[FairfieldLife] Re: MSAE graduate on youtube

2013-01-12 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108  wrote:
> >
> > From TMFree, apparently a graduate of MSAE who's got 
> > his own little thing going. Thoughts anyone?
> > 
> > http://youtu.be/T1V_JD9rODk
> Since you asked for "thoughts," here are mine.
> Clearly, people here ( especially the members of The
> Clique, who must have been saving up for a pile-on
> fest ) didn't think much of this guy's act.
> What struck me as *obvious*, and something that I 
> don't think any of the detractors seem to have noticed,
> is that his act -- meaning his way of speaking, the
> way he moves and talks, etc. -- is pure Maharishi. 

It's not pure Maharishi, it's pure TMO. MMY doesn't actually speak like that, 
which is why I find it puzzling that people around him would embrace such a 
ridiculous affectation.


[FairfieldLife] Re: India needs early marriage system or dating system?

2013-01-12 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Jason"  wrote:
> In fact, India had the teen-marriage system for thousands of 
> years.  This acted as a safety mechanism. But, after the 
> British left in 1947, the age limit was jacked up to 18 for 
> girls and 21 for boys.
> The problem was no other alternative system was put in 
> place. This led to disasterous behaviour by indian teens. 
> Since, indian politicians hate the dating-system, the only 
> other alternative is to bring back teen-marriage, reduce the 
> marriage age to 16 for girls and 18 for boys.

This whole line of reasoning is insane, that 
there needs to be some sort of female slavery 
system (forced early marriages) to keep boys
and men from raping women. 

There is a much simpler solution to the problem
of rape in India. It comes from feminist groups
there, and I actually agree with them that, given
the attitudes of the society they live in, it 
might be the only thing that would work. 

Castrate the rapists, and put a non-removable-for-
life tattoo on their foreheads that says "RAPIST." 

That would effectively remove the rape mentality
from the gene pool, and the rapists from society.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Portlandia season 3 tonight to Steve & Xeno

2013-01-12 Thread Carol
Share...reading some of the comments here brought to mind a blog piece I wrote 
awhile back entitled 'Carousel of Physicians.' It's a memoir type piece about 
part of my own search toward healing and wellness from chronic illnesses. 

Have you ever read Norman Cousins' book "Anatomy of an Illness: As Perceived by 
the Patient?" I know there is lots of info out there now on mind/body illness, 
etc. "Anatomy of an Illness" was one of the first I read and I still go back to 
it (in my head) from time to time. 

Here's a link to the PDF if you (or anyone in your family) is interested: 

I realize you may not be the one endeavoring to overcome any chronic health 
condition(s) and I am not assuming that. I hope your folks and sister are able 
to find a bit more wellness along the way. Caring for aging parents with 
illness conditions can be taxing.



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Thanks again, Steve.  Another big part of it for me is finding ways to help 
> my family with their various ailments.  My Mom and Dad both are now on so 
> many Western meds that I'd be nervous recommending natural supplements.  
> Though now that my Dad is out of the woods with the killer bacteria, I 
> mentioned echinecea tea as a way to boost his immune system.  But even in 
> this instance, I'm a little nervous about how it might combine harmfully with 
> his meds.  So I look into any form of energy medicine that comes along.  
> My youngest sister has a rare autoimmune disease.  But she is open to and 
> has pursued alternative health care along with allopathic treatments.  And 
> just this past year my younger sister had to have part of the bone in her arm 
> removed to be replaced by "cement" and rods.  She continues to be in a lot 
> of pain.  I'd hate to see her go on pain meds and she's unlikely to.  But 
> if I can find a natural supplement or energy work that can help her with 
> this, that would be great and it's definitely worth my time and money to 
> pursue.    
> To Xeno:  The thing is, so many spiritual seeking boomers are now aging.  
> And they see or have seen the problems with allopathic medicine.  For the 
> sake of their aging bodies, they search for better ways to deal all this.  
> And yes, most is psychosomatic.  I think even allopathic health care 
> practitioners recognize this.  
> I've said before that I think a lot of souls incarnated at this time because 
> it looked like a RELATIVELY easy time to grow and unfold full potential.  I 
> agree with you that there is no path, etc.  But it's pointless to live that 
> truth simply based on intellectual understanding.  I think we're living in 
> an amazing time when there's support to live this truth based on our own 
> experience.
>  From: seventhray27 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 10:44 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Portlandia season 3 tonight to Judy Ravi Gull 
> Alex etc.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" wrote:
> > > 
> > > snip
> > > > Something must be wrong in the approach, understanding, or technology.
> > > >
> > > All those fancy words and analysis on ones side, (as well as as some
> > > not so subtle condescending remarks previously), and the person Share on
> > > the other, and I'll take the person Share anytime.
> > > 
> > > That is, a person who seems happy, optimistic, very realistic and
> > > grounded.
> > 
> > Then, if that is the case, why this forever searching for the next better 
> > technique, the continual need for healing, guidance and advice? 
> To rephrase: someone continually looking for greater insight into themselves, 
> and wishing to bring into greater balance, unresolved issues.  Last I 
> checked, that is a lifelong process, and one that more people would benefit 
> from if it were made a greater priority.
> That is not grounded, possibly not content (happy), I would say yes to the 
> optimistic ( surely the next healer will be able to help me), 
> Again, I'm afraid you miss the mark.  There is no desperation there.  Just 
> a desire to deepen one's understanding about themselves and their 
> environment. (both near and far)
> negative on the realistic (I will find the answer when I try solution #100). 
> I think that covers it. But I might be convinced if you want to give some 
> examples, 
> especially of the "grounded" part. Share?
> You mean one who expresses herself well, captures nuance in a remarkable way, 
> and whose relationships with friends, family and community seem quite 
> balanced. 
> > > As far Matthew, mainstr

[FairfieldLife] Re: India needs early marriage system or dating system?

2013-01-12 Thread Jason

In fact, India had the teen-marriage system for thousands of 
years.  This acted as a safety mechanism. But, after the 
British left in 1947, the age limit was jacked up to 18 for 
girls and 21 for boys.

The problem was no other alternative system was put in 
place. This led to disasterous behaviour by indian teens. 
Since, indian politicians hate the dating-system, the only 
other alternative is to bring back teen-marriage, reduce the 
marriage age to 16 for girls and 18 for boys.

Don't you think the Republicans in the US, who hate teen 
pregancies would support that idea? 

---  Share Long  wrote:
> A tantric teacher David Deida once told a group that in ancient times wise 
> cultures had a system whereby widowed or single postmenopausal women 
> initiated the young men of the tribe into the ahem love making arts.  Seems 
> like a win win to me (-:   
>  From: Jason 
> Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 5:58 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] India needs early marriage system or dating system?
> Home > Opinion 
> We want to have the best of two worlds
> By V P Thomson Piravom , 28th December 2012 11:47 PM 
> Muvattupuzha, our taluk's capital town, witnessed a bizarre 
> incident a few months ago. A 18-year-old girl was forcibly 
> hugged and kissed by a young man in broad daylight on the 
> public road. Being caught totally off guard, the girl 
> screamed for help. Seeing that a beautiful young lady was 
> crying for help the onlookers who normally turn a blind eye 
> to road accident victims sprang to action and the miscreant 
> was instantly apprehended. Some over-smart Samaritans 
> smacked the boy to pulp to prove a point to the hapless 
> girl. Needless to say, the prey and the predator were both 
> taken to the nearby police station.
> The first question darted to the girl by the police 
> inspector was, "Why don’t you dress decently?" The plumb 
> girl was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a low cut top 
> that liberally exposed her cleavage. Incidentally she was on 
> her way to a job interview. Guilt ridden, the boy admitted 
> he couldn't get a grip of himself and just went berserk on 
> seeing her in that attire. The boy and girl were travelling 
> in the same bus but he just freaked out at her sight and 
> though bound elsewhere, he alighted at the same stop where 
> the girl got out. And then, the unimaginable thing in the 
> Indian circumstances happened. The boy was put behind bars 
> and the girl was made to wait at the police station until 
> her elder brother came to take her home. The inspector 
> admonished her brother, "Be advised, she needs to get 
> dressed properly in future. After all, indecent
>  exposure is 
> a criminal offence, isn't it?"
> Of late, it is lamented by one and all that, harassment of 
> women has touched an all-time high.The recent New Delhi gang 
> rape has triggered widespread outrage. The fact is that we 
> are trying to blindly ape the West in everything as a show 
> of keeping abreast with changed times. Sadly, we the Indians 
> are under the wrong notion that we can't lag behind the West 
> and need to catch up with them in every respect, be it in 
> food or clothes because that is what is called progress.The 
> West has got a dating system to have a first hand knowledge 
> of the subtle nuances of man-woman relationship. Isn't it 
> true that the Indian psyche still can't stand the sight of a 
> girl with her male friend at odd hours? The Indian male 
> still wants an untouched virgin as his wife.
> When the testosterone levels of the young people are about 
> to break the barriers of self- control, sanity and civility 
> just go by the board and the primal instincts avariciously 
> take the centrestage. It is ridiculous to assume that we can 
> permanently arrest the onslaught of hormone revolution by 
> rules and regulations. Never judge a book by its cover. We 
> need to delve deep down. We either go back to the old days 
> of child marriages (Of course, with timely innovations and a 
> tight leash on population explosion), or as Kushboo 
> suggested, let us have a healthy taboo-free pre-marital sex 
> culture. The irony is, we want to have the best of two 
> worlds. It is nothing but hypocrisy at its best, to say the 
> least.
> newindianexpress.com/opinion/article1398602.ece

[FairfieldLife] Ann...horses, Monty Roberts, Buck Brannaman

2013-01-12 Thread Carol
Dang it...Had typed a post and it went the way of the black hole. So now comes 
a much shorter post. Ha.


I read in some other posts that you are a horse lover. 

I grew up with horses from as far back as I can remember until I was 12 years 
old when I got interested in guys. Should have stuck with horses. 

Some years back I read Monty Roberts autobiographical book "The Man Who Listens 
to Horses." I saw a documentary of him demonstrating joining up. 

I later read that his family took issue (a big issue) with Roberts' claim of 
alleged abuse by his father. The family also stated that Roberts had lied about 
other claims. (I can't recall it all now.)

Last year I saw Buck and learned for the first time about Buck Brannaman. He 
apparently was abused by his father; the community knew about it at the time. 
It made me wonder if Roberts had taken part of Brannaman's story and adapted it 
and capitalized on it. 

Are you familiar with/have knowledge about these two horseman? If so, what are 
you thoughts ... if you have time and want to share any?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MSAE graduate on youtube

2013-01-12 Thread Share Long
Obviously Finns are good sports (-:

 From: card 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 4:38 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: MSAE graduate on youtube


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "card"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108  wrote:
> > >
> > > From TMFree, apparently a graduate of MSAE who's got his own little thing 
> > > going. Thoughts anyone?
> Looks like he is finnish ! :-)


> > > 
> > > http://youtu.be/T1V_JD9rODk
> > >
> > 
> > Yuck! :/
> >


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Portlandia season 3 tonight to Steve & Xeno

2013-01-12 Thread Share Long
Thanks again, Steve.  Another big part of it for me is finding ways to help my 
family with their various ailments.  My Mom and Dad both are now on so many 
Western meds that I'd be nervous recommending natural supplements.  Though now 
that my Dad is out of the woods with the killer bacteria, I mentioned echinecea 
tea as a way to boost his immune system.  But even in this instance, I'm a 
little nervous about how it might combine harmfully with his meds.  So I look 
into any form of energy medicine that comes along.  

My youngest sister has a rare autoimmune disease.  But she is open to and has 
pursued alternative health care along with allopathic treatments.  And just 
this past year my younger sister had to have part of the bone in her arm 
removed to be replaced by "cement" and rods.  She continues to be in a lot of 
pain.  I'd hate to see her go on pain meds and she's unlikely to.  But if I can 
find a natural supplement or energy work that can help her with this, that 
would be great and it's definitely worth my time and money to pursue.    

To Xeno:  The thing is, so many spiritual seeking boomers are now aging.  And 
they see or have seen the problems with allopathic medicine.  For the sake of 
their aging bodies, they search for better ways to deal all this.  And yes, 
most is psychosomatic.  I think even allopathic health care practitioners 
recognize this.  

I've said before that I think a lot of souls incarnated at this time because it 
looked like a RELATIVELY easy time to grow and unfold full potential.  I agree 
with you that there is no path, etc.  But it's pointless to live that truth 
simply based on intellectual understanding.  I think we're living in an amazing 
time when there's support to live this truth based on our own experience.

 From: seventhray27 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 10:44 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Portlandia season 3 tonight to Judy Ravi Gull Alex 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" wrote:
> > 
> > snip
> > > Something must be wrong in the approach, understanding, or technology.
> > >
> > All those fancy words and analysis on ones side, (as well as as some
> > not so subtle condescending remarks previously), and the person Share on
> > the other, and I'll take the person Share anytime.
> > 
> > That is, a person who seems happy, optimistic, very realistic and
> > grounded.
> Then, if that is the case, why this forever searching for the next better 
> technique, the continual need for healing, guidance and advice? 
To rephrase: someone continually looking for greater insight into themselves, 
and wishing to bring into greater balance, unresolved issues.  Last I checked, 
that is a lifelong process, and one that more people would benefit from if it 
were made a greater priority.
That is not grounded, possibly not content (happy), I would say yes to the 
optimistic ( surely the next healer will be able to help me), 
Again, I'm afraid you miss the mark.  There is no desperation there.  Just a 
desire to deepen one's understanding about themselves and their environment. 
(both near and far)
negative on the realistic (I will find the answer when I try solution #100). I 
think that covers it. But I might be convinced if you want to give some 
especially of the "grounded" part. Share?
You mean one who expresses herself well, captures nuance in a remarkable way, 
and whose relationships with friends, family and community seem quite balanced. 
> > As far Matthew, mainstream, I liked your comments. Caveat emptor.
> Whew, we have less in common all the time Steve.
if you are referring to my comment about Matthew (whatever his last name is), 
what is it that you find at odds with my comment? Do you feel he should be 
censored?  It seems to me that all I said, was that the man should be able to 
speak his peace.  Is that offensive?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: dear everyone on FFL

2013-01-12 Thread Share Long
sorry to hear this but good to know

 From: authfriend 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 12:00 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: dear everyone on FFL

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> During my Christmas vacation I realized that if I'm lucky, I have about 30 
> more years on this planet.  I intend to use that time as juicily and joyfully 
> as possible, and hopefully at the exact same time add to or at least support 
> the enjoyment of others.
> As part of this, and perhaps some of you have noticed, I've decided to not 
> reply to certain kinds of posts to me.  I have felt so much better since 
> beginning to do this.  And FFL has seemed more fun too.
> As far as I'm concerned the new year is the time to begin anew
> and to drop conflicts from the past year.  I'm so grateful
> because it seems that Judy and Ravi and I have begun anew.

Sorry to disappoint, toots. You and I never "began anew,"
and even if we had, this post of yours would have put us
right back where we were.

You're not the least bit interested in "dropping conflicts
from the past year." Rather, you're intent on keeping them

If you don't understand why I say that, show your post to
your pastoral counselor. Maybe she will have the patience
to explain it to you. I don't.

"Love and hugs" indeed. Dig yourself, Share.

> Maybe Raunchy and I a little bit too.  I hope so.  
> But Ann and Emily have continued at just about every opportunity to snipe 
> nastily at me.  They continue to have a confrontational tone towards me, even 
> on the most mundane of topics.  Weird!  Plus they ignore it when I do post a 
> positive reply to them.   
> You would think that Ann with her full life and Emily with her running out of 
> money situation would have better things to do with their time and energy and 
> attention than to nastily carry a grudge against me into the new year.  Plus 
> their grudges began with an upset between me and Robin!  So IMO there's 
> something decidedly wacky about their carrying this grudge into the new year. 
>  And I won't be a part of it.  
> I will continue to reply to them such as I have been doing.  But I will not 
> reply to any posts that are nasty, condescending, confrontational, snide, 
> etc.  In other words, grudgy!  Who does such exchanges benefit?  NO ONE!   
> OTOH thank you to everyone who's made FFL so enjoyable during the holidays 
> and even more recently.  You all have shown me that it's possible to have 
> great discussions and good humor without being nasty.  
> love and hugs 
> Share         


[FairfieldLife] Re: MSAE graduate on youtube

2013-01-12 Thread Carol
I starting laughing when he started talking. :o 

I can see me in the audience sitting beside a couple good friends who would 
have the same response as I. We would have to excuse ourselves so as not to be 

He appears young. I wonder where he will be years from now (in his beliefs, 
etc.) and what he will think when he looks back at this? I hope he can laugh 
too...or maybe he already has. Maybe he has learned to giggle like MY. I don't 
recall a lot from SCI, but I will always remember the flower and the giggle. ;)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108  wrote:
> From TMFree, apparently a graduate of MSAE who's got his own little thing 
> going. Thoughts anyone?
> http://youtu.be/T1V_JD9rODk

[FairfieldLife] Re: Samsara & Baraka

2013-01-12 Thread Carol
Thanks for the kudos LG. :)

"He who should not be named"... chuckle. :D

When I posted my thanks for the link you posted, somehow I had ended up at a 
Baraka Part 1, which only went up to the dark turn in the film, and that is all 
I had seen. I loved the nature scenes and the indigenous people scenes. I 
especially loved the monkey in the hot spring at the beginning of the film.

Anyway, I clicked your link again and saw that I had missed over half the film. 

Oh my, yes...a dark turn. My internal systems felt revolt once the robotic 
conditions started. And I don't think I'll ever get the baby chick images out 
of my head.

It's hard to put to words all the different emotions the film evokes and the 
realities that it drives home. I guess that (hard to put into words) is why 
there are no words in the film.

Speaking of robotic work, I worked in a factory 2 times in my life. Once I 
lasted 9 days; the other 3 months. Both jobs involved sanding machines. One was 
sanding arms for chairs; the other was deburring small parts (the same parts) 
for airplanes. The same thing over and over and over, forty hours a week with a 
30 minute lunch break and two 15-minute breaks each day.

With the deburring airplane parts I would tell myself that I had to get the 
burrs off the small parts for the plane to be safe; trying to give more purpose 
to the work. 

It was maddening.

I know some people spend their entire lives doing stuff like that, and it 
almost amazes me. I developed a new respect for factory workers after enduring 

Thanks again! 

Happy 2013...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108  wrote:
> Hi Carol...yes indeed, I remember you, and have enjoying reading your toss & 
> ripple blog (great name BTW!). I hope the current situation with he who must 
> not be named comes to some resolution soon.
> Am glad you enjoyed Baraka. Both movies take that dark turn about halfway 
> through that makes me very uncomfortable (the chickens, the robotic human 
> condition, more chickens, etc.) but then seems to find some resolution at the 
> end. Maybe a statement about how life goes on in an evolutionary direction 
> and once again emerges in spite of the negativity and human failings? A very 
> ambitious, different, and meaningful undertaking by Fricke.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Carol"  wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for the link laughinggull. I had not seen Baraka. Thoroughly enjoyed 
> > it and have now shared it with some other folks.
> > 
> > PS: I'm oneperson from over on blogspot. We interacted a bit previously in 
> > the blogosphere. Hope you are well. :)
> > 
> > *
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108  wrote:
> > >
> > > A very similar film (i.e. images alone set to haunting music) by Ron 
> > > Fricke is Baraka (1992) and is available in it entirety here:
> > > 
> > > http://youtu.be/gEyguwQalCI
> > > 
> > > Samsara (http://barakasamsara.com/#) toured the country for showing at 
> > > select theaters last summer and I was fortunate to see it on the big 
> > > screen at one of these showings. And I must agree Barry about some of the 
> > > "Whoa" scenes. My two favorites were the lush green India landscape with 
> > > all the temples at the beginning and the female Thai dancers with all the 
> > > arms at the end.
> > > 
> > > However, although I enjoyed it, viewing it once was enough for me.
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > As a term, samsara has become associated with the idea that the relative
> > > > existence that we live in and perceive each day is an illusion. *As* an
> > > > illusion, say those who coined the term, it is not worth pursuing or
> > > > paying that much attention to.
> > > > 
> > > > I suggest humbly to people who believe this that they are fuckin' crazy.
> > > > 
> > > > Samsara (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0770802/
> > > >   ) the 2011 film by Ron Fricke,
> > > > should not be confused with Samsara
> > > > (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0196069/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2
> > > >   ), the 2001 film
> > > > by Pan Nalin, also excellent, but in a different way. The new Samsara is
> > > > basically nothing more (nor less) than a series of images of the
> > > > relative existence that we live in and perceive each day, set to music.
> > > > 
> > > > And those images are beautiful. Stunningly beautiful. Breathtakingly
> > > > beautiful. As is relative existence itself, whatever its ups and downs.
> > > > 
> > > > Life. Death. Rebirth. LIFE.
> > > > 
> > > > I really *feel* for those who believe that the relative is somehow
> > > > inferior to what they consider the Absolute, and thus is something to be
> > > > avoided or shunned. They're really missing out. This film shows you how
> > > > much they're missing out ON.
> > > > 
> > > > There were just so many scenes in which my initial reaction was "Whoa!
> > > > Where the FUCK is that on planet Earth? And why haven't I been th

[FairfieldLife] Re: MSAE graduate on youtube

2013-01-12 Thread card

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "card"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108  wrote:
> > >
> > > From TMFree, apparently a graduate of MSAE who's got his own little thing 
> > > going. Thoughts anyone?
> Looks like he is finnish ! :-)


> > > 
> > > http://youtu.be/T1V_JD9rODk
> > >
> > 
> > Yuck! :/
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: MSAE graduate on youtube

2013-01-12 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108  wrote:
> From TMFree, apparently a graduate of MSAE who's got 
> his own little thing going. Thoughts anyone?
> http://youtu.be/T1V_JD9rODk

Since you asked for "thoughts," here are mine.

Clearly, people here ( especially the members of The
Clique, who must have been saving up for a pile-on
fest ) didn't think much of this guy's act.

What struck me as *obvious*, and something that I 
don't think any of the detractors seem to have noticed,
is that his act -- meaning his way of speaking, the
way he moves and talks, etc. -- is pure Maharishi. 

The SAME people who creamed their jeans when Maharishi
spoke and acted this way don't seem to like it when 
someone else does it. Isn't that fascinating? 

What they perceive as charlatanry in this guy is IMO
remarkably like the act they fell for and followed
for decades in a short, fat Indian guy, probably 
because he was Indian and wearing a dhoti. 

OF COURSE I agree with the detractors that this guy
is a fruitcake. It's just that I'm more amused by
the fact that those who piled onto him lack the
discrimination to notice that most people in the
world would react to *Maharishi* speaking exactly
the same way they're reacting to this guy. It's the
same act, after all. 

They sound amazed that anyone would follow this guy,
or pay to hear him speak. Well, that's how many of
us feel when we hear TMers still talking about MMY
as if he were special, or unique, or some sort of
saint or holy man. 

Before overreacting to this post and piling on ME,
try going back and listening to this video again,
but this time noticing the similarities in this guy's
presentation to the way Maharishi used to speak on
video, especially towards the end of his life when
he was already heavily into his King Lear period. 

Why is it OK and "the highest teaching" when Maharishi 
did it, but charlatanry when this guy does it? Curious
minds want to know...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: apropos of nothing

2013-01-12 Thread Emily Reyn
Great story.  Great memories.  I should post some new pictures of Sandy - she 
actually fit all of my criteria for the dog I didn't know I was looking for :)  

> From: raunchydog 
>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 6:22 PM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: apropos of nothing
>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
>> Very cute.  I took the jack to a large park yesterday on Lake Washington 
>> yesterday with another person who has large dogs - german shepherd, huskies, 
>> a couple of rescues.  They aren't aggressive nor is the jack so we let them 
>> run together.  Nothing is more exhilarating than watching a dog go into a 
>> full run as part of a "pack."  The weather had cleared and the sun was 
>> coming out over the field with the lake in the background - they had so much 
>> fun and it was a beautiful sight.  She doesn't play much with other dogs 
>> but she ran with them like she was a big dog.      
>Loved hearing about your little dog. It reminds me of all the many park trails 
>I walked with my sweet Miniature Schnauzer, Dolly. I miss her. She was a fine 
>little friend and great trail companion. She knew her way around town, barked 
>like crazy whenever I drove past a park. If I didn't stop the car for a doggie 
>run, she would stop barking, look wistfully back at the park and then 
>disappointedly at me. 
>Dogs have a wonderful way of conveying their feelings with their whole body, 
>especially with ears and tails. Dolly didn't have much of a tail, it didn't 
>wag, it twitched. Her ears were her most expressive feature. When her ears 
>were straight up, alert and shaved after a grooming, if the sun hit them just 
>right they became a lovely pink translucence. 
>I got Dolly from a puppy mill in Nauvoo. Although she would have enjoyed the 
>walk, I probably saved her from a life of helping Mormon missionaries 
>proselytize door to door. Before driving from Fairfield to Nauvoo to pick out 
>a puppy, I'd decided I wanted a miniature Schnauzer with uncropped ears. She 
>was the only puppy in a litter of six that fit my criteria. Apparently, they 
>didn't bother cropping her ears because she wasn't considered show dog quality 
>and the breeders knocked $25 off her price. She was a little bigger and feisty 
>than the others. She was the first one out of the puppy basket and onto the 
>grass to pee. I fell in love and would have gotten her at any price. 
>> >
>> > From: raunchydog 
>> >To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>> >Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 9:10 PM
>> >Subject: [FairfieldLife] apropos of nothing
>> > 
>> >
>> >  
>> >Baby hedgehog
>> >http://www.dailycuteness.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/cute-hedgehog.png
>> >
>> >The Cutest Puppy in the World
>> >http://youtu.be/mURoYko9zSs 
>> >
>> >
>> > 
>> >
>> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Portlandia season 3 tonight to Judy Ravi Gull Alex etc.

2013-01-12 Thread Emily Reyn
Share, does this exchange qualify as nasty sniping, or is it just funny, or is 
it shaming you or is it playing on words, or what?  If I had had the smarts to 
come up with these quips, would it then be "nasty sniping?"  Is it me, Share, 
is it me?  

> From: "doctordumb...@rocketmail.com" 
>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 9:24 PM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Portlandia season 3 tonight to Judy Ravi Gull 
>Alex etc.
>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann"  wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@  wrote:
>> >
>> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
>> > > > This week I've been taking some workshops with Paul Wong 
>> > > > artofneutrality.  Very wonderful stuff (-:
>> > > 
>> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann"  wrote:
>> > > Ah, more healing. Gosh, you seem to have an infinite capacity to attend 
>> > > these workshops, it seems to me one of them alone isn't enough. You just 
>> > > can't get good healers these days...
>> > 
>> > Yeah, as feste said, I think we have to give this some more consideration, 
>> > WB. Perhaps Share after fairly recently joining FFL, is simply trying to 
>> > figure out the difference between Wright and Wong...
>> See, this is why I could never be mad at you.
>I am happy to see you appreciate the gravity of this situation, the same as I 
>do...At first I was *barely appalled* at the situation Share was facing, until 
>I became sensitive to the fair field (of) life, bringing her such 
>consternation...(first one to laugh out loud,  "loses").

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MSAE graduate on youtube - the guy's probably sincere

2013-01-12 Thread Emily Reyn
Oh my godthe poor man.   He's crying out for help.    

> From: Ann 
>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 6:26 PM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: MSAE graduate on youtube - the guy's probably 
>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mainstream20016"  wrote:
>> Matthew is probably the son of Walter Reifslager, Jr., a long-time TMer, and 
>> grandson of a Walter, Sr., a recently deceased very community-minded and 
>> honorable Psychiatrist in Austin. Or a close relative thereof of those two 
>> gentlemen. Until proven to be otherwise, or to harm someone,  he deserves 
>> the opportunity to expound that which he sincerely believes, even if he's 
>> deceived himself.
>>   Exponents of a new version of reality regularly pay a heavy price.  Of 
>> course, it's not ironic that FFL's sets such a high threshold for 
>> acceptance. 
>> If he is an MSAE grad, he's had thousands of hours of exposure to MMYs 
>> discourses. IMHO he's contributing to creation of new knowledge.  I'm not 
>> drawn to it, but may he be given room to try to 'splain it as he sees it. 
>> -Mainstream
>Gee, I don't know. I think anyone who speaks like that and does what he does 
>when he's speaking is a dead giveaway. The guy is seriously a turn off in 
>every possible way. In this case, if you have even a drop of intuition or 
>reason, let alone instinct, this guy would get you running for the door. In 
>fact, I'd bet my life on it.
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann"  wrote:
>> >
>> > 
>> > 
>> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  wrote:
>> > >
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Susan"  wrote:
>> > > >
>> > > > He's doing a take-off on some new agish types, right?  This is a
>> > > > joke, right?
>> > > 
>> > > No, it's not a joke. From what I've heard, it's a very messed up cult 
>> > > trip where the guy controls people by telling them, "Divine Mother 
>> > > says...", even to the point of people going into debt to support him 
>> > > financially. I watched some of the video, and I'm creeped out by it.
>> > 
>> > There's a sucker born every minute. These creepy gurus are laughing all 
>> > the way to the bank and man are they "getting off" on the adulation, big 
>> > time. Anyone want to go crash the party? It could be a riot.
>> > > 
>> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108  wrote:
>> > > > >
>> > > > > From TMFree, apparently a graduate of MSAE who's got his own
>> > > > > little thing going. Thoughts anyone?
>> > > > > 
>> > > > > http://youtu.be/T1V_JD9rODk
>> > > > >
>> > > >
>> > >
>> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Portlandia season 3 tonight to Judy Ravi Gull Alex etc.

2013-01-12 Thread Emily Reyn
Steve...please"misses nuance in a remarkable way" is a bit more grounded an 
assessment, IMHO. 

> From: seventhray27 
>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 8:44 PM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Portlandia season 3 tonight to Judy Ravi Gull 
>Alex etc.
>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" wrote:
>> >
>> > 
>> > 
>> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" wrote:
>> > 
>> > snip
>> > > Something must be wrong in the approach, understanding, or technology.
>> > >
>> > All those fancy words and analysis on ones side, (as well as as some
>> > not so subtle condescending remarks previously), and the person Share on
>> > the other, and I'll take the person Share anytime.
>> > 
>> > That is, a person who seems happy, optimistic, very realistic and
>> > grounded.
>> Then, if that is the case, why this forever searching for the next better 
>> technique, the continual need for healing, guidance and advice? 
>To rephrase: someone continually looking for greater insight into themselves, 
>and wishing to bring into greater balance, unresolved issues.  Last I checked, 
>that is a lifelong process, and one that more people would benefit from if it 
>were made a greater priority.
>That is not grounded, possibly not content (happy), I would say yes to the 
>optimistic ( surely the next healer will be able to help me), 
>Again, I'm afraid you miss the mark.  There is no desperation there.  Just a 
>desire to deepen one's understanding about themselves and their environment. 
>(both near and far)
>negative on the realistic (I will find the answer when I try solution #100). I 
>think that covers it. But I might be convinced if you want to give some 
>especially of the "grounded" part. Share?
>You mean one who expresses herself well, captures nuance in a remarkable way, 
>and whose relationships with friends, family and community seem quite 
>> > As far Matthew, mainstream, I liked your comments. Caveat emptor.
>> Whew, we have less in common all the time Steve.
>if you are referring to my comment about Matthew (whatever his last name is), 
>what is it that you find at odds with my comment? Do you feel he should be 
>censored?  It seems to me that all I said, was that the man should be able to 
>speak his peace.  Is that offensive?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Cyberstalker Trainees (Turq's Occult Theory Of What Motivates Cyberstalkers)

2013-01-12 Thread Emily Reyn
Share, perhaps you can help me out a little.  Can you rewrite this to correct 
both the grammar and the logic?  

> From: Emily Reyn 
>To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
>Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 12:36 AM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Cyberstalker Trainees (Turq's Occult Theory 
>Of What Motivates Cyberstalkers)
>Tee Hee.  Share...do you see how used your characterization of Bob as "grumpy 
>boots" in a reply back to him as a joke and you see how he responded below?  
>Is this what you mean as "sniping nastily" to you?  It was *your phrase* 
>Share, you said it first.  I just thought it was funny. It's that creepy sense 
>of humor of mine, Share, right?  Wrong again, BP's sense of humor is way 
>creepier than mine.  Ask anyone.  
>> From: Bob Price 
>>To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
>>Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 2:52 PM
>>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Cyberstalker Trainees (Turq's Occult Theory 
>>Of What Motivates Cyberstalkers)
>>emilymae.reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>Hey now, I think Barry is making a change .
>>***BP: Famous bridges for sale:
>>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ciFTP_KRy4
>>> From: turquoiseb 
>>> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>>> Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 11:42:24 AM
>>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Cyberstalker Trainees (Turq's Occult Theory Of 
>>> What Motivates Cyberstalkers)
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Dear Em - yes I got it after Alex's hilarious post. Just 
>>> > spending time with my family, all mundane tasks here seem 
>>> > to involve so much drama that you don't have time for cyber 
>>> > dramas :-) - not to mention all my family drama. Will send 
>>> > more pictures later.
>>> To be honest, Ravi, I admit to having read some of 
>>> your posts from this vacation, and I have wanted
>>> before to remark that I feel it's done you a world
>>> of good. Whether it is a result of being with your
>>> family, or having touched base with India again, or
>>> just the passage of time, your posts during this
>>> pilgrimage have been the most grounded of the entire
>>> time I've been exposed to you on the Internet. May
>>> this trend continue. Good on you, guy. 
>>>  Â 

[FairfieldLife] Mari religion!

2013-01-12 Thread card

Mari people
>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Total population

Regions with significant populations
 Russia 542,000 
 Ukraine4,130   [1]


Mari, Russian

Russian Orthodox Christianity, Mari Traditional Religion

The Mari (Russian: марийцы), are a 
Finno-Ugric ethnic group, who have traditionally lived along the Volga and Kama 
rivers in Russia. Almost half of Maris today live in the Mari El republic, with 
significant populations in the Bashkortostan and Tatarstan republics. In the 
past, the Mari have also been known as the Cheremis in Russian and the 
Çirmeş in Tatar.


Maris have traditionally practiced a pagan faith that closely connected the 
individual with nature. According to their beliefs, nature exerts a magical 
influence over people. They relate to it as a sacred, powerful, and living 
being outside of which man can not exist. Nature serves as a source of absolute 
good who always helps man as long as he does not harm or oppose it.[3]

The Mari Traditional Religion also possesses a pantheon of gods who reside in 
the heavens, the most important of whom is known as the Great White God 
(Ош Кугу Юмо, Osh Kugu 
Yumo). Other lesser gods include the god of fire (Тул 
Юмо, Tul Yumo)[agni?? -- card; in Finnish: "tuli-yumala"] and 
the god of wind (Мардеж 
Юмо, Mardezh Yumo)[marut??]. The Mari also believe in a 
number of half-men, half-gods 
(керемет, keremet) who live on earth. 
The most revered of these gods is Chumbulat 
(Чумбулат), Kubrat [kubera??] 
or Chumbylat (Чумбылат), a 
renowned leader and warrior.[4]

Christianity was adopted by the Mari in the 16th century after their territory 
was incorporated into the Russian Empire during the reign of Ivan IV "the 
Terrible". Adoption of Christianity was not universal, however, and many Mari 
today still practice Paganism in syncretic forms, or purer forms adhering to 
organized Neopagan Mari Traditional Religion organizations. Pagans constitute a 
significant minority of 25 to 40% of the Mari. Most Mari are members of the 
Russian Orthodox Church.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Cyberstalker Trainees (Turq's Occult Theory Of What Motivates Cyberstalkers)

2013-01-12 Thread Emily Reyn
Tee Hee.  Share...do you see how used your characterization of Bob as "grumpy 
boots" in a reply back to him as a joke and you see how he responded below?  Is 
this what you mean as "sniping nastily" to you?  It was *your phrase* Share, 
you said it first.  I just thought it was funny. It's that creepy sense of 
humor of mine, Share, right?  Wrong again, BP's sense of humor is way creepier 
than mine.  Ask anyone.  

> From: Bob Price 
>To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
>Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 2:52 PM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Cyberstalker Trainees (Turq's Occult Theory 
>Of What Motivates Cyberstalkers)
>emilymae.reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>Hey now, I think Barry is making a change .
>***BP: Famous bridges for sale:
>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ciFTP_KRy4
>> From: turquoiseb 
>> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>> Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 11:42:24 AM
>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Cyberstalker Trainees (Turq's Occult Theory Of 
>> What Motivates Cyberstalkers)
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
>> >
>> > Dear Em - yes I got it after Alex's hilarious post. Just 
>> > spending time with my family, all mundane tasks here seem 
>> > to involve so much drama that you don't have time for cyber 
>> > dramas :-) - not to mention all my family drama. Will send 
>> > more pictures later.
>> To be honest, Ravi, I admit to having read some of 
>> your posts from this vacation, and I have wanted
>> before to remark that I feel it's done you a world
>> of good. Whether it is a result of being with your
>> family, or having touched base with India again, or
>> just the passage of time, your posts during this
>> pilgrimage have been the most grounded of the entire
>> time I've been exposed to you on the Internet. May
>> this trend continue. Good on you, guy. 
>>  Â 

Re: [FairfieldLife] dear everyone on FFL

2013-01-12 Thread Emily Reyn
Dear Share, whatever are you talking about?  Seriously, it's probably my 
memory, but I have no idea what you are saying - I swear we don't speak the 
same language!  I am "sniping nastily" at you?  What?  Can you do me a favor 
and send me the posts where I am doing that?  

Do you think it is condescending of you to assume that my position towards you 
has something to do with what went down personally between you and Robin?  My 
gripe with you in 2012 had to do with the way you treated me and the others you 
assigned to the cult Share.  Remember? You assigned me to a cult and called me 
all kinds of names and made assumptions about my intentions that were totally 
incorrect?  And, then, after launching the attacks, one after another, you 
pretended that you weren't, and that we were all abusing you, and then you ran 
away and stuck your tongue out at us (and me in particular, as I was trying 
desperately to resolve the situation with you like a good FFL-adult), from 
behind Steve's back?  Remember?  Am I missing something?    

Here you go again, Share.  Your MO from the beginning has been to launch 
missiles and run.  And then, get angry and launch more missiles and run 
again...it's an endless karmic cycle, from what I can see and I have detached 
fully from letting your behavior bother me in any way. You must have had a bad 
day today.  People who are in denial that they have negative feelings project 
them sideways and then cover them up with sticky sweetness.  Pretty simple and 
you are a classic example of this.  Sorry, but this is an easy one.  

I hold no animosity towards you at all for your treatment of me.  None. Really 
- believe me.  I let it all go Share.  I am not being ironic here.  In fact, 
I've been finding your posts "refreshingly you," of late, and I told you just 
this.  Did you think I was making fun of you in a mean and nasty way when I 
said that?  

Share, you have and continue to try to control people and aspects of this forum 
that you don't understand.  If you don't understand something, just ask.  No 
need to translate whatever it is into something negative that you can then put 
down and reject.  You dissed me fully for playing with your name and that's all 
you've done recently to others.  Just a teensy-weensy bit hypocritical on just 
that one behavior, don't you think? You try to control responses to your posts 
by tagging the subject line back to who you want to correspond with - not 
happening on a public forum, sweet pea.  You have some real fear-based control 
issues Share.  Your sense of humor is very literal - you don't understand and 
therefore misinterpret much of the humor that crosses this forum that isn't 
literal in nature.  Do you recognize that you do this?  Is this an accurate 
assessment of you Share?  Is this confrontational enough for you?  

Is it possible that you have misinterpreted both my intention and the words 
I've written in my posts?  Is it possible that the obvious assumptions you have 
outlined below are inaccurate?  Is it possible that you have incorrectly 
intuited anything here?   I assure you that you have mischaracterized me 
completely and I am so sorry that you think I think so negatively of you.  So 
not true Share.  I forgave you - did I forget to tell you?  

I am no more confrontational with you than with anyone and in fact, I think 
accusing me of being confrontational is a judgment on your part - don't own up 
to it though.  And remember Share..."running out of money" is a non-statement - 
maybe I just need to catch up on some paperwork and sell some more stock.  We 
all have different comfort zones when it comes to money.  If you think that I 
am stupid enough to allow you to take up time in my real world that I would be 
spending looking for work, think again, Share.  Your statement below tying my 
purported financial situation to wasting time and energy on carrying a grudge 
towards you is simply irrational and untrue. I don't tell you how to waste your 
time - don't tell me how to waste mine.  You are behaving in a judgmental way 
again.  There, was that confrontational enough?  

Warm milk with honey to you m'dear.  

> From: Share Long 
>To: "fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com"  
>Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 9:43 PM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] dear everyone on FFL
>During my Christmas vacation I realized that if I'm lucky, I have about 30 
>more years on this planet.  I intend to use that time as juicily and joyfully 
>as possible, and hopefully at the exact same time add to or at least support 
>the enjoyment of others.
>As part of this, and perhaps some of you have noticed, I've decided to not 
>reply to certain kinds of posts to me.  I have felt so much better since 
>beginning to do this.  And FFL has seemed more fun too.
>As far as I'm concerned the new year is the time to begin anew and to drop 
>conflicts from the past year.  I'm so grateful because it seems 

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