Re: vmware timekeeping

2008-06-06 Thread Jorge Biquez

At 03:23 p.m. 06/06/2008, you wrote:
I'm running FreeBSD 6.3-release as a guest on VMware ESX 3.0.2.  My 
problem is that the clock keeps *gaining* time.  I have the 
"timesync" option turned on in ESX's .vmx file, and I have 
"hint.apic.0.disabled=1" in my FreeBSD guest's /boot/loader.conf.

I used to have "kern.hz=100" in loader.conf, but that caused the 
guest to gain time even faster.

Does anyone have a good recipe for decent timekeeping in this config?

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Hello all.

Here is something similar. Running 6.2 stable... but the clock lose 
around 6 hours each day


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Software Development using Freebsd.

2012-02-06 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

This is kind of off topic. My apologies in advance.

I am helping a non profit organization and giving some classes to 
prepare students so they can be prepared and try to get a job (they 
are students also and have the basics concepts already)

Anyway, I am interested in teach them to develop some simple 
applications. From simple ones to destktop ones that access a 
database, desktop ones that use internet to connect to a remote 
database and web based ones with a database behind. We have 6 months 
and the idea is to work a lot remotely. Thin is that I do not want to 
use any kind of Microsoft products. Some of them do not have modern 
machines but until now, in previous classs, we could install Freebsd, 
text mode, and work from there.

Now we will try to have a graphical mode in Freebsd. With that we 
would like to be able to develop graphical applications for Windows 
(we all know that's the market and here some companies is what they 
are looking), so maybe sound crazy but I am looking to develop 
applications for Windows without using WIndows or Microsofot products at least.

I have been looking for this for months. First case using Windows but 
not Microsoft products. I found some options BUT they all were 
expensive on the deployment. The "runtimes" were not free and the 
amount of money to pay was not a good option. Others provide " real 
free" excutables for runtimes but the products were expensive. I am 
now trying to, If possible, have FreeBSD running graphically and then 
use open source software to develop graphical windows applications.

Maybe I am wrong but until now I think my only option is to use 
Phyton. Is that correct? For what I have searched Python will let me 
create executables and will let me create Graphical solutions even 
for other platforms (Mac or LInux or whatever runs Python).

Talking with friend, he believes that my best bet is to teach them C 
or C++ and use some of the options for developing graphically ( I am 
not a C or C++ expert but I can learn alone).

I was wondering if you could give some advie and comments on this.

Are you developing commercial applications (including Windows ones) 
using FreeBsd as your platform? Or Maybe any Linux Distribution?

Would you do that with Python or something else?

Any extra advice is more than welcomed.

Thanks in advanced.

Jorge Biquez

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Re: Software Development using Freebsd.

2012-02-07 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

I have been reading in detail all your comments and advice.

Thank you very much for your time. I have clear vision now of what do 
I need to do.

I comment today to my students the help we were getting and all of 
them send you a BIG "THANK YOU VERY MUCH" comment. I hope that wieth 
your help and comments I could help them more.

Thanks again to all.

Have a nice day/night.

Jorge Biquez

At 06:23 p.m. 07/02/2012, C. P. Ghost wrote:

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 5:34 PM, Waitman Gobble  wrote:
> On Feb 6, 2012 6:13 PM, "C. P. Ghost"  wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 11:37 PM, Jorge Biquez 
>> wrote:
>> > Now we will try to have a graphical mode in Freebsd. With that we would
>> > like
>> > to be able to develop graphical applications for Windows (we all know
>> > that's
>> > the market and here some companies is what they are looking), so maybe
>> > sound
>> > crazy but I am looking to develop applications for Windows without using
>> > WIndows or Microsofot products at least.
>> Go for Qt. It is a great cross-platform C++ GUI framework, with plugins to
>> SQL
>> databases, networking and everything you would typically need. There's
>> even
>> PyQt, if you want Python bindings.
>> Check out the examples in the Qt distribution too to get an idea:
> I agree Qt is a great solution however you are probably going to want to
> ship static binaries to windows clients (only), especially to non-techical
> end users... otherwise it gets kind of insane, much more challenging than
> distributing java based apps IMHO.
> But the IDE is fantastic plus you get a nice integration with webkit.
> if I remember (been awhile) the license terms are a little different for
> static, would have to re-read carefully.

I don't know about licensing issues w.r.t. static binaries; but you're
absolutely right: it's definitely worth looking into.

Another cross-platform GUI is wxWidgets (C++, but has Python
bindings too). It's not as rich a library as Qt IMHO, but quite nice
too. You may want to combine wxWidgets with Poco though (all
of this is in ports, btw).


Cordula's Web.

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Kind OFF Topic. FreeBSD for Blocking URLS? Nanny?

2012-04-09 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

I am sorry if this is kind OFF Topic. I am looking for help from more 
experienced people in these areas. Please let me know if this 
question should be moved to FREEBSD-CHAT list.

As I have mentioned before I am helping a school , non profit with 
their IT issues. As always there are some "experts" that controls 
everything and do not let you change anything because is their 
kingdom. Anyway, there we have Internet service  from a cable company 
and they have some cisco routers to receive the access and from there 
some Cisco Switches.
In the classrooms we have very old PCs running XP. In some of my 
classes I am using Freebsd and Ubuntu running on a USB. So each 
student have one USB and they work that way booting from their 4GB 
USB stick. (it is slow but it has worked until now).

One of the managers asked me for help to block some web sites were 
some students in the other lab and people that helps there waste 
bandwithd seeing videos, movies (youtube, cuevana, serieid, etc) and 
spend lot of time on facebook also. Our bandwidth is only 4Mb and you 
understand that with a few that are seeing movies and videos the rest 
of us can not work at all. Thing is that "other manager" (you know 
how those things are sometimes) do not want us to do that since his 
"guru" and expert is the one that controls all the Network. So the 
best we could get until now is that we can do "all we can" without 
touching the Cisco routers and until now not administrative password 
for change anything on the PCs (that could change one we prove that 
we can have the solution and show it to the board of people that runs 
the place).

The Internet provider gives the DNS servers to use and one of the 
routers gives the DHCP service.

First thing I thought was to change the DNS servers and use the one 
from my small office (running Freebsd 7.3) using Bind there and 
simply block there pointing the sites to nothing in the Apache 
configuration. It does not work. Once changed the DNS values the PC 
does not resolve anything. It was a quick test but that does not 
work. Not sure if Internet provider is blocking in some way that we 
can not use other DNS server but theirs.

Other solution I was thinking while coming home was to convert one 
machine there to a freebsd server and use it as a router (if they let 
me) so that way I can control from there and do filtering. Issue is 
that maybe they do not let me but connect the server as an extra 
machine without replacing the main router so in that case I would 
have 2 DHCP servers doing the same service in the same lan and could 
be conflicts I guess.

Another solution a friend suggested was to buy one small router (from 
my money for sure) and let that small router to receive the internet 
(RJ45) and from that with the small 4 port switch included to provide 
the internet to the switches to feed the labs , library and 
administrative offices. I have never use one of those and I am short 
on money so I would like to explore other alternatives before if possible.

Finally another solution would be to install in each PC a kind of 
Nanny software but only if free, otherwise is not a solution (I do 
not know of any yet but will do searching the following hours).

I know all can be solved if the "guru-expert" guy would let me have 
passwords from PC's, router, etc but that won't be an option since 
they think we would try to take the control of those services (we do 
not want that) so the burocracy could be a problem there. He have 
told them that to block is not possible (they have been working that 
way for years).

So, in this kind of schema. Do you think FreeBSD (even linux) could 
be of help if we do not have access to routers, switches and can not 
install new software on the PCs( the ones running XP)?

Any comments you have that could help me to solve this challenge?

Thanks in advance for your time and comments.

Jorge Biquez

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Re: Kind OFF Topic. FreeBSD for Blocking URLS? Nanny?

2012-04-09 Thread Jorge Biquez


Yes I know and we ill do our best to solve it... but if that does not 
work, then I still will try to solve it technically in some way if possible.

Jorge Biquez

At 10:42 p.m. 09/04/2012, Robert Huff wrote:

Jorge Biquez writes:

>  Any comments you have that could help me to solve this challenge?

You do not have a technical problem.
You have a management problem.
Fix that, and the technical issues will be (comparatively)

Robert Huff

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Firewall, blocking POP3

2012-05-30 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

I am sorry if the question is too basic.

I have a personal small machine running


It runs as my web and email server for a cuple of domains. NO clients 
no other users have access to it.

Is there any , easy/faster way to stop POP3 from being working. I am 
running qpopper to be able to download emailes.
I decided to use sendmail since only a few accounts are there and I 
do not need more but in the last days the server has been under a big 
attack where people is trying to guess users and passwords. I am 
using a strong schema of passwords so no problem on that but I rather 
to be sure .

I was thinking on the following options.

- Stopping the service, port 110 to respond and open it everytime I 
want to download email.
- Install a firewall and block all the IP's but they are trying from 
a lot different ones.
- Maybe changing the port for pop3 and change all my devices to use 
another port?

In case I need to start from zero and install a newer version I can 
do it, no problem at all but I am not sure if that helps to do things 
a easier way.
Maybe install a complete different schema of sending receiving email 
(perhaps do not use sendmail to send , change to postfix and use IMAP 
instead of pop3. Would that help?

Thank in advance for all your comments and help.

Jorge Biquez

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Re: Firewall, blocking POP3

2012-05-30 Thread Jorge Biquez


Thanks a lot!. Simple an elegant solution.

I just did that and of course it worked I just was wondering... 
what if I need to have the service working BUT want to block those 
break attemps? IN this and other services. ?
My guess is that it is a never ending process? I mean, block one, 
block another, another, etc?

What the people who has big servers running for hosting services are 
doing? Or you just have a policy of strng passworrds, server 
up-todate and let the attemps to try forever?

Thanks for the solution Mr Robert.

Jorge Biquez

At 01:32 p.m. 30/05/2012, Robert Bonomi wrote:

> From  Wed May 30 13:16:37 2012
> Date: Wed, 30 May 2012 13:08:30 -0500
> To:
> From: Jorge Biquez 
> Cc:
> Subject: Firewall, blocking POP3
> Hello all.
> I am sorry if the question is too basic.
> I have a personal small machine running
> FreeBSD 7.3-PRERELEASE #0:
> It runs as my web and email server for a cuple of domains. NO clients
> no other users have access to it.
> Is there any , easy/faster way to stop POP3 from being working. I am
> running qpopper to be able to download emailes.
> I decided to use sendmail since only a few accounts are there and I
> do not need more but in the last days the server has been under a big
> attack where people is trying to guess users and passwords. I am
> using a strong schema of passwords so no problem on that but I rather
> to be sure .

The mail -server- you use is irrelevant to how users retrieve mail.
you can use sendmail and qpopper, or sendmail and an IMAP server, or
sendmail and  webmail app, or postix and qpopper, or exim and qpopper,

All you have to do to disable qpopper is edit comment out the line in
/etc/inetd.conf, and SIGHUP inetd.

To re-enable when you need it, uncomment the line, and SIGHUP inetd again.

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Off Topic. DNS, Android.

2012-06-22 Thread Jorge Biquez


I am sorry if the following 2 questions could sound too stupid.

a) Normally any Domain name registered has to have 2 Nameservers. 
Some registry like the one responsible for .ORG requires 2 at least 
to propagate the domain. In teh case of .COM that is not a 
requirement, one nameserver could work. If for some reason I have 2 
of them and one is configured to point to SERVER A , and the other to 
SERVER B. Differenet places, same configuration. Is there any 
mean, Primary is the one used mainly?

b) I am looking for good list like this one for people developing, 
learning about Android Development. Any suggestion ?

I am trying to setup a Freebsd machine for developing for Android, if possible.

Thanks in advance.


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Simplest way to deny access to a class C

2011-03-03 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

I am sorry in advance if this question sounds too stupid.

I have a small server for personal use of webpages running:


it is working fine , no problem very stable.

I just need to block some IP class C address that are always trying 
to "discover" directories or applications under the web server. They 
do not do and can not do anything since this server has nothing 
installed but i am tired of seeing in the logs all the intents they 
do every 2-3 seconds.

I have not installed any kind of firewall yet.
What do you think is the best way to accomplish this task? If 
possible the easiest one. I do not want to do anything else but just 
bloc IP's, at this moment at least.

Thanks in advance.

Jorge Biquez

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RE: Simplest way to deny access to a class C

2011-03-03 Thread Jorge Biquez

Thank you all for your time and comments.

I guess that I will install a firewall, that way I can also block 
those Class C's from sending tons of emails to non existing accounts
I will read the website to see the best options.  Any suggestion is 
more than welcome.

Jorge Biquez

At 06:02 p.m. 03/03/2011, you wrote:
Be careful of automated responses.  What if someone spoofs IP's of 
legit users / customers / whatever and your automated response 
blocks them?  Not good.

I thought about blockingwell, never mind - might pi$$ someone 
off and attract unwanted attention...

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Patrick Gibson

Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2011 5:58 PM
To: Jorge Biquez
Subject: Re: Simplest way to deny access to a class C

You might consider mod_security (/usr/ports/www/mod_security) which
can be set up to ban hosts based on behaviour or characteristics.

Or fail2ban (/usr/ports/security/py-fail2ban) is really great, too, in
that it scans whatever logs you want, and can trigger a block in your
firewall if enough violating log entries are found within a particular
period of time. Everything is totally configurable, and there are
plenty of examples that come with it.


On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Jorge Biquez  wrote:
> Hello all.
> I am sorry in advance if this question sounds too stupid.
> I have a small server for personal use of webpages running:
> it is working fine , no problem very stable.
> I just need to block some IP class C address that are always trying to
> "discover" directories or applications under the web server. They do not do
> and can not do anything since this server has nothing installed but i am
> tired of seeing in the logs all the intents they do every 2-3 seconds.
> I have not installed any kind of firewall yet.
> What do you think is the best way to accomplish this task? If possible the
> easiest one. I do not want to do anything else but just bloc IP's, at this
> moment at least.
> Thanks in advance.
> Jorge Biquez
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Re: Simplest way to deny access to a class C

2011-03-04 Thread Jorge Biquez

I wonder why nobodies mentioned a quite simple method with tcpwrappers and
hosts.allow / hosts.deny also


I guess something simple could work For some reason, don ask me 
why becasue I did not find why, the:

Order Deny, Allow
Deny IP
Allow all

under httpd.conf and outsite as .htaccess does not work but for now 
teh thing is simple, to block a class C, those guys are stupiod and 
programmed bad an application (I guess) and are pointing to one of my 
domains... since 4 weeks ago I am receiving this kind of access: - - [04/Mar/2011:19:43:48 -0600] "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1" 
200 - "-" "Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600" - - [04/Mar/2011:19:43:48 -0600] "PROPFIND 
/Backup-usuarios HTTP/1.1" 301 323 "-" "Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600" - - [04/Mar/2011:19:43:48 -0600] "PROPFIND 
/Backup-usuarios/ HTTP/1.1" 200 40833 "-" "Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600" - - [04/Mar/2011:19:44:13 -0600] "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1" 
200 - "-" "Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600" - - [04/Mar/2011:19:44:13 -0600] "PROPFIND 
/Backup-usuarios HTTP/1.1" 301 323 "-" "Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600" - - [04/Mar/2011:19:44:13 -0600] "PROPFIND 
/Backup-usuarios/ HTTP/1.1" 200 40833 "-" "Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600" - - [04/Mar/2011:19:44:19 -0600] "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1" 
200 - "-" "Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600" - - [04/Mar/2011:19:44:19 -0600] "PROPFIND 
/Backup-usuarios HTTP/1.1" 301 323 "-" "Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600" - - [04/Mar/2011:19:44:19 -0600] "PROPFIND 
/Backup-usuarios/ HTTP/1.1" 200 40833 "-" "Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600" - - [04/Mar/2011:19:44:34 -0600] "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1" 
200 - "-" "Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600" - - [04/Mar/2011:19:44:34 -0600] "PROPFIND 
/Backup-usuarios HTTP/1.1" 301 323 "-" "Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600" - - [04/Mar/2011:19:44:34 -0600] "PROPFIND 
/Backup-usuarios/ HTTP/1.1" 200 40833 "-" "Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600" - - [04/Mar/2011:19:45:06 -0600] "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1" 
200 - "-" "Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600" - - [04/Mar/2011:19:45:06 -0600] "PROPFIND 
/Backup-usuarios HTTP/1.1" 301 323 "-" "Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600" - - [04/Mar/2011:19:45:06 -0600] "PROPFIND 
/Backup-usuarios/ HTTP/1.1" 200 40833 "-" "Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600"

They change IP's , from the same Class C. No trying to do anything 
else, hack or send email
So I decided to block the Class C. I guess that with the deny, allow 
directives under Apache would be enough but they do not work. I am 
under Apache 1.3x and all works fine but that directives do not. I 
tried , read and not be able to make them work so that's why I 
decided to block them and block others, those yes are trying to hack, 
the simplest way. anyway I will see if the:

hosts.allow / hosts.deny

would help.  If needed I would upgrade to latest version of FreeBSD 
Apache or whatever needed. Even when they do not do anything my 
server, a 386 that has been running Freebsd the last 13 years since 
Freebsd 3.x is supporting this extra load and besides they are 
wasting my bandwidth. I can not do anything and no problem but I'd 
like to solve this and continue learning Freebsd.

Thanks for your time.

Jorge Biquez

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Kind of OFF Topic. Advise pls.

2011-03-18 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello All.

These could sound off topic, I am sorry in advance.

I am upgrading an old machine from 7.3 to the latest 8.x release branch.

I want to use that machine for

1) catalago/shopping cart solution only, nothing complicated not many 
users , something simple, personal project to learn and try to sell 
products. Nothing big.
2) I also want to have a couple of sites running a CMS software. The 
same, not big one, not millions of users expected, some close to a 
few clients and my relation with them.
3) To have a customer relationship, tickets, help center etc. Nothing 
big. My company is small now... just me

Based onyour experiecne, what ar the best options to chosse that will 
run the best on Freebsd (yea I now lot of external factors, security 
etc). Maybe if you tell me what are you using it is enough . I have 
read aboiut the difrrence and I like all.

From the following:

Content Management
Joomla 1.5

OS Commerce
Zen Cart

Customer Relationship
Crafty Syntax Live Help
Help Center Live
PHP Support Tickets
Support Logic Helpdesk
Support Services Manage

Thanks in advance

Jorge Biquez

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Disable or limit email in root?

2011-05-26 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

Is it possible that the root user can be limited to send email only 
for activities realetd to the server and only locally?


limit the amount of root user can send.

I have a 7.3 small server working as secondary dns, 3 domains for 
http and email. very few traffic. Using sendmail, the default one.

IN some way a spammer could tell root to send LOT emailes.
I detect it , I guess when they started.I did not know how they did 
it, apparently with a program injection or similar strategy since it 
seems they do not enter the server, for what I have checked until now.

Can be restricted the root user? ON the side of the OS or the sendmail.

Suggestions on how to avoid this again.

The password for root was VERY strong. I do not think they access it. 
I guess when I configured the email and server let something open so 
root was forced to do that.

Thanks in advance

Jorge BIquez

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Re: Disable or limit email in root?

2011-05-26 Thread Jorge Biquez


I am trying to find if sendmail was the problem 
or what... thing is not that root receive email 
but that root was used to send email to a list of address...


At 11:07 p.m. 26/05/2011, you wrote:

I don't remember for sendmail but if you
install postfix root cannot receive any

Le 27/05/2011 05:03, Jorge Biquez a écrit :

Hello all.

Is it possible that the root user can be limited to send email only for
activities realetd to the server and only locally?


limit the amount of root user can send.

I have a 7.3 small server working as secondary dns, 3 domains for http
and email. very few traffic. Using sendmail, the default one.

IN some way a spammer could tell root to send LOT emailes.
I detect it , I guess when they started.I did not know how they did it,
apparently with a program injection or similar strategy since it seems
they do not enter the server, for what I have checked until now.

Can be restricted the root user? ON the side of the OS or the sendmail.

Suggestions on how to avoid this again.

The password for root was VERY strong. I do not think they access it. I
guess when I configured the email and server let something open so root
was forced to do that.

Thanks in advance

Jorge BIquez

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Re: Disable or limit email in root?

2011-05-26 Thread Jorge Biquez

At 11:27 p.m. 26/05/2011, Jon Radel wrote:

On 5/27/11 12:16 AM, Jorge Biquez wrote:


I am trying to find if sendmail was the problem or what... thing is not
that root receive email but that root was used to send email to a list
of address...

And what does it say in the logs?  We'll help you interpret them if 
you wish, but right now I've heard nothing but speculation and I've 
heard nothing to distinguish between:

1)  Somebody sent e-mail with root@ as the return address, or

2)  Somebody generated e-mail with a process running as root, or

3)  both.

Your sendmail log should tell you where sendmail thinks the e-mail 
came from and where it thinks it sent it.

Or you could start by telling us HOW you detected this problem.

--Jon Radel


1)  Somebody sent e-mail with root@ as the return address, or
- They send it from the machine, a big queue has to be deleted 
before processing.

2)  Somebody generated e-mail with a process running as root, or

  Yes, I guess that happened, the emailes where in the queue waiting 
to be sent... thing is the server has only 4 account for email 
users... all strong passwords using the last -10 command showed 
only the last 10 times I logged in. No new users were created apparently.

I changed passwords and restricted that only my user can have ssh 
login and my user can the su to root.

root can not login using ssh... I tested again at this moment....

Jorge Biquez 

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Re: Disable or limit email in root?

2011-05-26 Thread Jorge Biquez

At 11:25 p.m. 26/05/2011, you wrote:
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 12:16 AM, Jorge Biquez 
> I am trying to find if sendmail was the problem or what... thing 
is not that

> root receive email but that root was used to send email to a list of
> address...

Was the root account on the box actually used, or did someone spoof
email coming from root on the box?  Did you receive a spam report
about email coming from the IP address of the box?  Do you have the
header of the email/s in question?  Is sendmail running locally, or is
it running SMTP on an open port?

Yes the user root was actually used. I noticed becasue since the 
machine is too small (an old pentium III) the mail queue grows too 
much and the service for nomal email was very slow. When I logged to 
the server the mail queue was big and all the emailes were sent by 
the root user.
I have not received, yet, spam reports but I sure will do, I guess a 
least some thousand of emailes were sent.

Sendmail is running on port 587 and 25

At the end a small part of the log (all the entries the same), when I 
logged in and disabled bind (I thought that could help to stop the 
emailes. I killed sendmail processes but the system was too slow and 
there were too many snedmail process running that it took a while to 
stop them all.

May 26 18:22:42 krusty sendmail[36370]: p4P5EjU0070745: 
to=, delay=1+18:06:12, xdelay=00:00:00, 
mailer=esmtp, pri=1290845,, dsn=4.0.0, 
stat=Deferred: Name server: host name lookup failure
May 26 18:22:42 krusty sendmail[69923]: p4PK75tT069923: 
to=, delay=00:00:04, xdelay=00:00:00, 
mailer=esmtp, pri=32151,, dsn=4.0.0, 
stat=Deferred: Name server: host name lookup failure
May 26 18:22:43 krusty sendmail[58754]: p4P7Y2SC035537: 
to=, delay=1+15:18:04, xdelay=00:00:00, 
mailer=esmtp, pri=1380845,, dsn=4.0.0, 
stat=Deferred: Name server: host name lookup failure
May 26 18:22:43 krusty sendmail[67814]: p4P6wdj8025797: 
to=, delay=1+16:18:24, xdelay=00:00:00, 
mailer=esmtp, pri=1650845,, dsn=4.0.0, 
stat=Deferred: Name server: host name lookup failure
May 26 18:22:43 krusty sendmail[25300]: p4P7R0qe033668: 
to=, delay=1+15:19:29, xdelay=00:00:00, 
mailer=esmtp, pri=930845,, dsn=4.0.0, 
stat=Deferred: Name server: host name lookup failure
May 26 18:22:43 krusty sendmail[63747]: p4P9v9sg074187: 
to=, delay=1+13:13:37, xdelay=00:00:00, 
mailer=esmtp, pri=1560845,, dsn=4.0.0, 
stat=Deferred: Name server: host name lookup failure
May 26 18:22:43 krusty sendmail[17900]: p4P9MGns065419: 
to=, delay=1+13:57:01, xdelay=00:00:00, 
mailer=esmtp, pri=210846,, dsn=4.0.0, 
stat=Deferred: Name server: host name lookup failure
May 26 18:22:46 krusty sendmail[41317]: p4P8BXIs045878: 
to=, delay=1+14:38:56, xdelay=00:00:00, 
mailer=esmtp, pri=1470845,, dsn=4.0.0, 
stat=Deferred: Name server: host name lookup failure
May 26 18:22:47 krusty sendmail[4586]: p4P3wNVF036046: 
to=, delay=1+19:23:15, xdelay=00:00:00, 
mailer=esmtp, pri=570846,, dsn=4.0.0, 
stat=Deferred: Name server: host name lookup failure
May 26 18:22:47 krusty sendmail[87746]: p4P6vbd5025549: 
to=, delay=1+16:07:29, xdelay=00:00:00, 
mailer=esmtp, pri=390846,, dsn=4.0.0, 
stat=Deferred: Name server: host name lookup failure
May 26 18:22:47 krusty sendmail[41819]: p4P9YOFb068525: 
to=, delay=1+13:45:19, xdelay=00:00:00, 
mailer=esmtp, pri=1650845,, dsn=4.0.0, 
stat=Deferred: Name server: host name lookup failure
May 26 18:22:47 krusty sendmail[66017]: p4PJ75P2066017: 
to=, delay=00:00:05, xdelay=00:00:00, 
mailer=esmtp, pri=32151,

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Re: Disable or limit email in root?

2011-05-26 Thread Jorge Biquez
Thanks for your comments, tomorow morning will check it again, now is 
normal . I was thinking on shutting it down but I guess it is better 
to leave it running and even with the risk , the server will have 
problems soon but I guess is better to tr to find how they did it

will go to sleep a few hours..


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Re: A quality operating system

2011-08-20 Thread Jorge Biquez


Very interesting... let's see the answers from the experts

By the way maybe answer me off topic... so then what was your 
choice of OS?

Jorge Biquez

At 11:47 p.m. 19/08/2011, you wrote:


I make decisions about hardware and software for those who work with me.

Talking with my second in command this morning, we reached a quandary.
Ron is completely pro-Linux and pro-Windows, and against FreeBSD.

What is odd about this is that he's the biggest UNIX fanatic I know,
not only all types of UNIX (dating back quite some time) but also all
Unix-like OSen.

I told him I was considering FreeBSD because of greater stability 
and security.

He asked me a question that stopped me dead:

"What is a quality operating system?"

In his view, and now mine, a quality operating system is reliable,
streamlined and clearly organized.

Over the past few years, FreeBSD has drifted off-course in this
department, in his view.

Let me share the points he made that I consider valid (I have deleted
two as trivial, and added one of my own):

(1) Lack of direction.

FreeBSD is still not sure whether it is a desktop OS, or a server OS.
It is easy for the developers to say "well, it's whatever you want,"
but this makes the configuration process more involved. This works
against people who have to use these operating systems to get anything

In his view, a crucial metric here is the ability to estimate time
required for any task. It may be a wide window, but it should not be
as wide as "anywhere from 30 minutes to 96 hours." In his experience,
FreeBSD varies widely on this front because in the name of keeping
options open, standardization of interface and process has been

(2) Geek culture.

Geek culture is the oldest clique on the internet. Their goal is to
make friends with no one who is not like them. As a result, they
specialize in the arcane, disorganized and ambiguous. This forces
people to go through the same hoops they went through. This makes them
happy, and drives away people who need to use operating systems to
achieve real-world results. They reduce a community to hobbyists only.

(3) Horrible documentation.

This is my specialty and has been since the early 1980s. The FreeBSD
documentation is wordy, disorganized, inconsistent and highly
selective in what it mentions. It is not the product of professionals
but it also not the product of volunteers with a focus on
communication. It seems pro-forma, as in, "it's in the documentation,
so don't bother me." The web site compounds this error by pointing us
in multiple directions instead of to a singular resource. It is bad
enough that man pages are separate from your main documentation tree,
but now you have doubled or trebled the workload required of you
without any benefit to the end user.

(4) Elitism.

To a developer, looking at some inconsistent or buggy interface and
thinking, "If they can't do this, they don't belong using FreeBSD
anyway" is too easy of a thought. Yet it looks to me like this happens
quite a bit, and "this is for the elite" has become the default
orientation. This is problematic in that there are people out there
who are every bit as smart as you, or smarter, but are not specialized
in computers. They want to use computers to achieve results; you may
want to play around with your computer as an activity, but that is not
so for everyone.

(5) Hostile community.

For the last several weeks, I have been observing the FreeBSD
community. Two things stand out: many legitimate questions go ignored,
and for others, response is hostile resulting in either incorrect
answers, haughty snubs, and in many cases, a refusal to admit when the
problem is FreeBSD and not the user. In particular, the community is
oblivious to interfaces and chunks of code that have illogical or
inconsistent interfaces, are buggy, or whose function does not
correspond to what is documented (even in the manpages).

(6) Selective fixes.

I am guilty of this too, sometimes, but when you hope to build an
operating system, it is a poor idea. Programmers work on what they
want to work on. This leaves much of the unexciting stuff in a literal
non-working state, and the entire community oblivious to it or
uncaring. As Ron detailed, huge parts of FreeBSD are like buried land
mines just waiting to detonate. They are details that can invoke that
30 minute to 96 hour time period instantly, usually right before you
need to get something done.

(7) Disorganized website.

The part of the FreeBSD project that should set the tone for the
community, the FreeBSD website, reflects every one of these
criticisms. It is inconsistent and often disorganized; there is no
clear path; resources are duplicated and squirreled away instead of
organized and made into a process for others to follow. It is arcane,
nuanced and cryptic for the purpose of keeping the community elitist,

Re: A quality operating system

2011-08-20 Thread Jorge Biquez


I insist Can we know what was the OS you all decided to use ?


Jorge Biquez

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Re: A quality operating system

2011-08-20 Thread Jorge Biquez


;=)   Thanks for the comments.. :=)

No, I am curious what they decided to use that covers all the points 
, at least better that FreeBSD.

Seriously I would like to see or hear about the comparison chart 
between all OSs. And a question arrive to my mind... if for some 
reason, I know it is impossible, but if for some reason FreeBSD would 
stop existing... serious users of FreeBSD, what would be your next OS? Why?

Take care all


At 09:09 p.m. 20/08/2011, Ryan Coleman wrote:

I use FreeBSD 9, 8.2 and 8.1.

OS X 10.7 (Lion)

Windows 7 Professional (64-bit), Windows Vista Ultimate (64-bit) and 
Windows XP Professional (32-bit).

iOS 4, Blackberry 6 and Android 2.2.2.

Oh, you weren't asking me. Sorry. :-p

On Aug 20, 2011, at 8:47 PM, Jorge Biquez wrote:

> Hello.
> I insist Can we know what was the OS you all decided to use ?
> Thanks
> Jorge Biquez
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Re: two networks in one server?

2011-10-09 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

Another solution I have seen some clients use... a router that 
accepts different ISP's in this case ADSL. The equipment does the job 
and integrates all the internet services so the internal network see 
them as only one). I guess there are equipments of 24-8 and 16 connections.

I hope this helps.

At 06:38 a.m. 09/10/2011, Matthew Seaman wrote:

On 09/10/2011 10:36, pepe wrote:
> I'm just asking before trying if it possible to use two network uplinks in
> one server so other would be just backup way in?
> I have currently connection from two ISPs and server is up with one
> connection. Is it possible to add another nic and wire that to connection
> from another isp? So isp 1 would be in normal use in/out, but isp 
2 could be

> used connecting in?

This is a very commonly asked question around the Internet.

The answer is -- it's a lot harder to do properly than you might think.
 Requires understanding Internet routing protocols like BGP and you will
need the cooperation of both ISPs to make it all work.

However there is a "light" version which might work for you.  Keywords
here are "policy based routing."  In this case you can use firewall
software to forward packets by an alternate gateway.  This only affects
the outward path from your system: no good at all if all the incoming
traffic is using an uplink that fails, but you can use it to load
balance across multiple links.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard
  Flat 3
PGP: Ramsgate
JID:   Kent, CT11 9PW

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Freebsd, Virtual OSs and GUI

2011-10-12 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

I hope this question does not sound too stupid. I am sorry in advance 
if you think so.

Since version 2.x and until now all I have been using FreeBsd as a 
server, helping a small ISP company of a friend , basic web services, 
email, dns etc. All I have been doing has been done in the text 
interface, the pure shell. In fact, I have to confess that I have 
never tried any of the GUIs available.

For some reasons not important to mention I need to have a server 
that can virtualize some other OS's (Linux, Freebsd and Windows). 
This will be used as a lab for some personal projects. Of course I 
thought to have as the base FreeBsd Version 8.2 and have the virtual 
machines running inside, was wondering if Virtualbox runs fine there. 
The virtual machines need to be used with their graphical interface 
(Gnome , Kde and windows). So I guess that the best and need is to 
have a graphical interface also running with the base (FreeBsd 8.2).

Is that correct? If so, here are some questions:

It is better to install KDE or GNOME as the base GUI or it is better 
to have any other ? (I do not know what could be).

What do you think is the best option to save hardware resources and 
accomplish this task ? Something important is that this lab machine 
will be connected directly with the ISP (public IP's)  and I will 
need to connect remotely to control the server and the other OS's.

If I do not need necessarily a GUI running with FreeBSD, what do you 
suggest to use?

I have to mention that I have done the first phase of my testing 
using XP and inside of it running VirtualBox with FreeBsd and Linux 
distros without problems... BUT... OF COURSE even with the firewall, 
antivirus , latest patches and all the protection schema, yesterday 
the antivirus start telling the machine has virus and seems it was 
comprmised, of course I can not continue using it and it was not the 
idea to have that, but for the 3 dyas of testing what I need to do was enough.

By the way the hardware I will use I guess it is enough since it is 
for testing only and I won't be connected remotely all the time. The 
machine is an "old" Pentium Core 2 Duo, 2GB of ram (its maximum) and 
a hard disk of 500gb, also it has an Nvdia card 256Mb (can use the 
one with the motherboard if that is a problem) The motherboard is an 
INtel one. It runs perectly FreeBSD using it in text mode. As a 
curios information something in the motherboard maybe is not 
compatible with UBuntu .

As always thanks in advance for your comments and your time.

Jorge Biquez

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Re: Freebsd, Virtual OSs and GUI

2011-10-14 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

Thanks for you comments and advice.

Jorge Biquez

At 10:55 p.m. 12/10/2011, Carl Johnson wrote:

Adam Vande More  writes:

> On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 5:38 PM, Jorge Biquez 

> It is better to install KDE or GNOME as the base GUI or it is 
better to have

>> any other ? (I do not know what could be).
> This is one of those ask a hundred different people get 100 different
> answers.  I prefer KDE which would work well for you because both KDE and
> VirtualBox are built on QT4, a rather large system.  KDE isn't really that
> heavy though relatively speaking.  VirtualBox runs great for me 
and does all

> you indicated.
>> What do you think is the best option to save hardware resources and
>> accomplish this task ? Something important is that this lab 
machine will be

>> connected directly with the ISP (public IP's)  and I will need to connect
>> remotely to control the server and the other OS's.
> You will probably want a CPU and chipset that has hardware assist for
> virtualization, and plenty of RAM for both host and guests.  Disk choice
> should reflect your data capacity, redundancy, and speed needs.  A good
> quality Intel NIC is always nice.

If the OP is going to run a 64-bit OS, then hardware vitualization
assist is *required* for VirtualBox to handle it.  It is not required
when VirtualBox is running a 32-bit OS.  Just another minor detail to


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Re: Solution for school lab just a thought

2011-10-31 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.


Would you mind to contact me offline (maybe some people in the list 
won't be interested) I help communities and non profit (very poor) 
organizations here and would like to know more about your schema and results.

Here also we get "donattions" of hardware. The old 386 and so, 
computers that big companies do not use anymore and with that we have 
to work. We are also trying to giving the kids a chance to learn 
something else so they can compete in a hard job market.

Thanks in advance

Jorge Biquez

At 04:09 p.m. 31/10/2011, Mario Lobo wrote:

On Monday 31 October 2011 10:56:44 Sergio de Almeida Lenzi wrote:
> > You should look into the Freebsd port qjail. At our school lab all the
> > pcs have ms/windows on the hard drive with the "putty" client installed.
> > Students use putty to get logged into a jail on a single Freebsd system.
> > Each student can practice installing ports, packages, or one of the
> > desktop window environments in their private jail. The goal being to
> > teach students to be system administrators.
> Humm Interesting...
> In my case the computers runs FreeBSD (diskless) and they need do
> access
> windows system.
> In a public school, where the $$$ is the main problem, I think this is
> the solution.
> Here the school has computers (a lot) that receives from donation,
> projects... from time to time
> the problem is the software...
> What to teach to children??? word, exel, powerpoint, msn??? is this
> teaching???
> I think that children (and teenagers too), must face problems and
> resolve them.
> the world belongs tho those that work in group. those who can get
> answers,
> so an account in a desktop environment (in my case: gnome) with several
> program
> languages, internet access, text composing (libreoffice), postscript
> printing (cups),
> some IDE (anjuta, eclipse), multimedia (ffmpeg, avidemux2, openshot,
> dvdstyler)
> can make the difference. They can download small videos from their
> phones, and
> produce digital media, share it on DVDs...  the home lesson is send via
> email (everyone
> has email).. One problem is hand-witten... no one wants to hand write
> now...
> Those who foresee the future, can learn how to code GUI interface, and
> so produce
> software for the community.  They can learn how to install admin FreeBSD
> servers,
> share files in the network, use webdav to share files in internet... and
> so on...
> There is a need for people with this knowledge... The society will buy
> from the
> students as long as they produce good software..
> What is the other alternative???  finish high school and than look for a
> job???
> XXI century there is no jobs, there will be working people... Those who
> can
> succeed working for himself will rule.. That is what I teach to my
> boys...
> They worked hard (12 years)... and now they rule..
> Do you really think that this world crisis will end in 10 years???
> Just a thought...
> Sergio

Picture an arrow whistling through the wind, undisturbed, and hitting the
bullseye dead in its perfect center,

That's what your thought is to me, Sergio.

+10 !

Thank you.

Mario Lobo
FreeBSD since 2.2.8 [not Pro-Audio YET!!] (99% winblows FREE)
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OFF Topic. FreeBSD and Android Development

2012-01-13 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

First of all a great year to all. My best wishes.

I was wondering if you can give your advice and comments about the following.

I am interested in learning about Android Development. I am searching 
information on the web, documentation about how to start learning 
about Android Development. Any links or tips to look at are more than welcomed.

Talking with a friend he told me he is learning using some tools he 
found but he is running them under Ubuntu.

If any of you is developing for Android using Freebsd as your 
platform. Can you tell me about your experience? Tips and advice on 
what to use to start are welcome.

I am not sure if this kind of off topic could be of interested to the 
list so please feel free to answer me directly .

Thanks in advance.

Jorge Biquez

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OFF Topic. FreeBSD SAP & Oracle Financials.

2012-01-26 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

I am sorry if this is OFF Topic. I am looking for help from more 
experienced people in these areas.

I am looking for a job and one company is looking for people to 
create a test team (part of the quality assurance team). Their 
projects is based on SAP and Oracle Financials systems.  I used SAP 
and Oracle Financials some years ago and I do not have a chance to 
create a lab for me to study them because of the nature of those products.

I thought that could help me a lot to try to emulate a lab installing 
Oracle as a database under my Freebsd personal server . That way 
maybe I can at least recreate the database schema (if I get it) and 
try to understand how it works and maybe , as part of the study , try 
to run reports and populate the database in some way (maybe PHP or Ruby?).


- IS there any version of Oracle that I could install under FreeBSD 
(actually on 7.3)?

- Since I am in the process of learning to be more prepared for new 
projects as an Independent IT consultant, I would like to be able to 
learn tools that help me in the projects/job search. So IN this case, 
assuming that I can recreate someway with Oracle or MySQl or 
Postgresql the tables I need to study and assuming also previous 
experience on programming

How would you see to use Ruby for a crash course on accessing and web 
publishing the information on those tables? (actually I continue the 
process of learning Python but I am not ready , yet, for the web 
part). If You think Ruby could be faster , any resources you point me 
to are really appreciated.

- Finally . If you know of places of where I can get information, 
free if possible, about the actual version of Oracle Financials and 
SAP. Technical manual and the operational , administrative ones. I 
would love to hear where. I have tried of course the companies for 
SAP and Oracle financials but at least from here I can not access 
anything if I am not a consultant certified by them. Any suggestions?

I know this could sound as a waste of time project (trying to emulate 
the operation of SAP and Oracle in some part) but for sure I can not 
have access to a real application and besides with the Ruby learning 
I guess I could be in better position for future projects.

As always thanks in advance for your help and comments.

Jorge Biquez

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Re: Programming Book(s)

2006-01-07 Thread Jorge Biquez

At 11:38 p.m. 07/01/2006 +0200, you wrote:

On 2006-01-07 15:25, JD Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Danial Thom wrote:
>>--- Nicolas Blais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>On January 2, 2006 04:52 pm, Sean wrote:
Sean wrote:
> Looking for recommendations on any Unix programming books.  I have
> been out of things for a while so I would put my skill level back
> to the beginning.

 I forgot to mention that I wish to work withC/C++
>>> There's a free C++ book which is great:
>>> You can also buy the hardcopy on Amazon.
>> I'd recommend learning C before C++. In order to be an effective unix
>> programmer you must master the C language, as you'll have to examine
>> and modify code in C to do anything substantial.  Virtually all major
>> programs and kernels are 'C' based.
> I think, in general, this is wrong.

I think, in general, this is right.

> And I think many "professionals" also feel that learning C++ is the
> way to go.  If you just learning, you might as well start with
> C++. For many good reasons, see Stroustrup's answer himself:

Which essentially boils down to "learn C++ it's better and easier to
learn".  I very much disagree, but this is another flamewar, I guess.

Danial is right that there are many large programs out there that are
written in C, not C++.  This means that just learning C++ and hoping to
"cope with it" when an 11,000,000-line monster, written in plain C,
comes along is just not going to cut it.

Thus, "learn both" is a good answer, but I understand that this may be
quite impossible some times.

Hello all. Very interesting comments and suggestions.
I hope my question does not seems too off topic. Do you think the path to 
follow for developing applications for the new PDA, Smartphones, Ipaq and 
similar devices it is the same? C or C++? I have some friends that said it 
is the only way but I am not sure of that. Any experiences or comments.?

Take care


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Re: spam removal

2004-02-16 Thread Jorge Biquez
At 04:18 a.m. 16/02/04 -0500, you wrote:

On Mon, 16 Feb 2004, Olga Zenkova wrote:

> Hi!
> Some of my FreeBSD users get to much spam daily. What
> tools can anybody advice to stop it? Now I have
> sendmail with access.db, which is already used but I
> think it is not very effective at all. May be other
> mail daemon or some additional tools for sendmail?
Try some blacklists with sendmail.

FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', `"550 Mail from " $`'&{client_addr} "
refused - see";')dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', `"550 Mail from " $`'&{client_addr} "
refused - see";')dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl',`',`"550 Mail from " $`'&{client_addr} "
refused - see";')dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `',`"550 Mail from " $`'&{client_addr} "
refused - see'")dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `',`"550 Mail from " $`'&{client_addr} "
refused - see'")dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', `"550 Mail from " $`'&{client_addr} "
refused - see'")dnl
you will smile with glee seeing each connection blocked.
oh yea do research into each one. i dont use them all atm.
also check spamassassin, razor2, dcc.
procmail too. or maildrop.
amavisd and the uvscan binary.
i wish i could explain more, but understand how to set
up all that crap and you could sell spam/virus solutions.

> Thanks,
> Olga
> __
Hello all.

I start using blacklists also with sendmail. The spam reduced A LOT . I 
just wanted to ask where exactly do I have to put the rule in the 
configuration file. Since I put the rule when my users send email their 
mail client takes too long to send the email. If I take out the rules the 
mail is sent immediately (testes with outlook, eudora).

Thanks in advance.


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*OFF TOPIC Collocation Options Comments pls *

2004-04-11 Thread Jorge Biquez
Hello all.

In the last months some clients have been asking us about offering them 
collocation, web hosting, mail and in general all the services they can 
have from an ISP BUT outside Mexico. Some of them really do not care about 
what part of the world will be as well as the server is outside the country 
and the response, service, uptime and additional tools the get are the 
best. On this most of the clients contract us for administering all the 
site so a web interface, control panel, will be the best option but with 
work fine also to install the OS and that then accessing the shell I can 
configure everything.

The idea if possible us to offer them all the tools we can, shopping, 
database, php, webmail, etc, etc. We would manage everything so a Control 
Panel would be nice as I mentioned.

I was wondering if you can comment about what will be the best step to 
follow. Our idea is to start promoting these services more and more. We 
would like to start with a beginner plan if possible to test the services 
and performance and to see what would be the best option to offer , that's 
why we are considering to choose 3-5 companies and have the same services 
configured for 2-3 months. That way we can check for sure the best option. 
Once we decided the best one we would move most of our services there since 
here (Mexico city) the bandwidth is becoming VERY expensive. Just to give 
you and idea we are paying 4,000 USD for a 2 MB for an E1 (a little 
different than the T1 in USA).

We are looking if possible for a company that offer us collocation 
providing the equipment. We would like to have FreeBSD or Linux and for 
some configurations we have we would like to have MAC OS X Server 10.2.8 or 
greater and OS X 10.3. Our needs on bandwidth are about 300GB per month to 

The idea also is to start offering services to clients at lower prices than 
we offer now. I was checking some providers like Valueweb. Their plans look 
fine but since this is my first contact on collocation I wanted to ask 
first here to see what are your experiences. We know there are lot of 
people offering solutions at VERY cheap prices (I have found some for 
9.99!) but we would like to have the correct services for the correct 
price. So we are not interested in "unreal" solutions.

I'm asking for your advice if possible:

a) Maybe this one sounds stupid. If you are a reseller also. What companies 
could you recommend me to look for services?
b) If you are a company that offer this services DIRECTLY. What can you 
offer me?. What are your prices, conditions and plans for resellers?
c) If would be better for me to contract a rack and put my servers there, 
already configured by us exactly for what we want to offer?

If you offer reseller plans or offer the service, please let me know all 
the convenient information about your services. Specially we would like to 
have information on plans and prices, conditions (if any) ,obligations (if 
any), benefits and this one is very important, contracts. The contract part 
is very important because we need to give the samples/templates of the 
contracts to our lawyers because we can not sign anything without their 
permission (a very bad experience with a foreign company a couple of year 
ago made us be cautious in all our new negotiations). I was wondering if 
some of you are interested in having another reseller. If so please send me 
all the convenient information about your services like 
prices,conditions,obligations,contracts, etc.

Those interested answer me OFFLINE please :[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks in advance and please contact me offline. I don't want to waste the 
bandwidht of the list.

Thanks again for your time in advance.

LSCA. Jorge Enrique Biquez Alvarez
Homero 1610 PB
Col. Los Morales Polanco
CP 11510 (frente a Pabellon Polanco)
Mexico DF
Tels. +52 55 5282-1012, +52 55 5282-0779, +52 55 5282-0289
Cel. 044-55-3132-0171
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Re: Devil Mascot

2004-06-14 Thread Jorge Biquez
Hello all.
We are proud of it. Period.
At 08:33 a.m. 14/06/04 -0400, you wrote:
On 13/06/04 17:02 -0700, Edward Hendrie wrote:
> Why do you have a Devil for a trademark mascot?  From a marketing
> perspective, you are shooting yourselves in the foot.  There are many 
> of various religious backgrounds who will be dissuaded from trying FreeBSD
> because they have religious objections to a product that is promoted by a
> devil.

What a ridiculous statement. Tell me, Edward, who ever made you the
mouthpiece for 'many people of various religious backgrounds'?
The FreeBSD Daemon is a mascot, and that's all ; If FreeBSD is
promoted by a devil, then Linux is promoted by a penguin.
> You may think that is a small issue, but when you are trying to create
> market awareness you need a mascot that evokes simplicity and goodwill, not
> one that evokes evil and deception.
I suppose that the devil influenced the thousands of sysadmins who run
large network installations to go over to the dark side and install
> Look at how MSN is marketing its ISP.  They use characters dressed in
> harmless butterfly costumes.  Linux, has done the same with its pudgy cute
> penguin.  You might want to rethink your mascot.
I know that you are trolling, but I'm bored. If the butter fly costume
is sucjh a great thing, then why don't you leave here and go buy one.
Wear it to church and family reunions.
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Re: Why do you use a devil as a mascot?

2010-11-11 Thread Jorge Biquez

hello all.

Some times during the year this kind of threads 
generates a lot more answers and immediate 
responses like any other I like it! it 
makes me laugh and makes forget some real problems thanks a lot!

Jorge Biquez

At 07:16 p.m. 11/11/2010, you wrote:

Content-Language: en-US
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Well, if nothing else this thread is proving to at least be good for a laugh!

- Original Message -

To: Chip Camden 
Sent: Thu Nov 11 19:09:34 2010 Subject: Re: Why 
do you use a devil as a mascot?

LMFAO! I wish I had caught that.

My muslins, OTOH, are jwrapped around my photo studio.

On Nov 11, 2010, at 7:06 PM, Chip Camden wrote:

> Quoth Jos Silveira on Thursday, 11 November 2010:
>> Why do you use a devil as a mascot?
>> For me it is nonsense... It makes 
Christians, Jwishes and Muslins run away!

>> José Silveira
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> My muslins are staying where they are in the linen closet, and my jwishes
> are safe in the jwish jwawrer.
> --
> Sterling (Chip) Camden| | 2048D/3A978E4F
> |   |

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Web mail for not local domains.

2010-11-28 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

I was wondering if you can suggest the best application you consider 
for the following.

I am supporting a non profit organization, so the budget is less than 
zero. They already have a freebsd server (8.1) and are using sendmail 
for about 20 accounts, not big traffic. In their pc's (windows xp) 
they are using eudora (free version) as a client without problems 
(POP). I would like to install them a webmail that let them access 
the local accounts in the server BUT that also let them access some 
other accounts with another providers. No gmail, hotmail or so, but 
POP3 accounts that are hosted under other domains with other ISP's . 
Actually no problem under they eudora mail client, but the idea is 
that when they out in conference or so they also can have access to 
the accounts under the freebsd server and the other provider.

Thanks in advance for your comments.

Jorge Biquez

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Need to compile kernel for 2 or more processors?

2010-12-05 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

I hope this question does not sound so stupid. I am sorry in advance.

I am doing my guideline of the activities I need to do to change an 
old 2 processors INtel 386 machine with 1GB of ram and 30GB of hard 
disk. The machine is working fine but after more than 10 years of 
working will be replaced for a new machine (could be an i3, i7, or 
xeon maybe). This one will be honored and will continue working as 
our secondary DNS. Actually is running Freebsd version 7.3 PRERELEASE 
. I will updated to 7.3 RELEASE.
This machine has 2 physical processors and I remember that on old 
version of FreeBSD I have to compile the kernel so the second 
processor could be seen. I still do not know aht processor will be 
but I am looking for the strongest and cheapest combination of 
motherboard and processor. Anyway, I was wondering, if it is only one 
physycal processor with 2-4 embedded (xeon by exmaple)

 I guess that actually we do not have to change the kernel so all 
processors can be seen? Am I right ?

By the way, if you can suggest based on experience the best 
combination on price performance of motherboard/processor to follow 
(not necessary the latest one) please let me know.

Thanks in advance

Jorge Biquez

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Shopping cart other than OSCommerce?

2010-12-07 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

I would like to hear your advice, if possible,  based on experience 
about what Shopping cart other than OSCommerce consider as an 
excellent choice to be run under FreeBSD.

With a provider where I had a dedicated server, not running FreeBsd , 
the entire server was hacked and before leaving them, the tech 
support people said that the hacking was because of a problem with 
some libraries under PHP AND OSCOMMERCE. They never could prove that 
but I leave them since the entire server was hacked, not information 
stolen but ONLY that$ all  web pages (.html, .php) pages where 
changed, all under different domains  and account jailed (?) using 
CPANEL. Anyway. I am not sure how sensible is OSCCOmmerce to that 
since I know it is very popular but I would like to test something else.

I know there are tons of options but would like to hear your comments 
about what are you using and what do you recommend me to try that 
have proved that runs fine under Freebsd.

The idea is to have  4 domains running the same software (could be 
multiple instances) under different DOMAINS: If possible that would 
be multilangua or at least that support English and Spanish, free and 
it does not matter if uses PHP or something else. SOmething important 
is that my test machine is an old one running Freebsd 7.3, 2 
processors 386 with 1 GB of RAM, once I have running all without 
problems will move to a newer one that will run Freebsd 8.1.

Thanks in advance.

Jorge Biquez

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Re: Shopping cart other than OSCommerce?

2010-12-07 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

Thanks for the time and rapid response Mr Chuck.

Yes. Seems like the guilty one was OSCommerce. I am looking exactly 
for other option, as you say maybe not PHP ones and that's why asked 
for advice based on experinces of what people is using. I am looking 
for python option also. My needs are very simple, even a catalog of 
products without the shopping cart will be enough. I am also looking 
options that let you add modules. I want to continue using Freebsd, 
continue learning and also solve a personal need.
 Of course the idea is not to start a war between PHP lovers and any 
other language, but options and suggestions are very welcome. Anyway. 
I will continue searching. And when I find the solution will posted 
here , maybe could be of help to someone.

By the way. It is great to receive advise from people like you all 
guys. I have been on the list for several years and I always learn 
something , always.

Thanks to all

Jorge Biquez

At 03:01 p.m. 07/12/2010, Chuck Swiger wrote:

On Dec 7, 2010, at 12:36 PM, Jorge Biquez wrote:
> With a provider where I had a dedicated server, not running 
FreeBsd , the entire server was hacked and before leaving them, the 
tech support people said that the hacking was because of a problem 
with some libraries under PHP AND OSCOMMERCE. They never could 
prove that but I leave them since the entire server was hacked, not 
information stolen but ONLY that$ all  web pages (.html, .php) 
pages where changed, all under different domains  and account 
jailed (?) using CPANEL. Anyway. I am not sure how sensible is 
OSCCOmmerce to that since I know it is very popular but I would 
like to test something else.

30 seconds with a Google search suggests that osCommerce has 
unpatched security vulnerabilities which do lead to compromise of 
admin and arbitrary PHP code execution:

"Affected By7 Secunia advisories
44 Vulnerabilities

Unpatched   29% (2 of 7 Secunia advisories)

Most Critical Unpatched
The most severe unpatched Secunia advisory affecting osCommerce 2.x, 
with all vendor patches applied, is rated Highly critical."

"1) The application allows users to perform certain actions via HTTP 
requests without performing any validity checks to verify the 
requests. This can be exploited to e.g. create additional 
administrator accounts by tricking an administrative user into 
visiting a malicious web site.

2) An error in the authentication mechanism can be exploited to 
bypass authentication checks and gain access to the administrative 
interface in the "admin/" folder.

Successful exploitation allows to upload and execute arbitrary PHP 
code e.g. via the file_manager.php script."

In other words, your former site's tech support people were likely 
right-- the site was almost certainly hacked because of 
osCommerce.  Find something else, preferably something which is not 
based upon PHP.


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Re: Shopping cart other than OSCommerce?

2010-12-07 Thread Jorge Biquez

At 04:04 p.m. 07/12/2010, you wrote:

On Tue, 07 Dec 2010 15:32:06 -0600
Jorge Biquez  articulated:

> At 03:01 p.m. 07/12/2010, Chuck Swiger wrote:
> >On Dec 7, 2010, at 12:36 PM, Jorge Biquez wrote:
> > > With a provider where I had a dedicated server, not running
> > FreeBsd , the entire server was hacked and before leaving them, the
> > tech support people said that the hacking was because of a problem
> > with some libraries under PHP AND OSCOMMERCE. They never could
> > prove that but I leave them since the entire server was hacked, not
> > information stolen but ONLY that$ all  web pages (.html, .php)
> > pages where changed, all under different domains  and account
> > jailed (?) using CPANEL. Anyway. I am not sure how sensible is
> > OSCCOmmerce to that since I know it is very popular but I would
> > like to test something else.
> >
> >30 seconds with a Google search suggests that osCommerce has
> >unpatched security vulnerabilities which do lead to compromise of
> >admin and arbitrary PHP code execution:
> >
> >
> >
> >"Affected By7 Secunia advisories
> > 44 Vulnerabilities
> >
> >Unpatched   29% (2 of 7 Secunia advisories)
> >
> >Most Critical Unpatched
> >The most severe unpatched Secunia advisory affecting osCommerce 2.x,
> >with all vendor patches applied, is rated Highly critical."
> >
> >
> >
> >"1) The application allows users to perform certain actions via HTTP
> >requests without performing any validity checks to verify the
> >requests. This can be exploited to e.g. create additional
> >administrator accounts by tricking an administrative user into
> >visiting a malicious web site.
> >
> >2) An error in the authentication mechanism can be exploited to
> >bypass authentication checks and gain access to the administrative
> >interface in the "admin/" folder.
> >
> >Successful exploitation allows to upload and execute arbitrary PHP
> >code e.g. via the file_manager.php script."
> >
> >In other words, your former site's tech support people were likely
> >right-- the site was almost certainly hacked because of
> >osCommerce.  Find something else, preferably something which is not
> >based upon PHP.
> Thanks for the time and rapid response Mr Chuck.
> Yes. Seems like the guilty one was OSCommerce. I am looking exactly
> for other option, as you say maybe not PHP ones and that's why asked
> for advice based on experinces of what people is using. I am looking
> for python option also. My needs are very simple, even a catalog of
> products without the shopping cart will be enough. I am also looking
> options that let you add modules. I want to continue using Freebsd,
> continue learning and also solve a personal need.
>   Of course the idea is not to start a war between PHP lovers and any
> other language, but options and suggestions are very welcome. Anyway.
> I will continue searching. And when I find the solution will posted
> here , maybe could be of help to someone.
> By the way. It is great to receive advise from people like you all
> guys. I have been on the list for several years and I always learn
> something , always.

Seriously, have you tried Googling for a potential solution? I just
spent a few minutes and found several candidates.

Jerry ✌

Disclaimer: off-list followups get on-list replies or get ignored.
Please do not ignore the Reply-To header.

I have found several already with Google just 
not sure what path to follow and that's why I 
wanted to know what suggestions other has on what 
are using actually under Freebsd. Of course there 
are several ones, some look very good and promising yes.

Thanks in advance

Jorge Biquez

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Kind of off topic.

2010-12-13 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

A friend is asking me to help him to solve some problem he has in his 
servers. To some I would be able to connect using ssh, with other 
just it i snot possible. I remember that on the windows world there 
was a commercial software PCANywhere. He can have it but I am not 
sure if I would be able to connect to that from my Freebsd machine 
(of course not by ssh).
What are you using for connecting to graphical interfaces of 
different OS's from FreeBSD?
I tested some years ago a VNC software but did not work fine with MAC 
OSX (recently released by then).

I know big security factors are involved for sure.
Any suggestion on what to use, not to expensive or free?

Thanks in advance
Jorge Biquez

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RE: Kind of off topic.

2010-12-13 Thread Jorge Biquez


SSH in some of the servers is acting and working BUT I am assuming 
some servers won't have it... like some windows based machines 
The Mac's have it but the idea isto have the graphical interface 
since the errors of the problems they are having are presenting in 
their graphical applications

Thanks a lot for you time. I will try to find a VNC that can be used 
in possible in all.

Jorge Biquez

At 05:27 p.m. 13/12/2010, you wrote:
Ssh not possible?  That's one of the most basic "requirements" and 
most easy to secure - typically

XWindows of course, or numerous variants thereof.  I'm not sure but 
I *think* most of them use the Xwindows protocol on the network.

VNC may also work now.  There are also several versions of it 
(TightVNC, RealVNC, et al) There's a native VNC protocol/client as 
well as Java/http - maybe https...

There's probably someone that has written and httpd or Apache module 
that will simply pass I/O between a shell process on the box.  Maybe 
search the ports tree or of course google.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jorge Biquez

Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 5:21 PM
To: FreeBSD
Subject: Kind of off topic.

Hello all.

A friend is asking me to help him to solve some problem he has in his
servers. To some I would be able to connect using ssh, with other
just it i snot possible. I remember that on the windows world there
was a commercial software PCANywhere. He can have it but I am not
sure if I would be able to connect to that from my Freebsd machine
(of course not by ssh).
What are you using for connecting to graphical interfaces of
different OS's from FreeBSD?
I tested some years ago a VNC software but did not work fine with MAC
OSX (recently released by then).
I know big security factors are involved for sure.
Any suggestion on what to use, not to expensive or free?

Thanks in advance
Jorge Biquez

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Re: Creating clone of a HDD including boot partition

2010-12-14 Thread Jorge Biquez


A couple of months I had the same issue to 
solve... with HDD of my laptop one of you 
guys, thanks, recommend to use clonezilla or 
clonezilia, it is in sourgeforce projects if I am 
not wrong. Woked like a charm, 1 bot sector, 
diferent OS partitions took some hours but worked perfectly

I hope this helps

Jorge Biquez

At 11:10 a.m. 14/12/2010, you wrote:

Put it in a USB enclosure, and run

dd in=/dev/sourcedisk out=/dev/targetdisk bs=1M

Drink coffee until done.

On Tue, 14 Dec 2010 15:42:42 +0100
nagios  wrote:

> Hello,
> I have setup a tailored made configuration (1 
UFS partition + 1 swap + boot sectors) for some 
hardware that I am reselling and would like to 
clone one existing HDD (tailor made) and be able to dump to another new HDD.

> System is running pfSense with FreeBSD 7.2 and soon 8.x
> What would be your suggested method to achieve this goal.
> Thx.

> -> Grégory Bernard Director <-
> ---> <---
> --> Your provider of OpenSource appliances <--

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Re: Kind of off topic.

2010-12-14 Thread Jorge Biquez

At 03:08 a.m. 14/12/2010, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
On Mon, 13 Dec 2010 17:21:06 -0600, Jorge Biquez 

> Hello all.
> A friend is asking me to help him to solve some problem he has in his
> servers. To some I would be able to connect using ssh, with other just
> it i snot possible. I remember that on the windows world there was a
> commercial software PCANywhere. He can have it but I am not sure if I
> would be able to connect to that from my Freebsd machine (of course
> not by ssh).
> What are you using for connecting to graphical interfaces of different
> OS's from FreeBSD?
> I tested some years ago a VNC software but did not work fine with MAC
> OSX (recently released by then).
> I know big security factors are involved for sure.
> Any suggestion on what to use, not to expensive or free?

If the remote hosts are running FreeBSD, you can do almost *everything*
through SSH.  For example most of my FreeBSD-related testing work
happens through SSH connections to virtual machines these days.

If you really need to run a GUI application though there are a few

  - The most basic is to connect to the remote machine in *some* way,
set the DISPLAY environment variable to point to a local X server
that may accept incoming connections and fire up your GUI program.

  - You can SSH into the remote machine and use the -X or -Y options to
set up 'X forwarding' back to the machine where the SSH connection
has originated from.

  - You can use programs like the NX tools <>
to set up a 'remotely accessible X desktop' on the target machine
and then use nxclient to connect to it from anywhere.

The fastest and simplest method is still a plain good old SSH connection
though.  It requires minimal setup (an sshd daemon on the remote side),
it is accessible from anywhere in the world, it's secure against random
eavesdroppers, it's fast to connect to, it's pretty light-weight on both
the client and server systems, and you can do _everything_ on the remote
host [even full system upgrades from source].

Thanks all for your time
On Freebsd and Linux machines I have entered using SSH already 
and I amtrying to help (my linux knowledge is not so good). :=(

Thing is to access the GUI, same screen they have with errors, on 
their windows and Mac machines (XP and OSX mainly). I am trying to 
setup one of the VNC solutions around. Just reading befores about 
security involved in each one.

Take care all and have a great day.

Jorge Biquez

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RE: Kind of off topic.

2010-12-14 Thread Jorge Biquez
Exactly... some of the things I need to help them is an old 
application they are using developed in house for them... but that 
does not record teh errors logs... that's why I need to "be seeing" 
the actual user interface while they are working trying to reproduce 
the errors they have
On Mac they are setting up and old version of Timbuktu and that will 
do the job I guess

Thanks all.

Jorge Biquez

At 12:13 p.m. 14/12/2010, Gary Gatten wrote:
It sounds like you're wanting a remote desktop to actually see the 
active users GUI session?  If it's simply to see the error messages, 
I would recommend some sort of centralized logging.  There are 
several tools that take Winblows events and turn them into syslog 
events.  If you "need" remote desktop access, perhaps WebEx would 
help - or as others pointed out an RDP client for *nix should work as well.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jorge Biquez

Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: Kind of off topic.

At 03:08 a.m. 14/12/2010, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
>On Mon, 13 Dec 2010 17:21:06 -0600, Jorge Biquez
> wrote:
> > Hello all.
> >
> > A friend is asking me to help him to solve some problem he has in his
> > servers. To some I would be able to connect using ssh, with other just
> > it i snot possible. I remember that on the windows world there was a
> > commercial software PCANywhere. He can have it but I am not sure if I
> > would be able to connect to that from my Freebsd machine (of course
> > not by ssh).
> >
> > What are you using for connecting to graphical interfaces of different
> > OS's from FreeBSD?
> >
> > I tested some years ago a VNC software but did not work fine with MAC
> > OSX (recently released by then).
> >
> > I know big security factors are involved for sure.
> > Any suggestion on what to use, not to expensive or free?
>If the remote hosts are running FreeBSD, you can do almost *everything*
>through SSH.  For example most of my FreeBSD-related testing work
>happens through SSH connections to virtual machines these days.
>If you really need to run a GUI application though there are a few
>   - The most basic is to connect to the remote machine in *some* way,
> set the DISPLAY environment variable to point to a local X server
> that may accept incoming connections and fire up your GUI program.
>   - You can SSH into the remote machine and use the -X or -Y options to
> set up 'X forwarding' back to the machine where the SSH connection
> has originated from.
>   - You can use programs like the NX tools <>
> to set up a 'remotely accessible X desktop' on the target machine
> and then use nxclient to connect to it from anywhere.
>The fastest and simplest method is still a plain good old SSH connection
>though.  It requires minimal setup (an sshd daemon on the remote side),
>it is accessible from anywhere in the world, it's secure against random
>eavesdroppers, it's fast to connect to, it's pretty light-weight on both
>the client and server systems, and you can do _everything_ on the remote
>host [even full system upgrades from source].

Thanks all for your time
On Freebsd and Linux machines I have entered using SSH already
and I amtrying to help (my linux knowledge is not so good). :=(

Thing is to access the GUI, same screen they have with errors, on
their windows and Mac machines (XP and OSX mainly). I am trying to
setup one of the VNC solutions around. Just reading befores about
security involved in each one.

Take care all and have a great day.

Jorge Biquez

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Not affecting exactly FreeBSD but OpenBSD

2010-12-16 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

I found this interesting and wanted to share it here.
I guess it has to do with a recently thread here

Jorge Biquez
By Doug Barney
Editor in Chief, Redmond magazine

If WikiLeaks taught us anything, it's that our government (heck, pretty
much all governments) does a lot of things behind our backs. Some of
this is necessary and justified, and some seems just stupid and
sometimes evil.

Now an ex-consultant for the FBI says a decade ago the bureau modified
OpenBSD (you can do that since it is open source). It didn't improve
security or performance. Nah, the feds installed a backdoor so it could
spy on U.S. attorneys who used the OS.

The charges, made by Greg Perry, were denounced by an OpenBSD developer
as poppycock.

This is a bit different from WikiLeaks as Perry claims his charges were
meant to be private and to serve as notice to get the OpenBSD code
fully audited.

It will, I think, take an audit to get the bottom of this fiasco.

Do you trust our key pieces of software or suspect manipulation? Send
your opinions to We only publish first names so
you needn't fear retribution.

To comment, go here:

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Re: Not affecting exactly FreeBSD but OpenBSD

2010-12-16 Thread Jorge Biquez

At 10:22 p.m. 16/12/2010, Michael R. Rusch wrote:

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 9:58 PM, Jorge Biquez 
<<>> wrote:

Hello all.

I found this interesting and wanted to share it here.
I guess it has to do with a recently thread here

Jorge Biquez
By Doug Barney
Editor in Chief, Redmond magazine

If WikiLeaks taught us anything, it's that our government (heck, pretty
much all governments) does a lot of things behind our backs. Some of
this is necessary and justified, and some seems just stupid and
sometimes evil.

Now an ex-consultant for the FBI says a decade ago the bureau modified
OpenBSD (you can do that since it is open source). It didn't improve
security or performance. Nah, the feds installed a backdoor so it could
spy on U.S. attorneys who used the OS.

The charges, made by Greg Perry, were denounced by an OpenBSD developer
as poppycock.

This is a bit different from WikiLeaks as Perry claims his charges were
meant to be private and to serve as notice to get the OpenBSD code
fully audited.

It will, I think, take an audit to get the bottom of this fiasco.

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I appreciated your willingness to post information about the subject 
at hand, however I don't think the mailing list is the correct place 
for 'Redmond Magazine' propaganda.

I would also like to point out as of yet, the existence of a 
backdoor has yet to be confirmed.

Below are two link you may enjoying reading to update your knowledge 
of the matter at hand:




Michael Rusch

New York Times

twitter - @weeddude


I am sorry.  I thought could be of interest... I will follow the 
links. Thanks!.

I'm sorry th eintention was not make propaganda to Redmon

Jorge Biquez

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RE: Manage Bind9 through the web, PowerDNS crash my system at startup

2011-01-07 Thread Jorge Biquez


I am sorry if my comment sounds stupid... but It won't be WEBMIN an 
alternative for managing simple BIND operations?

Jorge Biquez

At 11:10 a.m. 07/01/2011, Sayed Nimer wrote:

I was looking for a solution to manage Bind9 DNS server through a web so I
can add/edit zone.
I thought PowerDNS/PowerAdmin would be a good solution for my requirements.
I successfully installed both PowerDNS/PowerAdmin and tested them was
working fine.
When I restart my box I found PowerDNS crash my system giving many errors
can't find mysqlserver.
Any suggestions for the requirement to manage Bind9 through the web, or the
PowerDNS problem.
Thanks and have a nice day.

Have you tried making sure that the MySQL daemon is started /BEFORE/
PowerDNS and Apache is started?


Thank you for your reply. I thought you put your hand in my exact problem.

When I start PowerDNS from command line using "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/pdns
onestart" its running smooth.

To make auto startup I just put this line pdns_enable="YES" to the end  of

Can you please highlight to me how and where to add the instruction for auto
startup of PowerDNS to be sure it's starting after Mysql.

Thank, and have a nice day.

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look at the require and provide lines of the rc scripts


this snap of my rc.conf













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Best Laptop to buy for Freebsd Without OS?

2011-02-17 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

I am evaluating to buy a new laptop for using it only with Freebsd. I 
know in the website mention some options. Thing is that here the most 
powerful ones (I3, I5 I7) are sold ONLY with Windows installed and 
that increase the value of the equipment. I want the best option at a 
nice price (could be Intel or AMD) the ide is to have it as my main 
machine and when I need Linux or Windows have them there running 
under VirtualBox. The use will be mainly for web development.

My idea is to buy it with FreeDos or Linux installed or without 
operating system but here there is not an option for powerful 
equuipment unless you want one with Atom processor. The powerful one 
came ONLY with Windows installed.

I am thinking to ask a friend that travels frequently to USA to buy one for me.

Any suggestion of where and what equipment to buy, without OS 
(Windows) preinstalled? Of course at a good price and the most powerful one.

Thanks in advance.

Jorge Biquez

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Re: Best Laptop to buy for Freebsd Without OS?

2011-02-18 Thread Jorge Biquez

At 11:06 p.m. 17/02/2011, Chad Perrin wrote:

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 07:23:57PM -0800, Charlie Kester wrote:
> Does it have to be new?
> The best deal might be to get a used laptop.  Then it doesn't matter
> what it originally shipped with, all you care about is whether it's on
> the FreeBSD hardware compatibility list.
> Along these lines, I've seen many people recommending used ThinkPads.
> Might not be powerful enough for the latest Windows, but more than
> capable for running a BSD.

Be very careful buying used laptops.  There are a lot of refurbishers who
are very shady, and a lot of private sellers online that are trying to
make a fast buck off broken hardware.

In fact, I wrote some code for a shady refurbisher last year to clean
infections of their laptops -- infections that had worked its way into
the images they used to clone drives for refurbished computers.  I think
thousands of their systems probably went out infected before they had me
automate the virus-cleaning process for them.

The short version is simply that I've seen how shady refurbishers work,
up close and personal.  Let the buyer beware.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]

Hello all.

Thanks a lot for your comments. Just doing a little more research, 
you can not find powerful equipment, at least here, with other OS but 
Windows 7, and of course cost more. Here it does not matter if you 
say that  I won't use Windows 7, you pay for it and no refund. All 
the powerful ones come with Windows 7 HP or Windows 7 Pro, No starter 
versions, so you pay for it if you want it or not. Last chance is to 
try Dell, will see later.
I guess my best bet is top have a used one. Is not that it "has" to 
be new but I wanted to invest in something new that last some years, 
my last lap has 7 years but it is short on memory and won't accept more.
I will use ebay I guess for used equipment and ask my friend to bring 
it if possible. If you have good suggestions for places to buy used 
equipment please let me know (on ebay I has bought in the past 
equipment that was dead already or that has problems immediately 
later). Of course sometimes I have bought very good equipment also.

Thanks to all for the comments and your time.
Jorge Biquez

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Best Chat for Freebsd 4.x

2007-06-07 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

One client that's running Freebsd 4.11 Stable ask us to run a chat 
there. He has a small community of users. I know there are lot of 
options but wanted to ask you based on your personal experience.

What's the open source best chat on your experience to run under Freebsd 4.x?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Best Chat for Freebsd 4.x

2007-06-07 Thread Jorge Biquez

At 02:15 p.m. 07/06/2007, Drew Sanford wrote:

Jorge Biquez wrote:

Hello all.
One client that's running Freebsd 4.11 Stable ask us to run a chat 
there. He has a small community of users. I know there are lot of 
options but wanted to ask you based on your personal experience.

What's the open source best chat on your experience to run under Freebsd 4.x?
Thanks in advance.

What kind of chat? Jabber (IM) like, or web chat, or MUSH chat?


I am sorry. A web based chat.

Thanks in advance.


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WhatchDog Error on a Lan Card.

2003-07-11 Thread Jorge Biquez
Hello all.

Today I started receiving this error on the lan card.


And seems like the TCP/IP services stop passing thought the card. The 
machine continues running without seeing the world but no other errors 
beside the above on the console. One thing I notices is that if I try to 
ping any machine I receive and "overflow error". If I restart the machine 
everything works normally again.

The machine is running 4.8 Stable, running on a PIII - 1.0 Ghz with 512 RAM 
and more than enough free space. The machine is running only Apache with 
some load.

I changed the card with another of the same brand and type, its backup 
since I always buy 2 same cards for each equipment, just in case. After a 
few hours and under some load the machine send the same error.

Any ideas on what could be causing the problem?

Thanks in advance.


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FreeBSD Version recommend for OLD machine

2010-03-11 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

I have an old machine that has been running 4.11-Stable for some 
years. This week something weird happened when I tried to update to 
latest version on 4.x. Anyway, I thought that was a good idea to 
update to 5.x and after doing all the process finally I can not have 
it running corrcetly. Not a big problem since a secondary  DNS an an 
email server for one domain. I am still trying to recover it 
downloading and installing the sae version it has but in case I can 
not fix I would like to install a mor erecent version.

The machine has a Motherboard that supports 2 double pentium III 
processors with 1GB of ram and a hard disk with 40GB.

It won't do anything else but a dns slave for maybe 100 domains, mail 
and squirrel for 10 domain, not more than 100 users with very low 
volume. That's all.

Can you give me your opinions on what would you?

- To re-install the version that it used to has from zero and let it 
work again for some other years.

- Try a new version (maybe it is more secure or faster) and if 
so. which one?
(in all these years even when the machine is on the Internet and LOT 
of people has tried to hacked it daily, in all these years we have 
never had a problem.)

Thanks in advance for your advice.

Jorge Biquez

PS. By the way. I left these lists for almost a year as well as the 
OS (global crisis force us to look for survival jobs) anyway now that 
I am back I can see again that you guys in the list, the ones that 
develop and contribute with Freebsd are the best one in the quality 
of the technical messages. Keep working that way and thanks for 
letting us learn from you.

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POP3 , Inetd and Handbook.

2010-03-16 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

I'm sorry if this sounds too stupid or basic.

I moved from 4.3 to latest version and it is working fine. On $.x I 
used to have inedt active since services are basic. On new system 
inedt did not active service immediately (not here at least) so I 
enable the service like "ftpd" on rc.conf

POP3. I remember I read in the list that inetd is not so secure (am I 
wrong?) and that if possible should not be used but since I need 
services up I used that way. Now before studying what's the best way 
to do things I need to have a pop3 deamon running. I installed from 
ports popper but and qpopper but it does not work. What's the daemon 
for popper ? It will worlk if I enable it in rc.conf.?

Inetdd. I want to learn all teh new features (left the path more than 
a year) so I do not want that you solve my problem, but if you can 
point me to where and what study to learn the changes done and the 
best way to have secure and working systems I would apreciate it. I 
am reading Handbook now.

On Handbook. Is a PDF copy available?. Believe it or not sometime I 
can find access to the internet and I would like to be stuyding on 
those times also.

Thanks in advance.

Jorge Biquez

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Spamassasin, sendmail, Postfix

2010-03-21 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

I have been talking with a Linux guy  (you know the never ending kind 
of war, my Linuxreligion is better than your Freebsdreligion, easier 
to install , upgrade blah  blah blah). Anyway, talking about the best 
option for filtering spam and having an email solution for personal 
simple use (small office, 3-4 people) that sendmail could be the 
simples and the best option to follow, with some rules like spamcop, 
rbl , etc, could be fine. I said that I am not sure but that even 
spamassin could be configured to run under send mail or if that does 
not work that to move from sendmail to another could be the solution 
and not so difficult, like postfix. Am I wrong? could be that 
movement easy to do? I mean to move from sendmail to postfix to be 
able to have spamassasin run. Or it is better to have that solution 
(have mail server with spam filters) could be get with some other mix 
of software and tools? (of course my linux friend says that they have 
rpm's ready to solve that even when do not know how it works, not 
interested in that)

Can you comment on your experience to accomplish this?

Thank in advance and I am sorry if this sound too basic.

Jorge Biquez

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Re: Spamassasin, sendmail, Postfix

2010-03-21 Thread Jorge Biquez

I installed that spammilter, run without problems. Thanks

Just curios I have a client that has a dedicated server using CPanel. 
I am just curios that they are using Exim as the MTA . I imagine that 
has an an advantage for using under CPanel.

Thanks for you time

At 06:05 p.m. 21/03/2010, you wrote:

> I said that I am not sure but that even
> spamassin could be configured to run under send mail or if that does
> not work that to move from sendmail to another could be the solution C
> and not so difficult, like postfix.

Of course it

In the ports you have a thing called spammilter? that is just what you

I beleive there are little things that you can do with POstfix that
you coul dnot do with sendmail, only writting a filter for Postfix is
way easier than writting a milter for sendmail, so that is why there
are mor eready made Postfix filters than sendmail milters.


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Re: Spamassasin, sendmail, Postfix

2010-03-21 Thread Jorge Biquez


CPANEL is an interface , graphical, pro administering services 
(jailed usually) in servers. That way users can do almost anything 
with is virtual server. It is kind of popular and for what I have used is good.

You open another question I was going to ask in the list. If all of 
you guys can comment the use of Freebsd in Graphical or text mode. In 
my case I have to confess that I do not know any GUI under Freebsd I 
have never installed one since version 2 since all the services I 
have used I guess do not need the GUI. With my latest installatio I 
was thinking on playing with X Windows but I decided for later.

For general use what do you do?
I know some of you use only or mainly FreeBSD. Always in text. I have 
done it for a while, I am not an expert like you at all but a few 
days could do my job only on text console.
Now I am planing to return to my basics, developing and I am 
constructing a small machine for that . I will be doing simple thing, 
PHP, Python, Mysql and that's all. Still thinking what's more 
convenient if under text or GUI. (remember the good old days under 
HP300, fortran cobol, clipper, etc etc?) I am deciding for a good 
text editor (suggestions?) and maybe for testing will use and old PC 
with any flavor of Windows with any browser will be enoiough)

Can some of you give me your comments and advice?

Thanks Olivier and all for your time.

Jorge Biquez

At 07:07 p.m. 21/03/2010, you wrote:

> Just curios I have a client that has a dedicated server using CPanel.
> I am just curios that they are using Exim as the MTA . I imagine that
> has an an advantage for using under CPanel.

I never laid my hand on any Exim server, I don't even know what CPanel
is. If it's a kind of GUI for Exim, I never use GUI on my servers, I
strictly stick to an all text files politics:

- I have a consistent GUI for all files, my usual text editor;

- even from the other side of the world, throught a very slow
  connection (talking like 12kbps) I can do some administration;

- I feel I have much more control on what is doing what, and where is



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Re: OT: dead box

2010-03-21 Thread Jorge Biquez

No sounds (beeps) no cpu fan no lights?

At 06:00 p.m. 21/03/2010, you wrote:

> Anybody got any ideas what the problem may be? I'm thinking possibly
> the power on switch but that seems a long shot and there seems no easy
> way to replace it.

In the process of dis-assembling the machine and re-assembling is, you
may want to use a rubber to clean the contacts on the RAM and various
boards. I use one of those white rubbers for pencil, remeber to remove
the dust before you put the card in the machine.

While assembling the CPU do not forget the thermo paste between the
CPU and the heat skin, do not over use it, a thin layer is enough.

You can check the CPU by shorting the light green and light blue wires
from the main connector (that would be 2nd and 4th from one end; but
colour are always light green 2nd and light blue 4th so far I have
seen), see if the fan on the power unit turn on. Be carefull, while
this is only 2 or 3 volts, your are delaing with a unit connected to
the main power. paper clip is a good way to do the test.

Good luck,

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Re: mysql can't running

2010-03-23 Thread Jorge Biquez


WHat version of Freebsd are you using?
I hacve the same issue in a recnet installed and updated Freebsd 7.3

At 09:15 a.m. 23/03/2010, you wrote:

Please help, mysql can't running
i had installed it and using phpmyadmin
when i check /etc/rc.d/mysql-server status
it says mysql is not running
when i tried /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe &
startting mysqld daemon with database from /var/db/mysql
STOPPING server from pid file /var/db/mysql/.pid
100323 22:09:46  mysqld ended

Terima Kasih
Muhammad Anis
Teknik Informatika
Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Question. Multi Boot

2010-04-18 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.
I hope this question does not sound so stupid. I have read archives 
and do gogled searches but would like , if possible, to hear comments 
based on experience.

I have a machine, pentium D 2.4mhz 2gb RAM, 160DD HD XP Pro. As I 
mentuioned in other post I installed FreeBSD 7.3 under a virtual 
machine using vmware. It works fine but seems it is too much for the 
machine since when I am running it the machine is very slow. I have 
that FB installation running without graphical interface since that's 
why I need then.

Now I would like to have a graphical interface running to learn to 
use eclipse and continue with my PHP/Mysql development learning. I 
know that if I continue under VMware the windows machine will be even 
more slow so I decided that I would have this machine running with a 
multi boot schema and choose when to boot under FreeBSd, Windows and 
later with Linux (looking for a job and in some companies asked me to 
have the basics of any distribution). The most important is that I 
need to be able to continue having that actual windows partition 
without loosing anything or changing anything.

What do you think, based on experince, is the safest way to accomplish this?

Thanks in advance

Jorge Biquez

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Question. Multi Boot

2010-04-18 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.
I hope this question does not sound so stupid. I have read archives 
and do gogled searches but would like , if possible, to hear comments 
based on experience.

I have a machine, pentium D 2.4mhz 2gb RAM, 160DD HD XP Pro. As I 
mentuioned in other post I installed FreeBSD 7.3 under a virtual 
machine using vmware. It works fine but seems it is too much for the 
machine since when I am running it the machine is very slow. I have 
that FB installation running without graphical interface since that's 
why I need then.

Now I would like to have a graphical interface running to learn to 
use eclipse and continue with my PHP/Mysql development learning. I 
know that if I continue under VMware the windows machine will be even 
more slow so I decided that I would have this machine running with a 
multi boot schema and choose when to boot under FreeBSd, Windows and 
later with Linux (looking for a job and in some companies asked me to 
have the basics of any distribution). The most important is that I 
need to be able to continue having that actual windows partition 
without loosing anything or changing anything.

What do you think, based on experince, is the safest way to accomplish this?

Thanks in advance

Jorge Biquez

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Re: Question. Multi Boot

2010-04-18 Thread Jorge Biquez

At 05:04 p.m. 18/04/2010, you wrote:

On 4/18/10 12:50 PM, Kruppa, Peter Ulrich wrote:
Since Windows isn't very cooperative with other operating systems, 
leave it where it is, buy a second hard disk and install FreeBSD 
(and Linux) on it. The FreeBSD bootmanager will be able to boot 
Windows but Windows will not boot any FreeBSD or Linux.
I would agree that is the safest way to proceed, although the 
repartitioning of the hard disk as outlined by somebody else would 
certainly work.  However, even here I would urge you to have a 
complete backup that you have verified is usable before you 
start.  Makes that sinking feeling in your stomach when you realize 
you've just partitioned the wrong drive much less ugly.  :-)

--Jon Radel

Hello all.

Thanks for your comments.

The disk I have, actually has around 90GB of free space (more I 
guess). I will do repartition with Norton and will leave 2 partitions 
of 40GB for each extra OS. I then will install FB on the first one to 
have the boot manager there and later Linux on the other partition. I 
guess that could work. I hope so.

Thanks for your time.


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Re: [OT] Was: Disabling DNS

2010-04-20 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

My English is not perfect at all since it is not my native language. 
With that in mind I read the comments about the dummy word, 
interpreted as a basic task, simple task In th eeffort of 
learning... can you explain why you considered the comments 
unfriendly and non-professional?

Thanks in advance

Jorge Biquez

At 12:30 p.m. 20/04/2010, you wrote:

In response to Alberto Mijares :

> >> > I have a FreeBSD server that, among other things, used to 
provide DNS for a handful of domain names and a small network.  All 
DNS is now provided by new machines.  On the old machine, DNS 
starts when the machine boots, and bind continues to run lots of 
useless named and named-xfer processes throughout the day.  How do 
I turn off the DNS processes on the old machine and stop it from 
starting every time the machine boots?

> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> FreeBSD has an excelent documentation. Just reading the manual you
> >> will know how to acomplish dummy sysadmin tasks like this.
> > ^
> > Maybe you have a language problem, but this looks very much like
> > inappropriate response.   We do no call names on this list.  It
> > is unhelpful, unfriendly and non-professional.
> >
> > jerry
> When you give a specific answer, you are just giving that: one single
> answer. When you give the source of this answer instead, you are
> giving many answers at once. Now, it's obvious that the OP hasn't read
> the handbook ever and I think he didn't try, at least, a google search
> before asking this question. So, why is it inappropiate, unhelpful,
> unfriendly or non-professional my advise? Ain't it a tacit rule in
> every list to do some research before asking help?
> Just in case, I made a search of every word I used in a dictionary;
> and no offensive nor annoying meaning was found (OK, I misstyped
> "accomplish", sorry about that. My native language is spanish).
> Please let me know if I'm missing something else.

I suspect that jerry had a problem with the use of "dummy", which is
generally considered an insult when directed at a person.  I.e.  "You're
being a dummy." is an insult.

Since your use of the term was associated with the task and not the
individual, the whole thing enters a grey area of interpretation.  Some
might consider the sentence an insult, others might simply consider
the use of "dummy task" as another way to say "beginner task" or
"basic task".

In any event, it's my experience that if you spend time on the Internet,
you will eventually end up offending someone.  Just apologize for any
misunderstanding and move on.

Bill Moran
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Re: [OT] Was: Disabling DNS

2010-04-20 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

My English is not perfect at all since it is not my native language. 
With that in mind I read the comments about the dummy word, 
interpreted as a basic task, simple task In th eeffort of 
learning... can you explain why you considered the comments 
unfriendly and non-professional?

Thanks in advance

Jorge Biquez

At 12:30 p.m. 20/04/2010, you wrote:

In response to Alberto Mijares :

> >> > I have a FreeBSD server that, among other things, used to 
provide DNS for a handful of domain names and a small network.  All 
DNS is now provided by new machines.  On the old machine, DNS 
starts when the machine boots, and bind continues to run lots of 
useless named and named-xfer processes throughout the day.  How do 
I turn off the DNS processes on the old machine and stop it from 
starting every time the machine boots?

> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> FreeBSD has an excelent documentation. Just reading the manual you
> >> will know how to acomplish dummy sysadmin tasks like this.
> > ^
> > Maybe you have a language problem, but this looks very much like
> > inappropriate response.   We do no call names on this list.  It
> > is unhelpful, unfriendly and non-professional.
> >
> > jerry
> When you give a specific answer, you are just giving that: one single
> answer. When you give the source of this answer instead, you are
> giving many answers at once. Now, it's obvious that the OP hasn't read
> the handbook ever and I think he didn't try, at least, a google search
> before asking this question. So, why is it inappropiate, unhelpful,
> unfriendly or non-professional my advise? Ain't it a tacit rule in
> every list to do some research before asking help?
> Just in case, I made a search of every word I used in a dictionary;
> and no offensive nor annoying meaning was found (OK, I misstyped
> "accomplish", sorry about that. My native language is spanish).
> Please let me know if I'm missing something else.

I suspect that jerry had a problem with the use of "dummy", which is
generally considered an insult when directed at a person.  I.e.  "You're
being a dummy." is an insult.

Since your use of the term was associated with the task and not the
individual, the whole thing enters a grey area of interpretation.  Some
might consider the sentence an insult, others might simply consider
the use of "dummy task" as another way to say "beginner task" or
"basic task".

In any event, it's my experience that if you spend time on the Internet,
you will eventually end up offending someone.  Just apologize for any
misunderstanding and move on.

Bill Moran
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Re: [OT] Was: Disabling DNS

2010-04-20 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello Vincent and Tom.

Understood. but I still guess that what he wanted to say was not 
with the intention of hurt or offend anyone anyway... let's 
forget and thanks for the lessons... let's continue learning FreeBSD 
(my case in the last years) and by the way if I ask something 
very basic I o not care if some of you use the dummy word if you help me. :=)

At 04:56 p.m. 20/04/2010, you wrote:

Hi Jorge,
While the term dummy has been used in the sense of "basic" or
"beginner" (for instance the "for dummies" series of books,) The most
common context means stupid, or silly and has negative connotations for
the person referred to.


On 20/04/2010 20:48, Jorge Biquez wrote:
> Hello all.
> My English is not perfect at all since it is not my native language.
> With that in mind I read the comments about the dummy word,
> interpreted as a basic task, simple task In th eeffort of
> learning... can you explain why you considered the comments unfriendly
> and non-professional?
> Thanks in advance
> Jorge Biquez
> At 12:30 p.m. 20/04/2010, you wrote:
>> In response to Alberto Mijares :
>> > >> > I have a FreeBSD server that, among other things, used to
>> provide DNS for a handful of domain names and a small network.  All
>> DNS is now provided by new machines.  On the old machine, DNS starts
>> when the machine boots, and bind continues to run lots of useless
>> named and named-xfer processes throughout the day.  How do I turn off
>> the DNS processes on the old machine and stop it from starting every
>> time the machine boots?
>> > >> Hi,
>> > >>
>> > >> FreeBSD has an excelent documentation. Just reading the manual you
>> > >> will know how to acomplish dummy sysadmin tasks like this.
>> > > ^
>> > > Maybe you have a language problem, but this looks very much like
>> > > inappropriate response.   We do no call names on this list.  It
>> > > is unhelpful, unfriendly and non-professional.
>> > >
>> > > jerry
>> >
>> > When you give a specific answer, you are just giving that: one single
>> > answer. When you give the source of this answer instead, you are
>> > giving many answers at once. Now, it's obvious that the OP hasn't read
>> > the handbook ever and I think he didn't try, at least, a google search
>> > before asking this question. So, why is it inappropiate, unhelpful,
>> > unfriendly or non-professional my advise? Ain't it a tacit rule in
>> > every list to do some research before asking help?
>> >
>> > Just in case, I made a search of every word I used in a dictionary;
>> > and no offensive nor annoying meaning was found (OK, I misstyped
>> > "accomplish", sorry about that. My native language is spanish).
>> >
>> > Please let me know if I'm missing something else.
>> I suspect that jerry had a problem with the use of "dummy", which is
>> generally considered an insult when directed at a person.  I.e.  "You're
>> being a dummy." is an insult.
>> Since your use of the term was associated with the task and not the
>> individual, the whole thing enters a grey area of interpretation.  Some
>> might consider the sentence an insult, others might simply consider
>> the use of "dummy task" as another way to say "beginner task" or
>> "basic task".
>> In any event, it's my experience that if you spend time on the Internet,
>> you will eventually end up offending someone.  Just apologize for any
>> misunderstanding and move on.
>> --
>> Bill Moran
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Re: Installation queries

2010-04-24 Thread Jorge Biquez

At 09:32 a.m. 24/04/2010, you wrote:

On April 24, 2010 07:53:27 am Glen Barber wrote:
> Hi,
> Warren Liddell wrote:
> > I have a Hard Drive presently running Win 7 which ironically i wish to
> > remain souly a Win drive .. my question is, i have another drive im
> > looking to put in while i take the windows 1 out and install FreeBSD
> > onto it .. if later on i decide for some god unknown reason to put that
> > drive back in and take the FreeBSD one out .. will there be any issues ?
> No, because they will be two separate disks.  If you have only one
> attached at one time, each disk will contain its own MBR.
> Regards,

I have always found disk caddies to be a much better solution than dual-boot.
It guarantees no interference. I learned the hard way some years ago with an
'accident' with dd on a dual-boot disk...

I would like to hear if possible your comments and advice on this 
taht's related ..

What if you have a to have several OS and distros to study or give 
consulting and developing services. I have this scenario now and I 
guess I have this optios.

- Extra disk(s) and install there the differnet os I need (FreeBSD 
and some Linux distros).
- As mentioned have different small disk with real installations and 
change according to needs.

- Change my slow machine and have a big one with
  a) have the windows needed (for some clients that have that, I am 
sorry) and under it run VMWARE or similar and have all the 
installations that I need.
  b) Have a big mac and do the same with virtualpc or similar (not 
sure of the name).

Thinking that you are looking to continue learning and you are 
offering consulting services where clients have different 
instllations. What would you choose of the above, if any? Or what would you do?

Thanks in advance.

Jorge Biquez

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Sendmail and spam/antivirus

2010-06-22 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

I have a small machine with Freebsd 7.3, it is running sendmail for a 
few email accounts.

I'd like to implement, the easiest and most secure way to do it since 
machine is on a remote place where I have not access, I'd like to 
implement a spam  filter and an antivirus. I installed from ports 
spamd but seems like it is not doing anything.
What would be your advice on what to install to have and anivirus and 
an anti spam in the server? Sendmail is working fine and there are 
just a few email accounts there so no need to change it, since some 
of the accounts have been "public" in the last years they are in LOT 
of spammers lists and the spam and messages with virus has increased 
a lot in the last weeks so if possible to filter some will help.

Thanks in advance.
Jorge Biquez

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Anti virus, anti spam step guide.

2010-08-04 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

I am looking documentation for implementing, the easiest way anti 
virus and anti spam configuration for non tech users and out of the 
box after installing FreeBSD (actually using 7.3 Release).
I have been working with it for some years but I am not an expert at 
all. I need to help some non-profit organizations that received some 
2 year old computers as donation and they will use it for email 
services. They have not tech people, so the idea is that I can help 
them to implement that solution the easiest way so maybe one of the 
teacher there can try to replicate the solution.

UNtil now I always have used Sendmail as it is installed, no filters 
besided the spamcop ones but that was enough for my personal use.
I know some of you will tell that change to postfix or another MTA 
and that instead using POP3 that I have to use another tool (courier, 
fetchail, imap (any) etc etc). I ca do it for sur and I do not want 
to star a war , again, under what MTA is the best. I just would like 
to have the best and easiest solution for them. Once installed they 
only will be creating new accounts, changing paswords, deleting 
accounts. Nothing else. Ah, another thing if possible is to implement 
a webmail but that will be an extra gem if possible.

Any resources? Any suggestions based in experience? (I have one 
machine of them that I will use for testing the solution).

Thanks in advance

Jorge Biquez

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RE: Anti virus, anti spam step guide.

2010-08-09 Thread Jorge Biquez


Thanks a lot for the advice.

I have tried with spamassasin but for some reason can not having work 
correctly with sendmail. I am reading in detail documentation. I know 
this sounds like something stupid but I am starting my third try 
starting from zero, for some reason everything install correcly and 
at the end have a non receiving email installation (have checked port 
on inetd, under sendmail configuration, nothing). What I do not 
get  is what components do I need. Just spamassasin or spamd only , 
anyway, learning and having fun with it until I can know how to do 
it. Otherwise instead of help that organization will be giving more 
problems besides the ones they have.

I will try openwebmail.

Thanks a lot.

At 01:54 a.m. 08/08/2010, Marwan Sultan wrote:


For WebMail that has everything you want:

For pop3 :

For Spam:

Default sendmail is good.

all the above is available from ports, I would recommend a manual 
install for openwebmail instead of ports

so you can follow and know how things work.

You can install spamassassin from ports, and follow the instructions.

-Marwan Sultan

> Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2010 09:19:19 -0500
> To:
> From:
> Subject: Anti virus, anti spam step guide.
> Hello all.
> I am looking documentation for implementing, the easiest way anti
> virus and anti spam configuration for non tech users and out of the
> box after installing FreeBSD (actually using 7.3 Release).
> I have been working with it for some years but I am not an expert at
> all. I need to help some non-profit organizations that received some
> 2 year old computers as donation and they will use it for email
> services. They have not tech people, so the idea is that I can help
> them to implement that solution the easiest way so maybe one of the
> teacher there can try to replicate the solution.
> UNtil now I always have used Sendmail as it is installed, no filters
> besided the spamcop ones but that was enough for my personal use.
> I know some of you will tell that change to postfix or another MTA
> and that instead using POP3 that I have to use another tool (courier,
> fetchail, imap (any) etc etc). I ca do it for sur and I do not want
> to star a war , again, under what MTA is the best. I just would like
> to have the best and easiest solution for them. Once installed they
> only will be creating new accounts, changing paswords, deleting
> accounts. Nothing else. Ah, another thing if possible is to implement
> a webmail but that will be an extra gem if possible.
> Any resources? Any suggestions based in experience? (I have one
> machine of them that I will use for testing the solution).
> Thanks in advance
> Jorge Biquez
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GUI Suggested?

2010-09-22 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

In all these years I have been working with FreeBSd under 
terminal/shell mode. Since all my needs to solve have been solved 
that way I have never tried any graphical interface.

I was wondering if you can tell suggest me based on yoru experience 
on what path to follow? KDE? any other?

I would like to test what you suggest is the best for you and if 
possible that it is not TOO complicated to setup. The idea is to use 
it as my desktop plattfor (documents, browser, email, etc)

Thanks in advance

Jorge Biquez

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OT. Duplicating Disk.

2010-09-27 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

This is kind off topic.

U have and "old" laptopn, an Acer Travelmate 4670. It has a sata 
disk, 120Gb. It has been working fine in all these years. I have 
installed Freebsd with its boot manager and inside has Windows and a 
distro linux. I choose what OS to use depending on my needs every time I boot.

I have decided to give it fresh air and I bought a disk of 500GB. 
Instead of installing everything again I would like to duplicate 
entire disk, as is, with its MBR and all partitions for all the 
different OS's. I bought an USB enclosure that is working fine. The 
machine recognice the new disk if I attach it as a USB disk (in all 
OS no problem on that). As a test also I decided to change disks and 
install somethig, no problem at all.

My question is. What would be your advice on what tool to use to 
duplicate entire disk? (the adjust of size for the partitions of each 
different OS can be done later, no problem I guess).

 I was recommend to use DiskImageXML, booting alone and copy the 
disk but it does not work. Not yet.

I guess the problem is that the original disk still has a 4Gb 
partition with all the Acer tools , the first partition, to recover 
teh Windows XP origibal system (type or partition EISA). Not sure on 
that but that program is not working. I receive an error when booting.
On my desktop I used to use old Norton Ghost 2003 with my IDE disk 
and still work fine, but here does not work at all since the USB 
ports are not recognized.

Do you know of a program tool that can be used that boot alone, free 
if possible or cheap, that let me copy entire disk, as is, that do the job?

I am sorry for the kind of off topic and thanks in advance

Jorge Biquez

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