Re: OT: Lovey and Merry Home! :)

2005-02-24 Thread Gloria B. Lane
Brenda, that's wonderful - I've been busy and not reading the last 
few weeks, but am so delighted to hear your news about the kitties - 
also about the angiogram.  Wow.  Fantastic! You're amazin! Lots of 
Arkansas good wishes coming your way for you and your new babies.

Hi All
Sorry to be so long getting news to you, but I was totally 
exhausted last night and not much more rested today as yet. 

Lovey walked in here like he owned the place. lol  He likes all 
the cats, but NOT the dogs.  He growls at them if they even walk by. 
:)  His neck wounds could have been caused from dog bites which could 
be why he growls at the or he just isn't used to dogs.  Merry hasn't 
warmed up as much yet.  She has eaten since we got home last night 
and this morning, but right now she is hiding under the stairs in the 
basement.  I don't think she is too impressed with the dogs either, 
but the frosting on the cake came when my newest Baby Kitty (who I 
adopted last May) hissed at her.  I think it hurt her feelings. :( 
She'll come around I'm sure and Lovey will eventually get better 
feelings for the dogs.  He is better already today.  They are both 
such wonderful cats and real troopers after that long trip.

By the way, Lovey is not a Seal Point Himalayan.  He is a 
Chocolate Point Birman.  Merry is a Lynx Point Himalayan.  She is not 
really that skinny.  She just needs to fill out and recover from 
having babies.  They will both be on Wellness dry and some occasional 

I will write more later about our trip.  You won't believe the 
story.  Truly amazing that these cats are here and well.  We will 
forever be grateful for all the help and good wishes from all 

More later.
 Brenda, Janine, Lovey  Merry.
The only risk you ever run in befriending a cat is enriching 
yourself. - Colette

Don't Take Your Organs To Heaven.  Heaven Knows We Need Them Here.

Re: OT: Lovey and Merry Home! :)

2005-02-24 Thread TatorBunz

YAY!!! I'm so glad to hear the trip for the kitties was a safe one. Also, I'd like to say since I'm a Siamese lover I bet these two are beautiful. When you get time Brenda please email me some photos of these two.
I was going to give you 48 hrs to respond then I was going to find a way to call you to check on you and the kitties.
Well, now that we have heard from you. Take careand don't overdo yourself. :)
By the way, Lovey is not a Seal Point Himalayan. He is a Chocolate Point Birman. Merry is a Lynx Point Himalayan. She is not really that skinny. She just needs to fill out and recover from having babies. They will both be on Wellness dry and some occasional canned.

 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!More will be posted soon.'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet!
inline: aks.jpginline: logobuttonsq.jpg

RE: Felv+ but white blood cell count normal

2005-02-24 Thread Sue Feldbusch
When my cat was first diagnosed, her wbc count was very high.  Then, when 
she got tested again, it was very low.  What does this mean?  She hasn't 
been to the vet in about a year.

From: Kathy Koutsis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: felvtalk
Subject: Felv+ but white blood cell count normal
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 18:23:58 -0800 (PST)
The vet left us a message to let us know that Killian's bloodwork came back 
normal.  Her white blood cell count is normal.  Now, does this mean that 
she can fight infection just as effectively as a felv negative cat?

Re: Tip is Gone - tlstickler

2005-02-24 Thread Sheila208
 Yes, I am a Christian. Sometimes I lose site of the obvious book that has all the answers. I know in my heart I will see my babies again. After all it wouldn't be heaven without them. I did a web search also and came up with some good sites dealing with animals in heaven. Thanks so much for reminding me and for the stories. I will save them. I know caring for felv babies I will need them again. Hopefully not for a long time.
Love, Sheila
inline: Clouds.jpg

Re: Tip is Gone - tlstickler

2005-02-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Well, I am not getting all the messages again, so if I inadvertently did not respond to someone, I apologize, and please email me again
Cherie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Yes, I am a Christian. Sometimes I lose site of the obvious book that has all the answers. I know in my heart I will see my babies again. After all it wouldn't be heaven without them. I did a web search also and came up with some good sites dealing with animals in heaven. Thanks so much for reminding me and for the stories. I will save them. I know caring for felv babies I will need them again. Hopefully not for a long time.Love, Sheila 

for Sally-- San Fran feral champion

2005-02-24 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Dear Sally
I've been carrying your letter in my bag for almost a weekmy
apologies for not replying earlier...I want to thank you so very much
for your kind words, and for taking the trouble to write...I so
appreciate not just this wonderful email you sent me but ALL your emails
you send to us all. They are always so supportive and so informative.
For my part, my condolences email to you when your horse passed away in
the middle of January slipped through the net. I hope late is better
than never, to say I'm very sorry for your loss of your dear old friend.
Thanks too for the info on the San Francisco program. We need a
similarly dynamic young attorney and a Dr Dana Gleason here in
Chicago. What San Francisco has achieved is so impressive, and truly a
model for the rest of the U.S., not to mention the world. 
I'm still pretty cut up about Levi, and I still have questions that I'd
like to put to the group. I'll try and do so in the next few days.
Luckily the remaining 3 positive kitties and Momcat (negative) are all
doing well, and look the picture of bouncing health. I'm appreciating
every day I have with them.
Your email of 2/21 to Chris (Hills food question)is timely for me too,
as I'm trying to get a handle on how much they're eating v. how much
they should be eating. Even allowing for the fact that we've lost
Caramel and Levi, it seems to me they're eating significantly less since
Caramel went. (Having said that, they look plump enough. Re-reading your
email, perhaps it's because they're that bit older now---17 months, now)
Anyway, I've begun recording how much they're actually eating. I've been
trying to get them to eat more wet and less dry---I give them Petguard
or Wellness wet in the morning, and the same in the evening with the
addition at the end of the evening of Wellness dry. They adore the
Wellness dry, and your email gave me an insight into why. I think
they've got into the habit of cutting back on the wet because they know
the dry is coming!
You mentioned the difficulties of taking care of ferals who are not
cuddly and cooperative, and you are right that they are completely
uncooperative; and of course they are not cuddle-able. The frustrating
thing is that they are so darn cuddly-LOOKING, especially the two little
tabbies, Mickey and Flavia--I long to give the scamps a cuddle, but they
play so hard to get 365/24/7! One day.
Thanks again for all your fantastic input, Sally. I so appreciate it.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: San Fran  feral champion

Hi Kerry...

I can't remember if I ever sent you a message after Levi passed away.
was a crazy weekend for me and then we were having so many problems with
list and I was enduring my own kind of AOHell.  When I couldn't log on,
outsourced consultant told me my AOL software was damaged and my disc
drive, for 
whatever reason, could or would not read a disc to reinstall it and they
told me 
nothing could be done.  But I started digging on my own, computer dummy
I am, and decided to try defragging the drives, even though only one
drive was 
16% fragmented.  That seemed to do the trick and I was able to log on
to find an overflowing mailbox.

You have my utmost admiration for all your efforts dealing with FeLV+
who are not cuddly and cooperative with regards to getting meds.  It is 
difficult enough when you are trying to dose a cat who is even halfway
You did the very best you could trying to help Levi.  Perhaps he tried
hard to stick around even though it was apparent he was not going to be
able to 
get well because his alpha personality made him think he had to try and
there for his remaining siblings. He was sure a gutsy little guy and you
did the 
best you could to try and help him.  Sometimes our best is just not
enough, and 
this is so often true when dealing with FeLV.  If we can keep them
with immune support and a good diet and try to minimize the stress in
their life, 
that is about the best we can do  until it is better understood what it
that causes the FeLV-A subgroup to mutate into one of the more virulent 
subgroups, and a way can be found to stall or halt that process (better
yet a cure for 
the whole damned gamut of FeLV and its subgroups!)  Levi and his
were so lucky to have come into your care, and I am sure he and the
know that.  The pain of the losses may never go away completely, but we
have to 
put it in perspective and go on trying to help the others still in our

I could really feel for what you have to go through after I rescued a
5 mo. old off the E-list at the local shelter to be a playmate for
Purrki, my 
miracle bably who retested negative for FeLV when he was neutered in
Dec. '04. 
 She was on the E-list because she had a minor URI and the 

Re: Tip is Gone

2005-02-24 Thread Skf95111
Dear Shiela:

I don't know of a book specifically about dealing with the afterlife of 
critters, but the books I've read about AC and mentioned to you do touch on it, 
different ways, and I know that it is possible to communicate with a kitty's 
spirit after it has crossed over.  I will skim through the ones I have and see 
what I can find that may be more specific.  I also may have some saved e-mail 
references in that regard from one of the AC'ers I've worked with.

I do remember how Raphaela Pope related in her book Wisdom of the Animals 
about a client who tragically had to leave a pet behind when her family was 
evacuated in the middle of the night from an overseas placement, in Iran I 
She had rescued this starving puppy she named Noor, but when they had to leave 
abruptly had not been able to take her with them.  What may have happened to 
the little dog had greatly troubled the girl, now a woman, and she asked 
Raphaela if it would be possible to talk to Noor find out.  It had been a 
of years, and the little dog may have been through more than one reincarnation 
since then, but might still remember when she was Noor and reply.  Raphaela 
was still able to reach Noor's spirit and tell her former benefactor what had 
happened.  I'd have to re-read the chapter to remember the exact details, but 
it was very touching. The abandoned dog had been left to wander the streets 
again, searching dutifully for her missing guardian but never finding her, yet 
feeling her love and keeping her mind open to her thoughts until she had 
perished.  When the woman asked if Noor was angry with her for leaving, she 
said no, 
how could she be?  Because of her, she had learned what it was like to have a 
loving relationship between a dog and human and was very grateful for that.

I guess to many people it seems impossible. We are so entrenched in the 
concept of being in a concrete place and in a physical body we really have no 
to comprehend what it is like to exist only as a spirit.  Heaven or whatever 
people want to call it is not a specific place and spirits don't inhabit 
physical bodies on that level.  Spirits can and do come back in other bodies.  
Raphaela related how a dog she had and loved for many years, named Petey, who 
done much to help her when she was first learning how to re-awaken her ability 
to communicate with animals, came back as a hawk and spoke with her.

Perhaps if you talk to Tipper, he can let you know what happened to him so 
you can stop wondering and worrying and be at peace.  And maybe if you tell 
him how much you miss him, he may decide to return to you one day in another 

When I had to say goodbye to my first FeLV+ kitty, Purrsia, she told me not 
to cry, that she would be waiting to be with me again one day.  She said she 
realized how attached I was to her in her present form, but that was not so 
important and our spirits would be able to find one another.  She was so brave 
fearless and I know her spirit is soaring high wherever she may be.  When her 
playmate here on earth crossed over 7 months later, I asked Angel if she 
would greet Purrsia for me, but Angel said she did not expect to find Purrsia 
waiting for her, that her spirit would not be able to keep up with Purrsia's, 
that she had others waiting to welcome and love her.

Even if we are not skilled enough to receive their thoughts, you can still 
send thoughts and loving energy to the other side and they will know it.  If 
are lucky you may be able to feel or sense a reply.  A friend of mine who has 
done a bit of study and practice with animal communication said that after 
one of her kittys crossed over, she saw her again, only she was well and 
again with her tail that had been lost in an accident.

I think if you could find and read one or more of the books I mentioned, it 
will help you understand more about the phenomon.  I hope you are able to talk 
to Tipper and come to peace with his loss.  If $ were no object, I would talk 
to my critters, both living and those who have become kitty angels, on a 
regular basis.  One of my goals before my time to cross over arrives is to 
how to communicate telepathically with other species.

I can recommend someone to you that has helped me a great deal.  Before she 
made being an AC her full-time avocation, she was a counselor for humans and 
she is a very compassionate person.  She is also skilled in the Yuen method of 
energetic healing and can help both pet and guardian deal with energetic 
imbalances that can affect one's well being.  Her name is Jasmine Indra...she 
is a 
former protege of Raphaela Pope and is mentioned in Raphaela's book along with 
a black cat Jasmine had named Benoji, who was very wise soul. She has a 
and her phone no. is:  (207) 443-1125; her cell phone if you need to reach 
her ASAP is (510) 325-2062.

Sally in San Jose  

off-topic/should I worry about kitty making a noise when she breathes?

2005-02-24 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Hi everyone
I need some advice re breathing.
I realized my negative cat Trixie's breathing has become audible--it
sounds a bit like snoring (I don't know if cats snore as such?), but
she's often awake when I hear it.
I've made an apptmt for another check-up (she had her last physical in
November) but my vet, who I trust totally, can't see her till March 5.
Any ideas? Should I be sufficiently concerned to get her an earlier
apptmt with a different vet?
Thanks in advance, Kerry

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Re: off-topic/should I worry about kitty making a noise when she breathes?

2005-02-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
My positive Kitty Amber breathes that way also, I thought it was an URI but, my vet said do not worry it is all apart of FeLV. I would not worry too much, especially if you have an appointment in a few days
"MacKenzie, Kerry N." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi everyoneI need some advice re breathing.I realized my negative cat Trixie's breathing has become audible--itsounds a bit like snoring (I don't know if cats snore as such?), butshe's often awake when I hear it.I've made an apptmt for another check-up (she had her last physical inNovember) but my vet, who I trust totally, can't see her till March 5.Any ideas? Should I be sufficiently concerned to get her an earlierapptmt with a different vet?Thanks in advance, KerryThis email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not
 disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

Re: Tip is Gone

2005-02-24 Thread Terri Brown


I am with you 110% on this one.

You forgot the story about the talking donkey in the Old Testament. 
God chose a donkey to warn the prophet.

=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=

Furkid Photos! 
FeLV Site: 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: tamara 
  Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 10:59 
  Subject: Re: Tip is Gone
  You mentioned Heaven, so I'm assuming you are Christian, so look in your 
  Bible for the proof that animals go to Heaven. (I'll state some 
  references here, but I'm sorry I don't have the exact chapter  
  verse...I'm dislexic, I never could memorize those.)
  1) The story of Noah: At one pt. in this passage, it speaks 
  of animals having to attone for the sin of drawing human blood. (Why attone if 
  no soul?)
  2) Christ often speaks of the Lion laying down with the Lamb once all is 
  said and done. He also refers to himself as the Lamb of God...why liken 
  yourself to something that is unimportant. Lambs were used as sacrafices 
  to God. The sacrific meant two, the one offering it would be 
  going without that which the lamb could provide, fleece,  meat...2) why 
  would God (in the Old Testament at any rate) be pleased by the sacrifice of 
  something unimportant. God didn't ask for a sacrifice of stone, or even 
  water (as precious at that is in the middle east)...but like Christ Himself, 
  it was the releasing of a soul to ascend back to God.
  3) WhenAbraham was tested with sacrificing his own son, and the 
  angel stayed his hand, he was instead instructed to sacrifice a ram (now note 
  here, the ram wasn't one who strolled onto the scene all robust and healthy, 
  but one caught in the bushes -I would imagine only sick or old animals would 
  really suffer this fate-) and God instructed the release of this creature as 
  equal to the sacrific of Issac.
  4) Christ's death not only saved all of mankind, but was to bean 
  end to the animal sacrifics as well. Christ said something to the effect 
  of : there is no farther need to burn sacrifices...for the Lamb of God will be 
  the perfect sacrifice and die for all.
  5) Christ likened Himself to a sheppard...not a blacksmith, or doctor, 
  but someone who looks after those who are weak and need him...someone who 
  looks after animals. (Now mind you He did also compared us to sheep - 
  who although are very cute and well meaning are really do I put this 
  kindlyrather dim-witted animals, and I think there too was a 
  hint :) )
  6) Paul's horse/mule depending on which description you read, was the one 
  who first saw the angel blocking his path on the road to Jerico. WHY 
  reveal yourself to something of no consequence.
  7) In the Book of Revelations the angels of the Appocolypse dissend to 
  earth on horseback. They don't arrive by themselves and purchase horses 
  to ride. :)
  ALL of creation is the work of the Divine. Why would He create that 
  which is only temporary? I'm an artist -and although I KNOW that my work 
  is temporary...I have a great affection for the successful pieces I 
  createI can only imagine what it would be like not only to create but to 
  give life to a creature capable of LOVE. The Divine is pure loveALL 
  LOVE comes from HIM. The Divine can neither be created or destroyed...if 
  all love is in essence from God or God itself, than any of creation with the 
  ability to Love, can not and will not cease to exist simply because the vessel 
  Also God knows your heart. If reuniting with all your loved ones in 
  the afterlife would be heaven for you - Then that is exactly what your heaven 
  will be.
  I taught Catholism to teens. We got on this very discussion one 
  Sunday. One of my boys was arguing that animal do not go to heaven 
  because they aren't savedwhen, before I could answer, one of the girls 
  piped up, "Well they never NEEDED to be SAVED, they NEVER BETRAYED THEIR 
  CREATOR!" Out of the mouths of babes.
  Father Bob told the following story:A man awoke abruptly 
  after a long illness, fully restored in mind and body and realized he must 
  have died. There was nothing around but open land so he began 
  walking. All of a sudden he looked down as his childhood dog, 
  Buddy,ran up to him. He leaned down to give and receive a kiss and 
  picked up a perfect stick and played fetch with his childhood friend for what 
  seemed like hours as they walked along. 
  Then as they both crested a hill tired and thirsty from their play, they 
  came upon a set of glorious gates. Made of gold and inset with gems it 

Re: off-topic/should I worry about kitty making a noise when she breathes?

2005-02-24 Thread Skf95111
Dear Kerry:

Unless your kitty is struggling to breathe, or is congested and seems 
distressed about it, I would not be terribly worried.  You are right to want to 
it checked out to find out WHY, but some cats do sort of snore.  I have one 
indoor diva, a longhair who may be part Persian...her nostrils have small 
openings and her nose is a bit less protruding than my other kittys though she 
not look like she got smacked in the face with something as the purebred 
Persians do.  When she is sleeping she sometimes snores very audibly.  The 
time I heard her do that I was a bit worried but I have gotten used to it now.  
She only does that sometimes and she has never been afflicted with any 
illness in her upper respiratory tract so I've come to the conclusion it is 
to worry about for now.

Hoping you will find out there is nothing wrong with your kitty's breathing.

Sally in San Jose 

Re: Tip is Gone

2005-02-24 Thread Terri Brown

I hear you, but I don't believe in reincarnation because 
inHebrews,the authorwrites: "Just as man is destined to die 
once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take 
away the sins of many people; and He will appear a second time, not to bear sin, 
but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him." Hebrews 

So you don't have to do this again!

=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=

Furkid Photos! 
FeLV Site: 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: tamara 
  Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 4:02 
  Subject: Re: Tip is Gone
  I forgot about that one. I am certain there are other references in 
  other religions as well...Someone else wrote about reincarnation. I do 
  actually believe in that...don't want to ...because, quite frankly, I don't 
  want to do this again...and I worry about not being able to protect those who 
  I love. But I do believe that many of us go around again and again until we've 
  learned all that our soulis capable of learning  then perhaps move 
  onto a heaven...and then thereare thosewho choose to go around 
  again to make a difference for the better. I supposeif there is a 
  Heaven, it might get a bit boring for someand theymight choose the 
  excitement of life...afterall, ifthere is such a thing as an eternal 
  soul...wouldn't that make a lifetime just one LONG 
  weekend?Terri Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


I am with you 110% on this one.

You forgot the story about the talking donkey in the Old 
Testament. God chose a donkey to warn the prophet.

=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 
5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=

Furkid Photos! 
FeLV Site: 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: tamara stickler 
  Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 
  10:59 AM
  Subject: Re: Tip is Gone
  You mentioned Heaven, so I'm assuming you are Christian, so look in 
  your Bible for the proof that animals go to Heaven. (I'll state some 
  references here, but I'm sorry I don't have the exact chapter  
  verse...I'm dislexic, I never could memorize those.)
  1) The story of Noah: At one pt. in this passage, it 
  speaks of animals having to attone for the sin of drawing human blood. 
  (Why attone if no soul?)
  2) Christ often speaks of the Lion laying down with the Lamb once all 
  is said and done. He also refers to himself as the Lamb of God...why 
  liken yourself to something that is unimportant. Lambs were used as 
  sacrafices to God. The sacrific meant two, the one 
  offering it would be going without that which the lamb could provide, 
  fleece,  meat...2) why would God (in the Old Testament at any rate) 
  be pleased by the sacrifice of something unimportant. God didn't ask 
  for a sacrifice of stone, or even water (as precious at that is in the 
  middle east)...but like Christ Himself, it was the releasing of a soul to 
  ascend back to God.
  3) WhenAbraham was tested with sacrificing his own son, and the 
  angel stayed his hand, he was instead instructed to sacrifice a ram (now 
  note here, the ram wasn't one who strolled onto the scene all robust and 
  healthy, but one caught in the bushes -I would imagine only sick or old 
  animals would really suffer this fate-) and God instructed the release of 
  this creature as equal to the sacrific of Issac.
  4) Christ's death not only saved all of mankind, but was to 
  bean end to the animal sacrifics as well. Christ said 
  something to the effect of : there is no farther need to burn 
  sacrifices...for the Lamb of God will be the perfect sacrifice and die for 
  5) Christ likened Himself to a sheppard...not a blacksmith, or 
  doctor, but someone who looks after those who are weak and need 
  him...someone who looks after animals. (Now mind you He did also 
  compared us to sheep - who although are very cute and well meaning are 
  really do I put this kindlyrather dim-witted animals, and I 
  think there too was a hint :) )
  6) Paul's horse/mule depending on which description you 

Re: Getting a bit off topic now...was; Tip is Gone

2005-02-24 Thread Terri Brown

Yes -- love and respect all people. Absolutely. But just as 
other faiths believe that Christians are infidels and doomed to be separated 
from God, the Christian faith is very clear also that aside from Jews, you must 
believe in Jesus Christ to be saved. Read the Gospel of John. In 
particular, John 14:6.

We should go off list if you want to discuss this further. E-mail me 

=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=

Furkid Photos! 
FeLV Site: 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: tamara 
  Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 4:36 
  Subject: Re: Getting a bit off topic 
  now...was; Tip is Gone
  Oh, I hope you're right!... :)
  ...Hmmm...of course Christ also said He'd come again "before all now 
  living are dead"...THAT's the part that leads me to believe that its 
  possible. Just as I believe you don't have to believe in Christ to get 
  to heaven, but that He must believe in you"let those who can accept this 
  teaching do.others will not be able to because the Father in Heaven had 
  stopped their eyes from hearing, their eyes from seeing" Just as He 
  gave us numberous languages, looks, bodies, and opinionsI believe He gave 
  us different beliefs and presents His divine glory to ways too numberous to 
  count. I think that love, respect  acceptance of others is one of 
  the ultimate tasks we must master in life...
  I guess what I'm saying is I really don't have a I believe in 
  what comforts me and let it go at that.My main belief base being that the 
  Divine created mankind He MUST be grading on a curve ! 
  God Bless,

I hear you, but I don't believe in reincarnation because 
inHebrews,the authorwrites: "Just as man is destined to 
die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to 
take away the sins of many people; and He will appear a second time, not to 
bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him." 
Hebrews 9:27-28

So you don't have to do this again!

=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 
5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=

Furkid Photos! 
FeLV Site: 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: tamara stickler 
  Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 
  4:02 PM
  Subject: Re: Tip is Gone
  I forgot about that one. I am certain there are other 
  references in other religions as well...Someone else wrote about 
  reincarnation. I do actually believe in that...don't want to 
  ...because, quite frankly, I don't want to do this again...and I worry 
  about not being able to protect those who I love. But I do believe that 
  many of us go around again and again until we've learned all that our 
  soulis capable of learning  then perhaps move onto a 
  heaven...and then thereare thosewho choose to go around again 
  to make a difference for the better. I supposeif there is a 
  Heaven, it might get a bit boring for someand theymight choose 
  the excitement of life...afterall, ifthere is such a thing as an 
  eternal soul...wouldn't that make a lifetime just one LONG 
  weekend?Terri Brown 


I am with you 110% on this one.

You forgot the story about the talking donkey in the Old 
Testament. God chose a donkey to warn the prophet.

=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, 
and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec 

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  - Original Message - 
  From: tamara stickler 
  Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 
  10:59 AM
  Subject: Re: Tip is Gone
  You mentioned Heaven, so I'm assuming you are Christian, so look 
  in your Bible for