Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Not the kind of thing Bucky wants to hear, that the renegades are going great 

 This piece of Movement history [pt Mike, it's "Revisionist 
History as Retold by Sal to his devoted listeners"] to me shows just what a 
venal, spiteful piece of trash Marshy really was. 

 His own greed caused the teachers to defect [Mike, try to stay with real-world 
facts. Makes life more sensible and not irrational] and he tried, stupidly to 
punish them by declaring that no one could teach TM in the UK - how could the 
idiot possibly think the ones who defected would pay any attention to his bs?

 The ones who got hurt were his loyal initiators. [Is this your testimony as a 
'loyal initiator'? Or maybe something else?...I think...]When they saw what he 
was doing, the loyal ones should have followed their mates and everyone should 
have left[Is that what you did, as a loyal initiator or as a baker?]. How 
anyone can look at this level of grade school having a fit cause people won't 
gimme what I want on Marshy's part and still think he's some kind of saint is a 
testament to just how willing some people are to live in total denial of facts 
and live the bliss of illusion. [Yes Michael, you ARE THE BEST JUDGE OF WHETHER 





 Dear Ann,
I got Share's present wrapped. How can I get your to you?


 Telepathically, of course.

 Dear Ann,

I get it. Lots of women prefer to keep modest in public situations. That's a 
woman's prerogative.

But let me tell you that Share has already been given two of her gifts and the 
third is in the post.

Maybe you have a father who gives you jewelry? That'd be my best guess.

Not so secret admirer anymore,
but I can't have everything




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Not the kind of thing Bucky wants to hear, that the renegades are going great 

 This piece of Movement history [pt Mike, it's "Revisionist 
History as Retold by Sal to his devoted listeners"] to me shows just what a 
venal, spiteful piece of trash Marshy really was. 

 His own greed caused the teachers to defect [Mike, try to stay with real-world 
facts. Makes life more sensible and not irrational] and he tried, stupidly to 
punish them by declaring that no one could teach TM in the UK - how could the 
idiot possibly think the ones who defected would pay any attention to his bs?

 The ones who got hurt were his loyal initiators. [Is this your testimony as a 
'loyal initiator'? Or maybe something else?...I think...]When they saw what he 
was doing, the loyal ones should have followed their mates and everyone should 
have left[Is that what you did, as a loyal initiator or as a baker?]. How 
anyone can look at this level of grade school having a fit cause people won't 
gimme what I want on Marshy's part and still think he's some kind of saint is a 
testament to just how willing some people are to live in total denial of facts 
and live the bliss of illusion. [Yes Michael, you ARE THE BEST JUDGE OF WHETHER 





 Dear Ann,
I got Share's present wrapped. How can I get your to you?


 Telepathically, of course.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Not the kind of thing Bucky wants to hear, that the renegades are going great 

 This piece of Movement history [pt Mike, it's "Revisionist 
History as Retold by Sal to his devoted listeners"] to me shows just what a 
venal, spiteful piece of trash Marshy really was. 

 His own greed caused the teachers to defect [Mike, try to stay with real-world 
facts. Makes life more sensible and not irrational] and he tried, stupidly to 
punish them by declaring that no one could teach TM in the UK - how could the 
idiot possibly think the ones who defected would pay any attention to his bs?

 The ones who got hurt were his loyal initiators. [Is this your testimony as a 
'loyal initiator'? Or maybe something else?...I think...]When they saw what he 
was doing, the loyal ones should have followed their mates and everyone should 
have left[Is that what you did, as a loyal initiator or as a baker?]. How 
anyone can look at this level of grade school having a fit cause people won't 
gimme what I want on Marshy's part and still think he's some kind of saint is a 
testament to just how willing some people are to live in total denial of facts 
and live the bliss of illusion. [Yes Michael, you ARE THE BEST JUDGE OF WHETHER 





 Dear Ann,
I got Share's present wrapped. How can I get your to you?






Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Not the kind of thing Bucky wants to hear, that the renegades are going great 

 This piece of Movement history [pt Mike, it's "Revisionist 
History as Retold by Sal to his devoted listeners"] to me shows just what a 
venal, spiteful piece of trash Marshy really was. 

 His own greed caused the teachers to defect [Mike, try to stay with real-world 
facts. Makes life more sensible and not irrational] and he tried, stupidly to 
punish them by declaring that no one could teach TM in the UK - how could the 
idiot possibly think the ones who defected would pay any attention to his bs?

 The ones who got hurt were his loyal initiators. [Is this your testimony as a 
'loyal initiator'? Or maybe something else?...I think...]When they saw what he 
was doing, the loyal ones should have followed their mates and everyone should 
have left[Is that what you did, as a loyal initiator or as a baker?]. How 
anyone can look at this level of grade school having a fit cause people won't 
gimme what I want on Marshy's part and still think he's some kind of saint is a 
testament to just how willing some people are to live in total denial of facts 
and live the bliss of illusion. [Yes Michael, you ARE THE BEST JUDGE OF WHETHER 











[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread nablusoss1008
Another thing to remember for anyone living in that so-called "United-Kingdom": 
According to Benjamin Creme, Brahmananda Saraswati is secong only to Maitreya, 
the oldest soul now in incarnation on this planet with a point of evolution of 
7,0. Guru Dev achieved 6,0.  I may remind you that Masterhood is achieved at 
 The question then arises; what will be the collective consequences for a 
nation who with intent, as part of their very upbringing and arrogant culture 
insults not only a Master of Masters, in this case Guru Dev, but the whole 
Vedic Culture of India ?


---In,  wrote :

 You're a funny fellow Sal, Benjamin Creme as a replacement for Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi ? Me thinks you have some serious reading to update your knowledge 
to do seeming+ somewhat out of it.  And while your're at it do check your 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Sal, you know well this is silly. Maharishi dropped England because of the 
authrocities they did in the Empire, India included. Haven't you heard the 
story of Guru Dev meeting the english tiger-hunter in the Indian jungle ? Do 
google it.

 I tried and drew a blank. Can you do it?

 Maharishi was most generous and tried to uplift every nation but having lived 
with the stories of India being occupied by hooligans from that so-called 
Kingdom, somewhere along the line He just had enough of you lot.
 Regarding the future, you can be lucky to have seers like Benjamin Creme 
blessing your country, and Maitrya Himself is supposed to live in London, at 
least for some time, so it's not all bleak.
 But do watch out for the effect and karma of raping other nations.


 We certainly feel lucky to have Benjamin Creme as a replacement for Marshy and 
if Maitreya ever actually shows his face we'll be happier still ;-)

 Thanks for underlining my point about rationalising by the way.

---In,  wrote :


I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

 and this is the evidence sited by someone who prides himself on the scientific 

 I'm scratching my head here. (-;





 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In,  wrote :

 I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise T

[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread nablusoss1008

 You're a funny fellow Sal, Benjamin Creme as a replacement for Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi ? Me thinks you have some serious reading to update your knowledge 
to do seeming+ somewhat out of it.  And while your're at it do check your 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Sal, you know well this is silly. Maharishi dropped England because of the 
authrocities they did in the Empire, India included. Haven't you heard the 
story of Guru Dev meeting the english tiger-hunter in the Indian jungle ? Do 
google it.

 I tried and drew a blank. Can you do it?

 Maharishi was most generous and tried to uplift every nation but having lived 
with the stories of India being occupied by hooligans from that so-called 
Kingdom, somewhere along the line He just had enough of you lot.
 Regarding the future, you can be lucky to have seers like Benjamin Creme 
blessing your country, and Maitrya Himself is supposed to live in London, at 
least for some time, so it's not all bleak.
 But do watch out for the effect and karma of raping other nations.


 We certainly feel lucky to have Benjamin Creme as a replacement for Marshy and 
if Maitreya ever actually shows his face we'll be happier still ;-)

 Thanks for underlining my point about rationalising by the way.

---In,  wrote :


I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

 and this is the evidence sited by someone who prides himself on the scientific 

 I'm scratching my head here. (-;





 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In,  wrote :

 I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 


 LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) which is my ancestral home.

 I love Scotland too but I hope they vote "No" because the chaos for both 
countries will be amazing and we'd be stuck with the Tory scum forever. They 
want a decent welfare state but there's only 4 million people there which won't 
raise enough taxes to pay for it without the massive bonus they've been getting

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

 any idiot who labels Sal's post as revisionist history is living in denialof 
the facts. 

Keep treating Sal's posts as facts. Then you can be in Dave's spot some day. 
He's trying to find his way out, as you try to find your way in.

You have seen your future and it doesn't work.

Try something different.

 From: danfriedman2002 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 7:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK


---In,  wrote :

 Not the kind of thing Bucky wants to hear, that the renegades are going great 

 This piece of Movement history [pt Mike, it's "Revisionist 
History as Retold by Sal to his devoted listeners"] to me shows just what a 
venal, spiteful piece of trash Marshy really was. 

 His own greed caused the teachers to defect [Mike, try to stay with real-world 
facts. Makes life more sensible and not irrational] and he tried, stupidly to 
punish them by declaring that no one could teach TM in the UK - how could the 
idiot possibly think the ones who defected would pay any attention to his bs?

 The ones who got hurt were his loyal initiators. [Is this your testimony as a 
'loyal initiator'? Or maybe something else?...I think...]When they saw what he 
was doing, the loyal ones should have followed their mates and everyone should 
have left[Is that what you did, as a loyal initiator or as a baker?]. How 
anyone can look at this level of grade school having a fit cause people won't 
gimme what I want on Marshy's part and still think he's some kind of saint is a 
testament to just how willing some people are to live in total denial of facts 
and live the bliss of illusion. [Yes Michael, you ARE THE BEST JUDGE OF WHETHER 


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 2:10 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK


---In,  wrote :

 Sal, what became of the TM teachers who fragmented from the movement? Just 
wondering, they seemed organized and found some presentation independent of the 
Vlodrop movement.  Do they still have a public presence or are they 
underground? -Buck

 They are doing very well indeed:

 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust 
 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust Transcendental Meditation courses affordable 
for everyone with fees up to 50% lower than other TM courses in UK & Europe

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

They teach a lot of people and hold courses, even teaching the "siddhis". The 
TMO are seething about it and keep trying to get them legally banned but they 
don't have a case.

 I think that if the Scorpionland debacle was Marshy's only way of coping with 
the fact that people didn't like the devious and stupid way the movement was 
run then they were right to leave.

 Remember how it started, the price doubled at the same time that Marshy was 
ordering teachers to try and teach as many as possible. The "renegade" teachers 
were complaining that if - as they sincerely believed because they'd been told 
that by the Reesh himself - the world was in imminent danger the price should 
surely come down to get more people to learn to "create the coherence to save 
the world". They were told that wasn't up for discussion, I know because I was 
on the conference call where they were told to keep ranks and not rock the boat.

 The whole thing was a continuation of years of mismanagement and they quit, 
taking a huge amount of business with them. Greed and inflexibility from the 
TMO was the cause of this, these people were devoted to the teaching and still 

 I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!




 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditatio

[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

 Sal, you know well this is silly. Maharishi dropped England because of the 
authrocities they did in the Empire, India included. Haven't you heard the 
story of Guru Dev meeting the english tiger-hunter in the Indian jungle ? Do 
google it.
 Maharishi was most generous and tried to uplift every nation but having lived 
with the stories of India being occupied by hooligans from that so-called 
Kingdom, somewhere along the line He just had enough of you lot.
 Regarding the future, you can be lucky to have seers like Benjamin Creme 
blessing your country, and Maitrya Himself is supposed to live in London, at 
least for some time, so it's not all bleak.
 But do watch out for the effect and karma of raping other nations.

Just as Sal knows the true story of England and TM, Rick Archer likes to twist 
real-life facts to fit his personal (but so obvious) agenda. When Rick posted 
the Topic:  'Ideal India, Lighthouse of Peace on Earth' by Maharishihe chose to 
excerpt a very controversial section. He heated things up with his introductory 
remarks: "In a 2001 publication called 'Ideal India, the Lighthouse of Peace on 
Earth', Maharishi Mahesh Yogi wrote the following..."

Now Rick knows as well as I that this publication was not written in 
Maharishi's words. He know that Purusha often creates publications for the 
knowledge to be offered. He knows that The Appendices contain incredible wisdom.

Yet he throws this to the bewildered to get them hungry. I know his agenda. 
Even if he doesn't completely understand it himself.
---In,  wrote :


I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

 and this is the evidence sited by someone who prides himself on the scientific 

 I'm scratching my head here. (-;





 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In,  wrote :

 I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 


 LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) wh

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Nabby doesn't rationalize - he fantasizes and dreams of an Aryan Vedic society 
where everyone goosesteps to the yagya/jyotish/TM is Supreme tune.

 From: salyavin808 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 8:31 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK


---In,  wrote :

Sal, you know well this is silly. Maharishi dropped England because of the 
authrocities they did in the Empire, India included. Haven't you heard the 
story of Guru Dev meeting the english tiger-hunter in the Indian jungle ? Do 
google it.

I tried and drew a blank. Can you do it?

Maharishi was most generous and tried to uplift every nation but having lived 
with the stories of India being occupied by hooligans from that so-called 
Kingdom, somewhere along the line He just had enough of you lot.
Regarding the future, you can be lucky to have seers like Benjamin Creme 
blessing your country, and Maitrya Himself is supposed to live in London, at 
least for some time, so it's not all bleak.
But do watch out for the effect and karma of raping other nations.

We certainly feel lucky to have Benjamin Creme as a replacement for Marshy and 
if Maitreya ever actually shows his face we'll be happier still ;-)

Thanks for underlining my point about rationalising by the way.

---In,  wrote :

 I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

and this is the evidence sited by someone who prides himself on the scientific 

I'm scratching my head here. (-;

Thanks for the synopsis.  The scorpion nation fell from grace
originally because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts 
they saw as out of touch and were teaching the old way,
independently.  Damn scorpions.Is there still a scorpion
independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching meditation in the UK?
They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page at one point which 
was daring.
Is that who you are talking about doing well teaching transcending
meditation or is it the new TM movement returned?  What do you see
I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi,
he told the story of some female course participant coming out of her
hut alarmed about a scorpion on the wall inside her hut.  Satyananda
come out to look, took his sandal off in hand and smacked the
scorpion dead on the wall.  That is how Indians deal with poisonous
bugs.. Summary execution.  Take that as a lesson.
Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles
away is a recurring theme in that culture.  Sort of like the old UK
TM teachers breaking from the Rajas of  Vlodrop and Maharishi at a
Jai Guru Dev,
-Buck in the Dome 

mjackson74. wrote 

I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?

salyavin808 writes:

They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is the 
actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.

From: salyavin808 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In,  wrote :

I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 

LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) which is my ancestral home.

I love Scotland too but I hope they vote "No" because the chaos for both 
countries will be amazing and we'd be stuck with the Tory scum forever. They 
want a decent welfare state but there&#x

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
You, a German talking about raping other nations? You are beyond help. Marshy 
did exactly what Sal says he did with the Scorpion bullshit. His excuse was 
Tony Blair's support of America's war in Iraq - why the hell didn't he 
excommunicate America? You are pitiful.

 From: nablusoss1008 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 8:25 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

Sal, you know well this is silly. Maharishi dropped England because of the 
authrocities they did in the Empire, India included. Haven't you heard the 
story of Guru Dev meeting the english tiger-hunter in the Indian jungle ? Do 
google it. 
Maharishi was most generous and tried to uplift every nation but having lived 
with the stories of India being occupied by hooligans from that so-called 
Kingdom, somewhere along the line He just had enough of you lot. 
Regarding the future, you can be lucky to have seers like Benjamin Creme 
blessing your country, and Maitrya Himself is supposed to live in London, at 
least for some time, so it's not all bleak. 
But do watch out for the effect and karma of raping other nations.

---In,  wrote :

 I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

and this is the evidence sited by someone who prides himself on the scientific 

I'm scratching my head here. (-;

Thanks for the synopsis.  The scorpion nation fell from grace
originally because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts 
they saw as out of touch and were teaching the old way,
independently.  Damn scorpions.Is there still a scorpion
independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching meditation in the UK?
They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page at one point which 
was daring.
Is that who you are talking about doing well teaching transcending
meditation or is it the new TM movement returned?  What do you see
I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi,
he told the story of some female course participant coming out of her
hut alarmed about a scorpion on the wall inside her hut.  Satyananda
come out to look, took his sandal off in hand and smacked the
scorpion dead on the wall.  That is how Indians deal with poisonous
bugs.. Summary execution.  Take that as a lesson.
Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles
away is a recurring theme in that culture.  Sort of like the old UK
TM teachers breaking from the Rajas of  Vlodrop and Maharishi at a
Jai Guru Dev,
-Buck in the Dome 

mjackson74. wrote 

I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?

salyavin808 writes:

They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is the 
actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.

From: salyavin808 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In,  wrote :

I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 

LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) which is my ancestral home.

I love Scotland too but I hope they vote "No" because the chaos for both 
countries will be amazing and we'd be stuck with the Tory scum forever. They 
want a decent welfare state but there's only 4 million people there which won't 
raise enough taxes to pay for it without the massive bonus they've been getting 
from the English tax payer, and with

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
any idiot who labels Sal's post as revisionist history is living in denialof 
the facts. 

 From: danfriedman2002 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK


---In,  wrote :

Not the kind of thing Bucky wants to hear, that the renegades are going great 

This piece of Movement history [pt Mike, it's "Revisionist 
History as Retold by Sal to his devoted listeners"] to me shows just what a 
venal, spiteful piece of trash Marshy really was. 

His own greed caused the
teachers to defect [Mike, try to stay with real-world facts. Makes life more 
sensible and not irrational] and he tried, stupidly to punish them by declaring 
that no one could teach TM in the UK - how could the idiot possibly think the 
ones who defected would pay any attention to his bs?

The ones who got hurt were his loyal initiators. [Is this your testimony as a 
'loyal initiator'? Or maybe something else?...I think...]When they saw what he 
was doing, the loyal ones should have followed their mates and everyone should 
have left[Is that what you did, as a loyal initiator or as a baker?]. How 
anyone can look at this level of grade school having a fit cause people won't 
gimme what I want on Marshy's part and still think he's some kind of saint is a 
testament to just how willing some people are to
live in total denial of facts and live the bliss of illusion. [Yes Michael, you 

 From: salyavin808 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 2:10 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK


---In,  wrote :

Sal, what became of the TM teachers who fragmented from the movement?
Just wondering, they seemed organized and found some presentation independent 
of the Vlodrop movement.  Do they still have a public presence or are they 
underground? -Buck

They are doing very well indeed:

Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK
with the Meditation Trust
   Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust 
Transcendental Meditation courses affordable for everyone with fees up to 50% 
lower than other TM courses in UK & Europe  
View on www.meditationtrust.comPreview by Yahoo   
 They teach a lot of people and hold courses, even teaching the "siddhis". The 
TMO are seething about it and
keep trying to get them legally banned but they don't have a case.

I think that if the Scorpionland debacle was Marshy's only way of coping with 
the fact that people didn't like the devious and stupid way the movement was 
run then they were right to leave.

Remember how it started, the price doubled at the same time that Marshy was 
ordering teachers to try and teach as many as possible. The "renegade" teachers 
were complaining that if - as they sincerely believed because they'd been told 
that by the Reesh himself - the world was in imminent danger the price should 
surely come down to get more people
to learn to "create the coherence to save the world". They were told that 
wasn't up for discussion, I know because I was on the conference call where 
they were told to keep ranks and not rock the boat.

The whole thing was a continuation of years of mismanagement and they quit, 
taking a huge amount of business with them. Greed and inflexibility from the 
TMO was the cause of this, these people were devoted to the teaching and still 

I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

Thanks for the synopsis.  The scorpion nation fell from grace
originally because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts 
they saw as out of touch and were teaching the old way,
independently.  Damn scorpions.Is there still a scorpion
independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching meditation in the UK?
They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page at one point which 
was daring.
Is that who you are talking about doing well teaching transcending
meditation or is it the new TM movement returned?  What do you see
I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi,
he told the story of some female course participant coming out of her
hut alarmed about a scorpion on the wall inside her hut.  Satyananda
come out to look, took his sandal off in hand and smacked the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Sal, you know well this is silly. Maharishi dropped England because of the 
authrocities they did in the Empire, India included. Haven't you heard the 
story of Guru Dev meeting the english tiger-hunter in the Indian jungle ? Do 
google it.

 I tried and drew a blank. Can you do it?

 Maharishi was most generous and tried to uplift every nation but having lived 
with the stories of India being occupied by hooligans from that so-called 
Kingdom, somewhere along the line He just had enough of you lot.
 Regarding the future, you can be lucky to have seers like Benjamin Creme 
blessing your country, and Maitrya Himself is supposed to live in London, at 
least for some time, so it's not all bleak.
 But do watch out for the effect and karma of raping other nations.


 We certainly feel lucky to have Benjamin Creme as a replacement for Marshy and 
if Maitreya ever actually shows his face we'll be happier still ;-)

 Thanks for underlining my point about rationalising by the way.

---In,  wrote :


I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

 and this is the evidence sited by someone who prides himself on the scientific 

 I'm scratching my head here. (-;





 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In,  wrote :

 I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 


 LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) which is my ancestral home.

 I love Scotland too but I hope they vote "No" because the chaos for both 
countries will be amazing and we'd be stuck with the Tory scum forever. They 
want a decent welfare state but there's only 4 million people there which won't 
raise enough taxes to pay for it without the massive bonus they've been getting 
from the English tax payer, and without the pound they will be in trouble as 
the Eurozone looks pretty much finished as usual and are unlikely to want 
another broke country to bail out.

 If I lived there I would probably vote "Yes" though, just to not be ruled by 
from 700 miles awa

[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 ---In,  wrote :

 There you go, you can stop scratching your head now...


 Okay, thank you.



 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In,  wrote :

 I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 


 LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) which is my ancestral home.

 I love Scotland too but I hope they vote "No" because the chaos for both 
countries will be amazing and we'd be stuck with the Tory scum forever. They 
want a decent welfare state but there's only 4 million people there which won't 
raise enough taxes to pay for it without the massive bonus they've been getting 
from the English tax payer, and without the pound they will be in trouble as 
the Eurozone looks pretty much finished as usual and are unlikely to want 
another broke country to bail out.

 If I lived there I would probably vote "Yes" though, just to not be ruled by 
from 700 miles away by the shower of bastards we've got at the moment.

 This profound wisdom and practical move will of course be followed by Ireland 
and Wales after they declare independence from the Isle of Edward Longshanks 
and of course David Lynch will be prevented from ever coming to any of the 
three new countries. If he sneaks in he will be arrested and incarcerated. 


 Any and all TM owned properties will be nationalized, sold and the the 
proceeds given to citizens who paid various amounts of money to learn TM, TMSP, 
go on courses and so on. When this happens and the word goes out, let's see how 
many of the TM faithful will remain faithful and how many want to put in a 
claim and get that fat purse.

 All written with the knowledge of how much Buck and his frens on FFL will love 
the post.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 2:30 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In,  wrote :

 Alright Sal, we all know that in a few days the Scots will vote on whether or 
not to form their own country. 


 Now forget all the nonsense about whether the country will prosper by itself. 


 The real question is: if the Scots create an independent country, will they no 
longer be considered Scorpions? 

 As part of the UK were they originally considered Scorpions?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread nablusoss1008
Sal, you know well this is silly. Maharishi dropped England because of the 
authrocities they did in the Empire, India included. Haven't you heard the 
story of Guru Dev meeting the english tiger-hunter in the Indian jungle ? Do 
google it. 
 Maharishi was most generous and tried to uplift every nation but having lived 
with the stories of India being occupied by hooligans from that so-called 
Kingdom, somewhere along the line He just had enough of you lot. 
 Regarding the future, you can be lucky to have seers like Benjamin Creme 
blessing your country, and Maitrya Himself is supposed to live in London, at 
least for some time, so it's not all bleak. 
 But do watch out for the effect and karma of raping other nations.


---In,  wrote :


I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

 and this is the evidence sited by someone who prides himself on the scientific 

 I'm scratching my head here. (-;





 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In,  wrote :

 I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 


 LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) which is my ancestral home.

 I love Scotland too but I hope they vote "No" because the chaos for both 
countries will be amazing and we'd be stuck with the Tory scum forever. They 
want a decent welfare state but there's only 4 million people there which won't 
raise enough taxes to pay for it without the massive bonus they've been getting 
from the English tax payer, and without the pound they will be in trouble as 
the Eurozone looks pretty much finished as usual and are unlikely to want 
another broke country to bail out.

 If I lived there I would probably vote "Yes" though, just to not be ruled by 
from 700 miles away by the shower of bastards we've got at the moment.

 This profound wisdom and practical move will of course be followed by Ireland 
and Wales after they declare independence from the Isle of Edward Longshanks 
and of course David Lynch will be prevented from ever coming to any of the 
three new countries. If h

[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :


I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

 and this is the evidence sited by someone who prides himself on the scientific 

 Sorry but I wasn't there to record the brainwaves of the people who were 
asking my friend about brainwashing in the TMO. It wouldn't have made much 
difference though because matters of opinion are unlikely to have a radically 
different EEG signature unless there is high emotions at stake. So I chose an 
amusing coda to the anecdote instead.


 I thought it was amusing anyway, but you can't please everyone ;-)

 I'm scratching my head here. (-;



 I'll expand on it, just for you. My friend still does the TMSP but has 
sympathy for the "renegade" teachers as had known them for years before them 
leaving the TMO. 

 But being asked about brainwashing in the TMO surprised him as he thinks the 
opposite and wondered what they had been told to think it in the first place. 
My little joke is that had he read the output here most days he might wonder at 
the sanity of long term meditators a bit more and maybe question the effects of 
exposure to the TM belief system.

 There you go, you can stop scratching your head now...


 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In,  wrote :

 I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 


 LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) which is my ancestral home.

 I love Scotland too but I hope they vote "No" because the chaos for both 
countries will be amazing and we'd be stuck with the Tory scum forever. They 
want a decent welfare state but there's only 4 million people there which won't 
raise enough taxes to pay for it without the massive bonus they've been getting 
from the English tax payer, and without the pound they will be in trouble as 
the Eurozone looks pretty much finished as usual and are unlikely to want 
another broke country to bail out.

 If I lived there I would probably vote "Yes" though, just to not be ruled by 
from 700 miles away by the shower of bastards we've got a

[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

 and this is the evidence sited by someone who prides himself on the scientific 

 I'm scratching my head here. (-;





 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In,  wrote :

 I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 


 LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) which is my ancestral home.

 I love Scotland too but I hope they vote "No" because the chaos for both 
countries will be amazing and we'd be stuck with the Tory scum forever. They 
want a decent welfare state but there's only 4 million people there which won't 
raise enough taxes to pay for it without the massive bonus they've been getting 
from the English tax payer, and without the pound they will be in trouble as 
the Eurozone looks pretty much finished as usual and are unlikely to want 
another broke country to bail out.

 If I lived there I would probably vote "Yes" though, just to not be ruled by 
from 700 miles away by the shower of bastards we've got at the moment.

 This profound wisdom and practical move will of course be followed by Ireland 
and Wales after they declare independence from the Isle of Edward Longshanks 
and of course David Lynch will be prevented from ever coming to any of the 
three new countries. If he sneaks in he will be arrested and incarcerated. 


 Any and all TM owned properties will be nationalized, sold and the the 
proceeds given to citizens who paid various amounts of money to learn TM, TMSP, 
go on courses and so on. When this happens and the word goes out, let's see how 
many of the TM faithful will remain faithful and how many want to put in a 
claim and get that fat purse.

 All written with the knowledge of how much Buck and his frens on FFL will love 
the post.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 2:30 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In,  wrote :

 Alright Sal, we all know that in a few days the Scots will vote on wheth

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Not the kind of thing Bucky wants to hear, that the renegades are going great 

 This piece of Movement history to me shows just what a venal, spiteful piece 
of trash Marshy really was. 

 His own greed caused the teachers to defect and he tried, stupidly to punish 
them by declaring that no one could teach TM in the UK - how could the idiot 
possibly think the ones who defected would pay any attention to his bs?

 The ones who got hurt were his loyal initiators. When they saw what he was 
doing, the loyal ones should have followed their mates and everyone should have 
left. How anyone can look at this level of grade school having a fit cause 
people won't gimme what I want on Marshy's part and still think he's some kind 
of saint is a testament to just how willing some people are to live in total 
denial of facts and live the bliss of illusion. 


 It was the rationalisations that got me baffled. They'd all sit around 
wondering why Marshy did it and come up with scenario's like "He's trying to 
get rid of the deadwood in the movement so we can be better when it re-starts" 
or "Marshy sees natural laws at a deeper level than we can guess at so he must 
be right whatever he does".

 Bend over and take it in other words, and don't forget to say thankyou for 
sharing more profound knowledge with us. I know TM teachers who admit that half 
of their career has been trying to work out why Marshy did things. Occam's 
razor never occurred to them, everything had to somehow be filtered through the 
belief that he was always right. Kind of a lopsided way of looking at the world!

 Incredible ability to read minds there Sal. 

Didn't you promise to wake up a bit more before posting again?
You'll never be Awake. Wake up!

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 2:10 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK


---In,  wrote :

 Sal, what became of the TM teachers who fragmented from the movement? Just 
wondering, they seemed organized and found some presentation independent of the 
Vlodrop movement.  Do they still have a public presence or are they 
underground? -Buck

 They are doing very well indeed:

 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust 
 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust Transcendental Meditation courses affordable 
for everyone with fees up to 50% lower than other TM courses in UK & Europe

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

They teach a lot of people and hold courses, even teaching the "siddhis". The 
TMO are seething about it and keep trying to get them legally banned but they 
don't have a case.

 I think that if the Scorpionland debacle was Marshy's only way of coping with 
the fact that people didn't like the devious and stupid way the movement was 
run then they were right to leave.

 Remember how it started, the price doubled at the same time that Marshy was 
ordering teachers to try and teach as many as possible. The "renegade" teachers 
were complaining that if - as they sincerely believed because they'd been told 
that by the Reesh himself - the world was in imminent danger the price should 
surely come down to get more people to learn to "create the coherence to save 
the world". They were told that wasn't up for discussion, I know because I was 
on the conference call where they were told to keep ranks and not rock the boat.

 The whole thing was a continuation of years of mismanagement and they quit, 
taking a huge amount of business with them. Greed and inflexibility from the 
TMO was the cause of this, these people were devoted to the teaching and still 

 I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!




 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

 Not the kind of thing Bucky wants to hear, that the renegades are going great 

 This piece of Movement history [pt Mike, it's "Revisionist 
History as Retold by Sal to his devoted listeners"] to me shows just what a 
venal, spiteful piece of trash Marshy really was. 

 His own greed caused the teachers to defect [Mike, try to stay with real-world 
facts. Makes life more sensible and not irrational] and he tried, stupidly to 
punish them by declaring that no one could teach TM in the UK - how could the 
idiot possibly think the ones who defected would pay any attention to his bs?

 The ones who got hurt were his loyal initiators. [Is this your testimony as a 
'loyal initiator'? Or maybe something else?...I think...]When they saw what he 
was doing, the loyal ones should have followed their mates and everyone should 
have left[Is that what you did, as a loyal initiator or as a baker?]. How 
anyone can look at this level of grade school having a fit cause people won't 
gimme what I want on Marshy's part and still think he's some kind of saint is a 
testament to just how willing some people are to live in total denial of facts 
and live the bliss of illusion. [Yes Michael, you ARE THE BEST JUDGE OF WHETHER 


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 2:10 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK


---In,  wrote :

 Sal, what became of the TM teachers who fragmented from the movement? Just 
wondering, they seemed organized and found some presentation independent of the 
Vlodrop movement.  Do they still have a public presence or are they 
underground? -Buck

 They are doing very well indeed:

 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust 
 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust Transcendental Meditation courses affordable 
for everyone with fees up to 50% lower than other TM courses in UK & Europe

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

They teach a lot of people and hold courses, even teaching the "siddhis". The 
TMO are seething about it and keep trying to get them legally banned but they 
don't have a case.

 I think that if the Scorpionland debacle was Marshy's only way of coping with 
the fact that people didn't like the devious and stupid way the movement was 
run then they were right to leave.

 Remember how it started, the price doubled at the same time that Marshy was 
ordering teachers to try and teach as many as possible. The "renegade" teachers 
were complaining that if - as they sincerely believed because they'd been told 
that by the Reesh himself - the world was in imminent danger the price should 
surely come down to get more people to learn to "create the coherence to save 
the world". They were told that wasn't up for discussion, I know because I was 
on the conference call where they were told to keep ranks and not rock the boat.

 The whole thing was a continuation of years of mismanagement and they quit, 
taking a huge amount of business with them. Greed and inflexibility from the 
TMO was the cause of this, these people were devoted to the teaching and still 

 I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!




 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort o

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Not the kind of thing Bucky wants to hear, that the renegades are going great 

 This piece of Movement history to me shows just what a venal, spiteful piece 
of trash Marshy really was. 

 His own greed caused the teachers to defect and he tried, stupidly to punish 
them by declaring that no one could teach TM in the UK - how could the idiot 
possibly think the ones who defected would pay any attention to his bs?

 The ones who got hurt were his loyal initiators. When they saw what he was 
doing, the loyal ones should have followed their mates and everyone should have 
left. How anyone can look at this level of grade school having a fit cause 
people won't gimme what I want on Marshy's part and still think he's some kind 
of saint is a testament to just how willing some people are to live in total 
denial of facts and live the bliss of illusion. 


 It was the rationalisations that got me baffled. They'd all sit around 
wondering why Marshy did it and come up with scenario's like "He's trying to 
get rid of the deadwood in the movement so we can be better when it re-starts" 
or "Marshy sees natural laws at a deeper level than we can guess at so he must 
be right whatever he does".

 Bend over and take it in other words, and don't forget to say thankyou for 
sharing more profound knowledge with us. I know TM teachers who admit that half 
of their career has been trying to work out why Marshy did things. Occam's 
razor never occurred to them, everything had to somehow be filtered through the 
belief that he was always right. Kind of a lopsided way of looking at the world!


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 2:10 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK


---In,  wrote :

 Sal, what became of the TM teachers who fragmented from the movement? Just 
wondering, they seemed organized and found some presentation independent of the 
Vlodrop movement.  Do they still have a public presence or are they 
underground? -Buck

 They are doing very well indeed:

 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust 
 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust Transcendental Meditation courses affordable 
for everyone with fees up to 50% lower than other TM courses in UK & Europe

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

They teach a lot of people and hold courses, even teaching the "siddhis". The 
TMO are seething about it and keep trying to get them legally banned but they 
don't have a case.

 I think that if the Scorpionland debacle was Marshy's only way of coping with 
the fact that people didn't like the devious and stupid way the movement was 
run then they were right to leave.

 Remember how it started, the price doubled at the same time that Marshy was 
ordering teachers to try and teach as many as possible. The "renegade" teachers 
were complaining that if - as they sincerely believed because they'd been told 
that by the Reesh himself - the world was in imminent danger the price should 
surely come down to get more people to learn to "create the coherence to save 
the world". They were told that wasn't up for discussion, I know because I was 
on the conference call where they were told to keep ranks and not rock the boat.

 The whole thing was a continuation of years of mismanagement and they quit, 
taking a huge amount of business with them. Greed and inflexibility from the 
TMO was the cause of this, these people were devoted to the teaching and still 

 I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!




 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Sa

[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Sal, what became of the TM teachers who fragmented from the movement? Just 
wondering, they seemed organized and found some presentation independent of the 
Vlodrop movement.  Do they still have a public presence or are they 
underground? -Buck

 They are doing very well indeed:

 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust 
 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust Transcendental Meditation courses affordable 
for everyone with fees up to 50% lower than other TM courses in UK & Europe

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

They teach a lot of people and hold courses, even teaching the "siddhis". The 
TMO are seething about it and keep trying to get them legally banned but they 
don't have a case.

 I think that if the Scorpionland debacle was Marshy's only way of coping with 
the fact that people didn't like the devious and stupid way the movement was 
run then they were right to leave. [Revisionist history].


 Remember how it started, the price doubled at the same time that Marshy was 
ordering teachers to try and teach as many as possible. The "renegade" teachers 
were complaining that if - as they sincerely believed because they'd been told 
that by the Reesh himself - the world was in imminent danger the price should 
surely come down to get more people to learn to "create the coherence to save 
the world". They were told that wasn't up for discussion, I know because I was 
on the conference call where they were told to keep ranks and not rock the boat.

 The whole thing was a continuation of years of mismanagement and they quit, 
taking a huge amount of business with them. Greed and inflexibility from the 
TMO was the cause of this,[You'll need a better plotline, but I expect this 
version sells better to your devoted readers] these people were devoted to the 
teaching and still are.[Maharishi's Teaching included his instruction on how to 
Teach TM. When people start their own way, that becomes Their Own Way, not TM 
as Taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.]


 I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here![ find out 
what gossip sounds like]





 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In,  wrote :

 I love al

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Not the kind of thing Bucky wants to hear, that the renegades are going great 

This piece of Movement history to me shows just what a venal, spiteful piece of 
trash Marshy really was. 

His own greed caused the teachers to defect and he tried, stupidly to punish 
them by declaring that no one could teach TM in the UK - how could the idiot 
possibly think the ones who defected would pay any attention to his bs?

The ones who got hurt were his loyal initiators. When they saw what he was 
doing, the loyal ones should have followed their mates and everyone should have 
left. How anyone can look at this level of grade school having a fit cause 
people won't gimme what I want on Marshy's part and still think he's some kind 
of saint is a testament to just how willing some people are to live in total 
denial of facts and live the bliss of illusion. 

 From: salyavin808 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 2:10 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK


---In,  wrote :

Sal, what became of the TM teachers who fragmented from the movement?
Just wondering, they seemed organized and found some presentation independent 
of the Vlodrop movement.  Do they still have a public presence or are they 
underground? -Buck

They are doing very well indeed:

Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust
   Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust  
Transcendental Meditation courses affordable for everyone with fees up to 50% 
lower than other TM courses in UK & Europe  
View on Preview by Yahoo
 They teach a lot of people and hold courses, even teaching the "siddhis". The 
TMO are seething about it and keep trying to get them legally banned but they 
don't have a case.

I think that if the Scorpionland debacle was Marshy's only way of coping with 
the fact that people didn't like the devious and stupid way the movement was 
run then they were right to leave.

Remember how it started, the price doubled at the same time that Marshy was 
ordering teachers to try and teach as many as possible. The "renegade" teachers 
were complaining that if - as they sincerely believed because they'd been told 
that by the Reesh himself - the world was in imminent danger the price should 
surely come down to get more people to learn to "create the coherence to save 
the world". They were told that wasn't up for discussion, I know because I was 
on the conference call where they were told to keep ranks and not rock the boat.

The whole thing was a continuation of years of mismanagement and they quit, 
taking a huge amount of business with them. Greed and inflexibility from the 
TMO was the cause of this, these people were devoted to the teaching and still 

I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

Thanks for the synopsis.  The scorpion nation fell from grace
originally because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts 
they saw as out of touch and were teaching the old way,
independently.  Damn scorpions.Is there still a scorpion
independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching meditation in the UK?
They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page at one point which 
was daring.
Is that who you are talking about doing well teaching transcending
meditation or is it the new TM movement returned?  What do you see
I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi,
he told the story of some female course participant coming out of her
hut alarmed about a scorpion on the wall inside her hut.  Satyananda
come out to look, took his sandal off in hand and smacked the
scorpion dead on the wall.  That is how Indians deal with poisonous
bugs.. Summary execution.  Take that as a lesson.
Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles
away is a recurring theme in that culture.  Sort of like the old UK
TM teachers breaking from the Rajas of  Vlodrop and Maharishi at a
Jai Guru Dev,
-Buck in the Dome 

mjackson74. wrote 

I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?

salyavin808 writes:

They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is the 
actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all t

[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-12 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Sal, what became of the TM teachers who fragmented from the movement? Just 
wondering, they seemed organized and found some presentation independent of the 
Vlodrop movement.  Do they still have a public presence or are they 
underground? -Buck

 They are doing very well indeed:

 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust 
 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust Transcendental Meditation courses affordable 
for everyone with fees up to 50% lower than other TM courses in UK & Europe
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
They teach a lot of people and hold courses, even teaching the "siddhis". The 
TMO are seething about it and keep trying to get them legally banned but they 
don't have a case.

 I think that if the Scorpionland debacle was Marshy's only way of coping with 
the fact that people didn't like the devious and stupid way the movement was 
run then they were right to leave.

 Remember how it started, the price doubled at the same time that Marshy was 
ordering teachers to try and teach as many as possible. The "renegade" teachers 
were complaining that if - as they sincerely believed because they'd been told 
that by the Reesh himself - the world was in imminent danger the price should 
surely come down to get more people to learn to "create the coherence to save 
the world". They were told that wasn't up for discussion, I know because I was 
on the conference call where they were told to keep ranks and not rock the boat.

 The whole thing was a continuation of years of mismanagement and they quit, 
taking a huge amount of business with them. Greed and inflexibility from the 
TMO was the cause of this, these people were devoted to the teaching and still 

 I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!




 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In,  wrote :

 I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 


 LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and ar

[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-12 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Sal, what became of the TM teachers who fragmented from the movement? Just 
wondering, they seemed organized and found some presentation independent of the 
Vlodrop movement.  Do they still have a public presence or are they 
underground? -Buck

 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In,  wrote :

 I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 


 LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) which is my ancestral home.

 I love Scotland too but I hope they vote "No" because the chaos for both 
countries will be amazing and we'd be stuck with the Tory scum forever. They 
want a decent welfare state but there's only 4 million people there which won't 
raise enough taxes to pay for it without the massive bonus they've been getting 
from the English tax payer, and without the pound they will be in trouble as 
the Eurozone looks pretty much finished as usual and are unlikely to want 
another broke country to bail out.

 If I lived there I would probably vote "Yes" though, just to not be ruled by 
from 700 miles away by the shower of bastards we've got at the moment.

 This profound wisdom and practical move will of course be followed by Ireland 
and Wales after they declare independence from the Isle of Edward Longshanks 
and of course David Lynch will be prevented from ever coming to any of the 
three new countries. If he sneaks in he will be arrested and incarcerated. 


 Any and all TM owned properties will be nationalized, sold and the the 
proceeds given to citizens who paid various amounts of money to learn TM, TMSP, 
go on courses and so on. When this happens and the word goes out, let's see how 
many of the TM faithful will remain faithful and how many want to put in a 
claim and get that fat purse.

 All written with the knowledge of how much Buck and his frens on FFL will love 
the post.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 2:30 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In,  wrote :

 Alright Sal, we all know that in a few days the Scots will vote on whether or 
not to form their own country. 


 Now forget all the nonsense about whether the country will prosper by itself. 


 The real question is: if the Scots create an independent country, wil