Re: [Felvtalk] Good morning from South America :)

2013-05-05 Thread Cheri Le
Hi! I recently vaccinated my four kitties and intermingled with a positive cat. 
I feel great about it and since the integration my kitty is so much happier & 
healthier! I admire your thoughts on doing it. I feel alone at times. 


On May 3, 2013, at 5:49 PM,  wrote:

> So glad Abelardo is doing better!  Just keep giving him lots of love.  I 
> think that is one of the best things we can do for our FELV babies, let them 
> know they are loved.
>  Michele Fougeres  wrote: 
>> Hi Dorlis, thank you so much for your message :)
>> Abelardo is showing great progress, he has a huge appetite and is very 
>> playful, one would never guess he's FeLV positive.
>> When we rescued him, he slept all day and seemed to be tired all the time. 
>> He had a urethral blockage and was hospitalized for 5 days. He has shown so 
>> much improvement that our vet's hope are high, we don't know how long this 
>> is going to last but we are so happy.
>> Thanks for taking the time to send me this message, I'm looking forward to 
>> hear from the rest of the group.
>> Michéle
>>> Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2013 21:19:47 -0500
>>> From:
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Good morning from South America :)
>>> CC:
>>> There are others with more experience with young cats and you will be 
>>> hearing from them soon.
>>>  Michele Fougeres  wrote: 
 Hi everyone, I'm new to this group. My husband and I recently adopted a 
 male cat; we named him Abelardo. We noticed he wasn't in very good shape, 
 and that he was desperately looking for a home, so we rescued him. He's 
 FeLV positive and also has anemia. He has low counts for red blood cells, 
 hematocrit, hemoglobin and leukocytes. The test to determine if he was 
 FeLV positive
>>> was an antigen test (Elisa). No one performs IFA's tests in Ecuador, my 
>>> country of residence. The vet said that giving he’s a young cat and that he 
>>> has
>>> been fighting with a urinary tract infection and showing progress, it’s 
>>> possible that he will become a carrier and will be able to lead a normal 
>>> life. My research on the internet indicates that after diagnosis, cats 
>>> usually
>>> live for 3 or 4 more years. I asked the doctor about the chance of this 
>>> being a
>>> false positive, but he said that with the antigen test the margin of error 
>>> is
>>> very small.  I’ve read about cats that
>>> fight the virus and are able to eliminate it from their organisms, later
>>> testing negative for FeLV. I don’t want to have false expectations, but I 
>>> want
>>> to hang on to whatever hope there’s still out there for him.
>>> We've started him on a
>>> biostimulant therapy treatment that will last for 2 weeks with Yatren 
>>> Caseína (an
>>> immune stimulant manufactured by Bayer, don’t know if it’s sold in the USA),
>>> which consists of Casein and Yatreinic Acid. This is supposed to help him
>>> increase his white blood cells. We are
>>> hoping this will boost his immune system. He has also been taking 
>>> Isoprinosine and
>>> B complex with iron syrup for almost 2 weeks. I
>>> don’t know if my cat is receiving the best treatment or what should I do to
>>> increase the odds of him not having to suffer because of this terrible 
>>> illness.
>>> I’m willing to buy medicine from another country if needed.
>>> The vet advised to test my other
>>> cat after 30 days to see how he's doing -I have a 9 year old cat who's in 
>>> perfect health-. I'm concerned now as he shared the litter box and bowls 
>>> with the FeLV positive cat for almost 48 hours, I didn't even think about 
>>> this as a risk, and now I feel terribly guilty for placing my beloved pet 
>>> in danger. If he isn't infected, then I
>>> should look into applying him the FeLV vaccine, which is not sold in 
>>> Ecuador yet. I have to see if there are
>>> ways to purchase the vaccine in the US and have it sent to Ecuador through a
>>> merchant.
>>> I want to keep the FeLV positive cat
>>> with me, as chances are no one will want him or will take care of him the 
>>> way
>>> he needs to. We have grown so fond of him, he’s such an adorable, loving 
>>> cat. I thought about dividing my apartment so the sick cat will not have to
>>> remain confined in just one room. I can have the cats’ alternate spaces 
>>> every
>>> week, after disinfecting everything properly with Clorox and not letting 
>>> them
>>> share the same litter boxes or bowls. Do you think this will be a good idea?
>>> I'm desperate and I need all the information I can get, as you are all 
>>> going through the same ordeal, sometimes with moments of happiness when we 
>>> see even a little sign of improvement. It's comforting to be able to read 
>>> about your experiences. Abelardo has his ups and downs, days when he only 
>>> wants to sleep and not be bothered, and others when he's happy and more 

Re: [Felvtalk] What to feed a finicky, sick kitten?

2013-05-05 Thread Cheri Le
Hugs to u Margo 


On May 5, 2013, at 1:15 PM,  wrote:

> Do cats with this have problems with their anal glands?
> I'm sorry for your loss.
> Chris C.
> -Original Message- From:
> Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2013 4:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] What to feed a finicky, sick kitten?
> I do know one thing, never trust a vet that says euthanize with no other 
> alternatives.  My vet is great, he tells you what could happen and then says 
> it is up to you to keep them or not.  My Annie is still going strong at 8 
> years (she was 4 when I got her).  Nitnoy gave up her fight for life after I 
> had her 2 years.  It was not the FELV that killed her, but blocked anal 
> glands.  The ER vets missed that on sunday and I  did not know until I took 
> her to my vet on Monday.  He checked her glands first thing, took care of 
> them and I took her home to feed and love her.  It was too late, She died 
> purring as she kneaded my shoulder.  You can believe that I drive the rest of 
> my pride nuts checking their glands.  That is one thing I will not be remiss 
> on again.  We learn as we go and each one of our babies teaches us something 
> new.  Maybe when it is my time to go, I will have learned all there is to 
> know.  In the meantime, I do my best, that is all I can do.
>  Margo  wrote:
>> Hi Amanda,
>>   I'm sorry you're having this problem. First, I'd join Feline assisted 
>> feeding;
>>   It is very omportant you address this immediately, to avoid liver 
>> problems.
>>   You will probably have to learn to syringe feed, at least for a short 
>> time. Cats who stop eating (for whatever reason) can "forget" how. They need 
>> to be reminded. First, I'd ask your Vet for an appetite stimulant, I use 
>> cyproheptadine (Periactin) but Mirtazapine is also recommended. Buy a few 
>> cans of a/d, and a 10cc luer slip tip syringe. Hills a/d is a concentrated, 
>> pureed food that is meant to be syringe fed, and is easy to use. There are 
>> others like Clinicare, which is a liquid, but it's not readily available, 
>> and is really meant for tube feeding.
>>   Please don't second guess yourself, it's worth trying. My FeLV boy, 
>> Gribble, was in very bad shape at one point, and not expected to live. I 
>> syringe fed him for about 2 weeks after he decided eating was not something 
>> he wanted to do. That was in April. Today he's playing tag with the dog (his 
>> best buddy) and generally making life interesting for the rest of the cats 
>> in the household.
>>   You might want to check and see if the anemia has returned, that might 
>> be somewhere to start with treatment. Gribbs is on Interferon and DMG, but 
>> that's it right now.
>> All the best to you both,
>> Margo
>> -Original Message-
>> >From: Amanda Payne 
>> >Sent: May 2, 2013 9:11 PM
>> >To:
>> >Subject: [Felvtalk] What to feed a finicky, sick kitten?
>> >
>> >Hello everyone!
>> >
>> >This is my first time using this forum :)
>> >
>> >I have a ten month old kitty, Polli, who was diagnosed with FeLV about >two 
>> >months ago.  At that time, she started licking the walls and our >potted 
>> >plants in addition increasing lethargy.  I took her to the vet >where she 
>> >was diagnosed with severe anemia related to FeLV.  We were told >we'd have 
>> >to assist her to the rainbow bridge within days of the >diagnosis.  
>> >Thankfully, she's a fighter and is still with us.  However, >her appetite 
>> >has been cause for worry.  She's crazy about Temptations >Treats and deli 
>> >ham (I know, not the most nutritious diet but I'm >thankful for anything 
>> >she eats).  The last two days, though, she won't >eat.  I've offered her 
>> >baby food, Tiki Cat, Ziwi's wet food, lunch meat, >tuna and her favorite 
>> >treats but to no avail.  I understand that the end >may be near but I want 
>> >to give everything a shot before I make that call.
>> >
>> >So, my question is, what do you give your cat that they just can't say no 
>> >>to? I'd love and appreciate any suggestions!
>> >
>> >Thank you,
>> >-Amanda
>> >___
>> >Felvtalk mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] What to feed a finicky, sick kitten?

2013-05-05 Thread Cheri Le
How precious Amanda Thank you like all of us for taking on the trials of 
having a Felv kitty. It is heartbreaking at times but I would never take back 
bringing my baby into this house... I pray for you and pollis


On May 5, 2013, at 4:52 PM, Beth  wrote:

> Agreed. As long as they act like they want to keep going, that's a good thing.
> Beth
> "Amanda K. Payne"  wrote:
>> Thanks again for the responses.  I'm not sure if my original reply has been
>> posted yet or not.  Fortunately, Polli decided she liked food again late
>> Thursday night and has regained her appetite somewhat. She's extremely thin
>> now but is active and "assisting" me with cleaning and gardening.  She also
>> realized I keep some of her snacks in the fridge and has started going to
>> the fridge and meowing whenever she wants food.
>> I realize that more than likely her life will be a short one.  She isn't
>> the first FeLV+ cat that has found me and I doubt she'll be the last (they
>> literally show up at my door or in my yard). However, I feel that as long
>> as she's up and about, using her litter box, playing and drinking water, I
>> owe it to her to try to get her to eat.
>> -Amanda
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
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Re: [Felvtalk] Dilemma

2013-04-22 Thread Cheri Le
My vet did not mention "different " Felv vaccinations? And do they need them 
every year? 


On Apr 19, 2013, at 7:08 AM, Lorrie  wrote:

> Your dilema is similar to mine. I have 15 cats at home who are all FelV
> negative, and 12 cats in my shelter/sanctuary.  Some of these cats are 
> FelV positive and are all together because I did not know they were pos.
> when I took them in. Anyway, several of the young ones died at less than
> a year old, but two are over 5 years old and no symptoms yet. These two
> are totally feral, and hide so I cannot catch them to have them retested.
> I have had several others retested and most are negative even tho they
> have been with the FelV cats for many years with no vaccinations for
> FelV.  Older cats seem to have much less chance of acquiring the virus
> than kittens, and I was very interested that your vet said there was 
> no point in vaccinating the others, and to test them only if needed.
> Lorrie
>> On 04-18, Margo wrote:
>> First, I would like to offer heartfelt condolences to those who have lost
>> their Fur kids. Even when you know it is inevitable, it is always far too
>> soon.
>> I have a problem which involves m FeLV boy. I'll try to keep it simple.
>>  Gribble has been with me for over a year. He lives with 6 other cats.
>>  When I first found him, he tested - for FeLV/FIV. He has recently tested
>>  positive (FeLV only) after a health crisis. At the time my Vet felt that
>>  there was no point in vaccinating the rest of the bunch he lives with,
>>  but will test as/if needed.
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Mixing FelV pos. & neg

2013-04-22 Thread Cheri Le
That is what I was worried about him eating out of there dishes,, water bowls 
and using litterbox. I am still very scared and hope I made the right decision. 
I have four other healthy 3 yr old females. I would never forgive myself if 
someone else got sick but wanted to do what was best for "bama". Do we 
vaccinate every year? 


On Apr 22, 2013, at 8:27 AM, Beth  wrote:

> They don't have to bite to transmit the virus.It can be transmitted but 
> sharing food & water. But the vaccinne seems to have worked just fine over 
> the years for me.
> Beth
> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!
> From: Gloria B. Lane 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 2:15 PM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Mixing FelV pos. & neg
> I've mixed mine (adults) for years also - I dont worry about it unless the 
> are aggressive bite, etc.
> Gloria
>> From: Cheri Le 
>> To: ""  
>> Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 12:39 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Napoleon lost his battle
>> Thank u sooo much! I needed to heAr that. It's my first week intermingling 
>> them. My other four fur kids were vaccinated a week ago. I'm scared.. But I 
>> love him and don't want him alone in basement anymore. His constant diarrhea 
>> worries me though. His stomatitis doesn't bother him much at all tho! I WUV 
>> MY " BAMA RAMa" thank u all
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Ember

2013-04-22 Thread Cheri Le
Thinking and praying 4 ember!!!


On Apr 22, 2013, at 9:42 PM, designercats cats  wrote:

> Lance, you and Ember are in my thoughts and prayers. 
> El
> > From:
> > Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 20:35:42 -0500
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Ember
> > 
> > Thank you, Beth, Sharyl, and Bonnie for thinking about my girl. She has a 
> > vet visit tomorrow. We’ll see how the lung mass has changed, and we’ll get 
> > a new cbc. Ember isn’t eating as well as I would like, but she sure loves 
> > her treats (Prescription Diet t/d – it could be worse). I've also caught 
> > her sitting in a slightly unusual position, and that makes me really hope 
> > that she's not in any pain or even mild discomfort.
> > 
> > 
> > On Apr 22, 2013, at 5:52 PM, Bonnie Hogue  wrote:
> > 
> > > You've got it, Lance! You and Ember are in loving/healing thoughts and
> > > prayers.
> > > Bonnie
> > > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
> > > Lance
> > > Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 5:59 AM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: [Felvtalk] Ember
> > > 
> > > Please pray for or send good vibes to my sweet FeLV+ girl Ember. She has a
> > > mass in her lungs and possibly eye cancer. She has been breathing faster
> > > than usual, though it doesn't sound labored. She was very restless last
> > > night, too, which makes me concerned that she's in pain or at least
> > > uncomfortable. She ate fairly well this morning, and she's itching to 
> > > leave
> > > our room and go to another one. Anyway, please keep us in your thoughts.
> > > 
> > > Lance
> > > ___
> > > Felvtalk mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > ___
> > > Felvtalk mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Napoleon lost his battle

2013-04-19 Thread Cheri Le
Thank u sooo much! I needed to heAr that. It's my first week intermingling 
them. My other four fur kids were vaccinated a week ago. I'm scared.. But I 
love him and don't want him alone in basement anymore. His constant diarrhea 
worries me though. His stomatitis doesn't bother him much at all tho! I WUV MY 
" BAMA RAMa" thank u all


On Apr 19, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Sharyl  wrote:

> That is what  did when I started rescuing feral FeLV  kittens.  My house 
> kitties were all adults.  I got them current on their FeLV vaccine before 
> mixing them.  None of my negative kitties contract FeLV.   My FeLV kittens 
> lived from 1 - 4 yrs.  Each was very special and made a huge impact on my 
> life.  I miss them dearly and wouldn't have changed anything.
> Sharyl.  
> From: Cheri Le 
> To: ""  
> Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 8:45 AM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Napoleon lost his battle
> Please tell me that other people have vaccinated and intermingled. This is 
> another decision I recently made
> On Apr 19, 2013, at 8:37 AM, Cheri Le  wrote:
> > I have A 5 yr old double positive with stomatitis and constant diarrhea ... 
> > I am soo scared. I also vaccinated my four others (tho I no it's not 100%). 
> > I don't have much money and I am so scared of losing him. Thank you I'm an 
> > emotional reck
> > 
> > 💜CHERI
> > 
> > On Apr 18, 2013, at 4:06 PM,  wrote:
> > 
> >> So sorry.  I know how it feels to loose a loved one human or animal.  I am 
> >> hoping no more of my babies leave me soon.  
> >> 
> >> 
> >>  Beth  wrote: 
> >>> I had an FeLV cat who belonged to a friend. He was her cat, but lived at 
> >>> my house because I have FeLV cats. He has been battlingStomatitis the 
> >>> last few months. She picked him up to take him to the vet yesterday 
> >>> morning. During his exam they felt a mass in his tummy. They put him 
> >>> under to explore further. He had cancer from his abdomen to his 
> >>> esophagus. They never woke him back up. He looked & acted so healthy 
> >>> except for the stomatits. He is very much missed. He was a silly, sweet, 
> >>> mischievous boy. & I loved him for all of it!
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Beth
> >> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!
> >> 
> >> 
> >> ___
> >> Felvtalk mailing list
> >>
> >>
> > 
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Napoleon lost his battle

2013-04-19 Thread Cheri Le
Please tell me that other people have vaccinated and intermingled. This is 
another decision I recently made


On Apr 19, 2013, at 8:37 AM, Cheri Le  wrote:

> I have A 5 yr old double positive with stomatitis and constant diarrhea ... I 
> am soo scared. I also vaccinated my four others (tho I no it's not 100%). I 
> don't have much money and I am so scared of losing him. Thank you I'm an 
> emotional reck
> On Apr 18, 2013, at 4:06 PM,  wrote:
>> So sorry.  I know how it feels to loose a loved one human or animal.  I am 
>> hoping no more of my babies leave me soon.  
>>  Beth  wrote: 
>>> I had an FeLV cat who belonged to a friend. He was her cat, but lived at my 
>>> house because I have FeLV cats. He has been battlingStomatitis the last few 
>>> months. She picked him up to take him to the vet yesterday morning. During 
>>> his exam they felt a mass in his tummy. They put him under to explore 
>>> further. He had cancer from his abdomen to his esophagus. They never woke 
>>> him back up. He looked & acted so healthy except for the stomatits. He is 
>>> very much missed. He was a silly, sweet, mischievous boy. & I loved him for 
>>> all of it!
>> Beth
>> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Napoleon lost his battle

2013-04-19 Thread Cheri Le
Please tell me other people


On Apr 19, 2013, at 8:37 AM, Cheri Le  wrote:

> I have A 5 yr old double positive with stomatitis and constant diarrhea ... I 
> am soo scared. I also vaccinated my four others (tho I no it's not 100%). I 
> don't have much money and I am so scared of losing him. Thank you I'm an 
> emotional reck
> On Apr 18, 2013, at 4:06 PM,  wrote:
>> So sorry.  I know how it feels to loose a loved one human or animal.  I am 
>> hoping no more of my babies leave me soon.  
>>  Beth  wrote: 
>>> I had an FeLV cat who belonged to a friend. He was her cat, but lived at my 
>>> house because I have FeLV cats. He has been battlingStomatitis the last few 
>>> months. She picked him up to take him to the vet yesterday morning. During 
>>> his exam they felt a mass in his tummy. They put him under to explore 
>>> further. He had cancer from his abdomen to his esophagus. They never woke 
>>> him back up. He looked & acted so healthy except for the stomatits. He is 
>>> very much missed. He was a silly, sweet, mischievous boy. & I loved him for 
>>> all of it!
>> Beth
>> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Napoleon lost his battle

2013-04-19 Thread Cheri Le
I have A 5 yr old double positive with stomatitis and constant diarrhea ... I 
am soo scared. I also vaccinated my four others (tho I no it's not 100%). I 
don't have much money and I am so scared of losing him. Thank you I'm an 
emotional reck


On Apr 18, 2013, at 4:06 PM,  wrote:

> So sorry.  I know how it feels to loose a loved one human or animal.  I am 
> hoping no more of my babies leave me soon.  
>  Beth  wrote: 
>> I had an FeLV cat who belonged to a friend. He was her cat, but lived at my 
>> house because I have FeLV cats. He has been battlingStomatitis the last few 
>> months. She picked him up to take him to the vet yesterday morning. During 
>> his exam they felt a mass in his tummy. They put him under to explore 
>> further. He had cancer from his abdomen to his esophagus. They never woke 
>> him back up. He looked & acted so healthy except for the stomatits. He is 
>> very much missed. He was a silly, sweet, mischievous boy. & I loved him for 
>> all of it!
>  Beth
> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!
> ___
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