[Frameworks] Submissions

2014-11-08 Thread Matilda Thomas
Hi All,

I am currently developing a magazine celebrating emerging film-makers. My
team and I will be holding screenings and symposiums on a monthly basis in
London. These will be backed by the monthly publication which will be
launched at each event.
We are currently looking for contributers. Specificall
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Submissions

2014-11-08 Thread Matilda Thomas
Hi All,

I am currently developing a magazine celebrating emerging film-makers. My
team and I will be holding screenings and symposiums on a monthly basis in
London. These will be backed by the monthly publication which will be
launched at each event.
We are currently looking for contributors in a number of capacities.
Specifically short films, or extracts (to be screened and discussed at the
event and in the publication) articles (that explore film/moving image) and

If any of you are interested in getting involved, we would be delighted to
hear from you.

Send submissions or ideas to puppyfatplatf...@gmail.com

On Sat, Nov 8, 2014 at 12:28 PM, Matilda Thomas <
matilda.lily.tho...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am currently developing a magazine celebrating emerging film-makers. My
> team and I will be holding screenings and symposiums on a monthly basis in
> London. These will be backed by the monthly publication which will be
> launched at each event.
> We are currently looking for contributers. Specificall
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Constructing A Foley / Sound Studio

2014-11-08 Thread rebecca meyers
I recommend you contact Jay Beck at Carleton College. He's been developing
an exciting sounds studies program there (within film) and I believe foley
is a part of it.


On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 11:34 PM, Dave Tetzlaff  wrote:

> Matt:
> I doubt you'll find good models at other schools. In my travels, college
> sound facilities have either been created from the ground up as part of an
> expensive building project, or jury rigged into some existing space so
> cheaply and poorly they're barely worth having. If you can find any schools
> that have gone a DIY route, they'll probably be useful mostly in telling
> you what NOT to do.
> I've have experience with some small pre-fab booths, and they all stunk.
> Also, they are designed as essentially the opposite of what you want: the
> idea being the talent goes into the booth to do a VO.
> To get anything functional, you're going to need a custom constructed
> studio booth designed to fit the room. The materials with need to be custom
> cut, and the booth will likely need to be constructed mostly in the room,
> rather than making larger sections in another location and assembling them
> in the space.
> I would guess you could hire a contractor who specializes in sound booth
> construction to create something for you, but i'd also guess the cost would
> be prohibitive. There are any number of books that lay out principles and
> methods for DIY booth construction. Perhaps you could work with the
> college's physical plant to design and build something 'yourself' (that is,
> within the college).
> I would guess what you can accomplish will depend on how much time you
> (Matt) can put into it. That would be an advantage your program has over
> most small college film programs: your labor, knowledge and commitment to
> getting it right..
> Since it's an educational facility it doesn't have to look nice to impress
> clients, it just has to be functional. Whatever you save on aesthetics, do
> not scrimp on basic functionality. You'll need a serious double pane glass
> sound isolating window, serious sound seals on the door(s). The trick is
> the sound isolation of the booth. It's ideally a six-sided double-walled
> room within the classroom, with the bottom decoupled from the classroom
> floor, and the inner and outer wall of the booth decoupled...
> There are a number of books, and maybe even some plans on the web. I have
> no familiarity with any of them. This one was recommended:
> http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/home-recording-studio-rod-gervais/1100355128?ean=9781435457171
> I'd probably do plenty of research, check several books, before making any
> plans.
> Other things that are not going to be cheap: A classroom probably has
> old-school tube fluorescent overhead lighting which will have to be
> replaced. LED lamps probably, but I don't know if they have counter-EMF
> issues. You'll probably have to isolate the stage part of the room from the
> buildings ventilation and heating system, as that's likely to go on and off
> at will and generate too much noise. Then you'll need a way to ventilate
> the booth, as it will be a sealed space and the equipment in it will
> generate heat. Finally, classrooms have a shit-ton of echo and you'll need
> serious sound deadening treatments for the walls and ceiling.
> In short, it's a major project, and if you can't do it right, it's
> probably not worth doing at all.
> ___
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Re: [Frameworks] Film Equipment Lot in Indiana

2014-11-08 Thread Myron Ort

Might be a good deal for someone:

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Re: [Frameworks] Film Equipment Lot in Indiana

2014-11-08 Thread Myron Ort
Large collection of 16mm and 8mm movie cameras, projectors, film, developing 
and editing equipment,  commercial and home movies, and more. Great opportunity 
to get a huge lot at a low price for collection or resale. 20+ boxes, 

Might be a good deal for someone:

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FrameWorks mailing list

[Frameworks] Ohio State narrative filmmaking position

2014-11-08 Thread Beebe, Roger W.

I wanted to call to your attention the current open-rank search for a tenured 
or tenure-track professor in narrative filmmaking at (the) Ohio State 
University.  This hire is the second position directly related to the nascent 
Moving-Image Production Program, one of our Executive Dean’s signature 
initiatives.  (My hire last year was the first position directly related to the 
MIP program.)  The program is designed to teach students in four 
modes—animation, documentary, experimental, and narrative—stressing the 
connections between these modes.  The search committee is open to a broad 
understanding of what narrative is or might mean, so I would encourage any of 
you whose work engages with narrative in any way to consider applying.  The 
full position listing is online here:


Columbus is a very interesting place, with a solid (and growing) experimental 
film community and incredible resources including the Wexner Center for the 
Arts.  I’ve been here less than a year, but I’ve found it to be a very 
supportive atmosphere within the University and a stimulating environment both 
inside and out of the the institution.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly.


p.s.  For those of you who are scholars instead of or in addition to makers, 
note that we’re also hiring an avant-garde film historian in the Department of 
the History of Art.  The listing can be found at the link below under History 
of Art:


Roger Beebe
Associate Professor
Department of Art
The Ohio State University

FrameWorks mailing list

[Frameworks] High profile allies petition judge on behalf of Lawrence Brose

2014-11-08 Thread defensefund
Dear friends and supporters of Lawrence Brose,

As we approach the sentencing date of November 25, Lawrence’s attorneys
have submitted their report to the Court.  That report contains nearly a
hundred letters of appeal for leniency in sentencing.  Phil Fairbanks, a
staff reporter at the Buffalo News has been following this case and the
papers submitted to the Court.  His latest report in the Buffalo News
underscores the importance of the support everyone has been contributing
to Lawrence’s defense.

Lawrence felt this article was a reflection of support coming from his
community, for which he is humbly grateful.

Here is a link to the article for you to read and share:



The Lawrence Brose Defense Fund Team


We still need to remind everyone that freedom from this prosecution has
cost Lawrence dearly, financially and otherwise, and of the need to
continue to raise significant funds for his mounting debt. To make
tax deductible donations to Lawrence’s defense please log on to
http://ncrj.org/lawrence-brose/ and donate to the Artist Fund for Lawrence

We encourage everyone to visit the defense fund website to
catch up on what is new, view the artwork that has been donated for sale
and read the compelling letters of support from notable people who have
voiced their outrage and concern for what is happening to Lawrence.

Thank you for your continued support.  Please share this with your own

The Lawrence Brose Legal Defense Fund Team

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