Re: [Firebird-docs] Cvs commit - Sync Mail problem - FAO Paul.

2011-03-31 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Norman,

> I've updated the gbak manaul and checked it in. Looks like there's a bug
> in the sync mail script:
> Running syncmail...
> Mailing
> ...syncmail done.
> sh: /bin/mail: No such file or directory
> Running syncmail...
> Mailing
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>File "/cvsroot/firebird/CVSROOT/syncmail", line 206, in ?
>  main()
>File "/cvsroot/firebird/CVSROOT/syncmail", line 200, in main
>  blast_mail(mailcmd, specs[1:])
>File "/cvsroot/firebird/CVSROOT/syncmail", line 153, in blast_mail
>  fp.write(calculate_diff(file))
> IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe

I've also encountered syncmail errors sometimes (though not the above, iirc).

Frankly, I have no idea who maintains this script: SourceForge or we. I'll 
forward this to Pavel, but in the meantime let's not lose any sleep over it - 
as long as the commit succeeded.

Paul Vinkenoog

Starting tomorrow, I'll be largely "out of business" for three weeks, but I 
*do* read my mail (including fb-docs, of course).

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Language Reference Update and EXISTS() function

2011-04-03 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Stefan,

> the EXISTS() function (that I like and use a lot) seems to be missing
> from the Language Reference Update (and from the Release Notes).

In addition to what Helen wrote: the reason that EXISTS is not in the LangRef 
Update or the Release Notes is that these documents only describe *changes*. It 
will certainly be in the full Language Reference.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

[Firebird-docs] LangRef Update 2.5 ready!

2011-06-12 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

After a huge delay of almost half a year, the Firebird 2.5 LangRef Update is 
finally ready!

I've asked Olga to add it to the doc index at and post a news item.

Paul Vinkenoog

EditLive Enterprise is the world's most technically advanced content
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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] LangRef Update 2.5 ready!

2011-06-13 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Norman,

> In the tables section, you appear to have the details of Foreign Keys twice:
> FOREIGN KEY without target column references PK - appears on (generated)
> page 50 as well as on page 55.
> FOREIGN KEY creation no longer requires exclusive access - appears on
> (generated) page 51 and also on page 56.

That's correct, both are mentioned under CREATE TABLE as well as ALTER TABLE.

The example with "FOREIGN KEY without target column references PK" is slightly 

Paul Vinkenoog

EditLive Enterprise is the world's most technically advanced content
authoring tool. Experience the power of Track Changes, Inline Image
Editing and ensure content is compliant with Accessibility Checking.
Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] LangRef Update 2.5 ready!

2011-06-13 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Norman,

> I noticed the (stunning) new website recently. I'm wondering exactly
> what the process is now for us doc writers when we have a document to
> upload?
> At present, I sftp to the web site using my key-pair and upload
> directly. Adding things to the various *.dat files, as required, for new
> docs.

When did you last upload something? Things don't get copied to the new site 

On the new site, there's a CMS. All active doccers/uploaders will get write 
access in due time, but at the moment we have to send any changes to Olga 
Popcova  with a Cc to Alexey Kovyazin 
. Olga will take care of it.

But our generated HTML en PDF output is not managed by the CMS. That has to be 
uploaded directly, as before. Sergey Mereutsa gave me SSH access, but I 
understand from his email that this is rather exceptional. If you have a few 
files to upload, maybe you can send them to me. If it's a lot or if you 
frequently upload stuff these days, I can try to get access for you as well.

At this moment, the team that made the new website is in charge. I try not to 
be too pushy and I understand that they don't want anybody to accidentally 
wreck their work. Still, when the transition period is over, I think that we 
should all receive the necessary rights to do our work and publish it without 
having to bother others.

BTW, one of the things we'll have to figure out in the months to come is how we 
can integrate the HTML output in the structure of the new website.


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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] LangRef Update 2.5 ready!

2011-06-14 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Norman,

>> When did you last upload something? Things don't get copied to the new site 
>> automatically.
> I last uploaded prior to the new site going live.

Have you checked whether it also shows up on the new site?

> Right. I have ssh to the old upload site which is probably of no use 
> whatsoever now!

Not really ;-)

> I don't have anything [important] to upload yet, I was just wondering what 
> the new process is/will be.

Please also keep an eye on the Firebird-website list, for discussions and 


EditLive Enterprise is the world's most technically advanced content
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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Current state of docs on the new site

2011-07-05 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
ase of every 
single document is crazy. Creating branches for every document that's being 
worked on: same. I've thought about doing it for some of my own documents once 
or twice, but in the end I decided not to. Even if I would do it consistently, 
I doubt if all the others would. And if they would, we'd soon have a forest of 
tags and branches in the repository.

Still, we can give it a try if the others feel like it. Formally, it is the 
right approach.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

[Firebird-docs] ATTN Norman: isql guide

2011-07-09 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Norman,

Do you know why the isql guide was never published until now? It seems you 
updated it in October 2009 - wasn't it ready yet?


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Firebird-docs mailing list

[Firebird-docs] Appending language suffix to id automatically

2011-07-09 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Dmitry wrote:

>>> * Now localization names have to be specified twice while building, e.g.
>>> -Did=article-ru -Dsfx=ru. It's very inconvenient. If suffix is intended
>>> to specify the language, why do we need a special article ID then?

>> The article ID must always be specified, otherwise the entire documentation 
>> set is built, which is almost never what you want. (In the case of PDF, this 
>> even means that you get the entire set in one document.)
>> The suffix is needed for non-English versions. Technically, it doesn't 
>> specify a language, but a subdirectory. It is necessary to find the right 
>> sources. If you mostly work in the same language, you can set it as a 
>> default in manual/src/build/build.xml.
> If they both serve the same purpose (logically, not technically), why
> cannot we modify the build scripts so that the entered suffix would be
> concatenated with the article name before further processing? So that
> -Did=article -Dsfx=ru would be enough for the Russian version instead of
> specifying "ru" twice?

It's not hard to implement, but there are two reasons why I don't like it:

Purity. The id argument is for passing the id of the manual (or part thereof) 
that has to be built. If you remove part of it, it's no longer what it's 
supposed to be.

Ending ids with hyphen + language code in the non-English sets is a convention, 
not a hard requirement. There are docs that don't have this suffix in the ids. 
After the suggested change, you couldn't build those docs anymore.

Also, I still think the benefit (you save 3 keystrokes out of 30-50) is simply 
not worth it. True: if you build 6 language versions of a certain manual one 
after another, you have to replace each language code twice on the command 
line. I would find that pretty annoying too :-) But again, this is extremely 
exceptional! Nobody has ever had to do this before, and in all likeliness 
nobody ever will. People build their own docs, not those in other languages, 
and certainly not at the same time. You just had the bad luck to be the person 
that had to rebuild *everything* for the transition to the new site. (And even 
*that* would not have been necessary if the site builders had taken more care 
to preserve existing links and file names.)

All that being said, I'd like to hear more opinions, especially from the 
non-English contributors. If you guys really want it, it can be done.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

[Firebird-docs] Storing human-readable PDF names inside the documents

2011-07-09 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

>> PDFs are often downloaded, so they should keep their human-readable names. 
>> Here again, you only have to change the name once: when you are satisfied 
>> with your (final) build and ready to upload. It takes seconds.

> IMO, the manual work must be replaced with scripts as much as possible.
> If we need human readable names, let's have them inside the docs sources
> and adjust the build scripts accordingly. It would also allow the author
> to properly name its output instead of leaving it up to the webmaster.

This is worth studying, though it's probably not going to be trivial. We have 
to find a way to store the file name inside the document:

1) without invalidating the DocBook format;
2) without it showing up inside the document text;
3) and in such a way that the master build script (or a dedicated script) can 
pick it up and apply it to the resulting file (but only for PDF and possibly 
monohtml as well).

(1) and (2) are easy enough; (3) might require some serious work.

> Just for the record, all the native language document names existing on
> the old site were replaced with English ones on the new site,

Yep, this was a very bad move that added to our problems. Or rather, to those 
of our users. In one blow, this has rendered all the hyperlinks worldwide to 
non-English Firebird PDFs on our site worthless.

> as neither the site team nor myself speak all the supported languages at once 
> ;-)

You don't have to speak a language in order to preserve an existing filename!

Anyway, I'll bring up this foreign-file-naming business up again later. There's 
another side to it as well: I find it utterly disrespectful that e.g. a French 
document with a French title should be downloaded under an English file name 
with -fr appended - without any technical necessity.

Paul Vinkenoog

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
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Firebird-docs mailing list

[Firebird-docs] Monohtml

2011-07-09 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Dmitry wrote:

>>> * We have /rlsnotes generated as monohtml while all the rest is
>>> multi-file html. Is there any specific reason?

>> Ask Helen :-)

> I've also noticed that if the complete book is generated as mono-html,
> it lacks index.html which exists when multi-html version is created. But
> mono-html doesn't mean single file! For the relnotes, we have a few
> resulting html files but without their index.

index.html should only appear if you build the entire . And we don't use 
it (actively). Anything below that - , , whatever - gets the 
name of the top level id in the file.

For monohtml, this means you get one HTML file, e.g. rlsnotes25.html, plus a 
copy of firebirddocs.css, plus the images folder. It's not single-file, but it 
is single-page, and every browser can save it to the user's computer in its 

The several HTML files you see in the /rlsnotesh folder were each produced 
separately, at a different time.

For multi-page html, the main file again has the name of the top-level id, and 
all the other files are named after the id of *their* topmost element (usually 
a level-1 section). E.g., for the 2.5 Quick Start Guide you get:
  qsg25.html (main file with the index and the introduction)

>> Actually, we had plans to add monohtml as a standard output format anyway, 
>> so readers would have three choices for each document:
>> - Multi-page HTML, for online browsing
>> - Single-page HTML, for online reading and download
>> - PDF/other, for online reading and download

> I have no objections, although the demand in the downloadable HTML version is 
> IMHO over-estimated.

I have no idea how many people prefer it to multi-page html.

Anyway, I'm in no hurry to implement it as a standard format. It's not even a 
lot of work, but I happen to think that we have more important things to do! :-)


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Firebird-docs mailing list

[Firebird-docs] Our use of CVS

2011-07-09 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Dmitry wrote:

> Unstable or in-progress versions can be left on your side, no problems.
> But I was surprised to know that the version which is published on the
> official site was not committed. This should never happen!

100% agreed.

>> With the documentation, there's no overall release cycle. Every manual is 
>> published if and when it is ready. Creating tags for every new release of 
>> every single document is crazy. Creating branches for every document that's 
>> being worked on: same. I've thought about doing it for some of my own 
>> documents once or twice, but in the end I decided not to. Even if I would do 
>> it consistently, I doubt if all the others would. And if they would, we'd 
>> soon have a forest of tags and branches in the repository.
>> Still, we can give it a try if the others feel like it. Formally, it is the 
>> right approach.

> We can start with a simple solution. Just create a single "release"
> branch which gets modified the every time we publish something on the
> site. The HEAD branch must keep at least the same version as the
> "release" one. It may also have newer (immature) versions committed, but
> it is up to the author.

Hmmm... so any "dirty" versions are committed to HEAD (or stay on Helen's 
computer), and as soon as something can be published, it's committed to the 
release branch. Simple and effective! Why, you don't even need tags with this 
approach - although you can use them if you want to.

Now why didn't *I* think of this? :-)

I'm all for it. It only requires some extra attention to our local copies; we 
have to know whether we're on a branch or not while working on the sources. But 
even that is simple: all the editing work is done in HEAD.

Paul Vinkenoog

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Our use of CVS

2011-07-15 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Lester!

>>> We can start with a simple solution. Just create a single "release"
>>> branch which gets modified the every time we publish something on the
>>> site. The HEAD branch must keep at least the same version as the
>>> "release" one. It may also have newer (immature) versions committed, but
>>> it is up to the author.

> This might ACTUALLY be a situation where hg ( or git is you must ) can be made
> to work ...

I'm sure they could, but, under(wo)manned as we are, I wouldn't like to invest 
time in unnecessary changes.

CVS is far from ideal, but it's more than good enough for our modest workflow. 
And Dmitry's proposal is simple and effective.

If there are no objections, I will create a B_Release branch next week.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Hello

2011-07-18 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Thomas,

> I would like to offer my assistance to the Firebird Documentation Project.

Thanks! We surely can use some help :-)

> In order to make Firebird more appealing (especially) to new users, a
> complete (browseable, searchable) reference documentation is needed.

Agreed. We're far from realizing a *complete* Firebird reference, but our
first target in this area is a complete Firebird SQL Language Reference.
As I wrote to you privately, Dmitry and I intend to work on this. A lot
of material from the Firebird 2.5 Language Reference Update can be used,
but much of it will need editing.

Dmitry and I agreed on a (provisional) basic structure in December 2010.
Meanwhile, Dmitry has committed a first skeleton (with some flesh) to CVS.

> So, for now I would be thankful for any pointers where to start.

A good starting point is probably the Firebird Docbuilding Howto:

If you read the first three sections (Intro, Getting the manual module
and Building the Firebird docs), you'll have a good idea of the structure
and format of our documentation sources, and how to build the PDF/HTML

After that, I suggest that you check out the sources and have a look at
the tree. The source texts are all under manual/src/docs. The skeleton
for the Language Reference is in manual/src/docs/refdocs/langref

After that... I guess it's up to you. Would you like to join Dmitry and
me in trying to get the Language Reference off the ground? Or do you
have other ideas? Please let us know!

Thanks again for your offer,

Paul Vinkenoog
Doc subproject coordinator

AppSumo Presents a FREE Video for the SourceForge Community by Eric 
Ries, the creator of the Lean Startup Methodology on "Lean Startup 
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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] ATTN Norman: isql guide

2011-07-18 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Norman,

> You can use various SHOW commands in isql to query database metatdata.
> Metatdata is stored in system tables. When a SHOW command is issued,
> isql commits the current transaction and begins a new one, in READ
> COMMITTED isolation.

As you showed below, this is not (always) true. Maybe it only commits DDL?

Personally, I would't like SHOW to commit anything at all! I expect SHOW
to SHOW me something, not to CHANGE anything!

> Are there any specific SHOW commands which cause any DML transactions to
> be committed or is the original statement about a commit being executed,
> completely false?

Sorry, I've got no idea. But with Dmitry on the list... :-)

Paul Vinkenoog

BTW: 'metatdata'?  (twice)

AppSumo Presents a FREE Video for the SourceForge Community by Eric 
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Firebird-docs mailing list

[Firebird-docs] ATTN all committers: B_Release branch created

2011-07-20 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

If you have write access to the manual module, please read this message 

Yesterday, I have created a CVS branch called B_Release. This branch is 
intended for all the *published* (or at least *buildable and publishable*) 
revisions of our documents.

The idea is that, for most of the time, we keep on working like before. We edit 
manuals and other files in our working copies, and commit to CVS whenever we 
deem appropriate, even if the document is in an unpublishable state. All these 
commits are automatically done to HEAD (the tip of the default MAIN branch, or 

However, as soon as a (new version of) a document is published, we must also 
commit it to the B_Release branch. This can be done in several ways:

- If you're fluent in CVS, you can first commit to HEAD, tag the file(s), then 
switch your local copy of the file(s) to B_Release, merge in the differences 
made in MAIN since the previous merge (which you should have tagged as well) or 
since the branch point, commit to B_Release, and switch back to MAIN.

- You can also (just once) check out a second working copy, specifying the 
B_Release branch. You work in your main working copy, but after committing a 
publishable version, you go the the B_Release working copy, and update, merge 
and commit. This too requires tagging like in the previous example. The 
difference is that now you have two working copies: one of MAIN, and one of 
B_Release. Within these working copies, you don't switch files back and forth 
between branches, and you don't risk to accidentally leave a file on another 
branch than where you think it is, or to tag a file on the wrong branch.

- The third way is not very subtle, and frowned upon by CVS gurus, but very 
robust (in our case!): You have two working copies like above. You work in the 
first one (the trunk). When you're going to publish, you bluntly copy the 
file(s) in question over their counterparts in the B_Release working copy, and 
commit there (of course you also commit to HEAD). The advantage of this method 
is that now you are absolutely sure that the revision in B_Release is identical 
to the one in HEAD. You can't make subtle mistakes while merging, because 
there's no merging and tagging involved. You just bulldozer your way into the 
B_Release branch and drop your stuff there.

Oh, and in all cases: don't forget to build and upload the HTML and PDF :-)

The advantage of all this: The B_Release branch always contains the latest 
publishable revision of every document. So if ever we have to re-upload any 
manuals, or even the entire set, all we have to do is build them from B_Release 
and we're fine. At the same time, we can commit as often as we want without 
fear of breaking any builds.

To be continued...

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] ATTN all committers: B_Release branch created

2011-07-20 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

See the previous message in this thread.

There's one little problem left: Currently, everything in B_Release is 
identical to HEAD (at least as it was yesterday afternoon). Thus, the B_Release 
branch probably contains some unpublishable documents.

I'm checking my own manuals to see if the latest committed version is 
publishable, and I would like to ask all of you to do the same. Most of us 
don't maintain many documents, so I hope it's not too much work.

If you discover a document that is not publishable in its latest committed 
state, then:

- If it's easy to fix and you have the time, then I suggest you do that. Then 
commit it to HEAD *and* to the B_Release branch. (And tag it, at the very least 
in MAIN, if you want to do any merging later, instead of just overwriting the 
B_Release copy every time.)

- If not, check which committed revision is the most recent that's publishable 
(e.g. via Then we 
can move the branch tag for that document.

Paul Vinkenoog

10 Tips for Better Web Security
Learn 10 ways to better secure your business today. Topics covered include:
Web security, SSL, hacker attacks & Denial of Service (DoS), private keys,
security Microsoft Exchange, secure Instant Messaging, and much more.
Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Complete list of reserved words/keyword

2011-07-25 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Jorge,

> Is there a full list of actual keywords and reserverd words? (there are
> updates on every release notes, but I´m looking for a already compiled
> and complete list)

Yes, I included one in the 2.5 LangRef Update:

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Hello

2011-08-04 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Thomas Woinke wrote:

> > After that... I guess it's up to you. Would you like to join Dmitry and
> > me in trying to get the Language Reference off the ground?

> As we all agree that the Language Reference is priority one, I will join in.


> My plan is to get comfy with the source and DocBook, and then pick one
> of the sections containing "To be written."
> I'll be on vacation soon, and with the weather forecast for germany
> not sounding too promising, I am positive that I will have sufficient
> time on my hands.

Yep, not much of a summer so far...

Please let us know where you want to start. We probably also have to agree on 
the inner structure of the sections, which should be consistent throughout 
(most of) the book. The LangRef Update section structure may be good basis, 
except for one thing: I'm not quite satisfied with the use of formalparas; they 
often don't give you enough freedom and you have to use dirty tricks to get 
around their limitations.

It was my own choice I'm afraid, because the alternative was to either create 
huge amounts of subsections, or use bridgeheads. In both cases, you can't 
format the headers as run-in heads. With formalparas, you can. But maybe we can 
come up with yet another solution.

Paul Vinkenoog

BlackBerry® DevCon Americas, Oct. 18-20, San Francisco, CA
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Firebird-docs mailing list

[Firebird-docs] Nbackup manuals updated

2011-09-18 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

A rather big (and long overdue!) update of the Dutch and English nbackup 
manuals has just been committed (to trunk and B_Release) and published on the 

Next task: Language Reference!

Paul Vinkenoog

BlackBerry® DevCon Americas, Oct. 18-20, San Francisco, CA
Learn about the latest advances in developing for the 
BlackBerry® mobile platform with sessions, labs & more.
See new tools and technologies. Register for BlackBerry® DevCon today! 
Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] XML Mind new version - Warnings!

2011-09-25 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
On Fri, 26 Sep 2008 17:10:26 +0200, Norman Dunbar wrote:

> * The xinclude problem can be fixed using xerces as the xsl processor.
> But I cannot for the life of me get it working in XSL-FO yet. I feel
> another support call coming on!
> Now I have not yet tried xinclude with Firebird docs, but given that we 
> need to use xerces as the XSL processor - or at least, not Saxon - then 
> I suspect we won't have much success. 

Solved! Now is that quick or what? :-)


(details later)

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Language Reference

2011-09-25 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Thomas,

> I think I'll do the chapter "Context variables", which is currently
> marked "to be written", as my first contribution to the Language
> Reference.
> My plan is to collate what's already there from the Language Reference
> Updates, compile it into a single chapter, then add what's still
> missing.

You only need the chapter from the 2.5 LRU. The best approach is probably
to copy that chapter, edit the existing sections as necessary and add the
missing bits.

Talking about chapters: I propose that we create a separate file for each
chapter, e.g. langref25-intro.xml, langref25-contextvars.xml etc.

The LRU 25 has already become awkwardly large (over 20,000 lines), and
the full LangRef will be a lot bigger.

If you guys (that's Dmitry and Thomas, but of course others are also
welcome to comment) agree with splitting the source, I suggest we put it
in a separate subdir (e.g. refdocs/langref/langref25), given the number
of source files that will result from the split.

Further, I'd like to use xincludes instead of entity references to link
the chapters to the parent document. Xincludes have several advantages,
the most beneficial probably being that you can leave the DOCTYPE header
in the child documents. (We should probably replace all entity includes
in the tree with xincludes, but there's no hurry.)

Until now, what kept us from using xincludes is that it broke the build
process, but I've found a solution for that (it turns out to be rather
simple, but I'm too tired to explain it now).

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Language Reference

2011-09-26 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Dmitry wrote:

> > You only need the chapter from the 2.5 LRU. The best approach is probably
> > to copy that chapter, edit the existing sections as necessary and add the
> > missing bits.
> It's also worth to look at the v2.5.1 Release Notes, as it mentions the
> new SQLSTATE context variable which is not documented in the v2.5 LRU yet.

Not in the published version, but the latest committed sources are fully up to 
date with SQLSTATE and the deprecation of SQLCODE.


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Re: [Firebird-docs] XML Mind new version - Warnings!

2011-09-26 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Norman wrote:

> Actually, since I originally posted that, I've been using XML Mind
> version 4.3.0_01 which is happy to handle xincludes without - as far as
> I know - requiring xerces.

XMLMind wasn't the problem (anymore), but it broke our build tools. More 
precisely: Saxon.

Do you manage to build the docs with our current build tools if xincludes are 


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[Firebird-docs] Update of build system

2011-09-26 Thread Paul Vinkenoog

Our build system has been updated to enable the use of xincludes. To get up to 
date, you need to take these two steps:

1) Download to your local 
manual/lib folder.

2) Do a cvs update, either global or in both manual/lib and manual/src/build.

Even if you don't use xincludes yourself, your build system may get broken in 
the future if you don't upgrade, as soon as somebody else starts using them in 
a  you work with.

Paul Vinkenoog

(wrestles with ants)

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] XML Mind new version - Warnings!

2011-09-26 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Norman,

> > XMLMind wasn't the problem (anymore), but it broke our build tools. More 
> > precisely: Saxon.
> > Do you manage to build the docs with our current build tools if xincludes 
> > are present?
> To be honest, since the problems were detected (September 2008), I've
> never tried to build with xincludes present.

I did, but got frustrated and walked away from it. Until last night.

> Before I update cvs, I copy from my Subversion working area into my cvs
> working area, comment out these headers, run a build, check everything
> is fine, and update cvs.

Yep, I've been commenting those damn DOCTYPE headers in and out as well for the 
last couple of years. Extremely annoying! If it was only for the commit, it 
wouldn't be so bad, but you also had to do it for every build. And not only in 
the document you work with - *every* document in the set has to be clean or the 
engine will simply refuse.

Anyway, that's a thing of the past now :-)


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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Language Reference

2011-09-26 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

>> If you guys (that's Dmitry and Thomas, but of course others are also
>> welcome to comment) agree with splitting the source, I suggest we put it
>> in a separate subdir (e.g. refdocs/langref/langref25), given the number
>> of source files that will result from the split.

D> I don't mind.

T> No objections.

OK, I'll split it up later tonight or tomorrow, then.


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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Language Reference

2011-09-26 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

>>> If you guys (that's Dmitry and Thomas, but of course others are also
>>> welcome to comment) agree with splitting the source, I suggest we put it
>>> in a separate subdir (e.g. refdocs/langref/langref25), given the number
>>> of source files that will result from the split.
> D> I don't mind.
> T> No objections.

OK, it's done, so please do a cvs update in manual/src/docs/refdocs

Thomas, if you haven't already done so, maybe you can read the Introduction 
chapter in langref-templates.xml. It contains some explanation and guidelines 
re. the internal structure of the chapters and sections.

Dmitry, could you add Thomas to the project so he can commit his changes to 
CVS? Or should I ask this in fb-admins?

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Language Reference

2011-09-26 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
> Dmitry, could you add Thomas to the project so he can commit his changes to 
> CVS? Or should I ask this in fb-admins?

Oh, forgot to mention: his user name is dommasw, user id 3560308.


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Re: [Firebird-docs] Language Reference

2011-09-26 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Helen wrote:

> >OK, it's done, so please do a cvs update in manual/src/docs/refdocs
> Are we still using cvs?

For the manual module, yes.

> >Dmitry, could you add Thomas to the project so he can commit his changes to 
> >CVS? Or should I ask this in fb-admins?
> I can do it if I know Thomas' SF ID.

In the next message ;-)

But in case you didn't receive it: user name dommasw, user id 3560308


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Re: [Firebird-docs] Language Reference

2011-09-26 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Helen,

> >But in case you didn't receive it: user name dommasw, user id 3560308
> Done.


> (I take it you are not planning to go to bed today... ;-) )

*Just* logging off - really! :-)


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Re: [Firebird-docs] Update of build system

2011-09-27 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Norman,

> The value in the penultimate line looks dodgy to me. Should that comma be 
> there?

Yes, it's a delimiter. Everything in docbook/images/callouts *and* everything 
in images must be copied.

> PS. Build monohtml takes 37 seconds with Sun Java compared to over 12 minutes 
> (to fail) with OpenJDK.

For the entire set, 37 seconds is acceptable I guess. For a single document, 
it's long (on a modern system).


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Re: [Firebird-docs] R: Update of build system

2011-09-27 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Mimmo,

> I'm not disappeared completely,

Oh, good! - I was already wondering :-)

> >Our build system has been updated to enable the use of xincludes. To get up
> to date, you need to take these two steps:

> Do you suggest to reformat current translations?

It's not really necessary. For us, the main advantage of xincludes is that they 
make it easier to edit multi-file documents. And that you don't have to comment 
the DOCTYPE header in-and-out all the time if you use XMLMind. OK, two main 
advantages. So you can do it if you like, but if you aren't working on any 
translations at the moment, there's really no hurry (and there probably never 
will be).

Paul Vinkenoog

 --Our chief weapon is surprise. Surprise and fear.

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Language Reference

2011-09-27 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Gustam,

> > If you guys (that's Dmitry and Thomas, but of course others are also
> > welcome to comment) agree with splitting the source, I suggest we put it
> > in a separate subdir (e.g. refdocs/langref/langref25), given the number
> > of source files that will result from the split.
> Sorry for being late, but what is advantage of putting files in a separate 
> folders ?

Not one single file in a separate folder of course :-)

But if you split a manual in a number of files (as we just did with the 
LangRef), then it's better to have those files nicely together in a folder of 
their own, rather than between all kinds of other files.


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Firebird-docs mailing list

[Firebird-docs] XMLMind XML Editor 5.0.0

2011-09-29 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

XMLMind XML Editor 5.0.0 is just out.

Especially if you work with modular documents, upgrading is worthwhile. In 
version 5.0.0, you can open modular documents as a "document set". Not only 
does this give you an extra pane with an overview of the structure, but it will 
also correctly validate internal links to other files in the set. (Until now, 
if you had cross-chapter links in a document and the chapters were in different 
files, such links would be marked as invalid because the target id could not be 
found.) What's more, ids in other files within the set are also included in 
pick lists.

This is a nice feature now that we're seriously starting with the modularized 
LangRef. BTW, it's hidden by default - don't ask me why. You have to enable it 
via Options -> Preferences -> General -> Features.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Language Reference

2011-10-03 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Thomas,

> I recently committed the context variables-part. I took the part from the
> 2.5. Language Reference Update and only edited the IDs a bit to reflect the
> document structure of the Language Reference more.

Good work, thanks! But there are a few entries missing (because they haven't 
changed since InterBase 6 beta):

When you add this one, you might also want to make CURRENT_DATE a link in the 
first listitem under Notes in the 'NOW' section, given that CURRENT_TIME and 
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP are also links. The links in the second listitem can be 
removed for all I care (not the words themselves, just the  elements 
around them).

USER - I think it's a full synonym/alias of CURRENT_USER. Dmitry will know. If 
so, then you can just refer to CURRENT_USER (just like SOME in the LangRefUpd 
refers to ANY). If there are differences, they should be documented.

These are not context variables, but serve the same purpose. See 'NOW', which 
is also documented under Context variables (quotes and all). One difference is 
that 'NOW' can be cast to any date/time type, and these three only to DATE and 

Any more missing...? Dmitry?

> Next, I plan doing the same for Aggregate/Internal Functions, adding those
> that are missing (AVG, CAST, etc.)

CAST is already there. But don't worry, there's enough work left to do ;-)

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Language Reference

2011-10-03 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Another thing I was thinking about:

We should probably also document the variables in the SYSTEM namespace (see 
RDB$GET_CONTEXT()) in the Context variables chapter. Or, maybe better (to avoid 
duplication and risk of divergence), make entries in that chapter and refer to 

It concerns the following variables:


(CURRENT_USER and CURRENT_ROLE are identical to their global namesakes, so they 
can be left out.)


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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Language Reference

2011-10-03 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Thomas,

> > Fixed. I documented USER as equivalent to CURRENT_USER and changed the
> datatype to varchar(128) according to Helen's book.

That's not correct. Both USER and CURRENT_USER are varchar(31) - at least as 
far back as Firebird 1.5, but probably longer.

I tested practically everything before publishing the LangRefUpd's. No doubt I 
will have made some mistakes, but if another guide says something different, 
that's a reason to investigate - not to blindly copy the other stuff into our 
own docs.

In fact, one of the reasons that I tested everything so thoroughly is that I 
often found discrepancies between several types of documentation (IB guides <-> 
statements from developers <-> Release Notes <-> Firebird Book <-> other 
manuals). On some occasions, they *all* differed from reality :-)

Paul Vinkenoog

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense.
Firebird-docs mailing list

[Firebird-docs] TODAY and shorthand casts

2011-10-03 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Thomas and all,

> I am also unsure about documenting 'TODAY''s usefulness for measuring time 
> intervals in procedures, but I left it in anyway.

It doesn't really measure (clock) time intervals, but it should notice the 
passing of a day.

However, I just had a surprise: within a PSQL module, "timestamp 'now'" and 
"date 'today'" stayed the same throughout the execution (I built in a delay 
loop and made sure the system day changed while the module ran).

What's more: in a prepared statement - an EXECUTE BLOCK with a counter as input 
param - those values stayed the same even if I re-executed the block minutes 
later, regardless whether I changed the input param or not. Now *that*'s some 
caching! ;-)

I don't know if this _always_ happens with shorthand casts or if it is an 
optimizer thing that may or may not occur depending on the circumstances.

When I changed from shorthand to full casts, the behaviour was as documented, 
i.e. time and day progressed.

I also noticed that, in the case of shorthand casts, the cached date/time 
values are taken at prepare time, not at the time the first shorthand cast is 
encountered or even the start time of the first execution.

With CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and friends, it's another thing: they are (as 
documented) evaluated once per module execution (don't know yet if at start or 
at first encounter), not at prepare time.

Will do some more testing tomorrow afternoon. Whatever the outcome, we'll have 
to adapt the documentation at this point.

Paul Vinkenoog

PS: Not surprisingly, 'YESTERDAY' and 'TOMORROW' behave the same as 'TODAY' and 
'NOW' in this respect.

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] TODAY and shorthand casts

2011-10-04 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Dmitry wrote:

> > These are not context variables, but serve the same purpose. See 'NOW', 
> > which is also documented under Context variables (quotes and all).
> They can behave as either literals substituted immediately (timestamp
> 'today') or as context variables (cast('today' as timestamp)). Quite
> weird and perhaps even annoying, I know.

Yes, we'll have to document this clearly:

- When used with CAST() they are evaluated each time the code is executed and 
return the current date (or, in the case of 'now', timestamp). In this case, 
they are more up-to-date than the CURRENT_ variables, which are 
evaluated once per request (thus staying the same during a PSQL module 
execution, for instance).

- When used as shorthand casts / datetime literals they are evaluated only 
once: at parse/prepare time. In this case, they are often *less* up-to-date 
than the CURRENT_ variables, because the latter are refreshed every 
time a prepared query is executed again.

> > One difference is that 'NOW' can be cast to any date/time type, and these 
> > three only to DATE and TIMESTAMP.
> Not completely true:
> time 'today' -- error
> cast(timestamp 'today' as time) -- 00:00:00.

Hmm, but you don't cast 'today' to a time value here. You cast it to a 
timestamp (adding a zero time), and then you cast the timestamp to a time value 
(dropping today's date and retaining the zero time).

> In this regard, I don't like referring to date/time/timestamp keywords
> prior to a string as to "shorthand casts". In fact, it's the only
> syntactically correct way to specify a date/time literal. Numerics can
> be represented normally, strings are enclosed in quotes, but there's
> nothing for dates/times. So the ANSI committee has invented a special
> prefix (data type name was used) following by the string literal which
> is treated as a date/time literal in this case. So it's a part of the
> language grammar rather than some operation. That said, it does really
> work like a cast, so I don't know how to document it properly :-)
> Especially considering 'NOW' etc that do work like a function.

You're right, I just read that part of the standard. Still, I consider 'today' 
etc. string literals (and so does the standard), so I think the interpretation 
of "date 'today'" as a cast operation is logical. OTOH, what you write above 
does explain why e.g.

  select date MyDateTimeField from MyTable

is illegal. If these prefixes were real cast operators, such queries would be 
valid. As would "select int YourFloatField from YourTable" etc. Actually, I 
wouldn't mind if this syntax were supported; I hate writing out CAST() 
expressions! :-)

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] TODAY and shorthand casts

2011-10-06 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Lester,

> Hopefully this is the correct information ...

Correct but not entirely complete, with what we now know. You may want to add a 
warning that when shorthand casts are used (or whatever you want to call them), 
'NOW' and friends are evaluated only once, at parse time, and don't progress at 
all as long as the statement remains prepared.

Paul Vinkenoog

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense.
Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] TODAY and shorthand casts

2011-10-06 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

> Yes, we'll have to document this clearly:
> - When used with CAST() they are evaluated each time the code is executed and 
> return the current date (or, in the case of 'now', timestamp). In this case, 
> they are more up-to-date than the CURRENT_ variables, which are 
> evaluated once per request (thus staying the same during a PSQL module 
> execution, for instance).
> - When used as shorthand casts / datetime literals they are evaluated only 
> once: at parse/prepare time. In this case, they are often *less* up-to-date 
> than the CURRENT_ variables, because the latter are refreshed every 
> time a prepared query is executed again.

I've update the LRU and committed. Thomas, you may be interested to copy some 
or all of these changes into the LangRef:

  Context variables :: CURRENT_TIME: Edited second Note to warn against 
shorthand syntax.
  Context variables :: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: Edited second Note to warn against 
shorthand syntax.
  Context variables :: 'NOW': Edited the two existing Notes and inserted one 
about the freeze effect of the shorthand syntax.
  Internal functions :: CAST(): Added notice that when using the shorthand 
syntax, the value stays the same as long as the statement remains prepared.

Of course you can also make your own edits.

Paul Vinkenoog

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Firebird-docs mailing list

[Firebird-docs] LangRefUpd 2.5 updated

2011-10-08 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

About an hour ago I uploaded version 1.1 of the 2.5 LangRef Update. The most 
important changes:

- GDSCODE documentation corrected and improved
- SQLCODE deprecated since 2.5.1
- SQLSTATE section added; introduced in 2.5.1
- Differences between full and shorthand datetime casts now clearly documented

Other than that, some minor improvements and corrections have been made. If you 
want to check them all:

I also updated the subproject homepage, which was still in its 2009 state.

Paul Vinkenoog

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] ATTN all committers: B_Release branch created

2011-10-11 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Norman,

>> - The third way is not very subtle, and frowned upon by CVS gurus, but very 
>> robust (in our case!): You have two working copies like above. You work in 
>> the first one (the trunk). When you're going to publish, you bluntly copy 
>> the file(s) in question over their counterparts in the B_Release working 
>> copy, and commit there (of course you also commit to HEAD). The advantage of 
>> this method is that now you are absolutely sure that the revision in 
>> B_Release is identical to the one in HEAD. You can't make subtle mistakes 
>> while merging, because there's no merging and tagging involved. You just 
>> bulldozer your way into the B_Release branch and drop your stuff there.

> I like blunt and I don't care what the cvs gurus think! ;-) This sounds
> by far the method most likely to cause the least errors! I think I'll be
> sticking with this option.

So am I! Of course, being the snob I am, I started out with the first option, 
but the yokel soon got the upper hand ;-)

With 1 and 2 there's just too much that you mustn't forget, lest you'll find 
yourself in a terrible mess.

> Now, how do I check out the b_release branch please?

On the command line: cvs co -r B_Release

GUI clients usually have a drop-down or text field where you can fill in the 
branch name.

> > Oh, and in all cases: don't forget to build and upload the HTML and PDF :-)
> What is the process these days? I had just got used to SCP'ing
> everything to the right place and "they" went and changed the web site.
> Last I heard was that we didn't yet have a process that was documented.

You have to make a SSH connection to, account www-data.

PDFs go into /var/www/
HTML into /var/www/

Both are symlinks. In reality, the PDF dir is 
 and the HTML dir 

I take it you don't have access yet? Please send your public key to Sergey 
Mereutsa; I've already asked him to add it to the www-data account when it 

> > The advantage of all this: The B_Release branch always contains the latest 
> > publishable revision of every document. So if ever we have to re-upload any 
> > manuals, or even the entire set, all we have to do is build them from 
> > B_Release and we're fine. At the same time, we can commit as often as we 
> > want without fear of breaking any builds.

> Hmmm. I was always of the opinion that you "never broke the build" - so
> half updated documents were "ok" as long as they built. Things that
> don't build are not acceptable. I only ever commit fully buildable
> documents.

So did I. But during the transition, Dmitry rebuilt the entire docset, 
including a number of documents that were "in limbo", so to speak, with 
comments in the text, and symbols like  and ## Xxx where there ought to be 
version numbers or dates. That prompted the discussion which resulted in the 
decision to create a release branch. Everything committed to that branch 
(B_Release) must be *publishable* as well as buildable.

> PS. If you let me have the full process for doing options 1 and 2 above
> (tag/merge/update/whatever) and the process for uploading html and pdf
> files to the new website, I'll happily test and then update the Doc
> Writers' manual(s) as appropriate.

Let's forget 1 and 2, unless someone insists on using them.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Command line manuals updated for Firebird 2.5

2011-10-12 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Norman wrote:

> One thing I noticed when testing, the PDFs are ok but the HTML files
> seem to need a refresh on every page. Has anyone else noticed this when
> a new HTMl documents is uploaded?

Yes, but in my case I think it's a Firefox cache thing. With PDFs it is even 
more stubborn.

> Try hitting this link and see if you get the 11 October 2011 version:

11 October at the first hit, but that's no surprise because I hadn't visited 
that page recently.

> I found this morning  that I had to manually refresh every page in each
> of the updated manuals - which I've never had to do before.

Was this shortly after you uploaded? It may take up to 15 minutes before 
changes are visible on all the mirrors.


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[Firebird-docs] firebirddocs.xml and subtree updated

2011-10-12 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

I've just committed a number of changes to docs/firebirddocs.xml and many 
documents in the docs/firebirddocs tree. In all the documents that I maintain, 
I've uncommented (or added) DOCTYPE headers and replaced XML entities with 
xincludes (this last action mainly in firebirddocs.xml, but also in 
fb-docwriters-info.xml and using-firebird.xml).

Norman, I've also done this in one of your documents: fbdoc_vpn.xml, because I 
wanted fb-docwriters-info.xml and subdocuments to be consistent. Hope you don't 
mind. I left the rest of your stuff alone ;-)

Also, XMLMind complained that fbutil_gbak.xml was invalid: you should wrap the 
 in a  tot fix it. It doesn't matter for the build though: 
the build system doesn't validate the sources against the DocBook DTD - it just 
breaks if things get too weird, or if the XML is not well-formed.

Anyway, for everybody who has a local copy of the manual tree, it's probably a 
good idea to do a cvs update.


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[Firebird-docs] firebirdintro.xml

2011-10-12 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

Are there any objections to sending firebirdintro.xml to the attic? It's a 
stub, written ages ago by David Jencks and it's not likely that we are ever 
going to use it.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] firebirddocs.xml and subtree updated

2011-10-13 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Norman,

> Hmm. Surely the fbdoc_vpn.xml file is as equally obsolete as the
> firebirdintro.xml? The VPN method of accessing the server to upload
> documents is no longer in use what with the new CMS and the
> (blisteringly fast) new server? I was considering deleting that file.

Probably a good idea. We will stick with the current server and its access 
methods for a long time.

>> Also, XMLMind complained that fbutil_gbak.xml was invalid: you should wrap 
>> the  in a  tot fix it. It doesn't matter for the build 
>> though: the build system doesn't validate the sources against the DocBook 
>> DTD - it just breaks if things get too weird, or if the XML is not 
>> well-formed.

> Yes, I noticed that but only after I use "includes". Strange. The
> revision in question was copied and pasted in XXE. I'm looking into this
> at the moment. It's a tad strange!

Yes, strange. At first I thought that maybe it was valid under DocBook 4.2 (the 
commented-out doctype in fbutil_gbak.xml), but it isn't.


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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] firebirdintro.xml

2011-10-15 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

>> Are there any objections to sending firebirdintro.xml to the attic? It's a 
>> stub, written ages ago by David Jencks and it's not likely that we are ever 
>> going to use it.

> Not from me. As far as I can see, it's never used.

Since there were no further comments, I've removed the file.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Do we ever build release notes all together?

2011-10-18 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Norman,

> ...
> file:/home/norman/SourceCode/cvs/firebird/manual/inter/fo/
> Property id "toc.rlsnotes.rnfbtwo-compat" previously used; id values 
> must be unique in document.
> To me it looks like the duplicate ids warned about above are causing 
> problems in the TOC.

Yes, because if there are duplicate ids, you can't tell which one to link to.

In this case, rnfbtwo-compat is the id of
- the chapter "Known Compatibility Issues" in "Firebird 2 Migration & 
Installation" (file rlsnotes210/install/Compatibility20x.docbook)
- the chapter "Known Compatibility Issues" in the Firebird 2 Release Notes 
(file rlsnotes20/Compatibility.docbook) 

> I'm wondering if this is something we might need to fix.

It would be better (ids must be unique througout a ), though in practice 
we get away with it because there's usually no reason to build all the Release 
Notes together.

> Equally XXE doesn't like editing the xml file in that, and other,
> folders - I get the impression that it doesn't like included entities
> anymore or the "*.docbook" suffix is giving it grief!

The file extension shouldn't make any difference. But if I open rlsnotes.xml as 
a document set, I can't open some of the subdocuments because they contain 
entities that were "referenced, but not declared". In fact they _were_ 
declared: in rlsnotes.xml, the top document. So this is an error in XXE. With 
xincludes, this doesn't happen.

> PS. Anyone know the cvs command to revert an edit back to how it was
> before I started editing? I tried "cvs unedit filename" which hasn't helped.

AFAIR, unedit fell into disgrace. If I want to go back to the version in CVS, I 
always delete or rename the local file and do a cvs update.


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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Do we ever build release notes all together?

2011-10-18 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Norman,

> Sorry, I cannot type:
> > I'm wondering if this is something we might need to fix. I have had a
> > look in rlsnotes20/install/Compatibility20x.docbook where at least one
> > section has an id="compat-sql" but I can find no cross refernce (or xref
> > tags) to it anywhere.
> That should of course read :
> ...
> > section has an id="rnfbtwo-compat" but I can find no cross refernece ...

Really?  ;-)

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

[Firebird-docs] LangRef - Starting with DML chapter

2012-01-04 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

I'm going to start working on the DML chapter for the 2.5 Language Reference. 
Hope we can do some good work in 2012.

Happy New Year every one!

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] LangRef - Starting with DML chapter

2012-01-09 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

Marius wrote:

> I can help with checking and reviewing the Reference

Good! Then I suggest that we, as authors, announce it here if and when we have 
a chapter ready. BTW, Steve Summers is willing to proof-read documentation and 
correct/improve the English.

Paul Vinkenoog

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costs. Try it free!
Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] SQL Reference feedback

2012-02-04 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Mark Rotteveel wrote:

> >> Although not ideal, the combination of the Interbase 6.0 documentation
> >> (specifically the Language Reference) combined with the 2.5 Language
> >
> > It's a ZIP. :\ It needs to be online/HTML.

Talking about that, I see a strange entry under "InterBase 6.0 Manuals"
on It says "SQL Reference
(not included in full set)" but it's just flat text, not a hyperlink.

On our old site, this link pointed to the InterBase 6 HTML SQLRef at, but that
URL has become invalid. I've just sent a message to IBPhoenix asking if
they still have the HTML SQLRef online somewhere.

> >> Reference Update should be enough. Both are available on
> >>
> >
> > I'm pretty sure, 99% of users is not going to jump from one document
> > to another to get complete picture.
> >
> We all know that, but as long as there is not enough manpower to write
> the new language reference, that is going to be the situation.

Exactly. Dmitry Yemanow, Thomas Woinke and I have started work on the full
language reference, but this is a huge task.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] SQL Reference feedback

2012-02-04 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Helen Borrie wrote:

> >On our old site, this link pointed to the InterBase 6 HTML SQLRef at
> >, but that
> >URL has become invalid. I've just sent a message to IBPhoenix asking if
> >they still have the HTML SQLRef online somewhere.
> I have a copy of it.

So do I, but we don't want to put Borland-copyrighted material on without permission (which we asked for but didn't get). For 
IBPhoenix it's different, because they have at least *some* kind of claim to 
the copyright on (part of) the documentation. If Embarcadero goes after 
IBPhoenix, they may shoot themselves in the foot.

Anyway, if people google on "sqlref.html", the first hit is what they want.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] IB60 SQLRef

2012-03-07 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Paul,


Thanks, I've recreated the link on the Firebird Doc Index page.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] ATTN all committers: B_Release branch created

2012-06-11 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Norman,

> >> Now, how do I check out the b_release branch please?
> > On the command line: cvs co -r B_Release
> The above no longer appears to work:
> norman@hubble:~> cd SourceCode/cvs/firebird/manual/
> norman@hubble:~/SourceCode/cvs/firebird/manual> cvs co -r B_Release
> cvs [checkout aborted]: must specify at least one module or directory

OTTOMH: cvs -co manual -r B_Release  -- or something like that

The branch should still be there. Sorry, can't check now because I have to go 
in 2 minutes. Will be back in 2-3 hrs.

Good luck,

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] ATTN all committers: B_Release branch created

2012-06-11 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Norman,

> I'm losing my mind!
> I have just discovered a posting entitled 'Checking out the B_Release 
> Branch' in my archives of the Docs mailing list. It is dated 12th 
> October 2011 at 09:14. It appears that I wrote it - a full set of 
> instructions on checking out the B_Release branch.
> Sigh!

:-) :-) :-)


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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Upload server problems?

2012-10-30 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Norman,

> As part of an annual (or thereabouts) laptop tidy up, I've had a clean
> out and full re-installation of everything.
> As part of the checks that it all just worked, I attempted to connect to
> the upload site:
> I am pretty sure I have to SSH as and I have
> sent my public key (and has restored it after the rebuild) but I keep
> getting a "man in the middle attack" warning and a message telling me
> that the entry in ~/.ssh/known_hosts has changed.

Maybe some update on the Firebird server or - as Lester suggests - due to the 
fact that you cleaned up things on your side. FWIW, I can connect without any 
problem. User names and passwords aren't used, only pubkeys. Yours is still 
there; I checked it against the one you sent me back in August 2010 and it's 
identical. The associated email address is, but 
AFAIK that part is just informational (1). You don't provide an email address 
when connecting; just as long as your system has the private key that 
corresponds to the public key on the server, things should work out.

Are you sure you still have the same keypair installed on your machine? You can 
also generate a new pair and send me the pubkey.

Paul Vinkenoog

(1) For instance, where your key has the email address, mine says 
'paul-vinkenoog', Vlad's 'Vlad Khorsun' and someone else's just 
'rsa-key-20110930'. Oh, and there is also a 'Carlos Hantu' - must be some 
Japanese relative of good old Carlos C. :-)

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] XML Mind Editor - no personal Edition any more

2012-11-07 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

> From September 2012, the XML Mind Editor that we know and love, the
> Personal Edition, is no more.


> I also have version 5.2.1 as well - From May 2012, which I've not
> yet upgraded to, but a quick test and a scan of the changes in that
> version don't appear to show anything we might not like - it doesn't
> add XML Mind banners or anything to the saved files.
> We might need to determine the version we should (all) be using and
> then save a copy of the install kit in amongst the tools folder, just
> in case we get new Doc writers who cannot find or download the Editor.

Good idea. I switched to the Professional Edition myself last year,
but the Personal Edition is just as good for our purposes. I still
have 5.0.0 lying around (last Pers.Ed. I used), but if 5.2.1 had no
drawbacks, then let's make that one available.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] DOC-78 can be closed

2012-11-09 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Marius,

> it's not simple c it's á in the documentation , this should be closed
> documentation is right

You're right, thanks. I closed the issue.


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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Updating ubuntu documentation

2012-11-21 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hello Marius,

> i have updated the ubuntu doc , should i merge it into release branch
> so it can be more up to date when the next build of docs will be done
> ?

Yes, if it's published or publishable.

Do you usually build and upload your docs yourself?

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Updating ubuntu documentation

2012-11-21 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Marius,

> I don't have access to sftp on new servers

If you send me your public key I'll add it to the fbadmin account, so you can 
upload your docs just like you used to.


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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Cannot get TOOLS.JAR

2013-01-11 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Mark Rotteveel wrote:

> I haven't tried to build docs yet so I am not sure if this advice actually
> applies, but tools.jar is - usually - a library included in the Java
> Development Kit. Right now, you might not have a JDK installed but just the
> JRE (Java Runtime Environment), or you have a JRE selected as your default
> Java.
> So you either need to install a JDK, or that you execute the build using
> the JDK.

The JDK is not required to build the Firebird docs, but tools.jar was - in the 
past. It shouldn't be necessary any more, but in some environments, Java 
complains that it can't find it. Even then, the build often succeeds (and if it 
doesn't, this may be caused by some other problem). But there are a few cases 
that can only be solved by installing tools.jar anyway. We could never really 
figure out why... at least not without spending much more time than it takes to 
download tools.jar.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Cannot get TOOLS.JAR

2013-01-11 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Norman wrote:

> I need to get the tools.jar to build my docs and I've found that the URL 
> given in the read me is "forbidden 403". I'm attempting to go to 

> Similar problems exist with

Yup. I'll look into it.


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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Cannot get TOOLS.JAR

2013-01-11 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

> > I need to get the tools.jar to build my docs and I've found that the URL
> > given in the read me is "forbidden 403". I'm attempting to go to
> >
> > Similar problems exist with
> Yup. I'll look into it.

It turns out that you can dowload the files alright, but directory indexes have 
been turned off. I uploaded the index.php script that we used on the old site, 
but the webserver intercepts this and directs the user to the web root. So that 
doesn't work. If I rename the script and load it in the browser, I get the PHP 
source instead of the generated content. So that doesn't work either :-(

For the time being, here are the listings of doclibs and doctools, so you can 
download the files you need. I'll contact Sergey about the directories issue.

-rw-rw-r--  1 www-data www-data  178 Jul 16  2011 00-README.TXT
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data 10188180 Sep 26  2011 ALLJARS.ZIP
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data  1034049 Dec 17  2009 ant.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data 9180 Dec 17  2009 ant-launcher.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data68841 Dec 17  2009 ant-trax.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data86038 Dec 17  2009 avalon-framework.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data  2623953 Dec 17  2009 batik.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data61562 Dec 17  2009 commons-io-1.1.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data38015 Dec 17  2009 commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data   733708 Dec 17  2009 fop-hyph.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data  2034589 Dec 17  2009 fop.jar
-rw-rw-r--  1 www-data www-data 9308 Dec 17  2009 foxon.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data   213586 Dec 17  2009 jai_codec.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data  1576549 Dec 17  2009 jai_core.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data   455489 Dec 17  2009 jimi-1.0.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data   570155 Dec 17  2009 saxon.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data66115 Dec 17  2009 saxon-xml-apis.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data  5082034 Dec 17  2009 tools.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data  1367760 Sep 26  2011 xercesImpl.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data   301249 Dec 17  2009 

-rw-rw-r--  1 www-data www-data 180 Jul 16  2011 00-README.TXT
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data   97959 Dec 17  2009
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data 2807809 Dec 17  2009

BTW: Norman, since you have SSH/SFTP accces, you can also get the files 
directly from /var/www/|tools)

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Cannot get TOOLS.JAR

2013-01-11 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Mark Rotteveel wrote:

> Doesn't the build use ant? I believe that ant itself (or some of the
> ant-tasks) requires the presence of tools.jar. Also: if you need tools.jar,
> that implicitly means you need the JDK (because tools.jar is part of the
> JDK), even though you can usually get away with copying tools.jar from a
> JDK and use it in a JRE.

Yes, that's what we used to do, because otherwise everybody would be required 
to install the full JDK. (Some of us had it installed anyway, of course.)

However, since a number of years, Ant doesn't require tools.jar anymore, at 
least not for our purposes. If I build the docs, I do get a complaint:

  Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in C:\Program Files 

But (at least on my system, and on most it seems) the build continues and is 

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Cannot get TOOLS.JAR

2013-01-11 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Sergey,

> there are no php interpreter on web-nodes; note, the cms site and web-nodes 
> are the _different_ servers (actually - VPS-es).
> Describe me what exactly do you need - we can do it, but let discuss all 
> internal web-server stuff privatelly.

I'm not sure where you draw the line between internal and external here, so 
I'll send you another private message just to be on the safe side.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Cannot get TOOLS.JAR

2013-01-11 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

Sergey has enabled directory listings on 
and, so everything works as before now.

Norman wrote:

> I cannot build the pdf docs though because FOP is barfing with a Java
> Null Pointer Exception and I'm pretty sure that's because I'm using
> OpenJDK 7 rather than Sun/Oracle Java 7.
> I'm sure I had this problem a long time ago.

Yes, you posted about this in Sep 2011:

> /home/norman/SourceCode/cvs/firebird/manual/src/build/build.xml:495: The
> following error occurred while executing this line:
> /home/norman/SourceCode/cvs/firebird/manual/src/build/build.xml:351: The
> following error occurred while executing this line:
> java.lang.LinkageError: loading constraint violated
> Total time: 12 minutes 24 seconds


> I *have* fixed the problem, OpenSuse 11.4 was using openJDK rather than
> SUB Java. Always a no-no with Firebird Docs. Removing OpenJDK and using
> Sun Java instead fixed the problem, dramatically sped up the build and
> no errors.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] XML Mind Editor - no personal Edition any more

2013-01-11 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
A while ago, Norman wrote:

> From September 2012, the XML Mind Editor that we know and love, the
> Personal Edition, is no more.
> I have the Personal Edition version 5.0.0 which is fine for editing (and
> doesn't offer any conversion facilities at all) and will not expire.
> I also have version 5.2.1 as well

My most recent free version is 5.0.0 (win, nojvm). Maybe you could upload your 
5.2.1 to the doctools folder, unless someone else has a more recent version 
(preferably nojvm).

After that, we should also update the online 00-README.TXT *and* 
manual/tools/_readme_tools.txt, as XXE is not a necessary tool; nor is it 
intended to be placed in manual/tools.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] XML Mind Editor - no personal Edition any more

2013-01-13 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Norman wrote:

> I have uploaded the following files to doctools:
> xxe-perso-5_0_0.tar.gz (23 Mb)
> xxe-perso-5_2_1.tar.gz (25 Mb)
> I am not sure if these are fit for use on Windows, I don't use Windows.
> If someone could test these files before we do any updates to the
> various readme files - thanks.
> I'm not sure if these are self contained of rely on the installed JVM
> either. In my downloads folder, the only one I see marked as "nojvm" is
> a windows 4.5.0 release. The corresponding Linux 4.5.0 (at least, the
> corresponding tar.gz file) doesn't have "nojvm" in the name.

I checked the contents of the packages and the information on the XMLMind 
website. The bundled JVM is only available for Windows .exe installers; 
therefore, the nojvm suffix is also only used for Windows .exe installers. All 
the other packages are without a private JVM.

The tar.gz downloads are usable on Linux, Windows and Mac. Obviously, a Java 
runtime is required on the host machine.

> One thing, it is possible that 5.2.1 might put some form of branding
> into the documents, I'm not sure.

I have no idea, and I'm not going to test it (lack of time, plus I don't want 
to risk messing up my XML Professional installation).

I uploaded my 5.0.0 nojvm .exe installer as well, because this is the preferred 
download for Windows machines with a JVM present.

My suggestion is that we move these packages into a subdir called xxe, and 
update the readmes so people know what these files are all about and don't 
download them by accident, thinking they are necessary build tools.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] XML Mind Editor - no personal Edition any more

2013-01-13 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
I wrote:

> > One thing, it is possible that 5.2.1 might put some form of branding
> > into the documents, I'm not sure.
> I have no idea, and I'm not going to test it (lack of time, plus I don't want 
> to risk messing up my XML Professional installation).

Actually, if you only use XXE to produce DocBook XML, it doesn't matter. I 
can't imagine that they would brand the XML output, because you could easily 
remove anything they injected.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] merging in release

2013-02-11 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Marius,

> From what i understand the easiest way is to copy the modified files
> (ubuntu, enterprise , mssql ...) over to the release branch and then
> commit thouse files
> right ?

Yes, that's the easiest way.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Updating ubuntu documentation

2013-06-17 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Marius,

> can i send my public key ? , the ubuntu doc needs an update , the
> version on firebirdsql docs area is old

Sure, go ahead. I thought you'd never ask ;-)

Kind regards,
Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

[Firebird-docs] XXE Personal Edition

2013-06-27 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hello all,

I just learned that old versions of the XMLMind XML Editor - including the free 
Personal Edition - are archived at:

The oldest version available is 3.4.0.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Firebird 3.x Documentation

2013-08-07 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Norman,

>I've been reading through the Firebird 3 (Alpha) Release Notes this
>morning and I'm seeing a few changes over and above previous versions.
>I am suggesting that we start afresh (!) from this release with our
>documents. I know this might be extra work and we all suffer from a lack
>of time as it is, but my docs at least, already have a number of "this
>only applies in Firebird 2.x" or similar and I'm not sure I can cope
>with adding in extra bits that are relevant to Firebird 3.x as well. I
>think it gets a little messy.
>I would suggest that we copy the existing docs to a new folder,
>possibly, and file specifically for version 3.x and edit out the bits
>that no longer apply to Firebird 3.

Most of our docs are not going to be worked on in the foreseeable
future. So copying the bulk of our docs when only a few of them will
be updated doesn't seem like a good idea to me (but maybe I got your
intention wrong).

But I fully support starting afresh with the actively maintained docs.
How about using branches for this?

Paul Vinkenoog

PS: I'm on a two-week vacation, with Internet access on my current
location. Next week (9-16 August) probably also, but that's not 100%
certain yet.

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Firebird 3.x Documentation

2013-08-13 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

>I would suggest to move all documentation to git on or github ,
>it is a lot easier to manage branches also faster and use firebird
>type of branches
>master-> firebird 3.x devel
>firebird_2.5 -> firebird 2.5 documentation
>firebird_2.1 -> firebird 2.1 documentation

Are there any opinions on this? My own knowledge of git is zero.

Are the benefits worth the trouble? And what happens with our history
if we move to git?

Paul Vinkenoog'

(still on vacation, Internet access on-off)

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] German translations of Docwriting and Using non-Western fonts

2013-08-20 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hello Martin,

> I'd like to contribute some new documentation to the project.
> Though I'm a programmer by myself, I wanted to do something different. I 
> recognized that there is a lack of German documentation. So I decided to take 
> part of the docs team (if you let me do that).

With pleasure! :-)

> So my first translated docs are:
> - Firebird Docwriting Guide (Firebird Docwriting-Anleitung)
> - Using non-Western fonts in your Firebird docs (Verwendung von 
> nicht-Western-Fonts in Firebird docs)
> So maybe you have a look at the online versions under:
> I think there may be some mistakes (although read several times). Hopefully 
> there are some native speakers reading this. Please give me some advices 
> regarding this.

First of all, thanks for your contribution. Did you translate the original 
DocBook sources? Since you read the Docwriting Guide, I suppose you did ;-)
This means that we can commit the German sources (once you're satisfied with 
them) to CVS.

Second, I'm not a native German speaker but at least a near-native reader. 
Problem is, I simply don't have the time to read your full translations. I 
skimmed them though, and I'll send you a few comments privately.

I know there are some German and Austrian people on this list. Hopefully one of 
them can read your translations more thoroughly.

Again, thanks!, and welcome to the club. You undoubtedly know by now that we 
desperately need more contributors.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] German translations of Docwriting and Using non-Western fonts

2013-08-20 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hello Stefan,

> > @Stefan
> > The latest (complete) PDF can be downloaded at
> >
> That are 140 pages (phew!). Which are the new chapters?

The "Dokumentation für Firebird Docwriter", around 60 pages.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Firebird 3.x Documentation

2013-08-20 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

> > Are the benefits worth the trouble? And what happens with our history
> > if we move to git?

> I don't know this. There are tools to migrate Subversion, for example,
> that I know of. I don';t know of a CVS one nor whether the history comes
> too.
> I think a V3 branch in the existing repository is probably the best
> idea. We can (I assume) copy the existing docs into the V3 and then edit
> them to be more V3 specific?

AFAICT from the reactions so far, moving to git isn't worth the trouble.
It may be better than CVS, but our commit rate is so low and our demands
so simple that it probably doesn't matter which VCS we use, so let's stick
with the one we have.

Now, how are we going to organize the branches? Currently we have the trunk
and the B_Release branch. Everything is in the trunk, and in addition,
(recent) publishable versions of our docs are in B_Release as well.

If we start a single separate branch for V3, it will contain both publishable
versions and intermediate stuff. Do we want this? We can use tags to mark
finished docs of course, but - contrary to the core code - they won't be

We could also create a V3 working branch and a V3_Release branch. Or keep
all the intermediate stuff in the trunk and commit releasable Firebird 3
docs to a single V3(_Release) branch...

Any ideas?

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Firebird 3.x Documentation

2013-08-21 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Norman,

> Is it possible to set up a branch under the trunk and another under
> the same position in the B_Release? Or is that not possible.

Yes, you can set up branches on branches, and branches on branches on
branches, and so on.

But "the same position" is not defined between branches and the trunk
(or between branches and branches), except - trivially - for the point
where they sprout.

> When I'm finished doing a document, I commit it in trunk, then copy it
> wholesale to my local B_Release and commit it from there - after a test
> build.
> I am, now, wondering if this is a good idea. What about the other 
> languages for translations, would they be branched as well? What about 
>, would that need looking at too?

In CVS, if you check out a branch, you get all the files in the module.
But only those files whose changes you commit to the branch will get
branch revision numbers. The others just sit there unchanged in your
working copy. So this poses no problem for the people who work on them
in the trunk (or in other branches).

> So, on second thoughts, I propose we leave everything as it is and when
> I get around to creating a new document for, say, V3 gsec, then I shall
> call it fbutil_gsec_v3.xml and when I add it to the web site for
> download, assuming I can still do that, we could simply add a new V3
> section there for the docs?

Sure. As for the naming, I've done more or less the same with the QSG's
and the LangRef Updates: quickstartguide-1.0.xml, quickstartguide-1.5.xml,
langrefupd15.xml, langrefupd20.xml, etc.

On the website, we don't have separate sections for the different
Firebird versions (though we can create them if we want to), but the
versions are clearly visible in the titles, where necessary.

And yes, perhaps it's better not to create more branches than we already
have (which is one ;-)). But let's keep using the B_Release branch the
way we agreed.


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Firebird-docs mailing list

[Firebird-docs] New German translations committed and published

2013-08-28 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

Today, I have committed Martin's translations of the Docwriters' Guide, the 
Non-Western Fonts Guide and the VPN Howto to CVS (trunk and B_Release branch).

The HTML and PDF versions are at, under "Manuals for Firebird 

BTW, I noticed that some PDF bookmarks contain long rows of spaces, e.g. 
"Vorbereitung aufs Schreiben:
Erstellung eines   Abrisses!" in the Docwriting-Anleitung.

The problem is not with the DocBook XML sources. The titles in the source do 
contain rows of (indentation) spaces sometimes, but mostly in other places than 
in the PDF. It seems that FOP retains the spaces in the .fo file while creating 
the bookmarks, but not while creating the titles in the document body.

The funny thing is: I can't remember ever having seen this before, and I've 
been using the same FOP version for years. So I don't understand what has 

We should probably be able to solve this through the fo transformation 
stylesheets (by making sure that no line-wrapping occurs in bookmark-title 
elements). But (you guessed it) I don't have time for this. Meanwhile, anybody 
who builds a PDF and is *really* annoyed by this new feature can tweak the .fo 
(just remove the newline and indentation spaces; the bookmarks are near the top 
of the file) and then build fo2pdf.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] New German translations committed and published

2013-08-28 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

> Meanwhile, anybody who builds a PDF and is *really* annoyed by this new 
> feature

OK, this really pisses me off.

So I've fixed and re-uploaded the two documents in which this occurs.



Martin, I changed one thing (don't remember in which doc): there was a double 
colon somwehere, with a space in between (': :')

If you move your own files out of the way and do a cvs update in 
manual/src/docs you'll have the CVS versions.

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] New German translation - Firebird Cache

2013-10-20 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hello Martin,

> since there are no comments on the translation yet, I'd like to commit this 
> one to the manual module.
> I think this won't be my last piece of doc, Paul would you please give me 
> commit rights? Otherwise I will send you the doc stuff again.

Thanks for your contribution. Yes, I'll ask the project admins to give you 
commit rights. If nobody objects, this will typically take 1-3 days. Martin, 
can you please send me your SourceForge ID and user name?

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] New German translation - Firebird Cache

2013-10-22 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

>Thanks for your contribution. Yes, I'll ask the project admins to give you 
>commit rights. If nobody objects, this will typically take 1-3 days. Martin, 
>can you please send me your SourceForge ID and user name?

Helen Borrie has added Martin as a project member. Martin, welcome to
the team! If you do a fresh CVS checkout with your SF credentials, you
should be able to commit your work to the repository.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] New German translation - Firebird Cache

2013-12-12 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Marius wrote:

> I think it must be added on the webpage also

Right! It's now online at


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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] New German translation - Firebird Cache

2013-12-17 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Martin,

> thank you for pushing.
> For future docs:
> Do you push them to the webpage or can I do it by myself? In that case I have 
> to get a VPN account, is that correct?

A VPN account is no longer needed. You need SFTP access to the website in order 
to upload the docs, and CMS access to edit the index page 

We'll ask the web guys permission to give you these credentials next time.


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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Wireprotocol documentation

2013-12-31 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Mark,

> As I am working on a new implementation of the wire protocol in Jaybird,
> I occasionally run into things that are not (clearly) documented in the
> wireprotocol documentation (src/docs/firebirddocs/wireprotocol.xml).
> Are there any objections if I add to or improve on this document?

I guess not. Any improvements are welcome, of course :-)

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Wireprotocol documentation

2013-12-31 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Mark Rotteveel wrote:

> >> As I am working on a new implementation of the wire protocol in Jaybird,
> >> I occasionally run into things that are not (clearly) documented in the
> >> wireprotocol documentation (src/docs/firebirddocs/wireprotocol.xml).
> >>
> >> Are there any objections if I add to or improve on this document?
> >
> > I guess not. Any improvements are welcome, of course :-)
> Annoyance number one: xmlmind does not use the same linebreak behaviour
> (which elements get a linebreak after open) and whitespace as the
> original author (spaces vs tabs). My first commit is going to change a
> lot of whitespace... :|

OK, so be it. You know that you can configure XMLMind's whitespace and
indentation behaviour (somewhat)? And you're not required to use XMLMind
for your editing. Just as long as the result is valid DocBook.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Wireprotocol documentation

2013-12-31 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Mark Rotteveel wrote:

> You can configure if XMLmind indents at all, and the number of spaces,
> it unfortunately does not support using tabs instead of spaces. I could
> of course make XMLmind use a relatively large number of spaces and
> replace those with tabs before a commit, but that sounds a bit like a
> stopgap measure that is easy to forget ;)

Absolutely. You don't want to go there.

> I have used XMLmind before and actually 'like' it (although it has its
> annoyances ;). If you have a suggestion for another tool I am willing to
> try that.

Not really. I have used Oxygen in the past, but that's a general XML editor
without all the DocBook-specific, wordprocessing-like functions that XXE
offers. I'm quite happy with XXE.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

[Firebird-docs] Language Reference

2014-03-20 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hello docwriters,

Is anybody still actively working on the 2.5 Language Reference and/or has 
anybody pending commits?

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

[Firebird-docs] Progress

2014-04-15 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

This is just to let you know that I'm making time available for the Language 
Reference this year. I'm working on the DML chapter now, and I'm somewhere in 
the middle of the SELECT statement. All the others are finished (the other DML 
statements, that is - not the other chapters!)

I will do my utmost to have a "basic" Language Reference ready this year, i.e. 
possibly without all the details on Dialect 1 and other things that people can 
hopefully live without for a while (or grab the IB6 LangRef if they can't).

Once finished, updating it to Firebird 3 shouldn't be a hell of a job.

But it ain't finished yet.

Paul Vinkenoog

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applications. Written by three acclaimed leaders in the field,
this first edition is now available. Download your free book today!
Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Progress

2014-08-20 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hello Martin, sorry to have kept you waiting!

> is there a chance to get almost finished parts from you to start German 
> translation?

The latest sources are in CVS (manual/src/docs/refdocs/langref/langref25/)

The SELECT section is now about 80% ready. The only subsections that still need 
to be completed are ORDER BY, FOR UPDATE and WITH LOCK.

The other DML sections should be complete and correct.

I can also mail you the XML source if you prefer.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Reference page Page reorg

2014-08-24 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Marius wrote:

> I've got a suggestion from Lukas Eder for reference manuals page
> Maybe it needs a little reorg and cleanup
> some documents can be put at the bottom or in another area

I agree. Especially the docs on no longer supported versions should be moved 
further down.
Same for stuff that hasn't been updated for ages or on which work has stalled 
(like Using Firebird, which is 'Work in (non-)progress" since 2007 or so).

Let's keep the 2.1 and 2.5 docs on top, together with - or followed by - 
material that isn't version-specific and is still useful for current versions.

Any other opinions?


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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Reference page Page reorg

2014-09-05 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

>> I've got a suggestion from Lukas Eder for reference manuals page
>> Maybe it needs a little reorg and cleanup
>> some documents can be put at the bottom or in another area
> I agree. Especially the docs on no longer supported versions should be moved 
> further down.
> Same for stuff that hasn't been updated for ages or on which work has stalled 
> (like Using Firebird, which is 'Work in (non-)progress" since 2007 or so).
> Let's keep the 2.1 and 2.5 docs on top, together with - or followed by - 
> material that isn't version-specific and is still useful for current versions.

OK, I cleaned up that page.

- On top are the most important version-specific docs for the currently 
supported versions, i.e. 2.5 and 2.1 Quick Start Guides and LangRef Updates.

- After that, the Command Line Utilities manuals, followed by other user 
manuals, reference material and the Firebird licenses.

- Then come the manuals on no longer supported versions, the IB6 manuals, and 
finally the manuals for Firebird docwriters.

I'm sure we can still do better, by integrating some of the docs pages and 
using only one line per document (with the available language links listed like 
we used to, e.g. "en fr de nl"), which saves a lot of vertical scrolling, but 
that's for another day.

Paul Vinkenoog

Slashdot TV.  
Video for Nerds.  Stuff that matters.
Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Document building toolset

2014-09-14 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Mark,

> I was working on the wireprotocol documentation and had some PDF
> rendering issues. So I looked at the toolset for building documentation,
> and I noticed that some of it is rather dated (for example the
> docbook-xsl and Apache FOP).
> In my local copy I have replaced docbook-xsl and FOP with the latest
> version. I haven't looked closely at all output yet, but apart from
> higher memory requirements and more verbose logging it seems to work.
> I didn't fully solve the rendering issue that triggered this, but it
> looks like some of the custom XSLs may need some tweaking.
> I will do some more testing, but is it ok if I replace the files on

No, please don't. One of the reasons that some components are rather dated is 
that it took us quite some time to get everything working the way we wanted. 
New versions of the stylesheets, but especially new versions of Apache FOP, 
have often introduced incompatibilities.

Is there a special reason that you want to upgrade? Does the new version offer 
a feature you need, or fix a bug you suffer from? If yes, we can consider it, 
but we must make sure that the new version builds *all* our manuals (including 
the Release Notes) correctly in PDF, multi-page HTML and single-page HTML.

What exactly are the rendering issues you encountered?

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Document building toolset

2014-09-15 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hello Mark,

>>> I will do some more testing, but is it ok if I replace the files on
>>> (ALLJARS.ZIP and

>> No, please don't. One of the reasons that some components are rather dated 
>> is that it took us quite some time to get everything working the way we 
>> wanted. New versions of the stylesheets, but especially new versions of 
>> Apache FOP, have often introduced incompatibilities.

> Is there a list of known incompatibilities?

Not that I know of. But we did run into trouble after upgrading the DocBook 
stylesheets and/or Apache FOP. That's why I'm hesitant to upgrade for the sake 
of it, unless of course the benefits are worth the extra work it may cause us.

>> What exactly are the rendering issues you encountered?

> I had some issues with specifying the width of columns in a
> segmentedlist as table.

You mean, when tweaking XSLT templates or adding/adjusting xsl:params? Because 
segmentedlists don't support width attributes, AFAIK. At least not in DcoBook 

> A message on the docbook-xsl mailinglist seemed
> to suggest that was fixed in a newer version. Unfortunately that didn't
> fix it, so now I have changed it to a normal table (although it looks
> like the custom stylesheets apply some modifications for html tables
> that it doesn't do for CALS tables).

That's possible. The templates in the custom stylesheets were created on an 
as-needed basis. If it fixed the immediate problem, the solution generally 
wasn't extended to related elements.

> However if I look at all the changes between docbook-xsl 1.72 (the
> version used by the project) and docbook-xsl 1.78.1 then I am wondering
> if there isn't some other stuff we are missing.

Maybe we do. I think the bottom line is: do we miss a great new feature or a 
fix for an annoying bug if we don't upgrade? If the answer is yes, we should 
make an effort to upgrade. But this involves building all the manuals and 
visually inspecting them to see if any weird stuff happens. If so, then we must 
adapt our custom stylesheets. If this turns out to be a lot of work, then we 
might be better off fixing that bug or adding that feature in our current 
custom set.

Either way, I'm willing to do my share of the work, but again, please let's not 
do it just for the sake of upgrading.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Choosing the translation service

2014-11-11 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Mark Rotteveel wrote:

> I actually don't think the translation is very bad, but it will need a
> lot of work in editing after translation if the entire translation is
> done like this with incorrect use of the/a/an, weird language use (eg
> operator instead of statement, launched instead of executed) and
> domain-contextually incorrect language.

I think the main problem with this translation is that it was almost
certainly done by a native Russian speaker, which explains the trouble
with the articles (Russian has none).

I've done a lot of translation work myself and rule number one is:
always let a native speaker of the target language do the translation.
Sometimes, someone who has lived for a long time in another country
and speaks the language on a daily basis can be just as good, but that
is rare.

A Dutch person living in the Netherlands and teaching English at a Dutch
high school, for instance, should *not* do Dutch -> English translations,
even if he studied English at the university and may have a bigger
vocabulary than the average Englishman.

To me like to others, the translation sample doesn't feel right. It's as
if the person who wrote it isn't really comfortable with the language.

But I guess native English speakers should have the final word on this.
After all, I'm also a non-native English speaker (as well as a non-native
Russian non-speaker ;-))

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Choosing the translation service

2014-11-11 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
BTW, one *very* good way of finding a translator is by looking at, 
e.g. with this query:

You can see their experience, peer reviews, client reviews, certifications, etc.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Firebird-docs mailing list

Re: [Firebird-docs] Choosing the translation service

2014-11-21 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Alexey wrote:

> In the original Russian text there is a term which is directly
> translated as "operator parentheses", which is commonly used in Russia
> (and, as "operator parentheses", exists as English term).


> So, text should look like this:
> Each block of statements must be put within the operator parentheses

I think this proves my point that the translation should be done by a
native English speaker.

Of course we can't expect a translator to know all about SQL terminology,
but if you don't know what parentheses are, you're not fit to do
translations into English.

Paul Vinkenoog

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