Re: poor ethernet performance?

1999-07-18 Thread Doug
Tim Baird wrote:

> I hope everyone is benefitting by these simple facts

*chuckle* "Simple facts.." You sound like my physics professor. I for 
am benefitting very much from the discussion. I got hired at my current job
as a software person, but I have a background in hardware so I try and make
it into the NOC every excuse I get (promotability, don't you know). It
always helps if sound like I have a vague idea what I'm talking about. :)  

I just made up my first ethernet cables the other day, and learned an
interesting tidbit that I'm sure is beyond elementary to most of you, but
may benefit someone else. What I was told is that the reason Cat 5 cable is
so much more efficient is that each of the 4 pairs of wire is twisted at a
different rate. This helps reduce the possibility of frequency
synchronization for the EM fields the pairs create. 

Soaking it in,


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Re: Devloper

1999-07-18 Thread Doug
Assem Salama wrote:
> I am interested in helping in the development in FreeBSD. I'm not a
> hotshot programmer but I know how to program. Could someone please send
> me the available projects that I can work on and some info about them?

Step one, ignore all those responses to the poster who sent you the
handbook page, they are trying to drag you into freebsd's latest holy war.
:) Step two, that handbook page has a lot of good stuff, read it. Step
three, (and I can't believe this isn't mentioned in the handbook) if there
isn't anything on that page that looks interesting to you, take a look at and see if anything there
strikes your fancy. Look first at unsassigned PR's, but if one of them that
is assigned to someone looks like something you can handle and have time to
work on, mail the person it's assigned to and ask them about it. 

Looking forward to your first patch,


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Re: What good PII/PIII Motherboards for FreeBSD and Celeron CPU's

1999-07-22 Thread Doug
On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, Vincent Poy wrote:

> Greetings everyone,
>   What are the current good motherboards for FreeBSD for the pentium
> II and III?  I know on the Pentium, it was the ASUS board but for the
> PII/PIII, is the Abit the better board?  Also, I was wondering what is the
> fastest Celeron chip that can be overclocked to run at 100Mhz FSB?  Does
> it matter if it's Slot 1 or PPGA based?  Thanks.

At work we're having good results with an Intel N440BX
motherboard. It's a dual cpu board, running 2 PIII 500's like a champ. It
also has the ability to redirect all console output (like boot/bios
messages, etc.) to a serial console. It comes with a built in Etherexpress
Pro 100+ as well.

I have an Asus P2B at home that I've run my Celeron 300A
overclocked to 450 since the first of the year with no problems (and BIG


On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: mbuf leakage in NFSv3 writes, possbile?

1999-07-22 Thread Doug
"David E. Cross" wrote:
> Well, I just -STABLED the server to see if it fixed it, but I was certainly
> running out.  the server had only 3000-ish mbuf chains, and it would go 
> through
> them all in a day.

Well, have you tried increasing the number of available mbufs and see if
you reach a point of stability? Assuming you have enough physical ram you
could do 15k mbufs on -Stable without a problem. Check LINT for the
nmbclusters option if you need help with it.

Good luck,


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[Fwd: wd0 DMA errors]

1999-07-25 Thread Doug
No answer on -current, any help appreciated.


 Original Message 

My boxes at work are -current from 7/16. They both use IDE disks since
other than system stuff the disk I/O for the real work is all NFS. In the
daily logs this morning I see this:

> wd0: interrupt timeout (status 58 error 0)
> wd0: wdtimeout() DMA status 4

Can anyone shed some light on what that is, and how bad it is? I won't
have access to the box itself till monday, but it would be nice to have
some answers ready when I go in.



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Re: [Fwd: wd0 DMA errors]

1999-07-25 Thread Doug
Sheldon Hearn wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Jul 1999 10:59:26 MST, Doug wrote:
> >   No answer on -current, any help appreciated.
> We're probably all sitting here thinking "I'm sure this was asked and
> answered recently. He can read his CURRENT mail like the rest of us."

I have indeed read my -current mail. Several bugs in the PCI and DMA 
have been mentioned in the past week, but frankly I don't have enough
expertise in either to know for sure that the bugs mentioned would produce
the error messages I saw. A simple, "yes, those were the bugs fixed
recently" is all that was needed. 

Thank you,


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Re: What good PII/PIII Motherboards for FreeBSD and Celeron CPU's

1999-07-25 Thread Doug
Vincent Poy wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Jul 1999, Doug wrote:
> > On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, Vincent Poy wrote:
> >
> > > Greetings everyone,
> > >
> > > What are the current good motherboards for FreeBSD for the pentium
> > > II and III?  I know on the Pentium, it was the ASUS board but for the
> > > PII/PIII, is the Abit the better board?  Also, I was wondering what is the
> > > fastest Celeron chip that can be overclocked to run at 100Mhz FSB?  Does
> > > it matter if it's Slot 1 or PPGA based?  Thanks.
> >
> >   At work we're having good results with an Intel N440BX
> > motherboard. It's a dual cpu board, running 2 PIII 500's like a champ. It
> > also has the ability to redirect all console output (like boot/bios
> > messages, etc.) to a serial console. It comes with a built in Etherexpress
> > Pro 100+ as well.
> Cool... I thought the Intel motherboards weren't that good
> compared to other brands..

Hrrmm... what about them would be "not good," and how would I test it? I
don't know enough about SMP hardware to know what to compare, but I do know
that these are working fine for us, and at the speed the cpu's are running
at I'm not sure that a few percentage points difference would be noticable.
Also, the serial console option got me big points with the boss, since we
have all sorts of remote console stuff set up in the office and the more
that can be seen while booting a troubled box the better. 

> >   I have an Asus P2B at home that I've run my Celeron 300A
> > overclocked to 450 since the first of the year with no problems (and BIG
> > fans).
> Hmmm, what kinda fans did you use and where can one get those?  Is
> the 300A overclocked as fast as a regular PII 450Mhz?

I got the fans from the store that sold me the CPU. It's a double fan 
a big heat sink in the middle. should do
you up. As for speed, as far as I can tell on the few benchmarks I've run,
yes, it's just as fast. Some things are actually faster since the onboard
cache for the 300A runs at full speed. The old celerons without cache are
dogs though, even if you do overclock them. If RC5 is any indication I can
do 1.2Mkeys per second when there is no other load on the system. 



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Re: [Fwd: wd0 DMA errors]

1999-07-26 Thread Doug
On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Julian Elischer wrote:

> I'm not convinced that this is the same error..
> the message is different..

*Nod* That's the other reason I wrote in about it. As soon as we
get some other stuff cleared away I'm going to try building the world on
those machines and see if the error resurfaces. 


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XFree 3.3.4 not on

1999-07-26 Thread Doug
I was trying in vain today to get X 3.3.4 installed on my new
system and couldn't seem to make it happen using sysinstall, even after I
rebuilt it. AFAICS, there is no XFree 3.3.4 package available on, but I may have missed something. 

Fortunately it is on wcarchive, so I just pulled down all the bits
and installed it the "hard" way, however I know I'm going to run into
trouble down the road when ports start looking for the X stuff in

Any comments or suggestions welcome,

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: XFree 3.3.4 not on

1999-07-26 Thread Doug
Sheldon Hearn wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Jul 1999 21:09:50 -0400, Tim Vanderhoek wrote:
> > I seem to remember that you can get away with a simple "mkdir
> > /var/db/pkg/xxx" to fake it.
> Can you think of any ports that test for the existance of XFree86 using
> the package system? They use USE_X_PREFIX or USE_X_LIB, both of which
> test for libX11, no?

Well, in an ideal world the ports that need parts of X would only test 
the parts that they need. However right after 3.2-R came out there was a
flurry of -questions mail about broken pkg dependencies because sysinstall
wasn't properly registering the X install. If the port depending on the
existence of /var/db/pkg/X* is actually an error I'll report what I find to
the -ports list. 



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Re: XFree 3.3.4 not on

1999-07-26 Thread Doug
Sheldon Hearn wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Jul 1999 22:41:24 MST, Doug wrote:
> > However right after 3.2-R came out there was a flurry of -questions
> > mail about broken pkg dependencies because sysinstall wasn't properly
> > registering the X install.
> Is this a different problem from the broken compat22 installation?


> > If the port depending on the existence of /var/db/pkg/X* is actually
> > an error I'll report what I find to the -ports list.
> I'm pretty sure it constitutes "non-conformant" behaviour and I'd be
> happy to look at it.

Hrrmm... come to think of it, I think that the problem actually amounted
to the ports not being able to register after installation was done. In
other words, (IIRC) after they were built and installed ports that depended
on X were unable to insert their +REQUIRED_BY entries, so this would not
constitute "broken." However, I'm a bit fuzzy on it, and I'm very tired so
I'm not sure. If I find anything odd I'll report it.


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Re: XFree 3.3.4 not on

1999-07-27 Thread Doug
On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:

> > the parts that they need. However right after 3.2-R came out there was a
> > flurry of -questions mail about broken pkg dependencies because sysinstall
> > wasn't properly registering the X install. If the port depending on the
> Just to clear up a misconception; this isn't actually a sysinstall
> problem. 

Okey dokey. As long as y'all are aware of it I'm happy, I just
hadn't seen it mentioned. 

Thanks for clarifying,

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nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
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Re: VMWare plug/quickie tests.

1999-07-27 Thread Doug
On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Kip Macy wrote:

> Is there anyone in particular to whom we should write at VMWare?
> I agree with his sentiments. 

I picked a likely looking name from the "contact us" page. Make
sure that you only write if you are willing to pay for the product if they
make it, and then be sure to tell them that if you are. When I responded
to their standard "we have no plans for a freebsd port" response with some
reasonable, calm information about market share, demographics, etc. the
sales droid actually responded with something to the effect of, "Hmmm.. I
wasn't aware of that, I'll have to pass that on." So perhaps there is
hope, but I'm still not holding my breath.

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: replacing grep(1)

1999-07-27 Thread Doug
On 27 Jul 1999, Dag-Erling Smorgrav wrote:

> I move that we replace GNU grep in our source tree with this
> implementation, once it's been reviewed by all concerned parties.

First, I'm all for this idea, and applaud you and Jamie for taking
it on. I do have a few questions. Does POSIX say anything about grep, and
if so, is this version compliant? Also, I'd like to put in another vote
for full GNU grep feature compliance, since while having our own code is a
good thing, I am against introducing gratuitous differences since I have
enough of those to deal with already.

I think ports building is a good test, but has anyone tested
it with RCS yet? IIRC RCS is heavily dependant on GNU grep, diff and
patch.  I don't think CVS is dependant on external programs anymore

I use grep heavily in day to day administration tasks so I look
forward to giving this a try.

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: replacing grep(1)

1999-07-27 Thread Doug
On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Jamie Howard wrote:

> I do not have a copy of POSIX, but I do have Unix98 which is a superset of
> POSIX.  Right now, excluding bugs, it is Unix 98 and therefore POSIX
> compliant

Good news, thanks for addressing this concern. 

> except for -e.  -e should permit multiple patterns and it never
> occured to me that anyone would want to do this. 

Ah, well, if the world were limited to just what I could imagine,
how boring would that be? The more complete the feature set, the better
off we are for my money.

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: replacing grep(1)

1999-07-27 Thread Doug
On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, James Howard wrote:

> On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Doug wrote:
> > Ah, well, if the world were limited to just what I could imagine,
> > how boring would that be? The more complete the feature set, the better
> > off we are for my money.
> You misinterpretted, I didn't know you could do that therefore I didn't
> implement that.  I certainly understand why you would want to :)

Ah, gotcha. Even better. :) 

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: securelevel and ipfw zero

1999-07-28 Thread Doug
On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Brian F. Feldman wrote:

> If it will get ALL of you to give it a rest, how about:
>   per-rule logging limits

This has been needed for some time now. Also, please don't forget
the oft-repeated request to have seperate accounting and logging counters
so that you can zero one, but not the other. 

>   logging limit raising
>   logging limit resetting

I'd say that these are good knobs to have (I assume you're talking
sysctl's?) but I'd also like to suggest a knob that allows you to toggle
whether these can be changed at securelevel > 1, which knob is not
resettable at securelevel > 1. I think that this would answer the needs of
all parties concerned. 

> Which would all NOT affect the statistics?

Oh good, you didn't forget. :)

> I am, yes, suggesting I will implement it.

Coolio. And inre the request to hear from the users of the code, I
am one, have been for years, and deploy it in many different environments
(including natd, basic security, etc.). These would be very welcome
additions assuming that the performance hit is negligible. 


On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: Mentioning RFC numbers in /etc/services

1999-07-28 Thread Doug
On 26 Jul 1999, Dag-Erling Smorgrav wrote:

> Sheldon Hearn  writes:
> > I plan to mention in the comments for each service in /etc/services, the
> > latest RFC describing the service.
> Good idea.

H... I'm not sure what this gets us. Wouldn't it be better to
place this kind of information in the man page that you suggest below? As
often as /etc/services gets read, do we really want to bloat it with
non-functional information?

> Don't. Instead, put it in a separate rfc(7) man page which you refer
> to in the services(5) man page. 

Good suggestions all the way around. I'd also like to throw in
this link, which is the best RFC repository I've seen on the basis of
speed, reliability, and cross-indexing:

If you really want to improve /etc/services, the first commit
should be to delete all the extraneous whitespace at the end of the lines.

23$ grep -c ' $' /etc/services

25$ grep -c '^I$' /etc/services

Next it would be nice if we added entries for things in our system
that don't have them. (Hint: what's listening on ports 1022 and 1023?)
Then, someone either needs to fix getserv*() so that they accept port
ranges like 6000-6063/tcp (much preferred) or roll out those port numbers
in /etc/services (yuck). 

It would also be nice if someone would take another look at
bringing our /etc/services file more up to date with IANA
( I believe
someone has a PR open on this... :) David O'Brien and I were working on it
for a while, but we both got busy working on other things. I had a pretty
good set of scripts going to produce a workable file in services format
from the IANA list, but what I should really do is write one perl script
to do it. I fear however that the chance of the file being updated on that
kind of scale would be very small (it always meets a lot of resistance) so
I'm not sure it would be worth it. Ideas? Comments?

Finally I want to urge a lot of caution to anyone who tampers with
the file. I learned from painful experience that very small errors can
lead to big problems in very unexpected ways. For instance, my ipfw
firewall went totally nutso at one point because I had some comments in
/etc/services in the wrong format back when I was playing around with it.
This is not something to be tampered with lightly.

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: Mentioning RFC numbers in /etc/services

1999-07-29 Thread Doug
Dominic Mitchell wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 09:04:20AM +0100, Josef Karthauser wrote:
> > A question that always baffled me (I'm fairly easy to baffle) is why we've
> > got some numbers defined as both udp and tcp when the service type is only
> > one or the other. Does anyone know?
> Probably because the IANA specifies them that way.  I think that they
> try to keep both UDP and TCP ports the same, "just in case".  There
> might be a better explanation in rfc1700 (assigned numbers)

Nope, that is the official reason. Cheesy-poofs for you. :)


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Re: Mentioning RFC numbers in /etc/services

1999-07-29 Thread Doug
Josef Karthauser wrote:

> Ok - but it's a bit misleading having both values in /etc/services..
> Shouldn't be:
> http 80/tcpwww www-http #World Wide Web HTTP
> http 80/udpwww www-http #World Wide Web HTTP
> Should be:
> http 80/tcpwww www-http #World Wide Web HTTP
> http 80/udp #[not used]
> Don't you think?  At least that way you don't have to read all of the
> rfcs to construct a firewall ;).

You should probably add them both anyway, but that's beside the point. 
not sure if adding comments like that would be worth it, however I tend to
think that it is better to just leave it as is since that way if something
changes in the future, we're already set. Also, "not used" might lead
someone to believe that they could use that UDP port for their own little
project. I suggested that we add the link to the IANA page way back when,
but there are still some people that believe that our services list
contains all the information they need. 


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Re: So, back on the topic of enabling bpf in GENERIC...

1999-07-30 Thread Doug
On Fri, 30 Jul 1999, Nate Williams wrote:

> > This is a clear security vs functionality issue and I need to get a
> > good feel for which "cause" is ascendent here in knowing which way to
> > jump on the matter.  Can we now hear the closing arguments from the
> > pro and con folks?
> I thought we decided that the networking gurus we're going to make it
> possible to send out broadcast packets on an unconfigured interface so
> that DHCP would work, so that bpf wasn't required.

This is by far the preferred solution. I might have the details
archived from the dhcp mailing list, but IIRC it boils down to dealing
properly with an address of Whoever it was that mentioned
it recently on this list clearly had the right idea.

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: Mentioning RFC numbers in /etc/services

1999-07-30 Thread Doug
On Wed, 28 Jul 1999, Matthew Dillon wrote:

> :> Sheldon Hearn  writes:
> :> > I plan to mention in the comments for each service in /etc/services, the
> :> > latest RFC describing the service.
> :> 
> :> Good idea.
> :
> : H... I'm not sure what this gets us. Wouldn't it be better to
> :place this kind of information in the man page that you suggest below? As
> :often as /etc/services gets read, do we really want to bloat it with
> :non-functional information?
> :...
> :Doug
> I kinda like the idea of putting the RFC numbers in comments in 
> /etc/services.  It makes the comments more meaningful.

I still haven't heard anyone answer the two key (IMO) questions.
Why is it better to have this in the file than in a man page, and how do
you justify the additional cost to parse the file for every single system
call that uses it? Please note that I _do_ think that the information is
valuable. My only concern is that putting it IN the file has more costs
than benefits. 

> It would be nice if we DBM'd /etc/services.  

Well that would definitely solve the problem of the "cost" of
comments that I mention above, and it could also be handy in the sense
that you could build an error-checker into the dbm'ing process. However
this raises additional questions, like how to deal with the situation
where the file is updated but the db is not. Thinking in mergemaster
terms, I already have to special case master.passwd for this reason, and
probably should special case login.conf too (just made myself a note). 

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: Mentioning RFC numbers in /etc/services

1999-07-30 Thread Doug
On Thu, 29 Jul 1999, Ben Rosengart wrote:

> On Thu, 29 Jul 1999, Josef Karthauser wrote:
> > Ok - but it's a bit misleading having both values in /etc/services..
> > 
> > Shouldn't be:
> > http 80/tcpwww www-http #World Wide Web HTTP
> > http 80/udpwww www-http #World Wide Web HTTP
> > 
> > Should be:
> > http 80/tcpwww www-http #World Wide Web HTTP
> > http 80/udp #[not used]
> > 
> > Don't you think?  At least that way you don't have to read all of the
> > rfcs to construct a firewall ;).
> And the output of netstat (trafshow, etc.) would be considerably easier to
> read.

The -n option to trafshow disables number->name translation for
both addresses and ports, although that might be more than what is wanted.
I do know what you mean though. On some of the machines I administer I
have some custom entries for /etc/services that make more sense than the
defaults, especially for the ports > 1023.

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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readdirplus is very cool, any other nfs client suggestions?

1999-07-30 Thread Doug
Spent quite a bit of time today playing around with the newly
repaired readdirplus option for nfs clients in -current. My thanks to Matt
Dillon and Bill Paul. For those that don't remember, I'm trying to use
amd/nfs client stuff on some freebsd web servers that read their data from
our sun (and now sun + netapp) web farm. I have a script that used to lock
up amd and/or nfs and/or the whole machine pretty regularly. I've run it
about 100 times today in various conditions with no ill effects. About
this I am quite pleased. :)

Since I'm new to nfs, and wasn't aware of the readdirplus option,
it dawns on me that there might be other cool things I'm not using that
also might be a benefit. I'm using amd for now, although this might be
replaced with plain old hard mounts at some time in the near future. The
following options I've cobbled together from advice on the lists, my
reading of the man pages and other documentation, and a lot of
experimentation. Any comments or suggestions for improvements would be




[ global ]
map_type =   file
search_path =/etc
auto_dir =   /usr/amd/realmounts
normalize_hostnames =   yes
plock = yes
selectors_on_default =   yes

[ /usr/amd/Interfaces ]
map_name =  amd.Interfaces


/defaults   type:=nfs;opts:=rw,vers=3,readdirplus,intr,proto=udp

*   rhost:=IP${key};rfs:=/Space/${key}

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Re: readdirplus is very cool, any other nfs client suggestions?

1999-07-30 Thread Doug
On Fri, 30 Jul 1999, Matthew Dillon wrote:

> The only other major feature is the nq leasing stuff for cache coherency,
> but it is highly experimental and you probably shouldn't use it.  Plus
> very few other OS's support it.

heh... I'm just happy when the stuff works that's supposed to
work. I really don't want to push my luck.

> There is a lot of tweaking you can do with 'normal' nfs options,
> such as tuning the read & write block size, adjusting cache timeouts
> for various parameters, and so forth.
> man mount_nfs and look at the various -o options available.

Yeah, I've been reading the various man pages and things for quite
a while now and it's starting to synch in. Do you have any suggestions for
additional reading? The O'Reilly book seems a bit out of date, but I'll
try it if folks say it's good. Basically my problem is that there are so
MANY options, and my knowledged about potential side effects is very

Thanks for your response,

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nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: Mentioning RFC numbers in /etc/services

1999-07-31 Thread Doug
Sheldon Hearn wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Jul 1999 15:05:14 MST, Doug wrote:
> >   I still haven't heard anyone answer the two key (IMO) questions.
> Your questions are easier answered in reverse order:
> > and how do you justify the additional cost to parse the file for every
> > single system call that uses it?
> The information is part of the comments within the file. The cost is in
> disk space, and it's cheaper than fleabites.

Nowhere did I mention disk space. I agree that if that were the only 
I wouldn't be raising the objection. 

> > Why is it better to have this in the file than in a man page,
> Since it costs nothing to have it in /etc/services, why not leave it
> there along with the information with which it's associated? The
> alternative is to have a manpage that contains most of the information
> in /etc/services!

And why is that bad? Since when is redundancy in the documentation a
problem? Like you said, disk is cheap. 
> > My only concern is that putting it IN the file has more costs than
> > benefits.
> What am I missing here, that I don't see a cost? What software scans the
> lines in /etc/services beyond the comment delimiter, other than null
> terminator searches?

So, how many comments are you going to add? Let's say the total parsing
cost to the system for all of your additions is X. X is probably a pretty
small number, I'm not arguing that point at all. Now multiply X times every
packet on a highly loaded server, because that's how many times ipfw is
going to need to parse the file (roughly). 

My point is simply that the information is valuable, but it belongs in a
man page. There is no reason to add a good deal of non-functional
information to a file that is used by so many parts of the system. 


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Re: Mentioning RFC numbers in /etc/services

1999-07-31 Thread Doug
Sheldon Hearn wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Jul 1999 15:10:18 MST, Doug wrote:
> > On some of the machines I administer I have some custom entries for
> > /etc/services that make more sense than the defaults, especially for
> > the ports > 1023.
> Would you need these entries if inetd let you specify port numbers
> instead of service names?

Errr... while that may be of value to someone, it has nothing to do with
the issue Ben and I were discussing. 


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Re: Mentioning RFC numbers in /etc/services

1999-07-31 Thread Doug
Jon Hamilton wrote:

> No.  ipfw deals with /etc/services only at startup time (any other behavior on
> its part would be ridiculous).

That's not entirely true, there are other situations (like adding a 
etc.) but your point is well taken. And no, I can't provide specific
examples, my point is really much simpler than that. 
> I think you're  overestimating the cost by a considerable amount.  I'm
> not saying that the cost is zero, but I am saying that it's close enough
> that the value of having the information *right there* outweighs the cost.

Anyone interested in the information will stay interested long enough to
look it up in a man page. Even if the cost to the system is very very
small, I think that adding it to the file is silly when it could just as
easily be added to a man page. 

Of course, there are other benefits to having it in a man page too. The
primary one being that changes/updates to the comments don't require a
change to the file, and would be picked up automatically during a make

Now you'll have to excuse me while I go sharpen my lance...


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Re: Hey kernel hackers, this is worth a read.

1999-08-01 Thread Doug
"Jan B. Koum" wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 30, 1999 at 08:58:09PM -0700, "Jordan K. Hubbard" 
>  wrote:
> >

> >From the article:
> "Linux 2.4 also includes a completely rewritten networking layer."
> Great. After a few years from now when they get all the bugs out, they
> will be right back to the quality of early 4.4BSD quality ;)
> However, the SMP stuff they are working on is something we need IMHO.

Agreed on both counts. I also like the idea of shorter turnover time
between major branches. We've already got a pretty considerable amount of
stuff that can't be ported back to -Stable without major headaches. It's
not always easy to know exactly where to draw the line, but I think that
the move from 3->4 should probably take less time than the move from 2->3


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Re: readdirplus is very cool, any other nfs client suggestions?

1999-08-02 Thread Doug
On 2 Aug 1999, Dag-Erling Smorgrav wrote:

> Alfred Perlstein  writes:
> > DES: can you elaborate?  you think it may cause problems with amd
> > since it's like an NFS buffer isn't it and would work over the 
> > loopback...
> I used loopback mounts to test NFS make worlds a while ago

Hrrmmm... I'm not sure where the concern about loopback stuff
comes from. Does amd use the loopback interface to communicate with


On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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ignoretime in login.conf??

1999-08-04 Thread Doug
I'm doing some research on resource limits and I can't find any
information at all on the ignoretime capability that's in
/usr/src/etc/login.conf. A 'grep -iR ignoretime *' in /usr/src didn't
return any hits outside of the login.conf files in /usr/src/etc and the
picobsd stuff. Does anyone have any information on what this is or what
it's used for? If not, perhaps it should be removed from the examples?

Also, the 'boolean' option is essentially undocumented in the
login.conf man page. It's mentioned once, but there is no example of how
it works or the fact that the @ sign is the symbol for it. The info is in
login_cap(3), but it's hard to decipher for a non-programmer. I'll put
this on my list if no one else wants to take it, and submit a PR.

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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login.conf restrictions for suid processes possible? (fwd)

1999-08-05 Thread Doug
No answer on -questions, and this is pretty urgent for me atm. Any
help appreciated.


Greetings, :)

I am working on some resource limit stuff and would like to be
able to use login.conf to restrict the number of cgi processes that
certain users can run. Unfortunately, the proprietary cgi product we use
is owned by root and suid's to the user who owns the script that it is
called to run. (This is not what I would call a "good idea," but it's what
I have to work with.)

I've created a login class with the appropriate permissions, and
if I put a test user in that class and test its limits with normal system
processes (like ls, sleep, etc.) it follows all the rules. However when I
start miva (proprietary cgi) processes for scripts owned by that user, it
ignores the limits, presumably because the process starts its life as

S, the question is, how can I do what I want to do, and if I
can't do it with login.conf does anyone have any other suggestions?
Specifically I need to restrict the amount of ram and the number of
processes on a per user basis. I'm working on a -current system, but I
don't think this issue bears directly on -current. 

Thanks for any help,

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: login.conf restrictions for suid processes possible? (fwd)

1999-08-05 Thread Doug
On Thu, 5 Aug 1999, Mike Smith wrote:

> > I am working on some resource limit stuff and would like to be
> > able to use login.conf to restrict the number of cgi processes that
> > certain users can run. Unfortunately, the proprietary cgi product we use
> > is owned by root and suid's to the user who owns the script that it is
> > called to run. (This is not what I would call a "good idea," but it's what
> > I have to work with.)
> > 
> > I've created a login class with the appropriate permissions, and
> > if I put a test user in that class and test its limits with normal system
> > processes (like ls, sleep, etc.) it follows all the rules. However when I
> > start miva (proprietary cgi) processes for scripts owned by that user, it
> > ignores the limits, presumably because the process starts its life as
> > root. 
> > 
> > S, the question is, how can I do what I want to do, and if I
> > can't do it with login.conf does anyone have any other suggestions?
> > Specifically I need to restrict the amount of ram and the number of
> > processes on a per user basis. I'm working on a -current system, but I
> > don't think this issue bears directly on -current. 
> You need to pester the vendor to correctly switch limits when they 
> switch UIDs.
> Alternatively, if this is unlikely _and_ the application is dynamically 
> linked, you could produce a library containing patched set*id functions 
> and force it into the app using LD_PRELOAD. 

    Grrrfl. Ok, that's what I thought, but I do appreciate the
confirmation. We have a pretty good relationship with the vendor so I'll
take that route first. 


On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
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Re: login.conf restrictions for suid processes possible? (fwd)

1999-08-05 Thread Doug
On Thu, 5 Aug 1999, John Polstra wrote:

> In article <>,
> Mike Smith   wrote:
> > >   I am working on some resource limit stuff and would like to be
> > > able to use login.conf to restrict the number of cgi processes that
> > > certain users can run. Unfortunately, the proprietary cgi product we use
> > > is owned by root and suid's to the user who owns the script that it is
> > > called to run. (This is not what I would call a "good idea," but it's what
> > > I have to work with.)
> [...]
> > You need to pester the vendor to correctly switch limits when they 
> > switch UIDs.
> > 
> > Alternatively, if this is unlikely _and_ the application is dynamically 
> > linked, you could produce a library containing patched set*id functions 
> > and force it into the app using LD_PRELOAD. 
> N.B., LD_PRELOAD won't work if the program is setuid or setgid.  I'm
> not 100% sure from the original post whether that's the case or not.

Yes, the program is owned by root, has permissions -rwsr-xr-t and
suid's to the user who owns the script it's called to run. I'm aware that
the sticky bit is ignored on BSD for executables, but that's how it comes
from the vendor so my boss doesn't want to mess with it.


On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: TCP stack hackers take a bow

1999-08-05 Thread Doug
On Thu, 5 Aug 1999, Bill Fumerola wrote:

> On Thu, 5 Aug 1999, Andrew Gallatin wrote:
> > It was very annoying that the person who wrote the local News &
> > Observer article seemed disappointed that we were not running linux &
> > probably because of that, didn't mention the OS at all in her article.
> It's sad it has to be that way. I can't think of another product that
> is treated so poorly in the wake of another's success.

Hmmm... OS/2 maybe? :) (Which is not to say that IBM didn't
work very hard at shooting themselves in their collective feet at every

But seriously folks, this kind of thing happens all the time in
the computer business. The best way to handle it is to keep smiling and
talk to the ones who will listen, and report accurately. The word is
getting out slowly. 

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: [Fwd: Please support FreeBSD 3.x as host OS]

1999-08-06 Thread Doug
On Fri, 6 Aug 1999 wrote:

> This is kinda different from what the original poster received.
> Keep badgering!

But ONLY if you ARE willing to pay for it if they make one. We
don't need a repeat of the CDE debacle. 


> > Hi John,
> > 
> > Thank you for the interest in our software.
> > 
> > We've received a number of requests to make a 'VMware for FreeBSD'
> > product. We are looking into doing such a project but have no plans to
> > develop this product at this time.
> > 
> > Mehrdad Amir,
> > VMware, Inc.
> Get FREE voicemail, fax and email at
> Talk online at
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On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: [Fwd: Please support FreeBSD 3.x as host OS]

1999-08-06 Thread Doug
On Fri, 6 Aug 1999, Donald Burr wrote:

> I don't know about you, but I for one am ready and willing to plunk down
> my hard-earned $$$ for VMware if it came to FreeBSD.

Sorry I wasn't more clear. I am too, and I'd *really* like to see
it happen. There is stuff both at work and at home that has to be run in
windows (as much as I'm not happy about that fact, that's just life) and
wine just doesn't cut it. When I get some free time (yeah, right) I'm
going to try bochs again now that they have networking ability, but at
this point my time is more valuable to me than the price of vmware, and
it'd be great to get them into our market since they're developing a
pretty good profile for themselves. 


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perl can't manify during make upgrade

1999-08-08 Thread Doug
Doing a make upgrade tonight I see the following errors (bunches of them). 

Manifying B::Showlex.3
ELF interpreter /usr/libexec/ not found
Abort trap
Manifying B::Stackobj.3
ELF interpreter /usr/libexec/ not found
Abort trap
Manifying B::Terse.3
ELF interpreter /usr/libexec/ not found
Abort trap
Manifying B::Xref.3
ELF interpreter /usr/libexec/ not found
Abort trap
Manifying B.3
ELF interpreter /usr/libexec/ not found
Abort trap
Manifying O.3
ELF interpreter /usr/libexec/ not found
Abort trap
Manifying DB_File.3
ELF interpreter /usr/libexec/ not found
Abort trap
Manifying Data::Dumper.3
ELF interpreter /usr/libexec/ not found

I suspect that this is due to the fact that the elf libraries have been
built but not installed at this point in the program, but I thought y'all
might like to know.


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Please review: New 'make upgrade' web page

1999-08-08 Thread Doug
Making good on a promise I made quite a while back I've put up a web 
with hopefully comprehensive instructions on going from 2.2.8 to 3.x via
'make upgrade.' This page is aimed at a less experienced user and gives a
step by step list of procedures to follow to help ensure maximum
possibilities of success and convenience. 

I would appreciate it very much if some of y'all that are familiar with
this procedure would take a few minutes and read through the page with an
eye toward offering constructive criticism. I have now done two 'make
upgrade's following these instructions and both have been successful. I
cobbled together the information from various posts to the lists over the
last year and my experience doing the two upgrades. Some of the
recommendations may seem overly paranoid, but please keep the target
audience in mind. 



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Fix/tuning to improve slow NFS writes?

1999-08-08 Thread Doug
Well my NFS reliability at work has gone way up, to the point where we 
now having time to look at the finer things in life, like performance
tuning. Performance on reads has been quite good, but when the cgi scripts
that the users are running on these machines have large writes to do (like
re-indexing a database) the writes go really slow. So slow in fact that
they sometimes time out, the CGI engine dies, and the job is never
completed, causing it to be restarted by the user. 

So, the big question is whether there is anything we can tune to speed 
the writes. The freebsd machines are NFS clients to the sun servers doing
most of the web processing. Overall performance on the reads seems to be
best with nfs v3 over udp, which is what I'm using now. All of the web
server directories are soft mounted directly, with no amd currently in use. 



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Re: Fix/tuning to improve slow NFS writes?

1999-08-09 Thread Doug
Matthew Dillon wrote:
> :   So, the big question is whether there is anything we can tune to 
> speed up
> :the writes. The freebsd machines are NFS clients to the sun servers doing
> :most of the web processing. Overall performance on the reads seems to be
> :best with nfs v3 over udp, which is what I'm using now. All of the web
> :server directories are soft mounted directly, with no amd currently in use.
> :
> :thanks,
> :
> :Doug
> Well, NFS buffers are usually sent over the network the moment they
> are full.  If you are not running any nfsiod's

I should have mentioned, I have 20 nfsiod's running. I started so many
initially to help in the stress testing I was doing, but I left them
running because the servers are handling from 2-4 requests per second and
we have lots of ram in the boxes. Is there a way to figure out how many are
getting used concurrently, or is too many not a problem?



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Re: Fix/tuning to improve slow NFS writes?

1999-08-09 Thread Doug
Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Aug 1999, Doug wrote:
> > Matthew Dillon wrote:
> > >
> > > :   So, the big question is whether there is anything we can tune to 
> > > speed up
> > > :the writes. The freebsd machines are NFS clients to the sun servers doing
> > > :most of the web processing. Overall performance on the reads seems to be
> > > :best with nfs v3 over udp, which is what I'm using now. All of the web
> > > :server directories are soft mounted directly, with no amd currently in 
> > > use.
> > > :
> > > :thanks,
> > > :
> > > :Doug
> > >
> > > Well, NFS buffers are usually sent over the network the moment they
> > > are full.  If you are not running any nfsiod's
> >
> >   I should have mentioned, I have 20 nfsiod's running. I started so many
> > initially to help in the stress testing I was doing, but I left them
> > running because the servers are handling from 2-4 requests per second and
> > we have lots of ram in the boxes. Is there a way to figure out how many are
> > getting used concurrently, or is too many not a problem?
> ?
> You need to run 'nfsd' on the servers, not nfsiod.

Sorry I wasn't clear. That's what I get for writing posts like this when
I'm tired. In that paragraph "servers" refers to the freebsd cgi/web
servers that are acting as NFS clients to the sun boxes. 


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Re: ignoretime in login.conf??

1999-08-11 Thread Doug
Dag-Erling Smorgrav wrote:
> Doug  writes:
> >   Also, the 'boolean' option is essentially undocumented in the
> > login.conf man page. It's mentioned once, but there is no example of how
> > it works or the fact that the @ sign is the symbol for it. The info is in
> > login_cap(3), but it's hard to decipher for a non-programmer. I'll put
> > this on my list if no one else wants to take it, and submit a PR.
> login.conf is a capability database like any other and therefore
> follows the syntax described in the getcap(3) man page.

Yes, which is basically restating my point, namely that if you don't
already understand how it works the man page is of no use to you. :) I will
produce diffs sometime soon.


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Re:(2) hey

1999-08-12 Thread Doug
On Fri, 13 Aug 1999, Evren Yurtesen wrote:

> Well, I am the person who has this problem.
> The RFCs does not explicitly say that we should not use underscore
> character
> as far as I understood. 

This is a common misunderstanding. The only valid characters in
hostnames to be used on the global internet are letters, numbers and the
dash character, "-". Underscores are not valid, at all, period. I realize
that the RFC's don't seem to be clear on this point, however you can rest
assured that such is the case. 

Good luck,


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Re: (2) hey

1999-08-12 Thread Doug
On Thu, 12 Aug 1999, Louis A. Mamakos wrote:

> But the DNS is used to hold all sorts of information.  For example, how do
> you reconcile domain names like:
> in the DNS?  It violates the "starts with alpha" "requirement" in 952 and 1101

E.. even if that argument weren't silly on its face, the
'starts/ends with alpha' requirement has been relaxed for some time now.
First for legacy domains like, and next for newer ones like The only rule that is currently being enforced is that no label
can begin or end with a dash. 

> that you quotes, yet we use these things all the time.  In fact, you can
> send email to that domain name because it has an A record associated with
> it, as well as a PTR record.

That IS a violation of the standard, since A records
are not valid for hosts in 

> What do I know; I was just the first chair of the domain name working group
> in the IETF so many years ago before it got fashionable.

Well, things change. :)

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: (2) hey

1999-08-12 Thread Doug
On Thu, 12 Aug 1999, Louis A. Mamakos wrote:

> > 
> > That IS a violation of the standard, since A records
> > are not valid for hosts in 
> >
> And next I suppose you'll tell me that PTR records are not valid
> outsize of the IN-ADDR.ARPA portion of the DNS namespace?

Given how PTR RR's are defined, I'd have to say, ayyup. 

> What people really miss is that the DNS is a distributed database
> with delegation, used for all sorts of purposes. 

You get no argument from me there. However there is a difference
between defining "louie's_map_zone." and using that for whatever you want
to use it for, and trying to hammer your stuff into areas that already
have definitions. The tools exist to extend the protocol into other areas
as you see fit, and I say more power to you. But please don't try and drum
up sympathy for that "DNS should be all things to all people" line, it
didn't work well back then and doesn't work at all now. It's all we can do
nowadays to get people to configure "normal" things properly. AFAIC, the
software could stand to be smarter than it is already because they keep
making better idiots. 

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: (2) hey

1999-08-13 Thread Doug
Tony Finch wrote:
> Doug  wrote:
> >Louis A. Mamakos wrote:
> >>[lost attribution]
> >>>
> >>> That IS a violation of the standard, since A records are not valid
> >>> for hosts in
> >>
> >> And next I suppose you'll tell me that PTR records are not valid
> >> outsize of the IN-ADDR.ARPA portion of the DNS namespace?
> >
> > Given how PTR RR's are defined, I'd have to say, ayyup.
> I suggest you read RFC 2317 

I'd suggest you read what I actually wrote. :) Nothing in either RFC 
you quoted, or any of your examples contradicted my actual point, which was
that PTR records are not valid outside of name space. If you
believe they are, give valid working examples and explain their meaning,
since there currently is not a definition for their use outside of 


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Re: BSD XFS Port & BSD VFS Rewrite

1999-08-14 Thread Doug
"Brian F. Feldman" wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Aug 1999, James Howard wrote:
> > On Fri, 13 Aug 1999, Mike Smith wrote:
> >
> > > It doesn't work like that; once it's been distributed with Linux it's
> > > no longer BSD-licensed, it's GPLed.  They would still be unable to
> > > recover post-viral changes and reuse them in their own XFS product.
> >
> > I heard somewhere that Linux was released under a slightly modified GPL to
> > permit the inclusion of BSD code.  I assumed they did this to steal the IP
> > stack.
> Most likely.

s/steal/use/. We can't champion the BSD (read, "Use this code for 
you want") license then cast aspersions at people who use it for things we
don't like. Let's at least be logically consistent. 


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Re: gethostbyaddr() and threads.

1999-08-15 Thread Doug
Terry Lambert wrote:

> I object because it perpetuates a situation which has made it
> take this long to get the issue addressed.
> I also object because BIND 9 is currently in the works, and there
> is talk of replacing the  records with A6 records in the DNSEXT
> working group.
> The resolver should be in a seperate library to facilitate speedy
> integration of future releases, and because its designers put it
> in a seperate library.
> The correct way to get historical BSD behaviour, i.e. linking libc
> gives you the resolver, is to take advantage of ELF, and link the
> libc against the libresolver, and thus incorporate it by reference
> (if this doesn't work in FreeBSD, it should; I haven't checked).
> Of course, my ideal world would update all of the Makefiles for
> all of the network utilities (including the ports) to know about
> libresolver explicitly, but that's unlikely to come to pass.

Here here. Think of this as a "me too," or a vote in favor of each of 
points above. 


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Re: Need some advice regarding portable user IDs

1999-08-18 Thread Doug
Wilfredo Sanchez wrote:
>   A group of us at Apple are trying to figure out how to handle
> situations where a filesystem with "foreign" user ID's are present.
> The basic problem is that the user experience using Unix semantics
> are not really pleasant.  I think some examples would help:
>   I'm working with Joe on a project, and I have some sources I want
> him to take a look at, so I mount a floppy disk.  Well, that's a bad
> example, because floppies are "out"... So I mount a zip disk with UFS
> on it, and I copy my source tree onto it, and hand this to Joe.  Joe
> takes the disk home, and sticks it in his computer, and he finds
> that he can't read the files, because I have a lamer umask, and as a
> bonus, I don't have an account on his machine, so the files are owned
> by some random UID.

Having run into this problem myself, both with tar'ed archives and zip
disks I came up with the following dream world one day. In my world there
are two magic uid's, one for a "read only" user and one for a "read write"
user. If I give Joe a zip disk with my files on it all owned by my uid, by
default when he puts it in his drive at his workstation it comes up with
all files owned by the read only user. He can read the files, copy them to
his work station, etc. but he can't make changes to the existing files. If
I want to let Joe change the files on my disk I can set the rw flag, so
when he pops it in his drive it comes up owned by the "read write" user.
(Still assuming that Joe and I have mismatched uid's.) 

In a system like this I'd also like to see a flag that lets the owner
require that the uid semantics are enforced. Also, the flags should be
settable on the file, directory and disk levels. Finally in an
ultra-paranoid environment you could set an option that requires that the
uid matchup is for the actual person, similar to the way an ssh public
key/private key pair works. 

Hope this is useful,


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Interesting ssh + X + tcp_wrappers problem

1999-08-22 Thread Doug
I've been doing some housecleaning lately and I finally decided to set 
a one-way ssh authentication from my workstation to my gateway machine. I
set up the ssh keys and that was all good. Then I went to start an X app on
the gateway expecting it to just pop up on the workstation's X display
(happens to be cvsup, but I don't think that's relevant) and I got the

error: Fwd X11 connection from refused by tcp_wrappers.

I am using natd on the gateway to hook me up to my cable modem. The
hostname is the one that the world sees me as, and is assigned to the
outside interface. I have the inside interface set up as, and the
workstation is I have ALL : : allow in /etc/hosts.allow
(and appropriate ipfw filtering set up of course), but I didn't have the
address of the outside interface in there anywhere since I never expected
it would be a problem for the machine to connect to itself. :) 

Now I am not sure if this is an sshd problem, an X problem, a 
problem, or what have you. I do know that once I put an entry for the
outside interface address in hosts.allow it worked. The only problem I have
with that is that with dhcp that address changes every time someone gets a
wild hair and reboots the dhcp server, and they do that a couple times a
month. This makes one more thing that I have to add to my
"bugger-I-got-another-new-IP" script that I'd prefer to avoid. 

Thoughts, comments, suggestions welcome,


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Re: Need some advice regarding portable user IDs

1999-08-23 Thread Doug
Wilfredo Sanchez wrote:
>   A group of us at Apple are trying to figure out how to handle
> situations where a filesystem with "foreign" user ID's are present.
> The basic problem is that the user experience using Unix semantics
> are not really pleasant.  I think some examples would help:
>   I'm working with Joe on a project, and I have some sources I want
> him to take a look at, so I mount a floppy disk.  Well, that's a bad
> example, because floppies are "out"... So I mount a zip disk with UFS
> on it, and I copy my source tree onto it, and hand this to Joe.  Joe
> takes the disk home, and sticks it in his computer, and he finds
> that he can't read the files, because I have a lamer umask, and as a
> bonus, I don't have an account on his machine, so the files are owned
> by some random UID.

Having run into this problem myself, both with tar'ed archives and zip
disks I came up with the following dream world one day. In my world there
are two magic uid's, one for a "read only" user and one for a "read write"
user. If I give Joe a zip disk with my files on it all owned by my uid, by
default when he puts it in his drive at his workstation it comes up with
all files owned by the read only user. He can read the files, copy them to
his work station, etc. but he can't make changes to the existing files. If
I want to let Joe change the files on my disk I can set the rw flag, so
when he pops it in his drive it comes up owned by the "read write" user.
(Still assuming that Joe and I have mismatched uid's.) 

In a system like this I'd also like to see a flag that lets the owner
require that the uid semantics are enforced. Also, the flags should be
settable on the file, directory and disk levels. Finally in an
ultra-paranoid environment you could set an option that requires that the
uid matchup is for the actual person, similar to the way an ssh public
key/private key pair works. 

Hope this is useful,


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Re: (forw) Re: ndc(8)

1999-08-26 Thread Doug
On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, Anders Andersson wrote:

> - Forwarded message from Nik Clayton  -
> Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 21:20:16 +0100
> From: Nik Clayton 
> To: Anders Andersson 
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: ndc(8)
> Message-ID: <>
> X-Mailer: Mutt 0.95.4i
> Organization: FreeBSD Project>
> On Thu, Aug 26, 1999 at 10:02:01AM +0200, Anders Andersson wrote:
> > I found that ndc(8) man page is a little wrong, for example
> > 
> > 'stats Causes named to dump its statistics to /var/tmp/named.stats'
> > 
> > is not correct, since named.stats get dumped to /etc/namedb/named.stats.
> > 
> > It should read:
> > 
> > 'stats Causes named to dump its statistics to /etc/namedb/named.stats'
> > 
> > This also applies for /var/tmp/named_dump.db, that one goes also in
> > /etc/namedb.
> Guys, before we fix the manpage on this, could someone please follow
> this up with -hackers?  I was under the impression (but could be wrong)
> that programs weren't meant to do this sort of thing in /etc (or
> subdirectories of /etc) and that /var/ is the best place for them.
> As I say, I could be wrong, but it'd be nice to get confirmation from
> -hackers that this is the expected behaviour.

You are correct, a read-only /etc/ is always part of the plan, and
/var is the proper place for this kind of info to be dumped. 

Also, before we invest a lot of time in this, people should be
aware that ndc is fundamentally different in BIND 8.2.x. This is not to
say that fixing this now is not a good thing, just that it's not worth a
whole LOT of time since things will be changing whenever the new BIND is


"My mama told me, my mama said, 'don't cry.' 'She said you're too young a man
to have as many women you got.' I looked at my mother dear and didn't even
crack a smile. I said, 'If women kill me, I don't mind dyin!'" 

- John Belushi as "Joliet" Jake Blues, "I Don't Know"

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Re: How bullet-proof should the /etc/rc* scripts be?

1999-08-26 Thread Doug
"Stephen J. Roznowski" wrote:
> I'm trying to build a stripped down version of FreeBSD and have run
> across a few oddities in the startup scripts.

Ok, first thing is, if you are going to hack up some custom stuff you're
pretty much in the driver's seat on issues like this. That's not to say
that the rc*, etc. scripts couldn't use some work, in fact some of us are
doing just that. 

> 1. Should commands be wrapped in a check for their existance? For
>example: swapon, adjkerntz, etc.

If failed execution of the command will leave the system in an unusable
state, yes. (Assuming by "check for their existance" you mean using the -x
flag to 'test'.) If the system can continue booting even if the command
fails, but the user needs to know the command failed, you should test the
exit code and act appropriately. If no one cares about the command you
don't need to do this, but then why run it at all?
> 2. Should everything be wrapped in a "rc.conf" variable? For example,
>the section with "mount -a -t nfs" (even though it silently exists
>if no NFS filesystems exist).

No. That specific case refers to entries in /etc/fstab (the -a is your
clue), so regardless of the presence or abscence of nfs stuff in rc.conf
that command should be run. There are other commands like this, especially
in that fall into the "we can just run this and nothing bad will
happen if we don't need it" category. In a situation like yours that's bad,
and in general I'm for making *less* assumptions about the state of the
system, but you have to start _somewhere_. 
> 3. How much checking should be done before executing commands? As it
>stands now, if you don't have any ptys, the chflags/chmod/chown
>will fail -- should this be wrapped with an if statement?

This is a little tougher. I would say that having NO pty's at all is a
rather extreme case, but while I'm doing the review I'll give this another
look. Can you send me the filename and line number of this specific case in
a private e-mail please? That way I won't miss it. 
> 4. What is the point of the "stty status '^T' at the top of the rc file?

Frankly, that one stumps me too. :) There are still plenty of "We've
always done it that way" items in the various rc files, that may be one of

In answer to the question in your subject line, I would say "More so 
they are now." Comments and suggestions are welcome, preferably accompanied
by unified diffs. :)

Good luck with your project, 


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Please review: rc file changes

1999-08-26 Thread Doug

As previously discussed, here is a first draft of the rc* script mods. I
consider the first step in this process to be Jordan's cleanup of the
variable syntax. This is step 2, which most notably converts test's dealing
with variables to case wherever possible. It also does the following. 

1. -f -> -r wherever it makes sense
2. value ) instead of value) for case statements
3. All cases of [, test, ; then, etc. converted to:

if [ blah ]; then

4. Made 
# Comment
commands more consistent

5. Stripped whitespace off the end of a few lines

The attached diff is to rc, and was generated with -ubB to ease
understanding of the substantive changes. You can view the actual file at I would appreciate y'all reviewing these changes for
style, substance, or anything else relevant to the matter at hand. My hope
is that any modifications can be discussed prior to my doing the rest of
the work, which I plan to tackle this weekend. There are also a few
questions sprinkled into the file, comments or suggestions on those are

This version of the file is tested lightly, which is to say that I 
with it after my upgrade to the most recent sources on -current tonight.
Obviously more rigorous testing will be necessary before this gets
committed, although the changes are extremely straightforward. 


1. Under what circumstances would $early_nfs_mounts be set? The only
mention of this variable that I could find is in /etc/rc, and I can't see
where it would be set. 

2. Do we want to move to 'logger' instead of echo for the various little
statements in the rc* files during boot? I for one would highly recommend
this change, since it makes remote administration TONS easier. However the
last time it came up I seem to remember it being one of those "religious"

3. Anything else I should be looking at in this phase of the game? 


Doug--- /etc/rc Thu Aug 26 21:02:19 1999
+++ rc  Thu Aug 26 22:57:06 1999
@@ -8,24 +8,25 @@
 # and the console is the controlling terminal.
 # Note that almost all the user-configurable behavior is no longer in
-# this file, but rather in /etc/defaults/rc.conf.  Please check this file
+# this file, but rather in /etc/defaults/rc.conf.  Please check that file
 # first before contemplating any changes here.
 stty status '^T'
 # Set shell to ignore SIGINT (2), but not children;
 # shell catches SIGQUIT (3) and returns to single user after fsck.
 trap : 2
 trap : 3   # shouldn't be needed
-HOME=/; export HOME
-export PATH
+export HOME PATH
 # BOOTP diskless boot.  We have to run the rc file early in order to
 # retarget various config files.
-if [ -f /etc/rc.diskless1 ]; then
+if [ -r /etc/rc.diskless1 ]; then
dlv=`/sbin/sysctl -n vfs.nfs.diskless_valid 2> /dev/null`
if [ ${dlv:=0} != 0 ]; then
. /etc/rc.diskless1
@@ -34,59 +35,68 @@
 # If there is a global system configuration file, suck it in.
-if [ -f /etc/defaults/rc.conf ]; then
+if [ -r /etc/defaults/rc.conf ]; then
. /etc/defaults/rc.conf
-elif [ -f /etc/rc.conf ]; then
+elif [ -r /etc/rc.conf ]; then
. /etc/rc.conf
 # Configure ccd devices.
-if [ -f /etc/ccd.conf ]; then
+if [ -r /etc/ccd.conf ]; then
ccdconfig -C
-if [ "${start_vinum}" = "YES" ]; then
+case ${start_vinum} in
+   [Yy][Ee][Ss] )
vinum start
-elif [ -n "${vinum_drives}" ]; then
+   ;;
+   * )
+   if [ -n "${vinum_drives}" ]; then
vinum read ${vinum_drives}
+   fi
+   ;;
 swapon -a
-if [ "$1" = "autoboot" ]; then
+case $1 in
+   autoboot )
echo Automatic reboot in progress...
fsck -p
case $? in
-   0)
+   0 )
-   2)
+   2 )
exit 1
-   4)
+   4 )
echo "reboot failed... help!"
exit 1
-   8)
+   8 )
echo "Automatic file system check failed... help!"
exit 1
-   12)
+   12 )
echo "Reboot interrupted"
exit 1
-   130)
+   130 )
# interrupt before catcher installed
exit 1
-   *)
+   * )
echo "Unknown error in reboot"
exit 1
+   ;;
+   * )
echo Skipping disk checks ...
+   ;;
 set -T
 trap "echo 'Reboot interrupted'; exit 1" 3
@@ -94,33 +104,4

Splash screen problem after being interrupted

1999-08-26 Thread Doug
Tonight while testing my rc file changes I decided to interrupt the 
screen display I have to see the boot messages. I hit scroll lock to do
this, and it killed the splash screen, but when I went to log in the
keyboard on the console was pretty much fubar. Every key was mapped to a
different value, and I couldn't even C-A-D to reboot clean, I had to do a
soft reset. 

Obviously this is a "... well don't do that" case, but I'm not sure it
should be fatal. Hopefully this is of use to someone.


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Re: Please review: rc file changes

1999-08-26 Thread Doug
Chris Costello wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 26, 1999, Doug wrote:
> > Greetings,
> >
> >   As previously discussed, here is a first draft of the rc* script 
> > mods. I
> > consider the first step in this process to be Jordan's cleanup of the
> > variable syntax. This is step 2, which most notably converts test's dealing
> > with variables to case wherever possible. It also does the following.
> > 2. value ) instead of value) for case statements
>Why?  What's wrong with `value)'?

Nothing functionally, but I find case statements much easier to read 
the extra whitespace. 


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Re: Please review: rc file changes

1999-08-27 Thread Doug
On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, Chris Costello wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 26, 1999, Doug wrote:
> > > > 2. value ) instead of value) for case statements
> > > 
> > >Why?  What's wrong with `value)'?
> > 
> > Nothing functionally, but I find case statements much easier to read with
> > the extra whitespace. 
>Would that not cause problems?

Nope. As most things shell it (rightly) ignores the whitespace.
Take a look at this little script to prove it to yourself:



case $VAR in

foo )
echo "I don't care about whitespace"
echo "OOoops, guess I do"

VAR='foo '

case $VAR in

foo )
echo "D'oh! I see the whitespace in the variable"
echo "D'oh! I don't see the whitespace in the variable"
'foo ' )
echo "I see what I am supposed to see"


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Re: Please review: rc file changes

1999-08-27 Thread Doug
Oliver Fromme wrote:
> Doug wrote in list.freebsd-hackers:
>  > [...]
>  > 2. value ) instead of value) for case statements
>  > [...]
>  >  case $? in
>  > -0)
>  > +0 )
>  >  ;;
>  > -2)
>  > +2 )
>  >  exit 1
>  >  ;;
>  > -4)
>  > +4 )
>  >  reboot
>  >  echo "reboot failed... help!"
>  >  exit 1
>  >  ;;
>  > [...]
> Why?!?  I like the existing "case" style _much_ better,
> it's more readable and emphasizes the structure.

Ok, universal acclaim in both public and private mail is for: 

case $foo in
optinon )

as opposed to:

case $foo in
option )

so I'll modify that one. It actually improves readability in some cases,
although the latter is a matter of personal style. I would really prefer to
stick with option ) vs. option) though, but if it becomes a show-stopper I
can compromise on that one too. All I ask is that people give it a chance
first. :)

Keep those cards and letters coming,


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Re: Please review: rc file changes

1999-08-27 Thread Doug
Doug wrote:
> Greetings,
> As previously discussed, here is a first draft of the rc* script 
> mods. I
> consider the first step in this process to be Jordan's cleanup of the
> variable syntax. This is step 2, which most notably converts test's dealing
> with variables to case wherever possible. It also does the following.
> 1. -f -> -r wherever it makes sense
> 2. value ) instead of value) for case statements
> 3. All cases of [, test, ; then, etc. converted to:
> if [ blah ]; then
> 4. Made
> # Comment
> #
> commands more consistent
> 5. Stripped whitespace off the end of a few lines
> The attached diff is to rc, and was generated with -ubB to ease
> understanding of the substantive changes. You can view the actual file at
> I would appreciate y'all reviewing these changes for
> style, substance, or anything else relevant to the matter at hand. My hope
> is that any modifications can be discussed prior to my doing the rest of
> the work, which I plan to tackle this weekend. There are also a few
> questions sprinkled into the file, comments or suggestions on those are
> welcome.
> This version of the file is tested lightly, which is to say that I
> booted with it after my upgrade to the most recent sources on -current 
> tonight.
> Obviously more rigorous testing will be necessary before this gets
> committed, although the changes are extremely straightforward.
> Questions:
> 1. Under what circumstances would $early_nfs_mounts be set? The only
> mention of this variable that I could find is in /etc/rc, and I can't see
> where it would be set.
> 2. Do we want to move to 'logger' instead of echo for the various little
> statements in the rc* files during boot? I for one would highly recommend
> this change, since it makes remote administration TONS easier. However the
> last time it came up I seem to remember it being one of those "religious"
> issues...
> 3. Anything else I should be looking at in this phase of the game?

Ok, revised diff attached. I made the case indentation change and some 
sheldon's suggestions are incorporated. I also neglected to mention
previously that I tuned up a few of the comments in the file, as well as
error output. I also was more rigorous about making whitespace consisten on
this pass. Removing double spaces, converting spaces to tabs, etc. This is
much more like what I want the final version to look like. All of the above
still applies, except that due to the more "normal" indentation a straight
diff -u is more readable. 

Assuming this works for everyone, I will proceed with the other rc*, 
scripts, except which sheldon informed me he is currently
working on. 

Doug--- /usr/src/etc/rc Thu Aug 26 20:56:36 1999
+++ rc  Fri Aug 27 09:52:39 1999
@@ -8,24 +8,25 @@
 # and the console is the controlling terminal.
 # Note that almost all the user-configurable behavior is no longer in
-# this file, but rather in /etc/defaults/rc.conf.  Please check this file
+# this file, but rather in /etc/defaults/rc.conf. Please check that file
 # first before contemplating any changes here.
 stty status '^T'
 # Set shell to ignore SIGINT (2), but not children;
 # shell catches SIGQUIT (3) and returns to single user after fsck.
 trap : 2
 trap : 3   # shouldn't be needed
-HOME=/; export HOME
-export PATH
+export HOME PATH
-# BOOTP diskless boot.  We have to run the rc file early in order to
+# BOOTP diskless boot. We have to run the rc file early in order to
 # retarget various config files.
-if [ -f /etc/rc.diskless1 ]; then
+if [ -r /etc/rc.diskless1 ]; then
dlv=`/sbin/sysctl -n vfs.nfs.diskless_valid 2> /dev/null`
if [ ${dlv:=0} != 0 ]; then
. /etc/rc.diskless1
@@ -34,59 +35,68 @@
 # If there is a global system configuration file, suck it in.
-if [ -f /etc/defaults/rc.conf ]; then
+if [ -r /etc/defaults/rc.conf ]; then
. /etc/defaults/rc.conf
-elif [ -f /etc/rc.conf ]; then
+elif [ -r /etc/rc.conf ]; then
. /etc/rc.conf
 # Configure ccd devices.
-if [ -f /etc/ccd.conf ]; then
+if [ -r /etc/ccd.conf ]; then
ccdconfig -C
-if [ "${start_vinum}" = "YES" ]; then
+case ${start_vinum} in
+[Yy][Ee][Ss] )
vinum start
-elif [ -n "${vinum_drives}" ]; then
-   vinum read ${vinum_drives}
+   ;;
+* )
+   if [ -n "${vinum_drives}" ]; then
+   vinum read ${vinum_drives}
+   fi
+   ;;
 swapon -a
-if [ "$1" = "autoboot" ]; then
+case $1 in
+autoboot )
echo Automatic reboot in progress...

Re: Please review: rc file changes

1999-08-27 Thread Doug
On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, Nate Williams wrote:

> [ I'm nit-picking here, feel free to ignore ]

A) You're in really good company. :)
B) I expected a lot of nits to be picked on this project, which is
why I wanted to do a "first draft" and solicit comments. I'm not overly
concerned about getting _my_ way on a lot of these things, so long as we
get a style that is consistent and that everyone can live with. 

> > Doug--- /usr/src/etc/rc Thu Aug 26 20:56:36 1999
> > +++ rc  Fri Aug 27 09:52:39 1999
> > @@ -8,24 +8,25 @@
> >  # and the console is the controlling terminal.
> >  
> >  # Note that almost all the user-configurable behavior is no longer in
> > -# this file, but rather in /etc/defaults/rc.conf.  Please check this file
> > +# this file, but rather in /etc/defaults/rc.conf. Please check that file
> >  # first before contemplating any changes here.
> >  
> Sentences are supposed to have two spaces before you start the next
> sentence.

Well, that was definitely the old typographical convention, but in
the digital age it's fallen into disfavor. It was easier to delete the
second space to make them all consistent, but I can go with double spaces
if that's the consensus. 

> Thanks for doing this!

My pleasure actually. This project is something that I've wanted
to see accomplished for several years. I'm happy that the momentum is
swiging this way finally.

"My mama told me, my mama said, 'don't cry.' She said, 'you're too young a man
to have as many women you got.' I looked at my mother dear and didn't even
crack a smile. I said, 'If women kill me, I don't mind dyin!'" 

- John Belushi as "Joliet" Jake Blues, "I Don't Know"

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Re: Please review: rc file changes

1999-08-28 Thread Doug
Nik Clayton wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 27, 1999 at 11:23:06AM -0700, Doug wrote:
> > On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, Nate Williams wrote:
> > > Sentences are supposed to have two spaces before you start the next
> > > sentence.
> >
> >   Well, that was definitely the old typographical convention, but in
> > the digital age it's fallen into disfavor. It was easier to delete the
> > second space to make them all consistent, but I can go with double spaces
> > if that's the consensus.
> I did this change over on the FDP in the Handbook, thinking it didn't make
> any difference either.
> Then I got deluged with e-mail from people telling me that lots of editors
> use the double space as part of their heuristic to determine where sentences
> start and end.
> And I turned it back :-)

Okey dokey, I can take a hint. :)


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Re: Please review: rc file changes

1999-08-28 Thread Doug
Matthew Dillon wrote:

> I guess they don't teach manual typewriting classes any more :-)

Actually I took that class in Jr. High School, way back in '77. It was 
only good advice my Jr. High guidance counselor gave me. 


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Re: Please review: rc file changes

1999-08-28 Thread Doug
Cleaned up this post a little for the final (?) version of rc.diff. Back
by popular demand, double spaces after the periods! Well, partly by popular
demand and partly because I think it bouys my argument for a space after
the case options. :) Note the changed URL for the real file. Without
further comment this is the final verion of the rc file diff, but I will
submit it along with the rest when I'm done. 


  As previously discussed, here is a first draft of the rc* script
mods. I
consider the first step in this process to be Jordan's cleanup of the
variable syntax. This is step 2, which most notably converts test's dealing
with variables to case wherever possible. It also does the following.

1. -f -> -r wherever it makes sense
2. value ) instead of value) for case statements
3. All cases of [, test, ; then, etc. converted to:

if [ blah ]; then

4. Made
# Comment

more consistent

5. Stripped whitespace off the end of a few lines

6. Tuned up a few of the comments in the file, as well as error output. I
also was more rigorous about making whitespace consisten on this pass.
Removing double spaces, converting spaces to tabs, etc.

The attached diff is to rc, and was generated with -u. You can view
the actual file at I would appreciate y'all
reviewing these changes for style, substance, or anything else relevant to
the matter at hand. My hope is that any modifications can be discussed
prior to my doing the rest of the work, which I plan to tackle this
weekend. There are 
also a few questions sprinkled into the file, comments or suggestions on
are welcome.

This version of the file is tested lightly, which is to say that I
booted with it after my upgrade to the most recent sources on -current
Obviously more rigorous testing will be necessary before this gets
committed, although the changes are extremely straightforward.


1. Under what circumstances would $early_nfs_mounts be set? The only
mention of this variable that I could find is in /etc/rc, and I can't see
where it would be set.

2. Does the following constitute a security hole? 
# Make a bounds file for msgs(1) if there isn't one already
# "Delete important files with symlink" security hole?
if [ ! -f /var/msgs/bounds ]; then
echo 0 > /var/msgs/bounds

3. Do we want to move to 'logger' instead of echo for the various little
statements in the rc* files during boot? I for one would highly recommend
this change, since it makes remote administration TONS easier. However the
last time it came up I seem to remember it being one of those "religious"
issues...  I see this as step 3. of the project, and will go ahead with it
after step 2. is done if there is no objection. 

3. Anything else I should be looking at in this phase of the game?

Doug--- /usr/src/etc/rc Sat Aug 28 13:51:10 1999
+++ rc  Sat Aug 28 14:08:25 1999
@@ -8,24 +8,25 @@
 # and the console is the controlling terminal.
 # Note that almost all the user-configurable behavior is no longer in
-# this file, but rather in /etc/defaults/rc.conf.  Please check this file
+# this file, but rather in /etc/defaults/rc.conf.  Please check that file
 # first before contemplating any changes here.
 stty status '^T'
 # Set shell to ignore SIGINT (2), but not children;
 # shell catches SIGQUIT (3) and returns to single user after fsck.
 trap : 2
 trap : 3   # shouldn't be needed
-HOME=/; export HOME
-export PATH
+export HOME PATH
 # BOOTP diskless boot.  We have to run the rc file early in order to
 # retarget various config files.
-if [ -f /etc/rc.diskless1 ]; then
+if [ -r /etc/rc.diskless1 ]; then
dlv=`/sbin/sysctl -n vfs.nfs.diskless_valid 2> /dev/null`
if [ ${dlv:=0} != 0 ]; then
. /etc/rc.diskless1
@@ -34,59 +35,68 @@
 # If there is a global system configuration file, suck it in.
-if [ -f /etc/defaults/rc.conf ]; then
+if [ -r /etc/defaults/rc.conf ]; then
. /etc/defaults/rc.conf
-elif [ -f /etc/rc.conf ]; then
+elif [ -r /etc/rc.conf ]; then
. /etc/rc.conf
 # Configure ccd devices.
-if [ -f /etc/ccd.conf ]; then
+if [ -r /etc/ccd.conf ]; then
ccdconfig -C
-if [ "${start_vinum}" = "YES" ]; then
+case ${start_vinum} in
+[Yy][Ee][Ss] )
vinum start
-elif [ -n "${vinum_drives}" ]; then
-   vinum read ${vinum_drives}
+   ;;
+* )
+   if [ -n "${vinum_drives}" ]; then
+   vinum read ${vinum_drives}
+   fi
+   ;;
 swapon -a
-if [ "$1" = "autoboot" ]; then
+case $1 in
+autoboot )
echo Automatic reboot in progress...
fsck -p
case $? in
-   0)
+   0 )
-   2)
+   2 )

Re: Please review: rc file changes

1999-08-28 Thread Doug
Ben Smithurst wrote:
> Doug wrote:
> >   Okey dokey, I can take a hint. :)
> Can you take another one, regarding the unnecessary spaces after the
> values in your "case"s? i.e., that they should be taken out and shot?
> :-)

*sigh* I am constantly flabbergasted by what people think of as
"important" around here. However, yes, I really can take the hint, and
having seen no words of support on this I will revert the change. 

Hoping I'm running out of nits,


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/usr/src/etc files without $FreeBSD tags

1999-08-28 Thread Doug
While we're at it:

 24$ grep -RL '\$FreeBSD' /usr/src/etc/*

Having the tags in the files helps mergemaster, if nothing else. :)



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Re: make aout-to-elf-build Failing

1999-08-30 Thread Doug
I've seen quite a few reports of this lately, and while this fixes it, 
shouldn't be necessary, should it? Has something changed in the 'make
upgrade' target recently? 


"Andy V. Oleynik" wrote:
> Crist, I had latly same sort of things.
> Fix is to define in ur /etc/make.conf MACHINE_ARCH as i386
> Good luck.
> "Crist J. Clark" wrote:
> > Doug wrote,
> > > "Crist J. Clark" wrote:
> > > >
> > > > It's a lazy Sunday afternoon, and I am finally thinking of doing the
> > > > 2.2.8-STABLE to 3.2-STABLE upgrade.
> > > >
> > > > I have upgraded within a major release several times (a number of
> > > > 2.2.7 to 2.2.8 and 3.1 to 3.2 systems), but never done the a.out to
> > > > ELF thing before. However, I really do not think this has anything to
> > > > do with my problem.
> > > >
> > > > I _just_ sucked down 3.2 using cvsup, went into /usr/src, and after
> > > > reading /usr/src/Makefile about 50 times, finally typed,
> > > >
> > > > # make aout-to-elf-build
> > >
> > >   The preferred method is the all-in-one 'make upgrade' target. 
> > > Trying to
> > > make any of the steps individually is not supported. Take a look at
> > >
> >
> > Thanks for the reference to your webpage; it is helpful...
> >
> > However, doing a 'make upgrade' dies with the exact same error,
> >
> > --
> > >>> Cleaning up the aout obj tree
> > --
> > .
> > [snip]
> > .
> > .
> > ===> lib/libc
> > "/usr/src/lib/libc/../libc/gen/", line 32: Could not find 
> > /usr/src/lib/libc/../libc/unknown/gen/
> > "/usr/src/lib/libc/../libc/net/", line 22: Could not find 
> > /usr/src/lib/libc/../libc/unknown/net/
> > "/usr/src/lib/libc/../libc/stdlib/", line 23: Could not find 
> > /usr/src/lib/libc/../libc/unknown/stdlib/
> > "/usr/src/lib/libc/../libc/string/", line 16: Could not find 
> > /usr/src/lib/libc/../libc/unknown/string/
> > "/usr/src/lib/libc/../libc/sys/", line 16: Could not find 
> > /usr/src/lib/libc/../libc/unknown/sys/
> > make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
> > *** Error code 1
> >
> > Stop.

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Re: make aout-to-elf-build Failing

1999-08-30 Thread Doug
On Tue, 31 Aug 1999, John Birrell wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 30, 1999 at 09:13:58AM -0700, Doug wrote:
> > I've seen quite a few reports of this lately, and while this fixes it, 
> > it
> > shouldn't be necessary, should it? Has something changed in the 'make
> > upgrade' target recently? 
> `make' has changed.

Ok, that's the cause then, so what's the solution? :) And
meanwhile is it going to hurt anything if I put a suggestion on my 'make
upgrade' web page that users do 'make -DMACHINE_ARCH=i386 upgrade' as a
temporary measure to get the thing to work? 


"My mama told me, my mama said, 'don't cry.' She said, 'you're too young a man
to have as many women you got.' I looked at my mother dear and didn't even
crack a smile. I said, 'If women kill me, I don't mind dyin!'" 

- John Belushi as "Joliet" Jake Blues, "I Don't Know"

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Re: Please review: rc file changes

1999-08-30 Thread Doug
On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, David O'Brien wrote:

> > I've had a week-end away from a keyboard to think about this. The only
> > reason we have to use case statements for case-insensitive variable
> > testing is because sh(1) doesn't offer any upper/lower case handling
> Also so that common settings can be added.  Besides "yes" and "no" there
> could be other forms of wanting and not wanting.

I'm all but done with the rc* files and moving on to the other
places in /etc that use test currently. There are 6 states that take 99%
of the cases into account:

yes no !yes !no presence-of-a-variable absence-of-a-variable

Frankly, I'm not sure what the proposed functions get us. Current tools
take all of those possible conditions into account, and adding custom
hacks for common cases will increase the likelihood of people writing
extremely non-portable scripts with them. Maybe I'm missing something
though...  Also, keep in mind that it's not just case sensitivity that
we're working with here. It's also the fact that case is a sh builtin, as
opposed to test which is not. 

If you want to see what I've got so far check out

"My mama told me, my mama said, 'don't cry.' She said, 'you're too young a man
to have as many women you got.' I looked at my mother dear and didn't even
crack a smile. I said, 'If women kill me, I don't mind dyin!'" 

- John Belushi as "Joliet" Jake Blues, "I Don't Know"

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Re: make aout-to-elf-build Failing

1999-08-31 Thread Doug
John Birrell wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 30, 1999 at 03:55:42PM -0700, Doug wrote:
> > > `make' has changed.
> >
> >   Ok, that's the cause then, so what's the solution? :) And
> > meanwhile is it going to hurt anything if I put a suggestion on my 'make
> > upgrade' web page that users do 'make -DMACHINE_ARCH=i386 upgrade' as a
> > temporary measure to get the thing to work?
> The solution is to fix `make'. I could commit the fix, but I'm not
> in a position to build -stable just now. I'm not supposed to commit
> without testing. The fix looks straight forward though, so "it
> should just work". 8-)

If all it takes is a make world (as opposed to make upgrade) I can test 
if you'll send me the patch. I'm on 3.2-Stable as of 8/8 right now.


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Re: make aout-to-elf-build Failing

1999-08-31 Thread Doug
On Wed, 1 Sep 1999, John Birrell wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 31, 1999 at 08:27:00AM -0700, Doug wrote:
> > John Birrell wrote:
> > > The solution is to fix `make'. I could commit the fix, but I'm not
> > > in a position to build -stable just now. I'm not supposed to commit
> > > without testing. The fix looks straight forward though, so "it
> > > should just work". 8-)
> > 
> > If all it takes is a make world (as opposed to make upgrade) I can test 
> > it
> > if you'll send me the patch. I'm on 3.2-Stable as of 8/8 right now.
> If you've already upgraded, it's too late to test the patch because
> you won't execute the code in question.

I had a feeling that I misunderstood you, which is why I asked for
a clarification. 

> Do I really need to send you
> a patch to change one word in /usr/src/usr.bin/make/main.c?! Please take
> a few moments to have a look for "unknown" in that file. Sigh.

"Straight forward" (sic) to you isn't necessarily so to me,
especially where issues related to make are concerned. To start with, I
wouldn't even have know where to start looking (make code, some other
code, *.mk files, make.conf...). If all it took was a simple change you
could have said so. 

Given that someone more knowledgeable than I has already stepped
forward, it looks like it will get taken care of anyway, so no sweat. If
not, I do have a scratch disk that I can run through the procedure on, and
now that I know where to look, yes, the fix is obvious enough. 

Thanks for your help,

"My mama told me, my mama said, 'don't cry.' She said, 'you're too young a man
to have as many women you got.' I looked at my mother dear and didn't even
crack a smile. I said, 'If women kill me, I don't mind dyin!'" 

- John Belushi as "Joliet" Jake Blues, "I Don't Know"

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Re: Minor patches to pwd_mkdb

1999-09-01 Thread Doug
On Wed, 1 Sep 1999, Mike Smith wrote:

> No.  Try for a patch that guesses how big the password file is (try 
> using stat()) and tunes the cache dynamically.
> Hardcoding this at _build_ time is not any sort of "right" solution.

Agreed on all counts. I'd also like to add a vote for this since
we have multiple machines with 16k user password files. I had intended to
start looking at the code and offer a solution instead of a me too, but it
sounds like others are already on the right track, so I'll be glad to test
something if someone comes up with patches. 

"My mama told me, my mama said, 'don't cry.' She said, 'you're too young a man
to have as many women you got.' I looked at my mother dear and didn't even
crack a smile. I said, 'If women kill me, I don't mind dyin!'" 

- John Belushi as "Joliet" Jake Blues, "I Don't Know"

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Re: Proposal: Add generic username for 3rd-party MTA's

1999-09-01 Thread Doug
On Wed, 1 Sep 1999, Sheldon Hearn wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I plan to add a user ``smtp'' with UID 25 and a member of group
> ``mail'', for use in running non-priveledged MTA's in FreeBSD. This is
> primarily for the convenience of maintainers of mail ports.

Why not do this as part of the port itself, ala majordomo? That
works just fine and is completely non-controversial because you don't get
it unless you ask for it.

"My mama told me, my mama said, 'don't cry.' She said, 'you're too young a man
to have as many women you got.' I looked at my mother dear and didn't even
crack a smile. I said, 'If women kill me, I don't mind dyin!'" 

- John Belushi as "Joliet" Jake Blues, "I Don't Know"

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Re: Proposal: Add generic username for 3rd-party MTA's

1999-09-01 Thread Doug
On Wed, 1 Sep 1999, Nick Hibma wrote:

> > >   Why not do this as part of the port itself, ala majordomo? That
> > > works just fine and is completely non-controversial because you don't get
> > > it unless you ask for it.
> > 
> > I would just liek to point out that Postfix is also doing the exact same
> > thing ... user postfix ... (as well as a group maildrop)
> Maybe a stupid question, but how do you figure out which uid is still
> available, if you don't want every port to include a UID scanning
> utility?

It's not a stupid question at all. There is already such a utility
in the majordomo port, perhaps make this its own port and add that as a
dependency? We've already been told that postfix (one of the favorite
replacement MTA's for our crowd) uses a different name and group, so this
proposed change won't help it at all. 

My point is simply that fixing this problem is the responsibility
of the port maintainers. There is no point in adding something to the base
system that will only benefit a few people when a mechanism to solve the
problem which does not affect people who don't want the port(s) is already

"My mama told me, my mama said, 'don't cry.' She said, 'you're too young a man
to have as many women you got.' I looked at my mother dear and didn't even
crack a smile. I said, 'If women kill me, I don't mind dyin!'" 

- John Belushi as "Joliet" Jake Blues, "I Don't Know"

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Re: Proposal: Add generic username for 3rd-party MTA's

1999-09-02 Thread Doug
Sheldon Hearn wrote:
> On Thu, 02 Sep 1999 15:42:56 +0200, Markus Stumpf wrote:
> > The numeric id IS important.
> > How do you think NFS maintains privileges across machines?
> I have no idea how NFS works. :-)
> I _do_ know that, if machines across the network need to know about
> magical IDs on their peers, then it's nothing like how SMTP works, and
> thus irrelevant to the username I think we should add.

You can't say on the one hand that there are no rational arguments 
your proposal (as you did in another post) and then on the other say that
you choose to ignore arguments you don't understand. As I see it there are
three groups of people relevant to this change. One is a fairly small group
who use exim or postfix as their MTA who would benefit from this change.
Next is a group (including myself) who are responsible from maintaining
freebsd in heterogenous network environments who would be penalized by this
change. With no hard data to support my position I'd say that these two
groups are roughly equal. Finally there is a whole big chunk of people for
whom this change provides no benefit. So at best, it's a wash, at worst
it's a bad idea. 

> > This also has nothing to do with emotions ... it's my experience from
> > the time I worked at the computing staff at the univ, where we had to
> > maintain a few thousand users on a few hundred machines of all types.
> The tools which help you add users default to a minimum UID of 1000.  If
> users have been added with very low UID's, they've been added manually.
> This change won't be uncomfortable for people who have their hands that
> deep into the system.
> More to the point, though, who cares whether the user's ID is 25 on one
> box, 12 on another and 2525 on a third? The _name_ is what we're looking
> for, here.

As already pointed out, the system doesn't know anything about the 
All it cares about are the numbers. 

> > In some perspectives ($HOMEs, mail, standard programs, shared document
> > space) the machines had to look and feel alike for the users.
> >
> > We noticed that the predefined uids/gids on the systems were nearly
> > useless for that tasks (as they were all different)
> ID's _are_ useless for the task of look'n'feel. That's what usernames
> are for.

Again, you've completely missed the point. 

> > If in such an environemt the uid 25 is already used for some other
> > service it's a pain to integrate new FreeBSD machines from the
> > moment FreeBSD comes shipped with uid 25 allocated to a user smtp.
> I'm not catering for people who create accounts with low UID's and then
> try to
> 1) Merge in master.passwd entries from subsequent FreeBSD
>releases without using their eyes.
> 2) Install STABLE packages on RELEASE systems.

But that's just the problem. You're violating POLA for something that
provides no clear benefit, except to a small handful of people for whom
there is already an appropriate and painless solution. And ultimately
-Stable will become -Release, so your argument here is absurd on its face. 

Please understand, this is not a personal attack. I'm sure that your
proposal was motivated by good intentions, but those of us who see the harm
in it and understand the issues involved are trying to explain why it's a
bad idea. 


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sysinstall nit

1999-09-05 Thread Doug
Present in -Stable and -Current. If you go to Configure | Distributions 
src and attempt to choose All, the src distribution never gets selected and
nothing gets installed. I can send a PR if needed, but it's such a small
thing I didn't think it would be worth it. 


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/etc sh script cleanup ready for testing

1999-09-05 Thread Doug
The long-awaited moment (well, by me anyway) has arrived. Except for the
files in /etc/periodic I have finished the cleanup of the /bin/sh scripts
in /etc. I've followed the style guidelines requested by the majority of
-hackers, so I hope that I've made everyone as happy as possible here. You
can find the files at

I've tested as much of this stuff as I can here, but I don't have some
possible options; like an alpha, pc cards, isdn, ppp, etc. I have been
extremely careful in my changes however, so I'm confident that you can
employ these patches without fear of system mangling. In addition to the
previous comments, here are the notes I made while working on this:

1. A few files had no $FreeBSD tag, so I added them.
2. Lots of (spurious?) double spaces in rc.serial.
3. In rc.alpha and rc.i386 some of the one-line comments can probably
be deleted.
4. There are a number of gratuitous punctation diffs between
etc.i386/MAKEFILE and etc.alpha/MAKEFILE.
5.* is Sheldon's work, my thanks to him for
doing the first pass on that file. (Of course, final responsibility for any
errors is mine alone.)
6. In rc and I provided the defaults for *_program variables
to avoid a possible case of user foot shooting. 

In the case of files with heavy white space changes you might find it
easier to isolate the significant changes by saving the file and doing a
diff -[uc]Bb between it and the current version. 

At some point in the future I plan to start on the periodic scripts, if 
one gets there first. However, I'd like to submit these now for
testing/committing partly so that they don't get stale, and partly because
if I don't take a break and start working on something else my brain is
going to explode. :) All of the patches are up to date as of tonight's

Any questions, comments, suggestions, or what have you are welcome of
course; although I'm really hoping that too many changes are not called for
since that was the purpose of asking for review ahead of time. I'll have
some freebsd-hacking time tomorrow if there are any more nits to be picked. 


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Re: 2.2.8 - can't mount root

1999-09-06 Thread Doug
Darren Reed wrote:
> Is there a way to get FreeBSD 2.2.8 to ask you for the root device
> rather than have it attempt to mount and fail ?

The 3.x branch is a lot smarter about this, but I agree that it would be
nice in those situations where it still can't find it to stop and ask
rather than just panic().


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Re: /etc sh script cleanup ready for testing

1999-09-06 Thread Doug
Michael Reifenberger wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, 5 Sep 1999, Doug wrote:
> ...
> > can find the files at
> looks good so far.
> I'm missing rc.serial in rcfiles.

Thanks for the reminder. I didn't make any changes to that file because
there weren't any [/test lines in it, and there were enough oddities that I
felt like I'd be better off leaving it alone. Someone with more knowledge
about it and more ability to test the results could probably do some good

> BTW: please make the rc* files be self contained (where it makes sense) so 
> that
> they can be called outside of rc. Each file should include rc.conf for itself
> so that one could reinit the serial lines by `sh /etc/rc.serial` or fire up
> isdn after reconfiguration with `sh /etc/rc.isdn`...

I am not opposed to this change, however A) It's fairly huge, B) It's
extremely controversial, given that it makes us more like SysV, and C) I
don't care enough about it to fight the requisite battles. If I _were_
inclined to do something like this I'd start small, and start submitting
patches. Personally I kind of like some of the scripts sun has where you
can do 'nfs_script start' or 'nfs_script stop', etc. It makes things easier
on long-running systems. 

Thanks for your feeback,


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Re: How to prevent motd including os info

1999-09-12 Thread Doug
"Rodney W. Grimes" wrote:
> > [moving to -hackers]
> [I'm going to loose the rest of this thread since I am not on hackers :-(]

Shame on you. :)

> > "Rodney W. Grimes"  writes:

> Actually I would like _all_ the output from /etc/rc* to be avaliable
> after boot. 

One of the things discussed on -hackers recently is my rc* (et al) 
effort. You can see the results at If I can get
the current set of patches committed the next step in my proposal is to
change as many of the 'echo' statements as humanly possible to use 'logger'
instead. This is somewhat controversial because it will (for some items)
require moving 'logger' to /bin, but I think it's worth it. 

> This would be a big win for remote admining and trying
> to figure out what went wrong during the last boot without having to
> drive down and hook up a console of some form.  I know we could hang
> serial consoles on all of them, but why spend money on hardware when
> the problem can be solved with software :-).

I agree, both that it would be a huge benefit for remote admins (I'm one
too) and that there are some problems that a serial console doesn't solve
where having a hard copy is your best bet (such as jr. asst. cow orker
rebooted a machine he should not have, and now it's borked and no one knows

> >  fsck_output="$(/sbin/fsck -p)"
> >  /sbin/mount -at nonfs
> >  echo "${fsck_output}" >/var/run/fsck.boot
> >
> > but then you wouldn't be able to see the output while it runs. The
> > only solution I can think of is the following:
> >
> >  fsck_output="$(/sbin/fsck -p | /bin/tee /dev/console)"
> >  /sbin/mount -at nonfs
> >  echo "${fsck_output}" >/var/run/fsck.boot
> >
> > but I don't expect people to be happy about moving tee(1) from
> > /usr/bin to /bin.

    Another possible solution to this would be giving fsck a flag to copy 
output to a file, STDOUT, or what have you. Since the rest of the cases
could be handled with 'logger' and/or redirction we wouldn't have to bring
'tee' into /bin. 


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Re: How to prevent motd including os info

1999-09-12 Thread Doug
"Rodney W. Grimes" wrote:

> It dawned on me what can be done.  Look, we get all the kernel printf's
> from the dmesg output saved in a buffer and pull that out later with
> syslog, looks like we could just slip a pipe fitting into /dev/console
> that copies all it's output into the mesgbuf as well, until we smack it
> wth the ballpean and tell it to stop doing that (Either getty lanching the
> login: on ttyv0 could cause this, or something at the end of /etc/rc).
> What do you think of that idea? 

I think that's a fine idea, and it's a lot cleaner than mine for a 
of reasons. Completely beyond me to code, but very nice from the design


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Re: panic() the system from the console (was: Re: kern/13721: There is no way to force system panic from console)

1999-09-16 Thread Doug
> As the originator suggested in his subsequent posting to the PR
> database, we can defined "panic" key and handle it in syscons
> as follows:

Would not the 'panic' option in DDB be enough to handle this, or
am I missing something? I'm not opposed to adding a panic() key combo,
just wondering if it's duplicating existing technology.

"My mama told me, my mama said, 'don't cry.' She said, 'you're too young a man
to have as many women you got.' I looked at my mother dear and didn't even
crack a smile. I said, 'If women kill me, I don't mind dyin!'" 

- John Belushi as "Joliet" Jake Blues, "I Don't Know"

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1999-09-18 Thread Doug
You state that you have made up your mind about this decision, so I 
try to persuade you otherwise. I do think that there are some things that
you should think about though. 

Shigio Yamaguchi wrote:
> I'm the author of GLOBAL source code tag system.
> I have decided to release next version of GLOBAL as a GNU software.
> It means that it will be released under GPL instead of BSD license.

Have you consulted an attorney about this decision? Are you sure that 
understand everything that this decision means? Do you realize that by
going with the GNU license you seriously hurt any chances you might have of
ever making any money off of your product? 

> This decision was made by practical reason, not by doctrine reason.
> It is advantageous for GLOBAL, because
> o GNU softwares are distributed to widespread environments.

I can't argue with this point. However with the growth of popularity of
the various *BSD's, that market is becoming more "widespread" as we speak. 


> That makes it easy for GLOBAL to reach the goal, that is, becoming
> a common source code tag system in various environments.

Hmmm... Well if your goal is to have a lot of people using your product,
in the short term going GNU is probably right. However, if you achieve your
goal, but your software is under the GNU license, what does that get for

> Since FreeBSD already includes GNU softwares, it seems no problem.
> GLOBAL itself will be as it be.

I agree with the previous poster that our stated goal is (and should be)
eliminating as much GNU licensed software from the FreeBSD base as
possible. To my (albeit limited) knowledge nothing in the base depends on
GLOBAL, so I would be one of those who would be calling for its removal
from the base. Of course, a port of your program would be welcome, and in
fact if you are already settled in this decision you should start working
on a port now and beat the crowd. 
> I'm concerned about whether or not FreeBSD community accept GNU GLOBAL.
> I hope you not to reject it, because the rejection splits GLOBAL and it
> makes it hard for GLOBAL to be a common source code tag system.

But that's YOUR goal. Our goals are different, and the GNU license
interferes with the goals of the FreeBSD project. Unfortunately we have
come to the point in time where those in the GNU camp have as their stated
goal the destruction of all other types of software licensing. It is sad
that people who should be working together to create the best tools
possible instead have to waste time with rhetoric and political
maneuvering. However, things are what they are. The likelihood of being
accepted by the GNU people is much smaller if you use a BSD license. At the
same time, by using a GNU license you prevent the BSD people from accepting
you at all. Of course, at this point in time such things as gcc are
necessary evils, however as already stated many of us are working on making
them less necessary. Your tool isn't "necessary" for anything at all at
this point, therefore it's easily disposed of. 
I am sorry if my words sound harsh or argumentative, because that is not
my intention. For all I know, you product could be the best thing since
sliced bread. However the current state of the political aspects of
software development is what it is, so we are better served by not ignoring

Good luck,

Doug (who speaks only for himself)

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Re: Heavily loaded nfs/amd gets stuck

1999-06-21 Thread Doug
Shaun Jurrens wrote:

> Studded, you might try to look at /usr/share/doc/handbook/nfs.html.  It might 
> help to use a high quality network card and maybe track the traffic between 
> the boxes to see if the mentioned packet problems show up.

It's an Intel motherboard with an Intel Pro 100 built on, plugged into 
of two high quality switches running at 100 and full duplex, so I doubt
that is the problem. :)  I could sniff the traffic, but what would I be
looking for? Every DDB backtrace dies in mount() so I am inclined to think
it's not a packet problem, but I would be willing to look at just about
anything at this point. 
> Just thought you might have missed the obvious.

*Nod* That's always a possibility, NFS is definitely not my thing,
although I'm learning more and more about it as I go along. :-/



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Re: Inetd and wrapping.

1999-06-21 Thread Doug
Sheldon Hearn wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Jun 1999 14:13:49 +0100, David Malone wrote:
> > I got one person who suggested a flag in inetd.conf which could disable
> > wrapping for a service. This seems like quite a good idea if we can come
> > up with an acceptable syntax for the flag.
> What I have in mind is a -w option. Specified once, it disables wrapping
> of internal services. Specified twice, it disables wrapping altogether.


> It's a pity we went forward the way we did, making wrapping the default
> for STABLE. 

When exactly was it made the default? Prior to 3.2-Release, or after?

> I'd have preferred leaving it disabled by default, for
> maximum backward compatibility. However, now that we're here, I think
> it'll be a very confusing move to make non-wrapping behaviour the
> default.

It's never (ok, rarely) too late to undo a bad decision. If the change
happened after the latest -Release, by all means, back it out. Very few
users adopt -Stable compared to the number of users who adopt releases. If
the change happened prior to the release, we're stuck with it for all
practical purposes. 

> There's already a flag in inetd.conf called inetd_flags, in which the
> administrator could place her "-w" or "-w -w" as desired.

It would be more traditionally unix-like to have a flag for wrapping a
service (on by default, or not, see above) and a flag for not wrapping. For
instance I could start inetd with the -w flag to wrap all services, and
then disable one service with a -d for don't wrap, and vv. 


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[Fwd: Re: misc/11796: Bad lines in 3.2-RELEASE inetd.conf]

1999-06-21 Thread Doug
Since y'all are discussing inetd.conf, here is something else to 


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: misc/11796: Bad lines in 3.2-RELEASE inetd.conf
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 12:55:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: Studded 
To: Dag-Erling Smorgrav 

On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Dag-Erling Smorgrav wrote:

> The following reply was made to PR misc/11796; it has been noted by GNATS.
> From: Dag-Erling Smorgrav 
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: misc/11796: Bad lines in 3.2-RELEASE inetd.conf
> Date: 01 Jun 1999 16:26:46 +0200
> writes:
>  > The default /etc/inetd.conf contains commented out lines for enabling
>  > identd. Both relevant lines refer to the 'ident' service, which is,
>  > according to /etc/services, really 'auth', as it should be.
>  Oh?
>  r...@des ~# grep -w 113 /etc/services  
>  auth113/tcpident tap#Authentication Service
>  auth113/udpident tap#Authentication Service

>  Works just fine, thank you very much :)

The man page for identd says in part,

 The service-name entry is the name of a valid service in the file
/etc/services. For ``internal'' services (discussed below), the
service name must be the official name of the service (that is, the first
entry in /etc/services). 

Therefore the first entry should definitely be changed. The second
entry in the inetd.conf file is for a non-internal identd daemon, but some
versions of the software are more picky than others, and the fact that one
of them might "work" doesn't mean that the configuration file isn't in

At minimum the following patch should be applied. Ideally you
would add a comment to the fact that the two entries in inetd.conf are
mutually exclusive. 



--- inetd.conf.Dist Sun May  9 06:31:40 1999
+++ inetd.conf  Wed Jun 16 12:49:51 1999
@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@
 # Return error for all "ident" requests
-#ident stream  tcp nowait  rootinternal
+#auth  stream  tcp nowait  rootinternal
 # example entry for the optional ident server
-#ident stream  tcp waitkmem:kmem   /usr/local/sbin/identd  identd 
-w -t120
+#auth  stream  tcp waitkmem:kmem   /usr/local/sbin/identd  identd 
-w -t120
 # example entry for the optional qmail MTA

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Re: [Fwd: Re: misc/11796: Bad lines in 3.2-RELEASE inetd.conf]

1999-06-21 Thread Doug
On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Sheldon Hearn wrote:

> On Mon, 21 Jun 1999 08:02:14 MST, Doug wrote:
> >  The service-name entry is the name of a valid service in the file
> > /etc/services. For ``internal'' services (discussed below), the
> > service name must be the official name of the service (that is, the first
> > entry in /etc/services). 
> Read the services(5) manpage. There's nothing wrong with using a
> service's alias.

Can you point out exactly what part of the man page that you are
referring to that contradicts what the inetd man page says? Have you
checked the actual code for inetd to verify that it will work with
services aliases? 

In my experience, and in the experience of the PR poster it *is*
necessary to use the canonical name of the service, however if you can
check the code, test it thoroughly and determine that inetd works
perfectly well with aliases, then feel free to change the man page for


On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: [Fwd: Re: misc/11796: Bad lines in 3.2-RELEASE inetd.conf]

1999-06-21 Thread Doug
On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Sheldon Hearn wrote:

> On Mon, 21 Jun 1999 11:12:26 MST, Doug wrote:
> > Can you point out exactly what part of the man page that you are
> > referring to that contradicts what the inetd man page says? Have you
> > checked the actual code for inetd to verify that it will work with
> > services aliases? 
> Certainly. From services(5):


Quoting the part of the man page that says there are such a thing
as aliases does not refute the part of the inetd man page that says even
though there are such a thing as aliases, you can't use them for internal

> > In my experience, and in the experience of the PR poster it *is*
> > necessary to use the canonical name of the service, however if you can
> > check the code, test it thoroughly and determine that inetd works
> > perfectly well with aliases, then feel free to change the man page for
> > inetd. 
> Since the manpage supports my experience thus far, I really can't see
> how you'd put the burden of proof on me. :-)

You are really really missing my point here, so I will state it
again. If you have carefully examined the code for *every* case of *every*
internal service, and you have tested it thoroughly, and you are 100% sure
that the man page is in error, change the man page. 

If all of the above is not true, you should change the example for
ident in the sample conf file because even IF it works, even if it works
*100%* of the time for YOU, there is an outstanding PR that shows it
doesn't work for everybody, and there is absolutely no justification for
leaving an example in the conf file that conflicts with the man page. (No
justification other than the ubiquitous, "We've always done it that way.")

I sincerely hope that I've made myself sufficiently clear on this.
If you are still confused, please feel free to respond.



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Re: [Fwd: Re: misc/11796: Bad lines in 3.2-RELEASE inetd.conf]

1999-06-21 Thread Doug
On 21 Jun 1999, Dag-Erling Smorgrav wrote:

> Doug  writes:
> > You are really really missing my point here, so I will state it
> > again. If you have carefully examined the code for *every* case of *every*
> > internal service, and you have tested it thoroughly, and you are 100% sure
> > that the man page is in error, change the man page. 
> The confusion arises from the fact that inetd and /etc/services
> disagree on what the canonical name for the ident service is. Inetd
> has these canonical names hardcoded in an array of structs, so
> changing the canonical name in /etc/services does not affect inetd's
> belief of what the canonical name is.

Ok, so what we're looking at is actually an entirely different
error. :) In fact, the man page is correct, however the inetd code
currently has an outdated version of the canonical name. Thus, at minimum
the man page should be udpated to reflect this reality. A better solution
would be to remove the hard coded values in the code, and fix the config

It adds unneeded steepness to the learning curve to have the man
page and the example configuration file out of synch. The average new user
would have no reason to check the code to get an answer to this. 


On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: [Fwd: Re: misc/11796: Bad lines in 3.2-RELEASE inetd.conf]

1999-06-21 Thread Doug
On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Sheldon Hearn wrote:

> On Mon, 21 Jun 1999 11:42:46 MST, Doug wrote:
> > [...] there is an outstanding PR that shows it
> > doesn't work for everybody, and there is absolutely no justification for
> > leaving an example in the conf file that conflicts with the man page.
> Doug, I'm annoyed that you ignored the most important part of my
> previous mail. What I quote you on having said above is not true There
> is no outstanding PR that shows anything at all on this issue. The PR
> you're talking about is 100% content-free.

"It doesn't work with the conf file that came with the system, but
it does work if I change the conf file to match the documentation" is
pretty good content in my book. Obviously he doesn't include information
on how to repeat the problem in a verifiable way, but that doesn't (in my
book anyway) invalidate the PR. 

> I'm particularly keen in seeing inetd as bug-free as possible, so I urge
> you _again_ to produce a meaningful "How-To-Repeat".

I urge you, again, to try and understand my point. There is no
reason to have the man page and the example conf file out of synch. Also,
as Dag-Erling pointed out, the real problem is much deeper than either,
however bringing the documentation up to date *should* be a priority
regardless of how many of the other problems you choose to fix. 
> > (No justification other than the ubiquitous, "We've always done it
> > that way.")
> This is an aside, but it's worth noting. A comment like that makes it
> sound like you underestimate the time a sysadmin saves by knowing "the
> way things have always been".

Don't be ridiculous, the two things have nothing to do with one
another. You're trying to justify perpetuating an error as a time saver to
people who already know better, and I'm trying to point out that new users
shouldn't be hampered by this kind of nonsense. Fix the man page, the
config file AND the code and no one will be inconvenienced because it will
all work the way it ought to. 

> In this particular case, note that both OpenBSD and NetBSD ship with an
> inetd.conf that uses the service name "ident" instead of "auth".

Even if they were doing everything right, you're still tossing in
red herrings. My point is not about whether it works, my point is that the
documentation should be consistent with reality. Whether we're talking
about an ideal reality or not is a whole other story.


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Re: Inetd and wrapping.

1999-06-24 Thread Doug
Sheldon Hearn wrote:

> I used to pride myself in my communication skills, but I'm starting to
> doubt myself. :-)

It's not that we don't understand you, it's that we don't agree with 
There is a HUGE difference.
> My concern is that what you want introduces duplicate functionality.

You keep saying, "but you can do something like what you want to do with
tcp wrappers," but others are saying, quite clearly that they want to be
able to COMPLETELY bypass tcp_wrappers altogether. Configuring tcp_wrappers
for a specific case is very different from not having to configure it at

> 1) Performance.
>I think we're all clear now that exclusion options will not
>introduce a significant performance gain. We've already
>scored our performance gain by obviating an exec on tcpd.

By excluding tcp_wrappers you're also excluding the overhead to check 
hosts.allow file. On a heavily loaded service this can be considerable. 
> It's critical that folks understand that built-in wrapping in inetd is
> not the same as inetd passing the job of wrapping to a program called
> tcpd. Something different is happening in each case. It just so happens
> that the two cases share a common goal.

Actually, the same thing is happening, just in different places. 
> When you say you want "functionality that exists with TCP wrappers", I
> think you mean "identical semantics to those used with tcpd". You can't
> have it, it's that simple.

As long as you acknowledge that in this case, "You can't have it" is a
design decision, and not everyone agrees with your concept of the design.
Personally I don't care enough about it to write the patch, but that won't
stop me from registering an objection since you seem to be assuming that
silence == assent. 
> What you should be able to have is the same functionality as was
> available when using tcpd. I don't think the fact that you may need to
> set things up differently to achieve the same results as you had before
> isn't a serious problem, because you're doing a different thing now.

That's because you're looking at this from the standpoint of a developer
who is deeply involved in the code on a daily basis. You need to start
thinking of things in terms of the much more common case, the casual user
who will be going from say, 3.0-Release to 3.3-Release without reading any
of the documentation. Why should this user have to either go out of his way
to fix something that wasn't broken, or find a critical service disabled
when he reboots just because no one could be bothered to make the new
interface compatible? 

As far as I'm concerned the system should ship with per service toggles,
and all of them toggled off, with a hosts.allow with nothing but "ALL :
ALL" in it. But then again I've been called overcautious. 


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Re: Microsoft performance (was: ...)

1999-06-24 Thread Doug
On Thu, 24 Jun 1999, Karl Denninger wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 24, 1999 at 01:23:19PM +0930, Mark Newton wrote:
> > Karl Denninger wrote:
> > 
> >  > I've found FreeBSD to outperform NT-anything in any task you throw at the
> >  > machine from web service to Samba for file and print service for PCs
> >  > running Windows.
> >  
> > Granted.  Perhaps we're seeing an artifact of NT's developers focussing
> > on optimizing their system for good benchmark performance rather than
> > good real-world performance.
> > 
> > 'twill be interesting to see the offical report to find out where the
> > various strengths and weaknesses really are.
> > 
> >-  mark
> Yes.
> One place where we *ARE* weak is N-way (more than 2-way) SMP systems.  I'm
> not at all sure why this happens, but I suspect that a big part of it is
> concurrency issues within the kernel and filesystem.
> BUT - for most REAL applications that configuration is a lose.  For example,
> for a big web server I'd prefer 4 boxes and 4 IP addresses (round-robin) 
> than one big box with a 4-way SMP system.  Why?  Because I get both better 
> performance that way AND redundancy - if one box fails, I still have 
> three more, all of which are working.  If one box fails in a 4-way 
> SMP configuration I have nothing at all.

We're adding some machines at work for (essentially) cgi
processing only. It was never considered to use anything less than 2 cpu
boxes, and the current round of testing is going so well that we're
seriously considering 4 cpu boxes because they are not that much more
expensive and our processing is highly CPU bound. I agree that redundancy
is a good thing, but at some point the increased network latency exceends
the point of diminishing returns for the redundancy factor. 

In short, increasing SMP efficiency should really be a priority
for N>2 systems. 
> I had an NT machine that ran file and print service for my office (before
> I sold the company).  I replaced it with SAMBA on the same hardware.  
> Performance more than doubled, and the ONLY thing that I changed was the
> operating system.

Originally we were going to go with linux exclusively on this
project, both because that's the only Intel unix my co-workers were
familiar with, and based on recommendation from our proprietary CGI
vendor. After weeks of soft soap I convinced my boss to use freebsd on one
of the two boxes. Linux kicked our ass on the benchmarks for this program,
mostly do to the "optimized idle loop" that was discussed here a couple of
weeks ago. They beat us by 35% on the disk access/database tests, but I
was able to get that down to only a 15% advantage if I went async.
Fortunately my boss wasn't concerned about this test because the box is
going to do 99% of its disk access over NFS, but...

I told my boss (and he agreed completely) that benchmarks are not
the same as real performance, so I was hoping to impress him with
freebsd's stability and better performance in the real world application.
And to a certain extent, I have, since when my box is running it's load
average is consistently less than 1 while the linux box' load average is
consistently over 5 with exactly the same number of requests. So, points
for me on performance. However notice I said, "when my box is running." So
far it's fallen down on NFS issues so many times that it's currently
sidelined. The Linux box has been running for almost a week, and is
currently handling the load for my box too. My boss has been patient, but
he made the comment the other day that "so far freebsd is way ahead on the
hassle factor" so I'm not sure that my part of the experiment is going to
last much longer. 

Now if we were talking about a uni-processor system doing nothing
but serving web pages from local disk, I know I'd be kicking some serious
ass, but that model isn't the real world anymore. Especially as Network
Appliance boxes become more and more common (and they will be, fast and
furious) multi-processor and NFS are for all practical purposes already
the reality now, and will only be more so in the future. 

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: Microsoft performance (was: ...)

1999-06-24 Thread Doug
On Thu, 24 Jun 1999, Karl Denninger wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 24, 1999 at 10:54:37AM -0700, Doug wrote:

> > In short, increasing SMP efficiency should really be a priority
> > for N>2 systems. 
> Agreed.  But this is a BIG job, because to do that you have to solve the
> "one big kernel lock" problem and go to fine-grained locking.  This is a
> non-trivial job.

No argument there. My point was more in support of the people who
were demonstrating how other platforms are kicking our ass. Responding
with, "Yeah, but if you limit yourself to the specific case where freebsd
performs well, we rock!" doesn't cut it. 
> > However notice I said, "when my box is running." So
> > far it's fallen down on NFS issues so many times that it's currently
> > sidelined. 
> What release are you running?

Started with 3.2-Stable, moved to -Current to get the latest and
greatest NFS fixes, the problem is that most of the fixes are for the
server, and my box is an amd/nfs client connecting to sun (almost all 2.6)
servers. I've posted rather voluminously on this topic to both -current
and -hackers over the past two weeks, but I've stopped doing that because
I have nothing new and I haven't gotten any responses in a while. I just
checked the archives and a search on those two lists for "heavily and
loaded and amd" brings up the threads. I'm actually building world right
now to get the latest NFS patch just in case it helps, but I'm not sure
how much longer we (my department) can justfiy the expense of me fiddling
around with this because we already know that the linux box works. 

> > Now if we were talking about a uni-processor system doing nothing
> > but serving web pages from local disk, I know I'd be kicking some serious
> > ass, but that model isn't the real world anymore. Especially as Network
> > Appliance boxes become more and more common (and they will be, fast and
> > furious) multi-processor and NFS are for all practical purposes already
> > the reality now, and will only be more so in the future. 
> That's the world I lived in (except that I used FreeBSD for the NFS
> servers as well!) and done properly it works EXTREMELY well.

I'm not going to have that luxury, and I really believe that
NetApp and it's cousings are going to be THE point of access in the next
year or so. They work too well to pass up, and now that they are OEM'ing
the disk shelves they will be too cheap to justify rolling your own for
all but the most diehard platform advocates. 

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: Serial Console Wierdness

1999-06-25 Thread Doug
On Tue, 22 Jun 1999, Aaron Smith wrote:

> (also see

Great page, thank you. One suggestion I have is that you make the
distinction between getting a login prompt on the com console and getting
the boot messages to display on the com console more clear. The fact that
those are two different things was not clear to me at all when I started
working on this, and it's kind of an important distinction. :) Also, you
might consider listing the getty stuff first. It's a lot easier to set
that up and debug it since you don't have to keep rebooting, and once
that's working getting the boot messages to display should be cake.
Finally, you might want to mention that reading
/usr/src/sys/i386/boot/biosboot/README.serial is a good idea, even though
I wish that file had more details. :-/ 

I have a couple weird cases that I'd like to solicit comment on.

First, I'm hooking up a new FreeBSD machine to the digiboard
serial terminal at work. Everything works at 9600, including the bios boot
messages from the Intel N440BX mb which supports serial console
redirection. The problem comes when I try to raise the speed to 38400. The
bios messages come through just fine at that speed, so the serial port and
the digiboard support it. Also, if I have a keyboard plugged in, I see
everything on the console that I should, and I get the login prompt. But
when I unplug the keyboard and the -P option in /boot.config kicks in, the
console messages come out in high ascii and even the getty prompt is
scrambled. I took the following steps:

edit /etc/make.conf
rebuild boot blocks
change my cuaa0 to std.38400 in /etc/ttys
(ttyd0 didn't work with the digiboard)
change digiboard speed to 38400

I also tried the CONSPEED option in the kernel config (this is a -current
system) still no joy. If I downgrade everything back to 9600 I'm back in
business. I'm not sure if it should make a difference, but my cable has
only 3 pins, Transmit and Receive crossed, and Ground linked directly.
Also, the bios boot output and the digiboard both have XON/XOFF enabled,
the rest of the options are the defaults. 

Yes I know that the obvious answer is "run it at 9600" which is ok
with me, since we don't use the comconsole very often. However I find it
kind of disturbing that it doesn't work at 38.4. :-/

Weird case number 2 is my two home machines. I've been trying to
get a serial console going at home for months with no luck. Your
suggestion of using kermit on both boxes has lead me in the right
direction, so I'm more hopeful, but I'm still seeing weirdness. The
headless (well, the old monitor is attached, for now but no kb) server is
"slave," and my workstation is "Master." I have a commercial null modem
cable connected to com1 (cuaa0) on slave and com2 on master. (Which
reminds me, I think that one or the other of your kermit command lines
needs to be changed, since generally you don't want to connect to com1 on
both machines. :)

When I type in kermit on master, I get nada, not even a local
echo. When I type on slave it gets passed to master, but it's all
scrambled. Sometimes it's alpha chars, sometimes it's all numbers, and
sometimes it's high ascii, depending on how I set the flow control, speed,
parity, etc. FWIW, slave is a very old (almost 5 years now) former P 90,
now running an intel overdrive chip at 150. I overclocked this machine for
years, but I stepped it down just in case that was the cause of my
problems. Master is a shiny new box I built from scratch, using an Asus
P2B mb, Celeron 300a, etc. I also overclocked this box when I built it,
but also stepped it down for this. I have 2.2.8-Release on slave, -current
(and formerly -stable, that didn't work for this either) on master. I
tried to upgrade slave to 2.2.8-stable last night just in case, but the
build failed (still working on that). I do plan to upgrade that box to
3-stable, but I can't do that yet. 

The immediate suspect is the cable, but when I built my own cable
with just TR & G, I got the same results. I bought the commercial grade
null modem cable thinking maybe I screwed something up, but it's no
better. These are 9 pin serial ports on both boxes. I have no serial
devices on slave, and a modem on master but it's set to com3, and I only
use it in windows (master is a dual boot box). 

I'm wondering if the overclocking on the old P90 for so many years
might have fried the uarts or something else related to the serial ports?
If so, would getting an ISA serial port card and making that my serial
console help any? I haven't tried making com2 my serial console yet, is
that worth trying? I'm also going to get some new plugs/cables/etc. this
weekend so that I can give making my own cable another

Thank you Peter!! (Was: Heavily loaded amd/nfs... )

1999-07-01 Thread Doug
I am very happy to report that with the recent commits to -current
I can now run my script that reads some 16000 small files in over NFS
links at full speed and to completion without locking the box. *BSEG*

Many, many thanks for this, it was a huge area of concern for my
boss that even though the box performed well under real world load it was
falling down on this step (building configuration files). Chalk one up for
the good guys. 

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: bpfilter -> bpf patches [LONG]

1999-07-03 Thread Doug
Dag-Erling Smorgrav wrote:
> [Bcc:ed to net, committers; please follow up on hackers]
> Attached are patches for renaming 'pseudo-device bpfilter' to
> 'peudo-device bpf', courtesy of glimpse(1) and ed(1). LINT and GENERIC
> build fine with these patches; I haven't tried to run a kernel built
> with them, though. Also, although I caught and corrected a few spacing
> nits caused by chopping off five letters, there may be some I didn't
> catch.
> If no-one objects, I'll commit this to -CURRENT in a few days.

Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but are there any circumstances
where naming the kernel include file "bpf.h" would conflict with

    In any case, this is a long overdue, and welcome change. Thank you. :)


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Re: login problem:

1999-07-04 Thread Doug
For future reference, questions of this sort should be directed to
freebsd-questions, not freebsd-hackers. 

Gustavo V G C Rios wrote:
> My login.conf classes does not work, i have already looked for into The
> Complete FBSD, man pages, /usr/src/lib/libutil/* but nothing works the
> way i wanna.

> I have a user that belong to shell shell login classes, but he is not
> disconnected after 1 minute of idle time?

Not all of the login class items work the way they are supposed to. You
should probably look at 'idled' in the ports collection.

Good luck,


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Re: 'rtfm' script

1999-07-06 Thread Doug
I'm confused about this script. How does it differ from 'apropos'?

Feeling a little dense,

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: 'rtfm' script

1999-07-06 Thread Doug
On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, Brian F. Feldman wrote:

> On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:
> > > Which can be disabled in the bash port before the next release...
> > 
> > No, that's a really stupid idea.
> Thanks! But still, I don't think rtfm is very appropriate... Can we look
> for something better, more obvious? Or perhaps it would be in the motd
> like /stand/sysinstall is people would need to be aware of this.

I think your logic is faulty here. There are already many adequate
resources in the motd, but your argument for the 'rtfm script' presupposes
that the person has not looked at the motd, because if they had they
wouldn't need the script. 

Honestly, while this is one of those things that sounds good when
you first start talking about it, in practice I don't see what we gain
from it. 

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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Re: 'rtfm' script

1999-07-08 Thread Doug
On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, Alex Zepeda wrote:

> On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, Brian F. Feldman wrote:
> > RTFM isn't a newby-apparent term. Name it help(1).
> Sure it is.  Some hapless newbie wanders into #FreeBDS on efnet, and asks
> an already answered question.  Aside from a kick, and a possible ban,
> they're likely to be met with a chorus of "rtfm", which in all likelyhood
> would prompt the inquisitive newbie to try and run rtfm.

So the whole script is the punch line to a bad joke?  I'm all for
improving user documentation, but I keep getting mixed answers as to what
this script is for. One answer is that it's so people will have something
to do when they are so new and foolish as to believe that 'rtfm' is a
command, the other answer is that this script/program/whatever is designed
to do a bunch of help file searching that the user could (and probably
should be) do themselves. 

I'd like to make a suggestion which might help both goals, and
save some time. Instead of making a program to do the searching for the
user, why not write a man page for 'rtfm' that describes the many
resources available and how to use them? Then the actual rtfm command
could be a short program that just calls up the man page. It's not as
glamorous, but IMO it will be more useful.

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
-- Will Rogers

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