Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
I really like your description of The_Leak as an old folks home for the 
spiritually timid. That's it, in a nutshell. 

  From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 9:31 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
    You have had a difficult day? Gosh, what is meditation coming to? I am not 
holding Jim to any standard. I am just pointing out he said one thing, but did 
another. If I had the power to hold him to some standard, he would not be able 
to break his word. The fun is people are erratic. It means you can play with 
their foibles (or ignore them). The secret to keeping your word is to never 
give it. We are too spongy and soft to act like inerrantly like vengeful gods 
who can never be crossed, or else. There are those of us who try. Barry is 
actually pretty consistent this way. Ah, to create a hell that would truly 
terrify people into compliance with some stupid, stupid rule. Tax collectors 
and legislators and rulers of countries have a tendency to fall in this 
direction, as do religions.
I did not intend to convict Jim, a simple lynching without justice would have 
sufficed. But that is just on FFL; on The Peak, he has installed himself as 
Chief Magistrate, top of the food chain, and there, I wonder whether some 
misstep of mine will coerce him to send me to the outer void someday. But on 
FFL, he is just another piece of prey in the jungle, like the rest of us. FFL 
is like the world, and The Peak is like TM. You can go to The Peak to rest (an 
old folks home for the spiritually timid), and when you want to evolve, you 
need a bit of resistance, so you can come over here to FFL, for exercise, to 
put it into action.

   From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 7:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
    First, thank you xeno for giving a me a smile and a chuckle in what has 
been an otherwise difficult day.
Second, I certainly can't argue with you.
On the other hand, (and maybe I'm not able to give you comments sufficient 
thought),  the world operates better when we give one another a little space.
In the current example, yes, Jim did interact with Barry.
In a court of law, sometimes the lawyer will demand a simple yes, or no.
But, without an explanation, you can't really get to the nuances of a case, 
which may make quite a difference.
I find it rather comical that you would seem to hold Jim to this strict 
standard, or definition of interaction when, really, that's not how the real 
world works, except in legal contracts.
And even then, there can be different interpretations.
So, I find it perfectly acceptable that Jim would see fit to correct a 
Whether his buttons were pushed, I have no idea.
I really wouldn't think so.  It seemed that all he wanted to say was, it 
wasn't me, Barry, and have a good day
If you want to convict him on this basis, have at it.  (-:

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

As I pointed out in another post awhile back, being accused of something one 
did not do has a tendency to push peoples buttons. It does not matter if the 
misconception was deliberate or not. The main thing is if you say one thing and 
do another, it's hypocritical. A rule has an exception if, 1) it's not a rule.
Humans are too weak to create authentic rules. What we conceive as being laws 
of nature (not the TMO kind) might be ironclad enough to be called a rule, like 
how gravity operates.
What is the rule that you follow in writing posts with short sentences spaced 
apart. What are you typing on? There are such things as paragraphs. When you 
are in a nice mood, you follow the spirit of the law, and when not, you just 
hang the bastard, innocent or guilty.
How can you correct a misconception one has without interacting with them?
INTERACT = act in such a way as to have an effect on another. You cannot have 
that effect if you do not make contact, you are trying to redefine a word just 
like Judy did. I really miss Judy. She made this place a hell worthy of 

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

xeno, fyi, to the rest of the world, what Jim did was just correct a 
for you and Barry, and perhaps a few others to interpret this as interacting 
with Barry makes for a rather weak case.
maybe you are trying to run the routine you did with Judy, on which she bit so 
that was rather comical.
but, then again, perhaps you don't understand that exceptions are made for any 
rule, self imposed, or not.
so, just to repeat, correcting an misconception, is not the same as interacting 
with someone.
get a consensus, if you have a question about this.
or take 

Re: [FairfieldLife] My first rock concert

2015-03-19 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
My first concert was seeing Ray Charles -- it was 1959 or so, and in the town 
of his birth, Albany, Georgia. I was 13, and one of the only white faces in the 
hall. Very memorable experience.

  From: Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 2:19 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] My first rock concert
    Ha! Got that beat. My first concert was non other than  The Beatles. I 
don't remember the year, must have been about '65 in the Houston Coliseum. They 
did some songs from Help before the movie had been released. 
   From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 8:09 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] My first rock concert
    The first rock concert I went to was to see Free when their hit All Right 
Now topped the charts. So it is a sign of how long ago that was that I learn 
that bassist Andy Fraser, who co-wrote Free's hit, has died in California aged 
62. The musician died on Monday and he had been fighting cancer and Aids, 
according to an official statement regarding his death. The song itself still 
stands the test of time . . .

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
I've gotta agree with you, Michael. It really feels like Jim, for several 

First, of course, is the level of obsession he has with me. The only person who 
has *ever* been more obsessed with me than Jim Flanegin was Judy. 

But second, and the clincher, is the fact that these posts are just dripping 
with JEALOUSY. Jimbo really was never able to figure out why people liked me 
and Curtis while they didn't like him. The answer was right in front of his 
face, but his ego kept him from seeing it. Curtis and I are just ourselves, 
and he has to continually play one-upsmanship games to try to prove his 

Anyway, I suspect he'll try to keep this up for a while, because it's getting 
him what he really wants, which is attention. Feeling magnanimous this week, 
I'll give him one more day of reading his stuff before I route his posts 
directly into the trash bin along with Steve-o and Richard.

  From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 1:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
    yep, its Dr. Dummy

 From: ak_ak_0828
 Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 8:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
Don't embarrass me please, I wish to remain anonymous. Unlike you I am 
*actually* busy and have a life, I have to work, take care of kids, wives, 
ex-wives and girl friends. And of course entertain them :-) :-) :-).
I don't have amazing talents like you where you conjure up these amazing, 
fantastical tales that has your audience here at FFL in raptures. The 
flamboyant, charismatic Barry Wright, cult slayer, darling of the lurker 
reporters looking for scoops on cults and TM. The stud, fondling hot, young 
baristas in coffe-shops; and in dance clubs and whorehouse around Amsterdam and 
Paris. The wise old spiritual master - Uncle Tantra. Man of many hats, you :-) 
:-) :-)
All this as you actually are a decrepit old man, narcissistic, dysfunctional. 
Spending your entire day in your apartment, taking care of Maya, dogs, chores 
so you can have free rent and food ! Brilliant talent Barry.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

For the record, I don't know who ak_ak_0828 is, either. I just figured that if 
I suggested it was Jim Flanegin, his ego would force him to reply, and thus 
reveal to everyone how compulsively he still reads Fairfield Life after having 
been so vocal about how he's so above this forum and the people who post 
here. And lo and behold, in just a couple of hours he did exactly what I 
expected him to do. :-)  :-)  :-)

It *wasn't* all that scathing a post, after all. To be honest, if it was 
written by anyone we already know, it most likely was Ann, because 1) it's so 
unintelligent, and 2) it's so completely off the mark. I just thought I'd have 
a little fun with it and use it to point how obsessed with both FFL *and* me 
Jim Flanegin still is. Mission accomplished.  :-)  :-)  :-)
  From: j_alexander_stanley@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 2:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
 What IP addresses? People who show up with the email 
address are anonymous, with email and IP addresses both undisclosed. From the 
header info, there is no way for me, Rick, or anyone else to determine anything 
about ak_ak's true identity. Keep in mind, Sal, that this also applies to your 
own FFL identity as well.
---In, wrote :

LOL, those IP addresses sure give the game away!


 #yiv2325449615 #yiv2325449615 -- #yiv2325449615ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv2325449615 #yiv2325449615actions 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Two points, Dougie-Wougie:
1. Jimbo didn't leave FFL on moral grounds. He ran away when I sicced the 
cops on him for the crimes of slander and Internet stalking.
2. I've always thought that Jim's experiences smelled more like number two 
than number one, but you're entitled to your opinion.  

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 5:01 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
    Dear ReVerseArrow; tonite they aregiving Maharishi Awards in celebration to 
distinguished citizens ofthe larger community at the Spring Celebration on 
campus. I have acouple of friends in the community who are receiving Maharishi 
Awardstonite. I should think that you are deservingtoo of such recognition 
given both the breadth of your advanced stateof 'number one' spiritual 
experience and your easy ability to speakand write to it by contrast of so much 
speculation that gets writtenon FFL. Yet, not only your resilience here in the 
coarseand malignant crossfire of FFL but yours as a straight arrow on target 
hereamidsts the residual of FFL deserves recognition at the level of aMaharishi 
Award. Thank you. I appreciate yourparticipation when it comes here. It seems 
always clarifying. I dofeel the disrespect of a pernicious unkindness by the 
few that hasovertaken FFL as that you endured here on Rick's list forcing 
youeven to leave FFL on moral ground was reprehensible and Rick should have 
given youmuch more protection from it. But a recognition of your 
longercontribution to what was FFL should not go without acknowledgment. Thank 
you for your service. JaiGuruYou, -Buck in Fairfield

---In, reverse_archery@... wrote :

Hi Barry, Jim Flanegin here. I appreciate your ability to fantasize (as usual), 
though this post wasn't from me. I have said before I have no desire to 
interact with you, *ever again*, and I meant it. 
Have a nice day.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

Sounds to me as if Jim Flanegin, concerned that the number of posts made each 
day in the last week on The_Leak is less than half of the number of registered 
members, and that the only reason the number of people actually making these 
posts is greater than 8 this week is that Rick posted a couple of times, 
suddenly realizes that he is not getting nearly the amount of attention he 

So he reads FFL and realizes that once again Barry is making valid points of 
criticism about Maharishi and the TM movement that none of the TM supporters 
there can refute. Of course a couple of die-hard cultists have piled on to him 
to try to demonize him so that lurkers don't pay attention to the fact that 
what he's saying is fact, but that doesn't seem to be working. Horrors. 

So Jimbo realizes he has to come to the rescue. Because *he* can't refute the 
facts that Barry's been posting either (because...duh...they're facts), the 
only thing he can do is make up slander about Barry, the way he used to before 
he ran away from FFL with his tail between his legs. But, he realizes, he can't 
even do *that* any more because everyone will know it's him, and will know that 
even *he* is so bored with the trivial mind-pablum that passes for discussion 
on The_Leak that he has to come back to FFL to get his 
throw-some-nastiness-around fix. 

Jimbo realizes that to pull this off he's going to have to create a new ID, and 
spends 15 whole minutes trying to decide whether to make this one male or 
female. Finally, deciding that he *still* hasn't gotten over the embarrassment 
of pretending to be a woman called enlightened_dawn11 for months, he decides on 
the name ak_ak, because that's the sound his throat makes involuntarily every 
time he realizes that someone's getting more attention than he is. He adds a 
random number to the end of ak_ak and lets fly, making up stuff he imagines 
about Barry's day. 

Then, spent, he goes back to *his* day, which consists of sitting in front of 
his computer, staring at the screen, clicking Return every 30 seconds, saying, 
Why hasn't anyone said anything about me yet? 

Meanwhile, Barry dashes off this post in a couple of minutes to make him feel 
better, because someone finally has.  :-)  :-)  :-)

  From: ak_ak_0828
 Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 11:41 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
 Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
12:00 pm - 05:00 amA restless dreamy sleepy stupor, imaginary battles with 
Richard  Steve on FFL (now that the likes of Judy, Robin, Emily, Ann, Jim, 
Ravi aren't around). Lurker reporter interviews with a gloating Barry on TM and 
06:00 - 7:00 amBarry rudely awakened from bed, need to drop Maya off at school 
and walk the dogs to earn free rent
07:00 - 09:00 am Morning routine and 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread ak_ak_0828
Wow Barry this is impressive.

 What drama, intrigue, the brilliance of Barry Wright--the honest, moral 
upright citizen of the world.

 Assisting the CIA, Interpol and Yahoo in nabbing the International criminal, 
the master of Cyber Alias Obfuscation.

 Accused of illegal theft and transfer of millions of Yahoo aliases-- the 
notorious, dreaded Jim Flanegin, aka Jose Enlightened Dawn, of San Jose, 
California and kicking him out of FFL.

 Is there anything you can not do !?!?!?!?!?


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Two points, Dougie-Wougie:

 1. Jimbo didn't leave FFL on moral grounds. He ran away when I sicced the 
cops on him for the crimes of slander and Internet stalking.

 2. I've always thought that Jim's experiences smelled more like number two 
than number one, but you're entitled to your opinion.  



 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 5:01 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
 Dear ReVerseArrow; tonite they are giving Maharishi Awards in celebration to 
distinguished citizens of the larger community at the Spring Celebration on 
campus. I have a couple of friends in the community who are receiving Maharishi 
Awards tonite.
 I should think that you are deserving too of such recognition given both the 
breadth of your advanced state of 'number one' spiritual experience and your 
easy ability to speak and write to it by contrast of so much speculation that 
gets written on FFL. Yet, not only your resilience here in the coarse and 
malignant crossfire of FFL but yours as a straight arrow on target here amidsts 
the residual of FFL deserves recognition at the level of a Maharishi Award.
 Thank you. I appreciate your participation when it comes here. It seems always 
clarifying. I do feel the disrespect of a pernicious unkindness by the few that 
has overtaken FFL as that you endured here on Rick's list forcing you even to 
leave FFL on moral ground was reprehensible and Rick should have given you much 
more protection from it. But a recognition of your longer contribution to what 
was FFL should not go without acknowledgment. Thank you for your service.
 JaiGuruYou, -Buck in Fairfield



---In, reverse_archery@... wrote :

 Hi Barry, Jim Flanegin here. I appreciate your ability to fantasize (as 
usual), though this post wasn't from me. I have said before I have no desire to 
interact with you, *ever again*, and I meant it.  

 Have a nice day.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Sounds to me as if Jim Flanegin, concerned that the number of posts made each 
day in the last week on The_Leak is less than half of the number of registered 
members, and that the only reason the number of people actually making these 
posts is greater than 8 this week is that Rick posted a couple of times, 
suddenly realizes that he is not getting nearly the amount of attention he 

So he reads FFL and realizes that once again Barry is making valid points of 
criticism about Maharishi and the TM movement that none of the TM supporters 
there can refute. Of course a couple of die-hard cultists have piled on to him 
to try to demonize him so that lurkers don't pay attention to the fact that 
what he's saying is fact, but that doesn't seem to be working. Horrors. 

So Jimbo realizes he has to come to the rescue. Because *he* can't refute the 
facts that Barry's been posting either (because...duh...they're facts), the 
only thing he can do is make up slander about Barry, the way he used to before 
he ran away from FFL with his tail between his legs. But, he realizes, he can't 
even do *that* any more because everyone will know it's him, and will know that 
even *he* is so bored with the trivial mind-pablum that passes for discussion 
on The_Leak that he has to come back to FFL to get his 
throw-some-nastiness-around fix. 

Jimbo realizes that to pull this off he's going to have to create a new ID, and 
spends 15 whole minutes trying to decide whether to make this one male or 
female. Finally, deciding that he *still* hasn't gotten over the embarrassment 
of pretending to be a woman called enlightened_dawn11 for months, he decides on 
the name ak_ak, because that's the sound his throat makes involuntarily every 
time he realizes that someone's getting more attention than he is. He adds a 
random number to the end of ak_ak and lets fly, making up stuff he imagines 
about Barry's day. 

Then, spent, he goes back to *his* day, which consists of sitting in front of 
his computer, staring at the screen, clicking Return every 30 seconds, saying, 
Why hasn't anyone said anything about me yet? 

Meanwhile, Barry dashes off this post in a couple of minutes to make him feel 
better, because someone finally has.  :-)  :-)  :-)

 From: ak_ak_0828 

Re: [FairfieldLife] FFL/The_Peak

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 7:40 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] FFL/The_Peak
 Since 18 March to now.

 FFL, 122 posts

 The Peak, 24 posts

 (figures are minus the skewing factor of Richard's irrelevance)

 LOL, spitting my wine out at the screen.  :-)

Non sequitur.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread Duveyoung
I posted this a while ago, but it still pertains.  I don't think we can 
conflate Being with Awareness.

 Nisargadatta Maharaj: The seeker is he who is in search of himself. Soon he 
discovers that his own body he cannot be. Once the conviction: 'I am not the 
body' becomes so well grounded that he can no longer feel, think and act for 
and on behalf of the body, he will easily discover that he is the universal 
being, knowing, acting, that in him and through him the entire universe is 
real, conscious and active. This is the heart of the problem. Either you are 
body-conscious and a slave of circumstances, or you are the universal 
consciousness itself -- and in full control of every event.
 Yet consciousness, individual or universal, is not my true abode; I am not in 
it, it is not mine, there is no 'me' in it. I am beyond, though it is not easy 
to explain how one can be neither conscious, nor unconscious, but just beyond. 
I cannot say that I am in God or I am God; God is the universal light and love, 
the universal witness: I am beyond the universal even.
 Questioner: In that case you are without name and shape. What kind of being 
have you?
 M:  I am what I am, neither with form nor formless, neither conscious nor 
unconscious. I am outside all these categories.
 Q:   You are taking the neti-neti (not this, not this) approach.
 M:  You cannot find me by mere denial. I am as well everything, as nothing. 
Nor both, nor either. These definitions apply to the Lord of the Universe, not 
to me.
 Q:   Do you intend to convey that you are just nothing.
 M:  Oh, no! I am complete and perfect. I am the beingness of being, the 
knowingness of knowing, the fullness of happiness. You cannot reduce me to 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
well, then your statement stands alone, and remains a mystery to me. 

 to paraphrase: misrepresenting something about another person, intentionally, 
or unintentionally is a good way to find out what they are all about

 I can think of a number of ways to find out what makes a person tick without 
subjecting them to false accusations.


---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 From: steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 1:49 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
   Well, honestly, I find this rather fascinating, and really, hoping I can 
learn something from it.

 This notion that if people are challenged in an unreasonable way it can turn 
into a teaching moment

 On the other hand, maybe you have a point, and really I am not trying to be 
duplicitous here, but,

  would it be analogous to say, what the nazis did to prisoners, in terms of 
experiments like subjecting people to extreme heat, or extreme cold, or other 
tortureous experiments in the name of research.

 The results of those experiments were useful to science.  Honestly, they 

 So, is it along those lines?


 Or I guess, you mean something milder like just misrepresenting someone, 
(short of legal slander, I presume) just see how they respond?

 I would think you'd have a better idea of a person's inner quality by engaging 
in a more civil conversation which often will have its own edginess.

 Most beings - animals, humans, creatures typically don't respond well to being 
wronged, or hurt physically.

 Even animals can be subjected to a sort of misrepresentation.  Typically that 
falls under the category of cruelty to animals

 I guess I just find this statement of yours, which you've repeated often, 

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 The Peak has had a few good conversations, but it is pretty sappy most of the 
time. When people are challenged, often in an unreasonable way, an unfair way, 
you get to see their real psychology come forth, and get a better sense of 
their level of knowledge and how they express it. When everything is nicey 
nicey, that knowledge stays hidden, so you cannot tell if it is there or not.





[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL/The_Peak

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
So, it's all abut Richard.
---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 Since 18 March to now.

 FFL, 122 posts

 The Peak, 24 posts

 (figures are minus the skewing factor of Richard's irrelevance)

Re: [FairfieldLife] 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Gawd! Sometime you can't even get in a word edgewise with all these informants 
incessantly telling us about all their spiritual achievements and experiences; 
posting their pundit opinions. You can tell they've been thinking these things 
over in their meditations for a long period of time now. LoL!

---In, wrote :

 Jesus fucking Christ almighty it's hard to post anything here without some 
sick fuck trying to make the posting out to be a proof of the poster's 
insanity, immorality, or low I.Q.

You fucking former seekers who are doing this negativity shit in such a 
mindlessly knee jerk fashion should pause to look at what's lacking INSIDE that 
you have to so desperately project it outside. Once you were SEEKERS FOR TRUTH, 
LOVE, BEAUTY -- now you're seeking any little tiny piss-ant issue to gripe 
about as if Hitler had come back to life and was trying to convert you to evil.

I don't assert that awareness is not consciousness -- I merely believe it's 
true -- NISARGADATTA DOES SUCHLY ASSERT, and I'm convinced.  If you have a 
fucked up kink in your undies then, guess what? -- IT'S YOUR JOB TO READ 
NISARGADATTA and show where he's incorrect that awareness is not consciousness.

If you think he's not saying this -- then I conclude:  YOU HAVE NOT READ HIS 
WORKS.  And to assert otherwise without showing quotes from him that would 
indicate where I have concluded wrongly, is just you being a COMPLETE ASSHOLE.  
An unwiped, dingle berried, diseased asshole. 
As fucking usual.  

Turq, you're shtick is so old -- how can you parade that vile personality 
around smugly still in public view?

Metaphorically speaking, Turq, you're the GOP here finding fault with the black 
guy . just because.

I may be illogical, even insane, but for you to use your brain to put me down 
instead of showing the world that your conclusions are based on harder facts -- 
shows that you're not here but to troll. Edification is never your goal.  
Coming to harmonious agreement -- never on your list.  

In short, you're a fuckwad and whoever jizzed you into a tissue probably 
additionally missed the basket as he threw you away.

And, a, I just did another fine piece of writing!  This is my 
profit here.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: Duveyoung
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 7:19 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] 37 words
 Q:   But when you look at yourself, what do you see?

 Nisargadatta:  It depends how I look. When I look through the mind, I see 
numberless people. When I look beyond the mind, I see the witness. Beyond the 
witness there is the infinite intensity of emptiness and silence.

Edg:  This is the constant teaching of Nisargadatta throughout his talks:  
awareness is not consciousness.

 Edg, with all due respect, where the fuck is your head? When I read this 
quote, the first thing I thought was, Hey, that was pretty cool...I have no 
problems with that interpretation of experience. I can get down with that.


 And then I moved one line lower on the screen and read your synopsis of this 
statement. What a shock. In N-baby's original statement, there were no nots 
and no negativity. In your interpretation, there were. 

 Kinda says it all, tragedy-of-knowledge-wise. 



[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 20-Mar-15 00:15:03 UTC

2015-03-19 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 03/14/15 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 03/21/15 00:00:00
363 messages as of (UTC) 03/19/15 23:15:04

 46 salyavin808 
 44 Bhairitu noozguru
 42 richard
 42 Michael Jackson mjackson74
 37 steve.sundur
 37 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
 22 anartaxius
 13 jr_esq
 10 s3raphita
  9 dhamiltony2k5
  9 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  7 Duveyoung 
  6 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius
  5 ak_ak_0828 
  4 ultrarishi 
  4 srijau
  4 LEnglish5
  3 j_alexander_stanley
  3 William Leed WLeed3
  2 reverse_archery
  2 feste37 
  2 eustace10679 
  2 emptybill
  2 emily.mae50
  1 yifuxero
  1 wleed3 WLeed3
  1 email4you mikemail4you
  1 Share Long sharelong60
  1 Martin A Rosenthal rozenthalm
  1 'Rick Archer' rick
Posters: 30
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Actually Barry, it's because you are fascinating in your own sort of way. 

 Just as you can't stop posting about what you see as the cult mentality, I am 
sort of fascinated by the mechanics of how one can start off as a seeker, and 
end up a complete narcissist obsessed with an organization he last had contact 
with 40 years ago.

 Not complicated, really.


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: salyavin808
 ---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I've gotta agree with you, Michael. It really feels like Jim, for several 


 First, of course, is the level of obsession he has with me. The only person 
who has *ever* been more obsessed with me than Jim Flanegin was Judy. 


 But second, and the clincher, is the fact that these posts are just dripping 
with JEALOUSY. Jimbo really was never able to figure out why people liked me 
and Curtis while they didn't like him. The answer was right in front of his 
face, but his ego kept him from seeing it. Curtis and I are just ourselves, 
and he has to continually play one-upsmanship games to try to prove his 


 Anyway, I suspect he'll try to keep this up for a while, because it's getting 
him what he really wants, which is attention. Feeling magnanimous this week, 
I'll give him one more day of reading his stuff before I route his posts 
directly into the trash bin along with Steve-o and Richard.


 Whoever they are they are certainly bitter and twisted and clearly 
dysfunctional enough to be a long term TMer. I'd get 'em in the bin now in case 
any of it rubs off you...

 Already done. The way I figure it, these guys' (Steve, Richard, and now Ak_Ak) 
fantasies must revolve around ruining my day by revealing deep, dark truths 
about me that I don't want revealed, the way Judy's used to. At least, that's 
the way it seems to play out in their minds. In the real world, back when I 
actually bothered to read their crap, the most their posts ever provoked in me 
was laughter (at them, not because they're comic geniuses or anything) and 
occasional feelings of pity. But that got old real fast and was an obvious 
waste of time, so I figured why bother. So they're all -- including Jim/Ak_Ak 
-- auto-consigned to the dumpster now. 


 But this brings up a question. Steve's and Richard's posts have gone straight 
to the crapper (like attracts like) for over a year now, but they still post 
about me compulsively, several times a week, and in Richard's case every day (I 
can tell this from a 10-second scan of Neo, without having to actually read any 
post they write.) Now Ak_Ak will be joining them in that great cosmic 
porta-potty in the sky, and no doubt he will keep compulsively posting about 
me, too. 


 The question is, WHY? Who do they think their audience is, except each other?


 I think we're agreed that they're cultists who are acting out the cult 
mentality here, but I really DO wonder who they perceive the *audience* for 
their cult apologetics and character assassination to be. There is a 
psychological study in this. If anyone could stand to be around these guys long 
enough to study them, that is.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Jesus Christ, I finally got what I wanted, a comprehensive explanation. 

 Thank you for that!

 I am going to stop right now, as I have to finish some work stuff, and let 
this percolate a little.

 I appreciate you taking the time to flesh this out a bit.

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :


 From: steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 1:49 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
   Well, honestly, I find this rather fascinating, and really, hoping I can 
learn something from it.

 This notion that if people are challenged in an unreasonable way it can turn 
into a teaching moment

 On the other hand, maybe you have a point, and really I am not trying to be 
duplicitous here, but,

  would it be analogous to say, what the nazis did to prisoners, in terms of 
experiments like subjecting people to extreme heat, or extreme cold, or other 
tortureous experiments in the name of research.

 The results of those experiments were useful to science.  Honestly, they 

 So, is it along those lines?

 No, enlightenment is basically a mind thing for, presumably, if your head 
could be kept alive artificially and the body removed, you could still get 
enlightened because it is a shift in the perception and understanding of the 
world. Torturing people physically to change their minds, or just because you 
do not like them, or have been programmed to not like them (same thing), does 
nothing in this direction. Because enlightenment presumably improves the 
quality of experience, it is a mental thing. And because enlightenment 
supposedly increases strength of mind, better understanding etc., due to 
reducing or eliminating mechanical, conditioned responses to what life throws 
at us, it is a different situation. 

 A physical challenge can fell even a very strong physically fit person. The 
ability to deal with a mental challenge is a different animal, a physically 
weak person might have a superior intellect and repel a challenge with ease, 
while a strong, physically fit person might be mentally challenged in this 
regard. Once you have adopted a 'path of enlightenment', you are on the road of 
de-conditioning those mechanical responses, on the road to a new understanding 
of life and what it challenges you with. It is not an escape from this, though 
people often use the spiritual persona as an escape. To newbies, a spiritual 
master seems in some undefined way invulnerable, and this is attractive, 
incites the desire to be invulnerable, even though we do not at that time know 
what this really entails. 

 Once immersed in this sort of world view, it is shall we say, unbecoming to be 
a complainer about what other people do. So if you want to expound the alleged 
virtues of enlightenment you have to in some way live those values and be able 
to explain their relationship to life. You cannot be affronted by how other 
people challenge you because you consider what you are doing is 'holy'. Being 
'holy' is a defensive screen, a religious meme designed to ward off attacks on 
weak arguments about the nature of reality. Enlightenment is about nothing; 
there is no argument that can demonstrate it is real, you have to find out for 
yourself. Now if you experience it yourself and want to talk about it to 
others, you have to have a certain kind of psychological strength, a sort of 
non-reactive strength that can brush aside others' coarseness, or even subtle 
challenges without dismissing them. You cannot be some milquetoast pushover. It 
does not necessarily mean you will have a pleasant personality. There are 
stories of very gruff Zen masters for example.

 The first things that got me to experience 'spiritual' experiences like deep 
silence was not meditation but an all-out assault on my beliefs. One does not 
usually know how deeply unsubstantiated beliefs lie at the basis of one's world 
view, how deeply one is conditioned. The problem I find with the TM movement is 
it does not make this explicit, it relies on reconditioning you to a new set of 
ideas without at the same time informing you that these new ideas need to be 
undermined just as much as the ones you are currently stuck with. The stuff on 
a spiritual path is a means to an end, it is not the end in itself, it has to 
be let go at some point. If it is not let go, it becomes a religion, which even 
M said was the result of loss of knowledge. Ironic that the TM movement is 
steadily moving in the direction of a religion. I am not sure M ever intended 
it not to be, but he did say things in the earlier years that were more in line 
with some other traditions, like Zen, where there is a concerted effort to get 
a student beyond their verbal belief system.

 Because of these reasons, being challenged mentally on what you feel is 
'reality' I would consider an 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Single, yes. Live in a two bedroom house. Never been in the hills except to 
visit. I aspire to one day be as good a writer as the Turquoise Bee. He is to 
FFL as Socrates was to Athenian society. 

  From: ak_ak_0828
 Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 10:55 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
This is not a joke MJ.
Barry is hope for many, the losers of the world. People who don't have a 
successful career, people who haven't ever had a healthy relationship, people 
who live on the charity of others; they need not be in despair, they need not 
lose hope.
They can look at Barry, and make something out of their cocooned, helpless 
lives. They can create fantastical tales, an online personas like a cult 
slayer, a successful IT professional, a movie reviewer and such, and, become a 
star of some Yahoo group just like Barry has.
You of all people MJ, unbelievable; a single, southern trailer trash hilly 
billy, fixing computers for a living. Barry should be your hero, your idol, you 
should look up to Barry, venerate, worship him. Oh wait, never mind.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

yep, its Dr. Dummy
  From: ak_ak_0828
 Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 8:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
Don't embarrass me please, I wish to remain anonymous. Unlike you I am 
*actually* busy and have a life, I have to work, take care of kids, wives, 
ex-wives and girl friends. And of course entertain them :-) :-) :-).
I don't have amazing talents like you where you conjure up these amazing, 
fantastical tales that has your audience here at FFL in raptures. The 
flamboyant, charismatic Barry Wright, cult slayer, darling of the lurker 
reporters looking for scoops on cults and TM. The stud, fondling hot, young 
baristas in coffe-shops; and in dance clubs and whorehouse around Amsterdam and 
Paris. The wise old spiritual master - Uncle Tantra. Man of many hats, you :-) 
:-) :-)
All this as you actually are a decrepit old man, narcissistic, dysfunctional. 
Spending your entire day in your apartment, taking care of Maya, dogs, chores 
so you can have free rent and food ! Brilliant talent Barry.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

For the record, I don't know who ak_ak_0828 is, either. I just figured that if 
I suggested it was Jim Flanegin, his ego would force him to reply, and thus 
reveal to everyone how compulsively he still reads Fairfield Life after having 
been so vocal about how he's so above this forum and the people who post 
here. And lo and behold, in just a couple of hours he did exactly what I 
expected him to do. :-)  :-)  :-)

It *wasn't* all that scathing a post, after all. To be honest, if it was 
written by anyone we already know, it most likely was Ann, because 1) it's so 
unintelligent, and 2) it's so completely off the mark. I just thought I'd have 
a little fun with it and use it to point how obsessed with both FFL *and* me 
Jim Flanegin still is. Mission accomplished.  :-)  :-)  :-)
  From: j_alexander_stanley@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 2:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
 What IP addresses? People who show up with the email 
address are anonymous, with email and IP addresses both undisclosed. From the 
header info, there is no way for me, Rick, or anyone else to determine anything 
about ak_ak's true identity. Keep in mind, Sal, that this also applies to your 
own FFL identity as well.
---In, wrote :

LOL, those IP addresses sure give the game away!

  #yiv0197132918 #yiv0197132918 -- #yiv0197132918ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv0197132918 
#yiv0197132918ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv0197132918 
#yiv0197132918ygrp-mkp #yiv0197132918hd 
0;}#yiv0197132918 #yiv0197132918ygrp-mkp #yiv0197132918ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv0197132918 #yiv0197132918ygrp-mkp .yiv0197132918ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv0197132918 #yiv0197132918ygrp-mkp .yiv0197132918ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv0197132918 #yiv0197132918ygrp-mkp .yiv0197132918ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv0197132918 #yiv0197132918ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv0197132918ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv0197132918 
#yiv0197132918ygrp-sponsor #yiv0197132918ygrp-lc #yiv0197132918hd {margin:10px 
#yiv0197132918ygrp-sponsor #yiv0197132918ygrp-lc .yiv0197132918ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv0197132918 #yiv0197132918actions 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Wow. Marshy awards. To be given an award in the name of a fraud and huckster. 
What an honor. Are you getting any Marshy awards for your dedication to the 
group Program? and your years of service in the FF community? Or are you still 
waiting to see if they'll let you back in the Golden Dome of Pure Hypocrisy? 
Jai Guru Cult Mania.

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 12:01 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
    Dear ReVerseArrow; tonite they aregiving Maharishi Awards in celebration to 
distinguished citizens ofthe larger community at the Spring Celebration on 
campus. I have acouple of friends in the community who are receiving Maharishi 
Awardstonite. I should think that you are deservingtoo of such recognition 
given both the breadth of your advanced stateof 'number one' spiritual 
experience and your easy ability to speakand write to it by contrast of so much 
speculation that gets writtenon FFL. Yet, not only your resilience here in the 
coarseand malignant crossfire of FFL but yours as a straight arrow on target 
hereamidsts the residual of FFL deserves recognition at the level of aMaharishi 
Award. Thank you. I appreciate yourparticipation when it comes here. It seems 
always clarifying. I dofeel the disrespect of a pernicious unkindness by the 
few that hasovertaken FFL as that you endured here on Rick's list forcing 
youeven to leave FFL on moral ground was reprehensible and Rick should have 
given youmuch more protection from it. But a recognition of your 
longercontribution to what was FFL should not go without acknowledgment. Thank 
you for your service. JaiGuruYou, -Buck in Fairfield

---In, reverse_archery@... wrote :

Hi Barry, Jim Flanegin here. I appreciate your ability to fantasize (as usual), 
though this post wasn't from me. I have said before I have no desire to 
interact with you, *ever again*, and I meant it. 
Have a nice day.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

Sounds to me as if Jim Flanegin, concerned that the number of posts made each 
day in the last week on The_Leak is less than half of the number of registered 
members, and that the only reason the number of people actually making these 
posts is greater than 8 this week is that Rick posted a couple of times, 
suddenly realizes that he is not getting nearly the amount of attention he 

So he reads FFL and realizes that once again Barry is making valid points of 
criticism about Maharishi and the TM movement that none of the TM supporters 
there can refute. Of course a couple of die-hard cultists have piled on to him 
to try to demonize him so that lurkers don't pay attention to the fact that 
what he's saying is fact, but that doesn't seem to be working. Horrors. 

So Jimbo realizes he has to come to the rescue. Because *he* can't refute the 
facts that Barry's been posting either (because...duh...they're facts), the 
only thing he can do is make up slander about Barry, the way he used to before 
he ran away from FFL with his tail between his legs. But, he realizes, he can't 
even do *that* any more because everyone will know it's him, and will know that 
even *he* is so bored with the trivial mind-pablum that passes for discussion 
on The_Leak that he has to come back to FFL to get his 
throw-some-nastiness-around fix. 

Jimbo realizes that to pull this off he's going to have to create a new ID, and 
spends 15 whole minutes trying to decide whether to make this one male or 
female. Finally, deciding that he *still* hasn't gotten over the embarrassment 
of pretending to be a woman called enlightened_dawn11 for months, he decides on 
the name ak_ak, because that's the sound his throat makes involuntarily every 
time he realizes that someone's getting more attention than he is. He adds a 
random number to the end of ak_ak and lets fly, making up stuff he imagines 
about Barry's day. 

Then, spent, he goes back to *his* day, which consists of sitting in front of 
his computer, staring at the screen, clicking Return every 30 seconds, saying, 
Why hasn't anyone said anything about me yet? 

Meanwhile, Barry dashes off this post in a couple of minutes to make him feel 
better, because someone finally has.  :-)  :-)  :-)

  From: ak_ak_0828
 Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 11:41 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
 Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
12:00 pm - 05:00 amA restless dreamy sleepy stupor, imaginary battles with 
Richard  Steve on FFL (now that the likes of Judy, Robin, Emily, Ann, Jim, 
Ravi aren't around). Lurker reporter interviews with a gloating Barry on TM and 
06:00 - 7:00 amBarry rudely awakened from bed, need to drop Maya off at school 
and walk the dogs to earn free rent

Re: [FairfieldLife] My first rock concert

2015-03-19 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I can't remember mine. The first I remember was one of those all day affairs 
where band after band played in an outdoor venue. Leon Russel as the headliner, 
tho the real gem was Goose Creek Symphony. By the time Russel and his band took 
stage, he was so drunk and doped up he couldn't remember the lyrics to any of 
his songs and said to right on stage. Everyone in the audience was right 
there with him in the same shape so no one minded much. 

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 9:09 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] My first rock concert
    The first rock concert I went to was to see Free when their hit All Right 
Now topped the charts. So it is a sign of how long ago that was that I learn 
that bassist Andy Fraser, who co-wrote Free's hit, has died in California aged 
62. The musician died on Monday and he had been fighting cancer and Aids, 
according to an official statement regarding his death. The song itself still 
stands the test of time . . .
   #yiv4579420845 #yiv4579420845 -- #yiv4579420845ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv4579420845 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread ak_ak_0828
Goddammit Barry, haven't you already gotten Jim Flanegin aka Jose Enlightened 
Dawn kicked out of FFL? 

 Now you are telling me that crook is still around and has hacked in to my 
account? This is confusing Barry, please help; I need some of that magnanimity 
of yours as well.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I've gotta agree with you, Michael. It really feels like Jim, for several 


 First, of course, is the level of obsession he has with me. The only person 
who has *ever* been more obsessed with me than Jim Flanegin was Judy. 


 But second, and the clincher, is the fact that these posts are just dripping 
with JEALOUSY. Jimbo really was never able to figure out why people liked me 
and Curtis while they didn't like him. The answer was right in front of his 
face, but his ego kept him from seeing it. Curtis and I are just ourselves, 
and he has to continually play one-upsmanship games to try to prove his 


 Anyway, I suspect he'll try to keep this up for a while, because it's getting 
him what he really wants, which is attention. Feeling magnanimous this week, 
I'll give him one more day of reading his stuff before I route his posts 
directly into the trash bin along with Steve-o and Richard.


 From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 1:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
 yep, its Dr. Dummy


 From: ak_ak_0828
 Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 8:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

 Don't embarrass me please, I wish to remain anonymous. Unlike you I am 
*actually* busy and have a life, I have to work, take care of kids, wives, 
ex-wives and girl friends. And of course entertain them :-) :-) :-).

 I don't have amazing talents like you where you conjure up these amazing, 
fantastical tales that has your audience here at FFL in raptures. The 
flamboyant, charismatic Barry Wright, cult slayer, darling of the lurker 
reporters looking for scoops on cults and TM. The stud, fondling hot, young 
baristas in coffe-shops; and in dance clubs and whorehouse around Amsterdam and 
Paris. The wise old spiritual master - Uncle Tantra. Man of many hats, you :-) 
:-) :-)

 All this as you actually are a decrepit old man, narcissistic, dysfunctional. 
Spending your entire day in your apartment, taking care of Maya, dogs, chores 
so you can have free rent and food ! Brilliant talent Barry.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 For the record, I don't know who ak_ak_0828 is, either. I just figured that if 
I suggested it was Jim Flanegin, his ego would force him to reply, and thus 
reveal to everyone how compulsively he still reads Fairfield Life after having 
been so vocal about how he's so above this forum and the people who post 
here. And lo and behold, in just a couple of hours he did exactly what I 
expected him to do. :-)  :-)  :-)


 It *wasn't* all that scathing a post, after all. To be honest, if it was 
written by anyone we already know, it most likely was Ann, because 1) it's so 
unintelligent, and 2) it's so completely off the mark. I just thought I'd have 
a little fun with it and use it to point how obsessed with both FFL *and* me 
Jim Flanegin still is. Mission accomplished.  :-)  :-)  :-)

 From: j_alexander_stanley@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 2:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
   What IP addresses? People who show up with the 
email address are anonymous, with email and IP addresses both undisclosed. From 
the header info, there is no way for me, Rick, or anyone else to determine 
anything about ak_ak's true identity. Keep in mind, Sal, that this also applies 
to your own FFL identity as well.

 ---In, wrote :
 LOL, those IP addresses sure give the game away!




Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Thanks, Buck. Just doing what comes naturally and Jai Guru Dev to you too! Yep, 
this world is only going to change if we change it.  
 ---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear ReVerseArrow; tonite they are giving Maharishi Awards in celebration to 
distinguished citizens of the larger community at the Spring Celebration on 
campus. I have a couple of friends in the community who are receiving Maharishi 
Awards tonite.
 I should think that you are deserving too of such recognition given both the 
breadth of your advanced state of 'number one' spiritual experience and your 
easy ability to speak and write to it by contrast of so much speculation that 
gets written on FFL. Yet, not only your resilience here in the coarse and 
malignant crossfire of FFL but yours as a straight arrow on target here amidsts 
the residual of FFL deserves recognition at the level of a Maharishi Award.
 Thank you. I appreciate your participation when it comes here. It seems always 
clarifying. I do feel the disrespect of a pernicious unkindness by the few that 
has overtaken FFL as that you endured here on Rick's list forcing you even to 
leave FFL on moral ground was reprehensible and Rick should have given you much 
more protection from it. But a recognition of your longer contribution to what 
was FFL should not go without acknowledgment. Thank you for your service.
 JaiGuruYou, -Buck in Fairfield


---In, reverse_archery@... wrote :

 Hi Barry, Jim Flanegin here. I appreciate your ability to fantasize (as 
usual), though this post wasn't from me. I have said before I have no desire to 
interact with you, *ever again*, and I meant it.  

 Have a nice day.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Sounds to me as if Jim Flanegin, concerned that the number of posts made each 
day in the last week on The_Leak is less than half of the number of registered 
members, and that the only reason the number of people actually making these 
posts is greater than 8 this week is that Rick posted a couple of times, 
suddenly realizes that he is not getting nearly the amount of attention he 

So he reads FFL and realizes that once again Barry is making valid points of 
criticism about Maharishi and the TM movement that none of the TM supporters 
there can refute. Of course a couple of die-hard cultists have piled on to him 
to try to demonize him so that lurkers don't pay attention to the fact that 
what he's saying is fact, but that doesn't seem to be working. Horrors. 

So Jimbo realizes he has to come to the rescue. Because *he* can't refute the 
facts that Barry's been posting either (because...duh...they're facts), the 
only thing he can do is make up slander about Barry, the way he used to before 
he ran away from FFL with his tail between his legs. But, he realizes, he can't 
even do *that* any more because everyone will know it's him, and will know that 
even *he* is so bored with the trivial mind-pablum that passes for discussion 
on The_Leak that he has to come back to FFL to get his 
throw-some-nastiness-around fix. 

Jimbo realizes that to pull this off he's going to have to create a new ID, and 
spends 15 whole minutes trying to decide whether to make this one male or 
female. Finally, deciding that he *still* hasn't gotten over the embarrassment 
of pretending to be a woman called enlightened_dawn11 for months, he decides on 
the name ak_ak, because that's the sound his throat makes involuntarily every 
time he realizes that someone's getting more attention than he is. He adds a 
random number to the end of ak_ak and lets fly, making up stuff he imagines 
about Barry's day. 

Then, spent, he goes back to *his* day, which consists of sitting in front of 
his computer, staring at the screen, clicking Return every 30 seconds, saying, 
Why hasn't anyone said anything about me yet? 

Meanwhile, Barry dashes off this post in a couple of minutes to make him feel 
better, because someone finally has.  :-)  :-)  :-)

 From: ak_ak_0828
 Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 11:41 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
 Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

 12:00 pm - 05:00 am
 A restless dreamy sleepy stupor, imaginary battles with Richard  Steve on FFL 
(now that the likes of Judy, Robin, Emily, Ann, Jim, Ravi aren't around). 
Lurker reporter interviews with a gloating Barry on TM and cults

 06:00 - 7:00 am
 Barry rudely awakened from bed, need to drop Maya off at school and walk the 
dogs to earn free rent

 07:00 - 09:00 am 
 Morning routine and then read FFL and write about fantasy trips to the coffee 
shop and some hot waitress chick

 10:00 - 12:00
 Watch movies with generous forwarding so he has something interesting to write 
about on FFL to impress the likes of noozguru, salyavin, MJ

 12:00 - 02:00
 Lunch  nap, chores, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
I suspect a LOT of TB TMers here miss Judy. The reason, of course, is that she 
was one of the only TM supporters here willing to address actual issues when 
critics brought them up. When it came to cult apologetics, she was Queen, 
because she usually had the intellect and the language skills to actually make 
her obfuscations, diversions, and lies sound as if she was winning. That, and 
the fact that she always *claimed* to have won.  :-)
It's pretty obvious to me that the reason for the latest pile on Barry 
sessions is that I've been making some valid criticisms of TM, Maharishi, and 
cult apologists like David Orme-Johnson lately. And no one refutes them. The 
only TM supporter here who even *tries* any more is Lawson, and I respect him 
for at least trying to keep to the issues and not falling prey to the classic 
cult tactic of Shoot the messenger. 

The way I figure it, who these people are really pissed off at is *themselves*, 
because they really don't have either the language skills or the intelligence 
to defend TM, Maharishi, and the TMO. And some part of them still feels as if 
they should be defending these things, so they feel bad, and then they try to 
take that bad feeling they have about *themselves* out on me by dumping on me. 

The thing is, it's kind of an obvious ploy, and 100% right out of the Cult 
Playbook, so their Get Barry routine actually does more harm to TM's 
reputation than staying silent does. But they're really not smart enough never 
figure that out, even when I tell them like I'm doing here, so I guess we can 
all expect more of the same...
  From: salyavin808

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 You cannot have that effect if you do not make contact, you are trying to 
redefine a word just like Judy did. I really miss Judy. She made this place a 
hell worthy of interaction.

I miss Judy too. We need a Moriarty for our Holmes. Or is it the other way 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The endless war.

2015-03-19 Thread salyavin808

Quite. I do like a good cartoon, you can say so much with that single panel 
format. I used to cut them out of papers and put them in a scrap book, I had 
hundreds but got out of the habit sadly and I don't know where they are all 
stored. I think there should be a cartoon museum in London. 

---In, s3raphita@... wrote :



 'What's this about my wealth trickling down to poor people?'


Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry, please, please, answer me.  (-:   Are you delusional? 

 TM's reputation is being harmed among the ten people who post here, a couple 
of lurkers, and your all important lurking reporter?

 Is he compiling evidence for some kind of treatise, yet to be publlished, 
because his output has been rather meager, like non existent?

 Here's the greater truth. 

 FFL has become the travelogue or a rather, sad old man, who is obsessed with 
the spiritual organization he left forty years ago, and that of his sidekick.


 I'm afraid, that's the long and short of it.  (-:

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :
 The thing is, it's kind of an obvious ploy, and 100% right out of the Cult 
Playbook, so their Get Barry routine actually does more harm to TM's 
reputation than staying silent does. But they're really not smart enough never 
figure that out, even when I tell them like I'm doing here, so I guess we can 
all expect more of the same...

 From: salyavin808

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

  You cannot have that effect if you do not make contact, you are trying to 
redefine a word just like Judy did. I really miss Judy. She made this place a 
hell worthy of interaction.

 I miss Judy too. We need a Moriarty for our Holmes. Or is it the other way 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
oh, that I had the time to do a search combining turquoiseb with the phrase, 
cult, or cult apologist. 

 tens of thousands hits by now?

 maybe, I don't even want to know.  it's rather sad to see this level of 

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I suspect a LOT of TB TMers here miss Judy. The reason, of course, is that she 
was one of the only TM supporters here willing to address actual issues when 
critics brought them up. When it came to cult apologetics, she was Queen, 
because she usually had the intellect and the language skills to actually make 
her obfuscations, diversions, and lies sound as if she was winning. That, and 
the fact that she always *claimed* to have won.  :-)

 It's pretty obvious to me that the reason for the latest pile on Barry 
sessions is that I've been making some valid criticisms of TM, Maharishi, and 
cult apologists like David Orme-Johnson lately. And no one refutes them. The 
only TM supporter here who even *tries* any more is Lawson, and I respect him 
for at least trying to keep to the issues and not falling prey to the classic 
cult tactic of Shoot the messenger. 


 The way I figure it, who these people are really pissed off at is 
*themselves*, because they really don't have either the language skills or the 
intelligence to defend TM, Maharishi, and the TMO. And some part of them still 
feels as if they should be defending these things, so they feel bad, and then 
they try to take that bad feeling they have about *themselves* out on me by 
dumping on me. 


 The thing is, it's kind of an obvious ploy, and 100% right out of the Cult 
Playbook, so their Get Barry routine actually does more harm to TM's 
reputation than staying silent does. But they're really not smart enough never 
figure that out, even when I tell them like I'm doing here, so I guess we can 
all expect more of the same...

 From: salyavin808

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

  You cannot have that effect if you do not make contact, you are trying to 
redefine a word just like Judy did. I really miss Judy. She made this place a 
hell worthy of interaction.

 I miss Judy too. We need a Moriarty for our Holmes. Or is it the other way 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I recall you saying, that your main activity with Maya was watching movies on 
Saturday mornings. 

 That, of course, does not surprise me.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 8:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
   Those posts do 'feel' like Jim. Someone who is talking to Barry in a 
familiar voice, not like someone who has not been here before. So if ak_ak is 
not Jim, what other poster that has been here could it be? Not too many posters 
talk incessantly about how badly Barry's life is going. Yeah, as if Barry 
sounds like he is in the doldrums of hell all the time. I think he is having 
fun. I think what I would be most curious about is, since she is in the orbit 
of Barry, how Maya's view of the world is developing, what her understanding of 
things are at that age. I would think Barry's influence would be a source of 
rationality, in a nation that seems to value this quality. I had a friend of 
the family once, an accountant, who had a son; when this kid was very young, he 
spoke like an adult, because his parents did not incessantly bombard him with 
baby talk, but with real conversation with substantial words.



 Good questions all. I would say that, primarily because she has just turned 
six, my influence on Maya is as variable as her mood. One minute I'm the person 
she loves the most in the world, and the next I have to tell her to log off and 
Save and pry herself away from her Minecraft games and go to school and I'm the 
worst person who has ever lived and she'll never love me again. :-)

 Yes, I am having fun. Thank you so much for noticing. My life here in the 
Netherlands -- and especially the parts that have Maya in them -- are pretty 
much a non-stop source of mirth. 

 You are correct in that when she is really ON, we talk as two adults. Give it 
ten minutes, and she's a little girl trying to get her own way again and I'm 
the person standing in her way and sparks fly and I'm the distant and You'll 
never understand me adult. And she's six. Just imagine what I have to look 
forward to when she's sixteen.  :-)

 At six, Maya is in her second year of school here in the Netherlands. Although 
she has occasional socialization issues (she likes to get her way, which her 
teachers sometimes interpret as bossiness), all of said teachers are in awe of 
her ability to speak, read, and write English, Dutch, and smatterings of both 
Spanish and French. Her major passion these days is a computer game called 
Minecraft, in which she constructs whole *cities* filled with castles she 
designed and built herself. At six, she can read, type, knit, cook, ride a 
bicycle, and wrap her Uncle Barry around her finger more easily than he'd like 
to admit. She rocks. 


 If I have any lingering influence on her as an adult, my greatest hope is that 
it will be that she'll remember me the same way she describes me now -- Uncle 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Bad eclipse karma... [1 Attachment]

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Based on my simulation program, it does not appear the eclipse will be total 
even in Northern Scotland. As you mentioned last year the Faroe Islands seem to 
be the place to be for a total eclipse. It is partial in Iceland and Norway, 
where a thin crescent of the Sun will still show, and everywhere else except 
those islands, or on a ship at sea. This is better than the partial eclipse I 
saw at MIU some years ago. I was one of the few who saw it, as the others 
cowered in buildings. Such is the superstition from India.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 3:42 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Bad eclipse karma...

 I bet it ruined his holiday. I wish I'd booked a weekend break in Scotland for 
it, last one I saw was from the roof of the TM academy and no one else was 
interested due to bad influences - standing in a shadow is bad? I asked.

 If you've never had the pleasure it's a really spooky experience. The light 
disappears but not like it does when the sun goes down, it's more like the 
colour is being sucked out of the world and all the birds stop singing, and 
then it gets cold. 

 As it approaches totality you can see the shadow of the moon rushing towards 
you in a straight line, that's when I glanced up and got an idea of the moon as 
a lump of rock, not an intellectual understanding but actually like there's a 
vast ball of heaviness flying about over your head. Far out.

 It's a welcome glimpse at the proper perspective of where we are and what's 
going on that you don't get from just standing on the Earth.


[FairfieldLife] Re: 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread Duveyoung

 Nisargadatta Maharaj: The seeker is he who is in search of himself. Soon he 
discovers that his own body he cannot be. Once the conviction: 'I am not the 
body' becomes so well grounded that he can no longer feel, think and act for 
and on behalf of the body, he will easily discover that he is the universal 
being, knowing, acting, that in him and through him the entire universe is 
real, conscious and active. This is the heart of the problem. Either you are 
body-conscious and a slave of circumstances, or you are the universal 
consciousness itself -- and in full control of every event.
 Yet consciousness, individual or universal, is not my true abode; I am not in 
it, it is not mine, there is no 'me' in it. I am beyond, though it is not easy 
to explain how one can be neither conscious, nor unconscious, but just beyond. 
I cannot say that I am in God or I am God; God is the universal light and love, 
the universal witness: I am beyond the universal even.
 Questioner: In that case you are without name and shape. What kind of being 
have you?
 M:  I am what I am, neither with form nor formless, neither conscious nor 
unconscious. I am outside all these categories.
 Q:   You are taking the neti-neti (not this, not this) approach.
 M:  You cannot find me by mere denial. I am as well everything, as nothing. 
Nor both, nor either. These definitions apply to the Lord of the Universe, not 
to me.
 Q:   Do you intend to convey that you are just nothing.
 M:  Oh, no! I am complete and perfect. I am the beingness of being, the 
knowingness of knowing, the fullness of happiness. You cannot reduce me to 

[FairfieldLife] Curtis gets gassed

2015-03-19 Thread Duveyoung

Re: [FairfieldLife] Bad eclipse karma...

2015-03-19 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Ummm. Spring Time for Hitler and Germany. What wonderful memories.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 3:42 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Bad eclipse karma...

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

Lucky he didn't get eaten alive. That's demonstrated in the first few minutes 
of the seriesFortitude and why people around the arctic carry rifles and 
tryto stay aware from polar bears.
I bet it ruined his holiday. I wish I'd booked a weekend break in Scotland for 
it, last one I saw was from the roof of the TM academy and no one else was 
interested due to bad influences - standing in a shadow is bad? I asked.
If you've never had the pleasure it's a really spooky experience. The light 
disappears but not like it does when the sun goes down, it's more like the 
colour is being sucked out of the world and all the birds stop singing, and 
then it gets cold. 
As it approaches totality you can see the shadow of the moon rushing towards 
you in a straight line, that's when I glanced up and got an idea of the moon as 
a lump of rock, not an intellectual understanding but actually like there's a 
vast ball of heaviness flying about over your head. Far out.
It's a welcome glimpse at the proper perspective of where we are and what's 
going on that you don't get from just standing on the Earth.

Let's hope the elite who run the world and are quite a bitsuperstitious don't 
elect to start a war tomorrow.  They usuallyfavor March for such their 
particular form of madness.
Yep, spring time is war time..

 On 03/19/2015 12:23 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

There's somedangerous influences coming from the heavens for NorthEuropeans 
This poor guy didn'tlisten to the sages of old and look what happened. Takeheed 
of the omens.

Touristsurvives polar bear attack while camping for solareclipse

 | |  
 |Touristsurvives polar bear attack while campingfor sol... A tourist 
camping onSvalbard to watch tomorrow’s solar eclipsehas been mauled by a polar 
bear as he sleptin his tent. |  
| View on   | Preview by Yahoo  |

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[FairfieldLife] At great place to retire?

2015-03-19 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Earth to Burmese authoritarian dummies: lighten up, kick back, stop 
being control freaks and enjoy the flow of income from retirees moving 
here from around the world.  It's a dream city with fast wifi even.

-- Burma Shave

Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The phrase, by the way, was Solve the age old problems of mankind, in this 

 Yes, it's advertising, and I don't really know of anyone who really figured it 
could really transpire, but it  was a slogan to motivate the troops.  And I was 
one who bought into it, and it did have a transforming effect on me.  

 On the other hand, I was always a bit of an idealist.

 We evidently have different results from the practice.

 I made my statements of more balanced activity from my own experience. 

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 ---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Just to follow up on this. 

 Yes, xeno, you can still have difficult days, even if you practice TM, which I 
try to do once a day.

 Perhaps you struggle under the assumption, as some others here do, that TM 
should solve all problems.

 I am afraid to inform you that it does not.


 I do not struggle with this assumption at all, I never had this assumption. 
The objection is to the way it is advertised 'The Solution to All Problems'. It 
is the deceptive marketing and the unnecessary fluff it is embedded with. In 
fact I ignored most of the sales patter. I had already had some moderately 
clear experiences that gave me a clue as to what enlightenment was about, and I 
was looking for a compatible meditation method.


 However, you may be heartened to learn, that the practice may give you a 
clearer, and more settled state of mind, such that you can deal with difficult 
situations in a more balanced way.

 I learned this long ago, and yet TM (and mostly equivalent techniques) are not 
for this either. Life does not change, these techniques are simply to get one 
to see that, to change one's perspective of a world that is absolute. There is 
some fallout, such as psychosomatic disturbances becoming less, but these are 
all side-effects. Promoting the side-effects as a reason for meditating is 
putting the cart before the horse, and it sets up unreasonable expectations for 
those whose nature is to fall into the trap of unreasonable expectations.

 Please let me know if you'd like me to elaborate, and I will be glad to do so.

 Not necessary.

 I'm here for ya.


 As for Jim's role at the peak, I believe you are a regular contributor there, 
and I don't recall that you have run afoul of any rules, written or unwritten.

 You may praise FFL, but I would say the worthwhile content has gone down to 
about 5% from maybe a peak of 20%.

 The trend does not look promising, IMO. 

 The Peak has had a few good conversations, but it is pretty sappy most of the 
time. When people are challenged, often in an unreasonable way, an unfair way, 
you get to see their real psychology come forth, and get a better sense of 
their level of knowledge and how they express it. When everything is nicey 
nicey, that knowledge stays hidden, so you cannot tell if it is there or not.


[FairfieldLife] The world in statistics...

2015-03-19 Thread salyavin808

 I love looking at this every now and again and watching how the fast the 
planet is filling up. 160,300 extra mouths to feed so far today!

 World Population Clock: 7 Billion People (2015) - Worldometers 
 World Population Clock: 7 Billion People (2015) - Worl... How many people are there in the 
world? World population has reached 7 billion. World population live counter 
with data sheets, graphs, maps, and ...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] For you film buffs out there: 2001 in 70 mm

2015-03-19 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
I saw 2001 in 1968 in San Francisco. I rather liked the film because it was 
largely visual. Kubrick was deliberately cool, showing how the human race, 
after a vigorous beginning, had all of its fervour sapped by its own 
technology, it had become jaded. One reviewer at that time said the film was 
about the evolution of man from ape to angel. The original premier was some 20 
to 30 minutes longer I hear, but the New York critics, always generally 
unfavourable to the creative enterprise, panned it. So Kubrick cut the film 
more tightly, and even then it was a long, silent film without much explanation 
for American audiences who tend to scientific illiteracy. I think the film was 
intended to inspire a certain wonder in the cosmos, and was a celebration of 
intelligence in the universe. I saw the film, again in 70mm, in New York City 
in 2001
Roger Ebert's review:
2001: A Space Odyssey Movie Review (1968) | Roger Ebert

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| 2001: A Space Odyssey Movie Review (1968) | Roger EbertThe genius is not in 
how much Stanley Kubrick does in 2001: A Space Odyssey, but in how little. 
This is the work of an artist so sublimely confident that he doesn... |
|  |
| View on | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |

  From: Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 4:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] For you film buffs out there: 2001 in 70 mm
 I saw 2001 in 1968 at the Cinerama is Seattle. The print may have been 
70mm not the three strip Cinerama.  But I'm not a big fan of the film as it 
seemed a bit stiff and cold.

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[FairfieldLife] 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread Duveyoung
Q:   But when you look at yourself, what do you see?

 Nisargadatta:  It depends how I look. When I look through the mind, I see 
numberless people. When I look beyond the mind, I see the witness. Beyond the 
witness there is the infinite intensity of emptiness and silence.

Edg:  This is the constant teaching of Nisargadatta throughout his talks:  
awareness is not consciousness.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 8:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
    Those posts do 'feel' like Jim. Someone who is talking to Barry in a 
familiar voice, not like someone who has not been here before. So if ak_ak is 
not Jim, what other poster that has been here could it be? Not too many posters 
talk incessantly about how badly Barry's life is going. Yeah, as if Barry 
sounds like he is in the doldrums of hell all the time. I think he is having 
fun. I think what I would be most curious about is, since she is in the orbit 
of Barry, how Maya's view of the world is developing, what her understanding of 
things are at that age. I would think Barry's influence would be a source of 
rationality, in a nation that seems to value this quality. I had a friend of 
the family once, an accountant, who had a son; when this kid was very young, he 
spoke like an adult, because his parents did not incessantly bombard him with 
baby talk, but with real conversation with substantial words.

Good questions all. I would say that, primarily because she has just turned 
six, my influence on Maya is as variable as her mood. One minute I'm the person 
she loves the most in the world, and the next I have to tell her to log off and 
Save and pry herself away from her Minecraft games and go to school and I'm the 
worst person who has ever lived and she'll never love me again. :-)
Yes, I am having fun. Thank you so much for noticing. My life here in the 
Netherlands -- and especially the parts that have Maya in them -- are pretty 
much a non-stop source of mirth. 
You are correct in that when she is really ON, we talk as two adults. Give it 
ten minutes, and she's a little girl trying to get her own way again and I'm 
the person standing in her way and sparks fly and I'm the distant and You'll 
never understand me adult. And she's six. Just imagine what I have to look 
forward to when she's sixteen.  :-)
At six, Maya is in her second year of school here in the Netherlands. Although 
she has occasional socialization issues (she likes to get her way, which her 
teachers sometimes interpret as bossiness), all of said teachers are in awe of 
her ability to speak, read, and write English, Dutch, and smatterings of both 
Spanish and French. Her major passion these days is a computer game called 
Minecraft, in which she constructs whole *cities* filled with castles she 
designed and built herself. At six, she can read, type, knit, cook, ride a 
bicycle, and wrap her Uncle Barry around her finger more easily than he'd like 
to admit. She rocks. 

If I have any lingering influence on her as an adult, my greatest hope is that 
it will be that she'll remember me the same way she describes me now -- Uncle 


[FairfieldLife] Curiosity Finds Organic Molecules on Mars

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This may be the proof for biological life in the planet.

 Leak in Mars Rover Curiosity's Wet Chemistry Test Finds Organics 
 Leak in Mars Rover Curiosity's Wet Chemistry Test Fi... An 
unexpected leak of a chemical designed to tag complex organic molecules in 
samples collected by NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity appears to have s...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Why are you guys discussing -- and Edg melting down over -- such petty 
In N's original statement, there are no elements of good/better, better/best or 
any of that shit. He spoke about three *equivalences* -- the world as it 
appears as seen through the mind, the world as seen from beyond the mind, and 
the world beyond even witnessing. 

There is NO hierarchy of experience expressed in this quote. 

You guys are inventing it and arguing about it. N was hip enough to realize 
that all three levels of experience are on exactly the same level. 

IMO, of course. 
  From: Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 8:54 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 37 words
 Do you experience awareness?  I'm sure you do or you would be residing up 
on a hill with some stone markers or in an urn somewhere.  So tell me how can 
you experience awareness without consciousness?  I think this is an issue of 
semantics.  Does Nisargadatta mean conflate awareness with being?  Being 
theoretically exists without consciousness because it pervades everything and 
is the basis of everything.  Some folks call that being God.  Awareness 
would then be a poor choices of words.  And yes I've read Nisargadatta.
 On 03/19/2015 12:18 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

    Nisargadatta is using the words awareness and consciousness in specific, 
technical ways. In his view consciousness is a sub-property of awareness. 
Awareness is pure being, and consciousness 'emerges' from that. Much in the 
same way M said 'when pure consciousness becomes conscious', or something like 
that anyway. So whatever definition you might have in your head, to read 
Nisargadatta, you need to scope out how he is using the words in his context. 
You have to be conscious to notice awareness, but consciousness is dead without 
awareness, awareness is  the essential aspect or property of being. 
Consciousness is the expressed character of awareness. When you become Brahman, 
this is what you experience, you cannot know this before then. In speaking this 
way, dividing experience into such layers, Nisargadatta, like any  teacher, is 
getting the student to attempt to enquire more deeply into their own experience 
to see if this is so, or not so. If you see it is so, you do not need to think 
about it any more for your own use, because it is a teaching fiction designed 
to clarify the intellect during enquiry.
 ---In, noozguru@... wrote :
  You can't have awareness without consciousness.  Without being conscious 
there is nothing to be aware of. 
 On 03/19/2015 11:19 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
    Q:   But when you look at yourself, what do you see?
  Nisargadatta:  Itdepends how I look. When I look through the mind, I see 
numberless people. When I look beyond the mind, I see the witness. Beyond the 
witness there is the infinite intensity of emptiness and silence.
 Edg:  This is the constant teaching of Nisargadatta throughout his talks:  
awareness is not consciousness.  

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Re: [FairfieldLife] 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread Duveyoung
My head is on my shoulders.  Your head's view may differ FROM INSIDE YOUR ASS.

Why the fucking harsh tonality, Turq?  

Jesus fucking Christ almighty it's hard to post anything here without some sick 
fuck trying to make the posting out to be a proof of the poster's insanity, 
immorality, or low I.Q.

You fucking former seekers who are doing this negativity shit in such a 
mindlessly knee jerk fashion should pause to look at what's lacking INSIDE that 
you have to so desperately project it outside. Once you were SEEKERS FOR TRUTH, 
LOVE, BEAUTY -- now you're seeking any little tiny piss-ant issue to gripe 
about as if Hitler had come back to life and was trying to convert you to evil.

I don't assert that awareness is not consciousness -- I merely believe it's 
true -- NISARGADATTA DOES SUCHLY ASSERT, and I'm convinced.  If you have a 
fucked up kink in your undies then, guess what? -- IT'S YOUR JOB TO READ 
NISARGADATTA and show where he's incorrect that awareness is not consciousness.

If you think he's not saying this -- then I conclude:  YOU HAVE NOT READ HIS 
WORKS.  And to assert otherwise without showing quotes from him that would 
indicate where I have concluded wrongly, is just you being a COMPLETE ASSHOLE.  
An unwiped, dingle berried, diseased asshole. 
As fucking usual.  

Turq, you're shtick is so old -- how can you parade that vile personality 
around smugly still in public view?

Metaphorically speaking, Turq, you're the GOP here finding fault with the black 
guy . just because.

I may be illogical, even insane, but for you to use your brain to put me down 
instead of showing the world that your conclusions are based on harder facts -- 
shows that you're not here but to troll. Edification is never your goal.  
Coming to harmonious agreement -- never on your list.  

In short, you're a fuckwad and whoever jizzed you into a tissue probably 
additionally missed the basket as he threw you away.

And, a, I just did another fine piece of writing!  This is my 
profit here.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: Duveyoung
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 7:19 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] 37 words
 Q:   But when you look at yourself, what do you see?

 Nisargadatta:  It depends how I look. When I look through the mind, I see 
numberless people. When I look beyond the mind, I see the witness. Beyond the 
witness there is the infinite intensity of emptiness and silence.

Edg:  This is the constant teaching of Nisargadatta throughout his talks:  
awareness is not consciousness.

 Edg, with all due respect, where the fuck is your head? When I read this 
quote, the first thing I thought was, Hey, that was pretty cool...I have no 
problems with that interpretation of experience. I can get down with that.


 And then I moved one line lower on the screen and read your synopsis of this 
statement. What a shock. In N-baby's original statement, there were no nots 
and no negativity. In your interpretation, there were. 

 Kinda says it all, tragedy-of-knowledge-wise. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Do you experience awareness?  I'm sure you do or you would be residing 
up on a hill with some stone markers or in an urn somewhere.  So tell me 
how can you experience awareness without consciousness?  I think this is 
an issue of semantics.  Does Nisargadatta mean conflate awareness with 
being?  Being theoretically exists without consciousness because it 
pervades everything and is the basis of everything.  Some folks call 
that being God.  Awareness would then be a poor choices of words.  
And yes I've read Nisargadatta.

On 03/19/2015 12:18 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Nisargadatta is using the words awareness and consciousness in 
specific, technical ways. In his view consciousness is a sub-property 
of awareness. Awareness is pure being, and consciousness 'emerges' 
from that. Much in the same way M said 'when pure consciousness 
becomes conscious', or something like that anyway. So whatever 
definition you might have in your head, to read Nisargadatta, you need 
to scope out how he is using the words in his context. You have to be 
conscious to notice awareness, but consciousness is dead without 
awareness, awareness is the essential aspect or property of being. 
Consciousness is the expressed character of awareness. When you become 
Brahman, this is what you experience, you cannot know this before 
then. In speaking this way, dividing experience into such layers, 
Nisargadatta, like any teacher, is getting the student to attempt to 
enquire more deeply into their own experience to see if this is so, or 
not so. If you see it is so, you do not need to think about it any 
more for your own use, because it is a teaching fiction designed to 
clarify the intellect during enquiry.

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

You can't have awareness without consciousness.  Without being 
conscious there is nothing to be aware of.

On 03/19/2015 11:19 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

*Q:*   But when you look at yourself, what do you see?

*Nisargadatta:*  It depends how I look. When I look through the mind, 
I see numberless people. When I look beyond the mind, I see the 
witness. Beyond the witness there is the infinite intensity of 
emptiness and silence.

Edg:  This is the constant teaching of Nisargadatta throughout his 
talks:  awareness is not consciousness.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Bad eclipse karma...

2015-03-19 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Lucky he didn't get eaten alive. That's demonstrated in the first few 
minutes of the series Fortitude and why people around the arctic carry 
rifles and try to stay aware from polar bears.

Let's hope the elite who run the world and are quite a bit superstitious 
don't elect to start a war tomorrow.  They usually favor March for such 
their particular form of madness.

On 03/19/2015 12:23 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

There's some dangerous influences coming from the heavens for North 
Europeans tomorrow.

This poor guy didn't listen to the sages of old and look what 
happened. Take heed of the omens.

Tourist survives polar bear attack while camping for solar eclipse


Tourist survives polar bear attack while camping for sol... 

A tourist camping on Svalbard to watch tomorrow’s solar eclipse has 
been mauled by a polar bear as he slept in his tent.

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Read what I wrote to Xeno.  Ever consider that Nisargadatta may be 
WRONG?  He was a simple man and maybe misused some words by conflating 
awareness with being.

Tell us instead what you experience rather than being a spectator to 
some guru.

On 03/19/2015 12:27 PM, Duveyoung wrote:

Says you.

Nisargadatta's words, if true, disagree with your opinion.  He clearly 
indicates that he see three levels of identity and that consciousness 
is the least of the three.

Consciousness cannot have a process it labels awareness, but 
awareness is never dependent upon consciousness.  Awareness is prior 
to the emergence of consciousness.

These are not EDG'S CONCLUSIONS...these are the statements of Advaita.

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

You can't have awareness without consciousness.  Without being 
conscious there is nothing to be aware of.

On 03/19/2015 11:19 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

*Q:*   But when you look at yourself, what do you see?

*Nisargadatta:*  It depends how I look. When I look through the mind, 
I see numberless people. When I look beyond the mind, I see the 
witness. Beyond the witness there is the infinite intensity of 
emptiness and silence.

Edg:  This is the constant teaching of Nisargadatta throughout his 
talks:  awareness is not consciousness.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ever decreasing circles

2015-03-19 Thread salyavin808


---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 In my local Starbucks this evening I asked one of the staff where one of the 
regular customers had gone. Peter - a Scot who was there almost every night - 
was always very boisterous and friendly so his absence was noticeable. I was 
expecting to be told that he had decided to move back to Edinburgh. Instead I 
learned that he'd killed himself by throwing himself in front of a train at 
Ealing Broadway station (right next door to the Starbucks). Naturally enough I 
was thunderstruck. You then start to think if you had been as welcoming to him 
as maybe you should have been. We all owe each other a certain acknowledgment 
and respect and I was thinking back to my own nodded greetings and occasional 
exchanges with Peter and judging that perhaps I'd fallen short of giving him 
his due. R.I.P.

 Sad story but don't feel bad, if he was generally friendly then a bit more 
human contact would be unlikely to have affected those deeply hidden demons. 
But I guess we always blame ourselves a bit when something like that happens to 
someone we know. The only person that really knows what's going on inside is 
the sufferer. And what can we do if they hide it well?


 Anyway, there was a staff member I'd noticed who always struck me as being a 
bright young chap. I thought that maybe he was one of those over-qualified 
graduates one reads about who are so desperate for work experience that 
cleaning up at a coffee shop has people queuing up around the block whenever a 
vacancy arises. Tonight I'd been sitting there reading Sam Harris's Waking Up 
(many thanks to those FFLifers who recommended the title - I'd probably not 
have bought it without your thumbs up). This staffer said to me that it seemed 
an interesting topic - Spirituality without Religion. What was it about? So I 
summed it up by saying that Sam Harris was hostile to religion - and I mean 
really hostile - but he approved of meditation and wanted to encourage its use 
while ditching all the metaphysical baggage. My staffer then responded by 
saying that he never read books. I tell you that his reply was more shocking to 
me than the news of Peter's suicide. It really hit me that someone who never 
reads books must have an overall view of life utterly remote from my own. How 
can an obviously bright and personable young man have gone through our 
educational system and ended up deciding that books have nothing worthwhile for 
him? Imagine what it must be like to have your worldview formed by television, 
the internet and your friends' chat. What a confined space you must live in.

 Maybe not, if he's on facebook then he probably gets a varied diet of poorly 
informed science, mystical dribblings and intense opinion. No worse than most 
religious people get and enough to know that there's a world outside of his 
immediate experience. No substitute of course...

 It'd be good if we got taught at school to evaluate things properly so at 
least we can assess likelihoods of other people's beliefs. I know someone who 
educates himself on world events via Youtube polemics. When you think about 
what sort of world he must live in it's scary because we take our personally 
trusted sources as given's. He believes that the world is run by giant lizards 
from outer space for crissakes. Apparently these alien lizards are in cahoots 
with the NSA and pay for their nefarious genetic human interbreeding programme 
by running the world drugs trade. It's a much more exciting world than mine, 
all I have to worry about is my savings being wiped out by inflation.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread salyavin808


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I've gotta agree with you, Michael. It really feels like Jim, for several 


 First, of course, is the level of obsession he has with me. The only person 
who has *ever* been more obsessed with me than Jim Flanegin was Judy. 


 But second, and the clincher, is the fact that these posts are just dripping 
with JEALOUSY. Jimbo really was never able to figure out why people liked me 
and Curtis while they didn't like him. The answer was right in front of his 
face, but his ego kept him from seeing it. Curtis and I are just ourselves, 
and he has to continually play one-upsmanship games to try to prove his 


 Anyway, I suspect he'll try to keep this up for a while, because it's getting 
him what he really wants, which is attention. Feeling magnanimous this week, 
I'll give him one more day of reading his stuff before I route his posts 
directly into the trash bin along with Steve-o and Richard.


Whoever they are they are certainly bitter and twisted and clearly 
dysfunctional enough to be a long term TMer. I'd get 'em in the bin now in case 
any of it rubs off you...

 From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 1:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
 yep, its Dr. Dummy


 From: ak_ak_0828
 Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 8:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

 Don't embarrass me please, I wish to remain anonymous. Unlike you I am 
*actually* busy and have a life, I have to work, take care of kids, wives, 
ex-wives and girl friends. And of course entertain them :-) :-) :-).

 I don't have amazing talents like you where you conjure up these amazing, 
fantastical tales that has your audience here at FFL in raptures. The 
flamboyant, charismatic Barry Wright, cult slayer, darling of the lurker 
reporters looking for scoops on cults and TM. The stud, fondling hot, young 
baristas in coffe-shops; and in dance clubs and whorehouse around Amsterdam and 
Paris. The wise old spiritual master - Uncle Tantra. Man of many hats, you :-) 
:-) :-)

 All this as you actually are a decrepit old man, narcissistic, dysfunctional. 
Spending your entire day in your apartment, taking care of Maya, dogs, chores 
so you can have free rent and food ! Brilliant talent Barry.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 For the record, I don't know who ak_ak_0828 is, either. I just figured that if 
I suggested it was Jim Flanegin, his ego would force him to reply, and thus 
reveal to everyone how compulsively he still reads Fairfield Life after having 
been so vocal about how he's so above this forum and the people who post 
here. And lo and behold, in just a couple of hours he did exactly what I 
expected him to do. :-)  :-)  :-)


 It *wasn't* all that scathing a post, after all. To be honest, if it was 
written by anyone we already know, it most likely was Ann, because 1) it's so 
unintelligent, and 2) it's so completely off the mark. I just thought I'd have 
a little fun with it and use it to point how obsessed with both FFL *and* me 
Jim Flanegin still is. Mission accomplished.  :-)  :-)  :-)

 From: j_alexander_stanley@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 2:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
   What IP addresses? People who show up with the 
email address are anonymous, with email and IP addresses both undisclosed. From 
the header info, there is no way for me, Rick, or anyone else to determine 
anything about ak_ak's true identity. Keep in mind, Sal, that this also applies 
to your own FFL identity as well.

 ---In, wrote :
 LOL, those IP addresses sure give the game away!




Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Well, honestly, I find this rather fascinating, and really, hoping I can learn 
something from it. 

 This notion that if people are challenged in an unreasonable way it can turn 
into a teaching moment

 On the other hand, maybe you have a point, and really I am not trying to be 
duplicitous here, but,

  would it be analogous to say, what the nazis did to prisoners, in terms of 
experiments like subjecting people to extreme heat, or extreme cold, or other 
tortureous experiments in the name of research.

 The results of those experiments were useful to science.  Honestly, they 

 So, is it along those lines?

 Or I guess, you mean something milder like just misrepresenting someone, 
(short of legal slander, I presume) just see how they respond?

 I would think you'd have a better idea of a person's inner quality by engaging 
in a more civil conversation which often will have its own edginess.

 Most beings - animals, humans, creatures typically don't respond well to being 
wronged, or hurt physically.

 Even animals can be subjected to a sort of misrepresentation.  Typically that 
falls under the category of cruelty to animals

 I guess I just find this statement of yours, which you've repeated often, 

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 The Peak has had a few good conversations, but it is pretty sappy most of the 
time. When people are challenged, often in an unreasonable way, an unfair way, 
you get to see their real psychology come forth, and get a better sense of 
their level of knowledge and how they express it. When everything is nicey 
nicey, that knowledge stays hidden, so you cannot tell if it is there or not.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Just to follow up on this. 

 Yes, xeno, you can still have difficult days, even if you practice TM, which I 
try to do once a day.

 Perhaps you struggle under the assumption, as some others here do, that TM 
should solve all problems.

 I am afraid to inform you that it does not.


 I do not struggle with this assumption at all, I never had this assumption. 
The objection is to the way it is advertised 'The Solution to All Problems'. It 
is the deceptive marketing and the unnecessary fluff it is embedded with. In 
fact I ignored most of the sales patter. I had already had some moderately 
clear experiences that gave me a clue as to what enlightenment was about, and I 
was looking for a compatible meditation method.


 However, you may be heartened to learn, that the practice may give you a 
clearer, and more settled state of mind, such that you can deal with difficult 
situations in a more balanced way.

 I learned this long ago, and yet TM (and mostly equivalent techniques) are not 
for this either. Life does not change, these techniques are simply to get one 
to see that, to change one's perspective of a world that is absolute. There is 
some fallout, such as psychosomatic disturbances becoming less, but these are 
all side-effects. Promoting the side-effects as a reason for meditating is 
putting the cart before the horse, and it sets up unreasonable expectations for 
those whose nature is to fall into the trap of unreasonable expectations.

 Please let me know if you'd like me to elaborate, and I will be glad to do so.

 Not necessary.

 I'm here for ya.


 As for Jim's role at the peak, I believe you are a regular contributor there, 
and I don't recall that you have run afoul of any rules, written or unwritten.

 You may praise FFL, but I would say the worthwhile content has gone down to 
about 5% from maybe a peak of 20%.

 The trend does not look promising, IMO. 

 The Peak has had a few good conversations, but it is pretty sappy most of the 
time. When people are challenged, often in an unreasonable way, an unfair way, 
you get to see their real psychology come forth, and get a better sense of 
their level of knowledge and how they express it. When everything is nicey 
nicey, that knowledge stays hidden, so you cannot tell if it is there or not.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Isn't this just like a paranoid cultist - say something they don't like or ask 
them a question they don't like and they ignore you and/or route your messages 
to their trash bin and then try to get the rest of the forum to shun you. 
Typical cultist behavior - the truth hurts I guess. Go figure. 

I've been sitting three feet in front of him and seen him go invisible, to the 
point where you could see stars through the outline of his body, and then no 
outline.  I've seen him do the same trick from three feet up, leaving only a 
Cheshire Cat smile before it went pop! and disappeared, too. - TurquoiseB

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote : 
 I'll give him one more day of reading his stuff before I route his posts 
directly into the trash bin along with Steve-o and Richard.


 From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 1:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
 yep, its Dr. Dummy


 From: ak_ak_0828
 Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 8:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

 Don't embarrass me please, I wish to remain anonymous. Unlike you I am 
*actually* busy and have a life, I have to work, take care of kids, wives, 
ex-wives and girl friends. And of course entertain them :-) :-) :-).

 I don't have amazing talents like you where you conjure up these amazing, 
fantastical tales that has your audience here at FFL in raptures. The 
flamboyant, charismatic Barry Wright, cult slayer, darling of the lurker 
reporters looking for scoops on cults and TM. The stud, fondling hot, young 
baristas in coffe-shops; and in dance clubs and whorehouse around Amsterdam and 
Paris. The wise old spiritual master - Uncle Tantra. Man of many hats, you :-) 
:-) :-)

 All this as you actually are a decrepit old man, narcissistic, dysfunctional. 
Spending your entire day in your apartment, taking care of Maya, dogs, chores 
so you can have free rent and food ! Brilliant talent Barry.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 For the record, I don't know who ak_ak_0828 is, either. I just figured that if 
I suggested it was Jim Flanegin, his ego would force him to reply, and thus 
reveal to everyone how compulsively he still reads Fairfield Life after having 
been so vocal about how he's so above this forum and the people who post 
here. And lo and behold, in just a couple of hours he did exactly what I 
expected him to do. :-)  :-)  :-)


 It *wasn't* all that scathing a post, after all. To be honest, if it was 
written by anyone we already know, it most likely was Ann, because 1) it's so 
unintelligent, and 2) it's so completely off the mark. I just thought I'd have 
a little fun with it and use it to point how obsessed with both FFL *and* me 
Jim Flanegin still is. Mission accomplished.  :-)  :-)  :-)

 From: j_alexander_stanley@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 2:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
   What IP addresses? People who show up with the 
email address are anonymous, with email and IP addresses both undisclosed. From 
the header info, there is no way for me, Rick, or anyone else to determine 
anything about ak_ak's true identity. Keep in mind, Sal, that this also applies 
to your own FFL identity as well.

 ---In, wrote :
 LOL, those IP addresses sure give the game away!




Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
TM should solve all problems.
I am afraid to inform you that it does not.
which means that idiot Steve is admitting Marshy was a liar

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 9:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
    ---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

Just to follow up on this.
Yes, xeno, you can still have difficult days, even if you practice TM, which I 
try to do once a day.
Perhaps you struggle under the assumption, as some others here do, that TM 
should solve all problems.
I am afraid to inform you that it does not.

I do not struggle with this assumption at all, I never had this assumption. The 
objection is to the way it is advertised 'The Solution to All Problems'. It is 
the deceptive marketing and the unnecessary fluff it is embedded with. In fact 
I ignored most of the sales patter. I had already had some moderately clear 
experiences that gave me a clue as to what enlightenment was about, and I was 
looking for a compatible meditation method.

However, you may be heartened to learn, that the practice may give you a 
clearer, and more settled state of mind, such that you can deal with difficult 
situations in a more balanced way.
I learned this long ago, and yet TM (and mostly equivalent techniques) are not 
for this either. Life does not change, these techniques are simply to get one 
to see that, to change one's perspective of a world that is absolute. There is 
some fallout, such as psychosomatic disturbances becoming less, but these are 
all side-effects. Promoting the side-effects as a reason for meditating is 
putting the cart before the horse, and it sets up unreasonable expectations for 
those whose nature is to fall into the trap of unreasonable expectations.
Please let me know if you'd like me to elaborate, and I will be glad to do so.
Not necessary.
I'm here for ya.

As for Jim's role at the peak, I believe you are a regular contributor there, 
and I don't recall that you have run afoul of any rules, written or unwritten.
You may praise FFL, but I would say the worthwhile content has gone down to 
about 5% from maybe a peak of 20%.
The trend does not look promising, IMO. 
The Peak has had a few good conversations, but it is pretty sappy most of the 
time. When people are challenged, often in an unreasonable way, an unfair way, 
you get to see their real psychology come forth, and get a better sense of 
their level of knowledge and how they express it. When everything is nicey 
nicey, that knowledge stays hidden, so you cannot tell if it is there or not.

  #yiv0160193637 #yiv0160193637 -- #yiv0160193637ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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#yiv0160193637ygrp-sponsor #yiv0160193637ygrp-lc .yiv0160193637ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv0160193637 #yiv0160193637actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv0160193637 
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p a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Actually, this is a fib - Judy never *claimed* to have won a religious 
debate with anyone, unless you consider Judy calling you a fibber is a win, 
when it is really just Judy stating a fact.

You're the only cultist on this forum that cares much about DOJ. That's because 
you ARE the TMO cultist, Barry. You need to get some smarts, Barry - you're a 
prime example of why the TMO sucks. You need to face reality - you suck as a 
spiritual teacher. It's not complicated.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I suspect a LOT of TB TMers here miss Judy. The reason, of course, is that she 
was one of the only TM supporters here willing to address actual issues when 
critics brought them up. When it came to cult apologetics, she was Queen, 
because she usually had the intellect and the language skills to actually make 
her obfuscations, diversions, and lies sound as if she was winning. That, and 
the fact that she always *claimed* to have won.  :-)

 It's pretty obvious to me that the reason for the latest pile on Barry 
sessions is that I've been making some valid criticisms of TM, Maharishi, and 
cult apologists like David Orme-Johnson lately. And no one refutes them. The 
only TM supporter here who even *tries* any more is Lawson, and I respect him 
for at least trying to keep to the issues and not falling prey to the classic 
cult tactic of Shoot the messenger. 


 The way I figure it, who these people are really pissed off at is 
*themselves*, because they really don't have either the language skills or the 
intelligence to defend TM, Maharishi, and the TMO. And some part of them still 
feels as if they should be defending these things, so they feel bad, and then 
they try to take that bad feeling they have about *themselves* out on me by 
dumping on me. 


 The thing is, it's kind of an obvious ploy, and 100% right out of the Cult 
Playbook, so their Get Barry routine actually does more harm to TM's 
reputation than staying silent does. But they're really not smart enough never 
figure that out, even when I tell them like I'm doing here, so I guess we can 
all expect more of the same...

 From: salyavin808

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

  You cannot have that effect if you do not make contact, you are trying to 
redefine a word just like Judy did. I really miss Judy. She made this place a 
hell worthy of interaction.

 I miss Judy too. We need a Moriarty for our Holmes. Or is it the other way 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Enjoy your coffee, xeno. 

 yes, Barry does post other content, than the usual.

 on the other hand, I feel his positive contributions are overshadowed by that 
other, usual, content.

 I mean, Barry has stated on numerous occasions that what he likes to do, what 
he feels is his mission, is to push people's buttons, and lay open the cult 

 he does that (or attempts to) on a daily basis, as indicated by the fact that 
he is generally the top ranked poster ranked by number of posts each week.

 all I do, (to a much lesser degree), is to say that I think he misrepresents 
others in this mission.

 now, it may be that you feel he hits his target accurately.

 okay, that is fine.

 I just happen to disagree, and I attempt to be accurate in things I post.

 you, or others may feel I am just a cult apologist.


---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 Barry is not the only person posting here. I think he provides consistent 
opposition to the true believer syndrome and its associated flaky thinking. 
There is a certain element of humour he provides, because true believers tend 
to have a distinct lack of humour when their beliefs are challenged. When 
criticising Barry, it is seldom mentioned that he does post about other things 
here as well. To pursue enlightenment, I think it helps if one has a certain 
appreciation of black humour toward dire situations and human behaviour in 
general. Now it is time for my morning coffee.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Barry, please, please, answer me.  (-:   Are you delusional? 

 TM's reputation is being harmed among the ten people who post here, a couple 
of lurkers, and your all important lurking reporter?

 Is he compiling evidence for some kind of treatise, yet to be publlished, 
because his output has been rather meager, like non existent?

 Here's the greater truth. 

 FFL has become the travelogue or a rather, sad old man, who is obsessed with 
the spiritual organization he left forty years ago, and that of his sidekick.


 I'm afraid, that's the long and short of it.  (-:

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :
 The thing is, it's kind of an obvious ploy, and 100% right out of the Cult 
Playbook, so their Get Barry routine actually does more harm to TM's 
reputation than staying silent does. But they're really not smart enough never 
figure that out, even when I tell them like I'm doing here, so I guess we can 
all expect more of the same...

 From: salyavin808

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

  You cannot have that effect if you do not make contact, you are trying to 
redefine a word just like Judy did. I really miss Judy. She made this place a 
hell worthy of interaction.

 I miss Judy too. We need a Moriarty for our Holmes. Or is it the other way 

[FairfieldLife] Trickster Guru

2015-03-19 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Alan Watts on How to Fake Your Way as a Spiritual Teacher
|   |
|   |   |   |   |   |
| Alan Watts on How to Fake Your Way as a Spiritual TeacherThe Trickster Guru 
by Alan Watts  |
|  |
| View on | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |


Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry is not the only person posting here. I think he provides consistent 
opposition to the true believer syndrome and its associated flaky thinking. 
There is a certain element of humour he provides, because true believers tend 
to have a distinct lack of humour when their beliefs are challenged. When 
criticising Barry, it is seldom mentioned that he does post about other things 
here as well. To pursue enlightenment, I think it helps if one has a certain 
appreciation of black humour toward dire situations and human behaviour in 
general. Now it is time for my morning coffee.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Barry, please, please, answer me.  (-:   Are you delusional? 

 TM's reputation is being harmed among the ten people who post here, a couple 
of lurkers, and your all important lurking reporter?

 Is he compiling evidence for some kind of treatise, yet to be publlished, 
because his output has been rather meager, like non existent?

 Here's the greater truth. 

 FFL has become the travelogue or a rather, sad old man, who is obsessed with 
the spiritual organization he left forty years ago, and that of his sidekick.


 I'm afraid, that's the long and short of it.  (-:

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :
 The thing is, it's kind of an obvious ploy, and 100% right out of the Cult 
Playbook, so their Get Barry routine actually does more harm to TM's 
reputation than staying silent does. But they're really not smart enough never 
figure that out, even when I tell them like I'm doing here, so I guess we can 
all expect more of the same...

 From: salyavin808

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

  You cannot have that effect if you do not make contact, you are trying to 
redefine a word just like Judy did. I really miss Judy. She made this place a 
hell worthy of interaction.

 I miss Judy too. We need a Moriarty for our Holmes. Or is it the other way 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 I'm wishing you the best.  I hope that other pursuits may fill your day other 
than your obsession with TM.  (-:

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 TM should solve all problems.

 I am afraid to inform you that it does not.

 which means that idiot Steve is admitting Marshy was a liar


 From: anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 9:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
 ---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Just to follow up on this. 

 Yes, xeno, you can still have difficult days, even if you practice TM, which I 
try to do once a day.

 Perhaps you struggle under the assumption, as some others here do, that TM 
should solve all problems.

 I am afraid to inform you that it does not.


 I do not struggle with this assumption at all, I never had this assumption. 
The objection is to the way it is advertised 'The Solution to All Problems'. It 
is the deceptive marketing and the unnecessary fluff it is embedded with. In 
fact I ignored most of the sales patter. I had already had some moderately 
clear experiences that gave me a clue as to what enlightenment was about, and I 
was looking for a compatible meditation method.


 However, you may be heartened to learn, that the practice may give you a 
clearer, and more settled state of mind, such that you can deal with difficult 
situations in a more balanced way.

 I learned this long ago, and yet TM (and mostly equivalent techniques) are not 
for this either. Life does not change, these techniques are simply to get one 
to see that, to change one's perspective of a world that is absolute. There is 
some fallout, such as psychosomatic disturbances becoming less, but these are 
all side-effects. Promoting the side-effects as a reason for meditating is 
putting the cart before the horse, and it sets up unreasonable expectations for 
those whose nature is to fall into the trap of unreasonable expectations.

 Please let me know if you'd like me to elaborate, and I will be glad to do so.

 Not necessary.

 I'm here for ya.


 As for Jim's role at the peak, I believe you are a regular contributor there, 
and I don't recall that you have run afoul of any rules, written or unwritten.

 You may praise FFL, but I would say the worthwhile content has gone down to 
about 5% from maybe a peak of 20%.

 The trend does not look promising, IMO. 

 The Peak has had a few good conversations, but it is pretty sappy most of the 
time. When people are challenged, often in an unreasonable way, an unfair way, 
you get to see their real psychology come forth, and get a better sense of 
their level of knowledge and how they express it. When everything is nicey 
nicey, that knowledge stays hidden, so you cannot tell if it is there or not.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 1:49 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
    Well, honestly, I find this rather fascinating, and really, hoping I can 
learn something from it.
This notion that if people are challenged in an unreasonable way it can turn 
into a teaching moment
On the other hand, maybe you have a point, and really I am not trying to be 
duplicitous here, but,
 would it be analogous to say, what the nazis did to prisoners, in terms of 
experiments like subjecting people to extreme heat, or extreme cold, or other 
tortureous experiments in the name of research.
The results of those experiments were useful to science.  Honestly, they were.
So, is it along those lines?
No, enlightenment is basically a mind thing for, presumably, if your head could 
be kept alive artificially and the body removed, you could still get 
enlightened because it is a shift in the perception and understanding of the 
world. Torturing people physically to change their minds, or just because you 
do not like them, or have been programmed to not like them (same thing), does 
nothing in this direction. Because enlightenment presumably improves the 
quality of experience, it is a mental thing. And because enlightenment 
supposedly increases strength of mind, better understanding etc., due to 
reducing or eliminating mechanical, conditioned responses to what life throws 
at us, it is a different situation. 
A physical challenge can fell even a very strong physically fit person. The 
ability to deal with a mental challenge is a different animal, a physically 
weak person might have a superior intellect and repel a challenge with ease, 
while a strong, physically fit person might be mentally challenged in this 
regard. Once you have adopted a 'path of enlightenment', you are on the road of 
de-conditioning those mechanical responses, on the road to a new understanding 
of life and what it challenges you with. It is not an escape from this, though 
people often use the spiritual persona as an escape. To newbies, a spiritual 
master seems in some undefined way invulnerable, and this is attractive, 
incites the desire to be invulnerable, even though we do not at that time know 
what this really entails. 
Once immersed in this sort of world view, it is shall we say, unbecoming to be 
a complainer about what other people do. So if you want to expound the alleged 
virtues of enlightenment you have to in some way live those values and be able 
to explain their relationship to life. You cannot be affronted by how other 
people challenge you because you consider what you are doing is 'holy'. Being 
'holy' is a defensive screen, a religious meme designed to ward off attacks on 
weak arguments about the nature of reality. Enlightenment is about nothing; 
there is no argument that can demonstrate it is real, you have to find out for 
yourself. Now if you experience it yourself and want to talk about it to 
others, you have to have a certain kind of psychological strength, a sort of 
non-reactive strength that can brush aside others' coarseness, or even subtle 
challenges without dismissing them. You cannot be some milquetoast pushover. It 
does not necessarily mean you will have a pleasant personality. There are 
stories of very gruff Zen masters for example.
The first things that got me to experience 'spiritual' experiences like deep 
silence was not meditation but an all-out assault on my beliefs. One does not 
usually know how deeply unsubstantiated beliefs lie at the basis of one's world 
view, how deeply one is conditioned. The problem I find with the TM movement is 
it does not make this explicit, it relies on reconditioning you to a new set of 
ideas without at the same time informing you that these new ideas need to be 
undermined just as much as the ones you are currently stuck with. The stuff on 
a spiritual path is a means to an end, it is not the end in itself, it has to 
be let go at some point. If it is not let go, it becomes a religion, which even 
M said was the result of loss of knowledge. Ironic that the TM movement is 
steadily moving in the direction of a religion. I am not sure M ever intended 
it not to be, but he did say things in the earlier years that were more in line 
with some other traditions, like Zen, where there is a concerted effort to get 
a student beyond their verbal belief system.
Because of these reasons, being challenged mentally on what you feel is 
'reality' I would consider an essential element in freeing oneself from the 
tyranny of mental conditioning. Some conditioning is going to remain, but being 
'sensitive' to taunts about your world view only shows that on the path of 
enlightenment, you are a failure. Some teachers have expressed this quality in 
interesting ways. The Catholic priest Anthony de Mello said 'enlightenment is 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

I've gotta agree with you, Michael. It really feels like Jim, for several 

First, of course, is the level of obsession he has with me. The only person who 
has *ever* been more obsessed with me than Jim Flanegin was Judy. 

But second, and the clincher, is the fact that these posts are just dripping 
with JEALOUSY. Jimbo really was never able to figure out why people liked me 
and Curtis while they didn't like him. The answer was right in front of his 
face, but his ego kept him from seeing it. Curtis and I are just ourselves, 
and he has to continually play one-upsmanship games to try to prove his 

Anyway, I suspect he'll try to keep this up for a while, because it's getting 
him what he really wants, which is attention. Feeling magnanimous this week, 
I'll give him one more day of reading his stuff before I route his posts 
directly into the trash bin along with Steve-o and Richard.

Whoever they are they are certainly bitter and twisted and clearly 
dysfunctional enough to be a long term TMer. I'd get 'em in the bin now in case 
any of it rubs off you...
Already done. The way I figure it, these guys' (Steve, Richard, and now Ak_Ak) 
fantasies must revolve around ruining my day by revealing deep, dark truths 
about me that I don't want revealed, the way Judy's used to. At least, that's 
the way it seems to play out in their minds. In the real world, back when I 
actually bothered to read their crap, the most their posts ever provoked in me 
was laughter (at them, not because they're comic geniuses or anything) and 
occasional feelings of pity. But that got old real fast and was an obvious 
waste of time, so I figured why bother. So they're all -- including Jim/Ak_Ak 
-- auto-consigned to the dumpster now. 

But this brings up a question. Steve's and Richard's posts have gone straight 
to the crapper (like attracts like) for over a year now, but they still post 
about me compulsively, several times a week, and in Richard's case every day (I 
can tell this from a 10-second scan of Neo, without having to actually read any 
post they write.) Now Ak_Ak will be joining them in that great cosmic 
porta-potty in the sky, and no doubt he will keep compulsively posting about 
me, too. 

The question is, WHY? Who do they think their audience is, except each other?

I think we're agreed that they're cultists who are acting out the cult 
mentality here, but I really DO wonder who they perceive the *audience* for 
their cult apologetics and character assassination to be. There is a 
psychological study in this. If anyone could stand to be around these guys long 
enough to study them, that is.  :-)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread salyavin808


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: salyavin808
 ---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I've gotta agree with you, Michael. It really feels like Jim, for several 


 First, of course, is the level of obsession he has with me. The only person 
who has *ever* been more obsessed with me than Jim Flanegin was Judy. 


 But second, and the clincher, is the fact that these posts are just dripping 
with JEALOUSY. Jimbo really was never able to figure out why people liked me 
and Curtis while they didn't like him. The answer was right in front of his 
face, but his ego kept him from seeing it. Curtis and I are just ourselves, 
and he has to continually play one-upsmanship games to try to prove his 


 Anyway, I suspect he'll try to keep this up for a while, because it's getting 
him what he really wants, which is attention. Feeling magnanimous this week, 
I'll give him one more day of reading his stuff before I route his posts 
directly into the trash bin along with Steve-o and Richard.


 Whoever they are they are certainly bitter and twisted and clearly 
dysfunctional enough to be a long term TMer. I'd get 'em in the bin now in case 
any of it rubs off you...

 Already done. The way I figure it, these guys' (Steve, Richard, and now Ak_Ak) 
fantasies must revolve around ruining my day by revealing deep, dark truths 
about me that I don't want revealed, the way Judy's used to. At least, that's 
the way it seems to play out in their minds. In the real world, back when I 
actually bothered to read their crap, the most their posts ever provoked in me 
was laughter (at them, not because they're comic geniuses or anything) and 
occasional feelings of pity. But that got old real fast and was an obvious 
waste of time, so I figured why bother. So they're all -- including Jim/Ak_Ak 
-- auto-consigned to the dumpster now. 


 But this brings up a question. Steve's and Richard's posts have gone straight 
to the crapper (like attracts like) for over a year now, but they still post 
about me compulsively, several times a week, and in Richard's case every day (I 
can tell this from a 10-second scan of Neo, without having to actually read any 
post they write.) Now Ak_Ak will be joining them in that great cosmic 
porta-potty in the sky, and no doubt he will keep compulsively posting about 
me, too. 


 The question is, WHY? Who do they think their audience is, except each other?


 I think we're agreed that they're cultists who are acting out the cult 
mentality here, but I really DO wonder who they perceive the *audience* for 
their cult apologetics and character assassination to be. There is a 
psychological study in this. If anyone could stand to be around these guys long 
enough to study them, that is.  :-)

 I don't get it either. Maybe they see it as a victory over someone even though 
it doesn't get a response. Maybe they imagine a vast army of lurkers out there 
who they think must feel like they do and they then bask in the non-existent 
applause at every hit.

 Feeling good about themselves, that's what it's all about. A little brush-up 
for the ego. Odd way to carry on though, wasting all that time. The interweb is 
full of people like that, trolling along while their life ticks away, maybe 
they've got no imagination for anything else - they certainly don't display any 
in their posts.


[FairfieldLife] Modern life....

2015-03-19 Thread salyavin808
Hard to believe really,  it sounds like an urban legend like catching an STD 
off a toilet seat. Are their that many coke heads out there?

 Contaminated banknotes caused bus driver to test positive for cocaine
 Contaminated banknotes caused bus driver to test pos...
 Alan Bailes, who was fired by FirstGroup in Bristol after the false result, 
wins substantial compensation from employment tribunal
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] FFL/The_Peak

2015-03-19 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
Since 18 March to now.
FFL, 122 posts
The Peak, 24 posts
(figures are minus the skewing factor of Richard's irrelevance)

Re: [FairfieldLife] 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
You can't have awareness without consciousness.  Without being conscious 
there is nothing to be aware of.

On 03/19/2015 11:19 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

*Q:*   But when you look at yourself, what do you see?

*Nisargadatta:*  It depends how I look. When I look through the mind, 
I see numberless people. When I look beyond the mind, I see the 
witness. Beyond the witness there is the infinite intensity of 
emptiness and silence.

Edg:  This is the constant teaching of Nisargadatta throughout his 
talks:  awareness is not consciousness.

Re: [FairfieldLife] 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: Duveyoung
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 7:19 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] 37 words
    Q:   But when you look at yourself, what do you see?

Nisargadatta:  It depends how I look. When I look through the mind, I see 
numberless people. When I look beyond the mind, I see the witness. Beyond the 
witness there is the infinite intensity of emptiness and silence.

Edg:  This is the constant teaching of Nisargadatta throughout his talks:  
awareness is not consciousness.
Edg, with all due respect, where the fuck is your head? When I read this quote, 
the first thing I thought was, Hey, that was pretty cool...I have no problems 
with that interpretation of experience. I can get down with that.

And then I moved one line lower on the screen and read your synopsis of this 
statement. What a shock. In N-baby's original statement, there were no nots 
and no negativity. In your interpretation, there were. 
Kinda says it all, tragedy-of-knowledge-wise. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] FFL/The_Peak

2015-03-19 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 7:40 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] FFL/The_Peak
    Since 18 March to now.
FFL, 122 posts
The Peak, 24 posts
(figures are minus the skewing factor of Richard's irrelevance)
LOL, spitting my wine out at the screen.  :-)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Those posts do 'feel' like Jim. Someone who is talking to Barry in a familiar 
voice, not like someone who has not been here before. So if ak_ak is not Jim, 
what other poster that has been here could it be? Not too many posters talk 
incessantly about how badly Barry's life is going. Yeah, as if Barry sounds 
like he is in the doldrums of hell all the time. I think he is having fun. I 
think what I would be most curious about is, since she is in the orbit of 
Barry, how Maya's view of the world is developing, what her understanding of 
things are at that age. I would think Barry's influence would be a source of 
rationality, in a nation that seems to value this quality. I had a friend of 
the family once, an accountant, who had a son; when this kid was very young, he 
spoke like an adult, because his parents did not incessantly bombard him with 
baby talk, but with real conversation with substantial words.

---In, wrote : 
---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: salyavin808
 ---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I've gotta agree with you, Michael. It really feels like Jim, for several 


 First, of course, is the level of obsession he has with me. The only person 
who has *ever* been more obsessed with me than Jim Flanegin was Judy. 


 But second, and the clincher, is the fact that these posts are just dripping 
with JEALOUSY. Jimbo really was never able to figure out why people liked me 
and Curtis while they didn't like him. The answer was right in front of his 
face, but his ego kept him from seeing it. Curtis and I are just ourselves, 
and he has to continually play one-upsmanship games to try to prove his 


 Anyway, I suspect he'll try to keep this up for a while, because it's getting 
him what he really wants, which is attention. Feeling magnanimous this week, 
I'll give him one more day of reading his stuff before I route his posts 
directly into the trash bin along with Steve-o and Richard.


 Whoever they are they are certainly bitter and twisted and clearly 
dysfunctional enough to be a long term TMer. I'd get 'em in the bin now in case 
any of it rubs off you...

 Already done. The way I figure it, these guys' (Steve, Richard, and now Ak_Ak) 
fantasies must revolve around ruining my day by revealing deep, dark truths 
about me that I don't want revealed, the way Judy's used to. At least, that's 
the way it seems to play out in their minds. In the real world, back when I 
actually bothered to read their crap, the most their posts ever provoked in me 
was laughter (at them, not because they're comic geniuses or anything) and 
occasional feelings of pity. But that got old real fast and was an obvious 
waste of time, so I figured why bother. So they're all -- including Jim/Ak_Ak 
-- auto-consigned to the dumpster now. 


 But this brings up a question. Steve's and Richard's posts have gone straight 
to the crapper (like attracts like) for over a year now, but they still post 
about me compulsively, several times a week, and in Richard's case every day (I 
can tell this from a 10-second scan of Neo, without having to actually read any 
post they write.) Now Ak_Ak will be joining them in that great cosmic 
porta-potty in the sky, and no doubt he will keep compulsively posting about 
me, too. 


 The question is, WHY? Who do they think their audience is, except each other?


 I think we're agreed that they're cultists who are acting out the cult 
mentality here, but I really DO wonder who they perceive the *audience* for 
their cult apologetics and character assassination to be. There is a 
psychological study in this. If anyone could stand to be around these guys long 
enough to study them, that is.  :-)

 I don't get it either. Maybe they see it as a victory over someone even though 
it doesn't get a response. Maybe they imagine a vast army of lurkers out there 
who they think must feel like they do and they then bask in the non-existent 
applause at every hit.

 Feeling good about themselves, that's what it's all about. A little brush-up 
for the ego. Odd way to carry on though, wasting all that time. The interweb is 
full of people like that, trolling along while their life ticks away, maybe 
they've got no imagination for anything else - they certainly don't display any 
in their posts.


Re: [FairfieldLife] The world in statistics...

2015-03-19 Thread salyavin808


---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 Didn't Utopia have a solution for this?  :-D 

 Yes indeed. If I remember correctly I probably won't need to keep checking the 
worldometer every month to see if it's been implemented.
 On 03/19/2015 10:12 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
 I love looking at this every now and again and watching how the fast the 
planet is filling up. 160,300 extra mouths to feed so far today!

 World Population Clock: 7 Billion People (2015) - Worldometers
 World Population Clock: 7 Billion People (2015) - Worl... How many people are 
there in the world? World population has reached 7 billion. World population 
live counter with data sheets, graphs, maps, and ...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



Re: [FairfieldLife] 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Nisargadatta is using the words awareness and consciousness in specific, 
technical ways. In his view consciousness is a sub-property of awareness. 
Awareness is pure being, and consciousness 'emerges' from that. Much in the 
same way M said 'when pure consciousness becomes conscious', or something like 
that anyway. So whatever definition you might have in your head, to read 
Nisargadatta, you need to scope out how he is using the words in his context. 
You have to be conscious to notice awareness, but consciousness is dead without 
awareness, awareness is the essential aspect or property of being. 
Consciousness is the expressed character of awareness. When you become Brahman, 
this is what you experience, you cannot know this before then. In speaking this 
way, dividing experience into such layers, Nisargadatta, like any teacher, is 
getting the student to attempt to enquire more deeply into their own experience 
to see if this is so, or not so. If you see it is so, you do not need to think 
about it any more for your own use, because it is a teaching fiction designed 
to clarify the intellect during enquiry.

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 You can't have awareness without consciousness.  Without being conscious there 
is nothing to be aware of. 
 On 03/19/2015 11:19 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
   Q:   But when you look at yourself, what do you see?

 Nisargadatta:  It depends how I look. When I look through the mind, I see 
numberless people. When I look beyond the mind, I see the witness. Beyond the 
witness there is the infinite intensity of emptiness and silence.
 Edg:  This is the constant teaching of Nisargadatta throughout his talks:  
awareness is not consciousness.



[FairfieldLife] Bad eclipse karma...

2015-03-19 Thread salyavin808

 There's some dangerous influences coming from the heavens for North Europeans 

 This poor guy didn't listen to the sages of old and look what happened. Take 
heed of the omens.


 Tourist survives polar bear attack while camping for solar eclipse
 Tourist survives polar bear attack while camping for sol...
 A tourist camping on Svalbard to watch tomorrow’s solar eclipse has been 
mauled by a polar bear as he slept in his tent.
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread Duveyoung
Says you.

Nisargadatta's words, if true, disagree with your opinion.  He clearly 
indicates that he see three levels of identity and that consciousness is the 
least of the three.  

Consciousness cannot have a process it labels awareness, but awareness is 
never dependent upon consciousness.  Awareness is prior to the emergence of 

These are not EDG'S CONCLUSIONS...these are the statements of Advaita.   

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 You can't have awareness without consciousness.  Without being conscious there 
is nothing to be aware of. 
 On 03/19/2015 11:19 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
   Q:   But when you look at yourself, what do you see?

 Nisargadatta:  It depends how I look. When I look through the mind, I see 
numberless people. When I look beyond the mind, I see the witness. Beyond the 
witness there is the infinite intensity of emptiness and silence.
 Edg:  This is the constant teaching of Nisargadatta throughout his talks:  
awareness is not consciousness.



Re: [FairfieldLife] The world in statistics...

2015-03-19 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Didn't Utopia have a solution for this? :-D

On 03/19/2015 10:12 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

I love looking at this every now and again and watching how the fast 
the planet is filling up. 160,300 extra mouths to feed so far today!

World Population Clock: 7 Billion People (2015) - Worldometers


World Population Clock: 7 Billion People (2015) - Worl...
How many people are there in the world? World population has reached 7 
billion. World population live counter with data sheets, graphs, maps, 
and ...

View on

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

For the record I was debating this:
Edg:  This is the constant teaching of Nisargadatta throughout his 
talks:  awareness is not consciousness.

On 03/19/2015 01:01 PM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
*/Why are you guys discussing -- and Edg melting down over -- such 
petty differences?/*

*/In N's original statement, there are no elements of good/better, 
better/best or any of that shit. He spoke about three *equivalences* 
-- the world as it appears as seen through the mind, the world as seen 
from beyond the mind, and the world beyond even witnessing.

*/There is NO hierarchy of experience expressed in this quote.
*/You guys are inventing it and arguing about it. N was hip enough to 
realize that all three levels of experience are on exactly the same 

*/IMO, of course. /*

*From:* Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Thursday, March 19, 2015 8:54 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] 37 words

Do you experience awareness?  I'm sure you do or you would be residing 
up on a hill with some stone markers or in an urn somewhere.  So tell 
me how can you experience awareness without consciousness?  I think 
this is an issue of semantics.  Does Nisargadatta mean conflate 
awareness with being? Being theoretically exists without 
consciousness because it pervades everything and is the basis of 
everything.  Some folks call that being God.  Awareness would 
then be a poor choices of words.  And yes I've read Nisargadatta.

On 03/19/2015 12:18 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Nisargadatta is using the words awareness and consciousness in 
specific, technical ways. In his view consciousness is a sub-property 
of awareness. Awareness is pure being, and consciousness 'emerges' 
from that. Much in the same way M said 'when pure consciousness 
becomes conscious', or something like that anyway. So whatever 
definition you might have in your head, to read Nisargadatta, you 
need to scope out how he is using the words in his context. You have 
to be conscious to notice awareness, but consciousness is dead 
without awareness, awareness is the essential aspect or property of 
being. Consciousness is the expressed character of awareness. When 
you become Brahman, this is what you experience, you cannot know this 
before then. In speaking this way, dividing experience into such 
layers, Nisargadatta, like any teacher, is getting the student to 
attempt to enquire more deeply into their own experience to see if 
this is so, or not so. If you see it is so, you do not need to think 
about it any more for your own use, because it is a teaching fiction 
designed to clarify the intellect during enquiry.

---In, noozguru@... 
mailto:noozguru@... wrote :

You can't have awareness without consciousness.  Without being 
conscious there is nothing to be aware of.

On 03/19/2015 11:19 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

*Q:*   But when you look at yourself, what do you see?

*Nisargadatta:*  It depends how I look. When I look through the 
mind, I see numberless people. When I look beyond the mind, I see 
the witness. Beyond the witness there is the infinite intensity of 
emptiness and silence.

Edg:  This is the constant teaching of Nisargadatta throughout his 
talks:  awareness is not consciousness.

Re: [FairfieldLife] 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I would say awareness experiences what the nervous system is conscious of; you 
do not experience awareness, it 'gives' being to whatever is experienced. This 
is fine cut gobbledygook in the use of words. Awareness is not self-reflective, 
but allows self-reflectiveness to be experienced. The is no 'you' that 
experiences it. But there is a mind that ruminates on it, that awareness makes 
'visible'. You could say it is the consciousness of consciousness. None of 
these words really hit the mark. Awareness is a poor choice of words, if you 
use those words in a different sense than Nisargadatta did, if you want to 
define them some other way. Now with TM, the words awareness and consciousness 
do not seem to be used in the same way that Nisargadatta did, they are used 
more loosely, often completely equivalent. 

 Here is how a Vedantist uses the word awareness:

 '...enlightenment is not a transcendental state, a higher state, an altered 
state, the fourth state beyond waking, dream and deep sleep or any other kind 
of state. It is simple, unchanging awareness and cannot be directly experienced 
as an object as it is subtler than the mind, the instrument of experience.'


 ' neither inward-turned nor outward-turned consciousness, nor both. It is 
not an undifferentiated mass of consciousness . It neither knows nor does not 
know. It is invisible, ineffable, intangible, devoid of characteristics, 
inconceivable, indefinable, its sole essence being the consciousness of its own 

 When discussing meditation and related philosophical systems, one is really 
dealing with a technical language just like in science. Casually we use, say, 
the word 'energy' in certain ways such as 'the strength and vitality required 
for sustained physical or mental activity', but in science it means the 
'ability to do work. Objects can have energy by virtue of their motion (kinetic 
energy), by virtue of their position (potential energy), or by virtue of their 
mass (E = mc²).' This latter is not what most people seem to mean when they say 
someone has a lot of energy. But different systems use language differently, so 
first you have to nail down as best as one can, just what in hell someone is 
trying to say, and that means getting a grasp of how they use those words. 
Unless those words can be reduced to experience, it will never be clear just 
what is going on.

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 Do you experience awareness?  I'm sure you do or you would be residing up on a 
hill with some stone markers or in an urn somewhere.  So tell me how can you 
experience awareness without consciousness?  I think this is an issue of 
semantics.  Does Nisargadatta mean conflate awareness with being?  Being 
theoretically exists without consciousness because it pervades everything and 
is the basis of everything.  Some folks call that being God.  Awareness 
would then be a poor choices of words.  And yes I've read Nisargadatta.
 On 03/19/2015 12:18 PM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 

   Nisargadatta is using the words awareness and consciousness in specific, 
technical ways. In his view consciousness is a sub-property of awareness. 
Awareness is pure being, and consciousness 'emerges' from that. Much in the 
same way M said 'when pure consciousness becomes conscious', or something like 
that anyway. So whatever definition you might have in your head, to read 
Nisargadatta, you need to scope out how he is using the words in his context. 
You have to be conscious to notice awareness, but consciousness is dead without 
awareness, awareness is the essential aspect or property of being. 
Consciousness is the expressed character of awareness. When you become Brahman, 
this is what you experience, you cannot know this before then. In speaking this 
way, dividing experience into such layers, Nisargadatta, like any teacher, is 
getting the student to attempt to enquire more deeply into their own experience 
to see if this is so, or not so. If you see it is so, you do not need to think 
about it any more for your own use, because it is a teaching fiction designed 
to clarify the intellect during enquiry.
noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 You can't have awareness without consciousness.  Without being conscious there 
is nothing to be aware of. 
 On 03/19/2015 11:19 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
   Q:   But when you look at yourself, what do you see?

 Nisargadatta:  It depends how I look. When I look through the mind, I see 
numberless people. When I look beyond the mind, I see the witness. Beyond the 
witness there is the infinite intensity of emptiness and silence.
 Edg:  This is the constant teaching of Nisargadatta throughout his talks:  
awareness is not consciousness.





Re: [FairfieldLife] 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
But you are discussing theory not experience.  What if the theory 
doesn't match the experience?

On 03/19/2015 01:38 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I would say awareness experiences what the nervous system is conscious 
of; you do not experience awareness, it 'gives' being to whatever is 
experienced. This is fine cut gobbledygook in the use of words. 
Awareness is not self-reflective, but allows self-reflectiveness to be 
experienced. The is no 'you' that experiences it. But there is a mind 
that ruminates on it, that awareness makes 'visible'. You could say it 
is the consciousness of consciousness. None of these words really hit 
the mark. Awareness is a poor choice of words, if you use those words 
in a different sense than Nisargadatta did, if you want to define them 
some other way. Now with TM, the words awareness and consciousness do 
not seem to be used in the same way that Nisargadatta did, they are 
used more loosely, often completely equivalent.

Here is how a Vedantist uses the word awareness:

'...enlightenment is not a transcendental state, a higher state, an 
altered state, the fourth state beyond waking, dream and deep sleep or 
any other kind of state. It is simple, unchanging awareness and cannot 
be directly experienced as an object as it is subtler than the mind, 
the instrument of experience.'


' neither inward-turned nor outward-turned consciousness, nor 
both. It is not an undifferentiated mass of consciousness . It neither 
knows nor does not know. It is invisible, ineffable, intangible, 
devoid of characteristics, inconceivable, indefinable, its sole 
essence being the consciousness of its own self.'

When discussing meditation and related philosophical systems, one is 
really dealing with a technical language just like in science. 
Casually we use, say, the word 'energy' in certain ways such as 'the 
strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental 
activity', but in science it means the 'ability to do work. Objects 
can have energy by virtue of their motion (kinetic energy), by virtue 
of their position (potential energy), or by virtue of their mass (E = 
mc²).' This latter is not what most people seem to mean when they say 
someone has a lot of energy. But different systems use language 
differently, so first you have to nail down as best as one can, just 
what in hell someone is trying to say, and that means getting a grasp 
of how they use those words. Unless those words can be reduced to 
experience, it will never be clear just what is going on.

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

Do you experience awareness?  I'm sure you do or you would be residing 
up on a hill with some stone markers or in an urn somewhere.  So tell 
me how can you experience awareness without consciousness?  I think 
this is an issue of semantics.  Does Nisargadatta mean conflate 
awareness with being?  Being theoretically exists without 
consciousness because it pervades everything and is the basis of 
everything.  Some folks call that being God.  Awareness would 
then be a poor choices of words.  And yes I've read Nisargadatta.

On 03/19/2015 12:18 PM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Nisargadatta is using the words awareness and consciousness in
specific, technical ways. In his view consciousness is a
sub-property of awareness. Awareness is pure being, and
consciousness 'emerges' from that. Much in the same way M said
'when pure consciousness becomes conscious', or something like
that anyway. So whatever definition you might have in your head,
to read Nisargadatta, you need to scope out how he is using the
words in his context. You have to be conscious to notice
awareness, but consciousness is dead without awareness, awareness
is the essential aspect or property of being. Consciousness is
the expressed character of awareness. When you become Brahman,
this is what you experience, you cannot know this before then. In
speaking this way, dividing experience into such layers,
Nisargadatta, like any teacher, is getting the student to attempt
to enquire more deeply into their own experience to see if this
is so, or not so. If you see it is so, you do not need to think
about it any more for your own use, because it is a teaching
fiction designed to clarify the intellect during enquiry.

---In, noozguru@...
mailto:noozguru@... wrote :

You can't have awareness without consciousness.  Without being
conscious there is nothing to be aware of.

On 03/19/2015 11:19 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

*Q:*   But when you look at yourself, what do you see?

*Nisargadatta:*  It depends how I look. When I look through the
mind, I see numberless people. When I look beyond the mind, I
see the witness. Beyond the witness there is the infinite

Re: [FairfieldLife] Bad eclipse karma...

2015-03-19 Thread salyavin808


---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 Lucky he didn't get eaten alive.  That's demonstrated in the first few minutes 
of the series Fortitude and why people around the arctic carry rifles and try 
to stay aware from polar bears.

 I bet it ruined his holiday. I wish I'd booked a weekend break in Scotland for 
it, last one I saw was from the roof of the TM academy and no one else was 
interested due to bad influences - standing in a shadow is bad? I asked.

 If you've never had the pleasure it's a really spooky experience. The light 
disappears but not like it does when the sun goes down, it's more like the 
colour is being sucked out of the world and all the birds stop singing, and 
then it gets cold. 

 As it approaches totality you can see the shadow of the moon rushing towards 
you in a straight line, that's when I glanced up and got an idea of the moon as 
a lump of rock, not an intellectual understanding but actually like there's a 
vast ball of heaviness flying about over your head. Far out.

 It's a welcome glimpse at the proper perspective of where we are and what's 
going on that you don't get from just standing on the Earth.
 Let's hope the elite who run the world and are quite a bit superstitious don't 
elect to start a war tomorrow.  They usually favor March for such their 
particular form of madness.

 Yep, spring time is war time..
 On 03/19/2015 12:23 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
 There's some dangerous influences coming from the heavens for North Europeans 
 This poor guy didn't listen to the sages of old and look what happened. Take 
heed of the omens.


 Tourist survives polar bear attack while camping for solar eclipse
 Tourist survives polar bear attack while camping for sol... A tourist camping 
on Svalbard to watch tomorrow’s solar eclipse has been mauled by a polar bear 
as he slept in his tent.

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



Re: [FairfieldLife] 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, but they will stop talking if there isn't a verbal blur around the idea. I 
just like to muck around in it. Once it is clear, the hierarchy can be 
dismissed, and one can make a cup of coffee (which I just did, and which was 
better than the Dunkin Donuts coffee I had at a mall earlier today, but DD was 
cheaper than Starbucks), or look at the pretty girls (as I define them in my 
own mind). It's still really cold here, so walking in a mall is convenient way 
to get a little exercise. Edg does get hot under the collar doesn't he? This 
series of posts is really an example of how to make a spiritual movement. You 
gotta keep people thinking there is something more to this thing than there is, 
keep spinning the web of entrapment.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Why are you guys discussing -- and Edg melting down over -- such petty 

 In N's original statement, there are no elements of good/better, better/best 
or any of that shit. He spoke about three *equivalences* -- the world as it 
appears as seen through the mind, the world as seen from beyond the mind, and 
the world beyond even witnessing. 


 There is NO hierarchy of experience expressed in this quote. 


 You guys are inventing it and arguing about it. N was hip enough to realize 
that all three levels of experience are on exactly the same level. 


 IMO, of course. 

 From: Bhairitu noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 8:54 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 37 words
 Do you experience awareness?  I'm sure you do or you would be residing up on a 
hill with some stone markers or in an urn somewhere.  So tell me how can you 
experience awareness without consciousness?  I think this is an issue of 
semantics.  Does Nisargadatta mean conflate awareness with being?  Being 
theoretically exists without consciousness because it pervades everything and 
is the basis of everything.  Some folks call that being God.  Awareness 
would then be a poor choices of words.  And yes I've read Nisargadatta.
 On 03/19/2015 12:18 PM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 


   Nisargadatta is using the words awareness and consciousness in specific, 
technical ways. In his view consciousness is a sub-property of awareness. 
Awareness is pure being, and consciousness 'emerges' from that. Much in the 
same way M said 'when pure consciousness becomes conscious', or something like 
that anyway. So whatever definition you might have in your head, to read 
Nisargadatta, you need to scope out how he is using the words in his context. 
You have to be conscious to notice awareness, but consciousness is dead without 
awareness, awareness is the essential aspect or property of being. 
Consciousness is the expressed character of awareness. When you become Brahman, 
this is what you experience, you cannot know this before then. In speaking this 
way, dividing experience into such layers, Nisargadatta, like any teacher, is 
getting the student to attempt to enquire more deeply into their own experience 
to see if this is so, or not so. If you see it is so, you do not need to think 
about it any more for your own use, because it is a teaching fiction designed 
to clarify the intellect during enquiry.
noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 You can't have awareness without consciousness.  Without being conscious there 
is nothing to be aware of. 
 On 03/19/2015 11:19 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
   Q:   But when you look at yourself, what do you see?

 Nisargadatta:  It depends how I look. When I look through the mind, I see 
numberless people. When I look beyond the mind, I see the witness. Beyond the 
witness there is the infinite intensity of emptiness and silence.
 Edg:  This is the constant teaching of Nisargadatta throughout his talks:  
awareness is not consciousness.






Re: [FairfieldLife] Bad eclipse karma...

2015-03-19 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Total eclipses that I've experience were more like a cloud obscuring the 
sun.  Probably perplexing if there was not a cloud in the sky at some 
location and in ancient times.  But after learning tantra I was supposed 
to spend the eclipse time meditating to increase shakti.  Exceptions 
would be if it wasn't visible here which I believe is the case tomorrow.

On 03/19/2015 01:42 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

Lucky he didn't get eaten alive. That's demonstrated in the first few 
minutes of the series Fortitude and why people around the arctic 
carry rifles and try to stay aware from polar bears.

I bet it ruined his holiday. I wish I'd booked a weekend break in 
Scotland for it, last one I saw was from the roof of the TM academy 
and no one else was interested due to bad influences - standing in a 
shadow is bad? I asked.

If you've never had the pleasure it's a really spooky experience. The 
light disappears but not like it does when the sun goes down, it's 
more like the colour is being sucked out of the world and all the 
birds stop singing, and then it gets cold.

As it approaches totality you can see the shadow of the moon rushing 
towards you in a straight line, that's when I glanced up and got an 
idea of the moon as a lump of rock, not an intellectual understanding 
but actually like there's a vast ball of heaviness flying about over 
your head. Far out.

It's a welcome glimpse at the proper perspective of where we are and 
what's going on that you don't get from just standing on the Earth.

Let's hope the elite who run the world and are quite a bit 
superstitious don't elect to start a war tomorrow. They usually favor 
March for such their particular form of madness.

Yep, spring time is war time..

On 03/19/2015 12:23 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

There's some dangerous influences coming from the heavens for North 
Europeans tomorrow.

This poor guy didn't listen to the sages of old and look what 
happened. Take heed of the omens.

Tourist survives polar bear attack while camping for solar eclipse


Tourist survives polar bear attack while camping for sol... 

A tourist camping on Svalbard to watch tomorrow’s solar eclipse has 
been mauled by a polar bear as he slept in his tent.

View on

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I thought I was talking about my experience. A theory will never match 
experience, a theory just makes a verbal or mathematical representation for the 
mind, it represents a step down from experience, sometimes a very big step 
down. It creates a way to express experience to another mind, like squeezing an 
elephant through a garden hose, and hoping something comes out the other end.

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 But you are discussing theory not experience.  What if the theory doesn't 
match the experience?
 On 03/19/2015 01:38 PM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 

   I would say awareness experiences what the nervous system is conscious of; 
you do not experience awareness, it 'gives' being to whatever is experienced. 
This is fine cut gobbledygook in the use of words. Awareness is not 
self-reflective, but allows self-reflectiveness to be experienced. The is no 
'you' that experiences it. But there is a mind that ruminates on it, that 
awareness makes 'visible'. You could say it is the consciousness of 
consciousness. None of these words really hit the mark. Awareness is a poor 
choice of words, if you use those words in a different sense than Nisargadatta 
did, if you want to define them some other way. Now with TM, the words 
awareness and consciousness do not seem to be used in the same way that 
Nisargadatta did, they are used more loosely, often completely equivalent.
 Here is how a Vedantist uses the word awareness:
 '...enlightenment is not a transcendental state, a higher state, an altered 
state, the fourth state beyond waking, dream and deep sleep or any other kind 
of state. It is simple, unchanging awareness and cannot be directly experienced 
as an object as it is subtler than the mind, the instrument of experience.'
 ' neither inward-turned nor outward-turned consciousness, nor both. It is 
not an undifferentiated mass of consciousness . It neither knows nor does not 
know. It is invisible, ineffable, intangible, devoid of characteristics, 
inconceivable, indefinable, its sole essence being the consciousness of its own 
 When discussing meditation and related philosophical systems, one is really 
dealing with a technical language just like in science. Casually we use, say, 
the word 'energy' in certain ways such as 'the strength and vitality required 
for sustained physical or mental activity', but in science it means the 
'ability to do work. Objects can have energy by virtue of their motion (kinetic 
energy), by virtue of their position (potential energy), or by virtue of their 
mass (E = mc²).' This latter is not what most people seem to mean when they say 
someone has a lot of energy. But different systems use language differently, so 
first you have to nail down as best as one can, just what in hell someone is 
trying to say, and that means getting a grasp of how they use those words. 
Unless those words can be reduced to experience, it will never be clear just 
what is going on.
noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Do you experience awareness?  I'm sure you do or you would be residing up on a 
hill with some stone markers or in an urn somewhere.  So tell me how can you 
experience awareness without consciousness?  I think this is an issue of 
semantics.  Does Nisargadatta mean conflate awareness with being?  Being 
theoretically exists without consciousness because it pervades everything and 
is the basis of everything.  Some folks call that being God.  Awareness 
would then be a poor choices of words.  And yes I've read Nisargadatta.
 On 03/19/2015 12:18 PM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 

   Nisargadatta is using the words awareness and consciousness in specific, 
technical ways. In his view consciousness is a sub-property of awareness. 
Awareness is pure being, and consciousness 'emerges' from that. Much in the 
same way M said 'when pure consciousness becomes conscious', or something like 
that anyway. So whatever definition you might have in your head, to read 
Nisargadatta, you need to scope out how he is using the words in his context. 
You have to be conscious to notice awareness, but consciousness is dead without 
awareness, awareness is the essential aspect or property of being. 
Consciousness is the expressed character of awareness. When you become Brahman, 
this is what you experience, you cannot know this before then. In speaking this 
way, dividing experience into such layers, Nisargadatta, like any teacher, is 
getting the student to attempt to enquire more deeply into their own experience 
to see if this is so, or not so. If you see it is so, you do not need to think 
about it any more for your own use, because it is a teaching fiction designed 
to clarify the intellect during enquiry.

Re: [FairfieldLife] 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

You couched it like an academic theory not that it was your experience.

On 03/19/2015 02:07 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I thought I was talking about my experience. A theory will never match 
experience, a theory just makes a verbal or mathematical 
representation for the mind, it represents a step down from 
experience, sometimes a very big step down. It creates a way to 
express experience to another mind, like squeezing an elephant through 
a garden hose, and hoping something comes out the other end.

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

But you are discussing theory not experience.  What if the theory 
doesn't match the experience?

On 03/19/2015 01:38 PM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

I would say awareness experiences what the nervous system is
conscious of; you do not experience awareness, it 'gives' being
to whatever is experienced. This is fine cut gobbledygook in the
use of words. Awareness is not self-reflective, but allows
self-reflectiveness to be experienced. The is no 'you' that
experiences it. But there is a mind that ruminates on it, that
awareness makes 'visible'. You could say it is the consciousness
of consciousness. None of these words really hit the mark.
Awareness is a poor choice of words, if you use those words in a
different sense than Nisargadatta did, if you want to define them
some other way. Now with TM, the words awareness and
consciousness do not seem to be used in the same way that
Nisargadatta did, they are used more loosely, often completely

Here is how a Vedantist uses the word awareness:

'...enlightenment is not a transcendental state, a higher state,
an altered state, the fourth state beyond waking, dream and deep
sleep or any other kind of state. It is simple, unchanging
awareness and cannot be directly experienced as an object as it
is subtler than the mind, the instrument of experience.'


' neither inward-turned nor outward-turned consciousness,
nor both. It is not an undifferentiated mass of consciousness .
It neither knows nor does not know. It is invisible, ineffable,
intangible, devoid of characteristics, inconceivable,
indefinable, its sole essence being the consciousness of its own

When discussing meditation and related philosophical systems, one
is really dealing with a technical language just like in science.
Casually we use, say, the word 'energy' in certain ways such as
'the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or
mental activity', but in science it means the 'ability to do
work. Objects can have energy by virtue of their motion (kinetic
energy), by virtue of their position (potential energy), or by
virtue of their mass (E = mc²).' This latter is not what most
people seem to mean when they say someone has a lot of energy.
But different systems use language differently, so first you have
to nail down as best as one can, just what in hell someone is
trying to say, and that means getting a grasp of how they use
those words. Unless those words can be reduced to experience, it
will never be clear just what is going on.

---In, noozguru@...
mailto:noozguru@... wrote :

Do you experience awareness?  I'm sure you do or you would be
residing up on a hill with some stone markers or in an urn
somewhere.  So tell me how can you experience awareness without
consciousness?  I think this is an issue of semantics.  Does
Nisargadatta mean conflate awareness with being?  Being
theoretically exists without consciousness because it pervades
everything and is the basis of everything.  Some folks call that
being God.  Awareness would then be a poor choices of
words.  And yes I've read Nisargadatta.

On 03/19/2015 12:18 PM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@...
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Nisargadatta is using the words awareness and consciousness
in specific, technical ways. In his view consciousness is a
sub-property of awareness. Awareness is pure being, and
consciousness 'emerges' from that. Much in the same way M
said 'when pure consciousness becomes conscious', or
something like that anyway. So whatever definition you might
have in your head, to read Nisargadatta, you need to scope
out how he is using the words in his context. You have to be
conscious to notice awareness, but consciousness is dead
without awareness, awareness is the essential aspect or
property of being. Consciousness is the expressed character
of awareness. When you become Brahman, this is what you
experience, you cannot know this before then. In speaking
this way, dividing experience 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Bad eclipse karma...

2015-03-19 Thread salyavin808


---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 Total eclipses that I've experience were more like a cloud obscuring the sun.  
Probably perplexing if there was not a cloud in the sky at some location and in 
ancient times.  But after learning tantra I was supposed to spend the eclipse 
time meditating to increase shakti.  Exceptions would be if it wasn't visible 
here which I believe is the case tomorrow.
I'll be on a train at the time and it's supposed to be cloudy in London 
tomorrow so I'll be meditating too. Will report any shakti increases I notice - 
I'd better google it first though just to make sure I'm looking for the right 
thing ;-)
 On 03/19/2015 01:42 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Lucky he didn't get eaten alive.  That's demonstrated in the first few minutes 
of the series Fortitude and why people around the arctic carry rifles and try 
to stay aware from polar bears.

 I bet it ruined his holiday. I wish I'd booked a weekend break in Scotland for 
it, last one I saw was from the roof of the TM academy and no one else was 
interested due to bad influences - standing in a shadow is bad? I asked.
 If you've never had the pleasure it's a really spooky experience. The light 
disappears but not like it does when the sun goes down, it's more like the 
colour is being sucked out of the world and all the birds stop singing, and 
then it gets cold. 
 As it approaches totality you can see the shadow of the moon rushing towards 
you in a straight line, that's when I glanced up and got an idea of the moon as 
a lump of rock, not an intellectual understanding but actually like there's a 
vast ball of heaviness flying about over your head. Far out.
 It's a welcome glimpse at the proper perspective of where we are and what's 
going on that you don't get from just standing on the Earth.
 Let's hope the elite who run the world and are quite a bit superstitious don't 
elect to start a war tomorrow.  They usually favor March for such their 
particular form of madness.

 Yep, spring time is war time..
 On 03/19/2015 12:23 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
 There's some dangerous influences coming from the heavens for North Europeans 
 This poor guy didn't listen to the sages of old and look what happened. Take 
heed of the omens.


 Tourist survives polar bear attack while camping for solar eclipse
 Tourist survives polar bear attack while camping for sol... A tourist camping 
on Svalbard to watch tomorrow’s solar eclipse has been mauled by a polar bear 
as he slept in his tent.

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




Re: [FairfieldLife] 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It is the way I write. Barry was more succinct.

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 You couched it like an academic theory not that it was your experience.
 On 03/19/2015 02:07 PM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 

   I thought I was talking about my experience. A theory will never match 
experience, a theory just makes a verbal or mathematical representation for the 
mind, it represents a step down from experience, sometimes a very big step 
down. It creates a way to express experience to another mind, like squeezing an 
elephant through a garden hose, and hoping something comes out the other end.

noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 But you are discussing theory not experience.  What if the theory doesn't 
match the experience?
 On 03/19/2015 01:38 PM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 

   I would say awareness experiences what the nervous system is conscious of; 
you do not experience awareness, it 'gives' being to whatever is experienced. 
This is fine cut gobbledygook in the use of words. Awareness is not 
self-reflective, but allows self-reflectiveness to be experienced. The is no 
'you' that experiences it. But there is a mind that ruminates on it, that 
awareness makes 'visible'. You could say it is the consciousness of 
consciousness. None of these words really hit the mark. Awareness is a poor 
choice of words, if you use those words in a different sense than Nisargadatta 
did, if you want to define them some other way. Now with TM, the words 
awareness and consciousness do not seem to be used in the same way that 
Nisargadatta did, they are used more loosely, often completely equivalent.
 Here is how a Vedantist uses the word awareness:
 '...enlightenment is not a transcendental state, a higher state, an altered 
state, the fourth state beyond waking, dream and deep sleep or any other kind 
of state. It is simple, unchanging awareness and cannot be directly experienced 
as an object as it is subtler than the mind, the instrument of experience.'
 ' neither inward-turned nor outward-turned consciousness, nor both. It is 
not an undifferentiated mass of consciousness . It neither knows nor does not 
know. It is invisible, ineffable, intangible, devoid of characteristics, 
inconceivable, indefinable, its sole essence being the consciousness of its own 
 When discussing meditation and related philosophical systems, one is really 
dealing with a technical language just like in science. Casually we use, say, 
the word 'energy' in certain ways such as 'the strength and vitality required 
for sustained physical or mental activity', but in science it means the 
'ability to do work. Objects can have energy by virtue of their motion (kinetic 
energy), by virtue of their position (potential energy), or by virtue of their 
mass (E = mc²).' This latter is not what most people seem to mean when they say 
someone has a lot of energy. But different systems use language differently, so 
first you have to nail down as best as one can, just what in hell someone is 
trying to say, and that means getting a grasp of how they use those words. 
Unless those words can be reduced to experience, it will never be clear just 
what is going on.
noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Do you experience awareness?  I'm sure you do or you would be residing up on a 
hill with some stone markers or in an urn somewhere.  So tell me how can you 
experience awareness without consciousness?  I think this is an issue of 
semantics.  Does Nisargadatta mean conflate awareness with being?  Being 
theoretically exists without consciousness because it pervades everything and 
is the basis of everything.  Some folks call that being God.  Awareness 
would then be a poor choices of words.  And yes I've read Nisargadatta.
 On 03/19/2015 12:18 PM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 

   Nisargadatta is using the words awareness and consciousness in specific, 
technical ways. In his view consciousness is a sub-property of awareness. 
Awareness is pure being, and consciousness 'emerges' from that. Much in the 
same way M said 'when pure consciousness becomes conscious', or something like 
that anyway. So whatever definition you might have in your head, to read 
Nisargadatta, you need to scope out how he is using the words in his context. 
You have to be conscious to notice awareness, but consciousness is dead without 
awareness, awareness is the essential aspect or property of being. 
Consciousness is the expressed character of awareness. When you become Brahman, 
this is what you experience, you cannot know this before then. In speaking this 
way, dividing experience into such layers, Nisargadatta, like any teacher, is 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 37 words

2015-03-19 Thread Duveyoung
 but awareness is beyond all -- being as well as not-being. Nisargadatta
 The scriptures say so, but I know nothing about it. I know myself as I am; as 
I appeared or will appear is not within my experience. It is not that I do not 
remember. In fact there is nothing to remember. Reincarnation implies a 
reincarnating self. There is no such thing. The bundle of memories and hopes, 
called the 'I', imagines itself existing everlastingly and creates time to 
accommodate its false eternity: To be, I need no past or future. All experience 
is born of imagination; I do not imagine, so no birth or death happens to me. 
Only those who think themselves born can think themselves re-born. You are 
accusing me of having been born -- I plead not guilty!
 By its very nature the mind is outward turned; it always tends to seek for 
the source of things among the things themselves; to be told to look for the 
source within, is, in a way, the beginning of a new life. Awareness takes the 
place of consciousness; in consciousness there is the 'I', who is conscious 
while awareness is undivided; awareness is aware of itself. The 'I am' is a 
thought, while awareness is not a thought, there is no 'I am aware' in 
awareness. Consciousness is an attribute while awareness is not; one can be 
aware of being conscious, but not conscious of awareness. God is the totality 
of consciousness, but awareness is beyond all -- being as well as not-being.

Re: [FairfieldLife] For you film buffs out there: 2001 in 70 mm

2015-03-19 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I saw 2001 in 1968 at the Cinerama is Seattle. The print may have been 
70mm not the three strip Cinerama.  But I'm not a big fan of the film as 
it seemed a bit stiff and cold.

Speaking of Seattle I got a kick out of iZombie because it is set in 
Seattle.  The TV station in the pilot episode is a real TV station and 
probably now the CW affiliate. But back in the day it was just an 
independent TV station and the jazz trio I was in played as house band 
on a weekly TV show there.  That was the show that two weeks after I 
learned TM had Jerry Jarvis as a guest.  We also had a number of famous 
Hollywood folks as guests including Jackie Coogan who was fun to chat with.

On 03/18/2015 10:52 PM, ultrarishi wrote:

This has absolutely nothing to do with any topic of late, but I am 
such a huge fan of film, 70mm film and 2001: a space odyssey.  Now you 
know our plans for the weekend. BTW, they've sold out 4 performances 
and most like the 5th by the time the weekend is here.

Films of Future Past


Films of Future Past 

With 2001: A Space Odyssey, the Hollywood Theatre brings 70mm back to 

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Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ever decreasing circles

2015-03-19 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Sorry to hear about your friend.  Here in the SF Bay Area we seem to be 
having those kinds of train deaths daily now.  Must be a lot of 
depressed people out there. The cost of living keeps getting higher and 
we hear about the impending doom of the drought, possibly the worst in 
recorded history and people just don't know what to do.  Oldsters are 
shut out of making a living regardless of their experience.  And Dubya 
once said we were supposed work until we dropped dead.  Even then I 
shouted at what?

One of the reasons I got to Starbucks over a locally owned place is I 
know the staff at the downtown one.  There's one woman who has been 
there since it opened and when I wondered why she wasn't made manager 
was told she didn't want the job though she is the most experienced 
there.  We've had some bad managers come through there too.

On 03/18/2015 05:46 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

In my local Starbucks this evening I asked one of the staff where one 
of the regular customers had gone. Peter - a Scot who was there almost 
every night - was always very boisterous and friendly so his absence 
was noticeable. I was expecting to be told that he had decided to move 
back to Edinburgh. Instead I learned that he'd killed himself by 
throwing himself in front of a train at Ealing Broadway station (right 
next door to the Starbucks). Naturally enough I was thunderstruck. You 
then start to think if you had been as welcoming to him as maybe you 
should have been. We all owe each other a certain acknowledgment and 
respect and I was thinking back to my own nodded greetings and 
occasional exchanges with Peter and judging that perhaps I'd fallen 
short of giving him his due. R.I.P.

Anyway, there was a staff member I'd noticed who always struck me as 
being a bright young chap. I thought that maybe he was one of those 
over-qualified graduates one reads about who are so desperate for work 
experience that cleaning up at a coffee shop has people queuing up 
around the block whenever a vacancy arises. Tonight I'd been sitting 
there reading Sam Harris's Waking Up (many thanks to those FFLifers 
who recommended the title - I'd probably not have bought it without 
your thumbs up). This staffer said to me that it seemed an interesting 
topic - Spirituality without Religion. What was it about? So I 
summed it up by saying that Sam Harris was hostile to religion - and I 
meanreally hostile - but he approved of meditation and wanted to 
encourage its use while ditching all the metaphysical baggage. My 
staffer then responded by saying that he never read books. I tell you 
that his reply was more shocking to me than the news of Peter's 
suicide. It really hit me that someone who never reads books must have 
an overall view of life utterly remote from my own. How can an 
obviously bright and personable young man have gone through our 
educational system and ended up deciding that books have nothing 
worthwhile for him? Imagine what it must be like to have your 
worldview formed by television, the internet and your friends' chat. 
What a confined space you must live in.

Re: [FairfieldLife] For you film buffs out there: 2001 in 70 mm

2015-03-19 Thread salyavin808


---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 I saw 2001 in 1968 at the Cinerama is Seattle. The print may have been 70mm 
not the three strip Cinerama.  But I'm not a big fan of the film as it seemed a 
bit stiff and cold.

 Ah, that's the Kubrick trademark. I like it as it gives a weirdly disconnected 
and unemotional look to a film, like either him or me is autistic. Unique if 
nothing else.

 I know it's a trivial part of a sci-fi film but the special effects in that 
film haven't been bettered. In fact it looks better than any CGI monstrosity 
you get these days. There isn't the same sense of spectacle going to see a 
movie now as you know everything is done on a computer. 

 But then I know someone who does animation the hard way and they did a bit in 
a Harry Potter film. It took months of hard slog and when I saw the 1 minute 
piece I thought it was a computer aided sketch. She was most unimpressed. Go 
 Speaking of Seattle I got a kick out of iZombie because it is set in 
Seattle.  The TV station in the pilot episode is a real TV station and probably 
now the CW affiliate. But back in the day it was just an independent TV station 
and the jazz trio I was in played as house band on a weekly TV show there.  
That was the show that two weeks after I learned TM had Jerry Jarvis as a 
guest.  We also had a number of famous Hollywood folks as guests including 
Jackie Coogan who was fun to chat with.
 On 03/18/2015 10:52 PM, ultrarishi wrote:
   This has absolutely nothing to do with any topic of late, but I am such a 
huge fan of film, 70mm film and 2001: a space odyssey.  Now you know our plans 
for the weekend.  BTW, they've sold out 4 performances and most like the 5th by 
the time the weekend is here.
 Films of Future Past
 Films of Future Past With 2001: A Space Odyssey, the Hollywood Theatre brings 
70mm back to Portland.

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 ---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Anyway, I suspect he'll try to keep this up for a while, because it's getting 
him what he really wants, which is attention.

 Whoever they are they are certainly bitter and twisted and clearly 
dysfunctional enough to be a long term TMer...

So, you once lived at a TM Center for what, 12 years - until they kicked you 
out, and so now you're bitter and twisted and dysfunctional as a long term 
TMer. Can you spell cognitive dissonance?


 Already done. The way I figure it, these guys' (Steve, Richard, and now Ak_Ak) 
fantasies must revolve around ruining my day by revealing deep, dark truths 
about me that I don't want revealed, the way Judy's used to. At least, that's 
the way it seems to play out in their minds. In the real world, back when I 
actually bothered to read their crap, the most their posts ever provoked in me 
was laughter (at them, not because they're comic geniuses or anything) and 
occasional feelings of pity. But that got old real fast and was an obvious 
waste of time, so I figured why bother. So they're all -- including Jim/Ak_Ak 
-- auto-consigned to the dumpster now. 


 But this brings up a question. Steve's and Richard's posts have gone straight 
to the crapper (like attracts like) for over a year now, but they still post 
about me compulsively, several times a week, and in Richard's case every day (I 
can tell this from a 10-second scan of Neo, without having to actually read any 
post they write.) Now Ak_Ak will be joining them in that great cosmic 
porta-potty in the sky, and no doubt he will keep compulsively posting about 
me, too. 


 The question is, WHY? Who do they think their audience is, except each other?


 I think we're agreed that they're cultists who are acting out the cult 
mentality here, but I really DO wonder who they perceive the *audience* for 
their cult apologetics and character assassination to be. There is a 
psychological study in this. If anyone could stand to be around these guys long 
enough to study them, that is.  :-)

 I don't get it either. Maybe they see it as a victory over someone even though 
it doesn't get a response. Maybe they imagine a vast army of lurkers out there 
who they think must feel like they do and they then bask in the non-existent 
applause at every hit.

 Feeling good about themselves, that's what it's all about. A little brush-up 
for the ego. Odd way to carry on though, wasting all that time. The interweb is 
full of people like that, trolling along while their life ticks away, maybe 
they've got no imagination for anything else - they certainly don't display any 
in their posts.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Trickster Guru

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you 
start a religion. - L. Ron Hubbard

L. Ron Hubbard - Wikiquote 
 L. Ron Hubbard - Wikiquote There 
are conditions worse than being unable to see, and that is imagining one sees. 
Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (13 March 1911 – 24 January 1986) was a...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Alan Watts on How to Fake Your Way as a Spiritual Teacher
 Alan Watts on How to Fake Your Way as a Spiritual Teacher
 The Trickster Guru by Alan Watts

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo



[FairfieldLife] Re: Ever decreasing circles

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
God rest his soul.  I am sorry; suicide hits hard; harder when close to home.  
One cannot truly know what another's internal world is like, if they don't want 
you to know.  We are all actors.   

 Thank you for reminding me to put that book on my list.  The list is so long.  
I didn't read for several years when I was raising kids and working full time.  
Too exhausted at night and free time was spent engaging with friends and 
family.  There are a million worthy things one can do that don't involve 
reading.  One has to love it or it isn't a priority. I know many who simply 
aren't good readers; it doesn't do for them what it does for me.  I learn best 
through words on paper, for example.  Some learn more visually, through images 
on a screen.  I missed it, though, for sure.  I prefer reading to almost any 
other activity.  

---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 In my local Starbucks this evening I asked one of the staff where one of the 
regular customers had gone. Peter - a Scot who was there almost every night - 
was always very boisterous and friendly so his absence was noticeable. I was 
expecting to be told that he had decided to move back to Edinburgh. Instead I 
learned that he'd killed himself by throwing himself in front of a train at 
Ealing Broadway station (right next door to the Starbucks). Naturally enough I 
was thunderstruck. You then start to think if you had been as welcoming to him 
as maybe you should have been. We all owe each other a certain acknowledgment 
and respect and I was thinking back to my own nodded greetings and occasional 
exchanges with Peter and judging that perhaps I'd fallen short of giving him 
his due. R.I.P.
 Anyway, there was a staff member I'd noticed who always struck me as being a 
bright young chap. I thought that maybe he was one of those over-qualified 
graduates one reads about who are so desperate for work experience that 
cleaning up at a coffee shop has people queuing up around the block whenever a 
vacancy arises. Tonight I'd been sitting there reading Sam Harris's Waking Up 
(many thanks to those FFLifers who recommended the title - I'd probably not 
have bought it without your thumbs up). This staffer said to me that it seemed 
an interesting topic - Spirituality without Religion. What was it about? So I 
summed it up by saying that Sam Harris was hostile to religion - and I mean 
really hostile - but he approved of meditation and wanted to encourage its use 
while ditching all the metaphysical baggage. My staffer then responded by 
saying that he never read books. I tell you that his reply was more shocking to 
me than the news of Peter's suicide. It really hit me that someone who never 
reads books must have an overall view of life utterly remote from my own. How 
can an obviously bright and personable young man have gone through our 
educational system and ended up deciding that books have nothing worthwhile for 
him? Imagine what it must be like to have your worldview formed by television, 
the internet and your friends' chat. What a confined space you must live in.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 So, you've posted Jim's real name and reported him to the cops. Thanks for 
dispelling any doubt that you're an informant. That's enough to cause anyone to 
leave the group. Some people will stoop to almost any level in order to win a 
religious debate, down to and including outing someone and calling the cops on 
them. Go figure.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Two points, Dougie-Wougie:

 1. Jimbo didn't leave FFL on moral grounds. He ran away when I sicced the 
cops on him for the crimes of slander and Internet stalking.

Non sequitur.


 2. I've always thought that Jim's experiences smelled more like number two 
than number one, but you're entitled to your opinion.  

Non sequitur.



 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 5:01 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
 Dear ReVerseArrow; tonite they are giving Maharishi Awards in celebration to 
distinguished citizens of the larger community at the Spring Celebration on 
campus. I have a couple of friends in the community who are receiving Maharishi 
Awards tonite.
 I should think that you are deserving too of such recognition given both the 
breadth of your advanced state of 'number one' spiritual experience and your 
easy ability to speak and write to it by contrast of so much speculation that 
gets written on FFL. Yet, not only your resilience here in the coarse and 
malignant crossfire of FFL but yours as a straight arrow on target here amidsts 
the residual of FFL deserves recognition at the level of a Maharishi Award.
 Thank you. I appreciate your participation when it comes here. It seems always 
clarifying. I do feel the disrespect of a pernicious unkindness by the few that 
has overtaken FFL as that you endured here on Rick's list forcing you even to 
leave FFL on moral ground was reprehensible and Rick should have given you much 
more protection from it. But a recognition of your longer contribution to what 
was FFL should not go without acknowledgment. Thank you for your service.
 JaiGuruYou, -Buck in Fairfield



---In, reverse_archery@... wrote :

 Hi Barry, Jim Flanegin here. I appreciate your ability to fantasize (as 
usual), though this post wasn't from me. I have said before I have no desire to 
interact with you, *ever again*, and I meant it.  

 Have a nice day.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Sounds to me as if Jim Flanegin, concerned that the number of posts made each 
day in the last week on The_Leak is less than half of the number of registered 
members, and that the only reason the number of people actually making these 
posts is greater than 8 this week is that Rick posted a couple of times, 
suddenly realizes that he is not getting nearly the amount of attention he 

So he reads FFL and realizes that once again Barry is making valid points of 
criticism about Maharishi and the TM movement that none of the TM supporters 
there can refute. Of course a couple of die-hard cultists have piled on to him 
to try to demonize him so that lurkers don't pay attention to the fact that 
what he's saying is fact, but that doesn't seem to be working. Horrors. 

So Jimbo realizes he has to come to the rescue. Because *he* can't refute the 
facts that Barry's been posting either (because...duh...they're facts), the 
only thing he can do is make up slander about Barry, the way he used to before 
he ran away from FFL with his tail between his legs. But, he realizes, he can't 
even do *that* any more because everyone will know it's him, and will know that 
even *he* is so bored with the trivial mind-pablum that passes for discussion 
on The_Leak that he has to come back to FFL to get his 
throw-some-nastiness-around fix. 

Jimbo realizes that to pull this off he's going to have to create a new ID, and 
spends 15 whole minutes trying to decide whether to make this one male or 
female. Finally, deciding that he *still* hasn't gotten over the embarrassment 
of pretending to be a woman called enlightened_dawn11 for months, he decides on 
the name ak_ak, because that's the sound his throat makes involuntarily every 
time he realizes that someone's getting more attention than he is. He adds a 
random number to the end of ak_ak and lets fly, making up stuff he imagines 
about Barry's day. 

Then, spent, he goes back to *his* day, which consists of sitting in front of 
his computer, staring at the screen, clicking Return every 30 seconds, saying, 
Why hasn't anyone said anything about me yet? 

Meanwhile, Barry dashes off this post in a couple of minutes to make him feel 
better, because someone finally has.  :-)  :-)  :-)

 From: ak_ak_0828
 Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 11:41 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's 

Re: [FairfieldLife] My first rock concert

2015-03-19 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
In high school I was not a rock fan and only played it for the money.  
My choice was jazz concerts and saw Dave Brubeck in 1962 in Seattle and 
later that summer Errol Garner at the World's Fair (a record was 
released of that concert).  In my senior year saw Brubeck once again and 
helped Joe Morello pack up his drums.  Then the local liberal arts 
college had Duke Ellington in for a concert.  Afterwards the band played 
for a dance and the drummer, Sam Woodyard, tried to get me to sit in. 
I've always kicked myself that I didn't.

My first rock concert was with some of my fellow music students in my 
freshman year at the University of Washington.  It was mainly a concert 
of regional bubble gum bands with Paul Revere and the Raiders 
headlining.  Then that fall I went to a concert where the headliner was 
the Beach Boys but that was to scope out the scene since I was playing 
in a rock group.

From then on I got paid to attend rock concerts as the band played in 
them.  Of course met a lot of famous rock folks of the day. One of the 
weirder rock concerts was a pop concert at the Seattle Aqua Theater 
where the preceding act was Glenn Campbell (just him and his guitar) and 
the emcees were Sonny and Cher.

On 03/18/2015 06:09 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

The first rock concert I went to was to see Free when their hit All 
Right Now topped the charts. So it is a sign of how long ago that was 
that I learn that bassist Andy Fraser, who co-wrote Free's hit, has 
died in California aged 62. The musician died on Monday and he had 
been fighting cancer and Aids, according to an official statement 
regarding his death. The song itself still stands the test of time . . .

Re: [FairfieldLife] For you film buffs out there: 2001 in 70 mm

2015-03-19 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 03/19/2015 09:27 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

I saw 2001 in 1968 at the Cinerama is Seattle. The print may have been 
70mm not the three strip Cinerama.  But I'm not a big fan of the film 
as it seemed a bit stiff and cold.

Ah, that's the Kubrick trademark. I like it as it gives a weirdly 
disconnected and unemotional look to a film, like either him or me is 
autistic. Unique if nothing else.

I know it's a trivial part of a sci-fi film but the special effects in 
that film haven't been bettered. In fact it looks better than any CGI 
monstrosity you get these days. There isn't the same sense of 
spectacle going to see a movie now as you know everything is done on a 

Back in the mid-1990s I was on the steering committee of a consortium 
called Skills Net.  It was a consortium of Hollywood and Silicon 
Valley trying to figure out how to get colleges to graduate more 
computer artists.  The Warner Brothers rep said he could only find two 
qualified graduates for that year in the whole US.  Much of CGI was 
outsourced to other countries and the FOX rep talked about their 
experiences outsourcing to Korea and getting back an animation of Homer 
Simpson running backwards.

I asked our artists why there weren't more artists going into CGI for 
film and they told me it was boring and not creative at all.  So 
basically what the industry needed to do was hired draftsmen.

But then I know someone who does animation the hard way and they did a 
bit in a Harry Potter film. It took months of hard slog and when I saw 
the 1 minute piece I thought it was a computer aided sketch. She was 
most unimpressed. Go figure..

Speaking of Seattle I got a kick out of iZombie because it is set in 
Seattle.  The TV station in the pilot episode is a real TV station and 
probably now the CW affiliate. But back in the day it was just an 
independent TV station and the jazz trio I was in played as house band 
on a weekly TV show there.  That was the show that two weeks after I 
learned TM had Jerry Jarvis as a guest.  We also had a number of 
famous Hollywood folks as guests including Jackie Coogan who was fun 
to chat with.

On 03/18/2015 10:52 PM, ultrarishi wrote:

This has absolutely nothing to do with any topic of late, but I am 
such a huge fan of film, 70mm film and 2001: a space odyssey.  Now 
you know our plans for the weekend. BTW, they've sold out 4 
performances and most like the 5th by the time the weekend is here.

Films of Future Past


Films of Future Past 

With 2001: A Space Odyssey, the Hollywood Theatre brings 70mm back to 

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Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world

2015-03-19 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 1:49 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
    Well, honestly, I find this rather fascinating, and really, hoping I can 
learn something from it.
This notion that if people are challenged in an unreasonable way it can turn 
into a teaching moment
On the other hand, maybe you have a point, and really I am not trying to be 
duplicitous here, but,
 would it be analogous to say, what the nazis did to prisoners, in terms of 
experiments like subjecting people to extreme heat, or extreme cold, or other 
tortureous experiments in the name of research.
The results of those experiments were useful to science.  Honestly, they were.
So, is it along those lines?
Or I guess, you mean something milder like just misrepresenting someone, (short 
of legal slander, I presume) just see how they respond?
I would think you'd have a better idea of a person's inner quality by engaging 
in a more civil conversation which often will have its own edginess.
Most beings - animals, humans, creatures typically don't respond well to being 
wronged, or hurt physically.
Even animals can be subjected to a sort of misrepresentation.  Typically that 
falls under the category of cruelty to animals
I guess I just find this statement of yours, which you've repeated often, 

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

The Peak has had a few good conversations, but it is pretty sappy most of the 
time. When people are challenged, often in an unreasonable way, an unfair way, 
you get to see their real psychology come forth, and get a better sense of 
their level of knowledge and how they express it. When everything is nicey 
nicey, that knowledge stays hidden, so you cannot tell if it is there or not.

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