Bandy's test results

2005-08-31 Thread Kerry Roach
We had some bad news today...The IFA was positive for FeLV and FIV...His bone marrow is failing...It is not producing enough RBC. The WBC are was a little high, but not much.
We have stopped the epogen(procrit) injections for now...Since he does have enough erythropoietin he doesn't need that now unless the PCV goes to around 20...It was 26 today..
Also, he is still spiking a temp more on than off...but we have also had to stop the dex injections as it could be harmful to his pancreas so she put him on 5mg of pred daily which I know isn't a good thing, but it is the only thing we can use to bring down the fever...
Any more suggestions on the temp thing would be great...I don't know what else to do...
The specialist also said the fever is from inflammation caused from the I have to try to figure out a way to stop it using something natural if at all possible...
He hurt his leg a few days ago as he was playing and I think he over did it so now he won't walk on it much...
We are still on the same antibiotics until the PCR test comes back next week...
If any of you know anything we could do to help his bone marrow, I would really appreciate the info...I am waiting to get the papers in front of me as I don't understand all of this until I see the actual results in front of me...We did all this on the phone today...
I need some help trying to make a good protocol for him supplement wise..
I have read about the liver shake and am going to try that, but he likes fish best..(salmon)
I just don't know where to start or what to do first...I have searched on the list for any other kitties that might have symptoms like Bandy and I can't find I don't know if this is highly unusual or what...
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers...
Hoping all your kitties are doing good today.
Head butts to all!!
Kerry R. and Bandy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Won't Eat....Please Help

2005-08-31 Thread gblane
Those are great suggestions, that I haven't heard of - I've got to  
remember that!


On Aug 30, 2005, at 3:16 PM, maimaipg wrote:

Valium was prescribed by my vet for Ebony when he was in the  
process of
leaving this world.  It helped a lot.  High protein foods appealed  
to him
the most--salmon, eggs, chicken and turkey.  In very small pieces  
of course
and small amounts at a time so as not to overwhelm him.  Try  
Willard Water

to keep him hydrated.

Good luck.
- Original Message -
From: Elizabeth Paz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 5:17 PM
Subject: Won't EatPlease Help

Hi everyone,

Has anyone got any ideas on how to get some food into my kitty?

He has had FELV since 03. He was a very sick kitty and we were a  


from having to put him to sleep.  We wanted to try and give him a  
even though our Vet and the Ophthalmologist that was treating  
kitty's eyes
were against it.  He was on Prednisone 5mg a day for about 6  
months, he
began looking and acting healthier. then his meds were changed to  
half a

pill each day, and then finally a half a pill every other day.

August of 04 he was taken off of all meds, and became a healthy  


( 16 lbs) He has been wonderful till Friday of last week.  Then  
over this
weekend his eyes clouded over (Uveitis returned)  and he is not  
eating a

thing.  I have tried everything, even his favorite snack, and no way.

We went to the Vet yesterday (Monday), and guess what, the Dr. who  
worked with us is on holiday.  What a mess.  The one that we saw  
was a bit
of a fruit cake. She tried to draw blood and had such a problem,  
it took
three tries with kitty crying, can't even tell you what I was  
going to do


her if hubby had not stepped in. I spoke to her about the prednisone.


said she did not want to put him back on the prednisone at this  
time and


and on and on.  I told her our Dr. made it quite clear to us,( it  
was down
on his chart also )  that if we saw that he was sliding to get him  
back on

the Prednisone.  It was like talking to the wall.  She gave me an
anti-biotic for ten days for him and that was it.

Today I called and got one of the other vets who pulled Kitty's  
chart and
gave me a prescription for the prednisone.  I will be starting it  
Tomorrow we will be taking him to his Ophthalmologist and  
hopefully she


be able to get his eyes back under control.  Please God.

I am quite sure at this time he is only seeing shadows, and is so


from every noise.  I can't get him to eat.  I know how important  
this is


a chubby cat, and how quickly they can get... Hepatic Lipidosis  
and it may

be fatal with his immune system..

A few moments ago I put a little food on my finger and had to  
force his
little mouth open and I put it on the back of his tongue.  He did  

it, and is now sleeping.

Would anyone know of any other way of doing it.

Sorry about this winded letter, it has been a long and  
heartbreaking 5


Thank you for taking the time to read it.


Re: CLS - Twiggy

2005-08-31 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Joan,

Please tell Norrice that she and Twiggy are in my thoughts and prayers. Having just been through the seizures due to probable FIP horror, I can imagine what a difficult time this is. I hope that she can take comfort in the fact that although Twiggy was with her for such a short time, she gave her a lifetime of love and caring.

Love, Julie
"Doljan, Joan" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Please add, my friend, Norrice's kitten Twiggy to the Candlelight Service. She was about 9 months old, and probably died from FIP early Saturday morning. She had started having seizures and was rushed to a 24 hours clinic. Norrice wastold there was no hope for her recovery, so she was euthanized.. When she was rescued she was always thin and somewhat sickly, she has good times but often had a fever which would come and go. Norrice, had her to the vet, numerous times and previouslythey could not find anything specifically wrong.This past week though, the blood work showed that Twiggy was slightly anemic,had a high white blood count, elevated liver enzymelevels, and ahigh globulin count.She tested negative for both feline leukemia and aids. She was always listless and since she never ate much, or gained much weight, she was named "Twiggy". "Twiggy" came from a house
 with many unaltered animals (now they are all altered) and some kitten deaths (probably also from FIP). Norrice, took Twiggy, to get her to a better environment. Twiggy's life, though indeed short, was one filled with love and much caring..
Thank you,

Joan"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.
		Yahoo! Mail 
Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour

Re: Please add Big Rik to the special needs list

2005-08-31 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Susan,

Sending huge amounts of love and good wishes to Big Rik! I adore the grumpy old men! My Tommy is an old-timer, too, (not even sure how old), but he's also a bit weak in the hindquarters. My vet Wendy said it's from losing a bit of muscle mass due to the combination of age and arthritis. I have some kitty glucosamine/condroitin but he doesn't like the taste mixed in his food and he really objects to being pilled. This company does have a treat formula that I bought for Sunny last year (she's about 105 years old!) and she wasn't crazy about it, but Tommy likes treats so I think I'll try it again for him.

Give Big Rik a big hug and Tommy and Sunny understand completely 'what a drag it is getting old...'

Love, Julie Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please add my 19 1/2 year old Big Rik to the special needs list. He has been your typical grumpy old man for the last few years, but incredibly healthy. He has just begun to stay dehydrated enough to need subQ fluids and I noticed yesterday that his hind quarters are getting week and unsteady. He's a really fine old fella, felv negative. thanks"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Hi Belinda......

2005-08-31 Thread Belinda Sauro

 Hi Lisa,
 I wish I could make it go easier. If you are trying the syringe
method you really don't haveto open the mouth at all, just slip the
point of the syringe into the side cheek flap and squirt a tiny amount
into it. The cats natural instinct will be to swallow. Then squirt a
tiny bit more.

If you really can't get any food into him though you really may want to
consider a feeding tube. An etube is for short term use and it is a
relatively simple procedure to insert, my vet hadn't done very many and
even said she had the manual right there to follow. The most important
thing is for the vet to make sure it is placed correctly. It has to be
between the 6 and 7 rib I believe (maybe the 7 and 8 rib), but it can't
go into the stomach. Have the vet do an Xray after insertion to make
sure it is where it should be. When Buddie got hers she was just
barely jaundice but with her liver cancer I knew how important it was
to get nutrients into her. The sepsis infection really took it out of
her and she hadn't eaten much for about 4 or 5 days, I didn't want to
chance Fatty Liver Disease after she fought so hard to beat the sepsis
infection, which the vet really didn't think she was going to survive.
The saved her and we had an additional 5 or 6 months more that we
wouldn't have had. She only had the tube for not quite 3 months and
for the last month she was getting weaned off. Her jaundice never got
any worse and within a couple of weeks was gone altogether. Once she
was eating on her own again I cut back on the feedings and after she
was maintaining her weight for a couple of weeks the tube was removed.
My vet came to the house and simply cut the 2 stitches holding it in
place and pulled it out. The tiny hole closed and healed immediately.
I can honestly tell you Buddie and I got closer in those 3 months than
we had been in all her 13 years. The whole year she had her cancer we
bonded in a very special way and I will cherish that always.

Cats will die from not eating and it is a preventable death, all it
takes is food. I belong to an Assisted
feeding group and I have seen several cats die that shouldn't
have. Had they gotten the food they needed I honestly believe they
would be alive today. But I have also seen cats whose caregivers
fought tooth and nail and brought their cats back from the brink of
death, and those cats are alive and well today.

I hope your vet visit goes good today and you get a vet that knows what
they are doing.

PS. Tell the vet again you want your cat put back on the pred and if
you end up with the same vet you saw the previous visit, and they
continue to disregard your input and wishes, especially since your
primary vet wants your cat on the pred, I would tell her/him, you are
going to find another vet and make it very clear to your
primary vet when he returns why you are no longer using his clinic.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Vacs

2005-08-31 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Terri,

My personal view is that an animal with a chronic disease (be it diabetes or feline leukemia or whatever) does not need the challenge to their immune system that vaccinations present.

The leukemia vaccine would be of no benefit since they are already presumably positive.

It's more expensive, but if you choose to vaccinate, the vet can order single vaccines so that they aren't getting hit with 4 all at once.

Hope this helps.


Terri Durham-Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi, I am new to Leukemia, but have 4 kittens (4 months) that havetested pos 2 times now and am wondering, they have had their 1st shots(3-1's) but not with Leukemia, should they get at least a 4-1 ? I wastold "not" to give them the Leukemia.Thank Durham-StoneSafe a Life "Spay and Neuter"Live well, Love much, Laugh Often"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.
		 Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

Re: Please add Big Rik to the special needs list - Big Rik has died

2005-08-31 Thread Susan Loesch
Thank you, Julie. Aren't our old guys wonderful. I am so sad to have to say that Big Rik died in my arms around 2am this morning. I had followed up on the suggestion of potassium - talked to my vet and added it to his SQ fluids. Late yesterday afternoon he seemed to rally a bit but it didn't last long. He has had this voracious appetite - scarfed down almost a whole can of cat food when he seemed to feel a little better yesterday.. I think that in itself is a sign of something wrong - he was like that for about a week.(I know that hunger/eating is one of the last functions tobe lost - that a cat will eat up almost to the point of death so I knew it wasn't really a positive thing. He may have had some thyroid problems to develop or diabetes. Had I not known his kidneys were so bad and if he hadn't been in such poor condition I'd have had blood work done.) In fact I didn't get my hand out of the way fast
 enough one day and he chowed down hard on my thumb. I look at the thumb now and wish I had another opportunity for him to bite me.

Give your Tommy and Sunny hugs from me. I hope they are around for many, many years but when their time comes I know Big Rik will be there waitiing for them - they can have the "old folks club".Basedon the amount of SQ fluids he absorbed very quickly over the last couple of days I think his kidneys just quit. I will definitely look into the glucosamine/condroitin treats - I have other older kitties - but at 13-15 they are just kids compared to Big Rik. Thanks for that information.Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Susan,

Sending huge amounts of love and good wishes to Big Rik! I adore the grumpy old men! My Tommy is an old-timer, too, (not even sure how old), but he's also a bit weak in the hindquarters. My vet Wendy said it's from losing a bit of muscle mass due to the combination of age and arthritis. I have some kitty glucosamine/condroitin but he doesn't like the taste mixed in his food and he really objects to being pilled. This company does have a treat formula that I bought for Sunny last year (she's about 105 years old!) and she wasn't crazy about it, but Tommy likes treats so I think I'll try it again for him.

Give Big Rik a big hug and Tommy and Sunny understand completely 'what a drag it is getting old...'

Love, Julie Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please add my 19 1/2 year old Big Rik to the special needs list. He has been your typical grumpy old man for the last few years, but incredibly healthy. He has just begun to stay dehydrated enough to need subQ fluids and I noticed yesterday that his hind quarters are getting week and unsteady. He's a really fine old fella, felv negative. thanks"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: Please add Big Rik to the special needs list - Big Rik has died

2005-08-31 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

I haven't had a chance to post myself, I've been following your posts as much as 
possible and amso sorry to hear you lost your beloved Big Rik. At least, 
unlike so many of our kitties, he did have a full and long life as well as being 
a much-loved little fella. I know how much you're going to miss your sweet guy 
and hope all the good memories of him bring you comfort in the weeks to 
care, Kerry

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Susan LoeschSent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 8:22 
AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Please add 
Big Rik to the special needs list - Big Rik has died
Thank you, Julie. Aren't our old guys wonderful. I am so sad to 
have to say that Big Rik died in my arms around 2am this morning. I had 
followed up on the suggestion of potassium - talked to my vet and added it to 
his SQ fluids. Late yesterday afternoon he seemed to rally a bit but 
it didn't last long. He has had this voracious appetite - scarfed down 
almost a whole can of cat food when he seemed to feel a little better 
yesterday.. I think that in itself is a sign of something wrong - he was 
like that for about a week.(I know that hunger/eating is one of the last 
functions tobe lost - that a cat will eat up almost to the point of death 
so I knew it wasn't really a positive thing. He may have had some 
thyroid problems to develop or diabetes. Had I not known his kidneys were 
so bad and if he hadn't been in such poor condition I'd have had blood work 
done.) In fact I didn't get my hand out of the! way fast enough one 
day and he chowed down hard on my thumb. I look at the thumb now and wish 
I had another opportunity for him to bite me.

Give your Tommy and Sunny hugs from me. I hope they are around for 
many, many years but when their time comes I know Big Rik will be there 
waitiing for them - they can have the "old folks club".Basedon 
the amount of SQ fluids he absorbed very quickly over the last couple of days I 
think his kidneys just quit. I will definitely look into the 
glucosamine/condroitin treats - I have other older kitties - but at 13-15 they 
are just kids compared to Big Rik. Thanks for that 
information.Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  Dear Susan,
  Sending huge amounts of love and good wishes to Big Rik! I adore 
  the grumpy old men! My Tommy is an old-timer, too, (not even sure how 
  old), but he's also a bit weak in the hindquarters. My vet Wendy said 
  it's from losing a bit of muscle mass due to the combination of age and 
  arthritis. I have some kitty glucosamine/condroitin but he doesn't like 
  the taste mixed in his food and he really objects to being pilled. This 
  company does have a treat formula that I bought for Sunny last year (she's 
  about 105 years old!) and she wasn't crazy about it, but Tommy likes treats so 
  I think I'll try it again for him.
  Give Big Rik a big hug and Tommy and Sunny understand completely 'what a 
  drag it is getting old...'
  Love, Julie Susan Loesch 
Please add my 19 1/2 year old Big Rik to the special needs list. 
He has been your typical grumpy old man for the last few years, but 
incredibly healthy. He has just begun to stay dehydrated enough to 
need subQ fluids and I noticed yesterday that his hind quarters are getting 
week and unsteady. He's a really fine old fella, felv negative. 
thanks"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, 
  the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " 
  "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by 
  the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi 
  (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about 
  de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet. 
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP has moved its Chicago office to Hyatt Center, 71 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606. Email addresses, telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers remain unchanged. For more information, click the link below or copy / paste the link into the address bar of your Web browser: Please Note: Some administrative functions will be located at 230 S. LaSalle, Chicago IL, 60604. IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written 

RE: Won't Eat....Please Help

2005-08-31 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Welcome back, Cherie!

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Cherie A GabbertSent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 
6:14 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Won't 
EatPlease Help
WooHoo I finally got a messageI will give my two cents on a subject I 
am assuming is still open...I use cooked hamburger, or 95% raw hamburger...also 
you can try yogart, plain

I am excited to be backyeah
Cherie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have found that mine like Gerbers better than Beechnut, probably 
  because it is junkier!
Have a purrfect day
Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP has moved its Chicago office to Hyatt Center, 71 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606. Email addresses, telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers remain unchanged. For more information, click the link below or copy / paste the link into the address bar of your Web browser: Please Note: Some administrative functions will be located at 230 S. LaSalle, Chicago IL, 60604. IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisorThis email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Re: Vacs

2005-08-31 Thread gblane

Hear Hear - what she says - I  totally agree!  Gloria

On Aug 31, 2005, at 8:01 AM, Julie Johnson wrote:

Hi Terri,

My personal view is that an animal with a chronic disease (be it  
diabetes or feline leukemia or whatever) does not need the  
challenge to their immune system that vaccinations present.

The leukemia vaccine would be of no benefit since they are already  
presumably positive.

It's more expensive, but if you choose to vaccinate, the vet can  
order single vaccines so that they aren't getting hit with 4 all at  

Hope this helps.


Terri Durham-Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi, I am new to Leukemia, but have 4 kittens (4 months) that have
tested pos 2 times now and am wondering, they have had their 1st shots
(3-1's) but not with Leukemia, should they get at least a 4-1 ? I was
told not to give them the Leukemia.

Thank you

Terri Durham-Stone
Safe a Life Spay and Neuter
Live well, Love much, Laugh Often

I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is
to protection by man from the cruelty of man. 

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by the way its animals are treated.

Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

Paws Come WITH Claws!!!

If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think  
your decision to acquire a pet.

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page

Re: Please add Big Rik to the special needs list - Big Rik has died

2005-08-31 Thread gblane
SUSAN - Oh my - I'm so sorry.  I'm shocked.  I just didn't think  
about Big Rik going so soon.  I just can't imagine him gone.  Such a  
sweet, wonderful guy.  I know he's going to still hang around your  
house with you, where he's been for so long.  I'm sorry.


On Aug 31, 2005, at 8:21 AM, Susan Loesch wrote:

Thank you, Julie.  Aren't our old guys wonderful.  I am so sad to  
have to say that Big Rik died in my arms around 2am this morning.   
I had followed up on the suggestion of potassium - talked to my vet  
and added it to his SQ fluids.   Late yesterday afternoon he seemed  
to rally a bit but it didn't last long.  He has had this voracious  
appetite - scarfed down almost a whole can of cat food when he  
seemed to feel a little better yesterday..  I think that in itself  
is a sign of something wrong - he was like that for about a week.(I  
know that hunger/eating is one of the last functions to be lost -  
that a cat will eat up almost to the point of death so I knew it  
wasn't really  a positive thing.  He may have had some thyroid  
problems to develop or diabetes.  Had I not known his kidneys were  
so bad and if he hadn't been in such poor condition I'd have had  
blood work done.)   In fact I didn't get my hand out of the way  
fast enough one day and he chowed down hard on my thumb.  I look at  
the thumb now and wish I had another opportunity for him to bite me.

Give your Tommy and Sunny hugs from me.  I hope they are around for  
many, many  years but when their time comes I know Big Rik will be  
there waitiing for them - they can have the old folks club.   
Based on the amount of SQ fluids he absorbed very quickly over the  
last couple of days I think his kidneys just quit.   I will  
definitely look into the glucosamine/condroitin treats - I have  
other older kitties - but at 13-15 they are just kids compared to  
Big Rik.  Thanks for that information.

Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear Susan,

Sending huge amounts of love and good wishes to Big Rik!  I adore  
the grumpy old men!  My Tommy is an old-timer, too, (not even sure  
how old), but he's also a bit weak in the hindquarters.  My vet  
Wendy said it's from losing a bit of muscle mass due to the  
combination of age and arthritis.  I have some kitty glucosamine/ 
condroitin but he doesn't like the taste mixed in his food and he  
really objects to being pilled.  This company does have a treat  
formula that I bought for Sunny last year (she's about 105 years  
old!) and she wasn't crazy about it, but Tommy likes treats so I  
think I'll try it again for him.

Give Big Rik a big hug and Tommy and Sunny understand completely  
'what a drag it is getting old...'

Love, Julie

Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Please add my 19 1/2 year old Big Rik to the special needs list.   
He has been your typical grumpy old man for the last few years, but  
incredibly healthy.  He has just begun to stay dehydrated enough to  
need subQ fluids and I noticed yesterday that his hind quarters are  
getting week and unsteady.  He's a really fine old fella, felv  
negative.  thanks

I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is
to protection by man from the cruelty of man. 

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by the way its animals are treated.

Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

Paws Come WITH Claws!!!

If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think  
your decision to acquire a pet.

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Re: Please add Big Rik to the special needs list - Big Rik has died

2005-08-31 Thread Barb Moermond
What a glorious life he had and you were privileged to share part of it with him. Our thoughts and tears are with you

HUGSSusan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you, Julie. Aren't our old guys wonderful. I am so sad to have to say that Big Rik died in my arms around 2am this morning. I had followed up on the suggestion of potassium - talked to my vet and added it to his SQ fluids. Late yesterday afternoon he seemed to rally a bit but it didn't last long. He has had this voracious appetite - scarfed down almost a whole can of cat food when he seemed to feel a little better yesterday.. I think that in itself is a sign of something wrong - he was like that for about a week.(I know that hunger/eating is one of the last functions tobe lost - that a cat will eat up almost to the point of death so I knew it wasn't really a positive thing. He may have had some thyroid problems to develop or diabetes. Had I not known his kidneys were so bad and if he hadn't been in such poor condition I'd have had blood work done.) In fact I didn't get my hand out of the way fast
 enough one day and he chowed down hard on my thumb. I look at the thumb now and wish I had another opportunity for him to bite me.

Give your Tommy and Sunny hugs from me. I hope they are around for many, many years but when their time comes I know Big Rik will be there waitiing for them - they can have the "old folks club".Basedon the amount of SQ fluids he absorbed very quickly over the last couple of days I think his kidneys just quit. I will definitely look into the glucosamine/condroitin treats - I have other older kitties - but at 13-15 they are just kids compared to Big Rik. Thanks for that information.Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Susan,

Sending huge amounts of love and good wishes to Big Rik! I adore the grumpy old men! My Tommy is an old-timer, too, (not even sure how old), but he's also a bit weak in the hindquarters. My vet Wendy said it's from losing a bit of muscle mass due to the combination of age and arthritis. I have some kitty glucosamine/condroitin but he doesn't like the taste mixed in his food and he really objects to being pilled. This company does have a treat formula that I bought for Sunny last year (she's about 105 years old!) and she wasn't crazy about it, but Tommy likes treats so I think I'll try it again for him.

Give Big Rik a big hug and Tommy and Sunny understand completely 'what a drag it is getting old...'

Love, Julie Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please add my 19 1/2 year old Big Rik to the special needs list. He has been your typical grumpy old man for the last few years, but incredibly healthy. He has just begun to stay dehydrated enough to need subQ fluids and I noticed yesterday that his hind quarters are getting week and unsteady. He's a really fine old fella, felv negative. thanks"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet. 
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."- Anonymous
		Yahoo! Mail for Mobile 
Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

Re: Please add Big Rik to the special needs list - Big Rik has died

2005-08-31 Thread Susan Loesch
Thanks, Gloria - I started to call you when I got to work this morning and then decided it was too early. He really went downhill fast. But we know there are worse things than going fast.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
SUSAN - Oh my - I'm so sorry. I'm shocked. I just didn't think about Big Rik going so soon. I just can't imagine him gone. Such a sweet, wonderful guy. I know he's going to still hang around your house with you, where he's been for so long. I'm sorry.GloriaOn Aug 31, 2005, at 8:21 AM, Susan Loesch wrote: Thank you, Julie. Aren't our old guys wonderful. I am so sad to  have to say that Big Rik died in my arms around 2am this morning.  I had followed up on the suggestion of potassium - talked to my vet  and added it to his SQ fluids. Late yesterday afternoon he seemed  to rally a bit but it didn't last long. He has had this voracious  appetite - scarfed down almost a whole can of cat food when he  seemed to feel a little better yesterday.. I think that in itself  is a sign of something
 wrong - he was like that for about a week.(I  know that hunger/eating is one of the last functions to be lost -  that a cat will eat up almost to the point of death so I knew it  wasn't really a positive thing. He may have had some thyroid  problems to develop or diabetes. Had I not known his kidneys were  so bad and if he hadn't been in such poor condition I'd have had  blood work done.) In fact I didn't get my hand out of the way  fast enough one day and he chowed down hard on my thumb. I look at  the thumb now and wish I had another opportunity for him to bite me. Give your Tommy and Sunny hugs from me. I hope they are around for  many, many years but when their time comes I know Big Rik will be  there waitiing for them - they can have the "old folks club".  Based on the amount of SQ fluids he absorbed very quickly over the  last couple of days I think his kidneys just
 quit. I will  definitely look into the glucosamine/condroitin treats - I have  other older kitties - but at 13-15 they are just kids compared to  Big Rik. Thanks for that information. Julie Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Dear Susan, Sending huge amounts of love and good wishes to Big Rik! I adore  the grumpy old men! My Tommy is an old-timer, too, (not even sure  how old), but he's also a bit weak in the hindquarters. My vet  Wendy said it's from losing a bit of muscle mass due to the  combination of age and arthritis. I have some kitty glucosamine/  condroitin but he doesn't like the taste mixed in his food and he  really objects to being pilled. This company does have a treat  formula that I bought for Sunny last year (she's about 105 years  old!) and she wasn't crazy about it, but Tommy likes treats so I  think I'll try it again for
 him. Give Big Rik a big hug and Tommy and Sunny understand completely  'what a drag it is getting old...' Love, Julie Susan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Please add my 19 1/2 year old Big Rik to the special needs list.  He has been your typical grumpy old man for the last few years, but  incredibly healthy. He has just begun to stay dehydrated enough to  need subQ fluids and I noticed yesterday that his hind quarters are  getting week and unsteady. He's a really fine old fella, felv  negative. thanks "I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas Gandhi
 (1869-1948) Paws Come WITH Claws!!! If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think  your decision to acquire a pet. __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Re: Bandy's test results

2005-08-31 Thread Lernermichelle

Teo suggestions:
1. Did you ask about Metacam for the fever and inflammation?

2. Acupuncture sometimes helps raise hematocrit, and I was told by a Reiki practitioner that reiki does also.

RE: Please add Big Rik to the special needs list - Big Rik has died

2005-08-31 Thread Susan Loesch
Thank you Kerry. And he did have such a long life - I feel almost ashamed of being upset over losing a kitty who nearly reached 20years. All of us who have feleuk babies would kill for a lifespan of even half that for them, I know. Mylittle Butternut who died last week at 3 1/2 - long for a feleuk pos kitten but wow, to have had 19 1/2 years with him, or my other feleuk babies - Daisy, Leader, Valley, Misty Morning, Jingles, and little Carla - who is over 2 years old but is the size of an 8 week old kitten and going down hill. I feel like I should apoligize to them for feeling sad about Rik. "MacKenzie, Kerry N." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Susan
While I haven't had a chance to post myself, I've been following your posts as much as possible and amso sorry to hear you lost your beloved Big Rik. At least, unlike so many of our kitties, he did have a full and long life as well as being a much-loved little fella. I know how much you're going to miss your sweet guy and hope all the good memories of him bring you comfort in the weeks to come.
take care, Kerry

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan LoeschSent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 8:22 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Please add Big Rik to the special needs list - Big Rik has died
Thank you, Julie. Aren't our old guys wonderful. I am so sad to have to say that Big Rik died in my arms around 2am this morning. I had followed up on the suggestion of potassium - talked to my vet and added it to his SQ fluids. Late yesterday afternoon he seemed to rally a bit but it didn't last long. He has had this voracious appetite - scarfed down almost a whole can of cat food when he seemed to feel a little better yesterday.. I think that in itself is a sign of something wrong - he was like that for about a week.(I know that hunger/eating is one of the last functions tobe lost - that a cat will eat up almost to the point of death so I knew it wasn't really a positive thing. He may have had some thyroid problems to develop or diabetes. Had I not known his kidneys were so bad and if he hadn't been in such poor condition I'd have had blood work done.) In fact I didn't get my hand out of the! way
 fast enough one day and he chowed down hard on my thumb. I look at the thumb now and wish I had another opportunity for him to bite me.

Give your Tommy and Sunny hugs from me. I hope they are around for many, many years but when their time comes I know Big Rik will be there waitiing for them - they can have the "old folks club".Basedon the amount of SQ fluids he absorbed very quickly over the last couple of days I think his kidneys just quit. I will definitely look into the glucosamine/condroitin treats - I have other older kitties - but at 13-15 they are just kids compared to Big Rik. Thanks for that information.Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Susan,

Sending huge amounts of love and good wishes to Big Rik! I adore the grumpy old men! My Tommy is an old-timer, too, (not even sure how old), but he's also a bit weak in the hindquarters. My vet Wendy said it's from losing a bit of muscle mass due to the combination of age and arthritis. I have some kitty glucosamine/condroitin but he doesn't like the taste mixed in his food and he really objects to being pilled. This company does have a treat formula that I bought for Sunny last year (she's about 105 years old!) and she wasn't crazy about it, but Tommy likes treats so I think I'll try it again for him.

Give Big Rik a big hug and Tommy and Sunny understand completely 'what a drag it is getting old...'

Love, Julie Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please add my 19 1/2 year old Big Rik to the special needs list. He has been your typical grumpy old man for the last few years, but incredibly healthy. He has just begun to stay dehydrated enough to need subQ fluids and I noticed yesterday that his hind quarters are getting week and unsteady. He's a really fine old fella, felv negative. thanks"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet. 
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP has moved its Chicago office to Hyatt Center, 71 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606. Email addresses, telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers remain unchanged. For more information, click the link below or copy / paste the link into the address bar of your Web browser: Please Note: Some administrative functions will be located at 230 S. LaSalle, 

Re: Please add Big Rik to the special needs list - Big Rik has died

2005-08-31 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Susan,

How very sorry I am for your loss; what a deep and special bond you andBig Rik must have developed over 19.5 years. What an extraordinary life! Still, it's never enough time when it's time for them to leave us, is it? I know what you mean about that bite; I have scratches down my inner arm from Tater Tot during his seizures on the way to the ER and I think they will scar and I hope they do. I will think of him everyday and when I look at those scars I will not think of the end of his life, but what a joyful boy he was when he was here. You must have so many wonderful memories of Big Rik toprocess. I can easily imagine all our old 'grumpies' on the special super-duper-soft cloud.

A big hug from me and extra-strength headbutts from Tommy and Sunny; we'll light a candle for Big Rik tonight.

Take care.

Love, Julie

Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you, Julie. Aren't our old guys wonderful. I am so sad to have to say that Big Rik died in my arms around 2am this morning. I had followed up on the suggestion of potassium - talked to my vet and added it to his SQ fluids. Late yesterday afternoon he seemed to rally a bit but it didn't last long. He has had this voracious appetite - scarfed down almost a whole can of cat food when he seemed to feel a little better yesterday.. I think that in itself is a sign of something wrong - he was like that for about a week.(I know that hunger/eating is one of the last functions tobe lost - that a cat will eat up almost to the point of death so I knew it wasn't really a positive thing. He may have had some thyroid problems to develop or diabetes. Had I not known his kidneys were so bad and if he hadn't been in such poor condition I'd have had blood work done.) In fact I didn't get my hand out of the way fast
 enough one day and he chowed down hard on my thumb. I look at the thumb now and wish I had another opportunity for him to bite me.

Give your Tommy and Sunny hugs from me. I hope they are around for many, many years but when their time comes I know Big Rik will be there waitiing for them - they can have the "old folks club".Basedon the amount of SQ fluids he absorbed very quickly over the last couple of days I think his kidneys just quit. I will definitely look into the glucosamine/condroitin treats - I have other older kitties - but at 13-15 they are just kids compared to Big Rik. Thanks for that information.Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Susan,

Sending huge amounts of love and good wishes to Big Rik! I adore the grumpy old men! My Tommy is an old-timer, too, (not even sure how old), but he's also a bit weak in the hindquarters. My vet Wendy said it's from losing a bit of muscle mass due to the combination of age and arthritis. I have some kitty glucosamine/condroitin but he doesn't like the taste mixed in his food and he really objects to being pilled. This company does have a treat formula that I bought for Sunny last year (she's about 105 years old!) and she wasn't crazy about it, but Tommy likes treats so I think I'll try it again for him.

Give Big Rik a big hug and Tommy and Sunny understand completely 'what a drag it is getting old...'

Love, Julie Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please add my 19 1/2 year old Big Rik to the special needs list. He has been your typical grumpy old man for the last few years, but incredibly healthy. He has just begun to stay dehydrated enough to need subQ fluids and I noticed yesterday that his hind quarters are getting week and unsteady. He's a really fine old fella, felv negative. thanks"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet. 
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around "I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Bandy's test results

2005-08-31 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Kerry,

I'm sorry to hear that Bandy had some bad news. Is there any possibility that he couldhave hemobartonella? Did they test for it (notoriously hard to test for)? Doxycycline is the antibiotic of choice; would your vet be willing to prescribe it just in case? It causes anemia and since it's an infection, I would presume it could cause fever, too.

I think the liver shake would be great for Bandy, some other suggestions are: Pet-Tinic (a liquid multivitamin which also has iron), perhaps cod liver oil? It's an antioxidant and if you look at Dr. Addie's website re: FIP, it's a short term supplement she suggests. Perhaps cold water fish, like canned mackeral (my guys love it) or salmon.

Sending you both hugs and all best wishes!

Love, Julie

Kerry Roach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We had some bad news today...The IFA was positive for FeLV and FIV...His bone marrow is failing...It is not producing enough RBC. The WBC are was a little high, but not much.
We have stopped the epogen(procrit) injections for now...Since he does have enough erythropoietin he doesn't need that now unless the PCV goes to around 20...It was 26 today..
Also, he is still spiking a temp more on than off...but we have also had to stop the dex injections as it could be harmful to his pancreas so she put him on 5mg of pred daily which I know isn't a good thing, but it is the only thing we can use to bring down the fever...
Any more suggestions on the temp thing would be great...I don't know what else to do...
The specialist also said the fever is from inflammation caused from the I have to try to figure out a way to stop it using something natural if at all possible...
He hurt his leg a few days ago as he was playing and I think he over did it so now he won't walk on it much...
We are still on the same antibiotics until the PCR test comes back next week...
If any of you know anything we could do to help his bone marrow, I would really appreciate the info...I am waiting to get the papers in front of me as I don't understand all of this until I see the actual results in front of me...We did all this on the phone today...
I need some help trying to make a good protocol for him supplement wise..
I have read about the liver shake and am going to try that, but he likes fish best..(salmon)
I just don't know where to start or what to do first...I have searched on the list for any other kitties that might have symptoms like Bandy and I can't find I don't know if this is highly unusual or what...
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers...
Hoping all your kitties are doing good today.
Head butts to all!!
Kerry R. and Bandy
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around "I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.
		 Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

Re: Please add Big Rik to the special needs list - Big Rik has died

2005-08-31 Thread Susan Loesch
Thanks, Julie. I can just picture Big Rik resting on that soft cloud - telling everyone what he thinks in that growly, yowly voice of his!Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Susan,

How very sorry I am for your loss; what a deep and special bond you andBig Rik must have developed over 19.5 years. What an extraordinary life! Still, it's never enough time when it's time for them to leave us, is it? I know what you mean about that bite; I have scratches down my inner arm from Tater Tot during his seizures on the way to the ER and I think they will scar and I hope they do. I will think of him everyday and when I look at those scars I will not think of the end of his life, but what a joyful boy he was when he was here. You must have so many wonderful memories of Big Rik toprocess. I can easily imagine all our old 'grumpies' on the special super-duper-soft cloud.

A big hug from me and extra-strength headbutts from Tommy and Sunny; we'll light a candle for Big Rik tonight.

Take care.

Love, Julie

Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you, Julie. Aren't our old guys wonderful. I am so sad to have to say that Big Rik died in my arms around 2am this morning. I had followed up on the suggestion of potassium - talked to my vet and added it to his SQ fluids. Late yesterday afternoon he seemed to rally a bit but it didn't last long. He has had this voracious appetite - scarfed down almost a whole can of cat food when he seemed to feel a little better yesterday.. I think that in itself is a sign of something wrong - he was like that for about a week.(I know that hunger/eating is one of the last functions tobe lost - that a cat will eat up almost to the point of death so I knew it wasn't really a positive thing. He may have had some thyroid problems to develop or diabetes. Had I not known his kidneys were so bad and if he hadn't been in such poor condition I'd have had blood work done.) In fact I didn't get my hand out of the way fast
 enough one day and he chowed down hard on my thumb. I look at the thumb now and wish I had another opportunity for him to bite me.

Give your Tommy and Sunny hugs from me. I hope they are around for many, many years but when their time comes I know Big Rik will be there waitiing for them - they can have the "old folks club".Basedon the amount of SQ fluids he absorbed very quickly over the last couple of days I think his kidneys just quit. I will definitely look into the glucosamine/condroitin treats - I have other older kitties - but at 13-15 they are just kids compared to Big Rik. Thanks for that information.Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Susan,

Sending huge amounts of love and good wishes to Big Rik! I adore the grumpy old men! My Tommy is an old-timer, too, (not even sure how old), but he's also a bit weak in the hindquarters. My vet Wendy said it's from losing a bit of muscle mass due to the combination of age and arthritis. I have some kitty glucosamine/condroitin but he doesn't like the taste mixed in his food and he really objects to being pilled. This company does have a treat formula that I bought for Sunny last year (she's about 105 years old!) and she wasn't crazy about it, but Tommy likes treats so I think I'll try it again for him.

Give Big Rik a big hug and Tommy and Sunny understand completely 'what a drag it is getting old...'

Love, Julie Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please add my 19 1/2 year old Big Rik to the special needs list. He has been your typical grumpy old man for the last few years, but incredibly healthy. He has just begun to stay dehydrated enough to need subQ fluids and I noticed yesterday that his hind quarters are getting week and unsteady. He's a really fine old fella, felv negative. thanks"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet. 
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around "I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: Please add Big Rik to the special needs list - Big Rik has died

2005-08-31 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Susan--I hear what you're saying, and I'm pretty sure I'd be feeling similar 
"guilt" if it were me---BUT how wrong I would be!
Rik's long, full life is truly something to be celebrated, with NO apology 
necessary---to anyone! Also--and I can only speak for myself here--I feel 
that the longer you have them the more painfulin many ways the 
lossis, and the harder it is to accept that they've gone. It's truly 
wonderful thatBig Riklived to such a ripe old age, 
andunquestionable thatthe sweet little furball is going to leave 
behind him a huge gap.until all the good memories come flooding back as, of 
course, they surely andeventually, will. 
 hugs to you and Big Rik, in his peaceful resting-place, and to all your 
furballs, Kerry

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Susan LoeschSent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 9:54 
AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: RE: Please add 
Big Rik to the special needs list - Big Rik has died
Thank you Kerry. And he did have such a long life - I feel almost ashamed 
of being upset over losing a kitty who nearly reached 20years. All of us 
who have feleuk babies would kill for a lifespan of even half that for them, I 
know. Mylittle Butternut who died last week at 3 1/2 - long for a feleuk 
pos kitten but wow, to have had 19 1/2 years with him, or my other feleuk babies 
- Daisy, Leader, Valley, Misty Morning, Jingles, and little Carla - who is over 
2 years old but is the size of an 8 week old kitten and going down hill. I 
feel like I should apoligize to them for feeling sad about Rik. 
"MacKenzie, Kerry N." 

  While I haven't had a chance to post myself, I've 
  been following your posts as much as possible and amso sorry to hear you 
  lost your beloved Big Rik. At least, unlike so many of our kitties, he did 
  have a full and long life as well as being a much-loved little fella. I know 
  how much you're going to miss your sweet guy and hope all the good memories of 
  him bring you comfort in the weeks to come.
  care, Kerry
  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan 
  LoeschSent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 8:22 AMTo: 
  felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Please add Big Rik to the 
  special needs list - Big Rik has died
  Thank you, Julie. Aren't our old guys wonderful. I am so sad 
  to have to say that Big Rik died in my arms around 2am this morning. I 
  had followed up on the suggestion of potassium - talked to my vet and added it 
  to his SQ fluids. Late yesterday afternoon he seemed to rally a 
  bit but it didn't last long. He has had this voracious appetite - 
  scarfed down almost a whole can of cat food when he seemed to feel a little 
  better yesterday.. I think that in itself is a sign of something wrong - 
  he was like that for about a week.(I know that hunger/eating is one of the 
  last functions tobe lost - that a cat will eat up almost to the point of 
  death so I knew it wasn't really a positive thing. He may have had 
  some thyroid problems to develop or diabetes. Had I not known his 
  kidneys were so bad and if he hadn't been in such poor condition I'd have had 
  blood work done.) In fact I didn't get my hand out of the! ! way 
  fast enough one day and he chowed down hard on my thumb. I look at the 
  thumb now and wish I had another opportunity for him to bite me.
  Give your Tommy and Sunny hugs from me. I hope they are around for 
  many, many years but when their time comes I know Big Rik will be there 
  waitiing for them - they can have the "old folks 
  club".Basedon the amount of SQ fluids he absorbed very 
  quickly over the last couple of days I think his kidneys just quit. 
  I will definitely look into the glucosamine/condroitin treats - I have 
  other older kitties - but at 13-15 they are just kids compared to Big 
  Rik. Thanks for that information.Julie Johnson 
Dear Susan,

Sending huge amounts of love and good wishes to Big Rik! I adore 
the grumpy old men! My Tommy is an old-timer, too, (not even sure how 
old), but he's also a bit weak in the hindquarters. My vet Wendy said 
it's from losing a bit of muscle mass due to the combination of age and 
arthritis. I have some kitty glucosamine/condroitin but he doesn't 
like the taste mixed in his food and he really objects to being 
pilled. This company does have a treat formula that I bought for Sunny 
last year (she's about 105 years old!) and she wasn't crazy about it, but 
Tommy likes treats so I think I'll try it again for him.

Give Big Rik a big hug and Tommy and Sunny understand completely 'what 
a drag it is getting old...'

Love, Julie Susan Loesch 

  Please add my 19 1/2 year old 

RE: Please add Big Rik to the special needs list - Big Rik has died

2005-08-31 Thread Susan Loesch
Thanks, Kerry. What you say makes me feel better - I have been surprised at the amount of "guilt" I've felt - especially looking at little feleuk+Carla who is undoubtedly going to be the next to go - so very early in her life."MacKenzie, Kerry N." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Susan--I hear what you're saying, and I'm pretty sure I'd be feeling similar "guilt" if it were me---BUT how wrong I would be!
Big Rik's long, full life is truly something to be celebrated, with NO apology necessary---to anyone! Also--and I can only speak for myself here--I feel that the longer you have them the more painfulin many ways the lossis, and the harder it is to accept that they've gone. It's truly wonderful thatBig Riklived to such a ripe old age, andunquestionable thatthe sweet little furball is going to leave behind him a huge gap.until all the good memories come flooding back as, of course, they surely andeventually, will. 
love  hugs to you and Big Rik, in his peaceful resting-place, and to all your furballs, Kerry

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan LoeschSent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 9:54 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: RE: Please add Big Rik to the special needs list - Big Rik has died
Thank you Kerry. And he did have such a long life - I feel almost ashamed of being upset over losing a kitty who nearly reached 20years. All of us who have feleuk babies would kill for a lifespan of even half that for them, I know. Mylittle Butternut who died last week at 3 1/2 - long for a feleuk pos kitten but wow, to have had 19 1/2 years with him, or my other feleuk babies - Daisy, Leader, Valley, Misty Morning, Jingles, and little Carla - who is over 2 years old but is the size of an 8 week old kitten and going down hill. I feel like I should apoligize to them for feeling sad about Rik. "MacKenzie, Kerry N." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Dear Susan
While I haven't had a chance to post myself, I've been following your posts as much as possible and amso sorry to hear you lost your beloved Big Rik. At least, unlike so many of our kitties, he did have a full and long life as well as being a much-loved little fella. I know how much you're going to miss your sweet guy and hope all the good memories of him bring you comfort in the weeks to come.
take care, Kerry

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan LoeschSent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 8:22 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Please add Big Rik to the special needs list - Big Rik has died
Thank you, Julie. Aren't our old guys wonderful. I am so sad to have to say that Big Rik died in my arms around 2am this morning. I had followed up on the suggestion of potassium - talked to my vet and added it to his SQ fluids. Late yesterday afternoon he seemed to rally a bit but it didn't last long. He has had this voracious appetite - scarfed down almost a whole can of cat food when he seemed to feel a little better yesterday.. I think that in itself is a sign of something wrong - he was like that for about a week.(I know that hunger/eating is one of the last functions tobe lost - that a cat will eat up almost to the point of death so I knew it wasn't really a positive thing. He may have had some thyroid problems to develop or diabetes. Had I not known his kidneys were so bad and if he hadn't been in such poor condition I'd have had blood work done.) In fact I didn't get my hand out of the! ! way
 fast enough one day and he chowed down hard on my thumb. I look at the thumb now and wish I had another opportunity for him to bite me.

Give your Tommy and Sunny hugs from me. I hope they are around for many, many years but when their time comes I know Big Rik will be there waitiing for them - they can have the "old folks club".Basedon the amount of SQ fluids he absorbed very quickly over the last couple of days I think his kidneys just quit. I will definitely look into the glucosamine/condroitin treats - I have other older kitties - but at 13-15 they are just kids compared to Big Rik. Thanks for that information.Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Susan,

Sending huge amounts of love and good wishes to Big Rik! I adore the grumpy old men! My Tommy is an old-timer, too, (not even sure how old), but he's also a bit weak in the hindquarters. My vet Wendy said it's from losing a bit of muscle mass due to the combination of age and arthritis. I have some kitty glucosamine/condroitin but he doesn't like the taste mixed in his food and he really objects to being pilled. This company does have a treat formula that I bought for Sunny last year (she's about 105 years old!) and she wasn't crazy about it, but Tommy likes treats so I think I'll try it again for him.

Give Big Rik a big hug and Tommy and Sunny understand completely 'what a drag it is getting old...'

Love, Julie Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please add my 19 

Re: Please add Big Rik to the special needs list - Big Rik has died

2005-08-31 Thread Sheila208
Dear Susan, I am so sorry for your loss. I know just how you feel, we all do. It is not any easier losing an old guy just because they have had a long life. I think it is much harder because we have had them with us for so long that they become a part of us. I have 20 cats and 15 of them are 13 yrs and older. I have been so lucky having them with me for so long as most are felv+ and should have pass yrs ago according to the vets. Right now I have and old guy Bubba 16 who is so sick and dying of kidney failure. He wants to live so bad he just want give up. It's so hard watching him. The only good thing I can say is be grateful Big Rik went so quickly. You'll be in my prayers. Sheila

RE: Ewok has a tumor... :(

2005-08-31 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Jen, I'm not very timely at the moment with my email, but just wanted to say 
I'm sending lots of positive vibes for Ewok. I hope the little furball is doing 
ok. Kerry

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: Ewok has a tumor... :(

That's good to hear!  I know Ewok's prognosis, statistically, isn't it always helps to hear about success stories with other FeLV+
cats!  There's no harm in hoping that Ewok will be around for awhile,
right?  I don't want to jinx anything!!  :)


But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed... --Antoine de

If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys. --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
From: Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, August 29, 2005 7:58 am
Subject: Re: Ewok has a tumor... :(

  There is a specific cat named Sambe, Mom is Stacy, she is 
 extremely busy and doesn't post often, but her Samba is FeLV 
 and is going strong last I heard about a month or so ago.  They are 
 Kansas.  I believe he has lymphoma, he was diagnosed right after my 
 Buddie and I lost Buddie a year ago after her year long fight with 
 cancer, so Sambe has been in remission for about 2 years.
 Happiness is being owned by cats ...
 Be-Mi-Kitties ...
 Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
 FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)
 BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)


pfont color=#99 size=+1 face=Arial, Helvetica, 
sans-serifstrongMayer, Brown, Rowe amp; Maw LLP has moved its Chicago 
office to Hyatt Center,/strong/fontfont color=#99 face=Arial, 
Helvetica, sans-serif 71 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606. Email 
addresses, telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers remain unchanged. For more 
information, click the link below or copy / paste the link into the address bar 
of your Web browser: /font/pa 

Please Note: Some administrative functions will be located at 230 S. LaSalle, 
Chicago IL, 60604. 


IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was 
neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP to 
be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax 
penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers 
to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or 
other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the 
advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other 
than Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such 
taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances 
from an independent tax advisor


This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of 
the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this 
email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named 
addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

FW: [FivCats] Fe-Leuk kitty needs help

2005-08-31 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Hi, you guys, do you know anything about
this sanctuary?

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of catsspecialdeserve
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005
9:07 PM
Subject: [FivCats] Fe-Leuk kitty
needs help

Hideyo, There is a new sanctuary that is opening in Iowa called 
Kitties from Heaven that is no-kill and cage-free
and is accepting 
Leukemia +
kitties on a limited basis. Contact person is
Katie Luensmann. Web 
site is: This sanctuary
has been in 
operation for sometime, but now they are building
separate living 
quarters for these cats. You might also try:

Kat's Paw, run by Charlotte Wright
She is in Robertsdale,

Felines, Inc. in Chicago e-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] It is No-Kill and cageless.

Also in Iowa
is: C+W Rustic Hollow Shelter, Inc. Carmen Linda is 
email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Cageless and No-Kill
Nashua, Iowa

Hollies Place, Lawrence, Kentucky.

The following sites accept adoption ads for Leuk+

Cow Cats and Dog
Logs based in Chandler,

Pets with Disabilities
Prince Frederick, MD 


Arizona Feline Network

Niki's Felines Enjoying Lives of Value Rescue,
Inc. (FELV) 
add to Petfinder

Bemi Kitties Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP
Cat owner in Sumner,
 WA Belinda

Marley Fund
  Greenville, NC

Perhaps these folks can refer her o private foster
homes, if they 
cannot help directly. Good Luck. Barbara


 Visit your group
 FivCats on
 the web.
 To unsubscribe
 from this group, send an email to:
 Your use of
 Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo!
 Terms of Service. 

Re: Oklahoma City - 4 sweet leukemia kitties in a desperate situation

2005-08-31 Thread Susan Loesch
gloria, that would work. I will take one. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Maybe if four of us takes one kitty each ...Begin forwarded message: From: "Jennifer Dennis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: August 29, 2000 9:22:12 PM CDT To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: [PurringPixieCatResource] 4 sweet leukemia kitties in a  desperate situation Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, I am in desperate need of help for 4 sweet kitties who are positive  for FELV. I worked as a vet tech in Oklahoma City for 6 years.  During that time, I saw a lot of animals put to sleep that could  have lived long, healthy lives. I could not bear to see these 4  sweet leukemia cats be put to death who were not sick, they just  tested positive for leukemia. So, I took them home with me to keep  them from being
 euthanized. I also have other cats who are not  leukemia positive. I gave these leukemia cats a large bedroom  where they have been living for the past couple of years. The problem I have now was totally unavoidable and unplanned. I  became pregnant with quadruplets, and I had enormous problems  throughout the pregnancy. I was hospitalized for 77 days, I went  into labor starting at 18 weeks. My 4 beautiful daughters were  born incredibly premature, and 3 of them died. I have one  surviving daughter who is on oxygen and suffers from respiratory  distress syndrome, she also has bronchio-pulmonary disease and  requires a heart monitor 24 hours a day, and she also has partial  liver failure and brittle bones. She spent 3 months in the  hospital, too, and has recently been released. I lost my job  during all of this, and I cannot go back to work because she cannot  go
 to daycare with her medical problems. We are now losing our  house. I have found places for all of my cats to go except the  leukemia cats, and I cannot take them with me to the inlaws'  house. I have not had any luck in finding a place for these sweet  leukemia cats to go. I cannot allow them to be put to sleep. I  think it is just wrong. I love these cats very much and they  deserve to go to a place where they will be loved and not put to  death. If anyone can help these kitties, please let me know as  soon as possible. We do not have the money to stay in this house  and we are quickly running out of time and options. (We are in  Oklahoma City.) Jennifer

Re: RE: Lisa--Nutrical

2005-08-31 Thread jenmeyer
This is a good way to administer Nutrical, if it hasn't been suggested
already!  It's a high-calorie gel that comes in a tube (can also be
found at Petsmart, etc.)...just put some on your finger and scrape
against the roof of kitty's mouth...I've also put some on paws so that
they're forced to lick it off...but you can't put too much as cat's have
a tendency to want to shake it off before they lick it off...I've got
splatterings of Nutrical all over the kitchen!

But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed... --Antoine de

If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys. --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
From: Hideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 11:13 am
Subject: RE: Lisa

 Hi, Lisa, are you using syringe?  I have one cat, Leo who just 
 hated to
 be fed with syringe and everthing could come out from his mouth ---
 My vet also told me a different way of feeding with your finger - you
 take a pallatble food like baby food or cannned food, and put some on
 the tip of your pointing finger . you put the food side up (the 
 oppositeside of where your nail is), and put it into his mouth -- 
 rub against
 the top of his palate - 
 How is he doing today?
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Elizabeth 
 PazSent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 10:11 PM
 Subject: Hideyo
 Thank you for your kind words, I will keep trying.  It just that he 
 struggles so much that I worry about getting him all stressed out.  He
 put up one heck of a struggle.  His head is so strong and it moves 
 But I will keep trying.  He was so ill  in 03 that we did not think he
 make it but we worked so hard on getting him so healthy and chubby. 
 is so different with the food.  I can easily give him his pills, but
 food stuff, what can I say, this is just tearing my heart up.
 Thank You for support.
 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px'font 
 From:  iquot;Hideyo Yamamotoquot; 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]gt;/ibrReply-To:  
 ifelvtalk@felineleukemia.orggt;/ibrSubject:  iRE: Won't 
 EatPlease Help/ibrDate:  iTue, 30 Aug 2005 17:20:06 
 -0600/ibrgt;Lisa, I can emphasize your pain - my Felv positive,
 stoppedbrgt;eating for over a week a several months 
 ago.brgt;brgt;She is already a very small girl, and did not want
 to lose any morebrgt;weight - so as Nina mentioned, I assisted 
 her to
 with syringe everybrgt;day with baby food and liver shake 
 -brgt;brgt;I will be praying that your kitty will bounce back 
 soon - so staybrgt;calm (I know it's hard, but do your best) and 
 him gently andbrgt;tell him how much he means to you and how he is
 to get better verybrgt;very soon..brgt;brgt;Love and hugs to
 and your kitty..brgt;brgt;Hideyobrgt;brgt;-Original 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]brgt;[mailto:Felvtalk-
 On Behalf Of Ninabrgt;Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 3:55
 felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgbrgt;Subject: Re: Won't EatPlease 
 Helpbrgt;brgt;Hi Lisa,brgt;I can hear the panic in your voice
 how very much you love yourbrgt;Kitty.  You are right, you need to
 him to eat.   It is wonderfulbrgt;that he has been so healthy 
 and has
 few extra pounds to help himbrgt;maintain right now.  He is in 
 HL if he goes without eatingbrgt;anything in a 24 to 48 hour 
 That means if you get somethingbrgt;down him, he'll probably be 
 know the sound of quot;syringebrgt;feedingquot; can be
 Don't think of it as quot;forcequot; feeding,brgt;think of it 
 quot;assistedquot; feeding.  Like you would a baby.  There is 
 abrgt;group for help with this, here's the 
 thing must be so panicky with his eyes giving him trouble
 Not to mention the vet trip from Hell.   All he's going to
 wantbrgt;to do 
 is hide.  Please try to calm yourself.  Put on some soft music 
 andbrgt;brgt;keep the room he's in dark.  If he wants to 
 hide, go 
 ahead and let him,brgt;(after you get his meds and some food in him
 course).  Speak softlybrgt;to him and tell him how the two of you
 see this through together.brgt;Tell him you will do your very 
 best to

Re: For Amy - Leuk Positive Cat

2005-08-31 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am still not getting emails, but when they come through I will respond if I can...Kerry and Amy, I too am in Chicago I can help transport, if possible.
Cherie"MacKenzie, Kerry N." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Amy, if kitty Homey is still homeless/about to be euthanized, andthere's a way for him to be transported to Chicago, I'll take the littlefellow. (I have no wheels/driver's license myself unfortunately.)My only worry is how he would cope with being restricted to the guestbedroom/catroom -- the only space I have for the FeLV kitties. Anyway,let me know what the situation is when you have a moment...thanks, Kerry-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Amy WilkinsSent: Monday, August 29, 2005 5:50 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Leuk Positive Cat Yet again, somebody has contacted me about helping outa leukemia positive kitty. Sorry to always bedropping these on you guys but I just got married andthen came
 home and adopted 2 more cats (1 FIV+ and 1FeLV+) the next day. I'm out of room and I wanted towrite and see if anybody can take this cat. I'll setup transport if anybody has room for him. Here is a copy of the e-mail I got about him. I alsohave pictures of him that I will send to anybody thatis interested. I need to find somebody within acouple days or she will be euthanizing him. He is inRochester, NY but I'm willing to set up transport upto 8-10 hours away. (copy of e-mail) Dear Amy: Per Judy Newman's (Habitat for Cats?) request, I amwriting you to ask for your help, if you are able toat all. You have no idea how much I appreciate thework you do for animals. You are an angel. Judyasked me to give you as much information about thiscat as I could. I have been feeding feral/homeless cats for over 3years now, every single morning at 5:30 am. (beforethe owners get there, as they are not
 the nicestpeople when it comes to compassion for these animals),through rain and snow, behind Lorraine's Restaurant onCulver and East Main. I have seen quite a fewdifferent animals, but the one I am now speaking ofjust came about last Tuesday. After putting the foodand water out, this cute cat let me come close to it,then actually allowed me to scratch his head. As Istarted to get up, he sidled up to my leg and startedto follow me back to my car. The next morning, I didnot see him, but on Thursday, with cage in the backseat and a towel to grab it with, he allowed me topick it up and I brought it home to my back bedroom,where, although a bit frightened, he let me pet himand he gobbled up food. His demeanor is sweet. At first, I thought itcouldn't be homeless due to its sweet way, but thegreasy coat, and matted fur, and malnourished bodythat the veterinarian told me told me this morning ithad, convinced me
 otherwise. At home I took awashcloth and tried to bathe it the best I could. Heeven has started to play with strings. I had made an appointment for it on Monday, today, the22nd of August for its shots and neutering. I havesix other cats whom I have rescued over the years. Iwas planning on trying to find a home for this onebecause as you know, its hard on the other cats in thehouse - especially when they are all so territorialalready! I brought the homeless kitty in this morningand the vet immediately called me to say they had ittested and it has feline leukemia. Which broke myheart. I called Humane Society as I have heard ofsanctuaries for these cats. They referred me to JudyNewman. The reason this breaks my heart the most, is that thiscat is less than a year old, has very beautiful green,loving eyes, purrs for me, plays with me, loves to beheld and rub his nose against your face. He is alsolitter
 trained. He is like a black/brown stripedmedium to long haired beauty. I love him already somuch, but know I can't keep him with the other cats inthe house. The vet did the neutering procedure this morning, andgave him his rabies and distemper shot. They alsocleaned his mats out of fur. I had him scheduled for4 pm. to be put to sleep, but then received the callfrom Judy an hour ago saying there may be hope, withyou. And I know that is a slight chance, but Amy, youhave no idea how much you have helped already, knowingsomeone out there cares about something that theyhaven't even seen. If you had by now, you would be inlove. He is just the sweetest. I called the vet andasked them to give him the name "Homey" for now, sothat he at least will have had a name in his shortlife. I just called the vet and told them I would bepicking up the cat today at 4pm, at least for a fewdays, and am going to take him home and
 give him somegreat meals and loving, until I hear back from you. Amy Wilkins Woof Wagonwww.woofwagon.comStart your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP has moved its Chicago office to Hyatt Center, 71 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606. Email addresses, 

RE: For Amy - Leuk Positive Cat

2005-08-31 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

you Cherie!

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Cherie A GabbertSent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 
12:39 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: For 
Amy - Leuk Positive Cat 
I am still not getting emails, but when they come through I will respond if 
I can...Kerry and Amy, I too am in Chicago I can help transport, if 
Cherie"MacKenzie, Kerry N." 
  if kitty Homey is still homeless/about to be euthanized, andthere's a way 
  for him to be transported to Chicago, I'll take the littlefellow. (I have 
  no wheels/driver's license myself unfortunately.)My only worry is how he 
  would cope with being restricted to the guestbedroom/catroom -- the only 
  space I have for the FeLV kitties. Anyway,let me know what the situation 
  is when you have a moment...thanks, Kerry-Original 
  On Behalf Of Amy WilkinsSent: Monday, August 29, 2005 5:50 PMTo: 
  felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Leuk Positive Cat Yet 
  again, somebody has contacted me about helping outa leukemia positive 
  kitty. Sorry to always bedropping these on you guys but I just got married 
  andthen! came home and adopted 2 more cats (1 FIV+ and 1FeLV+) the 
  next day. I'm out of room and I wanted towrite and see if anybody can take 
  this cat. I'll setup transport if anybody has room for him. Here 
  is a copy of the e-mail I got about him. I alsohave pictures of him that I 
  will send to anybody thatis interested. I need to find somebody within 
  acouple days or she will be euthanizing him. He is inRochester, NY but 
  I'm willing to set up transport upto 8-10 hours away. (copy of 
  e-mail) Dear Amy: Per Judy Newman's (Habitat for Cats?) 
  request, I amwriting you to ask for your help, if you are able toat 
  all. You have no idea how much I appreciate thework you do for animals. 
  You are an angel. Judyasked me to give you as much information about 
  thiscat as I could. I have been feeding feral/homeless cats for 
  over 3years now, every single morning at 5:30 am. (beforethe owners 
  get there, as they! are not the nicestpeople when it comes to compassion 
  for these animals),through rain and snow, behind Lorraine's Restaurant 
  onCulver and East Main. I have seen quite a fewdifferent animals, but 
  the one I am now speaking ofjust came about last Tuesday. After putting 
  the foodand water out, this cute cat let me come close to it,then 
  actually allowed me to scratch his head. As Istarted to get up, he sidled 
  up to my leg and startedto follow me back to my car. The next morning, I 
  didnot see him, but on Thursday, with cage in the backseat and a towel 
  to grab it with, he allowed me topick it up and I brought it home to my 
  back bedroom,where, although a bit frightened, he let me pet himand he 
  gobbled up food. His demeanor is sweet. At first, I thought 
  itcouldn't be homeless due to its sweet way, but thegreasy coat, and 
  matted fur, and malnourished bodythat the veterinarian told me told me 
  this morning ithad, con! vinced me otherwise. At home I took 
  awashcloth and tried to bathe it the best I could. Heeven has started 
  to play with strings. I had made an appointment for it on Monday, 
  today, the22nd of August for its shots and neutering. I havesix other 
  cats whom I have rescued over the years. Iwas planning on trying to find a 
  home for this onebecause as you know, its hard on the other cats in 
  thehouse - especially when they are all so territorialalready! I 
  brought the homeless kitty in this morningand the vet immediately called 
  me to say they had ittested and it has feline leukemia. Which broke 
  myheart. I called Humane Society as I have heard ofsanctuaries for 
  these cats. They referred me to JudyNewman. The reason this breaks 
  my heart the most, is that thiscat is less than a year old, has very 
  beautiful green,loving eyes, purrs for me, plays with me, loves to 
  beheld and rub his nose against your face. He is also! litter trained. 
  He is like a black/brown stripedmedium to long haired beauty. I love him 
  already somuch, but know I can't keep him with the other cats inthe 
  house. The vet did the neutering procedure this morning, andgave 
  him his rabies and distemper shot. They alsocleaned his mats out of fur. I 
  had him scheduled for4 pm. to be put to sleep, but then received the 
  callfrom Judy an hour ago saying there may be hope, withyou. And I 
  know that is a slight chance, but Amy, youhave no idea how much you have 
  helped already, knowingsomeone out there cares about something that 
  theyhaven't even seen. If you had by now, you would be inlove. He is 
  just the sweetest. I called the vet andasked them to give him the name 
  "Homey" for now, sothat he at least will have had a name in his 
  shortlife. I just called the vet and told them I would 

Hideyo and Kerry, Susan and Gloria

2005-08-31 Thread Julie Johnson
Hey Girls!

I'm having some weird things go on with email, too, and it seems like I'm only getting some messages. From what I can piece together, Hideyo, you saved a mom and babies, and Kerry, Susan and Gloria are all willing to give a home to a kitty?

You're the absolute best; everyone of you is a HERO!

Love, Julie"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.
		Yahoo! Mail for Mobile 
Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

RE: Hideyo and Kerry, Susan and Gloria

2005-08-31 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

that reminds me--my FeLV email comes into 2 addresses and I swear some email 
only came to one and not the other last week. Very 

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Julie JohnsonSent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 
1:27 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Hideyo and 
Kerry, Susan and Gloria
Hey Girls!

I'm having some weird things go on with email, too, and it seems like I'm 
only getting some messages. From what I can piece together, Hideyo, you 
saved a mom and babies, and Kerry, Susan and Gloria are all willing to give a 
home to a kitty?

You're the absolute best; everyone of you is a HERO!

Love, Julie"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the 
more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " 
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by 
the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi 
(1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about 
de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.

Yahoo! Mail for MobileTake 
Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP has moved its Chicago office to Hyatt Center, 71 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606. Email addresses, telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers remain unchanged. For more information, click the link below or copy / paste the link into the address bar of your Web browser: Please Note: Some administrative functions will be located at 230 S. LaSalle, Chicago IL, 60604. IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisorThis email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Re: Hideyo and Kerry, Susan and Gloria

2005-08-31 Thread Susan Loesch
Are we talking about two situations here - a mom and babies that Hideyo saved plus the 4 in Oklahoma that Jennifer Dennis is having to relinquish? (Jennifer's email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]) It is correct that I will take one of the Oklahoma 4 - I think all are adults?? Gloria and I are both in Little Rock, AR - a transport could be worked out, I think. My contact info in addition to [EMAIL PROTECTED] is 501-416-7547 (cell).Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey Girls!

I'm having some weird things go on with email, too, and it seems like I'm only getting some messages. From what I can piece together, Hideyo, you saved a mom and babies, and Kerry, Susan and Gloria are all willing to give a home to a kitty?

You're the absolute best; everyone of you is a HERO!

Love, Julie"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.

Yahoo! Mail for MobileTake Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

RE: Hideyo and Kerry, Susan and Gloria

2005-08-31 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Actually, mine are all taken care of as I
am keeping them all with me (for now anyway)  thank you for asking 
but I thought there was another situation  let me read back all the
postings to see if thats the case..

Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005
12:59 PM
Subject: Re: Hideyo and Kerry,
Susan and Gloria

Are we talking about two situations here - a mom and babies that Hideyo
saved plus the 4 in Oklahoma
that Jennifer Dennis is having to relinquish? (Jennifer's email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]) It is
correct that I will take one of the Oklahoma
4 - I think all are adults?? Gloria and I are both in Little Rock, AR
- a transport could be worked out, I think. My contact info in addition
501-416-7547 (cell).

Julie Johnson

Hey Girls!

I'm having some weird things go on with email, too, and it seems like
I'm only getting some messages. From what I can piece together, Hideyo,
you saved a mom and babies, and Kerry, Susan and Gloria are all willing to give
a home to a kitty?

You're the absolute best; everyone of you is a HERO!

Love, Julie

I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is
to protection by man from the cruelty of man.  

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged 
by the way its animals are treated.

Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

Paws Come WITH Claws!!!

If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your
decision to acquire a pet. 

Yahoo! Mail for Mobile
Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

RE: Hideyo and Kerry, Susan and Gloria

2005-08-31 Thread Susan Loesch
Good for you - and for the kitties. I don't remember seeing any other situation than the 4 in Oklahoma but I might have missed it.Hideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Actually, mine are all taken care of as I am keeping them all with me (for now anyway) – thank you for asking – but I thought there was another situation – let me read back all the postings to see if that’s the case..

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan LoeschSent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 12:59 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Hideyo and Kerry, Susan and Gloria

Are we talking about two situations here - a mom and babies that Hideyo saved plus the 4 in Oklahoma that Jennifer Dennis is having to relinquish? (Jennifer's email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]) It is correct that I will take one of the Oklahoma 4 - I think all are adults?? Gloria and I are both in Little Rock, AR - a transport could be worked out, I think. My contact info in addition to [EMAIL PROTECTED] is 501-416-7547 (cell).Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey Girls!

I'm having some weird things go on with email, too, and it seems like I'm only getting some messages. From what I can piece together, Hideyo, you saved a mom and babies, and Kerry, Susan and Gloria are all willing to give a home to a kitty?

You're the absolute best; everyone of you is a HERO!

Love, Julie
"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet. 

Yahoo! Mail for MobileTake Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

RE: Hideyo and Kerry, Susan and Gloria

2005-08-31 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto


I just remembered  I did send an
email out asking if someone could take care of 8-week old FeLV boy 
at this time, the owner is not sure if he is transient or virnemic (?) 
but she was planning to euthanize him if he continues to test positive  and
I wanted to help him find a home for him..

Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005
12:59 PM
Subject: Re: Hideyo and Kerry,
Susan and Gloria

Are we talking about two situations here - a mom and babies that Hideyo
saved plus the 4 in Oklahoma
that Jennifer Dennis is having to relinquish? (Jennifer's email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]) It is
correct that I will take one of the Oklahoma
4 - I think all are adults?? Gloria and I are both in Little Rock, AR
- a transport could be worked out, I think. My contact info in addition
501-416-7547 (cell).

Julie Johnson

Hey Girls!

I'm having some weird things go on with email, too, and it seems like
I'm only getting some messages. From what I can piece together, Hideyo,
you saved a mom and babies, and Kerry, Susan and Gloria are all willing to give
a home to a kitty?

You're the absolute best; everyone of you is a HERO!

Love, Julie

I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is
to protection by man from the cruelty of man.  

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged 
by the way its animals are treated.

Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

Paws Come WITH Claws!!!

If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your
decision to acquire a pet. 

Yahoo! Mail for Mobile
Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

Re: Hi Nina...

2005-08-31 Thread Nina

Hi Lisa,
We all understand how special Felv kitties are.  There's just something 
about them, if more people only knew...  That's so cute about changing 
his name to Velcro.  He sounds like such a love.  Please try to get a 
hold of your emotions.  I completely understand about tearing up at just 
the thought of losing him, I really do get it.  It's easier said than 
done, but those strong panicky emotions don't help anyone.  Put the 
energy into resolving to fight for him to recover!  Do your best to not 
mourn him before he's gone.  He's still here, right beside you, (well, 
okay at this point he may be hiding under the bed!).  Enjoy each moment 
you have with him still in the physical.  Close your eyes, take a deep 
breath, square your shoulders and commit to him and yourself to do 
everything you can to help him.  What else can we do?

You are not the first person to accidently squirt a syringe full of food 
or meds down an unsuspecting mouth, or all over the floor, or in your 
hair.  It takes some practice to get used to the plunger.  Practice 
without Kitty, (that's his name, right?).  Fill the syringe and plunge 
gently onto a plate, like you're decorating a cake.  Get accustomed to 
how it feels in your hand, how much pressure is necessary, etc.  If you 
just can't get a handle on it, try using an eye dropper, or a spoon, or 
your finger instead.  It's best to approach assist feeding in as calm 
and natural a manner as possible, but if Kitty is too upset from the 
first experience, try wrapping him in a towel so he can't struggle as 
much.  Hold him for a couple of  minutes and try and help him relax, 
(you relax too).  Talk to him soothingly the whole time.  Tell him 
you're sorry about the first time, that you'll try to do better.  Ask 
him to help!  You guys are in this together!  Keep him upright, maybe 
your husband can hold him in his lap while you put tiny amounts in his 
mouth.  Stop beating yourself up for not being perfect, all right, for 
being lousy the first time you tried this.  He's going to pick up on 
your feelings and think there's something to fear and avoid.  If you 
relax, then he'll be able to relax more.  Tell him again how he has to 
eat, and if he won't eat on his own then you have to help him.  Keep 
trying to offer him yummy foods that he wouldn't ordinarily be able to 
indulge in.  Try lunch meat, salmon, fried chicken, sour cream, cottage 
cheese, (you get the idea).  If he likes fish, I'd go out and get him a 
fillet, saute it up in some olive oil and offer him a bit while it's 
still warm.  Put tiny little bits down in front of him, if he's hiding 
put them down and walk away.  Do your best to get him following you 
around the house again, start by being calm!

I really hope the Ophthalmologist appointment goes well.  Please let us 
know what happened.  Prayers for Kitty, your hubby and you. 

Elizabeth Paz wrote:

Thank you for getting in touch with me so soon.   You are right I have 
such a feeling of panic mixed with such heartbreak.  Don't seem to be 
able to stop filling up with tears.  I have had many cats in my time 
and loved everyone of them, but this little boy (he is now 5yrs old)  
came into my life unexpectedly at 7 months old.  None of my cats have 
been as loving and as needy as this one.  I should have changed his 
name to Velcro.  Where I go he is always right beside me, and the love 
he gives me is so noticeable to all who visit.  I have so much love 
for him, he truly gives me such joy.

assisted feeding. Like you would a baby. 

Love this way to think of it, will start it tonight.  Thank You for 
the link.

Well Nina, I have just tried to feed him Syring and all.  I got some 
strained baby food (chicken) and filled up the syringe, oh my goodness 
I bungled it up so bad.

I checked out all the pictures in the link you sent me, I went in at 
the side of the mouth, he was struggling so bad, my hubby held him in 
kind of a baby position with his little head inside hubby's elbow, I 
was trying to hold his head, got a few drops in then don't ask me what 
happened I accidentley pushed down on the syring  and it all shot into 
his mouth.

He choked and my hubby put him down the he ran into the room.   Talk 
about trying to keep stress level down with a FELV baby,  I think I 
have given him more stress today than he has had in the past year.

I'm such an emotioal wreck at the moment.

Tell him you will do your very best to make sure no one scares 
him, or puts him through any more trauma than absolutely 

MaMa is the one putting him through the trauma and it's hurting so bad.

I will let you know what the Ophthalmologist has to say tomorrow night.

Thank you Nina for being so kind.


Re: Bandy's test results

2005-08-31 Thread Nina

Hi Kerry,
I'm sorry to hear Bandy was positive on the IFA tests, but it was a long 
shot that he wasn't.  I was hoping for better news, or at least a clear 
treatment plan.  I don't quite understand what's going on with his RBC, 
hopefully your vet will be able to make it clearer to you when you 
finally get to talk to her again.  When you speak to her ask her what 
she suspects and then do another search on the archives.  Here's a link 
to an info page to help you better understand the blood chem testing and 
what it means:

At this point it doesn't sound like the side effects of long term 
steroid use are Bandy's top concerns.  You have to get him out of crisis 
mode, (having his temp spike like that for so long is really scary), and 
then worry about things like immunosuppressive steroid dosages.  Do you 
have confidence in your Internist?

Hideyo has suggested homeopathic remedies for fever before, but I'm not 
sure homeopathic remedies are the way to go.  I don't think they could 
hurt though.  Did you contact Darla, (Homeopathic consultant), yet?  She 
should probably be able to help with suggestions for fever and 
inflammation.  Have you looked into Lyprinol yet?  I'm not sure it would 
help, but it's a natural inflammation reducer, (concentrated Omega oil 
derived from sea mussels).  Here's their website: 

You had asked me off-list for info to send your vet about VO (feline 
interferon).  Why don't you have your vet call my vet's office?  I'm 
sure they'd be happy to talk to her and answer any questions.  Let me 
know if you need the number again.

You're doing great, Kerry.  Don't give up hope, keep on swinging!  We're 
all pulling for you and Bandy.


Kerry Roach wrote:

We had some bad news today...The IFA was positive for FeLV and 
FIV...His bone marrow is failing...It is not producing enough RBC.  
The WBC are was a little high, but not much.
We have stopped the epogen(procrit) injections for now...Since he does 
have enough erythropoietin he doesn't need that now unless the PCV 
goes to around 20...It was 26 today..
Also, he is still spiking a temp more on than off...but we have also 
had to stop the dex injections as it could be harmful to his pancreas 
so she put him on 5mg of pred daily which I know isn't a good thing, 
but it is the only thing we can use to bring down the fever...
Any more suggestions on the temp thing would be great...I don't know 
what else to do...
The specialist also said the fever is from inflammation caused from 
the I have to try to figure out a way to stop it using 
something natural if at all possible...
He hurt his leg a few days ago as he was playing and I think he over 
did it so now he won't walk on it much...
We are still on the same antibiotics until the PCR test comes back 
next week...
If any of you know anything we could do to help his bone marrow, I 
would really appreciate the info...I am waiting to get the papers in 
front of me as I don't understand all of this until I see the actual 
results in front of me...We did all this on the phone today...

I need some help trying to make a good protocol for him supplement wise..
I have read about the liver shake and am going to try that, but he 
likes fish best..(salmon)
I just don't know where to start or what to do first...I have searched 
on the list for any other kitties that might have symptoms like Bandy 
and I can't find I don't know if this is highly unusual or 

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers...
Hoping all your kitties are doing good today.
Head butts to all!!
Kerry R. and Bandy

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Re: Bandy's test results

2005-08-31 Thread felv

As per the suggestion of metacam:

I will SEND you my unused Metacam in the mail, if you need it for Bandy! It 
was for Bones when she had the broken back, only used maybe 1/8 of the 
a cat from UCAT rescue: Adopt a 
FIV+ cat: a 
FELV+ cat:"Saving 
one animal won't make a difference in the world, but it will make a world of 
difference for that one 
collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free 
can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!

If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!
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Re: Hi Belinda......

2005-08-31 Thread felv
Have you looked in his mouth to be sure he doesn't have a tumor or anything 
wrong in
there? His gagging might be a physical problem, and his not eating too, come to 
of it!

Well this was my second time trying, we warmed up the food and I decide to
use my finger, It was so awful, we spoke our usual baby talk and I also
warmed up the food a little, you would think we were trying to poison him,
he reacted so badly.  His stress level must be going through the roof by
now.  Hubby tried also only this time I held  him, but as soon as he tried
to open his mouth a little he started to gag.  Oh I wish he could understand
that we are trying to help him.

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Re: Leuk Positive Cat

2005-08-31 Thread felv
Best Friends just opened a new FELV+ cat house. They are in Utah.

I do have a few listed on my website, towards the bottom, no kill shelters:

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Re: anyone know anything about these shelters

2005-08-31 Thread felv
If you get any feedback or know the website URLS for them, please let me know. 
always looki9ng for new ones to add to my listing. (with a disclaimer to check 
out in person first, of course)

Adopt a cat from UCAT rescue:
Adopt a FIV+ cat:
Adopt a FELV+ cat:
Saving one animal won't make a difference in the world, but it will make a 
world of
difference for that one animal.
I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up 
until she
earns a free can of formula!
PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!

If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address you 
can send
them to, to help feed Bazil!

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RE: Bandy's test results

2005-08-31 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
If fever is something that started within 48 hrs or so, try aconite
A(30C) (homeopathic redmedy for acute fever), I usually put a few
pallets in a syringe and then, draw some water into it and shake it
until it's dissolved - then I squirt into my kitty's mouth. Avoid any
food 15 min prior to/after giving the remedy - and see how he does, you
usually don't need to repeat it (aconite, you can actually repeat it
every 4 to 6 hours or so) -
If the fever is something that has been there for more than a couple of
days, you might have to try something else.. depending on their
personality, different remedy maybe necessary... I tried pulsatilla
and/or Surphur with Ginger and many other cats, - 

I know it can be overwhelming.. but take one day at a time...we are all
here for you... let me know if you are interested in trying homeopathic
remedy, I will researcy more, too - homeopathic has worked like a
miracle for many of my cats in the past...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: Bandy's test results

Hi Kerry,
I'm sorry to hear Bandy was positive on the IFA tests, but it was a long

shot that he wasn't.  I was hoping for better news, or at least a clear 
treatment plan.  I don't quite understand what's going on with his RBC, 
hopefully your vet will be able to make it clearer to you when you 
finally get to talk to her again.  When you speak to her ask her what 
she suspects and then do another search on the archives.  Here's a link 
to an info page to help you better understand the blood chem testing and

what it means:

At this point it doesn't sound like the side effects of long term 
steroid use are Bandy's top concerns.  You have to get him out of crisis

mode, (having his temp spike like that for so long is really scary), and

then worry about things like immunosuppressive steroid dosages.  Do you 
have confidence in your Internist?

Hideyo has suggested homeopathic remedies for fever before, but I'm not 
sure homeopathic remedies are the way to go.  I don't think they could 
hurt though.  Did you contact Darla, (Homeopathic consultant), yet?  She

should probably be able to help with suggestions for fever and 
inflammation.  Have you looked into Lyprinol yet?  I'm not sure it would

help, but it's a natural inflammation reducer, (concentrated Omega oil 
derived from sea mussels).  Here's their website: 

You had asked me off-list for info to send your vet about VO (feline 
interferon).  Why don't you have your vet call my vet's office?  I'm 
sure they'd be happy to talk to her and answer any questions.  Let me 
know if you need the number again.

You're doing great, Kerry.  Don't give up hope, keep on swinging!  We're

all pulling for you and Bandy.

Kerry Roach wrote:

 We had some bad news today...The IFA was positive for FeLV and 
 FIV...His bone marrow is failing...It is not producing enough RBC.  
 The WBC are was a little high, but not much.
 We have stopped the epogen(procrit) injections for now...Since he does

 have enough erythropoietin he doesn't need that now unless the PCV 
 goes to around 20...It was 26 today..
 Also, he is still spiking a temp more on than off...but we have also 
 had to stop the dex injections as it could be harmful to his pancreas 
 so she put him on 5mg of pred daily which I know isn't a good thing, 
 but it is the only thing we can use to bring down the fever...
 Any more suggestions on the temp thing would be great...I don't know 
 what else to do...
 The specialist also said the fever is from inflammation caused from 
 the I have to try to figure out a way to stop it using 
 something natural if at all possible...
 He hurt his leg a few days ago as he was playing and I think he over 
 did it so now he won't walk on it much...
 We are still on the same antibiotics until the PCR test comes back 
 next week...
 If any of you know anything we could do to help his bone marrow, I 
 would really appreciate the info...I am waiting to get the papers in 
 front of me as I don't understand all of this until I see the actual 
 results in front of me...We did all this on the phone today...
 I need some help trying to make a good protocol for him supplement
 I have read about the liver shake and am going to try that, but he 
 likes fish best..(salmon)
 I just don't know where to start or what to do first...I have searched

 on the list for any other kitties that might have symptoms like Bandy 
 and I can't find I don't know if this is highly unusual or

 Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers...
 Hoping all your kitties are doing good today.
 Head butts to all!!
 Kerry R. and Bandy



2005-08-31 Thread Elizabeth Paz

I've never heard of Nutrical, is it a food supplement?  This sounds very 
good and quite easy to give, at this point I am willing to try anything.  
Thank you so much, I will be picking up a tube tomorrow.

2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px'font 
style='FONT-SIZE:11px;FONT-FAMILY:tahoma,sans-serif'hr color=#A0C6E5 
From:  i[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ibrReply-To:  iRe: RE: 
Lisa--Nutrical/ibrDate:  iWed, 31 Aug 2005 12:16:34 
-0500/ibrgt;This is a good way to administer Nutrical, if it hasn't 
been suggestedbrgt;already!  It's a high-calorie gel that comes in a tube 
(can also bebrgt;found at Petsmart, etc.)...just put some on your finger 
and scrapebrgt;against the roof of kitty's mouth...I've also put some on 
paws so thatbrgt;they're forced to lick it off...but you can't put too 
much as cat's havebrgt;a tendency to want to shake it off before they 
lick it off...I've gotbrgt;splatterings of Nutrical all over the 
if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will 
bebrgt;unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the 
world; Youbrgt;become responsible, forever, for what you have 
tamed...quot; --Antoine debrgt;Saint-Exupérybrgt;brgt;quot;If you 
talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will knowbrgt;each 
other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and 
whatbrgt;you do not know you will fear. What one fears one 
destroys.quot; --Chief Danbrgt;Georgebrgt;brgt;- Original 
Message -brgt;From: Hideyo Yamamoto 
lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt;brgt;Date: Wednesday, August 31, 
2005 11:13 ambrgt;Subject: RE: Lisabrgt;brgt; gt; Hi, Lisa, are 
you using syringe?  I have one cat, Leo who justbrgt; gt; hated 
tobrgt; gt; be fed with syringe and everthing could come out from his 
mouth ---brgt; gt;brgt; gt; My vet also told me a different way of 
feeding with your finger - youbrgt; gt; take a pallatble food like baby 
food or cannned food, and put some onbrgt; gt; the tip of your pointing 
finger . you put the food side up (thebrgt; gt; oppositeside of where 
your nail is), and put it into his mouth --brgt; gt; rub againstbrgt; 
gt; the top of his palate -brgt; gt;brgt; gt; How is he doing 
today?brgt; gt; -Original Message-brgt; gt; From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Elizabethbrgt; 
gt; PazSent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 10:11 PMbrgt; gt; To: 
felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgbrgt; gt; Subject: Hideyobrgt; 
gt;brgt; gt;brgt; gt; Thank you for your kind words, I will keep 
trying.  It just that hebrgt; gt; struggles so much that I worry about 
getting him all stressed out.  Hebrgt; gt; doesbrgt; gt; put up one 
heck of a struggle.  His head is so strong and it movesbrgt; gt; 
sobrgt; gt; quickly.brgt; gt;brgt; gt; But I will keep trying.  
He was so ill  in 03 that we did not think hebrgt; gt; wouldbrgt; 
gt; make it but we worked so hard on getting him so healthy and 
chubby.brgt; gt; butthisbrgt; gt; is so different with the food.  I 
can easily give him his pills, butbrgt; gt; thisbrgt; gt; food 
stuff, what can I say, this is just tearing my heart up.brgt; 
gt;brgt; gt; Thank You for support.brgt; gt; Lisabrgt; 
gt;brgt; gt;brgt; gt;brgt; gt;brgt; gt; lt;BLOCKQUOTE 
style='PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT:brgt; gt; 
#A0C6E5brgt; gt; 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px'gt;lt;fontbrgt; gt; 
style='FONT-SIZE:11px;FONT-FAMILY:tahoma,sans-serif'gt;lt;hrbrgt; gt; 
color=#A0C6E5brgt; gt; size=1gt;brgt; gt; From:  
lt;igt;amp;quot;Hideyo Yamamotoamp;quot;brgt; gt; 
lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]amp;gt;lt;/igt;lt;brgt;Reply-To:brgt; 
gt; lt;igt;felvtalk@felineleukemia.orglt;/igt;lt;brgt;To:brgt; 
 lt;igt;RE: Won'tbrgt; gt; EatPlease 
Helplt;/igt;lt;brgt;Date:  lt;igt;Tue, 30 Aug 2005 17:20:06brgt; 
gt; -0600lt;/igt;lt;brgt;amp;gt;Lisa, I can emphasize your pain - my 
Felv positive,brgt; gt; Gingerbrgt; gt; 
stoppedlt;brgt;amp;gt;eating for over a week a several monthsbrgt; 
gt;;brgt;amp;gt;lt;brgt;amp;gt;She is already a very small 
girl, and did not wantbrgt; gt; herbrgt; gt; to lose any 
morelt;brgt;amp;gt;weight - so as Nina mentioned, I assistedbrgt; gt; 
her tobrgt; gt; eatbrgt; gt; with syringe everylt;brgt;amp;gt;day 
with baby food and liver shakebrgt; gt; 
-lt;brgt;amp;gt;lt;brgt;amp;gt;I will be praying that your kitty will 
bounce backbrgt; gt; verybrgt; gt; soon - so 
staylt;brgt;amp;gt;calm (I know it's hard, but do your best) andbrgt; 
gt; talktobrgt; gt; him gently andlt;brgt;amp;gt;tell him how much 
he means to you and how he isbrgt; gt; goingbrgt; gt; to get better 
and hugs tobrgt; gt; youbrgt; gt; and your 

Re: Please add Big Rik to the special needs list - Big Rik has died

2005-08-31 Thread Terri Brown

How horrible. Big hugs to you.

Goodnight, Big Rik...

=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, 
and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=

Furkid Photos! 
FeLV Site: 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 10:36 
  Subject: Re: Please add Big Rik to the 
  special needs list - Big Rik has died
  SUSAN - Oh my - I'm so sorry. I'm shocked. I just 
  didn't think about Big Rik going so soon. I just can't imagine 
  him gone. Such a sweet, wonderful guy. I know he's going 
  to still hang around your house with you, where he's been for so 
  long. I'm sorry.GloriaOn Aug 31, 2005, at 8:21 AM, 
  Susan Loesch wrote: Thank you, Julie. Aren't our old guys 
  wonderful. I am so sad to  have to say that Big Rik died 
  in my arms around 2am this morning.  I had followed up on 
  the suggestion of potassium - talked to my vet  and added it to 
  his SQ fluids. Late yesterday afternoon he seemed  
  to rally a bit but it didn't last long. He has had this voracious 
   appetite - scarfed down almost a whole can of cat food when he 
   seemed to feel a little better yesterday.. I think that in 
  itself  is a sign of something wrong - he was like that for 
  about a week.(I  know that hunger/eating is one of the last 
  functions to be lost -  that a cat will eat up almost to the 
  point of death so I knew it  wasn't really a positive 
  thing. He may have had some thyroid  problems to develop 
  or diabetes. Had I not known his kidneys were  so bad and 
  if he hadn't been in such poor condition I'd have had  blood 
  work done.) In fact I didn't get my hand out of the way 
   fast enough one day and he chowed down hard on my thumb. I look 
  at  the thumb now and wish I had another opportunity for him to 
  bite me. Give your Tommy and Sunny hugs from me. I hope 
  they are around for  many, many years but when their time 
  comes I know Big Rik will be  there waitiing for them - they can 
  have the "old folks club".  Based on the amount of SQ 
  fluids he absorbed very quickly over the  last couple of days I 
  think his kidneys just quit. I will  definitely look 
  into the glucosamine/condroitin treats - I have  other older 
  kitties - but at 13-15 they are just kids compared to  Big 
  Rik. Thanks for that information. Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  wrote: Dear Susan, Sending huge amounts of love and 
  good wishes to Big Rik! I adore  the grumpy old men! 
  My Tommy is an old-timer, too, (not even sure  how old), but 
  he's also a bit weak in the hindquarters. My vet  Wendy 
  said it's from losing a bit of muscle mass due to the  
  combination of age and arthritis. I have some kitty glucosamine/ 
   condroitin but he doesn't like the taste mixed in his food and 
  he  really objects to being pilled. This company does have 
  a treat  formula that I bought for Sunny last year (she's about 
  105 years  old!) and she wasn't crazy about it, but Tommy likes 
  treats so I  think I'll try it again for him. 
  Give Big Rik a big hug and Tommy and Sunny understand completely 
   'what a drag it is getting old...' Love, 
  Julie Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  wrote: Please add my 19 1/2 year old Big Rik to the special needs 
  list.  He has been your typical grumpy old man for the 
  last few years, but  incredibly healthy. He has just begun 
  to stay dehydrated enough to  need subQ fluids and I noticed 
  yesterday that his hind quarters are  getting week and 
  unsteady. He's a really fine old fella, felv  
  negative. thanks "I hold that, the more helpless 
  a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the 
  cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral 
  progress can be judged by the way its animals are 
  treated." Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948) 
  Paws Come WITH Claws!!! If you're thinking about de-clawing 
  your cat, you need to re-think  your decision to acquire a 
  pet. __ Do You 
  Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection 

Re: Jen----Nutrical

2005-08-31 Thread janine paton
I have a cat who is negative, but he doesn't want to
eat either.  
My homeopathic vet recommends a supplement called
Amino B-Plex.  
It has amino acids, B vitamins to stimulate the
appetite, potassium, iron, a few other things that
aren't  familiar to me.  It's a liquid, and they seem
to like it.  You just squirt it in their mouth.  

It doesn't have sodium benzoate, which is a
preservative that isn't OK for cats (even tho a lot of
cat products use it)

I don't know how high calorie it is, but I am
wondering how many calories are in a tablespoon of
nutrical and what that actually translates to for a

The website listed on the bottle is
if anyone is interested. 


--- Elizabeth Paz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've never heard of Nutrical, is it a food
 supplement?  This sounds very 
 good and quite easy to give, at this point I am
 willing to try anything.  
 Thank you so much, I will be picking up a tube
 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #A0C6E5 
 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px'font 

 From:  i[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ibrReply-To: 
 iRe: RE: 
 Lisa--Nutrical/ibrDate:  iWed, 31 Aug 2005
 -0500/ibrgt;This is a good way to administer
 Nutrical, if it hasn't 
 been suggestedbrgt;already!  It's a high-calorie
 gel that comes in a tube 
 (can also bebrgt;found at Petsmart, etc.)...just
 put some on your finger 
 and scrapebrgt;against the roof of kitty's
 mouth...I've also put some on 
 paws so thatbrgt;they're forced to lick it
 off...but you can't put too 
 much as cat's havebrgt;a tendency to want to
 shake it off before they 
 lick it off...I've gotbrgt;splatterings of
 Nutrical all over the 

 if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To
 me, you will 
 bebrgt;unique in all the world. To you, I shall
 be unique in all the 
 world; Youbrgt;become responsible, forever, for
 what you have 
 tamed...quot; --Antoine
 debrgt;Saint-Exupérybrgt;brgt;quot;If you 
 talk to the animals they will talk with you and you
 will knowbrgt;each 
 other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know
 them, and 
 whatbrgt;you do not know you will fear. What one
 fears one 
 destroys.quot; --Chief
 Danbrgt;Georgebrgt;brgt;- Original 
 Message -brgt;From: Hideyo Yamamoto 

lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt;brgt;Date:
 Wednesday, August 31, 
 2005 11:13 ambrgt;Subject: RE:
 Lisabrgt;brgt; gt; Hi, Lisa, are 
 you using syringe?  I have one cat, Leo who
 justbrgt; gt; hated 
 tobrgt; gt; be fed with syringe and everthing
 could come out from his 
 mouth ---brgt; gt;brgt; gt; My vet also told
 me a different way of 
 feeding with your finger - youbrgt; gt; take a
 pallatble food like baby 
 food or cannned food, and put some onbrgt; gt;
 the tip of your pointing 
 finger . you put the food side up (thebrgt; gt;
 oppositeside of where 
 your nail is), and put it into his mouth --brgt;
 gt; rub againstbrgt; 
 gt; the top of his palate -brgt; gt;brgt;
 gt; How is he doing 
 today?brgt; gt; -Original
 Message-brgt; gt; From: 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]brgt; gt; 
 Behalf Of Elizabethbrgt; 
 gt; PazSent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 10:11
 PMbrgt; gt; To: 
 felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgbrgt; gt; Subject:
 gt;brgt; gt;brgt; gt; Thank you for your
 kind words, I will keep 
 trying.  It just that hebrgt; gt; struggles so
 much that I worry about 
 getting him all stressed out.  Hebrgt; gt;
 doesbrgt; gt; put up one 
 heck of a struggle.  His head is so strong and it
 movesbrgt; gt; 
 sobrgt; gt; quickly.brgt; gt;brgt; gt;
 But I will keep trying.  
 He was so ill  in 03 that we did not think
 hebrgt; gt; wouldbrgt; 
 gt; make it but we worked so hard on getting him so
 healthy and 
 chubby.brgt; gt; butthisbrgt; gt; is so
 different with the food.  I 
 can easily give him his pills, butbrgt; gt;
 thisbrgt; gt; food 
 stuff, what can I say, this is just tearing my heart
 gt;brgt; gt; Thank You for support.brgt;
 gt; Lisabrgt; 
 gt;brgt; gt;brgt; gt;brgt; gt;brgt;
 style='PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px;
 BORDER-LEFT:brgt; gt; 
 #A0C6E5brgt; gt; 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT:
 0px'gt;lt;fontbrgt; gt; 

 color=#A0C6E5brgt; gt; size=1gt;brgt; gt;
 lt;igt;amp;quot;Hideyo Yamamotoamp;quot;brgt;

lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]amp;gt;lt;/igt;lt;brgt;Reply-To:brgt;


   lt;igt;RE: Won'tbrgt; gt; EatPlease 
 Helplt;/igt;lt;brgt;Date:  lt;igt;Tue, 30 Aug
 2005 17:20:06brgt; 
 gt; -0600lt;/igt;lt;brgt;amp;gt;Lisa, I can

Re: Jen----Nutrical

2005-08-31 Thread jenmeyer
Hi Lisa!

Yep, it's a supplement that can be taylored for supplemental use, or for
guys that aren't eating much (if anything) at all!  Like I said, it just
comes in a tube (kinda like toothpaste)...if you're able to get your
finger in kitty's mouth (as opposed to the syringe, which takes a little
getting used to, I admit), then this may be the way to go!  Good luck!

But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed... --Antoine de

If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys. --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
From: Elizabeth Paz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 9:13 pm
Subject: JenNutrical

 I've never heard of Nutrical, is it a food supplement?  This sounds 
 good and quite easy to give, at this point I am willing to try 
 Thank you so much, I will be picking up a tube tomorrow.
 LEFT: #A0C6E5 
 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px'font 
 From:  i[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ibrReply-To:  iRe: RE: 
 Lisa--Nutrical/ibrDate:  iWed, 31 Aug 2005 12:16:34 
 -0500/ibrgt;This is a good way to administer Nutrical, if it 
 been suggestedbrgt;already!  It's a high-calorie gel that comes 
 in a tube 
 (can also bebrgt;found at Petsmart, etc.)...just put some on 
 your finger 
 and scrapebrgt;against the roof of kitty's mouth...I've also put 
 some on 
 paws so thatbrgt;they're forced to lick it off...but you can't 
 put too 
 much as cat's havebrgt;a tendency to want to shake it off before 
 lick it off...I've gotbrgt;splatterings of Nutrical all over the 


 if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will 
 bebrgt;unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all 
 world; Youbrgt;become responsible, forever, for what you have 
 tamed...quot; --Antoine debrgt;Saint-
 Exupérybrgt;brgt;quot;If you 
 talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will 
 other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and 
 whatbrgt;you do not know you will fear. What one fears one 
 destroys.quot; --Chief Danbrgt;Georgebrgt;brgt;- 
 Message -brgt;From: Hideyo Yamamoto 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]gt;brgt;Date: Wednesday, 
 August 31, 
 2005 11:13 ambrgt;Subject: RE: Lisabrgt;brgt; gt; Hi, 
 Lisa, are 
 you using syringe?  I have one cat, Leo who justbrgt; gt; hated 
 tobrgt; gt; be fed with syringe and everthing could come out 
 from his 
 mouth ---brgt; gt;brgt; gt; My vet also told me a different 
 way of 
 feeding with your finger - youbrgt; gt; take a pallatble food 
 like baby 
 food or cannned food, and put some onbrgt; gt; the tip of your 
 finger . you put the food side up (thebrgt; gt; oppositeside of 
 your nail is), and put it into his mouth --brgt; gt; rub 
 gt; the top of his palate -brgt; gt;brgt; gt; How is he 
 today?brgt; gt; -Original Message-brgt; gt; From: 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]brgt; gt; 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 gt; PazSent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 10:11 PMbrgt; gt; To: 
 felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgbrgt; gt; Subject: Hideyobrgt; 
 gt;brgt; gt;brgt; gt; Thank you for your kind words, I 
 will keep 
 trying.  It just that hebrgt; gt; struggles so much that I 
 worry about 
 getting him all stressed out.  Hebrgt; gt; doesbrgt; gt; 
 put up one 
 heck of a struggle.  His head is so strong and it movesbrgt; 
 sobrgt; gt; quickly.brgt; gt;brgt; gt; But I will keep 
 He was so ill  in 03 that we did not think hebrgt; gt; 
 gt; make it but we worked so hard on getting him so healthy and 
 chubby.brgt; gt; butthisbrgt; gt; is so different with the 
 food.  I 
 can easily give him his pills, butbrgt; gt; thisbrgt; gt; 
 stuff, what can I say, this is just tearing my heart up.brgt; 
 gt;brgt; gt; Thank You for support.brgt; gt; Lisabrgt; 
 gt;brgt; gt;brgt; gt;brgt; gt;brgt; gt; 
 style='PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT:brgt; 
 #A0C6E5brgt; gt; 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px'gt;fontbrgt; 
 color=#A0C6E5brgt; gt; size=1gt;brgt; gt; From:  
 igt;amp;quot;Hideyo Yamamotoamp;quot;brgt; gt; 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]amp;gt;/igt;brgt;Reply-
 gt; igt;;brgt;To:brgt; 