Fleas - Gary

2008-02-21 Thread Sheila208
A while back we were talking about flea medicine and Gary said  that we could 
order it cheaper from Australia. I'm having a big problem  keeping my cats 
flea free. I have 21 cats and its getting expensive buying the  med's from my 
vet. Would someone please e-mail me the Australian e-mail address  so I can 
order some Frontline or Advantage.
   Thanks, Sheila in SC

**Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.  

Re: BooBoo is home!!

2008-02-21 Thread catatonya
Good luck with Boo Boo.  I'm sorry the bloodwork doesn't look better.  It 
sounds like you have a vet that knows what they're doing.
  Obviously the previous owners just suck.

Lynne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  BooBoo just came home from his neutering.  He had no trouble 
whatsoever with the anesthesia, has eaten, had a drink and can't stop purring.  
He's really happy to be home.  The vet went over his blood work with us and 
told us it didn't look good.  He's already anemic.  I was so hoping for some 
good news.  He's checking into some drugs for the future if needed and we 
choose to go that route.  He said they are very expensive.  This whole 
experience has sucked the life out of me.  I look at this precious little guy 
and he has absolutely no signs of a disease yet I know he does.  I am so angry 
with his previous owners right now.  They emailed me last week when I told them 
the news and they pretty much suggested that we gave him this disease because 
he was always healthy and happy.  This coming from a family who never took him 
to a vet.  He was a mess when we got him, totally matted, fleas and a terrible 
case of earmites.  Now he's beautifully groomed, clean and
 seemingly overjoyed at being here.  This all so totally new to me.  We've 
never had a pet with an illness, let alone something like this.  I swear I'm 
becomming depressed.  I'm not gonna let BooBoo know it though.  

Re: Isabella update

2008-02-21 Thread catatonya
As long as she's doing well she could be around for quite a while.  My positive 
is 9 years old now and still doing fine.

laurieskatz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well, Isabella's blood work came back mostly good. Her white blood 
count is below normal~ around where it was last summer. That was disappointing. 
  Her FELV test from yesterday came back positive (this is her third positive 
test). Disappointing but not surprising.
  Her vet is having us stop giving the pain med and wants to reduce the pred if 
things go well with discontinuing the tramadal.
  All in all her vet is pleased with her current health and appearance.

Re: Immuno-Regullin and exercise

2008-02-21 Thread catatonya
It's a good thing that he's active and playful.  I personally would not start 
immunoregulin until there was reason to.  My positive cat is on nothing now, 
besides premium food and lysine.

Sue  Frank Koren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  When is the best time to start Immuno-Regulin?  When they still have 
no symptoms?  I can still hardly believe Buzz has this horrible disease.  He 
seems so healthy and loves to play and has a great appetite.  How often do the 
success stories like Minstrels come along?  These postings have so much new 
information and the internet sights have so much conflicting information that 
it is hard to know what to think.  I just know the little guy cleaning himself 
in my lap right now deserves all I can do for him.
  Does anyone know if a lot of playing exercise is good for a FeLV + cat? He 
chases his toys so hard that he gets out of breath sometimes.
  Buzz had some vaccinations about a month ago, is he still in danger?
  I have always had cats but this is so new and I feel so ignorant.  I am so 
glad for this site, I have already learned more real information that seems 
like it will actually help Buzz then from all the reading I've done for the 
last several weeks since I learned he was FeLV positive.
  Thank you everybody for all your advise.

Re: coughing

2008-02-21 Thread catatonya
I'm currently having similar problems with my Sneaker.  His lungs are clear.  
He has had an upper resp. infection for weeks now, months really.  they did a 
culture and found he had a staph infection, but that part is cleared up. He is 
on his 4th round of antibiotics. the vet thinks it's viral and could be 
herpes.  He hasn't been a ton of help. If anyone has any ideas I would love to 
hear them.

Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This really got my curiosity, my Joey has episodes where his purr 
sounds wet, rumbly and his breathing too, is how I would described it to 
my vet. She has checked his lungs when he is having one of these 
episodes and says his lungs are clear, that it is contained to his 
sinuses. He has never had coughing but I'm curious, can he have asthma 
without coughing. These epsodes don't seem to bother him, they affect 
me more than him, he doesn't seem to notice them at all.


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