Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno - in absentia

2016-10-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
That would be an executive decision, and I think as to not jeopardize his 
position as Chief Butt Kisser, MJ is reluctant to do anything without the 
express permission of BW.  And BW does not take kindly to anyone going rogue on 

 I mean, were Barry to hint, even slightly at a DNR sanction on MJ, it could 
very well push him over the edge.  And then where would they be?

 Bring Xeno out of retirement to carry the ball?  I don't think so. 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 the "hands off" appears to be working, on FFL, at least. 

 I wonder if the Amen Corner folks will start to migrate back to FFL-2?

 I can just hear it now, the Grand Poobah, Barry Wright himself will issue of 
proclamation, with half a dozen "whereases", announcing his re-entrance into 
Alex's place.  And the little ducklings will follow.

 I can't imagine it's too much fun dissing all of us and they know we can't 
even see it. That has to be a drag. If I were MJ I would have kept the folks 
out I didn't want challenging me (pretty much most of us) but let them read the 
posts anyway. But because he wouldn't have let us join we could only sit and 
stew without the posting privileges of membership. LOL

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Everybody must still be "on vacation" (snicker)


 No doubt. It appears FFL is making a sort of comeback. The Corner seems to be 
folding in on itself.

 On Oct 2, 2016, at 8:42 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:

 Wow, look at the post count discrepancy between the Coroner and FFL. I know he 
can't post here but I know he's reading, just like all the other boys over in 
the Dunce Corner. They evidently need something to talk about. You can only 
listen to bawee for so long.

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno - in absentia

2016-10-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 the "hands off" appears to be working, on FFL, at least. 

 I wonder if the Amen Corner folks will start to migrate back to FFL-2?

 I can just hear it now, the Grand Poobah, Barry Wright himself will issue of 
proclamation, with half a dozen "whereases", announcing his re-entrance into 
Alex's place.  And the little ducklings will follow.

 I can't imagine it's too much fun dissing all of us and they know we can't 
even see it. That has to be a drag. If I were MJ I would have kept the folks 
out I didn't want challenging me (pretty much most of us) but let them read the 
posts anyway. But because he wouldn't have let us join we could only sit and 
stew without the posting privileges of membership. LOL

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Everybody must still be "on vacation" (snicker)


 No doubt. It appears FFL is making a sort of comeback. The Corner seems to be 
folding in on itself.

 On Oct 2, 2016, at 8:42 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:

 Wow, look at the post count discrepancy between the Coroner and FFL. I know he 
can't post here but I know he's reading, just like all the other boys over in 
the Dunce Corner. They evidently need something to talk about. You can only 
listen to bawee for so long.

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno - in absentia

2016-10-02 Thread anon_alias
There's probably no way the informants will be posting to FFL, since they got 
banned from the group. And, there's no way they will be posting to FFL-2 after 
the humiliation they got from the MGs.  

 That must have really hurt their feelings!  

 I'd still like to see them talk about their adventures practicing human 
levitation and yogic flying, but apparently the moderator activated the Yahoo 
secret private button in order to protect them so they would feel safe from 
prying eyes. 
---In,  wrote :

 the "hands off" appears to be working, on FFL, at least. 

 I wonder if the Amen Corner folks will start to migrate back to FFL-2?

 I can just hear it now, the Grand Poobah, Barry Wright himself will issue of 
proclamation, with half a dozen "whereases", announcing his re-entrance into 
Alex's place.  And the little ducklings will follow.
---In,  wrote :

 No doubt. It appears FFL is making a sort of comeback. The Corner seems to be 
folding in on itself. 
---In,  wrote :

 Everybody must still be "on vacation" (snicker)

 On Oct 2, 2016, at 8:42 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:

 Wow, look at the post count discrepancy between the Coroner and FFL. I know he 
can't post here but I know he's reading, just like all the other boys over in 
the Dunce Corner. They evidently need something to talk about. You can only 
listen to bawee for so long.


Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno - in absentia

2016-10-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
the "hands off" appears to be working, on FFL, at least. 

 I wonder if the Amen Corner folks will start to migrate back to FFL-2?

 I can just hear it now, the Grand Poobah, Barry Wright himself will issue of 
proclamation, with half a dozen "whereases", announcing his re-entrance into 
Alex's place.  And the little ducklings will follow.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Everybody must still be "on vacation" (snicker)


 No doubt. It appears FFL is making a sort of comeback. The Corner seems to be 
folding in on itself.

 On Oct 2, 2016, at 8:42 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:

 Wow, look at the post count discrepancy between the Coroner and FFL. I know he 
can't post here but I know he's reading, just like all the other boys over in 
the Dunce Corner. They evidently need something to talk about. You can only 
listen to bawee for so long.

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno - in absentia

2016-10-02 Thread anon_alias
Usually people that work at jobs go on "vacation", not the retired or the 
unemployed, which for them, is a vacation all the time. Some people just can't 
wait to go on vacation and go to the big city. Others just can't wait to get 
out of the city and into the country. YMMV.

---In,  wrote :

 Everybody must still be "on vacation" (snicker)

 On Oct 2, 2016, at 8:42 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:

 Wow, look at the post count discrepancy between the Coroner and FFL. I know he 
can't post here but I know he's reading, just like all the other boys over in 
the Dunce Corner. They evidently need something to talk about. You can only 
listen to bawee for so long.

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno - in absentia

2016-10-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Everybody must still be "on vacation" (snicker)


 No doubt. It appears FFL is making a sort of comeback. The Corner seems to be 
folding in on itself.

 On Oct 2, 2016, at 8:42 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:

 Wow, look at the post count discrepancy between the Coroner and FFL. I know he 
can't post here but I know he's reading, just like all the other boys over in 
the Dunce Corner. They evidently need something to talk about. You can only 
listen to bawee for so long.

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno - in absentia

2016-10-02 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Everybody must still be "on vacation" (snicker)


> On Oct 2, 2016, at 8:42 AM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> Wow, look at the post count discrepancy between the Coroner and FFL. I know 
> he can't post here but I know he's reading, just like all the other boys over 
> in the Dunce Corner. They evidently need something to talk about. You can 
> only listen to bawee for so long.

[FairfieldLife] For Xeno - in absentia

2016-10-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Wow, look at the post count discrepancy between the Coroner and FFL. I know he 
can't post here but I know he's reading, just like all the other boys over in 
the Dunce Corner. They evidently need something to talk about. You can only 
listen to bawee for so long.

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno

2016-09-14 Thread feste37
I suggest we just leave the man alone. We are well rid of him on this forum. 

---In,  wrote :

 What do you want to bet that this "vacation in Paris" lasts a bit longer than 
most vacations. Like months or even years. My prediction? Leiden is history.

 On Sep 14, 2016, at 12:35 PM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:

 A relief to know he's visiting his usual haunts with the same routine in 

 Why can't we get a compare and contrast piece on the pubs in in Paris and 
those in Leiden.

 Maybe pull him off the anti anti theme for a while.  (-:

 JAGGERZ The Rapper 1 9 7 0 HQ
 JAGGERZ The Rapper 1 9 7 0 HQ The 
Jaggerz are an American R&B/pop/rock band from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They 
came to national attention with their single "The Rapper"...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



 wrote :

 No, he actually was on vacation in Paris and posting from there usual cafe 



 On Sep 13, 2016, at 11:33 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:
 Oh, I think he *was* happy--because he thought he'd just written a brilliant 
takedown of religion and religious people. Penetrating and insightful, he told 
himself. And so superbly written! Fantastic touch at the end contrasting those 
people's tortured, miserable lives with his own serene existence in just a few 
choice phrases. 
 Actually he doesn't have the insight of a flea, and he's a lousy writer, 
intensely self-conscious, mannered, and cliche-ridden.
 mailto:salsunshineiniowa@... wrote :
 Oh what the hey, since we're quoting posts, let's just go right to the source:

 His rant from that day contains this charming observation:

 I mean, they're responding to the bells by filing into the cathedral like 
lemmings, doing the genuflect dance, and then praying to him/her/it to forgive 
them for something they did last week while *they* were having fun. Then, their 
"sin guilt" taken care of, they pray to this same him/her/it to Make Things 
Different Than They Are. 
 Not trusting the wisdom of this mental God-construct they're praying to, they 
ask him/her/it to cure their genital warts, to get them that promotion at work 
that they don't really deserve, to rain fire and brimstone on their neighbors 
who kept them up partying last night, and to save the unborn children while 
simultaneously killing those who would abort them in the most horrific way 
possible. Amen. 
 Yes, Barry in his wisdom has decided that ALL the people visiting the 
magnificent cathedral of ND that day were  all sub-humans (lemmings) who were 
going in for the express purpose of praying for their neighbors' deaths.
 Am I the only one who wonders how much energy it must take to constantly feel 
so smug and superior to everyone else?  Not to mention being the greatest 
mind-reader who ever lived and conjuring up wild doomsday scenarios for his own 
 Tough job, but I guess *somebody's* got to do it.
 He then finishes up with this gem:
 Me, I'm just sitting here enjoying the blue skies and reasonably warm 
temperatures, the beauty of the Seine flowing by, and the glorious taste of my 
coffee. I'm appreciating the wonderful here-and-now-ness of Here And Now, and 
feeling remarkably happy. 
 Yes, he certainly sounds "remarkably happy" now doesn't he? (snicker)

 On Sep 13, 2016, at 5:26 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:
 Excerpt from a post of mine at the time:


 I commented on Barry's post because I wanted to make the point that here he is 
sitting in his favorite cafe in Paris--in Paris!--watching the Seine, watching 
Parisians strolling past, resting in a garden behind the incomparable Cathedral 
of Notre Dame, and it isn't enough to distract him from his obsessive 
preoccupation with me, with empty, with Steve, with FFL. He's still driven to 
spend much of his precious Paris time writing long, insulting, dishonest 
screeds about us.

 mailto:salsunshineiniowa@... wrote :

 I remember that post.  Classic.

 It's  nothing short of amazing how many stupid people Barry  encounters.  It's 
almost as if...oh, never mind.

 Let's see, as I recall, last tim

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno

2016-09-14 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
What do you want to bet that this "vacation in Paris" lasts a bit longer than 
most vacations. Like months or even years. My prediction? Leiden is history.


On Sep 14, 2016, at 12:35 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

A relief to know he's visiting his usual haunts with the same routine in order. 

Why can't we get a compare and contrast piece on the pubs in in Paris and those 
in Leiden.

Maybe pull him off the anti anti theme for a while.  (-:

JAGGERZ The Rapper 1 9 7 0 HQ
JAGGERZ The Rapper 1 9 7 0 HQ   
The Jaggerz are an American R&B/pop/rock band from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 
They came to national attention with their single "The Rapper"...
View on
Preview by Yahoo

---In,  wrote :

No, he actually was on vacation in Paris and posting from there usual cafe raps.

> On Sep 13, 2016, at 11:33 PM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> Oh, I think he *was* happy--because he thought he'd just written a brilliant 
> takedown of religion and religious people. Penetrating and insightful, he 
> told himself. And so superbly written! Fantastic touch at the end contrasting 
> those people's tortured, miserable lives with his own serene existence in 
> just a few choice phrases.
> Actually he doesn't have the insight of a flea, and he's a lousy writer, 
> intensely self-conscious, mannered, and cliche-ridden.
> ---In,  wrote :
> Oh what the hey, since we're quoting posts, let's just go right to the source:
> His rant from that day contains this charming observation:
> I mean, they're responding to the bells by filing into the cathedral like 
> lemmings, doing the genuflect dance, and then praying to him/her/it to 
> forgive them for something they did last week while *they* were having fun. 
> Then, their "sin guilt" taken care of, they pray to this same him/her/it to 
> Make Things Different Than They Are. 
> Not trusting the wisdom of this mental God-construct they're praying to, they 
> ask him/her/it to cure their genital warts, to get them that promotion at 
> work that they don't really deserve, to rain fire and brimstone on their 
> neighbors who kept them up partying last night, and to save the unborn 
> children while simultaneously killing those who would abort them in the most 
> horrific way possible. Amen. 
> Yes, Barry in his wisdom has decided that ALL the people visiting the 
> magnificent cathedral of ND that day were  all sub-humans (lemmings) who were 
> going in for the express purpose of praying for their neighbors' deaths.
> Am I the only one who wonders how much energy it must take to constantly feel 
> so smug and superior to everyone else?  Not to mention being the greatest 
> mind-reader who ever lived and conjuring up wild doomsday scenarios for his 
> own entertainment.  
> Tough job, but I guess *somebody's* got to do it.
> He then finishes up with this gem:
> Me, I'm just sitting here enjoying the blue skies and reasonably warm 
> temperatures, the beauty of the Seine flowing by, and the glorious taste of 
> my coffee. I'm appreciating the wonderful here-and-now-ness of Here And Now, 
> and feeling remarkably happy. 
> Yes, he certainly sounds "remarkably happy" now doesn't he? (snicker)
> Sal 
> On Sep 13, 2016, at 5:26 PM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
>> Excerpt from a post of mine at the time:
>> I commented on Barry's post because I wanted to make the point that here he 
>> is sitting in his favorite cafe in Paris--in Paris!--watching the Seine, 
>> watching Parisians strolling past, resting in a garden behind the 
>> incomparable Cathedral of Notre Dame, and it isn't enough to distract him 
>> from his obsessive preoccupation with me, with empty, with Steve, with FFL. 
>> He's still driven to spend much of his precious Paris time writing long, 
>> insulting, dishonest screeds about us.
>> ---In,  wrote :
>> I remember that post.  Classic.
>> It's  nothing short of amazing how many stupid people Barry  encounters.  
>> It's almost as if...oh, never mind.
>> Sal 
>>> Let's see, as I recall, last time Barry was in Paris, he was in the garden 
>>> behind Notre Dame Cathedral and riffing at how stupid the people were, that 
>>> were inside the Cathedral.  Then he went to one of his favorite cafes, and 
>>> riffed on how stupid Americans are.
>>> I wonder if he's updated his hate list, or he's riffing on the same 'ol 
>>> targets in the City of Love.
>>> Inquiring minds, and all that.  (-:
>>> ---In,  wrote :
>>> Vacation time.  Turq in Paris, Sal off to the beach, etc, etc, etc.  People 
>>> on FFL not take vacations?
 On 09/13/2016 07:00 AM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno

2016-09-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
A relief to know he's visiting his usual haunts with the same routine in order. 

 Why can't we get a compare and contrast piece on the pubs in in Paris and 
those in Leiden.

 Maybe pull him off the anti anti theme for a while.  (-:

 JAGGERZ The Rapper 1 9 7 0 HQ 
 JAGGERZ The Rapper 1 9 7 0 HQ The 
Jaggerz are an American R&B/pop/rock band from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They 
came to national attention with their single "The Rapper"...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 No, he actually was on vacation in Paris and posting from there usual cafe 



 On Sep 13, 2016, at 11:33 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:
 Oh, I think he *was* happy--because he thought he'd just written a brilliant 
takedown of religion and religious people. Penetrating and insightful, he told 
himself. And so superbly written! Fantastic touch at the end contrasting those 
people's tortured, miserable lives with his own serene existence in just a few 
choice phrases. 
 Actually he doesn't have the insight of a flea, and he's a lousy writer, 
intensely self-conscious, mannered, and cliche-ridden.
 mailto:salsunshineiniowa@... wrote :
 Oh what the hey, since we're quoting posts, let's just go right to the source:

 His rant from that day contains this charming observation:

 I mean, they're responding to the bells by filing into the cathedral like 
lemmings, doing the genuflect dance, and then praying to him/her/it to forgive 
them for something they did last week while *they* were having fun. Then, their 
"sin guilt" taken care of, they pray to this same him/her/it to Make Things 
Different Than They Are. 
 Not trusting the wisdom of this mental God-construct they're praying to, they 
ask him/her/it to cure their genital warts, to get them that promotion at work 
that they don't really deserve, to rain fire and brimstone on their neighbors 
who kept them up partying last night, and to save the unborn children while 
simultaneously killing those who would abort them in the most horrific way 
possible. Amen. 
 Yes, Barry in his wisdom has decided that ALL the people visiting the 
magnificent cathedral of ND that day were  all sub-humans (lemmings) who were 
going in for the express purpose of praying for their neighbors' deaths.
 Am I the only one who wonders how much energy it must take to constantly feel 
so smug and superior to everyone else?  Not to mention being the greatest 
mind-reader who ever lived and conjuring up wild doomsday scenarios for his own 
 Tough job, but I guess *somebody's* got to do it.
 He then finishes up with this gem:
 Me, I'm just sitting here enjoying the blue skies and reasonably warm 
temperatures, the beauty of the Seine flowing by, and the glorious taste of my 
coffee. I'm appreciating the wonderful here-and-now-ness of Here And Now, and 
feeling remarkably happy. 
 Yes, he certainly sounds "remarkably happy" now doesn't he? (snicker)

 On Sep 13, 2016, at 5:26 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:
 Excerpt from a post of mine at the time:


 I commented on Barry's post because I wanted to make the point that here he is 
sitting in his favorite cafe in Paris--in Paris!--watching the Seine, watching 
Parisians strolling past, resting in a garden behind the incomparable Cathedral 
of Notre Dame, and it isn't enough to distract him from his obsessive 
preoccupation with me, with empty, with Steve, with FFL. He's still driven to 
spend much of his precious Paris time writing long, insulting, dishonest 
screeds about us.

 mailto:salsunshineiniowa@... wrote :

 I remember that post.  Classic.

 It's  nothing short of amazing how many stupid people Barry  encounters.  It's 
almost as if...oh, never mind.

 Let's see, as I recall, last time Barry was in Paris, he was in the garden 
behind Notre Dame Cathedral and riffing at how stupid the people were, that 
were inside the Cathedral.  Then he went to one of his favorite cafes, and 
riffed on how stupid Americans are. 
 I wonder if he's updated his hate list, or he's riffing on the same 'ol 
targets in the City of Love.
 Inquiring minds, and all that.  (-:

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno

2016-09-14 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 09/14/2016 06:38 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In,  wrote :

And now he’s back to posting over at FFL-1, calling himself a “victim” 
and trying mightily to convince himself he matters by saying if posts 
start appearing there again it’s all because of him, he trashed the 
group and now he’s going to resuscitate it, or something to that 
effect.  And we’re all stalkers as well, just for good measure.

You just know he’s dying to post here and is seriously ticked that he 
can’t.  And he’s also undoubtedly ticked  we can’t see his zingers 
over at the Dunce_Closet as well.

Keep it up Bar, it’s all good entertainment.


And here we thought he was "on vacation". He's reading every post and 
has been dying to respond once he saw his name was actually mentioned 
for the first time in weeks. He certainly proved all of our points 
that there is no "vacation" from the internet or his computer and that 
we, as opposed to him, could have predicted his obsessive posting to 
the only forum he has access to to get his little message out.

No, he actually was on vacation in Paris and posting from there usual 
cafe raps.

On Sep 13, 2016, at 11:33 PM, authfriend@...  
[FairfieldLife] > wrote:

Oh, I think he *was* happy--because he thought he'd just written a 
brilliant takedown of religion and religious people. Penetrating and 
insightful, he told himself. And so superbly written! Fantastic touch 
at the end contrasting those people's tortured, miserable lives with 
his own serene existence in just a few choice phrases.

Actually he doesn't have the insight of a flea, and he's a lousy 
writer, intensely self-conscious, mannered, and cliche-ridden. 
,  wrote :

Oh what the hey, since we're quoting posts, let's just go right to the 

His rant from that day contains this charming observation:

I mean, they're responding to the bells by filing into the cathedral 
like lemmings, doing the genuflect dance, and then praying to 
him/her/it to forgive them for something they did last week while 
*they* were having fun. Then, their "sin guilt" taken care of, they 
pray to this same him/her/it to Make Things Different Than They Are.

Not trusting the wisdom of this mental God-construct they're praying 
to, they ask him/her/it to cure their genital warts, to get them that 
promotion at work that they don't really deserve, to rain fire and 
brimstone on their neighbors who kept them up partying last night, and 
to save the unborn children while simultaneously killing those who 
would abort them in the most horrific way possible. Amen.

Yes, Barry in his wisdom has decided that ALL the people visiting the 
magnificent cathedral of ND that day were  all sub-humans (lemmings) 
who were going in for the express purpose of praying for their 
neighbors' deaths.

Am I the only one who wonders how much energy it must take to 
constantly feel so smug and superior to everyone else?  Not to mention 
being the greatest mind-reader who ever lived and conjuring up wild 
doomsday scenarios for his own entertainment.

Tough job, but I guess *somebody's* got to do it.

He then finishes up with this gem:

Me, I'm just sitting here enjoying the blue skies and reasonably warm 
temperatures, the beauty of the Seine flowing by, and the glorious 
taste of my coffee. I'm appreciating the wonderful here-and-now-ness 
of Here And Now, and feeling remarkably happy.

Yes, he certainly sounds "remarkably happy" now doesn't he? (snicker)


On Sep 13, 2016, at 5:26 PM,authfriend@...
[FairfieldLife]>> wrote:

Excerpt from a post of mine at the time:

I commented on Barry's post because I wanted to make the point that 
here he is sitting in his favorite cafe in Paris--in Paris!--watching 
the Seine, watching Parisians strolling past, resting in a garden 
behind the incomparable Cathedral of Notre Dame, and it isn't enough 
to distract him from his obsessive preoccupation with me, with empty, 
with Steve, with FFL. He's still driven to spend much of his precious 
Paris time writing long, insulting, dishonest screeds about us. 
,  wrote :

I remember that post.  Classic.

It's  nothing short of amazing how many stupid people Barry 
 encounters.  It's almost as if...oh, never mind.


Let's see, as I recall, last time Barry was in Paris, he was in
the garden behind Notre Dame Cathedral and riffing at how stupid
the people were, that were inside the Cathedral.  Then he went
to one of his favorite cafes, and riffed on how stupid Americans

I wonder if he's updated his hate

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno

2016-09-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 And now he’s back to posting over at FFL-1, calling himself a “victim” and 
trying mightily to convince himself he matters by saying if posts start 
appearing there again it’s all because of him, he trashed the group and now 
he’s going to resuscitate it, or something to that effect.  And we’re all 
stalkers as well, just for good measure. 

 You just know he’s dying to post here and is seriously ticked that he can’t.  
And he’s also undoubtedly ticked  we can’t see his zingers over at the 
Dunce_Closet as well.

 Keep it up Bar, it’s all good entertainment.


 And here we thought he was "on vacation". He's reading every post and has been 
dying to respond once he saw his name was actually mentioned for the first time 
in weeks. He certainly proved all of our points that there is no "vacation" 
from the internet or his computer and that we, as opposed to him, could have 
predicted his obsessive posting to the only forum he has access to to get his 
little message out. 


On Sep 13, 2016, at 11:33 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:

Oh, I think he *was* happy--because he thought he'd just written a brilliant 
takedown of religion and religious people. Penetrating and insightful, he told 
himself. And so superbly written! Fantastic touch at the end contrasting those 
people's tortured, miserable lives with his own serene existence in just a few 
choice phrases. 

 Actually he doesn't have the insight of a flea, and he's a lousy writer, 
intensely self-conscious, mannered, and cliche-ridden.



 wrote :

 Oh what the hey, since we're quoting posts, let's just go right to the source:

 His rant from that day contains this charming observation:

 I mean, they're responding to the bells by filing into the cathedral like 
lemmings, doing the genuflect dance, and then praying to him/her/it to forgive 
them for something they did last week while *they* were having fun. Then, their 
"sin guilt" taken care of, they pray to this same him/her/it to Make Things 
Different Than They Are. 

Not trusting the wisdom of this mental God-construct they're praying to, they 
ask him/her/it to cure their genital warts, to get them that promotion at work 
that they don't really deserve, to rain fire and brimstone on their neighbors 
who kept them up partying last night, and to save the unborn children while 
simultaneously killing those who would abort them in the most horrific way 
possible. Amen. 

 Yes, Barry in his wisdom has decided that ALL the people visiting the 
magnificent cathedral of ND that day were  all sub-humans (lemmings) who were 
going in for the express purpose of praying for their neighbors' deaths.

 Am I the only one who wonders how much energy it must take to constantly feel 
so smug and superior to everyone else?  Not to mention being the greatest 
mind-reader who ever lived and conjuring up wild doomsday scenarios for his own 

 Tough job, but I guess *somebody's* got to do it.

 He then finishes up with this gem:

Me, I'm just sitting here enjoying the blue skies and reasonably warm 
temperatures, the beauty of the Seine flowing by, and the glorious taste of my 
coffee. I'm appreciating the wonderful here-and-now-ness of Here And Now, and 
feeling remarkably happy. 
Yes, he certainly sounds "remarkably happy" now doesn't he? (snicker)

 On Sep 13, 2016, at 5:26 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:

 Excerpt from a post of mine at the time:


 I commented on Barry's post because I wanted to make the point that here he is 
sitting in his favorite cafe in Paris--in Paris!--watching the Seine, watching 
Parisians strolling past, resting in a garden behind the incomparable Cathedral 
of Notre Dame, and it isn't enough to distract him from his obsessive 
preoccupation with me, with empty, with Steve, with FFL. He's still driven to 
spend much of his precious Paris time writing long, insulting, dishonest 
screeds about us.






 wrote :

 I remember that post.  Classic.

 It's  nothing short of amazing how many stupid people Barry  encounters.  It's 
almost as if...oh, never mind.


 Let's see, as I recall, last time Barry was in Paris, he was in the garden 
behind Notre Dame Cathedral and riffing at how stupid the people were, that 
were inside the Cathedral.  Then he went to one of his favorite cafes, and 
riffed on how stupid Americans are. 

 I wonder if he's updated his hate list, or he's riffing on the same 'ol 
targets in the City

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno

2016-09-14 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
That's exactly it, self-importance and grandiosity, exactly that which he 
usually accuse others of.

Undoubtedly the poor sod is getting lonely again, and will probably be moving 
to a new country soon. Stay tuned.

Sal 2

On Sep 14, 2016, at 7:15 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

He don't change, do he?

But fascinating to see someone be so in love with themselves and have such an 
elevated notion of their importance.

God save the Queen.

---In,  wrote :

And now he’s back to posting over at FFL-1, calling himself a “victim” and 
trying mightily to convince himself he matters by saying if posts start 
appearing there again it’s all because of him, he trashed the group and now 
he’s going to resuscitate it, or something to that effect.  And we’re all 
stalkers as well, just for good measure.

You just know he’s dying to post here and is seriously ticked that he can’t.  
And he’s also undoubtedly ticked  we can’t see his zingers over at the 
Dunce_Closet as well.

Keep it up Bar, it’s all good entertainment.


On Sep 13, 2016, at 11:33 PM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

Oh, I think he *was* happy--because he thought he'd just written a brilliant 
takedown of religion and religious people. Penetrating and insightful, he told 
himself. And so superbly written! Fantastic touch at the end contrasting those 
people's tortured, miserable lives with his own serene existence in just a few 
choice phrases.

Actually he doesn't have the insight of a flea, and he's a lousy writer, 
intensely self-conscious, mannered, and cliche-ridden.

---In,  wrote :

Oh what the hey, since we're quoting posts, let's just go right to the source:

His rant from that day contains this charming observation:

I mean, they're responding to the bells by filing into the cathedral like 
lemmings, doing the genuflect dance, and then praying to him/her/it to forgive 
them for something they did last week while *they* were having fun. Then, their 
"sin guilt" taken care of, they pray to this same him/her/it to Make Things 
Different Than They Are. 

Not trusting the wisdom of this mental God-construct they're praying to, they 
ask him/her/it to cure their genital warts, to get them that promotion at work 
that they don't really deserve, to rain fire and brimstone on their neighbors 
who kept them up partying last night, and to save the unborn children while 
simultaneously killing those who would abort them in the most horrific way 
possible. Amen. 

Yes, Barry in his wisdom has decided that ALL the people visiting the 
magnificent cathedral of ND that day were  all sub-humans (lemmings) who were 
going in for the express purpose of praying for their neighbors' deaths.

Am I the only one who wonders how much energy it must take to constantly feel 
so smug and superior to everyone else?  Not to mention being the greatest 
mind-reader who ever lived and conjuring up wild doomsday scenarios for his own 

Tough job, but I guess *somebody's* got to do it.

He then finishes up with this gem:

Me, I'm just sitting here enjoying the blue skies and reasonably warm 
temperatures, the beauty of the Seine flowing by, and the glorious taste of my 
coffee. I'm appreciating the wonderful here-and-now-ness of Here And Now, and 
feeling remarkably happy. 

Yes, he certainly sounds "remarkably happy" now doesn't he? (snicker)


> On Sep 13, 2016, at 5:26 PM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> Excerpt from a post of mine at the time:
> I commented on Barry's post because I wanted to make the point that here he 
> is sitting in his favorite cafe in Paris--in Paris!--watching the Seine, 
> watching Parisians strolling past, resting in a garden behind the 
> incomparable Cathedral of Notre Dame, and it isn't enough to distract him 
> from his obsessive preoccupation with me, with empty, with Steve, with FFL. 
> He's still driven to spend much of his precious Paris time writing long, 
> insulting, dishonest screeds about us.
> ---In,  wrote :
> I remember that post.  Classic.
> It's  nothing short of amazing how many stupid people Barry  encounters.  
> It's almost as if...oh, never mind.
> Sal 
>> Let's see, as I recall, last time Barry was in Paris, he was in the garden 
>> behind Notre Dame Cathedral and riffing at how stupid the people were, that 
>> were inside the Cathedral.  Then he went to one of his favorite cafes, and 
>> riffed on how stupid Americans are.
>> I wonder if he's updated his hate list, or he's riffing on the same 'ol 
>> targets in the City of Love.
>> Inquiring minds, and all that.  (-:
>> ---In,  wrote :
>> Vacation time.  Turq in Paris, Sal off to the beach, etc, etc, etc.  People 
>> on FFL not take vacations?
>>> On

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno

2016-09-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
He don't change, do he? 

 But fascinating to see someone be so in love with themselves and have such an 
elevated notion of their importance.

 God save the Queen.

---In,  wrote :

 And now he’s back to posting over at FFL-1, calling himself a “victim” and 
trying mightily to convince himself he matters by saying if posts start 
appearing there again it’s all because of him, he trashed the group and now 
he’s going to resuscitate it, or something to that effect.  And we’re all 
stalkers as well, just for good measure. 

 You just know he’s dying to post here and is seriously ticked that he can’t.  
And he’s also undoubtedly ticked  we can’t see his zingers over at the 
Dunce_Closet as well.

 Keep it up Bar, it’s all good entertainment.



On Sep 13, 2016, at 11:33 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:

Oh, I think he *was* happy--because he thought he'd just written a brilliant 
takedown of religion and religious people. Penetrating and insightful, he told 
himself. And so superbly written! Fantastic touch at the end contrasting those 
people's tortured, miserable lives with his own serene existence in just a few 
choice phrases. 

 Actually he doesn't have the insight of a flea, and he's a lousy writer, 
intensely self-conscious, mannered, and cliche-ridden.



 wrote :

 Oh what the hey, since we're quoting posts, let's just go right to the source:

 His rant from that day contains this charming observation:

 I mean, they're responding to the bells by filing into the cathedral like 
lemmings, doing the genuflect dance, and then praying to him/her/it to forgive 
them for something they did last week while *they* were having fun. Then, their 
"sin guilt" taken care of, they pray to this same him/her/it to Make Things 
Different Than They Are. 

Not trusting the wisdom of this mental God-construct they're praying to, they 
ask him/her/it to cure their genital warts, to get them that promotion at work 
that they don't really deserve, to rain fire and brimstone on their neighbors 
who kept them up partying last night, and to save the unborn children while 
simultaneously killing those who would abort them in the most horrific way 
possible. Amen. 

 Yes, Barry in his wisdom has decided that ALL the people visiting the 
magnificent cathedral of ND that day were  all sub-humans (lemmings) who were 
going in for the express purpose of praying for their neighbors' deaths.

 Am I the only one who wonders how much energy it must take to constantly feel 
so smug and superior to everyone else?  Not to mention being the greatest 
mind-reader who ever lived and conjuring up wild doomsday scenarios for his own 

 Tough job, but I guess *somebody's* got to do it.

 He then finishes up with this gem:

Me, I'm just sitting here enjoying the blue skies and reasonably warm 
temperatures, the beauty of the Seine flowing by, and the glorious taste of my 
coffee. I'm appreciating the wonderful here-and-now-ness of Here And Now, and 
feeling remarkably happy. 
Yes, he certainly sounds "remarkably happy" now doesn't he? (snicker)

 On Sep 13, 2016, at 5:26 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:

 Excerpt from a post of mine at the time:


 I commented on Barry's post because I wanted to make the point that here he is 
sitting in his favorite cafe in Paris--in Paris!--watching the Seine, watching 
Parisians strolling past, resting in a garden behind the incomparable Cathedral 
of Notre Dame, and it isn't enough to distract him from his obsessive 
preoccupation with me, with empty, with Steve, with FFL. He's still driven to 
spend much of his precious Paris time writing long, insulting, dishonest 
screeds about us.






 wrote :

 I remember that post.  Classic.

 It's  nothing short of amazing how many stupid people Barry  encounters.  It's 
almost as if...oh, never mind.


 Let's see, as I recall, last time Barry was in Paris, he was in the garden 
behind Notre Dame Cathedral and riffing at how stupid the people were, that 
were inside the Cathedral.  Then he went to one of his favorite cafes, and 
riffed on how stupid Americans are. 

 I wonder if he's updated his hate list, or he's riffing on the same 'ol 
targets in the City of Love.

 Inquiring minds, and all that.  (-:

 wrote :

 Vacation time.  Turq in Paris, Sal off to the beach, etc, etc, etc.  People on 
FFL not take vacations?

On 09/13/2

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno

2016-09-14 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
And now he’s back to posting over at FFL-1, calling himself a “victim” and 
trying mightily to convince himself he matters by saying if posts start 
appearing there again it’s all because of him, he trashed the group and now 
he’s going to resuscitate it, or something to that effect.  And we’re all 
stalkers as well, just for good measure.

You just know he’s dying to post here and is seriously ticked that he can’t.  
And he’s also undoubtedly ticked  we can’t see his zingers over at the 
Dunce_Closet as well.

Keep it up Bar, it’s all good entertainment.


On Sep 13, 2016, at 11:33 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

Oh, I think he *was* happy--because he thought he'd just written a brilliant 
takedown of religion and religious people. Penetrating and insightful, he told 
himself. And so superbly written! Fantastic touch at the end contrasting those 
people's tortured, miserable lives with his own serene existence in just a few 
choice phrases.

Actually he doesn't have the insight of a flea, and he's a lousy writer, 
intensely self-conscious, mannered, and cliche-ridden.

---In , 
 wrote :

Oh what the hey, since we're quoting posts, let's just go right to the source: 

His rant from that day contains this charming observation:

I mean, they're responding to the bells by filing into the cathedral like 
lemmings, doing the genuflect dance, and then praying to him/her/it to forgive 
them for something they did last week while *they* were having fun. Then, their 
"sin guilt" taken care of, they pray to this same him/her/it to Make Things 
Different Than They Are. 

Not trusting the wisdom of this mental God-construct they're praying to, they 
ask him/her/it to cure their genital warts, to get them that promotion at work 
that they don't really deserve, to rain fire and brimstone on their neighbors 
who kept them up partying last night, and to save the unborn children while 
simultaneously killing those who would abort them in the most horrific way 
possible. Amen. 

Yes, Barry in his wisdom has decided that ALL the people visiting the 
magnificent cathedral of ND that day were  all sub-humans (lemmings) who were 
going in for the express purpose of praying for their neighbors' deaths.

Am I the only one who wonders how much energy it must take to constantly feel 
so smug and superior to everyone else?  Not to mention being the greatest 
mind-reader who ever lived and conjuring up wild doomsday scenarios for his own 

Tough job, but I guess *somebody's* got to do it.

He then finishes up with this gem:

Me, I'm just sitting here enjoying the blue skies and reasonably warm 
temperatures, the beauty of the Seine flowing by, and the glorious taste of my 
coffee. I'm appreciating the wonderful here-and-now-ness of Here And Now, and 
feeling remarkably happy. 

Yes, he certainly sounds "remarkably happy" now doesn't he? (snicker)


On Sep 13, 2016, at 5:26 PM, authfriend@...  
[FairfieldLife]>> wrote:

> Excerpt from a post of mine at the time:
> I commented on Barry's post because I wanted to make the point that here he 
> is sitting in his favorite cafe in Paris--in Paris!--watching the Seine, 
> watching Parisians strolling past, resting in a garden behind the 
> incomparable Cathedral of Notre Dame, and it isn't enough to distract him 
> from his obsessive preoccupation with me, with empty, with Steve, with FFL. 
> He's still driven to spend much of his precious Paris time writing long, 
> insulting, dishonest screeds about us.
> ---In , 
>  wrote :
> I remember that post.  Classic.
> It's  nothing short of amazing how many stupid people Barry  encounters.  
> It's almost as if...oh, never mind.
> Sal 
>> Let's see, as I recall, last time Barry was in Paris, he was in the garden 
>> behind Notre Dame Cathedral and riffing at how stupid the people were, that 
>> were inside the Cathedral.  Then he went to one of his favorite cafes, and 
>> riffed on how stupid Americans are.
>> I wonder if he's updated his hate list, or he's riffing on the same 'ol 
>> targets in the City of Love.
>> Inquiring minds, and all that.  (-:
>> ---In , 
>>  wrote :
>> Vacation time.  Turq in Paris, Sal off to the beach, etc, etc, etc.  People 
>> on FFL not take vacations?
>> On 09/13/2016 07:00 AM, awoelflebater@...  
>> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>>> I'm surprised Xeno has not been bothering to post (on one forum or another) 
>>> the discrepancy in posting numbers between the Water Closet and FFL. It

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno

2016-09-13 Thread anon_alias

---In,  wrote :

 Vacation time.  Turq in Paris, Sal off to the beach, etc, etc, etc.  People on 
FFL not take vacations?
 On 09/13/2016 07:00 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   I'm surprised Xeno has not been bothering to post (on one forum or another) 
the discrepancy in posting numbers between the Water Closet and FFL. It appears 
conversation is falling off over there. FFL is hardly a beehive of activity but 
the site is at 600 posts while the Water Closet is a dim 149. Come on boys, get 
going or we'll think you have nothing to say. Oh yeah, you don't have anything 
to say, or you've said it all before, or you need a new audience (which you 
can't have 'cause you are afraid to open your doors) or you're finding posting 
to the same four walls uninspiring. 



[FairfieldLife] For Xeno

2016-09-13 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
I remember that post.  Classic.

It's  nothing short of amazing how many stupid people Barry  encounters.  It's 
almost as if...oh, never mind.


> Let's see, as I recall, last time Barry was in Paris, he was in the garden 
> behind Notre Dame Cathedral and riffing at how stupid the people were, that 
> were inside the Cathedral.  Then he went to one of his favorite cafes, and 
> riffed on how stupid Americans are.
> I wonder if he's updated his hate list, or he's riffing on the same 'ol 
> targets in the City of Love.
> Inquiring minds, and all that.  (-:
> ---In,  wrote :
> Vacation time.  Turq in Paris, Sal off to the beach, etc, etc, etc.  People 
> on FFL not take vacations?
>> On 09/13/2016 07:00 AM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>> I'm surprised Xeno has not been bothering to post (on one forum or another) 
>> the discrepancy in posting numbers between the Water Closet and FFL. It 
>> appears conversation is falling off over there. FFL is hardly a beehive of 
>> activity but the site is at 600 posts while the Water Closet is a dim 149. 
>> Come on boys, get going or we'll think you have nothing to say. Oh yeah, you 
>> don't have anything to say, or you've said it all before, or you need a new 
>> audience (which you can't have 'cause you are afraid to open your doors) or 
>> you're finding posting to the same four walls uninspiring. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno

2016-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Let's see, as I recall, last time Barry was in Paris, he was in the garden 
behind Notre Dame Cathedral and riffing at how stupid the people were, that 
were inside the Cathedral.  Then he went to one of his favorite cafes, and 
riffed on how stupid Americans are. 

 I wonder if he's updated his hate list, or he's riffing on the same 'ol 
targets in the City of Love.

 Inquiring minds, and all that.  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 Vacation time.  Turq in Paris, Sal off to the beach, etc, etc, etc.  People on 
FFL not take vacations?
 On 09/13/2016 07:00 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   I'm surprised Xeno has not been bothering to post (on one forum or another) 
the discrepancy in posting numbers between the Water Closet and FFL. It appears 
conversation is falling off over there. FFL is hardly a beehive of activity but 
the site is at 600 posts while the Water Closet is a dim 149. Come on boys, get 
going or we'll think you have nothing to say. Oh yeah, you don't have anything 
to say, or you've said it all before, or you need a new audience (which you 
can't have 'cause you are afraid to open your doors) or you're finding posting 
to the same four walls uninspiring. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno

2016-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Vacation time.  Turq in Paris, Sal off to the beach, etc, etc, etc.  People on 
FFL not take vacations?

LOL, when does not being 'at home' for bawee mean he doesn't have his computer 
attached by an umbilical cord? The guy takes a poop with it by his side. Try 
another reason. 
 On 09/13/2016 07:00 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   I'm surprised Xeno has not been bothering to post (on one forum or another) 
the discrepancy in posting numbers between the Water Closet and FFL. It appears 
conversation is falling off over there. FFL is hardly a beehive of activity but 
the site is at 600 posts while the Water Closet is a dim 149. Come on boys, get 
going or we'll think you have nothing to say. Oh yeah, you don't have anything 
to say, or you've said it all before, or you need a new audience (which you 
can't have 'cause you are afraid to open your doors) or you're finding posting 
to the same four walls uninspiring. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno

2016-09-13 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
They don’t take their computers/phones with them?  Since when?  Barry is 
practically married to his, it’s his one constant relationship in the last 20 


On Sep 13, 2016, at 11:16 AM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

Vacation time.  Turq in Paris, Sal off to the beach, etc, etc, etc.  People on 
FFL not take vacations?

On 09/13/2016 07:00 AM, 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:
> I'm surprised Xeno has not been bothering to post (on one forum or another) 
> the discrepancy in posting numbers between the Water Closet and FFL. It 
> appears conversation is falling off over there. FFL is hardly a beehive of 
> activity but the site is at 600 posts while the Water Closet is a dim 149. 
> Come on boys, get going or we'll think you have nothing to say. Oh yeah, you 
> don't have anything to say, or you've said it all before, or you need a new 
> audience (which you can't have 'cause you are afraid to open your doors) or 
> you're finding posting to the same four walls uninspiring. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno

2016-09-13 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Vacation time.  Turq in Paris, Sal off to the beach, etc, etc, etc.  
People on FFL not take vacations?

On 09/13/2016 07:00 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I'm surprised Xeno has not been bothering to post (on one forum or 
another) the discrepancy in posting numbers between the Water Closet 
and FFL. It appears conversation is falling off over there. FFL is 
hardly a beehive of activity but the site is at 600 posts while the 
Water Closet is a dim 149. Come on boys, get going or we'll think you 
have nothing to say. Oh yeah, you don't have anything to say, or 
you've said it all before, or you need a new audience (which you can't 
have 'cause you are afraid to open your doors) or you're finding 
posting to the same four walls uninspiring.

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Xeno

2016-09-13 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
I vote for All of the Above.

The pitfalls of opening a group based not on a common interest, but mostly on a 
dislike of others.


On Sep 13, 2016, at 9:00 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

I'm surprised Xeno has not been bothering to post (on one forum or another) the 
discrepancy in posting numbers between the Water Closet and FFL. It appears 
conversation is falling off over there. FFL is hardly a beehive of activity but 
the site is at 600 posts while the Water Closet is a dim 149. Come on boys, get 
going or we'll think you have nothing to say. Oh yeah, you don't have anything 
to say, or you've said it all before, or you need a new audience (which you 
can't have 'cause you are afraid to open your doors) or you're finding posting 
to the same four walls uninspiring. 

[FairfieldLife] For Xeno

2016-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I'm surprised Xeno has not been bothering to post (on one forum or another) the 
discrepancy in posting numbers between the Water Closet and FFL. It appears 
conversation is falling off over there. FFL is hardly a beehive of activity but 
the site is at 600 posts while the Water Closet is a dim 149. Come on boys, get 
going or we'll think you have nothing to say. Oh yeah, you don't have anything 
to say, or you've said it all before, or you need a new audience (which you 
can't have 'cause you are afraid to open your doors) or you're finding posting 
to the same four walls uninspiring.