[FairfieldLife] Re: Becoming in Tune with One's Teacher's Thinking

2006-08-26 Thread chaim_laib
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> . At Poland Spring, he said ³right now I¹m saying one things
> and 1,000 things are being heard.² (referring to the number of
people in the
> audience.) ³Eventually you¹ll all hear the same thing.² (Meaning we
all will
> have attuned ourselves to his thinking.)

You have quite the memory. I was at Poland Spring also and do not
remember that. How did you dredge that out of the memory banks?!

The main thing I remember about Poland Spring, besides how much hair
everyone had, was Maharishi kept calling us Knowers of Reality, and I
could not beileve I was going to be a Knower of Reality.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Becoming in Tune with One's Teacher's Thinking

2006-08-26 Thread chaim_laib
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I *never* encountered any
> teaching in the TM context about "blind devotion
> to one's teacher" or "becoming in tune with one's
> teacher's thinking" as "the quintessence of spiritual
> practice."

Although Maharishi may not have ever said this explicitly-I want you,
my followers, to become in tune with my thinking-he certainly
requested this, no, demanded it in every way. If you did not do what
he said, when he said, you were out, All things are done his way or
it's the highway. After enough of this, you learn to do exactly what
you are told to do. 

Also, and perhaps more to the point, how many dozens of times did I/we
hear the story, either directly from Maharishi, or on the taped story,
or rehashed/recounted by Bevan, et. al, of how Maharishi put himself
in tune with Guru Dev and in his innocent, Trotakacharya-like
self-atunement with his Guru Dev, his own consciousness merged with
Guru Dev's/Universal C'ness.

This was told over and over and many Westnerns took this to mean that
if they want to rise to the heights of enlightenment they need to do
the same. People will tell you this in nearly plain English by
(selectively) following things Maharishi has said and parroting back,
"Maharishi said"

I know for myself, many years after the fact, I still have that little
voice looking over my shoulder for everything. It's hard to remove it.

Many of the so-called TBers have carried this self-atunement to the
letter and many also look unhealthy and have strained in thei lives
for years. Far be it from me to critidize for this but I couldn't keep
it up. 


> OK, Barry does say these people are "close followers."
> Perhaps he means TM teachers, who may have received
> the teaching he describes while the rank-and-filers
> did not?
> But who on this forum is a TM teacher and a TB?  I
> can't think of anybody offhand.
> > It's *Maharishi* who has the hangup about "loyalty," 
> > and who views anyone who isn't completely "faithful" 
> > to him forever as weak and a failure, or an actual
> > enemy. It's *Maharishi's* mindset we see in the words 
> > of the TBs, spoken by people who don't even know that 
> > the mindset they're expressing is not their own.
> >
> > And interestingly, I think the reason Maharishi feels 
> > this way is that he's doing the same thing the TBs on 
> > FFL and elsewhere in the TMO are doing, projecting
> > his own internal dis-ease outwards. 
> > 
> > IMO Maharishi feels "betrayed" by those who don't do 
> > everything he says because *he* didn't do what Guru 
> > Dev told him to do. He was told to go off and 
> > meditate, and *not* to teach, and he did the opposite. 
> > I honestly think that inwardly he feels that he 
> > betrayed his teacher, and that these feelings come 
> > to the surface for him whenever someone "betrays" 
> > him by not doing exactly what *he* tells them to do. 
> Just one other point: A "hangup about loyalty" is
> common in many, many groups, spiritual or otherwise.
> It's particularly common in politics (see the general
> condemnation of Joe Lieberman among Democrats, just
> for one example).
> So the "hangup about loyalty" mindset that the
> mysterious teacher-TBs on this forum manifest,
> according to Barry, need not have been acquired from
> MMY; they could have encountered and absorbed it in
> any group they had worked with.
> It's certainly rife among many of the other followers
> of Guru Dev; just think of the abuse that's been
> heaped on MMY for going his own way (including the
> story Barry cites of Guru Dev having told MMY not to
> teach).
> So if Barry's insight is sound, we'd have to assume
> *Guru Dev* fostered those loyalty hangups as well,
> and that Guru Dev did so because he felt guilty 
> about betraying his own teacher.

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[FairfieldLife] Sound Therapy

2006-08-23 Thread chaim_laib
Hello People

Does anyone here have experience with these people?


Thank you,

Chaim L. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Question on suitability of experiences

2006-08-21 Thread chaim_laib
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> on 8/21/06 4:41 PM, curtisdeltablues at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> > I would be very interested to hear accounts of people telling
MMY they
> >> > were living in higher states of consciousness.  Does MMY claim that
> >> > King Tony is enlightened?
> > 
> Pretty much. He said he investigated and found that every cell in
his body
> was permeated with Pure Consciousness. I welcome a more accurate
> of that quote. That¹s my recollection.

A couple of immediate thoughts on the above.

1) Isn't the basis of all relative reality Pure Concsiousness, so, in
effect every cell of everyone's body is permated with Pure Consciousness?

2) When a man in (supposed) UC or BC, investigates anything, is it
possible to see anything as other than Pure Consciousness?


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[FairfieldLife] Finally-someone said something / Kudos to Doug Hamilton

2006-08-20 Thread chaim_laib

Thank you S much for saying this.

This group, FFLife, is essentially nearly meaningles.

A few people have come over from alt.med.transcendental and have
clogged it with hundreds of worthless posts on a daily basis, nearly
none of which have anything at all to do with either Fairfield, TM,
consciousness, or anything related. That is not to put the blame
totally on them, but a lot of it is them. I won't mention names. You
can view the list of names either on the website or in your email boxes.

Some of what is posted here is consciousness/TM related.  But most of
it is completely inane and pointless on this forum.

I have often wished I could simply delete this entire group and let it
start over and to limit the conversation to meaningful FFLIfe materal.
And to limit the seeming worthless drivel that some, like sparaig,
contribute here. It's a constant barrage of one line emails, sometimes
as many as 30 in a row.  Maybe he does have some good things to say,
but he says so many things that eventually he gets ignored by most
people lurking. 

IMO, it would be better to have far fewer posts, like hundreds less,
and have the posts that are made be meaningful. We used to have a
couple of handfuls or so of posts per day and the content was limited.
It was much more meaningful. 

Yes, I know Judy, in particular, will have sa lot to say about this.

But for those people who have posted here and been members years ago,
will know exactly what is meant.

Thanks for saying this Doug, GREATLY appreciated.


Nearly every single worthwhile poster has fled the group, and 

I have lurked on this site for years, and have seen ti

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"
> Did i miss something? Ah, what the hell does the Jonbenet murder 
> have to do with FFL?
> May be that point here comes close to FF or FFL, about habeaus 
> corpus.  An editor of a FF newspaper then (19th century) was 
> arrested, sent off to prison in the DC area and NY and later 
> released in that late civil disturbence of the rebellion.  The guy 
> probably deserved it. Lincoln was wise in that and skated a line.  
> Liberty and Union afterall.
> But really, what does the Jonbenet murder have to do with FF and 
> FFL?  A little more explicit intellectual work and writing on the 
> part of posters?  Are there other groups for this other stuff?
> Rick Archer seems too damn permissive and liberal as owner and 
> moderator of FFL and should kick some of these imposters off of FFL 
> for flooding it with such unrelated to FFL shit.  Flex some muscle 
> Rick and make these imposters at least take the time to relate this 
> stuff to FF or FFL and not just let some presumed connection as 
> license for , or else give them the hank.  Without some self-control 
> or better self-editing, then drop a few people for not following the 
> the FFL guidelines.  Amusing too so many do not live here in FF or 
> even meditate who fill this place up with unrelated stuff.
> -D ub FF

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[FairfieldLife] Re: : "All applicants come NOW."--Maharishi /& Guidelines?

2006-08-20 Thread chaim_laib

 "Congress has put some other limits on the government's use of the
number. Most government agencies can ask for the number, but usually
only on a voluntary basis, and they're supposed to tell you when it's
voluntary. Only a few agencies can demand the number outright, most
notably the Internal Revenue Service.

The private sector, on the other hand, is free to demand the Social
Security number, whenever it wants do; a situation that sometimes
leads to a test of wills with customers"

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"
> >
> > Would you trust these people with your social security number?
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer  wrote:
> > > 
> > > "If the course office announces that their new policy is to ask 
> > > people to agree to do nothing other than Maharishi's techniques in 
> > > the dome, and that they won't concern themselves with anything 
> > >other 
> > > than that, I'll consider applying." 
> > 
> > Rick, of course the 'guidelines' are in the crux of the community 
> > problem here.  But also is that 'trust issue'.  I considered 
> > applying to get back in to the domes for group program and see that 
> > they wanted my soc. security number and a lot of personal 
> > information to apply.  
> > 
> > Are these people who you could trust with personal identification 
> > information?  After reading the Kaplan threads here recently i don't 
> > think so.  All the media is filled with warnings of scam and types 
> > of identity thefts.  Should i trust the TMorg with personal 
> > identification information anymore?  Look what they did to Earl.
> > 
> While it used to be (and may still be) illegal to request social
security numbers for ID 
> purposes, I don't think it was identity theft that stung Earl Kaplan.
> Sounds to me like someone needs to find excuses not to apply...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: : "All applicants come NOW."--Maharishi /& Guidelines?

2006-08-20 Thread chaim_laib
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, kenwoodfx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mistakes you make, wrong words, wrong thinking. Just come in your
pure source, and all the impurities will simply go away. Just then you
will be more happy and better in every way. Still there is time for that.


The way you come across, though seemingly sweet, nice, concerned,
parental, is also sanctimonious, better-than, I have the answer and
you people are fallen creatures-however you want to word it. It is not

There are and have been many people who have given up many, many 
years of their adult lives livng life the TM/Maharishi way, and who
found that the intended result you speak of was not happening in their
lives and the longer they stayed invoved the worse their lives got. 

I'm sure you, and others, will have the party line answer for this
(unstressing). Give us credit for being adults and able to make up our
own minds based on our own experience in life.

Chaim Laib

> Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
>  --- kenwoodfx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > If someone is rejected, there is a reason for that,
>  > but that is not a reason for not coming in the Dome
>  > in this important time in world history.
>  > People who wants to do good will not think like
>  > that.
>  > Everyone who is invited is invited with good reason,
>  > and should come and do good for the world, not
>  > thinking about what small ego says, being afraid for
>  > his existence.
>  Ken ,you mood making twit. Do you have an original
>  thought. Seems like you lost your balls a long time
>  ago. How's your yoni? MMY has been beating this silly
>  drum for decades (are you new canon fodder or
>  something?). Next you'll be telling us that the
>  pundits will come if we just squeeze our butt checks
>  together hard enough. Ahh. Wonderful rajasic outburst
>  for the day! I can't stand these mood-making, Capital
>  fops that have ruined the movement with there
>  sing-songy little girl voices wearing their light tan
>  suits and so terrified of aggression or asserting an
>  original thought. The greatest irony is that you are
>  MMY's curse and you don't even know it. 
>  __
>  Do You Yahoo!?
>  Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
>  http://mail.yahoo.com 
> -
> Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: : "All applicants come NOW."--Maharishi /& Guidelines?

2006-08-19 Thread chaim_laib
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, kenwoodfx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If someone is rejected, there is a reason for that, but that is not
a reason for not coming in the Dome in this important time in world
> People who wants to do good will not think like that.
> Everyone who is invited is invited with good reason, and should come
and do good for the world, not thinking about what small ego says,
being afraid for his existence.

That is pure double-talk. You must be a robot.

 chaim_laib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
This is not the right venue to post your nice thought. It should be
>  going over to the Capital of the Age of Enlightenment-they are the
>  ones who are doing the rejecting.
>  Your attitude is the very one people complain about---"we're the great
>  ones" except when we reject and ban all those who follow their own
>  personal nature.
>  Chaim L.
>  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, kenwoodfx  wrote:
>  >
>  > Do not listen these little voices thinking on who`s winning or who`s
>  loosing.
>  > Everyone is winning when more and more people come to fly together
>  in the Dome.
>  > This is time for open heart and mind for everyone, this is time for
>  togetherness, friendliness and broad and universal vision.
>  > The world is asking us to do the most possible for the world peace.
>  > We are those who know that, and we will do the best with our
>  knowledge which we got from our Master and our Holy Tradition.
>  > Come everyone, and let us do the best what we can for our world.
>  > 
>  > Rick Archer  wrote:
>  on 8/19/06 12:44 PM, chaim_laib at chaim_laib@ wrote:
>  >  
>  >  
>  > 
>  >  > Rick
>  >  > 
>  >  > Why would you even bother at this point? It would seem like a
>  victory,
>  >  > for the Capital, and one they could use to their benefit,
"See, Rick
>  >  > Archer agreed to do things out way" kinda thing. It would
>  >  > get lots of tongues wagging. You could be the representative
>  >  > of the Prodigal Son."  
>  >  > 
>  >  > You've made personal choices in your life, you are doing a
>  >  > that works for you. If acquiescing would work for you, so be
it, but
>  >  > wouldn't it mean no longer using the mantra you received from
>  Amma and
>  >  > going back to your TM mantra? 
>  >  > 
>  >  > You don't think your two hours (or however much time) per day
in your
>  >  > program is contributing (if one believes this line of thought)
to the
>  >  > overall grand scheme of world peace?
>  >  > 
>  >  > "To thine own self be true." 
>  >  > -W. Shakespeare
>  >  > 
>  >  > "Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay
>  >  > centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the
>  >  > -Chuang Tsu
>  >  
>  >  I concur with what you said, and thanks for the nice quotes. I was
>  presenting a hypothetical scenario, which will actualize when pigs
>  fly, in which the course office would decide not to concern themselves
>  with people's lives any longer. So if that happened and I did end up
>  going I don't think people would see it as a victory for the old way
>  of doing things. But as you say, I enjoy my practice as it is, so it
>  ain't gonna happen. 
>  >  
>  >
>  > 
>  > 
>  > -
>  > Do you Yahoo!?
>  >  Everyone is raving about the  all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.
>  >
> -
> Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. 
Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Aug 15 - A day of victory - Letter from Raja John Konhaus

2006-08-19 Thread chaim_laib
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nablus108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > 
> > > We are still TM-teachers.
> > >
> > 
> > No, we're not.
> > 
> > JohnY
> Of course we are. We are just temporarily not allowed to teach with 
> the new prices.

I disagree. We can, as *freedom loving Americans,* do anything we
want. We might not be able to call it Transcendental Meditation, but
we can teach it. Mike Scozzari, in Florida, is now teaching what is
called Transcendental Stress Management-this is how he legally settled
with the TM organization. Paul Brown, is and has been teaching lots of
people TM. I'm not sure what he is calling it, but people who he
teaches knows they are learning TM.

Maharishi himself sanctioned this in an off-hand way about a year ago
in a press conference. Someone here in the know would know how to find
the text from his press conference where he said this.

Chaim L>  

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[FairfieldLife] Re: : "All applicants come NOW."--Maharishi /& Guidelines?

2006-08-19 Thread chaim_laib
This is not the right venue to post your nice thought. It should be
going over to the Capital of the Age of Enlightenment-they are the
ones who are doing the rejecting.

Your attitude is the very one people complain about---"we're the great
ones" except when we reject and ban all those who follow their own
personal nature.

Chaim L.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, kenwoodfx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do not listen these little voices thinking on who`s winning or who`s
> Everyone is winning when more and more people come to fly together
in the Dome.
> This is time for open heart and mind for everyone, this is time for
togetherness, friendliness and broad and universal vision.
> The world is asking us to do the most possible for the world peace.
> We are those who know that, and we will do the best with our
knowledge which we got from our Master and our Holy Tradition.
> Come everyone, and let us do the best what we can for our world.
> Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:    
on 8/19/06 12:44 PM, chaim_laib at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  > Rick
>  > 
>  > Why would you even bother at this point? It would seem like a
>  > for the Capital, and one they could use to their benefit, "See, Rick
>  > Archer agreed to do things out way" kinda thing. It would certainly
>  > get lots of tongues wagging. You could be the representative "return
>  > of the Prodigal Son."  
>  > 
>  > You've made personal choices in your life, you are doing a practice
>  > that works for you. If acquiescing would work for you, so be it, but
>  > wouldn't it mean no longer using the mantra you received from
Amma and
>  > going back to your TM mantra? 
>  > 
>  > You don't think your two hours (or however much time) per day in your
>  > program is contributing (if one believes this line of thought) to the
>  > overall grand scheme of world peace?
>  > 
>  > "To thine own self be true." 
>  > -W. Shakespeare
>  > 
>  > "Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay
>  > centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate."
>  > -Chuang Tsu
>  I concur with what you said, and thanks for the nice quotes. I was
presenting a hypothetical scenario, which will actualize when pigs
fly, in which the course office would decide not to concern themselves
with people's lives any longer. So if that happened and I did end up
going I don't think people would see it as a victory for the old way
of doing things. But as you say, I enjoy my practice as it is, so it
ain't gonna happen. 
> -
> Do you Yahoo!?
>  Everyone is raving about the  all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: : "All applicants come NOW."--Maharishi /& Guidelines?

2006-08-19 Thread chaim_laib

Why would you even bother at this point? It would seem like a victory,
for the Capital, and one they could use to their benefit, "See, Rick
Archer agreed to do things out way" kinda thing. It would certainly
get lots of tongues wagging. You could be the representative "return
of the Prodigal Son."  

You've made personal choices in your life, you are doing a practice
that works for you. If acquiescing would work for you, so be it, but
wouldn't it mean no longer using the mantra you received from Amma and
going back to your TM mantra? 

You don't think your two hours (or however much time) per day in your
program is contributing (if one believes this line of thought) to the
overall grand scheme of world peace?

"To thine own self be true." 
-W. Shakespeare

"Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay
centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate."
-Chuang Tsu

Chaim L. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> on 8/18/06 10:19 PM, dhamiltony2k5 at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> > Tonight there now seems to be a phone campaign on at least here in
> >> > FF to get wayward friends to register for the dome programs.
> >> > 
> >> > Hagelin's 'office' had told Shivama that the old guidelines stand
> >> > and have instead been enlarged to also include just regular citizen
> >> > sidhas as part of a ban on people having seen other holy saints and
> >> > stuff.
> >> > 
> >> > Any real progress on amending the participation guidelines of the
> >> > TMorg with this new earnest initiative?
> > 
> At least once a day I get called or emailed or approached on the
street by
> people trying to get me to go to the dome. The person who called
last night
> said that the course office had encouraged everyone to call their
> even people who previously had not been allowed in the dome, and
that ³only
> about 1% of the people are still being refused for personal
reasons.² If the
> course office announces that their new policy is to ask people to
agree to
> do nothing other than Maharishi¹s techniques in the dome, and that they
> won¹t concern themselves with anything other than that, I¹ll consider
> applying.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: I found this rather interesting, the Kaplans & $

2006-08-17 Thread chaim_laib
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> I've never heard of anyone with a bone to pick trying to speak with 
> him at all- they mainly try their case in the court of public 
> opinion, so to speak. 
> I have yet to read of someone describing their attempts to speak 
> with Maharishi and being repeatedly rebuffed, once they already had 
> access. Not saying it never happened, but I just have never heard of 
> it.

Ok, here's one for you, it at least partially expalins the wall aournd
him. Different era but this happened to me, I was there, it really

It was an ATR course attended by maybe 200 initiators, in Mallorca, at
the end of 1971. Lots and lots of problems of all kinds-housing,
busing, food, but we were young then, innocent, most things were

Like standing for 8 hours, in front of our hotel at the beginning of
the 4 week course waiting for our bus to come get us and take us to
the other side of the island. Every 10 minutes or so we were told,
"it's almost here."  

And getting to where M was, and getting rooms with no heat, no hot
water, no electricity, it was freezing, and when we asked for
different rooms we were told "you're just unstressing."

S, at the very end of the 4 weeks, next to last meeting, Maharishi
asked us, "What can I do to make these courses better."   I thought he
really wanted to know, so I got up to the microphone, he called on me,
and I said: "Maharishi one thing you can do to make these courses
better is to have them planned better before we get here."  Well,
instantly the Big Cheeses (Joe Clarke, Stan Crow, Charlie Donanue)
starting waving me off the microphone. M noted this yet he looked at
me and gave me the a nod of the head-a go-ahead-to keep talking.

I explained to him all about an airline mixup, about the buses, about
the no heat/hot water, about how rudely the housing people were to us,
etc. and he was looking at me, really listening. All this while-maybe
3 or 4 minutes Stan Crowe, Joe Clarke, Charlie Donahue, were hissing
at me, waving me away from the microphone, finally YELLING "Sit down,
sit down."

The one good thing about it was, at our very last meeting, before we
got on the buses, as M was giving us our sendoff, he said, in the
midst of his spiel, "...and we will do a much better job of planning
for your next course..." and while he was saying these words he was
looking around the room to find me and our eyes met for a split sec.

It was great vindication for me, but it never stopped The Big Cheeses
from being idiotic about "protecting" M from anything not perfect.
Which was always a stupid thing to do, imo.

There are many other stories like this that I witnessed and it
expalins that there is a vast wall around him. At least I think there is. 

Chaim L. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Time for a new terror alert

2006-08-17 Thread chaim_laib
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The knucklehead U.S. people voted for that bozo, not once, but twice 
> (well, sort of), and election irregularities aside, Dumbya does 
> represent the national consciousness, so if payback is coming, it is 
> coming for all the U.S.

It is true that the American people voted for Bush the first time and
even though the second election was, in the end, stolen, he still
received nearly the winning majority.  

But is the statement that out leaders reflect the consciousness (or
will) of the people they represent actually true or is something that
Maharish said years ago and we, like the American people we are
referring to, bought it without question? These platitudes seem so far
reaching, esp. when coming from someone who we have/had given a large
chunk of our will over to. Did we ever think to question it?

Maybe at one time this statement was more true than now, but now, I
don't believe it to be so. The politicians don't seem to have any
connection to their constitutents any longer. They wheel and deal
among themeselves without any seeming concern for us-their
constituents. The only times they seem to care about us *common folk*
is when elections roll around. If you were to follow the outcomes of
what they promised post-elections, you would find a significant
percentage of promises dropped/ignored/forgotten altogether. 

We get nothing but awful choices of people to vote for, one side seems
as bad as the other. How is that a choice? Many people have stopped
voting and have, essentially, given up having themselves heard. And
when a good candidate does surface there is pretty much zero chance
that person would be elected. 

Chaim L.

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