Re: Hannibal departed to his new wonderful life... - thank you for all your prayers.

2006-06-27 Thread clawsnpaws
Oh Hideyo - I'm so sorry to hear about Hannibal's passing.  You have done such an amazing job at giving him such a wonderful, loving life!  Don't ever doubt all the good you have done for him and all the other kitties that come your way!!

We're passing along healing purrs and prayers to you and yours during this time of mourning.
Rachel & Pride
Operation Foster Felix
"Sharing Our Hearts, Homes & Litter Boxes"
Check us out on Petfinder:
On 6/27/06, Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, everyone, I first wanted to thank you all for all the prayers and encouragement and support for Hannibal – a little less than 24 hours ago, he passed away – he stopped breathing in my arms.. I wish he was at home but unfortunately we were at the vet and he was getting IV fluid… I was with him the whole time..I really did not expect him to cross the bridge yesterday.. I just wanted to make him feel better and I thought that IV would have helped him.. and now I think about it, I am so sure that putting him on IV did shorten his life after all.. as always,, I have so many regrets for things I wish I had done, I had known.. or I wish I had not done.. if I had known as much as I do now.. I would have made Hannibal's life so much better and longer…..I am so sorry for Hannibal not knowing any better… but I hope I can contribute my learning experience to any other kitties out there who are fighting against CRF… Hannibal was and is such a fighter.. he was the very first feral I rescued in 
U.S.  and I have known him over 10 years… I feel so fortunate to have met him and feel honored to have met and feel privileged to have had the opportunity to take care of him.. I wish I had done a better job, Hannibal… and I am so sorry that I did not pay attention well enough and took your sight way.. I know it was struggle for you…… but one thing for sure.. I have loved him so very much.. I loved him like there is no tomorrow….and I always will… 

We celebrated his departure to his new life with all other kitties last night.. we all miss him.. I am so very much going to miss holding him.. and seeing places that I used to see.. but I also know that his soul will continue to live with me.. and is still around…I am still feeling numb and shock.. but I wanted to thank everyone for all the prayers.

I also wanted to thank Helen and her website on CRF support ---I have learned so much from … I know for sure that without the information,, I couldn't have taken care of him as well as I did….

Hideyo and Hannibal, my little precious hero…

Re: 2 littermates - one pos/one neg

2006-06-14 Thread clawsnpaws
I didn't catch the beginning of this thread, but have a recent experience I thought I'd share regarding pos/neg littermates.  
We've been knee deep in a hoarder situation involving a high percentage of their cats being FeLV+.  One of the females who had a litter of 5 tested negative on both ELISA and IFA.  When I had her 12 week old litter tested, 3 were positive and 2 were negative.  We didn't get the mother pulled before she got pregnant yet again, but she is now in foster care. 

I vaccinated the 2 negatives with the FeLV vaccine and allowed them to housed together, though separate from the rest of the foster population at my home for space reasons.  I didn't have another area to separate the 3 positives and refuse to cage healthy active kittens.  The 3 positives found a wonderful home together and I just recently adopted out the 2 negatives at 16 weeks.  I tested on IFA the 2 negatives again prior to adoption since they had been with their positive littermates since the virus was contracted.  They again tested negative.  

If only we could pinpoint what gives some cats such amazing immunity?  The mother and the 2 negatives seem to just have it.  The mother cat was in the home for 4 years with symptomatic positive cats, many whom died from the disease.  There is no doubt in my mind that even unvaccinated she will never contract the disease due to her strong immunity.  

I have to agree with Belinda, and would keep them together for their emotional health, which we all know plays a huge part in immune strength.  I would as a precaution vaccinate the negative though.  
Best of luck!
Operation Foster Felix
Sharing Our Hearts, Homes & Litter Boxes 
On 6/14/06, Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Separating may be good as far as getting the negative adopted but itmay stress the positive enough to set the virus off.  I personally would
try adopting them out together as hard as that is going to be (or keepthem).--Belindahappiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kitties
Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittenshttp://adopt.bemikitties.comFeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]http://HostDesign4U.comBMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Kitten newly diagnosed

2006-06-05 Thread clawsnpaws

I definitely would NOT keep her on antibiotics once 
the infection has cleared.  Continuous use of antibiotics destroys an 
immune system, leads to resistance making these sweeties far too susceptible to 
future infections.  
I highly recommend that you start her on Interferon, as well as a 
combination of vitamin/mineral supplements to boost her immune system.  I 
have had FeLV positive cats in rescue that were much worse off than Lucy 
completely turn around and live asymptomatic without the need to for 
Please email me privately if you would like to know what my regimen is for 
FeLV cats.
~ Rachel
Operation Foster Felixwww.operationfosterfelix.orgSharing Our Hearts, Homes & Litter Boxes  
"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you 
and you will know each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know 
them, and what you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." 
--Chief Dan George

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 10:22 
  Subject: Kitten newly diagnosed
  I adopted sisters, Lucy and Izzie, from a shelter at 4 months old. 
  Without going into too much detail, they are now 7 months old and I have just 
  learned that Lucy is positive. She is symptomatic, she had a high fever and 
  URI in the beginning of May, went on antibiotics, but within a few days of 
  being off the antibiotics she had a fever of 105.5, had difficulty walking, 
  went from 5.9 pounds to 5.1 in a very short period of time, and was one 
  depressed little kitty. She went on antibiotics last Monday and was diagnosed 
  as positive that day. She has really perked up, she's gained most of the 
  weight back, is running, jumping, and playing with Izzie, but the vet seems to 
  think that as soon as she goes of the antibiotics she will most likely get 
  sick again.
  I had Izzie tested and she is negative. After many discussions with three 
  different vets I decided to keep them together as it seems most likely Izzie 
  caught it and fought it already. I've made the decision that the quality of 
  their life together is what's most important right now and hoping that Izzie 
  stays negative. 
  There seems to be a lot of conflicting pieces of information out there. 
  Does Interferon work for kitties who are symptomatic? One of the vets 
  suggested I just keep Lucy on antibiotics until they stopped working, he 
  thought Interferon wouldn't help as she had advanced this far. 
  I would appreciate your thoughts on this.

Re: 5 day old kitten -- please pray for her

2006-05-17 Thread clawsnpaws

You may have to syringe feed her.  
Please email me off list at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call me at (937) 478-6049 if you need help on how 
to do this.
~ Rachel
Operation Foster 
Felixwww.operationfosterfelix.orgSharing Our Hearts, Homes & Litter Boxes  

"If you talk to the animals they will talk 
with you and you will know each other.  If you do not talk to them you will 
not know them, and what you do not know you will fear. What one fears one 
destroys." --Chief Dan George

  - Original Message - 
  Hideyo Yamamoto 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 4:19 
  Subject: RE: 5 day old kitten -- please 
  pray for her
  Hi, my neighbor found 
  a two day old kitten a couple of days ago and I have been trying to hand raise 
  this baby bottle feeding her every three to four hours – she nurses, but not 
  enough, I think.. and I worry about her well being – she acts okay.. she 
  crawls a lot.. but can’t eat a lot at a time.. please pray that she will grow 
  with no problem…

Re: Allie has said good-bye

2006-05-17 Thread clawsnpaws

Oh Jennifer,
I am so saddened to hear of Allie's 
Sending you many loving purrs and headbutts 
from our whole pride during your time of grief and healing!!!  

~ Rachel
Operation Foster 
Felixwww.operationfosterfelix.orgSharing Our Hearts, Homes & Litter Boxes  

"If you talk to the animals they will talk 
with you and you will know each other.  If you do not talk to them you will 
not know them, and what you do not know you will fear. What one fears one 
destroys." --Chief Dan George

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 2:38 
  Subject: Allie has said good-bye
  First of all, thank you all for all your prayers and good wishes.  
  You are an amazing group of people and Allie and I are blessed to have had you 
  in our lives.  
  As you know from my last post, we made the decision to help Allie cross 
  the bridge on Monday because she had declined so much over the weekend.  
  And I really think she was trying to tell me no more (she hates vets, needles, 
  pills, etc- always has).  It was probably also hard for her to be indoors 
  as she was always an outdoor cat and loved everything about being 
  outside.  (She was quite the hunter as well!)
  So, I cherished Monday night and stayed up half the night with her (for 
  as long as she would sit and cuddle with me).  We sat in the big chair in 
  the den together and watched Milo and Otis (a movie about an orange cat and a 
  dog- Allie was an orange cat with white belly and paws).  When Allie 
  decided she had had enough she jumped off my lap and almost fell over!  
  One of her back legs was hardly working- it broke my heart!  It almost 
  looked neuro- and I definitely knew I was making the right decision at that 
  point.  Allie was a very active cat- loved to run around outside and 
  hunt- she was never meant to be incapacitated.  (The vet told me later 
  that the leg could have been any number of things- a blood clot, menningitis, 
  etc.- with having both FELV and FIV you just never know)
  I carried Allie upstairs and placed her on the bed where she slept the 
  rest of the night with me.  Yesterday (Tuesday), her back leg still 
  wasn't working right and she was still sluggish.  She didn't want to 
  cuddle and hid behind the couch most of the day.  We spent her last hour 
  outside together walking around the yard and going to all her favorite 
  spots.  She sat on her favorite outdoor chair for a while feeling the 
  sunshine and breeze (and even a few raindrops!)  I'm so glad she was able 
  to spend that time outside.  I told her over and over again Monday and 
  Tuesday how much I love her and what a good kitty she is.  I told her I 
  want her to be happy and not suffer anymore.  
  My husband and I brought Allie to the vet together for our final 
  good-bye.  The vet was wonderful and explained everything (since this is 
  the first time we have had to do this it made a big difference to know what 
  was going to happen ahead of time).  I asked the vet to give Allie a 
  sedative first since she doesn't respond well to IV's, so she got a sedative 
  and went to sleep.  Then at 4:30pm on Tuesday 5/16/06 Allie went to sleep 
  forever with me and my husband by her side.  We stayed with her for a 
  while and I took a lock of her fur.  She looked so peaceful and I know 
  she is in a better place now.  
  I know this was the right thing to do- she was really suffering over the 
  past few days, but it is still so hard.  I miss her so much!  I have 
  not been able to bring myself to put away all the cat stuff yet.  Last 
  night my husband and I went through old pictures of Allie and relived our 
  favorite Allie moments- there were so many!  
  So now it's one day at a time and one foot in front of the other.  I 
  know I will continue to cry a lot and continue to miss her terribly.  But 
  I know my baby girl is somewhere now where there is no more suffering and she 
  can run around and chase mice, squirrels, birds, and rabbits all day 
  Thanks for listening!  
  New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call 
  regular phones from your PC and save big.

Re: URGENT-Bert needs HELP!!

2006-05-12 Thread clawsnpaws

BLESS YOU!!!  I wish 
there were more people out there like you!  I have 3 adult FeLV+ and a 
whole litter of 8 week old kittens in rescue that need homes.  Sometimes it 
seems like an impossible feat to find them homes, but seeing messages like this 
make my day.
Purrs and headbutts from the 
whole clan here!
Operation Foster 
Felixwww.operationfosterfelix.orgSharing Our Hearts, Homes & Litter Boxes  

"If you talk to the animals they will talk 
with you and you will know each other.  If you do not talk to them you will 
not know them, and what you do not know you will fear. What one fears one 
destroys." --Chief Dan George

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 1:16 PM
  Subject: RE: URGENT-Bert needs 
  amazing.  Not only would Switters love it—the old guys would probably 
  love for him to have somebody else to play with—I’m sure they’d be happy 
  refereeing and watching!
  Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tad BurnettSent: Friday, May 12, 2006 1:07 
  felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: URGENT-Bert needs 
  I bet Switters would 
  like a young boy.. Switters is almost a year old and super active...Don't 
  let him be euthanized... If no one else will take him and he can get to 
  Vermontwe can make space here...Tad[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Will find 
  out location soon. This was a forward from another rescue 
  anyone help this kitty?
  From: Becky 
  Tuesday, May 09, 2006 2:48 PMTo: Susan Linker; Sarkosi,Diana A; Pet 
  ProtectorsCc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  URGENT-Bert needs HELP!!
  Bert is a very sweet 
  FeLV+ kitty who is almost a year old.  He is scheduled to be euthanized 
  soon-he needs help ASAP!!  He has been looking for a home since he was 
  two months old.  Here is his story:
  HE IS IN DIRE STRAITS!! Bert is a very sweet, friendly little guy who has 
  tested positive for feline leukemia. Cats with leukemia can still have a good 
  life, and we hope that this will be the case for poor little Bert. He 
  currently appears to be in very good health. He is very playful and 
  affectionate, and is DESPERATELY seeking a home. Bert has been fully 
  vaccinated and neutered. If you would like to give this sweet little boy a 
  chance to live a good life, please send an e-mail and request an application, 
  or call the shelter. Don't pass him by and think that someone ELSE will surely 
  adopt him-LET IT BE YOU  Bert was adopted last year along with his 
  FeLV+ friend Jill by a woman who turned out to be bi-polar, and he was 
  returned to the shelter.  His best friend Jill was soon adopted out 
  again, leaving Bert behind.  Bert is scheduled to be euthanized 
  soon-PLEASE help him!!
  RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites 
  for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON 
  SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! 
  a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL 

Re: sedative before flying (ACE)

2006-05-11 Thread clawsnpaws

Acepromazine for a cat?  This was 
first choice sedative?  WOW!  Tough stuff for kitty 
IMO, especially since he's riding in cabin with you.
We only use this in cats to induce 
anesthesia sometimes. It dilates their pupils a lot and stays in their system 
for a day or two depending on how fast your their metabolism is. We also 
use it for animals that go home after exstensive surgery and they need to stay 
still (like bone breaks, etc...). Their appetite will decrease to almost nothing 
and sometimes they won't want to eat at all. Personally, I wouldn't use it, not 
for a 2 1/2 hour flight.
~ Rachel

Operation Foster 
Felixwww.operationfosterfelix.orgSharing Our Hearts, Homes & Litter Boxes  

"If you talk to the animals they will talk 
with you and you will know each other.  If you do not talk to them you will 
not know them, and what you do not know you will fear. What one fears one 
destroys." --Chief Dan George
- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 4:20 PM
Subject: OT: sedative before flying 
Hey folks,I'm flying to Minneapolis on Saturday, a 2.5 hour 
flight from LIttle Rock, and taking a sweet, energetic young Siamese kitty 
to his owner.  Kitty will ride in the cabin with me.   I've 
never taken a kitty on board with me before, so a new experience.The 
vet gave me a sedative, ACE., and am pondering whether to use the sedative 
or not.  Someone said that another option would be Benadryl, along with 
Rescue Remedy.Any experiences with taking kitties on flights?  With 
ACE?  Think the dosage was 1/2 tablet followed by 1/4 if 
needed.Thanks much!Gloria

Re: Way Off Subject of Cats....sorry!

2006-05-10 Thread clawsnpaws

Oh lord!  Your poor daughter.  Thank God she has 
such wonderful supportive parents!!!
Having been married to a military man for nearly 15 years, I 
have witnessed my fair share of cases like this and had my husband spaz out and 
pull similar stunts (though we have no children - just pets and property).  
There were always duty related emotional issues that initiated it.
Your daughter needs to FILE FOR CHILD SUPPORT NOW!  She 
does not have to wait for divorce proceedings. ALL military pay and 
allowances (like housing) are considered income when it comes to calculating 
child support and alimony.  Please tell her not to wait.  Most child 
support offices will not drag their feet with military wives who do not work 
when their spouses abandon them.  
The military requires enlisted to be 
responsible for financially supporting their families. A soldier who fails to 
support his or her family may face not only civilian legal problems, they also 
violate the punitive provisions of AR 608-99 and may face punishment 
under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. HE IS 
You can go to this site for specifics on child support and 
branches of the military:
She also needs to go to the Family Support Center, 
specifically the Family Advocacy department.  Get them involved.  
Avoid the CO and wives at this point, move on to bigger and more powerful 
beings, who will file official reports, not just talk and sweep things under the 
Keep us updated.  I hope she has good luck with the 
attorney on Friday!
~ Rachel
Operation Foster Felixwww.operationfosterfelix.orgSharing Our 
Hearts, Homes & Litter Boxes  
"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you 
will know each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, 
and what you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief 
Dan George

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 1:36 
  Subject: Re: Way Off Subject of 
  I want to thank those that have 
  responded your information is greatly appreciated and will be used for 
  I found he did this through a 
  paralegal, so at this time he has no attorney working for him...yet! 
  If he would have sat down with 
  her and worked it out everything would have been done easily. It would have 
  been cheaper in the long run.
  He snuck behind her back and 
  paid for advise ($400) to do this. He has also cleaned out the bank 
  But by him filing she can't 
  leave the state until the divorce is settled. Yet, he wants her gone a.s.a.p. 
  but won't help her. She has no income. She has ask him to hold off on the 
  papers that were filed so she can come home. He continues to help himself by 
  going into the home when she isn't there and taking items of 
  We will help her but we can't do 
  a thing until she sees an attorney herself. Like getting a counter suit filed 
  against him.
  She has a appt with female 
  attorney friday at 10am that used to be the DA and has interest in cases like 
  Hopefully she will help my 
  She has met with one of the 
  wives of the CO and SGTs they are suppose to talk with the husband sometime 
  Guess we will see what 
  happens.   :(
   Terrie Mohr-ForkerTAZZY'S ANIMAL 
  sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON 
  SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL 

Re: Kerry and Bandy

2006-05-10 Thread clawsnpaws

I HIGHLY recommend Soft Claws too!  I've been 
using them for years for a variety of reasons.  If you're not comfortable 
putting them on yourself, many vets and groomers will do it for a small fee and 
it's well worth it.  
Good luck to you sweetie!
~ Rachel
Operation Foster Felixwww.operationfosterfelix.orgSharing Our Hearts, Homes & Litter Boxes  
"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you 
and you will know each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know 
them, and what you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." 
--Chief Dan George

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 12:22 
  Subject: Re: Kerry and Bandy
  Kerry, I really do highly recommend the soft paws claw covers. At least 
  temporarily, so he doesn't make himself bleed! I did it to Mythic when he was 
  digging holes in himself, it helps a LOT! makes them mad, but helps...
  Phaewryn (was Jenn, changed name) 
  Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah (UCAT) Cat Rescue: PLEASE 
  DONATE TO THE TANGLE FUND:Tangle is a cat in Greece that was severely 
  injured when someone wrapped wire around his neck to strangle him,Little 
  Cheetah Cat Rescue is raising funds to bring Tangle to Vermont to find him a 
  good home! 
  We could really use a power saw (for construction), a digital camera (for 
  pictures), and more towels! 

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