Re: [fossil-users] commit --private for a review before real do, then how to proceed a real commit?

2012-03-25 Thread chi

H.C. Chen schrieb:
 you are content with its state. Then you simply merge your
 private branch back onto your trunk
 When being content with the private thread's state, I am standing on the 
 private thread. So,
  fossil merge trunk-commit-id 
  fossil ci -m Still private  Problem!!
 is still standing on the private thread. I cann't find any merge command 
 option to merge it *back onto* the trunk. Please show me exactly how to do 
 it. Thanks !

Ah ... in Fossil you are merging *from* somewhere *into* the current
checkout all the time! If you have a look onto

   fossil merge --help

you will read:

   Usage: fossil merge ?OPTIONS? VERSION

   The argument VERSION is a version that should be merged into the
   current checkout.  (...)

So that meant, as soon as you are content with you private branch, you
have to switch to the trunk (or whatever your target is, via

   fossil update trunk

and then merge your private branch into the trunk via

   fossil merge private-branch-commit-id

. Check the changes, resolve any conflict and if you content with your
result, commit it back onto trunk ...

That's all about ...

Happy fossil'ing,
chi :-)
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Help install fossil as window service

2011-06-01 Thread chi

Steeve St-Laurent schrieb:


 I'm trying to install fossil as a window service.
 i sucessfully created the service with this command
 sc create fossil binPaht=GoodPath\fossil.exe server

hmmm ... I do not know Windows. But you probably misspelled binPaht?
Shouldn't this read binPath perhaps?


chi :-)
fossil-users mailing list


2011-05-22 Thread chi

Richard Hipp schrieb:


  Does anybody have any other suggestions on how to prevent the lose
  of uncommitted work?
  Maybe not suggestion to prevent losing of uncommitted work, but I'm
  thinking about using 'stash' in such situation.
 Perhaps Fossil could do this automatically. Whenever an 'update' would
 change any locally modified file, Fossil could stash the changes away
 first and inform the user.
 That's sort of what fossil undo does.  Except it only stores the most
 recent change.  You are suggesting an auto-stash that keeps backups at
 each change, and stores them in a visible place such as the stash.  An
 interesting idea...

But only if an update would modify local uncommitted changes, I think.
So if I commit every time before I update, no auto-stash would be necessary.

 Would we purge the auto-stash on a commit?  Or just let it grow until
 the user manually purged it?

No, I feel it should not purge the auto-stash on commit. It would be
safer, if it has to be deleted manually. Then I have explicitely to
choose that I do not those changes anymore. Fossil cannot know my
intentions. And tracking all of my actions to be sure that the
auto-stashed changes were really re-introduced into my working copy
would be a ehrm tricky task to implement.

What Fossil could do is to warn on every commit I do until those
auto-stashes are dropped again (perhaps with asking for permission to
proceed with current checkin in face of auto-stashes).

chi :-)
fossil-users mailing list


2011-05-21 Thread chi

Ron Wilson schrieb:
 On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Gour-Gadadhara Dasa 

 On Sat, 21 May 2011 14:32:34 -0400
 Richard Hipp wrote:

 Does anybody have any other suggestions on how to prevent the lose
 of uncommitted work?

 Maybe not suggestion to prevent losing of uncommitted work, but I'm
 thinking about using 'stash' in such situation.

Perhaps Fossil could do this automatically. Whenever an 'update' would
change any locally modified file, Fossil could stash the changes away
first and inform the user.

That way one could apply the stash to the updated working tree dealing
with conflicts and such. After all went well the stash may be dropped

Then it would be much more difficult to lose local modifcation not
committed so far.

 Doing a fossil update should never delete uncommitted changed files.
 Zed's post implies this happened.

The 'stash first' should protect us here too :-)


Just my two cent ...

chi :-)
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] tags branches after importing from CVS

2011-04-07 Thread chi

Joan Picanyol i Puig schrieb:


Hello Joan,

first you have to understand, that tags in Fossil are what other VCSs
call properties.

That means, there is the possibility to assign a value to a property/tag
if one wants to.

Then those properties/tags can be chosen to propagate automatically down
the descendants chain of child revisions, or they are only valid for a
certain commit only.

 How is tag cancel supposed to work and how am I supposed verify it?

If you chose to cance a tag/property it means, that the tag will not be
regarded as associated with that commit anymore. It is still sitting on
this commit, but will not apply on it. If the tag had a value, that
value is lost afterwards. Furthermore the tag will not any longer
propagate to the descendants if it was a propagating tag. Therefore it
is also cancelled for the descendants.

You can verify this via the 'fossil ui' command, that show you those
tags striked out.


 ** If tagtype is 2 then the tag is being propagated from an
 ** ancestor node.  If tagtype is 0 it means a propagating tag is
 ** being blocked.
 Where are the magic tags modified by --raw defined?
 See above. Looking at the source it seems that --raw merely disables
 de automatic handling of the sym- prefix for the tagname.

Yes! If you create a tag via option --propagate the tag type is
propagating. If you issue a fossil tag cancel ... the tag type will be
propagation blocked (or tag cancelled) AFAIR ...

 I'm confused on the existance of branch=branchname vs. sym-branchname.
 It appears redundant to me...

All tags that begin with prefix sym- can be used at command line
instead of the SHA1 sum of a commit. So at your example above I could
use fossil co branchname because the tag was called sym-branchname.
The last commit with that tag applied will be checked out then.

The property branch does not contain any sym- prefix and therefore
*cannot* being used at command line to select a commit instead of using
its SHA1 sum.

But as it has assigned a value to it (branch=branchname) Fossil know
on which branch the current commit currently resides. If there were no
such property, Fossil wouldn't know the current branch, as there could
be more than one tag with a sym- prefix prepended -- propagating or
not (e.g. release, fix, testing, ...)

Best regards and happy Fossiling,
chi :-)
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] overwrite file (a=always/y/N)?

2010-12-22 Thread chi

Russ Paielli wrote:
 Sorry if I am being dense, folks, but I keep getting this question when
 I open fossil:
 overwrite file (a=always/y/N)?
 It goes through all of my files with the same question. I have no idea
 what this means, why it is being asked, or what the correct reply is.
 Overwrite it with what? Will someone please give me a clue? Thanks.

I get this question, if I e.g. close a working copy and then re-open it
again. Because 'fossil close' do not delete the files from the working
copy, the 'fossil open' afterwards will recognize that -- during
checkout -- the actual file being checked out does already exists (not
deleted by 'fossil close'). So it will ask you if it is safe to
overwrite it with the one currently checked out.

Another situation where this could be happen is, if you have file names
differ only by upcase/lowcase spelling and are checking out on a
filesystem that regard e.g. 'FOO.c' and 'foo.c' as the same filename
(e.g. NTFS or HFS+).

Does one of this explanation is matching your environment?

Best regards,

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Change of marking of privacy for branches ...

2010-11-23 Thread chi

I have a question that is associated with ticket [e29ea5912a] Privacy
attribution loss due to de/reconstruct.

Currently, information which artifacts are private is stored in a SQL
table 'private' whose content cannot be deconstructed or transferred to
another repository. A repository that is deconstructed and reconstructed
again, lose all information what branches were private in the original

Now I am thinking whether it could be a feasible idea to not store
privacy information within a separate table, but to simply attach a raw
tag 'private' (*not* 'sym-private') to every checkin we would like to
mark private (i.e. that should not be sync'd or cloned).

Such a raw-tag could survive a deconstruct/reconstruct cycle. And more:
we could edit a branch privacy after the fact, if we like. Or we could
also allow to 'push' such branches marked as 'private' to e.g. a backup
repository. This would allow to backup a large repository via automatic
issued push tasks, instead of copying the whole repository ever and ever
again ...

Would anything speack against such changed behavior to depend a
branche's privacy on a raw-tag instead of an entry in a local SQL table
within the repository?

What is your opinion?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Question about global settings

2010-11-04 Thread chi

James Turner wrote:


 My question is why is autosync and also localauth explicitly set in the
 local repository upon creation? Couldn't they be treated like the other
 settings and just have some default in the code base that gets used if
 locally or globally they are not set?
 Hopefully this will clear things up.

Now I understand better, thank you.

I think, you have a reasonable question. Your proposal, though, would
have its drawbacks too.

I -- for instance -- often take some repositories on a USB stick with
me. If the default was not established in creation, working with my
repository would depend on the global settings of the user I currently
using my repository with. This could be very confusing as well for that
use case.

But except for this, I do not see any further big drawback at the
moment. Perhaps wait whether there are further discussions concerning
this thread, and if nothing speaks against this, you could try to open
an improvement ticket with your proposal. Except -- of course -- if DRH
already rejected it here on the mailing list at that time ...

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Question about global settings

2010-11-03 Thread chi
James Turner wrote:

 Quick question, if I have autosync set to off globally but the
 repository has it set to on...who wins?

If there is no locally defined setting, it takes the global one. If
there is a local setting defined, it will beats the global one.

 From what I see the repository wins, so what does setting it
 globally get you?

That you have not to set it for every new created repository explictly.
Only if it divert from your global policy.

For me for instance: autosync, localauth and editor are set globally
only. Only for a few reository, I did change one or another setting locally.


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Repository in a single file

2010-01-24 Thread chi

Stephen De Gabrielle wrote:
 I took a look at subversion, and it seems to use a single db/filesystem FSFS?

 I'm guessing the same issues apply?

Hmmm ... at least if using the FSFS storage, a repository consists of a 
lot of files. They can be backed up very comfortably as they are 
immutable after creation. In the normal case only new files are added 
during modification of the repository state, AFAIR.

So I guess it is not really the same issue as with Fossil.



fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Numbered list syntax?

2009-12-09 Thread chi

Michael Richter wrote:

 I don't get it. We never had to number the list ourselves.
 What was wrong with :

 Numbered list

  0  Number one
  0  Number two
  0  Number three

 It gives you a list that looks like:

 0. Number one
 0. Number two
 0. Number three

 That's not really a numbered list, now, is it?

Ahhh ... in my Fossil wiki it gives me:

1. Number one
2. Number two
3. Number three

Try for yourself in the Fossil wiki's sandbox ...

But pay attention: Every number enclosed in *two* Blanks!


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] relocate a repo

2009-12-01 Thread chi

Matthias Teege wrote:

 I've made a copy (not a clone) of an directory with an open fossil repo. I've
 made some changes and now tried to commit. Fossil looks for the repo db
 in the old location and gives me

 repository does not exist or is in an unreadable directory: ...

 Is it possible to relocate my working directory without losing my changes?

You could do a

   rm _FOSSIL_
   fossil open /my/path/to/the/repository.fsl --keep

Important is the '--keep' option; with this your directory contents will 
not be overwritten by the 'open' command. But you need probably to know 
the branch and perhaps the revision you were at, as my command given 
above would try to open against the 'trunk' and there the last version.

Better to read the help of the 'open' command first.

chi :-)


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Zip files won't unzip on OS X

2009-11-29 Thread chi

Will Duquette wrote:
 Anonymous can clone it, according to the Users page.  I've not tried
 that myself.

Hmmm ... if I try, fossil means, that anonymous have no rights to clone 
the repository. If you look onto the User page, what password user 
anonymous posses? Perhaps it is some hex value, then cloning is not very 
easy ;-)

In the past, if a repository was new  created, every anonymous got the 
password 'anonymous'. But since some time, every new created repository 
get a random password for anonymous. If I do not know this, I cannot 
clone the repos despite the permission.

If this is the case, you would have either to change and publish the 
anonymous password for users that would like to clone (the login 
password for anonymous will still be generated automatically to be 
different for every login), or you would have to allow user nobody to 
clone ...



fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Zip files won't unzip on OS X

2009-11-29 Thread chi

Will Duquette wrote:
 I thought that might be the case, but I wasn't sure.  I've set
 it up so that nobody can clone.  Alternatively, you can log in
 as anonymous and use the Zip Archive link on the Leaf page.
 Or you can download glue.kit.

Thank you, now cloning worked out :-)

Thank you,


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Zip files won't unzip on OS X

2009-11-28 Thread chi

Will Duquette wrote: - hide quoted text -
Hello Will,

  I've got a fossil repository at If I download a Zip
  Archive for a leaf, the OS X Archive Utility won't unzip it; it says
  that it's corrupted.  The command-line unzip command unzips it
  just fine. 

jepp, this was an issue for Fossil for a longt time (ticket 923a912309). 
Fortunately this problem was solved with revision d78835d2ff -- commited 
18-Oct-2009. Unfortunately you Fossil binary (revision 37f295c310) from 
21-Sep-2009 is too old and therefore does not contain the fix.

So if you upgrade your binary (and probably fossil rebuild the 
repository) the problem should vanish ...

BTW: Does you also host your excellent Notebook and Snit with Fossil?


Best regards,

fossil-users mailing list