Re: [Flashcoders] Click drag to control a MC?

2006-09-12 Thread PGriswold
Thanks Zeh!

I understand the concept of what you're saying to do, but don't understand 
how to apply it.

Right now I'm doing this:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) { 
framePos = int(_xmouse / 200 *( _parent._totalframes));
if (framePos0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._totalframes + ((framePos + 1) % 
} else {
_parent.gotoAndStop(1 + (framePos % _parent._totalframes));

I thought I could change my clip event to an onPress event, but that 
doesn't work at all.

Right now this code is on the MC itself.

Thanks for the help!


When the user clicks the area, you save the main stage _xmouse to any 
auxiliary variable. Then, when the user moves the mouse, if you subtract 
saved/original _xmouse from the current new _xmouse, you will get the 
ammount of 'pixels' it should move (then you have to translate that to how 

many frames you want your animation to skip forward/backward).


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[Flashcoders] non-coder needs help

2006-08-29 Thread PGriswold
Sorry if this is a dupe - my mail server has been screwy for a couple of 
days.  It appeared as though this had bounced:

Hi guys, 

About 95% of what you guys do is way over my head and now I could use some 

I have a 3D rendered object that is in a movie clip - it does a single 360 
degree rotation. 
I've placed an invisible movie clip above it with this code on it: 

framePos = int(_xmouse / 630 *( _parent._totalframes)); 
if (framePos  0) { 
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._totalframes + ((framePos + 1) % 
} else { 
_parent.gotoAndStop(1 + (framePos % _parent._totalframes)); 

It works fine, but when I watched an end user view it, they really spazzed 
out - they couldn't do smooth rotations. 
So, I thought I would instead put this code on a mouse event.  I thought 
it would be good for them to click and drag to make the rotation happen 
and release to stop the rotation. 

I've tried a few versions of the code and I simply can't get it to work at 

Sorry if this is a really simple question, but I'm just not a coder. 


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