Re: DHCP howto

2013-04-03 Thread Igor Smitran

On 02/21/2013 07:56 PM, Alan DeKok wrote:

2. Is freeradius ready to work as dhcp server for IPv6? Would it be
enough to insert some new words into dictionary and change configuration

   It doesn't do DHCPv6.  It's possible, but a lot of work.

Any plans to implement ipv6 support any time soon?

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Re: compile error

2013-03-28 Thread Igor Smitran

On 03/28/2013 10:57 AM, Olivier Beytrison wrote:
Btw, are you aware that your are compiling freeradius without ssl 
support ? this mean no eap, no tls, ect ? You should first install the 
openssl development files before compiling freeradius Olivier 

Yes, i know. This freeradius will only serve dhcp requests.
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compile error

2013-03-28 Thread Igor Smitran

I am not able to compile from git. It ends with error:

version.c:71: warning: no previous prototype for 'ssl_version_check'
version.c: In function 'ssl_version':
version.c:78: error: expected ';' before '}' token
gmake[4]: *** [version.lo] Error 1
gmake[4]: Leaving directory 

gmake[3]: *** [main] Error 2
gmake[3]: Leaving directory 

gmake[2]: *** [all] Error 2
gmake[2]: Leaving directory 

gmake[1]: *** [src] Error 2
gmake[1]: Leaving directory 

make: *** [all] Error 2

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Re: DHCP relay IP and gateway IP, possible bad logic?

2013-03-05 Thread Igor Smitran

On 03/04/2013 11:03 PM, Phil Mayers wrote:

There are a bunch of subtleties in this whole area - some devices 
offer knobs to control giaddr in the case of multinettings, and some 
devices offer knobs to control srcip - but, in my experience, you are 
asking for trouble if giaddr is not valid for accepting relayed 
replies. We've had significant problems with setups where this is 
difficult or impossible to achieve as a result. Multinetting a private 
and public range onto the same interface falls into exactly that 

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Yes, i aggree. But, CM's are in private network. CPE's are behind CM's, 
in public network. CPE's are connected to CMTS through CM's. Because of 
that you have public and private network on one interface.

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Re: DHCP relay IP and gateway IP, possible bad logic?

2013-03-04 Thread Igor Smitran

On 03/04/2013 04:54 PM, Alan DeKok wrote:

   The point of asking for debug output is to see what the server is doing.

   I'm not sure what the rest of your message means.  The server defaults
to copying the giaddr from the request to the reply.  This is so that
the reply can use the giaddr as the destination IP.  If you use Perl to
update the giaddr to something else... then the reply will be sent there.

I have to do that, this is cable IP network that i am talking about. 
Real life example.

I am using Cisco CMTS and his primary interface IP as cable-helper/relay IP.

This is by desing.
I am sorry for my bad english but  i will try to explain, please bare 
with me...

This is CM/CPE bundle interface:

interface Bundle1.150
 vrf forwarding vrf_name
 ip address public_ip secondary
 ip address private_ip
 no ip unreachables
 no cable arp
 cable source-verify dhcp
 cable helper-address radius_ip

As you can see CMTS will relay all requests from CM's and CPE's over 
primary interface address (private_ip/
radius will get all requests from that IP. all offers need to go back to 
that same ip, no matter what giaddr is sent to client.

*i have it already working that way with another dhcp server, in 
**also, couple of commercial products that i was testing had exactly the 
same logic implemented, all offers were sent to relay ip, no matter what 
was set as giaddr.*

Let us say that i have two pools for CPE devices, imaginary:

In that case i will have two lines in bundle interface setup:
ip address secondary
ip address secondary

and this is relay_ip (primary ip address of bundle interface)
ip address

If dhcp finds free address from first pool ( offer 
will be somethink like this:

OPTION:   1 (  4) Subnet mask

*but offer still needs to be sent to*, where requests came 
from in the first place.

I didn't break anything, i have to do it that way.
As far as dhcp server goes, it would be logical for him to return the 
offer to relay ip. relay will forward it to a client and client will get 
correct data.
If offer goes to any other address Cisco ASA will drop that packet 
because it doesn't have it in initiated/established chains...

Next time CPE tries to renew/release address request will come from again...

That is why i said that relay_ip shouldn't be replaced with giaddr.

FR i am using is 2.2.0, latest stable version.

i will try to send debug info tomorrow AM CET...
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Re: DHCP relay IP and gateway IP, possible bad logic?

2013-03-04 Thread Igor Smitran

On 03/01/2013 04:12 PM, Alan DeKok wrote:

Can you supply the debug output?
When set that freeradius sends IP, NETMASK, DNS... *WITHOUT DEFAULT 

*This packet is sent to RELAY_IP*

*$RAD_REPLY{'DHCP-Gateway-IP-Address'} NOT SENT*
  TIME: 09:46:24.886544
 HTYPE: 1 (Ethernet)
  HLEN: 6
  HOPS: 1
  SECS: 0
CHADDR: **:**:**:**:**:**:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
OPTION:  53 (  1) DHCP message type 2 (DHCPOFFER)
OPTION:   1 (  4) Subnet mask
OPTION:   2 (  4) Time offset   7200 (2h)
OPTION:   3 (  4) Routers   RELAY_PRIVATE_IP
OPTION:   6 (  4) DNS serverDNS_IP
OPTION:  12 ( 17) Host name HOST_MAC_ADDRESS
OPTION:  15 (  8) DomainnameDOMAIN
OPTION:  51 (  4) IP address leasetime  7200 (2h)
OPTION:  54 (  4) Server identifier RADIUS_IP
OPTION:  57 (  2) Maximum DHCP message size 1500

When set that freeradius sends IP, NETMASK, DNS... *WITH DEFAULT GATEWAY*:

*This packet is sent to GIADDR**, whis is wrong**!!!*

*$RAD_REPLY{'DHCP-Gateway-IP-Address'} SENT*
  TIME: 09:46:24.886544
 HTYPE: 1 (Ethernet)
  HLEN: 6
  HOPS: 1
  SECS: 0
*GIADDR: **$RAD_REPLY{'DHCP-Gateway-IP-Address'}*
CHADDR: **:**:**:**:**:**:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
OPTION:  53 (  1) DHCP message type 2 (DHCPOFFER)
OPTION:   1 (  4) Subnet mask
OPTION:   2 (  4) Time offset   7200 (2h)
OPTION:   3 (  4) Routers   RELAY_PRIVATE_IP
OPTION:   6 (  4) DNS serverDNS_IP
OPTION:  12 ( 17) Host name HOST_MAC_ADDRESS
OPTION:  15 (  8) DomainnameDOMAIN
OPTION:  51 (  4) IP address leasetime  7200 (2h)
OPTION:  54 (  4) Server identifier RADIUS_IP
OPTION:  57 (  2) Maximum DHCP message size 1500

So, when freeradius sees *DHCP-Gateway-IP-Address *inside reply offer he 
uses it as destination where to send reply which is wrong. He should use 
RELAY IP instead no matter what's inside BOOTREPLY.*

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DHCP relay IP and gateway IP, possible bad logic?

2013-03-01 Thread Igor Smitran
In case when freeradius is talking to a DHCP relay it should *always* 
send answears to a initiating relay IP. But, it doesn't.

Cisco CMTS is using as his giaddr for all requests made by 
CM's, MTA's and CPE's.

All replies should go to

But, currently, if CPE gets public IP with gateway, freeradius tries to send reply to instead 

This is my opinion, maybe i am wrong...

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DHCP sqlippool reply values

2013-02-28 Thread Igor Smitran
I've added two new fields into radippool table that i am using for DHCP 
dynamic pools.

  `gateway` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `netmask` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

in ippool-dhcp.conf i've added new fields:

allocate-find = "SELECT framedipaddress,gateway,netmask FROM 

I am not able to figure out how to address new fields inside 
policy.conf. Is it even possible?

I need to have two new fields, currently i have:

update reply {
DHCP-Your-IP-Address = "%{reply:Framed-IP-Address}"

I am trying to get two new fields:


I can use perl module to add those two fields but that means that i need 
two more database queries.

Any other way?

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Re: DHCP howto

2013-02-21 Thread Igor Smitran

1. In sqlippool.conf is stated:

 #  WARNING: MySQL has certain limitations that means it can
 #   hand out the same IP address to 2 different users.
 #   We suggest using an SQL DB with proper transaction
 #   support, such as PostgreSQL, or using MySQL
 #   with InnoDB.

Does this mean that only thing needed is to create innodb tables? Module 
will use transactions automaticaly?

2. Is freeradius ready to work as dhcp server for IPv6? Would it be 
enough to insert some new words into dictionary and change configuration 

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Re: strange DHCP behavior

2013-02-21 Thread Igor Smitran

On 02/21/2013 10:23 AM, Igor Smitran wrote:

Received DHCP-Discover of id 08f11b15 from to
Parse error Parse error or name in attributein attributein ode" 
Dropping packet without response.

Going to the next request
Waking up in 0.9 seconds.

My bad, sorry everyone, i forgot to include dictionary.dhcp :(

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strange DHCP behavior

2013-02-21 Thread Igor Smitran

Server: up2date Centos 6.3 x64

Software: freeradius 2.2.0

configured by ./configure, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.61,
  with options \"'--prefix=/usr/local/freeradius' '--with-dhcp' 
'--with-rlm_mysql=no' '--with-rlm_perl=no' --enable-ltdl-install\"

radiusd -X starts OK, and then, after first DHCP discover is received:

Listening on authentication address * port 1812
Listening on accounting address * port 1813
Listening on command file /usr/local/freeradius/var/run/radiusd/radiusd.sock
Listening on authentication address port 18120 as server 

Listening on dhcp interface eth1 address * port 67 as server dhcp
Listening on proxy address * port 1814
Ready to process requests.

Received DHCP-Discover of id 08f11b15 from to
Parse error Parse error or name in attributein attributein ode" Dropping 
packet without response.

Going to the next request
Waking up in 0.9 seconds.

It is happening with default dhcp config. Only what is changed is:

port = 67
ipaddr = * (ommited)
interface = eth0

This is entirely new server, installed only for dhcp testing. Mysql and 
perl will be added later.

Any idea?

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Re: DHCP howto

2013-02-19 Thread Igor Smitran

On 02/19/2013 03:41 PM, Alan DeKok wrote:

   Use +=, not =

   Alan DeKok.

Request from client is this:

DHCP-Parameter-Request-List = DHCP-Subnet-Mask
DHCP-Parameter-Request-List = DHCP-Router-Address
DHCP-Parameter-Request-List = DHCP-NTP-Servers

Freeradius puts everything into ENV. Because of the same key only last 
value is used, other ones are overwritten.

So, ENV in this example will have only this:

DHCP-Parameter-Request-List = DHCP-NTP-Servers

PHP script will be able to read that client asked only for 
DHCP-NTP-Servers value.

This is PHP error or Freeradius error?
Or am i missing something?

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Re: DHCP howto

2013-02-19 Thread Igor Smitran

During debug session (radiusd -X) beside other things i can see this:

DHCP-Parameter-Request-List = DHCP-Subnet-Mask
DHCP-Parameter-Request-List = DHCP-Router-Address
DHCP-Parameter-Request-List = DHCP-NTP-Servers
DHCP-Parameter-Request-List = DHCP-Domain-Name-Server
DHCP-Parameter-Request-List = DHCP-Log-Server
DHCP-Parameter-Request-List = DHCP-Domain-Name
DHCP-Parameter-Request-List = DHCP-Renewal-Time
DHCP-Parameter-Request-List = DHCP-Rebinding-Time
DHCP-Parameter-Request-List = DHCP-NETBIOS-Name-Servers
DHCP-Parameter-Request-List = DHCP-TFTP-Server-Name

But, when i call exec script (phh for example) this array only contains 
last key:

DHCP-Parameter-Request-List = DHCP-TFTP-Server-Name

It is logical that those values will be overwritten but...

Is there a way to work around this problem?
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DHCP howto

2013-02-15 Thread Igor Smitran
What would need to be done in dhcp setup in order to have 
radusergroup/radcheck/radreply/radacct-alike behavior?

I am trying to make it work with cable equipment (CM,MTA,CPE) but i am 
not sure how to start. CM and MTA would have static IP addresses (sql 
prefered because of additional replies: boot-file,dns,gateway etc.) and 
CPE's would have dynamic IP address assigned.

I am willing to do some serious tests and get back with results because 
if everything works ok i would switch to freeradius from standard ISC dhcpd.

Thank you
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Juniper ERX and checkrad

2011-07-15 Thread Igor Smitran
It is my first time to setup Juniper ERX-1440 with freeradius. All my 
other NAS's are cisco.
I was trying to setup checkrad to check for simultaneous connections and 
realized that juniper is not listed in nas type list.

Can someone help me with getting chekrad to work with Juniper ERX?

Thank you
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Re: ISG DHCP relay

2010-05-18 Thread Igor Smitran


Alexander Clouter wrote:

Igor Smitran  wrote:
I really don't understand why noone wants to help. After all, i am using 
freeradius together with cisco.

Hey there, I'm trying to ping from my laptop at work, but 
it seems I need 802.1X configured to connect to my local network.

As I'm trying to send traffic to your network, after all it involves a 
device on's network, can you help with my connectivity 


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Re: ISG DHCP relay

2010-05-18 Thread Igor Smitran

Yes, it is definitley my bad english.
I am not using freeradius as DHCP, i am using freeradius as mac address 
checker. That part is working ok. I am using freeradius for long time 
and it is a great product. But, cisco ISG is new to me.
I have setup cisco ISG as a DHCP server. when cisco receives DHCP 
request it takes MAC address and asks freeradius if that mac address has 
access to internet. Based on freeradius Access-Accept/Reject i am using 
diferent policies applied to user.
And it works. At least for CPE devices. But, CM and MTA devices need 
tftp server name and tftp file name. My problem is, and i have searched 
for more than 15 days, how or even if possible, to use freeradius to 
send BOOTP parameters to cisco. Since i wasn't able to find anything 
about that on cisco site i was just asking if anyone has ever done 
something similar to help me. I wasn't asking how would i do that in 
freeradius or am i able to do that in freeradius. I know freeradius is 
capable of that. I just don't know where to look. I was searching for 
"cisco isg bootp freeradius avpairs" and lot more different searches on 
google but nothing usable came up.
I am sorry for misunderstanding, i wasn't being rude, just out of 
options. Since, in my project i will use freeradius i thought that 
someone else did the same thing before me and because of that i have 
asked a question here.

Thank you and sorry again

Alan Buxey wrote:



I really don't understand why noone wants to help. After all, i am using 
freeradius together with cisco. I just asked if anyone has any experience in 
ISG+FreeRadius because i am trying to find a solution for my problem for more 
than 15 days. Does it really matter what kind of NAS i am using?

you said you couldnt find any answers about the tech on cisco site.

as a big cisoc user myself of many of their product lines...i find that
somewhat wierd as they pretty much document everything...maybe its badly linked
and doesnt spell out exactly how you do A+B with product C  (they'll just tell
you how A + B work - you figure the rest out). but its there.

perhaps its because your original question was badly worded or incorrectly
phrased?   you're trying to use the DHCP function of FreeRADIUS...yes? in
the world of DHCP (relay or not) TFTP options are just extra attributes
returned in the reply  eg ISC DHCP gives you

option tftp-server-name "servername"


filename "filename"

and even

next-server   (where is quaddot notation for 
TFTP server)

you may need to adjust the AAA attribute list to deal with these.

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Re: ISG DHCP relay

2010-05-18 Thread Igor Smitran

I really don't understand why noone wants to help. After all, i am using 
freeradius together with cisco. I just asked if anyone has any 
experience in ISG+FreeRadius because i am trying to find a solution for 
my problem for more than 15 days. Does it really matter what kind of NAS 
i am using?

Thank you,

Alan Buxey wrote:


I am sking here because i wasn't able to find any answears on cisco 
site. Maybe someone here has enough experience to point me to right 

I'm not sure what lists you are on...but you seem to be confused - this
is the FreeRADIUS mialing list, not the Cisco support mailing list.

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Re: ISG DHCP relay

2010-05-18 Thread Igor Smitran

Alan DeKok wrote:

  What does the ISG documentation say?

  Ask the vendor how their product works...

I am sking here because i wasn't able to find any answears on cisco 
site. Maybe someone here has enough experience to point me to right 

Thank you all
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ISG DHCP relay

2010-05-17 Thread Igor Smitran
I am sorry for contacting list for my problem, but i have searched for 
more than 15 days trying to find the solution with no success:

1. i have a cisco ISG with DHCP relay that points to freeradius
2. freeradius will send access accept or access reject based on mac 
address, nas ip etc.

this scenario works ok for CPE devices, but not for CM devices because 
CM devices need TFTP server name and TFTP file name. I am unable to find 
right reply message format. So, my problem is BOOTP part. Is there any 
way to send those data to ISG so that ISG can combine those data and 
send it to CM device?
Again, i am sorry for asking this question here but it is partially tied 
to freeradius functionality. I hope there is someone on this list that 
has more experience with ISG and freeradius to point me to right direction.

Thank you...
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Re: dictionary help

2010-02-25 Thread Igor Smitran

Alan DeKok wrote:
>   Yes.  Delete the line containing PW_TYPE_STRING, and change the
> previous line to:
>if ((dattr = dict_attrbyname(newattr)) != NULL) {
>   Then re-compile && install.
Just what i thought bu wasn't sure.
Can we expect this to be changed permanently in future releases?
Thank you for your help.

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Re: dictionary help

2010-02-25 Thread Igor Smitran

Alan DeKok wrote:
> Hmm... the code in rlm_preprocess checks if the attribute is "string"
> type.  I don't see why this is necessary.  See line 155 (or so) in
> src/modules/rlm_preprocess/rlm_preprocess.c.
I've saw the source and now i understand, but, i don't know much of C
and don't know if problem is solvable?
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dictionary help

2010-02-24 Thread Igor Smitran

I am trying to rewrite some custom AVPairs that cisco sends me.
In order to do that i've created cusatom dictionary:

ATTRIBUTE   disc-cause-ext  507 integer

VALUE  disc-cause-ext  Unknown 1002
VALUE  disc-cause-ext  CLID-Auth-Fail  1004
VALUE  disc-cause-ext  No-Carrier  1010
VALUE  disc-cause-ext  AAA-VAL-DISC-LOST-CARR  1011

When radius is started with this dictionary i don't get any value for
disc-cause-ext  attribute. It doesn't exist.
In my log files i've enabled request attributes loging, and i get this:

Tue Feb 23 17:41:42 2010 : rlm_perl: RAD_REQUEST: Cisco-AVPair =
Tue Feb 23 17:41:42 2010 : rlm_perl: RAD_REQUEST: Cisco-AVPair =
Tue Feb 23 17:41:42 2010 : rlm_perl: RAD_REQUEST: Cisco-AVPair =
Tue Feb 23 17:41:42 2010 : rlm_perl: RAD_REQUEST: Cisco-AVPair =
Tue Feb 23 17:41:42 2010 : rlm_perl: RAD_REQUEST: Cisco-AVPair =
Tue Feb 23 17:41:42 2010 : rlm_perl: RAD_REQUEST: Cisco-AVPair =
Tue Feb 23 17:41:42 2010 : rlm_perl: RAD_REQUEST: Cisco-AVPair =
Tue Feb 23 17:41:42 2010 : rlm_perl: RAD_REQUEST: Cisco-AVPair =
Tue Feb 23 17:41:42 2010 : rlm_perl: RAD_REQUEST: Cisco-AVPair =

If i change my dictionary to look like this:

ATTRIBUTE   disc-cause-ext  507 string

then in my log i see this:

Tue Feb 23 17:41:42 2010 : rlm_perl: RAD_REQUEST: Cisco-AVPair =
Tue Feb 23 17:41:42 2010 : rlm_perl: RAD_REQUEST: Cisco-AVPair =
Tue Feb 23 17:41:42 2010 : rlm_perl: RAD_REQUEST: Cisco-AVPair =
Tue Feb 23 17:41:42 2010 : rlm_perl: RAD_REQUEST: Cisco-AVPair =
Tue Feb 23 17:41:42 2010 : rlm_perl: RAD_REQUEST: Cisco-AVPair =
Tue Feb 23 17:41:42 2010 : rlm_perl: RAD_REQUEST: Cisco-AVPair =
Tue Feb 23 17:41:42 2010 : rlm_perl: RAD_REQUEST: Cisco-AVPair =
Tue Feb 23 17:41:42 2010 : rlm_perl: RAD_REQUEST: Cisco-AVPair =
Tue Feb 23 17:41:42 2010 : rlm_perl: RAD_REQUEST: Cisco-AVPair =
Tue Feb 23 17:41:42 2010 : rlm_perl: RAD_REQUEST: disc-cause-ext=1045

All i want to do is map number to string, so that my tech support can
see human readable disconnect cause extension, because it gives me
slightly more data about the disconnect reason. Am i on the right track


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disc-cause-ext number to string

2009-09-18 Thread Igor Smitran
I am having problems with one NAS, Cisco 3620. It keeps sending me
AVPairs that contain only number values, not string.
Cisco-AVPair = disc-cause-ext=1045
According to this:

1045 = Received Terminate

On that same radius i have few other Cisco NAS-es that send AVPairs with
string value.
Is there a way to translate this number to string value in a dictionary?
I am sorry if this subject was mentioned before. I've spent one hour
searching but no success, maybe my search keywords were wrong.
Any guidance would be appreciated.
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Re: Bandwidth & Hardware Requirement Question

2009-08-20 Thread Igor Smitran
Bandwidth is needed on your router. Between your router and your radius
server you will only have authentication and accounting packets which
are small and do not consume much of a bandwidth.
Radius server will not do any rate limiting, radius server will only
send rate limit data to router, during authentication, if you tell him to.
You can use desktop computer (P4 for example) for radius server. You can
have sql server on separate lan/computer. or not, it's up to you.
You can authenticate thousands of users on one pentium 4, with basic setup.

Deepak wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have done basic setup of freeradius and tested in my old PC (PIII).
> Now I want to do the real thing but I need some estimation regarding
> this. Can somebody share their knowledge on this?
> What is the bandwidth requirement for dedicated radius service based
> on numbers of user or hotspots. Yes I know more the better and more
> users mean more bandwidth but is there a rough formula for this?
> X users = Y bandwidth (roughly)
> Besides what kind of hardware (can I use desktop computers for this
> purpose), minimum memory?
> Can I use the radius and mysql in same server or run separate in same
> LAN? (recommendation)
> Also I need a rough estimate on how many users can be handled by one
> server with certain hardware+memory ideally.
> Some expert advice is greatly appreciated
> Thanks
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Re: how to combine

2009-08-19 Thread Igor Smitran
Look at the radcheck table. Attribute name "Calling-Station-Id".

Magui wrote:
> Hello, i want to know how combine user,password and telephone number
> for to authenticate an user in order to give acces to my network.
> Please I only need an superficial orientation ,not to detail 
> -
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Re: reject group

2009-08-04 Thread Igor Smitran
I was wrong.

In your radgroupreply put:

| id | GroupName  | Attribute | op |
|  8 | locked | Reply-Message | := | Account is locked

In your radgroupcheck put:
| id | GroupName  | Attribute | op | Value |
|  1 | locked | Auth-Type | == | Reject|

Didn't have morning coffee at the time of my first post:)

Igor Smitran wrote:
> Define group in your database. In radgroupreply put Auth-Type := Reject
> hashim zayed wrote:
>> Hi all:
>> I am using freeradius with mysql  I want to want to create a group
>> that  with default reject response . so when I put a user in this
>> group he  gets access-reject from freeradius.
>> -
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> -
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Re: reject group

2009-08-03 Thread Igor Smitran
Define group in your database. In radgroupreply put Auth-Type := Reject

hashim zayed wrote:
> Hi all:
> I am using freeradius with mysql  I want to want to create a group
> that  with default reject response . so when I put a user in this
> group he  gets access-reject from freeradius.
> -
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Re: rlm_perl problems]

2009-07-30 Thread Igor Smitran
Garber, Neal wrote:
> Igor: I hope you weren't offended by my assumption - I wasn't sure, based 
> upon your comment, and I was just trying to help.  If I offended you, I 
> apologize.  By the way, out of curiosity, did the patch work for you on 2.1.7 
> also?
Don't worry, i wasn't offended at all.
No need to apologize. I am often misunderstood because english is not my
native language.
I will try to patch 2.1.7 during weekend on my test server.  2.1.6 that
i have problems with is on my production server. Recently i wanted to
put some extra scripts into it and that's when i ran into rlm_perl problems.
Beside rlm_problem server was working just fine. When it crashed because
of rlm_perl i made a workaround by using one perl instance and defining
different functions.
Anyway, i will let you know about my 2.1.7 installation on saturday or

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Re: rlm_perl problems]

2009-07-28 Thread Igor Smitran
Garber, Neal wrote:
> The error is in rlm_perl and appears related to thread data management, not 
> the O/S and not perl (I run FreeBSD and you run CentOS; we even have 
> different versions of perl).  Boian can explain the change far better than I 
> can; but, my interpretation of the change is that the thread specific data 
> key is now created upon perl module instantiation and stored with the 
> instance data (so there's now a separate key for each perl instance we 
> defined in FreeRadius).  (Perhaps someone will correct me if I interpreted it 
> incorrectly.)
> When you say you're not good in C, if you are mean you are unsure how to 
> apply the patch, try this:
> 1. Put the .diff file in the directory with rlm_perl.c (src/modules/rlm_perl 
> is the directory).  
> 2. Then use the patch command to update rlm_perl.c (it creates 
> rlm_perl.c.orig as a backup and updates rlm_perl.c): 
>   patch rlm_perl.c rlm_perl.diff
> 3. Rebuild/install FreeRadius from source
> 4. Test
> 5. Say thank you to Boian (and Ivan as he helped also)..
I know how to patch. I was just trying to find out what was the error.
That's the part i was thinking of when i said "not good in C" :)
You are right, i forgot to say thank you to all. :)
Thank you Ivan, thank you Boian.

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Re: rlm_perl problems]

2009-07-28 Thread Igor Smitran

Ivan Kalik wrote:
> Why? Alan is not the only developer. Read the copyright for rlm_perl code.
I know that Boian is responsible for making our life easier :) I was
asking if this patch is going to be included in next release. That is
the comment i was expecting. Sorry for misunderstanding.

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Re: rlm_perl problems]

2009-07-28 Thread Igor Smitran
Boian Jordanov wrote:
> On Jul 26, 2009, at 12:59 AM,   wrote:
>> Igor wrote:
>>> I have tried 2.1.7 and got same error. I will try to compile it with
>>> --enable-developer and see if i can find out anything from gdb output.
>>> I realy don't know why would this happen because exactly the same
>>> setup worked on
>>> older releases. All i did was to compile the new version (2.1.6) and
>>> then copy
>>> old raddb dir.
>> I am not sure why i got so many "no debugging symbols found" but i
>> did per
>> doc/bugs instructions.
>> This is gdb output:
> Try attached patch.

I didn't try it yet and i am not very good in C. Error that I and Neal
had is something regarding OS or...? I don't see anyone else having this
problem except me and Neal.
Also, i didn't see any comment from Alan. If this is something that was
already been discussed here i am sorry for bringing it up again, but i
would realy like to hear Alan about this.
Boian, would you like to explain what was the cause of this error?

Thank you,
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Re: Salu2...

2009-07-24 Thread Igor Smitran
Igor Smitran wrote:
> As far as i can see, you removed pap from authorize section, which means
> that you tried to change default setup...
My bad, pap does exist in authorize, but freeradius doesn't know where
is the password...
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Re: Salu2...

2009-07-24 Thread Igor Smitran
Frank Ernesto Morales Quiroga wrote:
> install in freebsd freeradius friends and when my clients try to
> connect this poster draws me, it can be:
> +- entering group authorize {...}
> ++[preprocess] returns ok
> ++[chap] returns noop
> ++[mschap] returns noop
> [suffix] Looking up realm " " for User-Name =
> " "
> [suffix] No such realm " "
> ++[suffix] returns noop
> [eap] No EAP-Message, not doing EAP
> ++[eap] returns noop
> ++[unix] returns notfound
> [files] users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 85
> ++[files] returns ok
> ++[expiration] returns noop
> ++[logintime] returns noop
> [pap] WARNING! No "known good" password found for the user. 
> Authentication may fail because of this.
> ++[pap] returns noop
> Found Auth-Type = System
> +- entering group authenticate {...}
> ++[unix] returns notfound
> Failed to authenticate the user.
> Using Post-Auth-Type Reject
> +- entering group REJECT {...}
> [attr_filter.access_reject] expand: %{User-Name} ->
>  attr_filter: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 11
> ++[attr_filter.access_reject] returns updated
> Delaying reject of request 2 for 1 seconds
> Going to the next request
> Waking up in 0.9 seconds.
> Sending delayed reject for request 2
> Sending Access-Reject of id 158 to port 17963
> Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
> Cleaning up request 2 ID 158 with timestamp +158
> Ready to process requests.

What is your users real username? or just test?
 Where did you put your users? in database? shadow file?
What kind of password authentication do you use? PAP, CHAP, MSCHAP?
Default freeradius setup is almost always able to work out of the box
for many scenarios, but it still lacks the ability to read minds as we
all do here :)

As far as i can see, you removed pap from authorize section, which means
that you tried to change default setup...

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Re: rlm_perl problems]

2009-07-24 Thread Igor Smitran
Garber, Neal wrote:
> Igor,
> What version of perl and what O/S are you using?  I'm using FreeBSD 7.2 with 
> perl 5.8.9.  The reason I hadn't submitted this sooner is I wanted to rule 
> out an issue with perl (our Productions servers are running an older version 
> of FreeBSD and perl).
perl, v5.8.8 built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi, installed with yum
OS: CentOS X64,  kernel 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5

freeradius installed from rpm,
rpm made with freeradius.spec file:
%define _prefix /usr/local/freeradius
%configure --prefix=%{_prefix} \
--with-system-libtool \
--disable-ltdl-install \
--with-ltdl-lib=/usr/lib \
--with-ltdl-include=/usr/include \
--with-large-files --with-udpfromto --with-edir \
--with-rlm-krb5-include-dir=/usr/kerberos/include \
--with-rlm-krb5-lib-dir=/usr/kerberos/lib \

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Re: rlm_perl problems]

2009-07-24 Thread Igor Smitran

Ivan Kalik wrote:
>> It ends with freeradius crashing. If i disable all other perl calls and
>> leave only works with no problems. Same goes for other way
>> around. Basicaly, any combination that involves only one perl script
>> works without any problems. If i use two perl scripts in any combination
>> freeradius crashes.
> Let me see if I understand well: you can run multiple perl module
> instances as long as they execute same script; if different instances run
> different scripts - freeradius crashes!
> I will try to emulate this tonight. I haven't tried this scenario. But I
> can run perl + radcheck (also perl script, but not called through perl
> module) without problems.
Yes, i can define multiple perl instances as long as they call same perl
script. It looks like two different perl scripts cannot coexist in
memory at the same time. Workaround for now is to have one perl script
active and through func_* definitions have different functions called
and do tasks needed, like i stated in one of my examples earlier in this

P.S. chekrad works for me too, i use it for simultaneous-use. I was
trying to use unlang as much as possible, but there are two tasks left
that i need perl for.

Thank you,
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Re: rlm_perl problems]

2009-07-24 Thread Igor Smitran

Ivan Kalik wrote:
>> perl perl_script_1 {
>> module = ${confdir}/config_dialup/
>> func_authorize = authorize_check_username
>> func_accounting = accounting_check_username
>> }
>> perl perl_script_2 {
>> module = ${confdir}/config_dialup/
>> }
> Is that a no? Neither of these instances you have posted has
> func_post_auth defined.
> Ivan Kalik
> Kalik Informatika ISP

Yes, that is a no. I only defined functions for which i changed names.
Didn't define functions that are left with default name. I did it that
way because in original perl all func_* are commented out.
Here is an example. i was using authorize section for this:
Just tested it. It doesn't work in both cases, with func_authorize
defined and without it.

In authorize section i have put dummy:

authorize {

in modules/perl:

perl dummy {
module = ${confdir}/scripts/
func_authorize = authorize


use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use constantRLM_MODULE_REJECT=>0;#  /* immediately
reject the request */
use constantRLM_MODULE_FAIL=>  1;#  /* module failed,
don't reply */
use constantRLM_MODULE_OK=>2;#  /* the module is OK,
continue */
use constantRLM_MODULE_HANDLED=>   3;#  /* the module
handled the request, so stop. */
use constantRLM_MODULE_INVALID=>   4;#  /* the module
considers the request invalid. */
use constantRLM_MODULE_USERLOCK=>  5;#  /* reject the
request (user is locked out) */
use constantRLM_MODULE_NOTFOUND=>  6;#  /* user not found */
use constantRLM_MODULE_NOOP=>  7;#  /* module succeeded
without doing anything */
use constantRLM_MODULE_UPDATED=>   8;#  /* OK (pairs
modified) */
use constantRLM_MODULE_NUMCODES=>  9;#  /* How many return
codes there are */

sub authorize {
&radiusd::radlog(0, "DUMMY");

It ends with freeradius crashing. If i disable all other perl calls and
leave only works with no problems. Same goes for other way
around. Basicaly, any combination that involves only one perl script
works without any problems. If i use two perl scripts in any combination
freeradius crashes.
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Re: rlm_perl problems]

2009-07-24 Thread Igor Smitran
Ivan Kalik wrote:
> Have you defined func_post_auth?
> Ivan Kalik
> Kalik Informatika ISP
Left everything by default. Made script by using as template.
Both scripts are looking exactly the same, except that i don't use
default function names for perl_script_1.

perl perl_script_1 {
module = ${confdir}/config_dialup/
func_authorize = authorize_check_username
func_accounting = accounting_check_username

perl perl_script_2 {

module = ${confdir}/config_dialup/

This means that perl will use default function names for perl_script_2 and 
different function names for perl_script_1, right? or am i missing something?

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rlm_perl problems]

2009-07-24 Thread Igor Smitran
I am using Freeradius 2.1.6.

I have a working setup of freeradius with perl scripts inside authorize
and accounting sections.
Everything works great when i am using only one script.
But. if i add another script to do some other stuff for example in
post-auth section i get errors in log and freeradius dies.

Error i get is:
Error: rlm_perl: perl_embed:: module =
/etc/raddb/config_dialup/ , func = post_auth exit
status= Undefined subroutine &main::post_auth called.

My perl setup is like this:

perl perl_script_1 {
module = ${confdir}/config_dialup/
func_authorize = authorize_check_username
func_accounting = accounting_check_username

perl perl_script_2 {
module = ${confdir}/config_dialup/

If i put everything into one script, like this:

perl perl_script_1 {
module = ${confdir}/config_dialup/
func_authorize = authorize_check_username
func_accounting = accounting_check_username

perl perl_script_2 {
module = ${confdir}/config_dialup/

then everything is ok. Did any of you had these problems?

Thank you

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simultaneous ISDN and async

2007-09-25 Thread Igor Smitran
Can i use simultaneous use to limit particular users to use just one channel 

And at the same time, to forbid async users multiple logins?

For ISDN users i want to limit only some users, not all.

I know that cisco questions should not be posted here and i am sorry for 
that but...
I am not sure what can i do on NAS side to prevent double channel ISDN 
logins. Cisco is AS 3620, IOS is 12.0(7)T.

If i can send some vendor specific packet to NAS that would be great.

Thank you. 

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Re: Sending Cisco AV Pairs per realm

2007-09-21 Thread Igor Smitran
Look at the acct_users file, you can define what to do when receiving START, 
STOP and ALIVE packets.

You can call external script if you like.
All you need to do is echo correctly formated string and access server will 
receive it.

If you want to put something additional to database, you can do that too.

Also, another way is to use post_auth hook and run external script from 

If you are going to run external scripts, all needed data is inside ENV 
variable, including realm, username etc.

All this is also stated in documentation.


- Original Message - 
From: "Dan Goscomb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "FreeRadius users mailing list" 
Sent: 18 September, 2007 11:22
Subject: Re: Sending Cisco AV Pairs per realm

Here is a short example that should work for you using the hints file:

DEFAULT User-Name =~ "@dsl.realm"
Hint = "DSL"

  Cisco-AVPair += "..."

Thanks Kevin

This looks great, however the caveat is that we're using MySQL and not
the users file; I can't for the life of me work out how to get that data
in to the tables!

Any hints would be appreciated.



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Re: netflow per connection

2006-08-15 Thread Igor Smitran
Yes Peter, you are right. My fault. I only tried netflow tools, i never used 
those in production envrionment. I just checked and saw that i need to pull 
data from collector, while collector is receiving data from routers. That 
said it is not possible to have accurate data at disconnect. Sorry for this, 
i was hotheaded, but i can't help it, it defines me :)


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Re: netflow per connection

2006-08-15 Thread Igor Smitran

Peter Nixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Aside from tinkering with FreeRADIUS code (and running a large number of
production servers) I also tinker with and run pmacct which I highly
recommend as a netflow/sflow solution. We have a number of deployments of
both on the same Postgresql backend and as long as your DB server is 

correctly you shouldn't have any trouble.

 That looks like a fantastic tool, which should be mentioned in the
FAQ, as "how to get protocol-specific accounting information".

 I we were suckers for punishment, we could write a radius plugin for
pmacct, so that the RADIUS server could see that traffic, too.  But
it's probably better to integrate things at the DB layer, rather than
the protocol layer.

 Alan DeKok.

It would be good to have all data imidiately accessible, that way one can 
use exec-wait and do accounting imidiately upon disconnect? Or am i missing 
the point? :)

i am just trying to share some ideas and do some brain storming. My idea was 
something like this:

1. user tries to authenticate
2. radius authenticates user and starts accounting
3. radius pulls netflow data for particular IP in some time intervals and 
inserts those into some database table

I am not very familiar with freeradius. I've seted it up to do what i want 
but don't have time to learn more :( so if i am missing the point please let 
me know :)


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Re: netflow per connection

2006-08-15 Thread Igor Smitran

"Igor Smitran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have Mikrotik. It can export netflow data but i am not sure what
freeradius can do with that?

 Nothing.  You will need a netflow server.

Is it possible to have all netflow for that
client inserted into database somehow? Please provide some URL because i 

not sure what to search for.

 "netflow server" ?

 Alan DeKok.

Yes, i know about cflowd and similar netflow tools. I was thinking that 
maybe there is some solution that can help me to insert flow data for 
particular user into database together with total octets in, octets out upon 

Thank you,


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Re: netflow per connection

2006-08-14 Thread Igor Smitran

Is there a way to have netflow data per session, instead of just total
"octets in" and total "octets out"? I am trying to find a relatively easy
way to charge users per netflow data, for example: local data is 50%
discount, mail is 30% discount etc.

 Consult the NAS documentation.  If it doesn't say it can send that
information, then that information won't be available to FreeRADIUS.

 Alan DeKok.

I have Mikrotik. It can export netflow data but i am not sure what 
freeradius can do with that? Is it possible to have all netflow for that 
client inserted into database somehow? Please provide some URL because i am 
not sure what to search for.


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Re: assign a value to an attribute via a script

2006-08-14 Thread Igor Smitran

- Original Message - 
From: "Philippe Bacquaert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "freeradius-users" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:46 AM
Subject: assign a value to an attribute via a script


I'm searching how to use a script to modify the value of an

When I try the example of radiusd.conf : Attribute-Name =
`%{echo:/path/to/program args}`

In my test I try to use a script to assign an IP address to
the Attribute Framed-IP-Address :
Framed-IP-Address = `%{dhcp:/etc/raddb/test %{User-Name}

I've added this in the accounting module with the same result
as I want to fic this value in the attribute Framed-IP-Address
during the time of an active accounting session.

I've created an exec module :
exec dhcp {
wait = yes
input_pairs = request
output_pairs = reply
packet_type = Access-Accept

I get an error message when I try to start :
ERROR: Cannot find a configuration entry for module

The rest of the radiusd.conf configuration is pointing to a
MySQL database and works well.

I've tested successfully the script itself alone in the echo
module configuration : program = "/var/log/radius/test
%{User-Name} %{NAS-IP-Address}"

What am I doing wrong ?
Is something missing ?


If you want to assign fixed ip address to a user add FramedIPAddress field 
into radreply table for that user? 

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Re: Managing connection on Freeradius

2006-08-14 Thread Igor Smitran

   Hello all,

   I am quite new to freeradius and I am with a doubt. I have a
PPPoE-Server that authenticate the users into my FreeRadius server. The
problem is that if a client, by some reason, get lost of connection the
freeradius mantain the log about that connection and, if the client try to
connect again, it say that siomultaneos use is not allowed.

   So I have to delete radutmp and radwtmp, restart radius, and lost the
track of connections.

   There is any tool to make it easier? Or some configuration that if 

is no package coming from the cliente for 60 seconds it will disconect the

Read radzap help 

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Re: Mikrotik router Tx/Rx attribute and freeradius

2006-08-14 Thread Igor Smitran

Is it possible to limit the data transfer rate with freeradius and
mikrotik. If possbile then where should I specify what attribute. For
example I want to authenticate the users with freeradius + mysql and
mikrotik router and limit the Tx/Rx rate to 64Kbps/32Kbps.
How can I do that?
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Re: (no subject)

2006-08-14 Thread Igor Smitran

  c k 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 6:33 
  Subject: (no subject)
  I m using EAP-TLS as an authentication protocol.I want to authorize the 
  clients in my network to access only certain protocol traffics.For some users 
  i want to allow only http,while for others http and ftp.How can i create such kind of profiles and 
  perform access control on routers.Sorry friends i m new to radius...plz help 
  me out.
You need router that supports that kind of thing. 
Something like named access lists. Then you use freeradius to send access list 
name to router. Try to find what attributes your router can receive from radius. 
Try googling something like "your router name radius attributes".
If not, you can use diferent pools for users that 
have ftp access and user that don't have ftp access. For those pools you setup 
diferent access lists. After that you just use freeradius to give diferent IP 
adresses to users that have ftp access and users that don't have ftp 
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netflow per connection

2006-08-14 Thread Igor Smitran
Is there a way to have netflow data per session, instead of just total 
"octets in" and total "octets out"? I am trying to find a relatively easy 
way to charge users per netflow data, for example: local data is 50% 
discount, mail is 30% discount etc.

Thank you,

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Re: mikrotik MSCHAPv2 MPPE pppoe

2006-07-29 Thread Igor Smitran

From: "Alan DeKok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Please post the debug log, as suggested in the FAQ, README, and INSTALL.

I got it up and running. I don't know if anyone before had this problem. 
Problem was in nonstandard
fields that Mikrotik sent to freeradius. Preprocess directive inside 
authentication section solved the problem.

Igor S. 

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mikrotik MSCHAPv2 MPPE pppoe

2006-07-29 Thread Igor Smitran

I am trying to make mikrotik and freeradius work 
together. However, i can't make it work with pppoe MSCHAPv2 and MPPE. I only 
succeeded to make it work with PAP. I also tried to set freeradius in every 
combination that crossed my mind (use mppe, mppe strong, mschapv2, 
eap-peap). Mikrotik sends access requests to freeradius but freeradius 
returns " from client...". Maybe this isn't 
realy a question for freeradius list but can anybody help me?
Thank you
P.S. If admins feel that this doesn't belong to 
freeradius list they can delete this message.
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Re: default gateway per user basis

2005-12-22 Thread Igor Smitran
Alan Dekok wrote:
>   Look at the packets coming from the two gateways, and see how
> they're different.  Use those differences to write rules that match
> those differences, and return the different configurations.

Ok, let us say that we have two users: Alan and Igor

1. when Igor logs in he needs to get IP address and gateway

2. when Alan logs in he needs to get IP address and gateway

different IP ranges, different C classes and different gateways accordingly.
I am not sure what do i have to listen from those gateways.
Computer with pppoe server and freeradius has connection to both C classes.
I just want to route users differently. One user to more expensive link, one
user to less expensive link.
Help please?

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Re: default gateway per user basis

2005-12-22 Thread Igor Smitran
> "Igor Smitran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a pppoe server on freebsd. I want to setup freeradius to give
> > different ip address block and gateway to users.
> > I need two pools, and i have a two gateways. One gateway is more
> > than the otherone. So, users that pay less will use chiper gateway and
> > versa. Is this possible?
>   Yes.
>   Alan DeKok.

Can you tell me how?  :lol:


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default gateway per user basis

2005-12-22 Thread Igor Smitran

Hello. I am new to this list and also to freeradius server.

Can someone please help me?
I have a pppoe server on freebsd. I want to setup freeradius to give 
different ip address block and gateway to users.
I need two pools, and i have a two gateways. One gateway is more expensive 
than the otherone. So, users that pay less will use chiper gateway and vice 
versa. Is this possible?

10x in advance. 

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