Re: Seeking Comments on Status of Project

2002-02-06 Thread Ralph LaChance

At 07:31 AM 2/6/02 +0100, you wrote:
I think that most people need some encouragement to take the
  plunge in murky waters

and since so many seem to feel generous this week, allow me to
toss my hat into the ring - we would be pleased to help out with the
awt renderer and the print renderer -- even to the extent of hooking
it up to the jdk1.4 PrintService when fop takes the 1.4 plunge.  However,
we'd best have someone else to provide the backend support for
those functions common to all renderers for traversing the data model etc.

 ' cheers
 -Ralph LaChance

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RE: I cud display page 1 of N

2002-02-06 Thread Dudley . Butt

where r the faqs now?

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 3:18 PM
Subject: I cud display page 1 of N

Hi Louis and alex,

  Thanks for the help and from next time I'll check first in
the FAQs:).
best regards

Brahmaiah Kurabalakota
Software Developer
eMIS eMerging Information Systems GmbH
Am Friedrichsbrunnen
D-24782 Büdelsdorf
Tel.: +49 (4331) 447 1520
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RE: Seeking Comments on Status of Project

2002-02-06 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

OK, so how can I help?
I am not what could be called by most standards a professionally competent
Java programmer yet.  However, I agree that documentation is lacking -- I
noticed that many, or at least some, of the Help documents in the
distribution have not been updated since 1999 (or if they have been, -last
edited- date and by whom have not been).
I am attempting to use FOP for my company's publishing work flow - source
content to pdf, html, and mySQL database text blobs.  It's a great product,
considering that XEP costs =$5,000, but frustrating in that Help is not
always (or has ever been?) up to date with the current release.
I might be able to squeeze in an hour or two a week for something deemed
useful by someone in charge.
Btw, who's in charge?  It doesn't seem clear to me.

And reluctantly, but while I'm at it, what the hey (certainly Keiron's
always very patient comments didn't provoke the following), (everyone is
entitled to a little ranting now and then, yes?):
And why does it seem that those folks working on this project seem so
against stating what their goals for when they want to complete certain
stages of development, i.e. it'll be done when it's done is frankly not
what I'd expect to here from a professional, even if they are only
programming on their free time.  If you expect users to use the product,
not just hobbyist's or programming guru's, then you've got to be more
forthcoming with what the development plan is.  At least then, if you don't
meet it, you can identify why and then set a new, more realistic goal.
Finally, one thing FOP should have is an upto date page identifying all the
elements, attributes, and attribute values that are supported.  For
instance, how long is keep-with-next going to remain (broken) on the
website, when it clearly is implemented at least partially with tables?  If
you need someone to do it, just tell me how and I'll get about it.
As to feature requests -- not everyone is a programmer, in fact most people
are users, so not everyone can volunteer to implement something.  Maybe
it's not the best example, but when I use MSWord and it has a defect, I
don't volunteer to fix it; I expect MS to do it.  I just want to use the
product (commercial or not) to make my other development efforts easier.  On
the other hand, I know the active developers have much to do.  So rather,
than brush people off with do I here you volunteering, create a public
wish list or to-do list or whatever you want to call it.
I know the type of comments this will probably generate around here about
this being Open Source, and there being too few developers.  Sure, I
understand all that.  But a plain 'ol user has certain performance
expectations.  I doubt that mySQL would enjoy the popularity it does today,
if developers didn't meet user expectations (granted, there are far more
people working on it, but I hope you get my point).
Well, I've had my sayso, and I feel better.  Now I can calm down again.  :-)

thanks all for your consideration,
   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 ext. 101

com·put·ing (kum' pyoot ing)
1. n the art of calculating how much time you wasted and money you spent in
a doomed attempt to master a machine with a mind of it's own. --from

 -Original Message-
 From: Keiron Liddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 9:55 AM
 Subject: Re: Seeking Comments on Status of Project

 As far as using FOP it is still in the early development stages. So you
 can evaluate it and use it if it is good enough for your needs.
 Due to the
 missing features and bugs etc. it is harder to evaluate and may be a
 problem if you want to extend how you use it.

 In terms of the current development status. I would say that there needs
 to be more people invloved and at the current progress it is still a long
 way from being completed. Part of the problem seems to be that to
 implement even a simple fo feature there is still a lot of other code to
 do. Another problem is the lack of effort around all the other important
 areas: website, docs, images etc.

 The only thing that will improve FOP is more people doing something
 positive even if it is small.

 Keiron Liddle

 On 2002.01.25 00:12 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  First off, thank you for what looks like a fantastic effort. I admire
  am envious of) each of you who have found the time to contribute to such
  valuable project.
  I am involved with the approval process for bringing new technology into
  our company.  We have several development groups who have seen the FOP
  engine and would like to include it their applications. The requirements
  are pretty much the same across applications. They need to generate lots

Re: Seeking Comments on Status of Project

2002-02-06 Thread Peter B. West


Yes, we're all entitled to a little ranting now and then.  So I'll rant 
a little, and end with a few practical suggestions.

As to who's in charge:  Arved is the man, but Arved has recently started 
a new job, so you can imagine what his current situation is. 
 Nonetheless, he is preparing a new maintenance release at this time. 
 He is also concurrently involved in the design of the C/C++ version. 
 Keiron is leading the redesign effort against the current code base 
with Karen heavily involved.  Tore is the reference for all things 
fontish.  That group is our active expertise on the current and 
immediate future code base.  There are others who have worked on the 
code and documentation, e.g. Kelly and of course James Tauber, but who 
are not currently active.  Bernard is the rtf guru, and he is looking at 
the integration of his rtf work into the project.  My apologies to those 
I have missed.  I am looking at some alternative ways to approach the 
design, and that, as far as current users are concerned, makes me 
completely useless.

Given that the available time of contributors is limited, and that that 
availability can change dramatically and unpredictably, mapping out 
timetables is a demoralising business.  It has been attempted, but the 
actual results have varied so far from the predicted that I think we are 
all gun-shy.  A large part of the difficulty is that this particular 
problem has not been solved by this group before.  In that sense it is 
uncharted territory.  I saw an old movie about Christopher Columbus a 
while ago.  He is back in the Spanish court and one of his enemies makes 
disparaging remarks about what a trivial matter it is to sail to the New 
World.  Frederick March (Columbus) picks up a boiled egg and asks the 
bloke if he knows how to stand the egg on its end.  The guy and the King 
and a few others attempt to balance the egg, unsuccessfully.  Columbus 
raps the blunter end on the table, crushing the air sac, and stands the 
egg on the crushed base.  It's easy when someone shows you how.

Your comments about the relationship of the users to the makers are not 
*entirely* fair.  Yes, users are entitled to expect that bugs and 
lacunae in the product will be fixed, without being told to do it 
yourself.  Without non-participating users an Open Source project 
cannot expect to be very widely used.  We need to know about user's 
requirements, and this group has made great efforts over the time that I 
have been involved to respond to those requirements.  However, to demand 
that we display a level of professionalism (a word I always put in 
scare quotes) that I don't see from large software companies, including 
MS, is a bit unfair.

This project has a well-defined goal: a fully confomant product ASAP. 
 We are at a stage of re-definition.  As has been stated on many 
occasions, the existing design has exhausted its usefulness, and 
requires a serious rethink.  The result has to be capable of realising 
the afore-mentioned goal.  That takes time.  When it is completed, a map 
of sub-goals and sub-projects can be drawn up, and a vaguely useful 
timetable might be possible.  Keiron and Karen are the primary 
references for this, and if they are not drawing up such a roadmap, I 
expect it is because they are still struggling to subdue the design.

Keiron has indicated his interest in running some kind of school or 
seminar on the redesign for those who are interested, and I hope this 
comes to fruition.  Keiron is committed to building on as much of the 
current base as possible, so I expect that we will learn a lot about 
that base.  This will, I think, be important for moving the project 
forward.  Some of you will have noticed that the current CVS branch does 
not do a lot.  We need to begin to fill in those gaps, under direction 
from KK.  If you want to help to increase the coverage of FOP, this 
will be the way to go.  Keiron and Karen will need to mark out a number 
of places to which the toe of the crowbar can be usefully applied, and 
then talk people up to speed.

We need some documenters to maintain and extend the web pages, and to do 
more detailed documentation on the design and implementation.  I would 
hope that we could have two or three active in this area.  The prime 
responsibility would be the web pages.  I would imagine that one of the 
documenters would do all of the web page committing, but would keep the 
others up to date on all of the changes.  If he were unable to continue 
with that responsibility, temporarily or permanently, a handover could 
be arranged within the documenters' group, and if necessary, a call 
could be issued for a replacement member or members.  A fop-documenters 
mailing list may be appropriate.


Matthew L. Avizinis wrote:

OK, so how can I help?


Btw, who's in charge?  It doesn't seem clear to me.

And reluctantly, but while I'm at it, what the hey (certainly Keiron's
always very patient comments didn't 

Re: Seeking Comments on Status of Project

2002-02-06 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz

On Thursday 07 February 2002 03:57, Arved Sandstrom wrote:
. . .
 If you do some code and want to
 see it added to the main or maintenance branches, then the onus is on
 one or more committers to explain why it's a bad idea, but there must
 be a good reason. 
. . .

To make sure there is no confusion about this, could someone clarify 
(once more I guess) what exactly the main and maintenance branches 
are, and how to get the source code for both of them?

- Bertrand

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Re: Seeking Comments on Status of Project

2002-02-06 Thread Jeremias Maerki

 To make sure there is no confusion about this, could someone clarify 
 (once more I guess) what exactly the main and maintenance branches 
 are, and how to get the source code for both of them?

You get the main branch by getting the sources from CVS without a tag.
The maintenance branch is extracted by using the tag
fop-0_20_2-maintain. So the maintenance branch is where bugfixing is
done for versions 0.20.2 and later. The redesign is done on the main

Jeremias Märki


Postfach 3954 - Rhynauerstr. 15 - CH-6002 Luzern
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Understanding FOP [1]

2002-02-06 Thread Keiron Liddle

Welcome to the understanding series following Peter's suggestion. This
will be a series of notes for developers to understand how FOP works.
Questions should be asked. We (yes others too) will attempt to clarify the
processes involved to go from xml(fo) to pdf or other formats. Some areas
will get more complicated as we proceed.


FOP takes an xml file does its magic and then writes a document to a
xml - [FOP] - document
The document could be pdf, ps etc. or directed to a printer or the screen.
The principle remains the same.

The xml document must be in the XSL:FO format. For convenience we provide
a mechanism to handle XML+XSL as input.
The xml document is always handled internally as SAX. The SAX events are
used to read the elements, attributes and text data of the FO document.

After the manipulation of the data the renderer writes out the pages in
the appropriate format. It may write as it goes, a page at a time or the
whole document at once. Once finished the document should contain all the
data in the chosen format ready for whatever use.


The fo data goes through a few stages. Each piece of data will generally
go through the process in the same way but some information may be used a
number of times or in a different order. To reduce memory one stage will
start before the previous is completed.
SAX Handler - FO Tree - Layout Managers - Area Tree - Render - 

In the case of rtf, mif etc.
SAX Handler - FO Tree - Structure Listener - document

The FO Tree is constructed from the xml document. It is an internal 
representation of the xml document and it is like a DOM with some 
The Layout Managers use the FO Tree do their layout stuff and create an 
Area Tree. The Area Tree is a representation of the final result. It is a 
representation of a set of pages containing the text and other graphics.
The Area Tree is then given to a Renderer. The Renderer can read the Area 
Tree and convert the information into the render format. For example the 
PDF Renderer creates a PDF Document. For each page in the Area Tree the 
renderer creates a PDF Page and places the contents of the page into the 
PDF Page. Once a PDF Page is complete then it can be written to the output 

For the structure documents the Structure listener will read directly from 
the FO Tree and create the document. These documents do not need the 
layout process or the Area Tree.

Associated Tasks

Verify Structure Listener concept.

Further Topics
XML parsing
FO Tree
Layout Managers
Layout Process
Handling Attributes
Area Tree
PDF Library


Questions are welcome. Stick to the topic, no details, this is an 

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