Re: Gary - anemia

2005-02-10 Thread Amy Wilkins

Please know I'm right there with you.  My Hannibal has
a hematocrit of 10 and is no longer producing red
blood cells.  My vet told me we aren't going to
reverse this but want to keep him comfortable.  He was
still himself when I went to the vet Monday but is
starting to seem tired and not himself today.  Like
you, I value quality.  I want to do a transfusion but
my vet told me there is nothing worse than watching a
cat have a reaction to the blood and on top of that it
is temporary and will buy him maybe a month.  There is
no long term solution to this.  It is killing me
because he will be 3 this year and I was hoping he was
my survivor out of my litter of 3 kittens that had it
from birth.  I think that the best thing I can do for
him, though, is let him go.  He was so scared taking
his meds last night.  I decided no more meds today.  I
don't want him scared of me whether we have hours or
days together.  Either way, I know how you feel.

--- Jill Poe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The blood test came back and Gary is not
 blood cells from her marrow, which I guess was the
 worst possible scenario.
 The vet said we can either a) do a blood transfusion
 and start tetracycline and hope for the best (even
 we don't think her anemia is bacterial caused) or b)
 I told my b/f to call her back and ask about the
 Dexamethasone.  That shounds like a better option
 the tetracycline, to me.
 It sounds like we may just have her through the
 weekend.  We won't continue to treat her
 (chemo, etc) if she isn't doing well - we,
 value quality of life over quantity and don't want
 make her more uncomfortable for her last few days. 
 Plus, the vet says the blood work doesn't show her
 anemia is due to lymphoma anyway.
 This is really sad for us but I guess we were
 expecting it.  We had just hoped it was later rather
 than sooner.
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Woof Wagon

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Re: Gary - anemia

2005-02-10 Thread Amy Wilkins

Hannibal had a hard time with his meds yesterday and I
haven't seen him eat or drink yet today.  He took a
treat or two but that is what makes me think he has
entered a downward spiral.  Gary is in my prayers and
I hope you get the time to say goodbye.  I know how
important that is.  Keep us posted.
--- Jill Poe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thank you so much for your post.  I'm sorry about
 kitty too. :(
 I think we may do the blood transfusion and I'd like
 to try the dexamethesone just so we have another few
 days with Gary to say goodbye.  I don't think we
 even take her home from the vet without a
  They said that when they gave her her medicine
 she didn't take it very well and they ended up
 her in an oxygen tank for a while.  I think the
 will brighten her up a little so we can have her at
 home.  I'd also like to have her PTS at home, rather
 than at the vets, but that will be up to my
 since it's his cat.  I know he was pretty upset when
 we put my Semuta to sleep.
 Thanks for your kind words.  I'll let everyone know
 when she comes home.
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Woof Wagon

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Re: life spans of positives-- anemia

2005-02-09 Thread Amy Wilkins
They have been tested for hemobart and we even did
antibiotics just in case we missed something.  they
are also on prednisone, a steroid.  they take
interferon but obviously not the feline one.  I'll
look into the auto immune reaction.  I think that
would show up in the chem panel/bloodwork that I do
every few months but I'll ask my vet about it.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Have they been tested for hemobartanella, a
 bacterial infection that causes 
 anemia and needs antibiotics?  and have you tried
 steroids-- someone on this 
 list has a positive who became anemic from
 destroyign her own red blood cells 
 with an auto-immune reaction (which the oncologist
 thinks simon did as well) and 
 shots of depomedrol for 6 months helped her cat
 reverse that condition and 
 stop destroying her red blood cells.   And then
 there is epogen/procrit if it is 
 a kidney-related issue.  And possibly most
 important, it is possible that the 
 feline interferon that has to be imported from
 Europe will stop the anemia 
 caused directly by the FeLV virus.
 I have lost 2 to anemia, Simon whose anemia was
 lymphoma-related and Buddy 
 whose anemia was either related to lymphoma or FIP
 (he never got a definitive 
 In a message dated 2/8/05 9:12:20 PM,
 I had one family - mom and 3 kittens.  mom is going
 4 years old but doesn't have much time left.  she is
 no longer producing red blood cells and her
 is falling.  her son hannibal is 3 years.  he has
 it since birth and his hematocrit is 10.  he
 has only days left.  her other kittens died at 9
 months and 11 months, one from anemia and one from
 lymphoma.  I also had another cat die at a bit over
 (anemia) and i have 2 adults 2-3 that are still
 I don't think many people see how anemic these cats
 get.  I do blood work on all mine every 3 months so
 can see how they are doing.  almost all of mine have
 died from the anemia.  has anybody figured out a way
 to stop this?  my vet has researched it over and
 again.  people have told me to do the liver shake,
 pet tinic or iron supplements, etc.  i don't do any
 this because my vet tells me you can give the cat
 the iron you want but if the bone marrow can't make
 the cells, it doesn't help.  I don't want to keep
 giving my cats meds that don't help.  if anybody has
 reversed the anemia, please let me know.  I've
 considered transfusions but my vet says after 1 or 2
 transfusions, you get too much cross-reactivity.  

Amy Wilkins 
Woof Wagon

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Re: life spans of positives

2005-02-08 Thread Amy Wilkins

I had one family - mom and 3 kittens.  mom is going on
4 years old but doesn't have much time left.  she is
no longer producing red blood cells and her hematocrit
is falling.  her son hannibal is 3 years.  he has had
it since birth and his hematocrit is 10.  he probably
has only days left.  her other kittens died at 9
months and 11 months, one from anemia and one from
lymphoma.  I also had another cat die at a bit over 1
(anemia) and i have 2 adults 2-3 that are still doing

I don't think many people see how anemic these cats
get.  I do blood work on all mine every 3 months so i
can see how they are doing.  almost all of mine have
died from the anemia.  has anybody figured out a way
to stop this?  my vet has researched it over and over
again.  people have told me to do the liver shake, use
pet tinic or iron supplements, etc.  i don't do any of
this because my vet tells me you can give the cat all
the iron you want but if the bone marrow can't make
the cells, it doesn't help.  I don't want to keep
giving my cats meds that don't help.  if anybody has
reversed the anemia, please let me know.  I've
considered transfusions but my vet says after 1 or 2
transfusions, you get too much cross-reactivity.  

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If it is not too hard, could people let me know the
 ages of their positives 
 now, and the ages of positives who have passed? I
 keep being told that I was 
 being unrealistic in my hope that Simon, and my
 others, would live longer than 
 they did. I had heard of positives living as long as
 14.  My Jo died at age 3, 
 Buddy at age 18 months, and Simon was around 4.  My
 largest grief right now is 
 about his suffering and what he went through, but I
 am also so grief-stricken 
 at how short his life was. And it was short, very
 short, at 4 years old, when 
 cats can live to 20. But I also feel like it was
 short for a positive, like I 
 should have been able to help him live longer than
 that. I am trying to 
 assess my expectations of this, regarding my
 remaining positives as well, and so 
 just want to know what the age spans really are for
 positives who are well 
 cared-for, so maybe I can be more honest with myself
 about what truly can be 

Amy Wilkins 
Woof Wagon

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Re: kitten bite (a little Off-Topic)

2004-10-15 Thread Amy Wilkins

Just keep an eye on the bite and make sure you are
up-to-date on your Tetanus shot.  I got bit by one of
my rescue kittens a few weeks ago and thought it was
nothing.  It was just a tiny bite.  Within 24 hours,
my hand was HUGE.  The girls at work flipped out and
told me to call the doctor.  I did and he wanted to
see me and immediately put me on antibiotics.  I guess
cat bites can be pretty bad because they carry s
much bacteria.  As long as it looks good, I think it
is fine but don't hesitate to see a doctor if it gets
all swollen or looks infected.

Amy Wilkins 
Woof Wagon

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Re: Flutie got his wings

2004-05-08 Thread Amy Wilkins

Flutie sounds wonderful and so sweet.  I'm so sorry to
hear about him.  I lost my Cosmo and Mystique around
that same age because of not being to make red blood
cells anymore.  This disease is awful.

Flutie was so lucky to have you found you and I'm sure
his time with you was precious.  Cherish that and know
Flutie is with friends now but will always be with you
in your heart.


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RE: Desperately looking for home for Big Boy (FELV+)

2004-03-12 Thread Amy Wilkins

I don't mind you asking at all.  When I lost Cosmo, I
instantly adopted another one.  I'm taking Luigi from
Columbus, Ohio.  I know she had some other offers from
people so I can ask her if she thinks any of those
people would be interested in Big Boy.  I would have
taken him if I'd known you still had him.  I already
committed to Luigi and I promised my boyfriend I won't
exceed 5.   

I did not hear from those people that the vet
mentioned.  She said she would have them call me if
they decided to adopt a friend for their kitty. Maybe
they decided against it.

You still have no interest in keeping him?


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Re: Please add Pips to the Candle Light Service

2004-03-04 Thread Amy Wilkins

I'm so sorry about Pips.  I know exactly how you feel
since I lost Cosmo yesterday as well.  His hematocrit
was going down so quickly.  I've seen several kittens
go down this way.  I was hoping to try transfusions or
erythropoetin but it was too late.  He was going down
so quickly.  I couldn't wait and let him get to
labored breathing and all that because I know the end
result.  He was just too weak to put him through all

My prayers and thoughts are with you.  Hopefully are
babies are having fun together.


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Re: OT: Luigi Doesn't Have Much Longer (his photos)

2004-03-04 Thread Amy Wilkins
Does anybody know if Luigi is ok?

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Re: Desperately looking for home for Big Boy (FELV+)..and AKIRA's B-day

2004-02-26 Thread Amy Wilkins
All I know is I am grateful for every moment I have
with my kitties.  They are so precious.  I accept they
are sick but my boyfriend is heartbroken to think they
won't be around forever.  He is going to have a really
difficult time when I lose one.  Prior to moving in
with him, I lost 2 kittens around the 1 year
timeframe.  Now everybody is doing wonderful, knock on
wood.  I was so nervous when I moved with him that the
stress would hurt them but they love it.  They are so
happy and have never purred so much in their life. 
They have so much more room to run and they spend a
lot less time alone now.  I hope now that they are
settled and happy that they live very long lives.  


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2003-12-29 Thread Amy Wilkins

I'm sorry to hear about your kitty.  I have four leuk
positives and lost one to anemia last year with a
hematocrit of 5 when she died.  6 is really low but
you have a miraculous kitty with a will to live.  My
vet said most don't survive below 10-12.  It does
sound like leukemia especially with the high
lymphocyte count.  I pray it is not but it sounds like
it could be. 

If it is leukemia, what is the reasoning for the bone
marrow test?  They were able to tell from the blood
smear if there were baby red blood cells in my cat's
blood.  There were very few which meant the leukemia
had invaded her bone marrow and she was no longer
producing red blood cells.  Since red blood cells die
every so many days (60-90 or something like that), I
knew unless I did transfusions she wouldn't have long.
 I did lots of research and the transfusion would only
buy her about 2-4 weeks.  After the first one, each
transfusion becomes more risky and less likely to help
because of autoimmune stuff and the cat having a
reaction to the blood.  Normally you can't do more
than 2-3 I guess.  I was told it was very tough on the
cat so I chose not to do it just to buy her a couple
weeks.  She died peacefully at the vet with no
suffering.  She was happy til the last day.  I woke up
and she was weaker than usual and I took her to the
vet.  They said she probably had about 24-36 hours but
the drive home would probably kill her and that she
would probably start open mouth breathing which is
painful and scares them.  I didn't want to take that
chance.  I asked for some time alone with her to think
about it.  After I held her for about 10 minutes,
kissing her and trying to decide, she looked up at me
and cried and then started gasping for air.  I knew
that was it.  I couldn't watch her scared so I held
her while she was put to sleep.  

I know this is not probably making you feel better but
believe me with this disease, it helps to know what
you may be in for.  I hope you have a very different
outcome but I wanted to tell you how it went for me. 
Maybe it will help in some way.  You and your kitty
are in my thoughts and prayers and I'm wishing you the
best.  Please keep me posted.  I hope all goes well. 
It is amazing what love does for these cats and it is
so obvious this kitty is loved.  Mine have survived
stuff that nobody thought they would.  My mom cat had
round worm, hook worm, lung worm, coccidia..  She had
a broken hip, leg, and ankle and has two bullets in
her, one in her chest and one in her leg.  She
survived it all and is happy as can be.  She also had
3 babies when I found her and was living out in the
cold.  Just have faith and know you are doing such a
special thing caring for this kitty.


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Re: RIP Cupid

2003-07-10 Thread Amy Wilkins

I am so sorry to hear about Cupid.  Words can't make
it any easier but I hope it helps to know that Cupid
is at peace and hopefully playing with all our babies
that have passed.  My thoughts are with you.


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Re: Hlp pls - How to Boost Felv+ Immune System

2003-07-10 Thread Amy Wilkins

Thanks for the info.  I've used interferon on one of
my kitties but only because she was anemic from day
one and was on steroids and other meds to try to help
her.  Both my mom and my one year old show no signs. 
They are fat and very happy and both eat like pigs,
have from day one.  I also have a 9 week old kitten
and now a 4 week old.  Can they start it anytime?  My
vet just called me and told me that she checked around
and I have talked to people at Cornell and at many
places and they all say that the interferon doesn't
really seem to help and that there have been no
studies done to show that cats without it do worse
than those with it.  I apologize for being so
skeptical.  I totally support the people who are
trying it.  I've just never been one to throw meds at
an animal and I am a scientist and have seen the
placebo effect in action many times.  People put their
animals on a medicine and instantly think they are
doing better even if they aren't.  I'm not saying that
anybody here is imagining it.  Maybe this interferon
is fantastic.  I'm just trying to weigh the benefit of
giving it to my cats who are on no meds right now.  I
know when I had to medicate my other babies, they
hated it.  I don't want to make these cats (4 of them)
take medicine the rest of their life if it won't help
but I would hate to think I passed up any opportunity
to give them a better chance either.  I'm so torn. 
I'm taking my two kittens to the vet tomorrow so maybe
I will get it and start them on it.  

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