FLUXLIST: Re: FLUXLIST-digest V3 #10

2001-09-23 Thread jason pierce

I did, in fact, look at your sources.  Not exactly the most unbiased sources
of info on the middle east (yes, even Amnesty International!) in my opinion.
Noam Chomsky?! Oh the pain.  But of course I always take as gospel whatever
Ted Koppel says...

well for the sake of credibility why not humor us with some completely
unbiased reporting? you completely missed the point on ted koppel
as the U.S. media is decidedly pro zionist. one only need to look at
the major op eds on the matter (ex. George Will) to see an almost verbatim
rgurgitation of state policy. G. Will said something like all of the principle
enemies of Isreal are anti-semitic and there's not even 1 contrasting view
presented on the matter and for a major network newscaster to even ask
a difficult question of say Ehud Barak about Isreali policy in the occupied
territories is really RARE. common sense should tell us that at least there are
many difficult questions on the matter.

Look, I'm not going to argue with you.

yet you are doing just that

  I've been down this road before. Why
waste my time and the time of the Fluxlist folk?  Arguing with people like
you is like trying to argue with a drunk, there's no point.

just like there is no point in arguing with someone that doesn't
present anything besides arbitrary kneejerk responses. i'm dying
for you to present a credible statement.

 Clearly the
Palestinians (who are technically Jordanian)

whoa a zionist!!! now we are getting somewhereon what do you base this
claim?? the palestinians don't think they are jordinians.  only zionist
and the U.S. government thinks that, where as the rest of the world would
disagree. one only needs look at the record of U.N.  council
voting to acknowledge that. so you think that the palestinian
population should let zionist and the U.S. decide what they are?
that's incredible! now we are getting somewhere!

 stealing everyones lunch money.

no just demolishing homes, killing protesters, testricting access to water,
bombing Tunis with no credible pretext (did that happen or didn't it?), violating
international law,  etc. even the U.S. govt officials are starting to wince...
which is saying alot!!

Reading the accounts of people you haven't met is not really helpful.  I've
known many people (both Israeli AND Arab) who live, work, and survive in
that difficult terrain.  They would all find your opinions (and much of your
source material) dubious if not actually laughable.

i'm very interested in this, who would those people be? can i talk to them?

Here's a fact for you: Jews and Arabs are both Semitic peoples and see the
world somewhat differently then the West.

really? you mean the isreali jews, mostly immigrants from europe, see the world
differently than americans or europeans? that's interesting...how exactly
do they see it that is so different? zionist policy seem near identical to american
policy towards the native americans during the colonial days. anti westernization
is a pretty standard propaganda tool, Japan in WWII used anti westernization
to motivate a population to support an invasion of china!!! yet it's totally
a western kind of thing to do that!!! so it's just rhetoric, basically.

 Their values and methods of
communications are organized rather differently then those of Europe et al.
Perhaps the answer is to leave them to it and stop trying to inflict our
Western morals and values on two peoples who probably don't need the

inflict?!?!? you mean the U.S. should stop sending huge subsidies and military aid
to isreal (1/3 of U.S foriegn military aid goes to isreal)? i quite agree!!! that would
be absolutely great. we could examine the distinct correlation between U.S. military 
and state violence by oppressive regimes, but i don't want to bring central and south 
into it. we would be getting somewhere though..

But the real solution, of course, is to air-condition and carpet the entire
region, then watch the tensions melt.

i didn't say anything that even remotely resembles that, so you're sarcasm
is quite confusing. i don't know who you are flailing at...so please clarify!


FLUXLIST: re badgergirl

2001-09-22 Thread jason pierce

  And what's more wearisome still is using this situation
to propagate anti-Israeli sentiment among the under educated and
ill-informed.  Speaking of which, I'm very curious as to the sources of your
FACTs.  There are many ways to spin a  piece of info, friend, (but clearly
you already have this talent).

i posted the sources of my facts..clearly you didn't even read them
i will post some more even though you posted no facts to dispute
anything i said.

To refer to Israel's policies (of which you seem to know very little) as
ethnic cleansing, state terrorism, and apartheid (for god's sake!) is
reactionary and rabble rousing in the extreme.

jeez even Ted Koppel has questioned isreali policy in the occupied territories
where have you been the past 35 odd years?

fair enough i will give examples of each situation

apartheid: currently under isreali law it is illegal for palestinians
even ones that are also isreali citizens (and i use that term loosely
because they're not allowed to vote, so maybe second class citizens
is a more accurate term) and currently living in isreal
to own land or own a business. in terms of isreali law palestinians are
not even human. in violation of UN 242 in the occupied territories
palestinian arabs are resticted access to the majority of roads, making it
difficult for the palestinian inhabitants to even obtain water.

for your amusement i will provide some interesting quotes:

 There is no other way than to transfer the Arabs from here
  to neighboring countries, not one village, not one tribe should be left (Joseph 
Weitz, 1940).
there is not such thing as Palestinians; they never existed (Golda Meir, 1969)

We shall reduce the Arab population to a community of
  woodcutters and waiters. (David Ben Gurion).

Zionist colonization must either be terminated or carried out against the wishes of 
the native population.. It is important to speak Hebrew, but it is even more
  important to be able to shoot - or else I am through at playing with colonizing 
(Vladimir Jabotinsky, 1939).
and this one i think sums it up best

In Jerusalem, land expropriation, ID confiscations, home demolitions, withholding of 
building permits, and the importation of settler colonies within and around
  the city have become constant elements of Israel's demographic engineering 
through ethnic cleansing. Hanan Ashrawi, pretty much confirmed in reports by amnesty 

Note: Ashrawi is the only palestinian i have quoted the rest are from various
govt zionist officials

a good article with some interesting facts:


2001 amnesty international report on isreal in the occupied territories:


2000 amnesty international report:


1999 report


these are the only amnesty reports i could find on the web

several articles, with many facts.

even more facts

STATE TERRORISM: always called retaliation ... initially contrary to popular
belief isreal wias infact the one who introduced terrorism to the middle east. the 
incidents of the highjacking of planes and so forth was done by the isreali military 
during the first
arab isreali war. the isreali military highjacked civilian palestinian airplanes to 
trade for
soldiers captured during the war. a speciic example of state terrorism in 1985:

the sequence is as follows: first came a PLO attack in Lanarca, Cyprus, where 3 
where killed. The killers were immediately caught and placed on trial; they're now in 
About a week later came the isreali bombing of Tunis in which, according to isreali
correspondants, about 75 people where killed , 20 Tunisians, 55 palestinians,
mostly civilians...
[Chomsky, Chronicles of Dissent page 58]

chomsky goes on to say and i'll just paraphrase, that the origionl lanarca attack was
called retaliation for oft suppressed fact, for the isreali navy was using agents 
based in cyprus
that were high jacking boatsisreali agants highjacking boats. all of that is fine 
well EXCEPT the bombing of Tunis by ISREAL wasn't directed against the people
who carried out the terrorist attack..ISREAL even conceded that the people they 
an easy target. when the people that did the attack probably came from Syria, but Syria
can fight back. so isreal didn't retaliate against syria it bombed a defenseless 
that's the way it's done.of course with FULL U.S. COMPLICITY.

and that's pretty typical, the norm, the status quo,  definate state terrorism

the origion of the word terrorism and i'm refering to the same article by noam 

FLUXLIST: fluxism as anti state terrorism

2001-09-17 Thread jason pierce

the situation of terrorism is much more complicated than the view presented
in U.S. and Isreali state policy. Any view of terrorism has to include the 
situations that feul it. One view of the socalled 'terrorist is that it's a last
ditch means of resistance for a humiliated and oppressed people. Fact: prior
to the gulf war Hussein was comitting his worst atrocities against the Iraqi
people (for ex. the gassing of the kurds) largely with U.S. supportat the
time he was the U.S's kind of guy. since the gulf war the U.S.  has stead-
fastly refused to give ant sort of assistance to any any anti Hussein elements.
while at the same time enforcing policies like economic sanction that only
commit itense harm against the iraqi people which only reinforces Husseins
power over the region. FACT: the U.S. fully supports Isreal in their policies
of state terrorism, ethnic cleansing, aparthied etc. even to the extent where
the leaders of the palestinian resistance are gun downed with sophisticated U.S
helicopters and other weapons. FACT: the islamic jihad and HAMAS in palestine was 
by the isreali government to discredit the secular palestinian authority.
which fortunately backfired as it's forced Isreal to negotiate with the palestinian
authority. Essentially meaning isreal wanted terrorism and subsequently got
much more than they bargained for. FACT the majority of the countries in
rhe region are U.S. client states (isreal egypt, saudi arabia, formerly iraq and iran)
client state meaning subordinate to U.S interests. a situation where the U.S.
can control and exploit the engery rich resouces of that region. which hardly
benefits the arab people...but that goes without saying. FACT U.S mid east
policy much like the drug war in central and south america has done nothing
but supply a not incosiderable amount of fuel for the fire in respect to
islamic militants. the Taliban is the perfect example. without these policies
islamic militants would be hard pressed to find any support among the arab population.
meanig theses policies are pushing arab citizens away from demacratic elements
that support diplomatic solutions and support self determination like the
 palestinian authority and towards militant fundamentalist factions. very
 simply the U.S. and Isreal wanted  terrorism and subsequently got it.
 and now the government is using the WTC attacks to manipulate the american
 population into supporting an escalation of the same policies that bred terrorism
 in the first place. The rhetoric is hardly even disguised as bush speaks of nothing
 but winning as if it were a football game. That's exactly what it's becoming a 
where the U.S condems all terrorist acts EXCEPT ITS OWN, simply only
when it's convienant for them to do and they have been doing this for years.

~jason pierce

some good links for accurate information


FLUXLIST: subtitled

2001-09-09 Thread jason pierce

the Twelve Fate Game is now subtitled in mandarin



FLUXLIST: Penchant Transgression [roughly 152 Bennett poems since oct 24th]

2001-07-23 Thread jason pierce

1 [sic]

2 and these mowers [automaton]

3 The sky is an immortal tent built by  [marked by fast and nervous]
4 the Spectre and its cruel Shadow. [that are related to the squirls]
5 As to that false appearance which appears (more codons that are genetic nonsense]
6 Moving by compulsion each other, [considered a mulberry]
7 reasonings like vast serpents [a panic grass]
8 bruising my minute To measure time [connecting areas of equal rainfall]
9 The red globule is the  iron scourges sun [such that size reations remain constant]
10 Wheel within revolve their terrors hang [of or relating to plants that are legumes]
11 false appearance which appears minute articulations. [congregational autonomy]
12 As of a globe rolling through  delusion [an expanse of standing water]
13 The ratio of the spectator's organs Infold [a serotonin antagonist]
14 tinging morning with beams crook'd sickle [a vigorous english dance]
15 dominion is rent burnt for fuel; [a fashionable assemblage of notables]
16 Shall this marble built Necker Geneva [Lily of the valley]
17 o'ergrown with distress  I strove to seize the inmost form [:PERFIDIOUS]
18 Stretch the hand that beckons vacuum [inferior remnant or offshoot]
19 With ardor fierce and shoals of flame, [widely disseminated with no discernable 
20 From the deep and the solid , lacerating with knives [having a chorus representing 
21 for the tempest must fall It is Urizen [indefinate in history or tradition]
22 weeping in his burning robe, Daughters [required to bring about a given effect]
23 thy starry hosts round this Unseen [advocates the payment of tithes] 
24 then turning to Burgundy, troubled: cisterns [being an embryonic precursor]
25 a shadow of horror is risen presses the human grapes [indiscriminate liquefaction]
26 the black winds of perturbation. and the deadly sport [control over resources]
27 The daughters of the Seraphim plates and screws and racks [piously or 
hypocritically solemn]
28 To fade away like transient day  from her shadows bow [
29 reclin'd upon his airy throne  [usu. incongruous in style, treatment, or subject 
30 view'd the Worm upon its dewy bed [a globose fruit of many wood carpels]
31 Another England there I saw, whips their victims [an organized massacre of helpless 
32 But burst the Crystal Cabinet ceaseless fires [an extensively bad or shocking 

33 death sweat of the cluster cords Rivets my tenfold chains [and are used as 
34 A quiver with its burning stores cups of iron [: INFLATED]
35 anon a Serpent folding  the nameless female stood; [syn see ELASTIC]




FLUXLIST: missing [addendum]

2001-07-23 Thread jason pierce

if you will note on line 28 of my poem there appears to be a missing
addendum.or one that appears to be not included. it was not intentional.
knowing what sticklers you guys are for addendums i will provide
it now with my most humble apologies

28 To fade away like transient day from her shadows bow [precursor to indoctrinated 
textile worship]


FLUXLIST: The victorian age: [germanic marsupial addendum]

2001-06-26 Thread jason pierce


trap poor [fehlerhaft automaton]

Thy transgressions, great and small. [Vermin` derung]
I wandered through each chartered street, [zerstruet`]
Every blackening church appals, [menthol metaphysik]
Has bereaved of their life. [lilliputa`ner milizen]
craving wind attend each night [abhoren eideche nein ein marsupial]
My emanation far within tempests [reiseroute kanguruh`]
And with cold  down palace-walls. [vermeid`lich junggeselle]
Crown with wine wintry hail and rain. [bana`nen nicht auf marsupial]
The mind-forged manacles Seven of my [es der frisch frucht]
Their marble tombs I built youthful harlot's curse [der possum veri`ckein]
Marks of weakness incessantly [klammern von der haupt wiesel]
plagues the marriage-hearse  scents  [mangel leiden klarstellung]


FLUXLIST: resistance is futile with fresh fruit addendum

2001-06-24 Thread jason pierce

lichtomorph [cumquats]

me likey sue likey, tedious [granny smith apples]
akhenaten no new, no knew [fruit salad]
coup de tete` coup de chapel [insert your own with respect to fresh fuit]
no plainer.not lack (ing) in squid like pathology [mangos]
tedious repetition...with respect to [loganberries]
crows feet hemlock shrilleliegh, mimetic conversion [elderberries]
blowing into straws is technically avant farce [blackberries]
mimeosis...scum derelict mere, king lear [indigenous fuit]
incrustation did incrue, indign indulge [pear shaped ladders]
in-di-um: a malleable fusble silvery indeterminate in [strawberries]
shape or structuremarked by a lack of discretion [coup de seedless grapes]
stating what a real or supposed origional speaker said [revisited pomengranates]
lacking distinctive qualities, low melting point [the great apples of Shanghai]
native or inhabitant of indochina meiosis groupings [tutenkamen buried with no fresh 
of the period of Cromwell [not to say egyptians didn't appreciate fine fresh fruit]

Micheal Ellis [psuedonym resembling prickly pear]

FLUXLIST: re anti art

2001-06-05 Thread jason pierce

i didn't write that...why are you trying to pin that on me? i never use
the word daft either. if that were me writing that i would have
definately used silly, tedious or asinine in that sentance instead.


At 4:44 PM -0700 6/5/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
Ack. I did not write this. I think Jason Pierce did. I would never use the word 
daft unless I was making fun of the English.

Here is another quote on our topic (anti-art, not making fun of the English):

FLUXLIST: re re anti art

2001-05-30 Thread jason pierce

that just brings up the point i made, maybe i stated it a little unclearly.
i will attempt to clarify..intent can never actually be known. clearly
vangoghs statements regarding his intent were entirely incongruous with
his actual work as a result. his intent, he claims, was to be accepted...
he was not. so this statement has very little to do with what the result
of his artistic efforts were. yes his statement is a result of his intent
but it's a seperate result incongruous with his other efforts. so we can
discern next to nothing from this. it suggest no relavent meaning to
the result (the painting not his statement). to evaluate something is
to get at the meaning of the actual thing, the result. examining intent
or the attempt to through viewing seperate results of his intent can provide
no further information in regards to the meaning. ineffect van gogh by attempting
to state his intent is just becoming another spectator thus no authority
on the result (his paintings) of his efforts.

At 4:08 AM -0500 5/30/01, jason pierce wrote:
but, as you said before, the artist's statement is a 'result' as well... why 
shouldn't we
concern ourselves with language as an observable phenomenon as well? clearly many 
'should' because they agree with what you said earlier. In the sense that both are a
communicative gesture, an attempt at articulating something (through words or a 
grammar of
painting), both are 'the exact same thing'.

 so it doesn't matter what van gogh said he intended to do or wanted. it is
 more important what he actually did.

again, what is the difference between what he 'said' and what he 'did'? are his 
letters to
his brother any less 'things' that were 'done' than his notes, drawings, or 
paintings? If
anti art is, as you say, 'anything produced outside the preconceived societal
[pre]conceptions of art that communicates or operates within the artist - spectator
milieu'... then vanGogh's writings are more 'anti-art' than his paintings because 
they were/
are not generally seen as art (although they operate very prominently in the 'artist -
spectator milieu').

this is true, his writing were more anti art. but they are unrelated to the result
of his painting efforts. it's fine to evaluate them but not as intent. they need
to be evaluated as distinctly different things that don't really offer any new meaning
to his paintings.  i think this whole van gogh/anti art example isn't a very good
one because he was producing paintings. paintings of things were considered art
and van gogh may just point to the distinction between the societal view of non
art and the view of bad art. by vangogh detractors stating that is not art saying 
not art or that it is bad art? this question further demonstates the difficulty
of examining intent.

by your definition, anti art would seem to be anything that an artist does, so long 
as it is
observed (by someone other than the artist?), and that it is not generally conceived 
of by
the observer(s) to be 'art' as such. The artist's observable behavior, clothing, and
especially speech or language (certainly including communicated 'intent') fit into 
category. so why not concern ourselves with the artist's 'express intent'?

expressed intent simply provides no essential context to discern the meaning
of the result. better (more accurate) context can be derived from examining his
social status or something. examing intent or any statement of
 only provides an innacurate context.


FLUXLIST: re anti art

2001-05-30 Thread jason pierce

i never suggested that artist have little idea, and even less control of what they 
but you interpreted it that waythats what i'm talking about.
more that artist have little idea or control over how it is viewed. or just that intent
is no authority on meaning. obviously M. Duchamp would be a special case
as he just manipulated these intent and result discrepancies through
experiments. but his knowledge of the artistic process came from empirical examination 
is often absent in most art (prior to him anyway). his knowledge didn't
come from his intent. more so his intent came from his empirical
observation of results. so generally kind of ass backwards as far as most
art goes.


At 3:02 AM -0700 5/30/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
fair enough, but don't we still 'intend' to do this? A silly rebuttal, I know. but on 
the scale of rhetorical balance between describing artists (and yourselves) as either 
having too much agency and having too little agency, you and Jason are both narrating 
about the same story. you both present a well organized picture in which the person 
(in this case the artist) has little idea, and even less control, of what they do 
(clearly not too little agency as to be a puppet, but curiously not enough to be able 
to have any self direction when it comes to the co-production of
meaning). Isn't is possible to maintain intentions (for the meaning of their work, 
and otherwise) while at the same time recognizing that there may be other 
connotations, functions, and significance that others may derive from it... and that 
this is beyond the control of even the most careful, thoughtful and skillful 
manipulator of materials and meanings?

FLUXLIST: re anti art

2001-05-29 Thread jason pierce

iieee! did i say preconcieved societal conceptions?
i meant to say societal preconceptions


FLUXLIST: rereresol

2001-05-28 Thread jason pierce

i am responsible for my own actions.
the choice was mine. i didn't foist
responsibility on my friend.

a bogus theory is pure conjecture on your part.
or do you claim to know exactly what every person
is  thinking?

or do you have proof that i am the only one
that felt Bennett was posting too much poetry?
by all means if you do please show me. i'd be more than
happy to say my theory was bogus.


At 10:44 PM -0700 5/27/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
I know I said I wasn't going to say any more on this but this is so hard to
pass up.

At 07:19 AM 5/27/01 -0500, you wrote:
actually it was just me and one of my friends.
he kind of put me up to it. if you're trying
to get me to rat out someone else i'm not going to
do it.

Get you to rat out someone and you're not going to? You may not have
given a name but you just ratted him out in spirit by foisting the
responsibility for your actions on him.

the faction thing was a joke. my theory
was that me and my friend weren't the only ones
that thought bennett was posting too much poetry.

Guess you had a bogus theory?

 so there

I should say so! You just told me, didn't you? This is perfect!!

No Subject

2001-05-28 Thread jason pierce

if i'm only seeking attention then why attack me?
you are only encouraging me right? or are you
and deborah just trying to seek attention for yourselves?


At 10:44 PM -0700 5/27/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
if j.pierce is not seeking attention, why seven messages in the space of an

i think i am in favour of a more narrow scope for fluxlist just to limit the
number of messages in my inbox. imagine if i only checked my email once a
week, from an outside source. i'd have to sift thru hundreds of messages,
most of which (including my own, i suppose) are nothing more than pissing

i have tried to offer assistance, when i was able, to questions pertaining
to fluxus artists. i have used the board to post questions about topics that
i was researching (a question about george brecht's cedilla store went
unanswered last year, i recall). but recently i've given up reading the
messages at all because they are so rarely on topic and therefore of little

the word 'narrow' has bad connotations, but one of the webs best features is
that it can filter out the info we don't want. the list is not called
'art-list' or (worse) 'life-list'. it was created to give people interested
in a certain topic an opportunity for information and discourse. i suspect
that only the very loneliest of us would sign up for something called

in terms of using this forum to distribute one's own art:

yes, it's fantastic that artists have the means with which to create and
share their work. this, however, does not make for better work
(necessarily). it's like listening to karaoke sometimes.

perhaps if contributors were to sit on their posts for a day, before
sending. the next morning might reveal the previous days epic to be, well, a
little lacking. some fights could be prevented this way also (as someone's
mother undoubtedly told you count to ten).

if this thinking is in any way oppressive, or in total contradiction to
fluxlist, i can be removed without warning. there are a few things that i
will miss, but these are becoming more and more rare - if only because i
read less and less posts now.



FLUXLIST: rerere deborah

2001-05-28 Thread jason pierce

yet another erroneous attack. i never said
he should'nt be able to post. this would be the tenth
time i've said this, i only suggested that
he post his poetry with links.

i am noting you are fond of hacking up straw men.
you know what a straw man is don't you?
in case you don't it's where in an arguement one
attacks a fabricated construction, i.e makes up false
things about the opponent and then proceeds
to criticize based on that.


At 10:44 PM -0700 5/27/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:

Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 13:50:27 -0600
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: rere vote, links for everyone

At 03:38 PM 5/27/01 -0500, jason pierce wrote:
that brings up another thing if somebody
wants to publicly post their poetry they
should expect a little negative criticism.
it kind of goes with the territory.

Saying someone's work shouldn't be posted, when they happen to be prolific,
is not critiquing. It's an attempt at censorship.



2001-05-28 Thread jason pierce

i guess deborah can throw her bogus theory theory
out the window now. i must note that terrence is being
much more tactful than i was, but then he wasn't erroneously

i agree with terrence


At 10:44 PM -0700 5/27/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 19:25:14 -0700
From: Terrence Kosick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: re BULLY

Terrence writes;

I would like to see Mr. Bennets poem posts.  Even every day.  3 long poems
at a time is too volumous to enjoy the work. I can only read one carefully
to enjoy. I don't like skimming poems, it feels sinful to waste precious
words that way.

I agree the rapid posts does seem too aggressive. Maybe not as abusive as
Brad's posts but maybe a bit inconsiderate. Do you care about your
audience or your art enough for self moderation?



FLUXLIST: re: jason pierce

2001-05-28 Thread jason pierce

you are right, i apologise,
though you may never read this.


reply button fever (at least delet irrelevent parts of the original


2001-05-27 Thread jason pierce


i don't see how i'm being a bully, as all i did initially
was make a request. then i was attacked for it as being
sneaky undemocratic and against freedom.

if i'm a bully then  carol is a bigger one.

admittedly i flamed on a bit overzealously but
erroneous attacks like that chap my hide. everyone
has that one thing that you can't stand and for me
that was it. i tried to be polite by making a private request,
i was attacked for it, then bennett posted like 3 more poems
which must have been just to antagonize me.
like a neener neener situation. if i were in Bennetts
shoes in that situation i would have acted completely
differently. you know do unto others etc.

i'm an artist as well and i didn't freak out
when my freshman painting teacher called me a flake.
i didn't hurt my feelings either. it's much better
than everyone walking on egg shells when it comes
to criticizing someone elses work. in certain situations
harsh criticisms if they are accurate can be very beneficial.

harsh criticism could make Bennett a better artist, who knows?


At 11:43 PM -0700 5/26/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
Jason Pierce,

Why you seem so invested in getting your way about this is beyond me.
Try to get along with others, have some good manners, or if you can't,
leave and create a stir elsewhere. I don't think anyone likes a bully.



2001-05-27 Thread jason pierce

i would normally leave but except for a few
things i like the fluxlist. i'm loving it
because it brings up alot of social ideologies
i don't really care how much attention i'm getting.
if i were a spectator in this i would be just as interested
or loving it so to speak.


At 11:43 PM -0700 5/26/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 12:10:17 -0600
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Re: FLUXLIST-digest V1 #708

At 01:41 PM 5/26/01 -0500, you wrote:
Self Defense!!!

Another way to truly defend yourself would be to leave. But then, I
suppose, you wouldn't get all this attention.

Keep on keepin' on. You must be loving it!


FLUXLIST: rerererere sol

2001-05-27 Thread jason pierce

actually it was just me and one of my friends.
he kind of put me up to it. if you're trying
to get me to rat out someone else i'm not going to
do it. the faction thing was a joke. my theory
was that me and my friend weren't the only ones
that thought bennett was posting too much poetry.

so there


At 11:43 PM -0700 5/26/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 12:13:44 -0600
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: rererere sol

At 01:58 PM 5/26/01 -0500, jason pierce wrote:
fine with me, i was just trying to help out some friends
that were irritated with Bennets poetry bombardment.

YES! You've said it again.

The last bastion of those with no cause. A league of supporters whom no one

Email lists at their most stereotypical best. So much for creativity!!



2001-05-27 Thread jason pierce

very similiar to watching the same comercial over
and over.

i feel like i'm taking a test or something, what's with all the
questions i'm getting? is being annoyed by monotony
that difficult to understand?


At 11:43 PM -0700 5/26/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 17:25:34 EDT
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: rerere FAPA

In a message dated 5/26/01 3:06:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 on the digest when bennett post like 3 poems on one digest you
  are kind of forced to read it as you scroll down. plus it
  just condenses the information.

i was not aware that scrolling down was such a terribly difficult activity
forgive my lack of sensitivity

FLUXLIST: while i'm at it

2001-05-27 Thread jason pierce

i agree with everything josh says or will say on the issue
of anti art.


At 11:43 PM -0700 5/26/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:

Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 21:31:07 -0700
From: Josh Ronsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FLUXLIST: RE: Questions (anti-art)

A day after I posted my question, I came across the following passage  in 
Rationalizing Culture: IRCAM, Boulez and the Institutionalization of the Musical 
Avant-Garde by Georgina Born:

However much an avant-garde attempts to produce work that is unclassifiable, 
shockingly different, it is a truism that in order to be meaningful [sic!] it must, 
by definition, ultimately be classifiable as art by an audience; or it may be 
understood as the negation of art -- the reaction that the avant-garde typically sets 
out to provoke in the Philistine audience. The latter against art classification 
appears, historically, to be particularly permeable, so that by the intervention of 
critics, against art comes eventually to be undersood as part of art. There 
remains some avant-garde art that is unacceptable to all but small and knowing 
audience. But as long as anti- or avant-garde art is recognized as legitimately 
part of art by the dominant institutional apparatuses, it is granted the status of 
art and becomes a negational statement within the field of art: a powerful agrument 
for the ontological priority of the institutional over the aesthetic.

So there.

But what can she mean by meaning can only be found in art?

- -Josh Ronsen

FLUXLIST: re scott rigby

2001-05-27 Thread jason pierce

i must note if you continue to insensitively mock me
then sol will have you removed from the list.
or is it that only i would be removed for insensitive mocking?

how dare you insensitively mock me

pretty good job though


At 11:43 PM -0700 5/26/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 02:49:23 -0500
From: scott rigby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FLUXLIST: re:vote: links for everyone

- --F1DFF375C803AFC5FB3D1DD7
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; x-mac-type=54455854; 
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

to JP and all FLUXlisters,

I suggest that from now on all posts to FLUXlist should be in the form
of links.
maybe these links should have brief descriptions above them such as
the New York Times on the web for short attention spans [example below]:

Devastating Picture of Immigrants Dead in Arizona Desert

But the new FLUXlist versions would look more like these examples
(all links courtesy of http://www.mail-archive.com)

john bennett writes a poem about agriculture, flatware, and dentistry

alan bowman writes a fffo announcement

hello my name is _. I'm new to the list. I have interesting things to
say, which may be found at this link

jason pierce suggests that our descriptions above our posted links are
not brief enough

...etc. except that there would be one link per email. Unless, of
course, someone
wanted to respond to a number of other posts (or links), in which case,
they could
include several links (to their several responses) within the same
posted email.
this way, subscribers to the FLUXlist would be able to decide whether or
not they want
to read the emailed links to each others actual writings, based on the
abstracts above them.
although this is really no different than deciding not to read posts
based on what's
written in the subject box of each email, the one difference is that
subscribers to
the digest version would then also have the advantage of not having to
see any
text without actually 'opening' each post (by clicking on the link in
their case).
This advantage would have to be weighed against the disadvantages, of
if only to strengthen the argument that we constrain our posts purely to
from now on.

1. this would be at least mildly annoying to regular subscribers to
FLUXlist, who would
have to deal with this slightly elaborate screening process twice;
once when they weed through the messages based on the subject box, and
again when
they do so based on the descriptions above the links to each others

2. even for those with access to their own web site, it would take more
effort to upload each
message to their site and then post an email to the FLUXlist with the
link to
each of those uploaded messages. it could certainly be done, but it
would take more
time and effort, that's all. And although anyone can obtain their own
web site from
geocities or elsewhere, this would also require more effort on the part
of every subscriber
to the FLUXlist who does not already have access to their own web site.

3. many posts cover more territory (a good metaphor, eh?) than a brief
description could
give justice to. also, multiple levels of meaning are often erased or
misrepresented by
the one-dimensionality of shorter descriptions. this is especially true
of poetry,
which may seem to be saying one thing, while at the same time offering
something quite
different or unexpected (the same is also true of much prose, btw).
Since the descriptions may not represent adequately or at all clearly,
the writings that
they are going to link us to, then this would require considerably more
effort on the part
of the reader to both ignore content that is of little interest to them
AND to follow the
various dialogues that do interest them (and that keep them

4. another difficulty might lie in deciding on the criteria for the
perhaps there should be rigid categories such as statements, responses,
questions, answers,
promotion of artwork, announcements, miscellaneous information,
opinions, etc.,
or any combination of these such as 'response+announcement+question',
and so on.
these could also be ranked by such general terms such as rational posts,
irrational ones,
funny, smart, rebellious, intimate, cute, juvenile, right, wrong,
belligerent, sexy, etc.,
and also in combination with the others, such as
This could go on and on, though, and should probably be limited to a
certain number of words. Otherwise, the descriptions themselves could be
mistaken for
poetry, and might annoy some people who apparently already feel

FLUXLIST: rere vote, links for everyone

2001-05-27 Thread jason pierce

that brings up another thing if somebody
wants to publicly post their poetry they
should expect a little negative criticism.
it kind of goes with the territory.

why post it to be left alone? that is the worst
crime in the art world is people leaving things alone.
that is how things get better, by critical dialogue.
which i must note is what poetry itself is opposed to
or at least the majority of poets. that's why most poetry
is so bad, it's opposition to critical dialogue. i tend to
agree with Bahktin on that issue.

if only my Blockade tournament had gotten this much
negative feedback. (sniff sniff)


At 5:45 AM -0700 5/27/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
If one does, everyone ought to. I agree.

And, it's possibly the silliest thing I've read in a long time.

I want to hurry this post along so that it will make it into tomorrow's
digest which will be, for the most part, empty bickering (me included)
about something that is terminally ludicrous.

Why not just let the man post his poems and go in peace?!?! Life is so
damned short...

Deborah .. who will honor you all by saying no more about the subject.

FLUXLIST: ideology and social context

2001-05-27 Thread jason pierce

i think the most interesting thing in this Bennett debate
is the relationship between unpopular perspectives and accepted
perspectives. notably, how these unpopular perspectives and opinions
are held up to a more intense brand of scrutiny (ofcourse). wheras if
one presents an unpopular opinion one has to provide much more
evidence whereas accepet views are merely understood. this is most
interesting in regards to evolutionary contexts of thought proccesses.
the unpopular view is stregthened by this scrutiny and the accepted view
is weakened by it's untested acceptance or the popular views' resistance
to scrutiny. which is a little baffling (not really) when a view is so 
resistant to a mutually beneficial relationship. i.e how would we know
that nazis are bad if there were no nazis?, or the converse, how would
we know a popular view would be  corrupt with no Socrates? i've 
come to the understanding that if i don't get attacked for some of my statements
i may be doing something wrong. ofcourse just stating things to get
attacked is silly. so i have two good criteria, restrictions so to speak in
which to make statementsif i make a statement that doesn't get attacked
i must be stating an accepted view, fair enough but if i make a statement just
to be contrary to accepted views then i am i have no justification for stating them.
out of all the broad range of attacks the i've recieved the only legitimate
concern was Deborahs' i think, that i'm just stating things to be contrary
or to get attention...simply i don't think i was doing that, or i wouldn't have done
it. but obviously i need to provide some evidnce and the only thing i can point to
is that i've been a subscriber to fluxlist off and on for quite a while and if i were
doing that i would have stirred up trouble long before now. i remeber a while
back getting irritated with some of that guy Dick Higgins' views on how the
sixties was so much more interesting i.e. better than now or something. which
i thought that view was asinine, defeatist, and just pure nostalgia pathology,
of which i am vehemently opposed. ofcourse i didn't feel compelled to
attack because he didn't keep saying that over and over nor bombard
repeatedly  me with that view. he was entitled to that view. though i must
also point out that i'm not the authority on whether i am just trying to get 
or whatever but neither is Deborah so the issue is just subjective conjecture
on her part (and mine as well).

jason pierce
rep. FAPA

FLUXLIST: Re: FLUXLIST-digest V1 #708

2001-05-26 Thread jason pierce

Self Defense!!!


At 11:33 AM -0700 5/26/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:

At 01:29 PM 5/25/01 -0500, you wrote:
my apologies
but i am still going to post mock poetry untill
bennett stops.


So much energy focused into the head of a needle for the forcing of one's will.


Human nature?

Dull , at best.

FLUXLIST: re carols response

2001-05-26 Thread jason pierce

carol, get a more origional comeback. j

At 11:33 AM -0700 5/26/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
jason, get a life. c.

FLUXLIST: rererere sol

2001-05-26 Thread jason pierce

fine with me, i was just trying to help out some friends
that were irritated with Bennets poetry bombardment.


At 11:33 AM -0700 5/26/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
Dear Jason,

As I said before you've made your point. I'm not going to waste any more of
my time with this issue. If you respond to any more of John's work in
this manner then as far as I'm concerned you can find another list to be a
nuisance on and I will take the necessary software steps in that direction.
Fluxlist has had too many problems like this before. I ask
that the other listowners make some statement on this if they feel
I'm acting unfairly, obviously there should be a group decision on this and
my response now is merely to state my position.

Unfortunatey I don't currently have time to say more on this

Jason it's your choice. I would prefer that you remain on the list and
participate with creativity and sensitivity, if you don't feel you can do so
then that's your decision.




2001-05-26 Thread jason pierce

with a link, a fluxlister (more notably the digesters) that doesn't want to read it
doesn't have to. and a fluxlister that wants to read it can.
on the digest when bennett post like 3 poems on one digest you
are kind of forced to read it as you scroll down. plus it
just condenses the information.

good enough answer?


At 11:33 AM -0700 5/26/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
dear sir,

please explain, thoroughly, the difference that is made between posting a
link to each poem, and posting the actual poem.  so far as i can tell both
produce an e-mail from mr. bennett, and one has the ability to either ignore
or partake of both as they should so choose at the moment.  perhaps there is
a distinction i am not seeing?
 i drool on mine keys in anticipation of yer answer..

- -skt...

FLUXLIST: rerer vote

2001-05-26 Thread jason pierce

A) should we have a vote on these issues?

yea for vote
nay for no vote 

1) i suggest we have a vote on the whether Bennett
should post his poetry with a link or not issue.
actually lets not just single out bennett what about
links for all aesthetic (mostly poetry) presentation on fluxlist?

yea for links
nay for bombardment

2.) maybe another vote as well on Bennett 
should quit posting so much poetry. 

yea for less Bennett poetry
nay for continued bombardment

3) whether  mock poetry* should be banned from the list 
* poetry mocking other peoples poetry, or any other criticism
of others fluxlisters work.

yea for mock poetry
nay for mock free fluxlist 

voting deadline 1 or 2 weeks from today sat. 5/26/01

a majority of 3 nays and i will take my hemlock
and be on my merry way (full compliance). as i wouldn't want to
participate in the 3 nay fluxlist anyway.

3* watchout for this one, mock poetry is a legitamate, creative
form of criticism whether you use the word ass or not and there
would have to be an established criteria for mocking.


FLUXLIST: re response to FAPO

2001-05-25 Thread jason pierce

who's complaining, bennett is not being considerate
i beg to differ only 3 of those post were complaints
the rest were my poetry. o.k i will quit
refering to bennet in my poetry. if you recollect
we asked him nicely. Bennet has posted ALOT
of poetry. this would make the fourth complaint.
i'm just saying every time he post a poem i am going
to post one to mock him. we only ask that he post
links to his poetry instead but obviously that is
JUST WAY TOO MUCH TO ASK. since you are 
counting my post why not count bennett poems too?
how many poems has he posted? my apologies
but i am still going to post mock poetry untill 
bennett stops. that's right when did this become a poetry
list??? i would like herr Bennett to answer

murf du sag

sig nog no non non non [ripened fruit]
jurg ur red due sog [mixed fruit]
becon fut your derelict mict [tangerines]
mookoo  mookoo moogo giapan [strawberries]
mushu pork [almonds are not fruit]
liggu ligggu shrimp fried rice [pomengranates]
licko licko fundu for the masses [grapes, the seedless variety]

jason pierce
rep Fluxlisters Against Poetry Overload

FLUXLIST: re:response to FAPA

2001-05-25 Thread jason pierce

i want to address some of these things specifically:

1. my wish was not to make this public,
it was a private request. it is only now public
because Bennet or whoever desired it so. as i
told no one except my co conspirators. so
if anyone is irritated by this public issue you should
know who  to blame.

2. you are asking me to consider Bennetts feelings etc.
simply, i did so to the best of my ability...i wanted Bennett
spared of any public ridicule that some felt would be neccessary
to get him to quit posting so much poetry. HENCE the private
request. subsequently FAPA was attacked as being sneaky
undemocratic and against freedom. and now is being attacked
for not respecting his feelings. when that was the sole intent
of the private request. so both criticisms are erroneous.

3. the only source of the lack of respect Bennett is getting is
from his desire (or someone he told) to make the issue public.

4. as far as present discuss and theorize about our work i was
simply presenting discussing and theorize about my work
and Bennetts work. we don't object to Bennett presenting
his work in the form of links, as we felt he has somewhat abused
his presenting  privelages, rights or whatever.

5. as far as the Tournament of Blockades goes only 2 submitions
have been generated (both by myself) one: an anonymous blockade
and two: a blockade of Bennetts poetry bombardment. so there is
nothing to report. i also Blockaded some right-libertarians on an
anarchy news group but i felt that blockade not worth submiting.

6. barring any further attacks against FAPA this will be
the last that i personally will say on the issue UNLESS
Bennett continues to post his poetry not in the form of
a link (posting his actual poetry instead of providing
a link to his poetry posted on an outside source)
if he does then i will continue my personal blockading
activities. so it's up to him if he wishes to coninue
this lack of consideration for his feelings. as it was up
to him from the very start. he had all the time in the world
to consider that he may be posting too much poetry.

Jason Pierce
rep. Fluxlisters Against Poetic Aggression

At 4:47 AM -0700 5/25/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:

This is addressed to you since you claim representation of FAPA.

Since 14th September 2000 you have sent 14 posts to Fluxlist. 8 of these
have been to complain about John M. Bennett sending poetry to the list. That
means over 50% of your input to this list in the last 9 months has been

Whilst I respect your right to say that you do not wish to see John's poems
on Fluxlist I do not think the way you are going about this respects John's
feelings in any way.

In reality, in the history of this list, complaints and the sort of action
you are now undertaking have led to more people leaving the list (or ceasing
to post frequently) than anything else. Whilst some people may think that
John posts too many of his poems I'm in no doubt that everyone would rather
see the result of individual creativity in their inbox as oppose to the
material you're currently posting which not only causes bad feeling towards
John but on your own admission is designed purely to spoof John's form of
creative expression and done in a manner (FAPA) that can only be hurtful and
make John feel uncomfortable here. John joined Fluxlist because he saw a
copy of the Fluxlist poetry book Happy New Ears that we did a while back.
John's poetry has stimulated interesting discussion on the list in the past
and no doubt will do so again. Those who don't like it can indeed delete it
and for those receiving the digest version I don't believe that John's short
texts can be that much of a burden even if his poetry does not appeal to

Jason, I would urge you to stop this and consider the feelings of others a
little more. When you subscribed to Fluxlist you will have received a long
message about the list which included the following:

Along with the obvious invitation to historians and theorists of the past,
we encourage active artists to present, discuss, and theorize their work.

John's posts fit into the above framework.

Also from the introductory notes about the list is this:

Several kinds of behavior will result in expulsion from Fluxlist. Abuse,
harassment, impersonation, violation of confidentiality, reposting of
private posts without permission and spamming are unacceptable. 

I think your spoof poems are bordering on harassment now and ask that you
stop this campaign and post more positive material instead if you wish to
contribute to the list. You've made your point, now is the time to let it
lie before things get unpleasant.

On a more positive note you never told us what happened with your 7th Annual
Tournament of Blockades. Some info on how that turned out would be great.



FLUXLIST: Re: Bennett

2001-05-24 Thread jason pierce

furthermore the compromise was intially presented despite
the fact that the request became somewhat distorted seeing
as we never requested that he quit posting completely.
nor did we want to prevent people that enjoy bennetts
poetry from being able to read it. we felt links to his
poetry would be amiable to both ourselves and mr bennett.
in the private request i issued my intent wasn't to be undemocratic
about it...and it wasn't undemocratic. it was just a private request.
but if mr bennett wants to make a public issue of it, so be it.
i personally have no problems with that.

if bennett continues to post his poetry instead of just providing
links and there are no objetions then there should'nt be any objections when FAPA
defends itself against bennetts poetic aggression with bad
poetry counter measures..bad poetry warfare if you will.
as that was one of the initial proposals of at least 1 FAPA

Jason Pierce
rep. Fluxlisters Against Poetic Aggression

At 9:42 AM -0700 5/24/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
Hi all,
There have been some complaints about the volume and frequency of John's
posting his work to FLUXLIST and a faction has given him notice and asked
him to cease and desist. While I agree that no one should be allowed to use
FLUXLIST to disemminate their own work if it becomes a situation of the
majority reading one person who dominates the bandwidth for his/her own
purposes, I would just like to point out why I think John's poetry belongs
on FLUXLIST and why the splinter faction might reconsider their position
and try to come to some compromise re: John's participation.

John Bennett is the Lautreamont of mail art. His magazine The Lost and
Found Times is a shining example of  a democratic editorship which
translates Joseph Beuys' proposition that Everyone is an artist. into a
new channel where Everyone is a poet. I got interested in poetry because
of John's magazine. When I first received it I was fascinated and amused at
a piece of printed matter that represented so many voices all playing the
same game which was The Lost and Found Times. It was a community all
joined together by John in the same way that Fluxus was a group all joined
together by George M.

I would just like to ask the so-called faction group to reconsider their
request and to begin a dialogue so that somehow an agreement can be reached
as to how John can continue to participate in FLUXLIST without some feeling
that he is using it to promote his own work only. Also, one must take into
account that poetry is what poets do. Maybe he could post larger
installments less frequently or just cut back to an acceptable volume for
the rest of the list?

Reed Altemus

FLUXLIST: Re: Bennet

2001-05-24 Thread jason pierce

note that Carol is making the same arguements that
spammers make you can just hit the delete button.
and the delete buttom doesn't work with those that
recieve the digest version of the fluxlist.
no ones' freedom is being repressed. it is also
not an issue of liking his poetry or not as personally
i am ambivalent towards it but some people aren't.
so the worry is over the health of the list. say someone
doesn't like it and sees 7 or 8 (sometimes more) Bennett poems a week
that's just one (or more?)  person(s) unlikely to participate in the list.
or dissmiss it as a bunch of people wanting to cram
their poetry down your throats if you are stupid enough
to subscibe to the list.

ofcourse fuss can be fun too.

some people owe me one.

jason pierce
rep. Fluxlisters Against Poetic Aggression

At 12:18 PM -0700 5/24/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 12:35:08 +0100
From: Carol Starr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: John Bennett on FLUXLIST

who are these sneaky people complaining off list. i enjoy john's peotry very
much and i have been under the inpression that that fluxlist is about freedom
of expression in the arts. we have garden discussions which could be said to
be off topic (if there ever was one) and those are fun. so why this fuss.
don't these complainers have a delete button? that's what i do when i don't
want to read something.

john's poetry has been very inspiring and educational. i think it terrible
that this would even be an issue.

don't forget, it was this kind of small mindedness that drove ken freidman off
the list which has been a grreat loss. let's not do it again.


FLUXLIST: Blockade: FAPA response re aggresion

2001-05-24 Thread jason pierce
Title: Blockade: FAPA response re

bloke, poke, stoat

i think that i shall never see a tree as lovely as an
in november Bennett pokereprise...anacromagnon ,not a
neophyte tourette parting glance. eclipsed in ardorous
crater fixation, meaning in absence of such, mimetic
causing to enckroach such a stance.
monologic suppression, though lacked in expansion,
diminished arturistic crutch.

poke, stoat did bloke

abscence unfolds, untold a lack of willing
to perplex
tailhead minions, not withstanding,
bombarded with chariots
of mandarin,
entranced, the health and well being,
characterized by often
specious reasoning complex
pud or screen acujuncture dung kite (inflated embryonic sac)

blocked out by the sun, stamped out thus
Bennett entitle
to dimwitted propagation. inscribed panels
on the belly
of each jar had also been chiseled...eyes
twisting in
the wind as they are reckoned so

dote, manicure

insert your own random words repeat 50
award yourself four dimes
be wary of the mimes
propegate dimwittedly until you hear the
spam spam spam spam spam spam
spam spam spam spam spam spam (monologic
repression of social debate)


At 1:44 PM -0700 5/24/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 15:49:04 -0400
From: John M. Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FLUXLIST: poetic agression

- --=_29720615==_.ALT
Content-Type: text/plain;
charset=us-ascii; format=flowed

John M. Bennett

FLUXLIST: Re:Bennett aggresion

2001-05-24 Thread jason pierce
Title: Re:Bennett aggresion

instructions: feel free to copy/paste poem and resubmit 5 times a
to FLUXLIST, why bother with comming up with new random words. or
you can
insert your own random phraseology at any point of this
poem. it matters little either way.

bloke, poke, stoat

i think that i shall never see a tree as lovely as an
in november Bennett pokereprise...anacromagnon ,not a
neophyte tourette parting glance. eclipsed in ardorous
crater fixation, meaning in absence of such, mimetic
causing to enckroach such a stance.
monologic suppression, though lacked in expansion,
diminished arturistic crutch.

poke, stoat did bloke

abscence unfolds, untold a lack of willing
to perplex
tailhead minions, not withstanding,
bombarded with chariots
of mandarin,
entranced, the health and well being,
characterized by often
specious reasoning complex
pud or screen acujuncture dung kite (inflated embryonic sac)

blocked out by the sun, stamped out thus
Bennett entitle
to dimwitted propagation. inscribed panels
on the belly
of each jar had also been chiseled...eyes
twisting in
the wind as they are reckoned so

dote, manicure

insert your own random words repeat 50
award yourself four dimes
be wary of the mimes
propegate dimwittedly until you hear the
spam spam spam spam spam spam
spam spam spam spam spam spam (monologic
repression of social debate)
note that each spam in this
instance rhymes (new addition)

FLUXLIST: Fresh fruit re: bennett agression

2001-05-24 Thread jason pierce
Title: Fresh fruit re: bennett

fresh fruit addendum [sic]

bloke, poke, stoat [strawberries]

i think that i shall never see a tree as lovely as an ostrich
in november Bennett pokereprise...anacromagnon ,not a
word [bannanas]
neophyte tourette parting glance. eclipsed in ardorous [mixed
crater fixation, meaning in absence of such, mimetic dillusion,
[assorted berries]
causing to enckroach such a stance. [raspberries]
monologic suppression, though lacked in expansion,
diminished arturistic crutch.[kumquats]

poke, stoat did bloke

abscence unfolds, untold a lack of willing
to perplex [pineapples, deadly!]
tailhead minions, not withstanding,
bombarded with chariots [sliced kiwi]
of mandarin,
caustic.[bits of squashed apple]
entranced, the health and well being,
characterized by often [locust not a fruit]
specious reasoning complex [trees in
which fresh fruit grow]
pud or screen acujuncture dung kite (inflated embryonic sac)
[not to be undone, by pieces of unsuspecting mangos]

blocked out by the sun, stamped out thus
Bennett entitle [avocado, neither a fruit?]
to dimwitted propagation. inscribed panels
on the belly [fresh fruit residing in jeruseleum]
of each jar had also been chiseled...eyes
twisting in [ not to forget black berries]
the wind as they are reckoned so
clearly [like other pieces of fresh fruit]

dote, manicure [the squid like
tentacled pathology of peaches]

insert your own random words repeat 50
times [ oranges are popular]
award yourself four dimes [less so are
be wary of the mimes [the bitterness
expressed by lemons]
propegate dimwittedly until you hear the
chimes [cannot be refuted by limes]
spam spam spam spam spam spam
[chardonnay a fresh fruit derivative]
spam spam spam spam spam spam (monologic
repression of social debate)
[various species of plums to name a few]
note that each spam in this
instance rhymes (new addition) {the consumption of said fresh



2001-05-24 Thread jason pierce

i did not intend for this stuff to appear:

At 3:37 PM -0700 5/24/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:

divto FLUXLIST, why bother with comming up with new random words. or
you can/div
divinsert your own random phraseology at any point of this/div
divpoem. it matters little either way./div
divbloke, poke, stoat/div
divi think that i shall never see a tree as lovely as an

my apologies!!


FLUXLIST: i forgot a title

2001-05-24 Thread jason pierce

i forgot to title my/your poem.

i will title that:

 Blockade with fresh fruit addendum: when indeterminite poetry once relavent
becomes diminished by poets perpetuating it not unlike as a  crutch...
essentially a disservice 

i was going to go with Instead of learning from a relevant source some people 
religiously(?) adhere to and perpetuate it like a crutch thus diminishing it's primary 
..with fresh fruit addendum

but that wasn't anywhere near as snappy. maybe i will just go with
a nore simple Blockade with Fresh Fruit Addendum

Jason Pierce
rep. Fluxlisters Against Poetic Agression

FLUXLIST: Re: historical poems

2001-04-22 Thread jason pierce

uuugh! a panda is not a marsupial...

FLUXLIST: Tournament of Blockades news and FAQ

2001-02-14 Thread jason pierce


the Blockades Committee has arranged to have some of the entrants to be documented
in a film tentatively entitled "The Blockade Builders: Trial by Fire", assuming there
are entrants that live within driving distance from the Blockade committee 


are "dams" considered to be blockades by the committee?

it depends, technically while having their blockade poperties "dams" usually
aren't considered blockades because that blockade function is secondary in nature.
"dams" though can be thought of as highly specialized forms of blockades, being 
dependant on
the presence of water. the primary purpose of dams is quite different than that of
a blockade. for example, a dams purpose is to reduce the flow of water considerably for
whatever reason. subsequently a blockades of a waterway purpose is to restrict the use 
of the 
water way by mostly people but may or may not restrict the flow of water. 
and yes dams do fit both of these criteria but many in the committee feel that
the blockade qualities of a dam are just secondary arbitrary effects of dams.
so any documentation of a dam would have to focus on it's blockade qualities
and somehow prove that this function isn't arbitrary. (see "post structuralism")

what about "accidental" blockades? or blockades that is only a natural occuring
phenomena like the sand that deposits on the drainage area of a street and blocks
or alters the path of water, insects etc when it rains?

The committee feels very strongly that the most important qualities of blockades
lie in their intent and any such arbitrary nature of blockading is "not being true
to the nature of blockading". though the committe rarley disqualifies an entry
on this basis. the exception being when last year , a contestant submitted a 
documentation of 
a "beaver dam" as an example of a blockade was disqualified for "lack of effort".
this was done so in respect for the other "blockaders" that spent a good deal 
of time in the construction of their examples. (see "driftwood sculpters")

what's the difference between a "blockade" and a "barracade"?

good question, much of this lies in semantics, but generally barracades tend to be
much more temporary in nature. generally "barracades" tend to be much less thought out
and hap hazard, used primarily as a defensive tactic where as blockades tend to be more
considered and an "offensive" maneuver. 

What are some good historical examples of "blockades"?

probably the best historical example is in WWI when the english and it's naval 
used the tactic of a "naval" blockade against the germans. the end result being 
germanys desperate
attempts to thwart this blockade by adopting an "open season" on all ships sailing in 
and out of the
area by german Uboats. even passenger liners containing large numbers of the 
previously neutral americans.
once the germans sank the Lusitania (albeit the germans were forced into this) the 
opinion of the
rest of the world turned decidedly against the germans which lead eventually to 
germanys eventual surrender
and subsequent harsh treatment by the victors of germany which entually lead to WWII. 
so in a way
the english blockade set in motion all the events that lead to Hitlers eventual rise 
to power etc.
(see "propaganda" and "the effectiveness of naval blockades")

Jason Pierce
Coordinating Chairman,
Tornament of Blockades Committee

FLUXLIST: International Tournament of Blockades call for entries

2001-02-13 Thread jason pierce

i would like to announce the upcoming 7th annual International Tournament of Blockades

Rules for Competition:

1. contestant must first construct a blockade. in order for it to qualify as a blockade
it must blockade something, ie  your door, a street, a river, your nieghbors door, 
2. materials: all submissions of blockades must be made out of "ordinary" inanimate 
ie. sand, sticks, rocks, cement, bricks, gravel, conglomerate 
material, battleships etc.
3. in order to be awrded the winner said blockade must be extensively documented
accepted documentation only includes photographs. aspects of the blockade that 
need to be documented
 and will be judged on:
a. it's functionality, how well it succeeds in preventing the entrance or exit or 
general use of what it's 
b. permanance: mostly the durability of the blockade, it's ability to withstand 
adverse climate changes,
 people that would want to remove the blockade, etc.
c. aesthetic merit: blockades will be judged based on how "pleasing" it is to the 
senses or how
 well it communicates it's function in relation to the 
society in which it exists.
  or other worldliness, it's structural qualities (ie 
style points)
4. all documentation must be submitted no later than july 12 2001, in order to qualify 
for any awards or prizes.
photographs can be sent via email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or snail to:
    Jason Pierce
5626 woodrow ave #j
Austin, TX 78756

5. contestants may have as many entries as they please assuming each entry is a 
seperate blockade, and not 
different ones blockading the same thing. (ie 2 seperate blockades of the same 
door) any entries that fall
under the aforementioned criteria will be counted as a documentation of the same 
blockade thus one entry.

6. as well as being distributed various prizes all exceptional entries will be 
displayed on my web page
1st place: winner will recieve 2$ for every contestant that enters 
(ie. 20$ for 10 contestants)
not to exceed 50$ cash, a congratulatory note 
hopefully from some at least
semi-famous person, and a 1st place ribbon of 
 2nd place: winner will recieve a 2nd place Ribbon of Achievement, a 
congratulatory note from
  probably a somewhat less famous person, and a 
scholarship to MIT if said contestant
   qualifies for such and submits the neccessary forms 
to MIT and so forth
  3rd place: winner will recieve a 3rd place Ribbon of achievement, 
maybe a congratulatory note,
   and a no expenses paid vacation to Calcutta, 
probably the largest city in India
(population wise
   that is)
* the judging of "mental" blockades relies solely on the discretion of the panel 
judging the tournament. hence
   "mental" blockade entries could be disqualified, or awarded a prize. so "mental" 
blockade documentation
  should be submitted only with the understanding that the entry is submitted at 
the contestants own risk.

i look forward to viewing all the entries and want to wish all the contestants the 
best of luck. if you have any
questions feel free to email me at the above email address.


Jason Pierce
Coordinating Chairman,
Tournament of Blockades Committee


2001-01-23 Thread jason pierce

{insert spit take} 20,000$ for a "sarkin"?  there should be some kind of
artistic code
of ehtics in place that says no one can sell ANY piece of art work for more
than say 1000$,
and no one can buy or sell art work by people that are no longer living.
that much money around for art just corrupts and trivializes everything
about it.
the whole thing just reeks of arbitrary hierarcy. i mean suggesting that 1
artists life
or work is monetarily more signifigant than other artists' life?.ok this
is starting
to sound like some kind of marxist aesthetic rant and i apologize but
the whole thing is just comical at best. it would be more interesting if
sarkin never
had a stroke and the whole context was fraudulent.  i would like to suugest
artists should now only move about (fraudulently) in wheel chairs and wear
foil on our heads in order to extract "the big bucks" from a sentimentally

jason pierce

FLUXLIST: all will be revealed

2000-10-26 Thread jason pierce

i have the photo that solves every single mystery known to man
this photo is the key to the universe. 
when i discovered this photo and recognized 
it's implications i was bombarded
by various death threats from groups that don't want 
this sort of information revealed. i found this photo on some
paranormal site. i completely forgot exactly what's supposed to
be so "paranormal" about it as it certainly isn't apperent in the photo 
itself. nevertheless if you stare at it long enough
all mysteries will be revealed and the proper "frequency" will be obtained. 

see for yourself:

