RE: Dixit port bad management

2010-05-10 Thread Tim A

Funny enough, I cannot contribute to this thread anymore, as it appears that 
only a fraction of the messages in this thread ended in my mail box. I 
understand this is a deliberate and convenient policy! 
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Re: Dixit port bad management

2010-05-10 Thread Doug Barton
On 05/06/10 23:27, Ion-Mihai Tetcu wrote:

 Compared to the major Linux distros, you might want to keep one thing
 in mind: we are not backed-up by a commercial entity that pays for our
 work and for the hardware to do the work on. Indeed, I am not aware of
 any ports committer hired by someone to work on ports.

I have been sponsored by both members of the community and companies to
work on portmaster ( and
have also been contracted to do work on other ports.

That doesn't take away from the strength of your main point however. The
vast majority of work on FreeBSD ports is on a volunteer basis.



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Re: Dixit port bad management

2010-05-07 Thread Ion-Mihai Tetcu
 [ top posting makes it hard to read ]

On Fri, 7 May 2010 03:27:50 +0300
Mihai Militaru wrote:

 Sarcasm may not be an excuse for an irrational behavior. 

I don't understand what you are referring to above.

And let me note there is a difference between sarcasm and insults.

 I noted this suprematism he's talking about as well, although I'd
 not call it like that - it assumes a superiority - but an unnecessary
 hubris. Most questions I investigated since I'm on this system have
 been answered already here and there on the internet by some
 maintainers, things like: go read the Bible, it is a problem with
 your hardware, you've done something wrong. or no answer. Note the
 period after wrong.

Well, first of all I would avoid putting labels like this. The only
thing you can get is get the other people (the one that actually do the
work, as imperfect as it might be) upset.

Compared to the major Linux distros, you might want to keep one thing
in mind: we are not backed-up by a commercial entity that pays for our
work and for the hardware to do the work on. Indeed, I am not aware of
any ports committer hired by someone to work on ports.
So when someone who did nothing at all pops up and starts shouting at
people, those people that actually did spend a few hours per day, each
day, for some years, getting things to work on FreeBSD, not only for
themselves but also for others, and helping users, spending money on
hardware bandwidth and electricity (do a quick math for example for 4
machines x 24/7/365 x 6-7 years), etc. ... no good result can be

Tonul face muzica ;)
There is a difference between:
With S I tied to do this and this, I expected G to happen but instead
B happened, here is the debug information I've been able to collect and
the steps to reproduce the problem
S is a piece of shit and you suck.

The former approach will likely to get the problem fixed, being it a
software error or a pilot error.
The later will likely get the person that could help throw up his hands
in disgust and take a (hopefully non-permanent) vacation from any work
he does for free.

 I understand that people are busy, we should collaborate (aka. I
 should fix some bugs as well) - but that assumes that users who are
 not expert should be helped with tips, advices quickstarts not to be
 dismissed as suckers. 

I do not think this is the case in our community. In my experience
we're much friendlier that a lot of other.

As for should be helped -- yes.
Should != Must; in other words, when the X that already did some work,
finished providing for himself and his family, that X can start
thinking about helping others, writing code for free, etc.

In F/OSS word things work like this: one write the code, others use it
(and RTFM about it). If someone needs more support then that someone is
free to pay for it.

 Indeed, like Tim said, the ports are listed -I was happy to see that
 I could use most of the software I was used to - but a lot of them
 simply don't work, in other words they're empty advertising.

The PRs numbers for those broken things please?

 Let's take an example: LXDE. We have a desktop listed; its
 capabilities? Dumping core on amd64, since Q1 2009 if not earlier.
 Nobody says anything about it, I would like to ask about it, but

The PR in which you reported this please? I don't use it, I know people
that use it with success (dunno if on amd64 or not), there's no way to
test at run-time a port, except by actually running it.
If nobody says anything, no one can know something is broken, except if
it stumbles on it.

 considering the encouragement I got from my previous experiences -
 eg. a simple unanswered question about openssl and something else
 where my hardware was faulty although it works flawlessly on other
 OSs - I prefer to shut up and get back to my torn and partially sewed

Well, the faulty hardware part might actually be true; it's amazing
how much bad (as in non standard-compliant, or even own
specs-compliant) hardware there is out there. Take a look for example,
at he acpi code SVN logs, or the network cards drivers  commit logs (or
the code itself).
The fact that other OSes work might mean they have a workaround or
better information from the vendor, or that we have a bug, or ...

 Thanks for reading and btw, I like FreeBSD, its principles and many
 things to count, so don't try to kick me out back on Linux :P.
 That means that I seriously appreciate most of what's done and I'm
 excited something new almost every day, except for these unfortunate
 situations which break any hope of reliability, from a pragmatic POV.

Glad you like it. And please help us making it better.
 What would be the best approach for an user who simply can't find
 other way around than to get help or ask for something to be fixed,
 to keep insisting, posting new threads?

 [ .. ]

Maybe take a stab at fixing it himself? Or trying to see if he can get
more information to the 

Re: Dixit port bad management

2010-05-06 Thread Mihai Militaru
Sarcasm may not be an excuse for an irrational behavior. I noted this
suprematism he's talking about as well, although I'd not call it like
that - it assumes a superiority - but an unnecessary hubris.
Most questions I investigated since I'm on this system have been
answered already here and there on the internet by some maintainers,
things like: go read the Bible, it is a problem with your hardware,
you've done something wrong. or no answer. Note the period after

I understand that people are busy, we should collaborate (aka. I
should fix some bugs as well) - but that assumes that users who are not
expert should be helped with tips, advices quickstarts not to be
dismissed as suckers. Indeed, like Tim said, the ports are listed -I
was happy to see that I could use most of the software I was used to -
but a lot of them simply don't work, in other words they're empty

Let's take an example: LXDE. We have a desktop listed; its capabilities?
Dumping core on amd64, since Q1 2009 if not earlier. Nobody says
anything about it, I would like to ask about it, but considering the
encouragement I got from my previous experiences - eg. a simple
unanswered question about openssl and something else where my hardware
was faulty although it works flawlessly on other OSs - I prefer to
shut up and get back to my torn and partially sewed installation.

Thanks for reading and btw, I like FreeBSD, its principles and many
things to count, so don't try to kick me out back on Linux :P.
That means that I seriously appreciate most of what's done and I'm
excited something new almost every day, except for these unfortunate
situations which break any hope of reliability, from a pragmatic POV.

What would be the best approach for an user who simply can't find other
way around than to get help or ask for something to be fixed, to keep
insisting, posting new threads?


On Tue, 4 May 2010 17:15:35 +0300
Ion-Mihai Tetcu wrote:

 On Tue, 4 May 2010 05:10:17 -0500
 Tim A wrote:
 4) I don't understand the suprematism attitude of the
 maintainers in charge, who don't give a penny on the programs
 they are suppose to maintain. They are only interested in the
 statistics generated by their unprofessional ports, but not
 in their quality.
  QED ***
 To quote Shatner, get a life.
 You are a unique person, the one who made me inaugurate my killfile
 (mainly for some of your private mails).

Mihai Militaru
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Re: Dixit port bad management

2010-05-06 Thread Stacy Millions

Mihai Militaru wrote:

Sarcasm may not be an excuse for an irrational behavior. I noted this
suprematism he's talking about as well, although I'd not call it like
that - it assumes a superiority - but an unnecessary hubris.
Most questions I investigated since I'm on this system have been
answered already here and there on the internet by some maintainers,
things like: go read the Bible, it is a problem with your hardware,
you've done something wrong. or no answer. Note the period after

Allow me to provide another perspective. I maintain a number of ports in 
my private ports tree. I find the FreeBSD ports system to be a very 
convenient way for me to maintain software that I use on my systems. 
None of these ports have been committed to (or submitted to be committed 
to) the FreeBSD ports tree. Why? Quite simply, I don't want the headache 
of supporting everyone+dog.

Just because I ported the software to run on FreeBSD does not mean I am 
prepared to support every combination of FreeBSD release and hardware 
and configuration. Just because it works for me doesn't mean it will 
work for you; or that I should be obliged to make it work for you.

Some of the ports in my private tree I no longer use, but if I had 
released any of these ports, someone somewhere would be asking me to 
update the port to the most recent release or fix a bug they found, or 
to help them figure out why it won't work on their system (which happens 
to be a sparc running CURRENT). Well guess what, I don't run current and 
I don't have sparc hardware.

 but that assumes that users who are not
expert should be helped with tips, advices quickstarts 

But why should it be the responsibility of the port maintainer to do 
this? They didn't write the software, they ported it to FreeBSD. In all 
likelihood they, like you, only want to use the software, so they 
created a port and thinking that it might help someone else, they 
released it. And, as we know, no good deed goes unpunished.

but a lot of them simply don't work, in other words they're empty

How's this, if my port fails to work for you, I will gladly refund to 
you ten times what you have paid me for the port.

 - eg. a simple
unanswered question about openssl 

Are you saying that openssl didn't work or you had a question about how 
to use it? I would have a hard time believing that it didn't work and 
this would be the wrong forum to ask a question about how to use 
openssl; the openssl users list would be a much better place to ask.


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Re: Dixit port bad management

2010-05-06 Thread Mark Linimon
On Fri, May 07, 2010 at 03:27:50AM +0300, Mihai Militaru wrote:
 Most questions I investigated since I'm on this system have been
 answered already here and there on the internet by some maintainers,
 things like: go read the Bible, it is a problem with your hardware,
 you've done something wrong. or no answer.

On the Internet, anyone can post anything.  Most often, sadly, they do.

It all depends on your expectations.  If you expect that any question
asked on any list will be answered, by someone who understands the extent
of the problem, and will answer it in a polite fashion, then you're going
to be disappointed with the open source model.  Period.

Should that be the case?  No.  Is it the case?  Yes.

On occasion, some of the people that will answer your emails will be jerks.
Your job is to ignore them and go on to the next email.

 but a lot of them simply don't work, in other words they're empty

Please send-pr.  send-pr doesn't work well, but it's the best technology
we have.  (I say this as someone who spends time tending to the PRs.)
There's no reason to have useless, broken ports in the tree; they annoy
the users and take scarce resources on the build cluster.

 Let's take an example: LXDE. We have a desktop listed; its capabilities?
 Dumping core on amd64, since Q1 2009 if not earlier. Nobody says
 anything about it

$ query-pr -t lxde -q
  131465 miwi portsclosednon-criti low  current-us New Port 

Inotherwords, no one has filed any PRs since its creation.

As long as that stays the same, it will stay broken, IMHO.

 I would like to ask about it, but considering the encouragement I got 
 from my previous experience

Again, you need a thick skin.  I'm by no means absolving people who flame
users on the mailing lists (disclaimer: on occasion I have been one of those
people, just out of frustration).  But the key thing to how FreeBSD works
is this: people keep working on it.  Sometimes, in spite of no response or
discouraging responses, but they keep working on it.  That's how it makes

 What would be the best approach for an user who simply can't find other
 way around than to get help or ask for something to be fixed, to keep
 insisting, posting new threads?

That's it.  There is no special magic.

Asking nicely always works much better with me than the type of messages
that started this thread.  But again, I don't do much work on fixing
individual ports these days, so YMMV.

In summary, I do hope that casual users contribute to FreeBSD.  But don't
mind me if I don't respond well to the people that say I'm careless/
unprofessional/an idiot/etc.  At some point I just go on to the next email.

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RE: Dixit port bad management

2010-05-04 Thread Tim A

Hi Matthias,

Thank you for the email and your efforts. 

I have no problem with anything.  Otherwise, your logic is wrong. At least one 
person was interested. 
 Subject: Fwd: Re: Dixit port bad management
 Date: Tue, 4 May 2010 09:36:33 +0200
 Hi Tim,
 I am writing this just so the announcement doesn't get lost and double 
 effort is wasted... please see below, unless you've seen it on the list 
 already. For further discussion, please continue using the mailing list.
 --- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ---
 Von: Ion-Mihai Tetcu
 An: Rene Ladan
 Kopie:, Garrett Cooper
 Betreff: Re: Dixit port bad management
 Datum: Mon, 03 May 2010 22:01:27 +0200
 On Mon, 03 May 2010 21:10:05 +0200
 Rene Ladan wrote:
  On 03-05-2010 21:00, Garrett Cooper wrote:
   On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Tim A wrote:
   1) I don't understand why the Textproc/Dixit port is so badly
   managed. The program itself is at version 10.4, while your
   unprofessional port still stays at version 1.0.1, claiming that
   the GCC 4.2 compilation is broken.
   2) I don't understand either why you don't use Dixit sourceforge
   RSS feeds to know when a new version is available.
   3) I don't understand how your Dixit port points to files which
   don't exist anymore.
   4) I don't understand the suprematism attitude of the maintainers
   in charge, who don't give a penny on the programs they are suppose
   to maintain. They are only interested in the statistics generated
   by their unprofessional ports, but not in their quality.
   Here's a start. I'll leave it as an exercise for you to fix the rest
   of the bits; I at least got you past the fun sites change in the
   extract part, but the path for ${_DB_D} with what's setup in the
   Makefile differs from reality (the current path is:
   ${SOURCEFORGE_SITE}/project/dixit/dixit_qdb/dixit.qdb.tar.bz2 , not
   ${SOURCEFORGE_SITE}/project/dixit/dixit/10.4/dixit.qdb.tar.bz2 );
   you probably don't want to pull the potentially out-of-sync zip
   file from ftp* , especially because we can decompress a
   tarball natively without installing archivers/unzip .
   I've trimmed out a lot of the fud, but you'll probably have to do
   some hacking to get the project to work with QT3 or QT4 (hopefully
   the latter).
   The porter's handbook [1] is your guide as well as make(1) [2].
   After that, run `make makesum all install ' . Submit a PR with the
   diffs for all of the files if it works to your liking.
  Before running 'make install', run 'port test' to see if the port is
  nicely formatted and that the package contents is correct, meaning it
  doesn't leave files behind on uninstall or tries to uninstall files
  which don't exist.
 Blah, don't loose the time on this. You won't get any PR anyway.
 I committed an update to the port, which almost works in this version
 (except the menus, and that might be a question of fonts/locale).
 Then tomorrow I'll nicely drop maintainership and schedule it for
 deletion, no body being interested in it and me being so unprofessional.
 Damn, there goes my record!
 Matthias Andree
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RE: Dixit port bad management

2010-05-04 Thread Tim A

   4) I don't understand the suprematism attitude of the maintainers
   in charge, who don't give a penny on the programs they are suppose
   to maintain. They are only interested in the statistics generated
   by their unprofessional ports, but not in their quality.


QED ***


 Blah, don't loose the time on this. You won't get any PR anyway.
 I committed an update to the port, which almost works in this version
 (except the menus, and that might be a question of fonts/locale).
 Then tomorrow I'll nicely drop maintainership and schedule it for
 deletion, no body being interested in it and me being so unprofessional.
 Damn, there goes my record!
 Matthias Andree

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Re: Dixit port bad management

2010-05-04 Thread Ion-Mihai Tetcu
On Tue, 4 May 2010 05:10:17 -0500
Tim A wrote:

4) I don't understand the suprematism attitude of the
maintainers in charge, who don't give a penny on the programs
they are suppose to maintain. They are only interested in the
statistics generated by their unprofessional ports, but not in
their quality.
 QED ***


To quote Shatner, get a life.


You are a unique person, the one who made me inaugurate my killfile
(mainly for some of your private mails).

IOnut - Un^d^dregistered ;) FreeBSD user
  Intellectual Property is   nowhere near as valuable   as Intellect
FreeBSD committer -, PGP Key ID 057E9F8B493A297B

Description: PGP signature

Re: Dixit port bad management

2010-05-04 Thread Matthias Andree
Am 04.05.2010 12:10, schrieb Tim A:
   4) I don't understand the suprematism attitude of the maintainers
   in charge, who don't give a penny on the programs they are suppose
   to maintain. They are only interested in the statistics generated
   by their unprofessional ports, but not in their quality.
 QED ***
 Blah, don't loose the time on this. You won't get any PR anyway.
 I committed an update to the port, which almost works in this version
 (except the menus, and that might be a question of fonts/locale).
 Then tomorrow I'll nicely drop maintainership and schedule it for
 deletion, no body being interested in it and me being so unprofessional.
 Damn, there goes my record!
 Matthias Andree

At least you could quote and attribute quotes properly if you have nothing
better to do than shout at people.  The there goes my record part was
certainly not mine.

Matthias Andree
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Re: Dixit port bad management

2010-05-03 Thread Mark Linimon
On Sun, May 02, 2010 at 02:59:40PM -0500, Tim A wrote:
 4) I don't understand the suprematism attitude of the maintainers in
 charge, who don't give a penny on the programs they are suppose to
 maintain. They are only interested in the statistics generated by their
 unprofessional ports, but not in their quality.  

Well, we aren't professional, we are volunteers :-)  but aside from that,
if you want to see the port updated, please come up with a patch and
submit via send-pr or the webpage.

A quick check of GNATS shows no PRs filed against it since ports/86941
which created it back in 2005.

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Re: Dixit port bad management

2010-05-03 Thread Garrett Cooper
On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Tim A wrote:

 1) I don't understand why the Textproc/Dixit port is so badly managed. The 
 program itself is at version 10.4, while your unprofessional port still stays 
 at version 1.0.1, claiming that the GCC 4.2 compilation is broken.

 2) I don't understand either why you don't use Dixit sourceforge RSS feeds to 
 know when a new version is available.

 3) I don't understand how your Dixit port points to files which don't exist 

 4) I don't understand the suprematism attitude of the maintainers in charge, 
 who don't give a penny on the programs they are suppose to maintain. They are 
 only interested in the statistics generated by their unprofessional ports, 
 but not in their quality.


Here's a start. I'll leave it as an exercise for you to fix the rest
of the bits; I at least got you past the fun sites change in the
extract part, but the path for ${_DB_D} with what's setup in the
Makefile differs from reality (the current path is:
${SOURCEFORGE_SITE}/project/dixit/dixit_qdb/dixit.qdb.tar.bz2 , not
${SOURCEFORGE_SITE}/project/dixit/dixit/10.4/dixit.qdb.tar.bz2 ); you
probably don't want to pull the potentially out-of-sync zip file from
ftp* , especially because we can decompress a tarball
natively without installing archivers/unzip .

I've trimmed out a lot of the fud, but you'll probably have to do some
hacking to get the project to work with QT3 or QT4 (hopefully the

The porter's handbook [1] is your guide as well as make(1) [2].

After that, run `make makesum all install ' . Submit a PR with the
diffs for all of the files if it works to your liking.

Good luck,


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Re: Dixit port bad management

2010-05-03 Thread Rene Ladan
On 03-05-2010 21:00, Garrett Cooper wrote:
 On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Tim A wrote:

 1) I don't understand why the Textproc/Dixit port is so badly managed. The 
 program itself is at version 10.4, while your unprofessional port still 
 stays at version 1.0.1, claiming that the GCC 4.2 compilation is broken.

 2) I don't understand either why you don't use Dixit sourceforge RSS feeds 
 to know when a new version is available.

 3) I don't understand how your Dixit port points to files which don't exist 

 4) I don't understand the suprematism attitude of the maintainers in charge, 
 who don't give a penny on the programs they are suppose to maintain. They 
 are only interested in the statistics generated by their unprofessional 
 ports, but not in their quality.
 Here's a start. I'll leave it as an exercise for you to fix the rest
 of the bits; I at least got you past the fun sites change in the
 extract part, but the path for ${_DB_D} with what's setup in the
 Makefile differs from reality (the current path is:
 ${SOURCEFORGE_SITE}/project/dixit/dixit_qdb/dixit.qdb.tar.bz2 , not
 ${SOURCEFORGE_SITE}/project/dixit/dixit/10.4/dixit.qdb.tar.bz2 ); you
 probably don't want to pull the potentially out-of-sync zip file from
 ftp* , especially because we can decompress a tarball
 natively without installing archivers/unzip .
 I've trimmed out a lot of the fud, but you'll probably have to do some
 hacking to get the project to work with QT3 or QT4 (hopefully the
 The porter's handbook [1] is your guide as well as make(1) [2].
 After that, run `make makesum all install ' . Submit a PR with the
 diffs for all of the files if it works to your liking.
Before running 'make install', run 'port test' to see if the port is
nicely formatted and that the package contents is correct, meaning it
doesn't leave files behind on uninstall or tries to uninstall files
which don't exist.


 Good luck,
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GPG fingerprint = E738 5471 D185 7013 0EE0  4FC8 3C1D 6F83 12E1 84F6
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RE: Dixit port bad management

2010-05-03 Thread Tim A

Thank you, Garrett and Rene.

If the port is motherless or orphan, I will look into it an fix it during the 

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Re: Dixit port bad management

2010-05-03 Thread Ion-Mihai Tetcu
On Mon, 03 May 2010 21:10:05 +0200
Rene Ladan wrote:

 On 03-05-2010 21:00, Garrett Cooper wrote:
  On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Tim A wrote:
  1) I don't understand why the Textproc/Dixit port is so badly
  managed. The program itself is at version 10.4, while your
  unprofessional port still stays at version 1.0.1, claiming that
  the GCC 4.2 compilation is broken.
  2) I don't understand either why you don't use Dixit sourceforge
  RSS feeds to know when a new version is available.
  3) I don't understand how your Dixit port points to files which
  don't exist anymore.
  4) I don't understand the suprematism attitude of the maintainers
  in charge, who don't give a penny on the programs they are suppose
  to maintain. They are only interested in the statistics generated
  by their unprofessional ports, but not in their quality.
  Here's a start. I'll leave it as an exercise for you to fix the rest
  of the bits; I at least got you past the fun sites change in the
  extract part, but the path for ${_DB_D} with what's setup in the
  Makefile differs from reality (the current path is:
  ${SOURCEFORGE_SITE}/project/dixit/dixit_qdb/dixit.qdb.tar.bz2 , not
  ${SOURCEFORGE_SITE}/project/dixit/dixit/10.4/dixit.qdb.tar.bz2 );
  you probably don't want to pull the potentially out-of-sync zip
  file from ftp* , especially because we can decompress a
  tarball natively without installing archivers/unzip .
  I've trimmed out a lot of the fud, but you'll probably have to do
  some hacking to get the project to work with QT3 or QT4 (hopefully
  the latter).
  The porter's handbook [1] is your guide as well as make(1) [2].
  After that, run `make makesum all install ' . Submit a PR with the
  diffs for all of the files if it works to your liking.
 Before running 'make install', run 'port test' to see if the port is
 nicely formatted and that the package contents is correct, meaning it
 doesn't leave files behind on uninstall or tries to uninstall files
 which don't exist.

Blah, don't loose the time on this. You won't get any PR anyway.

I committed an update to the port, which almost works in this version
(except the menus, and that might be a question of fonts/locale).

Then tomorrow I'll nicely drop maintainership and schedule it for
deletion, no body being interested in it and me being so unprofessional.

Damn, there goes my record!

IOnut - Un^d^dregistered ;) FreeBSD user
  Intellectual Property is   nowhere near as valuable   as Intellect
FreeBSD committer -, PGP Key ID 057E9F8B493A297B

Description: PGP signature

Dixit port bad management

2010-05-02 Thread Tim A

1) I don't understand why the Textproc/Dixit port is so badly managed. The 
program itself is at version 10.4, while your unprofessional port still stays 
at version 1.0.1, claiming that the GCC 4.2 compilation is broken. 

2) I don't understand either why you don't use Dixit sourceforge RSS feeds to 
know when a new version is available. 

3) I don't understand how your Dixit port points to files which don't exist 

4) I don't understand the suprematism attitude of the maintainers in charge, 
who don't give a penny on the programs they are suppose to maintain. They are 
only interested in the statistics generated by their unprofessional ports, but 
not in their quality.  


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Re: Dixit port bad management

2010-05-02 Thread Remko Lodder

On May 2, 2010, at 9:59 PM, Tim A wrote:

 1) I don't understand why the Textproc/Dixit port is so badly managed. The 
 program itself is at version 10.4, while your unprofessional port still stays 
 at version 1.0.1, claiming that the GCC 4.2 compilation is broken. 
 2) I don't understand either why you don't use Dixit sourceforge RSS feeds to 
 know when a new version is available. 
 3) I don't understand how your Dixit port points to files which don't exist 
 4) I don't understand the suprematism attitude of the maintainers in charge, 
 who don't give a penny on the programs they are suppose to maintain. They are 
 only interested in the statistics generated by their unprofessional ports, 
 but not in their quality.  

Dear Tim,

Thank you for sending this email. As you might understand, people come and go 
on the project, things get fixed, imported, and left alone.
But.. the great part of our community is.. you can help! I see that this is 
hurting you badly.. you can change this, you can help us upgrading
the port, and making sure it entirely works. How about that? I invite you to 
become an active member of the community and help us to get
proper support.

Untill then, your email is noted and hopefully someone will have the 
time/motivation etc to fix this.

Thank you for using FreeBSD!

/\   Best regards,|
\ /   Remko Lodder  | re...@efnet
/ \   ASCII Ribbon Campaign| Against HTML Mail and News

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