[FairfieldLife] Simon Garfunkel - America w/intro

2012-11-03 Thread Emily Reyn


[FairfieldLife] Sade - the ultimate mermaid

2012-11-03 Thread Emily Reyn


[FairfieldLife] Lady Gaga - Edge of Glory

2012-11-03 Thread Emily Reyn


I'm sorry for all these posts.  I'm literally trying to save my sister.  I've 
just re-connected with her after 15 years.  She lives on the edge.  So, I try 
not to take a shower for a couple of days before I see her and I try to relate. 
 Because, after all, we were raised together.  And, I'm the oldest.  And I 
haven't been a supportive sister because I never learned what that meant.  
Robin, I'm trying to get to your post, but Reality is dictating every day.  
But, I want to respond, because I just don't see it.  I don't see a personal 
*something* that created me.  So, I'll get back.  Love, Em.  

[FairfieldLife] Gayatri prayer - recently posted

2012-11-03 Thread Emily Reyn
I listen to this every morning:  I'm out for awhile, but more power to you all. 
 My prayers go out to everyone on the east coastJudy, Xeno included - I 
haven't detached yet.  


[FairfieldLife] A book review after my own heart

2012-11-03 Thread turquoiseb
As some may have been able to tell :-), I spent a large
part of my youth as a fan of science fiction and fantasy
writing. I read everything I could find at the library,
and other stuff found in second-hand bookstores that the
libraries didn't feel worthy of putting on their shelves.
And along the way I've had various favorite writers,
most of them men (partly because...duh...most writers
who get published are men, and especially most writers
consigned to the scifi/fantasy ghetto are men). My faves
have always been the soft scifi writers such as Roger
Zelazny (who specialized in the reinvention of myth),
Orson Scott Card (who specialized in the reinvention of
religion and spirituality), and Philip K. Dick (who
specialized in the reinvention of reality). But if I'm 
honest, my all-time favorite scifi/fantasy writer has 
always been (gasp) a woman -- Ursula K. Le Guin. 

When I moved to the L.A. area during my college years,
I became a devotee of the A Change Of Hobbit bookstore,
and thus got to meet and hobnob with a few of my fave
writers, and/or hear them speak. Some, like Zelazny,
were the kinds of public speakers who should have kept
to writing, and others, like Card, could be as eloquent
in speech as they were on paper. Some were fiercely
intelligent, and others only posed as intelligent, more
Mensa types trolling for attention. Only one writer 
blew me out of my socks with her combination of innate
intelligence, charm, mastery of language, and above all,
vision of and compassion for what it means to be human.
That was Ursula Kroeber Le Guin. 

Under the first link at the bottom of this post is a 
review of a new 2-volume collection of her short writing,
and the author of it seems to not only agree with me
that Ursula is the best living genre/ghetto writer
in the world, but one of the best writers, period. 
It's in her genes. Her father was one of the most 
famous anthropologists in the world, A.L. Kroeber,
and her mother was a famous writer and social scien-
tist in her own right. Ursula obviously grew up in
a household that had been trained to view humans
with the accuracy of a scientist, but also the
compassion of a saint, and that trait has charac-
terized all of her writing. She has won all the
major awards in her genre many times over, and her
seminal gender-busting novel The Left Hand of 
Darkness is still in my all-time Top Five. If 
you're looking for some good books to curl up with
this Winter, you might do well to look into some
of hers. 



[FairfieldLife] Seppo's prediction for this month!

2012-11-03 Thread card

Google translation from Mr. Seppo ( = blacksmith) Tanhua's (~ field)
blog on www.astro.fi

Mars triggers a change in the energies of up to full speed in November 2012

November is tuned to the astrologically extremely accurate planetary patterns 
at the same time very beautiful, creative and destructive entity. All the 
forces of change triggers will take place the last week of November and it is 
really interesting to see how it will appear in the news media.

Rewarding the whole is definitely coated in the cradle of the full pattern 
27-28.11.2012. Mars will join Pluto precisely at a time when Venus will align 
closely to Saturn. Chiron and Neptune are exactly the positive angle, and 
Mars-Pluto, Venus and Saturn-groups.

Something transcendent stunning in this figure is the history of the world. I 
just can not at all imagine what could eventually be an issue. Herääkö 
collective consciousness in a positive way to realize the rottenness of money 
in the world, the choices begin to focus on the change being carried out and to 
those that credit bubble in the outbreak of uncontrollable downward spiral? 
Awake people to realize their securities and investing in real estate, the 
paper quickly lose all credibility.

Mars conjunction Pluto launch a very aggressive two-year period, during which 
the power is going to move securities concrete and life-sustaining elements. 
Agriculture, nature and clean water will be the most valuable asset you may 
already next two years.

It is likely that almost all the listed companies will be removed, to a large 
company on the map in the next two years. The world will run the traditional 
self-sufficient companies with no debt and not merely on paper-based owners. 
The collapse of the banks will also be money to be deformed in some 
unpredictable manner. Consequences do not think one can not predict even 
approximately, so let speculation stay in these homes.

Pianhan it can be seen, all that happens and how it happens.

From my activation email? Worth in November, and especially at the end of the 
month approaches, carefully read the Venus and Mars to overtake. This 
important time solutions are not known, as it is now, from the great wheel 
turning. Yours should rotate with.

View author's transits

0 comments | Comment | Report | Writing

[FairfieldLife] Re: Samavartaka Fire

2012-11-03 Thread card

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Text 50
  sri-bhagavan uvaca
  kaleh pancasahasrani
  varshani tishtha bhutale
  papani papino yani
  tubhyam dasyanti snanatah
 As an example, I'll try to fix at least 
 those words I'm quite certain of (at least vowels):
  shrii-bhagavaan uvaaca
  kaaleh pancasahasraani
  varshaani tishtha bhuutale
  paapaani paapino yaani
  tubhyam dasyanti snaanatah
 Ignoring the long vowels almost totally
 destroys the supreme rhythm of Sanskrit texts...
  The blessed Lord said: On the earth 5,000 years of kali will be sinful and
  sinners will deposit their sins in you by bathing. 

Just for fun, Shakespeare's Sonnet number 1 (in part) written somewhat
imitating the substandardity of that Sanskrit transliteration:

From ferest cretures wy desir incrise,
That thereby bity's ros meght never dee,
But as the ripper shold by tim decess,
His tender her meght ber his memore...


Re: [FairfieldLife] Lady Gaga - Edge of Glory

2012-11-03 Thread Share Long
dear Emily, it's almost 6 am Central on Saturday morning.  I just said John 
Newton's ancestral forgiveness prayers specifically for you and your sister.  
Hopefully they will help.  Today, when I think of it, I'll do the short version 
too.  I'm so glad you two have re-connected.  It is an amazingly good thing. 

BTW, you are, IMO,  one of the most supportive and compassionate people here on 
FFL.  It's your nature.  That's why you didn't have to learn it.  Share

 From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2012 2:23 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Lady Gaga - Edge of Glory



I'm sorry for all these posts.  I'm literally trying to save my sister.  I've 
just re-connected with her after 15 years.  She lives on the edge.  So, I try 
not to take a shower for a couple of days before I see her and I try to relate. 
 Because, after all, we were raised together.  And, I'm the oldest.  And I 
haven't been a supportive sister because I never learned what that meant.  
Robin, I'm trying to get to your post, but Reality is dictating every day.  
But, I want to respond, because I just don't see it.  I don't see a personal 
*something* that created me.  So, I'll get back.  Love, Em.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: to those who use a handle on FFL to noozguru

2012-11-03 Thread card

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Triguna told me I'm pure pitta 

Just occurred to me, could it that for pitta-s it's easier
to awaken kuNDalinii, than for vaata-s and kapha-s? From

44-45(a). Then Agni and Apana come to (or commingle with) Prana
in the heated state. Through this Agni which is very fiery, there
arises in the body the flaming (or the fire) which rouses the
sleeping Kundalini through its heat. (Translated by K. Narayanasvami

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield to Ann

2012-11-03 Thread Share Long
Emily, I was neither passive nor aggressive in my question to Ann.  She sent 
the photo to make a point about mutual trust, thus continuing our discussion.  
When I saw the photo, I immediately noticed how the horse's head was bowed 
down.  For just the reasons I mention:  that I'm accustomed to seeing horses in 
photos with their heads up.  I added that I'm not an expert in horses or horse 

Your loyalty to your friends is admirable a lot of the time.  But here you have 
ommitted key elements of what I said.  Was I questioning Ann's point about 
mutual trust compared to the composition of the photo?  Yes.  But I was asking 
about it and admitting my lack of knowledge thus giving her the benefit of the 

If by not reaching reality you mean that I'm unaware of my flaws, I assure you 
that I am quite aware of them.  Good luck with your sister.  I said the 
ancestral prayers for you and her before I read your other two posts.  Nature 
organizing well. 

 From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2012 12:56 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups 
of Fairfield to Ann

snip ..But I wonder if it's usual for a horse's head to be so bowed down 
in a photo.  I'm accustomed to seeing images of horses with their head held up 
and their neck more relaxed looking.  Nonetheless, he's a beautiful horse and 
you look happy.  I wish you both all the best.  And yes, it is possible to do 
that, contrary to what oxcart thinks, even if I disagree with you and or am 
upset with you.  This also applies to Doni.
PS  A friend OF YOURS has expressed concern about you to me offline.  And not 
in relation to anything I have written.  To the contrary, they have expressed 
agreement with and encouragement for my part in our recent exchanges.

Share:  Can you identify the statements here that are an example of 
passive-aggressive behavior, couched in love and light.  I know you don't see 
it that way, but that is how it could be perceived.  If you haven't identified 
the parts of your personality that gravitate towards passive-aggressive 
behavior, you can be pitta all you want but you will never reach reality.  
Love, Em. 

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, November 2, 2012 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups 
of Fairfield to Ann

replying as Share.  Where I've split your replies I've inserted Ann to show 
where your separated reply continues.

 From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2012 10:39 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups of 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Ann, you don't get it?!  Nonetheless you make derogatory remarks!

This is a figure of speech. I actually do get it.
Share:  Ann, this concept of getting it or not was of course not my main 
point.  My main point is that because of how you express your ideas, it sounds 
as if you are making derogatory statements about all these groups on the list.

  About a list which includes Quakers, Liberal Catholics and Sufis; yoga 
classes and qigong and devotional singing!  Your capacity for unfounded 
accusations seems to know no bounds.  I happy to see I'm in such good company, 
having also been accused by you in this way.

Ann: You are taking it much too literally. 

Share:  Actually what I'm doing is responding to your ACTUAL words. 

Ann:  I am not criticizing individually any one teaching. I am astounded there 
are so many conglomerating in one spot and conjecturing on why his might be so. 
My theory is that there is a market for all of this, a very large, hungry 
market. It's about, on one level, the marketplace and the laws of supply and 
demand. I am just intrigued why there would be such a demand.
Share:  Now you are expressing astonishment.  But in your initial statement you 
used derogatory phrases such as:  traveling medicine men and side shows; what a 
load; and groups happy to take all for a ride.   
Ok, in reference to your all fine post this evening, this probably makes it 
all unfine again.  But I could not in good conscience let go unanswered your 
making such derogatory and blanket statements about so many good groups of 
people.  For God sakes, woman, you haven't even been here in how many 
years?!  How can you say such things based on no actual experience of these 
actual groups?!

Ann:  I am not talking about the validity of any of these groups I am speaking 
about something much bigger.
Share:  It seemed you were talking about all the groups since you used plural 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to those who use a handle on FFL to carde

2012-11-03 Thread Share Long
People who know me in person find it hard to believe I'm pure pitta though it 
might be more obvious now that I'm in Mars mahadasa!  IMO, the advantage for 
kaphas on spiritual path is that they tend to be more grounded, less in their 
head.  But there can be a lot of tamas guna present, inertia.  The advantage 
for vatas is there can be a lot of sattva, but then they're so much in the head 
and can be scattered.  Pittas can have some wonderful combo of weaknesses and 
strengths (-:

Actually if I remember my ayurveda classes, it's best if apana vayu moves 

I've written before about Patangali Kundalini Yoga Care in Knoxville, TN, a 
Saraswati lineage devoted to helping people with stuck kundalinis which is what 
I had prior to doing their retreat in July 2009.  According to their teaching 
my kundalini was in vajra nadi which actually goes all the way up to crown.  
But is very unstable and wrecks havoc on the physiology and chakras.  Once it 
was redirected to sushumna, Kundalini Shakti went to upper brow ajna and 
remains there, making Her way slowly but surely and smoothly to crown chakra.  
That's what they teach and my experience bears out its validity.  

 From: card cardemais...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2012 6:36 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to those who use a handle on FFL to noozguru


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Triguna told me I'm pure pitta 

Just occurred to me, could it that for pitta-s it's easier
to awaken kuNDalinii, than for vaata-s and kapha-s? From

44-45(a). Then Agni and Apana come to (or commingle with) Prana
in the heated state. Through this Agni which is very fiery, there
arises in the body the flaming (or the fire) which rouses the
sleeping Kundalini through its heat. (Translated by K. Narayanasvami


[FairfieldLife] Affluence

2012-11-03 Thread merlin

~~ J a i   G u r u   D e v

Affluence doesn't means dollar's with which you are destroying the world, but 
drops of nectar in your Self.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

[FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield

2012-11-03 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Just curious - I have a couple of friends here in South Carolina who have 
 been using his methods with their horses and they are very satisfied with the 
 results - I've watched one of them doing the join-up with one of the horses 
 in a round pen - its was pretty amazing. All of their horses are pretty 
 normal, no abuse history or anything. 
 They also have been convinced to use the natural hoof care - they were 
 skeptics for years but had one horse with on-going hoof problems who had to 
 be without shoes for months anyway, so they got a farrier who specializes in 
 it and eventually they put all their horses on it. They do say the type of 
 soil where the horses live makes it a viable alternative or not - they say if 
 there is sandy soil, going shoeless just won't work - we have clay soil 
 around here so...

Barefoot is natural for horses of course but with the work we often do with 
them and the footing they have to work on this is often not practical or 
possible. And, in fact, shoes can provide needed traction and support; studs 
are often used in jumping or galloping on grass so you need shoes to drill the 
stud holes in. One positive thing about leaving a horse barefoot is the foot 
can theoretically grow out into a more natural shape which can allow more room 
for the bone structure in the foot. Whatever the case, barefoot or shod, you 
need a good farrier or all hell can break loose.
  From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, November 2, 2012 9:39 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups of 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  What do you think of Monty Roberts and his methods?
 Hey MJ, I have only read Monty's one book, The Man Who Listens to Horses  
 that came out about 15 years ago and enjoyed it immensely. He seemed to be, 
 at the time, a new and needed voice in the industry, especially the Western 
 world of breaking horses. He has had a very big influence on the English 
 discipline as well. Now, even in the Victoria area, there are many western 
 trainers as well as English ones who have really picked up on his methods as 
 well as the related and developing techniques of others to help the very 
 large amateur group of women who take up and continue to ride well into their 
 middle years and need all the help they can get!
 While I appreciate and respect this man's abilities, courage with and insight 
 into horses, I was brought up with a very traditional British methodology of 
 breaking, backing and educating horses. I don't choose to work with damaged, 
 dangerous or very difficult animals, especially now that I am in my mid 
 fifties. But thank God there are those who have the capability and the desire 
 to do so or so many of these unfortunate animals would end up in the 
 slaughter house. If you can't create, through proper handling,  a horse who 
 can do a job and do it safely they, like so many misunderstood and 
 dangerous dogs, pay the ultimate price.
   From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2012 11:39 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups 
  of Fairfield
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Ann, you don't get it?!  Nonetheless you make derogatory remarks!
  This is a figure of speech. I actually do get it.
    About a list which includes Quakers, Liberal Catholics and Sufis; 
  yoga classes and qigong and devotional singing!  Your capacity for 
  unfounded accusations seems to know no bounds.  I happy to see I'm 
  in such good company, having also been accused by you in this way.
  You are taking it much too literally. I am not criticizing individually any 
  one teaching. I am astounded there are so many conglomerating in one spot 
  and conjecturing on why his might be so. My theory is that there is a 
  market for all of this, a very large, hungry market. It's about, on one 
  level, the marketplace and the laws of supply and demand. I am just 
  intrigued why there would be such a demand.
   Ok, in reference to your all fine post this evening, this probably makes 
   it all unfine again.  But I could not in good conscience let go 
   unanswered your making such derogatory and blanket statements about so 
   many good groups of people.  For good sakes, woman, you haven't 
   even been here in how many years?!  How can you say such things 
   based on no actual experience of these actual groups?!
  I am not talking about the validity of any of these groups I am speaking 
  about something 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield to Ann

2012-11-03 Thread awoelflebater

Sorry it took me a day to get to this but was very busy organizing an awards 
banquet yesterday. Just a few thoughts on what you have written Share.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 replying as Share.  Where I've split your replies I've inserted Ann to show 
 where your separated reply continues.
  From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2012 10:39 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups of 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Ann, you don't get it?!  Nonetheless you make derogatory remarks!
 This is a figure of speech. I actually do get it.
 Share:  Ann, this concept of getting it or not was of course not my main 
 point.  My main point is that because of how you express your ideas, it 
 sounds as if you are making derogatory statements about all these groups on 
 the list.
   About a list which includes Quakers, Liberal Catholics and Sufis; yoga 
 classes and qigong and devotional singing!  Your capacity for unfounded 
 accusations seems to know no bounds.  I happy to see I'm in such good 
 company, having also been accused by you in this way.
 Ann: You are taking it much too literally. 
 Share:  Actually what I'm doing is responding to your ACTUAL words. 
 Ann:  I am not criticizing individually any one teaching. I am astounded 
 there are so many conglomerating in one spot and conjecturing on why his 
 might be so. My theory is that there is a market for all of this, a very 
 large, hungry market. It's about, on one level, the marketplace and the laws 
 of supply and demand. I am just intrigued why there would be such a demand.
 Share:  Now you are expressing astonishment.  But in your initial statement 
 you used derogatory phrases such as:  traveling medicine men and side shows; 
 what a load; and groups happy to take all for a ride.   
 Ok, in reference to your all fine post this evening, this probably makes it 
 all unfine again.  But I could not in good conscience let go unanswered 
 your making such derogatory and blanket statements about so many good groups 
 of people.  For God sakes, woman, you haven't even been here in how many 
 years?!  How can you say such things based on no actual experience of 
 these actual groups?!
 Ann:  I am not talking about the validity of any of these groups I am 
 speaking about something much bigger.
 Share:  It seemed you were talking about all the groups since you used 
 plural nouns:  medicine MEN, side SHOWS, GROUPS happy...ride.  
   What is going on with you that you can do this?
  I admit, I don't understand.     
 Ann:  In a nutshell, here it is:
 The mere fact that there are so many different groups converging on this very 
 small pinhead of real estate is a phenomenon in itself. I thought FF was a TM 
 community. What are all these other travelling medicine shows doing there? 
 How many teachers, teachings, spiritual paths, enlightened people, practices 
 can/should one person pursue in a relatively short life span of, say, 72 
 years? If you can't see the ludicrousness of it all, laugh at it for even one 
 split second, then nothing I am going to say here will make you consider any 
 other viewpoint than your own. You are, for example, 63 years old and how 
 many different techniques, teachings etc etc are you pursuing or have you 
 investigated? And how much closer are you to whatever you see as the goal?
 Share:  Near my beginning on FFL I wrote about my goal.  That because of 
 the trauma in my childhood, I've needed more than usual amount of emotional 
 healing.  I believe I've pursued that
  in a very responsible way.  Those who know me in person can attest to my 
 good sense of humor about everything.  And to my gratitude for all 
 beneficial healing tools, and even for my childhood.
 Ann:  I can't help comparing it to what I do in my life which has been to 
 become as accomplished as I possibly can to growing into the best 
 horseman/person/woman that I am capable of. If I were to go to as many 
 trainers, clinicians, coaches as there were available to me in the 
 marketplace I would not be doing myself any favours in my discipline. I would 
 be confusing my horse and starting and stopping so many times that  it would 
 be like treading water. Here is how it works for me: if I were to be using, 
 say, 7-10 different coaches at any one time it would be indicative to me that 
 I am not happy with any of them. It would say to me they are not fulfilling 
 what I think I want in a coach. However, when I find a trainer who I end up 
 staying with for a prolonged period of time, to the exclusion of others, it 
 is a sure sign they are 'doing it' for me. They are the one I want to focus 
 Share:  I agree and this is 

[FairfieldLife] For the Fox News haters

2012-11-03 Thread emptybill
A Pew study catalogs media bias and finds MSNBC the winner!

On MSNBC, the ratio of negative to positive stories on GOP candidate
Mitt Romney was 71 to 3.That's not a news channel. That's a propaganda
machine ...


Re: [FairfieldLife] to those who use a handle on FFL to noozBtu and feste

2012-11-03 Thread Share Long
Feste I'm the clueless one here, not you.  When I composed my email address, I 
didn't even think of its meaning, beyond that I got to use my oft wished for 

Barry2, if he were still with us, would your tantric guru say that we all have 
masculine and feminine in us?  Wonder if there's a masculine form of Ritu which 
I've noticed the Hindu names often have both.  All this time, I've thought you 
were a man from India working in the US.  I like Sharana as a way to Hindicize 
my name.  I think it means sanctuary.

I have a friend, ex Purusha who bought a condo at Amma's ashram and lived there 
a lot.  But he's quite vata so can probably take the heat.  Hey, amazing!  I 
just remembered that his birthday is tomorrow!  Also the 35th anniversary of my 
finishing the sidhis course, minus yogic flying, which I did the following year.

I have heard about the driving in India.  And seen it depicted in movies.  
Looks wild, even without driving on the so called other side.  That would 
definitely call for some major neuroplasticity!  Doesn't most of the world 
drive on the left side?  So really we're the ones driving on the wrong side!

I think the Western diet is very acidifying which would create inflammation and 
increase pitta.  But the frantic lifestyle vitiates vata which also throws 
pitta off, I've heard.  Between my MA in SCI and my MS in Psychology, I took 
about 3 months in ayurveda.  Plus in FF, knowledge and info about jyotish and 
ayurveda and vastu bounces around in conversations.

 From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, November 2, 2012 10:14 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] to those who use a handle on FFL to noozguru

Yes the origin of Bhairitu is from Barry2 but it is more complicated 
than that.  When I subscribed to a.m.t my Usenet handle was Barry based 
on my email at the time and it was fictional name I used in a band 
(handle on top of handle). The three of us in the band all had fictional 
names and all were TM'ers and one now lives in Fairfield.  Some of the 
folks on a.m.t started calling us Barry1 and Barry2 so I just Hindicized 
it to Bhairitu which in Hindi would be brother Ritu which would be 
weird because Ritu is a female name.  So the handle is also a bit of 
cognitive dissonance.

The tropics I was thinking of was Kerala in India.  Nice communist state 
but you wouldn't know it because businesses thrive there and Cochin is a 
very modern city.  Problem is they drive on the wrong side of the road 
in India.  And then they play chicken a lot when they drive.  Also 
spent a few days at Ammachi's ashram in Amritapuri.

You could throw a rock in the US and probably hit someone with a pitta 
predominant constitution.

On 11/02/2012 06:35 PM, Share Long wrote:
 laughing at the memory of when I got confirmed in Catholic Church, I was in 
 third grade and my partner in line was a 4th grader by the name of Sharon 
 Short.  I like to think that gave the nuns a little something to chuckle at.  
 I didn't get my nickname Share til later in life.  Long was originally 

 Hey, finally figured out that you are Barry2.  I thought there were 2 Barrys!

 How about Seaside, FL?  Set for The Truman Show.  As for Americans living in 
 a dream, I admit I do feel like I'm in a bit of a bubble here in FF.  Though 
 the climate features extremes in both winter and summer, there are 
   Not the least of which is
   low cost of living and the safety factor.  Very comforting for a single 
 woman.  And I definitely felt detached from Hurricane Sandy once I knew my 
 family was ok.  The whole time it was happening we were having the most 
 beautiful autumn days I can remember.  Like Sandy was happening on another 

 Triguna told me I'm pure pitta and based on experience, I'd say that's true.  
 I grew up in DC, which is a hot humid climate.  But recently we had some 
 humid and cool weather here in FF.  Definitely the humidity does me in!  
 Anyway, here's an article I received on that whole topic of lots of babies 9 
 months after a blackout.  BTW, I think ayurveda cautions against all that 
 when there's a lot of chaos in the environment such as with a storm:


   From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, November 2, 2012 5:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] to those who use a handle on FFL

 Share is often a nickname for Sharon.  I have cousins whose last
 name is Long.  I don't know they ever knew the local Short family (who
 have a famous winery). They were from my aunt's first husband and may
 not have grown up in the area.

 I could easily live in the tropics where temperature year around is in
 the 80s.  You have to put up with some monsoons but I can live in 80s
 degree weather and ceiling fan would 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A book review after my own heart

2012-11-03 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 As some may have been able to tell :-), I spent a large
 part of my youth as a fan of science fiction and fantasy
 writing. I read everything I could find at the library,
 and other stuff found in second-hand bookstores that the
 libraries didn't feel worthy of putting on their shelves.
 And along the way I've had various favorite writers,
 most of them men (partly because...duh...most writers
 who get published are men, and especially most writers
 consigned to the scifi/fantasy ghetto are men). My faves
 have always been the soft scifi writers such as Roger
 Zelazny (who specialized in the reinvention of myth),
 Orson Scott Card (who specialized in the reinvention of
 religion and spirituality), and Philip K. Dick (who
 specialized in the reinvention of reality). But if I'm 
 honest, my all-time favorite scifi/fantasy writer has 
 always been (gasp) a woman -- Ursula K. Le Guin. 
 When I moved to the L.A. area during my college years,
 I became a devotee of the A Change Of Hobbit bookstore,
 and thus got to meet and hobnob with a few of my fave
 writers, and/or hear them speak. Some, like Zelazny,
 were the kinds of public speakers who should have kept
 to writing, and others, like Card, could be as eloquent
 in speech as they were on paper. Some were fiercely
 intelligent, and others only posed as intelligent, more
 Mensa types trolling for attention. Only one writer 
 blew me out of my socks with her combination of innate
 intelligence, charm, mastery of language, and above all,
 vision of and compassion for what it means to be human.
 That was Ursula Kroeber Le Guin. 
 Under the first link at the bottom of this post is a 
 review of a new 2-volume collection of her short writing,
 and the author of it seems to not only agree with me
 that Ursula is the best living genre/ghetto writer
 in the world, but one of the best writers, period. 
 It's in her genes. Her father was one of the most 
 famous anthropologists in the world, A.L. Kroeber,
 and her mother was a famous writer and social scien-
 tist in her own right. Ursula obviously grew up in
 a household that had been trained to view humans
 with the accuracy of a scientist, but also the
 compassion of a saint, and that trait has charac-
 terized all of her writing. She has won all the
 major awards in her genre many times over, and her
 seminal gender-busting novel The Left Hand of 
 Darkness is still in my all-time Top Five. If 
 you're looking for some good books to curl up with
 this Winter, you might do well to look into some
 of hers. 

Thanks, I will. I recognise the name and thought I might have
had the pleasure but a quick perusal of her website later
and I can see I haven't. So I'll nip down the shops and buy
the one with the cover that appeals to me most and without
reading the back but the one you mention seems like a good
place to start as I love vintage sci-fi anyway.


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Rumors

2012-11-03 Thread Buck
REally we could use a few more good meditators for super radiance on Tuesday.
-Buck in the Dome

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
Now if that isn't a bloody waste of everyone's time, but then it is still 
  positive-Wednesday here on FFL so I won't go in to what I think now about 
  people who lay back and sleep for the whole time in meditation in the Dome. 
  Which is happening due to an unhealthy lifestyle. When I was in Fairfield I 
  was surprised to see how late many stayed up at night. And resting before 
  Programme was rare.
 Yep, and lack of spiritual discipline and so without fortitude.  Sit the f up 
 and do the practice when you come to meditate.   Just Lain back and laying 
 down is so cowardly.  Really the meditation is much better than it was some 
 number of years ago when so many would so flagrantly come in and go to sleep 
 under a blanket as their 'meditation'.  There is not much of that anymore at 
 all.  People generally are more serious.I did clearly noticed people 
 back-sliding again the other morning in meditation, it was so dullling.  
 However I do believe it would do the program generally more good than handing 
 out cookies at the end of meditation as people are leaving to have coffee or 
 tea available in the coat area or yoga assana areas before people go in to 
 meditate.  Once I heard Maharishi directly tell (instruct) someone who was 
 sleeping all the time in meditation, You've slept enough, if you fall asleep 
 in meditation take some stimulants like coffee or tea! .  That is no rumor 
 it is gospel, I was there and I heard it.
 -Buck, the Apostle

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Rumors

2012-11-03 Thread Buck
On Election Day bring your old Dome badge and someone will probably vouch for 
you at the door if you have not been in a while.  According to what the science 
is showing it's really quite important that you come meditate with the large 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 REally we could use a few more good meditators for super radiance on Tuesday.
 -Buck in the Dome
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
 Now if that isn't a bloody waste of everyone's time, but then it is 
   still positive-Wednesday here on FFL so I won't go in to what I think now 
   about people who lay back and sleep for the whole time in meditation in 
   the Dome.  
   Which is happening due to an unhealthy lifestyle. When I was in Fairfield 
   I was surprised to see how late many stayed up at night. And resting 
   before Programme was rare.
  Yep, and lack of spiritual discipline and so without fortitude.  Sit the f 
  up and do the practice when you come to meditate.   Just Lain back and 
  laying down is so cowardly.  Really the meditation is much better than it 
  was some number of years ago when so many would so flagrantly come in and 
  go to sleep under a blanket as their 'meditation'.  There is not much of 
  that anymore at all.  People generally are more serious.I did clearly 
  noticed people back-sliding again the other morning in meditation, it was 
  so dullling.  However I do believe it would do the program generally more 
  good than handing out cookies at the end of meditation as people are 
  leaving to have coffee or tea available in the coat area or yoga assana 
  areas before people go in to meditate.  Once I heard Maharishi directly 
  tell (instruct) someone who was sleeping all the time in meditation, 
  You've slept enough, if you fall asleep in meditation take some stimulants 
  like coffee or tea! .  That is no rumor it is gospel, I was there and I 
  heard it.
  -Buck, the Apostle

Re: [FairfieldLife] For the Fox News haters

2012-11-03 Thread Bhairitu
On 11/03/2012 07:47 AM, emptybill wrote:
 A Pew study catalogs media bias and finds MSNBC the winner!

 On MSNBC, the ratio of negative to positive stories on GOP candidate
 Mitt Romney was 71 to 3.That's not a news channel. That's a propaganda
 machine ...


Mr. Bill, news channels are entertainment these days.  MSNBC and their 
sponsors are going after the liberal bucks.  Liberals are often better 
educated and earn more income than the conservative crowd.  Also Comcast 
owns the controlling share of NBC and probably doesn't want I'm going 
to end porn Romney in.  They make a lot of money on those adult 
channel subscriptions. ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rudra-Soma

2012-11-03 Thread Tom Pall
On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 7:53 AM, card cardemais...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Could it be that Sandy was a massive collective unstressing
 caused by Soma([full]Moon)-Rudra(storm)??

No.   It was a concerted effort by Nature to punish a junkyard dog and to
keep the TMO forever off of Broad and Wall streets in NYC.   Also, the big
banks, insurance companies and traders who brought us into the Great
Recession are in NYC.   Let them trade w/o electricity.The French
Quarter and NOLA are next.

It was also wonderful proof that state, city and nationally sponsored
yagyas, Invincible America and the beloved pundits have made the US

Anyone vote early?   I voted two weeks ago.   It looks like most people in
my county voted early.   I wanted to vote the straight party line but I
didn't find Tupperware anywhere on the machine.I did vote for around $6
Billion worth of bond campaigns and money allocations for the People
Republic of Austin.

I noticed that Lance Armstrong, Austin's Patron Saint, didn't have another
referendum on the ballet for the State of Texas to spend $200M to attract
cancer researchers to the state.   I voted against that referendum 4 years
ago.   The minute I heard of Lance Armstrong I decided that there was less
than nothing that met the eye or ear.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Rumors

2012-11-03 Thread Buck
You know the time is getting short to get a badge processed with any 
recommendations you should need for the group meditation on Tuesday.  However, 
if you have an old badge try coming to the doors and just see if someone could 
vouch for you to join.  It is real important we try together for the large 
numbers however we might.  Come in, sit up and meditate together.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 On Election Day bring your old Dome badge and someone will probably vouch for 
 you at the door if you have not been in a while.  According to what the 
 science is showing it's really quite important that you come meditate with 
 the large group.  
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  REally we could use a few more good meditators for super radiance on 
  -Buck in the Dome
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

  Now if that isn't a bloody waste of everyone's time, but then it is 
still positive-Wednesday here on FFL so I won't go in to what I think 
now about people who lay back and sleep for the whole time in 
meditation in the Dome.  

Which is happening due to an unhealthy lifestyle. When I was in 
Fairfield I was surprised to see how late many stayed up at night. And 
resting before Programme was rare.
   Yep, and lack of spiritual discipline and so without fortitude.  Sit the 
   f up and do the practice when you come to meditate.   Just Lain back and 
   laying down is so cowardly.  Really the meditation is much better than it 
   was some number of years ago when so many would so flagrantly come in and 
   go to sleep under a blanket as their 'meditation'.  There is not much of 
   that anymore at all.  People generally are more serious.I did clearly 
   noticed people back-sliding again the other morning in meditation, it was 
   so dullling.  However I do believe it would do the program generally more 
   good than handing out cookies at the end of meditation as people are 
   leaving to have coffee or tea available in the coat area or yoga assana 
   areas before people go in to meditate.  Once I heard Maharishi directly 
   tell (instruct) someone who was sleeping all the time in meditation, 
   You've slept enough, if you fall asleep in meditation take some 
   stimulants like coffee or tea! .  That is no rumor it is gospel, I was 
   there and I heard it.
   -Buck, the Apostle

[FairfieldLife] Re: For the Fox News haters

2012-11-03 Thread emptybill

Advocacy journalism became the goal in post-70's America,
since the powers that pee determined that objectivity was
a non-existent phenomenon.

Since objectivity was impossible and the specter of the 1930's
totenkopf has faded with the death of Dr. Joseph Göbbels,
what was left but natural propagandizing?

MSNBC is the current incarnation of that trend.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 11/03/2012 07:47 AM, emptybill wrote:
  A Pew study catalogs media bias and finds MSNBC the winner!
  On MSNBC, the ratio of negative to positive stories on GOP
  Mitt Romney was 71 to 3.That's not a news channel. That's a
  machine ...

 Mr. Bill, news channels are entertainment these days.  MSNBC and their
 sponsors are going after the liberal bucks.  Liberals are often better
 educated and earn more income than the conservative crowd.  Also
 owns the controlling share of NBC and probably doesn't want I'm going
 to end porn Romney in.  They make a lot of money on those adult
 channel subscriptions. ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] to those who use a handle on FFL to noozBtu and feste

2012-11-03 Thread Bhairitu
No, most of the world drives on the right hand side.  Many of the 
countries that drive on the left are former British colonies.  This 
practice evolves from all thing because of jousting!  You needed to hold 
the spear in your right hand for aim.  Perhaps sometime in the future 
the left hand countries will become right hand but probably not without 
a lot of accidents as a result of the changeover.  Good reason for 
automated cars. ;-)


What is the western diet?  The regional diet around here would be 
Mexican which actually agrees with me.  When I was in India I ordered 
items off the back pages of the menu at restaurants. Those pages had 
Chinese food on them.  Indian food was just a bit too spicy for me.  In 
the west the Indian restaurants make food for white folks which is not 
quite the same as you get in India.  One thing I immediately noticed was 
the difference in rice.

Deepak Chopra in one of his videos explained that the western diet is 
actually fairly vata balancing with the predominance of sweet, salty and 
sour tastes.  I'm pitta-kapha constitutionally but kapha goes high very 
easily.  When ayurveda began to take off in the west people thought that 
tri-dosha was the goal but now it is restoring your constitution.  I 
also approach this from other disciplines including yin and yang 
concepts (much simpler than ayurveda) and the western biochemical 
individuality and metabolic typing.  All good tools for maintaining health.

I like to listen Dr. Gary Null's show mornings.  I've been reading his 
stuff since the 1970s.  But he advocates veganism these days (in spite 
of advocating things like ayurveda) and sounds like he is going crazy.  
Vegans always sound hungry and they are because they're starving.  A 
vegan diet is a good method for cleansing but not for long term.  Our 
ancestors made sure of that by morphing us into omnivores.  Similarly a 
low-carb high protein diet is good for toning and fast weight reduction 
but most nutritionally oriented practitioners say only use it for two weeks.

On 11/03/2012 07:58 AM, Share Long wrote:
 Feste I'm the clueless one here, not you.  When I composed my email address, 
 I didn't even think of its meaning, beyond that I got to use my oft wished 
 for nickname.

 Barry2, if he were still with us, would your tantric guru say that we all 
 have masculine and feminine in us?  Wonder if there's a masculine form of 
 Ritu which I've noticed the Hindu names often have both.  All this time, I've 
 thought you were a man from India working in the US.  I like Sharana as a way 
 to Hindicize my name.  I think it means sanctuary.

 I have a friend, ex Purusha who bought a condo at Amma's ashram and lived 
 there a lot.  But he's quite vata so can probably take the heat.  Hey, 
 amazing!  I just remembered that his birthday is tomorrow!  Also the 35th 
 anniversary of my finishing the sidhis course, minus yogic flying, which I 
 did the following year.

 I have heard about the driving in India.  And seen it depicted in movies.  
 Looks wild, even without driving on the so called other side.  That would 
 definitely call for some major neuroplasticity!  Doesn't most of the world 
 drive on the left side?  So really we're the ones driving on the wrong side!

 I think the Western diet is very acidifying which would create inflammation 
 and increase pitta.  But the frantic lifestyle vitiates vata which also 
 throws pitta off, I've heard.  Between my MA in SCI and my MS in Psychology, 
 I took about 3 months in ayurveda.  Plus in FF, knowledge and info about 
 jyotish and ayurveda and vastu bounces around in conversations.

   From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, November 2, 2012 10:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] to those who use a handle on FFL to noozguru

 Yes the origin of Bhairitu is from Barry2 but it is more complicated
 than that.  When I subscribed to a.m.t my Usenet handle was Barry based
 on my email at the time and it was fictional name I used in a band
 (handle on top of handle). The three of us in the band all had fictional
 names and all were TM'ers and one now lives in Fairfield.  Some of the
 folks on a.m.t started calling us Barry1 and Barry2 so I just Hindicized
 it to Bhairitu which in Hindi would be brother Ritu which would be
 weird because Ritu is a female name.  So the handle is also a bit of
 cognitive dissonance.

 The tropics I was thinking of was Kerala in India.  Nice communist state
 but you wouldn't know it because businesses thrive there and Cochin is a
 very modern city.  Problem is they drive on the wrong side of the road
 in India.  And then they play chicken a lot when they drive.  Also
 spent a few days at Ammachi's ashram in Amritapuri.

 You could throw a rock in the US and probably hit someone with a pitta
 predominant constitution.

 On 11/02/2012 06:35 PM, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For the Fox News haters

2012-11-03 Thread Bhairitu
And a good reason to disallow Corprica to own so much of the media.

On 11/03/2012 11:15 AM, emptybill wrote:

 Advocacy journalism became the goal in post-70's America,
 since the powers that pee determined that objectivity was
 a non-existent phenomenon.

 Since objectivity was impossible and the specter of the 1930's
 totenkopf has faded with the death of Dr. Joseph Göbbels,
 what was left but natural propagandizing?

 MSNBC is the current incarnation of that trend.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
 On 11/03/2012 07:47 AM, emptybill wrote:
 A Pew study catalogs media bias and finds MSNBC the winner!

 On MSNBC, the ratio of negative to positive stories on GOP
 Mitt Romney was 71 to 3.That's not a news channel. That's a
 machine ...


 Mr. Bill, news channels are entertainment these days.  MSNBC and their
 sponsors are going after the liberal bucks.  Liberals are often better
 educated and earn more income than the conservative crowd.  Also
 owns the controlling share of NBC and probably doesn't want I'm going
 to end porn Romney in.  They make a lot of money on those adult
 channel subscriptions. ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield to Ann

2012-11-03 Thread Emily Reyn
Alright, thank you for explaining. I was just demonstrating the fact that one's 
own perception and others' perceptions of what you or I write, for example, can 
differ and sometimes it's useful to carry the conversation out longer than the 
first sentence, so to speak.  Thank you for your prayers for my sister.  I am 
applying everything I have learned here and of myself to try and stay with her 
in her reality and support her in not giving up - she has a right to exist and 
sometimes it gets down to that for some of us.  I am holding an enormous amount 
of pain for us right now, and will be leaving for a couple of months, shortly, 
but not quite yet :)  I am not quite finished.  

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2012 4:37 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups 
of Fairfield to Ann

Emily, I was neither passive nor aggressive in my question to Ann.  She sent 
the photo to make a point about mutual trust, thus continuing our discussion.  
When I saw the photo, I immediately noticed how the horse's head was bowed 
down.  For just the reasons I mention:  that I'm accustomed to seeing horses in 
photos with their heads up.  I added that I'm not an expert in horses or horse 

Your loyalty to your friends is admirable a lot of the time.  But here you have 
ommitted key elements of what I said.  Was I questioning Ann's point about 
mutual trust compared to the composition of the photo?  Yes.  But I was asking 
about it and admitting my lack of knowledge thus giving her the benefit of the 

If by not reaching reality you mean that I'm unaware of my flaws, I assure you 
that I am quite aware of them.  Good luck with your sister.  I said the 
ancestral prayers for you and her before I read your other two posts.  Nature 
organizing well.  

 From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2012 12:56 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups 
of Fairfield to Ann

snip ..But I wonder if it's usual for a horse's head to be so bowed down 
in a photo.  I'm accustomed to seeing images of horses with their head held up 
and their neck more relaxed looking.  Nonetheless, he's a beautiful horse and 
you look happy.  I wish you both all the best.  And yes, it is possible to do 
that, contrary to what oxcart thinks, even if I disagree with you and or am 
upset with you.  This also applies to Doni.
PS  A friend OF YOURS has expressed concern about you to me offline.  And not 
in relation to anything I have written.  To the contrary, they have expressed 
agreement with and encouragement for my part in our recent exchanges.

Share:  Can you identify the statements here that are an example of 
passive-aggressive behavior, couched in love and light.  I know you don't see 
it that way, but that is how it could be perceived.  If you haven't identified 
the parts of your personality that gravitate towards passive-aggressive 
behavior, you can be pitta all you want but you will never reach reality.  
Love, Em. 

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, November 2, 2012 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups 
of Fairfield to Ann

replying as Share.  Where I've split your replies I've inserted Ann to show 
where your separated reply continues.

 From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2012 10:39 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups of 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Ann, you don't get it?!  Nonetheless you make derogatory remarks!

This is a figure of speech. I actually do get it.
Share:  Ann, this concept of getting it or not was of course not my main 
point.  My main point is that because of how you express your ideas, it sounds 
as if you are making derogatory statements about all these groups on the list.

  About a list which includes Quakers, Liberal Catholics and Sufis; yoga 
classes and qigong and devotional singing!  Your capacity for unfounded 
accusations seems to know no bounds.  I happy to see I'm in such good company, 
having also been accused by you in this way.

Ann: You are taking it much too literally. 

Share:  Actually what I'm doing is responding to your ACTUAL words. 

Ann:  I am not criticizing individually any one teaching. I am astounded there 
are so many conglomerating in one spot and conjecturing on why his might be so. 
My theory is that there is a market for all of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] A book review after my own heart

2012-11-03 Thread Michael Jackson
I used to inhale it all too - Asimov, A.E. Van Vogt, Phillip K. Dick - “Reality 
is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” 
― Philip K. Dick, I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon

He holds, I think, the distinction ofbeing the science fiction author who has 
had more of his short stories and novels made into movies than any other sci fi 
author in history: including Blade Runner and Minority Report.

I have to admit I was mighty partial to Bradbury when I was a kid - Dandelion 
Wine and Something Wicked This Way Comes - man oh man!

 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2012 5:23 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] A book review after my own heart

As some may have been able to tell :-), I spent a large
part of my youth as a fan of science fiction and fantasy
writing. I read everything I could find at the library,
and other stuff found in second-hand bookstores that the
libraries didn't feel worthy of putting on their shelves.
And along the way I've had various favorite writers,
most of them men (partly because...duh...most writers
who get published are men, and especially most writers
consigned to the scifi/fantasy ghetto are men). My faves
have always been the soft scifi writers such as Roger
Zelazny (who specialized in the reinvention of myth),
Orson Scott Card (who specialized in the reinvention of
religion and spirituality), and Philip K. Dick (who
specialized in the reinvention of reality). But if I'm 
honest, my all-time favorite scifi/fantasy writer has 
always been (gasp) a woman -- Ursula K. Le Guin. 

When I moved to the L.A. area during my college years,
I became a devotee of the A Change Of Hobbit bookstore,
and thus got to meet and hobnob with a few of my fave
writers, and/or hear them speak. Some, like Zelazny,
were the kinds of public speakers who should have kept
to writing, and others, like Card, could be as eloquent
in speech as they were on paper. Some were fiercely
intelligent, and others only posed as intelligent, more
Mensa types trolling for attention. Only one writer 
blew me out of my socks with her combination of innate
intelligence, charm, mastery of language, and above all,
vision of and compassion for what it means to be human.
That was Ursula Kroeber Le Guin. 

Under the first link at the bottom of this post is a 
review of a new 2-volume collection of her short writing,
and the author of it seems to not only agree with me
that Ursula is the best living genre/ghetto writer
in the world, but one of the best writers, period. 
It's in her genes. Her father was one of the most 
famous anthropologists in the world, A.L. Kroeber,
and her mother was a famous writer and social scien-
tist in her own right. Ursula obviously grew up in
a household that had been trained to view humans
with the accuracy of a scientist, but also the
compassion of a saint, and that trait has charac-
terized all of her writing. She has won all the
major awards in her genre many times over, and her
seminal gender-busting novel The Left Hand of 
Darkness is still in my all-time Top Five. If 
you're looking for some good books to curl up with
this Winter, you might do well to look into some
of hers. 




Re: [FairfieldLife] A book review after my own heart

2012-11-03 Thread Share Long
Absolutely my favorite Ray Bradbury:  the one about time traveling, a concept I 
love anyway.  On the day of a big election, some friends travel back in time to 
a prehistoric rain forest with the company that offers the service.  The 
company has constructed paths through all the places where time travelers can 
go.  The one rule is:  Do not step off the path.

For some reason the friends lose track of time and in order to avoid missing 
the ride back to the present day world, they have to make a mad dash back to 
the time travel spaceship.  In the process of running frantically, one of them 
accidently sets the heel of his foot off the path.

When the friends had left for their time travel adventure, the good guy had 
been resoundingly winning the election.  When they return, the really bad guy
 has won instead.  The last line of the story is something like this:
And in a prehistoric rain forest, at the edge of a man made path, one yellow 
butterfly lies crushed into the mud.  

Whoa!  Still gives me goose bumps...

 From: Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2012 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A book review after my own heart

I used to inhale it all too - Asimov, A.E. Van Vogt, Phillip K. Dick - “Reality 
is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” 
― Philip K. Dick, I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon

He holds, I think, the distinction ofbeing the science fiction author who has 
had more of his short stories and novels made into movies than any other sci fi 
author in history: including Blade Runner and Minority Report.

I have to admit I was mighty partial to Bradbury when I was a kid - Dandelion 
Wine and Something Wicked This Way Comes - man oh man!

 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2012 5:23 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] A book review after my own heart

As some may have been able to tell :-), I spent a large
part of my youth as a fan of science fiction and fantasy
writing. I read everything I could find at the library,
and other stuff found in second-hand bookstores that the
libraries didn't feel worthy of putting on their shelves.
And along the way I've had various favorite writers,
most of them men (partly because...duh...most writers
who get published are men, and especially most writers
consigned to the scifi/fantasy ghetto are men). My faves
have always been the soft scifi writers such as Roger
Zelazny (who specialized in the reinvention of myth),
Orson Scott Card (who specialized in the reinvention of
religion and spirituality), and Philip K. Dick (who
specialized in the reinvention of reality). But if I'm 
honest, my all-time favorite scifi/fantasy writer has 
always been (gasp) a woman -- Ursula K. Le Guin. 

When I moved to the L.A. area during my college years,
I became a devotee of the A Change Of Hobbit bookstore,
and thus got to meet and hobnob with a few of my fave
writers, and/or hear them speak. Some, like Zelazny,
were the kinds of public speakers who should have kept
to writing, and others, like Card, could be as eloquent
in speech as they were on paper. Some were fiercely
intelligent, and others only posed as intelligent, more
Mensa types trolling for attention. Only one writer 
blew me out of my socks with her combination of innate
intelligence, charm, mastery of language, and above all,
vision of and compassion for what it means to be human.
That was Ursula Kroeber Le Guin. 

Under the first link at the bottom of this post is a 
review of a new 2-volume collection of her short writing,
and the author of it seems to not only agree with me
that Ursula is the best living genre/ghetto writer
in the world, but one of the best writers, period. 
It's in her genes. Her father was one of the most 
famous anthropologists in the world, A.L. Kroeber,
and her mother was a famous writer and social scien-
tist in her own right. Ursula obviously grew up in
a household that had been trained to view humans
with the accuracy of a scientist, but also the
compassion of a saint, and that trait has charac-
terized all of her writing. She has won all the
major awards in her genre many times over, and her
seminal gender-busting novel The Left Hand of 
Darkness is still in my all-time Top Five. If 
you're looking for some good books to curl up with
this Winter, you might do well to look into some
of hers. 




[FairfieldLife] Re: Samavartaka Fire

2012-11-03 Thread nayakanayaka
This translation of BV Purana by an anonymous Iskcon devotee is not precise, to 
say the least. In no way is this text apt to give a prediction about a coming 
 golden age.  Check with a Sanskrit specialist about this.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 From a friend:
 Re Samavartaka Fire, below: I haven't had any confirmation of the comment
 attributed to Maharishi, and I don't have any further information on who the
 Jyotishis are that have predicted it to come in Feb. 2013.  From what I have
 seen on the internet, it seems that the predictions of a phase transition
 fall sometime during the next 2 years.  
 What is encouraging is the actual quote that 2 people sent me from one of
 the Puranas that predicts the 10,000 year Age of Enlightenment to begin
 5,000 years into Kali Yuga, which is where we are now.  The Sanskrit
 transliteration and the English translation of the 10 verses are below the
 original email: 
 From the Brahma Vaivarta Purana
 Krishna said to Ganga (Gangamata, the Ganges personified as a goddess).
 Five thousand years from this date, within the span of Kali Yuga, there
 will be respite from this terrible age. There will be a golden age of 10,000
 Jyotishis have calculated that it will come on February 2013 and call it the
 Samavartaka Fire, a solar cleansing of the earth. Both the Mayan Calendar
 and the Samavartaka Fire predictions were done at least 5,000 years ago, but
 there is some dispute about the accuracy of the Mayan calendar end-date.
 These predictions were done on opposite sides of the earth at the same time.
 The time in between ages is called Pralaya where there is often a time of
 strife. Someone on Purusha asked Maharishi about the Mayan calendar
 end-date, and he said, It's a little off.
 The following are ten verses from the Brahma-vaivarta Purana that were
 spoken by Lord Krishna to Mother Ganga just before the beginning of Kali
 yuga (the age of quarrel and strife). Kali yuga began approximately five
 thousand years ago, and it has a duration of 432,000 years, leaving us with
 427,000 till the end of the present age. [For a description of Kali yuga,
 please read the related article Predictions for the age of Kali.] Within
 this 432,000 year period, there is a period of 10,000 years that will be a
 golden age. That golden age is being described below by Lord Sri Krishna.
 This text is taken from the Brahma-vaivarta Purana.
 Text 49
 bhagarathy uvaca
 he natha ramanashreshtha
 yasi golokamuttamam
 asmakam ka gatishcatra
 bhavishyati kalau yuge
 Ganges said: O protector, Supreme enjoyer, on your departure for the perfect
 abode, Goloka, thereafter what will be my situation in the age of kali? 
 Text 50
 sri-bhagavan uvaca
 kaleh pancasahasrani
 varshani tishtha bhutale
 papani papino yani
 tubhyam dasyanti snanatah
 The blessed Lord said: On the earth 5,000 years of kali will be sinful and
 sinners will deposit their sins in you by bathing. 
 Text 51
 bhasmibhutani tatkshanat
 bhavishyanti darsanacca
 snanadeva hi jahnavi
 Thereafter by the sight and touch of those who worship me by my mantra, all
 those sins will be burnt.
 Text 52
 harernamani yatraiva
 puranani bhavanti hi
 tatra gatva savadhanam
 abhih sarddham ca shroshyasi
 There will be chanting of the name of Hari and reading of the [Bhagavata]
 Purana. Reaching such a place, attentively hear.
 Text 53
 purana shravanaccaiva
 bhasmibhutani papani
 brahma-hatyadikani ca
 Sinful reactions including the killing of a brahmana can be nullified by
 hearing the Purana and chanting of the names of Hari in the manner of
 Text 54
 bhasmibhutani tanyeva
 vaishnavalinganena ca
 trinani shushkakashthani
 dahanti pavako yatha
 Just as dry grass is burnt by fire, by the embrace of My devotees all sins
 are burnt. 
 Text 55
 tathapi vaishnava loke
 papani papinamapi
 prithivyam yani tirthani
 punyanyapi ca jahnavi
 O Ganges, the whole planet will become a pilgrimage sight by the presence of
 My devotees, even though it  had been sinful.
 Text 56
 madbhaktanam sharireshu
 santi puteshu samtatam
 sadyah puta vasundhara
 In the body of my devotees remains eternally [the purifier]. Mother earth
 becomes pure by the dust of the feet of my devotees.
 Text 57
 sadyah putani tirthani
 sadyah putam jagattatha
 manmantropasaka vipra
 ye maducchishtabhojinah
 It will be the same in the case of pilgrimage sights and the whole world.
 Those intelligent worshipers of my mantra who partake My remnants will
 purify everything. 
 Text 58
 mameva nityam dhyayante

[FairfieldLife] Huge crowd for Romney/Ryan at Red Rocks, Colorado

2012-11-03 Thread wgm4u
Roughly 10,000 people packed into the
concert venue with thousands more turned away at the door.

GOP nominees pack Red Rocks Amphitheatre to capacity - The Denver Post 


[FairfieldLife] Re: A book review after my own heart

2012-11-03 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Absolutely my favorite Ray Bradbury:  the one about time traveling, a 
 concept I love anyway.  On the day of a big election, some friends travel 
 back in time to a prehistoric rain forest with the company that offers the 
 service.  The company has constructed paths through all the places where 
 time travelers can go.  The one rule is:  Do not step off the path.
 For some reason the friends lose track of time and in order to avoid missing 
 the ride back to the present day world, they have to make a mad dash back to 
 the time travel spaceship.  In the process of running frantically, one of 
 them accidently sets the heel of his foot off the path.
 When the friends had left for their time travel adventure, the good guy had 
 been resoundingly winning the election.  When they return, the really bad guy
  has won instead.  The last line of the story is something like this:
 And in a prehistoric rain forest, at the edge of a man made path, one yellow 
 butterfly lies crushed into the mud.  
 Whoa!  Still gives me goose bumps...

Sounds like a great story, also feels like it's happened a few
times already.

  From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2012 2:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A book review after my own heart
 I used to inhale it all too - Asimov, A.E. Van Vogt, Phillip K. Dick - 
 “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” 
 ― Philip K. Dick, I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon
 He holds, I think, the distinction ofbeing the science fiction author who has 
 had more of his short stories and novels made into movies than any other sci 
 fi author in history: including Blade Runner and Minority Report.
 I have to admit I was mighty partial to Bradbury when I was a kid - Dandelion 
 Wine and Something Wicked This Way Comes - man oh man!
  From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2012 5:23 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] A book review after my own heart
 As some may have been able to tell :-), I spent a large
 part of my youth as a fan of science fiction and fantasy
 writing. I read everything I could find at the library,
 and other stuff found in second-hand bookstores that the
 libraries didn't feel worthy of putting on their shelves.
 And along the way I've had various favorite writers,
 most of them men (partly because...duh...most writers
 who get published are men, and especially most writers
 consigned to the scifi/fantasy ghetto are men). My faves
 have always been the soft scifi writers such as Roger
 Zelazny (who specialized in the reinvention of myth),
 Orson Scott Card (who specialized in the reinvention of
 religion and spirituality), and Philip K. Dick (who
 specialized in the reinvention of reality). But if I'm 
 honest, my all-time favorite scifi/fantasy writer has 
 always been (gasp) a woman -- Ursula K. Le Guin. 
 When I moved to the L.A. area during my college years,
 I became a devotee of the A Change Of Hobbit bookstore,
 and thus got to meet and hobnob with a few of my fave
 writers, and/or hear them speak. Some, like Zelazny,
 were the kinds of public speakers who should have kept
 to writing, and others, like Card, could be as eloquent
 in speech as they were on paper. Some were fiercely
 intelligent, and others only posed as intelligent, more
 Mensa types trolling for attention. Only one writer 
 blew me out of my socks with her combination of innate
 intelligence, charm, mastery of language, and above all,
 vision of and compassion for what it means to be human.
 That was Ursula Kroeber Le Guin. 
 Under the first link at the bottom of this post is a 
 review of a new 2-volume collection of her short writing,
 and the author of it seems to not only agree with me
 that Ursula is the best living genre/ghetto writer
 in the world, but one of the best writers, period. 
 It's in her genes. Her father was one of the most 
 famous anthropologists in the world, A.L. Kroeber,
 and her mother was a famous writer and social scien-
 tist in her own right. Ursula obviously grew up in
 a household that had been trained to view humans
 with the accuracy of a scientist, but also the
 compassion of a saint, and that trait has charac-
 terized all of her writing. She has won all the
 major awards in her genre many times over, and her
 seminal gender-busting novel The Left Hand of 
 Darkness is still in my all-time Top Five. If 
 you're looking for some good books to curl up with
 this Winter, you might do well to look into some
 of hers. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: For the Fox News haters

2012-11-03 Thread emptybill
Hyour so hright kommrade!

Better that our brave commy-czars tell
the little folk what they need to know.

No more so-called ideals of the petite bourgeoisie

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 And a good reason to disallow Corprica to own so much of the media.

 On 11/03/2012 11:15 AM, emptybill wrote:
  Advocacy journalism became the goal in post-70's America,
  since the powers that pee determined that objectivity was
  a non-existent phenomenon.
  Since objectivity was impossible and the specter of the 1930's
  totenkopf has faded with the death of Dr. Joseph Göbbels,
  what was left but natural propagandizing?
  MSNBC is the current incarnation of that trend.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  On 11/03/2012 07:47 AM, emptybill wrote:
  A Pew study catalogs media bias and finds MSNBC the winner!
  On MSNBC, the ratio of negative to positive stories on GOP
  Mitt Romney was 71 to 3.That's not a news channel. That's a
  machine ...
  Mr. Bill, news channels are entertainment these days.  MSNBC and
  sponsors are going after the liberal bucks.  Liberals are often
  educated and earn more income than the conservative crowd.  Also
  Comcast owns the controlling share of NBC and probably doesn't want
I'm going
  to end porn Romney in.  They make a lot of money on those adult
  channel subscriptions. ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: A book review after my own heart

2012-11-03 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 I used to inhale it all too - Asimov, A.E. Van Vogt, Phillip K. Dick - 
 “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” 
 ― Philip K. Dick, I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon
 He holds, I think, the distinction ofbeing the science fiction author who has 
 had more of his short stories and novels made into movies than any other sci 
 fi author in history: including Blade Runner and Minority Report.
 I have to admit I was mighty partial to Bradbury when I was a kid - Dandelion 
 Wine and Something Wicked This Way Comes - man oh man!

I'm not sure if you can get this series stateside:


I'm working my way through them slowly but surely. 
They were chosen by current sci-fi writers as the 
cream of the crop and I've not been disappointed yet. 
Some real gems hidden away, I never would have discovered
Robert Silverberg without this list as so much sci-fi is
crap. I stopped buying new stuff ages ago as you really 
can't tell if most books are good by their covers as the
publishers just tend to put a freaky robot on the front
whatever it's about, but these you can buy with confidence.

  From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2012 5:23 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] A book review after my own heart
 As some may have been able to tell :-), I spent a large
 part of my youth as a fan of science fiction and fantasy
 writing. I read everything I could find at the library,
 and other stuff found in second-hand bookstores that the
 libraries didn't feel worthy of putting on their shelves.
 And along the way I've had various favorite writers,
 most of them men (partly because...duh...most writers
 who get published are men, and especially most writers
 consigned to the scifi/fantasy ghetto are men). My faves
 have always been the soft scifi writers such as Roger
 Zelazny (who specialized in the reinvention of myth),
 Orson Scott Card (who specialized in the reinvention of
 religion and spirituality), and Philip K. Dick (who
 specialized in the reinvention of reality). But if I'm 
 honest, my all-time favorite scifi/fantasy writer has 
 always been (gasp) a woman -- Ursula K. Le Guin. 
 When I moved to the L.A. area during my college years,
 I became a devotee of the A Change Of Hobbit bookstore,
 and thus got to meet and hobnob with a few of my fave
 writers, and/or hear them speak. Some, like Zelazny,
 were the kinds of public speakers who should have kept
 to writing, and others, like Card, could be as eloquent
 in speech as they were on paper. Some were fiercely
 intelligent, and others only posed as intelligent, more
 Mensa types trolling for attention. Only one writer 
 blew me out of my socks with her combination of innate
 intelligence, charm, mastery of language, and above all,
 vision of and compassion for what it means to be human.
 That was Ursula Kroeber Le Guin. 
 Under the first link at the bottom of this post is a 
 review of a new 2-volume collection of her short writing,
 and the author of it seems to not only agree with me
 that Ursula is the best living genre/ghetto writer
 in the world, but one of the best writers, period. 
 It's in her genes. Her father was one of the most 
 famous anthropologists in the world, A.L. Kroeber,
 and her mother was a famous writer and social scien-
 tist in her own right. Ursula obviously grew up in
 a household that had been trained to view humans
 with the accuracy of a scientist, but also the
 compassion of a saint, and that trait has charac-
 terized all of her writing. She has won all the
 major awards in her genre many times over, and her
 seminal gender-busting novel The Left Hand of 
 Darkness is still in my all-time Top Five. If 
 you're looking for some good books to curl up with
 this Winter, you might do well to look into some
 of hers. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Samavartaka Fire

2012-11-03 Thread emptybill

The Brahmvaivarta is a typical sectarian Vaishnava purana. It is full of
krishna is the supreme god, all the rest are only demi-gods.

ISKON translations are actually sectarian interpretations … nothing

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nayakanayaka nayaka@... wrote:

 This translation of BV Purana by an anonymous Iskcon devotee is not
precise, to say the least. In no way is this text apt to give a
prediction about a coming  golden age.  Check with a Sanskrit
specialist about this.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  From a friend:
  Re Samavartaka Fire, below: I haven't had any confirmation of the
  attributed to Maharishi, and I don't have any further information on
who the
  Jyotishis are that have predicted it to come in Feb. 2013.  From
what I have
  seen on the internet, it seems that the predictions of a phase
  fall sometime during the next 2 years.
  What is encouraging is the actual quote that 2 people sent me from
one of
  the Puranas that predicts the 10,000 year Age of Enlightenment to
  5,000 years into Kali Yuga, which is where we are now.  The Sanskrit
  transliteration and the English translation of the 10 verses are
below the
  original email:
  From the Brahma Vaivarta Purana
  Krishna said to Ganga (Gangamata, the Ganges personified as a
  Five thousand years from this date, within the span of Kali Yuga,
  will be respite from this terrible age. There will be a golden age
of 10,000
  Jyotishis have calculated that it will come on February 2013 and
call it the
  Samavartaka Fire, a solar cleansing of the earth. Both the Mayan
  and the Samavartaka Fire predictions were done at least 5,000 years
ago, but
  there is some dispute about the accuracy of the Mayan calendar
  These predictions were done on opposite sides of the earth at the
same time.
  The time in between ages is called Pralaya where there is often a
time of
  strife. Someone on Purusha asked Maharishi about the Mayan calendar
  end-date, and he said, It's a little off.
  The following are ten verses from the Brahma-vaivarta Purana that
  spoken by Lord Krishna to Mother Ganga just before the beginning of
  yuga (the age of quarrel and strife). Kali yuga began approximately
  thousand years ago, and it has a duration of 432,000 years, leaving
us with
  427,000 till the end of the present age. [For a description of Kali
  please read the related article Predictions for the age of Kali.]
  this 432,000 year period, there is a period of 10,000 years that
will be a
  golden age. That golden age is being described below by Lord Sri
  This text is taken from the Brahma-vaivarta Purana.
  Text 49
  bhagarathy uvaca
  he natha ramanashreshtha
  yasi golokamuttamam
  asmakam ka gatishcatra
  bhavishyati kalau yuge
  Ganges said: O protector, Supreme enjoyer, on your departure for the
  abode, Goloka, thereafter what will be my situation in the age of
  Text 50
  sri-bhagavan uvaca
  kaleh pancasahasrani
  varshani tishtha bhutale
  papani papino yani
  tubhyam dasyanti snanatah
  The blessed Lord said: On the earth 5,000 years of kali will be
sinful and
  sinners will deposit their sins in you by bathing.
  Text 51
  bhasmibhutani tatkshanat
  bhavishyanti darsanacca
  snanadeva hi jahnavi
  Thereafter by the sight and touch of those who worship me by my
mantra, all
  those sins will be burnt.
  Text 52
  harernamani yatraiva
  puranani bhavanti hi
  tatra gatva savadhanam
  abhih sarddham ca shroshyasi
  There will be chanting of the name of Hari and reading of the
  Purana. Reaching such a place, attentively hear.
  Text 53
  purana shravanaccaiva
  bhasmibhutani papani
  brahma-hatyadikani ca
  Sinful reactions including the killing of a brahmana can be
nullified by
  hearing the Purana and chanting of the names of Hari in the manner
  Text 54
  bhasmibhutani tanyeva
  vaishnavalinganena ca
  trinani shushkakashthani
  dahanti pavako yatha
  Just as dry grass is burnt by fire, by the embrace of My devotees
all sins
  are burnt.
  Text 55
  tathapi vaishnava loke
  papani papinamapi
  prithivyam yani tirthani
  punyanyapi ca jahnavi
  O Ganges, the whole planet will become a pilgrimage sight by the
presence of
  My devotees, even though it  had been sinful.
  Text 56
  madbhaktanam sharireshu
  santi puteshu samtatam
  sadyah puta vasundhara
  In the body of my devotees remains eternally [the purifier]. Mother
  becomes pure by the dust of the feet of my devotees.
  Text 57

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For the Fox News haters

2012-11-03 Thread Bhairitu
Just want to make sure that you don't think the corporations are better 
at running the country.  That would put you in the Mussolini camp and we 
know what happened to him. ;-)

On 11/03/2012 01:36 PM, emptybill wrote:
 Hyour so hright kommrade!

 Better that our brave commy-czars tell
 the little folk what they need to know.

 No more so-called ideals of the petite bourgeoisie

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
 And a good reason to disallow Corprica to own so much of the media.

 On 11/03/2012 11:15 AM, emptybill wrote:

 Advocacy journalism became the goal in post-70's America,
 since the powers that pee determined that objectivity was
 a non-existent phenomenon.

 Since objectivity was impossible and the specter of the 1930's
 totenkopf has faded with the death of Dr. Joseph Göbbels,
 what was left but natural propagandizing?

 MSNBC is the current incarnation of that trend.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
 On 11/03/2012 07:47 AM, emptybill wrote:
 A Pew study catalogs media bias and finds MSNBC the winner!

 On MSNBC, the ratio of negative to positive stories on GOP
 Mitt Romney was 71 to 3.That's not a news channel. That's a
 machine ...



 Mr. Bill, news channels are entertainment these days.  MSNBC and
 sponsors are going after the liberal bucks.  Liberals are often
 educated and earn more income than the conservative crowd.  Also
 Comcast owns the controlling share of NBC and probably doesn't want
 I'm going
 to end porn Romney in.  They make a lot of money on those adult
 channel subscriptions. ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A book review after my own heart

2012-11-03 Thread Michael Jackson
thanks for posting that - I have read about half of those - Lord of Light - 
that is a good one!

I was always really a fan of Jack Vance too mostly because of The Last Castle 
(won both Hugo and Nebula awards)

 From: salyavin808 fintlewoodle...@mail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2012 4:52 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A book review after my own heart


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 I used to inhale it all too - Asimov, A.E. Van Vogt, Phillip K. Dick - 
 “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” 
 ― Philip K. Dick, I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon
 He holds, I think, the distinction ofbeing the science fiction author who has 
 had more of his short stories and novels made into movies than any other sci 
 fi author in history: including Blade Runner and Minority Report.
 I have to admit I was mighty partial to Bradbury when I was a kid - Dandelion 
 Wine and Something Wicked This Way Comes - man oh man!

I'm not sure if you can get this series stateside:


I'm working my way through them slowly but surely. 
They were chosen by current sci-fi writers as the 
cream of the crop and I've not been disappointed yet. 
Some real gems hidden away, I never would have discovered
Robert Silverberg without this list as so much sci-fi is
crap. I stopped buying new stuff ages ago as you really 
can't tell if most books are good by their covers as the
publishers just tend to put a freaky robot on the front
whatever it's about, but these you can buy with confidence.

  From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2012 5:23 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] A book review after my own heart
 As some may have been able to tell :-), I spent a large
 part of my youth as a fan of science fiction and fantasy
 writing. I read everything I could find at the library,
 and other stuff found in second-hand bookstores that the
 libraries didn't feel worthy of putting on their shelves.
 And along the way I've had various favorite writers,
 most of them men (partly because...duh...most writers
 who get published are men, and especially most writers
 consigned to the scifi/fantasy ghetto are men). My faves
 have always been the soft scifi writers such as Roger
 Zelazny (who specialized in the reinvention of myth),
 Orson Scott Card (who specialized in the reinvention of
 religion and spirituality), and Philip K. Dick (who
 specialized in the reinvention of reality). But if I'm 
 honest, my all-time favorite scifi/fantasy writer has 
 always been (gasp) a woman -- Ursula K. Le Guin. 
 When I moved to the L.A. area during my college years,
 I became a devotee of the A Change Of Hobbit bookstore,
 and thus got to meet and hobnob with a few of my fave
 writers, and/or hear them speak. Some, like Zelazny,
 were the kinds of public speakers who should have kept
 to writing, and others, like Card, could be as eloquent
 in speech as they were on paper. Some were fiercely
 intelligent, and others only posed as intelligent, more
 Mensa types trolling for attention. Only one writer 
 blew me out of my socks with her combination of innate
 intelligence, charm, mastery of language, and above all,
 vision of and compassion for what it means to be human.
 That was Ursula Kroeber Le Guin. 
 Under the first link at the bottom of this post is a 
 review of a new 2-volume collection of her short writing,
 and the author of it seems to not only agree with me
 that Ursula is the best living genre/ghetto writer
 in the world, but one of the best writers, period. 
 It's in her genes. Her father was one of the most 
 famous anthropologists in the world, A.L. Kroeber,
 and her mother was a famous writer and social scien-
 tist in her own right. Ursula obviously grew up in
 a household that had been trained to view humans
 with the accuracy of a scientist, but also the
 compassion of a saint, and that trait has charac-
 terized all of her writing. She has won all the
 major awards in her genre many times over, and her
 seminal gender-busting novel The Left Hand of 
 Darkness is still in my all-time Top Five. If 
 you're looking for some good books to curl up with
 this Winter, you might do well to look into some
 of hers. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Rumors

2012-11-03 Thread Buck
Meditating all together on Tuesday, even if you are an old meditator and your 
badge is not current or may be you don't have one, then do plan anyway on being 
there meditating at the Domes even out in the parking lot together with the 
larger group.  That would be helpful to the whole.   

 You know the time is getting short to get a badge processed with any 
 recommendations you should need for the group meditation on Tuesday.  
 However, if you have an old badge try coming to the doors and just see if 
 someone could vouch for you to join.  It is real important we try together 
 for the large numbers however we might.  Come in, sit up and meditate 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  On Election Day bring your old Dome badge and someone will probably vouch 
  for you at the door if you have not been in a while.  According to what the 
  science is showing it's really quite important that you come meditate with 
  the large group.  
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   REally we could use a few more good meditators for super radiance on 
   -Buck in the Dome
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   Now if that isn't a bloody waste of everyone's time, but then it is 
 still positive-Wednesday here on FFL so I won't go in to what I think 
 now about people who lay back and sleep for the whole time in 
 meditation in the Dome.  
 Which is happening due to an unhealthy lifestyle. When I was in 
 Fairfield I was surprised to see how late many stayed up at night. 
 And resting before Programme was rare.

Yep, and lack of spiritual discipline and so without fortitude.  Sit 
the f up and do the practice when you come to meditate.   Just Lain 
back and laying down is so cowardly.  Really the meditation is much 
better than it was some number of years ago when so many would so 
flagrantly come in and go to sleep under a blanket as their 
'meditation'.  There is not much of that anymore at all.  People 
generally are more serious.I did clearly noticed people 
back-sliding again the other morning in meditation, it was so dullling. 
 However I do believe it would do the program generally more good than 
handing out cookies at the end of meditation as people are leaving to 
have coffee or tea available in the coat area or yoga assana areas 
before people go in to meditate.  Once I heard Maharishi directly tell 
(instruct) someone who was sleeping all the time in meditation, You've 
slept enough, if you fall asleep in meditation take some stimulants 
like coffee or tea! .  That is no rumor it is gospel, I was there and 
I heard it.
-Buck, the Apostle

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Rumors

2012-11-03 Thread Buck

Certainly the science is saying that it is very evident that proximity is 
important in the super radiance of the Meissner Effect (M.E.) in consciousness. 
 Come out on Tuesday and help with the large group.Get there early , we 
expect a large turn out and parking may be limited outside the Domes.  

 Meditating all together on Tuesday, even if you are an old meditator and your 
 badge is not current or may be you don't have one, then do plan anyway on 
 being there meditating at the Domes even out in the parking lot together with 
 the larger group.  That would be helpful to the whole.   
  You know the time is getting short to get a badge processed with any 
  recommendations you should need for the group meditation on Tuesday.  
  However, if you have an old badge try coming to the doors and just see if 
  someone could vouch for you to join.  It is real important we try together 
  for the large numbers however we might.  Come in, sit up and meditate 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   On Election Day bring your old Dome badge and someone will probably vouch 
   for you at the door if you have not been in a while.  According to what 
   the science is showing it's really quite important that you come meditate 
   with the large group.  
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
REally we could use a few more good meditators for super radiance on 
-Buck in the Dome

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
Now if that isn't a bloody waste of everyone's time, but then it 
  is still positive-Wednesday here on FFL so I won't go in to what I 
  think now about people who lay back and sleep for the whole time in 
  meditation in the Dome.  
  Which is happening due to an unhealthy lifestyle. When I was in 
  Fairfield I was surprised to see how late many stayed up at night. 
  And resting before Programme was rare.
 Yep, and lack of spiritual discipline and so without fortitude.  Sit 
 the f up and do the practice when you come to meditate.   Just Lain 
 back and laying down is so cowardly.  Really the meditation is much 
 better than it was some number of years ago when so many would so 
 flagrantly come in and go to sleep under a blanket as their 
 'meditation'.  There is not much of that anymore at all.  People 
 generally are more serious.I did clearly noticed people 
 back-sliding again the other morning in meditation, it was so 
 dullling.  However I do believe it would do the program generally 
 more good than handing out cookies at the end of meditation as people 
 are leaving to have coffee or tea available in the coat area or yoga 
 assana areas before people go in to meditate.  Once I heard Maharishi 
 directly tell (instruct) someone who was sleeping all the time in 
 meditation, You've slept enough, if you fall asleep in meditation 
 take some stimulants like coffee or tea! .  That is no rumor it is 
 gospel, I was there and I heard it.
 -Buck, the Apostle


[FairfieldLife] Time for Hillary Clinton to resign in shame for incompetence!

2012-11-03 Thread wgm4u
On Aug. 16, a cable went to the State Department describing the imminent 
danger, saying the compound could not defend itself against a coordinated 

The cable was sent to Hillary Clinton — and signed by Ambassador Chris Stevens.

On Sept. 11, Ambassador Stevens died in a coordinated attack on the Benghazi 
compound by elements of Ansar al-Sharia and al-Qaida.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Time for Hillary Clinton to resign in shame for incompetence!

2012-11-03 Thread wgm4u

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u no_reply@... wrote:

 On Aug. 16, a cable went to the State Department describing the imminent 
 danger, saying the compound could not defend itself against a coordinated 
 The cable was sent to Hillary Clinton — and signed by Ambassador Chris 
 On Sept. 11, Ambassador Stevens died in a coordinated attack on the Benghazi 
 compound by elements of Ansar al-Sharia and al-Qaida.

This is what happens when you put politically correct ideologues in power-4 
dead! She needs to go!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Qualities of the Unified Field

2012-11-03 Thread Buck

Infinite Silence
 Pure Knowledge
  Infinite Organizing Power 
   Perfect Orderliness

Infinite Creativity


  Infinite Dynamism




[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2012-11-03 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Nov 03 00:00:00 2012
End Date (UTC): Sat Nov 10 00:00:00 2012
53 messages as of (UTC) Sat Nov 03 23:45:20 2012

10 Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 9 Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
 6 Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
 5 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
 4 wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 4 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
 3 salyavin808 fintlewoodle...@mail.com
 3 card cardemais...@yahoo.com
 2 turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com
 1 nayakanayaka nay...@gmx.net
 1 merlin vedamer...@yahoo.de
 1 Tom Pall thomas.p...@gmail.com

Posters: 14
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Rumors

2012-11-03 Thread Buck

Remember on Sat. Nite to set the clock back one hour and on Tuesday not to set 
the country back 50 years.  Meditators, remember also that social security 
benefits will pay for you to stay meditating in the Domes in your retirement 
years.  Vote your pocket-book on Election Day to help keep the group meditation 
numbers up and sustain the Domes in Fairfield.
-Buck in the Dome

 Certainly the science is saying that it is very evident that proximity is 
 important in the super radiance of the Meissner Effect (M.E.) in 
 consciousness.  Come out on Tuesday and help with the large group.Get 
 there early , we expect a large turn out and parking may be limited outside 
 the Domes.  
  Meditating all together on Tuesday, even if you are an old meditator and 
  your badge is not current or may be you don't have one, then do plan anyway 
  on being there meditating at the Domes even out in the parking lot together 
  with the larger group.  That would be helpful to the whole.   
   You know the time is getting short to get a badge processed with any 
   recommendations you should need for the group meditation on Tuesday.  
   However, if you have an old badge try coming to the doors and just see if 
   someone could vouch for you to join.  It is real important we try 
   together for the large numbers however we might.  Come in, sit up and 
   meditate together.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
On Election Day bring your old Dome badge and someone will probably 
vouch for you at the door if you have not been in a while.  According 
to what the science is showing it's really quite important that you 
come meditate with the large group.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 REally we could use a few more good meditators for super radiance on 
 -Buck in the Dome
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
 Now if that isn't a bloody waste of everyone's time, but then 
   it is still positive-Wednesday here on FFL so I won't go in to 
   what I think now about people who lay back and sleep for the 
   whole time in meditation in the Dome.  
   Which is happening due to an unhealthy lifestyle. When I was in 
   Fairfield I was surprised to see how late many stayed up at 
   night. And resting before Programme was rare.
  Yep, and lack of spiritual discipline and so without fortitude.  
  Sit the f up and do the practice when you come to meditate.   Just 
  Lain back and laying down is so cowardly.  Really the meditation is 
  much better than it was some number of years ago when so many would 
  so flagrantly come in and go to sleep under a blanket as their 
  'meditation'.  There is not much of that anymore at all.  People 
  generally are more serious.I did clearly noticed people 
  back-sliding again the other morning in meditation, it was so 
  dullling.  However I do believe it would do the program generally 
  more good than handing out cookies at the end of meditation as 
  people are leaving to have coffee or tea available in the coat area 
  or yoga assana areas before people go in to meditate.  Once I heard 
  Maharishi directly tell (instruct) someone who was sleeping all the 
  time in meditation, You've slept enough, if you fall asleep in 
  meditation take some stimulants like coffee or tea! .  That is no 
  rumor it is gospel, I was there and I heard it.
  -Buck, the Apostle


[FairfieldLife] Re: Lady Gaga - Edge of Glory

2012-11-03 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 dear Emily, it's almost 6 am Central on Saturday morning.  I just said John 
 Newton's ancestral forgiveness prayers specifically for you and your 
 sister.  Hopefully they will help.  Today, when I think of it, I'll do the 
 short version too.  I'm so glad you two have re-connected.  It is an 
 amazingly good thing. 
 BTW, you are, IMO,  one of the most supportive and compassionate people here 
 on FFL.  It's your nature.  That's why you didn't have to learn it.  Share
  From: Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2012 2:23 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Lady Gaga - Edge of Glory
 I'm sorry for all these posts.  I'm literally trying to save my sister. 
  I've just re-connected with her after 15 years.  She lives on the edge. 
  So, I try not to take a shower for a couple of days before I see her and I 
 try to relate.  Because, after all, we were raised together.  And, I'm the 
 oldest.  And I haven't been a supportive sister because I never learned what 
 that meant.  Robin, I'm trying to get to your post, but Reality is dictating 
 every day.  But, I want to respond, because I just don't see it.  I don't 
 see a personal *something* that created me.  So, I'll get back.  Love, Em. 

Dear Emily, maybe I missed something or maybe I didn't but what I understand is 
you are off to offer love and support and energy to your younger sister who is 
teetering on the edge of either life or sanity. I wish you strength and courage 
and the inner fortitude to give what you can to her and, in turn, take what she 
can offer, even unknowingly to you. I believe in God and I don't know if you do 
but if there is one I am convinced he/she/it will be present in this, what 
sounds like a formidable challenge but also a potential release or 
transformation, because that is how I believe life works. I will be thinking of 
you and missing your presence here but you have much more important things to 
attend to.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield

2012-11-03 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 If I remember from the pic you posted here, your schnozoloa wasn't
 so prominent.
 Must be the pinocchio effect.
You should see it now! Getting even bigger all the time...


 Got them big stories up for display?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
   When the blossom shrivels - it can then reveal the bitter shrew.
  Actually, an elephant shrew.
   It's an old story... mythologized throughout the history of
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@
Ann, you don't get it?!  Nonetheless you make derogatory
   remarks!  About a list which includes Quakers, Liberal
   Sufis; yoga classes and qigong and devotional singing!  Your
   capacity for unfounded accusations seems to know no bounds.  I
   to see I'm in such good company, having also been accused by you
Ok, in reference to your all fine post this evening, this
   makes it all unfine again.  But I could not in good conscience
   go unanswered your making such derogatory and blanket statements
   so many good groups of people.  For good sakes, woman, you
   even been here in how many years?!  How can you say such
   based on no actual experience of these actual groups?!  What
   going on with you that you can do this?
I admit, I don't understand.   Â

 From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2012 8:43 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual
   Groups of Fairfield
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson

 Well as negative as I have been about TMO and MMY, I have to
   am surprised at the number and breadth of what is going on in
   today - it was hidden and underground in the 80's. I have to admit
   must have been the TM infusion that created the kernel around
   the other energy formed.
I think these travelling medicine men and side shows recognize
   opening (Fairfield Iowa) when they see one. Good Lord, what a
   there shoulder room in that town? And the townies back in the
   thought it was crazy when MIU moved in. I have to say I don't get
   not one little bit. And one more thing, the title of this post
   tad generous. Shall we call it instead, Directory of Active
   Happy to Take You All For a Ride.

  From: wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2012 7:13 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual
   Groups of Fairfield

 WOW, it's become a literal smorgasbord of Religions! Probably
   what MMY or the tmorg had in mind, but then, TM ain't a Religions
   what would you expect?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@
  Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield
  Directory of Active Fairfield Spiritual Practice Groups
  Outside of Fairfield, people intently ask, What is going on
  The spiritual, utopian side of Fairfield is something they
  about. Fairfield has become recognized as a spiritual Mecca
  ranking with Sedona, Arizona, Boulder and Crestone,
  North Carolina and the like. Within these past four decades,
  spiritual practice groups have matured, giving this
  rich, new
  The long-time Fairfield meditating community today is its
  spiritual practice. The breadth of spiritual practice groups
  Fairfield is
  now a unique feature of our town in the 21st Century.
  A Course in Miracles, Mondays 7:30 pm. Local contact:
  The Afternoon Satsang, at Revelations Coffee Shop. North
  2:30pm most days. Spiritual experience and understanding.
  Ammachi Fairfield Satsang
  Ammachi Fairfield weekly schedule of meditation,
  chanting, and bhajans. http://amma-fairfield.org/
  contact: 472-8563 or 472-9336
  Art of Living Foundation -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Meditation
  schedule in Fairfield. 472-9892
  Babaji Group: Local contact: 472-9952
  Bapuji Group 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield's Golden Millenarian Domes, the New Millenarian Domes

2012-11-03 Thread Buck
Let all who would wish to see Millenium begin,
Come out and be separate from sinners and sin. 
As soon as the churches are redeemed from sin, 
The day of the Millenium will surely begin.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

   Millenarianism. Well then, more accurately ours would be the 
   'Fairfield Golden New Millenarianism Domes'.
   ..is the belief by a religious, social, or political group or 
   movement in a coming major transformation of society, after which 
   all things will be changed,.. 

 Definition of MILLENNIALISM:
  Definition of MILLENARIANISM:
  Belief in a coming ideal society and especially one created by 
  revolutionary action.
   Definition of MILLENNIALIST
   : millenarian 
 Definition of MILLENNIUM
  : a period of great happiness or human perfection.
Definition of MILLENARIAN
: one that believes in a millennium 
  Hence, the Golden New Millenarian Domes.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
Fairfield's Golden Domes superseding the old one:



[FairfieldLife] Satya)full-might on about 22nd June 2017 . There is no overnight change

2012-11-03 Thread srijau
other Vaishnava's with similar  dates, closer in conception to MMY (Shunya 

 The transition also includes transition of Kali Yuga to Satya Yuga. The 
temple has been built for the Satya Yuga. Satya, which is stepping in slowly, 
will have its foot established with full-might on about 22nd June 2017 . There 
is no overnight change anticipated in this extremely difficult Yuga Karma (duty 
and work of the era). Mahapurusha Shri Shri Achyutananda Goswami has hinted in 
his Bhabisya Malikâ (an oracle about the events of the future), that this Yuga 
Karma game will be played in secrecy (Shunya Khela or The Game of Shunya) with 
a Sandhi Kâla (i.e. with a transition period) of about 12 

 elsewhere on this site they state that: Kalki is not an individual riding a 
white horse but is really the sum of all the devotees of Krishna 
-Krishna and Durga are the same.
Praying Durga will also amount to praying 'The 

There is some other famous similar predictions in India that mention MMY 
btw The Raja of Latin America recently said that one single group of flyers in 
Latin America might reach 8000 in December. Pretty much right on time by the 
prophecy of the predominant ethnicity involved.

[FairfieldLife] Hybrid VW

2012-11-03 Thread awoelflebater
I have a VW Golf GTI which I love. I have been waiting for VW to come out with 
a hybrid. I like to think of myself as relatively green. It appears they have 
finally manufactured one, but alas, not in the Golf but the Jetta. Still, it 
looks promising.

[FairfieldLife] Re: For the Fox News haters

2012-11-03 Thread seekliberation
The only real news channel out there is The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and 
Stephen Colbert.  Faux News and MSNBC (Misinformationists Specializing in 
Nothing But Crap) are probably at opposite ends of the spectrum.  Yeah, MSNBC 
is completely bias against Romney with 71 bad stories followed by 3 good.  But 
i'm sure Faux News is the same ratio, only opposite end.

Jon Stewart, who I used to think was very biased against conservatives, is 
actually very democratic in his portrayal of stupidity in politics.  It makes 
no difference if you are liberal or conservative, if you're stupid he will 
point it out.  He has bashed Obama on numerous occasions as well as all the 
