Re: [FairfieldLife] FF Meditating Community Meeting

2017-12-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Community Forum
 Wednesday December 13th, 7:30 pm – all invited
 Super-Radiance – What Will It Take?
 To Bring Us Together, To Rebuild Common Purpose
 To Restore Group Program Attendance
 Phoenix Rising Hall, 207 W Burlington
 In this meeting we’ll examine our own desires, both for ourselves and our 
world, to re-establish a more powerful influence of coherence in collective 
consciousness from our Golden Domes and other group program facilities.
 ·   Are we inspired? Do we feel empowered? Does each one of us feel we are 
Maharishi’s movement?
 ·   How shall we ensure that each one of us feels valued and honored in 
what we do to fulfill Maharishi’s goals for the world?
 ·   How shall we all communicate effectively, so that concerns and ideas 
are heard, are acknowledged with respect and kindness, and are given prompt and 
appropriate attention?
 ·   What more can we do to raise group practice attendance?
 ·   How shall we do justice to the gift Maharishi has bestowed on us? How 
shall we pass that gift to all corners of our world?
 Please join together to share our vision and to plan community action – with 
love, creative intelligence and enthusiasm. As always, we’ll have an open mic 
so all may speak.
 Also – next month, in commemoration of our annual January celebration, we’ll 
have a special meeting for members of our community to share with all of us our 
own stories of how we met Maharishi, or how the knowledge he gave us first 
touched us.
 Empowering Leadership in All – Sharing and Working on Common Interests
 For Ourselves – For Our Community – In Joy and Service For Our World
 Blessings of the Season to All !
 Community Forum Steering Group

---In,  wrote :


 Community Forum, 
 4th Meeting..
 A 'Community Forum' about retirement and eldercare in the Fairfield, Iowa area.
 Held at Phoenix Rising Meeting Hall in Fairfield, Iowa

 Intents for Fairfield..
 Scribed Notes From a Community Forum about Fairfield, Iowa.
 November 15, 2017 
 From an advertised open community meeting held at the meeting hall of Phoenix 
Rising in Fairfield.
 Scribed Notes:  A public collecting of
 active ‘Intents’ for Fairfield...
 People’s own individual ideas as personal ‘intents’ to work on..

 Gathered  ‘Intentions’ of people offering a personal intent to work on..

 Fairfield as a Retirement Mecca where there is security.
 An inclusive community in a mixed community without warehousing of people.
 A Retirement life with Nature
 Handicap accessibility
 Therapeutic cares made accessible and affordable.
 A welcoming of spiritual modalities of healing.
 Intent for mental health services that are spiritual and effective
 Adoptive grandparent program
 Child Daycare with elders

 Integrated memory care
 Concern for freedom within memory care.
 Conscious dying care

 Intent for beautiful food
 Community Gardens
 Sourcing of allergy free foods.

 A communal Intent for modeling facilities with best technologies and building 
 Adaptable housing codes friendly to environment.
 Zoning that is open to tiny houses.
 Mixed age housing.
 Gathering places.
 Review older draftings and models of community plans.
 Regenerative life, revisit Fairfield’s strategic plan for sustainability. 

 Accessible global arts and culture.
 Intent for global Investment opportunities for the local community.
 Intent for integrating the Fairfield community with the University.

 2000 in meditation in the Domes
 Dome Endowment
 Pricings sympathetic to people in supplemental social security (Supplemental 
 Grants to housing rehabilitation.
 Consciousness of a downside to tourism driving up prices of housing, rents and 
living in Fairfield
 Affordable Panchakarma treatment.
 Proposal to re-employ the pool of well trained panchakarma ayurvedic techs
 Prorated support of the ‘assembly’ by age, for youth and the elderly.
 Elders in retirement in the Domes meditating doing the long meditation 

 Promotion of Fairfield retirement features with video, Youtube &DVD’s.
 Film project to collect oral histories.
 Collecting archival artifacts of the town and university. 
 (Wanted for archiving project, pictures of MIU in Santa Barbara before the 
move to Fairfield.
 Also, locate the logo sign of MIU. Contact archivists at MUM library.)
 Understanding new technologies, Bitcoins for reasons of generating wealth in 
the community. 
 Develop Digital currency for the Raam.

 Program speakers presenting on aspects of retirement and eldercare in the 
Fairfield area:
 Ed Noyes(communal intentions), Dr. John Hagelin (University), Ed Malloy 
(Fairfield), Tom Stanley(Facilitator), Jennifer Hamilton(Elder homecare), Pat 
Barrett (ILC senior care facilities), Bob Markowitz(ILC Campus housing for 

 Email Contact for the steering committee of the Community Forum:

 Meeting Minutes of intenti

[FairfieldLife] RE: Fairfield, Iowa and How the Meditating Community Works

2017-12-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Fresh (late 2017)  overview of TM Movement's current status..
 Posted interview, 
 Raja Chancellor gives an insightful and inspiring overview of the Movement's 
current status: v=cUBFqTk2Ncg
 62 minutes

 Flowchart shown below..

---In,  wrote :

 The Super-Radiance Community paragraphs at the bottom of the memo are 
important ones that are now actively adding meditators in to policy description 
of the broader Fairfield, Vedic City and Jefferson County meditation community. 
As a change in course this particularly is a substantial one to notice. That is 
new and a new welcome thought.

 While the larger attempt at transparency is a frank signature element of the 
change; however, the definition of the Fairfield meditating community away from 
just the TM-sidha/yogic flying TSR Dome-going community to include [TM] 
meditators of the community as the Super-Radiance Community is the substantial 

 Loaded down old super-tankers don't change course quickly. This is an attempt 
at a major change of direction even in Fairfield where there are so many old 
meditators of the TM movement and most who live as meditators in the meditating 
community without much of any relationship to the organization. I wish the 
corporate TM organization all good shipping through the chop of the narrows 
they are sailing through. -Buck in the Dome

 Pablum? No, actually this memo is a major and conscious policy change. Most 
you don't live in Fairfield or have nothing to do with meditating Fairfield. 
Possibly you are or were once practicing meditators. This particular memo as 
sent out is actually a really important change of direction. By policy 
initiative it is an attempt to organizationally soften, facilitate, re-gather 
and include meditators again by policy in to the interests of the TM movement. 

 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi for whatever reason left to founder the meditators and 
the meditating movement un-attended from late in the 1970's shifting his 
attention on programs for advanced meditators around yogic flying and the 
TM-Sidhis and monumental projects for creating Heaven on Earth. So it was and 
so it is; and, the meditating element of the movement crescendo-ed from those 
days and times of higher point. Now as part of a practical process of 
succession planning the re-inclusion of 'the meditator' is back in to a 
definition of our corporate communal policy as essential formative element. 
This is a huge strategic change in direction being brought about by some savvy 
old [retirement-aged] field teachers of TM as recognized necessity. The 
TM-teaching movement is once again being generally successful and this policy 
move is timely and strategically helpful towards unifying and supporting that 
larger regeneration of a meditating movement otherwise. It is a purposeful 
organizational realignment of priority and also significant to what is communal 
meditating and non-meditating Fairfield.
 -Buck in the Dome

 Rick Archer posts:
 Raja John Hagelin wrote:

 February 26, 2014
 Dear Sidhas and Meditators of Fairfield, Maharishi Vedic City, and Jefferson 
 Over the last couple of years we have been making some structural changes and, 
we hope, significant improvements in how our Super-Radiance community 
functions. It is all for the purpose of giving you a better experience of 
living here and doing program in our flying halls—deeper programs, more fun, 
more friendliness, better service, more transparency, inclusiveness, due 
process, and community spirit. I’d like to lay out for you how our 
Super-Radiance community is organized these days. I’ve also included a couple 
of organizational charts below so you can see how everything fits together. 
 The Invincible America Assembly
 The Invincible America Assembly consists of every Sidha who has a dome badge 
and attends group program. You don’t need to be rounding to be on the 
Invincible America Assembly—although rounding is an extraordinary experience in 
our special dome atmosphere.
 The Invincible America Solutions Group
 The Invincible America Solutions Group, which we established in 2011, is the 
umbrella committee which brings together all the committees and groups involved 
in supporting our Super-Radiance community and the Invincible America Assembly. 
As Raja, I preside at its meetings, and Dr. Dennis Rowe, our National Director 
of Education, is its chair. Dr. Doug Birx, our treasured TM-Sidhi® Program 
Administrator, is always present.
 The Solutions Group grew out of our realization that although there were a 
number of committees active, to provide better levels of service and faster 
expansion, we needed to have one coordinating body. The organization chart 
below shows all the groups that make it up. (Click on the chart to view it 

[FairfieldLife] Very significant meeting benefits

2017-12-06 Thread Dick Mays [FairfieldLife]
Forwarded from: Einar Olsen>>


In response to a fairly successful and knowledgeable person questioning the 
value of the meeting with the Deputy Atty General today, here are the very good 
benefits I could think of that came from today's meeting: Thank you so much for 
coming​ if you came - ​

Hi​, ​ ​Janet forwarded this to me, I work with and help FFSM sometimes,

a) It was and is very important and good that the Deputy Atty General of Iowa 
and their Consumer Fraud expert saw a large crowd who felt strongly about this 
matter. This, added to the the activities of other groups around the country 
that they will learn about if they do even a little homework, will help them 
become informed and influence others. They talk. They know people. Their 
attention is NOT a waste of time because of conversations they may have​ with 
very influential people, soon, and in the future​. ​Plus, there is the quantum 
mechanical effect, that increase in knowledge and awareness 'here' influences 
attitude and decisions 'there.' Especially if vip's are involved. ​​So getting 
the word out to vip's is usually worthwhile, and if 'the word' involves a lot 
of Sidhas who feel strongly, that 'word' is far stronger, more penetrating into 
the collective consciousness via VIPs awareness. ​

Before this meeting, those two vips had not the faintest idea of what this 
issue is about. They are ​somewhat​ influential in this state. For them to find 
this into out, and to see all the people, was enough to make this meeting alone 
worthwhile. ​The Deputy Atty General of this state even said, 'If Alliant knows 
that harm can be caused by this technology, and is rolling it out anyway, that 
is crime.' That statement alone from the Deputy Atty General of Iowa was wroth 
the meeting. But there was much more to feel good about, as follows - 

b) There is a lot that needs to be clarified, wrong things that Alliant has 
done, that Ed did not discuss because there is no excuse for Alliant. Why 
didn't he mention them? , this meeting was earthshaking and created a 
completely different path and hope for us. B​ecause b​efore this meeting, and 
if ​that meeting​ ​had not taken place​​, Ed​ had​ told us firmly​ and 
repeatedly​ that he was not going to try to get Alliant to offer us analogs. 
Due to the turn out, and due to the high quality of what you said, this meeting 
changed Ed's mind. Because our turn out was so many, and so strong in views and 
plans, he realized that he​ should​change his policy and instead, try to get 
Alliant to offer us analogs. I mentioned court to him and ​it was clear he 
strongly​ wants to avoid a court case/s with Alliant. So this meeting, 
especially the turn-out, was of very great importance in​ moving​ Ed​'s plans​ 
from not trying to get analogs for us, to try to get analogs for us. This was 
by far the most important meeting result that has come from any meeting about 
smart meters thus far. A ​big, substantial ​change in the whole many-month 
project. Ed had stopped going to bat for us, and decided to reverse and go to 
bat for us. This alone was worth the whole meeting and the time of all who 

c) We had no idea what the Atty General ​Office ​was going to say or do, there 
was no easy way for us to know, and is it fair to take us to task for ​this​? 
As it turned out, it ​turned out to be ​an especially ​key​decision to do as 
much as we could to encourage as many people as possible to attend. 

d) This was by far, imho, the best succinct presentation on why to avoid smart 
meters that has taken place in our community. I felt the previous two events 
could have been far stronger, especially in the science​, and a more balanced 
presentation of all the many reasons to avoid smart meters - not just the 
health reason​. ​Although much more could and should be done with communicating 
the many other reasons. In fact, in other areas of the country, people have 
gotten much more traction with other reasons than with the health reason - 
especially the privacy point. ​​In Michigan, the most traction has been through 
Republican legislators concerned about privacy.​ Not that health does not 
matter but we have to hit all the issues and 'do what works.' Partisanship is 
not the point. 

e) It was a great rallying meeting that significantly increased togetherness 
and coherence for this project. ​For everyone to see all the others concerned, 
which is easy to forget about otherwise. And numbers are HIGHLY important in 
this matter. Political people​ ​are highly influenced by this, not just 
arguments on both sides. ​​Most politicians nowadays seem to care more about 
numbers and passion than arguments and science (May that balance out).

f) KTVO TV from Ottumwa​/Kirksville​ came​, filmed the event and interviews​,​ 
and is going to show them all over the region. This alone was worth the 
meeting. ​Tens (hundreds?) of thousands of people all over our area are going 
to have t

[FairfieldLife] Google AI built an AI child,

2017-12-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
more advanced than those built by humans.


 When will human programmers build safeguards to control the takeover of 
machines in the near future?


[FairfieldLife] Post Count Thu 07-Dec-17 00:15:15 UTC

2017-12-06 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
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End Date (UTC): 12/09/17 00:00:00
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  6 dhamiltony2k5
  5 Dick Mays dickmays
  3 hepa7
  2 srijau
  2 rajawilliamsmith
  1 emily.mae50
Posters: 7
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[FairfieldLife] Meditator Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution

2017-12-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Fighting for 'Rights of Conscience'.

 You should see the e-mail chains now in their complexion for this next week's 
'Community Forum' at the meeting hall of Phoenix Rising on 'Super Radiance' and 
the Dome numbers.

 I could wonder if we could start a regular coffee table at Paradiso Cafe in 
morning or Revelations and lunch for Meditator Sons and Daughters of the 
American Revolution for Independence. 

 An 'Om', for genealogy.   

 Same essential issues then as now: rights of conscience.  

 Turns out the fight inside TM is with the colonialism of the TM movement as it 
is in the movement now. Creedal-ist religionists, "If Maharishi said it, it 
can't be changed." who occupy and control the movement and then American 
practitioners, meditators. and initiators and govs and citizens who have no say 
at that level, and Hagelin too as Raja of America too has hardly any, at sway 
and representation at the top 'colonial' level of trustees of the movement, 
over in Europe. ( ! ) 

 I used to describe to people outside the community that it is run as 
corporate-democracy at the top now.  Colonialism is the better more accurate 
model for description.

 Jai Guru Dev,