New cat on the block

2006-12-19 Thread Peggy Ankney
Hi Ashley!  I'm glad you found this site.  Your vet is wrong - though
it's true that there is no cure for FeLV, it's certainly not a waste of
money to keep an otherwise healthy, happy kitty alive and well.  So I'm
glad you didn't take his recommendation to put Mr. Kitten to sleep.
True, it gets expensive, and you probably should invest in high-quality
food (many people on this list recommend Innova) and the experts here
will tell you what supplements to give Mr. Kitten to keep his immune
system strong.  But at four, your cat has reached and passed a major
milestone (our little guy died at 11 months and the latest cat we
rescued from the SPCA is thankfully, not FeLV+).
You won't find a better educated, more sympathetic and caring group of
people than on this list.  Best wishes for the continued good health of
Mr. Kitten!

Re: New cat on the block

2006-12-19 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Welcome to the list! Mr. Kitten sounds like he has a good mom. I think many
vets just refuse to learn new things. Just out of curiosity, has the vet
that told you to euthanise Mr. Kitten ever given him any vaccines? If so,
can you tell me where he gave them (neck, scruff, side, leg)? I ask because
if he's still giving vaccines in the scruff of the neck, he's obviously just
someone who refuses to embrace new technology and studies and is just a bad
vet for not continuing to work on his education. The most important thing is
to feed the very best quality food you can afford, like Wellness, Innova,
Chicken Soup, or other super-premium brands. Cat food should never contain
corn or corn ingredients. After that, then you start adding general immune
boosting supplements (same as you would  take to boost YOUR immune system)
like Vitamin C, Lysine, B Complex Vitamins, etc. Then you consider adding a
FELV specific treatment, like Interferon, Acemannan, or Immunoregulin. Lots
of it is just plain good nutrition, and I don't think any vet could argue
with adding extra immune boosting vitamins and minerals to an animal's diet!


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost SpayNeuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Re: New cat on the block

2006-12-19 Thread wendy
Hi Ashley,

I'm sorry to hear that Mr. Kitten is FeLV+, but happy
you have found us.  The two most important things you
can do to keep Mr. Kitten healthy is to keep him
stress-free and to get him on a great diet, which
includes immune-boosting supplements.  Many of us feed
our kitties Innova Evo, which has no grains as cats
cannot process grains, but there are other good cat
foods out there.  Pretty much anything you can buy at
Wal-Mart and most of what you can buy at Petco or
Petsmart are not good foods.  The good foods are
usually found at pet boutiques and online. 
Supplements that people usually use are L-lysine
(without the propynol glycol additive) and Vitamin C,
but there are others.  Again, welcome to the group
Ashley, and I hope that Mr. Kitten has many long years
ahead of him!

Dallas, Tx

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Re: New cat on the block

2006-12-19 Thread Lilash3
Mr. Kitten has not received any vaccines since being diagnosed.  He  did 
receive a Prednisone shot that was administered in his neck, but I don't  know 
that is the normal spot for that injection or not.  I live in a  smaller town 
so it's hard to find a wide range of vets, expecially ones that are  
interested in handling Felv+ cats, but I'm working on it.
In a message dated 12/19/2006 12:09:07 PM Pacific Standard Time,  

Welcome to the list! Mr. Kitten sounds  like he has a good mom. I think many 
vets just refuse to learn new things.  Just out of curiosity, has the vet that 
told you to euthanise Mr. Kitten ever  given him any vaccines? If so, can you 
tell me where he gave them (neck,  scruff, side, leg)? I ask because if he's 
still giving vaccines in the scruff  of the neck, he's obviously just someone 
who refuses to embrace new technology  and studies and is just a bad vet for 
not continuing to work on his  education. The most important thing is to feed 
the very best quality food you  can afford, like Wellness, Innova, Chicken 
Soup, or other super-premium  brands. Cat food should never contain corn or 
ingredients. After that,  then you start adding general immune boosting 
supplements (same as you  would  take to boost YOUR immune system) like Vitamin 
Lysine, B  Complex Vitamins, etc. Then you consider adding a FELV specific 
treatment,  like Interferon, Acemannan, or Immunoregulin. Lots of it is just 
good nutrition, and I don't think any vet could argue with adding extra 
immune  boosting vitamins and minerals to an animal's diet!



Re: New cat on the block

2006-12-19 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Nothing should ever be given in the neck on cats. They are prone to
injection site sarcoma, in other words, a big cancerous tumor can grow in
the location of any injections. Happens in every 1 in 1000 to 1 in 1
cats (studies vary on the frequency). Since you can't amputate the neck,
giving it in that location equals instant death sentence for any cat that
gets a sarcoma there (whereas if it's given in the lower leg, as it should
be, you can amputate the leg and save the cat). But, that proves my
suspicions, yes, your vet is VERY outdated and does NOT keep up with current
protocols. I suggest a different vet. Ask them Now if you were going to
give my cat a vaccine, where would you administer that, in the scruff? If
they says yes, forget that vet, try again. Remember though, just because you
may find one that is current on vaccination protocol, doesn't mean they will
be current on FELV treatment, it's just SOMEWHERE to start. Here's the
webpage on current vaccine protocols:


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost SpayNeuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

New cat on the block

2006-12-18 Thread Lilash3
So, I've just recently added to this list and have been reading just about  
everything I get in order to try and get the hang of things.  My name is  
Ashley and I have a Felv+ cat named Mr. Kitten.  I got him from our local  SPCA 
Jan 2004 and he will be turning four this upcoming January.   Shortly after 
bringing him home Mr. Kitten had a runny nose that just wouldn't  go away, so 
off to the first vet.  This vet did no testing at all, just  sent me away with 
antibiotics.  Second vet ran all sorts of tests and this  is when I learned 
that he was Felv+  The vet's first response was  euthanasia, but since Mr. 
was an extremely happy (and healthy, for the  most part) cat, I decided to 
take him back home.  Upon hearing this  decision the vet told me how the 
research on the internet is wrong and there is  no cure and all the supposed 
treatments are just a waste of money.  So I  was a little put off from ever 
anything.  I've recently been doing a  lot more research and getting more 
involved and I am starting to see that there  are different alternatives out 
As of right now I haven't been giving Mr.  Kitten anything other than his 
regular food and water, but like I said, I'm new  to the homeopathic world.  I 
just watned to let you guys out there know  that hearing such stories are so 
inspiring and it's really nice to know there  are things that actually work and 
help.  Just recently Mr. Kitten is  becoming a little more picky about his 
food, one day he scarfs down everything  in front of him and other days he has 
desire for anything.  It makes me  a little nervous because I know that loss 
of appetite could lead to many other  downfalls, but hopefully he is just being 
a brat.  But anyway, I just  wanted to introduce myself and Mr. Kitten and 
let you guys know how grateful I  am for people like you!