Marketing FAD update

2010-01-08 Thread Mel Chua
Preparations for this are moving right along - everything in this email 
is also on the wiki page,

If you're interested in participating, there's still time - add yourself 
to the list at; if you need 
travel funding, put your proposal in at

== Budget ==

We approved Henrik's travel budget (plane), along with Paul's and Ben's 
(gas money). IRC logs with rationale and discussion are linked to from 
the status columns in

== Activities ==

Right now, I'm trying to get each day of the FAD an owner working on 
some sort of concrete next-step. You've seen some emails to the list 
(most recently from Henrik) beginning discussion on this front - see for more info.

All the days have owners except for Sunday, for which we will be working 
on the Brand Book - Rahul will be starting discussion on a vision for 
that shortly, but the day itself does not yet have a leader. Anyone 
interested in stepping up? (This /can/ be done remotely.)

== Current days, topics, owners, and next steps ==

Saturday: Strategy and Research, Robyn Bergeron. Watching the target 
audience discussion that John Poelstra has started on f-a-b,

Sunday: Brand Book, No owner yet - please help! Rahul sending a first 
draft of a vision document to the list.

Monday-or-Tuesday: Interviews and filming, Max Spevack. No next step 
defined yet.

The-other-day: PR, Henrik Heigl, with Sakis Samaras helping plan remotely.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Fedora-tour idea

2010-01-07 Thread Mel Chua

On 01/07/2010 03:03 AM, Jan Wildeboer wrote:

Advocatus diaboli would say on slashdot, via Matt Asay: See, Red Hat wants
to abuse poor little users for free testing what would you counter to sth
like that?

FTR - I love the idea, but I want it to be perfect ;-)


Ooo. Thanks, Jan - we need more advocatus diaboli on this list. ;)

It's an opt-in activity in the do you want to learn how to contribute 
section of fedora-tour; you won't have to do this - or even see it - if 
you're not interested. Basically, a Learn More! wizard instead of a 
href=;learn more!/a.

Alternatively: Think of it as an included lesson people can choose to 
deploy if they're curious about how open source communities work 
together, and how they can begin contributing to that ecosystem if they 
take a look and decide they're interested.

I imagine there would be a are you interested in learning about $foo? 
click, and then a yes, I'd like to contribute in this way! click; by 
the time they get to the hello, I am a QA contributor part, they'll 
know full well that's what they're doing, that they want to do it, and 
that they have a choice that will not disadvantage them in any way if 
they don't pick it.

(Would this work as a counter? What holes are there in it?)


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: FI content workflow

2010-01-07 Thread Mel Chua

On 01/07/2010 11:30 PM, Karsten Wade wrote:

On Sat, Jan 02, 2010 at 05:06:32PM -0500, Mel Chua wrote:

I tried drafting out an ascii version of the workflow I saw being tossed
around at FUDCon - thoughts? Is this accurate? Workable? It's pretty simple.

(I'm not sure if I'm using the word workflow in the same way that FWN
uses it - if there's another word I should use instead, or some way this
diagram ought to be revised, please ping - or edit the wiki version. ;)

As a workflow it makes sense, in the answering if you are using the
correct term etc.

One thing that is missing is a box alongside press web fedora
planet that is an in-flow for original content targeted for FI.
Might want to add that even if you don't intend original content for a

Thanks - added, I'm 
hoping that will actually be a small (or possibly even nonexistent) 
subset of content; I'd like FI to draw from content upstreams as much 
as possible so that editors can focus on *finding* good content rather 
than getting it made, but I'd also love pushback and feedback on that 
thought; I'm not sure it makes sense yet.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: We are go on Marketing FAD dates - in-person attendees, start figuring out your transport/housing.

2010-01-06 Thread Mel Chua

On 01/06/2010 03:29 AM, Robyn Bergeron wrote:

I'm assuming that the plan is to fly in the night before? For those of
us on the west coast at least

Yep - I'm planning on flying in on Friday night (for a Saturday morning 

Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Zikula hackfest whiteboard photos

2010-01-06 Thread Mel Chua

These were from the FUDCon hackfest, photos thanks to Diana Martin.

The one I'm looking at right now is, 
which has Max's notes on content.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: [in the news] Virtualisation Enhancements in F12

2010-01-06 Thread Mel Chua

On 01/06/2010 02:59 PM, Robyn Bergeron wrote:

Actually, I suppose that perhaps [in a magazine] might be better...
In any case, I saw this via a facebook friend, thought I would repost
the link here.  The article even referenced Mel's virtualization
feature profile from F12!


Whoa, sweet.

I wonder if we can do anything to support engineers writing articles for 
publications on the features they've worked on (which is what happened 
in this case - By: Amit Shah - The author is part of the virtualisation 
team at Red Hat and is excited to be a part of the technology that’s 
rediscovering commodity x86 servers.)

Probably something to bring up at the FAD (reminder: get cost estimates 
for plane tickets!) especially when we get a chance to sit down and talk 
with some of the aforementioned engineers in Fedoraland (both @RH and 


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

EMEA Ambassadors talking about TV ads

2010-01-06 Thread Mel Chua
Thought this snippet from the EMEA Ambassadors meeting today was 
interesting - the thought of doing TV ads (and what would need to go 
into a solid proposal/gameplan for such an idea) was raised.

start at:
20:37:48 sspreitzer i visited the linux new media ag in munich

end at:
21:10:01 spevack #topic Anything else?

Thought others here would find this interesting.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Fedora-tour idea

2010-01-06 Thread Mel Chua
Feature idea from the channel tonight - sharing the results of 
brainstorming/thinking out loud.


05:19:30 PhrkOnLsh If jrandom comes into #fedora saying hey i just 
installed fedora, everything was simply stellar we could do a quick 
hey do you have five minutes?
05:20:20 mchua PhrkOnLsh: I actually wonder... if... I'm thinking 
about fedora-tour now.

05:20:31 PhrkOnLsh mchua: hmm :)
05:20:36 mchua When you install Fedora from scratch, it prompts you at 
the end if you want to submit your smolt profile.

05:20:42 mchua If you say yes, it automagically ships it off.
05:20:54 mchua But what if - in Fedora-tour, or something - by the 
little contribute section, it went a bit further?
05:21:08 mchua And said hey, here are some things we'd love for you 
to check, and see if they work - try doing X, Y, Z
05:21:42 mchua and then a few minutes later, congratulations you just 
submitted your first test case! now go see where it went, and who's 
going to pick it up from there...

05:21:52 rbergeron oh, that'd be interesting.
05:21:52 PhrkOnLsh hmmm
05:21:55 PhrkOnLsh yeah
05:21:58 rbergeron follow the open source white rabbit
05:22:02 PhrkOnLsh i like it
05:22:03 rbergeron hopefully down the rabbit hole
05:22:04 rbergeron :)
05:22:23 mchua redpill!
05:22:39 rbergeron follow the white rabbit, neo
05:22:42 mchua (the Matrix, obviously, got the colors mixed up. Blue 
should be down the rabbit hole.)

05:23:04 PhrkOnLsh take the redpill, install the blue linux :P

Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting

2010-01-04 Thread Mel Chua
Details and agenda at

See you folks there!


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Marketing goals, revisited: the 4 Foundations

2010-01-04 Thread Mel Chua
Last month, Robyn sent out a brilliant email about how to frame our tasks into 
goals centered around the Four Foundations:

This happened to be the day after FUDCon when a lot of us were totally 
exhausted, so I think it got lost in the shuffle... but now is a good time to 
revisit it. 

 Greetings marketing friends,
 As some of you have probably read, I've been doing some thinking on
 not just our specific, measurable goals for F13, but also the
 marketing team's wider objectives and mission.  In other words, we may
 have this list of fabulous tasks we've brainstormed for F13, but what
 are our end goals?
 I've come up with an idea I'd like to propose and/or get feedback on.
 It may not be the perfect solution, but I think that it might get us
 on the path to being more mission-oriented in future releases, if we
 (a) decide to go down this route, and (b) decide at the end of F13
 that it was a worthwhile effort.
 The concept is to organize the tasks we work on around the four
 foundations of Fedora - Freedom, Friends, Features, First (please see if you want the big
 explanation on all of these things - I know they are each
 intentionally easy-to-grasp concepts, but the bigger picture behind
 each one is worth reading).  For our team, what this would mean is
 that each of our tasks should be focused on furthering one (or more)
 of each of these foundations.  Not to pin us in, necessarily - ideas
 of all types will fall into one of these categories, generally - but
 to make sure we aren't forgetting to focus on anything.

Personally, I think this is a great idea - it immediately makes it clear how 
the things we're working on tie directly into the larger mission and goals of 
the entire project, points out a whole bunch of areas we could potentially 
expand into, and is (hopefully) an easier way for new folks with marketing 
backgrounds to engage with the project (easier than look, a pile of 
potentially connected tasks - want to take one? in any case).

 I've written a bit down about each foundation - this is of course just
 me brainstorming a bit, I would love to hear more ideas on solidifying
 these if other team members think it is a good idea.  (And by
 solidifying, I mean into slightly more concise statements :D ) Under
 each one, I've listed some of the tasks that might fall into that
 category. (The task lists aren't comprehensive - I've just typed
 things in here, so don't get mad if your idea isn't here!)
 Freedom:  Use FOSS tools as much as possible (or practical) in
 production of Marketing materials, and do our best to support
 solutions that may work in the future. (Side note: See mizmo's post to
 the marketing list on making the fedora video - it wasn't entirely
 practical, but bugs were filed, discussions are ongoing, this is GOOD!
 And awesome video btw, I know you've heard it already but I'm just
 sayin' it again :D.)  Give marketing contributors the freedom and
 knowledge to work on projects as they choose.  Practice openness, and
 give process more transparency.
 - HOWTO's on how to make all Marketing deliverables
 - translations and i18n workflow for marketing stuff
 - Cross-training of team members for things like Zikula

Design does something similar, and there's been some conversation in the Docs 
team about making that explicit in the Docs mission statement as well (see - I think 
making sure that there's a FOSS toolchain with which *anyone* can do open 
source marketing is a great idea and we should specifically call out the things 
in that toolchain at some point - it might make a good presentation at a 
marketing conference, for instance.

 Friends: Continue to develop and extend not only the Fedora marketing
 community, but also the Fedora community in general.
 - Grow the number of marketing contributors
- teach Marketing classes in Classroom to grow the depth of the Fedora 
community's knowledge about marketing, what it is, how to do it, etc.
 - Convert 100 users of non-Fedora distros to Fedora as their primary desktop 
Personally, I find the next goal far more interesting...
 - Encourage 100 college students to sign up as Fedora contributors and
 each contribute at least one thing.
I'd love to get a marketing class working on this - actually, I would love to 
see a case study (see on 
- FUDCon
- Talk up Fedora at at least 20 different LUG meetings worldwide
This one's Ambassadors, imo - but the two groups should continue to find ways 
to work more closely together.
- Marketing FAD
- RH Summit
Yep, we should find out what's going on with this - not having been to one of 
these before myself, I'm not sure what the opportunities here look like, or how 
we fit in, but I think it's definitely worth exploring. Mo and 

Re: Marketing goals, revisited: the 4 Foundations

2010-01-04 Thread Mel Chua
(I'm pulling out one section of the thread for a moment, but hope 
discussion continues on the other ideas brought up as well.)

I'd love to get a marketing class working on this - actually, I
would love to see a case study (see on Fedora.

What would be really interesting is feeding back the process for
meeting this goal into a discovery of what worked to captivate and
motivate college students to follow through with a contribution.
Maybe that's what you mean by the case method?  It's hard to tell from
the page in question, it's a bit vague but I'm guessing you have some
experience with or knowledge about the method yourself.

What I think you're talking about is a case study - documenting what we 
do as a way to make it easier for others to follow. I think we should be 
a case study of how open source projects can interact with the case 
method of teaching, which is a particular thing.

The case method is a particular way of teaching that I believe is mostly 
associated with MBA programs: 
Most of the cases I've seen come from Harvard, which has an extensive 
collection of them 
(, - for an example, see for an explanation and for the abstract to an actual case.)

Think of a case as... an .rpm for curricular content for MBAs. It's a 
format and delivery mechanism schools are used to. (Someone who actually 
has an MBA may want to step in and correct me at this point.)

There's one on Red Hat, though it's 10 years old by now:

There's also one called Linux in 2004:

Here's the interesting opportunity: these cases are written about 
companies - there are no cases (yet!) about communities doing many of 
the same things The Open Source Way.

Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Thanks to David Ramsey for starting a F13 Slogan page!

2010-01-03 Thread Mel Chua

On 12/29/2009 12:03 AM, David Ramsey wrote:
 Hello Everyone,
 Greetings. :)
 I like this Fedora 12 one page release notes -
 A very professional looking page.  :)
 I like the Fedora 12 'Constantine' F12 release slogan -
 Unite.  :)
 I have made an update for Fedora 13 Goddard -
 for the F13 release slogan -

Thanks for making the page, David!

We'll be making the big help us pick a slogan! public call for
participation in February (see task #5 in
but starting early is almost never a bad idea. ;)


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Fwd: Re: Review: 3 top Linux distros go for different users

2010-01-03 Thread Mel Chua
Forwarded with Michael Tiemann's permission. The short version: should 
we look into (1) figuring out an optional (opt-in, I'd suggest) tweak to 
get Fedora-specific search results when looking for Linux howtos, and/or 
(2) SEO ( at 
some point?


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Review: 3 top Linux distros go for different users
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 09:13:05 -0500
From: Michael Tiemann

Kara Schiltz wrote:


Review: 3 top Linux distros go for different users
By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols


Paul Frields, Red Hat's Fedora Project Leader, described Fedora to me
as being first and foremost for users interested in and capable of
contributing to open source. So if you're a Linux power user, you're
going to love Fedora. If you're not, this probably isn't the distro
for you.

I just installed Fedora 12 (DVD iso x86_64) this past weekend on a very
hostile piece of hardware: an old MacBookPro version 2,1.  By hostile I
mean that it's now old enough to reject the installation of modern
versions of Mac OSX.  The installation process went perfectly smoothly
until it was time to reboot, and that failed because the MBR and/or the
GPT has a bootable flag that needed to be reset.  I reset the flag,
and then grub failed.  Some googling led me to question whether my ext4
boot partition was really a proper choice, and when I backed up /boot to 
some temp space in my rescued filesystem image, reformatted /boot as

ext2, and restored the contents, everything worked perfectly
thereafter.  WIN!

What does this have to do with Ubuntu, the implied distro for non-power 
users, you might ask?

I have yet to find a way to search via Google for answers to my Fedora
problems without Ubuntu being a prominent, if not nearly exclusive
search result.  Well, that's not quite adding +fedora -ubuntu
I start to get the kinds of results I'm looking for, but by golly for
all that Google is supposed to be my Big Brother, it keeps trying to
lead me away from Fedora and over to Ubuntu.

If there were some way to make technical support help focus on the OS
installed on one's machine, I think we'd find at least a level playing
field.  Any way we could set up Mozilla preferences (and other browsers) 
to treat Linux like Fedora?


GPG Key: F0AD 3368 D24A 56CD A2AD  6A12 CAB3 2E89 EA0A C0E4

The structure of world peace cannot be the work of one man, or one
party, or one must be a peace which rests on the cooperative
effort of the whole world. -- Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Part of the tragedy is of the artist is that there is no real goal in
achieving what you are naturally good at. The real satisfaction lies in
the things you accomplish by practice and effort.
 -- Joris van den Berg, commenting on the death of H. Cartier Bresson

Dream so big you can share -- me

Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

FI content workflow

2010-01-02 Thread Mel Chua
I tried drafting out an ascii version of the workflow I saw being tossed 
around at FUDCon - thoughts? Is this accurate? Workable? It's pretty simple.

(I'm not sure if I'm using the word workflow in the same way that FWN 
uses it - if there's another word I should use instead, or some way this 
diagram ought to be revised, please ping - or edit the wiki version. ;)


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Self-Introduction: Neville Cross

2010-01-01 Thread Mel Chua

On 12/30/2009 05:35 PM, Neville A. Cross wrote:

*  Full legal name
Neville Alberto Cross Vogl, but as stated on subject will suffice.

Welcome, Neville! It's great to see you in Marketing - I've been 
admiring your work in Ambassadors for quite some time. I just sponsored 
you for the FAS group.

 * What do you want to talk about?
- Applications: There is a lot of software in Fedora repos that is
useful and is not promoted. Non technical people does not see the
beauty on the OS, they look for a tool to solve a task. I want to say
to every one that Fedora has those tools.

-more ordinary people tales using Fedora. Show that you don't need to
know every byte of Fedora to be able to use and contribute.

Ooh - you might be interested in a project Sakis Asamaras is heading up,

 * Anything else you'd like to do?
- Share my experience dealing with local newspapers, so we can
increase world wide media hits.
- Help improve fedora distribution program.

Kara mentioned she was looking for thoughts on international PR strategy 
might be a good thing to look at as well.

Are there any Marketing projects you've seen that you'd like to get 
involved with, or any projects you're already doing that you'd like to 
add Marketing-fu to? It sounds like you might be able to teach us quite 
a bit about Marketing as well. ;)


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: FAD and some other stuff

2010-01-01 Thread Mel Chua

Attached is a ODS of plane fare for the Marketing FAD compiled from me lazily
searchingk kayak...

Wow - thanks, Ryan!

expensive as time goes on... looks like the cheapest place for us to meet is
DC, followed by Boston. Personally, I'm leaning towards Boston or Raleigh

For the record: the estimates (for flights alone) from the spreadsheet are:

Washington DC - $1574
Boston - $1694
Raleigh - $2136

I'm assuming we're going to have the FAD in NA since it seems to be the 
most central place for those interested in attending (though I would 
love to have future Marketing FADs outside NA, and to do everything we 
can to get non-NA Marketers to be able to fully participate in this).

This doesn't take into account housing costs, which (if we need to do 
hotel rooms) could also get pretty expensive. I don't know what the 
couchsurfing situation is in each location and how people feel about 
couchsurfing, or how it's been done for prior FADs, but these are the 
people we would /not/ need to figure out housing for at each location:

Washington DC: 1 (Paul)
Boston: 1 (Mel)
Raleigh: 2 (Kara, Max)

... I think that what we actually need right now is a hard number for a 
budget, so we know what in the way of resources we have, and whether we 
should be pouring those resources into getting everyone together, or 
into making this into a you can participate remotely! FAD, etc.

Let's see if we can nail that - and the final details - down... possibly 
not at the next meeting this coming Tuesday (although we can probably 
get a hard number for budget by then), but by the end of the next one on 
Jan 12th.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: FAD and some other stuff

2010-01-01 Thread Mel Chua

... I think that what we actually need right now is a hard number for
a budget, so we know what in the way of resources we have, and whether
we should be pouring those resources into getting everyone together,
or into making this into a you can participate remotely! FAD, etc.

Hopefully we could get all together for once for our first FAD.

We have a ceiling of somewhere around $3k, so let's switch into get 
everyone together mode. I'd like to see if we can pull travel and 
housing for everybody off for $2500 so we have some buffer room for 
things like a rental car (if needed) and food.

Any thoughts on length-of-FAD? I'm not sure what people's work schedules 
look like, but if we overlap with weekend days to minimize the amount of 
schedule-shifting folks who aren't on school vacation have to do, some 
4-day options would be Thursday-Sunday, Wednesday-Saturday, and 

The last one is my current favorite because we'd start out with a 
weekend to plan and gear up base material, and then have 2 full workdays 
to find engineers to interview, talk with RH PR folks, etc... and end 
with our normal Tuesday meeting time and use it to sync up everyone who 
can't physically make it.

Hotel rooms in Raleigh are cheaper than in pretty much any other 
location - we can get pretty nice doubles for about $30/person/night. 
Just thinking out loud right now.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Reminder: NO MEETING this week

2009-12-28 Thread Mel Chua
It's the holidays - go enjoy them. :) We'll see everyone next Tuesday, 


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Heads-up: wiki restructuring ongoing.

2009-12-23 Thread Mel Chua
This is something that's been on my to-do list for a while, and I'll be 
tinkering it as the day goes by. (Right now, though, I'm taking a break 
to see if I can borrow the car keys and get to the bike shop to get 
tools to fix the bikes in the garage.)

Some areas where construction has been underway:

I'm hoping the restructuring will help us resolve confusion like 
in the future - I'm planning on taking this discussion back to that 
ambassadors-list thread once this pass-through is done.

Chitlesh, I know you watch this list as well - if you (or anyone else) 
has questions, comments, reverts, edits, tomatoes to throw, etc - go for it!


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Heads-up: wiki restructuring ongoing.

2009-12-23 Thread Mel Chua

I'm hoping the restructuring will help us resolve confusion like
in the future - I'm planning on taking this discussion back to that
ambassadors-list thread once this pass-through is done.

A bit more explanation on exactly how I'm hoping this works out:


PS: Doing this restructuring is also reminding me wow, we don't have 
most of these SOPs written. Fix, fix, fix! But that's already on our 
to-do list for before Alpha (March), so we're going to be okay. 
(Help with the SOPs welcomed, though? ;)

Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Self-Introduction: Jan Wildeboer

2009-12-22 Thread Mel Chua

* Full legal name: Jan Wildeboer

Welcome, Jan! It's good to have you here.

* What do you want to talk about?
   - The impact of open on society, corporate world, philosophy,
science, education and the world.
   - What Open means in several contexts you might not expect it -
monetary system, democracy, transnational movements

Jan got on Planet Fedora last night, so we'll be hearing lots more from 
him on this.

* What would you like to see in Fedora?
   - A more general visibility outside the world of Linux and stuff.
Fedora is a lot more. Our community can deliver so much more.

...and I'm also hoping to hear more about this. ;)

* What level and type of marketing skills do you have?
   - Good speaker
   - Deep technical knowledge
   - Known for sarcasm, irony and respectful bashing ;-)
* What other skills do you have that might be applicable?
   - The red Fedora looks good on me ;-)

In tattoo form, too!


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Meeting minutes 2009-12-22

2009-12-22 Thread Mel Chua
Posted to - 
minutes at, 
full logs at

on vacation, hang out with family and friends, eat some good food, get 
some sleep. ;-) Chill out, enjoy the holidays, and we'll see each other 
in 2010!

   1. roll call (mchua, 20:00:01)
   2. agenda (mchua, 20:03:18)
(mchua, 20:03:22)

   3. Limesurvey (mchua, 20:05:13)
   4. fedora-tour (mchua, 20:07:54)
(franciscod, 20:13:50)

   5. back to limesurvey/marketing research (mchua, 20:18:18)
(PhrkOnLsh, 20:19:25)

   6. Fedora Insight (mchua, 20:23:26)
 1. Sparks is getting a weekly meeting set up as we near the 
end-stretch. (mchua, 20:23:40)
(mchua, 20:23:43)
 3. Websites will be taking over maintenance of the back-end 
once we launch. (mchua, 20:23:46)
(mchua, 20:23:50)
 5. The big area we need help in is closing 
Design/Websites/CSS/Javascript tickets. (mchua, 20:23:57)
(mchua, 20:24:00)
 7. ACTION: get pcalarco and dbewley to teach a using zikula's 
pagemaster workflow Classroom at some point (mchua, 20:25:24)
 8. ACTION: mchua to do Fedora Insight weekly update on 
lists/blog re: workflow (mchua, 20:26:49)

   7. Marketing FAD 2010 (mchua, 20:29:03)
 1. (mchua, 
(mchua, 20:31:31)
 3. (mchua, 
(mchua, 20:32:05)
 5. (mchua, 
 6. for reference, the FAD will almost certainly be in the 
middle of march (mchua, 20:33:41)
 7. ACTION: combine braindump, brainstorm pages, pull from both 
for the FAD agenda (mchua, 20:34:34)
 8. ACTION: mchua crunch the numbers for FADness and see where 
we can go and what we can do (mchua, 20:34:50)

   8. open floor (mchua, 20:41:08)
 1. AGREED: Next week is VACATION TIME! No meeting! Resuming 
January 5th. (mchua, 20:46:16)
 2. ACTION: mchua announce NO MEETING NEXT WEEK!!! to list 
(mchua, 20:46:30)

Meeting ended at 20:47:54 UTC (full logs).

Action items

   1. get pcalarco and dbewley to teach a using zikula's pagemaster 
workflow Classroom at some point

   2. mchua to do Fedora Insight weekly update on lists/blog re: workflow
   3. combine braindump, brainstorm pages, pull from both for the FAD 
   4. mchua crunch the numbers for FADness and see where we can go and 
what we can do

   5. mchua announce NO MEETING NEXT WEEK!!! to list

Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

How the Marketing F13 schedule works

2009-12-22 Thread Mel Chua
Tackled this after the meeting to answer Robyn's questions about the F13 
schedule, which I'll also address directly inline on that thread in a 

Braindump hopefully worth reading (but which will make it out to a more 
coherent blog post shortly, so don't worry about catching it now if 
you're busy) is at, 
also available at

Meeting summary
  (mchua, 20:50:22)

* How the F13 marketing schedule works  (mchua, 20:57:23)
  * Alpha (pre-March-2nd): focus on infrastructure  (mchua, 20:59:02)
  * example: F12 retrospective, F13 schedule, FAD planning, join
process, SOPs, software tools (limesurvey, zikula, fedora-tour)
(mchua, 21:01:15)
  * Beta (March 3rd - April 6th): focus on deliverables  (mchua,
  * talking points, slogan, feature profiles, one-page release notes,
screenshots library, briefing Ambassadors  (mchua, 21:09:18)
  * other activities: FAD happens during this time, marketing research
ongoing, Fedora Insight publishing materials, Desktop team liasons,
gear up for PR (press release, press conference) if we have
bandwidth.  (mchua, 21:10:18)
  * GA (April 7th - May 11th): focus on PR, center-of-excellence for
increasing contributions  (mchua, 21:33:38)
  * examples: interfacing with press, press conference, helping other
teams make their marketing deliverables, partnering with Classroom
to make on-boarding training opportunities for other teams, Join
process consulting, getting-started marketing via Insight for other
teams, etc  (mchua, 21:34:22)

* F13 schedule questions  (mchua, 21:35:20)
  * LINK:
(mchua, 21:35:54)
  * ACTION: tasks 13 and 15 refer to a deprecated deliverable we don't
do any more (one-page release notes have replaced the tour) and
should be deleted.  (mchua, 21:43:23)
  * ACTION: add a brief ambassadors item for 3/30-4/6  (mchua,
  * ACTION: when updating SOPs, note on Tours page that Tours has been
replaced by one-page release notes  (mchua, 21:46:25)

Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: F13 Schedule - question!

2009-12-22 Thread Mel Chua

On 12/21/2009 03:01 AM, Robyn Bergeron wrote:

On poelcat's F13 draft schedule (see:,
tasks 13 and 15 are to update / freeze the Fedora tour page. Since
we're doing the one-page release notes in lieu of the Fedora tour
page, should we remove those tasks from the schedule (I'm assuming


Should the one-page release notes draft / completion dates be
rearranged to be more in line with when the Fedora tour pages were
done, or are we comfortable with those dates and how they fall into
the grander scheme of things?

The completion dates for the one-page/tour as we have them right now are 
good, but this was a good sanity check to run.

Also - shall we put a note on
reflecting that we now do one-pg release notes instead of Tours, so
that anyone looking for a Tour isn't wondering why the heck we didn't
have one for F12 (or F13, and so forth)?

Yes! We should do this when we revise the SOPs.

Thanks for bringing this up, Robyn - I think we're shaping up to have a 
really solid F13 schedule. Now all we have to do is clean up Trac. :)


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Updates to the F13 Marketing schedule

2009-12-22 Thread Mel Chua

Hi, John!

Can you (at some point - not terribly vital and can wait until after the 
holidays) make these changes to the Marketing schedule 

1. Delete tasks 13 and 15, which refer to a deliverable (the tour) we've 
deprecated in favor of the one-page release notes (which serve the same 
intended purpose).

2. Add a task called Brief Ambassadors on upcoming release to start on 
3/30 and end on 4/6.

I think this should pretty much take care of the we must do them! task 
list for Marketing for F13 - there's a much longer log detailing more 
plans for the release cycle at, 
but they're more in the area of areas of opportunity we want to keep an 
eye on at these points in time, so I think we'd rather keep the 
Marketing schedule relatively sparse for the time being.

Once we finish the SOPs for each deliverable, and pick the talking 
points and feature profiles, we might want to add more detail for the 
middle month (between Alpha release and Beta release), but this is what 
we have for now.



Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting

2009-12-21 Thread Mel Chua
Details and agenda at

See you folks there!


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Technical communication notes from Betty Ong

2009-12-20 Thread Mel Chua
Notes from Betty Ong, a student in Seneca's graduate program for 
technical communications, with my notes inline.

 Some Marketing Considerations

 Branding: We need consistency in the message that is communicated
 through newsletters, podcasts, etc. For example, if a bug is fixed,
 but we find later that it introduces some other problem, every
 reference to that bug fix needs to include the extra info about the
 other problem. Single-sourcing of content would be good, but maybe
 not so feasible for news. It might be good to start a writing style
 sheet that a single Fedora meaning for specific words.

I would rephrase this as how can we make it so that the easiest way to 
do things reinforces a consistent message? The idea of a 
brand/marketing style guide is intriguing, though I'm not sure where to 
go with it right now - I'm curious how this works for Docs, and for 
projects outside Fedora.

 Soliciting feedback from users: After a download is complete, there
 could be a message to inform new users that they can request
 additional features by following some easy process.

insert fedora-tour here

 Responding to news about Fedora: We can set up a feed that serves up
 everything Fedora.

insert Fedora Insight here

It was fascinating to see what someone's first impressions of Fedora 
Marketing were through those lens - how do we get more of this kind of 


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: fedora-tour update

2009-12-19 Thread Mel Chua
This is an excellent example of how to keep communication lines open for 
a new project - IRC meetings, mailing list updates, and blogging about 
current progress (and in past posts, opportunities to help).

We're going to try and do it the release early, release quickly way.
Version 0.1 should be out in a few weeks. :)

Let us know when you're ready to figure out what content to put into 
your design - it might be that we can make a pretty good number of our 
release deliverables reusable for this as well.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: The 4 Foundations thread on fedora-ambassadors

2009-12-19 Thread Mel Chua

So this is the idea:

* 4 foundations: is the literary representation of what is fedora as a
complement of technology and people.
* Personas (people): is a way to know more about who makes Fedora
possible, how and what does everything gets involved
* Picture book: is a window through our team real life beyond the pc

what can we do with this 3 projects? you can ask this questions to yourself:

The idea was to possibly combine resources from the above 3 projects 
into Making One Deliverable:

This isn't a release deliverable (non-critical-path for Marketing right 
now) but it would be *extremely* nice to have. It may make a good 
deliverable for our FAD: (depending 
on the other things we want to get done).

Mostly, this project needs someone to step up and move it forward, which 
is what Tatica is doing. :)


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Contributor Spotlight Podcast

2009-12-19 Thread Mel Chua

So, On 12/19/2009 08:21 PM, Ryan Rix wrote:

At a few weeks' ago marketing(may have been ambassadors?) meeting, I drug Paul
Mellors (cc'd) into a discussion with Max Spevack and I about creating a

 We'd brainstorm a list of contributors; not just big names, but

a lot of the newer developers, too. This has, I think, a two-fold effect: It
gets new developers who get featured -really- excited and the chance to
promote $project of theirs, and it shows people who may be thinking about
contributing just how easy it can be.


Even easier startup: interview chain. You interview someone, they become 
the next interviewer and have to interview someone else, and so on down 
the line. (Note: this only works if it's really easy to set up for 
making a podcast, so that's something to check.)

This is one of those great ideas that came up once upon a time, and 
keeps coming up (because it /is/ a great idea), and mostly needs someone 
to step up and do the first interview. ;)


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Fedora Insight update: the Websites team rocketh / will be taking back-end after launch.

2009-12-19 Thread Mel Chua

Went to the Websites meeting yesterday to talk about Fedora Insight.

Short version: We've got us some CSS help from Websites to finish up 
theming, and they'll be taking on maintenance of the back-end (FWN and 
Marketing will continue to own workflow and content) once we do the 
initial launch:

What this means immediately:

CSS design tickets are getting worked on. 

I've cc'd everyone with FAS access to the theme group and everyone who 
owns a Fedora Insight CSS/Design ticket to make sure they're informed, 
know who the others working on the theme are, and can (possibly) make 
arrangements to sprint on IRC together; I'd suggest making sure that 
both the Websites and Design teams know when and where that work will be 

We'll also have proper versioning for theme stuff, finally - thanks to 
Hiemanshu for getting us into git! (Hosting ticket =, but it's 
just been taken care of.)

Hiemanshu should be posting here's the repo / how to use it 
instructions shortly, I believe.


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fedora Insight update: the Websites team rocketh / will be taking back-end after launch.

2009-12-19 Thread Mel Chua

On 12/19/2009 11:43 AM, Hiemanshu Sharma wrote:

Anyways the repo is located at

Wow. Thanks, Hiemanshu!

I've also copied these instructions over to, and am happy to 
move them somewhere else if there's a better spot on the wiki. I suspect 
that eventually we'll want to move this to the Websites space, perhaps 
after launch when we update the documentation as part of the backend 


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

The 4 Foundations thread on fedora-ambassadors

2009-12-18 Thread Mel Chua

...makes interesting reading, in case some folks here haven't seen it yet.

They refer to the Foundations - Freedom, Friends, Features, First - we 
go by,

As someone who's still comparatively new to the Fedora world (I wasn't 
here when the Foundations were first created), it's fascinating to watch 
these discussions, and how we continuously create our notions of what 
Fedora means to us.

This is the kind of good discussion that I'd love to be able to tell 
stories about, but which most people don't get to see, or even realize 
we have. Is there a way to highlight this sort of conversation - maybe 
as a Fedora Insight article - so other folks can get a glimpse into the 
kind of community we are (and hopefully, like what they see and join us)?


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

FUDCon Toronto: please take the 5-minute feedback survey

2009-12-16 Thread Mel Chua
FUDCon Toronto ( is 
over - our largest FUDCon yet! We'd love to get your thoughts on how it 
went, so:

* If you attended FUDCon Toronto, either in-person or remotely via 
Fedora Live, please take this survey and tell us what you thought.
* If you didn't attend FUDCon Toronto but wanted to, please take this 
survey and tell us how we can help you get to the next one.
* If you didn't want to go to FUDCon Toronto, please take this survey 
and tell us why - it's anonymous. ;-)

The survey is available at

There are 29 questions, most of the yes/no variety; the survey takes 
less than 5 minutes to complete (I just timed myself). A special thanks 
to Robyn Bergeron, Yaakov Nemoy, and the rest of the Fedora Marketing 
team for designing the survey so it *can* be completed in less than 5 

Questions are previewable at The survey will be active 
from 12/16/2009 through 1/8/2010, and we'll be analyzing and announcing 
the results shortly after it closes. If you're curious about the 
process, interested in helping us analyze the results, or have any 
questions in general, join the conversation on the Fedora Marketing 
mailing list 


fedora-devel-list mailing list

FUDCon survey draft - last call for feedback

2009-12-16 Thread Mel Chua
Robyn put in the survey questions last night (THANK YOU ROBYN!) and I 
made a couple edits just now and attached the printable version so you 
can see the questions we're asking so far (the same file is also 
temporarily up at

Thoughts? Here's what I did just now...

* Added a have you been to a FUDCon before? question
* Added Tuesday/after-Tuesday as leave-date options since most people 
left on Tuesday morning.

* Added Other suggestions? option for FUDCon Live

Other things I can think of...

* do we want to add a text box so people can post the URLs of any blog 
posts/etc they may have written about FUDCon?
* should we plug the Events FAD 
( and/or the 
fudcon-planning list 
( at 
the end?
* I'd like to put some sort of link to the Marketing Research page so 
folks can see how we put this survey together and that they can help us 
with it (can haz limesurvey library packagers plz), but that page needs 
a *lot* of cleanup first.

Robyn's on the road right now but we'll be in #fedora-mktg finishing 
this up and launching it out, probably in something like 1.5 hours (1900 
UTC, which is ~2pm EST for me).


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: FUDCon survey draft - last call for feedback

2009-12-16 Thread Mel Chua

In question 26, I think microblogs + Facebook + LinkedIn could be
effectively combined as Status updates via Twitter,,
Facebook, LinkedIn, etc..  I think a lot of people probably use
status-spraying tools that update all of them at once.  (That's the
if Paul has figured that out, probably lots of other people have too

Done, thanks!

* do we want to add a text box so people can post the URLs of any
blog posts/etc they may have written about FUDCon?
* should we plug the Events FAD
( and/or the
fudcon-planning list
at the end?


Done, except the blog posts are an edit this wiki page! thing now 
since we're already gathering it elsewhere.

Launching in a moment...


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

FUDCon survey: how it was/will be publicized

2009-12-16 Thread Mel Chua

For future reference, here's what I did/am about to do.

* Made a big red take this survey! box on and so 
people looking for FUDCon Toronto information will find it (this will 
have to be updated when the survey closes, btw)

* Added it to the section 
so we can keep track of it

* emailed the take this survey please! announcement to 
fedora-devel-announce, fedora-announce-list, fedora-advisory-board, and 
fudcon-planning (being sent immediately after this email)

* blogged it to Planet (coming momentarily)

Time will tell if this was enough. In the meantime, please take the 
survey and blog it up and such. :)


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: FUDCon survey: how it was/will be publicized

2009-12-16 Thread Mel Chua

* blogged it to Planet (coming momentarily)

So, I made a version with a quickie shiny picture, to test Mo's 
suggestion of if you want something to get responses, put visuals in it.

Clearly my adcopy writing skills need work, but it's a start. I'm 
looking forward to our infrastructure projects being done, because 
marketing research surveys are probably the sorts of thing we'd like to 
put out please take me! articles for on Fedora Insight.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Zikula Weekly Meeting

2009-12-16 Thread Mel Chua

Can we get a few of y'all to list out to Fedora Planet, maybe
fedora-devel-list the specific needs we have?

I.e., not just HALp!1! but specific lists of what we know we need so
far. is what I know 
about, which mostly links to

At our first meeting we should go through and make sure that list is up 
to date, and then go HALP!


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Marketing logo/icon has been requested

2009-12-16 Thread Mel Chua

I updated the ticket with a couple of small improvements (changed the
font from URW Gothic to Mgopen Modata and used the actual wordmark for
fedora), If you like the modification just update the wiki attachments.

Updated, thanks!


See the difference in the logos:

Revised logo in action:


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

SOP creation made easier

2009-12-15 Thread Mel Chua
Since we were directly inspired to create the Marketing SOPs by seeing 
how much good it's done Infrastructure to have them, I thought I'd share 
some back - we made a template and a SOP for making SOPs to make the 
SOP-generation process itself easier on folks who might not want to 
spend a lot of time on wiki editing.

They're both marketing-specific at the moment, but could be cloned for 
Infrastructure in a few minutes.

Another way to make it even easier to make SOPs would be to use, which would give you a 
text field with a button next to it; if you type a title into the text 
field and hit the button, it throws you straight into the Edit page for 
a new page with that title, with a template you prespecify already in 
there. If someone wants to implement that extension, I'd be happy to do 
the wiki work needed to document/use it for various types of 
pages-that-should-be-easy-to-create once the extension is installed.


 Original Message 
Subject: Marketing SOPs
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 13:24:30 -0500
From: Mel Chua
Reply-To: For discussions about marketing and expanding the Fedora 
user base
To: For discussions about marketing and expanding the Fedora user base

One of the projects we have between now and Alpha is to document how to
create each of our primary release deliverables in the form of a SOP[0].

You can see our current SOPs here: Some 

are more polished than others.

Of course, I had to start by making a SOP on how to make SOPs. :)

It makes use of the (also new) Marketing SOP template, That template is
meant to be a suggestion/aide to make life easier, so don't feel
compelled to stick to it if you think a different format will work
better for you.


[0] Standard Operating Procedure - we used to call them HOWTOs, but I
switched the term to be more consistent with the terminology other teams
use (specifically, The HOWTO
pages have been redirected/recategorized to reflect this.

Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Marketing Infrastructure projects, update 2009-12-15

2009-12-15 Thread Mel Chua
Since a substantial portion of what Marketing is working on between now 
and Alpha (March 2) is getting infrastructure/tools up so we can do our 
work efficiently for the rest of the cycle, here's a quick update on our 
two big marketing-related infrastructure projects, also sent to 
Logistics for cross-team goodness (and mayyybe packaging help? maybe?).

Project 1: Zikula

This is for (which 
includes FWN, and will be largely reusable for Docs), and progress is 
being tracked on the logistics list,

We are currently (still) on publictest6. We want to have soft-launched 
on production by Alpha (March 3).

Simon has an overview of the remaining work that needs to be done before 
we can be puppetized 
He's also updated the how to set up a zikula sandbox instructions,

We are blocked by final fixes to the theme (design/CSS help needed!) 
which will then need to be packaged, as well as licensing issues with 
but it looks like the interaction between Fedora and Zikula folks is 
beginning to snowball 
I'd like to see if we can get packagers + upstream on IRC at the same 
time to just Work Out these licensing issues at one go, because asynch 
communication is Very Slow.

After those blockers are out, I *think* we'll be go for puppetizing.

Project 2: Limesurvey

This is for, and 
seems like it should be relatively straightforward (but then again, 
that's what I thought for zikula...) Robyn Bergeron and Ryan Rix are 
driving this from the Marketing side of things, but I'm temporarily 
stepping in for Ryan since he's afk for exams this week.

As far as I know, there's only one package involved in this (limesurvey) 
which is still under review 
( It *sounds* from 
the comments like it should be done and ready for approval, but a 
reviewer (*coughIancough* is needed).

In the meantime, I tried installing the latest SRPM from Eric (Sparks) 
on pt6, and failboated, details here: 
Once the package is approved and installed on pt6, I *think* that's all 
we'll need (we might want to change the logo, but that's trivial and I 
really can't think of anything else atm).

In the meantime-meantime, because we need to get the FUDCon survey up 
yesterday, we're giving limeservice $10 to host a 250-response survey 
for us so we can start administering that survey tomorrow. That means 
we'll have a db ready to migrate whenever our limesurvey instance goes 
up, plus people with familiarity administering limesurvey software via 
the web interface (some of us, myself included, have used it before and 
know the rudiments).

Questions? Comments? Am I missing something? (Is this helpful?)


Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: [Ambassadors] During some of my review of the Fedora 12 Constantine, Fedora 12 Talking Points. :)

2009-12-15 Thread Mel Chua

On 12/15/2009 08:49 AM, Paul W. Frields wrote:

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 12:31:23AM -0500, David Ramsey wrote:

Hello Everyone,

Greetings. :)

During some of my review of the Fedora 12 Constantine content as
well as Fedora 13 Goddard content being developed, I find the
following in the Fedora_12_Talking_Points.

There is some entry for Fedora Electronic Lab, eh?  I do not
understand this for my presentation.

I think this was added post-freeze of this content.

I think the FEL is a great project and highly worthy of mention as an
application of our 'spin' concept.  It's very appealing to an audience
that is involved in electronics engineering and other hardware
oriented development and hacking.

However, it probably should be featured somewhere other than the
general release talking points.  That's one of the reasons we set up
the new Spins sites:

I'll revert that edit.

Thanks for the catch, David - and for the edit, Paul. Copying the 
Marketing list on this.

The Talking Points that the Marketing team produces for our release 
deliverables are talking points for the Desktop (GNOME) Spin.

However, the reason we're writing howtos/SOPs[0] for each of the 
Marketing deliverables our team produces is precisely so that individual 
projects (including Spins) can easily make their own versions of our 
deliverables. It's my hope that we'll see talking points, one-page 
release notes, etc. made by multiple Spin teams for F13, and we'll do 
everything we can to make it easy for those teams to do so, in the 
spirit of making tools available so that people can more readily scratch 
their own itches.

Suggestions/feedback welcome - the first step is getting the howtos up 
and written, which will be done by Alpha; they'll be announced to the 
Marketing mailing list as well as posted on as they are 
completed, if you'd like to add that page to your watchlist.


[0] Standard Operating Procedures

Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Marketing logo/icon has been requested

2009-12-15 Thread Mel Chua
Just so you folks know: I submitted a ticket to the Design Team to get 
us a little shiny on our wiki pages, which Robyn has just gone through 
and cleaned up. ;)


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Marketing SOPs

2009-12-15 Thread Mel Chua
One of the projects we have between now and Alpha is to document how to 
create each of our primary release deliverables in the form of a SOP[0].

You can see our current SOPs here: Some 
are more polished than others.

Of course, I had to start by making a SOP on how to make SOPs. :)

It makes use of the (also new) Marketing SOP template, That template is 
meant to be a suggestion/aide to make life easier, so don't feel 
compelled to stick to it if you think a different format will work 
better for you.


[0] Standard Operating Procedure - we used to call them HOWTOs, but I 
switched the term to be more consistent with the terminology other teams 
use (specifically, The HOWTO 
pages have been redirected/recategorized to reflect this.

Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Marketing SOPs

2009-12-15 Thread Mel Chua

On 12/15/2009 01:24 PM, Mel Chua wrote:

One of the projects we have between now and Alpha is to document how to
create each of our primary release deliverables in the form of a SOP[0].

This was inspired by the Infrastructure Team SOPs, so I've also shared 
back with them what we've done:

Different teams within Fedora have different practices and ways of doing 
things, and if we see an idea that we like - no matter where it's from - 
then we should try to adopt it, and share our results back upstream. 
;) Another good example of this is our Trac queue, which we didn't have 
until midway through the F12 release cycle - it was inspired by seeing 
how the Design Team kept track of work requests using their queue.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Marketing logo/icon has been requested

2009-12-15 Thread Mel Chua

Well, that was fast.

Tatica made us a logo, which you can see on - it's actually from a logo she 
created for the LATAM Marketing group (we have one of those? sweet!), last month.

Source at and

To use it, include this text at the top of a wiki page:


Enjoy - and thanks, Tatica! Less than two hours from idea to execution, 
if you look at the timestamps on the ticket. Woo!


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Marketing SOPs

2009-12-15 Thread Mel Chua

Different teams within Fedora have different practices and ways of doing
things, and if we see an idea that we like - no matter where it's from -
then we should try to adopt it, and share our results back upstream.

Another good way of sharing ideas: blogging! This one should hit the 
Planet shortly.

If you don't already have a blog on Planet, this is a great time to 
start. There are instructions on - ask on-list or 
in-channel if you have any questions.

I'm done now. :)


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Marketing Infrastructure projects, update 2009-12-15

2009-12-15 Thread Mel Chua
Since a substantial portion of what Marketing is working on between now 
and Alpha (March 2) is getting infrastructure/tools up so we can do our 
work efficiently for the rest of the cycle, here's a quick update on our 
two big marketing-related infrastructure projects, also sent to 
Logistics for cross-team goodness (and mayyybe packaging help? maybe?).

Project 1: Zikula

This is for (which 
includes FWN, and will be largely reusable for Docs), and progress is 
being tracked on the logistics list,

We are currently (still) on publictest6. We want to have soft-launched 
on production by Alpha (March 3).

Simon has an overview of the remaining work that needs to be done before 
we can be puppetized 
He's also updated the how to set up a zikula sandbox instructions,

We are blocked by final fixes to the theme (design/CSS help needed!) 
which will then need to be packaged, as well as licensing issues with 
but it looks like the interaction between Fedora and Zikula folks is 
beginning to snowball 
I'd like to see if we can get packagers + upstream on IRC at the same 
time to just Work Out these licensing issues at one go, because asynch 
communication is Very Slow.

After those blockers are out, I *think* we'll be go for puppetizing.

Project 2: Limesurvey

This is for, and 
seems like it should be relatively straightforward (but then again, 
that's what I thought for zikula...) Robyn Bergeron and Ryan Rix are 
driving this from the Marketing side of things, but I'm temporarily 
stepping in for Ryan since he's afk for exams this week.

As far as I know, there's only one package involved in this (limesurvey) 
which is still under review 
( It *sounds* from 
the comments like it should be done and ready for approval, but a 
reviewer (*coughIancough* is needed).

In the meantime, I tried installing the latest SRPM from Eric (Sparks) 
on pt6, and failboated, details here: 
Once the package is approved and installed on pt6, I *think* that's all 
we'll need (we might want to change the logo, but that's trivial and I 
really can't think of anything else atm).

In the meantime-meantime, because we need to get the FUDCon survey up 
yesterday, we're giving limeservice $10 to host a 250-response survey 
for us so we can start administering that survey tomorrow. That means 
we'll have a db ready to migrate whenever our limesurvey instance goes 
up, plus people with familiarity administering limesurvey software via 
the web interface (some of us, myself included, have used it before and 
know the rudiments).

Questions? Comments? Am I missing something? (Is this helpful?)


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: FUDCon Survey Update

2009-12-15 Thread Mel Chua


2) Robyn to sync up with Mel on login / password information - we
will be doing a one-time hosted survey on limesurvey's website (cost

All set, we've got and Robyn has the 
admin details (I believe - will doublecheck tonight or tomorrow morning 
or whenever we're both awake and online again).

Cost for 250 additional responses (total now 275) was actually $22, but 
that's okay.

As a side effect, we now have a budget-tracking page (this may be our 
only F13 receipt, though):


1) Robyn to get final question list out this afternoon.

3) Robyn to get questions posted to survey this evening

4) Robyn / Mel to do quick eyeball of survey in the morning to make
sure it is kosher

5) Robyn or Mel to do email blast announcing survey tomorrow.  Per
stickster: ideal mailing lists arestickster  mchua: rbergeron:
FUDCon survey publicity -- I would hit up: fedora-devel-announce,
fedora-announce-list, fedora-advisory-board, fudcon-planning

6) Survey to run 12/16/09 - 1/8/10 - with an email reminder on


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Zikula Weekly Meeting

2009-12-15 Thread Mel Chua

The following people need to be at the meeting:

David (ke4qqq)

Eric (Sparks)

Mel (mchua)

available except for Mon 15:00-16:00 UTC and Tue 20:00-21:00 UTC

Simon (itbegins)

Anyone else?

If those NEED people could send me their available times I'll put
together a time to meet.

Also, we could use some additional packagers.  If you would like to help
us out, please let me know that as well and I'll include your schedule
in my consideration.

If you'd like to help, don't know how to package, but want to learn, 
there are a bunch of us in the same or close-to-the-same situation (me, 
Karsten, Matthew Daniels, Aaron Clark, etc...) trying to get a Learn To 
Package! week together - join us on the Classroom 
(, mailing list if you're 
interested, I'm going to start a thread there now.

It might not help us out tremendously *right now*, to be completely 
honest - but we *will* need to fine-tune, tweak, revise, and launch 
v.2.0 of all these sites at *some* point in the future, and 
capacity-building for that day is a Very Good Idea.

(If you *can* package and want to teach others how to package so we can 
tackle this stuff so you don't have to, please please please *please* 
let us know.)


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Zikula Weekly Meeting

2009-12-15 Thread Mel Chua

If you'd like to help, don't know how to package, but want to learn,
there are a bunch of us in the same or close-to-the-same situation
(me, Karsten, Matthew Daniels, Aaron Clark, etc...) trying to get a
Learn To Package! week together - join us on the Classroom
(, mailing list if you're
interested, I'm going to start a thread there now.

Add me to this list as well, I am also a part of the I want to learn to
be packager, somebody please help me Group. A classroom for it would
just be great. I was hoping someone would have helped me when
took place, but well no one had the time.

Yeah, this seems to be a common thread...

Let's fix it. Join the Classroom thread on 
and we'll get more packaging firepower for Marketing, Docs, and whoever 
else wants to learn it.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Meeting minutes 2009-12-15

2009-12-15 Thread Mel Chua
Oh! I totally forgot to send these out earlier this afternoon. Added to

Action-packed meeting, notes well worth reading - our velocity this week 
is VERY HIGH (as you may have seen from list traffic today. ;)

Meeting summary
* agenda  (mchua, 20:05:08)
  * LINK:
(mchua, 20:05:08)

* wiki cleanup  (mchua, 20:06:07)
  * LINK:   (rbergeron,

* trac!  (rbergeron, 20:10:37)
  * ACTION: triage party post marketing-meeting to clean up old trac
stuff / roll over what is continuing  (rbergeron, 20:15:27)

* status check - marketing projects infrastructure  (rbergeron,
  * ACTION: mchua convene Unblock The Zikula Packages meeting  (mchua,
  * ACTION: mchua start the let's queue up FI material party across
the various teams involved  (mchua, 20:19:19)

* status - fedora-tour / infrastructure stuff  (rbergeron, 20:20:45)

* status limesurvey / infrastructure status  (rbergeron, 20:22:29)
  * LINK:   (mchua,
  * ACTION: mchua to announce to marketing-list when limesurvey is up on
pt6  (mchua, 20:24:07)
  * AGREED: limesurvey hosting for $10 for 250 responses for the FUDCon
survey while we get our own infra up  (mchua, 20:29:23)
  * ACTION: mchua get limesurvey fedora domain stuff up with extra 250
responses paid for  (mchua, 20:30:49)
  * ACTION: mchua ask stickster what channels to publicize FUDCon survey
on  (mchua, 20:31:39)
  * ACTION: rbergero to get survey questions out this afternoon for
quick review  (rbergeron, 20:37:30)
  * ACTION: mchua to figure out how to hook rbergero up with access to or whatever the subdomain is so that rbergero
can post questions  (rbergeron, 20:38:05)
  * ACTION: survey to go live / info out on mailing lists  (rbergeron,
  * ACTION: ^^^ 12/16/09 noonish!  (rbergeron, 20:38:52)
  * ACTION: survey out dec. 16; reminder mail jan. 4; close jan. 8
(rbergeron, 20:46:40)

* open floor  (rbergeron, 20:47:59)
  * LINK:   (quaid, 20:55:45)

* SOPs  (mchua, 20:56:11)

* #open floor  (mchua, 20:56:37)

* SOPs  (mchua, 20:58:05)
  * our SOPs are now easy to make!  (mchua, 20:58:05)
  * LINK: has a
list of current SOPs as well as a SOP on how to make SOPs.  (mchua,
  * LINK: has
the longer narrative  (mchua, 20:58:08)

* logo!  (mchua, 20:58:14)
  * we have shiny flair, thanks to tatica for making us a logo! Check it
out on our wiki page...  (mchua, 20:58:14)
  * LINK:   (mchua, 20:58:17)
  * the svg source is available, it's linked to from the image directly
(mchua, 20:58:20)
  * LINK:
(mchua, 20:58:23)

* open floor  (mchua, 20:58:27)
  * LINK:
(wwoods, 20:59:56)
  * LINK: items
next week, which sounds like a good plan; between now and then, we
have a FUDCon survey to get out, and more infrastructure to put up
(mchua, 21:00:56)
  * LINK:
(wwoods, 21:01:09)
  * LINK:   (hiemanshu, 21:01:40)
  * ACTION: next week: go through brainstorm items, try to get some
estimates on time / resources needed / etc.  (rbergeron, 21:01:52)
  * ACTION: chew on this: quaid I can see two things - i) many features
and sub-projects could use a  (rbergeron, 21:02:46)
  * ACTION: I can see two things - i) many features and sub-projects
could use a from research to PR for their work, and ii) we can
start doing this with Desktop right away to define something
repeatable  (hiemanshu, 21:03:08)
  * ACTION: mchua publish meeting-with-Desktop notes  (mchua, 21:03:16)

* infrastructure update - fedora-tour  (rbergeron, 21:07:26)

Meeting ended at 21:15:52 UTC.

Action Items

* triage party post marketing-meeting to clean up old trac stuff / roll
  over what is continuing
* mchua convene Unblock The Zikula Packages meeting
* mchua start the let's queue up FI material party across the various
  teams involved
* mchua to announce to marketing-list when limesurvey is up on pt6
* mchua get limesurvey fedora domain stuff up with extra 250 responses
  paid for
* mchua ask stickster what channels to publicize FUDCon survey on
* rbergero to get survey questions out this afternoon for quick review
* mchua to figure out how to hook rbergero up 

Re: Meeting minutes 2009-12-15

2009-12-15 Thread Mel Chua

On 12/16/2009 12:56 AM, Robyn Bergeron wrote:

Man! I -totally- forgot about the Trac Triage Party post-meeting.
Maybe we can do it post-meeting next week - today was spent getting
the FUDCon survey stuff going.

Edited to 
reflect this and the topics we agreed on at the meeting, more eloquent 
rephrasings very very welcome.

Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Updated Fedora 13 Marketing Schedule

2009-12-14 Thread Mel Chua

On 12/13/2009 11:13 AM, Robyn Bergeron wrote:

I was thinking I may, instead of doing the sprint on the marketing
wiki during the next mktg meeting, just do it today - I've written up
everything that needs to be moved / refreshed (for a how-to)
but...there really isn't a whole heck of a lot.

Anyway, that would free us up tuesday to do the more detailed
scheduling and / or cleaning up trac / filing new tickets.  Does this
seem reasonable, or do you need more time to work on how-tos?  We can
probably also use the time to go through the gravy / nice to have
list and guesstimate some some time / resources needed for those
tasks, for when new folks are looking for something to work on. :)

Nah, I should be working on HOWTOs outside of meeting bandwidth anyway - 
but maybe we can use Tuesday's sprint time to do the final push for 
deployment of the FUDCon survey, which really should have been deployed 
today (memories are probably starting to fade at this point, today marks 
the 1-week-since-FUDCon-ended date).

I think it's one of those wow, surveys take a long time to get out the 
first time we're putting out a survey things, and the 
how-to-design-a-survey process and the do we have tools to deploy it? 
process will be vastly improved next time (say, for F13).


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting

2009-12-14 Thread Mel Chua
Details and agenda at

See you folks there!


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Marketing FAD 2010 - First Brainstorm

2009-12-13 Thread Mel Chua

I would be interested but is there a point in adding myself? I didn't
see anyone outside US.

Henrik is in Germany, everyone else is spread as far apart across the 
USA as you can go (Poelstra and I are about 3,000 miles apart), and we 
will definitely be having a remote participation component for Pascal. 
Go for it!


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Updated Fedora 13 Marketing Schedule

2009-12-13 Thread Mel Chua

On 12/11/2009 01:17 PM, Robyn Bergeron wrote:

Did we previously have in-depth features on here?

Yep! And we still do, they're just called Feature Profiles (item 6) here.

John was asking if we could add more timeline/detail to each of our 5 
deliverables, so that means the next time I sit down to work on 
Marketing, I'll probably be cranking through the HOWTO drafts for each 
deliverable so we can figure out what other dates (if any) we need to set.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Post FUDCon Survey

2009-12-13 Thread Mel Chua

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 10:46 AM, Mel  wrote:

about it... perhaps we go with the temp solution now, and simultaneously
schedule a get limesurvey up hackfest at some point?

On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 1:41 PM, Robyn  wrote:

If someone is interested in getting the infrastructure up internally
while you guys are at FUDCon (btw, my status is I fail, I haven't even
filed tickets yet... sorry!) I can get the questions up this weekend
on it.

Alternately, if that's not possible, I can do the temporary, JUST
TEMPORARY, fix of doing it on limeservice.

Yaakov, can you send the questions you were interested in asking to
the list?  I'll add them to the other list of questions (they will
resemble what is in ... with
obvious changes about dates/places, etc), post the full final question
list to the mailing list for general approval, and get them up.

Let me know what you guys think.  Sorry I'm not there :)


On 12/04/2009 04:36 PM, Robyn Bergeron wrote:
 And a heads up - Limeservice allows 25 free respondents, after that
 there is a fee ($10 for 100, $22 for 250, etc.)  I'm assuming we would
 have more than 25, but if there is more than 100 (or I guess, 125)
 then let me know, if that is the route we want to go down
 -temporarily- :)


Wrapping up this email thread - I think Ryan was going to get us 
limesurvey up on infra soon, but I'm not sure if this is coming in time 
to use it for the FUDCon survey. Ryan, any thoughts? Should Robyn be 
getting up a temporary fix for just this one survey?


PS: There's a high probability that someone will reply and tell me oh, 
we figured this out in #fedora-mktg days ago, we're all set. ;)

Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Marketing FAD 2010 - First Brainstorm

2009-12-11 Thread Mel Chua

It looks like we're already starting to build up a roster on the
wiki page.  Right now it's only 4, though.  When the wiki comes back
up, I'll add myself.

I was thinking about adding myself but was worried about swelling the
ranks and budget.  If I came I'd keep my FPL hat on for purposes of
doing Great Karnac impressions, but would mostly be there in the
same Get Stuff Done mode as everyone else.

I'd say we should get a good a gauge of interest as we can, and if we 
have more people than we can take, that's a *great* problem, and we can 
split into subsprints, or have a virtual component for folks who can't 
make it there in person, etc.

So yeah, sign up, sign up!


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: our meeting today

2009-12-08 Thread Mel Chua

Our meeting today: F13 planning. Let's take all the ideas from:


(and these too)

...and figure out our deliverables and schedule, and where our 
individual plans for the release cycle intersect, and how we're going to 
coordinate our work.

I sat down with John Poelstra yesterday and we came up with what we 
think - and hope - is a drastically simplified way of thinking about the 
schedule that we'd like to run by folks. I'm on a bus from Toronto to 
Boston and will get online and update wiki pages and the like as soon as 
we cross the border and my mobile broadband doesn't cost ridiculous 
amounts per MB, but wanted to give y'all a heads-up now.

See you online this afternoon!


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Meeting minutes 2009-12-08

2009-12-08 Thread Mel Chua
F13 planning - we know our release deliverables for the F13 cycle and 
what we're going to do between now and Alpha to get up the tools we need 
to make those things more easily. Sweet!

Signing off from the FUDBus,


20:57:14  zodbot Minutes:
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20:57:18  zodbot Log:

Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting

2009-12-07 Thread Mel Chua
Details and agenda at

See you folks there!


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Zikula hackfest details

2009-12-06 Thread Mel Chua

If you're joining us online, look in #fedora-mktg for pcalarco (Pascal), 
itbegins (Simon) or mchua (myself) and we'll get you started.

If you're joining us in person, head to room 4 in the SEQ building - 
we'll be there all day.

Today's goal: get Fedora Insight up on staging and migrate FWN's 
workflow to it. Hoo-yah!


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Simon's FUDCon zikula session notes

2009-12-05 Thread Mel Chua
Simon Birtwistle's talk, just completed, on zikula - a CMS that's going 
to be used by Docs and Marketing and News (in various ways for each). It 
was awesomeness, and the crowd was fun.

Max and I had this transcribing-tag-team-thing going on here, so the 
full logs are pretty complete (WOO! LOGS!) - we ended with a game plan 
for the hackfest on Sunday and Monday, which I'll post shortly.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Zikula hackfest gameplan

2009-12-05 Thread Mel Chua
Our gameplan for the next two days: everything is at

Please ask questions, point out holes, etc. - we literally *just* came 
up with this. This is also where you can sign up to help. 

I think that Sparks and ke4qqq were planning on spending some time with 
us, which would be *awesome* - and that mmcgrath will be dropping by at 
the end of both days to check in - but I'm not sure what people's plans 
actually are, so I just took a guess for me/Simon/Pascal to start. 
(Simon, Pascal, feel free to edit this to something more correct and/or 

I defaulted to #fedora-mktg as our IRC channel for the day, because I 
know we're going to have remote participants, but would be glad to move 
it to a more neutral place if there's a better location for this (if 
#fedora-logistics were populated, I'd do it there).

Comments? Thoughts? Halp? Yay! We'll keep you updated.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Zikula hackfest gameplan

2009-12-05 Thread Mel Chua

 Our gameplan for the next two days: everything is at

And I've blogged it here:

Hope to see folks online or in person tomorrow! More hackfestin' details 
coming when we have them.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: [in the news] Fedora 12: a conversation with Paul Frields

2009-12-03 Thread Mel Chua
On 11/25/2009 04:52 PM, inode0 wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 4:02 PM, Kara  wrote:

 Fedora 12: a conversation with Paul Frields
 By Rebecca Sobol

 Last week, just before the final release of Fedora 12 was announced, I had the opportunity to speak with
 Fedora Project Leader Paul Frields. The following article is based on that

 Full article:

For those of you without a LWN subscription, this article (an interview with 
Paul on F12) became freely available today.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Marketing responses to the user research plan

2009-12-02 Thread Mel Chua
Thanks to Tatica for an awesome user research interview! (It was *so* 
much fun.)

The super-short summary is on the table:

The longer summary is on the wiki page:

And the raw log is at 
I've also linked it from

Chime in on the notes if you have anything else to add - I'd love for 
our stakeholder interview notes to represent as many of our voices as 


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Post FUDCon Survey

2009-12-02 Thread Mel Chua

On 12/02/2009 03:25 AM, wrote:

Hey List,

Has there been some thought given to doing a post FUDCon survey like
we've done in the past? I asked Mel about this, but she wasn't sure what
the status of implementing some survey software was.

If possible, i would like to be able to run a small survey (5
questions) about Fedora Live after FUDCon so we can see where it was
most effective and where it fell flat.


So, I found and 
noted that we've used email and keysurvey in the past, neither of which 
sound like actual good long-term solutions to me.

I think Robyn was working on getting limesurvey up into our 
infrastructure, not sure what the status on that is or what remaining 
work needs to be done before limesurvey hits production.

One temporary solution (just for the FUDCon survey) before that goes 
into production would be, which is a free 
hosted limesurvey service (well, the free part comes with usage 
limitations, but I think it might work as a temporary fix). I hesitate a 
little at temporary fixes because they have a way of becoming permanent, 
but if we're vigilant about it... perhaps we go with the temp solution 
now, and simultaneously schedule a get limesurvey up hackfest at some 

Any other thoughts?


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: F13 goals and marketing objectives...

2009-12-02 Thread Mel Chua

On 12/02/2009 09:44 AM, María Leandro wrote:


and also a small link on get.fedora that could say:

Still don't know which Fedora download?
Take this test and figured out!

Added to brainstorm list, 
Now we just need to find someone interested in picking up on this. ;)


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Post FUDCon Survey

2009-12-02 Thread Mel Chua

about it... perhaps we go with the temp solution now, and simultaneously
schedule a get limesurvey up hackfest at some point?

FUDCon comes with hackfests. No?

Got time to run one? ;) Most of my energies on Sunday and Monday are 
going to be going towards getting Fedora Insight launched at the Zikula 
hackfest (WE WILL NEED HELP. COME HELP US!), so I can't chip in then...


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Fedora twitter account

2009-12-01 Thread Mel Chua

Obviously I don't just want to paste this login info to the wiki, but
if someone has suggestions for how to handle it, I'm all ears.

So we haven't actually used our FAS group membership for anything useful 
yet, but it could hypothetically do access control for a document with 
the login information for these kinds of social networking sites.

...yes, that made the (not particularly knowledgeable, either) security 
part of my brain twitch. But I imagine it's a thought that others might 
be able to improve on.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: F13 goals and marketing objectives...

2009-12-01 Thread Mel Chua

Are there specific overall goals for F13 posted / written down / being
discussed? Or is this something being discussed at fudcon?

Wow. Thanks for asking this, Robyn - I forwarded it to the because I 
think that's where the best discussions/answers are likely to come out.

Thread is here:


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: F13 goals and marketing objectives...

2009-12-01 Thread Mel Chua

Throwing some ideas for measurable-ish goals out there:

Ported to 
as well.

Ryan, thanks for aggregating and posting the notes! (And also 
inadvertently reminding me I didn't send out meeting minutes, which I'll 
do momentarily... I wonder what this email is going to remind somebody of?)


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Meeting minutes 2009-12-01

2009-12-01 Thread Mel Chua

Posted on




Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting

2009-11-30 Thread Mel Chua
Details and agenda at

See you folks there!


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: A report on Fedora 12

2009-11-30 Thread Mel Chua

Is someone interested in writing just a brief overview and some mayor
points. Do you have something prewritten I can modify.

Some useful resources:

We try to list them at 


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Video: 5 Fun Things in Fedora 12

2009-11-30 Thread Mel Chua

Oh wow, I'm really glad I did this then - I think casual videos like
this can be a really cool way for each of us to show off what we know,
because I think everybody approaches Fedora a bit differently and
discovers different things so we can learn a lot from each other.
Sweet! :)

MEME TIME! (I use Istanbul)

Here is the raw English transcript to translate:

So, ah...

0. It was great to see the one-page release notes get localized, and 
I've heard some requests to try to get the Marketing stuff more i18n'd
1. I'm trying to learn Spanish (and Chinese, for that matter, though 
it's harder for me to translate things into Chinese).
2. I figure this is as good a way as any to learn how to work with our 
translation workflow.

So, with a lot of help from Google Translate, I took 15 minutes and 

What should I do next? (Other than get someone to proofread/fix my Spanish.)

Thanks for the transcript, Mo - as someone who needs them, I really 
appreciate subtitles/captions/transcripts. I reckon I should look into 
getting and packaged sometime and 
going on a feedback/bug-reporting spree for both + similar projects.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Twitter account

2009-11-29 Thread Mel Chua

On 11/29/2009 10:34 AM, susmit shannigrahi wrote:

Hi Paul,

I'd like to ensure that the Fedora Marketing team has access to that
Twitter account. Also I'd like to make sure that we don't have a
single point of responsibility/failure for it if it represents the
Project. Can you email the login details to me so I can coordinate the
access among multiple people?

In this context, let me mention that I have shared planetfedora
twitter/identica access with tatica to ensure there is no single point
of failure.

Here's what I think needs to be done:

1. Each social networking account gets an email alias
2. That email alias forwards to one (or more) maintainers
3. Email alias + maintainers list is posted publicly somewhere

At least that seems the simplest way to me. Kam already started the 
process for fedora_project twitter,


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Fascinating reading: KDE brand repositioning

2009-11-28 Thread Mel Chua
Interesting reading from just a few days ago: the KDE folks have just 
been through a large rebranding project. (KDE SIG folks, do please chime 
in if you know about this!)

Fascinating reading, including the supplementary more information 
links ( and

If someone's interested, this might be something to ask the KDE 
Marketing folks about, and thinking about how their experiences with 
this process might be applicable to the various ideas we've been 
considering for this release cycle (and beyond).


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Thinking out loud about a Fedora Handbook

2009-11-28 Thread Mel Chua

On 11/25/2009 11:34 PM, sankarshan wrote:

A while back I had stolen some neurons from Rahul and Susmit while
The page has a bit of detail but it is somewhat nebulous and

Having a handbook that is project focused would be a good addition
to release-centric flyers. Would anyone like to take a look at this
and, figure out how to move forward with the content ? The original
idea I had was to re-use existing content so as to not burden everyone
with writing fresh snappy lines.

Thinking out loud a little bit...

I think this would be a great project to take on for F13.

It's also, like every other project in Fedora, dependent on people here 
being excited about working on it (and able to do so) - although the 
timing seems right, with the a lot of the base material (the Four 
Foundations [0], etc) already existing somewhere on the wiki, and with 
momentum in this general area going strong with conversations about 
what is Fedora? happening at f-a-b, the website redesign and user 
research underway, marketing research starting, and the like.

Since it's not release-specific it's something we could work on early in 
the release cycle, even pre-Alpha. And it's something we could do as a 
series of joint Ambassadors/Marketing sprints, since they'll be the ones 
using this handbook at events, and we're looking for ways to get the two 
teams working more closely together (and this would be an awesome 
start). We could try to print the first round at the Marketing FAD [1] 
we'll likely be planing for sometime in the middle of this release cycle.

Also, these came to mind as potential sources of inspiration:

These are just my late-night ramblings, so I'd love to hear what others 
think about the concept.

Is anyone interested in driving this project, or do you know someone who 
might be? This would make a great project for someone interested in (or 
interested in learning about) print media, perhaps some of the folks who 
were keen on



Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Fedora twitter account

2009-11-28 Thread Mel Chua

On 11/28/2009 11:01 PM, John Poelstra wrote:

Mel Chua said the following on 11/27/2009 10:19 PM Pacific Time: ( in general,
if anyone is interested in working on that aspect of our marketing

I removed Mugshot since it does not appear to be in operation any more.


Thanks, John!

To further entice folks to pick up on our social networking strategy, 
here was a not-too-long-ago thread on this topic:

Pascal offered LinkedIn and Facebook:

Robyn asked if there was a master list, 
- and I suppose we've just discovered that there is. :) So I added the page to the section - that way we 
hit it during our F13 planning discussions.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Fedora twitter account

2009-11-27 Thread Mel Chua
Just a FYI for everyone: the Fedora twitter account has passed hands 
from Kam Salisbury to Matías Kreder (Cc'd).

Here's a look at how this happened:

1. Kam calls for a new maintainer,

2. Matías takes over,
3. The alias is pointed to Matías's 
fedoraproject email address:

Having email aliases that forward to the maintainers seems like a good 
procedure to follow for all ( in general, if 
anyone is interested in working on that aspect of our marketing strategy.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Self Introduction

2009-11-27 Thread Mel Chua

My name is Matias Kreder, I've been using Fedora since Fedora Core 5,
I'm an Ambassador for Buenos Aires, Argentina where I live.

I'd like to join the Marketing group and also this mailing list in order
to be in touch, and to receive suggestions because today Kam Salisbury
sent me the account information to maintain the @fedora_linux account on

If any of you have something to announce via twitter, please feel free
to contact me!

Welcome, Matias! I've approved your group membership in FAS - thanks for 
taking over our Twitter account!

How can we help you out? The first thing I can think of is that news 
articles we find are sent to this list marked with an [in the news] tag 
in the subject line, so those are pretty easy to spot if you're looking 
for material to retweet.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Self-introduction: Ryan Rix (PhrkOnLsh)

2009-11-27 Thread Mel Chua

After talking with Mel Chua and Ankur Sinha on the #Fedora-mktg channel last
night, Ankur and I have decided to embark on a Marketing project[1] for either
F13, or the F14 feature track. As a result, I've decided to actually join the
Marketing team, so here is my formal self-introduction :)

Welcome, Ryan! I've approved your FAS group membership.

*What do you want to talk about?
Fedora, of course! I'm a member of the KDE SIG, so that's where my expertise
in the distro lies, but pretty much anything related to the project, the
distro or the people is open territory :)

Speaking of which, I think we could use some work on making it (even) 
easier for the various spins to market themselves... Chitlesh is very 
active at doing this for FEL, and KDE sounds like another logical group 
to spearhead a More Resources For Spins To Do Their Own Cool Marketing 
Stuff! charge if that's something the SIG might be interested in.


I'm very much looking forward to hearing more about this. Please keep us 
updated! (Are we going to get a we've started this project! intro 
email soon?)


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Clearing out the FAS marketing group request queue

2009-11-27 Thread Mel Chua
To make it easier to welcome new folks into Marketing, I'm cleaning out 
all old requests from the FAS marketing group request queue, as I 
haven't been able to find the introduction emails that are prerequisites 
for FAS group membership from any of the people on that list.

If you were on that list and are still interested in joining the 
Marketing team (which I hope you are!) instructions on how to do so are 
Note that you need an introduction email to the Marketing mailing list 
before you request FAS membership. (And if you're bringing a new person 
into Marketing, please help them walk through the join instructions on 
that page.)


PS: Right now, the marketing FAS group doesn't actually let you do 
anything, it just marks membership - but that (along with the Join 
process) is something we might want to discuss as a group during our F13 
strategic planning meeting. Which, I might add, is happening in 1.5 
weeks on 12/8 (usual meeting time).

Some other groups have things they do to help new folks get started (the 
mentoring program in Ambassadors, the way Infrastructure asks people to 
contribute for a while before they grant group membership, etc) that we 
may want to adopt. That's a separate topic I'll bring up at our next 
meeting, though.

Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Introducing myself

2009-11-25 Thread Mel Chua

On 11/25/2009 02:23 PM, Tareq Al Jurf wrote:

I'm Tareq Al Jurf. I'm from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Welcome, Tareq! I've approved your membership request in FAS.

What Marketing projects are you interested in working on (or starting)? 
We have a few listed at, along with the 
deliverables we do for every release 
( we 
do for every release.

We're also at the beginning of the F13 planning cycle right now, so this 
is the perfect time to come up with new ideas. As an Ambassador, you're 
in a particularly good position to think about the kinds of initiatives 
that would help Marketing support Ambassadors, too.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Fedora Electronic Lab presentation at JM2L This friday

2009-11-25 Thread Mel Chua

It is with great pleasure I'm announcing that Laurent Charpentier will
held a presentation about Fedora Electronic Lab this Friday at 16:00
in Sophia-Antipolis.

About FEL :

Thanks for keeping us informed!

Chitlesh, you seem to be doing an excellent job of marketing for your 
spin - do you think the kinds of things you're doing are skills that 
other spins (and possibly remix?) maintainers would be interested in 

PS: needs some cleanup.

Yep - that's an Ambassadors page, so I might ping that list with a if 
you're looking for a quick way to volunteer... note.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: [in the news] Fedora 12: a conversation with Paul Frields

2009-11-25 Thread Mel Chua

Full article:

I don't suppose there are any unused LWN subscriptions?

I don't know, but the site notes that this item will become freely 
available on December 3, 2009, so I've put a note on my calendar to 
re-ping this list about the article then.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: example content

2009-11-24 Thread Mel Chua
Because it's brainstorm time and I'm procrastinating on FUDCon 
accounting... ;)

* FWN podcast,
* the might 
have more suggestions / be able to come up with something audio-related
* SVG versions of the one-page release notes are at and might 
make a nice hey, try Inkscape prompter.
* GIMP-transformed images of Fedora contributors alongside their 
originals and some how we did this notes - see the Do It With 
Fedora! section in the middle of for inspiration
* in spreadsheet format adding 
up total downloads
* a screencast on how to use to go 
from I'm interested! to I have a FAS account and am posting an intro 
on a mailing list? or I'm on IRC! or something of the sort.


PS: These are also the kinds of things the Marketing team can make on 
request - just ask at ;)

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Meeting minutes 11/20/2009

2009-11-24 Thread Mel Chua

On 11/24/2009 03:26 PM, Athanasios E. Samaras wrote:

Hello team,
here are the logs on the latest Marketing sprint on a new idea to create
a wiki about Fedora's success stories.

And failures that we've learned from and turned into successes. :)

Thanks to Sakis for running today's sprint - I cleaned up and 
categorized the story list we came up with, it's here:

Also under

Sakis, what's the next step for moving forward with this?


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

User research stakeholder interviews

2009-11-24 Thread Mel Chua
Tatica is going to be doing the Marketing interview for the User 
Research project ( 
sometime tomorrow morning; we'll be finding each other on IRC sometime 
between 1300 and 1600 UTC (...I know that's kind of nonspecific) and 
I'll shout to the list again right before we start in case we can get 
any more participants.

If you'd specifically like us to ping you or wait for you, drop a line 
here (it's totally no trouble, and I for one would love to have more 
folks there - remember, F12 was my first release cycle, so I would 
*particularly* love to hear from folks who've been around longer and 
have a broader sense of history).

For information on the kind of thing we're doing, see the examples of 
other teams' interviews at

These are the questions we'll be asked to answer from a Marketing team 
perspective, if anyone has thoughts to chime in between now and FUDCon.

# How well do you think Fedora accomplishes its stated goals in light of 
your role in the project?

# How is Fedora not meeting those goals?
# What questions do you have about Fedora's target audience that you'd 
like to see answers so that your team can help get Fedora closer to its 


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Fwd: example content

2009-11-24 Thread Mel Chua

Hey, Marketing team!

The Desktop folks are looking for example content created by - and 
viewable in - open source software that ships with Fedora, to use as 
examples for users of the desktop spin in f13 (yep, looking forward to 
that already). Anything you'd suggest to showcase?

Send ideas to, The thread so 
far is archived here:


 Original Message 
Subject: example content
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 14:15:11 -0500
From: Matthias Clasen
Reply-To: Development discussions related to Fedora

Organization: Red Hat, Inc
To: Development discussions related to Fedora Core,Discussions about development for 
the Fedora desktop


one change we are planning to make to the desktop spin in F13 is to go
from targeting a cd to targeting a 1g usb stick. That will give us
enough breathing room to include not only OpenOffice, but also some
example content on the spin. We've wanted to do that for a long time,
but the cd size restriction have prohibited that.

The example content is meant to serve several purposes:

- Be informative and/or pleasant

- Allow users to try the included apps

- Showcase content that has been produced with open source apps

- Make the desktop spin more useful, e.g. to ambassadors

Examples that might fit some of these categories are:

- Suitably licensed music or movie trailers (big buck bunny has been
mentioned already)

- Spreadsheets or documents that contain interesting facts about Fedora
or open source

- the 1-page release notes pdf that was debuted for F12

The purpose of this mail is to solicit proposals for content that might
fit into these categories. Please send your proposals to
fedora-desktop-list or just reply.



fedora-devel-list mailing list

Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: in the news Fedora 12 on printed newpapers at Nicaragua

2009-11-24 Thread Mel Chua

On 11/22/2009 05:27 PM, Neville A. Cross wrote:

Hello, I am submitting this mail to fedora marketing list with the
subject as adviced by Athanasios.

Thanks, Neville - and also to Sakis (Athanasios) for suggesting the forward!

As a side note, how can we better keep track of international press like 
this? I think we need to figure out how to get a better Marketing -- 
Ambassadors link going for F13. ;)


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Introduction

2009-11-24 Thread Mel Chua

On 11/23/2009 02:02 PM, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:

On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 03:14:13AM -0600, Gregory Sieranski wrote:

Hi guys,
I just wanted to introduce myself. I am a Programmer Analyst who works for a
large fortune 500 company. I have been using Fedora for over 3 years and
would love to give back in any way that I can. I absolutely love what Fedora
and open source does and believe in both 100%. I am skilled in Java, J2EE,
C, C++, Python, HTML, CSS and a bunch of other technologies. I am an avid
programming language enthusiast and am working toward getting my Masters in
Computer Science. I would love to contribute to the website project in any
way that I can. I deal with website technology on a daily basis and feel
that I would be able to provide a lot of help to the fedora website team. No
task is to small. If you guys just need someone to enter text or change a
CSS style I am willing to do it. Thank you for your time and I look forward
to talking with all of you!

Welcome!  What would you be most interested in working on?  If it's mostly
python with a bit of html, css, and javascript thrown in the fedora I'd be
happy to have you help out on some of the projects we're working on in
Fedora Infrastructure.  (Things like the account system, packagedb, updates
tool, etc).  If you're more interested in html and css, websites is the
right place to start!


Gregory's already started helping us out with - thanks, Gregory!


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting

2009-11-23 Thread Mel Chua
Details and agenda at

See you folks there!


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Introduction

2009-11-22 Thread Mel Chua
I asked Gregory to join the Marketing group because he's going to be 
helping us out with the Fedora Insight skin, and needed access to his 
fedorapeople space so he can put up mockups and things if he wants, 
before he gets approval for sysadmin-test group, which will let him play 
directly on the publictest machine we're using.

Welcome on board, Gregory - it's great to have you here.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Introduction

2009-11-22 Thread Mel Chua

On 11/22/2009 03:35 AM, Mel Chua wrote:

I asked Gregory to join the Marketing group because he's going to be
helping us out with the Fedora Insight skin, and needed access to his
fedorapeople space so he can put up mockups and things if he wants,
before he gets approval for sysadmin-test group, which will let him play
directly on the publictest machine we're using.

Welcome on board, Gregory - it's great to have you here.

Oh yeah, did I mention that Gregory has done some zikula stuff before 
(back when it was called postnuke)? ;)

Our websites are *so* going to rock for F13.

Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Wikipedia update

2009-11-22 Thread Mel Chua

On 11/17/2009 03:36 PM, Robyn Bergeron wrote:

Does someone want to take the lead on this and update it? :)

Took a look at this just for fun now, and from the history, looks like 
Zvn, GurkLurk, Pmiossec, Antonio Lopez, Chargh, (and some guy named Paul 
Frields, who's that? ;) took care of it.

One of the editors is from Sweden, one is from France, one is from 
Canada, one is 14 years old, one plays the euphonium, one is a cattle 

Yep, I'm having a whoa, open source marketing is cool moment right now.


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

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