Re: Network Help

2004-05-09 Thread Jeffrey P. Toth
Thanks for you time.

Ion-Mihai Tetcu wrote:

[ it would be nice if you would reply in the same thread and wrap to 72
chars ]
On Mon, 10 May 2004 13:17:43 +0930
"Jeffrey P. Toth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks Ion-Mihai,

Well that is the problem. I cannot find any problems other than when I
try to open an http: on the box, or on one of the other computers on
the network, it fails and has the network error:
Making HTTP connection to
Sending HTTP request
HTTP request sent; waiting for response.
Alert! Unexpected network read error; connection aborted.
Can't Access ''
Alert! Unable to access document.

fetch -vvv 
output please


I can ping all machines and do a traceroute without problem. 



The server is online and working I just cannot seem to figure out why
I cannot use http on the box and suspect that is the same reason the
other computers on the network cannot access any of the sites on the
FreeBSD machine without causing a freeze up.

So you cannot access any web page *from* that box either on that box and
away ? Please be clear. And when you try to access a page _on_ the box
it freezes ? Maybe you have a firewall in between somewhere somehow ? If
you're machine is freezing the you have to dig *this* problem. Did you
played with sysctl or kernel settings ? Does ftp from or to the box work
? How much RAM do you have ? Did you disable swap ? Do the logs say
anything ?
I cannot acces any page on the FreeBSD box from the box itself or from 
any computer on the newtowrk. I can access all other websites outside of 
the network.

After I attempt to access a page on the  FreeBSD box from the box or one 
of the other computers on the netowork, at timeout the router freezes 
and goes offline. A power reboot fixes till the next time I try to 
access via http or ftp.

If I connect up my XP computer through my dial up account removing it 
from the router, then I am on different network and  I have no problem 
accessing any of the sites or ftp'ing into the box.

I have not done anything with sysctl or kernel settings

FTP works from outside the box but not from within the network.

I have 256 Megs opf RAM

Disable Swap?

Looking in the logs httpd-error.log , httpd-access.log, debug.log, ftpd,, security, and messages I find nothing about any errors 
relating to the problem. In fact I don't even get a log where it tried 
to access the box in httpd-access.log

Is this what you mean by not putting the text ontop and far as I can 
tell the setting says the message is wrapped 72 characters. did it work 
this time?

Thanks for all,



Do I need to add all the websites to the hosts file? 

Only if you what to access the by name locally and they are Name Based
on apache in which case you have to add them to the hosts of all your
computers or setup a dns server.

Or the static IP of the box,



Or maybe add the IP of the router?



The host file contains these items as setup:   localhost
Replace name-of-box with the actual name of the box.

Seems OK.

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Network Help

2004-05-09 Thread Jeffrey P. Toth
Thanks Ion-Mihai,

Well that is the problem. I cannot find any problems other than when I try to open an http: on the box, or on one of the other computers on the network, it fails and has the network error:

Making HTTP connection to
Sending HTTP request
HTTP request sent; waiting for response.
Alert! Unexpected network read error; connection aborted.
Can't Access ''
Alert! Unable to access document.
I can ping all machines and do a traceroute without problem. The server is online and working I just cannot seem to figure out why I cannot use http on the box and suspect that is the same reason the other computers on the network cannot access any of the sites on the FreeBSD machine without causing a freeze up.

Do I need to add all the websites to the hosts file? 
Or the static IP of the box,
Or maybe add the IP of the router?
The host file contains these items as setup:	localhost

Replace name-of-box with the actual name of the box.

Just cannot seem to find what affects this problem.

Thanks for any clues.


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Re: Network Help

2004-05-09 Thread Jeffrey P. Toth
Thank you for your response Ion-Mihai,

On the router question, no, the router is a separate device, a D-Link 
504H but is a loaner while my D-Link 804HV is in the shop. After 
changing them out is when I discovered I had problems. Apparently the 
DL804 handled whatever the problem was without a complaint.

Yes I have been through setup a few times. So far all I have been able 
to do is take the server off-line.

I have also looked up setup for NATD and I think I can enable it but 
would not be able to write the firewall rules for it to read yet, as I 
understand needs to be done. I also had a little help with setup 
originally and I know there is something of a firewall setup but without 
know what exactly I would be afraid of interfering with what is there 
and making a mess of it.

Sorry I am such a non-user.


Ion-Mihai Tetcu wrote:

On Mon, 10 May 2004 11:24:02 +0930
"Jeffrey P. Toth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks Dave,

  I am sure the problem is that I do not have the networking on the 
FreeBSD box setup correctly. Anyway, 3 computers on the network, 1 
FreeBSD, 1 XP and 1 Win98. All connected to router at IP 
The FreeBSD machine is set and should be set to OK, all 
work fine until, I try to call up the the static IP, or 
call up and of the websites by http: from a browser or using lynx on the 
FreeBSD box, I get an error: Alert!: Unexpected network read error; 
connection aborted or on the Win boxes the browser just times out. 
Shortly after or at the timeout, the router freezes and I have to power 
reboot it.

This shouldn't happen what ever you configured you box (I mean from
networking point of view).

  I am very sure that this is because I have not properly set it up 
and the error is just a symptom of that. In rc.conf for settings all I 
have right now is:

ifconfig_xl0="inet netmask"
  I have read a lot about it and suspect this isn't right but 
really not sure how to make the change. I think it should be:

ifconfig_xl0=""#static IP address
ifconfig_rl0="inet netmask"

Well, I don't understand if you use you FreeBSD box as a router or not.

If yes, then you should have something like:
ifconfig_rl0="inet   netmask"
ifconfig_rl1="inet  netmask"
where rl0 would be your outside interface connencted to your upstream
provider's router with ip address and rl1 would be the
inside interface connected to a hub/switch with the internal machines.
You would also want to use natd on the router, because 192.168/24 is a
private address space. So you would add to you rc.conf:
You need FIREWALL="YES" for natd to work.

All this is very well explained in the FreeBSD Handbook, tahe a look at:
6.8 Setting Up Network Interface Cards
19.3 Wireless Networking

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Great Tip Regarding Asking Questions at FreeBSD

2004-05-09 Thread Jeffrey P. Toth
Thank you for the tip Steve.

I am really enjoying learning the FreeBSD op system and I try to figure 
things out myself because then I know them. But it is a steep learning 
curve when you have no background in Unix and then throw on top of that 
Apache, MYSQL and PHP at the same time, it becomes a daunting task.

I have been trying to understand networking for years though just with 
Windows and am more confused today then when I started I think.

Please see my response to Dave's message.

Thank you.


Steven N. Fettig wrote:


Before one could answer *where* you can get the help you are looking 
for, you need to actually describe what you are trying to do and what 
errors you are getting.  Post it to the list and - assuming you are 
using FreeBSD and not some other OS - you may get a helpful response.  
Most responses are given to questions where the person has appeared to 
put work into reading the Handbook and other publicly available 
documents before posting questions.

Steve Fettig
Jeffrey P. Toth wrote:

Hey All,

  Is this the mailing list where a newbie can get some help with 
a network problem? If not can you please advise. I have a network 
problem that acts like a conflict but I suspect is is caused by the 
fact that I have no idea what I am doing.


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FreeBSD Questions Information Link

2004-05-09 Thread Jeffrey P. Toth
Thanks for that link Ion-Mihai,

I have not seen that before and I will refine my messages.

Please see my response to Dave.

Thanks again,


Ion-Mihai Tetcu wrote:

On Mon, 10 May 2004 10:25:19 +0930
"Jeffrey P. Toth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey All,

  Is this the mailing list where a newbie can get some help with a 
network problem? If not can you please advise. I have a network problem 
that acts like a conflict but I suspect is is caused by the fact that I 
have no idea what I am doing.

Well, this is the place. Please share some details.

(and, since you're a newbie ;), take a look at to help us help you.) 


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Re: Network Help

2004-05-09 Thread Jeffrey P. Toth
Thanks Dave,

  I am sure the problem is that I do not have the networking on the 
FreeBSD box setup correctly. Anyway, 3 computers on the network, 1 
FreeBSD, 1 XP and 1 Win98. All connected to router at IP 
The FreeBSD machine is set and should be set to OK, all 
work fine until, I try to call up the the static IP, or 
call up and of the websites by http: from a browser or using lynx on the 
FreeBSD box, I get an error: Alert!: Unexpected network read error; 
connection aborted or on the Win boxes the browser just times out. 
Shortly after or at the timeout, the router freezes and I have to power 
reboot it.
  I am very sure that this is because I have not properly set it up 
and the error is just a symptom of that. In rc.conf for settings all I 
have right now is:

ifconfig_xl0="inet netmask"
  I have read a lot about it and suspect this isn't right but 
really not sure how to make the change. I think it should be:

ifconfig_xl0=""#static IP address
ifconfig_rl0="inet netmask"
  Just afraid to proceed for fear of taking my server offline and 
not being able to get it back online. The boss would not be happy. LOL

Thanks for your time Dave, very nice of you.


dave wrote:

   What is your network problem?

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Network Help

2004-05-09 Thread Jeffrey P. Toth
Hey All,

  Is this the mailing list where a newbie can get some help with a 
network problem? If not can you please advise. I have a network problem 
that acts like a conflict but I suspect is is caused by the fact that I 
have no idea what I am doing.


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Newbie Question

2004-04-18 Thread Jeffrey P. Toth
Hello All,

  How do I uninstall or disable snmpd. I have spent too many days 
trying to find this info.

Thank you.


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PCI Graphic card install

2004-04-13 Thread Jeffrey P. Toth
Where can I find some information about how to install a graphics card 
on FreeBSD? I had no problem finding the information and installing the 
sound card but cannot find anything about how to install the graphics card.

Thank you.

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MP3 Help for a Newbie

2004-02-09 Thread Jeffrey P. Toth
I have set up FreeBSD and have set up several websites. With the websites on FreeBSD I 
find that clicking on a link to an .mp3 file does not invoke the clients default .mp3 
player. In internet explorer it either gives a blank page or IE asks if you would like 
their built in media player to play the file. How I would I fix this so that clicking 
on an .mp3 link does call up the clients default player? All the servers I have rented 
space on before have done this without fail and this is a completely new problem to me 
which is not good since our sites deal with multiple sound files and no one can figure 
out how to play them now. I suspect this has something to do with mime settings but I 
am very new to this and have no idea. I have spent the past 3 days trying to find 
something on it but only found info about midi files.

Thank you

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