[fossil-users] visual studio solution and project file for fossil

2016-10-04 Thread arnoldemu

I am not familiar enough with the fossil build system so I hope somebody can 
answer these questions.

Is there a way to generate a visual studio solution and project file from the 
fossil source which I can then load up in visual studio 2015 community edition? 

Or an alternative: is there a way to generate a debug build with pdbs which I 
can debug through visual studio?

I used to using visual studio for debugging and it would help me to finish my 
gmerge patch.

Thank you


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] unversioned files - converting files from versioned to unversioned and limiting the number of versions

2016-10-05 Thread arnoldemu

I have some binary files in my repository which are currently versioned. I see 
there is a new unversioned file feature and I would like to convert them to 

Is there a way to "convert" a file from versioned to unversioned? 

In Perforce there is a way to limit the number of versions (I can set this 
through P4V), is there anything similar in fossil? Is there a way to define and 
keep the last 'n' revisions?

Thank you

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] visual studio solution and project file for fossil

2016-10-05 Thread arnoldemu

> Fossil's primary use is to keep track of changes in your files, it is not a 
> build system perse. If you want to use Visual Studio, why not use something 
> like CMake: 

Hi Arjun,

Thankyou for your reply. Sorry but after reading back my question I don't think 
I worded it well and I didn't make it clear about what I wanted.

I want to build fossil itself because I want to patch it and hopefully submit 
my patches for review.

I see that fossil can be built with a batch file "buildmsvc.bat" which uses the 
command-line visual studio compiler. It uses some kind of custom build where 
the headers which are needed are added to the files and output into a separate 
directory. I don't really understand fully how this works and is a guess from 
what I have seen so far.

I want to make a solution for fossil so I can build fossil under visual studio 
itself from the IDE itself. I can then use the IDE's debugger. I tried to add 
all the source files from inside the src directory but that didn't work. So I 
then ran the batch file, waited for it to build and then used the source files 
from the msvcbld and that didn't seem to work either.

So I have failed so far and wondered if anyone has made a solution and if they 
did, how did they do it?

The second question was:
- Is there a way I can modify (or pass a parameter) to the buildmsvc.bat to 
make a "debug" build without the compiler doing optimisations and with it 
generating a debug pdb. I could also debug fossil from within visual studio 
this way.



fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] unexpected result with fossil mv on a directory

2016-10-29 Thread arnoldemu

I think I may have found a bug with fossil mv related to moving directories.

I am using fossil version 1.35 3aa86af6aa 2016-06-14 11:10:39 UTC.

I wanted to use fossil mv to move a directory tree.

The tree looks like this:

test/drivetest and I wanted to move it to test/disc/drivetest

If I use:

cd test
fossil mv drivetest disc/drivetest

if disc, drivetest or neither exist on my machine then the move doesn't work as 
I expected.

fossil reports:

RENAME test/drivetest test/disc/drivetest

then "fossil changes" lists nothing.

if both disc and drivetest exist then fossil reports RENAME for every file as I 
expected and fossil submit works as expected.

Is this by design or is it a bug?



fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] unexpected result with fossil mv on a directory

2016-10-29 Thread arnoldemu

I re-read my message back and realised I may have caused confusion:

disc/drivetest exists - it is the directory with files I want to move, but when 
I say when neither "disc" or "drivetest" exists, I meant "test/disc" and 
"test/disc/drivetest" sorry if I caused confusion.



fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] unexpected result with fossil mv on a directory

2016-10-29 Thread arnoldemu
LOL one more try:

test/drivetest exists and has files.

test/disc/drivetest or test/disc doesn't exist.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] unable to revert fossil mv

2016-10-29 Thread arnoldemu

I have a directory called test

it contains a directory called disc and a directory called disk_sizes.
test/disk_sizes contains a few files with extension "dsk".

I wanted to do this move:

test/disk_sizes -> test/disc/disk_sizes

I worked around the other problem I reported by creating test/disc/disk_sizes.

but I typed:

fossil mv test/disk_sizes test/disc

this moved all files in test/disk_sizes to test/disc. (test/disc is now filled 
with files with extension dsk).

I realised my mistake.

I did:

fossil revert test/disc/*.dsk

fossil reported the UNMANAGE.

i then did "fossil changes".

fossil then listed each file with dsk extension with "MISSING".

I can't revert the change.

i tried to do the mv again and fossil did nothing :(

(I don't know if this is important but I had other files and directories in my 
fossil changes at the same time).

How can I fix this?

I tried to do the move again (but correct this time) and although fossil 
reported it had renamed the files and to the correct location, fossil changes 
didn't have those changes and had the same MISSING. I can't revert and I can 
repeat the operation. :(



fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] unable to revert fossil mv

2016-10-29 Thread arnoldemu

I am seeing this:

kevin@kevin:~/arnold/test/disc$ fossil changes
MISSING disk_sizes/data.dsk
MISSING disk_sizes/data2sides.dsk
MISSING disk_sizes/ramdosd1.dsk
MISSING disk_sizes/system.dsk
MISSING disk_sizes/system42.dsk
MISSING disk_sizes/system80t1s.dsk
MISSING disk_sizes/test.dsk
MISSING disk_sizes/vortex.dsk

if I do touch to make these missing files and then do a revert.

Fossil shows me

kevin@kevin:~/arnold/test/disc/disk_sizes$ fossil revert
DELETE test/disc/disk_sizes/data.dsk
DELETE test/disc/disk_sizes/data2sides.dsk
DELETE test/disc/disk_sizes/ramdosd1.dsk
DELETE test/disc/disk_sizes/system.dsk
DELETE test/disc/disk_sizes/system42.dsk
DELETE test/disc/disk_sizes/system80t1s.dsk
DELETE test/disc/disk_sizes/test.dsk
DELETE test/disc/disk_sizes/vortex.dsk
REVERT test/disk_sizes/data.dsk
REVERT test/disk_sizes/data2sides.dsk
REVERT test/disk_sizes/ramdosd1.dsk
REVERT test/disk_sizes/system.dsk
REVERT test/disk_sizes/system42.dsk
REVERT test/disk_sizes/system80t1s.dsk
REVERT test/disk_sizes/test.dsk
REVERT test/disk_sizes/vortex.dsk
"fossil undo" is available to undo changes to the working checkout.

and then:

kevin@kevin:~/arnold/test/disc/disk_sizes$ fossil changes
kevin@kevin:~/arnold/test/disc/disk_sizes$ cd ..

i try again:

kevin@kevin:~/arnold/test$ fossil mv disk_sizes disc/disk_sizes
RENAME test/disk_sizes/data.dsk test/disc/disk_sizes/data.dsk
RENAME test/disk_sizes/data2sides.dsk test/disc/disk_sizes/data2sides.dsk
RENAME test/disk_sizes/ramdosd1.dsk test/disc/disk_sizes/ramdosd1.dsk
RENAME test/disk_sizes/system.dsk test/disc/disk_sizes/system.dsk
RENAME test/disk_sizes/system42.dsk test/disc/disk_sizes/system42.dsk
RENAME test/disk_sizes/system80t1s.dsk test/disc/disk_sizes/system80t1s.dsk
RENAME test/disk_sizes/test.dsk test/disc/disk_sizes/test.dsk
RENAME test/disk_sizes/vortex.dsk test/disc/disk_sizes/vortex.dsk

kevin@kevin:~/arnold/test$ fossil changes
MISSING disc/disk_sizes/data.dsk
MISSING disc/disk_sizes/data2sides.dsk
MISSING disc/disk_sizes/ramdosd1.dsk
MISSING disc/disk_sizes/system.dsk
MISSING disc/disk_sizes/system42.dsk
MISSING disc/disk_sizes/system80t1s.dsk
MISSING disc/disk_sizes/test.dsk
MISSING disc/disk_sizes/vortex.dsk


No way to recover :(

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] windows build patch to use vs2015 static analysis

2016-10-29 Thread arnoldemu

Here is a patch that sets the /analyze compiler switch which enables the vs2015 
static analysis output. I have tested it with vs2015 community edition and the 
latest source distribution of fossil 1.36.


--- C:/Users/kev/Downloads/fossil-src-1.361/fossil-1.36/win/Makefile.msc    Mon 
Oct 24 15:59:33 2016
+++ C:/Users/kev/Downloads/fossil-src-1.36/fossil-1.36/win/Makefile.msc    Sat 
Oct 29 14:26:46 2016
@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@
 DEBUG = 0
+# Enable analysis?
+!ifndef ANALYZE
 # Build the OpenSSL libraries?
@@ -241,6 +246,10 @@
+!if $(ANALYZE)!=0
+CFLAGS    = $(CFLAGS) /analyze
 BCC   = $(CC) $(CFLAGS)


use it like this:

buildmsvc ANALYZE=1

The piped output is too large to attach here.

I think it's worth checking these. My experience with other projects has shown 
that sometimes it's a bit over sensitive but it has also found some real 

A few lines taken from the output:

c:\users\kev\downloads\fossil-src-1.36\fossil-1.36\src\timeline.c(762) : 
warning C6297: Arithmetic overflow:  32-bit value is shifted, then cast to 
64-bit value.  Results might not be an expected value.

c:\users\kev\downloads\fossil-src-1.36\fossil-1.36\src\allrepo.c(323) : warning 
C6246: Local declaration of 'rc' hides declaration of the same name in outer 
scope. For additional information, see previous declaration at line '178' of 
'c:\users\kev\downloads\fossil-src-1.36\fossil-1.36\src\allrepo.c'.: Lines: 178

c:\users\kev\downloads\fossil-src-1.36\fossil-1.36\src\delta.c(465) : warning 
C6385: Reading invalid data from 'collide':  the readable size is 
'_Old_5`nHash*sizeof(int)' bytes, but '8' bytes may be read.: Lines: 350, 351, 
352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 360, 361, 367, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 
388, 385, 386, 387, 388, 385, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 
405, 407, 408, 424, 425, 426, 427, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 437, 441, 444, 447, 
448, 449, 454, 455, 465

c:\users\kev\downloads\fossil-src-1.36\fossil-1.36\src\dispatch.c(505) : 
warning C6011: Dereferencing NULL pointer 'z'. : Lines: 448, 449, 450, 451, 
452, 453, 454, 464, 468, 472, 476, 480, 481, 485, 486, 488, 489, 494, 500, 501, 
502, 505

Best Wishes,
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] unable to revert fossil mv

2016-10-30 Thread arnoldemu
Steve, I agree with you it is confusing!

I have used fossil for over 2 years now (and I continue to use it because I 
like it very much) but I haven't used the move operation much in that time and 
each time I do use it the two step move is confusing.

I am used to other source control systems which move the files. I use them much 
more than I use fossil. I use fossil for my own personal code and the other 
scms for work. 

What confused me this time is that although technically it is true that the 
files are classed as MISSING after a move because fossil thinks they are in the 
new location , and the files have not been moved there, their status as MISSING 
should not be reported. If it remains as two step then saying their MISSING 
makes it sounds like something went wrong.

Fossil should know it has moved/renamed the files as part of it's operation so 
if I do a mv command and then list changes, fossil should list them as RENAMED 
rather than MISSING.

This would help. I think fossil should also remind the user to move the files 
if it's operating in two step mode. This would help me to remember each time ;)
It's as simple as putting that in the changes and after the mv operation has 
been done-> "please don't forget to move your files".

For changes, it could have 1 status for "renamed but file doesn't exist there 
yet" and "renamed and file exists" as a way to confirm to the user that they 
have done both operations.

Also, if it is two step, then in theory I should be able to: 1. submit without 
moving files 2. do update to get the files in the new location. I am then free 
to delete the files in the original location the same way that I am free to 
copy the files or not.

Also, what is confusing is what happens if there are changes to the files at 
the time of merge..?

Of course not moving them is confusing for somebody like me who 1) doesn't use 
this method often 2) is used to the methods used by other scm makes it 
confusing each time.

What also confused me is that when I did revert, fossil appeared to revert TWO 
operations (it listed the delete and revert). But changes only listed ONE 
It seemed like the changes wasn't telling me all the information :(

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] windows build patch to use vs2015 static analysis

2016-10-30 Thread arnoldemu
BTW, There are around 400 warnings. I posted just a few of them.

So please compile with this patch to the makefile and visual studio 2015 with 
the analyze option enabled to see them all.

A few more:

c:\users\kev\downloads\fossil-src-1.36\fossil-1.36\src\sqlite3.c(113673) : 
warning C6239: ( && ) always evaluates to the result of .  Did you intend to 
use the bitwise-and operator?

c:\users\kev\downloads\fossil-src-1.36\fossil-1.36\src\vfile.c(528) : warning 
C6287: Redundant code:  the left and right sub-expressions are identical.

c:\users\kev\downloads\fossil-src-1.36\fossil-1.36\src\diff.c(979) : warning 
C6001: Using uninitialized memory 'aNext'.: Lines: 944, 945, 946, 947, 948, 
949, 950, 951, 952, 953, 954, 956, 957, 958, 959, 960, 961, 962, 963, 964, 965, 
966, 967, 968, 969, 970, 971, 976, 977, 978, 979, 980, 981, 982, 979

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] fossil mv with wildcards inconsistent operation (and more two step merge frustrations)

2016-10-30 Thread arnoldemu

I found an unexpected inconsistency with fossil mv on files when using 

I want to move 2 files into another directory:

itest.asm and itest.bin

Both files exist in the repository.

If both exist locally:

fossil mv itest.* newdir

then fossil will rename *both*. changes show both have been renamed.

If only itest.bin exists in the starting directory:

fossil mv itest.* newdir

will only rename itest.bin and not itest.asm

I can still do this (including when itest.asm doesn't exist):

fossil mv itest.asm newdir

then fossil will rename the file regardless of it existing or not because 
fossil knows it exists in the repository.

So wildcards appear to apply to the files locally rather than those in the 
repository. Should wildcards apply to both locally and in the repository?

And this highlights another issue with the two step move:

I can use fossil mv to move files but if I don't then move them locally then I 
can't submit and fossil reports it can't find the file.

The process relies on both local moving of files and moving them in the 
repository. The operations have to be done in a specific order and are not 
So my argument is that it should not be two step. It should be single step. 
Fossil already handles file operations so why is this different and why can't 
it be done automatically?

(Sorry about the number of e-mails relating to mv, I'm re-organising files in 
my repository and I've e-mailed as I found these issues).



fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] revert of missing files using wildcard not possible.

2016-10-30 Thread arnoldemu

This is probably related to move and missing files in general.

It's not possible to do a revert using a wildcard to revert multiple missing 
files. You have to specify them one by one.

For example:

I used mv to move some files:


I did not move them yet in the filesystem and with changes they showed up as 

So I tried this:

fossil revert intlace*

UNMANAGE intlace*

fossil changes showed no changes to the files they were still listed as MISSING.

fossil revert intlace.asm

this showed DELETE of file from new location and REVERT of old location and 
changes showed this operation was successful. Please support wildcards for 
missing files :)



fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] revert of missing files using wildcard not possible.

2016-10-30 Thread arnoldemu
Ok, I understand that wildcards are expanded by the shell but it would make it 
*SO* much easier to use if fossil could do some kind of pattern matching or use 
wildcards to allow me to revert a group of files. 

It feels a little inconsistent to me that I can't use wildcards throughout. I 
can use them to add files (because the shell does the work), but as a user it 
seems a bit odd I can't use it to revert missing files? 

As a user it feels like a bug - a user doesn't really know or care what the 
shell is doing or not doing.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] revert of missing files using wildcard not possible.

2016-10-30 Thread arnoldemu
I tested the automatic expansion of wildcards on windows and linux.

Here is my program:


int main(int argc, char **argv)
int i;
for (i=0; ihttp://lists.fossil-scm.org:8080/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/fossil-users

Re: [fossil-users] revert of missing files using wildcard not possible.

2016-10-31 Thread arnoldemu
Hi Andy,

Try this:

kevin@kevin:~$ mkdir fossil
kevin@kevin:~$ cd fossil
kevin@kevin:~/fossil$ fossil new test
project-id: 72090bfca4c8d0618530e7b7b524056a25bf4052
server-id: f38e157351c762cbdb09d581ca17e1d70cb68f0c
admin-user: kevin (initial password is "c821e4")
kevin@kevin:~/fossil$ fossil open test
repository: /home/kevin/fossil/test
local-root: /home/kevin/fossil/
config-db: /home/kevin/.fossil
project-code: 72090bfca4c8d0618530e7b7b524056a25bf4052
checkout: a0a2d816aee3e2bc1cb0212e9869abc17c6691d5 2016-10-31 18:50:20 UTC
tags: trunk
comment: initial empty check-in (user: kevin)
check-ins: 1
kevin@kevin:~/fossil$ touch intlace.asm
kevin@kevin:~/fossil$ touch intlace.bin
kevin@kevin:~/fossil$ touch intlace.dsk
kevin@kevin:~/fossil$ fossil add intlace*
ADDED intlace.asm
ADDED intlace.bin
ADDED intlace.dsk
kevin@kevin:~/fossil$ fossil commit -m "add files"
New_Version: 828f91088a96ba00371148edb59da15ae42ac5d4
kevin@kevin:~/fossil$ ls
intlace.asm intlace.bin intlace.dsk subdir test
kevin@kevin:~/fossil$ fossil mv intlace* subdir
RENAME intlace.asm subdir/intlace.asm
RENAME intlace.bin subdir/intlace.bin
RENAME intlace.dsk subdir/intlace.dsk
kevin@kevin:~/fossil$ fossil changes
MISSING subdir/intlace.asm
MISSING subdir/intlace.bin
MISSING subdir/intlace.dsk
kevin@kevin:~/fossil$ fossil revert subdir/intlace*
UNMANAGE subdir/intlace*
kevin@kevin:~/fossil$ fossil changes
MISSING subdir/intlace.asm
MISSING subdir/intlace.bin
MISSING subdir/intlace.dsk
kevin@kevin:~/fossil$ fossil revert "subdir/intlace*"
UNMANAGE subdir/intlace*
kevin@kevin:~/fossil$ fossil changes
MISSING subdir/intlace.asm
MISSING subdir/intlace.bin
MISSING subdir/intlace.dsk
kevin@kevin:~/fossil$ fossil revert subdir/intlace.asm
DELETE subdir/intlace.asm
REVERT intlace.asm
"fossil undo" is available to undo changes to the working checkout.
kevin@kevin:~/fossil$ fossil changes
MISSING subdir/intlace.bin
MISSING subdir/intlace.dsk

You reverted the files in their original location. To me that doesn't make 
sense. I consider the operation to have succeeded and fossil now thinks of them 
in their new location so I revert them in their new location to go back to 
their old location. I can revert them one at a time in their new location and 
that works.

OR I could copy or create files in their new location and revert those.

But still it's not possible to revert missing files using a wildcard. I guess 
because the shell doesn't know about them and doesn't expand them and fossil 
considers the * to be a valid character in a filename.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] revert of missing files using wildcard not possible.

2016-10-31 Thread arnoldemu

>I suppose this is so obvious to people who grew up with Unix that we
>don't even think about it.  Are you coming from a windows background?
Yes. I have been programming on windows since 1995 and from the beginning I 
used Visual C++ and later Visual Studio (before then it was mostly Z80). I have 
written lots of tools and utilities and command-line tools too.

I have been using Linux in my spare time for about 4 years.

I have used GUIs and IDEs much more than command-line tools and for source 
control I've used Visual SourceSafe, svn, cvs, Alienbrain and Perforce and for 
all of those I use shell extensions or GUI tools to make it much easier.

I have used perforce through the command-line quite a lot and I am used to it's 
way of working.

I use fossil on windows and linux and it does a great job with my own projects. 

So yes, I don't know how shells handle things because I'm not exposed to it 
that much and I guess the GUIs I use must "iron-out" some of these command-line 
"wrinkles" which I see.

I am also not that good at replying properly to messages in this mailing list. 

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Re: debugging fossil with VisualStudio debugger

2016-11-04 Thread arnoldemu
Hi Artur,

Thank you for the information. I never knew an exe could be debugged this way 
because I've never needed to do it that way.

What I would like to point out is that for most visual studio and windows users 
this is a strange way to work.

Windows users are used to working almost exclusively through the gui and using 
devenv or msbuild is normally restricted to running in a batch file or on a 
build machines as some kind of build for end user or for a verification process.

For working with visual studio, I used to have to reboot my machine every day, 
but now I leave it on because it's much more stable. I find the visual studio 
icon (normally pinned to the taskbar), start up visual studio, find the 
solution, build the code, press f5 to launch the debugger, step through and 
debug it via the watch windows, local registers, callstack etc.

Debugging is easy because I can hover over a variable and it tells me it's 
value, or put it into the watch window. I can also go through structures easily 
by expanding and contracting the + mark next to the structure in the watch 

It's just a different way of working compared to other OS's.

The solution file I posted was not the normal one visual studio uses. Normally 
a project type is defined and files are added and visual studio performs the 
build and link using that information. In this case I setup a project in 
makefile mode and configured it to make debug or release builds. 

I also included the original source since the other files are not there before 
a build is initiated. I was still able to place a breakpoint anywhere in the 
code, step through the code and view the variables and their values. For a 
normal visual studio user this is closer to what they know.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] request for change of error message (autosync fail and pressing ctrl+c).

2016-11-12 Thread arnoldemu

I attempted to commit to the fossil server I use but it was inaccessible (I 
think the connection was down) and the autosync failed.

If I press ctrl+c I get a different error compared to answering 'n'.
The ctrl+c error seems more scary.

Here is the output:

C:\Users\kev\Documents\arnold>fossil commit -m "x"
Autosync:  http://x...@xx.xxx.xx.xx:x/arnold
cannot connect to host xx.xxx.xx.xx:x
Pull done, sent: 0  received: 0  ip:
Autosync failed.
continue in spite of sync failure (y/N)?
SQLITE_MISUSE: API call with invalid database connection pointer
SQLITE_MISUSE: misuse at line 136682 of [fc49f556e4]
C:\Users\kev\Documents\arnold>fossil update
Autosync:  http://k...@xx.xxx.xx.xx:x/arnold
cannot connect to host xx.xxx.xx.xx:x
Pull done, sent: 0  received: 0  ip:
Autosync failed.
continue in spite of sync failure (y/N)? n
update abandoned due to sync failure

It would be great if the error was consistent and always gave "update abandoned 
due to sync failure". The second error is less scary and nicer especially if 
non-programmers used fossil as part of a team.

I have experience with non-programmers using perforce and if something wrong 
happens they always call over the person who they believe is the "perforce 
expert" to help them out when anything unexpected happens. I think also the 
less scary messages the better because feel less worried something is going to 
be lost (of course it will not be but that is what they think). 

The first error message is ok if verbose logging is enabled :)



fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Follow-up to reverting missing files

2016-11-12 Thread arnoldemu
Hi Andy,

That is useful. What would the windows equivalent command-line?

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] fossil revert is not recursive?

2016-11-18 Thread arnoldemu

I am using windows and it's standard command-line.

I can use "fossil add " to add a directory and it's sub-directories and the 
files within.

However, I can't seem to revert a directory in the same way even though that 
directory exists.

I tried "fossil revert " and "fossil revert /*.*" and it doesn't do it.
It will revert the files in the immediate directory, but if there are files 
added in sub-directories then these are not reverted.

I think I read that the directories are implicit in fossil? Their knowledge is 
derived from the file path's.

So I am confused. If I can add recursive, why can't I do a revert recursive?



fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] fossil reports erroneous revert?

2016-11-18 Thread arnoldemu

If I do the following:

fossil new test
fossil open test
echo >1.txt
fossil add 1.txt
fossil commit -m "add file"
fossil changes
(doesn't report changes)
fossil revert 1.txt
REVERT 1.txt
fossil changes
(doesn't report changes)

I am reverting a file that has been added to the repository but there are no 
local changes.
Fossil reports "revert" but this is confusing because there is nothing to 

Is this expected?

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] UNMANAGE status

2016-11-18 Thread arnoldemu

If I do a revert of a file that doesn't exist locally or in the repository I 
get a status like this:

fossil revert 2.txt

I think the UNMANAGE status can be read in more than one way.

I often read it as "fossil used to manage this file but it's not managing it 

But it can also be read as:

"fossil is not managing this file. It is only a local file".

Does anyone else read it the first way? 

And a final question which is related: is there documentation which describes 
the possible responses and what they mean?
If not would anyone mind if I wrote some documentation and submitted it to this 



fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] src/info.c use of zUuid after it has been free.

2016-11-19 Thread arnoldemu


I want to ask a question about some lines in src/info.c

In this function: show_common_info

on this line:

if( zUuid && showComment )

zUuid is potentially pointing to freed memory (freed in the previous function). 
It is ok because the code doesn't use it.
Should the code check zUUid? If it requires zUUid, then could it be moved into 
the block above?


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] fossil amend comment

2016-11-26 Thread arnoldemu

I submitted a change and made a mistake in the comment.
I wanted to change the comment and fix it.

I did this:

fossil amend ba67fcd67c -m "fixed snapshot"

command reported the comment, tags and uuid.

fossil changes showed nothing.

I looked at the server and there was no changes.

I forced a submit with

fossil commit --allow-empty

and it appears to have worked.

I wish "fossil changes" would list this change (and changes like changing file 
type) because it's confusing that some changes are listed and some are not.
I should then just be able to submit without forcing. The way I see it is I did 
make a change, so it should be listed and the commit is not empty.



fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] crash - fossil 2.1

2017-03-18 Thread arnoldemu

I got a crash when using fossil 2.1 downloaded from www.fossil-scm.org

Fossil server is using: Fossil version [5ed8477b6c] 2017-02-27 14:46:01

I am using windows 10.

The change had 4 edited files and 1 added file. Added file is a 4mb binary 
which is mostly zeros others are edited text files.

The output looks like this:

C:\Users\kev\Documents\arnold\test\snapshot>..\..\fossil commit -m "added 
javacpc 4mb snapshot. updated snapshot code to not crash if the snapshot 
defines more ram than supported. indicate to user the amount of ram wanted and 
if we can support that"
Autosync:  x
Round-trips: 1   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 0
*** time skew *** server is slow by 20.2 seconds
Pull done, sent: 372  received: 506  ip:
continue in spite of time skew (y/N)? y
../../src/arngui/SnapshotLoadDialog.cpp contains mixed line endings. Use 
--no-warnings or the "crlf-glob" setting to disable this warning.
Commit anyhow (a=all/c=convert/y/N)? a

The server is for private use so I changed the ip and url with xx here.

Each time I tried this fossil.exe crashed.

I didn't have any symbols so the stack wasn't meaningful.

The event viewer doesn't give useful information, but looking at the dmp it 
appears to be a null pointer access.

I downloaded the fossil source and built a debug version using visual studio 
2015 which worked and the submit was successful. I don't have a crash now. 
Sorry I can't provide more information.

Is it possible to get the pdb from the 2.1 release? I could use this with the 
dmp file to hopefully give a good callstack or does anyone want the callstack 
e-mailing to them. It's 6MB uncompressed.



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[fossil-users] fossil 1.2->2.1 - hash policy "auto" doesn't seem to work and gives SQL error.

2017-03-26 Thread arnoldemu
Hi All,

i downloaded windows version of fossil 2.1 - after initial problems crashing 
when I ran it (see other thread) and rebuilding it was fine.

I used fossil hash-policy to set it to sha3 and forced a commit to the server 
because I didn't have files in my changes at that time.

From then on commits were using sha3 fine on windows.

So I went to my linux machine. It was using fossil 1.2.

I got this:

kevin@kevin:~/arnold$ fossil update
Autosync: http://kev@xxx/arnold
Round-trips: 1 Artifacts sent: 0 received: 0
unknown command: [igot]

Round-trips: 1 Artifacts sent: 0 received: 0
Pull done, sent: 353 received: 2161 ip: x
Autosync failed.
continue in spite of sync failure (y/N)? n
update abandoned due to sync failure

I then downloaded linux x64 pre-compiled 2.1

kevin@kevin:~/arnold$ fossil version
This is fossil version 2.1 [83e3445f67] 2017-03-10 17:07:08 UTC
kevin@kevin:~/arnold$ fossil hash-policy
kevin@kevin:~/arnold$ fossil update
Autosync: http://kev@xxx/arnold
Round-trips: 1 Artifacts sent: 0 received: 0
blob(rcvid,size,uuid,content)VALUES(0,-1,:uuid,NULL)]: CHECK constraint failed: 
fossil: SQL error: CHECK constraint failed: blob
kevin@kevin:~/arnold$ fossil hash-policy sha3
kevin@kevin:~/arnold$ fossil update
Autosync: http://kev@xx/arnold
Round-trips: 3 Artifacts sent: 0 received: 202
Pull done, sent: 8806 received: 157107 ip: xxx
UPDATE changes.txt

So it seems that hash-policy of auto is not working?

This is a rough sequence of events:
* fossil 1.2 exe on windows and on linux
* fossil server updated to 2.1
* I updated windows binary to 2.1
* on windows I used hash-policy to set sha3 and used force because there were 
no more changes
* committed some files on windows
* I tried to update with linux 1.2 binary
* I then updated to linux 2.1 binary
* I then had to set sha3 policy (auto didn't work - see error)
* update succeeded.



fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] fossil 1.2->2.1 - hash policy "auto" doesn't seem to work and gives SQL error.

2017-03-26 Thread arnoldemu

Hi Richard,

>The "auto" hash-policy automatically flips to "sha3" as soon as Fossil
>sees one or more SHA3 artifacts in the repo.  Since your repo contains
>SHA3 artifacts, you won't be able to set the policy to "auto" because
>it will immediately and automatically flip to "sha3".
>That is the way "auto" is designed to work.
I expected it to automatically do that when I did a "fossil update" and get the 
files provided I had fossil 2.1 installed.
I have autosync set and I thought that would then sync from the server and 
automatically switch to sha3 and get the new files.

>How were you expecting it to work?  How can the documentation be improved?
Setting the hash policy was fine that worked without confusion.

When I then accessed the remote repository from another machine I expected it 
to automatically see the change
and automatically switch the client to the new policy. If the client needed to 
be updated then ideally fossil client should tell me.

It would have been great if this is what had happened:

>fossil update
Autosync: http:///arnold
Autosync failed.
This fossil repository is not compatible with the version of your client. You 
need version 2.1 or later. Please visit http://www.fossil-scm.org and download 
a new client.

Then after installing the new client and with the hash-policy set to auto:

>fossil update
Autosync: http:///arnold
Hash-policy on server has been updated to sha3. Switching to sha3 for client.
... <- normal sync here with cards and files listed.

If I had set the policy to sha1 or other:
>fossil update
Autosync: http:///arnold
Autosync failed.
The fossil repository is using sha3 hash policy. Please set hash-policy to sha3 
or use auto.

Maybe for now, instead of (or in addition) to the errors I saw it could give a 
command to try to resolve the issue such as one that causes the database to 

Thank you


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] painful merge

2015-08-09 Thread arnoldemu

I use fossil. I think it's great. I always find merging painful and hard work.

For my workflow I have a trunk branch which is stable. I then have branches, 
each branch is where I implement a new feature.
I often jump between branches with a few active at one time. I will also add 
fixes to the trunk. So all have commits.

While I work on a branch I don't merge from trunk. I never need to because the 
feature can be done without that.

When I am happy with the branch I then merge back into trunk.

The merge is always painful - that's why I avoid it as much as possible.

I use linux. meld is my merge/diff tool of choice. I like it because I can see 
two files side by side, I can transfer the changes and I can make edits to 
resolve them. The user interface is similar to winmerge which is my tool of 
choice on windows.

Having two files side by side is nice and easy to manage.

Fossil likes to do 3-way merges. With kdiff3 I see 4 windows. Two of them are 
from the head versions of trunk and the branch. One is "baseline", I don't know 
what this and to be honest I don't care. The other window is the edit window 
where it shows the result. I don't care because I am only interested in the 
head versions.

kdiff3 makes it hard work, I must go and resolve every little thing including 
whitespace and empty lines. Merging multiple lines is hard work. So often I've 
given up and choose a different approach.

I use perforce at work and it has automatic merge. This takes away a lot of 
pain and I must only suffer if there are merge conflicts. I always diff before 
commiting and always build to make sure it's good.

My alternative approach for merge is:

1. get head on trunk and copy the files to another directory
2. get head on branch and copy the files to another directory
3. get head on trunk, perform merge (fossil now records the fact of the merge)
4. copy files from copied trunk directory
5. diff against trunk using meld checking each file one by one.

Is there a way to make merges much less painful? Is there any form of automatic 
resolution in fossil or a tool that has this and works similar to perforce in 
this respect?


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] painful merge

2015-08-11 Thread arnoldemu
Thank you and sorry I didn't respond furthur.

The problem is not with fossil. I think the real problem is that I am used to a 
different merge program and I can't get along with kdiff3. 

It is true I am using Windows and Linux. I never had a problem with line 
endings with fossil. It just works! 

On perforce, at work, when I get latest it automatically converts line endings, 
but I never set it up on fossil. Never needed to! :)

All my fossil settings are empty except:

autosync (local) on
gdiff-command (local) meld
gmerge-command (local) kdiff3 "%baseline" "%original" "%merge" -o "%output"

I use scite to edit my code on Linux and Microsoft Developer Studio 2013 
(Community edition) on Windows. scite doesn't care about line endings. 

I use command-line to access fossil on both Linux and Windows:

"./arngui/arnguiApp.cpp contains CR/NL line endings. Use --no-warnings or the 
setting to disable this warning.

Commit anyhow (a=all/c=convert/y/N)?

I answer "a" for all. 

If I gdiff with meld the window shows me 2 panels and it's obvious which is 
fossil file and which is local. meld is like WinMerge and similar to p4merge 
and that is why I use it on linux.

I like meld because of it's simplicity, it's visual display of the diffs and 
ability to edit in-line. The way it shows changes is exactly what I am used to 
with other tools on windows.

I tried using kdiff3 and it works but I just can't get along with it's 
interface! The number of buttons, the tagging in the code [Merge Conflict] [No 
src line] that kind
of thing. That is the real problem, not fossil. The tags in the merge output 
and how each is handled. It's horrible, and all the buttons!!! single arrow, 
double arrow, triple arrow... 

I used this command for kdiff3:

fossil settings gmerge-command 'kdiff3 "%baseline" "%original" "%merge" -o 

I tried the suggested meld command:

fossil settings gmerge-command 'meld "%baseline" "%original" "%merge" 

That doesn't work anymore :( It says it can't read the "-output" file :(

I tried p4merge (64-bit linux version downloaded from www.perforce.com). I used 
it today at work to do a 3-way merge ;)

I used this syntax:

fossil settings gmerge-command 'p4merge "%baseline" "%original" "%merge" 

This is it's syntax for 3-way merge. It also says it can't find the "output" 

With p4v, which we use at work, I try and do automatic resolve. That solves 
many problems, but I had some merge conflicts today, I notice that there are 
4-windows. I ignore the middle one which is baseline - it's almost like it's 
not there so that is why I thought there were fewer windows. 

Left and right are the two head versions, one of trunk one of the branch. At 
the bottom is the local file the merges go into. The changes are pre-merged 
Where there is a conflict it shows the 3 changes next to each other and I 
choose them by clicking on the icon of the appropiate change.
So for me it's the choice of merge program.

Please please keep the way the gmerge command is defined, it's great and adds 
flexibility to specify the command-line exactly!

My workflow is to do the merge, using a graphical merge tool to help me, then 
do a gdiff against the fossil repository then commit.

So my questions are now:

* What is the default/server line ending?

* Could gmerge-command support additional '%' variables which can be given to 
merge tools which support it which can be 
used to name the windows in the merge tool and the title in the tool? 

p4merge allows naming of left/right/merge etc. Would be great if we had access 
to fossil change number, or even
"source"/"target"/"merge" or something like that?

It has 

so fossil using fossil gmerge-command I could put this in the command-line:

e.g. -nb "%baseversion" -nl "%originalversion"

* Can fossil support other merge programs and their syntax? e.g. to support 
p4merge as it is, or meld with it's 3 way merge?
Ones where they don't take 4 parameters? Perhaps instead of %output you have 
%local for the local file such as AboutDialog.cpp?

p4merge's bottom window with the merge result is AboutDialog.cpp instead of 
fossil using AboutDialog.cpp-output.

* Why is there a seperate "%output" file? Why doesn't it put the output direct 
into the local file?

* What does convert do? Convert from native (e.g. \n on linux and \r\n on 
windows) to... what line ending???


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] painful merge

2015-08-11 Thread arnoldemu
>That's a painful way to do it. Unless you have conflicts, merging should be
>painless. It sounds to me like you are using 'fossil gdiff' to resolve your
>merges manually instead of using 'fossil merge'?
This was only a work around because I couldn't use meld to resolve my merge.

I do always use fossil gdiff before I commit after a merge to double check the 

If I can't use meld, can anyone suggest a merge tool which shows it's 
differences like meld/p4merge do, and allow me to edit and works with fossil's 
gmerge-command as it currently stands?



fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] quick poll: do you generally use add/rm or mv

2015-08-11 Thread arnoldemu

I would use mv.

Having had bad experiences with other source control systems where you loose 
history with add/rm type commands, I would use mv to retain that.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] painful merge

2015-08-13 Thread arnoldemu
I never got any problems with line endings and I do want fossil to be my merge 

I got the trunk source of fossil and modified it locally to work with p4merge.

p4merge requires the output file to exist.

in merge_3way function I changed it with the following lines:

  zCmd = string_subst(zGMerge, 8, azSubst);
    printf("%s\n", zCmd); fflush(stdout);
    if( file_wd_size(zOut)>0 ){
  blob_read_from_file(pOut, zOut);

file_touch is implemented as:

void file_touch(const char *zFilename){
    FILE *fh = fopen(zFilename,"w");

This makes p4merge work :) I think this will also support other merge tools 
where they require the output file to exist. 

Would this or a better patch be considered for fossil?

This however does change functionality with other tools and I didn't test 
those; more specifically the size of the file being 0 was accepted before so 
you could blank the content of the file and it would accept it.

p4merge will leave the output file untouched if a merge is cancelled (leaves it 
as a 0 byte file) otherwise it contains content. So I changed the size check to 
be greater than zero.

I did try to look at the return code of fossil_system to see what p4merge was 
returning. It always seemed to return 0. 
If it had returned an error code I would have used that too in the check.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] painful merge

2015-08-13 Thread arnoldemu

Index: src/file.c
--- src/file.c
+++ src/file.c
@@ -118,40 +118,45 @@
 if( fossil_stat(zFilename, &fileStat, isWd)!=0 ){
   fileStatValid = 0;
   rc = 1;
   fileStatValid = 1;
   rc = 0;
   return rc;
 ** Return the size of a file in bytes.  Return -1 if the file does not
 ** exist.  If zFilename is NULL, return the size of the most recently
 ** stat-ed file.
 i64 file_size(const char *zFilename){
   return getStat(zFilename, 0) ? -1 : fileStat.st_size;
+void file_touch(const char *zFilename){
+    FILE *fh = fopen(zFilename,"w");
+    fclose(fh);
 ** Same as file_size(), but takes into account symlinks.
 i64 file_wd_size(const char *zFilename){
   return getStat(zFilename, 1) ? -1 : fileStat.st_size;
 ** Return the modification time for a file.  Return -1 if the file
 ** does not exist.  If zFilename is NULL return the size of the most
 ** recently stat-ed file.
 i64 file_mtime(const char *zFilename){
   return getStat(zFilename, 0) ? -1 : fileStat.st_mtime;
 ** Same as file_mtime(), but takes into account symlinks.

Index: src/merge3.c
--- src/merge3.c
+++ src/merge3.c
@@ -16,40 +16,42 @@
 ** This module implements a 3-way merge
 #include "config.h"
 #include "merge3.h"
 #if 0
 #define DEBUG(X)  X
 #define ISDEBUG 1
 #define DEBUG(X)
 #define ISDEBUG 0
 /* The minimum of two integers */
 #ifndef min
 #  define min(A,B)  (A0 ){
   const char *zGMerge;   /* Name of the gmerge command */
   zGMerge = db_get("gmerge-command", 0);
   if( zGMerge && zGMerge[0] ){
 char *zOut; /* Temporary output file */
 char *zCmd; /* Command to invoke */
 const char *azSubst[8];  /* Strings to be substituted */
+        int status;
 zOut = file_newname(zV1, "output", 1);
 azSubst[0] = "%baseline";  azSubst[1] = zPivot;
 azSubst[2] = "%original";  azSubst[3] = zOrig;
 azSubst[4] = "%merge"; azSubst[5] = zOther;
 azSubst[6] = "%output";    azSubst[7] = zOut;
 zCmd = string_subst(zGMerge, 8, azSubst);
 printf("%s\n", zCmd); fflush(stdout);
+        file_touch(zOut);
-    if( file_wd_size(zOut)>=0 ){
+    if( file_wd_size(zOut)>0 ){
   blob_read_from_file(pOut, zOut);
   return rc;

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] bring back a deleted file; unsure of command syntax

2015-08-14 Thread arnoldemu

I did a merge, merging trunk into my "sound" branch. I submitted it and then I 
noticed that merge had caused fossil to delete some files (the files were in 
the "sound" branch but not in "trunk").

How can I go back to the previous revision of a specific file to restore it?

on sound branch [3fc31bf75c] is previous and [66c97725ba] is new.

in the changes for [66c97725ba] I see this in the fossil ui:

Deleted src/arngui/BitmapFont.cpp version [128443f62f]. 

How do I bring this file back?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] bring back a deleted file; unsure of command syntax

2015-08-15 Thread arnoldemu
I did that and it worked, but not as I expected. :(

I had to re-add them and then commit.

I was hoping that fossil would have them marked as add so that when I commited 
they were re-added.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] fossil reporting MISSING for existing file

2015-11-28 Thread arnoldemu

I have a strange problem with fossil on my linux machine. 

Somehow I broke it and I don't know how.

Whenever I make an edit, "fossil changes" will report those edits but also 

MISSING build_notes.txt

That file exists locally and exists in the "main" fossil repository too. My 
local copy of the repository seems to think it is missing.
The main repository is hosted on another machine on the internet. My local 
repository has autosync on and my changes are pushed up when I submit.


fossil revert build_notes.txt

Will then allow me to submit.

Is there a way to find out what I have done?



fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Name of ZIP file for "ZIP archive"

2015-11-28 Thread arnoldemu

In fossil I can select a change, click on "ZIP archive" to download a zip.

This is nice. I have been using it frequently and I have been asking people who 
are not using fossil to get a snapshot of the code.

However the file is always named "zip" without extension.

When extracted it has a folder which has the name of the repository and a short 
artifact number. Please would the zip be named the same as this and have the 
zip extension?

It makes it easier on Windows because shell extensions will recognise it and 
the shell will give it a nice icon. It takes away an extra unncessary renaming 



fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Name of ZIP file for "ZIP archive"

2015-11-28 Thread arnoldemu

Hi Stephen,

Can the fossil zip command be used to configure the name for the UI?

>If that's happening when you click the zip button in the UI, then that's a
>bug. i cannot reproduce that on the main fossil site.

Yes it happens via the UI.

Click on artifact
Click on Download ZIP
Login with anonymous user

See the display:

ZIP Archive named Arnold-97bb1e1236.zip holding the content of check-in 

Click on the download button.

File is named "zip".

Happens with firefox.


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Name of ZIP file for "ZIP archive"

2015-11-28 Thread arnoldemu
I put Stephen and not Stephan. Sorry. My mistake.


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Name of ZIP file for "ZIP archive"

2015-11-28 Thread arnoldemu
Hi Stephan,

The bug doesn't happen if you're logged in. You have to be logged out.

Click the download zip link
login as anonymous
then a page appears with a download button
clicking this button gives the wrong name.

I have e-mailed you the link to the fossil repository I am using. I didn't post 
it here because I don't want it to be public.



fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Name of ZIP file for "ZIP archive"

2015-11-29 Thread arnoldemu
Thankyou Andy and Stephan!



fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] characters outside of commit comment are included in comment

2016-01-09 Thread arnoldemu

I found a small bug.

If I type:

fossil commit -m "This is a test"£

Then the commit comment shows as "This is a test£". The character after the 
quote is included. I don't know if this expected behaviour.

I saw this when using fossil on linux.


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] characters outside of commit comment are included in comment

2016-01-10 Thread arnoldemu

>Your shell (bash) is doing this, not Fossil. Bash hands Fossil the
>string "This is a test£" with no indication of whether or not it was
>originally quoted nor where the quotes ended.

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