Re: [Flightgear-devel] Regional textures merge request

2012-05-22 Thread flightgear
>> As Fred says, it would be possible, with some changes to the
>> materials.xml format and the tile loader.  However, I think we can do
>> better.
>> Martin Spott pointed out to me off-list that one could use a GIS
>> shapefile to define a region.  This would be much more flexible,
>> allowing for non-rectangular areas to be defined.  So, if we're going
>> to change the tile loader, I'd want to go down that route instead.
> Well, I don't want to be greedy, I just wanted to know if it's trivial to
> do  - what we have now is quite a bit better than what we had previously -
> it's just not perfect and still has some issues. But if that's how it
> stands, I'll create a merge request for my Hawaii project as it is (i.e.
> including the visibility-range dependent artefact generated by the
> transition from lush green to volcano red in shrub and tundra). I think
> it's still nice to fly Hawaii with the regional scheme.

Hi Thorsten

Sorry for my impatience, but I think before one start to have tousands of
custom scenery textures in fgdata we should discuss if such limited custom
scenery changes makes sense to be in the (already heavy) fgdata

> What I like about conditioning on position is that it's simple - everyone
> can do it, and it already seems to inspire some to try to use the scheme:

I may rot in custom scenery hell for what I write down here because I
still have some kind of "world scenery" in mind ... Something I really
fear meantime is a git-exploding texture folder in fgdata because of focus
on "better" textures for small custom scenery projects.

Yes, it’s just as simple as this more or less useless comparison in this
first post at the forums. The only thing that needs to be done here is
improving landcover shapefiles to get more details, later changing some
textures and materials.xml and providing a custom scenery project, trought
whatever channel ... but when I look at this, why not being consistent and
just go for detailed photo scenery at the end ? Looks wow all the time.
(But once you will realize with photoscenery you’re only flying at noon
for the rest of your flightgear scenery life ;-)

> I think that wouldn't be so easy with a GIS shapefile (I would not know
> how to start that way for instance). But if we ever move to a more
> faithful solution, e may have all the texture sets for various parts of
> the world already in place :-) - so we're not losing anything.

The GIS shapefile might be easy, but this will first need some new sg/fg
and probably terragear code for such "meta coverage". And more proposals,
ideas and some kind of a scenery "master plan".

Here I will add a note to the concept of the transition shader I
introduced a longer time ago. Stupid, but the idea was to have LESS
texture files at the end to free resources. It was inspired by the idea of
having "natural structures", giving (transitional) patterns with different
colour schemes, following water/clima/temperature or whatever parameters.
(The code for the texture/shader handling with transition shader was
simply based on an idea of Tim Moore and an uncited/unknown contributor
for the old but working crop shader).

Parallel to the transition shader I had the idea for an improved texture
system based completely on transitions, having a texture folder with some
small structures and another with colour schemes, following some newly
introduced meta-vegetation-parameters. Ok, I never finished this task
because I’m not able to introduce the new parameters to sg/fg code.

But personally I vote against having a big bunch of rural textures in a
"wow"-fgdata for the moment. I would really like that new overall
shader/texture concepts are tested and discussed well and gives proposals
and roadmaps to all the scenery projects, eating less resources when
possible. Otherwise I guess we will end up with a heavy archive of
temporary custom scenery approaches.

Cheers, Yves

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] ..we can now build FG scenery with sumo-simulated road traffic???

2012-05-22 Thread Peter Morgan
And can we just paint the "shadow" and not the "vehicle"..

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] ..we can now build FG scenery with sumo-simulated road traffic???

2012-05-22 Thread Peter Morgan
This is a strange feeling I have here this evening reading the above
API..and tip from arnt

I see a lot of "future"... After all my nephew is a truck driver amd
introduce to "hard maps" need to navigate and plan route and indeed at
10 is kinda getting more the concept of headings etc ...
Backseat driver spring to mind.. and he's in the air.. with autopilot..

So I think this "sumo" is cool, its  a nice api, and seems I can knock
out code.. gen..

And I think we can be even clever and "fuzzy logic" some time tables..
eg School buses will be there are "9am on a monday"... and
last.train from london etc.. == traffic

love it..
But this is possible also to to make it a bit more REAL...
We only need "traffic" routes planned On approach to the threshold..

eg landing at Heathorw from either end as a passenger means u see
traffic a[[roaching and crossing and stuff crosing on the motoway..

Same in EHAM, and a few other airports..

KSFO does not fall into this case as is "water" approach..

So what do we do next ?

So the Question I have really is ..
there must be a way for the "data" to dictate if an aircraft is
passing below 100ft and on an approach to an airport AND crossing a
motorway.. then  we could create some time traffic..

On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 6:02 PM, Arnt Karlsen  wrote:
> Hi,
> ..this means we can now build FG scenery
> with sumo-simulated road traffic???
> Source:
> ..debian users: 'aptitude install sumo sumo-doc sumo-tools ',
> quick listing:
> arnt@celsius:/tmp$ dpkg -l |grep sumo
> ii sumo       0.15.0~dfsg-1 Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO)
> ii sumo-doc   0.15.0~dfsg-1 Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO),
>                              documentation and examples
> ii sumo-tools 0.15.0~dfsg-1 Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO),
>                              tools and scripts
> arnt@celsius:/tmp$
> arnt@celsius:/tmp$ man sumo
> arnt@celsius:/tmp$ sumo --help
> SUMO sumo Version 0.15.0
>  Copyright (C) 2001-2012 DLR and contributors;
> A microscopic road traffic simulation.
> Usage: sumo [OPTION]*
> Configuration Options:
>  -c, --configuration-file FILE       Loads the named config on startup
>  --save-configuration FILE           Saves current configuration into
>                                        FILE
>  --save-template FILE                Saves a configuration template
>                                        (empty) into FILE
>  --save-schema FILE                  Saves the configuration schema
>                                        into FILE
>  --save-commented                    Adds comments to saved template,
>                                        configuration, or schema
> Input Options:
>  -n, --net-file FILE                 Load road network description
>                                        from FILE
>  -r, --route-files FILE              Load routes descriptions
>                                        from FILE(s)
>  -a, --additional-files FILE         Load further descriptions from
>                                        FILE(s)
>  -w, --weight-files FILE             Load edge/lane weights for online
>                                        rerouting from FILE
>  -x, --weight-attribute STR          Name of the xml attribute which
>                                        gives the edge weight
> Output Options:
>  --netstate-dump FILE              Save complete network states into
>                                        FILE
>  --netstate-dump.empty-edges       Write also empty edges
>                                        completely when dumping
>  --summary-output FILE       Save aggregated vehicle departure
>                                info into FILE
>  --tripinfo-output FILE      Save single vehicle trip info into FILE
>  --vehroute-output FILE      Save single vehicle route info into
>                                FILE
>  --vehroute-output.exit-times  Write the exit times for all edges
>  --vehroute-output.last-route  Write the last route only
>  --vehroute-output.sorted      Sorts the output by departure time
> Time Options:
>  -b, --begin TIME        Defines the begin time;
>                          The simulation starts at this time
>  -e, --end TIME          Defines the end time;
>                          The simulation ends at this time
>  --step-length TIME      Defines the step duration
> Processing Options:
>  -s, --route-steps TIME    Load routes for the next number of
>                             seconds ahead
>  --no-internal-links       Disable (junction) internal links
>  --ignore-accidents        Do not check whether accidents occure more deeply
>  --ignore-route-errors     Do not check whether routes are connected
>  --max-num-vehicles INT    Quit simulation if this number of vehicles
>                             is exceeded
>  --incremental-dua-step INT    Perform the simulation as a step
>                                 in incremental DUA
>  --

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Nasal performance

2012-05-22 Thread Vivian Meazza

> > I have tested using only the test tile so far. The time spent in
> > events is dramatically reduced to around 70ms vice 210ms. There
> > remains some odd cyclical frames coming in, but the results are
> > broadly in line with Basic Weather.
> Okay, that's good news. I'll continue working along these lines then,
> I expect that the rest is just cleanup work which will not gain that much
> performance any more.
> The biggest issue is that in this version the movement of the Cirrus
clouds is
> broken, and under some (somewhat unusual) conditions that would show
> (since tiles themselves still move, there'd be a pileup of clouds in a
> location in strong winds if the aircraft doesn't move much). But it seems
> quadtree code to move them is simply too heavy - either a lighter scheme
> needed, or some other solution.
> What's the prospect of adding hard-coded movement to models loaded from
> Nasal? AI models defined on startup can have a heading and an airspeed and
> these can even be changed at runtime - just models loaded from Nasal at
> runtime don't seem to have that feature, and so they require per frame
> position updates from Nasal.

Looks doable - but then everything does until the difficulties become
apparent :-) I'm just doing a little experimentation here now on that.


Live Security Virtual Conference
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will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Nasal performance

2012-05-22 Thread Andy Ross
On 05/20/2012 11:37 AM, Stefan Seifert wrote:
> Generational garbage collection is not that difficult. When you have a working
> mark&  sweep GC, extending it to be generational is rather straight forward
> and can greatly reduce GC runtime

Runtime, yes, but not latency bounds.  You still have to touch the
whole heap eventually.

But you're right: allocating objects into generations and only
mark/reaping from the most recent one on most iterations is a
straightforward optimization and will definitely make things faster.


Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Nasal performance

2012-05-22 Thread Andy Ross
On 05/20/2012 10:17 AM, James Turner wrote:
> This is interesting - as far as I know, the current GC does not
> include a maximum delay and restart facility. If it did, that would
> entirely satisfy the current issues.  At least by my understanding.
> Equally, I've looked at the current GC code and didn't notice any
> code to support this feature. Does anyone else have any further
> information about this? Since it would be far simpler and more
> robust than any other solution thus suggested.

I was lucky enough to notice this come by.  I wouldn't hold your
breath. :)

This was an experiment, and honestly I have no idea why I put it in
the docs.

The idea was to do the GC normally, check timestamps periodically, and
then longtmp() out of it past some threshold, leaving the intermediate
sweep stuff in place.  But that's not enough, because now you need to
track all mutated reference-storing objects in a separate list so they
can be swept again.  And you need to have some kind of heuristic for
when it's OK to restart the sweep.

I have a vague memory of being sure I'd cleverly solved this, but I
never got it working and at this point, frankly, I suspect I was

In my advancing age, I've come to believe that low-latency GC is just
a pipe dream.  You can have a realtime GC or you can have a production
system, but you can't have both at the same time.  Every managed
runtime in the modern world has latency bugs in some application or
another, every one of them.


Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] ..we can now build FG scenery with sumo-simulated road traffic???

2012-05-22 Thread Arnt Karlsen

..this means we can now build FG scenery 
with sumo-simulated road traffic??? 

..debian users: 'aptitude install sumo sumo-doc sumo-tools ',
quick listing:
arnt@celsius:/tmp$ dpkg -l |grep sumo 
ii sumo   0.15.0~dfsg-1 Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) 
ii sumo-doc   0.15.0~dfsg-1 Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO),
  documentation and examples 
ii sumo-tools 0.15.0~dfsg-1 Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO), 
  tools and scripts 
arnt@celsius:/tmp$ man sumo
arnt@celsius:/tmp$ sumo --help
SUMO sumo Version 0.15.0
 Copyright (C) 2001-2012 DLR and contributors; A microscopic road traffic simulation.

Usage: sumo [OPTION]*
Configuration Options:
  -c, --configuration-file FILE   Loads the named config on startup
  --save-configuration FILE   Saves current configuration into
  --save-template FILESaves a configuration template
(empty) into FILE
  --save-schema FILE  Saves the configuration schema
into FILE 
  --save-commentedAdds comments to saved template,
configuration, or schema

Input Options:
  -n, --net-file FILE Load road network description
from FILE 
  -r, --route-files FILE  Load routes descriptions
from FILE(s) 
  -a, --additional-files FILE Load further descriptions from
  -w, --weight-files FILE Load edge/lane weights for online
rerouting from FILE
  -x, --weight-attribute STR  Name of the xml attribute which
gives the edge weight

Output Options:
  --netstate-dump FILE  Save complete network states into
  --netstate-dump.empty-edges   Write also empty edges
completely when dumping
  --summary-output FILE   Save aggregated vehicle departure
info into FILE
  --tripinfo-output FILE  Save single vehicle trip info into FILE 
  --vehroute-output FILE  Save single vehicle route info into
  --vehroute-output.exit-times  Write the exit times for all edges 
  --vehroute-output.last-route  Write the last route only 
  --vehroute-output.sorted  Sorts the output by departure time

Time Options:
  -b, --begin TIMEDefines the begin time;
  The simulation starts at this time
  -e, --end TIME  Defines the end time;
  The simulation ends at this time
  --step-length TIME  Defines the step duration

Processing Options:
  -s, --route-steps TIMELoad routes for the next number of
 seconds ahead
  --no-internal-links   Disable (junction) internal links
  --ignore-accidentsDo not check whether accidents occure more deeply
  --ignore-route-errors Do not check whether routes are connected
  --max-num-vehicles INTQuit simulation if this number of vehicles
 is exceeded

  --incremental-dua-step INTPerform the simulation as a step
 in incremental DUA 
  --incremental-dua-base INTBase value for incremental DUA
  --scale FLOAT Scale demand by the given
 factor (0..1)

  --time-to-teleport TIME   Specify how long a vehicle may
 wait until being teleported,
 defaults to 300, non-positive
 values disable teleporting
  --max-depart-delay TIME   How long vehicles wait for
 departure before being skipped,
 defaults to -1 which means
 vehicles are never skipped
  --sloppy-insert   Whether insertion on an
 edge shall not be repeated in
 same step once failed.

  --lanechange.allow-swap   Whether blocking vehicles
 trying to change lanes may be

Report Options:
  -v, --verbose Switches to verbose output
  -p, --print-options   Prints option values before
  -?, --helpPrints this screen
  -V, --version Prints the current version
  -W, --no-warnings Disables output of warnings
  -l, --l

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Regional textures merge request

2012-05-22 Thread Renk Thorsten
> As Fred says, it would be possible, with some changes to the
> materials.xml format and the tile loader.  However, I think we can do
> better.
> Martin Spott pointed out to me off-list that one could use a GIS
> shapefile to define a region.  This would be much more flexible,
> allowing for non-rectangular areas to be defined.  So, if we're going
> to change the tile loader, I'd want to go down that route instead.

Well, I don't want to be greedy, I just wanted to know if it's trivial to do  - 
what we have now is quite a bit better than what we had previously - it's just 
not perfect and still has some issues. But if that's how it stands, I'll create 
a merge request for my Hawaii project as it is (i.e. including the 
visibility-range dependent artefact generated by the transition from lush green 
to volcano red in shrub and tundra). I think it's still nice to fly Hawaii with 
the regional scheme.

What I like about conditioning on position is that it's simple - everyone can 
do it, and it already seems to inspire some to try to use the scheme:

I think that wouldn't be so easy with a GIS shapefile (I would not know how to 
start that way for instance). But if we ever move to a more faithful solution, 
e may have all the texture sets for various parts of the world already in place 
:-) - so we're not losing anything.


* Thorsten
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Nasal performance

2012-05-22 Thread Renk Thorsten
> I have tested using only the test tile so far. The time spent in events  
> is dramatically reduced to around 70ms vice 210ms. There remains some odd
> cyclical frames coming in, but the results are broadly in line with Basic
> Weather. 

Okay, that's good news. I'll continue working along these lines then, although 
I expect that the rest is just cleanup work which will not gain that much 
performance any more. 

The biggest issue is that in this version the movement of the Cirrus clouds is 
broken, and under some (somewhat unusual) conditions that would show (since 
tiles themselves still move, there'd be a pileup of clouds in a given location 
in strong winds if the aircraft doesn't move much). But it seems the quadtree 
code to move them is simply too heavy - either a lighter scheme is needed, or 
some other solution.

What's the prospect of adding hard-coded movement to models loaded from Nasal? 
AI models defined on startup can have a heading and an airspeed and these can 
even be changed at runtime - just models loaded from Nasal at runtime don't 
seem to have that feature, and so they require per frame position updates from 

* Thorsten
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Regional textures merge request

2012-05-22 Thread Martin Spott
Hi Yves, wrote:

> Good point from Martin Spott off-list ;-) but anyway, has there ever been
> a proposal how this "regions" could be defined ? Is there a wiki, a readme
> or something ?

Well, in case of doubt, a simple, easily maintained text list would
serve the task of mapping country- or region-codes to the various
texture sets.

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Regional textures merge request

2012-05-22 Thread flightgear
> On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 8:52 AM, Renk Thorsten wrote:
>> Quick question to Stuart:
>> Currently the conditionals for texture selection are done using
>> /position/longitude-deg,... i.e. aircraft position. The actual tile
>> position however is different from that by the visibility and an
>> direction, which makes for some uncertainty.
>> So, it'd be more consistent to place a condition on the position of the
>> tile to be loaded rather than the aircraft - is that information exposed
>> somewhere (or would it be difficult to do that)?
> Sorry for the delay in replying - I've been away.
> As Fred says, it would be possible, with some changes to the
> materials.xml format and the tile loader.  However, I think we can do
> better.
> Martin Spott pointed out to me off-list that one could use a GIS
> shapefile to define a region.  This would be much more flexible,
> allowing for non-rectangular areas to be defined.  So, if we're going
> to change the tile loader, I'd want to go down that route instead.

Hi Stuart

Good point from Martin Spott off-list ;-) but anyway, has there ever been
a proposal how this "regions" could be defined ? Is there a wiki, a readme
or something ?

I stumbled over an interesting system the last months, because I was
looking for a landcover system with less inconsistency than corine or
other systems ... and found a complete different approach which might be
interesting for getting such materials/texture regions probably ? Not
sure, but this could also lead to a new approach how to use textures at
all with flightgear, but of course this is just a very vague assumption.

"LCCS is the only universally applicable classification system in
operational use at present. It enables a comparison of land cover classes
regardless of data source, economic sector or country. The LCCS method
enhances the standardization process and minimizes the problem of dealing
with a very large amount of pre-defined classes."
Taken from here:

Cheers, Yves

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Nasal performance

2012-05-22 Thread Vivian Meazza

> > (Even if this works fine, please do not commit yet, I am not 100% sure
> > that I didn't create an instability somewhere).
> Turns out I broke at least the visibility interpolation - to restore it,
> uncomment line 726 in Nasal/local_weather/local_weather.nas
> if (vis > 0.0) {setprop(lwi~"visibility-m",vis);} # a redundancy check
> (there's a better way to deal with this, but for the time being that seems
> solve the problem).

I have tested using only the test tile so far. The time spent in events is
dramatically reduced to around 70ms vice 210ms. There remains some odd
cyclical frames coming in, but the results are broadly in line with Basic
Weather. The details are here:

I tried some airborne tests using the test tile, and the visual results are
satisfactory, again comparable to Basic Weather. The spikes in framerate can
be measured, but are not too visually intrusive. Like you, I have been
unable to identify the source so far.

I extended the test by setting all settimer loops to 0.0. There was little
measurable change in either frame rate or stability.

I'm now going to test with more representative weather.


Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Regional textures merge request

2012-05-22 Thread Stuart Buchanan
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 8:52 AM, Renk Thorsten wrote:
> Quick question to Stuart:
> Currently the conditionals for texture selection are done using 
> /position/longitude-deg,... i.e. aircraft position. The actual tile position 
> however is different from that by the visibility and an direction, which 
> makes for some uncertainty.
> So, it'd be more consistent to place a condition on the position of the tile 
> to be loaded rather than the aircraft - is that information exposed somewhere 
> (or would it be difficult to do that)?

Sorry for the delay in replying - I've been away.

As Fred says, it would be possible, with some changes to the
materials.xml format and the tile loader.  However, I think we can do

Martin Spott pointed out to me off-list that one could use a GIS
shapefile to define a region.  This would be much more flexible,
allowing for non-rectangular areas to be defined.  So, if we're going
to change the tile loader, I'd want to go down that route instead.

I doubt it would be too difficult, but as always it's a question of
having enough time to do the coding.  I'm probably going to have much
reduced FG time for the next year or so, so I doubt I'll get around to
it any time soon.


Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list