[Freedos-user] ASPI driver

2007-03-05 Thread basudeb gupta
Hi All,

Is there an ASPI driver for FreeDOS? Where can I get it? 

Also, where can I get the specs of that driver so that I can write a program 
and access a SCSI hard disk?


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Re: [Freedos-user] ASPI driver

2007-03-05 Thread basudeb gupta
Thanks Charles, looks bad for me, as I have to use FreeDOS for
different machines and not only one. And they are of various sizes. 

Can I conclude that FreeDOS does not support SCSI drives thru ASPI ?
Or have I misunderstood the answer?


- Original Message 
From: charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Monday, March 5, 2007 9:56:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] ASPI driver

basudeb gupta wrote:
 Hi All,
 Is there an ASPI driver for FreeDOS? Where can I get it?
 Also, where can I get the specs of that driver so that I can write a 
 program and access a SCSI hard disk?

I've had the same problem with FreeDOS not accessing hard drives.  From 
what I can tell by testing various programs under FreeDOS and MS-DOS is 
that the FD fdisk program does it's own thing and fails to recognize a 
SCSI drive unless you issue set FFD_VERSION=6 at the command prompt 
(without quotas).  This won't help you however.  This basically puts 
fdisk in a type of 16-bit mode and the limitations of FAT 16 partitions 
only.  In other words no larger than 2GB FAT 16 partitions.  But it gets 
even worse.  The FreeDOS kernel doesn't seem to want anything to do with 
the SCSI int 13h extensions and completely ignores them.  This also 
includes loading an ASPI driver.  So until this gets addressed us SCSI 
users are SOL when it comes to FreeDOS.  Correct me if I'm wrong.

BTW what is your system specs including SCSI card.

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Re: [Freedos-user] ASPI driver

2007-03-05 Thread basudeb gupta
Thanks for the help. I  had a few simple requirements:

a) an ASPI.SYS for FREEDOS that I can use to access SCSI drives
b) reference manual for this, so that I can write some programs to access the 
devices thru ASPI.SYS

Unfortunately, all these links are not giving me this. Can anyone help?


- Original Message 
From: tomleem [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2007 5:46:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] ASPI driver

basudeb gupta wrote:
 Hi All,

 Is there an ASPI driver for FreeDOS? Where can I get it?

 Also, where can I get the specs of that driver so that I can write a 
 program and access a SCSI hard disk?


Is this it?


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Re: [Freedos-user] ASPI driver

2007-03-05 Thread basudeb gupta
Thanks but I need an ASPIxxx.SYS that works with Freedos to try this code. Any 
help in that will
be appreciated. I would like to try with an Adaptec card.


- Original Message 
To: freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2007 9:06:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] ASPI driver

; highlevel ASPI

code_seg segment
   assume cs:code_seg,ds:code_seg
   org 100h
main   proc near
entry: jmp start  
;  data area
   scsicommand struc
  code db 2 
status db 0   
   adapter db 0   
   reqflag db 24  
   resrved db 0  
targid db 1
   logunit db 0
   xferlen dw 0,0
   senslen db 0
   dataptrodw 0
   dataptrsdw 0
   srbptro dw 0
   srbptrs dw 0
cdblen db ?
  hoststat db 0
  targstat db 0  
  postaddo dw 0 
  postadds dw 0 
  workspac db 34 dup (?) 
   scsicommand ends  
   SCSI db 'SCSIMGR$',0
   ASPI dw 2 dup (?)
   SRB  db 58 dup (0)
   cards db ?
   curcard db ?
   curdev db ?
   bTen db 10
   cardat db ?
   cardflag db ?
;  code area
start: mov ax,3D00h
   lea dx,SCSI
   int 21h
   jnc haveaspi
   mov ah,09
   lea dx,nope
   int 21h 
   mov ax,4C01h 
   int 21h 
   nope db 13,10,'No ASPI Manager Found',13,10,'$'
haveaspi:  push ax
   mov bx,ax
   mov ax,4402h
   lea dx,ASPI
   mov cx,4
   int 21h
   pop bx
   mov ah,3Eh
   int 21h
nextcard:  call callaspi
   jne btdt 
   mov al,SRB[8]
   mov cards,al
   mov al,SRB[9]
   mov cardat,al
   mov si,offset SRB+10
   mov di,offset EchoBuffer
   mov cx,8
   rep movsw
   lea dx,CRLF
   mov ah,09
   int 21h
btdt:  mov si,offset SRB+26 
   mov di,offset EchoBuffer
   mov cx,8
   rep movsw
   lea dx,EchoBuffer
   mov ah,09
   int 21h
   mov al,SRB[2]
   mov curcard,al
   mov curdev,0
nextdev:   call clearSRB
   mov SRB[0],1
   mov al,curcard
   mov SRB[2],al
   mov al,curdev
   mov SRB[8],al
   call callaspi
   call showdev
   inc curdev 
   cmp curdev,8 
   jne nextdev 
   mov al,curcard
   inc al
   cmp al,cards
   je lastcard
   call clearSRB
   mov SRB[2],al
   jmp short nextcard
lastcard:  mov ax,4C00h
   int 21h
   CRLF   db 13,10
   EchoBuffer db 16 dup(?), 13, 10,'$'
   None   db 'None'
   Ctrl   db 'Card'
main   endp
   DevBuffer db 'ID #xx   Type - ',13,10,'$'
showdevproc near
   mov cardflag,0
   mov al,curdev
   cmp al,cardat
   jne adevice
   mov cardflag,1
adevice:   xor ah,ah
   div bTen
   add ax,3030h
   lea di, devbuffer[4]
   cmp cardflag,1
   jne notcard
   lea si,Ctrl
   jmp short notnum
notcard:   cmp SRB[1],82h 
   jne shownum 
   lea si,None 
notnum:lea di,DevBuffer[16]
   jmp short nonum 
shownum:   mov al,SRB[10] 
   xor ah,ah 
   div bTen 
   add ax,3030h 
   lea di,DevBuffer[16] 
   mov ax,2020h 
nonum: mov ah,09 
   lea dx,devbuffer 
   int 21h 
callaspi   proc near
   push ds
   lea bx,SRB
   push bx
   lea bx,ASPI
   call dword ptr[bx]
   add sp,4
   cmp SRB[2],0
callaspi   endp
clearSRB   proc near
   push ax
   xor ax,ax
   lea di,SRB
   mov cx,29
   rep stosw
   pop ax
clearSRB   endp
code_seg   ends
   end entry 

  Original Message 
 Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] ASPI driver
 From: basudeb gupta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, March 05, 2007 6:34 pm
 To: freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
 Thanks for the help. I  had a few simple requirements:   a) an ASPI.SYS for 
 FREEDOS that I can use to access SCSI drives b) reference manual for this, so 
 that I can write some programs to access the devices thru ASPI.SYS
 Unfortunately, all these links are not giving me this. Can anyone help?   
 Regards, Basudeb - Original Message 
 From: tomleem

[Freedos-user] How to make a FreeDOS Bootable CD

2006-12-07 Thread basudeb gupta
Hi all,

I am a new user of FreeDOS trying to port my MSDOS 6.2 based application to 
FreeDOS. We 
need to make a FreedOS Bootable CD with the required drivers. 

Now the CD I get downloaded from the site has options only to install on hard 
disk or boot from CD without 
any drivers. 

Now how do I get a proper bootable FreeDOS CD with drivers? I am sure this has 
been done over and over
many times already. 

Or is it not possible? Is it a limitation of FreeDOS?

Please help. 


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Re: [Freedos-user] Lan Card drivers

2006-04-05 Thread basudeb gupta
Hi Gerry,

Thanks for the analysis of the problem.

By Preboot I was meaning an application that can work in DOS mode but access 
all devices for remote system debugging
and testing. FreeDOS is fine but if it cannot access most of the latest LAN 
cards, it will be a problem.

As the network cards will belong to customers it can't be chosen by my 

I need to be sure that FreeDOS can take care of most LAN cards.

- Original Message 
From: Gerry Hickman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2006 2:57:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] Lan Card drivers


If you buy hardware in a managed way (e.g. HP, IBM, Dell) I don't think 
you'll have any problems getting FreeDOS to pull o/s builds from 
servers. I use this to do Windows 2000 builds on a big network; it's 
very reliable and fast. However, I'm not sure there a future in this for 
a few reasons:

1. Windows Vista has a new deployment system, it's a seriously bloated 
o/s and pulling an image over DOS with LanMan and messing around with 
FAT conversions and cluster sizes might not be viable. I don't know for 
sure but it would not surprise me if Microsoft try to scupper this kind 
of build strategy.

2. If you run Windows 2003 servers you could find it impossible to 
connect to your server share from FreeDOS network clients for two reasons:

a) Kerberos Authentication
b) SMB Signing

In theory tools such as WinPE get round these kinds of problems in that 
you can write straight to NTFS with the correct cluster size and you can 
connect using Kerberos and SMB signing (at least in theory).

When you say bootable application it's hard to know what you mean; if 
you mean a real-mode 16bit DOS app then FreeDOS should be perfect. If 
you mean a 32/64bit Windows app then that's another story.

basudeb gupta wrote:
 Hello All,
 I have to decide between FreeDos. WinPE as the platform for a bootable 
 application. Are the latest
 lan card drivers available on FreeDOS? Is there a list of supported lan cards 
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Gerry Hickman (London UK)

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[Freedos-user] Lan Card drivers

2006-04-04 Thread basudeb gupta
Hello All,
I have to decide between FreeDos. WinPE as the platform for a bootable 
application. Are the latest
lan card drivers available on FreeDOS? Is there a list of supported lan cards 

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[Freedos-user] Newbie: How do I make a FreeDOS bootable CD?

2006-03-13 Thread basudeb gupta
Hello all:
I need to make a FreeDOS bootable CD with one of my programs(.COM)  to run 
automatically after booting. 
Can some kind soul tell me what are the exact steps I should follow?
Even a link will be welcome. 

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Re: [Freedos-user] How to display Japanese

2006-01-07 Thread basudeb gupta
Does anyone know what is the FreeDos japanese version? 
I have heard there is a version to be run from floppy which works in japanese 
mode. Is it true?
Thanks for all the help so far.

- Original Message 
To: freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 5:32:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] How to display Japanese

Hi Basudeb,

Not that I am too familiar with Asian locale, mainly due to my lack of
knowledge and also lack of hardware for testing, but here it is what I
know of it.

I am afraid that what Henrique is telling you is only half of the game
that one would need to get a fully Japanese system.

DBCS is not currently supported, as far as I know, nor for Kernel, neither
DISPLAY.SYS (currently DISPLAY.EXE) or other drivers, so there's no Open
source FreeDOS way to get Japanese or any other Asian scripts printed on
the screen.

Having said that, the things are a bit better for Japanese than for other
Asian languages such as Chinese or Taiwanese, because it seems that in the
usual way of doing this that I was informed by some Japanese helpers of
mine, the keyboard driver can just emit one-single characters, and
there's another component, the Front-End Processor (FEP) that would bridge
between the single-byte keyboard driver and the DBCS system.

Unfortunately, I don't know of any open source FEP to be used, but
fortunately it was a very slight change to be done to current FD-KEYB to
support this, and that I did in the previous version.

Henrique composed the Japanese keyboard layout inside one such
KEYBOARD.SYS file, and unfortunately we didn't manage to have it tested in
an integral test, although unitary tests showed KEYB+this layout did as it

Regarding the compiler, each tool is compiled under a particular one, and
you can compile the kernel itself with several. If I had to choose, I'd
say OpenWatcom.

And finally about the interrupt list, there isn't AFAIK a list of what has
been implemented and what hasn't. There is a list over there that I have
seen, but I don't think it's updated. Source is your friend ;-)


 Bom dia Henrique,

 Thank you and other list members  very much for your kind reply and
 I did get some angry snorts from a particular honorable member, but  I
 that is part of initiation rites into any new group  :-)

 Going by your suggestion, I got the jp106.txt fiel and am consulting my
 Japanese friends to interpret
 the file. But I need a little more hand-holding to help me on the right

 a) What is the standard C compiler that I should get for FreeDOS?

 b) Assuming FreeDOS is supposed to be an implementation of MSDOS 6.22
 where do I get the manual/function descriptions for FreeDOS now? For
 can I use int 21 kind of calls and if so, which is the authentic manual
 all int 21 functions?

 c) When I installed FreeDOS , I selected Japanese mode. That came up as
 Japanese text
 during multi-boot. But after that it is all English. Is it OK or I am
 going wrong somewhere?

 Thanks again

 - Original Message 
 From: Henrique Peron [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
 Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 00:49:07
 Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] How to display Japanese

 Namaste Basudeb,

 first of all, welcome. Second, there aren't such things like stupid
 questions. Feel comfortable to ask whatever you want. :-)
 The point is, you would need a special program to display japanese.
 For the time being, FreeDOS in itself is only able to handle languages
 written with latin, greek, cyrillic, armenian and georgian scripts.
 Nevertheless, there is a japanese readme file (JP106.TXT) on the KPDOS
 You'll find it here:

 Download the 22X package, which contains the library files. The 22S file
 meant for users which intend to modify/develop their own keyboard layout
 files, which seems not to be your case.

 I hope that helps.


 - Original Message -
 From: basudeb gupta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
 Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 1:06 PM
 Subject: [Freedos-user] How to display Japanese

 |I am a raw first time user. Please excuse me for stupid questions.
 | I basically want to have a multi-lingual program running under Freedos.
 first doubt is how to select language and display Japanese.
 | Please help and let me take my first small steps.
 | Thanks
 | Basudeb
 | ---
 | This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log
 | for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
 | searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
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 | ___
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Re: [Freedos-user] How to display Japanese

2006-01-04 Thread basudeb gupta
Thanks. This has been very useful tips.
Now getting back to my original question:
How do I display Japanese characters in a C program?
Suppose I get a text file which has unicode text in Japanese
and is displayed in XP as Japanese characters if I load it using Wordpad say,
How do I display this in FreeDOS or WatCom C?
Any hint will be greatly appreciated. 

- Original Message 
From: Blair Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 11:50:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] How to display Japanese

 a) What is the standard C compiler that I should get for FreeDOS?

I would highly recommend OpenWatcom 1.4, but if you have limited space
or are looking for simplicity, Pacific C or a free version of Turbo C
is available (Pacific C produces the smallest code usually, btw, with
Turbo C and then Watcom C following).

 b) Assuming FreeDOS is supposed to be an implementation of MSDOS 6.22
 where do I get the manual/function descriptions for FreeDOS now? For example,
 can I use int 21 kind of calls and if so, which is the authentic manual for
 all int 21 functions?

Four words: Ralph Brown's Interrupt List
That is all the documentation you'll ever need (imho) for int 21 functions.

Fall is my favorite season in Los Angeles, watching the birds change
color and fall from the trees.
   David Letterman (1947 - )

See ya

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[Freedos-user] How to display Japanese

2006-01-03 Thread basudeb gupta
I am a raw first time user. Please excuse me for stupid questions.
I basically want to have a multi-lingual program running under Freedos. My 
first doubt is how to select language and display Japanese. 
Please help and let me take my first small steps.

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] How to display Japanese

2006-01-03 Thread basudeb gupta
Bom dia Henrique,
Thank you and other list members  very much for your kind reply and 
I did get some angry snorts from a particular honorable member, but  I guess 
that is part of initiation rites into any new group  :-)
Going by your suggestion, I got the jp106.txt fiel and am consulting my 
Japanese friends to interpret
the file. But I need a little more hand-holding to help me on the right track. 
a) What is the standard C compiler that I should get for FreeDOS?
b) Assuming FreeDOS is supposed to be an implementation of MSDOS 6.22
where do I get the manual/function descriptions for FreeDOS now? For example,
can I use int 21 kind of calls and if so, which is the authentic manual for 
all int 21 functions?
c) When I installed FreeDOS , I selected Japanese mode. That came up as 
Japanese text
during multi-boot. But after that it is all English. Is it OK or I am going 
wrong somewhere?
Thanks again

- Original Message 
From: Henrique Peron [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 00:49:07
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] How to display Japanese

Namaste Basudeb,

first of all, welcome. Second, there aren't such things like stupid 
questions. Feel comfortable to ask whatever you want. :-)
The point is, you would need a special program to display japanese.
For the time being, FreeDOS in itself is only able to handle languages 
written with latin, greek, cyrillic, armenian and georgian scripts.
Nevertheless, there is a japanese readme file (JP106.TXT) on the KPDOS pack. 
You'll find it here:

Download the 22X package, which contains the library files. The 22S file is 
meant for users which intend to modify/develop their own keyboard layout 
files, which seems not to be your case.

I hope that helps.


- Original Message - 
From: basudeb gupta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 1:06 PM
Subject: [Freedos-user] How to display Japanese

|I am a raw first time user. Please excuse me for stupid questions.
| I basically want to have a multi-lingual program running under Freedos. My 
first doubt is how to select language and display Japanese.
| Please help and let me take my first small steps.
| Thanks
| Basudeb
| ---
| This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log 
| for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
| searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
| http://ads.osdn.com/?ad_id=7637alloc_id=16865op=click
| ___
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| Freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
| https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/freedos-user

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
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