Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-12-05 Thread EECOLOR

I can be wrong, but "prototype" is still "functional", am I wrong?

More information on this can be found in prog_actionscript30.pdf, in the
chapter Object-Proented Programming in Actionscript under Advanced topics.

Greetz Erik

RE: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-12-04 Thread Lance Linder
Maybe I am wrong but I thought that you can no longer to something like


flash.text.TextField.prototype.styleSheet = myStyleSheet;


In my tests this doesn't create a compiler error but it doesn't work
either. If I am wrong someone please shed some light on this because I
haven't been able to make it work as it did in AS1/AS2.





From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Rogerio Gonzalez
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 6:55 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous


I guess what really made this easier for us in the past was the
ability to use the 'prototype' chain to override properties and
functions at a global level for all TextField instances. I know
overriding the prototype chain is a thing of the past and for good
reasons but it sure would be nice if ALL textFields in every component
could get a StyleSheet instance from the StyleManager.

I can be wrong, but "prototype" is still "functional", am I wrong?



Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-12-04 Thread Derek Vadneau

You can't extend things like TextField or Object like you could in AS1/AS2,
which was Lance's point. I think that's a different discussion.

I can see Ben's point about Buttons and borders.

When I start a MXML project and drop a button on the stage I can change the
border colour of a button, along with other properties. Why is it so odd
that I would assume that I should be able to disable the border? If the
border isn't actually a border, then why provide a styling options as if
there was a border? That's the flaw.

If you are creating a component that has the look of a border, allows the
user to change the colour of the border, why wouldn't you allow the user to
disable the border? Change the width of the border? Why would the component
support some (relevant) styles and not others?

I can be wrong, but "prototype" is still "functional", am I wrong?




Derek Vadneau

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-12-04 Thread Rogerio Gonzalez

I guess what really made this easier for us in the past was the ability to
use the 'prototype' chain to override properties and functions at a global
level for all TextField instances. I know overriding the prototype chain is
a thing of the past and for good reasons but it sure would be nice if ALL
textFields in every component could get a StyleSheet instance from the

I can be wrong, but "prototype" is still "functional", am I wrong?


RE: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-12-01 Thread Lance Linder
I know everyone doesn't have the same needs but we have used HTML text
in flash ever since it was supported. The framework in Flex as well as
the new VM really made this difficult and in the end we had to override
several of the Flex framework classes as well as extend some of the
components to handling this in a global way.


I guess what really made this easier for us in the past was the ability
to use the 'prototype' chain to override properties and functions at a
global level for all TextField instances. I know overriding the
prototype chain is a thing of the past and for good reasons but it sure
would be nice if ALL textFields in every component could get a
StyleSheet instance from the StyleManager.


My current solution is to over ride the StyleManager with a modified
version that creates a StyleSheet instance from the styles that it
contains. Then I have to go in and extend Text, Label, TextArea etc so
they automatically use the StyleSheet instance from my custom
StyleManager. In this way we don't have to 1. Maintain multiple style
sheets and 2. go around assigning the StyleSheet to every component I
want to use it on which is a huge pain! J


It would be nice to see some kind of support for this in the future even
if it was just Text, Label and TextArea that supported it.





From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Gordon Smith
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 1:35 PM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous


We haven't devoted a lot of attention to HTML text in Flex because the
Flash Player's support for HTML is so limited and many Flex developers
find it doesn't meet their needs, Apollo will change that, but it isn't
clear when the Player's HTML support for Flex apps in the browser will
get better.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Ethan Miller
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous


While in general I've been fairly happy with my ability to style 
flex, one area in which really lacking (and unfortunately for me in a 
key place for my application) is in styling text, especially text 
contained in an htmlText element.

Despite reading the docs 5 times now, I remain unable to style a 
simple anchor tag (. "A" as a type selector doesn't work, 
but neither do a:link, a:hover, or a:active which the docs say should 
work. Why the A tag doesn't simply support styleName as an attribute 
(or class="" or style="") is a complete mind bender to me. Why 
htmlText doesn't support  is equally puzzling.

Also, is it just me or are many of the css property names different, 
eg font-family vs fontFamily, etc. And what about shorthand syntax, 
eg "border: 1x dotted black."

I realize and accept as necessary and good the need to support a 
limited set of HTML tags but don't understand why standard and 
rigorous text styling is so out of reach. This in fact would be one 
of my top wish list items for future releases.

Meantime, if anyone has any tips on styling text now, I'm all ears =)

cheers, ethan


RE: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-12-01 Thread Gordon Smith
It's possible, but not trivial, to style hyperlinks in HTML text in
Flex. Here is an example:";


You must do it through the Flash Player's StyleSheet class; you can't
use . Flex's CSS styles apply to the Flex DOM, while
StyleSheet applies to the HTML DOM.


We haven't devoted a lot of attention to HTML text in Flex because the
Flash Player's support for HTML is so limited and many Flex developers
find it doesn't meet their needs, Apollo will change that, but it isn't
clear when the Player's HTML support for Flex apps in the browser will
get better.


- Gordon


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Ethan Miller
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous


While in general I've been fairly happy with my ability to style 
flex, one area in which really lacking (and unfortunately for me in a 
key place for my application) is in styling text, especially text 
contained in an htmlText element.

Despite reading the docs 5 times now, I remain unable to style a 
simple anchor tag (. "A" as a type selector doesn't work, 
but neither do a:link, a:hover, or a:active which the docs say should 
work. Why the A tag doesn't simply support styleName as an attribute 
(or class="" or style="") is a complete mind bender to me. Why 
htmlText doesn't support  is equally puzzling.

Also, is it just me or are many of the css property names different, 
eg font-family vs fontFamily, etc. And what about shorthand syntax, 
eg "border: 1x dotted black."

I realize and accept as necessary and good the need to support a 
limited set of HTML tags but don't understand why standard and 
rigorous text styling is so out of reach. This in fact would be one 
of my top wish list items for future releases.

Meantime, if anyone has any tips on styling text now, I'm all ears =)

cheers, ethan


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-11-30 Thread Jonathan Miranda

Here's a good question, with styling in flex 1.5, you had access
directly to the movieclips that made a component. Aka I could do something
like this:

  function draw():Void {

 border_mc.borderStyle = "none";
 text_mc.border_mc.borderStyle = "none";

Why I had to set it twice is beyond me, it wouldn't work without it but
anywaysthe only way I figured out about these movieclips that made the
components and their names was via asking Adobe Support (this was Flex
1.5though, remember). Nowadays in Flex2, you have access to the
what I'm curious about, is it good practice to be going for these movieclips
for styling, or is it even possible in flex2? (haven't tried honestly) For
his button dilema, you could technically do what I did with border_mc.if
it works still.


RE: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-11-30 Thread Dustin Mercer
Keeping on par with the current suggestions, extending a base class
(probably either Text or Label) and add these styleable properties to
it.  This isn't that hard to do, but it does add complexity by moving
things out of the framework, but as long as we keep submitting
enhancement requests for the things we feel we shouldn't have to extend,
then it will get better :-)  Here is some code that I hope will help you
get started( P.S. I chose to override Text because I didn't like the
background the LinkButton put around the its label, but you could
probably use this code to extend a Label or LinkButton.  At least it
will show you how to accomplish some custom stuff).


package com {

import mx.controls.Text;




[Style(name="mouseOverColor", type="uint", format="Color",

public class ClassicLinkButton extends Text{

public var useMouseOverStyles : Boolean = true;

override protected function
initializationComplete():void {


MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, underline );

MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, underline );



override protected function
commitProperties():void {


mouseChildren = false;

buttonMode = true;


private function underline( event : Event ) :
void {

if (!useMouseOverStyles)


if (getStyle( "textDecoration" ) ==
"underline") {

//event.currentTarget.setStyle( "textDecoration", "none" );

//In my use case, I
didn't need to default back to the original styles, but you can modify
the code to do that...




else {

"textDecoration", "underline" );








Dustin Mercer



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Ethan Miller
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous


Effective for color, but how about text-decoration, border, etc.? It 
would be really nice to keep this in the CSS domain.

cheers, ethan
>  href=' <> '>goto mysite"
> ()" />
> function hover():void{
> linkTxt.htmlText = String(linkTxt.htmlText).replace 
> ('FF','00FF00');
> }
> you get the idea
> --- In
<> , Ethan Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > While in general I've been fairly happy with my ability to style
> > flex, one area in which really lacking (and unfortunately for me 
> in a
> > key place for my application) is in styling text, especially text
> > contained in an htmlText element.
> >
> > Despite reading the docs 5 times now, I remain unable to style a
> > simple anchor tag (. "A" as a type selector doesn't work,
> > but neither do a:link, a:hover, or a:active which the docs say 
> should
> > work. Why the A tag doesn't simply support styleName as an attribute
> > (or class="" or style="") is a complete mind bender to me. Why
> > htmlText doesn't support  is equally puzzling.
> >
> > Also, is it just me or are many of the css property names different,
> > eg font-family vs fontFamily, etc. And what about shorthand syntax,
> > eg "border: 1x dotted black."
> >
> > I realize and accept as necessary and good the need to support a
> > limited set of HTML tags but don't understand why standard and
> > rigorous text styling is so out of reach. This in fact would be one
> > of my top wish list items for future releases.
> >
> > Meantime, if anyone has any tips on styling text now, I'm all 
> ears =)
> >
> > cheers, ethan
> >


RE: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-11-30 Thread David Mendels
For specific issues like this, please do file a bug or enhancement

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Ethan Miller
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

Effective for color, but how about text-decoration, border, etc.? It 
would be really nice to keep this in the CSS domain.

cheers, ethan
>  href=' <> '>goto mysite"
> ()" />
> function hover():void{
> linkTxt.htmlText = String(linkTxt.htmlText).replace 
> ('FF','00FF00');
> }
> you get the idea
> --- In
<> , Ethan Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > While in general I've been fairly happy with my ability to style
> > flex, one area in which really lacking (and unfortunately for me 
> in a
> > key place for my application) is in styling text, especially text
> > contained in an htmlText element.
> >
> > Despite reading the docs 5 times now, I remain unable to style a
> > simple anchor tag (. "A" as a type selector doesn't work,
> > but neither do a:link, a:hover, or a:active which the docs say 
> should
> > work. Why the A tag doesn't simply support styleName as an attribute
> > (or class="" or style="") is a complete mind bender to me. Why
> > htmlText doesn't support  is equally puzzling.
> >
> > Also, is it just me or are many of the css property names different,
> > eg font-family vs fontFamily, etc. And what about shorthand syntax,
> > eg "border: 1x dotted black."
> >
> > I realize and accept as necessary and good the need to support a
> > limited set of HTML tags but don't understand why standard and
> > rigorous text styling is so out of reach. This in fact would be one
> > of my top wish list items for future releases.
> >
> > Meantime, if anyone has any tips on styling text now, I'm all 
> ears =)
> >
> > cheers, ethan
> >


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-11-30 Thread Ethan Miller
Effective for color, but how about text-decoration, border, etc.? It  
would be really nice to keep this in the CSS domain.

cheers, ethan
>  href=''>goto mysite" mouseOver="hover 
> ()" />
> function hover():void{
> linkTxt.htmlText = String(linkTxt.htmlText).replace 
> ('FF','00FF00');
> }
> you get the idea
> --- In, Ethan Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > While in general I've been fairly happy with my ability to style
> > flex, one area in which really lacking (and unfortunately for me  
> in a
> > key place for my application) is in styling text, especially text
> > contained in an htmlText element.
> >
> > Despite reading the docs 5 times now, I remain unable to style a
> > simple anchor tag (. "A" as a type selector doesn't work,
> > but neither do a:link, a:hover, or a:active which the docs say  
> should
> > work. Why the A tag doesn't simply support styleName as an attribute
> > (or class="" or style="") is a complete mind bender to me. Why
> > htmlText doesn't support  is equally puzzling.
> >
> > Also, is it just me or are many of the css property names different,
> > eg font-family vs fontFamily, etc. And what about shorthand syntax,
> > eg "border: 1x dotted black."
> >
> > I realize and accept as necessary and good the need to support a
> > limited set of HTML tags but don't understand why standard and
> > rigorous text styling is so out of reach. This in fact would be one
> > of my top wish list items for future releases.
> >
> > Meantime, if anyone has any tips on styling text now, I'm all  
> ears =)
> >
> > cheers, ethan
> >

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-11-30 Thread Ethan Miller
While in general I've been fairly happy with my ability to style  
flex, one area in which really lacking (and unfortunately for me in a  
key place for my application) is in styling text, especially text  
contained in an htmlText element.

Despite reading the docs 5 times now, I remain unable to style a  
simple anchor tag (. "A" as a type selector doesn't work,  
but neither do a:link, a:hover, or a:active which the docs say should  
work. Why the A tag doesn't simply support styleName as an attribute  
(or class="" or style="") is a complete mind bender to me. Why  
htmlText doesn't support  is equally puzzling.

Also, is it just me or are many of the css property names different,  
eg font-family vs fontFamily, etc. And what about shorthand syntax,  
eg "border: 1x dotted black."

I realize and accept as necessary and good the need to support a  
limited set of HTML tags but don't understand why standard and  
rigorous text styling is so out of reach. This in fact would be one  
of my top wish list items for future releases.

Meantime, if anyone has any tips on styling text now, I'm all ears =)

cheers, ethan

RE: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-11-30 Thread Gordon Smith
Yes, that's an oversight... our components shouldn't be hard-coding RGB
colors. I've asked for it to be logged in our bugbase.


- Gordon


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of ben.clinkinbeard
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 12:49 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous


Annoying I can see, and so I apologize for that. My title was
definitely borne out of significant frustration and should have been
more factual. I also agree that most of Flex's CSS implementation is
pretty cool.

Gordon, in the spirit of making pain points known, here is one that
looks like it was simply an oversight:


--- In 
, "Gordon Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The only thing that annoyed me about Ben's complaint was the hyperbole
> of his subject line, "Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous". (My
> not-so-humble opinion is that Flex's use of CSS styles is pretty
> I agree with him that it would be nice if ButtonSkin were more
> styleable. More importantly, we need to hear about the cases where
> developers think Flex makes something too difficult, because he's
> that it's the only way to get mass adoption. That doesn't mean our
> will address every one of them, due to competing priorities and
> judgments about how many other developers are likely to have the same
> complaint. (I'm not aware of many requests for borderless buttons
> Ben's.) But if we don't know about your pain points, we aren't likely
> make them go away.
> - Gordon
> From: 
] On
> Behalf Of ben.clinkinbeard
> Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 6:29 AM
> To:  
> Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous
> I must say, I really don't understand how I am being offensive. If you
> took issue with my hypothetical new developer conversation, well, you
> shouldn't. I was merely trying to point out that your solution is a
> complex one, and requiring these types of workarounds does not
> encourage the very important drive towards Flex adoption by new
> developers. I was also very clear to state that I have immense respect
> for Adobe, and did not call them 'teh suck' or anything similar. I am
> trying to draw attention to something that I feel needs to be
> addressed in order to improve the Flex framework.
> I think EECOLOR summed up my thoughts pretty well by pointing out that
> lots of other things are done with getStyle() and it sure would have
> been nice to make border one of those things.
> Roger, thanks for the XP theme link, I had not seen that before.
> Ben
> --- In

> , "Michael Schmalle"
>  wrote:
> >
> > EDIT ::
> > 
> > > In a way, the Button does have a borderStyle, it's the button's
> > property.
> > 
> > supposed to be
> > 
> > In a way, the ButtonSkin class does have a borderStyle, it's the
> button
> > skin's name property assigned in the Button class.
> > 
> > Peace, Mike
> > 
> > On 11/30/06, Michael Schmalle  wrote:
> > >
> > > > the border style
> > >
> > > In a way, the Button does have a borderStyle, it's the button's
> > > property.
> > >
> > > Back in Flash, they used borderStyle in the Button but, in Flex2
> to they
> > > changed it to switch on the buttons name.
> > >
> > > Anyway, I will write a skin class and put it on my blog. That will
> be my
> > > contribution to the 'new' devs that I 'wasn't' talking to. :)
> > >
> > > PS, I have heard plenty of people bitch about the HaloBorders
> to
> > > but, hey unfortunately beginners in ALL of life do not have access
> to those
> > > things experience gives.
> > >
> > > Peace, Mike
> > >
> > > On 11/30/06, EECOLOR  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I have to agree with the dude, that its tough to say something
> like
> > > > that to a new person at flex. However, i was thinking the other
> comments
> > > > were correct, and that if you wanted the the button to look
> something else,
> > > > you'd have to use another skin. However, is you want to change
> the border
> > > > from color, you change the 'borderColor' style, if you want to
> change the
> > > > fill colors, you change 'fillColors'. At the top of
> updateDisplayList within
> > > > the ButtonSkin class you see this code:
> > > >
> > > > // User-defined styles.
> > > > var borderColor:uint = getStyle("borderColor");
> > > > var cornerRadius:Number = getStyle("corner

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-11-30 Thread Daniel Wabyick

One other thing, the little elves hiding behind the Adobe wish form are 
amazing responsive. When I make a bug / feature request, I usually get a 
verification or clarification email within a few days. Pretty good stuff.

Gordon Smith wrote:
> The only thing that annoyed me about Ben's complaint was the hyperbole 
> of his subject line, "Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous". (My 
> own not-so-humble opinion is that Flex's use of CSS styles is pretty 
> cool.)
> I agree with him that it would be nice if ButtonSkin were more 
> styleable. More importantly, we need to hear about the cases where 
> developers think Flex makes something too difficult, because he's 
> right that it's the only way to get mass adoption. That doesn't mean 
> our team will address every one of them, due to competing priorities 
> and judgments about how many other developers are likely to have the 
> same complaint. (I'm not aware of many requests for borderless buttons 
> before Ben's.) But if we don't know about your pain points, we aren't 
> likely to make them go away.
> - Gordon
> *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> *On Behalf Of *ben.clinkinbeard
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 30, 2006 6:29 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous
> I must say, I really don't understand how I am being offensive. If you
> took issue with my hypothetical new developer conversation, well, you
> shouldn't. I was merely trying to point out that your solution is a
> complex one, and requiring these types of workarounds does not
> encourage the very important drive towards Flex adoption by new
> developers. I was also very clear to state that I have immense respect
> for Adobe, and did not call them 'teh suck' or anything similar. I am
> trying to draw attention to something that I feel needs to be
> addressed in order to improve the Flex framework.
> I think EECOLOR summed up my thoughts pretty well by pointing out that
> lots of other things are done with getStyle() and it sure would have
> been nice to make border one of those things.
> Roger, thanks for the XP theme link, I had not seen that before.
> Ben
> --- In 
> , "Michael Schmalle"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > EDIT ::
> >
> > > In a way, the Button does have a borderStyle, it's the button's name
> > property.
> >
> > supposed to be
> >
> > In a way, the ButtonSkin class does have a borderStyle, it's the button
> > skin's name property assigned in the Button class.
> >
> > Peace, Mike
> >
> > On 11/30/06, Michael Schmalle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > > the border style
> > >
> > > In a way, the Button does have a borderStyle, it's the button's name
> > > property.
> > >
> > > Back in Flash, they used borderStyle in the Button but, in Flex2
> to they
> > > changed it to switch on the buttons name.
> > >
> > > Anyway, I will write a skin class and put it on my blog. That will
> be my
> > > contribution to the 'new' devs that I 'wasn't' talking to. :)
> > >
> > > PS, I have heard plenty of people bitch about the HaloBorders class to
> > > but, hey unfortunately beginners in ALL of life do not have access
> to those
> > > things experience gives.
> > >
> > > Peace, Mike
> > >
> > > On 11/30/06, EECOLOR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I have to agree with the dude, that its tough to say something
> like
> > > > that to a new person at flex. However, i was thinking the other
> comments
> > > > were correct, and that if you wanted the the button to look
> something else,
> > > > you'd have to use another skin. However, is you want to change
> the border
> > > > from color, you change the 'borderColor' style, if you want to
> change the
> > > > fill colors, you change 'fillColors'. At the top of
> updateDisplayList within
> > > > the ButtonSkin class you see this code:
> > > >
> > > > // User-defined styles.
> > > > var borderColor:uint = getStyle("borderColor");
> > > > var cornerRadius:Number = getStyle("cornerRadius");
> > > > var fillAlphas:Array = getStyle("fillAlphas");
> > > > var fillColors:Array = getStyle("fillColors");
> > > > StyleManager.getColorNames(fillColors);
> > > > var highlightAlphas:Array = getStyle("highlightAlphas");
> > > > var themeColor:uint = getStyle("themeColor");
> > > >
> > > > It would have been nice indeed to have the border style thingy
> in it.
> > > > Instead of bitching about the fact that Adobe did not put it in
> (we all
> > > > forget something eventually) i'd recommend you to write a class
> that has
> > > > that border style thingy in it and then share it with us so we
> can all use
> > > > that skin.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Greetz Erik
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Teoti Graphix
> > > 

RE: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-11-30 Thread Gordon Smith
The only thing that annoyed me about Ben's complaint was the hyperbole
of his subject line, "Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous". (My own
not-so-humble opinion is that Flex's use of CSS styles is pretty cool.)


I agree with him that it would be nice if ButtonSkin were more
styleable. More importantly, we need to hear about the cases where
developers think Flex makes something too difficult, because he's right
that it's the only way to get mass adoption. That doesn't mean our team
will address every one of them, due to competing priorities and
judgments about how many other developers are likely to have the same
complaint. (I'm not aware of many requests for borderless buttons before
Ben's.) But if we don't know about your pain points, we aren't likely to
make them go away.


- Gordon


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of ben.clinkinbeard
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 6:29 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous


I must say, I really don't understand how I am being offensive. If you
took issue with my hypothetical new developer conversation, well, you
shouldn't. I was merely trying to point out that your solution is a
complex one, and requiring these types of workarounds does not
encourage the very important drive towards Flex adoption by new
developers. I was also very clear to state that I have immense respect
for Adobe, and did not call them 'teh suck' or anything similar. I am
trying to draw attention to something that I feel needs to be
addressed in order to improve the Flex framework.

I think EECOLOR summed up my thoughts pretty well by pointing out that
lots of other things are done with getStyle() and it sure would have
been nice to make border one of those things.

Roger, thanks for the XP theme link, I had not seen that before.


--- In 
, "Michael Schmalle"
> EDIT ::
> > In a way, the Button does have a borderStyle, it's the button's name
> property.
> supposed to be
> In a way, the ButtonSkin class does have a borderStyle, it's the
> skin's name property assigned in the Button class.
> Peace, Mike
> On 11/30/06, Michael Schmalle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > the border style
> >
> > In a way, the Button does have a borderStyle, it's the button's name
> > property.
> >
> > Back in Flash, they used borderStyle in the Button but, in Flex2
to they
> > changed it to switch on the buttons name.
> >
> > Anyway, I will write a skin class and put it on my blog. That will
be my
> > contribution to the 'new' devs that I 'wasn't' talking to. :)
> >
> > PS, I have heard plenty of people bitch about the HaloBorders class
> > but, hey unfortunately beginners in ALL of life do not have access
to those
> > things experience gives.
> >
> > Peace, Mike
> >
> > On 11/30/06, EECOLOR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > I have to agree with the dude, that its tough to say something
> > > that to a new person at flex. However, i was thinking the other
> > > were correct, and that if you wanted the the button to look
something else,
> > > you'd have to use another skin. However, is you want to change
the border
> > > from color, you change the 'borderColor' style, if you want to
change the
> > > fill colors, you change 'fillColors'. At the top of
updateDisplayList within
> > > the ButtonSkin class you see this code:
> > >
> > > // User-defined styles.
> > > var borderColor:uint = getStyle("borderColor");
> > > var cornerRadius:Number = getStyle("cornerRadius");
> > > var fillAlphas:Array = getStyle("fillAlphas");
> > > var fillColors:Array = getStyle("fillColors");
> > > StyleManager.getColorNames(fillColors);
> > > var highlightAlphas:Array = getStyle("highlightAlphas");
> > > var themeColor:uint = getStyle("themeColor");
> > >
> > > It would have been nice indeed to have the border style thingy
in it.
> > > Instead of bitching about the fact that Adobe did not put it in
(we all
> > > forget something eventually) i'd recommend you to write a class
that has
> > > that border style thingy in it and then share it with us so we
can all use
> > > that skin.
> > >
> > >
> > > Greetz Erik
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Teoti Graphix
> >  
> >
> > Blog - Flex2Components
> >  
> >
> > You can find more by solving the problem then by 'asking the
> >
> -- 
> Teoti Graphix
> Blog - Flex2Components
> You can find more by solving the problem then by 'asking the


RE: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-11-30 Thread Mike Anderson
Just a brief comment from myself - 
Since no solutions were really being offered up until Mike's posted
comment, any solution (even if it's a bit complex) is better than NO
solution whatsoever.  At least the original poster, has something to get
him going in the interim, until a more simple solution presents itself
potentially later on.
One last note: after diving into Mike's sizing component, it's become
apparent to me that Mike has a much deeper understanding on how Styles
work than most other developers - as well as how they are tightly
integrated/implemented into the entire Flex Framework.  With that said,
there is no better person that could have replied to that original post,
than Mike.
Just wanted to throw that in - 
Thanks :)

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Michael Schmalle
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 8:49 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

> something that I feel needs to be addressed in order to improve the
Flex framework.

I think that is all you had to say in your original post.

As far as me, along with the line above... what do we do? We know this
isn't going to be changed in the near future. 

So, we as 'advanced and complicated developers' create a solution from a
problem and blog about it.

Peace, Mike

On 11/30/06, ben.clinkinbeard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

I must say, I really don't understand how I am being offensive.
If you
took issue with my hypothetical new developer conversation,
well, you
shouldn't. I was merely trying to point out that your solution
is a
complex one, and requiring these types of workarounds does not
encourage the very important drive towards Flex adoption by new
developers. I was also very clear to state that I have immense
for Adobe, and did not call them 'teh suck' or anything similar.
I am
trying to draw attention to something that I feel needs to be
addressed in order to improve the Flex framework.

I think EECOLOR summed up my thoughts pretty well by pointing
out that
lots of other things are done with getStyle() and it sure would
been nice to make border one of those things.

Roger, thanks for the XP theme link, I had not seen that before.


--- In
<> , "Michael Schmalle"
> EDIT ::
> > In a way, the Button does have a borderStyle, it's the
button's name
> property.
> supposed to be
> In a way, the ButtonSkin class does have a borderStyle, it's
the button
> skin's name property assigned in the Button class.
> Peace, Mike
> On 11/30/06, Michael Schmalle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > the border style
> >
> > In a way, the Button does have a borderStyle, it's the
button's name
> > property.
> >
> > Back in Flash, they used borderStyle in the Button but, in
to they
> > changed it to switch on the buttons name.
> >
> > Anyway, I will write a skin class and put it on my blog.
That will
be my
> > contribution to the 'new' devs that I 'wasn't' talking to.
> >
> > PS, I have heard plenty of people bitch about the
HaloBorders class to
> > but, hey unfortunately beginners in ALL of life do not have
to those
> > things experience gives.
> >
> > Peace, Mike
> >

> > On 11/30/06, EECOLOR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > I have to agree with the dude, that its tough to say
> > > that to a new person at flex. However, i was thinking the
> > > were correct, and that if you wanted the the button to
something else,
> > > you'd have to use another skin. However, is you want to
the border
> > > from color, you change the 'borderColor' style, if you
want to
change the
> > > fill colors, you change 'fillColors'. At the top of
updateDisplayList within
> > > the ButtonSkin class you see this code:
> > >
> > > // User-defin

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-11-30 Thread . m a r c o s a u g u s t o

hm,,,about easy ways to skinning... any ideas about the panel's header
horizontal line ?
how to get rid of it...
if you set values for , ie
headerColors: #ff, #ee;
you get the horizontal divider together
i want colors but no line

On 11/30/06, Michael Schmalle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  EDIT ::

> In a way, the Button does have a borderStyle, it's the button's name

supposed to be

In a way, the ButtonSkin class does have a borderStyle, it's the button
skin's name property assigned in the Button class.

Peace, Mike

On 11/30/06, Michael Schmalle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > the border style
> In a way, the Button does have a borderStyle, it's the button's name
> property.
> Back in Flash, they used borderStyle in the Button but, in Flex2 to they
> changed it to switch on the buttons name.
> Anyway, I will write a skin class and put it on my blog. That will be my
> contribution to the 'new' devs that I 'wasn't' talking to. :)
> PS, I have heard plenty of people bitch about the HaloBorders class to
> but, hey unfortunately beginners in ALL of life do not have access to those
> things experience gives.
> Peace, Mike
> On 11/30/06, EECOLOR < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >   I have to agree with the dude, that its tough to say something like
> > that to a new person at flex. However, i was thinking the other comments
> > were correct, and that if you wanted the the button to look something else,
> > you'd have to use another skin. However, is you want to change the border
> > from color, you change the 'borderColor' style, if you want to change the
> > fill colors, you change 'fillColors'. At the top of updateDisplayList within
> > the ButtonSkin class you see this code:
> >
> >   // User-defined styles.
> >   var borderColor:uint = getStyle("borderColor");
> >   var cornerRadius:Number = getStyle("cornerRadius");
> >   var fillAlphas:Array = getStyle("fillAlphas");
> >   var fillColors:Array = getStyle("fillColors");
> >   StyleManager.getColorNames(fillColors);
> >   var highlightAlphas:Array = getStyle("highlightAlphas");
> >   var themeColor:uint = getStyle("themeColor");
> >
> > It would have been nice indeed to have the border style thingy in it.
> > Instead of bitching about the fact that Adobe did not put it in (we all
> > forget something eventually) i'd recommend you to write a class that has
> > that border style thingy in it and then share it with us so we can all use
> > that skin.
> >
> >
> > Greetz Erik
> >
> >
> --
> Teoti Graphix
> Blog - Flex2Components
> You can find more by solving the problem then by 'asking the question'.

Teoti Graphix

Blog - Flex2Components

You can find more by solving the problem then by 'asking the question'.


. m a r c o sa u g u s t o  ;

.eu vim para confundir e não para explicar!. . . - Chacrinha

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-11-30 Thread Michael Schmalle

something that I feel needs to be addressed in order to improve the Flex


I think that is all you had to say in your original post.

As far as me, along with the line above... what do we do? We know this isn't
going to be changed in the near future.

So, we as 'advanced and complicated developers' create a solution from a
problem and blog about it.

Peace, Mike

On 11/30/06, ben.clinkinbeard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  I must say, I really don't understand how I am being offensive. If you
took issue with my hypothetical new developer conversation, well, you
shouldn't. I was merely trying to point out that your solution is a
complex one, and requiring these types of workarounds does not
encourage the very important drive towards Flex adoption by new
developers. I was also very clear to state that I have immense respect
for Adobe, and did not call them 'teh suck' or anything similar. I am
trying to draw attention to something that I feel needs to be
addressed in order to improve the Flex framework.

I think EECOLOR summed up my thoughts pretty well by pointing out that
lots of other things are done with getStyle() and it sure would have
been nice to make border one of those things.

Roger, thanks for the XP theme link, I had not seen that before.


--- In , "Michael
> EDIT ::
> > In a way, the Button does have a borderStyle, it's the button's name
> property.
> supposed to be
> In a way, the ButtonSkin class does have a borderStyle, it's the button
> skin's name property assigned in the Button class.
> Peace, Mike
> On 11/30/06, Michael Schmalle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > the border style
> >
> > In a way, the Button does have a borderStyle, it's the button's name
> > property.
> >
> > Back in Flash, they used borderStyle in the Button but, in Flex2
to they
> > changed it to switch on the buttons name.
> >
> > Anyway, I will write a skin class and put it on my blog. That will
be my
> > contribution to the 'new' devs that I 'wasn't' talking to. :)
> >
> > PS, I have heard plenty of people bitch about the HaloBorders class to
> > but, hey unfortunately beginners in ALL of life do not have access
to those
> > things experience gives.
> >
> > Peace, Mike
> >
> > On 11/30/06, EECOLOR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > I have to agree with the dude, that its tough to say something
> > > that to a new person at flex. However, i was thinking the other
> > > were correct, and that if you wanted the the button to look
something else,
> > > you'd have to use another skin. However, is you want to change
the border
> > > from color, you change the 'borderColor' style, if you want to
change the
> > > fill colors, you change 'fillColors'. At the top of
updateDisplayList within
> > > the ButtonSkin class you see this code:
> > >
> > > // User-defined styles.
> > > var borderColor:uint = getStyle("borderColor");
> > > var cornerRadius:Number = getStyle("cornerRadius");
> > > var fillAlphas:Array = getStyle("fillAlphas");
> > > var fillColors:Array = getStyle("fillColors");
> > > StyleManager.getColorNames(fillColors);
> > > var highlightAlphas:Array = getStyle("highlightAlphas");
> > > var themeColor:uint = getStyle("themeColor");
> > >
> > > It would have been nice indeed to have the border style thingy
in it.
> > > Instead of bitching about the fact that Adobe did not put it in
(we all
> > > forget something eventually) i'd recommend you to write a class
that has
> > > that border style thingy in it and then share it with us so we
can all use
> > > that skin.
> > >
> > >
> > > Greetz Erik
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Teoti Graphix
> >
> >
> > Blog - Flex2Components
> >
> >
> > You can find more by solving the problem then by 'asking the
> >
> --
> Teoti Graphix
> Blog - Flex2Components
> You can find more by solving the problem then by 'asking the question'.


Teoti Graphix

Blog - Flex2Components

You can find more by solving the problem then by 'asking the question'.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-11-30 Thread Michael Schmalle

the border style

In a way, the Button does have a borderStyle, it's the button's name

Back in Flash, they used borderStyle in the Button but, in Flex2 to they
changed it to switch on the buttons name.

Anyway, I will write a skin class and put it on my blog. That will be my
contribution to the 'new' devs that I 'wasn't' talking to. :)

PS, I have heard plenty of people bitch about the HaloBorders class to but,
hey unfortunately beginners in ALL of life do not have access to those
things experience gives.

Peace, Mike

On 11/30/06, EECOLOR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  I have to agree with the dude, that its tough to say something like that
to a new person at flex. However, i was thinking the other comments were
correct, and that if you wanted the the button to look something else, you'd
have to use another skin. However, is you want to change the border from
color, you change the 'borderColor' style, if you want to change the fill
colors, you change 'fillColors'. At the top of updateDisplayList within the
ButtonSkin class you see this code:

  // User-defined styles.
  var borderColor:uint = getStyle("borderColor");
  var cornerRadius:Number = getStyle("cornerRadius");
  var fillAlphas:Array = getStyle("fillAlphas");
  var fillColors:Array = getStyle("fillColors");
  var highlightAlphas:Array = getStyle("highlightAlphas");
  var themeColor:uint = getStyle("themeColor");

It would have been nice indeed to have the border style thingy in it.
Instead of bitching about the fact that Adobe did not put it in (we all
forget something eventually) i'd recommend you to write a class that has
that border style thingy in it and then share it with us so we can all use
that skin.

Greetz Erik


Teoti Graphix

Blog - Flex2Components

You can find more by solving the problem then by 'asking the question'.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-11-30 Thread Michael Schmalle


In a way, the Button does have a borderStyle, it's the button's name


supposed to be

In a way, the ButtonSkin class does have a borderStyle, it's the button
skin's name property assigned in the Button class.

Peace, Mike

On 11/30/06, Michael Schmalle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> the border style

In a way, the Button does have a borderStyle, it's the button's name

Back in Flash, they used borderStyle in the Button but, in Flex2 to they
changed it to switch on the buttons name.

Anyway, I will write a skin class and put it on my blog. That will be my
contribution to the 'new' devs that I 'wasn't' talking to. :)

PS, I have heard plenty of people bitch about the HaloBorders class to
but, hey unfortunately beginners in ALL of life do not have access to those
things experience gives.

Peace, Mike

On 11/30/06, EECOLOR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I have to agree with the dude, that its tough to say something like
> that to a new person at flex. However, i was thinking the other comments
> were correct, and that if you wanted the the button to look something else,
> you'd have to use another skin. However, is you want to change the border
> from color, you change the 'borderColor' style, if you want to change the
> fill colors, you change 'fillColors'. At the top of updateDisplayList within
> the ButtonSkin class you see this code:
>   // User-defined styles.
>   var borderColor:uint = getStyle("borderColor");
>   var cornerRadius:Number = getStyle("cornerRadius");
>   var fillAlphas:Array = getStyle("fillAlphas");
>   var fillColors:Array = getStyle("fillColors");
>   StyleManager.getColorNames(fillColors);
>   var highlightAlphas:Array = getStyle("highlightAlphas");
>   var themeColor:uint = getStyle("themeColor");
> It would have been nice indeed to have the border style thingy in it.
> Instead of bitching about the fact that Adobe did not put it in (we all
> forget something eventually) i'd recommend you to write a class that has
> that border style thingy in it and then share it with us so we can all use
> that skin.
> Greetz Erik

Teoti Graphix

Blog - Flex2Components

You can find more by solving the problem then by 'asking the question'.

Teoti Graphix

Blog - Flex2Components

You can find more by solving the problem then by 'asking the question'.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-11-30 Thread Rogerio Gonzalez

Hi Ben,

I agree with Michael that you are beeing offensive, but I also agree with
you that new devs may have some questions about it.

So, look for skinning and themes in google.

The button, is actually an "9 slice image". It doesn´t have any borders and
such, because it is not a flex object. It is a image :)
So, to "witdraw" the border, you have to "rebuild" the image. One way I like
to do it is from flash. Just edit the object in flash, the way you like it
This is an example of a skinning that I really like :P

This is one good article about it:


Rogério Gonzalez

On 11/30/06, ben.clinkinbeard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have no desire to split semantic hairs with you. While Button may
not utilize the "border API", it most certainly does have a border. My
frustration is in how that border is implemented. I assumed (wrongly,
apparently) that that was clear from my two previous posts.

Consider this.

Developer new to Flex: "How do I get rid of the border on my buttons?"

You: "Oh its easy; just go find the several hundred lines long
ButtonSkin class, copy it into a new class, go to the part that draws
the border and add an if statement that checks for the custom
borderEnabled style you'll be adding. See? Isn't Flex awesome?"

New dev: "Ummm, yeah"

While your solution is plausible, its far from practical.


--- In , "Michael
> Ben,
> This issue could only peeve you if it was actually an issue.
> The Button does not have a border. Thus, the border API does not
apply to a
> Button.
> This is the reason they say upSkin, it's a skin.
> You could easily copy and paste the ButtonSkin class and put another
> in the says borderEnabled. In the skin rendering method, call that
style and
> put the drawing api section that contains the 'border' in an if
> This way you just set ONE style and vola, no border!
> Peace, Mike
> On 11/29/06, ben.clinkinbeard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Yes, I meant the button's border. The default button is a gradient
> > background with a border around it. I just wanted a gradient. No
> >
> > What I ended up doing was to create a PNG that had a gradient using
> > the colors I wanted, created a Button subclass (in MXML) called
> > GreenButton, set styleName to "greenButton", and then defined
> > greenButton inside a 

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-11-30 Thread EECOLOR

I have to agree with the dude, that its tough to say something like that to
a new person at flex. However, i was thinking the other comments were
correct, and that if you wanted the the button to look something else, you'd
have to use another skin. However, is you want to change the border from
color, you change the 'borderColor' style, if you want to change the fill
colors, you change 'fillColors'. At the top of updateDisplayList within the
ButtonSkin class you see this code:

 // User-defined styles.
 var borderColor:uint = getStyle("borderColor");
 var cornerRadius:Number = getStyle("cornerRadius");
 var fillAlphas:Array = getStyle("fillAlphas");
 var fillColors:Array = getStyle("fillColors");
 var highlightAlphas:Array = getStyle("highlightAlphas");
 var themeColor:uint = getStyle("themeColor");

It would have been nice indeed to have the border style thingy in it.
Instead of bitching about the fact that Adobe did not put it in (we all
forget something eventually) i'd recommend you to write a class that has
that border style thingy in it and then share it with us so we can all use
that skin.

Greetz Erik

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-11-30 Thread Michael Schmalle


I give into the guy with the bigger mouth...

Your offensive now.

Peace, Mike

On 11/29/06, ben.clinkinbeard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have no desire to split semantic hairs with you. While Button may
not utilize the "border API", it most certainly does have a border. My
frustration is in how that border is implemented. I assumed (wrongly,
apparently) that that was clear from my two previous posts.

Consider this.

Developer new to Flex: "How do I get rid of the border on my buttons?"

You: "Oh its easy; just go find the several hundred lines long
ButtonSkin class, copy it into a new class, go to the part that draws
the border and add an if statement that checks for the custom
borderEnabled style you'll be adding. See? Isn't Flex awesome?"

New dev: "Ummm, yeah"

While your solution is plausible, its far from practical.


--- In , "Michael
> Ben,
> This issue could only peeve you if it was actually an issue.
> The Button does not have a border. Thus, the border API does not
apply to a
> Button.
> This is the reason they say upSkin, it's a skin.
> You could easily copy and paste the ButtonSkin class and put another
> in the says borderEnabled. In the skin rendering method, call that
style and
> put the drawing api section that contains the 'border' in an if
> This way you just set ONE style and vola, no border!
> Peace, Mike
> On 11/29/06, ben.clinkinbeard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Yes, I meant the button's border. The default button is a gradient
> > background with a border around it. I just wanted a gradient. No
> >
> > What I ended up doing was to create a PNG that had a gradient using
> > the colors I wanted, created a Button subclass (in MXML) called
> > GreenButton, set styleName to "greenButton", and then defined
> > greenButton inside a 

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous

2006-11-29 Thread Michael Schmalle


This issue could only peeve you if it was actually an issue.

The Button does not have a border. Thus, the border API does not apply to a

This is the reason they say upSkin, it's a skin.

You could easily copy and paste the ButtonSkin class and put another style
in the says borderEnabled. In the skin rendering method, call that style and
put the drawing api section that contains the 'border' in an if statement.

This way you just set ONE style and vola, no border!

Peace, Mike

On 11/29/06, ben.clinkinbeard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Yes, I meant the button's border. The default button is a gradient
background with a border around it. I just wanted a gradient. No border.

What I ended up doing was to create a PNG that had a gradient using
the colors I wanted, created a Button subclass (in MXML) called
GreenButton, set styleName to "greenButton", and then defined
greenButton inside a