Re: [Freeipa-users] How to turn off RC4 in 389ds???

2015-09-26 Thread Michael Lasevich
That did it.

Thank you.

On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 12:59 AM, Martin Kosek <> wrote:

> Hello Michael,
> It is possible that this problem comes from obsolete package in the
> mkosek/freeipa COPR repo, which was fixed in Fedora/RHEL, but not there.
> Can you please try to update the 389-ds-base from
> ? I rebuilt the latest F21 389-ds-base to the repo, there were some
> related fixes.
> Thanks,
> Martin
> On 09/23/2015 05:50 PM, Michael Lasevich wrote:
> > No difference. It is as if this setting is being overwritten somewhere
> deep
> > in 389ds, because the "error" log correctly reflects the changes, but the
> > actual process does not. (and yes, I verified that the process actually
> > shuts down and start up again when I restart it)
> >
> > ldapsearch -x -D "cn=directory manager" -W -b "cn=encryption,cn=config"
> > # encryption, config
> > dn: cn=encryption,cn=config
> > objectClass: top
> > objectClass: nsEncryptionConfig
> > cn: encryption
> > nsSSLSessionTimeout: 0
> > nsSSLClientAuth: allowed
> > sslVersionMin: TLS1.0
> > nsSSL3Ciphers: +all
> > allowWeakCipher: off
> > nsSSL3: off
> > nsSSL2: off
> > ... (skipping nssslenabledciphers's) ...
> > nsTLS1: on
> > sslVersionMax: TLS1.2
> >
> > SLAPD error log got longer:
> >
> > SSL Initialization - Configured SSL version range: min: TLS1.0, max:
> TLS1.2
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:28 -0600] - SSL alert: Configured NSS Ciphers
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:28 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:28 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:28 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:28 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:28 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:28 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:28 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:28 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:28 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:28 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:28 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:28 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:28 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:28 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:28 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:28 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:28 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:29 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:29 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:29 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:29 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:29 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:29 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:29 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:29 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:29 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:29 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:29 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:29 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:29 -0600] - SSL alert:
> > TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA: enabled
> > [23/Sep/2015:09:37:29 -0600] - SS

[Freeipa-users] OTP unstable/non functional after upgrade?

2015-09-23 Thread Michael Lasevich
Ok, something odd happened I would love some feedback/ideas on:

We had 4.1.2 running on Fedora that we used for, among other things, OTP
authentication. I have just upgraded these to CentOS 7 with 4.1.4 running
and our OTP setup suddenly became very unstable.

Things that have changed during upgrade that may be contributing to this:

* OS went from Fedora to CentOS7
* Version of the IPA code went from 4.1.2 to 4.1.4
* Anonymous LDAP access was disabled
* Directory Manager password was changed (to solve unrelated problem)
* An attempt to reduce number of supported ciphers for LDAPs (Port 636)
* Ditto for SSL port for apache.


* Upon even before upgrade was completed (one server, the one auth was
being attempted against, was still running old code) - it would not
authenticate LDAP connection using password+otp format. Password alone
worked fine.

* After update I tried to login to IPA UI using password+otp - it was not
working. So I logged in without otp and added a new OTP code. After that
suddenly I could use both the old and the new token generators to login
but not all the time... new one was more consistent, but failed from time
to time too. This is happening to at least one other user - so I think the
issue is not associated with user account.

* At no time sync token UI worked. Always says wrong/invalid token.

I really need this to work - any ideas/suggestions would be appreciated.

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Re: [Freeipa-users] How to turn off RC4 in 389ds???

2015-09-23 Thread Michael Lasevich
Yes, I am talking about 389ds as is integrated in FreeIPA (would be silly
to post completely non-IPA questions to this list...).
I am running FreeIPA 4.1.4 on CentOS 7.1 and RC4 is enabled on port 636 no
matter what I do.

I am running "CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core)"

Relevant Packages:


LDAP setting (confirmed that in error.log there is no menition of RC4 in
list of ciphers):


Slapd "error" log showing no ciphersuites supporting RC4:

[23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] SSL Initialization - Configured SSL version
range: min: TLS1.0, max: TLS1.2
[23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert: Cipher suite fortezza is not
available in NSS 3.16.  Ignoring fortezza
[23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert: Cipher suite fortezza_rc4_128_sha
is not available in NSS 3.16.  Ignoring fortezza_rc4_128_sha
[23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert: Cipher suite fortezza_null is not
available in NSS 3.16.  Ignoring fortezza_null
[23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert: Configured NSS Ciphers
[23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert:
[23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert:
[23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert:
[23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert:
[23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert:
[23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert:
[23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - 389-Directory/ B2015.040.128 starting

But sslscan returns:

$ sslscan --no-failed localhost:636

Supported Server Cipher(s):

Accepted  TLSv1  256 bits  AES256-SHA
Accepted  TLSv1  128 bits  AES128-SHA
Accepted  TLSv1  128 bits  DES-CBC3-SHA
Accepted  TLSv1  128 bits  RC4-SHA
Accepted  TLSv1  128 bits  RC4-MD5
Accepted  TLS11  256 bits  AES256-SHA
Accepted  TLS11  128 bits  AES128-SHA
Accepted  TLS11  128 bits  DES-CBC3-SHA
Accepted  TLS11  128 bits  RC4-SHA
Accepted  TLS11  128 bits  RC4-MD5
Accepted  TLS12  256 bits  AES256-SHA256
Accepted  TLS12  256 bits  AES256-SHA
Accepted  TLS12  128 bits  AES128-GCM-SHA256
Accepted  TLS12  128 bits  AES128-SHA256
Accepted  TLS12  128 bits  AES128-SHA
Accepted  TLS12  128 bits  DES-CBC3-SHA
Accepted  TLS12  128 bits  RC4-SHA
Accepted  TLS12  128 bits  RC4-MD5


I would assume the sslscan is broken, but nmap and other scanners all
confirm that RC4 is still on.


On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 3:35 AM, Martin Kosek <> wrote:

> On 09/23/2015 11:00 AM, Michael Lasevich wrote:
> > OK, this is most bizarre issue,
> >
> > I am trying to disable RC4 based TLS Cipher Suites in LDAPs(port 636) and
> > for the life of me cannot get it to work
> >
> > I have followed many nearly identical instructions to create ldif file
> and
> > change "nsSSL3Ciphers" in "cn=encryption,cn=config". Seems simple enough
> -
> > and I get it to take, and during the startup I can see the right SSL
> Cipher
> > Suites listed in errors.log - but when it starts and I probe it, RC4
> > ciphers are still there. I am completely confused.
> >
> > I tried setting "nsSSL3Ciphers" to "default" (which does not have "RC4")
> > and to old style cyphers lists(lowercase), and new style cypher
> > lists(uppercase), and nothing seems to make any difference.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > -M
> Are you asking about standalone 389-DS or the one integrated in FreeIPA? As
> with currently supported versions of FreeIPA, RC4 ciphers should be already
> gone, AFAIK.
> In RHEL/CentOS world, it should be fixed in 6.7/7.1 or later:
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Re: [Freeipa-users] How to turn off RC4 in 389ds???

2015-09-23 Thread Michael Lasevich
epted  TLS12  256 bits  AES256-SHA256
Accepted  TLS12  256 bits  AES256-SHA
Accepted  TLS12  128 bits  AES128-GCM-SHA256
Accepted  TLS12  128 bits  AES128-SHA256
Accepted  TLS12  128 bits  AES128-SHA
Accepted  TLS12  128 bits  DES-CBC3-SHA
Accepted  TLS12  128 bits  RC4-SHA
Accepted  TLS12  128 bits  RC4-MD5

On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 8:19 AM, Ludwig Krispenz <>

> On 09/23/2015 05:05 PM, Michael Lasevich wrote:
> Yes, I am talking about 389ds as is integrated in FreeIPA (would be silly
> to post completely non-IPA questions to this list...).
> I am running FreeIPA 4.1.4 on CentOS 7.1 and RC4 is enabled on port 636 no
> matter what I do.
> I am running "CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core)"
> Relevant Packages:
> freeipa-server-4.1.4-1.el7.centos.x86_64
> 389-ds-base-
> nss-3.19.1-5.el7_1.x86_64
> openssl-1.0.1e-42.el7.9.x86_64
> LDAP setting (confirmed that in error.log there is no menition of RC4 in
> list of ciphers):
> nsSSL3Ciphers:
> -rc4,-rc4export,-rc2,-rc2export,-des,-desede3,-rsa_rc4_128_md5,-rsa_rc4_128_sha,+rsa_3des_sha,-rsa_des_sha,+rsa_fips_3des_sha,+fips_3des_sha,-rsa_fips_des_sha,-fips_des_sha,-rsa_rc4_40_md5,-rsa_rc2_40_md5,-rsa_null_md5,-rsa_null_sha,-tls_rsa_export1024_with_rc4_56_sha,-rsa_rc4_56_sha,-tls_rsa_export1024_with_des_cbc_sha,-rsa_des_56_sha,-fortezza,-fortezza_rc4_128_sha,-fortezza_null,-dhe_dss_des_sha,+dhe_dss_3des_sha,-dhe_rsa_des_sha,+dhe_rsa_3des_sha,+tls_rsa_aes_128_sha,+rsa_aes_128_sha,+tls_dhe_dss_aes_128_sha,+tls_dhe_rsa_aes_128_sha,+tls_rsa_aes_256_sha,+rsa_aes_256_sha,+tls_dhe_dss_aes_256_sha,+tls_dhe_rsa_aes_256_sha,-tls_dhe_dss_1024_rc4_sha,-tls_dhe_dss_rc4_128_sha
> with ipa the config entry should contain:
> dn: cn=encryption,cn=config
> allowWeakCipher: off
> nsSSL3Ciphers: +all
> could you try this setting
> Slapd "error" log showing no ciphersuites supporting RC4:
> [23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] SSL Initialization - Configured SSL version
> range: min: TLS1.0, max: TLS1.2
> [23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert: Cipher suite fortezza is not
> available in NSS 3.16.  Ignoring fortezza
> [23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert: Cipher suite
> fortezza_rc4_128_sha is not available in NSS 3.16.  Ignoring
> fortezza_rc4_128_sha
> [23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert: Cipher suite fortezza_null is
> not available in NSS 3.16.  Ignoring fortezza_null
> [23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert: Configured NSS Ciphers
> [23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert:
> [23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert:
> [23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert:
> [23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert:
> [23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert:
> TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA: enabled
> [23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - SSL alert:
> TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA: enabled
> [23/Sep/2015:08:51:04 -0600] - 389-Directory/ B2015.040.128
> starting up
> But sslscan returns:
> $ sslscan --no-failed localhost:636
> ...
> Supported Server Cipher(s):
> Accepted  TLSv1  256 bits  AES256-SHA
> Accepted  TLSv1  128 bits  AES128-SHA
> Accepted  TLSv1  128 bits  DES-CBC3-SHA
> Accepted  TLSv1  128 bits  RC4-SHA
> Accepted  TLSv1  128 bits  RC4-MD5
> Accepted  TLS11  256 bits  AES256-SHA
> Accepted  TLS11  128 bits  AES128-SHA
> Accepted  TLS11  128 bits  DES-CBC3-SHA
> Accepted  TLS11  128 bits  RC4-SHA
> Accepted  TLS11  128 bits  RC4-MD5
> Accepted  TLS12  256 bits  AES256-SHA256
> Accepted  TLS12  256 bits  AES256-SHA
> Accepted  TLS12  128 bits  AES128-GCM-SHA256
> Accepted  TLS12  128 bits  AES128-SHA256
> Accepted  TLS12  128 bits  AES128-SHA
> Accepted  TLS12  128 bits  DES-CBC3-SHA
> Accepted  TLS12  128 bits  RC4-SHA
> Accepted  TLS12  128 bits  RC4-MD5
> ...
> I would assume the sslscan is broken, but nmap and other scanners all
> confirm that RC4 is still on.
> -M
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 3:35 AM, Martin Kosek <> wrote:
>> On 09/23/2015 11:00 AM, Michael Lasevich wrote:
>> > OK, this is most bizarre issue,
>> >
>> > I am trying to disable RC4 based TLS Cipher Suites in LDAPs(port 636)
>> and
>> > for the life of me cannot get it to work
>> >
>> > I have followed many nearly identical instructions to create ldif file
>> and
>> > change "nsSSL3Ciphers" in "cn=encryption,cn=config"

[Freeipa-users] Possible bug in ipa-replica-install/pkispawn - or maybe lib mismatch

2015-09-23 Thread Michael Lasevich
Ok, I just went through process of migrating our IPA setup from 4.1.2
running on Fedora 20 (?? may have been 21) to 4.1.4 on CentOS 7 (MKosek
Copr version) and run into a nasty bug. The replica-install crashes during
CA configuration with something like:

''/usr/sbin/pkispawn' '-s' 'CA' '-f' '/tmp/tmpXX'' returned non-zero
exit status 1

Skipping CA works, but I needed the CA.

Upon digging into this, I found the issue appears to be in pki python, in


It looks like it makes a call to "/ca/rest/securityDomain/domainInfo" and
gets an XML doc which it converts to JSON. Somehow it gets mangled before
it looks at it. XML has outermost tag of "DomainInfo" - but JSON starts
with "Subsystem" (one layer lower) - I am guessing JSON converted strips
the "root" tag.

I bypassed this by hardcoding id as "IPA" - but obviously that is

Looking at Fedora box, it looks like the difference is in the  version of
PKI package that provides the lib - on Centos you get pki-base 10.1.2
(pki-base-10.1.2-7.1.el7.centos.noarch) - while on Fedore it was a 10.2
branch (and significantly different content in that file)

Anyway, I saw some reports of this bug in searches and no answers - so I
figured I would offer this pointer in (hopefully) the right direction.

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[Freeipa-users] How to turn off RC4 in 389ds???

2015-09-23 Thread Michael Lasevich
OK, this is most bizarre issue,

I am trying to disable RC4 based TLS Cipher Suites in LDAPs(port 636) and
for the life of me cannot get it to work

I have followed many nearly identical instructions to create ldif file and
change "nsSSL3Ciphers" in "cn=encryption,cn=config". Seems simple enough -
and I get it to take, and during the startup I can see the right SSL Cipher
Suites listed in errors.log - but when it starts and I probe it, RC4
ciphers are still there. I am completely confused.

I tried setting "nsSSL3Ciphers" to "default" (which does not have "RC4")
and to old style cyphers lists(lowercase), and new style cypher
lists(uppercase), and nothing seems to make any difference.

Any ideas?

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] How to turn off RC4 in 389ds???

2015-09-23 Thread Michael Lasevich
I actually just posted that in a previous email. The only thing I cut out
were nsSSLEnabledCiphers - but here is the complete listing:

#  ldapsearch -x -D "cn=directory manager" -W -b "cn=encryption,cn=config"
Enter LDAP Password:
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base 

Re: [Freeipa-users] Saltstack and ipa-install on Centos7 failing

2015-03-13 Thread Michael Lasevich
Is SELinux on?
On Mar 13, 2015 7:46 AM, Andrew Holway wrote:


 I have a quite odd situation. I am using saltstack to set up freeipa
 servers on Centos 7 but I am getting the following error:

 failed to create ds instance Command '/usr/sbin/ --silent
 --logfile - -f /tmp/tmp5witgD' returned non-zero exit status 1

 Saltstack outputs the command it is trying to run:

 ipa-server-install -a password --realm CLOUD.DOMAIN.DE -P password -p
 password -n --setup-dns --unattended --no-forwarders

 However if I run this command manually on a clean machine it works fine.

 It works on Centos 6.

 I see this in the slapd error log:

 [root@freeipa-2 slapd-CLOUD-NATIVE-INSTRUMENTS-DE]# cat errors
 389-Directory/ B2014.219.1825

 [13/Mar/2015:10:45:59 +] - Error - Unable to create
 /var/lock/dirsrv/slapd-CLOUD-NATIVE-INSTRUMENTS-DE/imports, Netscape
 Portable Runtime error -5966 (Access Denied.)
 [13/Mar/2015:10:45:59 +] - Shutting down due to possible conflicts
 with other slapd processes
 [13/Mar/2015:10:45:59 +] - Error - Unable to create
 /var/lock/dirsrv/slapd-CLOUD-NATIVE-INSTRUMENTS-DE/imports, Netscape
 Portable Runtime error -5966 (Access Denied.)
 [13/Mar/2015:10:45:59 +] - Shutting down due to possible conflicts
 with other slapd processes
 [root@freeipa-2 slapd-CLOUD-NATIVE-INSTRUMENTS-DE]# cat errors | sed
 389-Directory/ B2014.219.1825

 [13/Mar/2015:10:45:59 +] - Error - Unable to create
 /var/lock/dirsrv/slapd-CLOUD-DOMAIN-DE/imports, Netscape Portable Runtime
 error -5966 (Access Denied.)
 [13/Mar/2015:10:45:59 +] - Shutting down due to possible conflicts
 with other slapd processes
 [13/Mar/2015:10:45:59 +] - Error - Unable to create
 /var/lock/dirsrv/slapd-CLOUD-DOMAIN-DE/imports, Netscape Portable Runtime
 error -5966 (Access Denied.)
 [13/Mar/2015:10:45:59 +] - Shutting down due to possible conflicts
 with other slapd processes


 015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG Loading StateFile from
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG Loading Index file from
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG httpd is not configured
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG kadmin is not configured
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG dirsrv is not configured
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG pki-cad is not configured
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG pki-tomcatd is not configured
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG install is not configured
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG krb5kdc is not configured
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG ntpd is not configured
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG named is not configured
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG ipa_memcached is not configured
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG filestore is tracking no files
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG Loading Index file from
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG /usr/sbin/ipa-server-install was invoked with
 options: {'reverse_zone': None, 'mkhomedir': False, 'create_sshfp': True,
 'conf_sshd': True, 'conf_ntp': True, 'subject': None, 'no_forwarders':
 True, 'ui_redirect': True, 'domain_name': '', 'idmax': 0,
 'hbac_allow': False, 'no_reverse': False, 'dirsrv_pkcs12': None,
 'unattended': True, 'trust_sshfp': False, 'external_ca_file': None,
 'no_host_dns': False, 'http_pkcs12': None, 'realm_name': 'CLOUD.DOMAIN.DE',
 'forwarders': None, 'idstart': 154440, 'external_ca': False,
 'ip_address': None, 'conf_ssh': True, 'zonemgr': None, 'root_ca_file':
 None, 'setup_dns': True, 'host_name': None, 'debug': False,
 'external_cert_file': None, 'uninstall': False}
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG missing options might be asked for
 interactively later

 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG Loading Index file from
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG Loading StateFile from
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG Starting external process
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG args=/bin/systemctl is-enabled chronyd.service
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG stdout=enabled

 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG stderr=
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG Starting external process
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG args=/usr/sbin/httpd -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG stdout=VirtualHost configuration:
 *:8443 is a NameVirtualHost
  default server
  port 8443 namevhost
  port 8443 namevhost

 2015-03-13T10:45:57Z DEBUG stderr=

Re: [Freeipa-users] Where and how are passwords stored?

2015-02-12 Thread Michael Lasevich
Thank you, this is very helpful. I forgot about 'super admin', which is why
I was not even seeing the values before. :-)

How are the the values encrypted (or hashed?)

It sounds like the password is stored in two fields(I am leaving samba out
for now) - userpassword andkerberos principle key. Is userpassword a hash?
Of so, what kind? KerberosPrincipleKey you mention is encrypted with
Kerberos master key - is the plaintext of password encrypted or is it a
hash that is encrypted? What encryption and or hashing used for that?

Thank you,

On Feb 12, 2015 5:04 AM, Simo Sorce wrote:

 On Thu, 2015-02-12 at 02:20 -0500, Dmitri Pal wrote:
  On 02/12/2015 01:25 AM, Michael Lasevich wrote:
   Ok, after a  few awkward questions from an auditor, I am starting to
   face the uncomfortable truth that my understanding about how FreeIPA
   works is a lot fuzzier than I would like.
   Specifically, the question I could not answer - where are the
   passwords stored and how are they encrypted? My understanding is that
   all authentication is handled by Kerberos server, which stores its
   data in LDAP - but where and how is a bit of a mystery to me. Any way
   to dump out the password hashes?
  Passwords are stored in LDAP in two different attributes per entry. One
  with LDAP password hash and another is Kerberos password hash allowing
  authentication either with Kerebros or LDAP. Both follow best practices
  in terms of using hash algorithms. The attributes themselves are
  protected by the access control instructions (ACI) so only a super
  priviledged admin or user himself can interact with this attribute.
  During normal operations it is not fetched and read. The core of the DS
  processes it behind the closed doors so it is possible to reset but not
  to read.
  This is how LDAP works and not different from any modern directory

 Keep in mind that the Kerberos keys are additionally encrypted with a
 master password, so reading the attribute alone is useless.


 Simo Sorce * Red Hat, Inc * New York

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[Freeipa-users] Where and how are passwords stored?

2015-02-11 Thread Michael Lasevich
Ok, after a  few awkward questions from an auditor, I am starting to face
the uncomfortable truth that my understanding about how FreeIPA works is a
lot fuzzier than I would like.

Specifically, the question I could not answer - where are the passwords
stored and how are they encrypted? My understanding is that all
authentication is handled by Kerberos server, which stores its data in LDAP
- but where and how is a bit of a mystery to me. Any way to dump out the
password hashes?


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[Freeipa-users] Heads up - FC20 softhsm -2.0.0b1-8 rpm from mkosek/freeipa copr appears to be broken

2015-02-09 Thread Michael Lasevich
To save a day of torture to those of you still on FC20 and using
mkosek-freeipa copr repo - it appears that the package (
is somehow broken.

Once installed, you get Error: Could not load the library. no matter what
you do with softhsm2-utll. You will also not going to be able to
start/restart the ipa service because DNS is not functional.

I have rebuilt the rpm from the source rpm and things seem to be working.

Hope this helps someone to not have a day of hair pulling. You have been
warned :-)

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Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA4 OTP vs PAM

2014-11-22 Thread Michael Lasevich
Reviving this as I am still stuck with CentOS 6.

CentOS 6.6 now has sssd 1.11 - yet I still cannot get the OTP to work under

I created a test user and added an otp. User works fine without the OTP,
however I keep getting this when trying to test  with OTP via pamtester:

pamtester: pam_sss(login:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0
euid=0 tty= ruser= rhost= user=michael
pamtester: pam_sss(login:auth): received for user michael: 17 (Failure
setting user credentials)

Is there a way to get more information as to what is going on?

Is my expectation that I would provide otp in a form of password123456
correct (assuming my password is password and otp token is 123456)?

On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 2:29 AM, Michael Lasevich

 Thanks, glad I asked before wasting time.

 On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 1:07 AM, Jakub Hrozek wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 01:19:58PM -0700, Michael Lasevich wrote:
  I did not dive into this yet, but before I waste too much time I wanted
  ask if centos 6.5 default ipa client expected to work with 2FA or not.

 No it's not, sorry. The 6.5 client is SSSD 1.9.x and there's a couple of
 fixes that landed during the 1.11 development such as:
 plus some other commits I see in git log which don't reference any ticket.

 I'd suggest to test using a centos 7.0 client.

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Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA4 OTP vs PAM

2014-11-22 Thread Michael Lasevich
] 1416693343.366425: Armor ccache
sesion key: aes256-cts/9082
(Sat Nov 22 14:55:43 2014) [[sssd[krb5_child[2451
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [2451] 1416693343.366476: Creating
authenticator for host/ - krbtgt/, seqnum 0, subkey aes256-cts/F5B0, session key
(Sat Nov 22 14:55:43 2014) [[sssd[krb5_child[2451
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [2451] 1416693343.366562: FAST armor
key: aes256-cts/0D88
(Sat Nov 22 14:55:43 2014) [[sssd[krb5_child[2451
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [2451] 1416693343.366605: Encoding
request body and padata into FAST request
(Sat Nov 22 14:55:43 2014) [[sssd[krb5_child[2451
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [2451] 1416693343.366675: Sending
request (1089 bytes) to MY.DOMAIN.COM
(Sat Nov 22 14:55:43 2014) [[sssd[krb5_child[2451
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [2451] 1416693343.366752: Sending
initial UDP request to dgram
(Sat Nov 22 14:55:43 2014) [[sssd[krb5_child[2451
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [2451] 1416693343.370122: Received
answer from dgram
(Sat Nov 22 14:55:43 2014) [[sssd[krb5_child[2451
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [2451] 1416693343.370193: Response was
from master KDC
(Sat Nov 22 14:55:43 2014) [[sssd[krb5_child[2451
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [2451] 1416693343.370232: Received
error from KDC: -1765328359/Additional pre-authentication required
(Sat Nov 22 14:55:43 2014) [[sssd[krb5_child[2451
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [2451] 1416693343.370262: Decoding FAST
(Sat Nov 22 14:55:43 2014) [[sssd[krb5_child[2451
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [2451] 1416693343.370333: Processing
preauth types: 136, 141, 133, 137
(Sat Nov 22 14:55:43 2014) [[sssd[krb5_child[2451
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [2451] 1416693343.370364: Received
cookie: MIT
(Sat Nov 22 14:55:43 2014) [[sssd[krb5_child[2451
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [2451] 1416693343.370404: Produced
preauth for next request: 133
(Sat Nov 22 14:55:43 2014) [[sssd[krb5_child[2451 [get_and_save_tgt]
(0x0020): 981: [-1765328174][Generic preauthentication failure]
(Sat Nov 22 14:55:43 2014) [[sssd[krb5_child[2451 [map_krb5_error]
(0x0020): 1043: [-1765328174][Generic preauthentication failure]


On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Michael Lasevich

 Reviving this as I am still stuck with CentOS 6.

 CentOS 6.6 now has sssd 1.11 - yet I still cannot get the OTP to work
 under PAM:

 I created a test user and added an otp. User works fine without the OTP,
 however I keep getting this when trying to test  with OTP via pamtester:

 pamtester: pam_sss(login:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0
 euid=0 tty= ruser= rhost= user=michael
 pamtester: pam_sss(login:auth): received for user michael: 17 (Failure
 setting user credentials)

 Is there a way to get more information as to what is going on?

 Is my expectation that I would provide otp in a form of password123456
 correct (assuming my password is password and otp token is 123456)?

 On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 2:29 AM, Michael Lasevich

 Thanks, glad I asked before wasting time.

 On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 1:07 AM, Jakub Hrozek wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 01:19:58PM -0700, Michael Lasevich wrote:
  I did not dive into this yet, but before I waste too much time I
 wanted to
  ask if centos 6.5 default ipa client expected to work with 2FA or not.

 No it's not, sorry. The 6.5 client is SSSD 1.9.x and there's a couple of
 fixes that landed during the 1.11 development such as:
 plus some other commits I see in git log which don't reference any

 I'd suggest to test using a centos 7.0 client.

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Centos IPA Client fails after upgrade to 6.6

2014-11-11 Thread Michael Lasevich
Sending you logs directly. Thanks.


On 11/11/14, 5:33 AM, Jakub Hrozek wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 09:29:04AM -0800, Michael Lasevich wrote:
 I can certainly try, it would need to be compatible with CentOS 6.6 though.

 Thank you very much, can you try these packages?

 Please note they wouldn't fix your problem, but will hopefully shed some
 more light on what's going on:

 So according to the logs, the create_ccache() function failed.
 we don't do very good job at logging the failures there..
 Michael, are you able to run a custom package with extra debugging? It
 would help us pinpoint which line actually is failing.
 Thanks a lot for providing the logs!

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Centos IPA Client fails after upgrade to 6.6

2014-11-10 Thread Michael Lasevich
I can certainly try, it would need to be compatible with CentOS 6.6 though.


 So according to the logs, the create_ccache() function failed.
we don't do very good job at logging the failures there..

Michael, are you able to run a custom package with extra debugging? It
would help us pinpoint which line actually is failing.

Thanks a lot for providing the logs!
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Re: [Freeipa-users] Centos IPA Client fails after upgrade to 6.6

2014-11-06 Thread Michael Lasevich
I am seeing somewhat similar behavior once upgrading from sssd 1.9 to 1.11
(centos 6.5 to 6.6)

I seem to be able to log in via ssh, but when I use http pam service, I get
inconsistent behavior - seems like sometimes it works and others it errors
out (success and failure can happen within a second)

In the logs I see things like:

[sssd[krb5_child[15410]]]: Internal credentials cache error


authentication failure; logname= uid=48 euid=48 tty= ruser= rhost=
received for user username: 4 (System error)

Nothing in the audit.log that I can see

I am guessing this is an sssd issue but I am hoping someone here knows how
to deal with it.

IN case it matters - here is the pam config:


account [default=bad success=ok user_unknown=ignore]
account required

passwordrequisite try_first_pass retry=3 type= use_authtok

session optional revoke
session required
session optional
session [success=1 default=ignore] service in crond
quiet use_uid
session optional


On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 1:05 AM, Jakub Hrozek wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 05, 2014 at 02:30:55AM +, David Taylor wrote:
  Thanks for the reply. The PAM file is pretty stock for a centos build
  # This file is auto-generated.
  # User changes will be destroyed the next time authconfig is run.
  authrequired nullok try_first_pass
  authrequisite uid = 500 quiet use_first_pass
  account required
  account uid  500 quiet
  account [default=bad success=ok user_unknown=ignore]
  account required
  passwordrequisite try_first_pass retry=3 type= sha512 shadow nullok
 try_first_pass use_authtok use_authtok
  session optional revoke
  session required
  session [success=1 default=ignore] service in
 crond quiet use_uid
  session required
  session optional
  Best regards
  David Taylor

 OK, so pam_sss is there ...

 And yet you see no mention of in /var/log/secure ?

 Is this the file that was included from the service-specific PAM

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Centos IPA Client fails after upgrade to 6.6

2014-11-06 Thread Michael Lasevich
For what its worth, my issue was resolved when I rebooted the server.

Restarting sssd and/or clearing it's cache did not do it, but a full reboot
seems to have done it. Something much have been cached or some temp file I
missed. Will need to look into it further as I have a number of servers yet
to be upgraded and having to reboot linux servers to do an upgrade seem


On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 9:26 PM, David Taylor

  As an add on, I’ve upgraded our Xen template to 6.6 and run up a new VM
 using that and it attaches to the IPA environment perfectly well, so I’m
 guessing it is an issue with the upgrade scripts.

 Best regards

 *David Taylor*

  *From:* Michael Lasevich []
 *Sent:* Friday, 7 November 2014 4:00 PM
 *To:* Jakub Hrozek
 *Cc:* David Taylor;
 *Subject:* Re: [Freeipa-users] Centos IPA Client fails after upgrade to

 I am seeing somewhat similar behavior once upgrading from sssd 1.9 to 1.11
 (centos 6.5 to 6.6)

 I seem to be able to log in via ssh, but when I use http pam service, I
 get inconsistent behavior - seems like sometimes it works and others it
 errors out (success and failure can happen within a second)

 In the logs I see things like:

 [sssd[krb5_child[15410]]]: Internal credentials cache error


 authentication failure; logname= uid=48 euid=48 tty= ruser= rhost=
 received for user username: 4 (System error)

 Nothing in the audit.log that I can see

 I am guessing this is an sssd issue but I am hoping someone here knows how
 to deal with it.

 IN case it matters - here is the pam config:


 account [default=bad success=ok user_unknown=ignore]
 account required

 passwordrequisite try_first_pass retry=3 type= use_authtok

 session optional revoke
 session required
 session optional
 session [success=1 default=ignore] service in crond
 quiet use_uid
 session optional


 On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 1:05 AM, Jakub Hrozek wrote:

  On Wed, Nov 05, 2014 at 02:30:55AM +, David Taylor wrote:
  Thanks for the reply. The PAM file is pretty stock for a centos build
  # This file is auto-generated.
  # User changes will be destroyed the next time authconfig is run.
  authrequired nullok try_first_pass
  authrequisite uid = 500 quiet use_first_pass
  account required
  account uid  500 quiet
  account [default=bad success=ok user_unknown=ignore]
  account required
  passwordrequisite try_first_pass retry=3 type= sha512 shadow nullok
 try_first_pass use_authtok use_authtok
  session optional revoke
  session required
  session [success=1 default=ignore] service in
 crond quiet use_uid
  session required
  session optional
  Best regards
  David Taylor

 OK, so pam_sss is there ...

 And yet you see no mention of in /var/log/secure ?

 Is this the file that was included from the service-specific PAM

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Errors upgrading 4.0.1 to 4.1

2014-10-31 Thread Michael Lasevich
Thank you!!! That was exactly it.

* Removed the nsEncryptionConfig entry from 99user.ldif
* Re-run the ipa-ldap-update --upgrade
* Then ipa-dns-install and things are looking much better - both
servers are now back up and running.

What is the lesson here (besides have good backups)?

Should we be turning off ALL servers before upgrading to prevent
replication? I did notice that the 99user entry was made it to BOTH
servers, which makes me think that replication is not exactly the culprit.


On 10/31/14, 1:30 AM, Ludwig Krispenz wrote:

 On 10/30/2014 07:36 PM, Martin Basti wrote:
 On 30/10/14 19:18, Michael Lasevich wrote:
 Makes sense. What is the solution here?

 I have the latest 389-ds installed but still getting
 allowWeakCipher error - how to I get around that?


 Sorry I don't know, I CCied Ludwig, he is DS guru.
 I already asked to verify the schema files:
 can you check your schema files for the definition of the
 nsEncryptionConfig objectclass, it should be only in 01core389.ldif
 and contain allowWeakCipher, but it could have been added also to
 99user.ldif during replication when schema changes have been consolidated

 and what is the latest ds version you are using: rpm -q 389-ds-base


 On 10/30/14, 11:12 AM, Martin Basti wrote:
 On 24/10/14 05:17, Michael Lasevich wrote:
 While upgrading from 4.0.1. to 4.1 on fedora 20 got following on
 one of the two boxes:

 Upgrade failed with attribute allowWeakCipher not allowed
 IPA upgrade failed.
 Unexpected error
 DuplicateEntry: This entry already exists

 Named errors are caused by cascade effect, if ldap schema and entry
 updates failed, there is misconfigured DS plugin which is
 responsible to keep DNSSEC keys DN unique, what causes duplication
 errors. DuplicateEntry exception is fatal, so dnskeysyncd
 installation will not continue,
 what causes there are not appropriate permissions for token
 database, and named-pkcs11 can't read tokens.

 It seems the ipa no longer starts up after this. The replica
 server seems to have had same error,but it runs just fine.

 From digging around, it appears that there are a number of GSS
 errors in dirsrv and bind fails with something like:

 named-pkcs11[2212]: ObjectStore.cpp(74): Failed to open token
 named-pkcs11[2212]: sha1.c:92: fatal error:
 named-pkcs11[2212]: RUNTIME_CHECK(pk11_get_session(ctx, OP_DIGEST,
 isc_boolean_true, isc_boolean_false, isc_boolean_false, ((void
 *)0), 0) == 0) failed

 Any help would be appreciated


 Martin Basti

 Martin Basti

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[Freeipa-users] IPA Backup in AWS - best practices?

2014-10-31 Thread Michael Lasevich
What is the current best practice for backing up IPA servers? Especially
in AWS?

Given AWS strengths and weaknesses, I would love to be able to move all
of IPA data/state onto a separate drive and just snapshot it on regular
basis - but it seems that IPA data is all over the place, so it is hard
to separate it from the rest of the OS. Snapshotting entire root drive
is another option, but restoring from that is a bit of a pain, so it may
not be optimal. There is always also the plain old tar it all up

What do people use? What works, what does not?



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Re: [Freeipa-users] F20 Problem upgrading to 4.1

2014-10-30 Thread Michael Lasevich
*sigh* Feel like I am going around in circles

ipa-ldap-updater --upgrade failed with:  Upgrade failed with
attribute allowWeakCipher not allowed

I am running 1.3.3 from mkosek-freeipa copr:


 yum info 389-ds-base
Loaded plugins: copr
Installed Packages
Name: 389-ds-base
Arch: x86_64
Version :
Release : 1.fc20
Size: 5.2 M
Repo: installed
From repo   : mkosek-freeipa
Summary : 389 Directory Server (base)
License : GPLv2 with exceptions
Description : 389 Directory Server is an LDAPv3 compliant server.  The
base package includes
: the LDAP server and command line utilities for server


On 10/30/14, 1:44 AM, Martin Basti wrote:
 On 30/10/14 06:09, Michael Lasevich wrote:
 Maybe I should not be doing this late at night, but I cannot find
 cn=IPK11 Unique IDs,cn=IPA UUID,cn=plugins,cn=config  anywhere.


 IMO something bad happens during the ipa upgrade,

 can you remove


 entry, and run ipa-ldap-updater --upgrade, then reinstall DNS  (rerun

 Let me know if it works.

 On 10/29/14, 3:03 AM, Martin Basti wrote:
 On 28/10/14 20:54, Michael Lasevich wrote:
 I have a pair of servers that were both installed on clean Fedora20
 4.0.1 from pviktori copr repo and then upgraded from mkosek to 4.1

 During update, secondary was done first and worked but primary run
 trouble as described

 Looking under cn=keys,cn=sec,cn=dns,dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com I get one
 entry with dn:


 Not sure what of that you need there, but for ipk11Label it has: (which is the replica
 that IS



 On 10/28/14, 3:21 AM, Martin Basti wrote:
 On 28/10/14 06:14, Michael Lasevich wrote:
 Running into same thing, but running ipa-dnsinstall does not

 Configuring DNS (named)
 [1/8]: generating rndc key file
 WARNING: Your system is running out of entropy, you may experience
 long delays
 [2/8]: setting up our own record
 [3/8]: adding NS record to the zones
 [4/8]: setting up CA record
 [5/8]: setting up kerberos principal
 [6/8]: setting up named.conf
 [7/8]: configuring named to start on boot
 [8/8]: changing resolv.conf to point to ourselves
 Done configuring DNS (named).
 Configuring DNS key synchronization service (ipa-dnskeysyncd)
 [1/6]: checking status
 [2/6]: setting up kerberos principal
 [3/6]: setting up SoftHSM
 [4/6]: adding DNSSEC containers
 [5/6]: creating replica keys
 [error] DuplicateEntry: This entry already exists
 Unexpected error - see /var/log/ipaserver-install.log for details:
 DuplicateEntry: This entry already exists

 Looking into the /var/log/ipaserver-install.log gets:
 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG Storing replica public key to LDAP,

 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG flushing
 ldap:// from SchemaCache
 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG retrieving schema for SchemaCache
 conn=ldap.ldapobject.SimpleLDAPObject instance at 0x47d0d88
 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG Traceback (most recent call last):
 382, in start_creation run_step(full_msg, method)
 372, in run_step method()

 line 340, in __setup_replica_keys ldap.add_entry(entry)
 File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/,
 1592, in add_entry self.conn.add_s(entry.dn, attrs.items())
 File /usr/lib64/python2.7/, line 35, in __exit__
 self.gen.throw(type, value, traceback)
 File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/,
 1169, in error_handler raise errors.DuplicateEntry()
 DuplicateEntry: This entry already exists

 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG   [error] DuplicateEntry: This entry
 already exists
 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG   File

 line 646, in run_script
   return_value = main_function()
 File /sbin/ipa-dns-install, line 218, in main
 dnskeysyncd.create_instance(, api.env.realm)

 line 128, in create_instance self.start_creation()
 382, in start_creation run_step(full_msg, method)

Re: [Freeipa-users] Errors upgrading 4.0.1 to 4.1

2014-10-30 Thread Michael Lasevich
Makes sense. What is the solution here?

I have the latest 389-ds installed but still getting allowWeakCipher
error - how to I get around that?


On 10/30/14, 11:12 AM, Martin Basti wrote:
 On 24/10/14 05:17, Michael Lasevich wrote:
 While upgrading from 4.0.1. to 4.1 on fedora 20 got following on one
 of the two boxes:

 Upgrade failed with attribute allowWeakCipher not allowed
 IPA upgrade failed.
 Unexpected error
 DuplicateEntry: This entry already exists

 Named errors are caused by cascade effect, if ldap schema and entry
 updates failed, there is misconfigured DS plugin which is responsible
 to keep DNSSEC keys DN unique, what causes duplication errors.
 DuplicateEntry exception is fatal, so dnskeysyncd installation will
 not continue,
 what causes there are not appropriate permissions for token database,
 and named-pkcs11 can't read tokens.

 It seems the ipa no longer starts up after this. The replica server
 seems to have had same error,but it runs just fine.

 From digging around, it appears that there are a number of GSS errors
 in dirsrv and bind fails with something like:

 named-pkcs11[2212]: ObjectStore.cpp(74): Failed to open token
 named-pkcs11[2212]: sha1.c:92: fatal error:
 named-pkcs11[2212]: RUNTIME_CHECK(pk11_get_session(ctx, OP_DIGEST,
 isc_boolean_true, isc_boolean_false, isc_boolean_false, ((void *)0),
 0) == 0) failed

 Any help would be appreciated


 Martin Basti

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Re: [Freeipa-users] F20 Problem upgrading to 4.1

2014-10-29 Thread Michael Lasevich
Maybe I should not be doing this late at night, but I cannot find
cn=IPK11 Unique IDs,cn=IPA UUID,cn=plugins,cn=config  anywhere.


On 10/29/14, 3:03 AM, Martin Basti wrote:
 On 28/10/14 20:54, Michael Lasevich wrote:
 I have a pair of servers that were both installed on clean Fedora20
 4.0.1 from pviktori copr repo and then upgraded from mkosek to 4.1

 During update, secondary was done first and worked but primary run into
 trouble as described

 Looking under cn=keys,cn=sec,cn=dns,dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com I get one
 entry with dn:


 Not sure what of that you need there, but for ipk11Label it has: (which is the replica that IS



 On 10/28/14, 3:21 AM, Martin Basti wrote:
 On 28/10/14 06:14, Michael Lasevich wrote:
 Running into same thing, but running ipa-dnsinstall does not complete:

 Configuring DNS (named)
[1/8]: generating rndc key file
 WARNING: Your system is running out of entropy, you may experience
 long delays
[2/8]: setting up our own record
[3/8]: adding NS record to the zones
[4/8]: setting up CA record
[5/8]: setting up kerberos principal
[6/8]: setting up named.conf
[7/8]: configuring named to start on boot
[8/8]: changing resolv.conf to point to ourselves
 Done configuring DNS (named).
 Configuring DNS key synchronization service (ipa-dnskeysyncd)
[1/6]: checking status
[2/6]: setting up kerberos principal
[3/6]: setting up SoftHSM
[4/6]: adding DNSSEC containers
[5/6]: creating replica keys
[error] DuplicateEntry: This entry already exists
 Unexpected error - see /var/log/ipaserver-install.log for details:
 DuplicateEntry: This entry already exists

 Looking into the /var/log/ipaserver-install.log gets:
 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG Storing replica public key to LDAP,

 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG flushing
 ldap:// from SchemaCache
 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG retrieving schema for SchemaCache
 conn=ldap.ldapobject.SimpleLDAPObject instance at 0x47d0d88
 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG Traceback (most recent call last):
 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/, line
 382, in start_creation run_step(full_msg, method)
 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/, line
 372, in run_step method()

 line 340, in __setup_replica_keys ldap.add_entry(entry)
File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/, line
 1592, in add_entry self.conn.add_s(entry.dn, attrs.items())
File /usr/lib64/python2.7/, line 35, in __exit__
 self.gen.throw(type, value, traceback)
File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/, line
 1169, in error_handler raise errors.DuplicateEntry()
 DuplicateEntry: This entry already exists

 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG   [error] DuplicateEntry: This entry
 already exists
 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG   File
 line 646, in run_script
  return_value = main_function()
File /sbin/ipa-dns-install, line 218, in main
 dnskeysyncd.create_instance(, api.env.realm)

 line 128, in create_instance self.start_creation()
 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/, line
 382, in start_creation run_step(full_msg, method)
 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/, line
 372, in run_step method()

 line 340, in __setup_replica_keys ldap.add_entry(entry)
File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/, line
 1592, in add_entry self.conn.add_s(entry.dn, attrs.items())
File /usr/lib64/python2.7/, line 35, in __exit__
 self.gen.throw(type, value, traceback)
File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/, line
 1169, in error_handler raise errors.DuplicateEntry()
 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG The ipa-dns-install command failed,
 exception: DuplicateEntry: This entry already exists
 Hello Michael,

 can you send me which entries do you have in
 cn=keys,cn=sec,cn=dns,dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com, it looks like directory
 server doesn't generate uniqueID for keys.

 Do you have upgraded IPA or fresh installed?


 Can you send me content of cn=IPK11 Unique IDs,cn=IPA
 UUID,cn=plugins,cn=config entry? (If exists)
 It looks like DS doesn't generate unique IDs


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Re: [Freeipa-users] F20 Problem upgrading to 4.1

2014-10-28 Thread Michael Lasevich
I have a pair of servers that were both installed on clean Fedora20
4.0.1 from pviktori copr repo and then upgraded from mkosek to 4.1

During update, secondary was done first and worked but primary run into
trouble as described

Looking under cn=keys,cn=sec,cn=dns,dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com I get one
entry with dn:


Not sure what of that you need there, but for ipk11Label it has: (which is the replica that IS



On 10/28/14, 3:21 AM, Martin Basti wrote:
 On 28/10/14 06:14, Michael Lasevich wrote:
 Running into same thing, but running ipa-dnsinstall does not complete:

 Configuring DNS (named)
   [1/8]: generating rndc key file
 WARNING: Your system is running out of entropy, you may experience
 long delays
   [2/8]: setting up our own record
   [3/8]: adding NS record to the zones
   [4/8]: setting up CA record
   [5/8]: setting up kerberos principal
   [6/8]: setting up named.conf
   [7/8]: configuring named to start on boot
   [8/8]: changing resolv.conf to point to ourselves
 Done configuring DNS (named).
 Configuring DNS key synchronization service (ipa-dnskeysyncd)
   [1/6]: checking status
   [2/6]: setting up kerberos principal
   [3/6]: setting up SoftHSM
   [4/6]: adding DNSSEC containers
   [5/6]: creating replica keys
   [error] DuplicateEntry: This entry already exists
 Unexpected error - see /var/log/ipaserver-install.log for details:
 DuplicateEntry: This entry already exists

 Looking into the /var/log/ipaserver-install.log gets:
 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG Storing replica public key to LDAP,
 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG flushing
 ldap:// from SchemaCache
 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG retrieving schema for SchemaCache
 conn=ldap.ldapobject.SimpleLDAPObject instance at 0x47d0d88
 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG Traceback (most recent call last):
 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/, line
 382, in start_creation run_step(full_msg, method)
 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/, line
 372, in run_step method()
 line 340, in __setup_replica_keys ldap.add_entry(entry)
   File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/, line
 1592, in add_entry self.conn.add_s(entry.dn, attrs.items())
   File /usr/lib64/python2.7/, line 35, in __exit__
 self.gen.throw(type, value, traceback)
   File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/, line
 1169, in error_handler raise errors.DuplicateEntry()
 DuplicateEntry: This entry already exists

 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG   [error] DuplicateEntry: This entry
 already exists
 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG   File
 line 646, in run_script
 return_value = main_function()
   File /sbin/ipa-dns-install, line 218, in main
 dnskeysyncd.create_instance(, api.env.realm)
 line 128, in create_instance self.start_creation()
 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/, line
 382, in start_creation run_step(full_msg, method)
 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/, line
 372, in run_step method()
 line 340, in __setup_replica_keys ldap.add_entry(entry)
   File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/, line
 1592, in add_entry self.conn.add_s(entry.dn, attrs.items())
   File /usr/lib64/python2.7/, line 35, in __exit__
 self.gen.throw(type, value, traceback)
   File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/, line
 1169, in error_handler raise errors.DuplicateEntry()
 2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG The ipa-dns-install command failed,
 exception: DuplicateEntry: This entry already exists
 Hello Michael,

 can you send me which entries do you have in
 cn=keys,cn=sec,cn=dns,dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com, it looks like directory
 server doesn't generate uniqueID for keys.

 Do you have upgraded IPA or fresh installed?


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Re: [Freeipa-users] F20 Problem upgrading to 4.1

2014-10-27 Thread Michael Lasevich
Running into same thing, but running ipa-dnsinstall does not complete:

Configuring DNS (named)
  [1/8]: generating rndc key file
WARNING: Your system is running out of entropy, you may experience long
  [2/8]: setting up our own record
  [3/8]: adding NS record to the zones
  [4/8]: setting up CA record
  [5/8]: setting up kerberos principal
  [6/8]: setting up named.conf
  [7/8]: configuring named to start on boot
  [8/8]: changing resolv.conf to point to ourselves
Done configuring DNS (named).
Configuring DNS key synchronization service (ipa-dnskeysyncd)
  [1/6]: checking status
  [2/6]: setting up kerberos principal
  [3/6]: setting up SoftHSM
  [4/6]: adding DNSSEC containers
  [5/6]: creating replica keys
  [error] DuplicateEntry: This entry already exists
Unexpected error - see /var/log/ipaserver-install.log for details:
DuplicateEntry: This entry already exists

Looking into the /var/log/ipaserver-install.log gets:
2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG Storing replica public key to LDAP,
2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG flushing ldap://
from SchemaCache
2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG retrieving schema for SchemaCache
conn=ldap.ldapobject.SimpleLDAPObject instance at 0x47d0d88
2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/,
line 382, in start_creation run_step(full_msg, method)
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/,
line 372, in run_step method()
line 340, in __setup_replica_keys ldap.add_entry(entry)
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/, line
1592, in add_entry self.conn.add_s(entry.dn, attrs.items())
  File /usr/lib64/python2.7/, line 35, in __exit__
self.gen.throw(type, value, traceback)
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/, line
1169, in error_handler raise errors.DuplicateEntry()
DuplicateEntry: This entry already exists

2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG   [error] DuplicateEntry: This entry already
2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG   File
line 646, in run_script
return_value = main_function()
  File /sbin/ipa-dns-install, line 218, in main
dnskeysyncd.create_instance(, api.env.realm)
line 128, in create_instance self.start_creation()
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/,
line 382, in start_creation run_step(full_msg, method)
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/,
line 372, in run_step method()
line 340, in __setup_replica_keys ldap.add_entry(entry)
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/, line
1592, in add_entry self.conn.add_s(entry.dn, attrs.items())
  File /usr/lib64/python2.7/, line 35, in __exit__
self.gen.throw(type, value, traceback)
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/, line
1169, in error_handler raise errors.DuplicateEntry()
2014-10-28T05:01:24Z DEBUG The ipa-dns-install command failed,
exception: DuplicateEntry: This entry already exists


On 10/27/14, 12:52 PM, Martin Basti wrote:
 On 27/10/14 20:50, John Obaterspok wrote:
 Hello Martin,

 It works perfectly again!

 note, I noticed in /var/log/ipaserver-install.log that
 ipa-dns-installed failed due to 389 wasn't started (failed to
 connect). Once it was started manually the ipa-dns-installed worked fine.

 Thanks a lot Martin,

 -- john

 You are welcome :-)

 2014-10-27 20:40 GMT+01:00 Martin Basti

 On 27/10/14 20:34, John Obaterspok wrote:
 hmm... Could not connect to the Directory Server 

 So I started it with start-dirsrv since systemctl start ipa
 failed. Then it was a breeze, ipa-dns-install worked fine.

 # systemctl --failed
 0 loaded units listed.
 I'm lost, does IPA work or not?
 are all services running? (ipactl status)
 are tokens created in /var/lib/ipa/dnssec/tokens
 can you dig records from IPA DNS?


 I haven't verified that it works, but I feel confident :)

 -- john

 2014-10-27 20:09 GMT+01:00 Martin Basti

 On 27/10/14 19:57, John Obaterspok wrote:
 Hello Martin,

 Still no go.

 I installed the softhsm-devel package (that only contains
 header files), removed the token directory, reinstalled the
 bind  bind-pkcs11, did ipa-dns-install that completed ok
 (I guess):

Re: [Freeipa-users] Inconsistent group memberships in sssd

2014-10-24 Thread Michael Lasevich
It was a clean install of 4.0.1(not 4.0.3, I was wrong). I have upgraded to
4.1 and have not yet seen the problem recur - though I have not tested it
much yet.
On Oct 24, 2014 12:53 AM, Jakub Hrozek wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 05:19:38PM -0700, Michael Lasevich wrote:
  Small update, it appears that once I run getent group groupname - my
  user shows up in the group groupname. Odd.
  (and yes, I have ran sss_cache -UG many a time)

 One particular change in IPA 4.x that might be giving old clients
 headache is the new permission system. Only clean installs or replicas
 of 6.6 (or newer) servers are guaranteed to work with old clients.

 How was your IPA 4.0.3 server installed? What is the 389-ds-base version
 you're running?

 Any chance you can try a newer SSSD on your CentOS6 client? I have a
 COPR repo with the latest 1.11 branch here:

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[Freeipa-users] Inconsistent group memberships in sssd

2014-10-23 Thread Michael Lasevich
FreeIPA 4.0.3 server with SSSD 1.9.2 on CentOS6

Seems that group membership is completely inconsistent

Running id in shell as my user on:
  * ipa server - I am a member of 2 groups
  * Server that just came up and joined - 1 group
  * Server that has been up for some time  - 5 groups

Via UI: Member of 7 groups directly and 1 indirect

Gets weirder - I added a line to sudoers file (not ipa sudo support, can't
get that to work) allowing certain group I am a member of. If I run sudo as
the user - i get rejected as not being in sudoers, however if I run check
as root:

sudo -l -U username

I see that I should be allowed.

More wierdness, If I do getent group groupname - it shows me as a
member - but
I do not recall having this much trouble with same sssd and 3.0 server :-(

Any thoughts?

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Inconsistent group memberships in sssd

2014-10-23 Thread Michael Lasevich
Small update, it appears that once I run getent group groupname - my
user shows up in the group groupname. Odd.

(and yes, I have ran sss_cache -UG many a time)


On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 5:15 PM, Michael Lasevich

 FreeIPA 4.0.3 server with SSSD 1.9.2 on CentOS6

 Seems that group membership is completely inconsistent

 Running id in shell as my user on:
   * ipa server - I am a member of 2 groups
   * Server that just came up and joined - 1 group
   * Server that has been up for some time  - 5 groups

 Via UI: Member of 7 groups directly and 1 indirect

 Gets weirder - I added a line to sudoers file (not ipa sudo support, can't
 get that to work) allowing certain group I am a member of. If I run sudo as
 the user - i get rejected as not being in sudoers, however if I run check
 as root:

 sudo -l -U username

 I see that I should be allowed.

 More wierdness, If I do getent group groupname - it shows me as a
 member - but
 I do not recall having this much trouble with same sssd and 3.0 server :-(

 Any thoughts?


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[Freeipa-users] Errors upgrading 4.0.1 to 4.1

2014-10-23 Thread Michael Lasevich
While upgrading from 4.0.1. to 4.1 on fedora 20 got following on one of the
two boxes:

Upgrade failed with attribute allowWeakCipher not allowed
IPA upgrade failed.
Unexpected error
DuplicateEntry: This entry already exists

It seems the ipa no longer starts up after this. The replica server seems
to have had same error,but it runs just fine.

From digging around, it appears that there are a number of GSS errors in
dirsrv and bind fails with something like:

named-pkcs11[2212]: ObjectStore.cpp(74): Failed to open token
named-pkcs11[2212]: sha1.c:92: fatal error:
named-pkcs11[2212]: RUNTIME_CHECK(pk11_get_session(ctx, OP_DIGEST,
isc_boolean_true, isc_boolean_false, isc_boolean_false, ((void *)0), 0) ==
0) failed

Any help would be appreciated

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Use of SAN's with automatic certificates in FreeIPA 4

2014-09-15 Thread Michael Lasevich
Martin, this was extremely helpful. I got it to work manually, now all I
need to do is automate the process :-)

The only thing missing from this is that I needed to do ipa host-add before your other ipa service-add commands . You
mentioned it, but not shown the command, so for those who will want to
follow the script, it is an essential part of the process.

Thank you so much,


On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 7:53 AM, Martin Kosek wrote:

 On 09/12/2014 09:19 PM, Dmitri Pal wrote:
  On 09/12/2014 02:43 PM, Michael Lasevich wrote:
  That is awesome, but I am clearly missing some insight as to how this is
  supposed to work. Can you point me to some more specific info on how to
  accomplish this.
  I tried using the ipa-getcert request with multiple -D's from the
 client, but
  got :
  ** Insufficient access: You need to be a member of the serviceadmin
 role to
  add services
  Unless I am missing something,  I should probably not add each host to
  serviceadmins for security reasons.
  4.0 has a new permissions system this might yet to be another use case
 that we
  might have overlooked.

 Not, not really - this part works well with 4.0.

  I will leave to developers to review this situation on Monday morning.
  So I then I tried generating a csr via openssl with SANs on the client
  then adding it using ipa cert-request file.csr --prinicple
  host/${client_hostname}@DOMAIN  from ipa server as admin (just to be
  and got this error (where ALIAS is the first SAN):
  ** ipa: ERROR: The service principal for subject alt name ALIAS in
  certificate request does not exist
  It sounds like I need to create service principal for each SAN, but I
  seem to figure out how to do it (only allows me to create service
  for existing hosts)

 You need to create an (unused) host for the SAN service first. After that
 can create the service. Dummy service/host entries with appropriate
 attribute are used to authorize which host/service.

 I did a quick test with latest FreeIPA 4.0.3 and it worked for me:

 # ipa-getcert request -d /etc/httpd/nssdb -n Server-Cert -K
 test/`hostname` -N
 CN=`hostname`,O=EXAMPLE.COM -D -g 2048
 New signing request 20140915143901 added.

 # ipa-getcert list -i 20140915143901
 Number of certificates and requests being tracked: 8.
 Request ID '20140915143901':
 status: CA_REJECTED
 ca-error: Server at https://ipa.mkosek-fedora20.test/ipa/xml
 denied our
 request, giving up: 2100 (RPC failed at server.  Insufficient access: You
 to be a member of the serviceadmin role to add services).
 stuck: yes
 key pair storage:
 Certificate DB'
 expires: unknown
 pre-save command:
 post-save command:
 track: yes
 auto-renew: yes

 This is expected, now the authorization needs to be added:

 # ipa service-add test/`hostname`
 # ipa service-add test/ --force
 # ipa service-add-host test/ --host `hostname`
   Principal: test/
   Managed by:, ipa.mkosek-fedora20.test
 Number of members added 1

 # ipa-getcert resubmit -i 20140915143901
 Resubmitting 20140915143901 to IPA.

 # ipa-getcert list -i 20140915143901
 Number of certificates and requests being tracked: 8.
 Request ID '20140915143901':
 stuck: no
 key pair storage:
 Certificate DB'
 Certificate DB'
 issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=MKOSEK-FEDORA20.TEST
 subject: CN=ipa.mkosek-fedora20.test,O=MKOSEK-FEDORA20.TEST
 expires: 2016-09-15 14:48:01 UTC
 principal name: test/ipa.mkosek-fedora20.t...@mkosek-fedora20.test
 key usage:
 eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
 pre-save command:
 post-save command:
 track: yes
 auto-renew: yes

 # certutil -L -d /etc/httpd/nssdb -n Server-Cert
 Version: 3 (0x2)
 Serial Number: 11 (0xb)
 Signature Algorithm: PKCS #1 SHA-256 With RSA Encryption
 Issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=MKOSEK-FEDORA20.TEST
 Not Before: Mon Sep 15 14:48:01 2014
 Not After : Thu Sep 15 14:48:01 2016
 Subject: CN=ipa.mkosek-fedora20.test,O=MKOSEK-FEDORA20.TEST

Re: [Freeipa-users] Use of SAN's with automatic certificates in FreeIPA 4

2014-09-12 Thread Michael Lasevich
That is awesome, but I am clearly missing some insight as to how this is
supposed to work. Can you point me to some more specific info on how to
accomplish this.

I tried using the ipa-getcert request with multiple -D's  from the client,
but got :

** Insufficient access: You need to be a member of the serviceadmin role to
add services

Unless I am missing something,  I should probably not add each host to
serviceadmins for security reasons.

So I then I tried generating a csr via openssl with SANs on the client and
then adding it using ipa cert-request file.csr --prinicple
host/${client_hostname}@DOMAIN  from ipa server as admin (just to be sure)
and got this error (where ALIAS is the first SAN):

** ipa: ERROR: The service principal for subject alt name ALIAS in
certificate request does not exist

It sounds like I need to create service principal for each SAN, but I can't
seem to figure out how to do it (only allows me to create service
prinicpals for existing hosts)

Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated


On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 4:12 AM, Dmitri Pal wrote:

  On 09/11/2014 09:25 PM, Michael Lasevich wrote:

   If I remember correctly, you could not use SAN (Subject Alternate
 Names) for certificates in FreeIPA 3.0 - is this still the case with 4?  4.0 is able.

  I have hosts that automatically receive two hostnames, a long proper name
 (like service-i-12345678) and a simpler cname based on an index for ease
 of access (like service-1) - however since OS hostname is the proper
 one, certs would typically be issued to that name. I want my users to be
 able to hit it via the simplex index names. Is that currently possible
 (esp given that the cnames are actualy in a different DNS domain)?



 Thank you,
 Dmitri Pal

 Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
 Red Hat, Inc.

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[Freeipa-users] Use of SAN's with automatic certificates in FreeIPA 4

2014-09-11 Thread Michael Lasevich
If I remember correctly, you could not use SAN (Subject Alternate Names)
for certificates in FreeIPA 3.0 - is this still the case with 4?

I have hosts that automatically receive two hostnames, a long proper name
(like service-i-12345678) and a simpler cname based on an index for ease
of access (like service-1) - however since OS hostname is the proper
one, certs would typically be issued to that name. I want my users to be
able to hit it via the simplex index names. Is that currently possible
(esp given that the cnames are actualy in a different DNS domain)?


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Re: [Freeipa-users] Minimal permissions for joiner account?

2014-08-18 Thread Michael Lasevich
I wanted to use the python ipalib directly, but like you mentioned, I found
very little documentation and what I found indicated I was going to just
pass cli arguments to it, it seemed to be not much better than calling the
wrapper directly :-(

I will clean up my salt reactor of things specific to my install (mostly
just validating host against AWS and pulling AWS info to be added to the
host description fields) and try to add it to the salt-forumulas - then we
can link to it from the how-tos, etc. If someone is interested sooner, I
can post it here for time being.

As far as Host-Enrollment vs Host-Administrators privileges - it may be
that I am mixing up 2 ways to enroll hosts. My original attempt was to try
to have an enroller account that would add client directly from the
client - but I have relented and switched to a more proper method of adding
a host entrue with a generated OTP for the client followed by joining of
that client from the client itself with the OTP password. This works, but
when I try to add host entry with OTP password using account with only
Host Enrollment privilege I get:

ipa: ERROR: Insufficient access: Insufficient 'add' privilege to the
'userPassword' attribute

I really would like to have minimal privileges for my adder account, but
at least this account is only available on a much more restricted server
(salt-master) where only limited admins have access to it. For now I am
granting it the Host Administrators privilege, as it is what works.


On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 9:26 AM, Petr Viktorin wrote:

 On 08/15/2014 06:02 PM, James wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 5:25 AM, Michael Lasevich wrote:

 Sorry, I did not intend to belittle your efforts - just misread the code

 Didn't take it that way, no worries :)

  (saw you pass in $admin and $password and made wrong assumption that
 was admin username) as well as trying to avoid puppet as I find Salt much
 quicker and much simpler (and already established in my setup)

 I sat down tonight and threw together a quick salt reactor that does same
 thing as your module - creates the host account in IPA with a generated
 password and joins the host to the domain using that generated OTP (and
 while at it, validates the host against AWS and populates the metadata
 IPA) Ended up having to join the salt master to the domain, which I was
 avoiding doing for security reasons, but I can just disable IPA logins in
 PAM and call it a day. The nice bit is that it is using the host's keytab
 for authentication, so I do not need any extra credentials sitting
 Seems to be working just fine. :-). I ended up granting the salt-master
 the Host Administrators privilege. It seems that Host Enrollment
 privilege is not sufficient to enroll hosts -  go figure.


 The only thing that bugs me is that I am calling IPA python code from my
 salt reactor python code via subprocess - there has got to be a better,
 direct way -  but I found documentation too confusing to follow at 1 am -
 will be a project for another day.

 There is the python ipa API, not sure how stable or official it is,
 but if you look in my code I use it occasionally.

 The RPC API is not official (i.e. documented), but since IPA needs to keep
 backwards compatibility with its own client, it's very stable.

 Just be sure to send the API version with each call. (The server will send
 a warning if you don't.)


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Re: [Freeipa-users] Minimal permissions for joiner account?

2014-08-15 Thread Michael Lasevich
Sorry, I did not intend to belittle your efforts - just misread the code
(saw you pass in $admin and $password and made wrong assumption that $admin
was admin username) as well as trying to avoid puppet as I find Salt much
quicker and much simpler (and already established in my setup)

I sat down tonight and threw together a quick salt reactor that does same
thing as your module - creates the host account in IPA with a generated OTP
password and joins the host to the domain using that generated OTP (and
while at it, validates the host against AWS and populates the metadata into
IPA) Ended up having to join the salt master to the domain, which I was
avoiding doing for security reasons, but I can just disable IPA logins in
PAM and call it a day. The nice bit is that it is using the host's keytab
for authentication, so I do not need any extra credentials sitting around.
Seems to be working just fine. :-). I ended up granting the salt-master
host  the Host Administrators privilege. It seems that Host Enrollment
privilege is not sufficient to enroll hosts -  go figure.

The only thing that bugs me is that I am calling IPA python code from my
salt reactor python code via subprocess - there has got to be a better,
more direct way -  but I found documentation too confusing to follow at 1
am - will be a project for another day.

Thanks for your help.


On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 6:50 PM, James wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 8:29 PM, Michael Lasevich wrote:
  I appreciate it. Maybe I did not read it close enough, but it seemed to
  the admin password to every client, which is what I am trying to avoid.
 Oh no!! Definitely not :) I went to great pains to specifically avoid
 this actually. If you're interested in how the DM and admin passwords
 are managed, read:

 If you're interested in how the clients auth, they do so via
 getkeytab, and in order for that to work, puppet passes a temporary
 one-time password to the client, uses it, and verifies that _that_
 client auth-ed. If the password isn't used by that client, then a new
 OTP is generated, and the original is discarded (as it was probably
 used by the wrong client, or maliciously in that rare scenario).

 All of this to say, that this was quite complex to write, so I would
 consider using the module as is (and even extending it as needed!).
 Secondly, I'd like to point out that I'm not doing any orchestration,
 only config management. Which means this can actually scale!

  I will take a closer look, maybe I can bite the bullet and implement the
  lines of code that are required to make this work in Salt (it would take
  too much work and be generally counterproductive to switch to Puppet).

 Of course I can only help with the puppet case, but if you don't
 switch (this module is a winning module, in the same way that rails
 saved ruby, so I would take a closer look) you can at least use it as
 a reference architecture when writing a salt module. That;s the beauty
 of Free Software!

 Good luck! HTH,

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Minimal permissions for joiner account?

2014-08-15 Thread Michael Lasevich
Thanks, that was actually very helpful.

Host Enrollment privilege does not actually allow you to enroll hosts,
not sure what that is about. But Host Administrators worked just fine.


On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 1:18 AM, Martin Kosek wrote:

 On 08/14/2014 10:23 PM, Michael Lasevich wrote:
  Is there somewhere a documented minimum set of permissions required to
  create a special role/account/principal to auto-join machines to the
  I am not all too comfortable to run this as admin user and not quite
  to set up the orchestration needed to pre-join the host.

 You can simply create a system user or a joiner service and assign it a
 Administrators privilege:

 # ipa privilege-show Host Administrators
   Privilege name: Host Administrators
   Description: Host Administrators
   Permissions: add hosts, remove hosts, modify hosts, manage host ssh
 public keys,
manage host keytab, enroll a host, retrieve certificates
 the ca,
revoke certificate, add krbprincipalname to a host
   Granting privilege to roles: IT Specialist


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Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA4 OTP vs PAM

2014-08-15 Thread Michael Lasevich
Thanks, glad I asked before wasting time.

On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 1:07 AM, Jakub Hrozek wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 01:19:58PM -0700, Michael Lasevich wrote:
  I did not dive into this yet, but before I waste too much time I wanted
  ask if centos 6.5 default ipa client expected to work with 2FA or not.

 No it's not, sorry. The 6.5 client is SSSD 1.9.x and there's a couple of
 fixes that landed during the 1.11 development such as:
 plus some other commits I see in git log which don't reference any ticket.

 I'd suggest to test using a centos 7.0 client.

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[Freeipa-users] FreeIPA4 OTP vs PAM

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Lasevich
I am testing a simple setup with FreeIPA 4.0.1 server and a centos6.5 stock
ipa-client package and I can get the regular password to work, but not
otp login (otp login works in web ui).

As I understood this, kinit is not expected to work (requires FAST) but PAM
(which uses sssd, which supposed to supports/configure FAST by default)
Indeed the kinit fails with Generic preauthentication failure while
getting initial credentials but PAM/SSSD does not seem to work either.

This is a brand new test domain with allow-all HBAC intact, so I do not
think that is the issue

I did not dive into this yet, but before I waste too much time I wanted to
ask if centos 6.5 default ipa client expected to work with 2FA or not.


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[Freeipa-users] Minimal permissions for joiner account?

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Lasevich
Is there somewhere a documented minimum set of permissions required to
create a special role/account/principal to auto-join machines to the domain?

I am not all too comfortable to run this as admin user and not quite ready
to set up the orchestration needed to pre-join the host.


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Re: [Freeipa-users] Minimal permissions for joiner account?

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Lasevich
Not that much. For one, I am using Salt instead if Puppet, but more
importantly, if I am reading this correctly it seems to be just using full
admin account. I can already do that. By orchestration I meant setting up
the OTP for client join on the server, then passing that OTP to the client
to join it. It is not that hard to throw together, but timing in this
process can be problematic. I prefer to avoid it for the moment if I can
and just create a non-admin account for this.

On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 2:07 PM, James wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 4:23 PM, Michael Lasevich wrote:
  I am not all too comfortable to run this as admin user and not quite
  to set up the orchestration needed to pre-join the host.

 Re: orchestration,

 Does this help?

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Minimal permissions for joiner account?

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Lasevich
I appreciate it. Maybe I did not read it close enough, but it seemed to
send the admin password to every client, which is what I am trying to

I will take a closer look, maybe I can bite the bullet and implement the
few lines of code that are required to make this work in Salt (it would
take way too much work and be generally counterproductive to switch to


On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 2:07 PM, James wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 4:23 PM, Michael Lasevich wrote:
  I am not all too comfortable to run this as admin user and not quite
  to set up the orchestration needed to pre-join the host.

 Re: orchestration,

 Does this help?
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[Freeipa-users] Using Native OTP for auth from specific hosts

2014-08-11 Thread Michael Lasevich
Ok, I am trying to figure out how to use native OTP capabilities in
FreeIPA4 to authenticate users but I am not finding enough docs on how to

Specifically I would like to force OTP authentication on specific servers
while allowing password auth in other cases. As I understand
authentication, you can either select OTP or password or both
authentications, but if you select both, the user can use password instead
of otp from ANY server.

Is there any way to block password auth based on source (HBAC rules?) So
far the only way I can figure out is to create a second account, which is
less than optimal.


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Re: [Freeipa-users] Using Native OTP for auth from specific hosts

2014-08-11 Thread Michael Lasevich
Thanks for quick response, further questions inline.

On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 11:49 AM, Alexander Bokovoy

 On Mon, 11 Aug 2014, Michael Lasevich wrote:

 Ok, I am trying to figure out how to use native OTP capabilities in
 FreeIPA4 to authenticate users but I am not finding enough docs on how to

 Specifically I would like to force OTP authentication on specific servers
 while allowing password auth in other cases. As I understand
 authentication, you can either select OTP or password or both
 authentications, but if you select both, the user can use password instead
 of otp from ANY server.

 That is correct.

So, it is NOT intended to use for border-style 2FA authentication (i.e.
VPN) - which seems may be a common use case for 2FA?

  Is there any way to block password auth based on source (HBAC rules?) So
 far the only way I can figure out is to create a second account, which is
 less than optimal.

 No, this functionality is not supported. One particular issue is that
 we'll need to authenticate before applying HBAC rules, not after, so
 some other means to validate the request chain are needed.

 Additionally, Kerberos authentication requires to enter your credentials
 only when obtaining a ticket granting ticket (TGT) which happens before
 a client will ask for a ticket to a specific service. Also, renewing the
 ticket might be possible without original credentials. Perhaps we could
 add a flag into TGT that would tell how strong were credentials (how
 many factors were in use) when TGT was obtained and then use it in a
 policy to see if a ticket to the target service principal could be

I think I understand -  HBAC has no way to know how you authenticated - so
you cannot make rules based on that?

Is there a way to test OTP token auth while bypassing kerberos? For
example, you can validate user's password via a LDAP login, - can you do a
similar validation of OTP token directly?


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Re: [Freeipa-users] Using Native OTP for auth from specific hosts

2014-08-11 Thread Michael Lasevich
On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 12:30 PM, Alexander Bokovoy

 On Mon, 11 Aug 2014, Michael Lasevich wrote:

 So, it is NOT intended to use for border-style 2FA authentication (i.e.
 VPN) - which seems may be a common use case for 2FA?

 You can always supplement authentication check with some host-specific
 information at the VPN concentrator. We don't have ready to use solution
 here but it is definitely possible to use such scheme against FreeIPA

Sorry, I am not following.  What do you mean by host-specific
information? If system has no way to detect how many factors were involved
in authentication, how would I be able to guarantee that only 2FA is
allowed via this box?

I suppose this can work: I can write code that will:

1 - detects if there are OTP numbers at the end of the password
2 - authenticates using full 2FA
3 - authenticates using just password without 2FA

And then authenticate only if all 3 conditions are satisfied. Seems a bit
hacky, but that is the only way I can think that may work.

Alternative is to set up 2 users for each actual user, one for border and
one for internal auth. Force 2fa on border user.  Only allow border users
on border boxes.

Am I missing anything?


 / Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Using Native OTP for auth from specific hosts

2014-08-11 Thread Michael Lasevich
My thought is that while 2 and 3 are same from IPA point of view, since I
am guaranteed to be sending a different credentials in those cases I am
guaranteed to be checking both password and otp. Prevents a case where
user's password ends in a string of digits similar to OTP.

I will look into checking the tokens for changes, but that seems a bit more
complicated and error-prone.


On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Alexander Bokovoy

 On Mon, 11 Aug 2014, Michael Lasevich wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 12:30 PM, Alexander Bokovoy

  On Mon, 11 Aug 2014, Michael Lasevich wrote:

  So, it is NOT intended to use for border-style 2FA authentication (i.e.
 VPN) - which seems may be a common use case for 2FA?

  You can always supplement authentication check with some host-specific
 information at the VPN concentrator. We don't have ready to use solution
 here but it is definitely possible to use such scheme against FreeIPA

  Sorry, I am not following.  What do you mean by host-specific
 information? If system has no way to detect how many factors were
 in authentication, how would I be able to guarantee that only 2FA is
 allowed via this box?

 I suppose this can work: I can write code that will:

 1 - detects if there are OTP numbers at the end of the password
 2 - authenticates using full 2FA
 3 - authenticates using just password without 2FA

 And then authenticate only if all 3 conditions are satisfied. Seems a bit
 hacky, but that is the only way I can think that may work.

 2 and 3 are the same from IPA point of view, just an LDAP bind. Ideally
 SSSD could handle this as part of a PAM stack by providing PAM
 feedback that could be used by other modules. There was no request for
 this functionality before.

 However, I was mostly thinking that you may have an authentication
 sequence where past successful auth you would check tokens associated
 with the user to see if there is a recent update within the same time
 period on one of tokens. This would work right now, though it is a bit a
 hack -- a better one than the 2-accounts-per-user.

 / Alexander Bokovoy

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