[fpc-devel] String and UnicodeString and UTF8String

2011-01-10 Thread LacaK

Hi *,
In current Delphi is String synonym for base type UnicodeString UTF-16
AFAIU ATM in FPC is String synonym for AnsiString (as in previos 
versions of Delphi)

Are there any plans to change meaning of String type ?
(like Delphi to UnicodeString , or UTF8String?)
Are there any plans to intorduce implicit conversions between 
AnsiStrings (ANSI code page) to UTF8Strings (UTF-8 encoded) or something 
like this ?

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] String and UnicodeString and UTF8String

2011-01-10 Thread LacaK

AFAIK, in current Delphi (which I don't have) a String is a variable 
that can contain dynamically coded  informations (such as locally 
coded 8-Bit ANSI, UTF-8, UTF-16, ...) and - of course - know which 
code it holds.
I understand By default, variables declared as type String are 
*UnicodeString*.**, that String=UnicodeString

See: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/VCL/en/System.UnicodeString
and also 

Note alse, that AnsiString holds additional informations about character 
The AnsiString 
http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/VCL/en/System.AnsiString structure 
contains a 32-bit length indicator, a 32-bit reference count, a 16-bit 
data length indicating the number of bytes per character, and a 16-bit 
code page.


If a string is generated by the VCL from a Window API function, the 
coding will be UTF-16, though, but if you create a string with some 
other coding it will be automatically re-coded to UTF16 before sending 
it into a Windows API function.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] String and UnicodeString and UTF8String

2011-01-11 Thread LacaK

I think at most two are required for any target: unicodestring (D2009 
compatibility), and if really necessary because somehow the unicodestring 
version causes too much overhead, an ansistring($) version as well. That's 
only for the classes though, I think most of the base RTL can be simply 
So if I understand correctly, then UnicodeString and also AnsiString 
types must be extended that they will hold also information about 
actual codepage (encoding) of string data they hold.
(AFAIK ATM they hold only information about reference count and size 
and of course data)

I am not expert, so I do not understand all aspect/problems which are 
joined with proper string handling, but some kind of implicit 
conversions (based on actual encoding of string data) is necessary (ANSI 
- UTF-8 - UTF-16 - ANSI ... etc.).

For example known problem with Euro currency symbol. In Windows is in 
CurrencyString global variable stored using ANSI codepage, but used in 
LCL (which expect UTF-8 encoding) without any explicit conversion, what 
leads to displayng ? instead of € (for example in TDBEdit or TDBGrid)

Another problem when displaying character data in data-aware database 
controls (TDBEdit, TDBGrid). Data-aware controls (LCL) reads data from 
TField descendatns (FCL) using TField.Text property which returns 
string (without codepage information is not clear if it is AnsiString 
or UTF8String or UnicodeString). LCL expect UTF-8 strings, but it is not 
true in all cases (for example in case of ODBC)

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] String and UnicodeString and UTF8Stringt

2011-01-11 Thread LacaK

...: the new ansistring type has a hidden element size field (in 
addition to the reference count, length and codepage), and from what I 
can see at page 10 of 
Delphi 2009's unicodestring is simply an ansistring(1200).
So it seems, that if we will have any GenericString, with properties 
reference count, size, character width, codepage, then all other 
string types can be based on this string type. So other strings will be 
only any shortcuts, and internaly will use same structure:
AnsiString = GenericString(with actual system ANSI code page (0) ... or 
... without any explicit codepage ($))

UTF8String = GenericString(with UTF-8 encoding)
UnicodeString = GenericString(with UTF-16 encoding)

So it seems to me, that there is agreement on adding character width, 
codepage to internal string record structure and provide conversions 
where needed, isn't it ? (more or less same approach like in Delphi)

Where is not agreement, it is fact what should be default string 
encoding (AnsiString($) or UTF-8 or UTF-16 or UTF-32)

So if I revert to my original question ... is there any agreement on 
some points related to future of String type ?

P.S. I still does not understand, how can things work correctly if LCL 
expect that all AnsiStrings (String) are UTF8Strings, byt RTL/FCL does 
not strictly follow this (at least in Windows) ?

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] String and UnicodeString and UTF8Stringt

2011-01-12 Thread LacaK

Sven Barth  wrote / napísal(a):

Am 12.01.2011 07:16, schrieb LacaK:

P.S. I still does not understand, how can things work correctly if LCL
expect that all AnsiStrings (String) are UTF8Strings, byt RTL/FCL does
not strictly follow this (at least in Windows) ?

LCL uses SysToUTF8 and UTF8ToSys if it uses the RTL (and the FCL). 
This is often done with wrappers that wrap the RTL method and do the 
conversion (e.g. FileExistsUTF8, etc.).
As I wrote in any of my previous message, AFAIK this is not true in case 
of fcl-db and Lazarus data-aware components like TDBGrid, TDBEdit ...
They use TField.Text: String property to get string conent of field 
and display them.
AFAIU LCL expects, that TField.Text will always return UTF-8 encoded 
string (because no conversion (SysToUTF8) is done in dbgrids.pas or 
dbedit.inc) , but this is not true always.

So where is error ?
1. Is it wrong expectation by LCL, that TField.Text is always UTF8 string
2. Is it wrong in implementation of TSQLConnectors, which write data 
into record buffer (of TStringField) and do not convert them always into 
UTF-8 ?
(if data should be always in UTF-8 then it will be good redefine 
TField.Text property like property Text: UTF8String to be clear, that 
we always work with UTF-8 strings)

3. I missed something ? ;-)

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] String and UnicodeString and UTF8Stringt

2011-01-12 Thread LacaK

L 2. Is it wrong in implementation of TSQLConnectors, which write data
L into record buffer (of TStringField) and do not convert them always into
L UTF-8 ?

Do you set the CHARSET field in your TSQLConnector to UTF-8 ?
not all connectors supports CharSet property. When I look into sources 
only MySQL and IB support them (SQLite always return UTF-8 encoded ... 
ODBC, Postgre and Oracle ignore it)

 Do you define the right code page in each field of your database ?

Yes, this is not primary question of database side, but db client 
library api, which is used by SQLConnector to retrieve data.
For example in ODBC we use SQLGetData in LoadField method to retrieve 
data from odbc interface.
And for example in case of MS SQL Server character data are retrieved in 
current ANSI code page (in Windows of course, may be that for example in 
*nix data are retrieved in UTF-8 naturaly) .
(AFAIK there is no universal way how to explicitly request character 
encoding from ODBC interface)

So it is true, that every sql connector is mandatory write character 
data in UTF-8 ?
or can write in some native format (Ansi, UTF-16) ... but in this case 
must somewhere write additional info about actual encoding.


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Variables declaraction inside code

2011-01-12 Thread LacaK

This was discussed few times here. Later ppl tired from the endless 
discussions and summarised their ideas on this page:


For me, If I can say is most interested:

1. try ... except ... finally ... end;
2. C style IIF operator: l ? true : false;
3. C style comments: /* ... */ (I have never understood why in Pascal 
was used (* ... *) )

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] String and UnicodeString and UTF8Stringt

2011-01-12 Thread LacaK

Martin Schreiber  wrote / napísal(a):

On Wednesday, 12. January 2011 09.45:47 LacaK wrote:

So where is error ?
1. Is it wrong expectation by LCL, that TField.Text is always UTF8 string
2. Is it wrong in implementation of TSQLConnectors, which write data
into record buffer (of TStringField) and do not convert them always into
UTF-8 ?
(if data should be always in UTF-8 then it will be good redefine
TField.Text property like property Text: UTF8String to be clear, that
we always work with UTF-8 strings)
3. I missed something ? ;-)

MSEgui sqldb version converts to UTF-16 from/to system encoding or utf-8 
(selectable by option properties) and uses FPC 16bit UnicodeString to store 
string field values in the dataset, the tmsestringfield returns UnicodeString 
values. So one can either use utf-8 encoded databaseconnections or 
connections with the current system encoding.
MSEgui uses 16 bit UnicodeString everywhere, the conversion from/to system 
encoding is done transparently by the FPC unicode/widestring-manager if 
This is a solution which works now, no additional complicated and possibly 
less performant codepage and encoding aware stringtype necessary...


Yes, sounds logicaly to me.
Then you propose same way for TStringField ? (internaly store as 
UnicodeString UTF-16 and also TStringField.Text should return 
UnicodeString instead of String ? ... what will happens in LCL, when 
visual component will read UTF-16 string, will they be translated into 
UTF-8 automagicaly?)

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] String and UnicodeString and UTF8Stringt

2011-01-12 Thread LacaK

L but db client library api, which is used by SQLConnector to
L retrieve data.

How an UTF8 SQLConnector can retrieve UTF8 data from a field defined
as binary ?

It cann't .
Here I am speaking about TStringField, which is IMHO designed for 
character data, for binary data is designed TBinaryField

L For example in ODBC we use SQLGetData in LoadField
L method to retrieve data from odbc interface. And for example in
L case of MS SQL Server character data are retrieved in current ANSI
L code page (in Windows of course, may be that for example in *nix
L data are retrieved in UTF-8 naturaly) .

Via ODBC ?

L (AFAIK there is no universal way how to explicitly request
L character encoding from ODBC interface)

But that's a problem of ODBC, but:


Yes in UNIX world it may be so (I do not know),
but in Windows ODBC we have no such possibility AFAIK

L So it is true, that every sql connector is mandatory write character
L data in UTF-8 ?

No. It is mandatory that you send/receive UTF8 to/from GUI LCL
As LCL elements are using TStringField.Text property, then this property 
should return UTF8String, right (not AnsiString in ANSI code page) ?
If yes, then also TStringField must store internaly data in any unicode 
format (to not lose any characters), right ?
So it can be UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32 ... in all cases we must allocate 
space 4*[max.number of characters in field], right ?

So in what encoding are string data stored now in TStringField ?

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] TStringField, String and UnicodeString and UTF8String

2011-01-13 Thread LacaK

Didn't I explain this to you and others a few times?

;-) If so, then please excuse me

The database-components itself are encoding-agnostic. This means:
encoding in = encoding out.

So it is up to the developer what codepage he want to use. So
TField.Text can have the encoding _you_ want.

So, if you want to work with Lazarus, which uses UTF-8, you have to use
UTF-8 encoded strings in your database. 

So this is answer, which i have looked for:
In Lazarus TStringField MUST hold UTF-8 encoded strings.

But I guess (I have theory), that in time, when Borland introduced 
TStringField, the design goal was:
TStringField was designed for SBCS (because DataSize=Size+1) string data 
encoded in system ANSI code page

TWideStringField was designed for DBCS widestring (UTF-16) character data

May be, that I was mistaken by this view.
(or may be, that there is different approach in Delphi (no agnostic) 
and different in FPC (agnostic)?)

If there is some strange reason why you don't want the strings in your
database to be UTF-8 encoded,

SQL Server does not support UTF-8 (AFAIK)
SQL Server provides non-UNICODE datatypes - char, varchar, text
and UNICODE (UCS-2) datatypes - nchar, nvarchar, ntext

 you have to convert the strings from the
encoding your database uses to UTF-8 while reading data from the

Luckily, you can specify the encoding of strings you want to use for
most databases. Not only the encoding in which the strings are stored,
but also the encoding which has to be used when you send and retrieve
data from the database. And you can set this for each connection made.

Ie: you can resolve the problem by changing the connection-string, or by
adding some connection-parameter.


Yes, it is true for example for MySQL or Firebird ODBC driver,
but for SQL Server or PostgreSQL ODBC driver there are no such options
(but PostgreSQL ODBC driver exists in ANSI and UNICODE version)
SQL Server ODBC driver supports AutoTranslate, see: 
SQL Server *char*, *varchar*, or *text* data sent to a client 
SQL_C_CHAR variable is converted from character to Unicode using the 
server ACP, then converted from Unicode to character using the client ACP.

There's also another solution you can find on the forum and other
places. You can convert the strings to UTF-8 not only when they are read
from the database, but also when they are read from the internal memory.
There's a hook for that.


Thanks for your patience

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] TStringField, String and UnicodeString and UTF8String

2011-01-13 Thread LacaK

Joost van der Sluis  wrote / nap?sal(a):

On Wed, 2011-01-12 at 14:59 +0100, LacaK wrote:


No. It is mandatory that you send/receive UTF8 to/from GUI LCL
As LCL elements are using TStringField.Text property, then this property 
should return UTF8String, right (not AnsiString in ANSI code page) ?
If yes, then also TStringField must store internaly data in any unicode 
format (to not lose any characters), right ?
So it can be UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32 ... in all cases we must allocate 
space 4*[max.number of characters in field], right ?

So in what encoding are string data stored now in TStringField ?

The encoding you've specified. In the connection-string or some other
database-server dependent setting.

But then there is problem in buffer size allocated for TStringField 
(ftString), does not ?

See please at bug report: http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=17376
There is described situation with SQLite (TSQLite3Connectin) , which 
returns UTF-8 strings, so there is no problem in encoding,
but problem is in fact, that for char(n),varchar(n) fields is created 
TStringField with Size=n and in record buffer is also allocated space 
with Size+1, where n is number of characters (not bytes). So truncation 
of data occurs, when writting UTF-8 encoded string into record buffer.

So IMHO there must be:
1. allocated space in record buffer in size 4*TFieldDef.Size+1 (and so on)
2. redefine meaning of Size property (as number of bytes not characters) 
and create fielddefs with Size*4
hm, according to 
http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/VCL/XE/en/DB.TStringField.Size is Size 
number of characters
but according to http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/VCL/en/DB.TFieldDef.Size 
is Size number of bytes in underlaying database

but TField is created from TFieldDef and TField.Size=TFieldDef.Size ... 
so isn't it curious ?

Not that when you want to use UTF-16 (or 32) you have to use

So TWideStringField is no-encoding-agnostic field (is it designed to 
be everytime UTF-16 encoded) ?


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] TStringField, String and UnicodeString and UTF8String

2011-01-13 Thread LacaK

L Yes in UNIX world it may be so (I do not know),
L but in Windows ODBC we have no such possibility AFAIK

Quote from Microsoft:
The ODBC 3.5 (or higher) Driver Manager supports both ANSI and
Unicode versions of all functions that accept pointers to character
strings or SQLPOINTER in their arguments. The Unicode functions are
implemented as functions (with a suffix of W), not as macros. The ANSI
functions (which can be called with or without a suffix of A) are
identical to the current ODBC API functions.

ODBC 3.5 was launched around 2000-2001.

But this approach will require changes in packages/odbc/src/odbcsql.inc 
like, does not ?:
-pointer(SQLGetData) := 
+pointer(SQLGetData) := 
And I do not know how it affect compatibility for example in UNIX or if 
all ODBC drivers support this functionality.

But also in this case we will get UTF-16 widestrings (in Windows) not 
UTF-8, does not ?

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] TStringField, String and UnicodeString and UTF8String

2011-01-13 Thread LacaK

Most probably it needs a flag to indicate that the ODBC must work in
Unicode, and then dynamic link to *W functions if this flag is set. I
think ODBC drivers since 2002+/- should have this set of APIs, but I
had never used ODBC in my life... :)
It seems, that Driver Manager automaticaly performs conversions on 
non-unicode driver. See 
( and 
http://web.datadirect.com/resources/odbc/unicode/char-background.html )
If the driver is a non-Unicode driver, it cannot understand W function 
calls, and the Driver Manager must convert them to ANSI calls before 
sending them to the driver.

Also it seems to me, that when you call ANSI version of ODBC API 
functions, then you receive data in ANSI encoding.
If it is so, then it is always safe use ansitoutf8() (or UTF8Encode()) 
on receved data.

L But also in this case we will get UTF-16 widestrings (in Windows) not
L UTF-8, does not ?

That's not important, you get unicode in the specified by the API
format, then SQLConnector fills information in the expected target
format (WideString, UTF8String over AnsiString, Raw bytes...).


In Windows we get UTF-16, in Linux/UNIX we get UTF-8
So it is so, that in Windows is widestring=UTF-16 and in Linux/UNIX is 
widestring=UTF-8 string ?
(So there is different meaning of widestring type on different OSeses ? 
I am only Windows developer, so I have no understanding of others OSeses 

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] TStringField, String and UnicodeString and UTF8String

2011-01-14 Thread LacaK


So IMHO there must be:
1. allocated space in record buffer in size 4*TFieldDef.Size+1 


2. redefine meaning of Size property (as number of bytes not
characters) and create fielddefs with Size*4

Yes, those are the possible solutions. Good thing about the second
option, is that a user can do that on his own if he wants to use UTF-8,
just create persistent fields with a field size of 4*the amount of
characters. I'm not sure if we have to change this. It's a problem the
programmer has to deal with, I think...


I see here these possible problems/disadvantages:
1. In many cases (dynamic build or ad-hoc queries) is creating 
persistent fields not very effective (or complicated)
2. allocation of space in record buffer is based on TFieldDef objects 
(see TCustomBufDataset.GetFieldSize) and TFieldDef object are created by 
TSQLConnectors in AddFieldDefs method, so setting Size in persistent 
field does not solve whole problem, because each SQLConnector must set 
Size also
3. in TStringField is Size used also to determine default DisplayWidth 
(for TDBGrid) and in Delphi also for setting MaxLength in TDBEdit
(so here we can see, that Size is used like max.number of characters 
rather than bytes)
4. incompatibility of Delphi (if we reclasiffy Size as number of bytes 
not characters)

So I would prefer 1st way (increase buffer size, may be if we will 
support only BMP then 3*Size+1 will be sufficient)

So Size remains as character length

hm, according to
http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/VCL/XE/en/DB.TStringField.Size is Size
number of characters
but according to
http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/VCL/en/DB.TFieldDef.Size is Size number
of bytes in underlaying database

Yes, that's indeed the problem. But there's also the .DataSize property,
so we could use that.


Yes, but DataSize is defined only in TField not in TFieldDef class
If we will add DataSize property also for TFieldDef class and overload 
TFieldDef.Create method with additional parameter DataSize, then 
SQLConnector would specify both information: character size (for 
displaying purposes) and byte size (for buffer purposes)

Maybe... if the pressure on the bugtracker gets too high, I'll bow and
change this. (I think 25% of all existing db bugs are related to this
and people who do not understand anything about encodings.)


but TField is created from TFieldDef and
TField.Size=TFieldDef.Size ... so isn't it curious ?

Not that when you want to use UTF-16 (or 32) you have to use


So TWideStringField is no-encoding-agnostic field (is it designed to
be everytime UTF-16 encoded) ?

No. It's designed to contain an array of two-bytes records. In fact you
can use it to store UCS-2 data, but not UTF-16. Same story as with


Yes I understand now.


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] TStringField, String and UnicodeString and UTF8String

2011-01-14 Thread LacaK

So this is answer, which i have looked for:
In Lazarus TStringField MUST hold UTF-8 encoded strings.

Not entirely true. You could also choose to bind the fields to some
Lazarus-components manually, not using the db-components.

IMHO most of gui database applications use controls like TDBGrid or TDBEdit
so they should display correct values by default without extra coding 
(or at least provide some standardized support ... )

 (Tedit.Text :=
convertFunc(StringField.Text)) Or you can add a hook so that the .text
property always does a conversion to UTF-8. First option can be used if
you use a mediator or view. Second options I woudn't use.

Rofl. You mean that Microsoft SQL Server can't handle unicode

Completely not, but only UCS-2 (no UTF-8)

SQL Server provides non-UNICODE datatypes - char, varchar, text 

ie: TStringField
Yes, but ODBC driver returns data in ANSI codepage (no possibility to 
force them return UTF-8)

This I can fix by patch in TODBCConnection LoadField like this:
(so I convert to UTF-8 in connector method, when driver is unable return 

 Res:=SQLGetData(ODBCCursor.FSTMTHandle, FieldDef.Index+1, 
SQL_C_CHAR, buffer, FieldDef.Size, @StrLenOrInd);

+  if CharSet='ANSI' then //hack for Microsoft SQL Server
+StrPLCopy(buffer, UTF8Encode(PChar(buffer)), FieldDef.Size);


 and UNICODE (UCS-2) datatypes - nchar, nvarchar, ntext

ie: TWideStringField.
Yes, in this case ODBC driver returns data in UCS-2, this data are 
written into WideString buffer, which seems correct, but in DBGrid are 
displayed ? instead of characters with diacritical marks (IMHO because 
widestringmanager in Windows converts WideString to ANSI string , not 
UTF-8 string).
This can be fixed by using OnGetText method of field: 
Which is not user friendly, because requires hacking in user code in 
every TWideStringField in every TSQLQuery

It can be also fixed in fields.inc:
function TWideStringField.GetAsString: string;
+  Result := UTF8Encode(GetAsWideString);
 Result := GetAsWideString;

So what is the expected encoding of data written into TWideStringField 
... or is there way how to get correct results id DBGrid without above 
mentioned workarounds ?


 SQL Server ODBC driver supports AutoTranslate, see:
 SQL Server char, varchar, or text data sent to a client SQL_C_CHAR
variable is converted from character to Unicode using the server ACP,
then converted from Unicode to character using the client ACP.

This is what you use when you set the encoding when you connect to the
client. The solution to all your problems. As explained three times, in
this message alone.

In fact it's simple: incoming data=outgoing data.

If you need UTF-8 encoding for the outgoing data (direct access to
Lazarus controls) you have to select UTF-8 at the input.
Yes, but as I wrote such possibility does not exists with Microsoft SQL 
Server (and also I think Access)

(it seems, that Microsoft does not like UTF-8 and prefers UTF-16 (UCS-2))

And, luckily, you can instruct the Database-server which encoding to use
when it's communicating with the outer world. So your problem is solved.

When it is possiblem then yes.

Now, if you also choose UTF-8 as the Database-server field encoding (the
encoding the data is stored in) there's no conversion necessary at all.

Yes if DB supports UTF-8


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] MySQL 5.5 and Connector System

2011-01-18 Thread LacaK

If sb wants in in 2.4.4, I urge you to be quick :-)

Does it mean, that you are preparing release 2.4.4 in short time ?
If yes, then I would happy, if also bug 
http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=16493 with attached patch will be 

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] MySQL 5.5 and Connector System

2011-01-18 Thread LacaK

Done. Revision 16776.

Thak you very much.

Could I ask how/when are bugs/patch reviewed/commited ?
Is there any single person(s) who maintains for example fcl-db or any 
fpc-developer can apply patches ?
Is there any special time when patches are applied or in trunk can be 
patch applied any time (so if it is applied depends only on free time of 
developer(s)?) ?
I am asking because some (simple) patches are waiting relative long 
time. For example:

http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=16924 (patch 1)

This is not criticism ;-)
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] GetLocaleInfo strange result in Windows 7

2011-01-21 Thread LacaK

Hi *,
consider following sample program:

 b: array[0..255] of char; 
sizeof(b))  0 then

sizeof(b))  0 then

 if getlocaleinfoa(GetThreadLocale, LOCALE_SSHORTDATE, b, sizeof(b))  
0 then

In Windows XP/Vista returns:
GetThreadLocale:d. M.  --IS OK

In Windows 7 returns:
GetThreadLocale:M/d/ --HERE IS PROBLEM

So because calls to getlocaleinfo with argument GetThreadLocale is used 
to initialize DefaultFormatSettings, in Windows 7 are some locale 
specific global variables (ShortDateFormat, DateSeparator etc.) 
initialized incorrectly.

Has anybody else this experience ?

Now I find:

So can you fix this problem somewhere in initialization process ?

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] GetLocaleInfo strange result in Windows 7

2011-01-21 Thread LacaK

Please file a bugreport, citing the stackoverflow answer.


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] fcl-db bugs/improvements/patches

2011-02-16 Thread LacaK

Hi *,
there are some waiting bugs with patches, which are relative simple and 
IMHO they can not affect negatively product quality.
I summarize them here, for quick review them, so if then they can go 
into 2.4.4 release:

1. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=17188 and 

This fix add missing cases so all existing should work as before

2. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18649
This fix adds (or replaces) new datatype BIGINT to SQLite3Connection

3. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18670
This fix adds new datatype NCHAR, NVARCHAR, NCLOB to SQLite3Connection

4. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=14944
This fix adds support for transactions in ODBCConnection

5. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=16885
This fix adds missing TOracleConnection.RowsAffected method

6. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18699
This fixes Dialect 1 case

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] fcl-db bugs/improvements/patches

2011-02-16 Thread LacaK

They all need improvement or a better review or testcases or break
backwards compatibility.

The BIGINT or NCHAR stuff not, I would think ?

I'll have a look.

BIGINT leads to a backwards compatibility issue with largeint not being
recognized anymore. (not a real problem I think, but it must be
documented in user-changes)
then we can leave largeint and add bigint this will be safe in all 
aspects. And largeint can be dropped later (as obsolete, non-standard).

 And I think to fix this a revision has to be
reverted, not committed? Which leads to a new issue: we need to add a
test that test for the problem introduced with the revision being
reverted. (ie: recognition of fieldtypes when the first record is NULL)
yes this problem was revealed, but does not affect fix as I wrote in bug 
tracker we must always rely on sqlite3_column_decltype()
and only when no useful information will be available then use as 
workaround (or hack) sqlite3_column_type()

The nchar stuff doesn't have tests.
yes it is true, but they can be added later ... but NCHAR is not 
supported by all databases so it must be implemented carefully

 I don't even know if ftWideString
and such are working at all.
for me it works ... and as TWideStringField is descendant of 
TStringField (which have tests), there is big chance, that it will work

 The basic tests for these types have to be

if some patches are problematic, then leave it for future ... but please 
comment my list and let me know if I can do something to help.

IMHO at least points 4,5,6 are safe.


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] fcl-db bugs/improvements/patches

2011-02-16 Thread LacaK
Michael can you please look also at this 


I will look at them today.


On Wed, 16 Feb 2011, LacaK wrote:

Hi *,
there are some waiting bugs with patches, which are relative simple 
and IMHO they can not affect negatively product quality.
I summarize them here, for quick review them, so if then they can go 
into 2.4.4 release:

1. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=17188 and 

This fix add missing cases so all existing should work as before

2. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18649
This fix adds (or replaces) new datatype BIGINT to SQLite3Connection

3. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18670
This fix adds new datatype NCHAR, NVARCHAR, NCLOB to SQLite3Connection

4. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=14944
This fix adds support for transactions in ODBCConnection

5. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=16885
This fix adds missing TOracleConnection.RowsAffected method

6. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18699
This fixes Dialect 1 case

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] fcl-db bugs/improvements/patches

2011-02-16 Thread LacaK

Hi Joost,
thanks for reply

4. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=14944
This fix adds support for transactions in ODBCConnection

Adding transactions so close to a release is not a good idea, imho. It
could be added in trunk, though.

ok, no objections from me side
only to explain: ODBC works by default in auto-commit mode, and this 
behavior is not affected by fix so all remains as is.
only when you supply to TODBCConnection.Params: 'Autocommit=false' or 
'AutoCommit=0' you will switch to manual commit.

without this all works as before.

 But first run the testsuite with this
patch for at least mysql/mssql and firebird using odbc.


;-) please, no

5. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=16885
This fix adds missing TOracleConnection.RowsAffected method

A regression-test has to be performed before this can be comitted.
(Needs an oracle setup)

Why do you think, that this patch can lead to problems, ATM RowsAffected 
is not implemented, so it always returns -1.

So nobody can use / rely on this value.
So I think, that provide some (untested) solution is better than nothing 
... and we can wait for users feedback

(I do not have Oracle instaled, so I can not help, test)

6. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18699
This fixes Dialect 1 case

The question in the bug-report has to be answered.


So even 4,5 and 6 are not that easy. (If they were, they were already

;-) ok


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] fcl-db bugs/improvements/patches

2011-02-16 Thread LacaK
When I already have start this thread, I would like also point to this 
bugs (their are both more or less about the same):


Now I can not primary talk about NULL paramters, but about ukInsert case 
(in Procedure TCustomSQLQuery.ApplyRecUpdate).
There is serious bug in fact, that FInsertQuery is assigned only once 
(using function InsertRecQuery), when FIRST insert is applied.

And InsertRecQuery construct SQL insert but only for NOT NULL values.

1. we have table1 with some 3 columns: col1, col2, col3
2. I Append record and set only 1st column, then Post
3. I ApplyUpdates ... insert is constructed INSERT INTO table1 (col1) 

4. I Append second record and fill all 3 columns, then Post
5. I ApplyUpdates ... but no new insert is constructed (because 
FInsertQry is already assigned), but is used existing from step 3

6. So columns col2 and col3 are never inserted to database

Do you see ?

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] TFmtBCDField

2011-02-21 Thread LacaK

Hi Joost,
it seems, that you have started applying patch in 
http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18160 or 

I have some comments, ideas, please consider them.
Because in mean time was enhanced FmtBCD unit you can remove some 
commented lines in fields.inc

1. VarFMTBcdCreate() should already work, so:
2447-Result := BCDToDouble(bcd)//remove when complete 
variant support in fmtbcd.pp will be implemented
2448-//Result := VarFMTBcdCreate(bcd) //later invalid 
variant type cast ?

2448+Result := VarFMTBcdCreate(bcd)

2. VarToBCD() is already implemented, so:
2548procedure TFMTBCDField.SetVarValue(const AValue: Variant);
2549-   var E:double;
2551- E:=AValue;
2552- SetAsBCD(DoubleToBCD(E));//remove when VarToBCD in 
fmtbcd.pp will be implemented

2553- //SetAsBCD(VarToBCD(AValue));

3. BCDToStrF there is waiting patch 
http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18388 if applied, then also can 
be removed comments in procedure TFMTBCDField.GetText

4. Add 3th parameter to TryStrToBCD( const aValue : FmtBCDStringtype;  
var BCD : tBCD;  DecimalSeparator : char = #0) : Boolean;
so we can supply directly decimal separator '.' used in SQL and to avoid 
saving existing, set '.' and then restoring ... 

(like TryStrToDate, TryStrToTime)
add overloaded TryStrToBCD( const aValue : FmtBCDStringtype;  var BCD : 
tBCD;  FormatSettings : TFormatSettings) : Boolean;

(like TryStrToFloat)

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] TFmtBCDField

2011-02-22 Thread LacaK

Hi Joost,
Thinking about TFmtBCDField it seems to me, that also dsparams.inc must 
be adjusted to support ftFMTBcd ... add AsBCD: TBCD etc. ... at least my 
test with new TSQLite3Connection shows, that there is missing it (when 
applyng updates to record)

Do you have already finished implementing ftFMTBcd into TSQLite3Connection ?

4. Add 3th parameter to TryStrToBCD( const aValue : FmtBCDStringtype;  
var BCD : tBCD;  DecimalSeparator : char = #0) : Boolean;
so we can supply directly decimal separator '.' used in SQL and to avoid 
saving existing, set '.' and then restoring ... 

(like TryStrToDate, TryStrToTime)
 add overloaded TryStrToBCD( const aValue : FmtBCDStringtype;  var BCD : 
tBCD;  FormatSettings : TFormatSettings) : Boolean;

(like TryStrToFloat)

And could you add a bug-report for this? I think that Marco or MvC
should have a look at it and have to decide which design is best and
also compatible to Delphi. Then the db-changes can be made.

Bug report is here http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18807
If this way will be approved, then we can very nice use it (no need to 
initialize something, store/restore) for example:

 if not TryStrToBCD(bcdstr,bcd,SQLFormatSettings) then  

we must only add into TSQLConnection:
   property SQLFormatSettings: TFormatSettings read 

FSQLServerFormatSetting already exists as private variable


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] RFC: TParam.AsBCD vs. AsFMTBCD

2011-02-23 Thread LacaK

we have in fcl-db TField.AsBCD: TBCD; but we do not have TParam.AsBCD, 
nor TParam.AsFMTBCD

Delphi defines:
TParam.AsBCD: Currency ... 
TParam.AsFMTBCD: TBCD ... 

But for me sounds more logical and consistent, that TParam.AsBCD will be 
like TField.AsBCD so result type will be TBCD

(TParam.AsBCD: Currency is more like TParam.AsCurrency: Currency)

So what way to go ?
1. TParam.AsBCD: TBCD


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] RFC: TParam.AsBCD vs. AsFMTBCD

2011-02-23 Thread LacaK
Ok, here is patch for AsFMTBCD: TBCD ... 

Please review.
It seems, that methods TParam.GetData and SetData are not used at all 
... strange ;-)


Well, the Delphi compatible way is usually preferred.

It makes no sense to have both .asBCD and asFMTBCD to have the same 
result type.

The same can of course be said about .asBCD and .AsCurrency; But since
Delphi compatibility is a goal, I think we should follow them.

Borland could perfectly have sufficed with 2 properties (.AsCurrency, 
AsBCD). For some reason they introduced 3.


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] RFC: Procedure TParam.AssignFieldValue

2011-02-23 Thread LacaK

can anybody look into dsparams.inc at above mentioned method.
There are using 5 assigments : DataType := ...
1. because DataType is property it uses SetDataType method
2. SetDataType method try convert existing FValue into new FieldType
3. but later in AssignFieldValue is FValue rewritten by Value:=AValue 
(or Cleared)

So it seems to me that using DataType is unnecessary, I would suggest 
using FDataType:=...

What do you think ?

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] TFieldDef.Size vs TField.Size

2011-02-23 Thread LacaK

I am writting here to discuss bug 
(I do not want reopen bug and writte there because I am not sure about 
my arguments)

IMHO root of problem is in different definition of TFieldDef.Size and 

Documentation says, that
1. TFieldDef.Size should be For string and byte fields, *Size* is the 
number of bytes reserved 

2. TField.Size should be the maximum number of characters in the 
string (for ftString and I guess that also for ftWideString)


And now let's go look into fields.inc:
1. Function TFieldDef.CreateField copies Result.Size:=FSize (so 

2. function TStringField.GetDataSize returns for ftString ... Size+1
3. function TWideStringField.GetDataSize returns for ftWideString ... 
(Size + 1) * 2

Points 2,3 are clear Size is expected to be number of characters, 
DataSize number of bytes.

But point 1 says, that TFieldDef.Size and TField.Size should be the same

And now let's go look into bufdataset.pas:
4. function TCustomBufDataset.GetFieldSize works with TFieldDef and 
returns number of bytes needed in record buffer

 case FieldDef.DataType of
   ftString, ftGuid, ftFixedChar: result := FieldDef.Size + 1;
   ftFixedWideChar, ftWideString:result := (FieldDef.Size + 1)*2;
So also here we can see, that FieldDef.Size is expected to be number of 
characters not bytes.

So IMHO logical conclusion will be say, that TFieldDef.Size for string 
fields has same menaing as Field.Size, so it is number of characters
(so documentation is wrong in this case ... also fast test in Delphi 
shows, that FieldDef.Size=Field.Size=number of characters)

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] TFieldDef.Size vs TField.Size

2011-02-24 Thread LacaK

I am writting here to discuss bug 
(I do not want reopen bug and writte there because I am not sure 
about my arguments)

IMHO root of problem is in different definition of TFieldDef.Size and 

Documentation says, that
1. TFieldDef.Size should be For string and byte fields, *Size* is 
the number of bytes reserved 

2. TField.Size should be the maximum number of characters in the 
string (for ftString and I guess that also for ftWideString)


And now let's go look into fields.inc:
1. Function TFieldDef.CreateField copies Result.Size:=FSize (so 

2. function TStringField.GetDataSize returns for ftString ... Size+1
3. function TWideStringField.GetDataSize returns for ftWideString ... 
(Size + 1) * 2

Points 2,3 are clear Size is expected to be number of characters, 
DataSize number of bytes.

But point 1 says, that TFieldDef.Size and TField.Size should be the same

And now let's go look into bufdataset.pas:
4. function TCustomBufDataset.GetFieldSize works with TFieldDef and 
returns number of bytes needed in record buffer

case FieldDef.DataType of
  ftString, ftGuid, ftFixedChar: result := FieldDef.Size + 1;
  ftFixedWideChar, ftWideString:result := (FieldDef.Size + 1)*2;
So also here we can see, that FieldDef.Size is expected to be number 
of characters not bytes.

So IMHO logical conclusion will be say, that TFieldDef.Size for 
string fields has same menaing as Field.Size, so it is number of 

Correct, if you assume 1 char = 1 byte.

(so documentation is wrong in this case ... also fast test in Delphi 
shows, that FieldDef.Size=Field.Size=number of characters)

Your story is confusing to me. Where do you see a problem ?
See please 

And look at ftWideString, ftFixedWideChar cases
What happens if we have NVARCHAR(20) column on MS SQL Server (uses UCS-2 
1. in AddFieldDefs method is created TFieldDef object with Size=20*2 
(because FieldSize:=ColumnSize*sizeof(Widechar))
2. later when TField objects are created in TFieldDef.CreateField 
method, TWideString object is created with Size=40 (because Size is 
copied from TFieldDef object) ... and this is wrong, because:
 2.1 TWideString.Size should IMO return max.number of characters ... 
Size is used for example in data-aware controls to limit MaxLength
 2.2 TWideStringField.GetDataSize will return 82, which is also wrong 
(because (40+1)*2)
 2.3 in record buffer will be allocated also 82 bytes (because of 

So IMO correct will be in step 1 FieldSize:=ColumnSize not 

(like in my original fix in bug report)

Note also, that Size is used (also in Delphi) to limit the number of 
characters in data-aware controls (for ftString, ftWideString), so it 
must be number of characters in both cases.

Do you see an implementation problem or a documentation problem ?

Implementation problem at first
but also Documentation is confusing, because do not clearly says about 
menaing of TWideStringField.Size (only indirect guess can be done, that 
it is inherited from TStringField.Size, so it is number of characters)
See, that also other users are confusing by it 

Note that nowhere in the documentation pages you mention, widestrings are
mentioned (which is convenient, since that's where 1 char  1 byte).

Yes, but in Delphi6 help is for TWideStringField.DataSize:
Inspect DataSize to determine the number of bytes required to store the 
fields value. Use DataSize to determine the size needed for a buffer 
when working with the GetData and SetData methods.
For wide string fields, DataSize is the value of the Size property plus 
one (for the trailing NULL character), multiplied by two.

So we can estimate, that Size is number of characters, while 


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] TFieldDef.Size vs TField.Size

2011-02-24 Thread LacaK

Please, be patient. I'm working on it, as you can see in the bug reports
and commits.

ok, of course
I did not know your plans, ideas, thoughts etc.

As I said earlier, widestringfields aren't available in fpc yet. Someone
wrote some code for it, but it is never properly tested and probably
only worked by accident.
I did not know that, I was thinking about TWideStringFields as a 
implemented, supported thing

But I don't commit everything in one go, it's work-in-progress. And I
need to write tests for everything that I commit. You mixed two things
in one patch, so I had to split it into pieces. 


I did some tests with different Delphi versions, with and without
unicode. And beside finding some bugs in XE's string-db code I think I
know a solution for all problems regarding strings and unicode.

But let me thing it out, write tests, write code and test if it works

if you can inform about your plans, order of tasks etc. ... it will be 
if I can help you, let me know ... for example I have fix for 
TODBCConnection.SetParameters ... there is missing ftTime and 
ftWideString,ftWideFixedChar cases ... as revealed by testing with 


IMHO root of problem is in different definition of TFieldDef.Size and
Documentation says, that
1. TFieldDef.Size should be For string and byte fields, Size is the
number of bytes reserved  

I don't care what the documentation of others say. It is about how we
implemented it and how we document things. 


I've read the documentation and did some tests. The documentation is
simply wrong here. The behavior changed with different versions of
Delphi, the documentation is never adapted.

As I wrote in the bug-report, TFieldDef.Size should contain the number
of bytes to hold the string, without the leading 0.

why do you think so ?
If we do not care about Delphi documentation, it seems to me more 
consistent, that TFieldDef.Size and TField.Size says about equal things
(this is similar story as TField.AsBCD: TBCD and TParam.AsBCD: Currency 
... same name, different meaning ... in my opinion something very strange)

Note that with the unicode-versions of Delphi have in TFieldDef.Size the
amount of characters * 4 in TFieldDef.Size. For WideStrings and normal

I'm thinking about adding a property to T(Buf)Dataset in which you can
specify if you want to use unicode-length strings, or 'normal' lengths.
So that we can add backwards-compatilibity, which Delphi doesn't.
would not be better add such property to TSQLConnection class, as IMO 
all SQLQueries connected to one DB will work with same type of strings. 
So users can set it once and not for every TCustomSQLQuery object 
individualy ?


2. TField.Size should be the maximum number of characters in the
string (for ftString and I guess that also for ftWideString)

That's simply true. Also for widestrings. (tested)


And now let's go look into fields.inc:
1. Function TFieldDef.CreateField copies Result.Size:=FSize (so
2. function TStringField.GetDataSize returns for ftString ... Size+1
3. function TWideStringField.GetDataSize returns for ftWideString ...
(Size + 1) * 2

Those functions have to be adapted, yes. I have the changes here but I
need to fine-tune the tests, clean up etc. 


So also here we can see, that FieldDef.Size is expected to be number
of characters not bytes.

This was the case in the past. And it didn't lead to problems as
widestrings were never used properly. (That's why no-one bothered how it
was implemented for widestrings)


So IMHO logical conclusion will be say, that TFieldDef.Size for string
fields has same menaing as Field.Size, so it is number of characters
(so documentation is wrong in this case ... also fast test in Delphi
shows, that FieldDef.Size=Field.Size=number of characters)

No, our implementation is wrong and we have to adapt our code. That way
it is also possible to fix the unicode-problems you've reported.

ps: if you want to know what the Delphi-XE-bug is. when using the
TClientDataset, for widestrings, TFieldDef.Size is four times the amount
of characters (ok), but when you get TWideSTringField.Datasize the
answer is two times TfieldDef.Size +2.

Yes same as in FPC GetDataSize:=(Size+1)*2

 So if you have a wide-string of
40 characters. TFieldDef.Size is 160, but TField.Datasize 322.
(obviously wrong)


Yes, TField.Size = TFieldDef.Size, TField.DataSize = (TField.Size+1)*2


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] TFieldDef.Size vs TField.Size

2011-02-24 Thread LacaK

I'm adding some ftTime tests.
Did you noticed, that I already posted such tests 
http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18763 ?
Then let me know, I send you fix for ftTime for TODBCConnection ... but 
depends on http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18773

 All widestring-issues are postponed until
I found a way to deal with them, unicode, and have tests to test them.


but now the TFmtBcd field is finally implemented,

please look at http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18809
and IMO also this bugs must be solved first to continue with 
implementing TFmtBcdField into connectors
http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18388 and 

 you can add support
for that? Now it only works with sqlite,
yes, but there is missing support for parameter ftFmtBCD in Procedure 

 maybe you can add it for the
other databases that you use? (odbc,mysql?)
yes i can do it, but would wait for fixing above mentioned bugs, to not 
touch code twice if something in fmtbcd unit changes


As I wrote in the bug-report, TFieldDef.Size should contain the number
of bytes to hold the string, without the leading 0.

why do you think so ?
If we do not care about Delphi documentation, it seems to me more
consistent, that TFieldDef.Size and TField.Size says about equal

It depends on how they are used. I think it is very usefull for a
programmer to know the maximum amount of characters. (TField.Size) 


And a
programmer should be able to detect how many bytes are reserverd to
store it (TFieldDef.Size). 
yes, but I would preffer introduce new TFieldDef.DataSize property, 
which will serve for byte length.
So we will have TFieldDef.Size, TField.Size=character length and 
TFieldDef.DataSize, TField.DataSize=byte length
Then we will be able use TFieldDef.DataSize instead of 
TCustomBufDataset.GetFieldSize (we can completely drop this) and all 
fields stuff will be in one unit fields.inc

This is especially important if we are supporting unicode-strings, where
both values can differ.


 So when you are getting/setting data from the
server, you use TFieldDef.Size, and then you want to check what the
maximum amount of characters is, TField.Size.
yes, my only objection is, that same name is used for different things, 
which is confusing, non-intuitive and will/can lead to misunderstandings


Note that with the unicode-versions of Delphi have in TFieldDef.Size the
amount of characters * 4 in TFieldDef.Size. For WideStrings and normal

I'm thinking about adding a property to T(Buf)Dataset in which you can
specify if you want to use unicode-length strings, or 'normal' lengths.
So that we can add backwards-compatilibity, which Delphi doesn't.

would not be better add such property to TSQLConnection class, as IMO
all SQLQueries connected to one DB will work with same type of
strings. So users can set it once and not for every TCustomSQLQuery
object individualy ?

Maybe. but I have to think about it better. Because if code in
fields.inc depends on it, we have to add the property to TDataset


yes I also must think about it more

So if you have a wide-string of
40 characters. TFieldDef.Size is 160, but TField.Datasize 322.
(obviously wrong)


Yes, TField.Size = TFieldDef.Size, TField.DataSize = (TField.Size+1)*2

There are more ways to solve that. And we need to find how the Delphi
datasets which do not have this problem do that.

One way is: TField.Size := (TFieldDef.Size div 2) if it's a WideString,
and div 4 if unicode is enabled.
 Or the TDataset descendant has to
correct the value for WideStrings when creating fields. (How?)


hm, we must think about it more


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] TFieldDef.Size vs TField.Size

2011-03-02 Thread LacaK

One way is: TField.Size := (TFieldDef.Size div 2) if it's a WideString,
and div 4 if unicode is enabled. Or the TDataset descendant has to
correct the value for WideStrings when creating fields. (How?)


Very simple/primitive Idea No1:

add property DataSize: integer read GetDataSize write FDataSize; into 
TFieldDef class

add next parameter ADataSize to Constructor TFieldDef.Create(AOwner:
TFieldDefs; const AName: string;
 ADataType: TFieldType; ASize: Integer; ARequired: Boolean;
AFieldNo: Longint
 ADataSize: Integer=0);
which is used in every TSQLConnection descendant to create fielddefs

So connectors can supply ASize=character length and also 
ADataSize=byte length , which they require to write/read character 
data into local buffer (each connector should be aware of this 
information ... i.e. encoding of character data which exchanges with DB 

If not specified , then default =0 means use ASize+1 for ftString,
(ASize+1)*2 for ftWideString ... for backward compatibility,
 for most others datatypes ignore it (because they are internaly stored 
in fixed length data structures).

Each TSQLConnection has CharSet property and each DB engine supports 
limited number of connection charsets. So SQLConnection can read CharSet 
property and determine character width.

For example if CharSet='UTF-8' then char_width:=3 (or 4)
if CharSet='UCS-2' then char_width:=2
if CharSet='UTF-16' then char_width:=4;

So with conjuction with Column size (ASize) can easy compute buffer 
size (ADataSize)


Constructor TFieldDef.Create(AOwner:
TFieldDefs; const AName: string;
 ADataType: TFieldType; ASize: Integer; ARequired: Boolean; 
AFieldNo: Longint

 ACharEncoding: TCharEncoding);

TCharEncoding=(cheUnknown, cheAnsi, cheUTF8, cheUTF16);

and then

ADataSize can be computed inside TFieldDef.Create and stored into 
FDataSize for later usage.(as I wrote before TFieldDef.GetDataSize will 
replace TCustomBufDataset.GetFieldSize)


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] FmtBCD unit improvements / bugs

2011-03-14 Thread LacaK

I would like to ask somebody to look at these bug reports:

1. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18388
This bug report contains implementation of missing BcdToStrF function.
There is also discussion if FmtBCD unit is localized ... tests under 
Delphi (6,10) shows, that Delphi *uses* global variables 
DecimalSeparator (in StrToBCD, BCDToStr, BCDToStrF) and 
ThousandSeparator (in BCDToStrF).

2. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18807
If fix in bug report (1) will be applied, then I can continue by adding 
overloaded functions
TryStrToBCD, StrToBCD, BCDToStr with next parameter const Format: 
TFormatSettings (in style of TryStrToFloat etc. and also in Delphi 
compatible way)

and drop global variable DecimalPoint
and replace its using by either DefaultFormatSettings (when used 
function without Format parameter) or supplied Format parameter. So it 
will be something like this:

 function TryStrToBCD ( const aValue : FmtBCDStringtype;   // --- here 
is not specified Format, so use DefaultFormatSettings

  var BCD : tBCD ) : Boolean;
   Result:=TryStrToBCD(aValue, BCD, DefaultFormatSettings);

 function TryStrToBCD ( const aValue : FmtBCDStringtype;
  var BCD : tBCD;
const Format: TFormatSettings  ) : Boolean;  // 
--- here is explicitly specified Format, so use it

//here use Format.DecimalSeparator , Format.ThousandSeparator

I would like if we make progress in this, because then we can continue 
with other task related to this.
Please let me know if you agree with this direction and if yes, then 
please apply fix in (1) and then I will prepare fix for (2)


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] RFC: customvariant handling in variants.pp and fmtbcd.pp

2011-03-23 Thread LacaK

I would like ask for your opinion in this case.

I found, that in this sample program is raised Invalid variant ...

var bcd1: TBCD;
   v,v1: variant;
   s: string;
s:=v1; //assigment from customvariant to string is not handled in 


I can fix it by following fixs:

1. fmtbcd_castto.diff ... added case when castto varString is requested 
... then do not use cast throught varDouble (to avoid lost of 
precision), but convert directly from TBCD to string

2. variants.pp ... here we must add handling of customvariants into 
sysvartolstr ... I created helper function TryCastFromCustomVariant
which can be used multiple times (now in sysvartolstr and sysvartoreal) 
... I isolate in this function code which is required multiple times.

I am not sure if
1. is this optimal approach, or is better to put same code repeatedly in 
sysvartolstrm sysvartoreal and in future in others sysvarto... ?

2. is the name and place of such function good choosen ?

Can somebody look at it, and commit what is good and change what is not 
good ;-) ?

--- f:\tmp\fmtbcd.pp.oldMon Mar 21 07:37:34 2011
+++ f:\tmp\fmtbcd.ppWed Mar 23 10:34:38 2011
@@ -4006,9 +3992,18 @@ begin
-  v.vType:=varDouble;
-  v.vDouble:=TFMTBcdVarData(Source.vPointer).BCD;
-  VarDataCastTo(Dest, v, aVarType); //now cast Double to any requested type
+  if aVarType = varString then
+  begin
+  end
+  else
+  begin
+VarDataCastTo(Dest, v, aVarType); //now cast Double to any requested 
+  end;
--- f:\tmp\variants.pp.ori  Thu Dec  2 10:03:42 2010
+++ f:\tmp\variants.pp  Wed Mar 23 10:32:52 2011
@@ -602,7 +602,6 @@ begin
   TVarData(V).vType := varEmpty;
 procedure sysvarclear(var v : Variant);
   if TVarData(v).vType and varComplexType  0 then
@@ -611,6 +610,16 @@ begin
 TVarData(v).vType := varEmpty;
+function TryCastFromCustomVariant(const v : Variant; const aVarType: TVarType; 
out Dest: TVarData):boolean;
+var Handler: TCustomVariantType;
+  Result:=FindCustomVariantType(TVarData(v).vType, Handler);
+  if Result then
+  begin
+Handler.CastTo(dest, TVarData(v), aVarType);
+  end;
 function Sysvartoint (const v : Variant) : Integer;
@@ -661,20 +670,15 @@ end;
 {$ifndef FPUNONE}
 function sysvartoreal (const v : Variant) : Extended;
-var Handler: TCustomVariantType;
-dest: TVarData;
+var dest: TVarData;
   if VarType(v) = varNull then
 if NullStrictConvert then
   VarCastError(varNull, varDouble)
   Result := 0
-  else if FindCustomVariantType(TVarData(v).vType, Handler) then
-  begin
-Handler.CastTo(dest, TVarData(v), varDouble);
-Result := dest.vDouble;
-  end
+  else if TryCastFromCustomVariant(v, varDouble, dest) then
+Result := dest.vDouble
 Result := VariantToDouble(TVarData(V));
@@ -694,12 +698,15 @@ end;
 procedure sysvartolstr (var s : AnsiString; const v : Variant);
+var dest: TVarData;
   if VarType(v) = varNull then
 if NullStrictConvert then
   VarCastError(varNull, varString)
   s := NullAsStringValue
+  else if TryCastFromCustomVariant(v, varString, dest) then
+s := AnsiString(dest.vString)
 S := VariantToAnsiString(TVarData(V));
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] RFC: customvariant handling in variants.pp and fmtbcd.pp

2011-03-23 Thread LacaK

Hi Sergei,

I can fix it by following fixs:

1. fmtbcd_castto.diff ... added case when castto varString is 
requested ... then do not use cast throught varDouble (to avoid lost 
of precision), but convert directly from TBCD to string

2. variants.pp ... here we must add handling of customvariants into 
sysvartolstr ... I created helper function TryCastFromCustomVariant
which can be used multiple times (now in sysvartolstr and 
sysvartoreal) ... I isolate in this function code which is required 
multiple times.

I am not sure if
1. is this optimal approach, or is better to put same code repeatedly 
in sysvartolstrm sysvartoreal and in future in others sysvarto... ?

2. is the name and place of such function good choosen ?

Doing what you propose isn't good. Checking for custom variant type is 
expensive because it involves locking, therefore custom variant 
handling should be done *after* the standard types.


The real problem is that the standard types are currently handled in 
VarUtils.VariantToX functions, which do not depend on Variants unit 
and cannot use custom variant stuff.


The correct solution would be to move the code of VariantToX functions 
to Variants unit, inlining them to sysvartoX functions. But if you try 
that, you'll discover very soon that VariantChangeTypeEx (non-Windows 
implementation in varutils.inc) depends on some of them. This is again 
not correct, because conversion functions called from 
VariantChangeTypeEx do not need to handle Pascal-specific types and 
by-reference variants. But a simplifed portion of conversion functions 
have to stay in VarUtils unit.

This is of course a major rewrite, but I'd stay on it, because with a 
number of quick-fixes we risk to end up with unmaintainable code.

ok I agree, but I think, that this is too dificult for me, so I must 
wait if somebody will do it.

So my questions are:
1. is acceptable apply my patch (or some variation of it) to variants.pp 
as a temporary solution ? (you can add there hint must be chaged, when 
2. fix for fmtbcd.pp does not affect above mentioned problem, so should 
you commit it (if is correct from your POV) to not forget about it ?


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] RFC: customvariant handling in variants.pp and fmtbcd.pp

2011-03-24 Thread LacaK

Hi Sergei,
Doing what you propose isn't good. Checking for custom variant type 
is expensive because it involves locking, therefore custom variant 
handling should be done *after* the standard types.

Both committed in r17170, with some changes:

great thanks!

In fmtbcd.pp, I used VarDataFromStr method instead of assigning 
individual fields of TVarData;
if I understand things correctly, this method exist precisely for such 

ok thanks,
I have attached minor rearangement, consider them please

In variants.pp, I used an individual function, with an out-parameter 
of type AnsiString. Such approach allows to avoid finalization of the 
intermediate Variant.

ok, thank you very much

I have looked again at function FindCustomVariantType and I see there :

3590 Result:=(aVarType=CMinVarType);
3591 if Result then

So it seems to me, that for standard variant types is control immediately 
returned, so no performance problem should exist there with entering critical 
section and so on.
Or I missed something ?


procedure TFMTBcdFactory.CastTo(var Dest: TVarData; const Source: TVarData; 
const aVarType: TVarType);
var v: TVarData;
  if Source.vType=VarType then
if aVarType = varString then
  VarDataFromStr(Dest, BCDToStr(TFMTBcdVarData(Source.vPointer).BCD))
VarDataCastTo(Dest, v, aVarType); //now cast Double to any requested 
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] Implementing TFmtBCDField - ftFmtBCD and SQLite

2011-03-24 Thread LacaK

after doing some test with new implementation of TFmtBCDField for 
TSQLite3Connection connector I encounter this problem:

When you declare in SQLite some column as NUMERIC or DECIMAL then this 
column will have NUMERIC affinity.


If you insert in such column any numeric value (quoted or unquoted):
INSERT INTO t VALUES('123456789123456789.123456');

SQLite converts such numeric value to 8-byte floating point 
representation (REAL) or 8-byte integer (INTEGER), so:

(lost of precision occurs)
returns 123456789123456784

See: http://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html#affinity
A column with NUMERIC affinity may contain values using all five 
storage classes. When text data is inserted into a NUMERIC column, the 
storage class of the text is converted to INTEGER or REAL (in order of 
preference) if such conversion is lossless and reversible. For 
conversions between TEXT and REAL storage classes, SQLite considers the 
conversion to be lossless and reversible if the first 15 significant 
decimal digits of the number are preserved. If the lossless conversion 
of TEXT to INTEGER or REAL is not possible then the value is stored 
using the TEXT storage class. No attempt is made to convert NULL or BLOB 

My original understanding was, that when I store big numbers as TEXT and 
lossless conversion to REAL can not be done, then value will be stored 
as TEXT, but in meaning in SQLite lossless is:  if the first 15 
significant decimal digits of the number are preserved (not all digits 
only first 15!!!)

I have asked about this in sqlite-users mailing list (topic storing big 
numbers into NUMERIC, DECIMAL columns) and results are:

(I attach some of comments from sqlite-users mailing list)

A.) if we want preserve precision of BCD values we must store them as 
BLOBs (using sqlite3_bind_blob()) ... see (1) and (2) in attachment
(with optimalization like : if BCDPrecision(...)  15 then use 
sqlite3_bind_blob(...) else sqlite3_bind_double(...) )
Here my test shows, that if I store value like BLOB I still can do 
select like:

SELECT d+100 FROM t;
SELECT sum(d) FROM t;
SELECT * FROM t WHERE d12345678912345678;
(it seems, that SQLite converts BLOB-TEXT-REAL ...of course precision 
is lost)

B.) does not support numbers (big exact numbers), which are not 
supported by SQLite (SQLite supports only REAL and INTEGER). ... see (3)
So DECIMAL, NUMERIC map to ftFloat if decimal places4 (out of range 
ftBCD) and map to ftLargeInt if decimal places=0

What do you think, which way to go ?

Here are two options which will let you get the contents back to the original 

A) Store the values as BLOBs.
B) Store the value as TEXT, but add a non-digit to the beginning of each number 
value, for example


Both methods will prevent SQLite from trying to see the value as a number.  Oh 
and since nobody seems to have pointed it out yet, SQLite doesn't have a 
NUMERIC or a DECIMAL column type.  The types can be found here:


Putting INTEGER and REAL together gives you NUMERIC, but there's no way to 
declare a column of that type, just a value.  The page actually rehearses your 
problem, showing when strings containing numeric values can be converted to a 

You can store any big-number representation you like as TEXT or BLOB
values.  The main issue is that you'll lose syntactic sugar: SQLite3
won't be able to treat those as numeric values, therefore it won't be
able to compare numerically nor use arithmetic with such values.

If your goal is to work with any user database created outside of your
FreePascal connector then chances are that user will use the same
database outside of your FreePascal connector too. And if use declared
column as NUMERIC then he probably will expect numbers to be inserted
into that column (especially if the data type inside FreePascal is
also some sort of number). User also will probably execute some
queries that do some arithmetic operations on values in that column.
And they will be really surprised to see that not all the data is
numbers there.

So you better insert everything as numbers, let SQLite transform
everything to REAL and lose precision. And tell your users that it's
limitation of SQLite and you cannot do anything with it, only suggest
to insert big numbers as text.___
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] RFC: customvariant handling in variants.pp and fmtbcd.pp

2011-03-28 Thread LacaK

I have attached minor rearangement, consider them please

Will do. It's possible to go even further and completely exclude 
finalization and try..finally block, because the intermediate Variant 
is always of type Double, which doesn't need finalization.

I will look  forward for your patch.


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Implementing TFmtBCDField - ftFmtBCD and SQLite

2011-04-01 Thread LacaK

Simply said: So Sqlite doesn't support real BCD values.

Yes, SQLite does not support them native

 So we can't support it either for Sqlite. 

It was my question. We can (if we want) partialy add work-arounds:
if y=0 then map to ftLargeInt (64bit integer)
elseif y=4 then map to ftBCD (as it is now)
else map to ftFloat (IMHO better than raising exception)

More difficult: Sqlite is not a 'normal' sql-database. It has all kind
of strange issues, it's own definitions and options. It is impossible to
support all these gimmicks in sqldb.
I agree, and most horrible is, that in one column you can have any 
datatype in different rows (in 1st row character data, in 2nd integer 
and in 3th real numbers and in 4th blob)

Sqlite only has very few
data-types (the 'affinities') but to be gentle to our users we do
support more, only based on the field-type name.
Yes and this is IMO good. If user defines column datatype as numeric or 
integer or float it can be expected, that also data in that column will 
be in that format

 So as long as users
can't make tables with numeric fields that support more then 15 numbers,
we don't have to support bcd-fields. So map decimal to BCD (not float,
it will be invalid for values within the supported precision range). If
users want to store numbers with an higher precision, that is simply
impossible in sqlite.
Yes it is impossible in native way ... but we can help him and do 
necessary conversion in the background ... question is what user expect, 
when defines column like DECIMAL(15,7) ?

 If they want to store their numbers in
blob-fields, they can simply define a blob field and do so...
Yes but BLOB is mapped to TBlobField and there are no methods like 
AsFloat, AsBCD, AsFMTBCD ... so user must handle all this in their code 
... retrieve value convert them etc. , use TField.OnGetText etc. ... it 
is doable, but not very confort.

So where's the problem? (I see the problem of Sqlite not supporting

Yes it is primary problem

 but the sqldb-problem?
What to do in case when user defines column  NUMERIC, DECIAML (x,y) 
where y4 or x15 ?
(I do not like raise exception if there is way how to handle this 
situation ... and also user IMHO does not expect exception)

As I wrote we should at least do:
if y=0 --- ftLargeInt
elseif y=4 --- ftBCD
else --- ftFloat (or ftString with Size=x+1 ?)

But we can go far (this is relative simple to implement and gives 
maximum transparency and easy to use):
if x  15 or y4 --- ftFmtBCD (and here write as BLOB into SQLite3 
database in background)

elseif y=0 --- ftLargeInt
else --- ftBCD


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Implementing TFmtBCDField - ftFmtBCD and SQLite

2011-04-01 Thread LacaK

No, map to ftfmtbcd, as it should. That will work fine as long as the
values are within the sqlite-range.

ok. in reading phase no problem
(ATM we read using sqlite3_column_text (so SQLite converts all storage 
classes (integer,real, blob) to string) and then converting to TBCD ... ok

(Well, show me the bug: as it is now, he won't get an exception? Just

map to ftmbcd)

yes now no exception it is ok as is

 the user will only get an invalid value when he stores a
value outside the sqlite-precision scope. Exactly what he would expect
when he uses sqlite.

I can live with this, but do not forget, that ATM there is not 
implemented writting of ftFmtBCD parameters in Procedure 
TSQLite3Cursor.bindparams(AParams : TParams);

So writting never occurs!

So there we must add at least ftFmtBCD case, (behind ftbcd)

But If we add this code (excuse me, I must offer it) ;-):
//it is only pseudo code
 if P.AsFMTBCD.Precision  15 then //we are out-of-range
   str1:=BCDTOStr(P.AsFMTBCD, SQLFormatSettings);

// all.
Then all cases will be covered and no additional work around are needed.

P.S.: P.AsFMTBCD: http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18809

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] Recent changes to TField.SetData

2011-04-03 Thread LacaK

This fix 
fixes mising call to TField.Validate (before data are written into 
record buffer) and adds also call to TField.DataChanged (after data are 

But It seems to me, that DataChanged is now called 2 times

First in TDataSet descendants in SetFieldData method (see 
bufdataset.pas, dbf.pas, paradox.pp, meds.pp) and second in above 
mentioned place.

So it would be good remove this call from TDataSet descendants. For 
example for bufdataset.pas:

1860   if not (State in [dsCalcFields, dsFilter, dsNewValue]) then
1861 DataEvent(deFieldChange, Ptrint(Field));

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Behavior of conversion between vardate variants and string in fpc and delphi

2011-04-04 Thread LacaK

Running this code in Delphi 7 gives the exception below:

  V: Variant;
  D: TDateTime;
  ShortDateFormat := 'dd/mm/'; // the problem occurs regardless of 
the format option

  V := '20/04/2011';
  D := V;
  Memo1.Lines.Add('Date: ' + DateToStr(D)); // required to avoid dead 
code elimination


raised exception class EVariantTypeCastError with message 'Could not 
convert variant of type (String) into type (Double)'

Can someone check with more recent Delphi if this is still true?

In DelphiXE:
raised exception class EVariantTypeCastError with message 'Could not 
convert variant of type (UnicodeString) into type (Double)'


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Behavior of conversion between vardate variants and string in fpc and delphi

2011-04-04 Thread LacaK

So, what should be done?

1) Be totally compatible with Delphi: convert date to string with 
hardcoded format and raise exception when doing the conversion back?
2) Use the hardcoded format used to convert from vardate variant to 
string and vice versa?
3) Use shortdateformat to convert from vardate variant to string and 
vice versa?

Point 3 sounds to me as best and logical.

This code in DelphiXE:

  ShortDateFormat := 'dd#mm#'; // the problem occurs regardless of 
the format option

  V := '20#04#2011';
  v1:=varAsType(V, varDate);
  Writeln('Date: ' + DateToStr(D));

Date: 20#04#2011

So it seems, that DelphiXe also uses ShortDateFormat, DateSeparator

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Recent changes to TField.SetData

2011-04-04 Thread LacaK

Then please move approprate code at least into 


This code was already there.

Should the 'Validate' code be moved there too ?

Yes. TDataset descendants are responsible to calling Validate, e.g., 
zeos call it inside TZAbstractRODataset.SetFieldData.
I agree, but I do not like idea, that SAME piece of code must be 
repeated in many descendants of TDataSet (TCustomBufDataSet, TParadox, 
TMemDataset,  TFixedFormatDataSet,  TDbf, TCustomSqliteDataset etc.)

So it would be good, if we can put 'validate code' into any new method? 
and call it once from descendants (be precise only from descendants, 
which are intended for use in FPC, because components which are also for 
Delphi must do it in Delphi compatible way and can not use this new method)

One of the reasons of letting descendants call it it's too improve 
granularity so Validate can be called in the middle of the routine, as 
is in zeos, instead to  force the call before the TDataset routine.
Yes, but I think, that in many cases can be expected, that 'validate' 
will be called before any other action,

It seems, that TDataSet descendants never call inherited 
TDataSet.SetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer);

(because it is empty method)
So if we move 'validate code' there then in 'our' descendants we put only
at first line. This does not affect existing tdataset descendants, and 
FPC dataset descendants can be adjusted to benefit from this.
(I know, it is not perfect solution ;-) but I very dislike repeat same 
'validate'  code in X places)

introduce any new method (ValidateFieldData ? ;-))) and let tdatsset 
descendants use it:

ValidateFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer);

some smarter solution ?


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Recent changes to TField.SetData

2011-04-05 Thread LacaK

introduce any new method (ValidateFieldData ? ;-))) and let tdatsset 
descendants use it:

ValidateFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer);

some smarter solution ?

The whole code, which is repeated (and can be put in one place) is:

 if not (State in [dsEdit, dsInsert, dsFilter, dsCalcFields]) then
 if (Field.FieldNo0) and not (State in [dsSetKey, dsFilter]) then
   if ReadOnly then DatabaseErrorFmt(SReadOnlyField, 
[Field.DisplayName], Self);



fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Recent changes to TField.SetData

2011-04-05 Thread LacaK

The whole code, which is repeated (and can be put in one place) is:

if not (State in [dsEdit, dsInsert, dsFilter, dsCalcFields]) then
if (Field.FieldNo0) and not (State in [dsSetKey, dsFilter]) then
  if Read 


You are right in your dislike.

I will create a 'BeforeSetFieldData' in TDataset and put the code in 

and the same for 'AfterSetFieldData' with the OnChange code.

Then please do not forget commit necessary changes also in other 
descendants (not only in TCustomBufDataSet but also in TParadox, 
TMemDataset,  TFixedFormatDataSet,  TDbf) to completelly fix 'missing 
onvalidate call' problem.


I am still thinking about this.
I have other solution, which is relative simple , puts base logic into 
base TField methods (so all TDataSet descendants can benefit from it) 
and does not negatively affect existing TDataSet descendants and does 
not require introduce new methods (BeforeSetFieldData, AfterSetFieldData).

Let's distributes repeating used code as follows:

1. base checks before into procedure TField.SetData(Buffer: Pointer; 
NativeFormat : Boolean);

 820 begin
 821   If Not Assigned(FDataset) then
 822 DatabaseErrorFmt(SNoDataset,[FieldName]);

   if not (State in [dsEdit, dsInsert, dsFilter, dsCalcFields]) then //here 
should be IMO also dsNewValue

   if ReadOnly and (FieldNo0) and not (FDataSet.State in [dsSetKey, 
dsFilter]) then
 DatabaseErrorFmt(SReadOnlyField, [DisplayName], Self);

 829   FDataSet.SetFieldData(Self,Buffer, NativeFormat);

2. into procedure TField.Validate(Buffer: Pointer);

 892 begin
   if FDataSet.State in [dsSetKey, dsFilter] then Exit;
 893   If assigned(OnValidate) Then


3. after call into procedure TDataSet.SetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: 
  if not (State in [dsCalcFields, dsFilter, dsNewValue]) then
DataEvent(deFieldChange, Ptrint(Field));


And now all what we must do, is put into method SetFieldData in TDataSet 
descendants one line:


and one line at end:

inherited; //calls field change ... this is done by all TDataSet descendants 
in fcl-db as a last thing

It is only draft, so some detils may be changed ... ;-)
What do you think ?


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Recent changes to TField.SetData

2011-04-06 Thread LacaK

Small optimalization use dsWriteModes instead of fixed set:

-   if not (State in [dsEdit, dsInsert, dsFilter, dsCalcFields]) 
then //here should be IMO also dsNewValue

+ if not (FDataSet.State in dsWriteModes) then


   if ReadOnly and (FieldNo0) and not (FDataSet.State in 
[dsSetKey, dsFilter]) then

 DatabaseErrorFmt(SReadOnlyField, [DisplayName], Self);

 829   FDataSet.SetFieldData(Self,Buffer, NativeFormat);

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Recent changes to TField.SetData

2011-04-13 Thread LacaK

here are diffs with changes, I hope they will be good for all TDataSet 
descendants (those specific to FPC and also those which are also for use 
in Delphi)
Code which is general (and is used repeatedly) is placed in TField 
methods and only small code remains which must be placed into each 
TDataSet descendant.
(I patched only TBufDataSet, but later can be updated also other 
TDataSet descendants ... remove redundant code and add Field.Validate(...))


The whole code, which is repeated (and can be put in one place) is:

if not (State in [dsEdit, dsInsert, dsFilter, dsCalcFields]) then
if (Field.FieldNo0) and not (State in [dsSetKey, dsFilter]) then
  if Read 


You are right in your dislike.

I will create a 'BeforeSetFieldData' in TDataset and put the code in 

and the same for 'AfterSetFieldData' with the OnChange code.

Then please do not forget commit necessary changes also in other 
descendants (not only in TCustomBufDataSet but also in TParadox, 
TMemDataset,  TFixedFormatDataSet,  TDbf) to completelly fix 'missing 
onvalidate call' problem.


I am still thinking about this.
I have other solution, which is relative simple , puts base logic into 
base TField methods (so all TDataSet descendants can benefit from it) 
and does not negatively affect existing TDataSet descendants and does 
not require introduce new methods (BeforeSetFieldData, 

Let's distributes repeating used code as follows:

1. base checks before into procedure TField.SetData(Buffer: Pointer; 
NativeFormat : Boolean);

 820 begin
 821   If Not Assigned(FDataset) then
 822 DatabaseErrorFmt(SNoDataset,[FieldName]);

   if not (State in [dsEdit, dsInsert, dsFilter, dsCalcFields]) 
then //here should be IMO also dsNewValue


   if ReadOnly and (FieldNo0) and not (FDataSet.State in 
[dsSetKey, dsFilter]) then

 DatabaseErrorFmt(SReadOnlyField, [DisplayName], Self);

 829   FDataSet.SetFieldData(Self,Buffer, NativeFormat);

2. into procedure TField.Validate(Buffer: Pointer);

 892 begin
   if FData Set.Statein[dsSetKey,dsFilter]thenExit  893   If 
assigned(OnValidate) Then


3. after call into procedure TDataSet.SetFieldData(Field: TField; 
Buffer: Pointer);

  if not (State in [dsCalcFields, dsFilter, dsNewValue]) then
DataEvent(deFieldChange, Ptrint(Field));


And now all what we must do, is put into method SetFieldData in 
TDataSet descendants one line:

and one line at end:

inherited; //calls field change ... this is done by all TDataSet 
descendants in fcl-db as a last thing

It is only draft, so some detils may be changed ... ;-)
What do you think ?


--- bufdataset.pas.ori  Sun Feb 20 14:31:16 2011
+++ bufdataset.pas  Wed Apr 13 09:07:18 2011
@@ -1830,14 +1830,10 @@ var CurrBuff : pointer;
 NullMask : pbyte;
-  if not (state in [dsEdit, dsInsert, dsFilter, dsCalcFields]) then
   CurrBuff := GetCurrentBuffer;
-  If Field.Fieldno  0 then // If = 0, then calculated field or something
+  If Field.FieldNo  0 then // If = 0, then calculated field or something
 NullMask := CurrBuff;
--- fields.inc.ori  Wed Apr 13 08:50:56 2011
+++ fields.inc  Wed Apr 13 09:05:04 2011
@@ -820,12 +820,10 @@ procedure TField.SetData(Buffer: Pointer
   If Not Assigned(FDataset) then
-  if (FieldNo0) and not (FDataSet.State in [dsSetKey, dsFilter]) then
-if ReadOnly then 
-  DatabaseErrorFmt(SReadOnlyField, [DisplayName], Self); 
+  if not (FDataSet.State in dsWriteModes) then
+  if ReadOnly and (FieldNo0) and not (FDataSet.State in [dsSetKey, dsFilter]) 
+DatabaseErrorFmt(SReadOnlyField, [DisplayName], Self);
   FDataSet.SetFieldData(Self,Buffer, NativeFormat);
@@ -890,7 +888,7 @@ end;
 procedure TField.Validate(Buffer: Pointer);
-  If assigned(OnValidate) Then
+  If assigned(OnValidate) and not (FDataSet.State in [dsSetKey,dsFilter]) Then
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] RFC: customvariant handling in variants.pp and fmtbcd.pp

2011-04-14 Thread LacaK

Hi Sergei,

Sorry for the delay, got stuck with other issues... Applied in r17319. 
Thank you for the patch!

It is ok ;-)
Could I ask why is there needed VarDataInit ? (only for my interest ;-))


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] RFC: customvariant handling in variants.pp and fmtbcd.pp

2011-04-15 Thread LacaK

Could I ask why is there needed VarDataInit ? (only for my interest ;-))

A good question. Formally it is not needed, but in general 
initializing variables before use remains a good idea. Here the 
TVarData is passed to VarDataCastTo, and after initializing we can be 
sure that VarDataCastTo won't find garbage in remaining 4 bytes of 
structure if it accesses them for whatever reason.

Thanks for explain


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Recent changes to TField.SetData

2011-04-26 Thread LacaK

/ Michael,

// do you plan do something else with this OnValidate problem ?

I thought I had done everything, or did I (again) forget something ?

There is IMHO unresolved original problem which is in fact,
that some TDataSet descendants implement call to Field.Validate in descendant's 
(for example ZEOS in procedure TZAbstractRODataset.SetFieldData)

So if we leave call to Validate(Buffer) in TField.SetData 
( http://svn.freepascal.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/trunk/packages/fcl-db/src/base/fields.inc?r1=17199r2=17220 )

Then in case of these TDataSet descendants will Validate called twice.
(once in TField.SetData and second in descendant's SetFieldData)

Please look at diff's which are attached in my email from 13.4.2011.
(There are changes which we must/can do to fix it)


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] Closing bug reports or not ?

2011-05-09 Thread LacaK

excuse me for this question ;-)
Closing bug report is task for reporter of bug or is not (so leave it 
resolved and bug will close somebody later?) ?

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] SQLite and ftFmtBCD

2011-05-10 Thread LacaK

Hi Joost (and others also ;-),

I comment your question about 
http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18809 here.

(because I do not know what comment here and what in bug tracker)

I see problem in fact, that AsString returns number formated using 
locale specific DecimalSeparator.
So if FmtBCD param will hold value 123456789,123456789 then this value 
will be written into SQLite3 database.

Which is IMO not very good, becuase SQL standard and also SQLite 
expects, that numeric values will always have point as decimal separator.

So my suggestion is in case of ftFMTBCD param use something like:

ftFmtBCD: begin
   str1:= BCDToStr(P.AsFMTBCD, SQLFormatSettings); //this depend on bug 

or better:
ftFmtBCD: begin
   if P.AsFMTBCD.Precision  15 then //we are out of REAL range, so we 
must bind as BLOB
 str1:=BCDTOStr(P.AsFMTBCD, SQLFormatSettings);
length(str1), @freebindstring));


about SQLFormatSettings see: http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=17188
Other questions:
 Isn't it better to use '4' instead of 255/0 as default value for 

the scale?
SQL standard says, that if scale is ommited then scale is 0 ... imho it 
is better to follow standard

 Isn't it better to map to a ftInteger/ftLargeInt field when size1=0?
Yes IMHO it is better, at least because ftLargeInt (int64) can hold more 
significant digits (left to decimal point) than ftBCD (currency)

But what if user defines NUMERIC(30,0) then we have two options:
1. say sorry SQLite does not support this, so we map to ftLargeInt
2. or map to ftFmtBCD if (scale4) or (precision18)

if precision18 then ftFmtBCD
else if scale=0 then ftLargeInt
else if scale=4 then ftBCD
else ftFmtBCD


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] SQLite and ftFmtBCD

2011-05-10 Thread LacaK

I'll look at this solution. I'm a little bit confused about
SQLFormatSettings and why it was implemented as it is now. I'll have to
investigate this.
IMO for locale independent formatting numeric, date, time values 
according to sql standard


or better:
ftFmtBCD: begin
if P.AsFMTBCD.Precision  15 then //we are out of REAL range, so we 
must bind as BLOB
  s   tr1=BCDTOStrP.AsFMTBCD,SQLFormatSettings);
length(str1), @freebindstring));
   d o1=P.AsFloat

This is wrong. There are some values which can't be written as floats,
but have precision15. 

Yes, then my mystake then we can/must use:

ftFmtBCD: begin
   //bind as BLOB, because when bind as TEXT, SQLite always will 
convert to REAL or INTEGER,
   //which can lead to lost of precision
length(str1), @freebindstring));

But this particular piece of code is used when an invalid value is
supplied, like 'DECIMAL(10,A)'.
yes, in this case we can default to 4 (but A as scale is in all cases 
something very strange)

 The case that the value is omitted is
handled elsewhere.

ok, in this case we should use 0


 Isn't it better to map to a ftInteger/ftLargeInt field when size1=0?
Yes IMHO it is better, at least because ftLargeInt (int64) can hold more 
significant digits (left to decimal point) than ftBCD (currency)

But what if user defines NUMERIC(30,0) then we have two options:
1. say sorry SQLite does not support this, so we map to ftLargeInt



2. or map to ftFmtBCD if (scale4) or (precision18)

if precision18 then ftFmtBCD
else if scale=0 then ftLargeInt
else if scale=4 then ftBCD
else ftFmtBCD

Can you create a patch which does this?

Yes, tomorow I will do it


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] SQLite and ftFmtBCD

2011-05-11 Thread LacaK

or better:
ftFmtBCD: begin
if P.AsFMTBCD.Precision  15 then //we are out of REAL range, so we 
must bind as BLOB
  s   tr1=BCDTOStrP.AsFMTBCD,SQLFormatSettings);
length(str1), @freebindstring));
   d o1=P.AsFloat

This is wrong. There are some values which can't be written as floats,
but have precision15. 


Joost,  look at ftBCD, ftCurrency they are also written as floats
So if there is it acceptable, then I would say, that also in this case 
is it acceptable, isn't it ?

(I do not say, that it is perfect)

Can you create a patch which does this?

Patch is attached.

DECIMAL - ftBCD (if precision and scale is not supplied, then scale=0)
DECIMAL(p) = DECIMAL(p,0) = DECIMAL(p,nonnumeric) - if p=18 then 
ftLargeInt else ftFmtBCD
DECIMAL(p,s) - if s4 or p-s14 then ftFmtBCD (number does not fit into 


--- sqlite3conn.pp.ori  Wed May 11 07:22:28 2011
+++ sqlite3conn.pp  Wed May 11 08:58:48 2011
@@ -347,11 +347,35 @@ var
  i : integer;
  FN,FD : string;
  ft1   : tfieldtype;
- size1 : word;
+ size1, size2 : integer;
  ar1   : TStringArray;
  fi: integer;
  st: psqlite3_stmt;
+ function ExtractPrecisionAndScale(decltype: string; var precision, scale: 
integer): boolean;
+ var p: integer;
+ begin
+   p:=pos('(', decltype);
+   Result:=p0;
+   if not Result then Exit;
+   System.Delete(decltype,1,p);
+   p:=pos(')', decltype);
+   Result:=p0;
+   if not Result then Exit;
+   decltype:=copy(decltype,1,p-1);
+   p:=pos(',', decltype);
+   if p=0 then
+   begin
+ precision:=StrToIntDef(decltype, precision);
+ scale:=0;
+   end
+   else
+   begin
+ precision:=StrToIntDef(copy(decltype,1,p-1), precision);
+ scale:=StrToIntDef(copy(decltype,p+1,length(decltype)-p), scale);
+   end;
+ end;
   for i:= 0 to sqlite3_column_count(st) - 1 do 
@@ -379,27 +403,19 @@ begin
 case ft1 of
   ftString: begin
-if (fi0) then
-  begin
-  System.Delete(FD,1,fi);
-  fi:=pos(')',FD);
-  size1:=StrToIntDef(trim(copy(FD,1,fi-1)),255);
-  if size1  dsMaxStringSize then size1 := dsMaxStringSize;
-  end
-else size1 := 255;
+size1 := 255; //sql: if length is omitted then length is 1
+size2 := 0;
+ExtractPrecisionAndScale(FD, size1, size2);
+if size1  dsMaxStringSize then size1 := dsMaxStringSize;
-if (fi0) then
-  begin
-  System.Delete(FD,1,fi);
-  fi:=pos(')',FD);
-  size1:=StrToIntDef(trim(copy(FD,1,fi-1)),255);
-  if size14 then
-ft1 := ftFMTBcd;
-  end
-else size1 := 4;
+size2 := 18; //sql: if a precision is omitted, then use 
+size1 := 0; //sql: if a scale is omitted then scale is 0
+ExtractPrecisionAndScale(FD, size2, size1);
+if (size2=18) and (size1=0) then
+  ft1:=ftLargeInt
+else if (size2-size114) or (size14) then
+  ft1:=ftFmtBCD;
   ftUnknown : DatabaseError('Unknown record type: '+FN);
 end; // Case
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Bug in IBConnection?

2011-05-18 Thread LacaK
this error message isc_shutdown is throw during isc_attach_database and 
so it seems, that your database is in shutdown mode
(which prevents you attach ... but I do not understand why you can 
success fuly attach using ssh?)

See http://www.firebirdnews.org/?p=234

 -database /usr/path_to_database/TEST.IB shutdown

What can be causing this error?

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] TField.OldValue

2011-06-09 Thread LacaK

Hi *,
I have 2 questions, which I divide into 2 emails.

1st is about TField.OldValue and Delphi compatibility. Please look at 
small attached program (for SQLite3).

In Delphi (with TClientDataSet and dbExpress) outputs:
1. Field.OnValidate: OldValue=N; Value=N; NewValue=N
2. Field.OnChange: OldValue=O; Value=N; NewValue=N
3. BeforePost: OldValue=O; Value=N; NewValue=N
4. AfterPost: OldValue=O; Value=N; NewValue=N
5. Before ApplyUpdates: OldValue=O; Value=N; NewValue=N
6. After ApplyUpdates: OldValue=N; Value=N; NewValue=N

1. Field.OnValidate: OldValue=N; Value=N; NewValue=N
2. Field.OnChange: OldValue=null; Value=N; NewValue=N
3. BeforePost: OldValue=null; Value=N; NewValue=N
4. AfterPost: OldValue=O; Value=N; NewValue=N
5. Before ApplyUpdates: OldValue=O; Value=N; NewValue=N
6. After ApplyUpdates: OldValue=null; Value=N; NewValue=N

As you can see, there are differences in 2,3,6, where in FPC OldValue is 
NULL but in Delphi is it old value.
Dou you think, that it is bug ? (at least it makes impossible compare 
OldValue and Value in BeforePost event handler and take some action when 
some field changes)

program testOldValue;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

  {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}
  Classes, SysUtils, CustApp,
  db, sqlite3conn, sqldb, variants;


  { TtestOldValue }

  TtestOldValue = class(TCustomApplication)
procedure DoRun; override;
constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure WriteHelp; virtual;
Forder: integer;
procedure Show(Msg: string; Field: TField);
procedure QfieldValidate(Sender: TField);
procedure QfieldChange(Sender: TField);
procedure QBeforePost(DataSet: TDataSet);
procedure QAfterPost(DataSet: TDataSet);

{ SQLite3Test }

procedure TtestOldValue.DoRun;
  ErrorMsg: String;

  Conn: TSQLite3Connection;
  Tran: TSQLTransaction;
  s: string;

  Q: TSQLQuery;

  // quick check parameters
  if ErrorMsg'' then begin

  // parse parameters
  if HasOption('h','help') then begin




str_field varchar(1))');
  Conn.ExecuteDirect('INSERT INTO t VALUES(1, ''O'')');

  Q.SQL.Text:='SELECT * FROM t';

  Q.Fields[1].OnChange  :=@QfieldChange;

  Show('Before ApplyUpdates', Q.Fields[1]);
  Show('After ApplyUpdates', Q.Fields[1]);
  Show('Before ApplyUpdates', Q.Fields[1]);
  Show('After ApplyUpdates', Q.Fields[1]);




  // stop program loop

constructor TtestOldValue.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
  inherited Create(TheOwner);

destructor TtestOldValue.Destroy;
  inherited Destroy;

procedure TtestOldValue.WriteHelp;
  { add your help code here }
  writeln('Usage: ',ExeName,' -h');

procedure TtestOldValue.Show(Msg: string; Field: TField);
  function VarToStr2(v:variant):string;
if VarIsNull(v) then Result:='null'
else Result:=VarToStr(v);
  writeln( format('%d. %s: OldValue=%s; Value=%s; NewValue=%s',
 [Forder, Msg, VarToStr2(Field.OldValue), 
VarToStr2(Field.Value), VarToStr2(Field.NewValue)])
{  writeln( format('%d. %s: DataSet=%s; Field=%s; OldValue=%s; Value=%s; 
 [Forder, Msg, Field.DataSet.Name, Field.FieldName, 
VarToStr(Field.OldValue), VarToStr(Field.Value), VarToStr(Field.NewValue)])

procedure TtestOldValue.QfieldValidate(Sender: TField);
  Show('Field.OnValidate', Sender);

procedure TtestOldValue.QfieldChange(Sender: TField);
  Show('Field.OnChange', Sender);

procedure TtestOldValue.QBeforePost(DataSet: TDataSet);
  Show('BeforePost', DataSet.Fields[1]);

procedure TtestOldValue.QAfterPost(DataSet: TDataSet);
  Show('AfterPost', DataSet.Fields[1]);

  Application: TtestOldValue;

{$R *.res}


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] Inserting first record

2011-06-09 Thread LacaK
This is second email. Can somebody confirm, that there is Access 
Violation when we insert (or append) first row into empty dataset ?

(or I missed something?)
You can use attached program.
program testOldValue;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

  {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}
  Classes, SysUtils, CustApp,
  db, sqlite3conn, sqldb, variants;


  { TtestOldValue }

  TtestOldValue = class(TCustomApplication)
procedure DoRun; override;
constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure WriteHelp; virtual;
Forder: integer;
procedure Show(Msg: string; Field: TField);
procedure QfieldValidate(Sender: TField);
procedure QfieldChange(Sender: TField);
procedure QBeforePost(DataSet: TDataSet);
procedure QAfterPost(DataSet: TDataSet);

{ SQLite3Test }

procedure TtestOldValue.DoRun;
  ErrorMsg: String;

  Conn: TSQLite3Connection;
  Tran: TSQLTransaction;
  s: string;

  Q: TSQLQuery;




str_field varchar(1))');
  //Conn.ExecuteDirect('INSERT INTO t VALUES(1, ''O'')');

  Q.SQL.Text:='SELECT * FROM t';

  Q.Fields[1].OnChange  :=@QfieldChange;

  Show('Before ApplyUpdates', Q.Fields[1]);
  Show('After ApplyUpdates', Q.Fields[1]);

  Show('Before ApplyUpdates', Q.Fields[1]);
  Show('After ApplyUpdates', Q.Fields[1]);




  // stop program loop

constructor TtestOldValue.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
  inherited Create(TheOwner);

destructor TtestOldValue.Destroy;
  inherited Destroy;

procedure TtestOldValue.WriteHelp;
  { add your help code here }
  writeln('Usage: ',ExeName,' -h');

procedure TtestOldValue.Show(Msg: string; Field: TField);
  function VarToStr2(v:variant):string;
if VarIsNull(v) then Result:='null'
else Result:=VarToStr(v);
  writeln( format('%d. %s: OldValue=%s; Value=%s; NewValue=%s',
 [Forder, Msg, VarToStr2(Field.OldValue), 
VarToStr2(Field.Value), VarToStr2(Field.NewValue)])
{  writeln( format('%d. %s: DataSet=%s; Field=%s; OldValue=%s; Value=%s; 
 [Forder, Msg, Field.DataSet.Name, Field.FieldName, 
VarToStr(Field.OldValue), VarToStr(Field.Value), VarToStr(Field.NewValue)])

procedure TtestOldValue.QfieldValidate(Sender: TField);
  Show('Field.OnValidate', Sender);

procedure TtestOldValue.QfieldChange(Sender: TField);
  Show('Field.OnChange', Sender);

procedure TtestOldValue.QBeforePost(DataSet: TDataSet);
  Show('BeforePost', DataSet.Fields[1]);

procedure TtestOldValue.QAfterPost(DataSet: TDataSet);
  Show('AfterPost', DataSet.Fields[1]);

  Application: TtestOldValue;

{$R *.res}


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Inserting first record

2011-06-09 Thread LacaK

This is second email. Can somebody confirm, that there is Access 
Violation when we insert (or append) first row into empty dataset ?

(or I missed something?)
You can use attached program.

Is the problem only with sqlite ?

No, I can reproduce it also for example with MySQL.
But exception is somehow connected with printing (accessing) OldValue 
... when I ommit query to this property, then no exception occurs

So It seems, that there must be fill more conditions:
1. Empty dataset
2. accessing OldValue ...

If you can, try my test program with your database.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Inserting first record

2011-06-09 Thread LacaK

Here is attached debug output with {$DEFINE DSDebug}.
It seems, that exception is related to Append/Insert (it does not depend 
if dataset is empty before or not) followed by accesing OldValue

Setting current record to0
Post: Browse mode set
Active buffer requested. Returning:0
exception at 0045C732:
Access violation.
SetBufListSize: -1
  Freeing buffers :11
  SetBufListSize: Final FBufferCount=-1


TFieldDef.Create : int_field(1)
TFieldDef.Create : str_field(2)
Creating fields
Count : 2
Def 0 : int_field(1)
Def 1 : str_field(2)
About to create fieldint_field
Creating field int_field
TFieldDef.CReateField : Trying to set dataset
TFieldDef.CReateField : Result Fieldno : 1 Self : 1
Setting dataset
About to create fieldstr_field
Creating field str_field
TFieldDef.CReateField : Trying to set dataset
TFieldDef.CReateField : Result Fieldno : 2 Self : 2
Setting dataset
Found field int_field
Calling internal open
Calling RecalcBufListSize
Recalculating buffer list size - check cursor
Recalculating buffer list size
Setting buffer list size
SetBufListSize: 10
   Reallocating memory :44
   Filling memory :48
   Filled memory :
   Assigning buffers :40
   Assigned buffers 0 :40
   SetBufListSize: Final FBufferCount=10
Getting next buffers
Getting next record(s), need :10
Getting next record. Internal RecordCount : 0
Result getting next record : TRUE
Getting next record. Internal RecordCount : 1
Result getting next record : FALSE
Result Getting next record(S), GOT :1
Getting previous record(s), need :10
GetPriorRecord: Getting previous record
Setting current record to0
Result getting prior record : FALSE
SetBufferCount: FActiveRecord=0 FCurrentRecord=-1 FBufferCount= 10 
going to insert mode
Active buffer requested. Returning:0
Active buffer requested. Returning:0
Active buffer requested. Returning:0
Done with append
Active buffer requested. Returning:0
Active buffer requested. Returning:0
1. Field.OnValidate: OldValue=O; Value=O; NewValue=O
Active buffer requested. Returning:0
Active buffer requested. Returning:0
Active buffer requested. Returning:0
2. Field.OnChange: OldValue=null; Value=O; NewValue=O
Post: checking required fields
Active buffer requested. Returning:0
Active buffer requested. Returning:0
Active buffer requested. Returning:0
3. BeforePost: OldValue=null; Value=O; NewValue=O
Trying to do
Trying : updatecursorpos
Setting current record to0
Trying to do it
Active buffer requested. Returning:0
Active buffer requested. Returning:0
Active buffer requested. Returning:0
Active buffer requested. Returning:0
Active buffer requested. Returning:0
Post: Internalpost succeeded
Resync called
Getting next record(s), need :10
Getting next record. Internal RecordCount : 1
Result getting next record : TRUE
Getting next record. Internal RecordCount : 2
Result getting next record : FALSE
Result Getting next record(S), GOT :1
Getting previous record(s), need :10
GetPriorRecord: Getting previous record
Setting current record to0
Result getting prior record : FALSE
Setting current record to0
Post: Browse mode set
Active buffer requested. Returning:0
exception at 0045C732:
Access violation.
SetBufListSize: -1
   Freeing buffers :11
   SetBufListSize: Final FBufferCount=-1
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Inserting first record

2011-06-09 Thread LacaK

May be like this ?

On Thu, 2011-06-09 at 11:49 +0200, LacaK wrote:

Here is attached debug output with {$DEFINE DSDebug}.
It seems, that exception is related to Append/Insert (it does not depend 
if dataset is empty before or not) followed by accesing OldValue

Can't you just post the backtrace? 



Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0045c772 in GETFIELDISNULL (NULLMASK=0x0, X=1)
686   result := ord(NullMask[x div 8]) and (1 shl (x mod 8))  0

(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x0045c772 in GETFIELDISNULL (NULLMASK=0x0, X=1)
BUFFER=0x16bdc00, this=error reading variable)
BUFFER=0x16bdc00, NATIVEFORMAT=true, this=error reading variable)
#3  0x00433441 in TFIELD__GETDATA (BUFFER=0x16bdc00, NATIVEFORMAT=true, 
this=error reading variable)
#4  0x00433389 in TFIELD__GETDATA (BUFFER=0x16bdc00, 
this=error reading variable)
#5  0x00434c68 in TSTRINGFIELD__GETVALUE (AVALUE=0x0, 
this=error reading variable)
#6  0x00434a98 in TSTRINGFIELD__GETASVARIANT (this=error reading variable, 
#7  0x00433036 in TFIELD__GETOLDVALUE (this=error reading variable, 
#8  0x00401cde in TTESTOLDVALUE__SHOW (MSG=0x46e3c0 'Before ApplyUpdates', 
FIELD=0x6200c4, this=error reading variable) at testOldValue.pas:128
#9  0x00401840 in TTESTOLDVALUE__DORUN (this=error reading variable)
at testOldValue.pas:71
#11 0x00401f62 in main () at testOldValue.pas:163
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Inserting first record

2011-06-09 Thread LacaK

Very similar to my fix, which I did minute ago.
We can more cleanup code by removing unneeded parts.
Please look at attached patch.
PS1: Yes it fixes AV
PS2: But still remains OldValue=null problem (see me 1st email)


I committed a possible fix in rev. 17704. Please test.


On Thu, 9 Jun 2011, LacaK wrote:

May be like this ?

On Thu, 2011-06-09 at 11:49 +0200, LacaK wrote:

Here is attached debug output with {$DEFINE DSDebug}.
It seems, that exception is related to Append/Insert (it does not 
depend if dataset is empty before or not) followed by accesing 

Can't you just post the backtrace? Joost.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

--- bufdataset.pas.ori  Thu Jun 09 13:37:02 2011
+++ bufdataset.pas  Thu Jun 09 13:40:18 2011
@@ -1803,29 +1803,18 @@ begin
   if state = dsOldValue then
 if not GetActiveRecordUpdateBuffer then
-  begin
-  // There is no old value available
-  result := false;
-  exit;
-  end;
-currbuff := FUpdateBuffer[FCurrentUpdateBuffer].OldValuesBuffer;
+  Exit; // There is no old value available
+CurrBuff := FUpdateBuffer[FCurrentUpdateBuffer].OldValuesBuffer;
 CurrBuff := GetCurrentBuffer;
-  if not assigned(CurrBuff) then
-result := false;
+  if not assigned(CurrBuff) then Exit;
   If Field.Fieldno  0 then // If = 0, then calculated field or something 
-if GetFieldIsnull(pbyte(CurrBuff),Field.Fieldno-1) then
-  begin
-  result := false;
-  exit;
-  end;
+if GetFieldIsNull(pbyte(CurrBuff),Field.FieldNo-1) then
+  Exit;
 if assigned(buffer) then
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] fcl-db test suite

2011-06-16 Thread LacaK

Hi *,
I am now playing with test suite for fcl-db.
I encounter, that for every test in testfieldtypes.pas is repeatedly 
called InitialiseDBConnector in toolsunit.pas (because of  procedure 
TTestFieldTypes.SetUp), which set-ups testValues and create instance of 
TSQLDBConnector (which creates instance of TSQLConnection and 
TSQLTransaction etc.)

I guess, that to avoid it, there was introduced ref-counting mechanism in:

But it does not work, because global variable DBConnectorRefCount is 
incremented in procedure InitialiseDBConnector after test:

if DBConnectorRefCount0 then exit;

So variable DBConnectorRefCount will never be  1

Joost, Michael what do you think about it ?

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] divide bcd's

2011-06-17 Thread LacaK

Hi Joost,
for me:

100/1=10 --error
1000/1=10 --error
1000/10=10 --error


Hi all,

Dividing BCD's doesn't go wel:


It's all in this function in the FmtBCD unit:

procedure BCDDivide ( const Dividend,
  Divisor : tBCD;
  var BCDout : tBCD );

I've tried to understand how the code works. I think it tries to
implement the algorithm as described here: 

But I can't follow. Florian checked in the original code. Did he wrote
it himself? It could be that there's just a small problem with an index
or something. But I can't find it. Maybe someone else can.

If not, I think we should rewrite the whole function.


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] divide bcd's

2011-06-19 Thread LacaK

Hi Joost,
try attached patch. For me it works as expected.

Maybe someone else can.

If not, I think we should rewrite the whole function.


--- fmtbcd.pp.ori   Mon Jun 20 07:10:16 2011
+++ fmtbcd.pp   Mon Jun 20 07:51:26 2011
@@ -2205,8 +2205,6 @@ writeln;
   bh1[True] := null_.bh;
   FlipFlop := False;
   fdset := p  0;
-  if fdset
-then bh.FDig := 0;
   add := 0;
   nz := True;
   while nz do
@@ -2284,9 +2282,6 @@ if p  3 then halt;
 nLDig := 0;
 ue := 0;
 dd := Singles[lFDig] DIV ( bh2.Singles[lFDig - 
p] + 1 );
-dd := 1;
 if dd  1
   then dd := 1;
@@ -2316,21 +2311,10 @@ writeln ( 'p=', p, ' dd=', dd, ' lFdig='
-sf := False;
-nfdig := lfdig;
-nldig := lldig;
+sf := False;
+nFDig := lFDig;
+nLDig := lLDig;
 Inc ( Add, dd );
-if NOT fdset
-  then begin
-bh.FDig := p;
-fdset := True;
-   end;
-if bh.LDig  p
-  then begin
-bh.LDig := p;
-if ( bh.LDig - bh.FDig )  Succ ( 
MaxFmtBCDFractionSize )
-  then nz := False;
-   end;
 if sf
   then nz := False
   else begin
@@ -2346,6 +2330,19 @@ writeln ( 'p=', p, ' dd=', dd, ' lFdig='
 if Add  0
   then begin
+if NOT fdset
+  then begin
+bh.FDig := p;
+fdset := True;
+   end;
+if bh.LDig  p
+  then begin
+bh.LDig := p;
+if ( bh.LDig - bh.FDig )  Succ ( 
MaxFmtBCDFractionSize )
+  then nz := False;
+   end;
 i4 := p;
 while ( Add  0 ) AND ( i4 = bh.FDig ) do
program BCDDIV;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

  {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}
  { you can add units after this },FmtBCD;

{$R *.res}

var bcd1,bcd2,bcd3:TBCD;
  writeln(bcdtostr(bcd1), '/', bcdtostr(bcd2), '=', bcdtostr(bcd3));

  writeln(bcdtostr(bcd1), '/', bcdtostr(bcd2), '=', bcdtostr(bcd3));

  writeln(bcdtostr(bcd1), '/', bcdtostr(bcd2), '=', bcdtostr(bcd3));

  writeln(bcdtostr(bcd1), '/', bcdtostr(bcd2), '=', bcdtostr(bcd3));

  writeln(bcdtostr(bcd1), '/', bcdtostr(bcd2), '=', bcdtostr(bcd3));

  writeln(bcdtostr(bcd1), '/', bcdtostr(bcd2), '=', bcdtostr(bcd3));

  writeln(bcdtostr(bcd1), '/', bcdtostr(bcd2), '=', bcdtostr(bcd3));

  writeln(bcdtostr(bcd1), '/', bcdtostr(bcd2), '=', bcdtostr(bcd3));

  writeln(bcdtostr(bcd1), '/', bcdtostr(bcd2), '=', bcdtostr(bcd3));


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] divide bcd's

2011-06-27 Thread LacaK
To not forget, I have reported it also in bug tracker 


Hi Joost,
try attached patch. For me it works as expected.

Maybe someone else can.

If not, I think we should rewrite the whole function.


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] MySQL 5.1 and Double (trouble)

2011-07-20 Thread LacaK

Andrew Brunner  wrote / napísal(a):

On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 3:02 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd
markmll.fpc-de...@telemetry.co.uk wrote:

1.) Update Value  : 40734.825668912039
2.) Actual Value after update : 40734.8256689120
3.) Actual Value on read   :40734.825668912003

Does MySQL come with an official program that you can use to run queries
manually? What happens when you use it to store and retrieve that number?

1.) is a value declared as double and viewed under GDB.
2.) is a value viewed in table data in MySQL Console App under Linux.
3.) Is the value retrieved from the table by the Application using the
Select statement and Fields.FieldByName(field_name).AsFloat()

I am still experiencing this issue and seeking alternatives b/c I'm
using all 12 digits - and am expecting all 12 digits.  Can someone
update the (Fields.Data variant as double) with a binary send instead
of converting to a string?
IMO it will require use in mysqlconn.inc new API prepare family 
functions introduced in MySQL 5


In current implementation (backward compatible with older MySQL 
versions) there is no only problem with sending values, but also 
retrieved values are strings (see 


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] negative TDateTime values and MinDateTime

2011-08-02 Thread LacaK

Jonas Maebe  wrote / napísal(a):

On 02 Aug 2011, at 13:45, LacaK wrote:

What do you think, can we change MinDateTime from -693593.0 to 

(to accept 01/01/0001 23:59:59.999)


Thanks, it seems, that Joost in 2007 has falling in same problem as I 
now, when working on fcl-db test suite.

(now I catch this also when working on fcl-db test suite)
I guess, that he has wrote tests for dates '01/01/0001' and now I am 
writting test for datetimes '01/01/0001 00:00:01' to '01/01/0001 23:59:59'.
So if this constant can not be changed, then I must write workaround for 
date '01/01/0001' and do not add time part to this date.


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] negative TDateTime values and MinDateTime

2011-08-04 Thread LacaK

My favorite is the really natural one: Plank-time count since the Big 
Bang. Here supposedly we don't need negative values.,

Good joke! ;-)))
(but nobody knows, when it was (how many mld. years ago) and many 
doubts, that it is real fact)


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] negative TDateTime values and MinDateTime

2011-08-04 Thread LacaK

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho  wrote / napísal(a):

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 6:55 AM, LacaK la...@zoznam.sk wrote:

So if this constant can not be changed, then I must write workaround for
date '01/01/0001' and do not add time part to this date.

The constant was already changed once, and no-one complained in the
following years, so my guess is that it could be changed again

I think so also.

But my hotfix for this moment is skip testing datetimes '0001-01-01' 
with time portion.
As you can view here http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=19878 in 

SQL standard ofcourse allows datetimes from '0001-01-01 00:00:00' to 
'0001-01-01 23:59:59'

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] FPC 2.6.x branched, trunk becomes 2.7.1

2011-08-04 Thread LacaK
Is this branching somehow related to preparation of release some next 
version of FPC (2.5.x ? or so) ?
I am asking because, there are waiting some bugs/features which I would 
be happy see fixed before any major release.
Can I see somewhere on web some planed time schedule or anouncements 
about next releases ?



today I branched branches/fixes_2_6, the basis for a new fixes branch that
will become 2.6.0 eventually.

After branching I updated the trunk version to 2.7.1, which might need your
build and package scripts to be adapted, as well as the symlinks of ppc386
on *nix.

Before branching all makefiles were regenerated, so an update will be big.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] negative TDateTime values and MinDateTime

2011-08-04 Thread LacaK

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho  wrote / napísal(a):

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 1:53 PM, Marco van de Voort mar...@stack.nl wrote:

I think sacrificing dates from the year 1 to 100 AD to keep old two digit
databases working is a small price to pay.

But if I understand the situation correctly, dates 1 to 100AD are
already supported in FPC and no-one complayned about old databases in
the last years since the change made by Joost.

Lacak only asked to add 1 more day to our date limit.


Exactly so!

And MinDateTime is used only in these two conversions functions (to test 
if result value is  MinDateTime):

FloatToDateTime and VariantToDate

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] FPC 2.6.x branched, trunk becomes 2.7.1

2011-08-04 Thread LacaK

I think there will be some RC1 or so in september.

Ok, so there is enought time before.
Can I post here list of registered bugs (fcl-db), which will be good 
commit ?

(or you are busy with other task and I must be patient and wait ;-))

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] FPC 2.6.x branched, trunk becomes 2.7.1

2011-08-05 Thread LacaK

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara  wrote / napísal(a):

On 4/8/2011 09:21, LacaK wrote:
Is this branching somehow related to preparation of release some 
next version of FPC (2.5.x ? or so) ?
I am asking because, there are waiting some bugs/features which I 
would be happy see fixed before any major release.

Me too.

Specifically http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=19313

Tomorrow, i will add a new patch with the tips Lacak cited in the bug 

Yes this is one of my three top bugs.

Other two are:
http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=17624 (this fix is IMO trivial)

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] FPC 2.6.x branched, trunk becomes 2.7.1

2011-08-05 Thread LacaK

Marco van de Voort  wrote / napísal(a):

(or you are busy with other task and I must be patient and wait ;-))

I only cherry pick the easy db bugs to get some load of Joost. Typically
stuff where it is fairly clear what needs to be done, and no major design
decisions on fcl-db are taken. (which would be unfair since atm I'm a
Delphi/Zeos not FPC/fcl-db user).

ok, I understand

Currently a bit more active due to holidays but those end tomorrow.

;-) ;-(

Though I would work a bit harder for postgres issues, specially the
transaction and binary parameter stuff. I might actually need that one day

One more tip for PostgreSQL http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=19567


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] FPC 2.6.x branched, trunk becomes 2.7.1

2011-08-05 Thread LacaK

That's why we have snapshots. The main purpose of a release is to have 
something that is stable and which doesn't break previously working 
code (except in known cases documented at 
http://wiki.freepascal.org/User_Changes_Trunk ).

Are there published some rules, what breakage is acceptable, what not etc. ?
Is it sufficient to only publish it in User_Changes_Trunk or there must 
be simple way (switch or something) how to restore old behavior ?
I am asking, because one my patch already commited can lead to such 
situation, where old application recompiled with new FPC and accessed 
old SQLite database in some special cases can behave unexpected (in 
other word patch is not 100% backward compatible).

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] strcopy, strlcopy for PWideChar

2011-08-15 Thread LacaK

Michael Van Canneyt  wrote / napísal(a):

On Mon, 15 Aug 2011, LacaK wrote:

it seems, that there is ATM no versions of StrCopy, StrLCopy, which 
works with WideChars (in SysUtils).

Can these variants be added ?

function StrCopy(Dest: PWideChar; const Source: PWideChar): PWideChar;

function StrLCopy(Dest: PWideChar; const Source: PWideChar; MaxLen: 
Cardinal): PWideChar;



Or do you not like these wide versions at all ?

It's not a matter of liking, I'm afraid. If Delphi has them, we'll 
have to add them too :-)

Can you please add an entry in the bug tracker, so we don't forget ?

Do you think, that it is realistic expect them in 1-2 months ?

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] strcopy, strlcopy for PWideChar

2011-08-15 Thread LacaK

Hans-Peter Diettrich  wrote / napísal(a):

LacaK schrieb:

Or do you not like these wide versions at all ?

It's not a matter of liking, I'm afraid. If Delphi has them, we'll 
have to add them too :-)

Can you please add an entry in the bug tracker, so we don't forget ?

Do you think, that it is realistic expect them in 1-2 months ?

Supply an patch, to speed up the implementation.

Ok, I can try prepare patch, but only generic i.e. which uses only Pascal.
Processor specific implementations (which use assembler, like it is done 
for AnsiString versions) I am afraid  is too dificult for me ATM ;-)
And also decision where to put (in which units) these functions I will 
leave to somebody more familiar with unit dependencies.

But first the Delphi implementations should be explored, since the 
following looks not okay to me:

StrLCopy copies a maximum MaxLen characters from Source to Dest, then 
adds a null terminator to Dest and returns Dest. The SizeOf standard 
function (Delphi) or the sizeof operator (C++) can be used to 
determine the MaxLen parameter. Usually, MaxLen equals SizeOf(Dest)-1.

The mix (or equivalence) of character and byte counts obviously is 
inappropriate for wide versions. Perhaps sizeof should read Length?

Yes, I will do it. I expect, that length is in this case character 
length, so byte length is character length*sizeof(widechar)



fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] LoadLibrary and FPU control word

2011-08-17 Thread LacaK

I encounter strange thing. Look at this program please:

 LibraryHandle: TLibHandle;
 cw: word;
 writeln('CW before:',cw, ' IntPower:', intpower(10,-6));
 writeln('CW after:',Get8087CW, ' IntPower:', intpower(10,-6));

CW before:4978 IntPower: 1.E-0006
CW after:4722 IntPower: 2.E-0006  --- Wrong result 
of IntPower!!!

As you can see, LoadLibrary changes FPU control word (from $1372 to 
$1272, from 64bit precision to 53bit precision).

Which leads to wrong result of PowerInt.
But it seems, that this happens on *Windows98* only, on Windows XP,Vista 
it does not happen.

Do you have same experience on Windows98?

If yes, then I think, that good idea will be use SafeLoadLibrary instead 
of LoadLibrary (which partialy solves this problem).

But this error I have encounter when running fcl-db tests suite with 
IBConnection, where is PowerInt used.
When I change in ibase60.inc LoadLibrary to SafeLoadLibrary problem 
still exists, because later call to isc_attach_database again changes 
FPU control word. So I must save CW before call to isc_attach_database 
and then reset CW to original value.

This solves problem.

Please look at attached patches . Do you think, that this approach is 
acceptable or is there any other solution ?

When I look at function SafeLoadLibrary in dynlibs.pas there is used :
{$ifdef i386}

When I look at function SafeLoadLibrary in SysUtils.inc there is used :
{$if defined(cpui386) or defined(cpux86_64)}

Which conditional is correct ? (i386 or cpui386)
Looking at 
http://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/prog/progap7.html#x316-331000G ... I 
see no i386 ?

And what FPUX87 ? Can not be used this ?


--- ibase60.inc.ori Sat Feb 19 19:24:38 2011
+++ ibase60.inc Wed Aug 17 08:59:28 2011
@@ -2458,7 +2458,7 @@ begin
   Result := 0;
   if (RefCount=0) then
 if (IBaseLibraryHandle=nilhandle) then
--- ibconnection.pp.ori Tue Aug 09 14:18:46 2011
+++ ibconnection.pp Wed Aug 17 09:23:14 2011
@@ -381,6 +381,9 @@ procedure TIBConnection.ConnectFB;
   ADatabaseName: String;
   DPB: string;
+{$if defined(cpui386) or defined(cpux86_64)}
+  cw: word;
   DPB := chr(isc_dpb_version1);
   if (UserName  '') then
@@ -397,10 +400,16 @@ begin
   FSQLDatabaseHandle := nil;
   if HostName  '' then ADatabaseName := HostName+':'+DatabaseName
 else ADatabaseName := DatabaseName;
+{$if defined(cpui386) or defined(cpux86_64)}
+  cw:=get8087cw;
   if isc_attach_database(@FStatus[0], Length(ADatabaseName), @ADatabaseName[1],
  Length(DPB), @DPB[1])  0 then
 CheckError('DoInternalConnect', FStatus);
+{$if defined(cpui386) or defined(cpux86_64)}
+  set8087cw(cw);
 function TIBConnection.GetDialect: integer;
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] LoadLibrary and FPU control word

2011-08-18 Thread LacaK
Because of no response I registered it as bug 

Can you please look at least at this:
Which compiler defines are OK ? i386 or cpui386
My test shows, that i386 is NOT defined (cpui386 IS defined), but 
then I do not understand how can it work in dynlibs.pas ???

When I look at function SafeLoadLibrary in dynlibs.pas there is used :
{$ifdef i386}

When I look at function SafeLoadLibrary in SysUtils.inc there is used :
{$if defined(cpui386) or defined(cpux86_64)}

Which conditional is correct ? (i386 or cpui386)
Looking at 
http://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/prog/progap7.html#x316-331000G ... 
I see no i386 ?

And what FPUX87 ? Can not be used this ?

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] LoadLibrary and FPU control word

2011-08-18 Thread LacaK

Thank you!
Off-topic: It seems, that in my case (in ibase60.inc is used: uses 
Dynlibs, sysutils,ctypes; ) function SafeLoadLibrary defined in 
SysUtils hides SafeLoadLibrary used in DynLibs, this is reason, why 
SafeLoadLibrary worked as expected.

So is i386 obsolete ?
If yes there are other palaces, where it is used:


Fixed in r18255.
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] overloaded SetFieldData/GetFieldData

2011-08-19 Thread LacaK

I found this it fpc-pascal mailing list archive (I do not read this mailing 
list, so I do not catch this discussion)
Because I think it is worth to continue, I move it into fpc-devel

/ ... I feel the definition 
// of SetFieldData/GetFieldData without a length/size parameter 
// and strings passed as pchar is causing all kind of problems:

/I agree/

// 1) TStringField.SetAsString copies the string to a buffer 
// with size dsMaxStringSize so that datasets that don't figure 
// out the original length of the string can simply copy the 
// full Field.TDatasize (TBufDataset, TDbf, TMemDataset,...). 


// TWideStringField.SetAsString didn't which caused the crash 
// when the string is shorter than Field.Size. 
// TCustomSqliteDataset uses a StrNew(PChar(Buffer)); to get the 
// length of the string but fails sometimes (see 4).

// 2) dsMaxStringSize isn't enforced for TStringField. Defining 
// a Field.size  dsMaxStringSize causes a crash in 
// TStringField.SetAsString. I haven't raised an issue on this, yet.

Yes, it is also reported by fcl-db test suite, see: 

/ 3) some of the speed advantage of memory based datasets is 
// offset by moving full Field.Tdatasize bytes in both set and 
// get fielddata

/ 4) pascal strings can contain #0 characters in the string. 
// When converting to pchar part of these strings is lost. 

/Very good point. See also comments in 

// What I propose is:
// 1 to create overloaded versions of SetFieldData and 
// GetFieldData that include a length parameter, to change 
// TStringField.SetAsString and TWideStringField.SetAsWideString 
// to use these versions

/Or also create procedure TField.SetData(Buffer: Pointer; DataSize : integer=0);
which will do some checks like existing TField.SetData(Buffer: Pointer; 
NativeFormat : Boolean)
and call new FDataSet.SetFieldData(Self, Buffer, NativeFormat, DataSize);

This new TDataSet.SetFieldData will by default call existing old SetFieldData:
procedure TDataSet.SetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer; NativeFormat: 
Boolean; DataSize:integer);
 SetFieldData(Field, Buffer, NativeFormat);

So backward compatibilty will be retained.

TDataSet descendants, which will want, they will override this new SetFieldData 
method and will take advantage of them.
(in our case TBufDataSet will be adopted )
and to migrate the different datasets 
// to use these new versions. This way existing (user) code 
// using SetFieldData/GetFieldData will still work (and the user 
// still being responsible for buffer overruns...) and datasets 
// can correctly save and retrieve strings while improving performance. 
// 2 change the bufdataset internal storage for ftstring and 
// ftwidestring fields to include the string length so that 
// stored strings can be retrieved in full when containing #0 
// characters and without having to copy systematically datasize 
// bytes.

Yes, so ftString will be stored like ftvarBinary, which has first two bytes length and 
followed by binary string

/ However this will introduce an incompatible binary 
// format for TFpcBinaryDatapacketReader. Having a second 
// FpcBinaryIdent would allow for both formats to co-habitate. 
// If need be the discussion can be moved to fpc-devel.

/Yes ;-)))/

/And another theme not related to this subjects are Autoincrement fields, which 
are ATM read-only for all access
(BTW see also http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=17624 )
Here I have idea introduce at some level (TDataSet or TBufDataSet) virtual 
function (for example GetNextAutoIncValue),
which will be called just after append...post (may be in InternalPost if 
And descendants like TSQLQuery will be able override this method and provide 
their own mechanism for retrieving auto-generated values from SQL databases.
Like MySQL: select last_insert_rowid(), PostgreSQL: select lastval(), MSSQL: 
select @@identity, etc.
For other solution (introduce new property RefreshSQL ) read: 
ATM auto-increment fields are practicaly useless.
Ofcourse this are only very raw ideas ...


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] strcopy, strlcopy for PWideChar

2011-08-23 Thread LacaK

Florian Klämpfl  wrote / napísal(a):

Am 16.08.2011 07:06, schrieb LacaK:

Hans-Peter Diettrich  wrote / napísal(a):

LacaK schrieb:


Or do you not like these wide versions at all ?

It's not a matter of liking, I'm afraid. If Delphi has them, we'll
have to add them too :-)

Can you please add an entry in the bug tracker, so we don't forget ?


Do you think, that it is realistic expect them in 1-2 months ?

Supply an patch, to speed up the implementation.

Ok, I can try prepare patch, but only generic i.e. which uses only

It's the prefered way anyways. First, make a good pascal version, if
someone needs it, he can look into creating an assembler one for some cpus.

I posted generic pascal versions in bug report 

Please review (and commit if all ok).

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] TField.Validate in FPC 2.6

2011-09-18 Thread LacaK

Joost van der Sluis  wrote / napísal(a):

On Sat, 2011-09-17 at 10:56 +0200, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Sat, 17 Sep 2011, Martin Schreiber wrote:

TField.SetData() in fixes_2_6 calls TField.Validate().
2.4.4 does not, trunk neither.

Strange that 2.6 does this if trunk does not ?

What are the plans for the upcoming release? Will FPC 2.6.0 call
TField.Validate() in TField.SetData()?

It should not.

There were some changes regarding this, and I still didn't look at them.
I will and decide how to solve this. (I think I'll revert it all)
Please look at 

This commit (patch by Luiz Americo) is OK.
It was a long time awaited feature, so please do not drop it.
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Major problem with Move and Array of Int64

2011-09-22 Thread LacaK

Did anyone recently do work on BLOB features to MySQL 5.1 connector?
there was commited only this 
which introduced mapping from MySQL TEXT datatype (character LOB) to 
TMemoField and BLOB (binary LOB) to TBlobField

but I do not think, that this can cause your problems.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Major problem with Move and Array of Int64

2011-09-23 Thread LacaK

And which SQL DBConnector do you use ?
TMySQL51Connection ?

my app maps this particular field as SQL_LONGVARBINARY

or TODBCConnection ?


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Major problem with Move and Array of Int64

2011-09-26 Thread LacaK

Martin Schreiber  wrote / napísal(a):

On Friday 23 September 2011 14.00:07 Sergei Gorelkin wrote:

Recently strings behavior was changed, they are now codepage-aware. The
compiler can now implicitly convert strings from one encoding to another.
To handle non-string data, you should use RawByteString type, or better
yet non-string types like (dynamic) array of byte.

So TBlobField.Value probably should be changed to array of byte

It seems, that Delphi XE does it in this way:
Value is of type TBlob and TBlob is byte array

 and there 
should be a TField.AsByteArray property?


Better use compatible AsBytes:

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Trunk does not compile on Linux x86-64

2011-10-21 Thread LacaK

Are there available Lazarus snapshots, which are build using current trunk ?
If I download Lazarus with FPC 2.7.1 ( for example: 
it seems, that there are not current source files from trunk, but from 
begining of September ?


2011/10/21 David Welch dwe...@dwelch.com:

is there an svn release number that does compile with 2.4.0 that will get me
to 2.4.4 or better so that I can compile the trunk?

Compile http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpc/tags/release_2_4_2/ with fpc
2.4.0 to get fpc 2.4.2
Compile http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpc/tags/release_2_4_4/ with fpc
2.4.2 to get fpc 2.4.4
Compile http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpc/trunk with fpc 2.4.4 to get fpc 2.7.1

IIRC, you have a good chance to the first steps in one go:
Compile http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpc/tags/release_2_4_4/ with fpc
2.4.0 to get fpc 2.4.4

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] cvarutil: convert variant array of bytes into ansistring ?

2011-10-21 Thread LacaK

I am now working on fcl-db TBinaryField, which has Value: Variant property.
As I understand documentation, this variant should be returned as 
variant array of bytes.

Later when are assigning values of fields into params also this variant 
array is copied (into TParam).

But when I want/need read parameter value as string (binary string) then 
variant convert error occurs.
It is because in cvarutil.inc in Function VariantToAnsiString(const 
VargSrc : TVarData) is not supported conversion from variant array into 

So my question is if it is acceptable to add there support for 
converting byte array to string ?

Something like attached diff.

Please let me know, if this can be accepted/applied ?
--- cvarutil.inc.oriThu Apr 07 06:10:54 2011
+++ cvarutil.incFri Oct 21 11:04:44 2011
@@ -1415,7 +1415,12 @@ begin
   end else { pointer is nil }
 VariantTypeMismatch(vType, varString);
 else { array or something like that }
-  VariantTypeMismatch(vType, varString);
+  if (vType and varArray = varArray) and Assigned(vArray) then begin
+SetLength(Result, vArray^.Bounds[0].ElementCount * 
+Move(vArray^.Data^, Result[1], length(Result)*sizeof(AnsiChar));
+  end
+  else
+VariantTypeMismatch(vType, varString);
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] Re: cvarutil: convert variant array of bytes into ansistring ?

2011-10-24 Thread LacaK

Hi Sergei,
Thank you for your reply.
As it is out of my comfort zone, I leave it to up to you (if or when you 
implement this)

It has to be done in a different and more complex way, by using VariantChangeTypeEx to convert the 
variant(array) to varOleString type, then converting latter to ansistring.
This way, in Windows the job will be delegated to OS, which is Delphi compatible. For non-Windows, 
the relevant code ends up in VariantChangeTypeEx (varutils.inc).
Also, you'll need to access the variant array with SafeArray* functions, and make checks that it is 
actually one-dimensional and its element type is eligible for conversion.


I am now working on fcl-db TBinaryField, which has Value: Variant 
As I understand documentation, this variant should be returned as 
variant array of bytes.

Later when are assigning values of fields into params also this 
variant array is copied (into TParam).

But when I want/need read parameter value as string (binary string) 
then variant convert error occurs.
It is because in cvarutil.inc in Function VariantToAnsiString(const 
VargSrc : TVarData) is not supported conversion from variant array 
into string.

So my question is if it is acceptable to add there support for 
converting byte array to string ?

Something like attached diff.

Please let me know, if this can be accepted/applied ?

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Segmentation fault for Firebird exception inside thread

2011-10-25 Thread LacaK
May be that is is (or not ;-)) related to 

Hello, this is my first post and I hope this is the correct list for 
my question.

I'm getting a segmentation fault ('violación de segmento' in spanish)
when running the code from below on a Linux 64-bit machine (OpenSuse 
10.2 64-bits).

I'm using FPC 2.2.5, so perhaps the error is already known, but I did 
not find any solution in the web.

I tested the code on Windows 32 bits and Linux 32 bits too, but there 
everything seems ok.

The example is about opening a Firebird connection in a thread.
When there is a Firebird exception inside this connection,
the application terminates with the segmentation fault.

Does anyone know about this error, or can anyone give me a hint, where 
to look for a solution?

This is the example code:

program fbthreadtest;


  IBConnection, sqldb;

  TFBThread = class(TThread)
procedure Execute; override;
constructor Create;

constructor TFBThread.Create;
  inherited Create(True);
  FreeOnTerminate := False;

procedure TFBThread.Execute;
  db: TIBConnection;
  tr: TSQLTransaction;
  q: TSQLQuery;
  db := TIBConnection.Create(nil);
db.DatabaseName := 'localhost:/home/data/Database/ssstst.gdb';
db.LoginPrompt := False;
db.HostName := '';
db.UserName := 'SYSDBA';
db.Password := 'masterkey';
db.Connected := TRUE;
tr := TSQLTransaction.Create(nil);
  tr.DataBase := db;
  tr.Action   := caCommit;
  db.Transaction := tr;
  tr.Active := True;
  q := TSQLQuery.Create(nil);
q.Database:= db;
q.Transaction := tr;

  // the following line raises an exception because 
rdb$databases doesn't exist.

  q.SQL.Text := 'select count(*) from rdb$databases';
db.Connected := False;

  with TFBThread.Create do begin


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] TMSSQLConnection - sqlDB component for accessing MS SQL Server

2012-02-27 Thread LacaK

let me share same basic info/ideas about TMSSQLConnection :
1. As Marcos wrote it is descendant of sql-db TSQLConnection class and 
provides native connector for MS SQL Servers and Sybase servers
2. is depends/requires on FreeTDS open-source cross platform DB-Library 
(alternatively can be used also Microsoft db-library ntwdblib.dll)

3. all what is needed are 2-3 files:
- mssqlconn.pp (implementation of TMSSQLConnection and TSybaseConnection)
- dblib.pp (interface to FreeTDS db-library ABI dblib.dll on Windows, 
libsybdb.so on *NIX)

- readme.txt (some info for users/developers)
4. according to market share of MS SQL Server and Sybase there may be 
many users, which will welcome alternative to TODBCConnection
5. there is on http://www.freepascal.org/future.var in Improve the 
database support  Drivers (descendants) for more database types so I 
understand it as FPC is open for new stuff ;-)
6. if there is any problem please let us know. If you decide to include 
it into fcl-db then you can place files for example into src/sqldb/mssql 
folder ;-)



As you can see here http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=17303 the
developer known to LacaK developed a new connector for MSSQLServer,
descendant of TSQLConnection class, and sent the beta code in

Some developers discussed the new code here:

I'm already using this connector in production without problems.

To FPC core team:
Could you take a look in that component and think about included this
code in SVN to new developers use too, please?

Marcos Douglas

PS: this message was posted in lazarus-list and fpc-pascal, but I was
wrong because nobody answer me about YES or NOT. So, I think this is
the right list, don't?
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] Copy function and dynamic array

2012-02-29 Thread LacaK

Hi *,
I found small incompatibility between Delphi and FPC.

This code:
var a,b: array of byte;
b:=copy(a,2,1); //--HERE Range check error in FPC, Delphi 
returns empty array


Delphi documentation says:
If Index is larger than the length of S, *Copy* returns an empty string 
or array.


Can it be fixed also in FPC?
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Copy function and dynamic array

2012-02-29 Thread LacaK

Sergei Gorelkin  wrote / napísal(a):

29.02.2012 17:05, Sven Barth пишет:

It's not a bug in Delphi if they write it in the documentation. 
Whether we should copy this behavior

is the question (maybe only in Delphi mode).

It cannot be fixed for Delphi mode only because a single copy of RTL 
is used for all compiler modes.
The current situation where out of range 'length' parameter is 
adjusted but 'index' out of range raises exception is simply 
self-inconsistent. It is also inconsistent with behavior of Copy for 
Adjusting index will neither cause any buffer overflows nor make code 
slower, so it should be fixed.

Will you do it or should I register bug in bug tracker?

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Copy function and dynamic array

2012-02-29 Thread LacaK

Sergei Gorelkin  wrote / napísal(a):

29.02.2012 18:21, LacaK пишет:
It cannot be fixed for Delphi mode only because a single copy of RTL 
is used for all compiler modes.
The current situation where out of range 'length' parameter is 
adjusted but 'index' out of range
raises exception is simply self-inconsistent. It is also 
inconsistent with behavior of Copy for

Adjusting index will neither cause any buffer overflows nor make 
code slower, so it should be fixed.

Will you do it or should I register bug in bug tracker?

Please create a Mantis issue, so it won't be forgotten.



fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] TMSSQLConnection - sqlDB component for accessing MS SQL Server

2012-03-19 Thread LacaK

michael.vancann...@wisa.be  wrote / napísal(a):

On Thu, 15 Mar 2012, Marcos Douglas wrote:

On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 9:33 AM, Marcos Douglas m...@delfire.net wrote:

On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 5:08 AM,  michael.vancann...@wisa.be wrote:

On Mon, 27 Feb 2012, LacaK wrote:

let me share same basic info/ideas about TMSSQLConnection :
1. As Marcos wrote it is descendant of sql-db TSQLConnection class 

provides native connector for MS SQL Servers and Sybase servers
2. is depends/requires on FreeTDS open-source cross platform 

(alternatively can be used also Microsoft db-library ntwdblib.dll)
3. all what is needed are 2-3 files:
- mssqlconn.pp (implementation of TMSSQLConnection and 

- dblib.pp (interface to FreeTDS db-library ABI dblib.dll on Windows,
libsybdb.so on *NIX)
- readme.txt (some info for users/developers)
4. according to market share of MS SQL Server and Sybase there may 
be many

users, which will welcome alternative to TODBCConnection
5. there is on http://www.freepascal.org/future.var in Improve the
database support  Drivers (descendants) for more database 
types so I

understand it as FPC is open for new stuff ;-)
6. if there is any problem please let us know. If you decide to 
include it
into fcl-db then you can place files for example into 
src/sqldb/mssql folder


I will have a look and include both units.

And the dream will become true... Thanks Michael.
Any chance to merge in fixes_2_6 in short time?

Marcos Douglas

Hi Michael,
Do you have some prediction to include the sources?

My apologies, I had totally forgotten; I am buried in work currently.

Committed in revision 20522. I didn't commit any examples or tests. 
Please test if everything works OK. I compiled on Linux 64-bit, I 
don't have

a working FPC/Lazarus 32-bit windows development environment currently.

Hi Michael,
splitting files into two packages was unavoidable?
I would prefer If all 3 files will be in one folder (sqldb/mssql) 
together (it seems to me simpler and more convenient).

(because they are strongly related each to other)
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] TMSSQLConnection - sqlDB component for accessing MS SQL Server

2012-03-19 Thread LacaK

Hi Michael,
splitting files into two packages was unavoidable?


As you can see for the other databases, we always keep the header 
imports separate from the components. Standard time-tested practice.

Hm, although I am not happy with this, I can do nothing with it ;-)
Then I have minor comments:
- in packages/dblib/fpmake.pp at line 23: Author put please instead of 
Lacak2 Ladislav Karrach (as in dblib.pp header)
- in packages/fcl-db/src/sqldb/mssql/makefile.fpc at line 2: change 
IBConnection to MSSQLConnection ;-)

And will you apply also diffs to fcl-db tests ? So we can run complete 
test suite ...


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] TMSSQLConnection - sqlDB component for accessing MS SQL Server

2012-03-21 Thread LacaK

Anyway, I change the colum names (id,name to col1, col2)
The error is:
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'col', table tempdb.dbo.#t...

This error has nothing to do with FPC or SQLDB.

Your SQL statement is trying to insert NULL in a required field.

No Michael, see the example I wrote before.

Create table:
create table #t (col1 int, col2 varchar(60))

OBS: No column is required.

This INSERT works:
insert into #t values (1, 'bla bla bla')

This INSERT do NOT works:
insert into #t (col2) values ('bla bla')


Marcos, can you please test with explicitly allowed nulls:
create table #t (col1 int NULL, col2 varchar(60) NULL)

(MS SQL Server nullability is controled by database setting *ANSI null 
default* so you can check this setting on your temp database also)*

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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