Re: [FairfieldLife] The Rise of ISIS

2015-03-31 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
It seems to me that the exact *same* astrological configuration is causing the 
positive TM news that Lawson reported yesterday. And for that matter, ALL of 
*both* the good news and bad news you or anyone else can cite. 

You can't have it both ways, Chucko. If the placement of a bunch of big rocks 
in the sky is the cause of one thing you choose to focus on, it's also the 
cause of everything you choose *not* to focus on. 
  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 7:22 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Rise of ISIS
    In astrological terms, the rise of ISIS is due to the transit of Saturn in 
Scorpio, a sign representing death or the 8th house of the Cosmic Man or the 
Kalachakra, the wheel of time.  Saturn is particularly virulent in the sign 
because it is owned by Mars, the enemy of Saturn.
Hence, we see ISIS flaunting a black flag and the rebels wearing black garbs, 
the color of Saturn.  They commit heinous crimes by decapitating their captives 
to terrorize the world of their dark intentions, the establishment of a 
caliphate in the Middle East and perhaps the world.
It will take about a year and and half to vanquish this menace in the world.  
Why?  Because this is the remaining time that Saturn will take to transit the 
sign of Scorpio.  When Saturn enters the next sign of Sagittarius, peace in the 
world should be restored.  #yiv3595235641 #yiv3595235641 -- 
#yiv3595235641ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 
0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv3595235641 #yiv3595235641ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eat sh!t

2015-03-31 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
You didn't look hard enough:
Unicorn food - - Unicorns

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| Unicorn food - - UnicornsUnicorns! Everything you've always wanted to know 
about these magical creatures |
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Not to mention this tidbit: Individual unicorns are quite docile in 
temperament, and they make great pets for young children and the elderly, 
provided that they are continuously fed with large quantities of their 
favourite foods, such as bratwurst, anchovies, and live kittens. Also, it is a 
well-known fact that unicorns love to impale naughty children with their 
magical horns and suck out their intestines like so much spaghetti. They then 
trample upon the bodies until they are nothing but bloody corpses, thus making 
a prime example of them.Unicorns who have not been domesticated are glossy-eyed 
rape machines who will rape you with their vile horn. Stay the fuck away from 
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| UnicornThe common unicorn (Equus monoclonius) is a quadruped terrestrial 
horse-like animal. They are acknowledged in the magical world as completely 
dead. If you cut... |
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| View on uncyclopedia.wikia... | Preview by Yahoo |
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   From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 5:15 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eat sh!t
    I found it difficult to locate information on a Unicorn diet, but here is a 
Unicorn Food 
|||| ||
| View on todaysunicornfact.file...|Preview by Yahoo|

   I would recommend this diet for MJ, I think the sugar might sweeten him up a 

---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

You learn something new every day. It seems there's a current fad for children 
to bake unicorn poop cookies. It's kinda gross and it's kinda amusing. Does 
this one take your fancy?

   #yiv1654016304 #yiv1654016304 -- #yiv1654016304ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv1654016304 
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0;}#yiv1654016304 #yiv1654016304ygrp-mkp #yiv1654016304ads 
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span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv1654016304 
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div.yiv1654016304file-title a:hover, #yiv1654016304 div.yiv1654016304file-title 

[FairfieldLife] Instant Homophobe Karma -- perfect!

2015-03-31 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]

[FairfieldLife] How cults react to criticism...with Twitter's help

2015-03-31 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
The TMO should take note of this tactic and remember it the next time a big 
exposé comes out about them. Why rely just on Fairfield Life and Rick never 
bothering to do his job as a moderator? They, too can go to Twitter and *pay* 
for the right to trash anyone who criticizes them and spread slander about 

The Church of Scientology is paying Twitter to combat critics of “Going Clear”

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| The Church of Scientology is paying Twitter to combat cr...The Church of 
Scientology employed an unusual tactic — promoted tweets — to combat Internet 
outrage last night |
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[FairfieldLife] More sources pile on to Going Clear

2015-03-31 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
$cientology is on the ropes, and everybody's going to start piling on. Watch 
carefully, TB TMers...this is a vision of your future. This is what happens 
when the public is allowed to see the men behind the curtain. 

How Scientology controls John Travolta and Tom Cruise, according to ‘Going 

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| How Scientology controls John Travolta and Tom Cruise, ...The HBO documentary 
described the long history between celebrities and the controversial religion. |
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| View on www.washingtonpos... | Preview by Yahoo |
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More Scientology shockers: 5 astonishing revelations from “Going Clear” left 
out of the HBO film

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| More Scientology shockers: 5 astonishing revelations fro...From the 
disappearance of David Miscavige's wife to the Church's smear campaign against 
journalist Paulette Cooper |
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10 Things We Learned From Scientology Doc 'Going Clear'

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| 10 Things We Learned From Scientology Doc 'Going Clear'Now that the HBO doc 
on Scientology has aired, we break down a few of its more damning talking 
points |
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How a filmmaker finally infiltrated Scientology for HBO's explosive documentary

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| How a filmmaker finally infiltrated Scientology for HBO'...We now know more 
about the church than ever before. |
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| View on uk.businessinsider... | Preview by Yahoo |
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Church of Scientology and a 'blackmail' file on John Travolta

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| Church of Scientology and a 'blackmail' file on John Tra...A documentary 
investigating Scientology and its secret California-based headquarters claims 
members are threatened and forced to play musical chairs to Queen's Boh... |
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[FairfieldLife] Maharishi's house?

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife] (Nokia maps):


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's house?

2015-03-31 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
If you spent time there in Vlodrop (or in Seelisberg), you *really* owe it to 
yourself to see HBO's Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief. It 
will feel familiar to you. 

  From: aryavazhi
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 2:24 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's house?

But these satelite photos are a bit dated. (The end if this video could be by 
Leni Riefenstahl)  #yiv2664756280 
#yiv2664756280 -- #yiv2664756280ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2664756280 
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0;}#yiv2664756280 #yiv2664756280ygrp-mkp #yiv2664756280ads 
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div#yiv2664756280ygrp-mlmsg #yiv2664756280ygrp-msg p a 
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{line-height:1.22em;}#yiv2664756280 #yiv2664756280ygrp-mlmsg 

[FairfieldLife] Well What's IS it about in the UK?

2015-03-31 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
This morning the BBC says the upcoming election in the UK is about living 
standards.But my local paper says its about immigration. What's the deal in 
Scorpion land?

Unease about immigration at core of UK election campaign
|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| Unease about immigration at core of UK election campaignUKIP, which has risen 
rapidly from ragtag band of right-wing dissidents to serious political force, 
is the main beneficiary of Britain’s unease about immigration. |
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's house?

2015-03-31 Thread aryavazhi

But these satelite photos are a bit dated. (The end if this video could be by 
Leni Riefenstahl)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind of the Meditator

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
With good cause... in scientific basis, 
 some while ago I wrote Hagelin and others in DLF memos with the idea about 
having DLF people in New York work at giving TM to UN staff aid workers, the 
career professionals who go out to troubled spots in the world in support of 
peace action. Good to see development on that in support of those folks.

 LEnglish5 writes:


 By the way, what makes you certain that 'tis a lost crusade?

 The fact that the DLF is negotiating with the United Nations concerning 
training UN workers to be TM teachers?


---In, wrote :


---In, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 Ummm. You keep on posting and I keep on responding.

 I wasn't complaining. I'm just impressed by the energy you put into it.

 I'm posting positive stuff about TM here and on reddit.

 Keep it up, it's fun.

 And who told you I was banned from the entire website?

 Where did I say you were? Or do I have to be so completely specific about 

 I'm co-moderator of /r/transcendental afterall.


 By the way, what makes you certain that 'tis a lost crusade?

 The fact that the DLF is negotiating with the United Nations concerning 
training UN workers to be TM teachers?



---In, wrote :


---In, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the Letters 
to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced at the 
MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM. 

 Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the 
kind that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.

 You're devoting a lot of time to this lost crusade Lawson, have you been 
banned from Reddit again?



Re: [FairfieldLife] Notes from a viewing of Going Clear

2015-03-31 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Highest rated HBO Doc not highest rated documentary.  I saw Spike Lee's 
documentary back in 2006.

Last year I installed HBO Go on my Android phone and a friend who had 
HBO logged onto it with his account so we could watch some stuff on my 
TV using Chrome cast.  A lot of people did this with HBO Go.  But 
probably due to one of the app updates the login got wiped out so it 
doesn't work anymore. Chromecast is now a buggy piece of shit anyway.  
It originally worked fairly well but the kids at Google had to mess it up.

Some of us cut the cable because we didn't need to be paying $100+ a 
month for entertainment.  I bet a lot of folks never even look at their 
cable bill often paid automatically.  When they do many start 
questioning it.  My sister and brother-in-law's Comcast bill was nearly 
$300 a month!  And I would be they hardly ever even watched HBO during 
that time.

My bitch isn't with the documentary.  Let's be clear on that. It's about 
the most elitist of the cable networks and at that motion picture studio 
while we're at it.  And Time-Warner probably has a paid staff cruising 
YouTube as I've already come across one YouTube posting of the doc that 
they already managed to get pulled.  Can't blame them for that but it is 
a symptom of their problem.  They have a very weird business model sorta 
like charging $2000 or more for TM.

Now let's contrast that with Netflix which just announced uniform 
releases across all countries to reduce piracy and need to crack down on 
VPNs.  This is how you do things rather than turn potential customers 
waving money into thieves.

Netflix gets it.

On 03/31/2015 06:43 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Highest rated Documentary in 9 years . Plenty of people saw it 
Bhairitu and plenty more will:

'Going Clear' Was The Most-Watched HBO Doc In 9 Years 


'Going Clear' Was The Most-Watched HBO Doc In 9 ... 

Plenty of America found out what it's like to be an operating thetan 
on Sunday by tuning in to HBO's premiere of the Scientology 
documentary, Going Cl...

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Unfortunately HBO didn't make it available on their YouTube channel and I'm sure no 
one if they still have cable will want to sign up to HBO if they don't 
have it.  And in the good ol' US if you just have basic cable you 
can't have HBO unless you sign up for the cable network tier too which 
usually adds 40-50 dollars to the bill. Plus HBO is 15-20 dollars a month.

Nor in the US risk a visit from the FBI if they download it from some 
questionable website.   Maybe it'll get released to Redbox someday but 
the Scientologists will probably go to those kiosks, rent it out and 
not return it so you can't rent it. I'm sure it will be available on 
HBO Now when it launches next month but that will only be viewable if 
you have an Apple TV box until July.

[FairfieldLife] Meet the CC Kids from $cientology

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I shit you not, that's really their name. I warn you the creep factor is mega 
high. As the author says at the end: Have fun trying to sleep tonight. BYEEE.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Russell Brand mad enough to crash a plane into a mountain?

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Re Fox manipulation of the audience:

 Yes, we know that the media manipulates the audience. I just hope that you see 
that ALL the different media outlets - TV channels, cinema, newspapers, mags - 
manipulate their consumers. 

 The thing is, I always get twitchy when people attack one particular 
organisation (not that I've ever seen Fox News). It's as if they imagine that 
their own preferred source of propaganda is reliable and objective. Well, it 
isn't. Here in the UK I always read The Spectator mag (right-wing) and The New 
Statesman mag (left-wing) every week. That way both hemispheres of my brain are 
balanced out.

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 I watched the entire video.  Brand pointed out the Fox manipulation of the 
audience.  IOW, status quo good, the public bad. I applaud that.  And since 
when does capitalism mean liberal democracy?  In the US it means a bunch of 
thugs who run big companies and screw the public.  Liberal democracy? My ass.
 On 03/31/2015 05:09 PM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife] 

LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@... wrote :
 That's it? That's all you got  out of this video? Blame fox?

 I got the usual overdose of Russell Brand's narcissism. His manic presentation 
does no one any favours. 
 Do you really (I mean *really*) buy the idea that capitalism (aka liberal 
democracy) is turning people into crackpots who willingly terrorize and murder 
innocent people, including children? Ask your friends and neighbours what they 
think of the outrage. They'll react with disgust. Why should they react like 
that? Why haven't they been infected with the Lubitz curse? Because they get on 
with their lives and engage with the society around them and try and make use 
of the opportunities on offer to do something positive for themselves and their 


s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... wrote :
 The loony Brand blames Fox News for the tragedy . . .



Re: [FairfieldLife] Notes from a viewing of Going Clear

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Highest rated Documentary in 9 years . Plenty of people saw it Bhairitu and 
plenty more will: 

 'Going Clear' Was The Most-Watched HBO Doc In 9 Years 
 'Going Clear' Was The Most-Watched HBO Doc In 9 ... 
Plenty of America found out what it's like to be an operating thetan on Sunday 
by tuning in to HBO's premiere of the Scientology documentary, Going Cl...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




 Unfortunately HBO didn't make it available on their YouTube channel and I'm 
 sure no one if they still have cable will want to sign up to HBO if they 
 don't have it.  And in the good ol' US if you just have basic cable you can't 
 have HBO unless you sign up for the cable network tier too which usually adds 
 40-50 dollars to the bill.  Plus HBO is 15-20 dollars a month.

Nor in the US risk a visit from the FBI if they download it from some 
questionable website.   Maybe it'll get released to Redbox someday but the 
Scientologists will probably go to those kiosks, rent it out and not return it 
so you can't rent it. I'm sure it will be available on HBO Now when it launches 
next month but that will only be viewable if you have an Apple TV box until 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Russell Brand mad enough to crash a plane into a mountain?

2015-03-31 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Geesh MJ, he's comedic actor.  What do you want him to sound like?  Some 
executive in a suit?

As for being rich I'm sure you remember Warren Buffet's comment about 
his secretary paying a higher tax rate than he does and how wrong that 
is.  He was hinting that the public should do something about that.  But 
the public is as apathetic as a bag of rocks.

Bill Gates father sponsored an initiative in Washington state for a 
higher tax rate on the rich.  It got voted down by the stupid poor who 
apparently believe they will someday be rich themselves as soon as they 
win the lottery.

On 03/31/2015 06:54 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
except that he makes people who speak against the status quo look like 
idiots since he is one himself, not to mention the hypocrisy of his 
yipping like a pack of yapping Chihuahuas about the rich when he is 

*From:* Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:29 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Russell Brand mad enough to 
crash a plane into a mountain?

Does he really stump that much for the TMO? In fact it almost looks 
like he has a picture of Yogananda by his bed not MMY.  Though maybe 
it's just a relative or girlfriend (too small to see for sure).  Most 
of the time he's stumping for the general public against the status 
quo.  Good on him for that.

On 03/31/2015 06:14 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Quite ironic that Brand accuses the media of mental/emotional 
manipulation (which they do) while stumping for the TMO which does 
exactly the same thing.

*From:* [FairfieldLife][FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:06 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Russell Brand mad enough to 
crash a plane into a mountain?

Re Fox manipulation of the audience:

Yes, we know that the media manipulates the audience. I just hope 
that you see that ALL the different media outlets - TV channels, 
cinema, newspapers, mags - manipulate their consumers.

The thing is, I always get twitchy when people attack one particular 
organisation (not that I've ever seen Fox News). It's as if they 
imagine that their own preferred source of propaganda is reliable and 
objective. Well, it isn't. Here in the UK I always read The Spectator 
mag (right-wing) and The New Statesman mag (left-wing) every week. 
That way both hemispheres of my brain are balanced out.

---In, noozguru@... 
mailto:noozguru@... wrote :

I watched the entire video. Brand pointed out the Fox manipulation of 
the audience. IOW, status quo good, the public bad. I applaud that. 
And since when does capitalism mean liberal democracy?  In the US it 
means a bunch of thugs who run big companies and screw the public. 
Liberal democracy? My ass.

On 03/31/2015 05:09 PM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@...
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In, LEnglish5@... 
mailto:LEnglish5@... wrote :

That's it? That's all you got  out of this video? Blame fox?

I got the usual overdose of Russell Brand's narcissism. His manic 
presentation does no one any favours.

Do you really (I mean *really*) buy the idea that capitalism (aka 
liberal democracy) is turning people into crackpots who willingly 
terrorize and murder innocent people, including children? Ask your 
friends and neighbours what they think of the outrage. They'll react 
with disgust. Why should they react like that? Why haven't they been 
infected with the Lubitz curse? Because they get on with their lives 
and engage with the society around them and try and make use of the 
opportunities on offer to do something positive for themselves and 
their families.

---In, s3raphita@... 
mailto:s3raphita@... wrote :

The loony Brand blames Fox News for the tragedy . . .

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Russell Brand mad enough to crash a plane into a mountain?

2015-03-31 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Quite ironic that Brand accuses the media of mental/emotional manipulation 
(which they do) while stumping for the TMO which does exactly the same thing.

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Russell Brand mad enough to crash a plane 
into a mountain?
    Re Fox manipulation of the audience:

Yes, we know that the media manipulates the audience. I just hope that you see 
that ALL the different media outlets - TV channels, cinema, newspapers, mags - 
manipulate their consumers. 
The thing is, I always get twitchy when people attack one particular 
organisation (not that I've ever seen Fox News). It's as if they imagine that 
their own preferred source of propaganda is reliable and objective. Well, it 
isn't. Here in the UK I always read The Spectator mag (right-wing) and The New 
Statesman mag (left-wing) every week. That way both hemispheres of my brain are 
balanced out.

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

I watched the entire video.  Brandpointed out the Fox manipulation of the 
audience.  IOW, status quogood, the public bad. I applaud that.  And since when 
doescapitalism mean liberal democracy?  In the US it means a bunch ofthugs who 
run big companies and screw the public.  Liberaldemocracy? My ass.

 On 03/31/2015 05:09 PM, s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:


---In, LEnglish5@...wrote :

That's it? That's all yougot  out of this video? Blame fox?
I got the usual overdose of Russell Brand'snarcissism. His manic presentation 
does no one anyfavours. 
Do you really (I mean *really*) buy the ideathat capitalism (aka liberal 
democracy) is turningpeople into crackpots who willingly terrorize andmurder 
innocent people, including children? Ask yourfriends and neighbours what they 
think of the outrage.They'll react with disgust. Why should they react 
likethat? Why haven't they been infected with the Lubitzcurse? Because they get 
on with their lives and engagewith the society around them and try and make use 
ofthe opportunities on offer to do something positivefor themselves and their 

---In,s3raphita@... wrote :

The loony Brand blames Fox News for thetragedy . . 

  #yiv6923925411 #yiv6923925411 -- #yiv6923925411ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv6923925411 
#yiv6923925411ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv6923925411 
#yiv6923925411ygrp-mkp #yiv6923925411hd 
0;}#yiv6923925411 #yiv6923925411ygrp-mkp #yiv6923925411ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv6923925411 #yiv6923925411ygrp-mkp .yiv6923925411ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv6923925411 #yiv6923925411ygrp-mkp .yiv6923925411ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv6923925411 #yiv6923925411ygrp-mkp .yiv6923925411ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv6923925411 #yiv6923925411ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv6923925411ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv6923925411 
#yiv6923925411ygrp-sponsor #yiv6923925411ygrp-lc #yiv6923925411hd {margin:10px 
#yiv6923925411ygrp-sponsor #yiv6923925411ygrp-lc .yiv6923925411ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv6923925411 #yiv6923925411actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv6923925411 
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#yiv6923925411activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv6923925411 #yiv6923925411activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv6923925411 #yiv6923925411activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv6923925411 #yiv6923925411activity span 
.yiv6923925411underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv6923925411 
0;width:400px;}#yiv6923925411 .yiv6923925411attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv6923925411 .yiv6923925411attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv6923925411 .yiv6923925411attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv6923925411 .yiv6923925411attach label a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv6923925411 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv6923925411 .yiv6923925411bold 
.yiv6923925411bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv6923925411 dd.yiv6923925411last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv6923925411 dd.yiv6923925411last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv6923925411 
dd.yiv6923925411last p span.yiv6923925411yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv6923925411 div.yiv6923925411attach-table div div a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Russell Brand mad enough to crash a plane into a mountain?

2015-03-31 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
except that he makes people who speak against the status quo look like idiots 
since he is one himself, not to mention the hypocrisy of his yipping like a 
pack of yapping Chihuahuas about the rich when he is himself. 

  From: Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Russell Brand mad enough to crash a plane 
into a mountain?
 Does he really stump that much for the TMO?  In fact it almost looks like 
he has a picture of Yogananda by his bed not MMY.  Though maybe it's just a 
relative or girlfriend (too small to see for sure).  Most of the time he's 
stumping for the general public against the status quo.  Good on him for that.
 On 03/31/2015 06:14 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

    Quite ironic that Brand accuses the media of mental/emotional manipulation 
(which they do) while stumping for the TMO which does exactly the same thing.
  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Russell Brand mad enough to crash a plane 
into a mountain?
    Re Fox manipulation of the audience:
  Yes, we know that the media manipulates the audience. I just hope that you 
see  that ALL the different media outlets - TV channels, cinema, newspapers, 
mags - manipulate their consumers.  
  The thing is, I always get twitchy when people attack one particular 
organisation (not that I've ever seen Fox News). It's as if they imagine that 
their own preferred source of propaganda is reliable and objective. Well, it 
isn't. Here in the UK I always read The Spectator mag (right-wing) and The New 
Statesman mag (left-wing) every week. That way both hemispheres of my brain are 
balanced out. 
 ---In, noozguru@... wrote :
  I watched the entire video.  Brand pointed out the Fox manipulation of the 
audience.  IOW, status quo good, the public bad. I applaud that.  And since 
when does capitalism mean liberal democracy?  In the US it means a bunch of 
thugs who run big companies and screw the public.  Liberal democracy? My ass.
 On 03/31/2015 05:09 PM, s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
 ---In, LEnglish5@... wrote :
 That's it? That's all you got  out of this video? Blame fox? 
  I got the usual overdose of Russell Brand's narcissism. His manic  
presentation does no one any favours.  
  Do you really (I mean *really*) buy the idea that capitalism (aka  liberal 
democracy) is turning people into crackpots who  willingly terrorize and murder 
innocent people, including children? Ask your friends and neighbours what they 
think of the outrage.  They'll react with disgust. Why should they react like 
that? Why haven't they been infected with the Lubitz curse? Because they get on 
 with their lives and engage with the society around them and try and make use 
of the opportunities on offer to do something positive  for themselves and 
their families.  
 ---In, s3raphita@... wrote :
  The loony Brand blames Fox News for the  tragedy . . .
  #yiv3387470565 #yiv3387470565 -- #yiv3387470565ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv3387470565 
#yiv3387470565ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv3387470565 
#yiv3387470565ygrp-mkp #yiv3387470565hd 
0;}#yiv3387470565 #yiv3387470565ygrp-mkp #yiv3387470565ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv3387470565 #yiv3387470565ygrp-mkp .yiv3387470565ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv3387470565 #yiv3387470565ygrp-mkp .yiv3387470565ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv3387470565 #yiv3387470565ygrp-mkp .yiv3387470565ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv3387470565 #yiv3387470565ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv3387470565ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv3387470565 
#yiv3387470565ygrp-sponsor #yiv3387470565ygrp-lc #yiv3387470565hd {margin:10px 
#yiv3387470565ygrp-sponsor #yiv3387470565ygrp-lc .yiv3387470565ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv3387470565 #yiv3387470565actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv3387470565 
 #yiv3387470565activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv3387470565 
#yiv3387470565activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv3387470565 #yiv3387470565activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv3387470565 #yiv3387470565activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv3387470565 #yiv3387470565activity span 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from a viewing of Going Clear

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 If you lied for all those years who would believe anything you have to say now?

I've seen him project the double, as described in the Castaneda books.  One of 
him was standing a few feet in front of me and another one was up on top of the 
mountain we were in front of, waving. - TurquoiseB 

---In, geezerfreak@... wrote :

 Happened to me too Barry, as you know. 

 Fascinating also to see the various monuments to Elron around the world, as 
well as the him posing for an artist bust in clay.

 Monumental (literally) ego of the leader leads to monuments made to said 
leader: check

 Large real estate holdings become critically important as cult membership 
dwindles: check

 We, and we alone, are the only salvation for planet Earth: check

 If planet Earth is not saved, it's YOUR fault: check

 Those who don't believe as we do are categorized as Wogs or non-meditators: 

 Those who express doubts or question the fundamentals are excommunicated: check

 I could go of course, but the point is that this can happen to anyone. It 
happens slowly, over time.

 Imagine if in TM we were told in our intro lecture that those who want to 
delve deeper into the practice will learn to fly', walk through walls, etc.

 Imagine if in TM we were told in our intro lecture that our mantras literally 
are the seed form names of vedic gods and that when completed (advanced 
techniques) we would literally be saying: Most glorious Saraswati, I Bow Down 
To You Again and Again. (Saraswati used here as an example.)

 Nope, we learned how to soft sell it in the intro lecture, knowing full well 
that we are lying through our teeth. Those who bring new recruits into 
$cientology learn to do the same.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Russell Brand mad enough to crash a plane into a mountain?

2015-03-31 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Does he really stump that much for the TMO?  In fact it almost looks 
like he has a picture of Yogananda by his bed not MMY.  Though maybe 
it's just a relative or girlfriend (too small to see for sure).  Most of 
the time he's stumping for the general public against the status quo.  
Good on him for that.

On 03/31/2015 06:14 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Quite ironic that Brand accuses the media of mental/emotional 
manipulation (which they do) while stumping for the TMO which does 
exactly the same thing.

*From:* [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:06 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Russell Brand mad enough to 
crash a plane into a mountain?

Re Fox manipulation of the audience:

Yes, we know that the media manipulates the audience. I just hope that 
you see that ALL the different media outlets - TV channels, cinema, 
newspapers, mags - manipulate their consumers.

The thing is, I always get twitchy when people attack one particular 
organisation (not that I've ever seen Fox News). It's as if they 
imagine that their own preferred source of propaganda is reliable and 
objective. Well, it isn't. Here in the UK I always read The Spectator 
mag (right-wing) and The New Statesman mag (left-wing) every week. 
That way both hemispheres of my brain are balanced out.

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

I watched the entire video.  Brand pointed out the Fox manipulation of 
the audience.  IOW, status quo good, the public bad. I applaud that.  
And since when does capitalism mean liberal democracy? In the US it 
means a bunch of thugs who run big companies and screw the public.  
Liberal democracy? My ass.

On 03/31/2015 05:09 PM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@...
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In, LEnglish5@... 
mailto:LEnglish5@... wrote :

That's it? That's all you got  out of this video? Blame fox?

I got the usual overdose of Russell Brand's narcissism. His manic 
presentation does no one any favours.

Do you really (I mean *really*) buy the idea that capitalism (aka 
liberal democracy) is turning people into crackpots who willingly 
terrorize and murder innocent people, including children? Ask your 
friends and neighbours what they think of the outrage. They'll react 
with disgust. Why should they react like that? Why haven't they been 
infected with the Lubitz curse? Because they get on with their lives 
and engage with the society around them and try and make use of the 
opportunities on offer to do something positive for themselves and 
their families.

---In, s3raphita@... 
mailto:s3raphita@... wrote :

The loony Brand blames Fox News for the tragedy . . .

Re: [FairfieldLife] Notes from a viewing of Going Clear

2015-03-31 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I very much want to watch it with my 15 year old daughter and her mother. 

  From: TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
 To: FairfieldLife 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:25 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Notes from a viewing of Going Clear
    I'll just say it -- any long-term current or former member of the TM 
movement or any other large spiritual organization who does not track down and 
watch all two hours of the HBO documentary Going Clear: Scientology and the 
Prison of Belief is a COWARD. This film should be required viewing for anyone 
on a spiritual path, to teach them about the perils of following a spiritual 

Here are a few random notes I scribbled down while watching it myself:


Off-camera voice (probably Alex Gibney, director): 
Scientology is such a subject of fascination for did you get 
engaged in the story?

Lawrence Wright (author of the book the HBO film is based on): 
Well, I've always been interested in religions, and why people believe one idea 
rather than another. I've studied Jonestown and radical Islam, and they're 
oftentimes good-hearted people, idealistic, but full of a kind of crushing 
certainty that eliminates doubt. You know, my goal wasn't to write an expose -- 
it was simply to understand Scientology, trying to understand what people get 
out of it. You know, why did they go into it in the first place? I was 
interested in intelligent and skeptical people who were drawn into a belief 
system and wind up acting on those beliefs in ways they never thought they 


Onscreen photo of the actual legal contract:

Contract of Employment

I, .. DO HEREBY AGREE to enter into 
employment with the SEA ORGANIZATION and, being of sound mind, do fully realize 
and agree to abide by its purpose which is to get ETHICS IN on this PLANET AND 
THE UNIVERSE and, fully and without reservation, subscribe to the discipline, 
mores and conditions of this group and pledge to abide by them.

YEARS. (As per Flag Order 232)

Date ... Signed ...
Date ... Witness ..
Date ... Witness ..


Hubbard was a prolific writer of pulp fiction, churning out stories for a penny 
a word. ... He found his true metier in science fiction. A lot of what 
Scientology is, he had previous written about in the form of his science 
fiction. He had the ability to fabricate these amazing tales and he transported 
these imaginary stories into his theology. 


After Pearl Harbor, Hubbard took command of a sub chaser. But he was still a 
man prone to invention. He would write that he sunk two Japanese subs. But in 
fact, just off the coast of Oregon, he opened fire on what turned out to be a 
log, and dropped most of his depth charges on underwater magnetic rocks. When 
he accidentally shelled a Mexican island, he was relieved of his command. 


Spoken by Hubbard's ex-wife Sarah, whom the Church of Scientology denies the 
very existence of:
We were surrounded by sycophants. He began to believe that he was a savior and 
a hero, that he really was this God figure. He was absolutely convinced that he 
had the cure for the psychological ills of mankind, and that the only reason it 
wasn't being promulgated far and wide was that the medical profession had a 
vested interest in keeping people sick. I think he was afraid that some 
psychiatrist would pop him into an institution. He degenerated into a really 
paranoid, terrifying person. 

Sarah threatened to leave Hubbard unless he got psychiatric help. He responded 
by kidnapping their baby, and taking her to Cuba. He was incapable of her, so 
he put her in the charge of a mother and daughter who were both mentally 
retarded, and they apparently kept her in some kind of cage.

He called me and told me that he had killed her. He said that he had cut her 
into little pieces and dropped the pieces in a river, and it was my fault. Then 
he'd call me back and tell me she was still alive. And this went on, and on, 
and on. 


[ Here's a section that should sound familiar to TMers ]

When Dianetics turned out to be a passing fad like the hula hoop, Hubbard 
repackaged Dianetics into a religion he called Scientology. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's house?

2015-03-31 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
You ever been to Vlodrop? The town I mean, not marshy's palace.

  From: TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 8:29 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's house?
    If you spent time there in Vlodrop (or in Seelisberg), you *really* owe it 
to yourself to see HBO's Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief. 
It will feel familiar to you. 


 From: aryavazhi
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 2:24 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's house?

But these satelite photos are a bit dated. (The end if this video could be by 
Leni Riefenstahl)  

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4px;}#yiv2661731844 .yiv2661731844bold 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Notes from a viewing of Going Clear

2015-03-31 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
I think it's a very well-done documentary, Michael. More, I think it's a film 
that will strike a strong resonance for anyone in ANY spiritual trip who got 
into that trip to the level that Scientologists have to get into to Go Clear. 
The parts of the film I found most touching were at the end, when some of the 
former Scientologists talk about why they came out and revealed their true 
stories, and what they felt as they went through this coming out. 

I can only *hope* that many former TM teachers can watch those sections -- with 
people admitting that they'd looked into the faces of people they cared about 
or into a TV camera lens and LIED to them, believing that by mouthing this lie 
they were protecting the Church -- and empathize. I certainly can. I said 
things that I *had* to have known were lies and presented them as truth. In my 
opinion any TM teacher who knows what the words to the puja means but then has 
said to a reporter or to an intro lecture audience 'No, TM is not religious' 
has done this. We managed to push the truth of things so far out of our 
conscious attention that we managed to convince ourselves that the lies we 
mouthed *were* truth. I empathize with the sense of SHAME that many of the 
people who contributed to this film feel at having abandoned our own critical 
faculties for so long. What could we have been *thinking* to have locked 
ourselves away like that in a prison of belief -- and for years? 
  From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 4:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Notes from a viewing of Going Clear
    I very much want to watch it with my 15 year old daughter and her mother. 


 From: TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
 To: FairfieldLife 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:25 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Notes from a viewing of Going Clear
    I'll just say it -- any long-term current or former member of the TM 
movement or any other large spiritual organization who does not track down and 
watch all two hours of the HBO documentary Going Clear: Scientology and the 
Prison of Belief is a COWARD. This film should be required viewing for anyone 
on a spiritual path, to teach them about the perils of following a spiritual 

Here are a few random notes I scribbled down while watching it myself:


Off-camera voice (probably Alex Gibney, director): 
Scientology is such a subject of fascination for did you get 
engaged in the story?

Lawrence Wright (author of the book the HBO film is based on): 
Well, I've always been interested in religions, and why people believe one idea 
rather than another. I've studied Jonestown and radical Islam, and they're 
oftentimes good-hearted people, idealistic, but full of a kind of crushing 
certainty that eliminates doubt. You know, my goal wasn't to write an expose -- 
it was simply to understand Scientology, trying to understand what people get 
out of it. You know, why did they go into it in the first place? I was 
interested in intelligent and skeptical people who were drawn into a belief 
system and wind up acting on those beliefs in ways they never thought they 


Onscreen photo of the actual legal contract:

Contract of Employment

I, .. DO HEREBY AGREE to enter into 
employment with the SEA ORGANIZATION and, being of sound mind, do fully realize 
and agree to abide by its purpose which is to get ETHICS IN on this PLANET AND 
THE UNIVERSE and, fully and without reservation, subscribe to the discipline, 
mores and conditions of this group and pledge to abide by them.

YEARS. (As per Flag Order 232)

Date ... Signed ...
Date ... Witness ..
Date ... Witness ..


Hubbard was a prolific writer of pulp fiction, churning out stories for a penny 
a word. ... He found his true metier in science fiction. A lot of what 
Scientology is, he had previous written about in the form of his science 
fiction. He had the ability to fabricate these amazing tales and he transported 
these imaginary stories into his theology. 


After Pearl Harbor, Hubbard took command of a sub chaser. But he was still a 
man prone to invention. He would write that he sunk two Japanese subs. But in 
fact, just off the coast of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Instant Homophobe Karma -- perfect!

2015-03-31 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
you know more importantly stores, all over the country, all placing signs in 
their windows effectively saying they appreciate *everybody's* business.
   From: TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
 To: FairfieldLife 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 3:22 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Instant Homophobe Karma -- perfect!


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi's house?

2015-03-31 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
No no no, it's supposed to be called a *compound*.
   From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 5:06 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi's house? (Nokia maps):

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's house?

2015-03-31 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Me? No. I don't actually have any interest in going there. 

In my reply to aryavazhi I was referencing the general vibe about being around 
Maharishi in a place like Seelisberg or Vlodrop, not the vibe of the physical 
places. Weird shit goes down when cultists are in close proximity to the leader 
of their cult. The Scientology weird shit reminded me of related-but-different 
weird shit I experienced when around Maharishi. 

  From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 4:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's house?
    You ever been to Vlodrop? The town I mean, not marshy's palace.


 From: TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 8:29 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's house?
    If you spent time there in Vlodrop (or in Seelisberg), you *really* owe it 
to yourself to see HBO's Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief. 
It will feel familiar to you. 


 From: aryavazhi
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 2:24 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's house?

But these satelite photos are a bit dated. (The end if this video could be by 
Leni Riefenstahl)  


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from a viewing of Going Clear

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 You tried to turn a simple relaxation technique into a cult religion with Fred 
Lenz as a personal golden avatar. 


It took you 34 years to come out of the trance-induction state. After spending 
15 years posting to the internet what is it exactly that you still don't 
understand? JOINING A CULT IS DUMB. Just admit it was stupid and move on. If 
you need to, go visit a cult-exit counselor or a shrink. Just get some help. 

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I'll just say it -- any long-term current or former member of the TM movement 
or any other large spiritual organization who does not track down and watch all 
two hours of the HBO documentary Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of 
Belief is a COWARD. This film should be required viewing for anyone on a 
spiritual path, to teach them about the perils of following a spiritual path. 

People will judge you one way or another. I figured people would judge me as 
really stupid. But then I WAS really stupid. I was part of this for thirty 
years before I spoke out. I felt deeply ashamed. Why didn't I do this earlier? 
Why didn't I look earlier?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from a viewing of Going Clear

2015-03-31 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Thanks for continuing the conversation, Geeze. I think it's an important film 
-- and one that doesn't just apply to Scientology but to the entire range of 
spiritual teaching. 

The most important thing that Wright (no relation) and the filmmakers have said 
in interviews they wanted to get across in this film *worked* for me. That is, 
that these people we see onscreen who fell for this Scientology brainwashing 
routine may appear to us non-Scientologists as crazy, but they were NOT crazy 
beforehand. They were *made* to be this crazy, systematically. And it could 
happen to us, too.

It *did* happen to me. I've seen variants of this same brainwashing routine in 
several different spiritual trips. To a lesser degree than Scientology, 
admittedly, but still the same routines were there, and used for the same 
purposes. I think there needs to be more discussion of this dark side of the 
spiritual path among those ostensibly walking it. 

I hope that this film gains the viewership and the discussion it deserves. 
  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 5:34 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from a viewing of Going Clear
    Excellent synopsis Barry, thanks!Here's a section of an interview with Alex 
Gibney and Lawrence Wright with a few added points that should give long time 
TMO folk (or ANY cult member) pause. Particularly note the importance of 
amassing real estate holdings:The rally where David Miscavige announces L. Ron 
Hubbard’s death is particularly amazing.  
Gibney: He never uses the word death, because of course it’s not a death! LRH 
has left his body — he no longer needs his body.The crowd’s response is 
remarkable as well: They start off nervously laughing, and then end up 
cheering, not even recognizing the absurdity of what Miscavige is saying.  
Gibney: One of the reasons I structured the film the way I did is to show that 
Scientology is evolutionary and immersive. If you’d walked in out of the street 
and saw that speech without having gone through the process, of course you’d 
react cynically. So we waited until midway through the film to show that 
footage to give viewers a sense of how it might feel; by then, you have to 
become immersed, and when you do, things change for you.The movie touches on it 
briefly, but what is the principle behind Scientology’s drive to amass real 
estate holdings, not only in the U.S., but also overseas?
Wright: The Scientology ideal is to “clear” the planet, which means bring 
awareness to people all over the world. Their strategy, in part, is to create 
these extraordinary buildings [in historic areas] that have been elaborately 
refurbished inside. They’ve done this in Times Square, Hollywood, and Music Row 
[in Nashville], and the same thinking applies in Europe and even in Israel. 
There was a scandal in Israel several years ago where the church had acquired a 
historic building in Jaffa [that burned in a suspected case of arson].  
Distilling the book into a two-hour film naturally resulted in a lot of 
material being excised. What sections did you most regret having to leave out?
Wright: I wish we’d been able to explore the role of children in the Church a 
little more deeply, especially those who join the Sea Org when they’re really 
young and sign away their lifetime, or however many lifetimes fit in a billion 
years. They lose their education, they are impoverished and when the time comes 
later in life when they decide they’ve had enough and are going to walk away, 
they have to leave their families behind. That’s the fate of those children if 
they decide they’ve made a mistake. No child should be allowed to make a 
fateful decision like that. In talking to some of these children, it’s very 
clear to me that the Church has been in violation of child labor laws. Where’s 
the enforcement? I find that very shocking, and I wish we had had a little more 
room to explore some of those stories. It’s not as if some of the celebrities 
don’t know about it, because there are pages that attend to Tom Cruise and so 
on. Does it ever occur to Tom Cruise, “Why isn’t this child in school? Where 
are his parents?”In addition to being an exposé into Scientology, Going Clear 
is also an account of the past thirty years of Hollywood history. As the film 
makes apparent, so many contemporary movie stars like Cruise and Travolta, as 
well as filmmakers like Paul Haggis, emerged from within the city’s Scientology 
Gibney: I think what Scientology discovered is that the real religion of 
America is celebrity. If they could hitch their wagon to that star, things 
would turn out a lot better for them. They had a kind of recruiting system, 
particularly through [stage director and acting teacher] Milton Katselas’s 
acting class. Actors, often by professional need, are sometimes very needy and 
insecure, because they have to be open. I 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Instant Homophobe Karma -- perfect!

2015-03-31 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
No, Mike, the signs say they appreciate anybody's business since not 
everyone has any money to spend anymore. ;-)

On 03/31/2015 07:47 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
you know more importantly stores, all over the country, all placing 
signs in their windows effectively saying they appreciate 
*everybody's* business.

*From:* TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]

*To:* FairfieldLife
*Sent:* Tuesday, March 31, 2015 3:22 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Instant Homophobe Karma -- perfect!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Notes from a viewing of Going Clear

2015-03-31 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Unfortunately HBO didn't make it available on their YouTube channel and 
I'm sure no one if they still have cable will want to sign up to HBO if 
they don't have it.  And in the good ol' US if you just have basic cable 
you can't have HBO unless you sign up for the cable network tier too 
which usually adds 40-50 dollars to the bill.  Plus HBO is 15-20 dollars 
a month.

Nor in the US risk a visit from the FBI if they download it from some 
questionable website.   Maybe it'll get released to Redbox someday but 
the Scientologists will probably go to those kiosks, rent it out and not 
return it so you can't rent it. I'm sure it will be available on HBO Now 
when it launches next month but that will only be viewable if you have 
an Apple TV box until July.

Looks like it has you really wound up.  A local talk radio host has been 
interviewing folks involved with the documentary.  I was fascinated with 
the organization back in the 1960s but not enough to join it.  I got the 
free Dianetics book which was pretty unreadable and read a good expose 
on Scientology in 1972.  Knew an artist who was involved with Hubbard 
from the beginning of Dianetics.  Then there is the girlfriend who was 
involved with it and was excommunicated and she gave me a set of plastic 
notebooks with the instructions for the auditing.  I threw those out 
when I moved from Seattle.

I never saw the TMO as a cult when I first got involved.  That seemed to 
come later after some of the teachers thought they were king shit 
after returning from the AE courses.  They never bothered me though but 
did some of the other teachers.  I just walked away and no one came 
after me as they apparently do with Scientology and some other cults.

Too bad HBO doesn't have it on their YouTube channel.  Maybe FFL is a 
cult too. ;-)

On 03/31/2015 07:53 AM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
*/I think it's a very well-done documentary, Michael. More, I think 
it's a film that will strike a strong resonance for anyone in ANY 
spiritual trip who got into that trip to the level that Scientologists 
have to get into to Go Clear. /*

*/The parts of the film I found most touching were at the end, when 
some of the former Scientologists talk about why they came out and 
revealed their true stories, and what they felt as they went through 
this coming out.

*/I can only *hope* that many former TM teachers can watch those 
sections -- with people admitting that they'd looked into the faces of 
people they cared about or into a TV camera lens and LIED to them, 
believing that by mouthing this lie they were protecting the Church 
-- and empathize. I certainly can. I said things that I *had* to have 
known were lies and presented them as truth. In my opinion any TM 
teacher who knows what the words to the puja means but then has said 
to a reporter or to an intro lecture audience 'No, TM is not 
religious' has done this. We managed to push the truth of things so 
far out of our conscious attention that we managed to convince 
ourselves that the lies we mouthed *were* truth. I empathize with the 
sense of SHAME that many of the people who contributed to this film 
feel at having abandoned our own critical faculties for so long. What 
could we have been *thinking* to have locked ourselves away like that 
in a prison of belief -- and for years? /*

*From:* Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Tuesday, March 31, 2015 4:32 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Notes from a viewing of Going Clear

I very much want to watch it with my 15 year old daughter and her mother.

*From:* TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]

*To:* FairfieldLife
*Sent:* Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:25 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Notes from a viewing of Going Clear

*/I'll just say it -- any long-term current or former member of the TM 
movement or any other large spiritual organization who does not track 
down and watch all two hours of the HBO documentary Going Clear: 
Scientology and the Prison of Belief is a COWARD. This film should be 
required viewing for anyone on a spiritual path, to teach them about 
the perils of following a spiritual path.

Here are a few random notes I scribbled down while watching it myself:/**


Off-camera voice (probably Alex Gibney, director):
Scientology is such a subject of fascination for did you 
get engaged in the story?

Lawrence Wright (author of the book the HBO film is based on):
Well, I've always been interested in religions, and why people believe 
one idea rather than another. I've 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well What's IS it about in the UK?

2015-03-31 Thread salyavin808


---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 On 03/31/2015 10:31 AM, salyavin808 wrote:


mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... wrote :
 This morning the BBC says the upcoming election in the UK is about living 
 But my local paper says its about immigration. What's the deal in Scorpion 

 Apparently there's some sort of election coming up that politicians and the 
media are all excited about but everyone else is bored shitless with, and the 
campaigning only started yesterday.
 But the main focus can be about whatever you want it to be about. Immigration 
is always going to be a problem as long as we are members of the EU but leaving 
it would be worse for the economy.
 Living standards are OK if you are in the right social group that gets 
elected. The Tories hate the poor and give tax cuts to the rich funded by cuts 
to social security. The Labour party are traditionally more oriented to helping 
the workers with low VAT and taxing the rich more to pay for help to the 
poorest but I think they've forgotten about that and all seem obsessed with 
cutting a budget deficit caused by the banking crisis that wouldn't exist if 
the 6 richest companies paid their business tax for one year. No one mentions 
that though...
 I think it's crisis capitalism, take a social problem and make it worse then 
claim the only cure is privatisation and cuts to public services. It's a tried 
and tested formula. We don;t get the chance to vote on things that really 
matter like banking regulation or the new transatlantic trade agreement that 
will hand control of environmental and employment law to lawyers working on the 
behalf of multinational companies. As if we haven't had our hard won workers 
right's stamped on by our current hideous establishment cronies.
 We are already in the hands of vast corporations and there is less we can do 
about it every year. I think the modern world is doomed. You won't read that in 
a newspaper though, they'll be concentrating on the largely irrelevant crap 
that politicians say while the interesting stuff goes on in the background. So 
I'm not sure if it matters who wins.


 I think Europeans have been conditioned over centuries to accept being serfs 
so you don't care what the ruling class does.  Those who didn't like seemed to 
escape to this country.  That's why we want to fry the rich and politicians.  
 I walked past Buckingham palace today and there was a huge crowd hoping to 
catch a glimpse of Her Maj as she waved from her balcony. Meanwhile her staff 
at one of her many other vast homes have gone on strike for more pay. 
Apparently the tight-fisted cow doesn't even pay the nationally accepted living 
 Unbelievable what people will put up with and still TV shows like Downton 
Abbey are astoundingly popular even though it only features the 1% with all the 
money and their trials and tribulations while everyone else worked their 
fingers to the bone to provide them with enough money for their mansions in the 
first place. People love all that master/servant stuff, I think it says 
something highly disturbing about our national psyche. I'm just glad I'm immune 
to it. 
  Here's a good breakdown on this: 
 That's about the size of it. 




 Unease about immigration at core of UK election campaign  
 Unease about immigration at core of UK election campaign UKIP, which has risen 
rapidly from ragtag band of right-wing dissidents to serious political force, 
is the main beneficiary of Britain’s unease about immigration.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well What's IS it about in the UK?

2015-03-31 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
And you Scorpions don't even mind the ruling elite spending a few quid to 
re-inter the bones of a former monarch who didn't avert the danger before it 
arose - at least you have a sense of history!

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 2:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well What's IS it about in the UK?

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

On 03/31/2015 10:31 AM, salyavin808wrote:


---In,mjackson74@... wrote :

This morning the BBCsays the upcoming election in the UK is about 
livingstandards.But my localpaper says its about immigration. What's the deal 
inScorpion land?
Apparentlythere's some sort of election coming up thatpoliticians and the media 
are all excited aboutbut everyone else is bored shitless with, and 
thecampaigning only started yesterday.
Butthe main focus can be about whatever you want itto be about. Immigration is 
always going to be aproblem as long as we are members of the EU butleaving it 
would be worse for the economy.Livingstandards are OK if you are in the right 
socialgroup that gets elected. The Tories hate the poorand give tax cuts to the 
rich funded by cuts tosocial security. The Labour party aretraditionally more 
oriented to helping the workerswith low VAT and taxing the rich more to pay 
forhelp to the poorest but I think they've forgottenabout that and all seem 
obsessed with cutting abudget deficit caused by the banking crisis thatwouldn't 
exist if the 6 richest companies paidtheir business tax for one year. No one 
mentionsthat though...
Ithink it's crisis capitalism, take a socialproblem and make it worse then 
claim the only cureis privatisation and cuts to public services. It'sa tried 
and tested formula. We don;t get thechance to vote on things that really matter 
likebanking regulation or the new transatlantic tradeagreement that will hand 
control of environmentaland employment law to lawyers working on thebehalf of 
multinational companies. As if wehaven't had our hard won workers right's 
stampedon by our current hideous establishment cronies.
Weare already in the hands of vast corporations andthere is less we can do 
about it every year. Ithink the modern world is doomed. You won't readthat in a 
newspaper though, they'll beconcentrating on the largely irrelevant crap 
thatpoliticians say while the interesting stuff goeson in the background. So 
I'm not sure if itmatters who wins.

I think Europeans have been conditioned over centuries to acceptbeing serfs 
so you don't care what the ruling class does.  Thosewho didn't like seemed to 
escape to this country.  That's why wewant to fry the rich and politicians. 

I walked past Buckingham palace today and there was a huge crowd hoping to 
catch a glimpse of Her Maj as she waved from her balcony. Meanwhile her staff 
at one of her many other vast homes have gone on strike for more pay. 
Apparently the tight-fisted cow doesn't even pay the nationally accepted living 

Unbelievable what people will put up with and still TV shows like Downton Abbey 
are astoundingly popular even though it only features the 1% with all the money 
and their trials and tribulations while everyone else worked their fingers to 
the bone to provide them with enough money for their mansions in the first 
place. People love all that master/servant stuff, I think it says something 
highly disturbing about our national psyche. I'm just glad I'm immune to it.

 Here's a good breakdown onthis:

That's about the size of it.

Unease about immigrationat core of UK election campaign
|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| Uneaseabout immigration at core of UKelection campaignUKIP, which has risen 
rapidlyfrom ragtag band of right-wingdissidents to serious political force,is 
the main beneficiary of Britain’sunease about immigration. |
| Viewon | Previewby Yahoo |
|   |


  #yiv5210018001 #yiv5210018001 -- #yiv5210018001ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Great story about the Playboy mansion in L.A.

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Addressing the important issues. The question is, Did you enjoy? LoL!
---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 This story, as passed along by my fave Paris blogger Messy Nessy Chic, could 
very well be either an urban legend or an intentional put-on by the staff at 
Playboy, or both. But if it's TRUE...what a portrait of privileged debauchery 
it paints. If such tunnels ever existed -- or even the plans for them -- it's 
proof that you don't have to be a spiritual teacher to attain this level of 
elitism and entitlement.  :-)

 The Secret Playboy Mansion Tunnels that led to the Hollywood Homes of 
Celebrity Casanovas
 The Secret Playboy Mansion Tunnels that led to the Holly...
 The editorial staff at recently revealed that they have discovered 
a bunch of dusty old blueprints, plans and photographs in an unfinished base

 View on www.messynessychi...
 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from a viewing of Going Clear

2015-03-31 Thread salyavin808

 Excellent, it's a must see I reckon. Especially the billion year contract, 
does that include a dental plan I wonder?

 I almost wish I joined when I was interested after reading Dianetics, 
trouble is I might now be a CO$ TB who is forbidden to read or watch negative 
stuff about the church. 

 Then again, when it got to Xenu and all that crap it would have had the same 
effect on me that Marshy's unified field ideas did when I learnt TM. I'd see 
through it and keep my distance. Wouldn't I?

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I'll just say it -- any long-term current or former member of the TM movement 
or any other large spiritual organization who does not track down and watch all 
two hours of the HBO documentary Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of 
Belief is a COWARD. This film should be required viewing for anyone on a 
spiritual path, to teach them about the perils of following a spiritual path.  

Here are a few random notes I scribbled down while watching it myself:


Off-camera voice (probably Alex Gibney, director): 
Scientology is such a subject of fascination for did you get 
engaged in the story?

Lawrence Wright (author of the book the HBO film is based on): 
Well, I've always been interested in religions, and why people believe one idea 
rather than another. I've studied Jonestown and radical Islam, and they're 
oftentimes good-hearted people, idealistic, but full of a kind of crushing 
certainty that eliminates doubt. You know, my goal wasn't to write an expose -- 
it was simply to understand Scientology, trying to understand what people get 
out of it. You know, why did they go into it in the first place? I was 
interested in intelligent and skeptical people who were drawn into a belief 
system and wind up acting on those beliefs in ways they never thought they 


Onscreen photo of the actual legal contract:

Contract of Employment

I, .. DO HEREBY AGREE to enter into 
employment with the SEA ORGANIZATION and, being of sound mind, do fully realize 
and agree to abide by its purpose which is to get ETHICS IN on this PLANET AND 
THE UNIVERSE and, fully and without reservation, subscribe to the discipline, 
mores and conditions of this group and pledge to abide by them.

YEARS. (As per Flag Order 232)

Date ... Signed ...
Date ... Witness ..
Date ... Witness ..


Hubbard was a prolific writer of pulp fiction, churning out stories for a penny 
a word. ... He found his true metier in science fiction. A lot of what 
Scientology is, he had previous written about in the form of his science 
fiction. He had the ability to fabricate these amazing tales and he transported 
these imaginary stories into his theology. 


After Pearl Harbor, Hubbard took command of a sub chaser. But he was still a 
man prone to invention. He would write that he sunk two Japanese subs. But in 
fact, just off the coast of Oregon, he opened fire on what turned out to be a 
log, and dropped most of his depth charges on underwater magnetic rocks. When 
he accidentally shelled a Mexican island, he was relieved of his command. 


Spoken by Hubbard's ex-wife Sarah, whom the Church of Scientology denies the 
very existence of:
We were surrounded by sycophants. He began to believe that he was a savior and 
a hero, that he really was this God figure. He was absolutely convinced that he 
had the cure for the psychological ills of mankind, and that the only reason it 
wasn't being promulgated far and wide was that the medical profession had a 
vested interest in keeping people sick. I think he was afraid that some 
psychiatrist would pop him into an institution. He degenerated into a really 
paranoid, terrifying person. 

Sarah threatened to leave Hubbard unless he got psychiatric help. He responded 
by kidnapping their baby, and taking her to Cuba. He was incapable of her, so 
he put her in the charge of a mother and daughter who were both mentally 
retarded, and they apparently kept her in some kind of cage.

He called me and told me that he had killed her. He said that he had cut her 
into little pieces and dropped the pieces in a river, and it was my fault. Then 
he'd call me back and tell me she was still alive. And this went on, and on, 
and on. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Notes from a viewing of Going Clear

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Everyone knows that the two Barrys have been involved in cults for most of 
their adult lives. 

So, it's kind of amusing to read their confessions now. Everyone knows that 
they believe in the Self - the cosmic source of power and life force. They 
believe that all humans have a Soul which is their true identity, a 
non-material power capable of unlimited energy, creativity and intelligence. 
Apparently they are True Believers - Scientologists. 

It's just the church's *tactics* they are opposed to. Go figure.

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 Looks like it has you really wound up.  
 On 03/31/2015 07:53 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   I think it's a very well-done documentary, Michael. More, I think it's a 
film that will strike a strong resonance for anyone in ANY spiritual trip who 
got into that trip to the level that Scientologists have to get into to Go 
 The parts of the film I found most touching were at the end, when some of the 
former Scientologists talk about why they came out and revealed their true 
stories, and what they felt as they went through this coming out. 
 I can only *hope* that many former TM teachers can watch those sections -- 
with people admitting that they'd looked into the faces of people they cared 
about or into a TV camera lens and LIED to them, believing that by mouthing 
this lie they were protecting the Church -- and empathize. I certainly can. I 
said things that I *had* to have known were lies and presented them as truth. 
In my opinion any TM teacher who knows what the words to the puja means but 
then has said to a reporter or to an intro lecture audience 'No, TM is not 
religious' has done this. We managed to push the truth of things so far out of 
our conscious attention that we managed to convince ourselves that the lies we 
mouthed *were* truth. I empathize with the sense of SHAME that many of the 
people who contributed to this film feel at having abandoned our own critical 
faculties for so long. What could we have been *thinking* to have locked 
ourselves away like that in a prison of belief -- and for years?


Fwd: [FairfieldLife] India better understood is India in this light

2015-03-31 Thread William Leed [FairfieldLife]

-Original Message-
From: Mousumi Dey
To: William Leed
Sent: Tue, Mar 31, 2015 10:18 am
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] India

Yes, all of this is India but then India is a land of compromise, consideration 
and a lot of love too which they have not highlighted. Each state has it's own 
language (including different scripts), customs and traditions - separately 
they are like islands but for better or for worse all the 29 states are married 
to each other and stay together for greater good - a unique country. The reason 
I believe is the underlying current of the teachings of the Vedas and Sanskrit 
which binds this multicultural multiethnic society into a harmonious 
conglomerate. A lot of countries can still learn from India.  



Mousumi Dey, PA-C, MPAS, MBBS, MHA   

  ​Digestive Associates 
 2031 North McDaniel Street
North Las Vegas, NV
  (702) 633-0207​ 




On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 8:33 AM, William wrote:   
I learned some from this news by the BBC
-Original Message-  
 From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]  
 To: FairfieldLife  
 Sent: Mon, Mar 30, 2015 7:43 am  
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] India  

 # 10 is the most interesting and telling about the Land of the Veda.  
  10 things you might not know about India  



10 things you might not know about India
 As Rajini Vaidyanathan departs India after two years, she reflects on some 
surprising things she learned. 

Preview by Yahoo   





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well What's IS it about in the UK?

2015-03-31 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 03/31/2015 10:31 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

This morning the BBC says the upcoming election in the UK is about 
living standards.
But my local paper says its about immigration. What's the deal in 
Scorpion land?

Apparently there's some sort of election coming up that politicians 
and the media are all excited about but everyone else is bored 
shitless with, and the campaigning only started yesterday.

But the main focus can be about whatever you want it to be about. 
Immigration is always going to be a problem as long as we are members 
of the EU but leaving it would be worse for the economy.
Living standards are OK if you are in the right social group that gets 
elected. The Tories hate the poor and give tax cuts to the rich funded 
by cuts to social security. The Labour party are traditionally more 
oriented to helping the workers with low VAT and taxing the rich more 
to pay for help to the poorest but I think they've forgotten about 
that and all seem obsessed with cutting a budget deficit caused by the 
banking crisis that wouldn't exist if the 6 richest companies paid 
their business tax for one year. No one mentions that though...

I think it's crisis capitalism, take a social problem and make it 
worse then claim the only cure is privatisation and cuts to public 
services. It's a tried and tested formula. We don;t get the chance to 
vote on things that really matter like banking regulation or the new 
transatlantic trade agreement that will hand control of environmental 
and employment law to lawyers working on the behalf of multinational 
companies. As if we haven't had our hard won workers right's stamped 
on by our current hideous establishment cronies.

We are already in the hands of vast corporations and there is less we 
can do about it every year. I think the modern world is doomed. You 
won't read that in a newspaper though, they'll be concentrating on the 
largely irrelevant crap that politicians say while the interesting 
stuff goes on in the background. So I'm not sure if it matters who wins.

I think Europeans have been conditioned over centuries to accept being 
serfs so you don't care what the ruling class does.  Those who didn't 
like seemed to escape to this country.  That's why we want to fry the 
rich and politicians.  Here's a good breakdown on this:

Unease about immigration at core of UK election campaign


Unease about immigration at core of UK election campaign
UKIP, which has risen rapidly from ragtag band of right-wing 
dissidents to serious political force, is the main beneficiary of 
Britain’s unease about immigration.

View on

Preview by Yahoo

[FairfieldLife] Re: Well What's IS it about in the UK?

2015-03-31 Thread salyavin808


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 This morning the BBC says the upcoming election in the UK is about living 
 But my local paper says its about immigration. What's the deal in Scorpion 

 Apparently there's some sort of election coming up that politicians and the 
media are all excited about but everyone else is bored shitless with, and the 
campaigning only started yesterday.

 But the main focus can be about whatever you want it to be about. Immigration 
is always going to be a problem as long as we are members of the EU but leaving 
it would be worse for the economy.
 Living standards are OK if you are in the right social group that gets 
elected. The Tories hate the poor and give tax cuts to the rich funded by cuts 
to social security. The Labour party are traditionally more oriented to helping 
the workers with low VAT and taxing the rich more to pay for help to the 
poorest but I think they've forgotten about that and all seem obsessed with 
cutting a budget deficit caused by the banking crisis that wouldn't exist if 
the 6 richest companies paid their business tax for one year. No one mentions 
that though...

 I think it's crisis capitalism, take a social problem and make it worse then 
claim the only cure is privatisation and cuts to public services. It's a tried 
and tested formula. We don;t get the chance to vote on things that really 
matter like banking regulation or the new transatlantic trade agreement that 
will hand control of environmental and employment law to lawyers working on the 
behalf of multinational companies. As if we haven't had our hard won workers 
right's stamped on by our current hideous establishment cronies.

 We are already in the hands of vast corporations and there is less we can do 
about it every year. I think the modern world is doomed. You won't read that in 
a newspaper though, they'll be concentrating on the largely irrelevant crap 
that politicians say while the interesting stuff goes on in the background. So 
I'm not sure if it matters who wins.




Unease about immigration at core of UK election campaign
 Unease about immigration at core of UK election campaign UKIP, 
which has risen rapidly from ragtag band of right-wing dissidents to serious 
political force, is the main beneficiary of Britain’s unease about immigration.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] Asymmetric!

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well What's IS it about in the UK?

2015-03-31 Thread salyavin808


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 And you Scorpions don't even mind the ruling elite spending a few quid to 
re-inter the bones of a former monarch who didn't avert the danger before it 
arose - at least you have a sense of history!

I didn't get the furore around all that. I think people just like to get all 
sombre and supplicate about something or somebody and if they are royal then 
the happier they are with it. Or maybe it's just that they have respect for 
someone who had a go at ruling the place in a difficult time or a link to 
history no matter how grim it was. Or both, I have no idea.

 What I object to with the kings and queens trip is that it's only a tiny part 
of England but we're all expected to know all about it and even care. Royalty 
is such a dreadful anachronism now, they don't do anything except sell weapons 
to Saudi Arabia and give people something to feel patriotic about but they seem 
to need it because if it came to a vote we'd (not me) vote to keep a bunch of 
bone idle parasites living in the lap of luxury with servants to even put 
toothpaste on their brushes instead of kicking them out of their castles and 
making them work for their endless skiing holidays.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 2:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well What's IS it about in the UK?


---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 On 03/31/2015 10:31 AM, salyavin808 wrote:


mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... wrote :
 This morning the BBC says the upcoming election in the UK is about living 
 But my local paper says its about immigration. What's the deal in Scorpion 

 Apparently there's some sort of election coming up that politicians and the 
media are all excited about but everyone else is bored shitless with, and the 
campaigning only started yesterday.
 But the main focus can be about whatever you want it to be about. Immigration 
is always going to be a problem as long as we are members of the EU but leaving 
it would be worse for the economy.
 Living standards are OK if you are in the right social group that gets 
elected. The Tories hate the poor and give tax cuts to the rich funded by cuts 
to social security. The Labour party are traditionally more oriented to helping 
the workers with low VAT and taxing the rich more to pay for help to the 
poorest but I think they've forgotten about that and all seem obsessed with 
cutting a budget deficit caused by the banking crisis that wouldn't exist if 
the 6 richest companies paid their business tax for one year. No one mentions 
that though...
 I think it's crisis capitalism, take a social problem and make it worse then 
claim the only cure is privatisation and cuts to public services. It's a tried 
and tested formula. We don;t get the chance to vote on things that really 
matter like banking regulation or the new transatlantic trade agreement that 
will hand control of environmental and employment law to lawyers working on the 
behalf of multinational companies. As if we haven't had our hard won workers 
right's stamped on by our current hideous establishment cronies.
 We are already in the hands of vast corporations and there is less we can do 
about it every year. I think the modern world is doomed. You won't read that in 
a newspaper though, they'll be concentrating on the largely irrelevant crap 
that politicians say while the interesting stuff goes on in the background. So 
I'm not sure if it matters who wins.


 I think Europeans have been conditioned over centuries to accept being serfs 
so you don't care what the ruling class does.  Those who didn't like seemed to 
escape to this country.  That's why we want to fry the rich and politicians.  
 I walked past Buckingham palace today and there was a huge crowd hoping to 
catch a glimpse of Her Maj as she waved from her balcony. Meanwhile her staff 
at one of her many other vast homes have gone on strike for more pay. 
Apparently the tight-fisted cow doesn't even pay the nationally accepted living 
 Unbelievable what people will put up with and still TV shows like Downton 
Abbey are astoundingly popular even though it only features the 1% with all the 
money and their trials and tribulations while everyone else worked their 
fingers to the bone to provide them with enough money for their mansions in the 
first place. People love all that master/servant stuff, I think it says 
something highly disturbing about our national psyche. I'm just glad I'm immune 
to it. 
  Here's a good breakdown on this: 
 That's about the size of it. 

[FairfieldLife] Great story about the Playboy mansion in L.A.

2015-03-31 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
This story, as passed along by my fave Paris blogger Messy Nessy Chic, could 
very well be either an urban legend or an intentional put-on by the staff at 
Playboy, or both. But if it's TRUE...what a portrait of privileged debauchery 
it paints. If such tunnels ever existed -- or even the plans for them -- it's 
proof that you don't have to be a spiritual teacher to attain this level of 
elitism and entitlement.  :-)
The Secret Playboy Mansion Tunnels that led to the Hollywood Homes of Celebrity 

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| The Secret Playboy Mansion Tunnels that led to the Holly...The editorial 
staff at recently revealed that they have discovered a bunch of 
dusty old blueprints, plans and photographs in an unfinished base |
|  |
| View on www.messynessychi... | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |

[FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from a viewing of Going Clear

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Excellent synopsis Barry, thanks! Here's a section of an interview with Alex 
Gibney and Lawrence Wright with a few added points that should give long time 
TMO folk (or ANY cult member) pause. Particularly note the importance of 
amassing real estate holdings:
 The rally where David Miscavige announces L. Ron Hubbard’s death is 
particularly amazing.  

 Gibney: He never uses the word death, because of course it’s not a death! LRH 
has left his body — he no longer needs his body.
 The crowd’s response is remarkable as well: They start off nervously laughing, 
and then end up cheering, not even recognizing the absurdity of what Miscavige 
is saying.  
Gibney: One of the reasons I structured the film the way I did is to show that 
Scientology is evolutionary and immersive. If you’d walked in out of the street 
and saw that speech without having gone through the process, of course you’d 
react cynically. So we waited until midway through the film to show that 
footage to give viewers a sense of how it might feel; by then, you have to 
become immersed, and when you do, things change for you.
 The movie touches on it briefly, but what is the principle behind 
Scientology’s drive to amass real estate holdings, not only in the U.S., but 
also overseas?
Wright: The Scientology ideal is to “clear” the planet, which means bring 
awareness to people all over the world. Their strategy, in part, is to create 
these extraordinary buildings [in historic areas] that have been elaborately 
refurbished inside. They’ve done this in Times Square, Hollywood, and Music Row 
[in Nashville], and the same thinking applies in Europe and even in Israel. 
There was a scandal in Israel several years ago where the church had acquired a 
historic building in Jaffa [that burned in a suspected case of arson].
 Distilling the book into a two-hour film naturally resulted in a lot of 
material being excised. What sections did you most regret having to leave out?
Wright: I wish we’d been able to explore the role of children in the Church a 
little more deeply, especially those who join the Sea Org when they’re really 
young and sign away their lifetime, or however many lifetimes fit in a billion 
years. They lose their education, they are impoverished and when the time comes 
later in life when they decide they’ve had enough and are going to walk away, 
they have to leave their families behind. That’s the fate of those children if 
they decide they’ve made a mistake. No child should be allowed to make a 
fateful decision like that. In talking to some of these children, it’s very 
clear to me that the Church has been in violation of child labor laws. Where’s 
the enforcement? I find that very shocking, and I wish we had had a little more 
room to explore some of those stories. It’s not as if some of the celebrities 
don’t know about it, because there are pages that attend to Tom Cruise and so 
on. Does it ever occur to Tom Cruise, “Why isn’t this child in school? Where 
are his parents?”
 In addition to being an exposé into Scientology, Going Clear is also an 
account of the past thirty years of Hollywood history. As the film makes 
apparent, so many contemporary movie stars like Cruise and Travolta, as well as 
filmmakers like Paul Haggis, emerged from within the city’s Scientology 
Gibney: I think what Scientology discovered is that the real religion of 
America is celebrity. If they could hitch their wagon to that star, things 
would turn out a lot better for them. They had a kind of recruiting system, 
particularly through [stage director and acting teacher] Milton Katselas’s 
acting class http://www.nytime/. Actors, often by professional need, are 
sometimes very needy and insecure, because they have to be open. I think that 
it was also smart from an institutional perspective to be able to recruit 
people by saying, “You need a part, and we can help you get that part.” So 
Scientology has had a formative role for many people, but there are also a lot 
of powerful people in Hollywood who I think were scared by Scientology, because 
it had in its stable some very powerful people. It was very difficult to buck 
that if you wanted to work with those people, particularly actors, because 
actors are the coin of the realm when it comes to movies. If you want to get a 
script made, then you have to attach a major star.
 'Going Clear': Alex Gibney and Lawrence Wright BringTheir Scientology Doc Into 



[FairfieldLife] Notes from a viewing of Going Clear

2015-03-31 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
I'll just say it -- any long-term current or former member of the TM movement 
or any other large spiritual organization who does not track down and watch all 
two hours of the HBO documentary Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of 
Belief is a COWARD. This film should be required viewing for anyone on a 
spiritual path, to teach them about the perils of following a spiritual path.  

Here are a few random notes I scribbled down while watching it myself:


Off-camera voice (probably Alex Gibney, director): 
Scientology is such a subject of fascination for did you get 
engaged in the story?

Lawrence Wright (author of the book the HBO film is based on): 
Well, I've always been interested in religions, and why people believe one idea 
rather than another. I've studied Jonestown and radical Islam, and they're 
oftentimes good-hearted people, idealistic, but full of a kind of crushing 
certainty that eliminates doubt. You know, my goal wasn't to write an expose -- 
it was simply to understand Scientology, trying to understand what people get 
out of it. You know, why did they go into it in the first place? I was 
interested in intelligent and skeptical people who were drawn into a belief 
system and wind up acting on those beliefs in ways they never thought they 


Onscreen photo of the actual legal contract:

Contract of Employment

I, .. DO HEREBY AGREE to enter into 
employment with the SEA ORGANIZATION and, being of sound mind, do fully realize 
and agree to abide by its purpose which is to get ETHICS IN on this PLANET AND 
THE UNIVERSE and, fully and without reservation, subscribe to the discipline, 
mores and conditions of this group and pledge to abide by them.

YEARS. (As per Flag Order 232)

Date ... Signed ...
Date ... Witness ..
Date ... Witness ..


Hubbard was a prolific writer of pulp fiction, churning out stories for a penny 
a word. ... He found his true metier in science fiction. A lot of what 
Scientology is, he had previous written about in the form of his science 
fiction. He had the ability to fabricate these amazing tales and he transported 
these imaginary stories into his theology. 


After Pearl Harbor, Hubbard took command of a sub chaser. But he was still a 
man prone to invention. He would write that he sunk two Japanese subs. But in 
fact, just off the coast of Oregon, he opened fire on what turned out to be a 
log, and dropped most of his depth charges on underwater magnetic rocks. When 
he accidentally shelled a Mexican island, he was relieved of his command. 


Spoken by Hubbard's ex-wife Sarah, whom the Church of Scientology denies the 
very existence of:
We were surrounded by sycophants. He began to believe that he was a savior and 
a hero, that he really was this God figure. He was absolutely convinced that he 
had the cure for the psychological ills of mankind, and that the only reason it 
wasn't being promulgated far and wide was that the medical profession had a 
vested interest in keeping people sick. I think he was afraid that some 
psychiatrist would pop him into an institution. He degenerated into a really 
paranoid, terrifying person. 

Sarah threatened to leave Hubbard unless he got psychiatric help. He responded 
by kidnapping their baby, and taking her to Cuba. He was incapable of her, so 
he put her in the charge of a mother and daughter who were both mentally 
retarded, and they apparently kept her in some kind of cage.

He called me and told me that he had killed her. He said that he had cut her 
into little pieces and dropped the pieces in a river, and it was my fault. Then 
he'd call me back and tell me she was still alive. And this went on, and on, 
and on. 


[ Here's a section that should sound familiar to TMers ]

When Dianetics turned out to be a passing fad like the hula hoop, Hubbard 
repackaged Dianetics into a religion he called Scientology. Aware that people 
would seemingly pay for auditing, he added more science and more structure, 
and a payment plan. Every step to Clear had a price tag. 

Off-camera voice: 
How would you describe Scientology's business model?

Tony Ortega (journalist critical of the Co$): 
Rapacious. It's all about making money. Hubbard knew from 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Well What's IS it about in the UK?

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Even if they did de-monarchize Scorpion Land and kick their asses out and sell 
all the castles and mansions and estates the Tories would just steal all the 

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 4:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well What's IS it about in the UK?
 ---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 And you Scorpions don't even mind the ruling elite spending a few quid to 
re-inter the bones of a former monarch who didn't avert the danger before it 
arose - at least you have a sense of history!

 I walked past Buckingham palace today and there was a huge crowd hoping to 
catch a glimpse of Her Maj as she waved from her balcony.

Sex Pistols - God Save the Queen (Studio) 
 Sex Pistols - God Save the Queen (Studio) High 
Quality version of the Sex Pistols God Save the Queen (studio version)
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 






[FairfieldLife] Old wives' tales

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
From the papers:

 Scientists have been 'dumbfounded' at the infection-killing ability of an 
ancient tenth-century cure, after a series of tests in Britain and the US 
during the past year.


 The Anglo-Saxon recipe, which includes wine, garlic, and bile from a cow’s 
stomach, could hold the key to defeating MRSA (the superbug).


 Dr Lee translated a recipe for treating styes – an infection of an eyelash 
usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus - and the past year has seen 
researchers painstakingly recreate it and test it on MRSA. The 
thousand-year-old remedy has proven to be an “incredibly potent” antibiotic, 
according to lead researcher Dr Freya Harrison, a microbiologist from the 
University of Nottingham. 

 (This is the intriguing bit!):
 The individual ingredients alone did not have any measurable effect but when 
combined according to the ancient text, they killed up to 90 per cent of MRSA 
bacteria in infected mice. And in infections grown in the laboratory, only 
about one bacterial cell in a thousand survived. “I still can’t quite believe 
how well this one-thousand-year-old antibiotic actually seems to be working, 
when we got the first results we were just utterly dumbfounded. We did not see 
this coming at all,” commented Dr Harrison.


 This is the original recipe:
 “Work and eye salve for a wen, take cropleek and garlic, of both equal 
quantities, pound them well together, take wine and bullocks gall, of both 
equal quantities, mix with a leek, put this then into a brazen vessel, let it 
stand nine days in the brass vessel, wring out through a cloth and clear it 
well, put it into a horn, and about night time apply with a feather to the eye; 
the best leechdom.”




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well What's IS it about in the UK?

2015-03-31 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Even if they did de-monarchize Scorpion Land and kick their asses out and sell 
all the castles and mansions and estates the Tories would just steal all the 

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 4:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well What's IS it about in the UK?

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

And you Scorpions don't even mind the ruling elite spending a few quid to 
re-inter the bones of a former monarch who didn't avert the danger before it 
arose - at least you have a sense of history!

I didn't get the furore around all that. I think people just like to get all 
sombre and supplicate about something or somebody and if they are royal then 
the happier they are with it. Or maybe it's just that they have respect for 
someone who had a go at ruling the place in a difficult time or a link to 
history no matter how grim it was. Or both, I have no idea.
What I object to with the kings and queens trip is that it's only a tiny part 
of England but we're all expected to know all about it and even care. Royalty 
is such a dreadful anachronism now, they don't do anything except sell weapons 
to Saudi Arabia and give people something to feel patriotic about but they seem 
to need it because if it came to a vote we'd (not me) vote to keep a bunch of 
bone idle parasites living in the lap of luxury with servants to even put 
toothpaste on their brushes instead of kicking them out of their castles and 
making them work for their endless skiing holidays.

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 2:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well What's IS it about in the UK?

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

On 03/31/2015 10:31 AM, salyavin808wrote:


---In,mjackson74@... wrote :

This morning the BBCsays the upcoming election in the UK is about 
livingstandards.But my localpaper says its about immigration. What's the deal 
inScorpion land?
Apparentlythere's some sort of election coming up thatpoliticians and the media 
are all excited aboutbut everyone else is bored shitless with, and 
thecampaigning only started yesterday.
Butthe main focus can be about whatever you want itto be about. Immigration is 
always going to be aproblem as long as we are members of the EU butleaving it 
would be worse for the economy.Livingstandards are OK if you are in the right 
socialgroup that gets elected. The Tories hate the poorand give tax cuts to the 
rich funded by cuts tosocial security. The Labour party aretraditionally more 
oriented to helping the workerswith low VAT and taxing the rich more to pay 
forhelp to the poorest but I think they've forgottenabout that and all seem 
obsessed with cutting abudget deficit caused by the banking crisis thatwouldn't 
exist if the 6 richest companies paidtheir business tax for one year. No one 
mentionsthat though...
Ithink it's crisis capitalism, take a socialproblem and make it worse then 
claim the only cureis privatisation and cuts to public services. It'sa tried 
and tested formula. We don;t get thechance to vote on things that really matter 
likebanking regulation or the new transatlantic tradeagreement that will hand 
control of environmentaland employment law to lawyers working on thebehalf of 
multinational companies. As if wehaven't had our hard won workers right's 
stampedon by our current hideous establishment cronies.
Weare already in the hands of vast corporations andthere is less we can do 
about it every year. Ithink the modern world is doomed. You won't readthat in a 
newspaper though, they'll beconcentrating on the largely irrelevant crap 
thatpoliticians say while the interesting stuff goeson in the background. So 
I'm not sure if itmatters who wins.

I think Europeans have been conditioned over centuries to acceptbeing serfs 
so you don't care what the ruling class does.  Thosewho didn't like seemed to 
escape to this country.  That's why wewant to fry the rich and politicians. 

I walked past Buckingham palace today and there was a huge crowd hoping to 
catch a glimpse of Her Maj as she waved from her balcony. Meanwhile her staff 
at one of her many other vast homes have gone on strike for more pay. 
Apparently the tight-fisted cow doesn't even pay the nationally accepted living 

Unbelievable what people will put up with and still TV shows like Downton Abbey 
are astoundingly popular even though it only features the 1% with all the money 
and their trials and tribulations while everyone else worked their fingers to 
the bone to provide them with enough money for their mansions in the first 
place. People love all that master/servant stuff, I think it says something 
highly disturbing about our national psyche. I'm just glad I'm immune to it.

 Here's a good breakdown onthis:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's house?

2015-03-31 Thread aryavazhi
'In my reply to aryavazhi I was referencing the general vibe about being 
around Maharishi in a place like Seelisberg or Vlodrop, not the vibe of the 
physical places. Weird shit goes down when cultists are in close proximity to 
the leader of their cult. The Scientology weird shit reminded me of 
related-but-different weird shit I experienced when around Maharishi.' 

I stayed in both places, but it's a long time ago. When I was in Vlodrop, 
Maharishi wasn't really there, but only came for visits, during the last one I 
hardly saw him, as I was working through the night, to finish some jobs. 
Seelisberg is even longer time past, and yes, I have some nice memories, 
Seelisberg is after all quite a scenic place, but I never was really feeling 
attached to the place, like some other's I know. 

Partly I didn't like the Foehn which is prevelant in the alps. There 
was another movement place in Germany I felt attached to at a time, where I had 
stayed longest, but that left me, when we all moved to Holland at the time - 
Holland, rainy all the time, and completely flat, no see where we were. Lot's 
of forrests though, and lot's of wild pigs.

I have more vivid memories of a bus ride to The Hague, where my chakras opened 
up, completely out of the blue really.

It was strange though, when I approached that place again with my car, going 
down the small lane that leads up to Station 24. Sort of alienating, I didn't 
feel I have a connection there anymore. But then meeting an old friend is 
another story. This friend was just being nice and helpfull, and we have some 
common experience in the past, so I really appreciated that. the whole place 
was basically empty when I revisted, and that was just good that way.

So, no, I didn't feel any vibes catching on to me. Neither anger, nor nostalgia 
or anything.

[FairfieldLife] Is Russell Brand mad enough to crash a plane into a mountain?

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The loony Brand blames Fox News for the tragedy . . .

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Russell Brand mad enough to crash a plane into a mountain?

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
That's it? That's all you got  out of this video? Blame fox? 





---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 The loony Brand blames Fox News for the tragedy . . .

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Russell Brand mad enough to crash a plane into a mountain?

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 That's it? That's all you got  out of this video? Blame fox?

 I got the usual overdose of Russell Brand's narcissism. His manic presentation 
does no one any favours. 

 Do you really (I mean *really*) buy the idea that capitalism (aka liberal 
democracy) is turning people into crackpots who willingly terrorize and murder 
innocent people, including children? Ask your friends and neighbours what they 
think of the outrage. They'll react with disgust. Why should they react like 
that? Why haven't they been infected with the Lubitz curse? Because they get on 
with their lives and engage with the society around them and try and make use 
of the opportunities on offer to do something positive for themselves and their 



---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 The loony Brand blames Fox News for the tragedy . . .


[FairfieldLife] Post Count Wed 01-Apr-15 00:15:03 UTC

2015-03-31 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 03/28/15 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 04/04/15 00:00:00
204 messages as of (UTC) 04/01/15 00:09:09

 31 richard
 28 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
 28 LEnglish5
 21 Michael Jackson mjackson74
 15 salyavin808 
 14 Bhairitu noozguru
 11 s3raphita
 11 anartaxius
  8 yifuxero
  7 dhamiltony2k5
  5 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  4 jr_esq
  4 jason_green2
  3 hepa7
  3 emily.mae50
  3 email4you mikemail4you
  2 ultrarishi 
  2 aryavazhi 
  1 geezerfreak
  1 feste37 
  1 eustace10679 
  1 William Leed WLeed3
Posters: 22
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Russell Brand mad enough to crash a plane into a mountain?

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 I always thought that capitalism meant something other than just turning a 
profit, though it isn't easy to decide when the latter turns into the former, 
and where the practicality ends and the self-destructive element begins.



---In, s3raphita@... wrote :


---In, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 That's it? That's all you got  out of this video? Blame fox?

 I got the usual overdose of Russell Brand's narcissism. His manic presentation 
does no one any favours. 

 Do you really (I mean *really*) buy the idea that capitalism (aka liberal 
democracy) is turning people into crackpots who willingly terrorize and murder 
innocent people, including children? Ask your friends and neighbours what they 
think of the outrage. They'll react with disgust. Why should they react like 
that? Why haven't they been infected with the Lubitz curse? Because they get on 
with their lives and engage with the society around them and try and make use 
of the opportunities on offer to do something positive for themselves and their 



---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 The loony Brand blames Fox News for the tragedy . . .


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Russell Brand mad enough to crash a plane into a mountain?

2015-03-31 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I watched the entire video.  Brand pointed out the Fox manipulation of 
the audience.  IOW, status quo good, the public bad. I applaud that.  
And since when does capitalism mean liberal democracy?  In the US it 
means a bunch of thugs who run big companies and screw the public.  
Liberal democracy? My ass.

On 03/31/2015 05:09 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In, LEnglish5@... wrote :

That's it? That's all you got  out of this video? Blame fox?

I got the usual overdose of Russell Brand's narcissism. His manic 
presentation does no one any favours.

Do you really (I mean *really*) buy the idea that capitalism (aka 
liberal democracy) is turning people into crackpots who willingly 
terrorize and murder innocent people, including children? Ask your 
friends and neighbours what they think of the outrage. They'll react 
with disgust. Why should they react like that? Why haven't they been 
infected with the Lubitz curse? Because they get on with their lives 
and engage with the society around them and try and make use of the 
opportunities on offer to do something positive for themselves and 
their families.

---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

The loony Brand blames Fox News for the tragedy . . .

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from a viewing of Going Clear

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Happened to me too Barry, as you know. 

 Fascinating also to see the various monuments to Elron around the world, as 
well as the him posing for an artist bust in clay.

 Monumental (literally) ego of the leader leads to monuments made to said 
leader: check

 Large real estate holdings become critically important as cult membership 
dwindles: check

 We, and we alone, are the only salvation for planet Earth: check

 If planet Earth is not saved, it's YOUR fault: check

 Those who don't believe as we do are categorized as Wogs or non-meditators: 

 Those who express doubts or question the fundamentals are excommunicated: check

 I could go of course, but the point is that this can happen to anyone. It 
happens slowly, over time.

 Imagine if in TM we were told in our intro lecture that those who want to 
delve deeper into the practice will learn to fly', walk through walls, etc.

 Imagine if in TM we were told in our intro lecture that our mantras literally 
are the seed form names of vedic gods and that when completed (advanced 
techniques) we would literally be saying: Most glorious Saraswati, I Bow Down 
To You Again and Again. (Saraswati used here as an example.)

 Nope, we learned how to soft sell it in the intro lecture, knowing full well 
that we are lying through our teeth. Those who bring new recruits into 
$cientology learn to do the same.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Russell Brand mad enough to crash a plane into a mountain?

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, LEnglish5@... wrote :


 I always thought that capitalism meant something other than just turning a 
profit, though it isn't easy to decide when the latter turns into the former, 
and where the practicality ends and the self-destructive element begins.

 The self-destructive element in contemporary capitalism is there alright. Just 
take a look at the banking sector collapse. We all knew that the financial 
sector was full of predators with moral compass inoperative. But no one thought 
their short-sighted greed would lead them to (inadvertently) crash the very 
system that was rewarding them so handsomely.

 The Lubitz case is *completely* different. It's actually closer to the case of 
terrorist Anders Breivik. They were both young men who had no healthy 
engagement with the wider society and culture around them and had retreated 
into private worlds nursing their respective grievances. Both men were/are 
nihilists. I submit that the issue of nihilism - a rejection of all value - is 
more a religious crisis than an economic one.



 analysis is that he doesn't 

---In, s3raphita@... wrote :


---In, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 That's it? That's all you got  out of this video? Blame fox?

 I got the usual overdose of Russell Brand's narcissism. His manic presentation 
does no one any favours. 

 Do you really (I mean *really*) buy the idea that capitalism (aka liberal 
democracy) is turning people into crackpots who willingly terrorize and murder 
innocent people, including children? Ask your friends and neighbours what they 
think of the outrage. They'll react with disgust. Why should they react like 
that? Why haven't they been infected with the Lubitz curse? Because they get on 
with their lives and engage with the society around them and try and make use 
of the opportunities on offer to do something positive for themselves and their 



---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 The loony Brand blames Fox News for the tragedy . . .