Re: Slinky - Please add to the CLS

2007-04-05 Thread Gina WN
You made me tear up Beth.  I found a little lock of fur in my house after my 
Buddy died and I kept it.  I like to "pet" it now and again.  I totally 
understand where you are coming from.

Gussies mom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm so sorry..
  I know how hard it is. If my boyfriend hadn't bee holding me when I put my 
second FeLV kitty to sleep I really think I would have snatched her from the 
table and ran, even though I knew it was the right thing to do.
  I had the vet shave some hair from the belly of one of my FeLV cats after he 
was PTS. He had the most beautiful golden belly fur. I put it in the jar with 
his ashes. Now I can "pet" him any time I want.

Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all.  I guess I need to complete the updates on Slinky, huh?  
  Yes, he went to the bridge last night.  I was having second thoughts all day 
yesterday...he, of course, perked up a bit, sat in the window sill again 
(hadn't done that in ages), and was still drinking, eating, and breathing fine. 
 I even started to wonder if his nose looked pinker.
  But I decided to go to the vet appointment and ask her what she thought - and 
that all important question, "what would you do if he were your kitty?"  
  Right before we left I think I finally understood that it really was time.  
It occurred to me that on Sunday he was very cuddly with me and initiating some 
cuddle time on his own.  But yesterday he didn't want anything to do with me.  
And when we left the vet on Monday, someone said he'd tell me when it was time, 
and I remember thinking, "I think he already has told me" but I didn't want to 
believe it.  I think his spirit left on Sunday...I think all that cuddling was 
him saying goodbye and beginning to get ready for the journey.
  So we went to the vet and I asked her if she thought his nose looked pinker.  
She looked at his gums, etc. and assured me that they were not.  I was tempted 
to have her do another CBC, but that seemed like just adding to the torture 
he'd already been through.  Without my even asking, the vet said, "If this were 
my cat, this is what I would be doing.  Not only is he not getting any better, 
but he's actually getting steadily worse...and he's just going to suffer if we 
wait much longer."  She of course pointed out that I had the option of waiting, 
but that seemed like it would just drag out the inevitable.  He was so weak the 
last couple days that he couldn't even get back on the bed once he'd gotten 
  The vet explained everything in detail and even shaved some of his fur for me 
since I'd forgotten I wanted a sample (good cuz what she got was way better 
than anything I could've gotten with a scissors).  Then she gave him the 
tranquilizer (I think she did it quickly so I wouldn't have time to change my 
mind...knowing that was best for me and for Slinky).  She said it would take a 
few minutes for it to work, so they left and I just held him and cried and told 
him how much I loved him.  Thanked him for letting me share in his life and 
told him I was giving him the only gift I could at this point.  The room we 
were in had a beautiful painting of the bridge, so I showed it to him and told 
him that was where he was going.  
  They had put a sheep skin-like pad on the table and when they came back I 
laid him on that and put his head on his favorite pillow (he loved to knead on 
this "sqush" pillow I have).  She thought they might have to put a catheter in 
his front leg to get the needle in since his veins were so small, but she was 
able to do it in his back leg.  Once it was in, I just held him and cried and 
cried some more.  But I know he was in peace.
  He visited me this morning - as I was waking up I could hear the birds 
outside my window and I distinctly heard a meow (I remember thinking that I 
didn't know of a bird that meowed).  When it happened I got chills.  And when I 
woke up fully I realized that he was letting me know that he's happy and he 
loves me.  
  I'm actually doing much better than I expected to be.  After the vet 
appointment my friend took me out to dinner and then to ben and jerry's 
(self-medicating is always good!), which distracted me and that helped a lot.  
Of course when I got home I completely lost it, but I knew that would happen.  
I called "dad" and he was wondeful about telling me I did all the right things, 
that he loves me, and not to worry about paying all those bills back 'till some 
time in the future.  
  Today I relaxed in the morning and then went and got my hair cut (my stylist 
is "dad's" partner and the owner of the he has lots of experience 
with losing kitties) and did some shopping.  I got a stuffed kitty that looks 
just like Slinky, so he'll be my new sleeping buddy.  I thought I would lose it 
when I came home tonight, but I just choked up for a bit and really was okay.  
I know all the prayers and thoughts everyone

Re: Slinky - Please add to the CLS

2007-03-31 Thread catatonya
  I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your Slinky.  He is still there with you 
and will wait for you at the bridge.

Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all.  I guess I need to complete the updates on Slinky, huh?  
  Yes, he went to the bridge last night.  I was having second thoughts all day 
yesterday...he, of course, perked up a bit, sat in the window sill again 
(hadn't done that in ages), and was still drinking, eating, and breathing fine. 
 I even started to wonder if his nose looked pinker.
  But I decided to go to the vet appointment and ask her what she thought - and 
that all important question, "what would you do if he were your kitty?"  
  Right before we left I think I finally understood that it really was time.  
It occurred to me that on Sunday he was very cuddly with me and initiating some 
cuddle time on his own.  But yesterday he didn't want anything to do with me.  
And when we left the vet on Monday, someone said he'd tell me when it was time, 
and I remember thinking, "I think he already has told me" but I didn't want to 
believe it.  I think his spirit left on Sunday...I think all that cuddling was 
him saying goodbye and beginning to get ready for the journey.
  So we went to the vet and I asked her if she thought his nose looked pinker.  
She looked at his gums, etc. and assured me that they were not.  I was tempted 
to have her do another CBC, but that seemed like just adding to the torture 
he'd already been through.  Without my even asking, the vet said, "If this were 
my cat, this is what I would be doing.  Not only is he not getting any better, 
but he's actually getting steadily worse...and he's just going to suffer if we 
wait much longer."  She of course pointed out that I had the option of waiting, 
but that seemed like it would just drag out the inevitable.  He was so weak the 
last couple days that he couldn't even get back on the bed once he'd gotten 
  The vet explained everything in detail and even shaved some of his fur for me 
since I'd forgotten I wanted a sample (good cuz what she got was way better 
than anything I could've gotten with a scissors).  Then she gave him the 
tranquilizer (I think she did it quickly so I wouldn't have time to change my 
mind...knowing that was best for me and for Slinky).  She said it would take a 
few minutes for it to work, so they left and I just held him and cried and told 
him how much I loved him.  Thanked him for letting me share in his life and 
told him I was giving him the only gift I could at this point.  The room we 
were in had a beautiful painting of the bridge, so I showed it to him and told 
him that was where he was going.  
  They had put a sheep skin-like pad on the table and when they came back I 
laid him on that and put his head on his favorite pillow (he loved to knead on 
this "sqush" pillow I have).  She thought they might have to put a catheter in 
his front leg to get the needle in since his veins were so small, but she was 
able to do it in his back leg.  Once it was in, I just held him and cried and 
cried some more.  But I know he was in peace.
  He visited me this morning - as I was waking up I could hear the birds 
outside my window and I distinctly heard a meow (I remember thinking that I 
didn't know of a bird that meowed).  When it happened I got chills.  And when I 
woke up fully I realized that he was letting me know that he's happy and he 
loves me.  
  I'm actually doing much better than I expected to be.  After the vet 
appointment my friend took me out to dinner and then to ben and jerry's 
(self-medicating is always good!), which distracted me and that helped a lot.  
Of course when I got home I completely lost it, but I knew that would happen.  
I called "dad" and he was wondeful about telling me I did all the right things, 
that he loves me, and not to worry about paying all those bills back 'till some 
time in the future.  
  Today I relaxed in the morning and then went and got my hair cut (my stylist 
is "dad's" partner and the owner of the he has lots of experience 
with losing kitties) and did some shopping.  I got a stuffed kitty that looks 
just like Slinky, so he'll be my new sleeping buddy.  I thought I would lose it 
when I came home tonight, but I just choked up for a bit and really was okay.  
I know all the prayers and thoughts everyone is sending me are helping a ton!!! 
 I think half the population of the US is praying for me and checking on me!
  You guys have been absolutely amazing and having people to talk to who've 
been there and understand how this is has been an unbelievable help!  Thank you 
all so much for all your support!!!
  I know this is kinda long, but since you've all been reading so much about 
Slink, I thought you might want to know some of the details of his crossing.  
Thanks again for everything...I know I couldn't get through this without you!!

Re: Slinky - Please add to the CLS

2007-03-29 Thread Gussies mom
I'm so sorry..
  I know how hard it is. If my boyfriend hadn't bee holding me when I put my 
second FeLV kitty to sleep I really think I would have snatched her from the 
table and ran, even though I knew it was the right thing to do.
  I had the vet shave some hair from the belly of one of my FeLV cats after he 
was PTS. He had the most beautiful golden belly fur. I put it in the jar with 
his ashes. Now I can "pet" him any time I want.

Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all.  I guess I need to complete the updates on Slinky, huh?  
  Yes, he went to the bridge last night.  I was having second thoughts all day 
yesterday...he, of course, perked up a bit, sat in the window sill again 
(hadn't done that in ages), and was still drinking, eating, and breathing fine. 
 I even started to wonder if his nose looked pinker.
  But I decided to go to the vet appointment and ask her what she thought - and 
that all important question, "what would you do if he were your kitty?"  
  Right before we left I think I finally understood that it really was time.  
It occurred to me that on Sunday he was very cuddly with me and initiating some 
cuddle time on his own.  But yesterday he didn't want anything to do with me.  
And when we left the vet on Monday, someone said he'd tell me when it was time, 
and I remember thinking, "I think he already has told me" but I didn't want to 
believe it.  I think his spirit left on Sunday...I think all that cuddling was 
him saying goodbye and beginning to get ready for the journey.
  So we went to the vet and I asked her if she thought his nose looked pinker.  
She looked at his gums, etc. and assured me that they were not.  I was tempted 
to have her do another CBC, but that seemed like just adding to the torture 
he'd already been through.  Without my even asking, the vet said, "If this were 
my cat, this is what I would be doing.  Not only is he not getting any better, 
but he's actually getting steadily worse...and he's just going to suffer if we 
wait much longer."  She of course pointed out that I had the option of waiting, 
but that seemed like it would just drag out the inevitable.  He was so weak the 
last couple days that he couldn't even get back on the bed once he'd gotten 
  The vet explained everything in detail and even shaved some of his fur for me 
since I'd forgotten I wanted a sample (good cuz what she got was way better 
than anything I could've gotten with a scissors).  Then she gave him the 
tranquilizer (I think she did it quickly so I wouldn't have time to change my 
mind...knowing that was best for me and for Slinky).  She said it would take a 
few minutes for it to work, so they left and I just held him and cried and told 
him how much I loved him.  Thanked him for letting me share in his life and 
told him I was giving him the only gift I could at this point.  The room we 
were in had a beautiful painting of the bridge, so I showed it to him and told 
him that was where he was going.  
  They had put a sheep skin-like pad on the table and when they came back I 
laid him on that and put his head on his favorite pillow (he loved to knead on 
this "sqush" pillow I have).  She thought they might have to put a catheter in 
his front leg to get the needle in since his veins were so small, but she was 
able to do it in his back leg.  Once it was in, I just held him and cried and 
cried some more.  But I know he was in peace.
  He visited me this morning - as I was waking up I could hear the birds 
outside my window and I distinctly heard a meow (I remember thinking that I 
didn't know of a bird that meowed).  When it happened I got chills.  And when I 
woke up fully I realized that he was letting me know that he's happy and he 
loves me.  
  I'm actually doing much better than I expected to be.  After the vet 
appointment my friend took me out to dinner and then to ben and jerry's 
(self-medicating is always good!), which distracted me and that helped a lot.  
Of course when I got home I completely lost it, but I knew that would happen.  
I called "dad" and he was wondeful about telling me I did all the right things, 
that he loves me, and not to worry about paying all those bills back 'till some 
time in the future.  
  Today I relaxed in the morning and then went and got my hair cut (my stylist 
is "dad's" partner and the owner of the he has lots of experience 
with losing kitties) and did some shopping.  I got a stuffed kitty that looks 
just like Slinky, so he'll be my new sleeping buddy.  I thought I would lose it 
when I came home tonight, but I just choked up for a bit and really was okay.  
I know all the prayers and thoughts everyone is sending me are helping a ton!!! 
 I think half the population of the US is praying for me and checking on me!
  You guys have been absolutely amazing and having people to talk to who've 
been there and understand how this is has been an un

Re: Slinky - Please add to the CLS

2007-03-29 Thread Gina WN
  My heart aches for your loss of Slinky.

Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all.  I guess I need to complete the updates on Slinky, huh?  
  Yes, he went to the bridge last night.  I was having second thoughts all day 
yesterday...he, of course, perked up a bit, sat in the window sill again 
(hadn't done that in ages), and was still drinking, eating, and breathing fine. 
 I even started to wonder if his nose looked pinker.
  But I decided to go to the vet appointment and ask her what she thought - and 
that all important question, "what would you do if he were your kitty?"  
  Right before we left I think I finally understood that it really was time.  
It occurred to me that on Sunday he was very cuddly with me and initiating some 
cuddle time on his own.  But yesterday he didn't want anything to do with me.  
And when we left the vet on Monday, someone said he'd tell me when it was time, 
and I remember thinking, "I think he already has told me" but I didn't want to 
believe it.  I think his spirit left on Sunday...I think all that cuddling was 
him saying goodbye and beginning to get ready for the journey.
  So we went to the vet and I asked her if she thought his nose looked pinker.  
She looked at his gums, etc. and assured me that they were not.  I was tempted 
to have her do another CBC, but that seemed like just adding to the torture 
he'd already been through.  Without my even asking, the vet said, "If this were 
my cat, this is what I would be doing.  Not only is he not getting any better, 
but he's actually getting steadily worse...and he's just going to suffer if we 
wait much longer."  She of course pointed out that I had the option of waiting, 
but that seemed like it would just drag out the inevitable.  He was so weak the 
last couple days that he couldn't even get back on the bed once he'd gotten 
  The vet explained everything in detail and even shaved some of his fur for me 
since I'd forgotten I wanted a sample (good cuz what she got was way better 
than anything I could've gotten with a scissors).  Then she gave him the 
tranquilizer (I think she did it quickly so I wouldn't have time to change my 
mind...knowing that was best for me and for Slinky).  She said it would take a 
few minutes for it to work, so they left and I just held him and cried and told 
him how much I loved him.  Thanked him for letting me share in his life and 
told him I was giving him the only gift I could at this point.  The room we 
were in had a beautiful painting of the bridge, so I showed it to him and told 
him that was where he was going.  
  They had put a sheep skin-like pad on the table and when they came back I 
laid him on that and put his head on his favorite pillow (he loved to knead on 
this "sqush" pillow I have).  She thought they might have to put a catheter in 
his front leg to get the needle in since his veins were so small, but she was 
able to do it in his back leg.  Once it was in, I just held him and cried and 
cried some more.  But I know he was in peace.
  He visited me this morning - as I was waking up I could hear the birds 
outside my window and I distinctly heard a meow (I remember thinking that I 
didn't know of a bird that meowed).  When it happened I got chills.  And when I 
woke up fully I realized that he was letting me know that he's happy and he 
loves me.  
  I'm actually doing much better than I expected to be.  After the vet 
appointment my friend took me out to dinner and then to ben and jerry's 
(self-medicating is always good!), which distracted me and that helped a lot.  
Of course when I got home I completely lost it, but I knew that would happen.  
I called "dad" and he was wondeful about telling me I did all the right things, 
that he loves me, and not to worry about paying all those bills back 'till some 
time in the future.  
  Today I relaxed in the morning and then went and got my hair cut (my stylist 
is "dad's" partner and the owner of the he has lots of experience 
with losing kitties) and did some shopping.  I got a stuffed kitty that looks 
just like Slinky, so he'll be my new sleeping buddy.  I thought I would lose it 
when I came home tonight, but I just choked up for a bit and really was okay.  
I know all the prayers and thoughts everyone is sending me are helping a ton!!! 
 I think half the population of the US is praying for me and checking on me!
  You guys have been absolutely amazing and having people to talk to who've 
been there and understand how this is has been an unbelievable help!  Thank you 
all so much for all your support!!!
  I know this is kinda long, but since you've all been reading so much about 
Slink, I thought you might want to know some of the details of his crossing.  
Thanks again for everything...I know I couldn't get through this without you!!
  Love to you and all your furkids!


Re: Slinky - Please add to the CLS

2007-03-29 Thread wendy
Hey Marissa,

I cried reading your post this morning.  I am hoping
the kids who are testing across the library from me
aren't watching.  That old familiar lump kept popping
up in my throat as I read along, first when you talked
about giving him the only gift you could at that
point, then when you spoke of laying him on his pillow
while they did the catheter and crying, and then again
when you spoke of your dad, and how wonderfully
understanding and kind he was to you.  That kind of
kindness is just invaluable.  I laughed when you said
that you thought half the u.s. population is praying
for you.  I felt that way too when I came here when
Cricket was sick.  After he died, people here told me
that he would visit me again.  A few mornings after
Cricket died, I woke up and looked down beside my bed
and there was a cricket there.  Granted, it was not
alive, but still...usually we have a lot of crickets
around november in texas and we just didn't have a
cricket season that year.  I hadn't seen any, so it
shocked me to see this lone cricket by my bed.  And
Cricket was always 'different', so it would not
surprise me that he would leave a dead cricket by my
bed to try to communicate with me.  

I just want to tell you how much I think of you that
you did all you could for Slinky.  Bless you for your
unconditional and endless love for Slinky.


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world: Indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~


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Re: Slinky - Please add to the CLS

2007-03-29 Thread dede hicken
Marissa, I am so sorry you had to go through this. I
know Slinky knows how much you loved him.  I pray you
find peace in the days ahead.

Dede and Ki

--- Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi all.  I guess I need to complete the updates on
> Slinky, huh?  

"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service 
of your God"
   Mosiah 2:17


TV dinner still cooling? 
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Re: Slinky - Please add to the CLS

2007-03-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm so sorry for your loss Marissa. Slinky had a wonderful life with you,
and that sounds like the best and most peaceful euthanasia I've ever heard
of - everything seemed to just flow and work out. I'm so glad it went
smoothly, and he was so at peace. You absolutely did the right thing. I know
it's really hard, but please take solace in the fact that you did the VERY
BEST for him, and he is now at peace. My thoughts go out to you.


Re: Slinky - Please add to the CLS

2007-03-28 Thread Marylyn
Slinky knew just exactly what to do and gave you a special time with him.  

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marissa Johnson 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 10:04 PM
  Subject: Slinky - Please add to the CLS

  Hi all.  I guess I need to complete the updates on Slinky, huh?  

  Yes, he went to the bridge last night.  I was having second thoughts all day 
yesterday...he, of course, perked up a bit, sat in the window sill again 
(hadn't done that in ages), and was still drinking, eating, and breathing fine. 
 I even started to wonder if his nose looked pinker.

  But I decided to go to the vet appointment and ask her what she thought - and 
that all important question, "what would you do if he were your kitty?"  

  Right before we left I think I finally understood that it really was time.  
It occurred to me that on Sunday he was very cuddly with me and initiating some 
cuddle time on his own.  But yesterday he didn't want anything to do with me.  
And when we left the vet on Monday, someone said he'd tell me when it was time, 
and I remember thinking, "I think he already has told me" but I didn't want to 
believe it.  I think his spirit left on Sunday...I think all that cuddling was 
him saying goodbye and beginning to get ready for the journey.

  So we went to the vet and I asked her if she thought his nose looked pinker.  
She looked at his gums, etc. and assured me that they were not.  I was tempted 
to have her do another CBC, but that seemed like just adding to the torture 
he'd already been through.  Without my even asking, the vet said, "If this were 
my cat, this is what I would be doing.  Not only is he not getting any better, 
but he's actually getting steadily worse...and he's just going to suffer if we 
wait much longer."  She of course pointed out that I had the option of waiting, 
but that seemed like it would just drag out the inevitable.  He was so weak the 
last couple days that he couldn't even get back on the bed once he'd gotten 

  The vet explained everything in detail and even shaved some of his fur for me 
since I'd forgotten I wanted a sample (good cuz what she got was way better 
than anything I could've gotten with a scissors).  Then she gave him the 
tranquilizer (I think she did it quickly so I wouldn't have time to change my 
mind...knowing that was best for me and for Slinky).  She said it would take a 
few minutes for it to work, so they left and I just held him and cried and told 
him how much I loved him.  Thanked him for letting me share in his life and 
told him I was giving him the only gift I could at this point.  The room we 
were in had a beautiful painting of the bridge, so I showed it to him and told 
him that was where he was going.  

  They had put a sheep skin-like pad on the table and when they came back I 
laid him on that and put his head on his favorite pillow (he loved to knead on 
this "sqush" pillow I have).  She thought they might have to put a catheter in 
his front leg to get the needle in since his veins were so small, but she was 
able to do it in his back leg.  Once it was in, I just held him and cried and 
cried some more.  But I know he was in peace.

  He visited me this morning - as I was waking up I could hear the birds 
outside my window and I distinctly heard a meow (I remember thinking that I 
didn't know of a bird that meowed).  When it happened I got chills.  And when I 
woke up fully I realized that he was letting me know that he's happy and he 
loves me.  

  I'm actually doing much better than I expected to be.  After the vet 
appointment my friend took me out to dinner and then to ben and jerry's 
(self-medicating is always good!), which distracted me and that helped a lot.  
Of course when I got home I completely lost it, but I knew that would happen.  
I called "dad" and he was wondeful about telling me I did all the right things, 
that he loves me, and not to worry about paying all those bills back 'till some 
time in the future.  

  Today I relaxed in the morning and then went and got my hair cut (my stylist 
is "dad's" partner and the owner of the he has lots of experience 
with losing kitties) and did some shopping.  I got a stuffed kitty that looks 
just like Slinky, so he'll be my new sleeping buddy.  I thought I would lose it 
when I came home tonight, but I just choked up for a bit and really was okay.  
I know al

Re: Slinky - Please add to the CLS

2007-03-28 Thread Lance


Thanks for letting us know about Slink. Even though I was expecting  
to read this, I prayed that the situation would turn around for him,  
somehow. Pretty normal to hope until the last, but you obviously did  
the right thing for him by helping him to leave. I'm glad you got a  
meow from him. Take care.


On Mar 28, 2007, at 10:04 PM, Marissa Johnson wrote:

Hi all.  I guess I need to complete the updates on Slinky, huh?

Yes, he went to the bridge last night.  I was having second  
thoughts all day yesterday...he, of course, perked up a bit, sat in  
the window sill again (hadn't done that in ages), and was still  
drinking, eating, and breathing fine.  I even started to wonder if  
his nose looked pinker.

But I decided to go to the vet appointment and ask her what she  
thought - and that all important question, "what would you do if he  
were your kitty?"

Right before we left I think I finally understood that it really  
was time.  It occurred to me that on Sunday he was very cuddly with  
me and initiating some cuddle time on his own.  But yesterday he  
didn't want anything to do with me.  And when we left the vet on  
Monday, someone said he'd tell me when it was time, and I remember  
thinking, "I think he already has told me" but I didn't want to  
believe it.  I think his spirit left on Sunday...I think all that  
cuddling was him saying goodbye and beginning to get ready for the  

So we went to the vet and I asked her if she thought his nose  
looked pinker.  She looked at his gums, etc. and assured me that  
they were not.  I was tempted to have her do another CBC, but that  
seemed like just adding to the torture he'd already been through.   
Without my even asking, the vet said, "If this were my cat, this is  
what I would be doing.  Not only is he not getting any better, but  
he's actually getting steadily worse...and he's just going to  
suffer if we wait much longer."  She of course pointed out that I  
had the option of waiting, but that seemed like it would just drag  
out the inevitable.  He was so weak the last couple days that he  
couldn't even get back on the bed once he'd gotten down.

The vet explained everything in detail and even shaved some of his  
fur for me since I'd forgotten I wanted a sample (good cuz what she  
got was way better than anything I could've gotten with a  
scissors).  Then she gave him the tranquilizer (I think she did it  
quickly so I wouldn't have time to change my mind...knowing that  
was best for me and for Slinky).  She said it would take a few  
minutes for it to work, so they left and I just held him and cried  
and told him how much I loved him.  Thanked him for letting me  
share in his life and told him I was giving him the only gift I  
could at this point.  The room we were in had a beautiful painting  
of the bridge, so I showed it to him and told him that was where he  
was going.

They had put a sheep skin-like pad on the table and when they came  
back I laid him on that and put his head on his favorite pillow (he  
loved to knead on this "sqush" pillow I have).  She thought they  
might have to put a catheter in his front leg to get the needle in  
since his veins were so small, but she was able to do it in his  
back leg.  Once it was in, I just held him and cried and cried some  
more.  But I know he was in peace.

He visited me this morning - as I was waking up I could hear the  
birds outside my window and I distinctly heard a meow (I remember  
thinking that I didn't know of a bird that meowed).  When it  
happened I got chills.  And when I woke up fully I realized that he  
was letting me know that he's happy and he loves me.

I'm actually doing much better than I expected to be.  After the  
vet appointment my friend took me out to dinner and then to ben and  
jerry's (self-medicating is always good!), which distracted me and  
that helped a lot.  Of course when I got home I completely lost it,  
but I knew that would happen.  I called "dad" and he was wondeful  
about telling me I did all the right things, that he loves me, and  
not to worry about paying all those bills back 'till some time in  
the future.

Today I relaxed in the morning and then went and got my hair cut  
(my stylist is "dad's" partner and the owner of the he  
has lots of experience with losing kitties) and did some shopping.   
I got a stuffed kitty that looks just like Slinky, so he'll be my  
new sleeping buddy.  I thought I would lose it when I came home  
tonight, but I just choked up for a bit and really was okay.  I  
know all the prayers and thoughts everyone is sending me are  
helping a ton!!!  I think half the population of the US is praying  
for me and checking on me!

You guys have been absolutely amazing and having people to talk to  
who've been there and understand how this is has been an  
unbelievable help!  Thank you all so much for all your support!!!

I know this is kinda long, but s

Re: Slinky - Please add to the CLS

2007-03-28 Thread elizabeth trent

It just leaves such a big hole in your heart, I know.   They do let you
know.  It is so hard to let them go, but to let him pass the way he did was
a gift of kindess and caring.  I am so glad he came to let you know.  Love
and hugs - I am crying with you.


On 3/28/07, Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all.  I guess I need to complete the updates on Slinky, huh?

Yes, he went to the bridge last night.  I was having second thoughts all
day yesterday...he, of course, perked up a bit, sat in the window sill again
(hadn't done that in ages), and was still drinking, eating, and breathing
fine.  I even started to wonder if his nose looked pinker.

But I decided to go to the vet appointment and ask her what she thought -
and that all important question, "what would you do if he were your kitty?"

Right before we left I think I finally understood that it really was
time.  It occurred to me that on Sunday he was very cuddly with me and
initiating some cuddle time on his own.  But yesterday he didn't want
anything to do with me.  And when we left the vet on Monday, someone said
he'd tell me when it was time, and I remember thinking, "I think he already
has told me" but I didn't want to believe it.  I think his spirit left on
Sunday...I think all that cuddling was him saying goodbye and beginning to
get ready for the journey.

So we went to the vet and I asked her if she thought his nose looked
pinker.  She looked at his gums, etc. and assured me that they were not.  I
was tempted to have her do another CBC, but that seemed like just adding to
the torture he'd already been through.  Without my even asking, the vet
said, "If this were my cat, this is what I would be doing.  Not only is he
not getting any better, but he's actually getting steadily worse...and he's
just going to suffer if we wait much longer."  She of course pointed out
that I had the option of waiting, but that seemed like it would just drag
out the inevitable.  He was so weak the last couple days that he couldn't
even get back on the bed once he'd gotten down.

The vet explained everything in detail and even shaved some of his fur for
me since I'd forgotten I wanted a sample (good cuz what she got was way
better than anything I could've gotten with a scissors).  Then she gave him
the tranquilizer (I think she did it quickly so I wouldn't have time to
change my mind...knowing that was best for me and for Slinky).  She said it
would take a few minutes for it to work, so they left and I just held him
and cried and told him how much I loved him.  Thanked him for letting me
share in his life and told him I was giving him the only gift I could at
this point.  The room we were in had a beautiful painting of the bridge, so
I showed it to him and told him that was where he was going.

They had put a sheep skin-like pad on the table and when they came back I
laid him on that and put his head on his favorite pillow (he loved to knead
on this "sqush" pillow I have).  She thought they might have to put a
catheter in his front leg to get the needle in since his veins were so
small, but she was able to do it in his back leg.  Once it was in, I just
held him and cried and cried some more.  But I know he was in peace.

He visited me this morning - as I was waking up I could hear the birds
outside my window and I distinctly heard a meow (I remember thinking that I
didn't know of a bird that meowed).  When it happened I got chills.  And
when I woke up fully I realized that he was letting me know that he's happy
and he loves me.

I'm actually doing much better than I expected to be.  After the vet
appointment my friend took me out to dinner and then to ben and jerry's
(self-medicating is always good!), which distracted me and that helped a
lot.  Of course when I got home I completely lost it, but I knew that would
happen.  I called "dad" and he was wondeful about telling me I did all the
right things, that he loves me, and not to worry about paying all those
bills back 'till some time in the future.

Today I relaxed in the morning and then went and got my hair cut (my
stylist is "dad's" partner and the owner of the he has lots of
experience with losing kitties) and did some shopping.  I got a stuffed
kitty that looks just like Slinky, so he'll be my new sleeping buddy.  I
thought I would lose it when I came home tonight, but I just choked up for a
bit and really was okay.  I know all the prayers and thoughts everyone is
sending me are helping a ton!!!  I think half the population of the US is
praying for me and checking on me!

You guys have been absolutely amazing and having people to talk to who've
been there and understand how this is has been an unbelievable help!  Thank
you all so much for all your support!!!

I know this is kinda long, but since you've all been reading so much about
Slink, I thought you might want to know some of the details of his
crossing.  Thanks again for everything...I know I couldn't get through 

Slinky - Please add to the CLS

2007-03-28 Thread Marissa Johnson
Hi all.  I guess I need to complete the updates on Slinky, huh?  
  Yes, he went to the bridge last night.  I was having second thoughts all day 
yesterday...he, of course, perked up a bit, sat in the window sill again 
(hadn't done that in ages), and was still drinking, eating, and breathing fine. 
 I even started to wonder if his nose looked pinker.
  But I decided to go to the vet appointment and ask her what she thought - and 
that all important question, "what would you do if he were your kitty?"  
  Right before we left I think I finally understood that it really was time.  
It occurred to me that on Sunday he was very cuddly with me and initiating some 
cuddle time on his own.  But yesterday he didn't want anything to do with me.  
And when we left the vet on Monday, someone said he'd tell me when it was time, 
and I remember thinking, "I think he already has told me" but I didn't want to 
believe it.  I think his spirit left on Sunday...I think all that cuddling was 
him saying goodbye and beginning to get ready for the journey.
  So we went to the vet and I asked her if she thought his nose looked pinker.  
She looked at his gums, etc. and assured me that they were not.  I was tempted 
to have her do another CBC, but that seemed like just adding to the torture 
he'd already been through.  Without my even asking, the vet said, "If this were 
my cat, this is what I would be doing.  Not only is he not getting any better, 
but he's actually getting steadily worse...and he's just going to suffer if we 
wait much longer."  She of course pointed out that I had the option of waiting, 
but that seemed like it would just drag out the inevitable.  He was so weak the 
last couple days that he couldn't even get back on the bed once he'd gotten 
  The vet explained everything in detail and even shaved some of his fur for me 
since I'd forgotten I wanted a sample (good cuz what she got was way better 
than anything I could've gotten with a scissors).  Then she gave him the 
tranquilizer (I think she did it quickly so I wouldn't have time to change my 
mind...knowing that was best for me and for Slinky).  She said it would take a 
few minutes for it to work, so they left and I just held him and cried and told 
him how much I loved him.  Thanked him for letting me share in his life and 
told him I was giving him the only gift I could at this point.  The room we 
were in had a beautiful painting of the bridge, so I showed it to him and told 
him that was where he was going.  
  They had put a sheep skin-like pad on the table and when they came back I 
laid him on that and put his head on his favorite pillow (he loved to knead on 
this "sqush" pillow I have).  She thought they might have to put a catheter in 
his front leg to get the needle in since his veins were so small, but she was 
able to do it in his back leg.  Once it was in, I just held him and cried and 
cried some more.  But I know he was in peace.
  He visited me this morning - as I was waking up I could hear the birds 
outside my window and I distinctly heard a meow (I remember thinking that I 
didn't know of a bird that meowed).  When it happened I got chills.  And when I 
woke up fully I realized that he was letting me know that he's happy and he 
loves me.  
  I'm actually doing much better than I expected to be.  After the vet 
appointment my friend took me out to dinner and then to ben and jerry's 
(self-medicating is always good!), which distracted me and that helped a lot.  
Of course when I got home I completely lost it, but I knew that would happen.  
I called "dad" and he was wondeful about telling me I did all the right things, 
that he loves me, and not to worry about paying all those bills back 'till some 
time in the future.  
  Today I relaxed in the morning and then went and got my hair cut (my stylist 
is "dad's" partner and the owner of the he has lots of experience 
with losing kitties) and did some shopping.  I got a stuffed kitty that looks 
just like Slinky, so he'll be my new sleeping buddy.  I thought I would lose it 
when I came home tonight, but I just choked up for a bit and really was okay.  
I know all the prayers and thoughts everyone is sending me are helping a ton!!! 
 I think half the population of the US is praying for me and checking on me!
  You guys have been absolutely amazing and having people to talk to who've 
been there and understand how this is has been an unbelievable help!  Thank you 
all so much for all your support!!!
  I know this is kinda long, but since you've all been reading so much about 
Slink, I thought you might want to know some of the details of his crossing.  
Thanks again for everything...I know I couldn't get through this without you!!
  Love to you and all your furkids!

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