Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-30 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Mathias,

Thanks again for your reply, comments and 
suggestions... always very welcome and all taken 
constructively. And I hope you understand 
I am NOT the one just saying it 'does not work'... 

I _AM_ taking the time, trying to understand, 
HOW to make the windows cmake GUI work better... 
since that is what I perceive most windows 
users will use...

I do continue to suggest at this time it certainly 
appears more 'work' than using say Fred's nice 
combined SG/FG MSVC build set...

But first -
1. static OSG versus shared

Ok, seems I can NOT convince you this is 
NOTHING to do with the fact that I am choosing 
to use static OSG as opposed to shared...

But I would continue to try to assure you 
it is NOT!

But OK, to try to help convince you the 
following NEW re-configuration of flightgear 
the cmake GUI was ONLY using the 'shared' 
libraries, so you will have no doubt ;=))

2. linux versus windows

I am sure you are aware that there is sort of a 
BIG philosophy GAP between linux/unix users, 
builders, developers, and those in windows...

In very few sentences you can usually tell quite 
quickly which 'camp' a person belongs to ;=))
less clear with apple eaters...

You put yourself firmly in the *nix with the 
simple statement - I don't care for all the gui 

OK, that is your *nix choice, and good on you!

I know windows, and some MAC, developers, who do some 
amazing development things, and almost NEVER open 
the windows command prompt, or a 'terminal' ;=()
everything is GUI GUI GUI...

So please recognize that some people want, use, 
like, prefer, expect a GUI, whether you like them 
or not ;=)) And to me cross-platform means 
respecting that difference, and not trying to 
suggest one method is better than another...

Having developed in windows for most of my life, 
since 16-bit MS Windows 3.01, although in DOS before 
that, and only in about the last 5 years or so 
installed and now use linux every day, so I suppose I 
try to walk down the middle road.

And maybe my years with DOS, before the word GUI 
was even invented makes me very comfortable in a 
'terminal'...but even there I do also like to 
use scripts a lot...

My makefg Ubuntu script, while it still needs some 
tidying perhaps, is working WELL in linux. So 
seems no problem there now. Some initial problems 
with some paths, but now all sorted - HAPPINESS!

In windows, I too INSISTS on using the GUI ;=((
It is the windows way...

When you start the GUI on a NEW project, that is 
fill in where is the source, and where to build 
the binaries, it starts with a blank page, until 
you click [configure] the first time...

The first page that appears has about 70 configuration 
items, marked in red, some filled in, and some not. Like 
it does seem to 'remember' some things from previous 
'configures', and works out some others...

So in effect you may only have to adjust about 5-10 
initial items... then [configure] again... 

And the number of config items now jumps to 
about 97 or so, adding about 24 (8 x 3) OSG 
items in red...

Of course as you become more savvy, with even 
the GUI, you can set the OSG_DIR in the environment,
or run it with CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH...

BUT not all windows users are so familiar 
with (a) setting the environment before running 
especially a GUI, or (b) running a GUI adding a 
command line which involves manually adjusting 
the desktop shortcut icon - not done! 

Of course cmake does put the cmake-gui.exe in 
the PATH, so (a) and or (b) are not so difficult...

But anyway, in experimentation while I found 
setting the OSG_DIR first, and/or setting 
-DCMAKEPREFIX_PATH=path only succeeded in 
the OSG 'INCLUDE' directory parts, but NOT 
the actual OSGname_LIBRARY_DEBUG and 
OSGname_LIBRARY_RELEASE library files.

So that left some 16 of 24 or so items to 

Now you have said a few times, in a few 
ways that -
Before you do so the first time, come 
 here and ask for help!

Well here I am! How do I avoid this 
MANUAL step for the GUI?

One alternative mentioned is to directly
fix the CMakeCache.txt file, and CONTRARY 
to your suggestion, what you add in here 
will NOT be overwritten during the next 
GUI 'configure'...

There are some lower sections of the file, 
with an 'INTERNAL' tag which I am sure 
ARE overwritten on each 'configure', but 
I found the recommendation on a cmake 
tutorial site to manually adjust 
the top 'user' portion of CMakeCache.txt, 
so this is 'normal'.

In my case since this is my 2nd try at 
this, to see more clearly what cmake will 
automatically set versus what I must 
manually set, I am able to cut and paste 
the 8x3 OSG items from the previous 
run... easy...

Now when I run 'configure' again, the 
number of item again JUMPS by 96 with -
PLIB  7 x 3 items in red.
SG   25 x 3 items in red.

Since I am using the so called '3rdparty' 
system - that is there is a special 
root-build/3rdparty folder, which contains 
all installed simgear and plib includes and 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-30 Thread Alan Teeder

I found the Windows Cmake procedure rather simpler than you (but still much 
more complicated than the simple Flightgear single MSVC project).

Here again is the recipe, from my post of 18 Oct, to which you can add my 
now infamous step 12a from 19 Oct.


1. Set up a work directory as described in
(NOTE:  this is now out of date as the 3rdparty , zlib and OSG etc are all 
ready to use at )

2. Open the Cmake gui

3. Set “Where is the source code” and  “Where to build the binaries” to 
C:/Flightgear/simgear” (or wherever you have put simgear)

4. Press the “Configure” button. The first time that the project is 
generated, Cmake will bring up a window asking which compiler you wish to 
use. Normally just accept Cmakes suggestion, and press Finish. Cmake will 
now do a check on your system and will produce a preliminary build 

5. Check for errors in the red window. Cmake should have found OSG, zlib and 
your 3rdparty directories.

6. Set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to C:/Flightgear/install. This is probably not 
necessary for Windows XP, but is required for Windows 7 as the default 
(C:\Program Files) is protected.

7. Press “Configure” once more. Errors should all have gone.

8. Press “Generate”. Cmake will now write a windows sln  and project files 
in the simgear directory.

9. Open C:\Flightgear\simgear\simgear.sln.  MSVC should come up. Select 
Release (or debug if you need it) build and then build-all.

10. Once simgear has built successfully (there will be some warnings), build 
the INSTALL project. This will copy the simgear libraries and include files 
to C:flightgear\install.

11. Now repeat the Cmake process for flightgear.  The directories to choose 
are C:/Flightgear/flightgear.

12. It is important to chose the same CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, otherwise the 
simgear libraries will not be found.

13. Open C:\Flightgear\flightgear\flightgear.sln.  As with simgear, build 
all, and then build INSTALL.

14. Flightgear and other executables should be in C:\Flightgear\install\bin.

No doubt I have left something out, but this does describe the basic 

Step 12a
If you get the error
Could NOT find SimGear (missing: SIMGEAR_VERSION_OK) (Required is at least
version 2.5.0)

Press Add Entry
In the window that comes up set Name  to  SIMGEAR_VERSION_OK, Type to BOOL
and tick the Value box.
Press OK and continue.

This kludge bypasses the broken Simgear version check.

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-29 Thread Mathias Fröhlich


On Friday, October 28, 2011 20:20:55 Geoff McLane wrote:
 Re: In Windows (XP WIN32) - using CMake GUI
 Unfortunately, here not so good ;=(( for building
 FG. SG was not too bad...
 As mentioned, I had to add two options,
 PTW32_STATIC_LIB, to use pthreads (for Win32)
 static, and OSG_LIBRARY_STATIC, to use all
 static OSG libraries...

Ok, I do not know the win32 build too good:
But why are you using pthreads on win32?
Neither osg nor simgear/flightgear should need this.
And at least for osg, how do you manage to make osg use pthreads on win32?

Also why do you want to have osg statically linked?
It's possible to build and use osg with just static libs. But the default and 
really best supported configuration of osg is using shared libraries.
The basic architecture of model loaders within osg is built around shared 
objects dynamically loaded at runtime. So as I saied before, it's possible to 
make osg's reader/writers work with static libs, but we do *not* have any 
support for that in flightgear/simgear. You would need some scary linker tricks 
or some code changes to make this work and I am not aware of anything in that 
corner in flightgear/simgear.

Also, if you use static osg libraries, linking with them is probably 
incomplete within our buildsystem. We assume that once we link against an osg 
library this dll already pulls in what it requires for itself. This is not the 
case for static libraries.

To me this pretty much explaines that huge amount of hand changes you have to 
to with cmake.

I would suggest not to try linking osg with static libs.
Also I would suggest that you do not use pthreads on win32.

Then, if you still have to do some of these scary changes to cmake like 
setting SIMGEAR_VERSION_OK=TRUE, please stop and return to here.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-29 Thread Geoff McLane
On Sat, 2011-10-29 at 13:49 +0200, Mathias Fröhlich wrote:
 On Friday, October 28, 2011 20:20:55 Geoff McLane wrote:
  Re: In Windows (XP WIN32) - using CMake GUI
  Unfortunately, here not so good ;=(( for building
  FG. SG was not too bad...
  As mentioned, I had to add two options,
  PTW32_STATIC_LIB, to use pthreads (for Win32)
  static, and OSG_LIBRARY_STATIC, to use all
  static OSG libraries...
 Ok, I do not know the win32 build too good:
 But why are you using pthreads on win32?
 Neither osg nor simgear/flightgear should need this.
 And at least for osg, how do you manage to make osg use pthreads on win32?
 Also why do you want to have osg statically linked?
 It's possible to build and use osg with just static libs. But the default and 
 really best supported configuration of osg is using shared libraries.
 The basic architecture of model loaders within osg is built around shared 
 objects dynamically loaded at runtime. So as I saied before, it's possible to 
 make osg's reader/writers work with static libs, but we do *not* have any 
 support for that in flightgear/simgear. You would need some scary linker 
 or some code changes to make this work and I am not aware of anything in that 
 corner in flightgear/simgear.
 Also, if you use static osg libraries, linking with them is probably 
 incomplete within our buildsystem. We assume that once we link against an osg 
 library this dll already pulls in what it requires for itself. This is not 
 case for static libraries.
 To me this pretty much explaines that huge amount of hand changes you have to 
 to with cmake.
 I would suggest not to try linking osg with static libs.
 Also I would suggest that you do not use pthreads on win32.
 Then, if you still have to do some of these scary changes to cmake like 
 setting SIMGEAR_VERSION_OK=TRUE, please stop and return to here.

Hi Mathias,

Thank you for your reply and ideas... and 
hope I can answer some things regarding Windows...
And as usual, sorry in advance that this is so 

While I nearly always use 'shared' libraries in 
Ubuntu, when offered, such DLL implementations 
in Windows are just NOT so good...

It means when you want to share the application 
with some other Windows person, or even copy it to a 
second, 3rd machine, you have to -
(a) pack all the DLLs with the EXE, and you/they 
need to know how to set it up, or 
(b) you have to go to whole distance and pass 
them a Windows installer app, which will handle 
all this placement for them... using like NSIS, 
INNO, etc...

Moreover even then, usually depending on the MSVC 
version used, and the runtime chosen, there still 
remains some incompatibilities even between the 
various versions of Windows...

As you point out, OSG does fully support using 
static libraries, AND that support INCLUDES 
pulling in the desired set of plugins... see 

AND SimGear/FlightGear includes all this 'static' 
support, just by defining OSG_LIBRARY_STATIC the 
OSG macro pulls in the desired set of plugins...

So in most ways it is no different, excepts for 
the massive convenience of not having to be 
concerned about DLLS being in the right place 
at runtime...

Now whether pthreads is still needed for SG/FG, 
that I will have to check... maybe it is just 
some residual, old code...

BUT I do notice in the Ubuntu compile/link that 
pthreads or pthread IS still part of the process, 
even in the cmake build... maybe this needs to 
be removed...

One of the great things about using static 
libraries, is that the linker only extracts the required 
code, and only for any services/functions actually 
called... So it does no particular harm to link 
with this or that additional static library, even if 
nothing is used from it... nothing will be added 
to the executable...

Ok, quickly looking in src/Main/bootstrap.cxx, 
I can see the code :-
  // Initialise static pthread win32 lib 
  pthread_win32_process_attach_np ();
so, if pthreads is NOT required then this 
call should be REMOVED from the code.

Now back to OSG, I do NOT think the changes 
I have had to make in the GUI have anything 
at all to do with whether using shared or 
static OSG...

Yes, it does make a slight difference regarding 
the plugins, since in the static case, this 
set of plugins desired MUST be passed to the 
linker at link time... about 6 or 10 of them...

But ok, I am willing and able to deal with 
that just so I can keep my convenience of 
using all 'static' libraries, where possible.

And this static/shared question has got 
nothing to do with the big list of both 
PLIB, SimGear and OSG libraries that MUST get 
into the MSVC build files...

I am lucky I can compare the CMakeCache.txt 
files from linux and windows...

In linux, I can see all the SAME entries 
are there, like say -

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-29 Thread Mathias Fröhlich

Hi Geoff,

On Saturday, October 29, 2011 18:21:29 Geoff McLane wrote:
 Thank you for your reply and ideas... and 
 hope I can answer some things regarding Windows...
 And as usual, sorry in advance that this is so 
So, my disclaimer is that I do not have any win32 system running.
I just heared - even if also not explicitly targeted to you - some complaints 
that this is 'all not working'.
That is also not the way I try to think about such problems. What I want is 
some help to find the real problem.
What I can offer is asking questions and suggesting things. Proably with some 
background I also have also with win32 systems. But I do not own one and at 
work where I have access to some, I do not want to play flightgear.

 While I nearly always use 'shared' libraries in
 Ubuntu, when offered, such DLL implementations
 in Windows are just NOT so good...
 It means when you want to share the application
 with some other Windows person, or even copy it to a
 second, 3rd machine, you have to -
 (a) pack all the DLLs with the EXE, and you/they
 need to know how to set it up, or
 (b) you have to go to whole distance and pass
 them a Windows installer app, which will handle
 all this placement for them... using like NSIS,
 INNO, etc...
Yes. I am aware of that. This is pretty much the same on *nix. It's just more 
unusual that you move built binaries from one machine to the other without a 
system installer.

 Moreover even then, usually depending on the MSVC
 version used, and the runtime chosen, there still
 remains some incompatibilities even between the
 various versions of Windows...
Yep. But that does not change with a static build I think.
Or do you also statically link against msvcrt?

I believe you still need to make sure that the redestributible runtime is 
installed on the machine you use. Or alternatively unpack the msvcrt and 
friends into a directory named like the manifest hash beside the binary. Then 
the runtime is found even when not installed in the system.

 As you point out, OSG does fully support using
 static libraries, AND that support INCLUDES
 pulling in the desired set of plugins... see
 AND SimGear/FlightGear includes all this 'static'
 support, just by defining OSG_LIBRARY_STATIC the
 OSG macro pulls in the desired set of plugins...
Ok, I did a quick grep over simgear and did not find this ...
But it's in flightgear.
Ok - I was not aware of that.

 Now whether pthreads is still needed for SG/FG,
 that I will have to check... maybe it is just
 some residual, old code...
Yes, for *nix. Since this is the primary thread library you need to use to 
start a thread on *nix. but on win32 this should not be needed.
There is a native win32 implementation in OpenThreads as well as in osg.

 Ok, quickly looking in src/Main/bootstrap.cxx,
 I can see the code :-
 #ifdef PTW32_STATIC_LIB
   // Initialise static pthread win32 lib
   pthread_win32_process_attach_np ();
 so, if pthreads is NOT required then this
 call should be REMOVED from the code.

 Now back to OSG, I do NOT think the changes
 I have had to make in the GUI have anything
 at all to do with whether using shared or
 static OSG...

 Yes, it does make a slight difference regarding
 the plugins, since in the static case, this
 set of plugins desired MUST be passed to the
 linker at link time... about 6 or 10 of them...
Yes, also it's not sufficient to just link with some parts of osg.
1. The order of the osg libraries gets important.
2. Some of them might itself depend on libraries that are just already linked 
with the dlls otherwise. These libraries must b included in the link process.

I still believe that already some of the cmake tests regarding osg or simgear 
fails due to some of these problems.
So all the hand changes you tell about are changes that just paper over such 
kind of problem I think.
And sure these changes are overwritten by cmake all the time since they were 
never intented to be changed by the user.
So if I understand the real problem, I am pretty sure cmake is a net win since 
plenty of build system stuff is now shared across *all* platforms.

 But in windows, EACH of these variable MUST be setup
 one by one, in the GUI...
No, this must not happen.
We need to find out what is going wrong here.
This is the real reason of what is going wrong.

 I have not done the counts exactly, but that is like
 SimGear 25 x 3 items to setup
 OSG  8 x 3 items to setup
 PLIB 7 x 3 items to setup
Puh. I would never do that!
Before you do so the first time, come here and ask for help!

 RANT begins ;=()
You don't do any rants with the following.
At least not to me. I hope that I did not sour too hars with the past mail ...

 Then on 2010/10/19 Jame proposed cmake. His words
 at the time - These files are completely orthogonal
 to the existing autoconf/automake build... and My
 motivation for creating these was my Mac Xcode
 projects... and even asking developers to 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-28 Thread James Turner

On 26 Oct 2011, at 19:24, Geoff McLane wrote:

 Maybe, as you have suggested, this is over kill,
 setting BOTH SIMGEAR_DIR in the environment,
 AND passing SIMGEAR_INCLUDE_DIR to cmake, 
 and when I feel comfortable, I will eliminate 
 one or the other for further testing...
 BUT now I have reached another wall... 
 fgjs will not link ;=((

I think all these problems are related. I would suggest: 

- use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to get FindSimGear working.
- don't set SIMGEAR_DIR,  at all - it's simply not required once the prefix is 
- don't set the variables which FindSimGear is supposed to set (VERSION_OK, 
etc), because you're only setting *some* of them, and hence your linker error 
in fgjs.

Referring to your script, I'd make the following changes:

- the ':PATH' here looks suspicious to me
I think it only needs

- omit the 'ADDSGVOK' and 'ADDSGDIRS' pieces, which are defeating the 
FindSimGear module, and hence breaking your link commands 
- omit the OSG_DIR / SIMGEAR_DIR setting completely

- set prefix path roughly like this:


Depending on what level of quote escaping is going on, you might need to quote 
that argument, but I'm not enough of a shell guru to be sure. You need the 
embedded semi-colon to be passed to cmake, though, not interpreted by bash.

Hope this helps!


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-28 Thread Geoff McLane
On Fri, 2011-10-28 at 08:57 +0100, James Turner wrote:
 On 26 Oct 2011, at 19:24, Geoff McLane wrote:
  Maybe, as you have suggested, this is over kill,
  setting BOTH SIMGEAR_DIR in the environment,
  AND passing SIMGEAR_INCLUDE_DIR to cmake, 
  and when I feel comfortable, I will eliminate 
  one or the other for further testing...
  BUT now I have reached another wall... 
  fgjs will not link ;=((
 I think all these problems are related. I would suggest: 
 - use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to get FindSimGear working.
 - don't set SIMGEAR_DIR,  at all - it's simply not required once the prefix 
 is set
 - don't set the variables which FindSimGear is supposed to set (VERSION_OK, 
 etc), because you're only setting *some* of them, and hence your linker error 
 in fgjs.
 Referring to your script, I'd make the following changes:
 - the ':PATH' here looks suspicious to me
 I think it only needs
 - omit the 'ADDSGVOK' and 'ADDSGDIRS' pieces, which are defeating the 
 FindSimGear module, and hence breaking your link commands 
 - omit the OSG_DIR / SIMGEAR_DIR setting completely
 - set prefix path roughly like this:
 Depending on what level of quote escaping is going on, you might need to 
 quote that argument, but I'm not enough of a shell guru to be sure. You need 
 the embedded semi-colon to be passed to cmake, though, not interpreted by 
 Hope this helps!

Hi James,

Re: In Ubuntu linux, using script

Well yes, and no ;=))

Adding 2 paths, SG and OSG to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH FAILED
to find the OSG libraries, but as you point out maybe 
I got something wrong with the escaped quotes...

But what did work was a separation into 2 :-

The full compile link completed, and I was flying in 
under 15 mins...

Just for good measure I also did a fresh clone, and it too 
compiled fine...

The updated script has replaced the previous at -

And when I have time will go back and try to also 
tidy up, and simplify the SimGear build...

Re: In Windows (XP WIN32) - using CMake GUI

Unfortunately, here not so good ;=(( for building 
FG. SG was not too bad...

As mentioned, I had to add two options, 
PTW32_STATIC_LIB, to use pthreads (for Win32)
static, and OSG_LIBRARY_STATIC, to use all 
static OSG libraries...

After lots and lots of fiddling, changing things in 
the GUI, this way, then that way, was ONLY able to get 
a set of MSVC build files generated was by 'cheating',

I 'know' this is NOT GOOD, but without it could 
NOT convince CMake to even generate files...

AND, perhaps as a consequence, of course the MSVC 
build files were very incomplete, in that, for the 
FlightGear build NO OSG nor SG libraries had been 
added for the link...

And in fact there is no way to even give the various 
plug-in (static) libraries at all, but that is 
another issue...

However, after manually 'fixing' each of the 
build files, I did manage to get it all linked ;=()

But of course those 'fixed' build files are over 
written each time you run the GUI and do a 
new generation...

And do not yet quite understand why each core 
SimGear library is the subject of three variables, 
like say


Yes, in Windows we do need a Release and a Debug, 
separated, but what is this 1st item?

Taking a clue from say the PLIB libraries,
it seems this 1st should be filled in, in the 
form -
PLIB_UL_LIBRARY = optimized;path/to/rel;debug;path/to/dbg

Presently for SG items have only filled in the Rel and 
Dbg items, which is already a BIG effort, but 
will try also filling it in like the PLIB 
items, since I recently found that one can 
manually 'fix' the build\CMakeCache.txt file...

So this can be done faster in a good editor, 
than trying to fiddle in the GUI...

Maybe when I do ALL this configuring things 
will work out better, and I can remove the 

Anyway presently quite exhausted from this 
Windows effort ;=() 

At present it seems we are asking the Windows 
user to do a tremendous amount of configuration 
work BEFORE they can get into building...

As always, appreciate any thought on this 
windows side of things... maybe I am doing 
something real wrong ;=()


The demand for IT networking professionals continues to grow, and the
demand for specialized networking skills is growing even more rapidly.

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-28 Thread Alan Teeder

I hope James listens to you, I have been studiously ignored.


-Original Message- 
From: Geoff McLane 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 7:20 PM 
To: FlightGear developers discussions 
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd) 

Re: In Windows (XP WIN32) - using CMake GUI

Unfortunately, here not so good ;=(( for building 
FG. SG was not too bad...

As mentioned, I had to add two options, 
PTW32_STATIC_LIB, to use pthreads (for Win32)
static, and OSG_LIBRARY_STATIC, to use all 
static OSG libraries...

After lots and lots of fiddling, changing things in 
the GUI, this way, then that way, was ONLY able to get 
a set of MSVC build files generated was by 'cheating',

I 'know' this is NOT GOOD, but without it could 
NOT convince CMake to even generate files...

AND, perhaps as a consequence, of course the MSVC 
build files were very incomplete, in that, for the 
FlightGear build NO OSG nor SG libraries had been 
added for the link...

And in fact there is no way to even give the various 
plug-in (static) libraries at all, but that is 
another issue...

However, after manually 'fixing' each of the 
build files, I did manage to get it all linked ;=()

But of course those 'fixed' build files are over 
written each time you run the GUI and do a 
new generation...

And do not yet quite understand why each core 
SimGear library is the subject of three variables, 
like say


Yes, in Windows we do need a Release and a Debug, 
separated, but what is this 1st item?

Taking a clue from say the PLIB libraries,
it seems this 1st should be filled in, in the 
form -
PLIB_UL_LIBRARY = optimized;path/to/rel;debug;path/to/dbg

Presently for SG items have only filled in the Rel and 
Dbg items, which is already a BIG effort, but 
will try also filling it in like the PLIB 
items, since I recently found that one can 
manually 'fix' the build\CMakeCache.txt file...

So this can be done faster in a good editor, 
than trying to fiddle in the GUI...

Maybe when I do ALL this configuring things 
will work out better, and I can remove the 

Anyway presently quite exhausted from this 
Windows effort ;=() 

At present it seems we are asking the Windows 
user to do a tremendous amount of configuration 
work BEFORE they can get into building...

As always, appreciate any thought on this 
windows side of things... maybe I am doing 
something real wrong ;=()


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-26 Thread Geoff McLane
On Tue, 2011-10-25 at 18:47 +0100, James Turner wrote:
 On 25 Oct 2011, at 15:20, Geoff McLane wrote:
  need to see the arguments / environment 
  passed to CMake, to understand why.
  But in each case I have explicitly given you 
  the exact exports and cmake commands used... 
  What more do you need?
 The problem is you've confused me, with all the discussion :) So it would 
 help, to be able to see exactly the commands, all of them, in one place - 
 maybe upload your scripts to someplace? Then I can get an overview of what 
 you're doing.

Hi James,

This problem was happening in BOTH Ubuntu linux, 
and in XP WIN32...

BUT at least in Ubuntu, I think some of the problem 
was that I was NOT deleting the CMakeCache.txt file 
each time I modified the script for another try...

Remember the abort I was getting was :-
  Could NOT find SimGear (missing: SIMGEAR_VERSION_OK)

Now I seem to have found a combination that works -
(a) Setting the environment -
makefg: Done export SIMGEAR_DIR=/media/Disk2/FG/fg17/install/simgear
makefg: Will do 'cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
-D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/media/Disk2/FG/fg17/install/fgfs \
-D SIMGEAR_LIBRARIES=/media/Disk2/FG/fg17/install/simgear/lib \
-D SIMGEAR_INCLUDE_DIR=/media/Disk2/FG/fg17/install/simgear/include\

Maybe, as you have suggested, this is over kill,
setting BOTH SIMGEAR_DIR in the environment,
AND passing SIMGEAR_INCLUDE_DIR to cmake, 
and when I feel comfortable, I will eliminate 
one or the other for further testing...

BUT now I have reached another wall... 
fgjs will not link ;=((

Linking CXX executable fgjs
cd /media/Disk2/FG/fg17/fgfs/source/src/Input  /usr/bin/cmake -E
cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/fgjs.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/usr/bin/c++   -O3 -Wall  -D_REENTRANT -O3 -DNDEBUG
CMakeFiles/fgjs.dir/fgjs.cxx.o CMakeFiles/fgjs.dir/jsinput.cxx.o
CMakeFiles/fgjs.dir/jssuper.cxx.o  -o fgjs -rdynamic -Wl,-Bstatic
-lplibpuaux -lplibjs -lplibfnt -lplibssg -lplibsg -lplibpu -lplibul
CMakeFiles/fgjs.dir/fgjs.cxx.o: In function
`fgScanForOption(std::basic_stringchar, std::char_traitschar,
std::allocatorchar  const, std::basic_stringchar,
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar  const)':
fgjs.cxx:(.text+0x12b): undefined reference to
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar  const,
fgjs.cxx:(.text+0x13c): undefined reference to
fgjs.cxx:(.text+0x142): undefined reference to `logbuf::logClass'
fgjs.cxx:(.text+0x15f): undefined reference to
`skipcomment(std::basic_istreamchar, std::char_traitschar )'
fgjs.cxx:(.text+0x21f): undefined reference to
`skipcomment(std::basic_istreamchar, std::char_traitschar )'
fgjs.cxx:(.text+0x295): undefined reference to `gzfilebuf::~gzfilebuf()'
fgjs.cxx:(.text+0x2ca): undefined reference to `logbuf::logPriority'

This is missing SG gzip and logbuf, and can NOT see 
ANY SG libraries in the link, like -lsgdebug, 
etc...very puzzling???

Maybe this is related to EVENT_INPUT which 
defaults ON for APPLE, but has a comment 
for linux -
# disabled while DBus / HAL / udev issues are decided
and later
Set to ON to build FlightGear with event-based Input support 
but maybe this has nothing to do with it...

Anyway, out of time for exploration tonight, 
but look forward to any suggestions for 
continuing tomorrow...

As mentioned I am trying to update my script to 
use CMake... The previous versions of the script are 
published here - 

BUT because this 'cmake' version 1.3.5 is 
not yet fully tested, and sometimes failing, 
I have not yet published it on that page, but a 
copy of it is here for testing :- 


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-25 Thread Adrian Musceac
On Monday, October 24, 2011 16:53:23 James Turner wrote:
 Mathias' suggestion also works, BTW - specify CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, with one
 (or several) paths to search - I tested that this morning and updated the
 As you guessed, manually setting the the detection variables
 (SIMGEAR_VERSION_OK, etc) is a bad idea, unless you set *all* the
 generated variables correctly - not impossible, but a lot of work. The
 error you report looks like it's happening because the detection script
 has got confused, but I need to see the arguments / environment passed to
 CMake, to understand why.

Hi James, and thanks for updating the readme. I may be blind or just stupid, 
but I can't find a way of setting CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in KDevelop that works. 
Adding it to environment variables does not do anything, and cmake fails to 
find the libraries. Do you, or anybody else, know how to get KDevelop to use 
custom paths the way cmake does with
I'm using KDevelop 4.01 on Debian Squeeze.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-25 Thread James Turner

On 25 Oct 2011, at 09:39, Adrian Musceac wrote:

 Hi James, and thanks for updating the readme. I may be blind or just stupid, 
 but I can't find a way of setting CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in KDevelop that works. 
 Adding it to environment variables does not do anything, and cmake fails to 
 find the libraries. Do you, or anybody else, know how to get KDevelop to use 
 custom paths the way cmake does with
 I'm using KDevelop 4.01 on Debian Squeeze.

It's a cmake variable, not an environment one, so I guess all I can really say 
is 'set it the same way you pass any other variable to cmake in Kdevelop' - but 
that's not much help, I appreciate!

Note from the command line, you must not include a space between the -D and the 
cmake variable name, i.e I need to do:

cmake ../source/dir -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/one;/path/two

(the quotes are necessary if specifying multiple paths for me, otherwise bash 
treats the semi-colon as a command separator - depending on how Kdevelop 
invokes cmake, that may or may not be necessary for you)


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-25 Thread Geoff McLane
On Mon, 2011-10-24 at 14:53 +0100, James Turner wrote:
 On 24 Oct 2011, at 13:17, Geoff McLane wrote:
  In my case I like to be able to compile 
  against different versions of say OSG - like -
  OSG301=1# stable release 3.0.1 - default
  OSG283=0# general release 283 - option
  OSG299=0# another development release
  OSGTRUNK=0  # option, for 'trunk' version
  I have yet to try the idea from Mathius, using 
  a semi-colon set of paths, maybe replacing some 
  or all the 'export' items, like -
  -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/osg;/path/to/simgear;...
  - this seems a good idea to try... maybe cmake 
  will like it ;=))
 Okay, *but*, for your own sanity, you need to keep the Simgear-built-against 
 each of these separate too (anf FlightGear). By all means install each OSG 
 somewhere special, but then you need to build FG and SG against the same 
 version - so you may as well share a prefix for that build config (this is 
 what Jenkins does to build trunk OSG vs stable)
 Put it another way - you need to reconfigure and rebuild SG  FG entirely, 
 when switching OSG version, so I don't see any problem with installing to the 
 prefix for that OSG build too.
 I'd do:
   mkdir osg-build-301
   cd osg-build-301
   cmake ../path/to/osg-301-source 
   make install
   cd ..
   mkdir sg-build-with-osg-301
   cd sg-build-with-osg-301
   cmake ../path/to/simgear 
   make install
   cd ..
 ... and repeat once more for FlightGear
 Mathias' suggestion also works, BTW - specify CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, with one (or 
 several) paths to search - I tested that this morning and updated the README. 
 As you guessed, manually setting the the detection variables 
 (SIMGEAR_VERSION_OK, etc) is a bad idea, unless you set *all* the generated 
 variables correctly - not impossible, but a lot of work. The error you report 
 looks like it's happening because the detection script has got confused, but 
 I need to see the arguments / environment passed to CMake, to understand why.
Hi James, 

As always thank you for your input...

Yes, I hear you, and understand to use 
different versions of OSG, you need 
to redo both SG and FG at the same time...

I do all of this using my 'makefg' script, 
so such a feat is as easy as pie ;=)) -

.../fg16$ makefg OSG301 FGCLEAN SGCLEAN
.../fg16$ mv install/fgfs install/fgfs-301
.../fg16$ mv
.../fg16$ edit to add '-301'

.../fg16$ makefg OSG283 FGCLEAN SGCLEAN
.../fg16$ mv install/fgfs install/fgfs-283
.../fg16$ mv
.../fg16$ edit to add '-283'

.../fg16$ makefg OSG299 FGCLEAN SGCLEAN

Then I can run the versions via the run_fgfs-ver 
scripts, side-by-side if desired... real 
simple... no problem...

And all this noise is only about getting that 
script exactly 'right' to now use cmake, 
as it did previously with automake... and I am 
willing to take the time ;=))

 need to see the arguments / environment 
 passed to CMake, to understand why.
But in each case I have explicitly given you 
the exact exports and cmake commands used... 

What more do you need?

Anyway, as mentioned, have moved onto doing 
the same SG/FG/TG update in my XP WIN32, since 
there the powerful source view debugger will 
allow me to trace easily into say a tile load... 

But have already encountered a problem or 2 
which you may be able to help with...

I am sure I will be able to HELP enhance and 
maintain the cmake files as I gain more 

But the problems at the moment are that it 

1. can NOT compile sgsound due to NOT finding 

The GUI asks for the OPENAL_LIBRARY, which in 
my case is - 
C:\Program Files\OpenAL 1.1 SDK\libs\Win32\OpenAL32.lib

But for some reason it does NOT ask for an 
OPENAL_INCLUDE, which of course would be -
C:\Program Files\OpenAL 1.1 SDK\include

Like it does for multiple OSG, and JPEG, 
ZLIB, etc...

And that additional path needs to be added to 
the additional paths when building this 
particular library, but it does not matter 
if it is added to ALL builds...

Of course I can manually fix this in the 
MSVC IDE, *OR* I could COPY AL/al.h to the 
'3rdparty/include' I am using, that already 
contains many other of the 3rd party 

But the 'correct' fix would be for the 
CMake GUI ask where to find it... 

How can I do this?

2. It fails on linking  test_binobj, 
Configuration Debug, with link error 
LNK2005: LIBCMT.lib conflicts with LIBCMTD.lib...

But this does not make sense. It is building 
the Debug configuration, so why has it linked 
also with the NON-Debug version...

AH HA! There it is - cmake is linking 
with all the correct Debug SG libraries, 
like sgiod.lib, note the added 'd', but 
makes a MISTAKE with 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-25 Thread James Turner

On 25 Oct 2011, at 15:20, Geoff McLane wrote:
 need to see the arguments / environment 
 passed to CMake, to understand why.
 But in each case I have explicitly given you 
 the exact exports and cmake commands used... 
 What more do you need?

The problem is you've confused me, with all the discussion :) So it would help, 
to be able to see exactly the commands, all of them, in one place - maybe 
upload your scripts to someplace? Then I can get an overview of what you're 

 1. can NOT compile sgsound due to NOT finding 
 Of course I can manually fix this in the 
 MSVC IDE, *OR* I could COPY AL/al.h to the 
 '3rdparty/include' I am using, that already 
 contains many other of the 3rd party 
 But the 'correct' fix would be for the 
 CMake GUI ask where to find it... 
 How can I do this?

Seems like a bug in the FindOpenAL module (we use the standard CMake one) - 
might need to report it upstream. We can fork the script locally, and add 
support, but I wonder why other Windows users didn't report this. Maybe they 
all use Fred's standard dependencies package?

 2. It fails on linking  test_binobj, 
 Configuration Debug, with link error 
 LNK2005: LIBCMT.lib conflicts with LIBCMTD.lib...
 But this does not make sense. It is building 
 the Debug configuration, so why has it linked 
 also with the NON-Debug version...
 Why did it NOT apply that rule in this 
 case? Is there something I can change in 
 the CMakeLists.txt files to make this 

The problem is library detection, not generation (so changing the postifx won't 
help - it only affects the libraries that are produced). Again it may be an 
issue with the FindZLib module on Windows - I don't run Windows so not really 
able to say. On Unix, CMake will use both the debug and release versions if it 
finds them, otherwise it will use the release (no suffix) version for 
everything. That's fine on Unix, but obviously not on Windows, since the 
runtimes clash as you described. 

 3. Question of library output directory
 But at present it is outputting the libraries to
 Ideally I would 'like' it to output them all to 
 C:/FG/30/3rdparty/lib/sgiod.lib and
 That is the whole purpose of using this 'd' 
 for the Debug, to keep the names separate...
 thus do NOT want them placed in 
 So again, do you know of a way to 'teach' 
 cmake this little trick ;=))

Can't you just run 'make install'? The build locations are correct, if you want 
them to end up in their final home, you need to actually perform the install 
step. Assuming I understand what you're trying to achieve.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-24 Thread Alan Teeder

I see the same problem with windows cmake gui.
My solution was to define SIMGEAR_VERSION_OK as boolean true in the 
flightgear cmake.
This seems to bypass the bug and satisfy cmake.


-Original Message- 
From: Geoff McLane
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 6:47 PM
To: FlightGear developers discussions
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

Hi All,

HELP needed ;=((

Trying to compile the latest FG git, updated just hours
ago, in Ubuntu 10.04, using CMake...


CMake Error
at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:70
  Could NOT find SimGear (missing: SIMGEAR_VERSION_OK)
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeModules/FindSimGear.cmake:217 (FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS)
  CMakeLists.txt:187 (find_package)

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-24 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi James,

Thanks for your reply, and from Mathius and

 Does that help at all?

Well, there is no doubt I could 'simplify' the 
situation by NOT appending an extra path items 
after 'install', but I should not have to!

If I wanted such a 'simple' single install path, 
why not install those items to /usr/include or 
/usr/local/include, and /usr/lib or 
/usr/local/lib... and be done with it!

But this implies you are ONLY going to have 
say ONE version of say OSG, or simgear 
installed, always building against it...

In my case I like to be able to compile 
against different versions of say OSG - like -

OSG301=1# stable release 3.0.1 - default
OSG283=0# general release 283 - option
OSG299=0# another development release
OSGTRUNK=0  # option, for 'trunk' version

I have yet to try the idea from Mathius, using 
a semi-colon set of paths, maybe replacing some 
or all the 'export' items, like -
 -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/osg;/path/to/simgear;...
- this seems a good idea to try... maybe cmake 
will like it ;=))

And I also like your idea of building OUTSIDE 
the source tree... Will also get around to giving 
that a try...

As to adding CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE, I certainly 
like to see exactly WHAT is being passed to 
gcc, so will always keep this...

And I know in the 'Release' build the 
LIB_POSTFIX is not required, since it already 
defaults to 'nothing', but should do no harm 
to add it...

But the idea from Alan, in Windows, which I think 
is sort of 'cheating' ;=)) and that is to add a 
got me through the cmake configure step, but 
with some VERY ominous warnings from cmake, 
which does not look good for the final links -

-- Configuring done
WARNING: Target fgfs requests linking to directory
/home/geoff/fg/fg16/install/simgear/lib.  Targets may link only to
libraries.  CMake is dropping the item.
WARNING: Target metar requests linking to directory
/home/geoff/fg/fg16/install/simgear/lib.  Targets may link only to
libraries.  CMake is dropping the item.
WARNING: Target fgviewer requests linking to directory
/home/geoff/fg/fg16/install/simgear/lib.  Targets may link only to
libraries.  CMake is dropping the item.
-- Generating done

But ignoring those, the build still FAILED on the first 
compile for another reason -

[  0%] Building CXX object
cd /home/geoff/fg/fg16/fgfs/source/src/Airports  /usr/bin/c++  \
-I/home/geoff/fg/fg16/install/OSG301/include -I/usr/include/AL \
-I/home/geoff/fg/fg16/install/simgear/include/simgear \
-I/home/geoff/fg/fg16/fgfs/source/src \
-I/home/geoff/fg/fg16/fgfs/source/src/Include \
-I/home/geoff/fg/fg16/fgfs/source \
-o CMakeFiles/fgAirports.dir/apt_loader.cxx.o -c \
In file included
from /home/geoff/fg/fg16/fgfs/source/src/Airports/apt_loader.cxx:29:
error: simgear/compiler.h: No such file or directory
error: simgear/constants.h: No such file or directory
... etc, etc, etc

This shows cmake getting the simgear 'include' directory 
WRONG! It is adding 'simgear' to the end when it should 

I think that should be just

Having HIT this cmake barrier, I reverted to 
venerable automake, and FG built without problems ;=))

I will continue testing with CMake in Ubuntu, and 
will also give it a try in Windows, and thanks for 
all the effort in this regard, but I certainly 
do not feel it is quite the right time to fully 
dismantle the automake system ;=()

Simply, any new system adopted should -
(a) work in ALL cases, and 
(b) offer the SAME flexibility in the location of 
dependent library versions...

Of course I understand this may take some effort 
to work out the correct cmake commands, and am willing 
to continue to seek this, but it should be 
achievable ;=))

Any new, further ideas welcome... I will certainly 
give them a try...


On Sun, 2011-10-23 at 20:44 +0100, James Turner wrote:
 On 23 Oct 2011, at 18:47, Geoff McLane wrote:
  Sorry, what am I doing wrong?
 I'm not sure *exactly* what you're doing wrong, but in general I would say 
 you're over controlling things a little.
 I'm not clear why you are installing each component in a subdir of install - 
 that's making your life complicated. If you simply installed OSG to 
 (as CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX when configuring OSG)
 then assuming you have (from Git)
 you should simply need:
   cd /home/geoff/fg/fg16/
   mkdir fgbuild
   mkdir sgbuild
   cd sgbuild
   cmake ../simgear -D 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-24 Thread James Turner

On 24 Oct 2011, at 13:17, Geoff McLane wrote:

 In my case I like to be able to compile 
 against different versions of say OSG - like -
 OSG301=1# stable release 3.0.1 - default
 OSG283=0# general release 283 - option
 OSG299=0# another development release
 OSGTRUNK=0  # option, for 'trunk' version
 I have yet to try the idea from Mathius, using 
 a semi-colon set of paths, maybe replacing some 
 or all the 'export' items, like -
 -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/osg;/path/to/simgear;...
 - this seems a good idea to try... maybe cmake 
 will like it ;=))

Okay, *but*, for your own sanity, you need to keep the Simgear-built-against 
each of these separate too (anf FlightGear). By all means install each OSG 
somewhere special, but then you need to build FG and SG against the same 
version - so you may as well share a prefix for that build config (this is what 
Jenkins does to build trunk OSG vs stable)

Put it another way - you need to reconfigure and rebuild SG  FG entirely, when 
switching OSG version, so I don't see any problem with installing to the prefix 
for that OSG build too.

I'd do:
mkdir osg-build-301
cd osg-build-301
cmake ../path/to/osg-301-source 
make install
cd ..
mkdir sg-build-with-osg-301
cd sg-build-with-osg-301
cmake ../path/to/simgear 
make install
cd ..

... and repeat once more for FlightGear

Mathias' suggestion also works, BTW - specify CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, with one (or 
several) paths to search - I tested that this morning and updated the README. 

As you guessed, manually setting the the detection variables 
(SIMGEAR_VERSION_OK, etc) is a bad idea, unless you set *all* the generated 
variables correctly - not impossible, but a lot of work. The error you report 
looks like it's happening because the detection script has got confused, but I 
need to see the arguments / environment passed to CMake, to understand why.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-24 Thread Alan Teeder

-Original Message- 
From: James Turner
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 2:53 PM
To: FlightGear developers discussions
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

As you guessed, manually setting the the detection variables 
(SIMGEAR_VERSION_OK, etc) is a bad idea, unless you set *all* the generated 
variables correctly - not impossible, but a lot of work. The error you 
report looks like it's happening because the detection script has got 
confused, but I need to see the arguments / environment passed to CMake, to 
understand why.

James (if you are listening and I am not on your /dev/null list)

Yes I am well aware that forcing  SIMGEAR_VERSION_OK is bad practice, but in 
lieu of a proper fix it got my build process working.

With the MSVC project build system Windows users have had to generate their 
own version.h file from for some time now, so it was no 
surprise that Cmake had similar problems.

I can send you files from my flightgear/cmake setup if these help. Let me 
know which files you need.

I am still of the impression that Cmake is a backward step for Windows 
users. Perhaps you consider them unimportant, but flightgear is cross 
platform, and Windows is not an insignificant user base.

Previously all that was necessary was to open 
C:\flightgear\flightgear\projects\FlightGear.sln and MSVC did everything - 
building both simgear and flightgear  with one click of the button.

Now it is necessary to set up (and get acquainted with !) Cmake, run Cmake 
generate and Cmake configure, open simgear.sln with MSVC select all-build 
followed by build install, and then repeat the Cmake + MSVC process with 

Rant over. ;)


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-23 Thread Erik Hofman
On Sat, 2011-10-22 at 16:03 +0100, James Turner wrote:
 If there's lingering queries about Cmake, or requests on the 'best' way to 
 handle the transition, please let me know. Feedback on the README file would 
 be appreciated too, or even commits / patches to improve it!

CMake worked like a charm but I did notice that the special purpose
FDM's don't get included anymore. I believe I did see it mentioned in
the CMake configuration but leaving code out on a development system
might introduce a chance of bit-rot.
That said, I think some of the SP FDM's can be removed entirely since
they've been superseded.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-23 Thread James Turner

On 23 Oct 2011, at 09:31, Erik Hofman wrote:

 CMake worked like a charm but I did notice that the special purpose
 FDM's don't get included anymore. I believe I did see it mentioned in
 the CMake configuration but leaving code out on a development system
 might introduce a chance of bit-rot.
 That said, I think some of the SP FDM's can be removed entirely since
 they've been superseded.

The special purpose FDMs are disabled by default, it's one line to make them 
enabled by default of course!

Actually, one of my post CMake build plans, is to make all the FDMs switchable 
at build-time, partly because I'm sick of all the compiler warnings from the 
UIUC / larcsim code, but also because at some point in the future we want the 
FDMs to be more 'modular' to the rest of FG - eg in their own thread or 
HLA-process, potentially. Knowing that the code builds cleanly with, for 
example, *just* the Null/UFO FDM selected would be interesting.

Obviously I will keep the defaults for those to match the current expectations 
(well, maybe Larcsim could be off by default? Does anyone ever use it?)

But you've convinced it's a good idea to have a Jenkins build, which has all 
the FDMs enabled, to avoid bit-rot in the special ones!

Thanks for your feedback,

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-23 Thread Erik Hofman
On Sun, 2011-10-23 at 09:44 +0100, James Turner wrote:
 The special purpose FDMs are disabled by default, it's one line to make them 
 enabled by default of course!
 Actually, one of my post CMake build plans, is to make all the FDMs 
 switchable at build-time, partly because I'm sick of all the compiler 
 warnings from the UIUC / larcsim code, but also because at some point in the 
 future we want the FDMs to be more 'modular' to the rest of FG - eg in their 
 own thread or HLA-process, potentially. Knowing that the code builds cleanly 
 with, for example, *just* the Null/UFO FDM selected would be interesting.

We had been thinking about that in the past but with the lack of a build
server we decided that leaving them all in was the safest option.
 Obviously I will keep the defaults for those to match the current 
 expectations (well, maybe Larcsim could be off by default? Does anyone ever 
 use it?)

I believe UIUC uses LaRCsim. I agree the UIUC code is becoming a problem
since they used to develop in in house and dump a bunch of code in the
FlightGear tree when there was still development in that area. I must
admit I don't have a clue if we even are allowed to change or fix the
UIUC code, and if there is a chance changes get overwritten when they
decide to push another round of updates...

 But you've convinced it's a good idea to have a Jenkins build, which has all 
 the FDMs enabled, to avoid bit-rot in the special ones!

Ah great.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-23 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi All,

HELP needed ;=((

Trying to compile the latest FG git, updated just hours 
ago, in Ubuntu 10.04, using CMake...

First tried -
.../source$ export OSG_DIR=/home/geoff/fg/fg16/install/OSG301
.../source$ cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-O3 \
-D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/home/geoff/fg/fg16/install/fgfs \
-D SIMGEAR_LIBRARIES=/home/geoff/fg/fg16/install/simgear/lib \
-D SIMGEAR_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/geoff/fg/fg16/install/simgear/include .

Then tried -
../source$ export OSG_DIR=/home/geoff/fg/fg16/install/OSG301
../source$ export SIMGEAR_DIR=/home/geoff/fg/fg16/install/simgear
../source$ cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-O3 \
-D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/home/geoff/fg/fg16/install/fgfs \

And tried both the export AND setting SIMGEAR_INCLUDE_DIR...
of course this is all in my makefg script, which I am trying 
to update to use CMake...

But the cmake runs ended in -
-- Git revision is 2bc5604797a55278c1a8fe51a1cc8d0bfe36675e
-- libsvn found, enabling in terrasync
-- /usr/include
-- adding runtime JS dependencies
-- /home/geoff/fg/fg16/install/simgear/include
-- looking for version: 2.5.0
CMake Error
at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:70
  Could NOT find SimGear (missing: SIMGEAR_VERSION_OK)
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeModules/FindSimGear.cmake:217 (FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS)
  CMakeLists.txt:187 (find_package)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

The directory /home/geoff/fg/fg16/install/simgear/include contains 
drwxr-xr-x 21 geoff geoff 4096 2011-10-23 18:41 simgear
and that was from a successful build of SG git using cmake a 
little time before...

That directory in turn contains, among other things, -
-rw-r--r-- 1 geoff geoff   29 2011-10-23 18:40 version.h
with the value
#define SIMGEAR_VERSION 2.5.0

And the file I think it is searching for, simgear/math/SGMath.hxx,
is certainly there -
-rw-r--r-- 1 geoff geoff 1495 2011-09-07 15:57 \

As can be see, I am using CMake version 2.8, actually 2.8.1

Sorry, what am I doing wrong?


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-23 Thread Mathias Fröhlich


On Sunday, October 23, 2011 21:44:53 James Turner wrote:
 I'm not sure *exactly* what you're doing wrong, but in general I would say
 you're over controlling things a little.
 I'm not clear why you are installing each component in a subdir of install
 - that's making your life complicated. If you simply installed OSG to

I for myself don't do that either, but if you do so - it seems not to be so 
uncommon - there was a recent mail that may help for you:



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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-22 Thread James Turner
Hello again,

Barring last-minute objections, I would like to declare CMake 'the' build 
system, from tomorrow onwards. Since my last email I've added a README.cmake to 
flightgear, and I'm working on ensuring the 'make dist' features of automake 
are replicated in CMake (via CPack) so when 2.6 time comes around, we don't 
have too many surprises.

My plan is to disable the automake builds on Jenkins tomorrow (Sunday), and 
then start removing the automake build machinery, and the projects/ 
subdirectory, from the simgear and flightgear source trees.

(I can create a Git tag prior to removing any files, if that's of interest?)

If there's lingering queries about Cmake, or requests on the 'best' way to 
handle the transition, please let me know. Feedback on the README file would be 
appreciated too, or even commits / patches to improve it!


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-22 Thread Curtis Olson
On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 10:03 AM, James Turner wrote:

 Hello again,

 Barring last-minute objections, I would like to declare CMake 'the' build
 system, from tomorrow onwards. Since my last email I've added a README.cmake
 to flightgear, and I'm working on ensuring the 'make dist' features of
 automake are replicated in CMake (via CPack) so when 2.6 time comes around,
 we don't have too many surprises.

 My plan is to disable the automake builds on Jenkins tomorrow (Sunday), and
 then start removing the automake build machinery, and the projects/
 subdirectory, from the simgear and flightgear source trees.

 (I can create a Git tag prior to removing any files, if that's of

 If there's lingering queries about Cmake, or requests on the 'best' way to
 handle the transition, please let me know. Feedback on the README file would
 be appreciated too, or even commits / patches to improve it!

It might be a bit extra work, but it would be good to take the source.tar.gz
files that cmake creates, unpack them in a new directory and just make sure
we can do a clean build from them.  This always seems to expose a file or
two, or a header that someone forgot to add to the so it never
got included in the source distribution.  (i.e. you could build from git
just fine, but things were missing in the source distribution.)  These are
usually easy to fix, but it's good to catch them earlier rather than later.


Curtis Olson: - -
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-22 Thread Alan Teeder

-Original Message- 
From: James Turner
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 4:03 PM
To: FlightGear developers discussions
Subject: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

If there's lingering queries about Cmake, or requests on the 'best' way to 
handle the transition, please let me know. Feedback on the README file would 
be appreciated too, or even commits / patches to improve it!


Already done for Windows Cmake gui. Did you miss it?


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake, tomorrow (Sunday 23rd)

2011-10-22 Thread James Turner

On 22 Oct 2011, at 16:09, Curtis Olson wrote:

 It might be a bit extra work, but it would be good to take the source.tar.gz 
 files that cmake creates, unpack them in a new directory and just make sure 
 we can do a clean build from them.  This always seems to expose a file or 
 two, or a header that someone forgot to add to so it never got 
 included in the source distribution.  (i.e. you could build from git just 
 fine, but things were missing in the source distribution.)  These are usually 
 easy to fix, but it's good to catch them earlier rather than later.

Will do!

Although, the CPack approach to this is rather different from automake - 
basically it packages *everything* in the source dir. I've added exclude rules 
for .git and .gitignore, but aside from that, everything from Git goes into the 
source tarball.

Is there anything else that ought to be excluded? I can't imagine what that 
might be, but suggestions welcome.


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