iPhones cheaper to support, Android the worst

2011-08-14 Thread Ravi Yogi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi"  wrote:
> "Tell me, what was it about Obama that you found so objectionable the
> day he was elected?  But since it was that day you felt so disgusted,
> please limit your comments to that time?">
> Oops I didn't explain it properly. I WAS waiting for Obama to win and
> for the so-called Rethuglican rule to end since 2000. I walked out of
> hoe
Oops..:-), I meant "house".
> and I was in a hotel by myself, when it finally came it was so
> anti-climactic because Obama won it so easily. I had walked out of my
> year old marriage and I was left with an empty feeling, all I had left
> was my own pain and suffering to deal with - there was no escape - it
> was suffocating and brutal. It was very symbolic of the outer and
> I talk about - I realize now that the amount of energy I invested in
> politics, commondreams.org, Huffpost was all a projection of my
> suffering. And people are who they are, any interpretation of any
> quality, good and evil was entirely mine and to paraphrase Robin,
> reflect reality.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" steve.sundur@
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi" raviyogi@ wrote:
> >
> > > Seriously my tongue's tied when it comes to saying anything smart
> > you
> > > and Steve :-), but Republicans looked pretty evil to me till the
> > > Obama got elected - which was the day I finally found the courage
> > > walk out of my marriage. I ended two painful stories at one shot
> > >
> > I am not so very much against Repulicans.  It's just that particular
> > version of which I am skeptical. (referring to my previous comment).
> >
> > I am not even very much against using military force.  It's just
> > it in a way that expends huge amounts of treasure and cost in human
> life
> > for little or no gain that I am against.
> >
> > It was a Protestant Rebublican together with the most respected US
> > general who said that to invade Bahgdad and take down the government
> > would be an unmitigated diaster.  It was a right wing Christian
> > president, who along with his vice president determined that they
> > better and lead us into that diaster.
> >
> > I just happen to big a big believer in the seperation of church and
> > state.  If I am not mistaken it was Thomas Jefferson who was the
> > strongest proponet of this article.  Tell me, what was it about
> > that you found so objectionable the day he was elected?  But since
> > was that day you felt so disgusted, please limit your comments to
> > time?
> >
> > I look at Rick Perry, I look at Sarah Palin, I look at Mike
> > (yes, I know he's not running), and I don't like what I see.  And  I
> > can't really take seriously their economic message.  I am not sure
> > much any president has over the economy.   Is a president going to
> stop
> > the flow of jobs overseas?  Isn't that the main cause of the
> > problems for the last 40 years?
> >
> > Was it here that I read that one of the sponsors of Rick Perry's big
> pow
> > wow last week in Texas was an organization that advocates the
> or
> > destruction of the Statue of Liberty because it was given to us by
> > members of the French Masons.  Maybe you go along with this type of
> > thinking.  I don't care for it.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

2011-08-14 Thread Ravi Yogi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall  wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 9:21 PM, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hey Tom - you don't even seem to realize that you are replying to
Bob and
> > not Mark. Time to wake-up brother - no one here hates you.
> >
> > Let me say this - regardless of my earlier stupid messages, I love
you Tom
> > and its never too late to let this hatred energy go.
> >
> >
> >
> You don't care how deep the replies have become.   I will tell you
> Ravi.   Go the thither and commit fornication upon thyself.  That
applies to
> Rory and RC as well.

No I will not - thank you. I can't but love and  it doesn't really
require your participation or approval.

[FairfieldLife] Re: iPhones cheaper to support, Android the worst

2011-08-14 Thread Ravi Yogi
"Tell me, what was it about Obama that you found so objectionable the
day he was elected?  But since it was that day you felt so disgusted,
please limit your comments to that time?"
Oops I didn't explain it properly. I WAS waiting for Obama to win and
for the so-called Rethuglican rule to end since 2000. I walked out of my
hoe and I was in a hotel by myself, when it finally came it was so
anti-climactic because Obama won it so easily. I had walked out of my 13
year old marriage and I was left with an empty feeling, all I had left
was my own pain and suffering to deal with - there was no escape - it
was suffocating and brutal. It was very symbolic of the outer and inner
I talk about - I realize now that the amount of energy I invested in
politics, commondreams.org, Huffpost was all a projection of my
suffering. And people are who they are, any interpretation of any
quality, good and evil was entirely mine and to paraphrase Robin, didn't
reflect reality.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi" raviyogi@ wrote:
> > Seriously my tongue's tied when it comes to saying anything smart to
> you
> > and Steve :-), but Republicans looked pretty evil to me till the day
> > Obama got elected - which was the day I finally found the courage to
> > walk out of my marriage. I ended two painful stories at one shot :-)
> >
> I am not so very much against Repulicans.  It's just that particular
> version of which I am skeptical. (referring to my previous comment).
> I am not even very much against using military force.  It's just using
> it in a way that expends huge amounts of treasure and cost in human
> for little or no gain that I am against.
> It was a Protestant Rebublican together with the most respected US
> general who said that to invade Bahgdad and take down the government
> would be an unmitigated diaster.  It was a right wing Christian
> president, who along with his vice president determined that they knew
> better and lead us into that diaster.
> I just happen to big a big believer in the seperation of church and
> state.  If I am not mistaken it was Thomas Jefferson who was the
> strongest proponet of this article.  Tell me, what was it about Obama
> that you found so objectionable the day he was elected?  But since it
> was that day you felt so disgusted, please limit your comments to that
> time?
> I look at Rick Perry, I look at Sarah Palin, I look at Mike Huckabee,
> (yes, I know he's not running), and I don't like what I see.  And  I
> can't really take seriously their economic message.  I am not sure how
> much any president has over the economy.   Is a president going to
> the flow of jobs overseas?  Isn't that the main cause of the economic
> problems for the last 40 years?
> Was it here that I read that one of the sponsors of Rick Perry's big
> wow last week in Texas was an organization that advocates the removal
> destruction of the Statue of Liberty because it was given to us by
> members of the French Masons.  Maybe you go along with this type of
> thinking.  I don't care for it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] TM: The Lost Years

2011-08-14 Thread Denise Evans
Great chorus.  Believe you methis applies to more than a recovering TM 
groupie...time to get back to the middle class and start paying some taxes

--- On Sun, 8/14/11, Vaj  wrote:

From: Vaj 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] TM: The Lost Years
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, August 14, 2011, 3:45 PM



  Listening to Mark's and many, many other recovering TM (and other 
"spiritual") groupies stories, I find this unreleased song by David Wilcox 
especially apropos. It's called "The Lost Years". It's a kind of thing many of 
us have gone through. David calls it a "Rip Van Winkle" and the "Prozac 
tunnel", that is a huge chunk of your life that was lost in some other endeavor 
- a dream - and the depressing reality surrounding trying to deal with getting 
back into the consensus realm - if you're able to even make that seque.

Source: live soundboard recording, in public domain, of David Wilcox, playing 
solo in Tryon, NC 12/28/96:





[FairfieldLife] Re: Democratic Base Solidly Behind Obama

2011-08-14 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
It would also be interesting
> to see whether the results would change , especially among independents, if 
> the candidates for the Republican
> nomination were more credible, as they were in 1994 (Dole,
> Buchanan, Forbes, et al.).

Buchanan is/was a credible candidate? 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

2011-08-14 Thread Tom Pall
On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 9:21 PM, Ravi Yogi  wrote:

> Hey Tom - you don't even seem to realize that you are replying to Bob and
> not Mark. Time to wake-up brother - no one here hates you.
> Let me say this - regardless of my earlier stupid messages, I love you Tom
> and its never too late to let this hatred energy go.
You don't care how deep the replies have become.   I will tell you this,
Ravi.   Go the thither and commit fornication upon thyself.  That applies to
Rory and RC as well.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

2011-08-14 Thread Bob Price
I agree.


From: Ravi Yogi 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2011 6:21:34 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

Hey Tom - you don't even seem to realize that you are replying to Bob and not 
Mark. Time to wake-up brother - no one here hates you.

Let me say this - regardless of my earlier stupid messages, I love you Tom and 
its never too late to let this hatred energy go.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall  wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 8:56 PM, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:
> > I know we've all figured out that Tom is from the Ozarks (where else do
> > they fantasize about being Polish) but I think its time for us to
> > acknowledge what we've known for a long time-Tom is Tina, and let her know
> > there is help out there to escape this abusive relationship she feels
> > trapped in. Tina you have to face the reality that many before you have
> > faced-he's not going to change no matter how many times he promises. You are
> > not his punching bag no matter how much you feel you deserve it. Now I'm not
> > recommending you get a gun, although heaven knows you would be "justified".
> > Its time to put down that "Big N' Tasty with Cheese and that remote control
> > and pack your bags.
> >
> >
> >
> And so in your final, ( I doubt it! ) histrionic moment, you have to defile
> the great state of Arkansas, home of a very successful president of the
> united states, Bill Clinton.  You are an embodiment of hate and
> self-righteousness.  Which hate and self-righteousness gets you designated
> by the Cosmos as a looser a hate ,monger.  You came on FFL to fulfill your
> agenda,. and you have succeeded.  You wanted even more punishment by God for
> your sins, you begged for it and you've gotten it.  It will flollow to you
> through the ages.
> May  God bless you, despite your hatefulness, your feeling of entitlement,
> your lashing out at those who would have offered you help.   May you, like
> Maharishi, rest in pieces.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

2011-08-14 Thread Ravi Yogi
Hey Tom - you don't even seem to realize that you are replying to Bob
and not Mark. Time to wake-up brother - no one here hates you.
Let me say this - regardless of my earlier stupid messages, I love you
Tom and its never too late to let this hatred energy go.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall  wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 8:56 PM, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:
> > I know we've all figured out that Tom is from the Ozarks (where else
> > they fantasize about being Polish) but I think its time for us to
> > acknowledge what we've known for a long time-Tom is Tina, and let
her know
> > there is help out there to escape this abusive relationship she
> > trapped in. Tina you have to face the reality that many before you
> > faced-he's not going to change no matter how many times he promises.
You are
> > not his punching bag no matter how much you feel you deserve it. Now
I'm not
> > recommending you get a gun, although heaven knows you would be
> > Its time to put down that "Big N' Tasty with Cheese and that remote
> > and pack your bags.
> >
> >
> >
> And so in your final, ( I doubt it! ) histrionic moment, you have to
> the great state of Arkansas, home of a very successful president of
> united states, Bill Clinton.  You are an embodiment of hate and
> self-righteousness.  Which hate and self-righteousness gets you
> by the Cosmos as a looser a hate ,monger.  You came on FFL to fulfill
> agenda,. and you have succeeded.  You wanted even more punishment by
God for
> your sins, you begged for it and you've gotten it.  It will flollow to
> through the ages.
> May  God bless you, despite your hatefulness, your feeling of
> your lashing out at those who would have offered you help.   May you,
> Maharishi, rest in pieces.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

2011-08-14 Thread Bob Price

Was it something I said?


From: Tom Pall 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2011 6:12:23 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension


On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 8:56 PM, Bob Price  wrote:

I know we've all figured out that Tom is from the Ozarks (where else do they 
fantasize about being Polish) but I think its time for us to acknowledge what 
we've known for a long time-Tom is Tina, and let her know there is help out 
there to escape this abusive relationship she feels trapped in. Tina you have 
to face the reality that many before you have faced-he's not going to change no 
matter how many times he promises. You are not his punching bag no matter how 
much you feel you deserve it. Now I'm not recommending you get a gun, although 
heaven knows you would be "justified". Its time to put down that "Big N' Tasty 
with Cheese and that remote control and pack your bags.

And so in your final, ( I doubt it! ) histrionic moment, you have to defile the 
great state of Arkansas, home of a very successful president of the united 
states, Bill Clinton.  You are an embodiment of hate and self-righteousness.  
Which hate and self-righteousness gets you designated by the Cosmos as a looser 
a hate ,monger.  You came on FFL to fulfill your agenda,. and you have 
succeeded.  You wanted even more punishment by God for your sins, you begged 
for it and you've gotten it.  It will flollow to you through the ages.   

May  God bless you, despite your hatefulness, your feeling of entitlement, your 
lashing out at those who would have offered you help.   May you, like 
Maharishi, rest in pieces.  


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

2011-08-14 Thread Tom Pall
On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 8:56 PM, Bob Price  wrote:

> I know we've all figured out that Tom is from the Ozarks (where else do
> they fantasize about being Polish) but I think its time for us to
> acknowledge what we've known for a long time-Tom is Tina, and let her know
> there is help out there to escape this abusive relationship she feels
> trapped in. Tina you have to face the reality that many before you have
> faced-he's not going to change no matter how many times he promises. You are
> not his punching bag no matter how much you feel you deserve it. Now I'm not
> recommending you get a gun, although heaven knows you would be "justified".
> Its time to put down that "Big N' Tasty with Cheese and that remote control
> and pack your bags.

And so in your final, ( I doubt it! ) histrionic moment, you have to defile
the great state of Arkansas, home of a very successful president of the
united states, Bill Clinton.  You are an embodiment of hate and
self-righteousness.  Which hate and self-righteousness gets you designated
by the Cosmos as a looser a hate ,monger.  You came on FFL to fulfill your
agenda,. and you have succeeded.  You wanted even more punishment by God for
your sins, you begged for it and you've gotten it.  It will flollow to you
through the ages.

May  God bless you, despite your hatefulness, your feeling of entitlement,
your lashing out at those who would have offered you help.   May you, like
Maharishi, rest in pieces.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Democratic Base Solidly Behind Obama

2011-08-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> A new CNN/Opinion Research poll finds President Obama's base is behind him 
> with 70% of Democrats saying they'd like to see Obama as their party's 
> presidential nominee next year.
> Notes pollster Keating Holland: "In 1994, only 57% of Democrats wanted the 
> party to renominate Bill Clinton, and he went on to win the nomination and a 
> second term two years later." 
> Linked here:
> http://politicalwire.com/archives/2011/08/14/democratic_base_solidly_behind_obama.html

This is from the CNN article Political Wire references:

"Seven in 10 Democrats say they'd like to see Obama as their party's 
presidential nominee next year.

"That figure may seem promising, but support for Obama's re-nomination has 
fallen 11 percentage points since June. 

"Despite the decline, history is on Obama's side. 'In 1994, only 57% of 
Democrats wanted the party to renominate Bill Clinton, and he went on to win 
the nomination and a second term two years later,' said CNN Polling Director 
Keating Holland.

"Without a prominent primary challenger, Obama's bid for re-election seems to 
be safe for now. But of those losing faith, the poll reveals that moderate 
Democrats are more likely than liberals to say the party should nominate 
someone else and younger Democrats are more likely to favor a new nominee than 
those who are older."

No wonder the do.rk quoted Political Wire's blurb rather
than the actual article.

It would be interesting to see how the results would 
change were there a credible Democratic candidate for the
nomination to oppose Obama. It would also be interesting
to see whether the results would change , especially among independents, if the 
candidates for the Republican
nomination were more credible, as they were in 1994 (Dole,
Buchanan, Forbes, et al.).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Dreaming about Warren Beatty

2011-08-14 Thread Bob Price
Sorry about that Obbajeeba, it was the dyslexia kicking in.

From: obbajeeba 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2011 5:55:13 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Dreaming about Warren Beatty

Obbajeeba with an "a," please. : ) Thank you very much.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:
> As always Obbjeeba, many thanks. The only thing priceless in my universe is a 
> dependable customer. 
> Scene 2 of series two is coming soon.
> From: obbajeeba 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2011 1:54:56 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Dreaming about Warren Beatty
> Extraordinarily priceless. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:
> >
> > Last night I dreamt I visited Warren Beatty at his office in Los Angeles.
> > 
> > I seemed to be there to discuss what he was currently working on,
> > its been a while since he released a new project, as well as one of
> > my story ideas. Unfortunately, I can't remember either of the story
> > ideas although I'm not sure that was the take away my sub conscious 
> > intended for me. I also  passed his wife, Annette Benning, in the office 
> > hallway- she seemed a bit irritated with me. I also noticed Warren
> > is served his meals alone at a large antique dining table.
> > 
> > So I'm wondering what dreaming of celebrities indicates? I seem to remember
> > C.G. Jung saying it indicates a kind of mental instability but I'm not sure 
> > about that.
> > I'm also wondering if all this talk of celebrity mediators was the catalyst 
> > for the dream?
> > 
> > I also found this first link that I thought was interesting. Then I found 
> > the second
> > link that I suspect Curtis posted for me to find.
> > 
> > http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art29218.asp
> > 
> > 
> > http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060710143018AAOCGlS
> > 
> > I also ended up on Shirley Maclaines web site (I love Shirley) where I 
> > watched this youtube clip about Dennis Kucinich and UFO's.
> > 
> > http://www.shirleymaclaine.com/articles/about/article-537
> > 
> > To sum it all up I shared my dream with the wife over breakfast and 
> > although she does not
> > dream about famous people she did say she counts celebrities at night to 
> > put herself to sleep.
> >


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

2011-08-14 Thread Bob Price
I know we've all figured out that Tom is from the Ozarks (where else do they 
fantasize about being Polish) but I think its time for us to acknowledge what 
we've known for a long time-Tom is Tina, and let her know there is help out 
there to escape this abusive relationship she feels trapped in. Tina you have 
to face the reality that many before you have faced-he's not going to change no 
matter how many times he promises. You are not his punching bag no matter how 
much you feel you deserve it. Now I'm not recommending you get a gun, although 
heaven knows you would be "justified". Its time to put down that "Big N' Tasty 
with Cheese and that remote control and pack your bags.


From: Tom Pall 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2011 4:36:58 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

Mark,  if you had been less of an Arschloch, I would have added you to my many 
thousands of dollars a month yagya group with Ben Collins and even the secret 
FF yagya group.  I would have gladly sent you at least a thousand dollars to 
help you along.   But you chose to be an Arshloch, begging, pleading and 
kowtowing to the most phoney people in this forum.

So I bid you good bye, good journey.  My wish for you is that God bless you.   
And keep you.   Far away from me.  You join the many other moochers I know on 
Invincible America and before that the WATTSline solicitors of Purusha.   


[FairfieldLife] Re: Dreaming about Warren Beatty

2011-08-14 Thread obbajeeba
Obbajeeba with an "a," please. : ) Thank you very much.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:
> As always Obbjeeba, many thanks. The only thing priceless in my universe is a 
> dependable customer. 
> Scene 2 of series two is coming soon.
> From: obbajeeba 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2011 1:54:56 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Dreaming about Warren Beatty
> Extraordinarily priceless. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:
> >
> > Last night I dreamt I visited Warren Beatty at his office in Los Angeles.
> > 
> > I seemed to be there to discuss what he was currently working on,
> > its been a while since he released a new project, as well as one of
> > my story ideas. Unfortunately, I can't remember either of the story
> > ideas although I'm not sure that was the take away my sub conscious 
> > intended for me. I also  passed his wife, Annette Benning, in the office 
> > hallway- she seemed a bit irritated with me. I also noticed Warren
> > is served his meals alone at a large antique dining table.
> > 
> > So I'm wondering what dreaming of celebrities indicates? I seem to remember
> > C.G. Jung saying it indicates a kind of mental instability but I'm not sure 
> > about that.
> > I'm also wondering if all this talk of celebrity mediators was the catalyst 
> > for the dream?
> > 
> > I also found this first link that I thought was interesting. Then I found 
> > the second
> > link that I suspect Curtis posted for me to find.
> > 
> > http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art29218.asp
> > 
> > 
> > http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060710143018AAOCGlS
> > 
> > I also ended up on Shirley Maclaines web site (I love Shirley) where I 
> > watched this youtube clip about Dennis Kucinich and UFO's.
> > 
> > http://www.shirleymaclaine.com/articles/about/article-537
> > 
> > To sum it all up I shared my dream with the wife over breakfast and 
> > although she does not
> > dream about famous people she did say she counts celebrities at night to 
> > put herself to sleep.
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

2011-08-14 Thread Mark Landau
Thank you, Tom, coming from you I consider this a compliment.  It's good to 
know you have at least claimed conditional generosity in your heart.  I guess, 
in some ways, none of us can really help what we are.

On Aug 14, 2011, at 5:36 PM, Tom Pall wrote:

> Mark,  if you had been less of an Arschloch, I would have added you to my 
> many thousands of dollars a month yagya group with Ben Collins and even the 
> secret FF yagya group.  I would have gladly sent you at least a thousand 
> dollars to help you along.   But you chose to be an Arshloch, begging, 
> pleading and kowtowing to the most phoney people in this forum.
> So I bid you good bye, good journey.  My wish for you is that God bless you.  
>  And keep you.   Far away from me.  You join the many other moochers I know 
> on Invincible America and before that the WATTSline solicitors of Purusha.   

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Dreaming about Warren Beatty

2011-08-14 Thread Bob Price
As always Obbjeeba, many thanks. The only thing priceless in my universe is a 
dependable customer. 

Scene 2 of series two is coming soon.

From: obbajeeba 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2011 1:54:56 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Dreaming about Warren Beatty

Extraordinarily priceless. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:
> Last night I dreamt I visited Warren Beatty at his office in Los Angeles.
> I seemed to be there to discuss what he was currently working on,
> its been a while since he released a new project, as well as one of
> my story ideas. Unfortunately, I can't remember either of the story
> ideas although I'm not sure that was the take away my sub conscious 
> intended for me. I also  passed his wife, Annette Benning, in the office 
> hallway- she seemed a bit irritated with me. I also noticed Warren
> is served his meals alone at a large antique dining table.
> So I'm wondering what dreaming of celebrities indicates? I seem to remember
> C.G. Jung saying it indicates a kind of mental instability but I'm not sure 
> about that.
> I'm also wondering if all this talk of celebrity mediators was the catalyst 
> for the dream?
> I also found this first link that I thought was interesting. Then I found the 
> second
> link that I suspect Curtis posted for me to find.
> http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art29218.asp
> http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060710143018AAOCGlS
> I also ended up on Shirley Maclaines web site (I love Shirley) where I 
> watched this youtube clip about Dennis Kucinich and UFO's.
> http://www.shirleymaclaine.com/articles/about/article-537
> To sum it all up I shared my dream with the wife over breakfast and although 
> she does not
> dream about famous people she did say she counts celebrities at night to put 
> herself to sleep.


[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2011-08-14 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Aug 13 00:00:00 2011
End Date (UTC): Sat Aug 20 00:00:00 2011
249 messages as of (UTC) Mon Aug 15 00:10:18 2011

28 authfriend 
27 Denise Evans 
24 Yifu 
24 Tom Pall 
18 seventhray1 
15 curtisdeltablues 
12 Bhairitu 
10 whynotnow7 
10 Ravi Yogi 
 9 turquoiseb 
 8 Vaj 
 8 Buck 
 6 richardwillytexwilliams 
 6 cardemaister 
 6 Bob Price 
 5 obbajeeba 
 5 Mark Landau 
 4 emptybill 
 4 wle...@aol.com
 3 sparaig 
 3 Alex Stanley 
 3 "do.rflex" 
 2 raunchydog 
 2 merlin 
 1 nablusoss1008 
 1 Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
 1 Seraphita 
 1 Robert 
 1 Rick Archer 
 1 Mike Dixon 
 1 John 

Posters: 31
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Straw Poll

2011-08-14 Thread emptybill
You're so tame and lame, you must have sold out.
How much did they have to pay you to water down
your political rhetoric?

You should emulate the Bavarian Soviet Republic
of 1919 who finally grabbed the evil capitalists and
executed them. They instituted "we are all comrades"
and were only ousted by a bunch of bloated right-wing
lackeys of greedy Industrialists.

Take it all over and "eliminate" the evil doers or s.t.f.u
and quit complaining because you're so impotent.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:

> Busting up the corporations would help.  That would create a lot of
> jobs because when companies go into "acquisition mode" they fire
> in duplicate positions (positions no longer needed because they
> have people doing that at "headquarters.").  Those jobs come back.
> The public can tell the establishment they want someone like Ron Paul,
> who except for the dated Austrian economics flaw has some good ideas,
> but the establishment will never let them have him.

[FairfieldLife] TM: from bliss to hypomanic addiction

2011-08-14 Thread Vaj
The TMer eventually leaves the bliss dome, only to succumb to the sweet voice 
of addiction, hypomanic self realization, the eye of a different hurricane:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Dreaming about Warren Beatty

2011-08-14 Thread Bob Price
One of the many things I love about Christians (and Warren for that matter) is 
that you don't have to remind them to incorporate. 

From: curtisdeltablues 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2011 2:44:10 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Dreaming about Warren Beatty

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:
> Last night I dreamt I visited Warren Beatty at his office in Los Angeles.

Any dream with Warren Beatty in if means you require the services of this man: 

I hope that helps and that you can heal yourself from this block in your 
relationship to Christ.

> I seemed to be there to discuss what he was currently working on,
> its been a while since he released a new project, as well as one of
> my story ideas. Unfortunately, I can't remember either of the story
> ideas although I'm not sure that was the take away my sub conscious 
> intended for me. I also  passed his wife, Annette Benning, in the office 
> hallway- she seemed a bit irritated with me. I also noticed Warren
> is served his meals alone at a large antique dining table.
> So I'm wondering what dreaming of celebrities indicates? I seem to remember
> C.G. Jung saying it indicates a kind of mental instability but I'm not sure 
> about that.
> I'm also wondering if all this talk of celebrity mediators was the catalyst 
> for the dream?
> I also found this first link that I thought was interesting. Then I found the 
> second
> link that I suspect Curtis posted for me to find.
> http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art29218.asp
> http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060710143018AAOCGlS
> I also ended up on Shirley Maclaines web site (I love Shirley) where I 
> watched this youtube clip about Dennis Kucinich and UFO's.
> http://www.shirleymaclaine.com/articles/about/article-537
> To sum it all up I shared my dream with the wife over breakfast and although 
> she does not
> dream about famous people she did say she counts celebrities at night to put 
> herself to sleep.


[FairfieldLife] TM: the Young Man Dies

2011-08-14 Thread Vaj
That Young Man in the previous post realizes, on reflection how s/he "died":

Same source, live soundboard recording, in public domain, of David Wilcox, 
playing solo in Tryon, NC 12/28/96:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

2011-08-14 Thread Tom Pall
Mark,  if you had been less of an Arschloch, I would have added you to my
many thousands of dollars a month yagya group with Ben Collins and even the
secret FF yagya group.  I would have gladly sent you at least a thousand
dollars to help you along.   But you chose to be an Arshloch, begging,
pleading and kowtowing to the most phoney people in this forum.

So I bid you good bye, good journey.  My wish for you is that God bless
you.   And keep you.   Far away from me.  You join the many other moochers I
know on Invincible America and before that the WATTSline solicitors of

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: George Carlin on our Similarities

2011-08-14 Thread Tom Pall
On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 6:37 PM, seventhray1 wrote:

> Tom,  your Fairfield stories are always the best.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: George Carlin on our Similarities

2011-08-14 Thread Tom Pall
On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 6:37 PM, seventhray1 wrote:

> Tom,  your Fairfield stories are always the best.
Too bad I am sworn to secrecy about the alternate TMO and my invite into it
on a gold and jewel bedecked silver platter.   Sometime in the future it
might become common knowledge.  All I can share now is how exciting it is to
be honored like this by people I think a great deal of, despite their vast
fortunes.   How many Fairfields are there?   I thought I had slummed through
them all but little did I know that there's another part of Jefferson
County, 180 degrees away from the cat houses (I kid you not), the whores,
the pyramid schemers, the wannbe "life coaches", the men who speak overly
loud in the tasteless Chinese and Indian buffets about monetizing, the
'realities' the Stanleys, the many strata of townies, the Rajas and the
Archers have created for themselves.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Straw Poll

2011-08-14 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> > I hung out with a couple of guys from the Democratic Party
> > that I've known for many years who are political news junkies.
> > We talked local and party politics most of the day and really
> > enjoyed each other's company. They voted for Ron Paul because
> > they didn't want the crazy lady Michelle Bachmann to win,
> > which she did, of course.
> Just out of curiosity, why did they not want Bachmann to win?
> Only reason I can think of is that they hate Obama so much
> they wanted the Republican who has the best chance of beating
> him to win. Was that it? Or what am I missing?
> BTW, I'm intrigued by the fact that three different people
> here were so taken by your voice--speaking maybe 10-15 words
> in two very brief chunks--in that video interview that they
> made a point of mentioning it. I'm not sure what that means,
> but it's kind of striking.

These guys are staunch Democrats. They voted for Obama in the last election and 
will probably vote for him again. I might hold my nose and vote for him as 
well. Don't know. Will Cynthia McKinney run again? I'd vote for her in a 
heartbeat. She's currently getting flack in the media for visiting Libya and 
Iran and "bashing" America. Obama's presidency is such a disappointment, IMO 
Hillary could beat him in a primary. One can hope. 

Ron Paul is not the establishment candidate. They will not let him win the 
presidency just as "they" didn't let Hillary win. Here's the clue. Paul placed 
a very close second(on an optically scanned ballot, by the way.) Bachmann 
received 28 percent of nearly 17,000 votes and Paul had 27 percent. In the 
meantime, the media was all about dumb as a box of rocks, Perry 24/7 who wasn't 
even on the ballot. New rule: Vote for the candidate the media is doing its 
best to ignore. I'm just guessing but that might be the reasoning behind my 
friends voting for Paul.

Between Michelle Bachmann's win and smarmy, good looking Perry's, 
disproportionate media attention, they sucked all the air out of Paul's 2nd 
place. There you have it, folks: The 2012 Republican ticket! 

Paul has tremendous grassroots support. Hell, I'd vote for him myself if he 
wasn't a damn Libertarian. The Straw Poll is a test of a candidates 
organizational strength. Paul had the biggest tent, tons of supporters and lots 
of cash. He lost by a mere 157 votes, enough for a paper ballot hand recount in 
any normal election. "It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people 
who count the votes." (Josef Stalin)

Thanks for the compliments on my speaking voice. I don't know what it means 
that people liked hearing that little bit of it. Now I'm shy. Maybe I'll never 
speak again, so as not to disappoint :-)

[FairfieldLife] My dinners in Tijuana

2011-08-14 Thread Tom Pall
I sat down in this very nice restaurant in Tijuana in what happened to be
bullfighting season.I smelled this wonderful dish of what looked like
oysters at the next table and I told the waiter to bring me a plate.
"Senior, I am sorry, but there are no more of these oysters left.  You see,
the bullfights are on right now and when the bull loses, we get the, how you
say, 'Huevos' but there is only so much.  But I assure you, Senior, if you
call us up very early tomorrow morning, you can reserve a plate of those
'mountain oysters' for yourself and they'll be waiting for you, just for
you, for us to cook up for you at dinner tomorrow."  I got the business card
of the restaurant and bright and early the next day I phoned up the
restaurant and reserved the mountain oysters for myself and my party that
night.  When my party and I came into the restaurant that evening, the
waiter recognized me, escorted us to our table, offered us drinks and
appetizers and promised the 'mountain oysters' were all ready waiting to be
cooked up for us.   The waiter soon served the 'mountain oysters' to us all
around then left.  He came back about 15 minutes later to check on us.  I
asked him why the oysters were so much smaller tonight than the ones I saw
the night before.  "Sometimes the bull wins, Senior."

[FairfieldLife] Re: iPhones cheaper to support, Android the worst

2011-08-14 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" 
> I look at Rick Perry, I look at Sarah Palin, I look at Mike Huckabee,
> (yes, I know he's not running), and I don't like what I see.

Oh yea, forgot someone didn't I.  Michele.

[FairfieldLife] TM: The Lost Years

2011-08-14 Thread Vaj
Listening to Mark's and many, many other recovering TM (and other "spiritual") 
groupies stories, I find this unreleased song by David Wilcox especially 
apropos. It's called "The Lost Years". It's a kind of thing many of us have 
gone through. David calls it a "Rip Van Winkle" and the "Prozac tunnel", that 
is a huge chunk of your life that was lost in some other endeavor - a dream - 
and the depressing reality surrounding trying to deal with getting back into 
the consensus realm - if you're able to even make that seque.

Source: live soundboard recording, in public domain, of David Wilcox, playing 
solo in Tryon, NC 12/28/96:


[FairfieldLife] Re: George Carlin on our Similarities

2011-08-14 Thread seventhray1

Tom,  your Fairfield stories are always the best.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall  wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Denise Evans dmevans365@... wrote:
> > The first few minutes of this are so good - difference between
classes in
> > this country. Peace Out.
> >
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgps85scy1g
> >
> >
> I know the forgetfulness thing all too well and I've been having it
> decades. I fly halfway across the world, I drive halfway across the
> country to go to Fairfiield and when I get there I don't remember why
> came. I go into the Maharishi Patanjali Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge
> Vedic Temple and forgot why it is I came in. I spent a few hours in
> and when I leave and don't remember why I went in. I go back to my
> room and can't remember why I'm in FF or VC. I go to Georges and
> then how terrible the service and food are and how mooches watch out
for my
> car and crash my table, staring at my food until I offer to buy the
> schmucks a meal. And I don't remember why I went to Georges. I drive
> to the Des Moines River. It hasn't changed and it's just as
> quaint as it was last time I came. Yes, I remember the forgetting

[FairfieldLife] Re: iPhones cheaper to support, Android the worst

2011-08-14 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi"  wrote:

> Seriously my tongue's tied when it comes to saying anything smart to
> and Steve :-), but Republicans looked pretty evil to me till the day
> Obama got elected - which was the day I finally found the courage to
> walk out of my marriage. I ended two painful stories at one shot :-)
I am not so very much against Repulicans.  It's just that particular
version of which I am skeptical. (referring to my previous comment).

I am not even very much against using military force.  It's just using
it in a way that expends huge amounts of treasure and cost in human life
for little or no gain that I am against.

It was a Protestant Rebublican together with the most respected US
general who said that to invade Bahgdad and take down the government
would be an unmitigated diaster.  It was a right wing Christian
president, who along with his vice president determined that they knew
better and lead us into that diaster.

I just happen to big a big believer in the seperation of church and
state.  If I am not mistaken it was Thomas Jefferson who was the
strongest proponet of this article.  Tell me, what was it about Obama
that you found so objectionable the day he was elected?  But since it
was that day you felt so disgusted, please limit your comments to that

I look at Rick Perry, I look at Sarah Palin, I look at Mike Huckabee,
(yes, I know he's not running), and I don't like what I see.  And  I
can't really take seriously their economic message.  I am not sure how
much any president has over the economy.   Is a president going to stop
the flow of jobs overseas?  Isn't that the main cause of the economic
problems for the last 40 years?

Was it here that I read that one of the sponsors of Rick Perry's big pow
wow last week in Texas was an organization that advocates the removal or
destruction of the Statue of Liberty because it was given to us by
members of the French Masons.  Maybe you go along with this type of
thinking.  I don't care for it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

2011-08-14 Thread Mark Landau
Thank you, Bob, and you're welcome.  My honor and my pleasure.
My memories of his annual silences aren't super clear but here's what comes:
There were slight variations.  I don't believe he ever took a full month, at 
least in my five years.  The norm was a week, beginning on the first and coming 
out on his birthday, the 7th, though there were two longer ones in my 
experience, one about ten days and one about fifteen, though I couldn't 
guarantee that.  And yes, he took total silence (though I have a vague memory 
of his breaking that once).  He shut himself up in his room and didn't come out 
till he was done.  And, yes, in my experience, he water fasted.  No food went 
in or trays came out.  And, yes also, he definitely looked more ethereal 
afterwards.  This is the best I can do and my memory may be faulty on any of 
the above.
Re the length of my thread, it's a legacy, though, as RC might say, not of my 
conscious doing, or really my doing at all, that, still, I can be proud of, 
even if someone beats it someday.  Thanks, again, for pointing that out to me.  
I never would have known.
And God bless Kurt if he did attain maturity.  I have yet to achieve that, at 
least according to my definition.  In some ways I always liked GBS's Back to 
Methuselah.  Given 300 years, I might get there.

On Aug 13, 2011, at 11:51 PM, Bob Price wrote:

> Mark,
> I want to second Curtis's sentiments, 
> except for the scientific part-I figure if
> our prayers hadn't been entertaining
> God so much he would have let us 
> blow ourselves to kingdom come a 
> long time ago. 
> I still believe there should have been some type
> of award given to you for "longest thread". I 
> have no doubt your record will justly stand for
> many Yugas to come.
> In fact, in hopes of securing a higher thread 
> count, I have written my own FFL resignation post
> on a number of occasions. Although I've never felt
> it was good enough to actually use, I did secure a
> hurtful comment from the wife that I reminded her
> of someone writing and rewriting their own obituary
> without the good manners of actually dropping dead.
> I will email you directly with my single best prospect 
> idea for the "sandals". I'm guessing the lucky purchaser
> might prefer the option of letting, or not letting,
> some on FFL know he's the new owner.
> I do have one final house keeping item. It concerns 
> Maharishi's annual period of silence. I believe I was 
> there for two of those January's. I'm trying to remember
> if he stayed in silence for the full month? I also
> remember him appearing like he was less of this world, at least 
> for the first couple of nights after his return. And of course
> (almost typed curse) there was also the inevitable "Year of the"
> announcement. I'm just wondering if you were around for 
> any of those silences and what your impressions were? If you were, 
> were they complete silences? Did he practise any of the fasting regimes 
> he had us practise?  Any memories of these periods you feel like 
> sharing before heading out?
> I want to thank you sincerely for all your sharing. In addition to working
> on the voices in my head, I joined to better integrate my past experiences
> of Maharishi and TM. You're one of a number on this forum that has 
> helped me with that mission.
> "Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists,
> unless laughter can be said to remedy anything."
> -Kurt Vonnegut
> (I believe the first American novelist to use his TM mantra in a work of 
> fiction)
> From: curtisdeltablues 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2011 6:30:09 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension
> Mark,
> One of the nicest things about FFL is that you can post for a while and then 
> drop out when you feel like it. When you return there is a Cheers quality to 
> it even from people who post in an antagonistic style. A familiar comfort 
> there. Bit of a home-for-misfit-toys to the place that is endearing.
> You have served up some great stuff here for us Mark, I have enjoyed your 
> participation here. I understand the need to unhook and unsubscribe, but my 
> way is to just drop out for a while and then come back when it suits my 
> writing needs. You may need more of a dramatic break and I can understand 
> that.
> Maharishi's sandals! Damn if that is not a metaphor for the vortex 
> intersection of the worlds we live in man. I feel privileged to even know the 
> perspective that they are special, even having rejected it as romantic 
> fantasy. (Not that there is anything wrong with that. Well maybe a little...) 
> And finding yourself at economic crossroads has my profound attention and 
> compassion. In my world, that is the only thing that shakes me. Well death of 
> a relative or friend does it too. Oh yeah, and anything medical that arises 
> that involves my nutsack. (Theoretically sp

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

2011-08-14 Thread Mark Landau
Thank you, dear Denise, I'll never forget you, your perspicacity and your open 
hearted, good Samaritan (in the best sense) generosity.
Love back at ya,  (You're fuckin' awesome.)

On Aug 13, 2011, at 9:50 PM, Denise Evans wrote:

> Ditto for much of this, Mark.  
> Also, as an aside, my 18 year-old daughter just read "Who Moved My Cheese".  
> I just pulled it off her bedside and will read it as well now.  I get a lot 
> off of this forum that helps me.
> The "questionnaire" you answered was fascinating btw.  
> Love to you...
> --- On Sat, 8/13/11, curtisdeltablues  wrote:
> From: curtisdeltablues 
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Saturday, August 13, 2011, 6:30 PM
> Mark,
> One of the nicest things about FFL is that you can post for a while and then 
> drop out when you feel like it. When you return there is a Cheers quality to 
> it even from people who post in an antagonistic style. A familiar comfort 
> there. Bit of a home-for-misfit-toys to the place that is endearing.
> You have served up some great stuff here for us Mark, I have enjoyed your 
> participation here. I understand the need to unhook and unsubscribe, but my 
> way is to just drop out for a while and then come back when it suits my 
> writing needs. You may need more of a dramatic break and I can understand 
> that.
> Maharishi's sandals! Damn if that is not a metaphor for the vortex 
> intersection of the worlds we live in man. I feel privileged to even know the 
> perspective that they are special, even having rejected it as romantic 
> fantasy. (Not that there is anything wrong with that. Well maybe a little...) 
> And finding yourself at economic crossroads has my profound attention and 
> compassion. In my world, that is the only thing that shakes me. Well death of 
> a relative or friend does it too. Oh yeah, and anything medical that arises 
> that involves my nutsack. (Theoretically speaking of course, I hope I have 
> made the vital nature of said nutsack abundantly clear, not for the male 
> members, not that there is anything wrong with that, but for the nubile women 
> among us.) Anyhoo I feel your pain and hope you get your economic shit 
> together cuz you seem like you will enjoy your life just fine if you do. I 
> can't recommend "Who Moved My Cheese" enough as a way to look at economic 
> survival and the proper mental approach to succeed. 
> Finally, since you took an opportunity to man the bully pulpit yourself, I 
> can't resist a bit of sermonizing myself.
> Skeptics are not the problem. We are an important part of the solution. And 
> we are all skeptics and believers both at heart. If you and I decide that 
> strapping on a bomb and walking toward a bunch of infidels before detonation 
> is a bad, bad idea, we are expressing skepticism of a deeply held belief of 
> people who we have decided are misguided. They are collaging together a 
> reverence to an outdated scripture and an interpretation of its poetic 
> intentions filtered through humans who have an over-abundance of surety. It 
> is not too far out on a limb to say that I am skeptical that you are in a 
> position to know what is going on in the future of mankind from whatever 
> source you are claiming it. But I hope that your association with me has at 
> least let the idea flicker across your mind that our surety with its 
> accompanying assumptions about reality is one of the big problems in our 
> world today. Even as we face complex problems that will require the best 
> scientific thinking we can muster.
> But through it all you are a charming delightful guy and I wish you the best. 
> Thanks for really showing up here, for real real! You are an authentic 
> interesting voice in the wilderness, across the Internet, if not across the 
> universe. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau  wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> > Sometime tomorrow, I will unsubscribe, so I won't be receiving any more 
> > posts after that (I'm hoping all I need do is email 
> > fairfieldlife-unsubscr...@yahoogroups.com and it soon thereafter happens). 
> > I'll probably wait till the evening in case anyone has anymore they wish to 
> > say to me. If any of you ever wish to reach out to me, besides, of course, 
> > for purely dissing purposes, please feel free to email me directly. I 
> > shouldn't be hard to find if you wish to do so.
> > I wanted to thank all of you for everything. It's been really... well, all 
> > kinds of things, but, for me, mostly of deep value.
> > But I feel I must eliminate all distractions possible now and attempt to 
> > ascertain/do something about my way forward from here.
> > Regarding everything that's been said by me about M and TM, I hold to it 
> > all, but Rick's brief response does inspire me to add this coda:
> > If it weren't for M and TM and then the development of my own way of 
> > meditating as an ex

[FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

2011-08-14 Thread curtisdeltablues
All the best brother.  I would say Godspeed but...well... you know.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau  wrote:
> Thank you, Curtis, much appreciation for this.  And I hear you about surety.  
> Surety would make one a fundamentalist, precisely what you're saying, no?  I 
> did put in that what I was saying could be a bunch of hooey, but, deep in my 
> soul, there it is, still there, my own personal hope for mankind, held 
> somewhat in common with, perhaps, millions, or, at least, 144,000...  And, 
> yes, I know all is perfection, but, to again paraphrase the man, this time 
> allegorically, "Yes, it's all a dream, but let's do what we can to make it a 
> good dream."
> I also "know," at least within the realm of my own experience, that real 
> peace only comes with fully accepting everything exactly as it is.  So, 
> again, the paradox, coming to terms with what is and holding for the 
> possibility of a better world, still, after all these years--a more 
> harmonious, joyous, loving, balanced perfection than we now see when viewing 
> the doings of humanity on Earth.  (While, simultaneously, embracing the cloud 
> of unknowing.  In other words, letting go of the mind, completely, as the 
> knower, utilizing it for what it really is when it's really needed, the 
> problem solver.  Ever read Far Out, A Space Time Chronicle?  I highly 
> recommend it--yes, read, not just look at the pictures.)
> But I ramble, or rave.  Hope you're here when I return.
> m
> On Aug 13, 2011, at 7:30 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
> > Mark,
> > 
> > One of the nicest things about FFL is that you can post for a while and 
> > then drop out when you feel like it. When you return there is a Cheers 
> > quality to it even from people who post in an antagonistic style. A 
> > familiar comfort there. Bit of a home-for-misfit-toys to the place that is 
> > endearing.
> > 
> > You have served up some great stuff here for us Mark, I have enjoyed your 
> > participation here. I understand the need to unhook and unsubscribe, but my 
> > way is to just drop out for a while and then come back when it suits my 
> > writing needs. You may need more of a dramatic break and I can understand 
> > that.
> > 
> > Maharishi's sandals! Damn if that is not a metaphor for the vortex 
> > intersection of the worlds we live in man. I feel privileged to even know 
> > the perspective that they are special, even having rejected it as romantic 
> > fantasy. (Not that there is anything wrong with that. Well maybe a 
> > little...) 
> > 
> > And finding yourself at economic crossroads has my profound attention and 
> > compassion. In my world, that is the only thing that shakes me. Well death 
> > of a relative or friend does it too. Oh yeah, and anything medical that 
> > arises that involves my nutsack. (Theoretically speaking of course, I hope 
> > I have made the vital nature of said nutsack abundantly clear, not for the 
> > male members, not that there is anything wrong with that, but for the 
> > nubile women among us.) Anyhoo I feel your pain and hope you get your 
> > economic shit together cuz you seem like you will enjoy your life just fine 
> > if you do. I can't recommend "Who Moved My Cheese" enough as a way to look 
> > at economic survival and the proper mental approach to succeed. 
> > 
> > Finally, since you took an opportunity to man the bully pulpit yourself, I 
> > can't resist a bit of sermonizing myself.
> > 
> > Skeptics are not the problem. We are an important part of the solution. And 
> > we are all skeptics and believers both at heart. If you and I decide that 
> > strapping on a bomb and walking toward a bunch of infidels before 
> > detonation is a bad, bad idea, we are expressing skepticism of a deeply 
> > held belief of people who we have decided are misguided. They are collaging 
> > together a reverence to an outdated scripture and an interpretation of its 
> > poetic intentions filtered through humans who have an over-abundance of 
> > surety. It is not too far out on a limb to say that I am skeptical that you 
> > are in a position to know what is going on in the future of mankind from 
> > whatever source you are claiming it. But I hope that your association with 
> > me has at least let the idea flicker across your mind that our surety with 
> > its accompanying assumptions about reality is one of the big problems in 
> > our world today. Even as we face complex problems that will require the 
> > best scientific thinking we can muster.
> > 
> > But through it all you are a charming delightful guy and I wish you the 
> > best. Thanks for really showing up here, for real real! You are an 
> > authentic interesting voice in the wilderness, across the Internet, if not 
> > across the universe. 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau  wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi all,
> > > Sometime tomorrow, I will unsubscribe, so I won't be receiving any more 
> > > posts after that (I'm hopi

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dreaming about Warren Beatty

2011-08-14 Thread curtisdeltablues
-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:
> Last night I dreamt I visited Warren Beatty at his office in Los Angeles.

Any dream with Warren Beatty in if means you require the services of this man:  

I hope that helps and that you can heal yourself from this block in your 
relationship to Christ.

> I seemed to be there to discuss what he was currently working on,
> its been a while since he released a new project, as well as one of
> my story ideas. Unfortunately, I can't remember either of the story
> ideas although I'm not sure that was the take away my sub conscious 
> intended for me. I also  passed his wife, Annette Benning, in the office 
> hallway- she seemed a bit irritated with me. I also noticed Warren
> is served his meals alone at a large antique dining table.
> So I'm wondering what dreaming of celebrities indicates? I seem to remember
> C.G. Jung saying it indicates a kind of mental instability but I'm not sure 
> about that.
> I'm also wondering if all this talk of celebrity mediators was the catalyst 
> for the dream?
> I also found this first link that I thought was interesting. Then I found the 
> second
> link that I suspect Curtis posted for me to find.
> http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art29218.asp
> http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060710143018AAOCGlS
> I also ended up on Shirley Maclaines web site (I love Shirley) where I 
> watched this youtube clip about Dennis Kucinich and UFO's.
> http://www.shirleymaclaine.com/articles/about/article-537
> To sum it all up I shared my dream with the wife over breakfast and although 
> she does not
> dream about famous people she did say she counts celebrities at night to put 
> herself to sleep.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Going, Going, Gone/The Ascension

2011-08-14 Thread Mark Landau
Thank you, Curtis, much appreciation for this.  And I hear you about surety.  
Surety would make one a fundamentalist, precisely what you're saying, no?  I 
did put in that what I was saying could be a bunch of hooey, but, deep in my 
soul, there it is, still there, my own personal hope for mankind, held somewhat 
in common with, perhaps, millions, or, at least, 144,000...  And, yes, I know 
all is perfection, but, to again paraphrase the man, this time allegorically, 
"Yes, it's all a dream, but let's do what we can to make it a good dream."

I also "know," at least within the realm of my own experience, that real peace 
only comes with fully accepting everything exactly as it is.  So, again, the 
paradox, coming to terms with what is and holding for the possibility of a 
better world, still, after all these years--a more harmonious, joyous, loving, 
balanced perfection than we now see when viewing the doings of humanity on 
Earth.  (While, simultaneously, embracing the cloud of unknowing.  In other 
words, letting go of the mind, completely, as the knower, utilizing it for what 
it really is when it's really needed, the problem solver.  Ever read Far Out, A 
Space Time Chronicle?  I highly recommend it--yes, read, not just look at the 

But I ramble, or rave.  Hope you're here when I return.


On Aug 13, 2011, at 7:30 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

> Mark,
> One of the nicest things about FFL is that you can post for a while and then 
> drop out when you feel like it. When you return there is a Cheers quality to 
> it even from people who post in an antagonistic style. A familiar comfort 
> there. Bit of a home-for-misfit-toys to the place that is endearing.
> You have served up some great stuff here for us Mark, I have enjoyed your 
> participation here. I understand the need to unhook and unsubscribe, but my 
> way is to just drop out for a while and then come back when it suits my 
> writing needs. You may need more of a dramatic break and I can understand 
> that.
> Maharishi's sandals! Damn if that is not a metaphor for the vortex 
> intersection of the worlds we live in man. I feel privileged to even know the 
> perspective that they are special, even having rejected it as romantic 
> fantasy. (Not that there is anything wrong with that. Well maybe a little...) 
> And finding yourself at economic crossroads has my profound attention and 
> compassion. In my world, that is the only thing that shakes me. Well death of 
> a relative or friend does it too. Oh yeah, and anything medical that arises 
> that involves my nutsack. (Theoretically speaking of course, I hope I have 
> made the vital nature of said nutsack abundantly clear, not for the male 
> members, not that there is anything wrong with that, but for the nubile women 
> among us.) Anyhoo I feel your pain and hope you get your economic shit 
> together cuz you seem like you will enjoy your life just fine if you do. I 
> can't recommend "Who Moved My Cheese" enough as a way to look at economic 
> survival and the proper mental approach to succeed. 
> Finally, since you took an opportunity to man the bully pulpit yourself, I 
> can't resist a bit of sermonizing myself.
> Skeptics are not the problem. We are an important part of the solution. And 
> we are all skeptics and believers both at heart. If you and I decide that 
> strapping on a bomb and walking toward a bunch of infidels before detonation 
> is a bad, bad idea, we are expressing skepticism of a deeply held belief of 
> people who we have decided are misguided. They are collaging together a 
> reverence to an outdated scripture and an interpretation of its poetic 
> intentions filtered through humans who have an over-abundance of surety. It 
> is not too far out on a limb to say that I am skeptical that you are in a 
> position to know what is going on in the future of mankind from whatever 
> source you are claiming it. But I hope that your association with me has at 
> least let the idea flicker across your mind that our surety with its 
> accompanying assumptions about reality is one of the big problems in our 
> world today. Even as we face complex problems that will require the best 
> scientific thinking we can muster.
> But through it all you are a charming delightful guy and I wish you the best. 
> Thanks for really showing up here, for real real! You are an authentic 
> interesting voice in the wilderness, across the Internet, if not across the 
> universe. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau  wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> > Sometime tomorrow, I will unsubscribe, so I won't be receiving any more 
> > posts after that (I'm hoping all I need do is email 
> > fairfieldlife-unsubscr...@yahoogroups.com and it soon thereafter happens). 
> > I'll probably wait till the evening in case anyone has anymore they wish to 
> > say to me. If any of you ever wish to reach out to me, besides, of course, 
> > for purely dissing purposes, please f

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dreaming about Warren Beatty

2011-08-14 Thread Ravi Yogi
I liked this - "To sum it all up I shared my dream with the wife over
breakfast and although she does not dream about famous people she did
say she counts celebrities at night to put herself to sleep."
Who knew that counting celebrities instead of TM is also a sure way to
fall asleep !!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> Extraordinarily priceless.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
> >
> > Last night I dreamt I visited Warren Beatty at his office in Los
> >
> > I seemed to be there to discuss what he was currently working on,
> > its been a while since he released a new project, as well as one of
> > my story ideas. Unfortunately, I can't remember either of the story
> > ideas although I'm not sure that was the take away my sub conscious
> > intended for me. I also  passed his wife, Annette Benning, in the
> > hallway- she seemed a bit irritated with me. I also noticed Warren
> > is served his meals alone at a large antique dining table.
> >
> > So I'm wondering what dreaming of celebrities indicates? I seem to
> > C.G. Jung saying it indicates a kind of mental instability but I'm
not sure about that.
> > I'm also wondering if all this talk of celebrity mediators was the
catalyst for the dream?
> >
> > I also found this first link that I thought was interesting. Then I
found the second
> > link that I suspect Curtis posted for me to find.
> >
> > http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art29218.asp
> >
> >
> > http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060710143018AAOCGlS
> >
> > I also ended up on Shirley Maclaines web site (I love Shirley) where
I watched this youtube clip about Dennis Kucinich and UFO's.
> >
> > http://www.shirleymaclaine.com/articles/about/article-537
> >
> > To sum it all up I shared my dream with the wife over breakfast and
although she does not
> > dream about famous people she did say she counts celebrities at
night to put herself to sleep.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: was MMY right to jack the price?

2011-08-14 Thread obbajeeba
Interesting is more like typical:  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> http://www.details.com/culture-trends/critical-eye/201109/transcendental-meditation-pure-consciousness
> This article seems to imply that it was. His stated goal was to make it 
> attractive to the elites because they are the policy makers and trend setters 
> and they don't bother to "shop at a poor store."
> Interesting how the David Lynch Foundation attracts celebs to learn and then 
> convinces them to fund-raise for the cause. 200 % efficiency.
> L.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dreaming about Warren Beatty

2011-08-14 Thread obbajeeba
Extraordinarily priceless. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:
> Last night I dreamt I visited Warren Beatty at his office in Los Angeles.
> I seemed to be there to discuss what he was currently working on,
> its been a while since he released a new project, as well as one of
> my story ideas. Unfortunately, I can't remember either of the story
> ideas although I'm not sure that was the take away my sub conscious 
> intended for me. I also  passed his wife, Annette Benning, in the office 
> hallway- she seemed a bit irritated with me. I also noticed Warren
> is served his meals alone at a large antique dining table.
> So I'm wondering what dreaming of celebrities indicates? I seem to remember
> C.G. Jung saying it indicates a kind of mental instability but I'm not sure 
> about that.
> I'm also wondering if all this talk of celebrity mediators was the catalyst 
> for the dream?
> I also found this first link that I thought was interesting. Then I found the 
> second
> link that I suspect Curtis posted for me to find.
> http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art29218.asp
> http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060710143018AAOCGlS
> I also ended up on Shirley Maclaines web site (I love Shirley) where I 
> watched this youtube clip about Dennis Kucinich and UFO's.
> http://www.shirleymaclaine.com/articles/about/article-537
> To sum it all up I shared my dream with the wife over breakfast and although 
> she does not
> dream about famous people she did say she counts celebrities at night to put 
> herself to sleep.

Re: [FairfieldLife] George Carlin on our Similarities

2011-08-14 Thread Tom Pall
On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Denise Evans  wrote:

> The first few minutes of this are so good - difference between classes in
> this country.  Peace Out.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgps85scy1g
I know the forgetfulness thing all too well and I've been having it for
decades.   I fly halfway across the world, I drive halfway across the
country to go to Fairfiield and when I get there I don't remember why I
came.  I go into the Maharishi Patanjali Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge and
Vedic Temple and forgot why it is I came in.  I spent a few hours in there
and when I leave and don't remember why I went in.  I go back to my hotel
room and can't remember why I'm in FF or VC.  I go to Georges and remember
then how terrible the service and food are and how mooches watch out for my
car and crash my table, staring at my food until I offer to buy the pour
schmucks a meal.   And I don't remember why I went to Georges.  I drive down
to the Des Moines River.  It hasn't changed and it's just as momentarily
quaint as it was last time I came.  Yes, I remember the forgetting well.

[FairfieldLife] was MMY right to jack the price?

2011-08-14 Thread sparaig

This article seems to imply that it was. His stated goal was to make it 
attractive to the elites because they are the policy makers and trend setters 
and they don't bother to "shop at a poor store."

Interesting how the David Lynch Foundation attracts celebs to learn and then 
convinces them to fund-raise for the cause. 200 % efficiency.


[FairfieldLife] Re: iPhones cheaper to support, Android the worst

2011-08-14 Thread Ravi Yogi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Anyone using the term "bleeding heart liberalism" has been programmed
> greedy corporatists to believe there is such a thing.  They also
> up "compassionate conservative" to get away with more of the their
> mischief.
> Of course what all this has to do iPhones and Android phones is beyond
> me other than a great part of the human race these days consist of
> biological androids who just follow patterns and can't think.

Seriously my tongue's tied when it comes to saying anything smart to you
and Steve :-), but Republicans looked pretty evil to me till the day
Obama got elected - which was the day I finally found the courage to
walk out of my marriage. I ended two painful stories at one shot :-)

[FairfieldLife] George Carlin on our Similarities

2011-08-14 Thread Denise Evans
The first few minutes of this are so good - difference between classes in this 
country.  Peace Out.


[FairfieldLife] Re: (Experience)

2011-08-14 Thread Ravi Yogi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi" raviyogi@ wrote:
> > If fuck is your favorite word, you are not having an intellectual
> > hard-on :-)
> >
> \
> > 34s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D7rWLzloOI
> You know of course, as Judy pointed out some time ago, that the whole
> "fuck" bit was lifted verbatem from George Carlin.  I mean, I love
> Osho's version of it, and the preamble, but the main course wasn't
> original.

Yes I'm aware that this and other bits are not originals but the
delivery and timing, not to mention his inner silence that makes it so

[FairfieldLife] Polling Suggests Tea Party/GOP Could Lose House

2011-08-14 Thread do.rflex

Public Policy Polling: Independent voters gave the tea party control
of the U.S. House in 2010.

Now 68 percent of independents disapprove of House Republicans.

Tom Jensen, Public Policy Polling:

 I think most national pundits continue to be missing the boat on
 how possible it is that Democrats will retake control of the House
 next year.

 We find Democrats with a 7 point lead on the generic Congressional
 ballot this week at 47-40. After getting demolished with
 independent voters last year, they now hold a slight 39-36
 advantage with them. And in another contrast to 2010 Democratic
 voters are actually slightly more unified than Republicans, with 83
 percent committed to supporting the party's Congressional
 candidates compared to 80 percent in line with theirs.

 This poll is certainly not an outlier. We have looked at the
 generic ballot 11 times going back to the beginning of March and
 Democrats have been ahead every single time, by an average margin
 of about 4 points.

 This 7 point advantage is the largest Democrats have had and if
 there was an election today I'm thinking that they'd take
back the

 There's little doubt that Democrats are winning the fallout of
 debt debate.

 Approval for Congressional Republicans has now plunged to a 25/65
 spread. That's a 21 point decline on the margin from when they
 started the year at 33/52.

 Last year independent voters were the driving factor behind the GOP
 retaking the House majority. Now they give it a 20/68 approval

 It's early — but it looks very plausible that we could be
back to
 Speaker Pelosi 17 months from now.

GALLUP: Gallup's first measure of the 2012 congressional elections
shows Democrats leading Republicans, 51% to 44%, in registered
voters' preferences for which party's candidate they would support
in their district "if the elections for Congress were being held today."


Andrew Sullivan:

 My money is on a Democratic House and a chastened Republican Senate
 in 2013 …

 My reason for the shift: the staggering recklessness of
 the GOP in recent months. It goes hand in hand with Obama's
 turn-around against a generic Republican.

Except that GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell the pro-failure caucus
he leads are incapable of being "chastened," so I'm not sure
Sully means by that.

Links here:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Straw Poll

2011-08-14 Thread Denise Evans
That leaves Romney and Obama

--- On Sun, 8/14/11, seventhray1  wrote:

From: seventhray1 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Straw Poll
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, August 14, 2011, 12:48 PM



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, why did they not want Bachmann to win?
> Only reason I can think of is that they hate Obama so much
> they wanted the Republican who has the best chance of beating
> him to win. Was that it? Or what am I missing?

My opinion?  Anybody but a right wing Christian.  




[FairfieldLife] George Carlin - "You have no rights"

2011-08-14 Thread Denise Evans


[FairfieldLife] Re: Dreaming about Warren Beatty

2011-08-14 Thread John
In jyotish, dreams come from the 9th house of dharma.  As of today, the Sun and 
Venus are in conjunction in Cancer.  This conjunction represents the male (Sun) 
and female (Venus) characters in your dream.  More likely, you were born as a 
Scorpio ascendant in jyotish terms.

So, it would appear that the dream is telling you that a couple will be 
instrumental in your pursuit of activities relating to the TM movement or other 
organization that is related to your religious beliefs.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:
> Last night I dreamt I visited Warren Beatty at his office in Los Angeles.
> I seemed to be there to discuss what he was currently working on,
> its been a while since he released a new project, as well as one of
> my story ideas. Unfortunately, I can't remember either of the story
> ideas although I'm not sure that was the take away my sub conscious 
> intended for me. I also  passed his wife, Annette Benning, in the office 
> hallway- she seemed a bit irritated with me. I also noticed Warren
> is served his meals alone at a large antique dining table.
> So I'm wondering what dreaming of celebrities indicates? I seem to remember
> C.G. Jung saying it indicates a kind of mental instability but I'm not sure 
> about that.
> I'm also wondering if all this talk of celebrity mediators was the catalyst 
> for the dream?
> I also found this first link that I thought was interesting. Then I found the 
> second
> link that I suspect Curtis posted for me to find.
> http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art29218.asp
> http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060710143018AAOCGlS
> I also ended up on Shirley Maclaines web site (I love Shirley) where I 
> watched this youtube clip about Dennis Kucinich and UFO's.
> http://www.shirleymaclaine.com/articles/about/article-537
> To sum it all up I shared my dream with the wife over breakfast and although 
> she does not
> dream about famous people she did say she counts celebrities at night to put 
> herself to sleep.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Democratic Base Solidly Behind Obama (Achievement List)

2011-08-14 Thread Tom Pall
On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 3:24 PM, Denise Evans  wrote:

> http://obamaachievements.org/

Reminds me of the woman who bleats to her husband that her boobs are falling
to the ground, she'd need a surgeon who knows how to drive a forklift to
give her a face lift, that her butt is sagging, her arms are flabby.  "Tell
me just one thing good about me, she pleads."  "Well, there's nothing wrong
with your eyesight", says her husband.

I remember fondly Obama's promise to publish every bill that was under
consideration for his signing for at least 3 days on his website.  Zero
bills got posted.   And that started off his sterling career as caretaker
president of the United States.   LBJ made it in his own right.  So did
Truman.  But Obama?   And he was duly elected, lawfully elected, kind of.

[FairfieldLife] Re: X is good because Y does it

2011-08-14 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "richardwillytexwilliams"  
> turquoiseb:
> > Someone who is given to "researching the archives" 
> > of FFL should go back and count the number of 
> > celebrities who have been referenced here to sell 
> > TM
> >
> Well, I figure that if TM is good enough for
> Billy Gibbons, then it's plenty good for me.

'Concrete and steel' is one of my favorites to play along
(with Frank Beard). It's simple enough for an "eternal beginner"
like myself:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Straw Poll

2011-08-14 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:

> Just out of curiosity, why did they not want Bachmann to win?
> Only reason I can think of is that they hate Obama so much
> they wanted the Republican who has the best chance of beating
> him to win. Was that it? Or what am I missing?

My opinion?  Anybody but a right wing Christian.

[FairfieldLife] 911 Memorial

2011-08-14 Thread Denise Evans
Just to say this is beautifully produced:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Democratic Base Solidly Behind Obama (Achievement List)

2011-08-14 Thread Denise Evans


--- On Sun, 8/14/11, do.rflex  wrote:

From: do.rflex 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Democratic Base Solidly Behind Obama
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, August 14, 2011, 12:15 PM




A new CNN/Opinion Research poll finds President Obama's base is behind him with 
70% of Democrats saying they'd like to see Obama as their party's presidential 
nominee next year.

Notes pollster Keating Holland: "In 1994, only 57% of Democrats wanted the 
party to renominate Bill Clinton, and he went on to win the nomination and a 
second term two years later." 

Linked here:





[FairfieldLife] Dreaming about Warren Beatty

2011-08-14 Thread Bob Price
Last night I dreamt I visited Warren Beatty at his office in Los Angeles.

I seemed to be there to discuss what he was currently working on,
its been a while since he released a new project, as well as one of
my story ideas. Unfortunately, I can't remember either of the story
ideas although I'm not sure that was the take away my sub conscious 
intended for me. I also  passed his wife, Annette Benning, in the office 
hallway- she seemed a bit irritated with me. I also noticed Warren
is served his meals alone at a large antique dining table.

So I'm wondering what dreaming of celebrities indicates? I seem to remember
C.G. Jung saying it indicates a kind of mental instability but I'm not sure 
about that.
I'm also wondering if all this talk of celebrity mediators was the catalyst for 
the dream?

I also found this first link that I thought was interesting. Then I found the 
link that I suspect Curtis posted for me to find.



I also ended up on Shirley Maclaines web site (I love Shirley) where I watched 
this youtube clip about Dennis Kucinich and UFO's.


To sum it all up I shared my dream with the wife over breakfast and although 
she does not
dream about famous people she did say she counts celebrities at night to put 
herself to sleep.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Bumpin'

2011-08-14 Thread Bhairitu
I was 19 but the club owner didn't like that people under 21 couldn't 
see and hear live jazz so let us sneak in.  Saw Cannonball Adderly, 
Herbie Mann, Dizzie Gillespie, Bill Evans (one of six people in the 
audience), and Oscar Peterson too.

On 08/13/2011 09:26 PM, Denise Evans wrote:
> Gotta love it..I was 4 in 1966.  His genius cannot be denied.
> --- On Sat, 8/13/11, Bhairitu  wrote:
> From: Bhairitu
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Bumpin'
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Saturday, August 13, 2011, 4:58 PM
>On 08/13/2011 03:50 PM, Denise Evans wrote:
>> A little Wes for a lazy Sunday or any other day
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PUDW3ZwI20
> I saw Wes Montgomery play in a jazz club around 1966.  He was a small
> guy, the guitar dwarfing him, sitting on a stool with his feet not even
> reaching the floor.  He didn't play this stuff, it came later on.  He
> just played his ass off with cooking jazz.

[FairfieldLife] Democratic Base Solidly Behind Obama

2011-08-14 Thread do.rflex

A new CNN/Opinion Research poll finds President Obama's base is behind him with 
70% of Democrats saying they'd like to see Obama as their party's presidential 
nominee next year.

Notes pollster Keating Holland: "In 1994, only 57% of Democrats wanted the 
party to renominate Bill Clinton, and he went on to win the nomination and a 
second term two years later." 

Linked here:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Straw Poll

2011-08-14 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/14/2011 09:00 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
>> I enjoyed  his comments, but best part of this interview was hearing
>> your voice!
> Your voice had such a charming quality I wanted to hear him interview you!

So sad that the young guy could only offer polemics.  Of course we don't 
want government telling us what to do.  We are supposed to own the 
government and telling THEM what to do!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Is Turq the Louis C K of FFL?

2011-08-14 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/13/2011 09:57 AM, Tom Pall wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> One of my favorite shows on FX is "Louie", a half hour comedy with Louis
>> C K.  This show sticks it's neck out on subjects and is very funny.
>> Louis C K did a show a few years ago on HBO but it was a failure.  I
>> think I only watched a couple of episodes.  This series works.
>> Louis pretty much plays himself and often opens the show with him doing
>> a monologue at a New York comedy club usually based around the episode's
>> plot.  But I was thinking these raps remind me a bit of Turqs daily
>> raps.  Turq might enjoy "Louie".  I don't know if he's seen it or not.
>> He might especially enjoy last Thursday night's first episode (it was a
>> double hitter night)  "Come On, God" where Louie explores one of his
>> "lifelong" habits. ;-)
>> http://www.fxnetworks.com/shows/originals/louie/
>> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2012391/
> Give Barry the seed to torrent it else he won't be able to afford to get it
> into his room at the pension.

I think he can figure that out himself if interested nor offended by 
Louie's raps reminding me of his.  I do think he and a few others might 
get a kick out of the "Come On, God" episode which opens with Louie as a 
guest on a FOX News show debating a woman representing "Christians 
Against Masturbation".  Hilarious.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: (Experience)

2011-08-14 Thread Denise Evans
Priceless.  The mantra is outed.  It's either meditation or medication...it's 
going to be meditation.

--- On Sun, 8/14/11, seventhray1  wrote:

From: seventhray1 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: (Experience)
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, August 14, 2011, 6:05 AM



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi"  wrote:
> If fuck is your favorite word, you are not having an intellectual
> hard-on :-)
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D7rWLzloOI&feature=player_detailpage#t=1\
> 34s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D7rWLzloOI

You know of course, as Judy pointed out some time ago, that the whole "fuck" 
bit was lifted verbatem from George Carlin.  I mean, I love Osho's version of 
it, and the preamble, but the main course wasn't original.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Straw Poll

2011-08-14 Thread Tom Pall
On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 12:59 PM, authfriend  wrote:

> Just out of curiosity, why did they not want Bachmann to win?
> Only reason I can think of is that they hate Obama so much
> they wanted the Republican who has the best chance of beating
> him to win. Was that it? Or what am I missing?
So we can get more pictures of her eating foot longs?Almost as funny as
the candidate a few years go who was handed a tamale and didn't know you
take it out of the corn husk before eating it.

So her husband could cure all of the gays getting married in Iowa?

So she can be the decoy for Perry.   Get this.  Obama, having accomplished
nothing is going to go on the attack instead of defending his ineffectual
time in office.   So that's the end of Change and Hope.  Now it's Chicago
politics as usual only on a nationwide scale.

Perry/Palin sounds like a great ticket.   Now that's going to offer real

[FairfieldLife] Re: Straw Poll

2011-08-14 Thread obbajeeba
Wonderful!  Nice wholesomeness!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> > 
> > I enjoyed  his comments, but best part of this interview was
> > hearing your voice!
> Yes! Lovely voice. Great photos too. I had no idea the straw
> poll was such an expansive event. I'd been visualizing a stuffy
> auditorium, not a stadium.
> Really enjoyed her post too. And Colbert's "SuperPac" videos
> are terrific--the "Americans for a Better Tomorrow Tomorrow" 
> slogan is hilariously apt.
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" 
> > wrote:
> > > I video interviewed a Ron Paul supporter, a charming young man, on the
> > bus to Ames. He gave me permission to post this on the internet:
> > > http://tinyurl.com/3dgpju3 
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Straw Poll

2011-08-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:

> I hung out with a couple of guys from the Democratic Party
> that I've known for many years who are political news junkies.
> We talked local and party politics most of the day and really
> enjoyed each other's company. They voted for Ron Paul because
> they didn't want the crazy lady Michelle Bachmann to win,
> which she did, of course.

Just out of curiosity, why did they not want Bachmann to win?
Only reason I can think of is that they hate Obama so much
they wanted the Republican who has the best chance of beating
him to win. Was that it? Or what am I missing?

BTW, I'm intrigued by the fact that three different people
here were so taken by your voice--speaking maybe 10-15 words
in two very brief chunks--in that video interview that they
made a point of mentioning it. I'm not sure what that means,
but it's kind of striking.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Straw Poll

2011-08-14 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/14/2011 09:12 AM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:
>>> http://tinyurl.com/3dgpju3
>>> I made a video of the last two minutes of Ron
>>> Paul's outdoor speech:
>>> http://tinyurl.com/3ckce5b
>>> Straw Poll Photos:
>>> http://tinyurl.com/3uqwbrc
> Bhairitu:
>> Busting up the corporations would help...
> Smaller government, that's the ticket!
> 'Ron Paul Wins Iowa GOP Debate; Is Right On Iran'
> San Francisco Chronicle:
> http://tinyurl.com/3q675vv
> 'Fed Up!'
> Our Fight to Save America from Washington
> By Rick Perry
> Little, Brown 2010

Our government is bloated but so are the big corporations.  The big 
corporations make for a bloated government.  They game the system.

Note I have to say "big corporations" because if I just say 
"corporations" then someone will think I'm talking about their little 
LLC or S corporation.  Obviously I'm not but we see the same thing when 
I say "the rich" and I'm not talking about the guy down the street who 
has a couple million dollars in assets.  But you have to qualify things 
for the "biological androids" or maybe "biobots" for short.

[FairfieldLife] Term Clarification

2011-08-14 Thread seventhray1

Good point.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:

> Anyone using the term "bleeding heart liberalism" has been programmed
> greedy corporatists to believe there is such a thing. They also cooked
> up "compassionate conservative" to get away with more of the their
> mischief.
> Of course what all this has to do iPhones and Android phones is beyond
> me other than a great part of the human race these days consist of
> biological androids who just follow patterns and can't think.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Straw Poll

2011-08-14 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

> > http://tinyurl.com/3dgpju3
> >
> > I made a video of the last two minutes of Ron 
> > Paul's outdoor speech: 
> > http://tinyurl.com/3ckce5b
> >
> > Straw Poll Photos:
> > http://tinyurl.com/3uqwbrc
> >
> Busting up the corporations would help...  
Smaller government, that's the ticket!

'Ron Paul Wins Iowa GOP Debate; Is Right On Iran'
San Francisco Chronicle:

'Fed Up!'
Our Fight to Save America from Washington
By Rick Perry
Little, Brown 2010 

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: August 14, 2011

2011-08-14 Thread WLeed3


 From: newslet...@purusha.org
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 8/14/2011 8:43:01  A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: August 14, 2011

August  14, 2011  
Maharishi  Purusha Capital of the Western WorldSM Progress  Report 
Dear Friends, 
Progress since our last update has been  very strong, and we are extremely 
close to completing  the first seven residence buildings, the dining hall,  
and utilities. I made a video update of the dining  hall and another 
regarding the residence buildings.  These are unedited, and quite homespun, but 
hopefully  they will give you some greater insight into our  status. I should 
note that we do our best to move  quickly, but not everything is under our 
full control,  such as inspector-required changes and related delays,  the 
weather, contractor scheduling, etc. 
_Please  enjoy the video updates as of midday Friday, July  29_ 
_For  more details and continuous updates visit the webcam  page_ 
Purusha deeply appreciates the support  everyone has given to help build 
the Purusha  CapitalSM. If you  would like to donate to the Purusha Capital 
building  fund or to the PurushaSM sponsorship fund for  the ongoing support 
of Purusha, please click on one of  the buttons below. 
Warmest regards, 
Jai Guru Dev 
Raja Bob LoPinto
Raja with Special  Responsibility for the Maharishi Purusha  CapitalSM  


For more information, visit:  
_Maharishi Purusha  Program_ (http://purusha.org/)  or _Maharishi  Purusha 
Capital of the Western World_ (http://www.purushacapital.org/)  
_Subscribe  to Maharishi Purusha Program  Newsletter_ 
_Manage your  subscription_ (http://purusha.org/newsletter.html)  
_Unsubscribe_ (http://purusha.org/dada/mail.cgi/u/newsletter/wleed3/aol.com/)  
_newsletter@purusha.org_ (mailto:newslet...@purusha.org)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Research Finds Diabetes Can Be Reversed

2011-08-14 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/14/2011 06:21 AM, Vaj wrote:
> On Aug 14, 2011, at 4:42 AM, cardemaister wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
>>> Pass this on to friends and family!
>>> Mark Hyman, MDPracticing physician
>>> New Research Finds Diabetes Can Be Reversed
>>> Posted: 8/7/11 12:03 AM ET
>> I'm afraid, one way or another, Big Pharma shall silence
>> Jewish(?) heretics, like Dr. Hyman?? :´/
> Fortunately they can't prevent you from eating what you want to eat, nor can 
> they keep him from publishing his books - which seem to be quite popular.
> Although the FDA has forced manufacturers of the supplement Red Yeast Rice, 
> which lowers cholesterol, to remove or lower the active ingredient which does 
> so, as it's basically natural Lovastatin. Store-bought brands vary so greatly 
> in their active ingredients now that it would be impossible to use this 
> supplement to lower your cholesterol reliably and consistently.

We certainly live in the country run by evil beings.  It's all about the 
money and big corporate control.  The world run by the "frat boys" (or 
"fat heads").  Much of what is mentioned in the article has been known 
by alternative practitioners for years and even by diabetes specialists.

Isn't interesting that since most of us have been kids we've had yearly 
telethons for this or that disease.  For that amount of money those 
diseases should be non-existent.  Makes you wonder where that money 
actually goes?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The joy of hanging with people who are off the path

2011-08-14 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

> Double team double down! Impressive.
Of courses, there's no actual 'path' 
in Advaita Vedanta, since all paths in 
nature are illusory. 

And, the 'path' to the Absolute is a 
metaphorical path - obviously there's 
no path to Brahman, since we are already 
Brahman - not an object of cognition. 

And, there could hardly be many paths, 
since Advaita is monist. 

So, really there's no path to be on, and 
no goal either. Satori in Buddhism is  
called the 'path-less path'; in Zen 
Buddhism the student must pass through 
the 'gate-less gate', then you they find 
there is no path, and no gate - and no 

Read more:

Subject: Wash Your Bowl!
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental, 
Date: March 19, 2004

Re: [FairfieldLife] Straw Poll

2011-08-14 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/13/2011 11:30 PM, raunchydog wrote:
> Four busloads of Ron Paul supporters departed from Fairfield this morning. 
> Yep, I went to the Straw Poll. Free ride to Ames, free $30 tickets, free 
> food, free t-shirts and a bunch of free tote bags. What's not to like? It's 
> the Iowan thing to do. The pink tote bag "Voices of Conservative Women" has a 
> cute little drawstring to keep your copy of the Constitution and 
> anti-abortion literature safely tucked inside. Dem tote bags would have an 
> ILGWU label, be made in America with unbleached cotton, and include Planned 
> Parenthood locations and condoms, which is far more practical and less 
> judgmental IMO.
> When we got off the bus in Ames, Ron Paul's keepers cattle prodded us to the 
> voting booths before we had a chance to slip into the crowd, enticed by other 
> candidates and shiny objects. Reminiscent of the Iraqi purple finger, after 
> voting a burly young man with chubby hands, mashed my index finger on a stamp 
> pad of indelible ink. Anyway, after I stood online for awhile, I proudly 
> flashed my purple finger to get a free Ron Paul t-shirt.  I'm not the least 
> bit interested in Libertarian ideology. But, I must say the Republicans sure 
> know how to throw a party. I had a blast.
> I hung out with a couple of guys from the Democratic Party that I've known 
> for many years who are political news junkies. We talked local and party 
> politics most of the day and really enjoyed each other's company. They voted 
> for Ron Paul because they didn't want the crazy lady Michelle Bachmann to 
> win, which she did, of course.  I wrote in my vote for Rick Parry with an "A" 
> for America. Thanks for the tip, Stephen Colbert's Super Pac! 
> http://tinyurl.com/3tjjste
> Just to give FFLife a flavor of the event, I'm posting some videos and photos.
> I video interviewed a Ron Paul supporter, a charming young man, on the bus to 
> Ames. He gave me permission to post this on the internet:
> http://tinyurl.com/3dgpju3
> I made a video of the last two minutes of Ron Paul's outdoor speech:
> http://tinyurl.com/3ckce5b
> Straw Poll Photos:
> http://tinyurl.com/3uqwbrc

Thanks for posting these.

Busting up the corporations would help.  That would create a lot of new 
jobs because when companies go into "acquisition mode" they fire people 
in duplicate positions (positions no longer needed because they already 
have people doing that at "headquarters.").  Those jobs come back.

The public can tell the establishment they want someone like Ron Paul, 
who except for the dated Austrian economics flaw has some good ideas, 
but the establishment will never let them have him.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Straw Poll

2011-08-14 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> I enjoyed  his comments, but best part of this interview was hearing
> your voice!

Your voice had such a charming quality I wanted to hear him interview you!

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" 
> wrote:
> > I video interviewed a Ron Paul supporter, a charming young man, on the
> bus to Ames. He gave me permission to post this on the internet:
> > http://tinyurl.com/3dgpju3 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: iPhones cheaper to support, Android the worst

2011-08-14 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/14/2011 04:13 AM, Ravi Yogi wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"
> wrote:
>> Okay, that is fine.  I guess it all depends on where you draw the
> line.
>> I think you are reiterating the standard line that we shouldn't seek
>> perfection in the relative world, bccause it is not there.  In the
> case
>> of Maharishi he many times stated what he felt where the ideals  of a
>> spiritual life and of a monk.  He then appeared to violate these
> ideals.
>> I have always felt that being a hypocrite was the antithisis of
>> spirituality.
> You clearly say "Maharishi felt", I can't fathom him offering this as a
> prescription for him and everyone else or stating that his views on it
> would not change. He should have certainly been more forthright, that is
> why I was always attracted to Osho who was brutally honest. But would it
> have been counterproductive for Maharishi to have been more forthright?
> It is certainly foolish to live up to someone's idealized external image
> of a Guru.
>>  And to walk away with no bitterness, but rather a lot of gratitidue
> of
>> everything I took from the experience.
> The lack of bitterness and gratitude is certainly evident in your posts.
>> But I am caught up in the
>> relative now where I value trying to be honest in my dealings with
>> others, and above all to be a friend to people can count on me for
>> matters big or small.
> How's that working for you - I can't believe you can honestly say that
> you are 100% honest, selfless and utterly content in the relative.
>> I try to undestand your perspective on personalties such as MLK, JFK,
>> Dalai Lama, Gandi.  I  don't reject that perspective out of  hand,but
> I
>> think there is something to be said for feeding someone who is
> starving,
>> in spite of how they got there, whether they are getting their just
> due
>> for past actions or whatever.  There is something to be said for
> helping
>> to alleviate a little bit of suffering.  But perhaps you dismiss this
> as
>> bleeding heart liberalism.
> I don't dismiss alleviating suffering as bleeding heart liberalism. I
> dismiss the notion of alleviating suffering outside of us as bleeding
> heart liberalism. I certainly see lot of value in feeding the poor,
> helping the needy - I have always willingly donated money to any
> homeless I came across on the streets of San Francisco and donated money
> to Amma's charitable projects. However I deny there is any suffering
> outside of us. I see a difference between pain and suffering.

Anyone using the term "bleeding heart liberalism" has been programmed by 
greedy corporatists to believe there is such a thing.  They also cooked 
up "compassionate conservative" to get away with more of the their 

Of course what all this has to do iPhones and Android phones is beyond 
me other than a great part of the human race these days consist of 
biological androids who just follow patterns and can't think.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just registering my outrage

2011-08-14 Thread Mike Dixon
Instantly dispells any accusations of being a racist as well!

From: Alex Stanley 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2011 11:36 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just registering my outrage


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> I wanted to register my outrage that such a photo would elicit snickers from 
> any FFL reader. If you find yourself giggling uncontrollably, it is an 
> expression of not only immaturity, but a complete lack of sensitivity for the 
> problems serious female candidates have against sexism in politics. 
> Seriously, you should be ashamed in advance.
> http://i.imgur.com/zicYK.jpg

Wow, looks like her hubby, Ladybird Bachmann, has given her some pointers on 
how to do it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yum Yum in The Golden Domes of Pure Knowledge

2011-08-14 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

> > Four gentlemen happen to meet in the bar of 
> > an up market  European brothel and strike up 
> > a conversation...
> > 
> Dude, you are SO busted... 
Well, we have some nice girls down here too - 
there used to be the best little whore house 
in Texas, out by La Grange, you know what
I mean?

But the law shut it down. Not sure about the 
under age girls over at 'Yab Yum' in Amsterdam.
But, I'm sure your latest messages are not 
lost on Ed! 

Yeah, they got really busted out by El Dorado 
last year, so I'd really be watching where 
you do your rappin these days. LoL!

But, it's a fact that there is no 'Yab Yum' 
in Hinduism! Go figure.

Read more:

Subject: Tantra: Path of Ecstasy
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: October 12, 2005

> That's *exactly* how it was.
> And my memory is that all of the other guys in the
> joint during this particular conversation were there
> for the sex, so I wouldn't show this one to the wife
> if I were you.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] New Crop Circle, reported 14. august

2011-08-14 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Straw Poll

2011-08-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> I enjoyed  his comments, but best part of this interview was
> hearing your voice!

Yes! Lovely voice. Great photos too. I had no idea the straw
poll was such an expansive event. I'd been visualizing a stuffy
auditorium, not a stadium.

Really enjoyed her post too. And Colbert's "SuperPac" videos
are terrific--the "Americans for a Better Tomorrow Tomorrow" 
slogan is hilariously apt.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" 
> wrote:
> > I video interviewed a Ron Paul supporter, a charming young man, on the
> bus to Ames. He gave me permission to post this on the internet:
> > http://tinyurl.com/3dgpju3 

[FairfieldLife] Re: (Experience)

2011-08-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi"  wrote:
> > If fuck is your favorite word, you are not having an intellectual
> > hard-on :-)
> >
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D7rWLzloOI&feature=player_detailpage#t=1\
> \
> > 34s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D7rWLzloOI
> You know of course, as Judy pointed out some time ago, that
> the whole "fuck" bit was lifted verbatem from George Carlin.

It was actually somebody calling him/herself "artpro2"
who pointed that out, after I said I doubted he'd
written it himself.

> I mean, I love Osho's version of it, and the preamble, but
> the main course wasn't original.

Osho did plenty of his own brilliant original stuff. And
with the Carlin rap, his delivery was stellar. I wonder if
Carlin ever saw the video--bet he'd have loved it (although
he might have been annoyed that Osho didn't credit him).

[FairfieldLife] Re: X is good because Y does it

2011-08-14 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

> Someone who is given to "researching the archives" 
> of FFL should go back and count the number of 
> celebrities who have been referenced here to sell 
> TM
Well, I figure that if TM is good enough for
Billy Gibbons, then it's plenty good for me. 


And, there are plenty of celebrities mentioned 
on Usenet, some of them posted by you. 

But, I also noticed that there's not a single 
celebrity in favor of Zen Master Rama. That is, 
unless you want to count yourself! 

Music Suggested by Rama:

'ZZ Top'
Sleeping Bag
Afterburner, 1987 

You came over to the Rama cult from the TMO, so
you were already probably a celebrity in the eyes 
of Freddie! Especially since you probably told him 
you knew how to program in Basic. LoL!!!

'Sharp Dressed Men'
ZZ Top Behind the Scenes, From Blues to Boogie to Beards
By David Blayney
Hyperion, 1994


Read more:

"I think willy's strategy is different. Having been 
caught numerous times in a lie while refering to 
well-known celebrities as his "old buddies", he 
will now attempt to refer to ANYBODY he mentions as 
his "old buddy", even if they had been dead for 150 
years, in an attempt to later claim that he "really" 
meant the term "old buddy" in some metaphorical 
sense, so he wasn't "really" lying when he said ZZ 
top and the other celebrities who never heard of him 
are his "old buddies".

Subject: Re: Vedic Stonehenge
From: Avital Pilpel
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental, 
Date: May 3, 2000 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Research Finds Diabetes Can Be Reversed

2011-08-14 Thread Vaj

On Aug 14, 2011, at 4:42 AM, cardemaister wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > Pass this on to friends and family!
> > 
> > Mark Hyman, MDPracticing physician
> > 
> > 
> > New Research Finds Diabetes Can Be Reversed
> > Posted: 8/7/11 12:03 AM ET
> > 
> > 
> I'm afraid, one way or another, Big Pharma shall silence
> Jewish(?) heretics, like Dr. Hyman?? :´/

Fortunately they can't prevent you from eating what you want to eat, nor can 
they keep him from publishing his books - which seem to be quite popular.

Although the FDA has forced manufacturers of the supplement Red Yeast Rice, 
which lowers cholesterol, to remove or lower the active ingredient which does 
so, as it's basically natural Lovastatin. Store-bought brands vary so greatly 
in their active ingredients now that it would be impossible to use this 
supplement to lower your cholesterol reliably and consistently.

[FairfieldLife] Re: iPhones cheaper to support, Android the worst

2011-08-14 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" steve.sundur@
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Okay, that is fine. I guess it all depends on where you draw the
> line.
> > I think you are reiterating the standard line that we shouldn't seek
> > perfection in the relative world, bccause it is not there. In the
> case
> > of Maharishi he many times stated what he felt where the ideals of a
> > spiritual life and of a monk. He then appeared to violate these
> ideals.
> > I have always felt that being a hypocrite was the antithisis of
> > spirituality.
> You clearly say "Maharishi felt", I can't fathom him offering this as
> prescription for him and everyone else or stating that his views on it
> would not change. He should have certainly been more forthright, that
> why I was always attracted to Osho who was brutally honest. But would
> have been counterproductive for Maharishi to have been more
> It is certainly foolish to live up to someone's idealized external
> of a Guru.
I think you are right.  And I enjoy Osho for just that reason.  But for
many of the reasons you state above I've decided to get off the
teacher/student, or master disciple track for a while.
> > And to walk away with no bitterness, but rather a lot of gratitidue
> of
> > everything I took from the experience.
> The lack of bitterness and gratitude is certainly evident in your
> > But I am caught up in the
> > relative now where I value trying to be honest in my dealings with
> > others, and above all to be a friend to people can count on me for
> > matters big or small.
> >
> How's that working for you - I can't believe you can honestly say that
> you are 100% honest, selfless and utterly content in the relative.
Of course not.  I am just saying that my focus has changed.  What
touches me in life is loyalty and small acts of kindness.
> > I try to undestand your perspective on personalties such as MLK,
> > Dalai Lama, Gandi. I don't reject that perspective out of hand,but
> I
> > think there is something to be said for feeding someone who is
> starving,
> > in spite of how they got there, whether they are getting their just
> due
> > for past actions or whatever. There is something to be said for
> helping
> > to alleviate a little bit of suffering. But perhaps you dismiss this
> as
> > bleeding heart liberalism.
> >
> I don't dismiss alleviating suffering as bleeding heart liberalism. I
> dismiss the notion of alleviating suffering outside of us as bleeding
> heart liberalism. I certainly see lot of value in feeding the poor,
> helping the needy - I have always willingly donated money to any
> homeless I came across on the streets of San Francisco and donated
> to Amma's charitable projects. However I deny there is any suffering
> outside of us. I see a difference between pain and suffering.
I am sure you are right, but I will have to ponder this concept.  I mean
some thing are "ultimately" true, but not too practical. I'll have to
think where this one falls.

[FairfieldLife] Re: (Experience)

2011-08-14 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi"  wrote:
> If fuck is your favorite word, you are not having an intellectual
> hard-on :-)
> 34s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D7rWLzloOI

You know of course, as Judy pointed out some time ago, that the whole
"fuck" bit was lifted verbatem from George Carlin.  I mean, I love
Osho's version of it, and the preamble, but the main course wasn't

[FairfieldLife] Re: Straw Poll

2011-08-14 Thread seventhray1

I enjoyed  his comments, but best part of this interview was hearing
your voice!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" 
> I video interviewed a Ron Paul supporter, a charming young man, on the
bus to Ames. He gave me permission to post this on the internet:
> http://tinyurl.com/3dgpju3 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mantra Meditation

2011-08-14 Thread Buck

"Dear children, when you sit for meditation, do not think that you can still 
your mind immediately. At first, you should relax all parts of your body. 
Loosen your clothes if they are too tight. Make sure that the spine is erect. 
Then close your eyes and concentrate your mind on your breath. You should be 
aware of your inhalation and exhalation. We should become aware of the process. 
Then the mind will be wakeful. As you sit like that for a while, your mind will 
become calm. You can continue the meditation by focusing attention on your 
breath. Or you can start meditation on the form of your beloved deity. Worship 
becomes easy when we assign a specific form to Brahman (Absolute Reality), 
Manasa Puja (mental worship)."  -Ammachi

> "It is always advisable to obtain a mantra from a Self-Realized Master 
> (Sat-Guru). Until then we may use one of the mantras of our beloved deity 
> like "Om Namah Shivaya", "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya", "Om Namo 
> Narayanaya", "Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, Hare Krishna Hare 
> Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare", "Hari Om", "Om Parashaktyai Namaha", "Om 
> Shivashaktyaikya Rupinyai Namaha" or even the names of Christ, Allah or 
> Buddha."  -Ammachi  
> >   
> > 
> > "Amma stresses that you need to have the conviction that there is nothing 
> > greater than remembering God. Then you will find the time even in the midst 
> > of all your work to do meditation. As soon as you get up, meditate for ten 
> > minutes. After your bath, meditate again for half an hour. In the 
> > beginning, it is enough to meditate for a short time. After that, you can 
> > do your chores. Any work you do with japa and constant remembrance of God 
> > is also meditation."  -Ammachi
> > 
> > >
> > 
> > > "Amma says that "the purpose of mantra japa(chanting) is to lead us to 
> > > the ultimate silence of the Self, from where all sounds and forms arise. 
> > > Further, in the present age of materialism, chanting the mantra (japa), 
> > > is the easiest way for us to obtain inner purification and 
> > > concentration."  -Ammachi
> > 
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Each syllable of a divine name - such as Krishna or Jesus - has 
> > > > > > vibrations which change the atmosphere. Any object that we think 
> > > > > > about repeatedly generates its own vibration. Even though mantras 
> > > > > > are strong and powerful, we may not feel the effects immediately 
> > > > > > but results will come. One can feel the differences in the 
> > > > > > vibrations of words. Using the word, one can make things change.  
> > > > > > -Mother Meera
> > 
> > > > > > 
> > 
> > > > > > >
> > 
> > > > > > > "Close your eyes and sit in silence and do japa on any divine 
> > > > > > > name."
> > 
> > > > > > > -Mother Meera
> > 
> > > > > > > 
> > 
> > > > > > > >
> > 
> > > > > > > > 
> > 
> > > > > > > > "Find a position to sit, on the floor or in a chair, that you 
> > > > > > > > will be comfortable in for an entire session.  Use a position 
> > > > > > > > that will allow you to keep your backbone straight, with your 
> > > > > > > > head and neck aligned with your spine.  When we sit upright 
> > > > > > > > with a straight spine, the energy generated by meditation can 
> > > > > > > > circulate freely throughout our body without being blocked."  
> > > > > > > > -Karunamayi
> > 
> > > > > > > > 
> > 
> > > > > > > > 
> > 
> > > > > > > > >
> > 
> > > > > > > > > "As you start your meditation, Amma recommends that you can 
> > > > > > > > > use a mantra to help silence and focus your mind.  If you are 
> > > > > > > > > accustomed to using only a particular mantra during 
> > > > > > > > > meditation and would like to continue with that, please feel 
> > > > > > > > > free to do so."   -Karunamayi
> > 
> > > > > > > > > 
> > 
> > > > > > > > > >
> > 
> > > > > > > > > > 
> > 
> > > > > > > > > > "If you wish to continue with your mantra, it is not 
> > > > > > > > > > necessary to ask Amma if you should use it or Saraswati or 
> > > > > > > > > > Gayatri Mantra or not.   Divine Mother has blessed you with 
> > > > > > > > > > abundant powers of intellect and spiritual discrimination.  
> > > > > > > > > > You are welcome to use your discrimination to decide which 
> > > > > > > > > > mantra you feel is best."  -Karunamayi
> > 
> > > > > > > > > > 
> > 
> > > > > > > > > > >
> > 
> > > > > > > > > > > 
> > 
> > > > > > > > > > > "What ever you decide, it is important to come to 
> > > > > > > > > > > meditation without any doubts or questions."  -Karunamayi
> > 
> > > > > > > > > > > 
> > 
> > > > > > > > > > > >
> > 
> > > > > > > > > > > > "If you have been using a particular meditation mantra 
> > > > > > > > > > > > and you have obtained good results from it, you are 
> > > > > > > > > > > > welcome to continue with your technique.  Amma teaches 
> > > > > > > > > > > > certain mantras for meditation because She has 
> > > > > > > > > > > > personally experienced t

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Research Finds Diabetes Can Be Reversed

2011-08-14 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > Pass this on to friends and family!
> > 
> > Mark Hyman, MDPracticing physician
> > 
> > 
> > New Research Finds Diabetes Can Be Reversed
> > Posted: 8/7/11 12:03 AM ET
> > 
> > 
> I'm afraid, one way or another, Big Pharma shall silence
> Jewish(?) heretics, like Dr. Hyman??  :´/

Dr. Bernstein has been living with Type 1 diabetes for 64 years, and they 
haven't silenced him yet:


[FairfieldLife] Re: X is good because Y does it

2011-08-14 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
This is just an extended description of the pro hominem logical fallacy, a says 
b and therefore b is true because a said it. It is an informal fallacy. It is 
also not a mathematical formula, a writer's liberty taken here.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> A mathematical formula, in which X equals whatever it is you're trying
> to sell, and Y is the name of some celebrity.
> It's pretty much one of the staples of the advertising/marketing
> industries, and interestingly it's one of the staples of the spiritual
> marketplace. Someone who is given to "researching the archives" of FFL
> should go back and count the number of celebrities who have been
> referenced here to sell TM; I would suspect that the count is now in the
> dozens. The latest Y's seem to have been Oprah (although that is now in
> dispute) and some model who I wouldn't recognize if she stepped off the
> runway, walked over, and bit me on the ass. [ Not that this is likely to
> happen; it hasn't happened to me with a supermodel in weeks. ] The
> appeal of citing her as a reason to learn TM is a bit lost on me; it's
> not as if seeing her name in a Subject line caused me to think, "Wow! If
> I start TM I'll in the same elite club as a supermodel...I must do this
> today!"
> But oddly, many people DO think that stuff. Associate a "celebrity face"
> with your product, and people line up to buy it. It's like the opposite
> of the "cooties" that the TMO thinks you catch from "seeing other
> teachers," such that they can't allow you to enter one of the domes for
> fear that you'll infect others with them. Instead, it's like the only
> quality that determines for them a good Y is their level of celebrity.
> "David Lynch does TM, and thus if we associate his fame with TM's
> that'll be 'good cooties,' and people will buy our product. Ignore the
> fact that he smokes like a chimney, makes movies that even his fans call
> 'disturbed,' and is given to bouts of near-Tourettes anger when someone
> puts him in *their* movie; he's famous, and that's all that counts."
> That's really all that counts. Celebrity, or the semblance of it.
> What I think this marketing approach appeals to is self importance. On a
> fundamental level that many people call "reality," most people know that
> they're Really Not That Important. They are just one more voice in a
> choir of billions, on a tiny little rock in the uncharted backwaters of
> an unregarded spiral galaxy in black space. But they'd like to BE
> important. The appeal of the "celebrity spokesperson" is that people
> subconsciously think that if they buy the product shilled by the
> celebrity, a little of their Importance will rub off on them. The "good
> cooties" will mystically jump off of the celebrity and land on them,
> much in the same way that Woo Woo Rays emanate from the domes to all
> parts of the environment and magically fix all of the problems of
> society.
> Color me not convinced. The only "TM celebrity" I am impressed with is
> Clint, and that's because I got a chance to meet him once, and
> discovered that he's basically a nice guy. But my suspicion is that the
> niceguyness came first, long before he started TM; there is no
> cause-and-effect relationship going on. I wouldn't rush to learn TM just
> because I heard he practiced it.
> I'm thinkin' that the TMO needs to "up the ante" a bit with this kind of
> advertising. Instead of appealing just to the illusion of catching "good
> cooties" by practicing the same technique the celebrities shill for,
> promise them the opportunity to catch these cooties by rubbing up
> against the celebrities themselves.
> The kinda campaign I'm thinking of is along the lines of "Start TM, win
> a hot date with Heather Graham or Raquel Zimmerman; 'sure thing' date
> guaranteed." Or, for the ladies, "Win a night with Clint Eastwood or
> Russell Brand, BYOK-Y."
> I might actually go for that kind of marketing pitch. Although I might
> not know who Raquel Zimmerman is, thanks to a movie called "Boogie
> Nights" I have seen pretty much every square inch of Heather Graham, and
> would gladly pony up for a lottery ticket that promised her as the Grand
> Prize. I have no idea what she's like in person, but we're only talking
> about one night, right, and the possibility of rubbing up against her
> "good cooties." Spectacular cooties they are, too, based on filmic
> evidence, and even I might be tempted to invest $1500 for a shot at
> them. But to invest that much money just to be in the same
> long-distance, never-likely-to-meet-her club of "TM meditators?" Not so
> much. Catch a clue, TMO...put some real meat in your marketing campaign.
> Then again, as has been said many times on this forum, I'm not yer
> normal kinda guy. Many here seem to be continually impressed and even
> wowed that they practice the same form of meditation as one of these Y
> types. They trot out that fact as a kind of "last ditch" argument i

[FairfieldLife] X is good because Y does it

2011-08-14 Thread turquoiseb
A mathematical formula, in which X equals whatever it is you're trying
to sell, and Y is the name of some celebrity.

It's pretty much one of the staples of the advertising/marketing
industries, and interestingly it's one of the staples of the spiritual
marketplace. Someone who is given to "researching the archives" of FFL
should go back and count the number of celebrities who have been
referenced here to sell TM; I would suspect that the count is now in the
dozens. The latest Y's seem to have been Oprah (although that is now in
dispute) and some model who I wouldn't recognize if she stepped off the
runway, walked over, and bit me on the ass. [ Not that this is likely to
happen; it hasn't happened to me with a supermodel in weeks. ] The
appeal of citing her as a reason to learn TM is a bit lost on me; it's
not as if seeing her name in a Subject line caused me to think, "Wow! If
I start TM I'll in the same elite club as a supermodel...I must do this

But oddly, many people DO think that stuff. Associate a "celebrity face"
with your product, and people line up to buy it. It's like the opposite
of the "cooties" that the TMO thinks you catch from "seeing other
teachers," such that they can't allow you to enter one of the domes for
fear that you'll infect others with them. Instead, it's like the only
quality that determines for them a good Y is their level of celebrity.
"David Lynch does TM, and thus if we associate his fame with TM's
that'll be 'good cooties,' and people will buy our product. Ignore the
fact that he smokes like a chimney, makes movies that even his fans call
'disturbed,' and is given to bouts of near-Tourettes anger when someone
puts him in *their* movie; he's famous, and that's all that counts."

That's really all that counts. Celebrity, or the semblance of it.

What I think this marketing approach appeals to is self importance. On a
fundamental level that many people call "reality," most people know that
they're Really Not That Important. They are just one more voice in a
choir of billions, on a tiny little rock in the uncharted backwaters of
an unregarded spiral galaxy in black space. But they'd like to BE
important. The appeal of the "celebrity spokesperson" is that people
subconsciously think that if they buy the product shilled by the
celebrity, a little of their Importance will rub off on them. The "good
cooties" will mystically jump off of the celebrity and land on them,
much in the same way that Woo Woo Rays emanate from the domes to all
parts of the environment and magically fix all of the problems of

Color me not convinced. The only "TM celebrity" I am impressed with is
Clint, and that's because I got a chance to meet him once, and
discovered that he's basically a nice guy. But my suspicion is that the
niceguyness came first, long before he started TM; there is no
cause-and-effect relationship going on. I wouldn't rush to learn TM just
because I heard he practiced it.

I'm thinkin' that the TMO needs to "up the ante" a bit with this kind of
advertising. Instead of appealing just to the illusion of catching "good
cooties" by practicing the same technique the celebrities shill for,
promise them the opportunity to catch these cooties by rubbing up
against the celebrities themselves.

The kinda campaign I'm thinking of is along the lines of "Start TM, win
a hot date with Heather Graham or Raquel Zimmerman; 'sure thing' date
guaranteed." Or, for the ladies, "Win a night with Clint Eastwood or
Russell Brand, BYOK-Y."

I might actually go for that kind of marketing pitch. Although I might
not know who Raquel Zimmerman is, thanks to a movie called "Boogie
Nights" I have seen pretty much every square inch of Heather Graham, and
would gladly pony up for a lottery ticket that promised her as the Grand
Prize. I have no idea what she's like in person, but we're only talking
about one night, right, and the possibility of rubbing up against her
"good cooties." Spectacular cooties they are, too, based on filmic
evidence, and even I might be tempted to invest $1500 for a shot at
them. But to invest that much money just to be in the same
long-distance, never-likely-to-meet-her club of "TM meditators?" Not so
much. Catch a clue, TMO...put some real meat in your marketing campaign.

Then again, as has been said many times on this forum, I'm not yer
normal kinda guy. Many here seem to be continually impressed and even
wowed that they practice the same form of meditation as one of these Y
types. They trot out that fact as a kind of "last ditch" argument in
debates, "Yeah, but Oprah does TM! Take *that* you rabid anti-TMer,
you!" It doesn't work for me, but it seems to work for them. Perhaps one
or more of them can weigh in and explain why.

For the record, if the TMO took my suggestion and offered a night with
Oprah, that's just not gonna work with me. Better to offer a night of
conversation over a few glasses of good wine. I suspect she is a
wonderful lady, and I'd love to spend some t

[FairfieldLife] Re: iPhones cheaper to support, Android the worst

2011-08-14 Thread Ravi Yogi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" 
> Okay, that is fine.  I guess it all depends on where you draw the
> I think you are reiterating the standard line that we shouldn't seek
> perfection in the relative world, bccause it is not there.  In the
> of Maharishi he many times stated what he felt where the ideals  of a
> spiritual life and of a monk.  He then appeared to violate these
> I have always felt that being a hypocrite was the antithisis of
> spirituality.
You clearly say "Maharishi felt", I can't fathom him offering this as a
prescription for him and everyone else or stating that his views on it
would not change. He should have certainly been more forthright, that is
why I was always attracted to Osho who was brutally honest. But would it
have been counterproductive for Maharishi to have been more forthright?
It is certainly foolish to live up to someone's idealized external image
of a Guru.

  > And to walk away with no bitterness, but rather a lot of gratitidue
> everything I took from the experience.
The lack of bitterness and gratitude is certainly evident in your posts.
> But I am caught up in the
> relative now where I value trying to be honest in my dealings with
> others, and above all to be a friend to people can count on me for
> matters big or small.
How's that working for you - I can't believe you can honestly say that
you are 100% honest, selfless and utterly content in the relative.

> I try to undestand your perspective on personalties such as MLK, JFK,
> Dalai Lama, Gandi.  I  don't reject that perspective out of  hand,but
> think there is something to be said for feeding someone who is
> in spite of how they got there, whether they are getting their just
> for past actions or whatever.  There is something to be said for
> to alleviate a little bit of suffering.  But perhaps you dismiss this
> bleeding heart liberalism.

I don't dismiss alleviating suffering as bleeding heart liberalism. I
dismiss the notion of alleviating suffering outside of us as bleeding
heart liberalism. I certainly see lot of value in feeding the poor,
helping the needy - I have always willingly donated money to any
homeless I came across on the streets of San Francisco and donated money
to Amma's charitable projects. However I deny there is any suffering
outside of us. I see a difference between pain and suffering.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mantra Meditation

2011-08-14 Thread Ravi Yogi
I do think you are getting worked up. I got a mantra in 1995 when I
first met her but never chanted it much because it only made fall asleep
and I have never been fascinated with chanting mantras as a spiritual
But I hate to tell you the bad news, regardless of whether you chant
your mantra or not, whether you go see Amma again or not, the seed of
spirituality has been planted in you, the spiritual power of Ammachi is
such. You are on the fast path to self-knowledge and you will not be
truly content again till you end with self knowledge.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans 
> I went
> through the process and received a mantra from Amma. Â But, I will
> chant it or repeat it.  However, I
> appreciate all these nudges, because I do believe meditation is a
large part of
> the answer and the "message" from the saints is a worthy one for me.
 I am about to be incredibly and excruciatingly redundant and will
not state all this again, after this time.
> Â
> I did my
> best to research it...it is a simple "seed" mantra, which could be
> deemed appropriate, in hindsight. Â I just feel incredibly foolish
> it and it simply doesn't resonate. Â But there are other meditation
> that do, that I have done in the past.
> Â
> Part of
> my story was that I was on stage waiting for her to whisper my
personal mantra
> in my ear and when she did, the woman to the side of her pulled a
> mantra from a recipe box and gave it to me. Â Then, our group was
> off to a circle to meet with a Swami, who was going to explain it to
> Â We were all in a circle, and he told us that each of our mantras
had a
> special secret meaning and we had to put our hands over our ears while
he told
> each person what theirs meant.
> Â
> Because
> of the loud music, he had to raise his voice and I could hear
(although I had
> my hands over my ears as instructed). Â All of the mantras,
including mine,
> meant one of two things as translated by him: Â "I bow down to the
> divine Mother" was mine. All those mantrasand they all meant the
> thing, basically. Â And, we weren't supposed to chant it just
during our
> IAM meditation - it represented another 30 minutes and also was to be
kept in
> our minds all day, all the time...thinking of Amma constantly. I felt
like I
> was signing up for something far greater than I had anticipated or
understood (religious text and subtext-wise).
> Â
> I
> wondered why it was all so secret. Â Clearly I missed something.
> Â "I am not ready", "my ego is in the way", "I
> should just repeat and not question"...I was told all these things. I
> don't deny that these things may all be true at this juncture in life.
> Â
> Although
> I say I am big picture, I am splitting hairs here. Â If the divine
> is Amma and the weekend message made it abundantly clear that she was
and also
> God, I cannot bow down...she is human, not God to me. It's pretty
simple and
> this concept is a nauseatingly redundant theme for me on this forum,
so I will
> stop. I realized part of the way through the exercise that I was in
trouble and
> out of integrity, as we were told that by accepting the mantra we
agreed that
> Amma would be our guide, through this lifetime and the subsequent
ones. Â I
> should have left the circle at that time, but didn't, as I felt like I
> almost out of my body and I was having trouble moving. Â There was
> who had a tradition in Jesus, who did leave.Â
> Â
> In the end, from the larger perspective..I
> choose not to demonize Amma...she has helped many and her message on
the face
> of it is about connection to God and compassion for all. But...for
me...while I
> choose to meditate, because "my way” without it is not working
- I’m not going to consult a Satguru.  Maybe in my next
lifetime, as I
> like to say, because, honestly, I don't "know".Â
> --- On Sat, 8/13/11, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:
> From: Buck dhamiltony2k5@...
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mantra Meditation
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Saturday, August 13, 2011, 8:17 PM
> Â
> "It is always advisable to obtain a mantra from a Self-Realized Master
(Sat-Guru). Until then we may use one of the mantras of our beloved
deity like "Om Namah Shivaya", "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya", "Om Namo
Narayanaya", "Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, Hare Krishna Hare
Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare", "Hari Om", "Om Parashaktyai Namaha",
"Om Shivashaktyaikya Rupinyai Namaha" or even the names of Christ, Allah
or Buddha."  -Ammachi
> >
> >
> > "Amma stresses that you need to have the conviction that there is
nothing greater than remembering God. Then you will find the time even
in the midst of all your work to do meditation. As soon as you get up,
meditate for ten minutes. After your bath, meditate again for half an
hour. In the beginning, it is

[FairfieldLife] Re: (Experience)

2011-08-14 Thread Ravi Yogi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans 
> Touche...I was talking about those who give up everything..give up
their power...give up their familiesin search of the answer in
someone other then themselves and when they "come to" they are left with
themselves and their direct relationship with "God." Â There are
those devotees who do this and the evidence is in their first person
accounts...I would hazard a guess that the verbose RC is one of those
people. Â
True, but the search is part of the process. Robin definitely seems one.
Because according to him his Unity experience was one where he was held
hostage by Vedic Gods and made to commit horrible acts in exchange for
the blissful state, whereas my experience is completely different. I was
in Unity but my mind/intellect was continuously judging and making fun
of it. To avoid accountability for his actions Robin's intellect comes
up with an elaborate story, mind you Robin is very intelligent - I loved
his description of the state of enlightenment but its all intellectual
and zero experiential for him. That's why I call him TM's Prodigal Pimp

> I am also talking about the phenomenon of the guru who forgets that
they have human attributes and places themselves above the rest of
us..but perhaps they are operating out of a knowledge they are trying to
impart...as long as they don't forget that they are human and subject to
the same ego dillusions that the rest of us are. Â I still don't
believe I have to have a mediator between me and Godbut that doesn't
mean I can't have a teacher. Â I have many teachers...life has
humbled me.
Right on..
> I was also putting forth the example of how different experiences
affect our belief systems and influence what is "real" for each of us.
> I am glad you are feeling maternal today...myself, I feel like I might
have an "intellectual hard-on" going on even though my favorite word
these days is "FUCK!", which isn't very intellectual. Â Let me
digress for a moment. Â What the fuck is wrong with a woman saying
"FUCK?" Â How great a word is that? Â "What the FUCK is going on?"
is my favorite phrase these days. Â The absurdity of my existence is
simply killing me and driving me to meditation faster than I can type.
If fuck is your favorite word, you are not having an intellectual
hard-on :-)

> But, I learn a lot from you Ravi and I appreciate fully that you put
my visit with Amma the saint in context for me and even deigned to
respond as putting my little story out there was a huge risk for me at
the time (wasn't really, but felt like it). Â However, I'm a big
picture to detail kind of person..so all I've been able to retain
recently from what you've said is the concept of the  "mirror" and I
agree unequivocally. Â
Thank you  very much, I'm humbled.

[FairfieldLife] Hundreds of years?

2011-08-14 Thread cardemaister

"That is why he took so many hundreds of years to be known."

In reply to a comment that Jesus Christ didn't have a public relations team.
Quoted in "Looking back" Juan Rodriguez, The Gazette. Montreal, Que.: February 
19, 2011

[FairfieldLife] Nokia is "Russian"? :D

2011-08-14 Thread cardemaister

In a way, Nokia Corp. (b. 1865) may be said to
be "Russian":

The Grand Duchy of Finland (correctly Grand Principality of Finland; Finnish: 
Suomen suuriruhtinaskunta, Swedish: Storfurstendömet Finland, Latin: Magnus 
Ducatus Finlandiæ, Russian: Великое 
Velikoye knyazhestvo Finlyandskoy) was the predecessor state of modern Finland. 
It existed 1809–1917 as part of the Russian Empire and was ruled by the Russian 
czar as Grand Prince.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Research Finds Diabetes Can Be Reversed

2011-08-14 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> Pass this on to friends and family!
> Mark Hyman, MDPracticing physician
> New Research Finds Diabetes Can Be Reversed
> Posted: 8/7/11 12:03 AM ET

I'm afraid, one way or another, Big Pharma shall silence
Jewish(?) heretics, like Dr. Hyman??  :´/

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bumpin'

2011-08-14 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans  wrote:
> Gotta love it..I was 4 in 1966.  His genius cannot be denied.
> --- On Sat, 8/13/11, Bhairitu  wrote:
> From: Bhairitu 
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Bumpin'
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Saturday, August 13, 2011, 4:58 PM

> > A little Wes for a lazy Sunday or any other day
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PUDW3ZwI20

Listening to that, I first thought he's "horrible with chords",
like B.B.King. But that's prolly not the case...

> I saw Wes Montgomery play in a jazz club around 1966.  He was a small 
> guy, the guitar dwarfing him, sitting on a stool with his feet not even 
> reaching the floor.  He didn't play this stuff, it came later on.  He 
> just played his ass off with cooking jazz.