Re: Our Wonderful, Dedicated Belinda

2005-09-02 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Wonderfully put Patti, Belinda is a pillar amoungst us all. She has done so much and maintained such a place in all hearts and the CLS that gives us all comfort.

Thank you Belinda Huggs and Purrs
and thank you Patti for your heart felt email.
Cherie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just wanted to take the time to give Belinda the recognition  thanks she deserves for being "The Angel" amongst us in our group

The time, energy and love she puts into maintaing our CLS site is incredible!
It certainly takes a "very special someone" to keep up with all the losses, sickness, and special needs in our group Yet, week after week she does a remarkable job.

There is so much "sorrow", and many times you see the multiple losses an indiviual has encountered in such a brief time, (Just as I recently did experience), that sometimes on Mondays I just light my candles and say my "own" prayers, because it can be so painful to see the list grow..

Tonight is Thursday, and it was tonight that I went thru the service, prayers and candlelighting
Before that I actually took the time and went over ALL the lists for our departed fur-angels over the years.
It has truely been a "bittersweet" experience for me..
Not only did memories come flooding back to me about my own, dear "fur~angels, but also the memories of going thru these tragic losses with other list members over the years.
How sad it is to see just how many losses so many of us have gone thru, yet, here we are. STILL..
It certainly says much about this wonderful list and our members.

It is with hearfelt thanks to Belinda that we can mourn our losses, celebrate their lives and ALWAYS remember them  what special places they have in our hearts.
And, knowing, one day, we will ALL be reunited as "WE" cross The Bridge to be greeted by our departed fur~angels.
Heartfelt thanks to you Belinda, for giving us that gift, which I do believe encourages each and everyone of us to go on..
Much Love,
PattiHave a purrfect day

Re: Please add Big Rik to the special needs list - Big Rik has died

2005-09-02 Thread Susan Loesch
Thanks, Tonya. I am glad, too, that I was holding him. I think for his last few hours he was only semi-conscious but I hope he could feel my arms and hear my voice.catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm so sorry you lost Big Rik. I'm glad he went at home in your arms though.

tonyaSusan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you, Julie. Aren't our old guys wonderful. I am so sad to have to say that Big Rik died in my arms around 2am this morning. I had followed up on the suggestion of potassium - talked to my vet and added it to his SQ fluids. Late yesterday afternoon he seemed to rally a bit but it didn't last long. He has had this voracious appetite - scarfed down almost a whole can of cat food when he seemed to feel a little better yesterday.. I think that in itself is a sign of something wrong - he was like that for about a week.(I know that hunger/eating is one of the last functions tobe lost - that a cat will eat up almost to the point of death so I knew it wasn't really a positive thing. He may have had some thyroid problems to develop or diabetes. Had I not known his kidneys were so bad and if he hadn't been in such poor condition I'd have had blood work done.) In fact I didn't get my hand out of the way fast
 enough one day and he chowed down hard on my thumb. I look at the thumb now and wish I had another opportunity for him to bite me.

Give your Tommy and Sunny hugs from me. I hope they are around for many, many years but when their time comes I know Big Rik will be there waitiing for them - they can have the "old folks club".Basedon the amount of SQ fluids he absorbed very quickly over the last couple of days I think his kidneys just quit. I will definitely look into the glucosamine/condroitin treats - I have other older kitties - but at 13-15 they are just kids compared to Big Rik. Thanks for that information.Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Susan,

Sending huge amounts of love and good wishes to Big Rik! I adore the grumpy old men! My Tommy is an old-timer, too, (not even sure how old), but he's also a bit weak in the hindquarters. My vet Wendy said it's from losing a bit of muscle mass due to the combination of age and arthritis. I have some kitty glucosamine/condroitin but he doesn't like the taste mixed in his food and he really objects to being pilled. This company does have a treat formula that I bought for Sunny last year (she's about 105 years old!) and she wasn't crazy about it, but Tommy likes treats so I think I'll try it again for him.

Give Big Rik a big hug and Tommy and Sunny understand completely 'what a drag it is getting old...'

Love, Julie Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please add my 19 1/2 year old Big Rik to the special needs list. He has been your typical grumpy old man for the last few years, but incredibly healthy. He has just begun to stay dehydrated enough to need subQ fluids and I noticed yesterday that his hind quarters are getting week and unsteady. He's a really fine old fella, felv negative. thanks"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet. 
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2005-09-02 Thread Elizabeth Paz

Nina thank you for.

Please try to get a hold of your emotions.  I completely understand 
about tearing up at just the thought of losing him, I really do get 
it.  It's easier said than done, but those strong panicky emotions 
don't help anyone.  Put the energy into resolving to fight for him to 
recover!  Do your best to not mourn him before he's gone.  He's still 
here, right beside you, (well, okay at this point he may be hiding 
under the bed!).  Enjoy each moment you have with him still in the 
physical.  Close your eyes, take a deep breath, square your shoulders 
and commit to him and yourself to do everything you can to help him.  
What else can we do?

What a wonderful message, you got me back on the Sane path 
againStill having a problem with the feeding and I must admit hubby 
and I get hit with most of the food (Kitty is a head shaker) but we are 
still trying and giving him lots of love, as usual.  But explain to him what 
we are doing and if he could help us.  But he has a look in his eyes that 
says, In Your Dreams  but we will keep trying.

The Ophthalmologist told us that he has Active Uveitis, but wants to hold 
back the prednisone from his eyes for now, unless of course that the eyes 
change for the worst.  2 yrs ago he ended up with  5 Corneal Ulcers, she 
said she was sure they were cause by taking prednisone orally and using it 
at the same time in his eyes.   I know there may be no other way, it is such 
a catch 22 with Kitty having the FELV, but as I said Nina she wants to wait 
about a wek to see if the oral meds kick in and also help his eyes. She 
asked me to keep my eye  on him for any changes in the eyes.

My own Vet will be back on the 8th of this month so I will get Kitty back 
there and get a real good check up, then we will be going back to the ophtho 
in 2 weeks, now during this waiting period I must get the food into my wee 
boy.  Spoon, finger, syringe what ever works.

Thank you for all your help Nina, and especially for the shake into reality.

Your friend Lisa.

Re: (no subject)

2005-09-02 Thread Belinda Sauro
   My prayers for Pheffer Anne, and her parents.  What kind of cancer 
does she have?  Is it treatable?  There are several cancer groups I 
could recommend depending on what kind it is. I have added her to the 

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Lisa......

2005-09-02 Thread Belinda Sauro
PS.  You have to take the azithromyacin for a long time, Bailey was on 
it for 6 or 8 weeks can't remember exactly but it was a long time.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Belinda - Azithromyacin

2005-09-02 Thread Nina

Hi Belinda,
Do you know if the Azithromyacin is similar to Doxycycline?  Grace has 
not been doing well for the past month or so, so she's back on Dox.  It 
has helped her somewhat, but I'm afraid she may be resistant to it now. 

Belinda Sauro wrote:

PS.  You have to take the azithromyacin for a long time, Bailey was on 
it for 6 or 8 weeks can't remember exactly but it was a long time.

Re: Nina

2005-09-02 Thread Nina

Oh my dear, you are so truly welcome.  We all really do understand, 
we've been through it, and are going through it, too.  I'm sorry you are 
still having so much trouble assist-feeding Kitty.  He sounds like he 
still has a strong mind of his own!  Have you been offering him really 
yummy treats in tiny portions to see if he'll eat on his own?  Have you 
tried KFC chicken?  Sit down next to him and take a bite, offer him a 
little bit directly from your mouth, chew it up a bit if you have to, 
(sorry if this grosses you out, but I'll do anything to get them to 
eat!).  Sometimes getting them started on junk kick-starts them eating 
again.  How is his overall condition?  Is he still hiding from you?  
Does he groom himself and engage in any of his normal activities?  Do 
think about Belinda's suggestion about the feeding tube.  It sounds 
horrendous, but from all I've heard, the kitties actually come to enjoy 
feeding time.  And there's the added bonus of not having to pill them 
their meds.  Not to mention, he'll stop running when you enter the 
room.  If it will keep Kitty strong enough while you fight his illness, 
it's worth considering.

I know how frustrating it is to have to take a wait and see approach 
to Kitty's care.  Every moment that ticks by with actually engaging in 
an activity that may help him can be tortuous.  I don't know anything 
about Active Uveitis.  Have you gotten on the web to research it?  I 
can firmly attest to benefiting far more from animal guardians, 
(owners), that find themselves in similar predicaments, than the very 
best vets I've been too.  Even a good vet can't possibly be current on 
everything, they should welcome anything you discover that may help.

Hang in there, you and your husband sound like such wonderful, caring 
people.  I'm sorry you had to find us, but I'm very pleased to have made 
a new friend in you.


Elizabeth Paz wrote:

Nina thank you for.

Please try to get a hold of your emotions.  I completely 
understand about tearing up at just the thought of losing him, 
I really do get it.  It's easier said than done, but those 
strong panicky emotions don't help anyone.  Put the energy into 
resolving to fight for him to recover!  Do your best to not 
mourn him before he's gone.  He's still here, right beside you, 
(well, okay at this point he may be hiding under the bed!).  
Enjoy each moment you have with him still in the physical.  
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, square your shoulders and 
commit to him and yourself to do everything you can to help 
him.  What else can we do?

What a wonderful message, you got me back on the Sane path 
againStill having a problem with the feeding and I must admit 
hubby and I get hit with most of the food (Kitty is a head shaker) but 
we are still trying and giving him lots of love, as usual.  But 
explain to him what we are doing and if he could help us.  But he has 
a look in his eyes that says, In Your Dreams  but we will keep trying.

The Ophthalmologist told us that he has Active Uveitis, but wants to 
hold back the prednisone from his eyes for now, unless of course that 
the eyes change for the worst.  2 yrs ago he ended up with  5 Corneal 
Ulcers, she said she was sure they were cause by taking prednisone 
orally and using it at the same time in his eyes.   I know there may 
be no other way, it is such a catch 22 with Kitty having the FELV, but 
as I said Nina she wants to wait about a wek to see if the oral meds 
kick in and also help his eyes. She asked me to keep my eye  on him 
for any changes in the eyes.

My own Vet will be back on the 8th of this month so I will get Kitty 
back there and get a real good check up, then we will be going back to 
the ophtho in 2 weeks, now during this waiting period I must get the 
food into my wee boy.  Spoon, finger, syringe what ever works.

Thank you for all your help Nina, and especially for the shake into 

Your friend Lisa.

Re: Our Wonderful, Dedicated Belinda

2005-09-02 Thread Devin LaMarre
Big hello to this group, Im a newbie here but it dont take long to know that Belinda is an angel, and is now a certified member of our family! It feels real good to know that people like her still care and do make a difference! 

SUEDEVINms. kittyKerry MacKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for that Patti---I couldn't agree more. Belinda is such a huge part of this group (as well as playing a huge part right from the beginning-as a relatively new member I didn't realize that until recently when James made special mention of Belinda's enormous contribution right from the getgo).
It meant and means such a lot to me--can't emphasize this enough--to be able to see my kitties that had passed away given recognition on the CLS list. And yes, Patti's right, it takes real dedication and strength and commitment tobe able to maintain the CLS list and deal with allits associated sorrow, year in, year out. 
A huge thank you from me too, Belinda. I appreciate the work you do so much. Kerry

- Original Message - 

From: Barb Moermond 
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: Our Wonderful, Dedicated Belinda

Hear hear! What you said![EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

I just wanted to take the time to give Belinda the recognition  thanks she deserves for being "The Angel" amongst us in our group

The time, energy and love she puts into maintaing our CLS site is incredible!
It certainly takes a "very special someone" to keep up with all the losses, sickness, and special needs in our group Yet, week after week she does a remarkable job.

There is so much "sorrow", and many times you see the multiple losses an indiviual has encountered in such a brief time, (Just as I recently did experience), that sometimes on Mondays I just light my candles and say my "own" prayers, because it can be so painful to see the list grow..

Tonight is Thursday, and it was tonight that I went thru the service, prayers and candlelighting
Before that I actually took the time and went over ALL the lists for our departed fur-angels over the years.
It has truely been a "bittersweet" experience for me..
Not only did memories come flooding back to me about my own, dear "fur~angels, but also the memories of going thru these tragic losses with other list members over the years.
How sad it is to see just how many losses so many of us have gone thru, yet, here we are. STILL..
It certainly says much about this wonderful list and our members.

It is with hearfelt thanks to Belinda that we can mourn our losses, celebrate their lives and ALWAYS remember them  what special places they have in our hearts.
And, knowing, one day, we will ALL be reunited as "WE" cross The Bridge to be greeted by our departed fur~angels.
Heartfelt thanks to you Belinda, for giving us that gift, which I do believe encourages each and everyone of us to go on..
Much Love,
PattiBarb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." - Anonymous 

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Our Wonderful, Dedicated Belinda

2005-09-02 Thread Terri Brown

Yes -- Belinda is awesome!

=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, 
and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=

Furkid Photos! 
FeLV Site: 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: Kerry MacKenzie 
  Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 11:09 
  Subject: Re: Our Wonderful, Dedicated 
  Thanks for that Patti---I couldn't agree more. Belinda is 
  such a huge part of this group (as well as playing a huge part right from the 
  beginning-as a relatively new member I didn't realize that until recently 
  when James made special mention of Belinda's enormous contribution right from 
  the getgo).
  It meant and means such a lot to me--can't emphasize this 
  enough--to be able to see my kitties that had passed away given recognition on 
  the CLS list. And yes, Patti's right, it takes real dedication and strength 
  and commitment tobe able to maintain the CLS list and deal with 
  allits associated sorrow, year in, year out. 
  A huge thank you from me too, Belinda. I appreciate the work 
  you do so much. Kerry
  - Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 9:37 
Subject: Re: Our Wonderful, Dedicated 

Hear hear! What you said![EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

  I just wanted to take the time to give Belinda the 
  recognition  thanks she deserves for being "The Angel" amongst us in 
  our group
  The time, energy and love she puts into maintaing our 
  CLS site is incredible!
  It certainly takes a "very special someone" to keep up 
  with all the losses, sickness, and special needs in our group Yet, 
  week after week she does a remarkable job.
  There is so much "sorrow", and many times you see the 
  multiple losses an indiviual has encountered in such a brief time, (Just 
  as I recently did experience), that sometimes on Mondays I just light my 
  candles and say my "own" prayers, because it can be so painful to see the 
  list grow..
  Tonight is Thursday, and it was tonight that I went thru the service, prayers and 
  Before that I actually took the time and went over ALL 
  the lists for our departed fur-angels over the years.
  It has truely been a "bittersweet" experience for 
  Not only did memories come flooding back to me about my 
  own, dear "fur~angels, but also the memories of going thru these tragic 
  losses with other list members over the years.
  How sad it is to see just how many losses so many of us 
  have gone thru, yet, here we are. STILL..
  It certainly says much about this wonderful list and our 
  It is with hearfelt thanks to Belinda that we can mourn 
  our losses, celebrate their lives and ALWAYS remember them  what 
  special places they have in our hearts.
  And, knowing, one day, we will ALL be reunited as "WE" 
  cross The Bridge to be greeted by our departed fur~angels.
  Heartfelt thanks to you Belinda, for giving us that 
  gift, which I do believe encourages each and everyone of us to go 
  Much Love,
  PattiBarb+Smoky the 
House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown: paying no mind to 
whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and 
making me smile." - Anonymous 

your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

Nina - Azithromyacin

2005-09-02 Thread PEC2851

Aztithromycin (zithromax) is VERY similar to 

BOTH are anti-bacteriels, habe NO effect on viral 
infections, and BOTH can lead to a resistancy after prolonged 

We have used both for mainly URI's, but we did learn 
from our veterinary opthamologist that zthromax is VERY effective in treating 
chronic eye problems

Perhaps your baby did NOT respond to the zithromax 
after the recommended "time" allotted for dosing, and your vet decided to put 
her back on the doxy before she built up the resistance to 

One of the "nicer" things about using zthro is NOT 
having to follow each dose w/ H20  there is less stomach upset w/ 

I wish I could answer the question concerning 
the "switch", I just know in the last few years the use of both doxy  
zithro has increased in rearing felines...'

I wish you the "best" of luck with your 
Just sorry I could not answer more 
questions. :(


Re: Belinda - Azithromyacin

2005-09-02 Thread PEC2851

In a message dated 9/2/2005 3:25:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
PS. You have to take the azithromyacin for a long time, Bailey 
  was on  it for 6 or 8 weeks can't remember exactly but it was a long 

WOW!! That IS a long time..
We never used it for more than 10 days, except w/ 
opthalmic treatmnet. And even with that, we D/C'd 
after 10 days, administered the Intranasal/Intraocular VX., (YEP!!) 

Waited one week, and then administered the zithro for an 
additional 10 days...