Re: Question - Long

2005-06-07 Thread Sheila208
 I took Muffie to the vet, he sedated her and shaved her body left the fur around her face and head long. She looks like a little strange lion, but I know she feels better. She seems healthy and has calmed right down. She gets along great with my other babies. Some ignore her, some act like she has been here forever. I got up this morning and found her sleeping in a clothes hamper with my boy Spanky.She loves to be petted, but will not sit on your lap she will not get on the furniture either. I put her on my bed, the sofa, chairs even the counters and she will jump right down. I guess someone taught her not to, but maybe she will change in time when she sees my kitties sleeping anywhere they decide. She had what I thought was a lump on her side I was afraid it was a tumor or something. The doctor x-rayed and said she had some broken ribs that healed wrong. He thinks maybe she had been kicked in the past. I don't think she had a very good life before. The bad news is she tested positive for felv I will have her tested again in a couple months. My doctor knows I have other pos. and how I feel about the subject so he doesn't even bring pts up. He did that one time with my Charlie 3 years ago. I brought Charlie home I thought to die, but he is still healthy and happy at the ripe old age of 14 . Anyway I love Muffie already. I will probably even keep the name it seems to fit. Thank you and everyone here for all the good advice. 

Re: Question - Long

2005-06-07 Thread Nina

Muffie's positive!??  Can you believe it?  Poor little angel, broken 
ribs, out on her own with no front claws...  How wonderful that she's 
finally home where she belongs.  We were just talking about how the 
animals that need us, are drawn to us, I guess Muffie is a prime 
example.  The fact that she's not symptomatic after all the stress she's 
been through is just great.  Maybe that means she's got a better chance 
at a long, happy life.  How telling that she's getting along with your 
other cats and already feels at home.  Thanks for the visual of her 
sleeping with Spanky in the clothes hamper!  As far as her not wanting 
to be on 'higher ground', that's not at all unusual for a newcomer.  
They tend to keep a low profile at first.  Is she walking with her tail 
erect yet?  Tell her how beautiful she looks with her new hair cut for 
me.  Welcome Muffie!



  I took Muffie to the vet, he sedated her and shaved her body left 
the fur around her face and head long. She looks like a little strange 
lion, but I know she feels better. She seems healthy and has calmed 
right down. She gets along great with my other babies. Some ignore 
her, some act like she has been here forever. I got up this morning 
and found her sleeping in a clothes hamper with my boy Spanky.She 
loves to be petted, but will not sit on your lap she will not get on 
the furniture either. I put her on my bed, the sofa, chairs even the 
counters and she will jump right down. I guess someone taught her not 
to, but maybe she will change in time when she sees my kitties 
sleeping anywhere they decide. She had what I thought was a lump on 
her side I was afraid it was a tumor or something. The doctor x-rayed 
and said she had some broken ribs that healed wrong. He thinks maybe 
she had been kicked in the past. I don't think she had a very good 
life before. The bad news is she tested positive for felv I will have 
her tested again in a couple months. My doctor knows I have other pos. 
and how I feel about the subject so he doesn't even bring pts up. He 
did that one time with my Charlie 3 years ago. I brought Charlie home 
I thought to die, but he is still healthy and happy at the ripe old 
age of 14 . Anyway I love Muffie already. I will probably even keep 
the name it seems to fit. Thank you and everyone here for all the good 


Re: Question - Long

2005-06-07 Thread TenHouseCats
how small is she? my little 4# blue-cream persian couldn't JUMP high
enough to get onto most furniture! i had to have little ramps for her
all over the place


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Question - Long

2005-06-07 Thread Sheila208
She weighs 4#. She looked a lot heavier with the fur. I will try the ramps, it seems strange having to reach down to the floor to pet her. She will let me pick her up and hold her as long as I am standing, but when I sit she will jump out of my lap.

Re: Question - Long

2005-06-07 Thread TenHouseCats
if hubby put her outside very early on, she just may not be accustomed
to furniture. my jenny was a breeding queen, and tho she had been
out of the cage to play everyday, she had no concept of
vertical--she'd chase the other cats, but as soon as they went up
the cat-tree, she'd just stop and look up at them. took her awhile to
figure out that she could get up on things.

 She weighs 4#. She looked a lot heavier with the fur. I will try the ramps,
 it seems strange having to reach down to the floor to pet her. She will let
 me pick her up and hold her as long as I am standing, but when I sit she
 will jump out of my lap. 


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Question - Long

2005-06-07 Thread Nina
That reminds me of my cat Trouble.  He was raised as an only-cat with 
dogs and pretty much acted like a dog himself.  When new neighbors with 
cats moved in next door to us, I could see the wheels turning in his 
head as he watched them.  Hey!  I can do that too! 

TenHouseCats wrote:

if hubby put her outside very early on, she just may not be accustomed
to furniture. my jenny was a breeding queen, and tho she had been
out of the cage to play everyday, she had no concept of
vertical--she'd chase the other cats, but as soon as they went up
the cat-tree, she'd just stop and look up at them. took her awhile to
figure out that she could get up on things.


She weighs 4#. She looked a lot heavier with the fur. I will try the ramps,
it seems strange having to reach down to the floor to pet her. She will let
me pick her up and hold her as long as I am standing, but when I sit she
will jump out of my lap. 



Re: Question - Long

2005-06-06 Thread carlas

You may want to put some feliway plug ins around
They are suppose to help calm cats. I have two right now in
I do see better results with the spray can but I keep the plug ins.

I like Emergency Flower essence it's like rescue I just have seen 
better results for stressed cats or cats with emotion problem.

I order mine from:

Sandi is very nice if you have any questions she can help make up 
something for you. I have been dealing with her for a few years 
now and her prices are really fair.


Re: Question - Long

2005-06-06 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Yes, sorry Saline solution, I use "Opti-Free Express Lasting Comfort No Rub" . Have you tried like a spray conditioner for his coat. They also have mits that you can use so the cats get stroaked by you and combed at the same time. Since all mine are used to it, they really do not enjoy it but they are used to it it takes no time to bathe them I can usually do one an hour, then it only takes 20 minutes a night while my son and I are watching TV for the combing ritual. They do not all enjoy that eaither, but I have to do it, so usually I lay them on their backs and hold the scruff of the neck and use a comb and a rake for them. Hope this helps.
CherieNina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hey Cherie,Just to clarify, when you say "contact lens solution" you mean saline, right? There are contact lens solutions that are cleaners and you wouldn't want to put that in anybody's eyes! My Timmy has fairly long hair and since he's begun shedding, he's got some small mats developing. He hates to be brushed. Even when I try to sneak some detangling activity into our snuggle sessions, he'll walk off in a huff. Is there a detangler that you can use on a dry coat to help with this? I can just see myself trying to blow dry my cats! How did you get them used to this? Crimeny, 5 long haired cats! How do you find the time to keep up with their grooming?NinaCherie A Gabbert wrote: Sheila, I have 4 Persians and 1 Himmie, hair mats are easier than people  think, close shave should do it. I put about 3 inches of
 water in the  bath tub, with a dixie cup I hold the cats under the front legs and  pour it on them, I use cat shampoo, towel dry then, lightly blow dry  and combI comb all the long hairs daily as well as clean their  eyes with contact lens solution. Hope this helps.  How can people just get up and move away from their pets. Cherie *//*Have a purrfect day

Re: Question - Long

2005-06-06 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Try clipping the small ones and combing her every once in awhile jus tto get her used to it.
Cherie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Cherie , if I can get her shaved and clean I'll be able to keep her that way. I don't have any long haired cats so I guess if you can keep up with five I can manage one. Thanks, Sheila Have a purrfect day

Re: Question - Long

2005-06-06 Thread TenHouseCats
i think this is the best advice for a scared, badly matted persian.
her biting in self-defense makes perfect sense for a declawed
not-made-for-the-outside-world cat! the vet can use a safe sedative if
one is needed, and can quickly shave her so you can start fresh. some
persians mat in such a way that keeping them tangle-free is pretty
easy, others (silvers among them, for some reason) mat when you look
at them from across a crowded room, and turn into felted messes.
it is much less traumatic for the cat and human to be shaved then to
have to work out that kind of mat. (i bought a clipper and learned to
use it myself for these kits.)

and about not knowing how a declawed cat can be a problem to
bathe? i rescued two front-declawed persians who were told by
their previous groomer NOT to come back unless they were sedated. it's
amazing what little tornadoes sweet little persians can become--and
they are good with their teeth! i had a little 4# one that turned into
a demon at the vet's--took THREE people to get her temperature.

topical flea treatments seem to work fine with persians, unlike many
of the older products. is the link to the message boards at
the site where i host--there are a couple of places you could post for
help; i don't believe the persian boards are very active, tho i and
two of my other cohosts are all experienced with them if you post
to the persian boards, let me know and i'll make sure we read and


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Question - Long

2005-06-06 Thread Mia Nicer
I quickly read through an email and saw the suggestion to maybe contact a persian rescue. I know there is a persian rescue group on one of the other groups I belong to. When I see and email sent be the person from the persian rescue group I will post the info to the group and you can check it out yourself and see if they might be able to help you. Hope it will help and I'll post the info as soon as I find it.

Mia__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Question - Long

2005-06-06 Thread Sheila208
Thanks Mia I would like that.

Re: Question - Long

2005-06-06 Thread Nina

How's the kitty doing?  Is she still scared to death, or is she starting 
to figure out you're one of the good guys?


Re: Question - Long

2005-06-05 Thread Nina

Bless you for saving this poor baby.  I don't understand people either.  
I was just telling my sister that you can't spend more than 10 minutes 
in any sort of rescue endeavor without beginning to question the 
inherent goodness of humans.  I'm so grateful to belong to a list like 
this to help balance that out.

It is MC that talks about the profile impaired breeds :)  I'm sure 
she'll have some good advice for you about caring for this girl.  What's 
her name?  I know she posted about the dangers of flea dips and 
pesticides for this breed.  You could put a dab of Advantage or 
Revolution on her neck, (I never use a full tube on anyone).  That will 
at least take care of her fleas.  Will she let you run a wrung cloth 
over her to get the bulk of the dirt off her?  Try grooming her on the 
top of her head, neck and shoulders the way a momma cat would.  I have 
one friend that whisks them into the sink the second they get into the 
house.  She figures their traumatized at that point anyway, and you 
might as well get the worst over with all at once.  I don't feel the 
same way about it.  I always let someone settle in a bit and try and 
build trust first. 

Why don't you look for a Persian rescue to contact about advice on how 
to care for her?  MC has also sent me links for a chat board:   I haven't used it yet, but I'm betting 
you'll be able to find help there.  Give that sweet baby a nuzzle for 
me.  Keep telling her how much better her life is going to be from now 
on.  Lucky girl to have found you.  Keep us informed.


Re: Question - Long

2005-06-05 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I have 4 Persians and 1 Himmie, hair mats are easier than people think, close shave should do it. I put about 3 inches of water in the bath tub, with a dixie cup I hold the cats under the front legs and pour it on them, I use cat shampoo, towel dry then, lightly blow dry and combI comb all the long hairs daily as well as clean their eyes with contact lens solution. Hope this helps.

How can people just get up and move away from their pets.
Cherie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I know this is probably not the place to address this question, but I think I read that someone here has Persian cats. I was hoping she could give me some pointers on washing and grooming a Persian. I had a neighbor a mile or so from my house (we live in a rural area) who bought this beautiful tortoise Persian paid 600.00 dollars for her had her declawed and spayed. Then she said her husband didn't like the cat in the house so she put her outside, I don't know how she survived for two years with no claws. They moved away last week, but before they left she called me and told me she wasn't taking the cat with them and that I could have her or anyone that wanted her. So they just moved away leaving the poor cat in an empty house. I can't believe anyone could be so heartless. Today I trapped her and
 brought her to my home (I guess I'll keep her).She is beautiful and sweet but, she is dirty, matted to the skin and has fleas. I don't think she has ever been groomed. The problem is the nearest groomer is 45 miles from my home and I can't get an appointment with her for 2 weeks. I can't let her go another day like this, but she want let me get near her with clippers or put her in water to bathe her. Has anyone heard of giving vadium to cats. Would that help calm her down until I can get her cleaned up? I can't afford a vet visit this week but very soon. She looks healthy but I want to have her tested as soon as possible. Please any advice would be appreciated. Sheila Have a purrfect day

Re: Question - Long

2005-06-05 Thread Nina

Hey Cherie,
Just to clarify, when you say contact lens solution you mean saline, 
right?  There are contact lens solutions that are cleaners and you 
wouldn't want to put that in anybody's eyes!  My Timmy has fairly long 
hair and since he's begun shedding, he's got some small mats 
developing.  He hates to be brushed.  Even when I try to sneak some 
detangling activity into our snuggle sessions, he'll walk off in a 
huff.  Is there a detangler that you can use on a dry coat to help with 
this?  I can just see myself trying to blow dry my cats!  How did you 
get them used to this?  Crimeny, 5 long haired cats!  How do you find 
the time to keep up with their grooming?


Cherie A Gabbert wrote:

I have 4 Persians and 1 Himmie, hair mats are easier than people 
think, close shave should do it. I put about 3 inches of water in the 
bath tub, with a dixie cup I hold the cats under the front legs and 
pour it on them, I use cat shampoo, towel dry then, lightly blow dry 
and combI comb all the long hairs daily as well as clean their 
eyes with contact lens solution. Hope this helps.
How can people just get up and move away from their pets.


Re: Question - Long

2005-06-05 Thread Sheila208
Thanks, I want use the valium she's been through to much to take any chances. I'll try the Vet tomorrow. Maybe he can sedate her safely. She bit really hard when I first tried to pick her up. She has back claws and really knows how to use them. I guess she had to learn to defend her self outdoors. Her name is Muffie but I think I'll change it. She's gorgeous I wish I knew how to post a picture of her. I can't understand how someone could just walk away from there pet. 


Re: Question - Long

2005-06-05 Thread Gloria B. Lane
I have 4 Persians now (fosters).  I use a metal comb, easier if a friend 
helps.  I don't cut unless I get the comb under the matt and can cut on top 
of the comb.

I also use the comb to comb thru the hair gently, and sometimes I use the 
very end of the comb to gently putt a few hairs out and work on the knots 
and matts.  I've tried using a fork too.

Someone suggested using the stuff you spray on kids hair to make it easier 
to comb, but I haven't tried it yet.

The Persians I've had - have the most WONDERFULLY GENTLE 
personalities.  Very sweet.  I got one recently from a nice young man, who 
got her from a lady who was going to have her euthanizes.  This gorgeous 
2-3 year olf Persian, worth several hundred $$$, having been declawed and 
spayed, and they'd never groomed her, and were going to euthanize her.  A 
very sweet girl. We adopted her out to a wonderful local home.

There is a Persian Rescue list on Yahoo groups, also.  Probably some other 
Persian lists.  On our Petfinder pages, the Persians get more viewing than 
any of the others.

Best of luck,


At 07:39 PM 6/5/2005, you wrote:
I know this is probably not the place to address this question, but I 
think I read that someone here has Persian cats. I was hoping she could 
give me some pointers on washing and grooming a Persian. I had a neighbor 
a mile or so from my house (we live in a rural area) who bought this 
beautiful tortoise Persian paid 600.00 dollars for her had her declawed 
and spayed. Then she said her husband didn't like the cat in the house so 
she put her outside, I don't know how she survived for two years with no 
claws. They moved away last week, but before they left she called me and 
told me she wasn't taking the cat with them and that I could have her or 
anyone that wanted her. So they just moved away leaving the poor cat in an 
empty house. I can't believe anyone could be so heartless. Today I trapped 
her and brought her to my home (I guess I'll keep her).She is beautiful 
and sweet but, she is dirty, matted to the skin and has fleas. I don't 
think she has ever been groomed. The problem is the nearest groomer is 45 
miles from my home and I can't get an appointment with her for 2 weeks. I 
can't let her go another day like this, but she want let me get near her 
with clippers or put her in water to bathe her. Has anyone heard of giving 
vadium to cats. Would that help calm her down until I can get her cleaned 
up? I can't afford a vet visit this week but very soon. She looks healthy 
but I want to have her tested as soon as possible. Please any advice would 
be appreciated. Sheila