Re: Smokey

2006-02-17 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Cindy,  I have been going thru this with Bandy since last June when he was first diagnosed with a kidney infection..He would repsond to antibiotics then the fever would come back...We would do more meds then same over again and again...So we finally tested him and he was positive for FIV and Felv...We started the interferon in July, and he has been on it daily ever since with no adverse reactions to it..they gave me syringes frozen with interferon so I thaw 1 out a day and add 1/2 cc liqui tinic(pet tinic). He had anemia so we gave him procrit (epogen) injections for 5 to 6 wks..good results on that..  Anyway, with the fever all they keep telling me is that it is due to inflammation from the viruses..I still don't understand it..the only thing that will bring it down is dexamethasone..Ask your vet to give you some dex in pill form to use at home when the temp rises...I use 1/2 of a .75mg. pill when Bandy has a temp..It is the only thing that you
 can really use in a kitty.. even baby aspirin isn't really safe.. I also have used oxazepam transdermal for appetite stimulant...He finally eats some now when he has a temp. without the stimulant as I think he is just use to it..When I give him the dex, the temp will be back in the normal range within 6 drops as quick as it goes up..I think his highest was 106.2..I watched him suffer for 5 days with over 105 back last Sept during Labor day weekend cause I couldn't get in touch with his I had some dex and just gave it to him...He responded well so the next week I told his vet and she wrote us a prescription..I still have about 9 pills out of 30 from last I haven't really given him that many in my opinion and am not going to worry about the chance of him becoming a diabetic..his quality of life is much better now...He also gained from 5 lbs 8 oz. to almost 8 lbs now..  The knowledge of this group is amazing, and they have helped us
 tremendously..  I do hope you get some results for your Smokey..Feel free to email me...Bandy's history is quite a long one, and we have tried just about everything..I get as many supplements in him as I can.  Keep us posted,  Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
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Buster's blood work

2006-02-17 Thread Kerry Roach
Buster went for another PCV and total protein on Thurs...His PCV was about the same around 21, but the total protein is around 5 now..So his vet upped the pred to 20mg a day..divided..Does anyone know why the total protein would be dropping or so low? He seems to feel much better and is eating on his own now...I saw himgo eat some dry food Thurs. before I took him to the vet..He ate some i/d wet food, too..  Here is his blood work from last week:  ALB 3.5 (2.2-4.4 G/DL)  ***ALP +169 (10-90 U/L)  ***ALT +763 (20-100 U/L)  ***AMY +1255 (300-1100 U/L)  TBIL 0.6 (0.1-0.6 MG/DL)  BUN 20 (10-30MG/DL)  CA+++ 9.4 (8.0-11.8 MG/DL)  PHOS 3.6 ( 3.4-8.5MG/DL)  CRE 1.0 (0.3-2.1MG/DL)  GLU 102 (70-150 MG/DL)  NA+ 145 (142-164 MMO/L)  K+ 4.6 (3.7-5.8 MMO/L)  TP 7.4 (5.4-8.2 G/DL)  GLOB 3.9 (1.5-5.7 G/DL) 
 Feline Hematology (CBC)  ***WBC -3.59 (5.0-18.0 m/mm3)  *** RBC -3.14 (4.09.0 m/mm3)  *** MCV +69.4 (35.5-55.0 fl)  *** HCT -21.7 (24.0-45.0 %)  ***MCHC -25.3 (28.0-40.0 g/dl)  ***RDW +14.1 (8.0-12.0)  *** Hb -5.5 (9.5-15.0 g/dl)  ***PLT  ***MPV +7.8 (4.0-7.0 fl)  Feline thyroid profile  T4 1.7 (1.5-4.8 UG/DL)  Diagnosis: anemia  Rule out : Hepatic Failure and/or hepatitisHe is on baytril and pred 20mg daily...He received another B-vitamin injection today.  Any help with all this blood work would be appreciated..I did leave off some of the CBC as it was all in the normal range.. He goes back for another blood test next Tues..  Thanks so much,  Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
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Smokey Update

2006-02-17 Thread cindy reasoner
I took Smokey to a new vet on Wednesday and she got
his temp. back to normal and started him
immuno-regulan injections.  She wants him to have a
shot for 4 days in a row and then 2 a week.  He has
had 2 shots now and she is letting me give him the
rest at home.  He started eating yesterday and ate
this morning.  The other vet he was going to told me
that I couldn't keep bringing every 3 to 4 days to get
his fever down.  I don't care to do that so I don't
understand why they had a problem with it.  He is
still on Baytril once a day, Clavamox twice a day and
Pet Tinic twice a day.  The new vet will be on call
this weekend so I don't have to worry if his fever
comes back over the weekend.  I was wondering about
diet.  Neither vet has talked to me about his diet.  I
know they were probably concerned with getting his
fever down but is there anything I could give him to
help boost him.  I know somebody had told me to get
him chicken liver.  Would that be good or not?  Any
other ideas would be great.  The new vet did give him
a vitamin shot and anit-inflammatory/steroid shot on
Wednesday.  His weight is 5lbs. 8oz. and his is 8
months old.  Thank all of you for helping me and


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Re: Smokey

2006-02-17 Thread cindy reasoner
Thank you for all of the information on your Bandy. 
Neither vet I have taken Smokey to has talked about
his diet.  They haven't told me any supplements I
could give him.  He is taking Pet Tinic but is there
anything else I could give him?  I don't know to much
about it.  Smokey is still eating and his temp. is
normal so far but I am just waiting for his fever to
come back.  Since December we have been battling this
fever.  The new vet is on call this weekend so that
maked me feel so much better.  The other vet I had
been taking Smokey to had started to act like I needed
to have him euthanized because his fever would come
back every 3 or 4 days.  I just didn't like that
attitude.  I have been using that vet for over 12
years but I think maybe they might not want to treat +
cats.  At first they didnt' seem that way but last
week it seemed to change.  I haven't told them that I
took Smokey to a new vet.


--- Kerry Roach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Cindy,
   I have been going thru this with Bandy since last
 June when he was first diagnosed with a kidney
 infection..He would repsond to antibiotics then the
 fever would come back...We would do more meds then
 same over again and again...So we finally tested him
 and he was positive for FIV and Felv...We started
 the interferon in July, and he has been on it daily
 ever since with no adverse reactions to it..they
 gave me syringes frozen with interferon so I thaw 1
 out a day and add 1/2 cc liqui tinic(pet tinic). He
 had anemia so we gave him procrit (epogen)
 injections for 5 to 6 wks..good results on that..
   Anyway, with the fever all they keep telling me is
 that it is due to inflammation from the viruses..I
 still don't understand it..the only thing that will
 bring it down is dexamethasone..Ask your vet to give
 you some dex in pill form to use at home when the
 temp rises...I use  1/2 of a .75mg. pill when Bandy
 has a temp..It is the only thing that you can really
 use in a kitty.. even baby aspirin isn't really
 safe.. I also have used oxazepam transdermal for
 appetite stimulant...He finally eats some now when
 he has a temp. without the stimulant as I think he
 is just use to it..When I give him the dex, the temp
 will be back in the normal range within 6
 drops as quick as it goes up..I think his highest
 was 106.2..I watched him suffer for 5 days with over
 105 back last Sept during Labor day weekend cause I
 couldn't get in touch with his I had some
 dex and just gave it to him...He responded well so
 the next week I told his vet and she wrote us a
 prescription..I still have
  about 9 pills out of 30 from last I
 haven't really given him that many in my opinion and
 am not going to worry about the chance of him
 becoming a diabetic..his quality of life is much
 better now...He also gained from 5 lbs 8 oz. to
 almost 8 lbs now..
   The knowledge of this group is amazing, and they
 have helped us tremendously..
   I do hope you get some results for your
 Smokey..Feel free to email me...Bandy's history is
 quite a long one, and we have tried just about
 everything..I get as many supplements in him as I
   Keep us posted,
   Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
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  PhotoMail  - it's free and works with Yahoo! Mail.

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Please add to the CLS

2006-02-17 Thread Susan Loesch
I sadly have 3 babies to add - all 3 were about 2-2 1/2 years old. My little Jack died on Jan. 21. He was the sweetest little orange tabby boy, no bigger than a 6 month old kitten. During his last weeks he was always cold so he always beat me to bed at night and was waiting under the covers for me. Our vet suspects that he had feleuk in his bone marrow but we didn't test him - and on the snap tests he repeatedly tested negative.On Feb. 8th I lost Cheyenne. She was a little Siamese baby - small but not as small as Jack. She was definitely feleuk positive. She came to me at 4 months from a Tx kill shelter -- in fact Gloria and I read about her on this list - and Gloria went to Tx to pick her up along with a great big ol' dlh orange tabby boy, Charlie, who is FIV+ -- and thriving. For the first few weeks I had to make Cheyenne let me hold her - and then one day in my arms she just sighed this big sigh and
 relaxed and became my sweet outgoing little girl.Then, on Feb 9, Sweet Willie Brown died. He was a tiny tabby when he came to our rescue group - spent his whole kittenhood with one sickness or another and the for the last year and a half was so thin that he looked to be at death's door. He also repeatedly tested negative and our vet suspects feleuk in the marrow. Just a few months ago extensive bloodwork showed nothing but a little anemia and a slightly elevated white count. He finally began to put on weight and I took him to our Board meeting on the 20th to show off how chubby he was. He has always been a favorite of everyone in our rescue group- and he spent the evening sitting on one shoulder and then another. Shoulders were his "thing". I miss that "out of nowhere" feather touch as he landed on my shoulder - have shoulder will pounce.There are now 3 more angels in the
 heavens and I know they are playing together, all healthy, at the Rainbow Bridge.

RE: Please add to the CLS

2006-02-17 Thread Doljan, Joan
Title: Message


What a 
sad way for you to being the new year. Jack, Cheyenne and Sweet Willie 
Brown were indeed lucky to have known you.


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan 
  LoeschSent: Friday, February 17, 2006 2:17 PMTo: 
  felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Please add to the 
  I sadly have 3 babies to add - all 3 were about 2-2 1/2 years old. 
  My little Jack died on Jan. 21. He was the sweetest little orange tabby 
  boy, no bigger than a 6 month old kitten. During his last weeks he was 
  always cold so he always beat me to bed at night and was waiting under the 
  covers for me. Our vet suspects that he had feleuk in his bone marrow 
  but we didn't test him - and on the snap tests he repeatedly tested 
  On Feb. 8th I lost Cheyenne. She was a little Siamese baby - small 
  but not as small as Jack. She was definitely feleuk positive. She came 
  to me at 4 months from a Tx kill shelter -- in fact Gloria and I read about 
  her on this list - and Gloria went to Tx to pick her up along with a great big 
  ol' dlh orange tabby boy, Charlie, who is FIV+ -- and thriving. For the 
  first few weeks I had to make Cheyenne let me hold her - and then one day in 
  my arms she just sighed this big sigh and relaxed and became my sweet outgoing 
  little girl.
  Then, on Feb 9, Sweet Willie Brown died. He was a tiny tabby when 
  he came to our rescue group - spent his whole kittenhood with one 
  sickness or another and the for the last year and a half was so thin that he 
  looked to be at death's door. He also repeatedly tested negative and our 
  vet suspects feleuk in the marrow. Just a few months ago extensive 
  bloodwork showed nothing but a little anemia and a slightly elevated white 
  count. He finally began to put on weight and I took him to our Board 
  meeting on the 20th to show off how chubby he was. He has always been a 
  favorite of everyone in our rescue group- and he spent the evening sitting on 
  one shoulder and then another. Shoulders were his "thing". I miss 
  that "out of nowhere" feather touch as he landed on my shoulder - have 
  shoulder will pounce.
  There are now 3 more angels in the heavens and I know they are playing 
  together, all healthy, at the Rainbow Bridge.

RE: Please add to the CLS

2006-02-17 Thread Susan Loesch
Thanks, Joan. They were all a joy to me."Doljan, Joan" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Susan,What a sad way for you to being the new year. Jack, Cheyenne and Sweet Willie Brown were indeed lucky to have known you.Joan  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan LoeschSent: Friday, February 17, 2006 2:17 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Please add to the CLS  I sadly have 3 babies to add - all 3 were about 2-2 1/2 years old. My little Jack died on Jan. 21. He was the sweetest little orange tabby boy, no bigger than a 6 month old kitten. During his last weeks he was always cold so he always beat me to bed at night and was waiting under the covers for me. Our vet suspects that he had feleuk in his bone marrow but we didn't test him - and on the snap tests he repeatedly tested negative.On Feb. 8th I lost Cheyenne. She was a little Siamese baby - small but not as small as Jack. She was definitely feleuk
 positive. She came to me at 4 months from a Tx kill shelter -- in fact Gloria and I read about her on this list - and Gloria went to Tx to pick her up along with a great big ol' dlh orange tabby boy, Charlie, who is FIV+ -- and thriving. For the first few weeks I had to make Cheyenne let me hold her - and then one day in my arms she just sighed this big sigh and relaxed and became my sweet outgoing little girl.Then, on Feb 9, Sweet Willie Brown died. He was a tiny tabby when he came to our rescue group - spent his whole kittenhood with one sickness or another and the for the last year and a half was so thin that he looked to be at death's door. He also repeatedly tested negative and our vet suspects feleuk in the marrow. Just a few months ago extensive bloodwork showed nothing but a little anemia and a slightly elevated white count. He finally began to put on weight and I took him to our Board meeting on the 20th to
 show off how chubby he was. He has always been a favorite of everyone in our rescue group- and he spent the evening sitting on one shoulder and then another. Shoulders were his "thing". I miss that "out of nowhere" feather touch as he landed on my shoulder - have shoulder will pounce.There are now 3 more angels in the heavens and I know they are playing together, all healthy, at the Rainbow Bridge.

Re: Please add to the CLS

2006-02-17 Thread cindy reasoner
I am so sorry to read about your loss.  It is
heartbreaking to deal with the loss of one but to 
lose 3 so close together is just terrible.  Your in my
thoughts and prayers.


--- Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I sadly have 3 babies to add - all 3 were about 2-2
 1/2 years old.  My little Jack died on Jan. 21.  He
 was the sweetest little orange tabby boy, no bigger
 than a 6 month old kitten.  During his last weeks he
 was always cold so he always beat me to bed at night
 and was waiting under the covers for me.  Our vet
 suspects that he had feleuk in his bone marrow but
 we didn't test him - and on the snap tests he
 repeatedly tested negative.

   On Feb. 8th I lost Cheyenne.  She was a little
 Siamese baby - small but not as small as Jack.  She
 was definitely feleuk positive. She came to me at 4
 months from a Tx kill shelter -- in fact Gloria and
 I read about her on this list - and Gloria went to
 Tx to pick her up along with a great big ol' dlh
 orange tabby boy, Charlie, who is FIV+ -- and
 thriving.  For the first few weeks I had to make
 Cheyenne let me hold her - and then one day in my
 arms she just sighed this big sigh and relaxed and
 became my sweet outgoing little girl.

   Then, on Feb 9, Sweet Willie Brown died.  He was a
 tiny tabby when he came to our rescue group - spent
 his whole kittenhood  with one sickness or another
 and the for the last year and a half was so thin
 that he looked to be at death's door.  He also
 repeatedly tested negative and our vet suspects
 feleuk in the marrow.  Just a few months ago
 extensive bloodwork showed nothing but a little
 anemia and a slightly elevated white count.  He
 finally began to put on weight and I took him to our
 Board meeting on the 20th to show off how chubby he
 was.  He has always been a favorite of everyone in
 our rescue group- and he spent the evening sitting
 on one shoulder and then another.  Shoulders were
 his thing.  I miss that out of nowhere feather
 touch as he landed on my shoulder - have shoulder
 will pounce.

   There are now 3 more angels in the heavens and I
 know they are playing together, all healthy, at the
 Rainbow Bridge.


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Re: Please add to the CLS

2006-02-17 Thread Terri Brown

How sad. Big hugs to you. That's a lot to deal with -- one 
right after the other.

Goodnight, sweet babies...

=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, Dori and 
6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' 

Furkid Photos! 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: Susan 
  Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 2:17 
  Subject: Please add to the CLS
  I sadly have 3 babies to add - all 3 were about 2-2 1/2 years old. 
  My little Jack died on Jan. 21. He was the sweetest little orange tabby 
  boy, no bigger than a 6 month old kitten. During his last weeks he was 
  always cold so he always beat me to bed at night and was waiting under the 
  covers for me. Our vet suspects that he had feleuk in his bone marrow 
  but we didn't test him - and on the snap tests he repeatedly tested 
  On Feb. 8th I lost Cheyenne. She was a little Siamese baby - small 
  but not as small as Jack. She was definitely feleuk positive. She came 
  to me at 4 months from a Tx kill shelter -- in fact Gloria and I read about 
  her on this list - and Gloria went to Tx to pick her up along with a great big 
  ol' dlh orange tabby boy, Charlie, who is FIV+ -- and thriving. For the 
  first few weeks I had to make Cheyenne let me hold her - and then one day in 
  my arms she just sighed this big sigh and relaxed and became my sweet outgoing 
  little girl.
  Then, on Feb 9, Sweet Willie Brown died. He was a tiny tabby when 
  he came to our rescue group - spent his whole kittenhood with one 
  sickness or another and the for the last year and a half was so thin that he 
  looked to be at death's door. He also repeatedly tested negative and our 
  vet suspects feleuk in the marrow. Just a few months ago extensive 
  bloodwork showed nothing but a little anemia and a slightly elevated white 
  count. He finally began to put on weight and I took him to our Board 
  meeting on the 20th to show off how chubby he was. He has always been a 
  favorite of everyone in our rescue group- and he spent the evening sitting on 
  one shoulder and then another. Shoulders were his "thing". I miss 
  that "out of nowhere" feather touch as he landed on my shoulder - have 
  shoulder will pounce.
  There are now 3 more angels in the heavens and I know they are playing 
  together, all healthy, at the Rainbow Bridge.

Re: Smokey - liver shake?

2006-02-17 Thread catatonya
I have it if you haven't got it yet.tGloria Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Who had the recipe for "liver shake" for anemia?GloriaOn Feb 16, 2006, at 5:59 PM, catatonya wrote: I wish I had some ideas for you. I think anemia seems to be the  biggest enemy of our positive cats. I hope Smokey's condition  turns around. Prayers to you and Smokey. tonya cindy reasoner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: The bloodwork showed he was anemic, red and white blood cell count low. The white blood cell count was at the border of low  normal. He had been on Baytril for awhile and the vet said she would of thought it would not have been at that level after being on antibiotics. His platelets were
 low too. I just talked to the vet and he didn't seem very hopeful for Smokey. I will take him back to vet today to see if his temp. has spiked again. After the vet gets his temp. down he goes about 3 or 4 days and it spikes again. I know when I go down there if he has a fever the vet will recomend euthanasia. What should I do? Thank you, Cindy --- Barb Moermond wrote:  Why does your vet say that there's an infection  somewhere? Does the bloodwork indicate it? I know  that there have been a few people on-list who have  had FeLV+ kitties with unexplained/idiopathic  fevers. How very frustrating for you and your  family! Am sending strength and calm for all of  you.Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito   "My cat the clown: paying no mind to
 whom he should  impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases  him, and making me smile."  - Anonymous   -  Yahoo! Mail  Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments. __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Re: Smokey - liver shake?

2006-02-17 Thread cindy reasoner
Hi I would like to have it for Smokey.


--- catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have it if you haven't got it yet.

 Gloria Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Who had the recipe for liver shake for anemia?
 On Feb 16, 2006, at 5:59 PM, catatonya wrote:
  I wish I had some ideas for you. I think anemia
 seems to be the 
  biggest enemy of our positive cats. I hope
 Smokey's condition 
  turns around. Prayers to you and Smokey.
  cindy reasoner wrote:
  The bloodwork showed he was anemic, red and white
  blood cell count low. The white blood cell count
  at the border of low  normal. He had been on
  for awhile and the vet said she would of thought
  would not have been at that level after being on
  antibiotics. His platelets were low too. I just
  talked to the vet and he didn't seem very hopeful
  Smokey. I will take him back to vet today to see
  his temp. has spiked again. After the vet gets his
  temp. down he goes about 3 or 4 days and it spikes
  again. I know when I go down there if he has a
  the vet will recomend euthanasia. What should I
  Thank you,
  --- Barb Moermond wrote:
   Why does your vet say that there's an infection
   somewhere? Does the bloodwork indicate it? I
   that there have been a few people on-list who
   had FeLV+ kitties with unexplained/idiopathic
   fevers. How very frustrating for you and your
   family! Am sending strength and calm for all of
   Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito
   My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he
   impress. Merely living his life, doing what
   him, and making me smile.
   - Anonymous
   Yahoo! Mail
   Use Photomail to share photos without annoying
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
 protection around

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Re: Bailey Update

2006-02-17 Thread catatonya
Belinda,I'm glad to hear Bailey's hanging in there. Maybe his body is healing while he rests some and that's why he's not been up and around too much. Take care of yourself too.tonyaBelinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi Michelle,He is about the same without the diarrhea. Still sleeping alot and little to no energy.Although one of the AC (animal communicators) who also does healing did some work on him yesterday and he did get around more today. He moved more today than he has in quite a while, it was nice to see him moving around.Currently he is getting his Winstrol (anobolic steroid), prednisolone, epogen (3 times a week), Gastriplex, vitamin B complex, folic acid, pet tinic, salmon oil, COQ-10, and we started
 interferon yesterday. He also gets 100 ccs of fluid every other day. He is maintaining his weight at 8.4 to 8.5 pounds so atleast we aren't losing anymore.Vet is still checking on the chemo for a dosage, but all the other vets she has talked to say the same thing, nothing they have tried really works for this type of anemia, and I guess the wasting and lethargy are symptoms of this. He will get his bloodwork checked again in about 3 weeks.Thanks for asking, not getting much sleep, setting my alarm to feed him every 4 hours.-- BelindaHappiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kitties ...http://www.bemikitties.comPost Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittenshttp://adopt.bemikitties.comFeLV Candle Light Service (affordable hosting  web design) Designs (non-profit web

Re: Bailey Update

2006-02-17 Thread TatorBunz

Sending all kinds of gentle hugs and soft kisses to Bailey!
Thanks for the update!

 Terrie MohrTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

liver shake recipe

2006-02-17 Thread catatonya
Susan Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi Chris - not sure if this would help with the red blood cells... a liver shake recipe posted by Cesar a while ago... does anyone think this will help?1 cup RAW LIVER (BEEF, or CHICKEN)1 cup FRESH CARROT JUICE or V-8, or Tomatoe Juice1/4 cup *FRESH FILTERED WATER1 RAW EGG YOLK1 tsp. KELP POWDER OR SPIRULINACOMBINE AND MIX IN A BLENDER UNTIL LIQUIFIED. (Note: it will be frothy)Dosage:Administer lOcc daily 3-6 times a day. (6Occ per day max)Some cats will need to be force-fed with a syringe, while others willdrink it out of a bowl.This food has a sweet and salty taste, and the energetic properties oftonifying (energy boosting), warming and stimulating and supports thekidneys, spleen, liver and stomach.This drink is a
 complete dinner for a sick cat until they feel goodenough to eat by themselves again.*Substitute rice water if the cat has diarrhea. Rice wateris made by boiling white rice (2 Tblsp) with water (1 cup) for 30minutes.This liquid aids digestion and assimilation and inhibits the symptomsof diarrhea._From: "Susan Campbell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: felvtalk@vlists.netTo: felvtalk@vlists.netSubject: Re: BjornDate: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 10:07:03 -0500Hi Chris - Vitamin C 250 mg per day and work up to 500mg per day. I can'tremember, is Bjorn on interferon? If not, I would do it.sueFrom: CHRISTINA-KIERSTEN MADURA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: felvtalk@vlists.netTo: felvtalk@vlists.netSubject: BjornDate: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 17:09:46
 -0500Hello, I took Bjorn to the vet today. The vet said he has a URI but it hasnot settled in his chest, she said his lungs are clear. He is notsneezing as much but he is a little congested and he is sleeping a lot.Thankfully he still has an appetite. The vet gave me some nose drops andthey have helped a bit. I asked about Immunoregulan but she said shewouldn't recommend it at this point. She took some blood to check hiswhite count which was a little low at the time of his surgery two weeksago. I'm giving him Transfer Factor with Thymus and a product calledImmutol which helps boost white cell count. Does anyone have any othersuggestions? I would appreciate any input.Thanks,Chris_Get Your
 Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: Please add to the CLS

2006-02-17 Thread TatorBunz

Oh my god!
Wow...that's too much for me to endure. It takes me back in time when I lost 3 withintwo months.
I'm sending a bunch of hugs to you.
Bless you for being there for them.
I have a candle going for these babies.
They are chasing butterflies now and happy!

 Terrie MohrTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

Virbagen Omega Interferon - Availability in Canada

2006-02-17 Thread Marlene Chornie

Hi All,

 I found out a bit of information regarding the 
"potential" availability in Canada. According to a Senior Veterinary 
Biologics Evaluator, Veterinary Biologics Section, Canadian Food Inspection 
Agency - apparently the manufacturer had submitted all the necessary paperwork, 
etc. for it to be approved for use in Canada, and it was "in the works" last 
year and it's anticipated approval was around May 2005 (as I had previously read 
somewhere). However, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency had requested a 
couple more items of information from the manufacturer, but they never heard 
back from the manufacturer. I wonder why that is??? I believe I have 
the correct address for the manufacturer in France (?) and am considering 
writing to them to ask them if they have any immediate plans for resubmitting 
for approval here.
 It's not the information I had hoped to find out, but it 
does give us at least a glimmer of hope on the horizon for it being available 
here in Canada. I'm guessing that would make it a little easier for those 
of you in the U.S to import it from here perhaps?

Pekoe  Angel Digby

Re: Please add to the CLS

2006-02-17 Thread Lernermichelle

oh my God, I am so sorry.

Add to the CLS

2006-02-17 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Here I am yet again with another kitty passing.Please add Eddie to the list,he passed today.Although he wasn't one with felv he was a cat from the other place I volunteer at Crash's. I wasn't as close to him as I was to Moses ,Buster ,Hardy and Jewel but I tried to be friend Eddie each time I was there.He was a ferel they took in 2 years ago.His condition just started going down hill the past few weeks.  Well sweet Eddie kiss sweet Frances and the rest for me.  
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Re: Add to the CLS

2006-02-17 Thread TenHouseCats
fly gently, eddie!
On 2/17/06, Sherry DeHaan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here I am yet again with another kitty passing.Please add Eddie to the list,he passed today.Although he wasn't one with felv he was a cat from the other place I volunteer at Crash's. I wasn't as close to him as I was to Moses ,Buster ,Hardy and Jewel but I tried to be friend Eddie each time I was 
there.He was a ferel they took in 2 years ago.His condition just started going down hill the past few weeks.
Well sweet Eddie kiss sweet Frances and the rest for me.

What are the most popular cars? Find out at 
Yahoo! Autos 
-- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892