Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar: Video of Mitt's Lies

2012-10-11 Thread Emily Reyn
Thanks.  I missed the debate.  Very  informative.  

 From: raunchydog
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 8:53 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar: Video of Mitt's Lies

This is the very best compilation of the MANY lies Mitt Romney told during 
debate 1. It's an entertaining and scholarly video that walks you through facts 
and figures proving Mitt wrong, time and again.

--- In, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

 Figures can lie and liars can figure. Romney told 27 lies in 38 minutes. He 
 buried his lies in a flurry of numbers that can't be fact checked on the 
 spot. It's not considered good form to call someone a liar in a presidential 
 debate but a bald-faced liar should be an exception to the rule. Romney 
 caught Obama flatfooted. Obama was prepped to rebut Romney's stump speech 
 bullshit but not the fresh load of bullshit he dumped on the American public 
 at the debate. Mr. Etch-a-Sketch posed as a Centrist but the debate proved 
 beyond doubt that Romney will say and do anything to hide the ugly fact he is 
 in lock-step with far right Libertarian fascists dedicated to enriching 
 greedy bastards and crushing the poor. Team Romney figured by the time fact 
 checkers got around to spanking Romney for lying, people who tuned into 
 politics just for the debate will have tuned out again and aren't interested 
 in fact checking.
 Television - The Drug of a Nation


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-11 Thread Mike Dixon
Wow! Interesting anaylisis. Maybe that's why I pay little attention to his 
P.S. I really don't take him seriously, just find him odd. Sometimes when you 
see something wierd, you take a double look. Thanks Bill

 From: emptybill
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 11:34 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar


You're taking Ravioli too seriously. This guy is lower than a Dalit. He is 
reborn brahma-rakshasa.  
However, if you just
Wiki that term you'll only get a watered-down, Westernized version – one that
misses the real nuances of the term.

A brahma-rakshasa is a mentally cruel and vicious former brahmana that inhabits
the antaraksha (inter-space). They are not considered ordinary rakshasa because
they are former brahmana-s that misused their brahmana knowledge to deceive,
harm or destroy people (especially the devotees of Bhava/Bhavani). They 
did this out of a jealous desire to prove their superior power to Deva/Devi and
to demonstrate that the Deva/Devi is nothing but a projection of human 
Because they still
remember (in the antaraksha) how to misuse mantra-s from their former, vicious 
they are considered still threatening to people who are not yet possessed of 
intellect and intention. However, they can only retain this artificially
maintained karmic abeyance for a relatively short period.  
After that intermediate
state, they are reborn - often as a fallen brahmana. That means they usually 
the standard baseline brahmana training in their youth. They also still possess
some semblance of intellect and can keep a job that involves mental work but
since they are bereft of insight, they often end up just drinking martinis at
the local club and cursing others for their emptiness.  
If they are fortunate
then rather than just being evil schizoids, they get a forgiving glance from
Devi – who then begins slowly hauling them over toward the other shore.  
I take Ravioli to be
this kind of recovering brahma-rakshasa - verbally abusive, passive/aggressive
and emotionally unbalanced (ie. bragging about having sex with devi). Perhaps
he is better than he was when he first got kicked off of FFL (he started 
that MMY had anal sex with SBS) but he is still appears to be dominated
by uninhibited, adolescent emotions. 
So don't take him
too seriously. He's a psycho-naut. 
--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... wrote:

 As I have said earlier, I'm not familiar with Ravi since I've read so few of 
 his posts. However, I am befuddled at his frequent use of the terms *retard* 
 and *retarded*. Words that I put in the category of the *N* word. Describing 
 me in that way, obviously was intended to offend  or humilate me but I put 
 it in context with the rest of his posts, rotten tooth, Appalachian trailer 
 trash, etc. and told me how much *help* I needed. Could this guy be in 
 *False* Unity? Was he seeing himself in how he described me? I can't help 
 but wonder if this comes from life time after life time of feelings of 
 superiority, possibly from the traditional way Dalits(untouchables) have been 
 treated. A very curious fellow but hardly worth wasting my time on.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-11 Thread Emily Reyn
This is good and I stand corrected.  I don't consider go fuck yourself on one 
side of the equation to warrant what you said on the other side.   But, I am of 
course, biased, as I'm betting you would be too, if you were incarnated female. 
 Interesting story.  

 From: Mike Dixon
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

Emily... actually, I never *wished* legitimate rape and abortion on Raunchy. I 
would never *wish* that on anybody. Just as I would never wish death on 
anybody.However, she did tell me to go... myself. I responded with, I'll try it 
*if* you'll do what I suggested.It was her choice, not mine. I certainly am not 
going to F myself, so I certainly wouldn't expect her to voluntarily get raped 
and then have an abortion, as important as it (abortion) is to her since of 
security.  I was simply returning her rudeness with my own and  as I did with 
you and Ravi. Turning the other cheek is more my norm, but striking back, on 
occasion, can be a little exhilarating. It reminds me of a story. A cobra used 
to bite people walking along a path causing people to die. A saint came along 
and told the snake how his karma would return to him and he should stop. The 
snake turned over a new leaf and stopped biting but the people were mad and 
beat him up with sticks and
 stones. The saint came back and saw the snake with cuts and bruises and asked 
whats wrong?.The snake said he stopped biting and this is what happened. The 
saint said I didn't tell you that you can't his. Life requires a 
little rajas.

From: emilymae.reyn
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 7:15 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

Mike:  I just got to this as I rarely read you either. I agree that very little 
of what I write is of interest.  I'm pretty bored with myself also.  I need to 
engage in a more disciplined spiritual practice and check back here in 20 

Yes, of course, you may return the favor. FOAD was stated to you only in a 
rhetorical sense and in response to the level of rudeness I perceived in your 
carefully worded post to Raunchy.  As a female, it gets under my skin when I 
read that someone is wishing legitimate rape and abortion on another.  I am 
trying not to take so many things at face value so thanks for explaining what 
you were aiming for. 

--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... 

 Ravioli, I rarely read any of your posts. I found the one or two that I did 
 read,  in the past, uninteresting and boring. But don't take that 
 personally. I delete about 95% of the posts I get from FFL without reading 
 them. I just check in to see what other transcendental meditators are 
 thinking these days and there are only a handful of people on FFL that I will 
 actually read, you're not one of them. I have enjoyed some of Raunchydogs 
 posts in the past but I figured she was *trying* to push my buttons so I 
 returned the favor. Emily is another such as yourself, uninteresting and I 
 rarely read her posts as well. But I thought if she is willing to dish out an 
 F.Y. and a FOAD she would be willing to receive them in return. However, I 
 never wish death on anyone. I did once and they died. I really felt bad and 
 haven't done it since. Ravi, you haven't thrown kerosene on your wife and lit 
 it lately? Geez, I hope not. Divorce is costly but far less
 violent and
  you wouldn't want to kill or disfigure the mother of your children.We just 
 don't need that dowry setting, snake charming,little girl aborting, caste 
 system shit over here. What was that about cattle mating? Is that still a 
 problem in the *old* country?
  From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
 Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 3:17 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
 LOL..Mikey boy, You may try hard but you are nothing but a fucking racist, 
 misogynist hiding behind your conservative beliefs. The fact that you have 
 avoided replying to my message and rather use violent language and abuse 
 against women is indicative of this rotting teeth, cattle mating Appalachian 
 mindset. What a piece of work you are.
 On Oct 9, 2012, at 3:00 PM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... wrote:
 I'll make a deal was they key phrase. I'll try to do what you suggested I 
 do *IF* you'll do what I suggested for you, your choice. Legitimately 
 raped, completely intended to evoke your hatred of Todd Akin and his views 
 on abortion( I knew that would set you off!) and why you said you were 
 voting for Obama in an earlier post, because if you were to get raped you 
 could get an abortion

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-11 Thread Mike Dixon
Right, she threw a glass of wine in my face, I threw a Margarita on the rocks 
in hers. The ice stings! She attempted to push my buttons with the charge of 
racism so I pushed hers. I knew her weakness was Todd Akin and the abortion 
issue. I've been a woman in at least half of my life times as human.


 From: Emily Reyn
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

This is good and I stand corrected.  I don't consider go fuck yourself on one 
side of the equation to warrant what you said on the other side.   But, I am of 
course, biased, as I'm betting you would be too, if you were incarnated female. 
 Interesting story.  

 From: Mike Dixon
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

Emily... actually, I never *wished* legitimate rape and abortion on Raunchy. I 
would never *wish* that on anybody. Just as I would never wish death on 
anybody.However, she did tell me to go... myself. I responded with, I'll try it 
*if* you'll do what I suggested.It was her choice, not mine. I certainly am not 
going to F myself, so I certainly wouldn't expect her to voluntarily get raped 
and then have an abortion, as important as it (abortion) is to her since of 
security.  I was simply returning her rudeness with my own and  as I did with 
you and Ravi. Turning the other cheek is more my norm, but striking back, on 
occasion, can be a little exhilarating. It reminds me of a story. A cobra used 
to bite people walking along a path causing people to die. A saint came along 
and told the snake how his karma would return to him and he should stop. The 
snake turned over a new leaf and stopped biting but the people were mad and 
beat him up with sticks and
 stones. The saint came back and saw the snake with cuts and bruises and asked 
whats wrong?.The snake said he stopped biting and this is what happened. The 
saint said I didn't tell you that you can't his. Life requires a 
little rajas.
From: emilymae.reyn
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 7:15 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

Mike:  I just got to this as I rarely read you either. I agree that very little 
of what I write is of interest.  I'm pretty bored with myself also.  I need to 
engage in a more disciplined spiritual practice and check back here in 20 

Yes, of course, you may return the favor. FOAD was stated to you only in a 
rhetorical sense and in response to the level of rudeness I perceived in your 
carefully worded post to Raunchy.  As a female, it gets under my skin when I 
read that someone is wishing legitimate rape and abortion on another.  I am 
trying not to take so many things at face value so thanks for explaining what 
you were aiming for. 

--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... 

 Ravioli, I rarely read any of your posts. I found the one or two that I did 
 read,  in the past, uninteresting and boring. But don't take that 
 personally. I delete about 95% of the posts I get from FFL without reading 
 them. I just check in to see what other transcendental meditators are 
 thinking these days and there are only a handful of people on FFL that I will 
 actually read, you're not one of them. I have enjoyed some of Raunchydogs 
 posts in the past but I figured she was *trying* to push my buttons so I 
 returned the favor. Emily is another such as yourself, uninteresting and I 
 rarely read her posts as well. But I thought if she is willing to dish out an 
 F.Y. and a FOAD she would be willing to receive them in return. However, I 
 never wish death on anyone. I did once and they died. I really felt bad and 
 haven't done it since. Ravi, you haven't thrown kerosene on your wife and lit 
 it lately? Geez, I hope not. Divorce is costly but far less
 violent and
  you wouldn't want to kill or disfigure the mother of your children.We just 
 don't need that dowry setting, snake charming,little girl aborting, caste 
 system shit over here. What was that about cattle mating? Is that still a 
 problem in the *old* country?
  From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
 Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 3:17 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
 LOL..Mikey boy, You may try hard but you are nothing but a fucking racist, 
 misogynist hiding behind your conservative beliefs. The fact that you have 
 avoided replying to my message and rather use violent language and abuse 
 against women is indicative of this rotting teeth, cattle

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-10 Thread Mike Dixon
Emily... actually, I never *wished* legitimate rape and abortion on Raunchy. I 
would never *wish* that on anybody. Just as I would never wish death on 
anybody.However, she did tell me to go... myself. I responded with, I'll try it 
*if* you'll do what I suggested.It was her choice, not mine. I certainly am not 
going to F myself, so I certainly wouldn't expect her to voluntarily get raped 
and then have an abortion, as important as it (abortion) is to her since of 
security.  I was simply returning her rudeness with my own and  as I did with 
you and Ravi. Turning the other cheek is more my norm, but striking back, on 
occasion, can be a little exhilarating. It reminds me of a story. A cobra used 
to bite people walking along a path causing people to die. A saint came along 
and told the snake how his karma would return to him and he should stop. The 
snake turned over a new leaf and stopped biting but the people were mad and 
beat him up with sticks and
 stones. The saint came back and saw the snake with cuts and bruises and asked 
whats wrong?.The snake said he stopped biting and this is what happened. The 
saint said I didn't tell you that you can't his. Life requires a 
little rajas.


 From: emilymae.reyn
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 7:15 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

Mike:  I just got to this as I rarely read you either. I agree that very little 
of what I write is of interest.  I'm pretty bored with myself also.  I need to 
engage in a more disciplined spiritual practice and check back here in 20 

Yes, of course, you may return the favor.  FOAD was stated to you only in a 
rhetorical sense and in response to the level of rudeness I perceived in your 
carefully worded post to Raunchy.  As a female, it gets under my skin when I 
read that someone is wishing legitimate rape and abortion on another.  I am 
trying not to take so many things at face value so thanks for explaining what 
you were aiming for. 

--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... 

 Ravioli, I rarely read any of your posts. I found the one or two that I did 
 read,  in the past, uninteresting and boring. But don't take that 
 personally. I delete about 95% of the posts I get from FFL without reading 
 them. I just check in to see what other transcendental meditators are 
 thinking these days and there are only a handful of people on FFL that I will 
 actually read, you're not one of them. I have enjoyed some of Raunchydogs 
 posts in the past but I figured she was *trying* to push my buttons so I 
 returned the favor. Emily is another such as yourself, uninteresting and I 
 rarely read her posts as well. But I thought if she is willing to dish out an 
 F.Y. and a FOAD she would be willing to receive them in return. However, I 
 never wish death on anyone. I did once and they died. I really felt bad and 
 haven't done it since. Ravi, you haven't thrown kerosene on your wife and lit 
 it lately? Geez, I hope not. Divorce is costly but far less
 violent and
  you wouldn't want to kill or disfigure the mother of your children.We just 
 don't need that dowry setting, snake charming,little girl aborting, caste 
 system shit over here. What was that about cattle mating? Is that still a 
 problem in the *old* country?
  From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
 Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 3:17 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
 LOL..Mikey boy, You may try hard but you are nothing but a fucking racist, 
 misogynist hiding behind your conservative beliefs. The fact that you have 
 avoided replying to my message and rather use violent language and abuse 
 against women is indicative of this rotting teeth, cattle mating Appalachian 
 mindset. What a piece of work you are.
 On Oct 9, 2012, at 3:00 PM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... wrote:
 I'll make a deal was they key phrase. I'll try to do what you suggested I 
 do *IF* you'll do what I suggested for you, your choice. Legitimately 
 raped, completely intended to evoke your hatred of Todd Akin and his views 
 on abortion( I knew that would set you off!) and why you said you were 
 voting for Obama in an earlier post, because if you were to get raped you 
 could get an abortion. That is a *wonderful* reason to vote for somebody 
 that has run up a 16 trillion dollar debt, 23 million unemployed or under 
 employed, added a new entitlement program, when the rest are in trouble. Do 
 I need to go on? But you, of all people, fear pregnancy.Actually, I 
 described Obama's demeanor as a 'Little boy being scolded for playing hooky 
 for the past four years, a big difference from referring to him as *boy*. I 
 noticed Romney at one point, when Obama kept

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-10 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Mikey baby - trust me, this is the pioneer of Humiliation therapy speaking..
*Turning the other cheek is more my norm, but striking back, on occasion,
can be a little **exhilarating*, you have too many self-loathing and
self-hatred issues to address before you can even be a Humiliation
Therapist and feel the exhilaration of it.

The first step would be taking responsibility for your words.

did was tell you to go fuck yourself.*

In the last 24 hours I have talked to 4 of them personally, listening,
empathizing, I'm reeling from the pain felt by each one of them in their
daily lives caused just by relationships, misunderstandings. That you use
these words and to wish them these, let alone even abortion, in a
correspondence with women and then not even apologize, not even show any
remorse is just sick, perverted and demented.

You need help.

On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 2:48 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:


 Emily... actually, I never *wished* legitimate rape and abortion on
 Raunchy. I would never *wish* that on anybody. Just as I would never wish
 death on anybody.However, she did tell me to go... myself. I responded
 with, I'll try it *if* you'll do what I suggested.It was her choice, not
 mine. I certainly am not going to F myself, so I certainly wouldn't expect
 her to voluntarily get raped and then have an abortion, as important as it
 (abortion) is to her since of security.  I was simply returning her
 rudeness with my own and  as I did with you and Ravi. Turning the other
 cheek is more my norm, but striking back, on occasion, can be a little
 exhilarating. It reminds me of a story. A cobra used to bite people
 walking along a path causing people to die. A saint came along and told the
 snake how his karma would return to him and he should stop. The snake
 turned over a new leaf and stopped biting but the people were mad and beat
 him up with sticks and stones. The saint came back and saw the snake with
 cuts and bruises and asked whats wrong?.The snake said he stopped biting
 and this is what happened. The saint said I didn't tell you that you can't
 his. Life requires a little rajas.

*From:* emilymae.reyn
 *Sent:* Tuesday, October 9, 2012 7:15 PM

 *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

 Mike: I just got to this as I rarely read you either. I agree that very
 little of what I write is of interest. I'm pretty bored with myself also. I
 need to engage in a more disciplined spiritual practice and check back here
 in 20 years.

 Yes, of course, you may return the favor. FOAD was stated to you only in
 a rhetorical sense and in response to the level of rudeness I perceived in
 your carefully worded post to Raunchy. As a female, it gets under my skin
 when I read that someone is wishing legitimate rape and abortion on
 another. I am trying not to take so many things at face value so thanks for
 explaining what you were aiming for.

 --- In,
 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... wrote:
  Ravioli, I rarely read any of your posts. I found the one or two that I
 did read,  in the past, uninteresting and boring. But don't take that
 personally. I delete about 95% of the posts I get from FFL without
 reading them. I just check in to see what other transcendental meditatorsare 
 thinking these days and there are only a handful of people on
 FFL that I will actually read, you're not one of them. I have enjoyed
 some of Raunchydogs posts in the past but I figured she was *trying* to
 push my buttons so I returned the favor. Emily is another such as yourself,
 uninteresting and I rarely read her posts as well. But I thought if she is
 willing to dish out an F.Y. and a FOAD she would be willing to receive
 them in return. However, I never wish death on anyone. I did once and they
 died. I really felt bad and haven't done it since. Ravi, you haven't thrown
 kerosene on your wife and lit it lately? Geez, I hope not. Divorce is
 costly but far less violent and
  you wouldn't want to kill or disfigure the mother of your children.We
 just don't need that dowry setting, snake charming,little girl
 aborting, caste system shit over here. What was that about cattle mating?
 Is that still a problem in the *old* country?
  From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...


  Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 3:17 PM

  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
  LOL..Mikey boy, You may try hard but you are nothing but a fucking
 racist, misogynist hiding behind your conservative beliefs. The fact that
 you have avoided replying to my message and rather use violent language and
 abuse against

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-10 Thread Ravi Chivukula
You sick, twisted retards must think women get some joy, pleasure, exhilaration 
out of abortion? You are too demented to even contemplate the notion that every 
woman who aborts must feel lot of emotional turmoil - be it grief or guilt. You 
absolutely disgust me Mike - to even think you are spiritual, project yourself 
as some kind of Mahatma Gandhi and all you show is contempt, apathy, mock women 
having abortion, wish them rape, try to legislate women's bodies, deny them 
birth control, independence and freedom.

On Oct 10, 2012, at 4:14 PM, Ravi Chivukula wrote:

 Mikey baby - trust me, this is the pioneer of Humiliation therapy 
 speaking..Turning the other cheek is more my norm, but striking back, on 
 occasion, can be a little exhilarating, you have too many self-loathing and 
 self-hatred issues to address before you can even be a Humiliation Therapist 
 and feel the exhilaration of it.
 The first step would be taking responsibility for your words.
 was tell you to go fuck yourself.
 In the last 24 hours I have talked to 4 of them personally, listening, 
 empathizing, I'm reeling from the pain felt by each one of them in their 
 daily lives caused just by relationships, misunderstandings. That you use 
 these words and to wish them these, let alone even abortion, in a 
 correspondence with women and then not even apologize, not even show any 
 remorse is just sick, perverted and demented.
 You need help.
 On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 2:48 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:
 Emily... actually, I never *wished* legitimate rape and abortion on Raunchy. 
 I would never *wish* that on anybody. Just as I would never wish death on 
 anybody.However, she did tell me to go... myself. I responded with, I'll try 
 it *if* you'll do what I suggested.It was her choice, not mine. I certainly 
 am not going to F myself, so I certainly wouldn't expect her to voluntarily 
 get raped and then have an abortion, as important as it (abortion) is to her 
 since of security.  I was simply returning her rudeness with my own and  as 
 I did with you and Ravi. Turning the other cheek is more my norm, but 
 striking back, on occasion, can be a little exhilarating. It reminds me of a 
 story. A cobra used to bite people walking along a path causing people to 
 die. A saint came along and told the snake how his karma would return to him 
 and he should stop. The snake turned over a new leaf and stopped biting but 
 the people were mad and beat him up with sticks and stones. The saint came 
 back and saw the snake with cuts and bruises and asked whats wrong?.The 
 snake said he stopped biting and this is what happened. The saint said I 
 didn't tell you that you can't his. Life requires a little rajas.
 From: emilymae.reyn
 Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 7:15 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
 Mike: I just got to this as I rarely read you either. I agree that very 
 little of what I write is of interest. I'm pretty bored with myself also. I 
 need to engage in a more disciplined spiritual practice and check back here 
 in 20 years. 
 Yes, of course, you may return the favor. FOAD was stated to you only in a 
 rhetorical sense and in response to the level of rudeness I perceived in 
 your carefully worded post to Raunchy. As a female, it gets under my skin 
 when I read that someone is wishing legitimate rape and abortion on 
 another. I am trying not to take so many things at face value so thanks for 
 explaining what you were aiming for. 
 --- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... 
  Ravioli, I rarely read any of your posts. I found the one or two that I 
  did read,  in the past, uninteresting and boring. But don't take that 
  personally. I delete about 95% of the posts I get from FFL without reading 
  them. I just check in to see what other transcendental meditators are 
  thinking these days and there are only a handful of people on FFL that I 
  will actually read, you're not one of them. I have enjoyed some of 
  Raunchydogs posts in the past but I figured she was *trying* to push my 
  buttons so I returned the favor. Emily is another such as yourself, 
  uninteresting and I rarely read her posts as well. But I thought if she is 
  willing to dish out an F.Y. and a FOAD she would be willing to receive 
  them in return. However, I never wish death on anyone. I did once and they 
  died. I really felt bad and haven't done it since. Ravi, you haven't 
  thrown kerosene on your wife and lit it lately? Geez, I hope not. Divorce 
  is costly but far less violent and
  you wouldn't want to kill or disfigure the mother of your children.We just 
  don't need that dowry setting, snake charming,little girl aborting, caste 
  system shit over here. What

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-09 Thread Mike Dixon
Emily go fuck yourself.  I'm sure Raunchydog has numerous dildos you could 
barrow.Every word I wrote in response to the Raunch was carefully thought out 
and used. What I wrote was intended to evoke total outrage and to show you 
people, libtards, can dish it out but that you claim victimization when it's 
thrown back in your face. I don't normally resort to personal attacks on 
people. I usually let BS slide. However, after a few minutes of thought, I 
decided to have a little mischievous fun and watch the fireworks. As for hate, 
that's a pretty strong word in itself. I truly don't hate Obama or anybody. I 
understand you would find that hard to believe. The only positive I have seen 
from Obama's election is that the race barrier to the presidency has been 
broken. But I never believed his BS, not the hope- n -change, the new day, the 
transparency, the working with the other side, his name alone would smooth 
things over in the middle- east ,none of it.
 He spoke in such generalities that anybody in a state of desperation could 
easily say He wants exactly what I want, I'm going to help get him electedand 
most were young stupid and idealistic. You will notice, the day after the 
election, he didn't get near the votes he got last time. To the nation, fool me 
once , shame on you, fool me twice , shame on me. His background is specious 
and his policies have nearly destroyed or at least put in jeopardy, nearly 
everything this country has built over the past 200+ years. I believe that he 
and his unthinking minions truly believe they are transforming the world into a 
better place but I also believe you guys are dead wrong and creating a mess 
that may not be able to be undone and destroying, unintentionally, the greatest 
nation and civilization this world has ever known. You guys are tired of golden 
eggs and now want to eat the goose that lays them. You guys don't believe in 
American exceptional-ism but want
 us to be more like Europe, something my ancestors left behind. I have no 
interest in living in another Greece, Italy, France, Ireland, England etc. When 
you stop *feeling* and start thinking, you'll wake up. Until then,I hope you 
enjoy your wet dream.


 From: Emily Reyn
Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

Mike, there is a difference between telling someone to go fuck themselves 
[which is a term most teens and adults are familiar with as meaning I think 
you are an asshole and an idiot given what you are suggesting or what you have 
said to me in (strong language, because I am so offended at what you have 
said)] and suggesting that someone go get themselves legitimately raped 
followed by an abortion - free or not, does that make a difference here?  
Clearly you hate Obama - does that mean you hate everyone who doesn't?  

What is with this term of late?  Rape?  Seriously?  Legitimately?  Without 
even the word psychological before it?  Raunchy?  Mike, you need some serious 
help with your anger issues.  

 From: Emily Reyn
Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 8:38 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

Dear Mike:  I believe it may be appropriate to use the acronym I've been 
waiting to use.  

To you, I say:  FOAD...sounds like toad, which makes it all the more appealing. 

 From: Mike Dixon
Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

I'll make a deal with you Raunch. I'll make an attempt to Fuck myself if you'll 
get legitamtely raped and have a free Obama abortion. That's the one time I 
could look the other way on that issue. Some genes just shouldn't reproduce 
under any circumstances.
From: raunchydog
Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 5:13 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar


--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... 

 Monkey see, Monkey do? Raunchy, don't you see the racism in what you just 
 said? Howard Cosell almost lost his job for making a similar comment.

Go fuck yourself, Mike. You racist sack of shit.

  From: raunchydog raunchydog@...
 Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 4:59 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
 --- In, seekliberation 
 seekliberation@ wrote:
  that goes back to many posts that i've done before.  I've always believed 
  vehemently in MMY's quote:  government is an innocent reflection of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-09 Thread Mike Dixon
Absolutely! Tax the rich, at least until they leave and take their money with 
them. Take the capital out of capitalism and then *spread the wealth* or what's 
left of it around. But then you said coherent plan hm.


 From: Richard J. Williams
Sent: Monday, October 8, 2012 5:52 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar


 Romney a liar?

When you can't debate the facts, accuse your 
opponent of lying. LoL!

While we're on the subject of economic plans, 
has anyone heard of a coherent plan from 
President Obama yet?

'Liars Accuse Romney Of Lying'
Posted by David King
October 8, 2012


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-09 Thread Mike Dixon
I'll make a deal was they key phrase. I'll try to do what you suggested I do 
*IF* you'll do what I suggested for you, your choice. Legitimately raped, 
completely intended to evoke your hatred of Todd Akin and his views on 
abortion( I knew that would set you off!) and why you said you were voting for 
Obama in an earlier post, because if you were to get raped you could get an 
abortion. That is a *wonderful* reason to vote for somebody that has run up a 
16 trillion dollar debt, 23 million unemployed or under employed, added a new 
entitlement program, when the rest are in trouble. Do I need to go on? But you, 
of all people, fear pregnancy.Actually, I described Obama's demeanor as a 
'Little boy being scolded for playing hooky for the past four years, a big 
difference from referring to him as *boy*. I noticed Romney at one point, when 
Obama kept lying about Romney's budget, said I have five *boys* that believe 
if they keep repeating something untrue ,
 that I'll eventually believe them. Of course this was taken the same way by 
some paranoid fools the  way Raunchy is trying to portray my comment. That 
Romney was calling Obama  *boy*. Deny your accusations of racism? Why bother? 
To me, it's like water off of a duck's back.That is the  first,most common, 
over used, insult a liberal can hurl once they've failed at their argument! It 
means I've won! Anyone who is not a bleeding heart liberal can and should wear 
that *insult* as a badge of honor.

 From: raunchydog
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 2:02 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar


--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... 

 Emily go fuck yourself.  I'm sure Raunchydog has numerous dildos you 
 could barrow.Every word I wrote in response to the Raunch was carefully 
 thought out and used. 

Mike: I'll make a deal with you Raunch. I'll make an attempt to Fuck myself if 
you'll get legitamtely raped and have a free Obama abortion. That's the one 
time I could look the other way on that issue. Some genes just shouldn't 
reproduce under any circumstances.

If Mike's misogynistic rant is an example of carefully thought out words, then 
something is seriously wrong in wingnut land. 

 What I wrote was intended to evoke total outrage and to show you people, 
 libtards, can dish it out but that you claim victimization when it's thrown 
 back in your face.

Nope. What Mike wrote invoked the right wing canard legitimate rape offered 
in a bill co-sponsored by Todd Akin, the Missouri jackass who wants to change 
language about federal funding for abortions for victims of rape to cover 
only forcible rape and stupidly said, If it's a legitimate rape, the female 
body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. Todd Akin and Mike are 
misogynistic idiots cut from the same cloth. 

Mike referred to President Obama as a boy knowing full well the historical 
context of its use to emasculate, humiliate and dehumanize a black man. Mike 
also falsely alluded to my satirical use of the 100th Money effect to determine 
which party will win the election, as a racist dog whistle, and that the satire 
implied black people looked like monkeys. Nothing could have been further from 
my mind. 

Mike: Monkey see, Monkey do? Raunchy, don't you see the racism in what you 
just said? Howard Cosell almost lost his job for making a similar comment.

Only a racist such as Mike could have conjured up such an ugly accusation. 

That's when I decide I'd had enough of his racist bullshit:

RD: Go fuck yourself, Mike. You racist sack of shit.

Funny thing is, Mike *still* doesn't object to be called a racist sack of shit. 
He wears it well.

 I don't normally resort to personal attacks on people. I usually let BS 
 slide. However, after a few minutes of thought, I decided to have a little 
 mischievous fun and watch the fireworks. As for hate, that's a pretty strong 
 word in itself. I truly don't hate Obama or anybody. I understand you would 
 find that hard to believe. The only positive I have seen from Obama's 
 election is that the race barrier to the presidency has been broken. But I 
 never believed his BS, not the hope- n -change, the new day, the 
 transparency, the working with the other side, his name alone would smooth 
 things over in the middle- east ,none of it.
  He spoke in such generalities that anybody in a state of desperation could 
 easily say He wants exactly what I want, I'm going to help get him 
 electedand most were young stupid and idealistic. You will notice, the day 
 after the election, he didn't get near the votes he got last time. To the 
 nation, fool me once , shame on you, fool me twice , shame on me. His 
 background is specious and his policies have nearly destroyed or at least put 
 in jeopardy, nearly everything this country has built over the past 200+ 
 years. I believe that he

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-09 Thread Ravi Chivukula
LOL..Mikey boy, You may try hard but you are nothing but a fucking racist, 
misogynist hiding behind your conservative beliefs. The fact that you have 
avoided replying to my message and rather use violent language and abuse 
against women is indicative of this rotting teeth, cattle mating Appalachian 
mindset. What a piece of work you are.

On Oct 9, 2012, at 3:00 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:

 I'll make a deal was they key phrase. I'll try to do what you suggested I do 
 *IF* you'll do what I suggested for you, your choice. Legitimately raped, 
 completely intended to evoke your hatred of Todd Akin and his views on 
 abortion( I knew that would set you off!) and why you said you were voting 
 for Obama in an earlier post, because if you were to get raped you could get 
 an abortion. That is a *wonderful* reason to vote for somebody that has run 
 up a 16 trillion dollar debt, 23 million unemployed or under employed, added 
 a new entitlement program, when the rest are in trouble. Do I need to go on? 
 But you, of all people, fear pregnancy.Actually, I described Obama's demeanor 
 as a 'Little boy being scolded for playing hooky for the past four years, a 
 big difference from referring to him as *boy*. I noticed Romney at one point, 
 when Obama kept lying about Romney's budget, said I have five *boys* that 
 believe if they keep repeating something untrue , that I'll eventually 
 believe them. Of course this was taken the same way by some paranoid fools 
 the  way Raunchy is trying to portray my comment. That Romney was calling 
 Obama  *boy*. Deny your accusations of racism? Why bother? To me, it's like 
 water off of a duck's back.That is the  first,most common, over used, insult 
 a liberal can hurl once they've failed at their argument! It means I've won! 
 Anyone who is not a bleeding heart liberal can and should wear that *insult* 
 as a badge of honor.
 From: raunchydog
 Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 2:02 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
 --- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... 
  Emily go fuck yourself.  I'm sure Raunchydog has numerous dildos you 
  could barrow.Every word I wrote in response to the Raunch was carefully 
  thought out and used. 
 Mike: I'll make a deal with you Raunch. I'll make an attempt to Fuck myself 
 if you'll get legitamtely raped and have a free Obama abortion. That's the 
 one time I could look the other way on that issue. Some genes just shouldn't 
 reproduce under any circumstances.
 If Mike's misogynistic rant is an example of carefully thought out words, 
 then something is seriously wrong in wingnut land. 
  What I wrote was intended to evoke total outrage and to show you people, 
  libtards, can dish it out but that you claim victimization when it's thrown 
  back in your face.
 Nope. What Mike wrote invoked the right wing canard legitimate rape offered 
 in a bill co-sponsored by Todd Akin, the Missouri jackass who wants to change 
 language about federal funding for abortions for victims of rape to cover 
 only forcible rape and stupidly said, If it's a legitimate rape, the 
 female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. Todd Akin and 
 Mike are misogynistic idiots cut from the same cloth. 
 Mike referred to President Obama as a boy knowing full well the historical 
 context of its use to emasculate, humiliate and dehumanize a black man. Mike 
 also falsely alluded to my satirical use of the 100th Money effect to 
 determine which party will win the election, as a racist dog whistle, and 
 that the satire implied black people looked like monkeys. Nothing could have 
 been further from my mind. 
 Mike: Monkey see, Monkey do? Raunchy, don't you see the racism in what you 
 just said? Howard Cosell almost lost his job for making a similar comment.
 Only a racist such as Mike could have conjured up such an ugly accusation. 
 That's when I decide I'd had enough of his racist bullshit:
 RD: Go fuck yourself, Mike. You racist sack of shit.
 Funny thing is, Mike *still* doesn't object to be called a racist sack of 
 shit. He wears it well.
  I don't normally resort to personal attacks on people. I usually let BS 
  slide. However, after a few minutes of thought, I decided to have a little 
  mischievous fun and watch the fireworks. As for hate, that's a pretty 
  strong word in itself. I truly don't hate Obama or anybody. I understand 
  you would find that hard to believe. The only positive I have seen from 
  Obama's election is that the race barrier to the presidency has been 
  broken. But I never believed his BS, not the hope- n -change, the new day, 
  the transparency, the working with the other side, his name alone would 
  smooth things over in the middle- east ,none of it.
  He spoke in such generalities that anybody in a state of desperation could 
  easily say He wants

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-09 Thread Mike Dixon
Ravioli, I rarely read any of your posts. I found the one or two that I did 
read,  in the past, uninteresting and boring. But don't take that personally. I 
delete about 95% of the posts I get from FFL without reading them. I just check 
in to see what other transcendental meditators are thinking these days and 
there are only a handful of people on FFL that I will actually read, you're not 
one of them. I have enjoyed some of Raunchydogs posts in the past but I figured 
she was *trying* to push my buttons so I returned the favor. Emily is another 
such as yourself, uninteresting and I rarely read her posts as well. But I 
thought if she is willing to dish out an F.Y. and a FOAD she would be willing 
to receive them in return. However, I never wish death on anyone. I did once 
and they died. I really felt bad and haven't done it since. Ravi, you haven't 
thrown kerosene on your wife and lit it lately? Geez, I hope not. Divorce is 
costly but far less violent and
 you wouldn't want to kill or disfigure the mother of your children.We just 
don't need that dowry setting, snake charming,little girl aborting, caste 
system shit over here. What was that about cattle mating? Is that still a 
problem in the *old* country?


 From: Ravi Chivukula
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

LOL..Mikey boy, You may try hard but you are nothing but a fucking racist, 
misogynist hiding behind your conservative beliefs. The fact that you have 
avoided replying to my message and rather use violent language and abuse 
against women is indicative of this rotting teeth, cattle mating Appalachian 
mindset. What a piece of work you are.

On Oct 9, 2012, at 3:00 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:

I'll make a deal was they key phrase. I'll try to do what you suggested I do 
*IF* you'll do what I suggested for you, your choice. Legitimately raped, 
completely intended to evoke your hatred of Todd Akin and his views on 
abortion( I knew that would set you off!) and why you said you were voting for 
Obama in an earlier post, because if you were to get raped you could get an 
abortion. That is a *wonderful* reason to vote for somebody that has run up a 
16 trillion dollar debt, 23 million unemployed or under employed, added a new 
entitlement program, when the rest are in trouble. Do I need to go on? But 
you, of all people, fear pregnancy.Actually, I described Obama's demeanor as a 
'Little boy being scolded for playing hooky for the past four years, a big 
difference from referring to him as *boy*. I noticed Romney at one point, when 
Obama kept lying about Romney's budget, said I have five *boys* that believe 
if they keep repeating something untrue ,
 that I'll eventually believe them. Of course this was taken the same way by 
some paranoid fools the  way Raunchy is trying to portray my comment. That 
Romney was calling Obama  *boy*. Deny your accusations of racism? Why bother? 
To me, it's like water off of a duck's back.That is the  first,most common, 
over used, insult a liberal can hurl once they've failed at their argument! It 
means I've won! Anyone who is not a bleeding heart liberal can and should wear 
that *insult* as a badge of honor.


 From: raunchydog
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 2:02 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar


--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... 

 Emily go fuck yourself.  I'm sure Raunchydog has numerous dildos you 
 could barrow.Every word I wrote in response to the Raunch was carefully 
 thought out and used. 

Mike: I'll make a deal with you Raunch. I'll make an attempt to Fuck myself 
if you'll get legitamtely raped and have a free Obama abortion. That's the one 
time I could look the other way on that issue. Some genes just shouldn't 
reproduce under any circumstances.

If Mike's misogynistic rant is an example of carefully thought out words, then 
something is seriously wrong in wingnut land. 

 What I wrote was intended to evoke total outrage and to show you people, 
 libtards, can dish it out but that you claim victimization when it's thrown 
 back in your face.

Nope. What Mike wrote invoked the right wing canard legitimate rape offered 
in a bill co-sponsored by Todd Akin, the Missouri jackass who wants to change 
language about federal funding for abortions for victims of rape to cover 
only forcible rape and stupidly said, If it's a legitimate rape, the female 
body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. Todd Akin and Mike are 
misogynistic idiots cut from the same cloth. 

Mike referred to President Obama as a boy knowing full well the historical 
context of its use to emasculate, humiliate and dehumanize a black man. Mike

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-09 Thread Ravi Chivukula

Oh Mikey boy, LOL..I was expecting this retarded post from you, in fact I was 
totally licking my lips in anticipation and retards like you never fail to 
disappoint me. All retarded minds think alike, never deviate from the script, 
go figure !!!

Oh look at a cattle mating, rotting teeth, Appalachian, trailer trash racist, 
misogynist making fun of his Indian brethren, his counterparts - how hilarious 
is this Mikey boy...ha are cracking me up man, don't kill me Mikey boy.

Can't you see the irony here - your values are a perfect match for this wife 
burning culture of India, it's the same mindset, you are not making fun of me, 
you are making fun of *yourself* you retarded piece of shit. 

I'm glad you are not reading my messages, it's not meant for retarded trailer 
trash like you. Please don't !!!

I love you baby. XOXO.

On Oct 9, 2012, at 5:01 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:

 Ravioli, I rarely read any of your posts. I found the one or two that I did 
 read,  in the past, uninteresting and boring. But don't take that personally. 
 I delete about 95% of the posts I get from FFL without reading them. I just 
 check in to see what other transcendental meditators are thinking these days 
 and there are only a handful of people on FFL that I will actually read, 
 you're not one of them. I have enjoyed some of Raunchydogs posts in the past 
 but I figured she was *trying* to push my buttons so I returned the favor. 
 Emily is another such as yourself, uninteresting and I rarely read her posts 
 as well. But I thought if she is willing to dish out an F.Y. and a FOAD she 
 would be willing to receive them in return. However, I never wish death on 
 anyone. I did once and they died. I really felt bad and haven't done it 
 since. Ravi, you haven't thrown kerosene on your wife and lit it lately? 
 Geez, I hope not. Divorce is costly but far less violent and you wouldn't 
 want to kill or disfigure the mother of your children.We just don't need that 
 dowry setting, snake charming,little girl aborting, caste system shit over 
 here. What was that about cattle mating? Is that still a problem in the *old* 
 From: Ravi Chivukula
 Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 3:17 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
 LOL..Mikey boy, You may try hard but you are nothing but a fucking racist, 
 misogynist hiding behind your conservative beliefs. The fact that you have 
 avoided replying to my message and rather use violent language and abuse 
 against women is indicative of this rotting teeth, cattle mating Appalachian 
 mindset. What a piece of work you are.
 On Oct 9, 2012, at 3:00 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:
 I'll make a deal was they key phrase. I'll try to do what you suggested I 
 do *IF* you'll do what I suggested for you, your choice. Legitimately 
 raped, completely intended to evoke your hatred of Todd Akin and his views 
 on abortion( I knew that would set you off!) and why you said you were 
 voting for Obama in an earlier post, because if you were to get raped you 
 could get an abortion. That is a *wonderful* reason to vote for somebody 
 that has run up a 16 trillion dollar debt, 23 million unemployed or under 
 employed, added a new entitlement program, when the rest are in trouble. Do 
 I need to go on? But you, of all people, fear pregnancy.Actually, I 
 described Obama's demeanor as a 'Little boy being scolded for playing hooky 
 for the past four years, a big difference from referring to him as *boy*. I 
 noticed Romney at one point, when Obama kept lying about Romney's budget, 
 said I have five *boys* that believe if they keep repeating something 
 untrue , that I'll eventually believe them. Of course this was taken the 
 same way by some paranoid fools the  way Raunchy is trying to portray my 
 comment. That Romney was calling Obama  *boy*. Deny your accusations of 
 racism? Why bother? To me, it's like water off of a duck's back.That is the  
 first,most common, over used, insult a liberal can hurl once they've failed 
 at their argument! It means I've won! Anyone who is not a bleeding heart 
 liberal can and should wear that *insult* as a badge of honor.
 From: raunchydog
 Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 2:02 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
 --- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... 
  Emily go fuck yourself.  I'm sure Raunchydog has numerous dildos you 
  could barrow.Every word I wrote in response to the Raunch was carefully 
  thought out and used. 
 Mike: I'll make a deal with you Raunch. I'll make an attempt to Fuck myself 
 if you'll get legitamtely raped and have a free Obama abortion. That's the 
 one time I could look the other way on that issue. Some genes just shouldn't 
 reproduce under

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-09 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 6:03 PM, wgm4u wrote:


 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
  Oh Mikey boy, LOL..I was expecting this retarded post from you, in fact
 I was totally licking my lips in anticipation and retards like you never
 fail to disappoint me. All retarded minds think alike, never deviate from
 the script, go figure !!!
  Oh look at a cattle mating, rotting teeth, Appalachian, trailer trash
 racist, misogynist making fun of his Indian brethren, his counterparts -
 how hilarious is this Mikey boy...ha are cracking me up man, don't
 kill me Mikey boy.
  Can't you see the irony here - your values are a perfect match for this
 wife burning culture of India, it's the same mindset, you are not making
 fun of me, you are making fun of *yourself* you retarded piece of shit.
  I'm glad you are not reading my messages, it's not meant for retarded
 trailer trash like you. Please don't !!!
  I love you baby. XOXO.

 Ravioli farts in public

Sorry Billy boy - unfortunately farting is one of the side effects. I'm
surprised you already know about this - perhaps you have been checking my
Humiliation Therapy Facebook page? Anyway I'm done for today and yeah, be
prepared to fart like your ol' pal Mikey when you attend one of these
sessions. My prices are very reasonable - about $120/hour. Just so you know
I'm a pioneer of Humiliation Therapy, many therapists have trained under me
and this is a siddhi where I channel Mother Kali. You can check, I have a
big following down in the South East and along the Appalachians - perhaps
you can check with your relatives, I'm sure one of them  is already my

Anyway I believe you are from the San Diego area? If so I strongly
recommend one of my personal sessions. All my misogynist, homophobic,
racist clients agree, the level of humiliation they undergo in these
personal sessions is totally mindblowing, they are always completely
satisfied leaving my office thoroughly, utterly humiliated. Considering I
won't be in the San Diego area for too long you should advantage of this
opportunity Billy boy.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-09 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 7:21 PM, wgm4u wrote:


 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
  On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 6:03 PM, wgm4u wrote:

   --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
Oh Mikey boy, LOL..I was expecting this retarded post from you, in
   I was totally licking my lips in anticipation and retards like you
   fail to disappoint me. All retarded minds think alike, never deviate
   the script, go figure !!!
Oh look at a cattle mating, rotting teeth, Appalachian, trailer trash
   racist, misogynist making fun of his Indian brethren, his counterparts
   how hilarious is this Mikey boy...ha are cracking me up man,
   kill me Mikey boy.
Can't you see the irony here - your values are a perfect match for
   wife burning culture of India, it's the same mindset, you are not
   fun of me, you are making fun of *yourself* you retarded piece of shit.
I'm glad you are not reading my messages, it's not meant for retarded
   trailer trash like you. Please don't !!!
I love you baby. XOXO.
   Ravioli farts in public
  Sorry Billy boy - unfortunately farting is one of the side effects. I'm
  surprised you already know about this - perhaps you have been checking my
  Humiliation Therapy Facebook page? Anyway I'm done for today and yeah,
  prepared to fart like your ol' pal Mikey when you attend one of these
  sessions. My prices are very reasonable - about $120/hour. Just so you
  I'm a pioneer of Humiliation Therapy, many therapists have trained under
  and this is a siddhi where I channel Mother Kali. You can check, I have a
  big following down in the South East and along the Appalachians - perhaps
  you can check with your relatives, I'm sure one of them is already my
  Anyway I believe you are from the San Diego area? If so I strongly
  recommend one of my personal sessions. All my misogynist, homophobic,
  racist clients agree, the level of humiliation they undergo in these
  personal sessions is totally mindblowing, they are always completely
  satisfied leaving my office thoroughly, utterly humiliated. Considering I
  won't be in the San Diego area for too long you should advantage of this
  opportunity Billy boy.

 Such insolence, I'm appalled! ;-)

Don't you know Billy baby, I'm not a baniya, a businessman like that idiot
Maharishi - I'm Ravi Yogi, Kali's Pimp - the Telugu Brahmin, the master of
unconditional love and unconditional hatred, the equal opportunity racist.
My forefathers have discriminated against morons, had absolute contempt,
hostility for morons for thousands of years. Anyway rest at our Humiliation
therapy session - I'm so excited and looking forward to personally
humiliate you !!! I promise you will be totally touched by my unconditional

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-08 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 10:49 PM, raunchydog wrote:


 --- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...
  Mike, there is a difference between telling someone to go fuck
 themselves [which is a term most teens and adults are familiar with as
 meaning I think you are an asshole and an idiot given what you are
 suggesting or what you have said to me in (strong language, because I am so
 offended at what you have said)] and suggesting that someone go get
 themselves legitimately raped followed by an abortion - free or not, does
 that make a difference here? Â Clearly you hate Obama - does that mean you
 hate everyone who doesn't? Â
  What is with this term of late? Â Rape? Â Seriously? Â Legitimately?
 Â Without even the word psychological before it? Â Raunchy? Â Mike, you
 need some serious help with your anger issues. Â

 Thanks for the props, Ann, Ravi and Emily.

No worries Raunchy - I guess these idiots have a right to vote for Romney
and one would think that these misogynist, homophobic, racist retards would
be a little restrained. I can't believe that in 2012, in a post-modern
Western Civilization people have a choice to elect politicians that are so
clueless to individual rights, that try to legislate morality, try to
legislate women's bodies, try to interfere in any consensual relationship,
marriage between two or more mature adults of any sex. Sad and Pitiful.


Legitimate rape is the latest right wing canard offered in a bill
 co-sponsored by Republican idiots who want to change language about federal
 funding for abortions for victims of rape to cover only forcible rape.
 I beg your pardon? There's a difference? Rape is rape. It's yet another
 attempt, by women hating, misogynistic assholes like Mike, who want to
 eliminate a woman's right to choose. Missouri Rep. Todd Akin, in a close
 race with Sen. Claire Mccaskill for Senate, co-sponsored the House bill to
 redefine rape. In defense of the bill he stupidly said, If it's a
 legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing
 down. In other words if a woman is forcibly raped she can't get pregnant.
 In Akin's deluded, divorced from reality mind, abortion is not necessary
 under any circumstances, including rape, incest and the life of the mother.
 It's telling, isn't it, that Mike takes issue being told to go fuck himself
 but does not take issue with being called a racist sack of shit. He now
 owns, in big red letters stamped on his forehead, MISOGYNISTIC, RACIST

  From: Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...
  Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 8:38 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
  Dear Mike: Â I believe it may be appropriate to use the acronym I've
 been waiting to use. Â
  To you, I say: Â FOAD...sounds like toad, which makes it all the more
 appealing. Â
  From: Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@...
  Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 6:05 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
  I'll make a deal with you Raunch. I'll make an attempt to Fuck myself if
 you'll get legitamtely raped and have a free Obama abortion. That's the one
 time I could look the other way on that issue. Some genes just shouldn't
 reproduce under any circumstances.
  From: raunchydog raunchydog@...
  Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 5:13 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
  --- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@
   Monkey see, Monkey do? Raunchy, don't you see the racism in what you
 just said? Howard Cosell almost lost his job for making a similar comment.
  Go fuck yourself, Mike. You racist sack of shit.
   From: raunchydog raunchydog@
   Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 4:59 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
   --- In, seekliberation
 seekliberation@ wrote:
that goes back to many posts that i've done before. I've always
 believed vehemently in MMY's quote: government is an innocent reflection
 of collective consciousness.
That being said, why do we get upset with our politicians? How is it
 that we have politicians who run up big deficits, cheat on their spouses,
 and lie about it? Because we have people in our society who max out credit
 cards, cheat on their spouses, and lie about it. We shouldn't expect
 anything more from our leaders than we ourselves are.
   Since you're speculating that politicians reflect the behavior of
 their constituents, as in monkey see monkey do, the 100th monkey effect

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar to Ann and Raunchy

2012-10-08 Thread Share Long
Yeah, the Saturday workshop exceeded my expectations which were pretty high.  
Plus a great group of people from FF and beyond.  Then Sunday morning I had an 
individual session with John.  I'm so different than when he came to FF in the 
spring!  More settled, I'd say.  Anyway, it'll be interesting to see how life 
unfolds both on FFL and in 3D world, s--- flying or not (-:

Full circle, yes.  Actually I joined FFL between John's 2 visits in the 
spring.  Probably means something but don't know what.  My sense of it is some 
karma from previous life with this particular group of people, maybe from 
Atlantis.  Just an intuition.  

Raunchy, I LOVE that song, thanks for posting.  Rock on!

 From: awoelflebater
Sent: Monday, October 8, 2012 8:57 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar to Raunchy Mike and everyone


--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 I'm sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.  I love you all.

The course was good on the weekend? You seem to have come full circle. When you 
first appeared at FFL you wrote this many times. I hope you can maintain your 
equilibrium over the next few days/weeks as the gritty reality of FFL sets in 
again. This forum can be useful as a testing ground: can one stay focused and 
committed to upholding one's integrity and search for truth here, even as the 
s--- flies. 
  From: raunchydog raunchydog@...
 Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 7:11 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
 --- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ wrote:
  Raunchydog, the correct *racial* epithet is *boy*... just *boy*. Hey boy, 
  I'll give you a quarter if you'll bust up that chiffarobe. Even in the 
  South, African-Americans know the difference between being called *boy* and 
  being told you are acting like a *little boy*. Of course someone suffering 
  from paranoia(smoking too much weed) might insinuate they are one in the 
  same. The Obama campaign, in it's *Chicago style*,would definitely make use 
  of that, since they seem to encourage the thought process that if you are 
  against Obama, you must be racist. Just ask the Clinton's. The race card is 
  not just Chicago, it's Democratic!
 You hold all the race cards in your lily white hand and you're dealing from 
 the bottom of the deck trying to put a happy spin on your behavior. You 
 intended to demean the president by referring to him as a boy. I don't play 
 cards with racists. Go iron your sheets. 
   From: raunchydog raunchydog@
  Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 9:48 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
  --- In, seventhray1 
  lurkernomore20002000@ wrote:
   Thinking more about it, and if I recall it correctly, seekliberation
   seems to have the a Romney bias.  Nothing  wrong with that, but I guess
   under those circumstances, you will try to slip in something demeaning
   about your opponet when you can.
   Perhaps my mistake was assuming that seekliberation was trying to make a
   more objective analysis of the debate.
   As I said before, I thought Obama looked tired.  And yes, I would say
   that Obama sometimes has a boyish look about him, in terms of being
   relatively young.
   And of course many times the term boyish is used to describe the
   appearance of individuals.  Earlier this week the WSJ described the
   current CEO of Tyco of having a boyish appearance, and I agreed with
  So in thinking about it, Steve, do you agree or not agree that in the 
  context seekliberation and Mike used the word boy they intended to demean 
  President Obama or were they just ignorant of using a racist dog whistle? 
  BTW boyish is not even in the ball park as a comparison.
   --- In, raunchydog raunchydog@
--- In, seventhray1
   lurkernomore20002000@ wrote:

  --- In, seekliberation
   A lot of people are so shocked that Obama did so poorly in the
 debate. It's not so much the 'talking points', but more so with his
 language. He looked like a lost, confused, scared and embarrassed
 boy. I actually felt bad for him.

 RD: snip Do you realize how racially offensive it is to refer to a
 man as boy? I expected as much from Mike Dixon, but not you. I'm not
 happy with Obama's term in office either but I sure as hell don't

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-08 Thread Emily Reyn
Exactly.  I agree that we as a nation have tried the trickle-down theory.  It 
doesn't work.  Has it ever worked?  When did it work?  Perhaps I'm too young to 
have experienced it.  Maybe I experienced it and wasn't aware at the time.  

 From: raunchydog
Sent: Monday, October 8, 2012 8:45 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

Why Obama Now

--- In, Richard J. Williams richard@... wrote:

  Romney a liar?
 When you can't debate the facts, accuse your 
 opponent of lying. LoL!
 While we're on the subject of economic plans, 
 has anyone heard of a coherent plan from 
 President Obama yet?
 'Liars Accuse Romney Of Lying'
 Posted by David King
 October 8, 2012


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-07 Thread Share Long
Reading this seekliberation, the thought came that if we want honest 
politicians we have to start by being honest ourselves.  Probably also applies 
if wanting honest gurus, honest spouses, honest friends, etc.

 From: seekliberation
Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 1:46 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

 What's more shocking is that Republicans are just fine with Romney telling 27 
 lies in 38 minutes. 

Obama had lies of his own as well. Keep in mind though, that i'm not endorsing 
Romney or saying he's anything great.  I'm just shocked at the fact that people 
are shocked that Obama performed poorly, as if he has some sort of a track 

Do you realize how racially offensive it is to refer to a black man as boy? I 
expected as much from Mike Dixon, but not you. 

I definitely didn't mean to be racist.  However, I find it strange that anyone 
would be concerned about insulting anyone on this forum.  I've seen more 
insults to every politician and every Guru  spiritual teacher on FFL than 
perhaps any other blog site. 

The boy comment was more in terms of seeing a young man wake up and realize 
he's an adult now, and yet not prepared for adulthood. 

seekliberation I'm not that happy 
with Obama's term in office either but I sure as hell don't want that lying SOB 
Romney anywhere near the White House.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-07 Thread Bhairitu
On 10/07/2012 01:48 PM, seekliberation wrote:
 that goes back to many posts that i've done before.  I've always believed 
 vehemently in MMY's quote:  government is an innocent reflection of 
 collective consciousness.

That's probably not an original saying and probably goes back 
centuries.  It or paraphrases of it can be found all over the Internet.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-07 Thread Mike Dixon
Raunchydog, the correct *racial* epithet is *boy*... just *boy*. Hey boy, I'll 
give you a quarter if you'll bust up that chiffarobe. Even in the South, 
African-Americans know the difference between being called *boy* and being told 
you are acting like a *little boy*. Of course someone suffering from 
paranoia(smoking too much weed) might insinuate they are one in the same. The 
Obama campaign, in it's *Chicago style*,would definitely make use of that, 
since they seem to encourage the thought process that if you are against Obama, 
you must be racist. Just ask the Clinton's. The race card is not just Chicago, 
it's Democratic!


 From: raunchydog
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 9:48 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar


--- In, seventhray1 
lurkernomore20002000@... wrote:

 Thinking more about it, and if I recall it correctly, seekliberation
 seems to have the a Romney bias.  Nothing  wrong with that, but I guess
 under those circumstances, you will try to slip in something demeaning
 about your opponet when you can.
 Perhaps my mistake was assuming that seekliberation was trying to make a
 more objective analysis of the debate.
 As I said before, I thought Obama looked tired.  And yes, I would say
 that Obama sometimes has a boyish look about him, in terms of being
 relatively young.
 And of course many times the term boyish is used to describe the
 appearance of individuals.  Earlier this week the WSJ described the
 current CEO of Tyco of having a boyish appearance, and I agreed with

So in thinking about it, Steve, do you agree or not agree that in the context 
seekliberation and Mike used the word boy they intended to demean President 
Obama or were they just ignorant of using a racist dog whistle? BTW boyish is 
not even in the ball park as a comparison.

 --- In, raunchydog raunchydog@
  --- In, seventhray1
 lurkernomore20002000@ wrote:
--- In, seekliberation
 A lot of people are so shocked that Obama did so poorly in the
   debate. It's not so much the 'talking points', but more so with his
   language. He looked like a lost, confused, scared and embarrassed
   boy. I actually felt bad for him.
   RD: snip Do you realize how racially offensive it is to refer to a
   man as boy? I expected as much from Mike Dixon, but not you. I'm not
   happy with Obama's term in office either but I sure as hell don't
   that lying SOB Romney anywhere near the White House.
FYI I never beatified Obama as many on this forum did during the
   primary and for that I got a load of misogynous bullshit dumped on
   Even though some of these idiots thought I was a racist for not
   supporting Obama, I never once referred to Obama as a boy or used
   racial slur against him. For me it's always been about policy and
   candidates capable of creating peace and prosperity for
   that ain't Romney.
   Whoa! You're reading the use of boy in this context as racist?
   Really, I've seen you get off on these kinds of extreme projections
   before, and I think they bear little semblence to reality.
   I wonder how many others would read that statement as racist? And
   before you try to politicize it, I am (for the most part) an Obama
   This taking stuff out of context is really sad.
  President Obama is a man. Referring to him as a boy in any context is
 demeaning to him as a person and especially to him as a black man.
 Perhaps you are unaware that the word boy was used to humiliate black
 men in the days of slavery. This is why calling a black man a boy these
 days is an insult. It's emasculating, humiliating and dehumanizing.
  I believe seekliberation was unaware that boy is offensive to black
 men and did not use it maliciously. However, Mike *did* use the word
 boy maliciously. Romney also, used the word boy in reference to
 Obama during the debate to imply he was a liar.
  seekliberation: He looked like a lost, confused, scared and
 embarrassed young boy. I actually felt bad for him.
  Mike Dixion: ...Obama looked like a little boy getting a scolding for
 playing hookie the past four years...
  Romney referring to Obama: Look, I have five boys, I'm used to people
 saying something that isn't always true and keep on saying it hoping
 ultimately I will believe it.
  Raw Story (
  Depicting a black man as a boy in need of discipline raises automatic
 red flags...Unfortunately and undeniably, there is a malignant American
 practice of degrading black

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-07 Thread Mike Dixon
Monkey see, Monkey do? Raunchy, don't you see the racism in what you just said? 
Howard Cosell almost lost his job for making a similar comment.


 From: raunchydog
Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 4:59 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar


--- In, seekliberation 
seekliberation@... wrote:

 that goes back to many posts that i've done before.  I've always believed 
 vehemently in MMY's quote:  government is an innocent reflection of 
 collective consciousness. 
 That being said, why do we get upset with our politicians?  How is it that we 
 have politicians who run up big deficits, cheat on their spouses, and lie 
 about it?  Because we have people in our society who max out credit cards, 
 cheat on their spouses, and lie about it.  We shouldn't expect anything more 
 from our leaders than we ourselves are. 

Since you're speculating that politicians reflect the behavior of their 
constituents, as in monkey see monkey do, the 100th monkey effect seems to be 
an appropriate model to test your theory. Once a critical number of Republicans 
vs. Democrats lie, cheat and steal, how will this behavior, as it spreads 
instantaneously to all Republican and Democratic politicians, affect the 
outcome of the presidential election? Based on your theory, it's an infallible 
formula. The political party first to achieve the 100th monkey effect will win 
the election. Only one or the other, Republicans or Democrats will get exactly 
the politicians they deserve. 

 --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ 
  Reading this seekliberation, the thought came that if we want honest 
  politicians we have to start by being honest ourselves.  Probably also 
  applies if wanting honest gurus, honest spouses, honest friends, etc.
   From: seekliberation seekliberation@
  Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 1:46 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
   What's more shocking is that Republicans are just fine with Romney 
   telling 27 lies in 38 minutes. 
  Obama had lies of his own as well. Keep in mind though, that i'm not 
  endorsing Romney or saying he's anything great.  I'm just shocked at the 
  fact that people are shocked that Obama performed poorly, as if he has some 
  sort of a track record. 
  Do you realize how racially offensive it is to refer to a black man as 
  boy? I expected as much from Mike Dixon, but not you. 
  I definitely didn't mean to be racist.  However, I find it strange that 
  anyone would be concerned about insulting anyone on this forum.  I've seen 
  more insults to every politician and every Guru  spiritual teacher on FFL 
  than perhaps any other blog site. 
  The boy comment was more in terms of seeing a young man wake up and realize 
  he's an adult now, and yet not prepared for adulthood. 
  seekliberation I'm not that 
  happy with Obama's term in office either but I sure as hell don't want that 
  lying SOB Romney anywhere near the White House.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-07 Thread Mike Dixon
Yes John, we laughed hysterically at the Al Gore theory and watching Chris 
Mathews, we realized it wasn't a tingle up his leg but rather a warm trickle 
down it. What was even funnier about the Gore idea, were the sound effects of 
the pundits around him as he said it. It kind of reminded me of Family Feud 
when some dimwit gives a horrible answer and everybody in the family screams 
Great Answer! ROFLMAO! The thing is,(that sounds so Maharishi) we know what the 
problem was, no record to defend and no teleprompter to tell him what to say. 
Obama is a very good and convincing public speaker but only when he has a 
teleprompter. Haven't you seen other events when he either leaves the 
teleprompter or loses his place?His mind freezes up and then he stutters and 
hems and haws till he finds his place, if he can. In the debate, neither side 
had one, and they had to rely on their own abilities to understand and 
communicate. Obama failed miserably. No doubt he will
 come out swinging at the next debate but then he has to be cautious that he 
doesn't come off as an angry black man. That could scare the Raunchydogs of 


 From: John
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 1:49 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar


Many of the pundits on TV have already determined that Obama did not do well to 
present his case to the American people during the debate.  IMO, everyone, 
including Chris Matthes,  was mystified at Obama's performance.  Al Gore 
mentioned that it may have been due to the altitude of Denver.  We will 
eventually find out for sure after the debates are done.

Nonetheless, most of the voters have already decided who they will vote for 
based on the core platforms of the candidates.  These debates will only sway 
those voters who are still undecided.  If Obama could sway into his camp half 
of the undecided voters, he could win.  Based on an analysis by a TV 
commentator, many of these voters are women and are more likely to vote for 


--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... 

 John, did you see the whole tape of Romney making the 47% comment? Probably 
 not.Most media outlets only played a small snippet. FNC played much more, to 
 put it in context.
  He was commenting that he would probably be wasting his time trying to 
 attract them(the 47%) with a  tax cut since they don't  pay federal income 
 tax already and are probably already receiving a government hand out, food 
 stamps, extended unemployment benefits etc.It made him sound as if he doesn't 
 care about those people and *that* is what he apologized for. If you are such 
 a Romney hater, you would have studied his tax records that he released and 
 would have found that he gives about 30% of his income to charity. He also 
 has a reputation of giving his time , money, counseling and ministering, to 
 people in his congregation in times of need. As Obama said, if you don't have 
 a record to run on,then you attack your opponent(personally).Example in case, 
 Romney gives people cancer, hasn't paid taxes in 10 years, the lies go on, 
 including Romney is a liar, but we're on to that one. They tried that on 
 Bush. Romney has a wonderful record of
 success, Obama
  has a horrible record as a failure. Obama couldn't even look Romney in the 
 eyes at the debate. He came off as the failure he is and had to stand before 
 60 -70 million people tuning in, without a teleprompter feeding him what he 
 needed to say. Obama couldn't bring up the 47% comment because Romney was 
 right there to counter him with the whole truth. That 47% thing is only 
 effective in a 30 second TV spot where it can't be challenged.
  From: John jr_esq@...
 Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 12:30 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
 --- In, richardatrwilliamsdotus 
 richard@ wrote:
   Romney had to admit that he was wrong..
  The IRS's Web page backs up Mr. Romney's 
  figure as true.
  It is true that 46 percent of American 
  households did not pay federal income 
  taxes last year, according to the Tax 
  Policy Center.
  The Huffington Post:
 Why beat a dead horse?  Romney already admitted he was wrong.  Case closed.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-07 Thread Mike Dixon
I'll make a deal with you Raunch. I'll make an attempt to Fuck myself if you'll 
get legitamtely raped and have a free Obama abortion. That's the one time I 
could look the other way on that issue. Some genes just shouldn't reproduce 
under any circumstances.


 From: raunchydog
Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 5:13 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar


--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... 

 Monkey see, Monkey do? Raunchy, don't you see the racism in what you just 
 said? Howard Cosell almost lost his job for making a similar comment.

Go fuck yourself, Mike. You racist sack of shit.

  From: raunchydog raunchydog@...
 Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 4:59 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
 --- In, seekliberation 
 seekliberation@ wrote:
  that goes back to many posts that i've done before.  I've always believed 
  vehemently in MMY's quote:  government is an innocent reflection of 
  collective consciousness. 
  That being said, why do we get upset with our politicians?  How is it that 
  we have politicians who run up big deficits, cheat on their spouses, and 
  lie about it?  Because we have people in our society who max out credit 
  cards, cheat on their spouses, and lie about it.  We shouldn't expect 
  anything more from our leaders than we ourselves are. 
 Since you're speculating that politicians reflect the behavior of their 
 constituents, as in monkey see monkey do, the 100th monkey effect seems to 
 be an appropriate model to test your theory. Once a critical number of 
 Republicans vs. Democrats lie, cheat and steal, how will this behavior, as it 
 spreads instantaneously to all Republican and Democratic politicians, affect 
 the outcome of the presidential election? Based on your theory, it's an 
 infallible formula. The political party first to achieve the 100th monkey 
 effect will win the election. Only one or the other, Republicans or Democrats 
 will get exactly the politicians they deserve. 
  --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ 
   Reading this seekliberation, the thought came that if we want honest 
   politicians we have to start by being honest ourselves.  Probably also 
   applies if wanting honest gurus, honest spouses, honest friends, etc.
From: seekliberation seekliberation@
   Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 1:46 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

What's more shocking is that Republicans are just fine with Romney 
telling 27 lies in 38 minutes. 
   Obama had lies of his own as well. Keep in mind though, that i'm not 
   endorsing Romney or saying he's anything great.  I'm just shocked at the 
   fact that people are shocked that Obama performed poorly, as if he has 
   some sort of a track record. 
   Do you realize how racially offensive it is to refer to a black man as 
   boy? I expected as much from Mike Dixon, but not you. 
   I definitely didn't mean to be racist.  However, I find it strange that 
   anyone would be concerned about insulting anyone on this forum.  I've 
   seen more insults to every politician and every Guru  spiritual teacher 
   on FFL than perhaps any other blog site. 
   The boy comment was more in terms of seeing a young man wake up and 
   realize he's an adult now, and yet not prepared for adulthood. 
   seekliberation I'm not that 
   happy with Obama's term in office either but I sure as hell don't want 
   that lying SOB Romney anywhere near the White House.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-07 Thread Emily Reyn
Dear Mike:  I believe it may be appropriate to use the acronym I've been 
waiting to use.  

To you, I say:  FOAD...sounds like toad, which makes it all the more appealing. 

 From: Mike Dixon
Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

I'll make a deal with you Raunch. I'll make an attempt to Fuck myself if you'll 
get legitamtely raped and have a free Obama abortion. That's the one time I 
could look the other way on that issue. Some genes just shouldn't reproduce 
under any circumstances.

From: raunchydog
Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 5:13 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar


--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... 

 Monkey see, Monkey do? Raunchy, don't you see the racism in what you just 
 said? Howard Cosell almost lost his job for making a similar comment.

Go fuck yourself, Mike. You racist sack of shit.

  From: raunchydog raunchydog@...
 Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 4:59 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
 --- In, seekliberation 
 seekliberation@ wrote:
  that goes back to many posts that i've done before.  I've always believed 
  vehemently in MMY's quote:  government is an innocent reflection of 
  collective consciousness. 
  That being said, why do we get upset with our politicians?  How is it that 
  we have politicians who run up big deficits, cheat on their spouses, and 
  lie about it?  Because we have people in our society who max out credit 
  cards, cheat on their spouses, and lie about it.  We shouldn't expect 
  anything more from our leaders than we ourselves are. 
 Since you're speculating that politicians reflect the behavior of their 
 constituents, as in monkey see monkey do, the 100th monkey effect seems to 
 be an appropriate model to test your theory. Once a critical number of 
 Republicans vs. Democrats lie, cheat and steal, how will this behavior, as it 
 spreads instantaneously to all Republican and Democratic politicians, affect 
 the outcome of the presidential election? Based on your theory, it's an 
 infallible formula. The political party first to achieve the 100th monkey 
 effect will win the election. Only one or the other, Republicans or Democrats 
 will get exactly the politicians they deserve. 
  --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ 
   Reading this seekliberation, the thought came that if we want honest 
   politicians we have to start by being honest ourselves.  Probably also 
   applies if wanting honest gurus, honest spouses, honest friends, etc.
From: seekliberation seekliberation@
   Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 1:46 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

What's more shocking is that Republicans are just fine with Romney 
telling 27 lies in 38 minutes. 
   Obama had lies of his own as well. Keep in mind though, that i'm not 
   endorsing Romney or saying he's anything great.  I'm just shocked at the 
   fact that people are shocked that Obama performed poorly, as if he has 
   some sort of a track record. 
   Do you realize how racially offensive it is to refer to a black man as 
   boy? I expected as much from Mike Dixon, but not you. 
   I definitely didn't mean to be racist.  However, I find it strange that 
   anyone would be concerned about insulting anyone on this forum.  I've 
   seen more insults to every politician and every Guru  spiritual teacher 
   on FFL than perhaps any other blog site. 
   The boy comment was more in terms of seeing a young man wake up and 
   realize he's an adult now, and yet not prepared for adulthood. 
   seekliberation I'm not that 
   happy with Obama's term in office either but I sure as hell don't want 
   that lying SOB Romney anywhere near the White House.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-07 Thread Emily Reyn
Mike, there is a difference between telling someone to go fuck themselves 
[which is a term most teens and adults are familiar with as meaning I think 
you are an asshole and an idiot given what you are suggesting or what you have 
said to me in (strong language, because I am so offended at what you have 
said)] and suggesting that someone go get themselves legitimately raped 
followed by an abortion - free or not, does that make a difference here?  
Clearly you hate Obama - does that mean you hate everyone who doesn't?  

What is with this term of late?  Rape?  Seriously?  Legitimately?  Without 
even the word psychological before it?  Raunchy?  Mike, you need some serious 
help with your anger issues.  

 From: Emily Reyn
Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 8:38 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

Dear Mike:  I believe it may be appropriate to use the acronym I've been 
waiting to use.  

To you, I say:  FOAD...sounds like toad, which makes it all the more appealing. 

 From: Mike Dixon
Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

I'll make a deal with you Raunch. I'll make an attempt to Fuck myself if you'll 
get legitamtely raped and have a free Obama abortion. That's the one time I 
could look the other way on that issue. Some genes just shouldn't reproduce 
under any circumstances.

From: raunchydog
Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 5:13 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar


--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... 

 Monkey see, Monkey do? Raunchy, don't you see the racism in what you just 
 said? Howard Cosell almost lost his job for making a similar comment.

Go fuck yourself, Mike. You racist sack of shit.

  From: raunchydog raunchydog@...
 Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 4:59 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar
 --- In, seekliberation 
 seekliberation@ wrote:
  that goes back to many posts that i've done before.  I've always believed 
  vehemently in MMY's quote:  government is an innocent reflection of 
  collective consciousness. 
  That being said, why do we get upset with our politicians?  How is it that 
  we have politicians who run up big deficits, cheat on their spouses, and 
  lie about it?  Because we have people in our society who max out credit 
  cards, cheat on their spouses, and lie about it.  We shouldn't expect 
  anything more from our leaders than we ourselves are. 
 Since you're speculating that politicians reflect the behavior of their 
 constituents, as in monkey see monkey do, the 100th monkey effect seems to 
 be an appropriate model to test your theory. Once a critical number of 
 Republicans vs. Democrats lie, cheat and steal, how will this behavior, as it 
 spreads instantaneously to all Republican and Democratic politicians, affect 
 the outcome of the presidential election? Based on your theory, it's an 
 infallible formula. The political party first to achieve the 100th monkey 
 effect will win the election. Only one or the other, Republicans or Democrats 
 will get exactly the politicians they deserve. 
  --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ 
   Reading this seekliberation, the thought came that if we want honest 
   politicians we have to start by being honest ourselves.  Probably also 
   applies if wanting honest gurus, honest spouses, honest friends, etc.
From: seekliberation seekliberation@
   Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 1:46 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

What's more shocking is that Republicans are just fine with Romney 
telling 27 lies in 38 minutes. 
   Obama had lies of his own as well. Keep in mind though, that i'm not 
   endorsing Romney or saying he's anything great.  I'm just shocked at the 
   fact that people are shocked that Obama performed poorly, as if he has 
   some sort of a track record. 
   Do you realize how racially offensive it is to refer to a black man as 
   boy? I expected as much from Mike Dixon, but not you. 
   I definitely didn't mean to be racist.  However, I find it strange that 
   anyone would be concerned about insulting anyone on this forum.  I've 
   seen more insults to every politician and every Guru  spiritual teacher 
   on FFL than perhaps any other blog site. 
   The boy comment was more in terms of seeing

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-06 Thread Mike Dixon
John, did you see the whole tape of Romney making the 47% comment? Probably 
not.Most media outlets only played a small snippet. FNC played much more, to 
put it in context.
 He was commenting that he would probably be wasting his time trying to attract 
them(the 47%) with a  tax cut since they don't  pay federal income tax already 
and are probably already receiving a government hand out, food stamps, extended 
unemployment benefits etc.It made him sound as if he doesn't care about those 
people and *that* is what he apologized for. If you are such a Romney hater, 
you would have studied his tax records that he released and would have found 
that he gives about 30% of his income to charity. He also has a reputation of 
giving his time , money, counseling and ministering, to people in his 
congregation in times of need. As Obama said, if you don't have a record to run 
on,then you attack your opponent(personally).Example in case, Romney gives 
people cancer, hasn't paid taxes in 10 years, the lies go on, including Romney 
is a liar, but we're on to that one. They tried that on Bush. Romney has a 
wonderful record of success, Obama
 has a horrible record as a failure. Obama couldn't even look Romney in the 
eyes at the debate. He came off as the failure he is and had to stand before 60 
-70 million people tuning in, without a teleprompter feeding him what he needed 
to say. Obama couldn't bring up the 47% comment because Romney was right there 
to counter him with the whole truth. That 47% thing is only effective in a 30 
second TV spot where it can't be challenged.

 From: John
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 12:30 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar


--- In, richardatrwilliamsdotus 
richard@... wrote:

  Romney had to admit that he was wrong..
 The IRS's Web page backs up Mr. Romney's 
 figure as true.
 It is true that 46 percent of American 
 households did not pay federal income 
 taxes last year, according to the Tax 
 Policy Center.
 The Huffington Post:

Why beat a dead horse?  Romney already admitted he was wrong.  Case closed.