Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-22 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 Right on - yes, I recall your picture and you look far younger. Agree with all 
that you say - I never think about my age, well almost never - yet each day 
brings so much freshness and life, it is difficult to believe, we are actually 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Not if you ask my daughter...Hey, Ann, I recall hearing, years ago, that those 
doing TM had a physiological age 7 years younger than their physical age, and 
for TMSP it was 11 years, I think. I am regularly mistaken for someone in his 
40's, although I turn 60 in just a few months. I never feel my age, physically, 
and do not take particularly good care of myself, in order to achieve that - 
lol. Genetics play a part, but doing all that TM definitely changes the body to 
something less coarse, less susceptible to aging and stress, in general.

 Yes, I remember those figures now that you mention it. I haven't really 
meditated for 25 years but I also have the experience of people not thinking I 
am as ancient as I am. But I think it is because I just live my life without a 
real awareness of my age and I am pretty active and involved in a sport that 
keeps you having to be quick thinking and reasonably agile. Many times I think 
it is the way people hold themselves and move that creates an impression of 
vitality as opposed to how many wrinkles one has. Check it out, watch how the 
posture and movements effect our impression of someone's overall energy level 
and therefore sense of "youthfulness" of that person. I have always had a sort 
of boundless energy plus good genetics have helped in the less-aged face 
department and I am just vain enough to enjoy the fact no one can believe I am 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Me, with my latest toy - Happy Spring!

 And here is my latest "toy", only this one isn't a toy but a very much alive 
fabulous creature who will be turning 5 at the end of April. I have called him 
"Raphael" which means "healing from God". I recently lost two of my great 
horses - one to an intestinal strangulating lipoma and one from old age - and 
so his name is significant as it takes a long time to heal from a heart 
rendered in half by grief. But he is helping by simply being the character and 
youngster that he is. These were taken yesterday morning. I think they are big 
images for the page so you might have to manipulate the screen to see the whole 








Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-21 Thread doctordumbass
Right on - yes, I recall your picture and you look far younger. Agree with all 
that you say - I never think about my age, well almost never - yet each day 
brings so much freshness and life, it is difficult to believe, we are actually 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Not if you ask my daughter...Hey, Ann, I recall hearing, years ago, that those 
doing TM had a physiological age 7 years younger than their physical age, and 
for TMSP it was 11 years, I think. I am regularly mistaken for someone in his 
40's, although I turn 60 in just a few months. I never feel my age, physically, 
and do not take particularly good care of myself, in order to achieve that - 
lol. Genetics play a part, but doing all that TM definitely changes the body to 
something less coarse, less susceptible to aging and stress, in general.

 Yes, I remember those figures now that you mention it. I haven't really 
meditated for 25 years but I also have the experience of people not thinking I 
am as ancient as I am. But I think it is because I just live my life without a 
real awareness of my age and I am pretty active and involved in a sport that 
keeps you having to be quick thinking and reasonably agile. Many times I think 
it is the way people hold themselves and move that creates an impression of 
vitality as opposed to how many wrinkles one has. Check it out, watch how the 
posture and movements effect our impression of someone's overall energy level 
and therefore sense of "youthfulness" of that person. I have always had a sort 
of boundless energy plus good genetics have helped in the less-aged face 
department and I am just vain enough to enjoy the fact no one can believe I am 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Me, with my latest toy - Happy Spring!

 Geez, it's true: You are an Adonis and with a golden stringed instrument. 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 HA! Gotcha!:-) 
Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a sequence, to better 
understand our expression of love, as you mention, more and more fully. Simply 
an intellectual aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the length, or sequence, 
of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC. The reason I do not include GC, 
as sequential to the others, is that it is concerned with the universal heart 
development, that you mentioned - the direct experience of the universal, and 
happens at any time.
So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete acceptance, for ourselves, 
and everything we encounter, while actively being in the world (which you and I 
certainly are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework, to see 
how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling that goal. 
But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say - beyond any of them. 
They don't need to exist as benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big 
Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful life that 
you describe, has nothing to do with chasing or evaluating these states. It 
simply is, and that is enough.
As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that is what it is 
like, only after it becomes more full, and stable, all of the chakras fully and 
naturally light up (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means 
of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative work, and humor.

 Well Doc, if you're enlightened then that is cool and you seem like one of the 
most balanced and "normal" people here. You have a life, apparently, and you 
have balance. You are funny, strong and interesting. Whether you're beautiful 
or not I don't know but for all I know you're a living Adonis!
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-21 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 Not if you ask my daughter...Hey, Ann, I recall hearing, years ago, that those 
doing TM had a physiological age 7 years younger than their physical age, and 
for TMSP it was 11 years, I think. I am regularly mistaken for someone in his 
40's, although I turn 60 in just a few months. I never feel my age, physically, 
and do not take particularly good care of myself, in order to achieve that - 
lol. Genetics play a part, but doing all that TM definitely changes the body to 
something less coarse, less susceptible to aging and stress, in general.

 Yes, I remember those figures now that you mention it. I haven't really 
meditated for 25 years but I also have the experience of people not thinking I 
am as ancient as I am. But I think it is because I just live my life without a 
real awareness of my age and I am pretty active and involved in a sport that 
keeps you having to be quick thinking and reasonably agile. Many times I think 
it is the way people hold themselves and move that creates an impression of 
vitality as opposed to how many wrinkles one has. Check it out, watch how the 
posture and movements effect our impression of someone's overall energy level 
and therefore sense of "youthfulness" of that person. I have always had a sort 
of boundless energy plus good genetics have helped in the less-aged face 
department and I am just vain enough to enjoy the fact no one can believe I am 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Me, with my latest toy - Happy Spring!

 Geez, it's true: You are an Adonis and with a golden stringed instrument. 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 HA! Gotcha!:-) 
Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a sequence, to better 
understand our expression of love, as you mention, more and more fully. Simply 
an intellectual aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the length, or sequence, 
of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC. The reason I do not include GC, 
as sequential to the others, is that it is concerned with the universal heart 
development, that you mentioned - the direct experience of the universal, and 
happens at any time.
So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete acceptance, for ourselves, 
and everything we encounter, while actively being in the world (which you and I 
certainly are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework, to see 
how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling that goal. 
But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say - beyond any of them. 
They don't need to exist as benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big 
Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful life that 
you describe, has nothing to do with chasing or evaluating these states. It 
simply is, and that is enough.
As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that is what it is 
like, only after it becomes more full, and stable, all of the chakras fully and 
naturally light up (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means 
of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative work, and humor.

 Well Doc, if you're enlightened then that is cool and you seem like one of the 
most balanced and "normal" people here. You have a life, apparently, and you 
have balance. You are funny, strong and interesting. Whether you're beautiful 
or not I don't know but for all I know you're a living Adonis!
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the mind and 
intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of this physical sensation but 
I would not be able to tell if another was having it and certainly watching 
that video of Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss just 
looked like a crazy drugged guy 

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-21 Thread doctordumbass
Not if you ask my daughter...Hey, Ann, I recall hearing, years ago, that those 
doing TM had a physiological age 7 years younger than their physical age, and 
for TMSP it was 11 years, I think. I am regularly mistaken for someone in his 
40's, although I turn 60 in just a few months. I never feel my age, physically, 
and do not take particularly good care of myself, in order to achieve that - 
lol. Genetics play a part, but doing all that TM definitely changes the body to 
something less coarse, less susceptible to aging and stress, in general.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Me, with my latest toy - Happy Spring!

 Geez, it's true: You are an Adonis and with a golden stringed instrument. 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 HA! Gotcha!:-) 
Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a sequence, to better 
understand our expression of love, as you mention, more and more fully. Simply 
an intellectual aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the length, or sequence, 
of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC. The reason I do not include GC, 
as sequential to the others, is that it is concerned with the universal heart 
development, that you mentioned - the direct experience of the universal, and 
happens at any time.
So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete acceptance, for ourselves, 
and everything we encounter, while actively being in the world (which you and I 
certainly are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework, to see 
how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling that goal. 
But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say - beyond any of them. 
They don't need to exist as benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big 
Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful life that 
you describe, has nothing to do with chasing or evaluating these states. It 
simply is, and that is enough.
As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that is what it is 
like, only after it becomes more full, and stable, all of the chakras fully and 
naturally light up (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means 
of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative work, and humor.

 Well Doc, if you're enlightened then that is cool and you seem like one of the 
most balanced and "normal" people here. You have a life, apparently, and you 
have balance. You are funny, strong and interesting. Whether you're beautiful 
or not I don't know but for all I know you're a living Adonis!
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the mind and 
intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of this physical sensation but 
I would not be able to tell if another was having it and certainly watching 
that video of Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss just 
looked like a crazy drugged guy sitting there completely "out of it". So, I 
have no proof of this state as a permanent or prominent manifestation of 
"enlightenment" in others and therefore I stick with my theory that there is no 
such thing as outlined in books and by spiritual teachers and I have yet to 
meet anyone I could recognize as "enlightened" yet. Creative, intelligent, 
brilliant, beautiful yes, but enlightened - no.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your respo

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread LEnglish5
Well, in order to be able to reliably notice more subtle aspects of perceptual, 
emotional and thinking reality, you need to have some level of quietude in the 

 Otherwise, how can you tell if what you are perceiving is subtle, or just 


Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 Me, with my latest toy - Happy Spring!

 Geez, it's true: You are an Adonis and with a golden stringed instrument. 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 HA! Gotcha!:-) 
Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a sequence, to better 
understand our expression of love, as you mention, more and more fully. Simply 
an intellectual aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the length, or sequence, 
of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC. The reason I do not include GC, 
as sequential to the others, is that it is concerned with the universal heart 
development, that you mentioned - the direct experience of the universal, and 
happens at any time.
So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete acceptance, for ourselves, 
and everything we encounter, while actively being in the world (which you and I 
certainly are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework, to see 
how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling that goal. 
But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say - beyond any of them. 
They don't need to exist as benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big 
Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful life that 
you describe, has nothing to do with chasing or evaluating these states. It 
simply is, and that is enough.
As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that is what it is 
like, only after it becomes more full, and stable, all of the chakras fully and 
naturally light up (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means 
of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative work, and humor.

 Well Doc, if you're enlightened then that is cool and you seem like one of the 
most balanced and "normal" people here. You have a life, apparently, and you 
have balance. You are funny, strong and interesting. Whether you're beautiful 
or not I don't know but for all I know you're a living Adonis!
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the mind and 
intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of this physical sensation but 
I would not be able to tell if another was having it and certainly watching 
that video of Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss just 
looked like a crazy drugged guy sitting there completely "out of it". So, I 
have no proof of this state as a permanent or prominent manifestation of 
"enlightenment" in others and therefore I stick with my theory that there is no 
such thing as outlined in books and by spiritual teachers and I have yet to 
meet anyone I could recognize as "enlightened" yet. Creative, intelligent, 
brilliant, beautiful yes, but enlightened - no.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I 
rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do in their lives 
whether they claim to be enlightened or not. Basically, that state doesn't 
exist and the sooner people realize it and stop throwing themselves at these 
people's feet the sooner we can all stop blaming these guys for misleading us 
and being such lying, womanizing charlatans or whatever you and others choose 
to call them. I guess I just don't relate to the hanging on to disappointment 
about failed gurus and spiritual teachers and I don't make their failings with 
my result

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
Oh, *hell* no! I'm gonna get good, first. At least I can now say, legitimately, 
"I've got blistahs on me fingahs..." (with massive apologies to Geo 
Harrison...).:-)...time to run some scales, ouch.

---In,  wrote :

 Excellent!  What is that halo of light I see around your head?  You'll have to 
post a musical post nextand prepare for some critical review of your 
beginner's skills.  Smile.  

---In,  wrote :

 Me, with my latest toy - Happy Spring!

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 HA! Gotcha!:-) 
Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a sequence, to better 
understand our expression of love, as you mention, more and more fully. Simply 
an intellectual aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the length, or sequence, 
of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC. The reason I do not include GC, 
as sequential to the others, is that it is concerned with the universal heart 
development, that you mentioned - the direct experience of the universal, and 
happens at any time.
So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete acceptance, for ourselves, 
and everything we encounter, while actively being in the world (which you and I 
certainly are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework, to see 
how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling that goal. 
But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say - beyond any of them. 
They don't need to exist as benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big 
Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful life that 
you describe, has nothing to do with chasing or evaluating these states. It 
simply is, and that is enough.
As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that is what it is 
like, only after it becomes more full, and stable, all of the chakras fully and 
naturally light up (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means 
of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative work, and humor.

 Well Doc, if you're enlightened then that is cool and you seem like one of the 
most balanced and "normal" people here. You have a life, apparently, and you 
have balance. You are funny, strong and interesting. Whether you're beautiful 
or not I don't know but for all I know you're a living Adonis!
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the mind and 
intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of this physical sensation but 
I would not be able to tell if another was having it and certainly watching 
that video of Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss just 
looked like a crazy drugged guy sitting there completely "out of it". So, I 
have no proof of this state as a permanent or prominent manifestation of 
"enlightenment" in others and therefore I stick with my theory that there is no 
such thing as outlined in books and by spiritual teachers and I have yet to 
meet anyone I could recognize as "enlightened" yet. Creative, intelligent, 
brilliant, beautiful yes, but enlightened - no.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I 
rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do in their lives 
whether they claim to be enlightened or not. Basically, that state doesn't 
exist and the sooner people realize it and stop throwing 

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread Michael Jackson
That is a nice looking guitar - I am sure you may have said so here on FFL but 
how long have you been playing?

On Thu, 3/20/14,  

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as 
John McLaughlin in old age
 Date: Thursday, March 20, 2014, 6:22 PM
   Me, with my latest toy - Happy Spring!
  wrote :
  wrote :
 HA! Gotcha!:-) 
 Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a
 sequence, to better understand our expression of love, as
 you mention, more and more fully. Simply an intellectual
 aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
 Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the
 length, or
 sequence, of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC.
 The reason I
 do not include GC, as sequential to the others, is that it
 is concerned
 with the universal heart development, that you mentioned -
 the direct
 experience of the universal, and happens at any time.
 So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete
 acceptance, for ourselves, and everything we encounter,
 while actively being in the world (which you and I certainly
 are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework,
 to see how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling
 that goal. 
 But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say -
 beyond any of them. They don't need to exist as
 benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big
 Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent,
 brilliant, beautiful life that you describe, has nothing to
 do with chasing or evaluating these states. It simply is,
 and that is enough.
 As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that
 is what it is like, only after it becomes more full, and
 stable, all of the chakras fully and naturally light up
 (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means
 of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative
 work, and humor.
 Well Doc,
 if you're enlightened then that is cool and you seem
 like one of the most balanced and "normal" people
 here. You have a life, apparently, and you have balance. You
 are funny, strong and interesting. Whether you're
 beautiful or not I don't know but for all I know
 you're a living Adonis!
  wrote :
  wrote :
 and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite
 real. However with the modern technique for householders
 available, it is no longer necessary to have a personal
 guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous
 system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the
 books and teachers. 
 I am open
 to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced
 it can be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct
 boundaries as defined by terms like CC, GC etc.. There
 exists a realm where pure love dwells and is available - I
 have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the
 room envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and
 exquisite, intense feeling that most closely resembles a
 sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts and is not
 sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the
 mind and intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of
 this physical sensation but I would not be able to tell if
 another was having it and certainly watching that video of
 Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss
 just looked like a crazy drugged guy sitting there
 completely "out of it". So, I have no proof of
 this state as a permanent or prominent manifestation of
 "enlightenment" in others and therefore I stick
 with my theory that there is no such thing as outlined in
 books and by spiritual teachers and I have yet to meet
 anyone I could recognize as "enlightened" yet.
 Creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful yes, but
 enlightened - no.
  wrote :
 wrote :
 you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I
 think of Nabby's penchant for praising people who are
 the kind of fakes and abusers you have had to deal with
 yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse me
 Making a
 single post about how I feel about others foibles and
 failings as human beings does not equate to
 "worrying" about what you think. I am responding
 to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I
 rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do
 in their lives whether they claim to be enlightened or not.

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread emilymaenot

 Excellent!  What is that halo of light I see around your head?  You'll have to 
post a musical post nextand prepare for some critical review of your 
beginner's skills.  Smile.  

---In,  wrote :

 Me, with my latest toy - Happy Spring!

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 HA! Gotcha!:-) 
Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a sequence, to better 
understand our expression of love, as you mention, more and more fully. Simply 
an intellectual aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the length, or sequence, 
of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC. The reason I do not include GC, 
as sequential to the others, is that it is concerned with the universal heart 
development, that you mentioned - the direct experience of the universal, and 
happens at any time.
So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete acceptance, for ourselves, 
and everything we encounter, while actively being in the world (which you and I 
certainly are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework, to see 
how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling that goal. 
But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say - beyond any of them. 
They don't need to exist as benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big 
Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful life that 
you describe, has nothing to do with chasing or evaluating these states. It 
simply is, and that is enough.
As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that is what it is 
like, only after it becomes more full, and stable, all of the chakras fully and 
naturally light up (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means 
of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative work, and humor.

 Well Doc, if you're enlightened then that is cool and you seem like one of the 
most balanced and "normal" people here. You have a life, apparently, and you 
have balance. You are funny, strong and interesting. Whether you're beautiful 
or not I don't know but for all I know you're a living Adonis!
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the mind and 
intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of this physical sensation but 
I would not be able to tell if another was having it and certainly watching 
that video of Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss just 
looked like a crazy drugged guy sitting there completely "out of it". So, I 
have no proof of this state as a permanent or prominent manifestation of 
"enlightenment" in others and therefore I stick with my theory that there is no 
such thing as outlined in books and by spiritual teachers and I have yet to 
meet anyone I could recognize as "enlightened" yet. Creative, intelligent, 
brilliant, beautiful yes, but enlightened - no.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I 
rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do in their lives 
whether they claim to be enlightened or not. Basically, that state doesn't 
exist and the sooner people realize it and stop throwing themselves at these 
people's feet the sooner we can all stop blaming these guys for misleading us 
and being such lying, womanizing charlatans or whatever you and others choose 
to call them. I guess I just don't relate to the hanging on to disappoin

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
Me, with my latest toy - Happy Spring!

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 HA! Gotcha!:-) 
Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a sequence, to better 
understand our expression of love, as you mention, more and more fully. Simply 
an intellectual aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the length, or sequence, 
of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC. The reason I do not include GC, 
as sequential to the others, is that it is concerned with the universal heart 
development, that you mentioned - the direct experience of the universal, and 
happens at any time.
So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete acceptance, for ourselves, 
and everything we encounter, while actively being in the world (which you and I 
certainly are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework, to see 
how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling that goal. 
But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say - beyond any of them. 
They don't need to exist as benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big 
Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful life that 
you describe, has nothing to do with chasing or evaluating these states. It 
simply is, and that is enough.
As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that is what it is 
like, only after it becomes more full, and stable, all of the chakras fully and 
naturally light up (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means 
of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative work, and humor.

 Well Doc, if you're enlightened then that is cool and you seem like one of the 
most balanced and "normal" people here. You have a life, apparently, and you 
have balance. You are funny, strong and interesting. Whether you're beautiful 
or not I don't know but for all I know you're a living Adonis!
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the mind and 
intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of this physical sensation but 
I would not be able to tell if another was having it and certainly watching 
that video of Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss just 
looked like a crazy drugged guy sitting there completely "out of it". So, I 
have no proof of this state as a permanent or prominent manifestation of 
"enlightenment" in others and therefore I stick with my theory that there is no 
such thing as outlined in books and by spiritual teachers and I have yet to 
meet anyone I could recognize as "enlightened" yet. Creative, intelligent, 
brilliant, beautiful yes, but enlightened - no.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I 
rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do in their lives 
whether they claim to be enlightened or not. Basically, that state doesn't 
exist and the sooner people realize it and stop throwing themselves at these 
people's feet the sooner we can all stop blaming these guys for misleading us 
and being such lying, womanizing charlatans or whatever you and others choose 
to call them. I guess I just don't relate to the hanging on to disappointment 
about failed gurus and spiritual teachers and I don't make their failings with 
my resultant need to expose them as a reason to get out of bed in the morning. 
But you're welcome to it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 HA! Gotcha!:-) 
Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a sequence, to better 
understand our expression of love, as you mention, more and more fully. Simply 
an intellectual aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the length, or sequence, 
of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC. The reason I do not include GC, 
as sequential to the others, is that it is concerned with the universal heart 
development, that you mentioned - the direct experience of the universal, and 
happens at any time.
So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete acceptance, for ourselves, 
and everything we encounter, while actively being in the world (which you and I 
certainly are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework, to see 
how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling that goal. 
But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say - beyond any of them. 
They don't need to exist as benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big 
Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful life that 
you describe, has nothing to do with chasing or evaluating these states. It 
simply is, and that is enough.
As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that is what it is 
like, only after it becomes more full, and stable, all of the chakras fully and 
naturally light up (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means 
of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative work, and humor.

 Well Doc, if you're enlightened then that is cool and you seem like one of the 
most balanced and "normal" people here. You have a life, apparently, and you 
have balance. You are funny, strong and interesting. Whether you're beautiful 
or not I don't know but for all I know you're a living Adonis!
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the mind and 
intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of this physical sensation but 
I would not be able to tell if another was having it and certainly watching 
that video of Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss just 
looked like a crazy drugged guy sitting there completely "out of it". So, I 
have no proof of this state as a permanent or prominent manifestation of 
"enlightenment" in others and therefore I stick with my theory that there is no 
such thing as outlined in books and by spiritual teachers and I have yet to 
meet anyone I could recognize as "enlightened" yet. Creative, intelligent, 
brilliant, beautiful yes, but enlightened - no.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I 
rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do in their lives 
whether they claim to be enlightened or not. Basically, that state doesn't 
exist and the sooner people realize it and stop throwing themselves at these 
people's feet the sooner we can all stop blaming these guys for misleading us 
and being such lying, womanizing charlatans or whatever you and others choose 
to call them. I guess I just don't relate to the hanging on to disappointment 
about failed gurus and spiritual teachers and I don't make their failings with 
my resultant need to expose them as a reason to get out of bed in the morning. 
But you're welcome to it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
HA! Gotcha!:-) 
Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a sequence, to better 
understand our expression of love, as you mention, more and more fully. Simply 
an intellectual aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the length, or sequence, 
of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC. The reason I do not include GC, 
as sequential to the others, is that it is concerned with the universal heart 
development, that you mentioned - the direct experience of the universal, and 
happens at any time.
So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete acceptance, for ourselves, 
and everything we encounter, while actively being in the world (which you and I 
certainly are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework, to see 
how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling that goal. 
But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say - beyond any of them. 
They don't need to exist as benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big 
Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful life that 
you describe, has nothing to do with chasing or evaluating these states. It 
simply is, and that is enough.
As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that is what it is 
like, only after it becomes more full, and stable, all of the chakras fully and 
naturally light up (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means 
of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative work, and humor.
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the mind and 
intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of this physical sensation but 
I would not be able to tell if another was having it and certainly watching 
that video of Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss just 
looked like a crazy drugged guy sitting there completely "out of it". So, I 
have no proof of this state as a permanent or prominent manifestation of 
"enlightenment" in others and therefore I stick with my theory that there is no 
such thing as outlined in books and by spiritual teachers and I have yet to 
meet anyone I could recognize as "enlightened" yet. Creative, intelligent, 
brilliant, beautiful yes, but enlightened - no.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I 
rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do in their lives 
whether they claim to be enlightened or not. Basically, that state doesn't 
exist and the sooner people realize it and stop throwing themselves at these 
people's feet the sooner we can all stop blaming these guys for misleading us 
and being such lying, womanizing charlatans or whatever you and others choose 
to call them. I guess I just don't relate to the hanging on to disappointment 
about failed gurus and spiritual teachers and I don't make their failings with 
my resultant need to expose them as a reason to get out of bed in the morning. 
But you're welcome to it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the mind and 
intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of this physical sensation but 
I would not be able to tell if another was having it and certainly watching 
that video of Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss just 
looked like a crazy drugged guy sitting there completely "out of it". So, I 
have no proof of this state as a permanent or prominent manifestation of 
"enlightenment" in others and therefore I stick with my theory that there is no 
such thing as outlined in books and by spiritual teachers and I have yet to 
meet anyone I could recognize as "enlightened" yet. Creative, intelligent, 
brilliant, beautiful yes, but enlightened - no.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I 
rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do in their lives 
whether they claim to be enlightened or not. Basically, that state doesn't 
exist and the sooner people realize it and stop throwing themselves at these 
people's feet the sooner we can all stop blaming these guys for misleading us 
and being such lying, womanizing charlatans or whatever you and others choose 
to call them. I guess I just don't relate to the hanging on to disappointment 
about failed gurus and spiritual teachers and I don't make their failings with 
my resultant need to expose them as a reason to get out of bed in the morning. 
But you're welcome to it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I 
rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do in their lives 
whether they claim to be enlightened or not. Basically, that state doesn't 
exist and the sooner people realize it and stop throwing themselves at these 
people's feet the sooner we can all stop blaming these guys for misleading us 
and being such lying, womanizing charlatans or whatever you and others choose 
to call them. I guess I just don't relate to the hanging on to disappointment 
about failed gurus and spiritual teachers and I don't make their failings with 
my resultant need to expose them as a reason to get out of bed in the morning. 
But you're welcome to it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I 
rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do in their lives 
whether they claim to be enlightened or not. Basically, that state doesn't 
exist and the sooner people realize it and stop throwing themselves at these 
people's feet the sooner we can all stop blaming these guys for misleading us 
and being such lying, womanizing charlatans or whatever you and others choose 
to call them. I guess I just don't relate to the hanging on to disappointment 
about failed gurus and spiritual teachers and I don't make their failings with 
my resultant need to expose them as a reason to get out of bed in the morning. 
But you're welcome to it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread Michael Jackson
if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of Nabby's 
penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you have had 
to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse me of.

On Thu, 3/20/14,  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as 
John McLaughlin in old age
 Date: Thursday, March 20, 2014, 4:00 AM
 wrote :
 Christ, I should
 have known you would lionize Shri Chinmoy - another selfish,
 arrogant self indulgent egotistical narcissist who mentally,
 emotionally, financially and in every other way abused his
 followers all the while preaching celibacy while he was
 screwing every woman he could get his hands
 I find it
 best to allow others to live their lives the way they choose
 and to perhaps watch and learn. But to make a life-long
 hobby of worrying about what damaged and hypocritical humans
 do is a real waste of time and energy. Let Chinmoy screw his
 brains out. So what? If you and everyone else on this planet
 haven't figured out by now that the human species is
 severely flawed in countless ways and that we all share a
 similar challenge in our stumbling toward death then you
 need to do it soon or waste the second half of you existence
 ranting and agitating about things you have zero control
 over. It is not that I don't hold standards for human
 decency but I just can't worry about or control the
 foibles of others. 
  On Wed, 3/19/14, nablusoss1008
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity
 and joy as John McLaughlin in old age
 Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2014, 5:01 PM
 John McLaughlin is 72 years young this
 Life Divine, with Carlos Santana, Montreux 2011, both
 students of the great Yogi Shri Chinmoy)
 John McLaughlin &  The 4th Dimensiom - Spain
 Enjoy ! 

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread nablusoss1008
Like his mirror-ego the Turq he is obsessed with the sexuality of male 
spiritual leaders and enjoy dreaming about it. Like the Americans say; Go 

---In,  wrote :

 On 3/19/2014 3:43 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 In your dream, what were you doing in Chinmoy's bedroom?

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 Christ, I should have known you would lionize Shri Chinmoy - another selfish, 
arrogant self indulgent egotistical narcissist who mentally, emotionally, 
financially and in every other way abused his followers all the while preaching 
celibacy while he was screwing every woman he could get his hands on. 

 I find it best to allow others to live their lives the way they choose and to 
perhaps watch and learn. But to make a life-long hobby of worrying about what 
damaged and hypocritical humans do is a real waste of time and energy. Let 
Chinmoy screw his brains out. So what? If you and everyone else on this planet 
haven't figured out by now that the human species is severely flawed in 
countless ways and that we all share a similar challenge in our stumbling 
toward death then you need to do it soon or waste the second half of you 
existence ranting and agitating about things you have zero control over. It is 
not that I don't hold standards for human decency but I just can't worry about 
or control the foibles of others. 
 On Wed, 3/19/14, nablusoss1008> wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John 
McLaughlin in old age
 Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2014, 5:01 PM
 John McLaughlin is 72 years young this
 Life Divine, with Carlos Santana, Montreux 2011, both
 students of the great Yogi Shri Chinmoy)
 John McLaughlin & The 4th Dimensiom - Spain
 Enjoy ! 

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/19/2014 3:43 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Had a dream that he was screwing his female disciples when he preached 
> celibacy?
In your dream, what were you doing in Chinmoy's bedroom?

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/19/2014 3:43 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> So all the people who said he was abusive, a liar and a hypocrite are 
> lying? Deluded?
What does that have to do with McLaughlin's creativity in old age?

RE: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-19 Thread Michael Jackson
So all the people who said he was abusive, a liar and a hypocrite are lying? 
Deluded? Had a dream that he was screwing his female disciples when he preached 

On Wed, 3/19/14, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as 
John McLaughlin in old age
 Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2014, 8:36 PM
   Many times. He was a very generous man who filled
 the world with love and gave to countless souls the
 courage and the will to break boundaries.
 ---In,  wrote
 [] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 1:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much
 creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old
   To watch
 Sri Chinmoy was very interesting because he would transcend
 all the time and the bliss he created in the surroundings
 was immense. you ever
 see him in

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/19/2014 1:56 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
> To watch Sri Chinmoy was very interesting because he would transcend 
> all the time and the bliss he created in the surroundings was immense.
According to Mark Laxer, Rama Lenz used to set up a photo of Sri Chinmoy 
on a table with some flowers and fruit, and then they would meditate 
together in front of it - Rama called the photo "The Transcendental." 
Later, I guess Lenz stopped doing that, after he got kicked out of 
Chinmoy's cult, and so Lenz just hung a photo of himself on the wall for 
Barry and the others to gaze up at when they weren't watching him 
levitate. But, it's probably accurate to say that Chinmoy and Rama loved 
to meditate and were probably practicing a form of TM type meditation 
back then. The question is: What happened to Barry? Go figure.

RE: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-19 Thread nablusoss1008
Many times. He was a very generous man who filled the world with love and gave 
to countless souls the courage and the will to break boundaries.

---In,  wrote :

 From: [] On 
Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John 
McLaughlin in old age

 To watch Sri Chinmoy was very interesting because he would transcend all the 
time and the bliss he created in the surroundings was immense.
 Did you ever see him in person?

RE: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-19 Thread Rick Archer

From: [] On 
Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John 
McLaughlin in old age



To watch Sri Chinmoy was very interesting because he would transcend all the 
time and the bliss he created in the surroundings was immense.

Did you ever see him in person?

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-19 Thread nablusoss1008
To watch Sri Chinmoy was very interesting because he would transcend all the 
time and the bliss he created in the surroundings was immense.

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/19/2014 12:43 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Christ, I should have known you would lionize Shri Chinmoy - another 
> selfish, arrogant self indulgent egotistical narcissist who mentally, 
> emotionally, financially and in every other way abused his followers 
> all the while preaching celibacy while he was screwing every woman he 
> could get his hands on. 
So, what would Chinmoy have to do now with John McLaughlin's creativity 
in old age? Go figure.

According to what I've read, Barry's guru, Fred Lenz, was a Chinmoy 
follower beginning in 1972, but in 1981 he got kicked out of the cult 
and then started his own cult with Barry as one of the main cult 
leaders. Apparently Chinmoy did not charge fees for his spiritual 
guidance or for his music performances. In contrast, Lenz used to charge 
Barry thousands of dollars just to be able to witness a levitation event.

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-19 Thread Michael Jackson
Christ, I should have known you would lionize Shri Chinmoy - another selfish, 
arrogant self indulgent egotistical narcissist who mentally, emotionally, 
financially and in every other way abused his followers all the while preaching 
celibacy while he was screwing every woman he could get his hands on. 

On Wed, 3/19/14, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John 
McLaughlin in old age
 Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2014, 5:01 PM
   John McLaughlin is 72 years young this
 Life Divine, with Carlos Santana, Montreux 2011, both
 students of the great Yogi Shri Chinmoy)
 John McLaughlin &  The 4th Dimensiom - Spain
 Enjoy !