Re: rlm_eap: Identity does not match User-Name...

2007-12-12 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 if anybody has the same problem, here's the solution..
 i've installed 2.0.0-pre2 and made just the following
 changes to radiusd.conf:
 mschap {
 with_ntdomain_hack = yes
   ntlm_auth = /usr/bin/ntlm_auth --request-nt-key
 --username=%{mschap:User-Name} --challenge=%{mschap:Challenge}
 --nt-response=%{mschap:NT-Response} --domain=%{mschap:NT-Domain}
 after that averything works fine, so i started to add
 my perl-module to every section. after that it fails
 with the same error as pre1.
 so i remove perl from the authorize section - where it wasn't realy
 and now everything works fine. i think this will also works with pre1,
 now i'll stay on pre2 :-)
 for 2.0.0 final: the sample ntlm_auth-line in radiusd.conf won't work!

this works here:

ntlm_auth = /usr/bin/ntlm_auth --request-nt-key 
--domain=%{mschap:NT-domain} --challenge=%{mschap:Challenge:-00} 

I think the main issue is that you REALLY need to have at least the
mschap:User-Name - the default entry doesnt have it (?) - with either
other options and defaults - but just User-Name doesnt work. it
must be mschap:User-Name

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Re: Example listed in huntgroup file does not work

2007-12-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 I should say that I do not want to use an external solution.  Creating a
 huntgroup for each NAS with the exact same user list does work, but then
 if I have to change a user I would then have to modify what could be
 over 100 groups.

i think, therein, lies your problem - you havent looked at the whole
logical design - and are fixated on the singular huntgroups file.

if you want to control users, in groups, with huntgroups etc then
you should be using the huntgroup file to define NAS in groups, and
then another config file eg users to tie users to those huntgroups.

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Re: Example listed in huntgroup file does not work

2007-12-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 #   This file can also be used to define restricted access
 #   to certain huntgroups. The second and following lines
 #   define the access restrictions (based on username and
 #   UNIX usergroup) for the huntgroup.

so why not do as i suggest and define usergroups - then add the
user to such groups?

if you want this to scale then i'd have to say that SQL is the
way to go.

 So I can create a huntgroup with multiple Nas, but the 'second and
 following lines' are only recognized by the last entry in the huntgroup.

no, they become sub-group huntgroup entries - you need to enter the
same 'following lines' on all members of the huntgroup

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Re: EAP-TLS - About username sent by supplicant

2007-12-14 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 My question deals with the username sent by the supplicant when the 
 authentication goes on. At boot
 time, the username sent is : host/user_name. After the login, the username 
 sent is : user_name. So, I
 have to create 2 users. I want to cut 'host/' to make this task easier. It is 
 possible ? How do I do this ?

attr_filter or somesuch eg put these into radiusd.conf

attr_rewrite copy-user-name {
attribute = Stripped-User-Name
new_attribute = yes
searchfor = 
searchin = packet
replacewith = %{User-Name}

attr_rewrite remove-host {
attribute = Stripped-User-Name
searchfor = ^(host/.*)
searchin = packet
new_attribute = no
replacewith = %{1}

and then call these 2 functions in your authorize section
(radiusd.conf or sites-enabled/wherever (for FR 2.0) )


just before the other modules are called - eg chap, auth_log etc etc

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Re: problem ./configure and MYSql

2007-12-19 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

you have installed the user programs for mysql - the library
and the tools/database - but for compiling things that USE
mysql, you need to install the development programs for mysql.

usually mysql-devel, or mysql-dev or somesuch

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Re: Server blown up after move

2007-12-19 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

what does the 'less debugging' mode -  radiusd -x
give you (thats a small x rather thana  big X)

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Re: freeradius + OpenWrt

2007-12-26 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 I want to know is someone is using freeradius with APs with OpenWRT
 installed. I'd like to hear experiences about it.

works. i wouldnt get a too complex system though - unless you
are fortunate enough to have one of the routers with 32Mb
of RAM and 16Mb of storage

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Re: Two 'secret' entries in clients.conf

2008-01-01 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 Can the two stanzas both have the same CIDR and can the 'shortnames' be the 
 same or do they have to be different?

the device is chosen by its closest matching subnet mask - so you could
slowly migrate people by subnet allocation - eg take a /23 of the devices
and migrate those...then do another /23 until you have completed the full
/16 etc

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2008-01-01 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 #pkill radiusd
 #radiusd -x


its a large X for debug mode. the little x also works but is different!

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Re: question

2008-01-02 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 Hi sir,

 i am using freeradius server version(1.1.7)

 initially i sent some request to server (radiusd),it was turned failure by 

 now is there any way, so that   without restarting the server (radiusd) ,
 further requests can be sent and get processed by the server.

by default the server will always be listening for more requests coming in
- unless you have killed the process 

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Re: freeradius sql server with high loads

2008-01-03 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

your database is too slow to handle all the accounting in real time.

hence the error messages. hence the lack of accounting

either speed the DB up - and/or add more handles - or move to putting
the details in in 'after real time' - eg with  SQL-Relay - putting
them into a file then using the sql-relay script to put them into
the DB - therefore the process wont wait at the accounting stage.

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Re: mschapv2 problem

2008-01-03 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

we need to see the output of the radiusd -X   - the config file
looks fine(!)  we also need to know HOW you are trying to use 
MSCHAPv2 - where is your authentication done? users file?
DB, ntlm_auth etc etc

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latest CVS 2.0 beta hang problem

2008-01-04 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

a 2.0 beta (latest CVS head) install server locked up on us today
in its early test deployment

case secnario

a request was proxied off to another RADIUS server. no response
came back. server totally fails to respond to anything else.
the only entry in the 'radiusd -X' is the last 2 lines

Fri Jan  4 13:40:23 2008 : Error: Rejecting request 12643 due to lack of any 
response from home server port 1812
Fri Jan  4 13:40:23 2008 : Error: WARNING: Unresponsive child (id 0) for 
request 12643, in module server-core component server-core

thats all. no further debug i'm afraid.

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Re: mschapv2 problem

2008-01-04 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

ummm, lets get this right - you are using FreeRADIUS 1.1.0  ?

I'm sorry - cannot give any support until you are using 1.1.7
(which has many old and obsolete bugs and issues removed)

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Re: mschapv2 problem

2008-01-04 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

  WARNING! Check item EAP-Sim-Rand1 ?found in reply item list for user 
 123242010015. ?This attribute MUST go on the first line with the other 
 check items

..and many more - this is an obvious issue - please follow what the server 
says!  your users
file is incorrect, you must ensure all the check items are on the first line - 
you end your first line with no comma - and have a trailing comma on the last 
entries. please
change this to

user type:=XXX blah:=this oh_and:=that,
 EAP-SIM1 = thisnthat,
 EAP-blah-blah = morejunk

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Re: latest CVS 2.0 beta hang problem

2008-01-04 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

  a 2.0 beta (latest CVS head) install server locked up on us today
  in its early test deployment
  case secnario
  a request was proxied off to another RADIUS server. no response
  came back. server totally fails to respond to anything else.
  the only entry in the 'radiusd -X' is the last 2 lines
   I'll go look at that tomorrow.  If I can reproduce it, it should be
 easy to fix.

*correction* thats the last 2 output lines from radiusd.log
i dont have a radiusd -X output - i will see if i can trigger
this behaviour with eg radtest or an EAP session on another
test server.  the issue doesnt occur with 2.0.0-pre2

PS by default in latest CVS, the server logs a lot less to 
radiusd.log (eg auth OK, auth fail etc - i have logging set to 
yes int he config but still no output) whats the required
config change to get the 'old behaviour' back? 

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Re: latest CVS 2.0 beta hang problem

2008-01-04 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

okay - got it to do the same with a straight radtest. 
here is the radiusd -X  - several attempts that get proxied
away..and never answered. remote site marked as zombie
but then any valid requests just dont get serviced.

Sending Access-Request of id 14 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Proxy-State = 0x3930
Proxying request 0 to home server port 1812
Sending Access-Request of id 14 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Huntgroup-Name = testuser1
Realm = test1
Realm = test1
Proxy-State = 0x3930
Going to the next request
Waking up in 0.9 seconds.
Waking up in 28.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32770, id=90, length=66
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 14
Sending Access-Request of id 14 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Huntgroup-Name = testuser1
Realm = test1
Realm = test1
Proxy-State = 0x3930
Waking up in 26.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32770, id=90, length=66
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 14
Sending Access-Request of id 14 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Huntgroup-Name = testuser1
Realm = test1
Realm = test1
Proxy-State = 0x3930
Waking up in 23.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32770, id=90, length=66
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 14
Sending Access-Request of id 14 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Huntgroup-Name = testuser1
Realm = test1
Realm = test1
Proxy-State = 0x3930
Waking up in 20.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32770, id=90, length=66
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 14
Sending Access-Request of id 14 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Huntgroup-Name = testuser1
Realm = test1
Realm = test1
Proxy-State = 0x3930
Waking up in 17.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32770, id=90, length=66
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 14
Sending Access-Request of id 14 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Huntgroup-Name = testuser1
Realm = test1
Realm = test1
Proxy-State = 0x3930
Waking up in 14.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32770, id=90, length=66
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 14
Sending Access-Request of id 14 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Huntgroup-Name = testuser1
Realm = test1
Realm = test1
Proxy-State = 0x3930
Waking up in 11.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32770, id=90, length=66
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 14
Sending Access-Request of id 14 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Huntgroup-Name = testuser1
Realm = test1
Realm = test1
Proxy-State = 0x3930
Waking up in 8.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32770, id=90, length=66
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 14
Sending Access-Request of id 14 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Huntgroup-Name = testuser1
Realm = test1
Realm = test1
Proxy-State = 0x3930
Waking up in 5.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32770, id=90, length=66
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 14
Sending Access-Request of id 14 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address = 

Re: 2.0.0pre2

2008-01-04 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 Is the HUP issues fixed?  Just noticed it wasn't working, but didn't try

the latest CVS handles HUP a lot better - various modules are now
HUP friendly. why are you HUP'ing? what will HUP achieve that
a service restart wont? how are you testing the config is sane
before restarting the daemon with new information/config?

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Re: (was latest CVS 2.0) - logging issue

2008-01-04 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

   A lot has changed since -pre2.
   Hmm... it *should* be configurable in radiusd.conf.  See the log
 section in radiusd.conf.  Some configuration items have moved, because
 it was dumb to have log_foo, log_bar, log_baz, etc.

ha! a lot HAS been changing. damn. you are right. how did
i miss that fundamental change to the log {} section. ???

crazy. anyway, i have now moved all the pre-2 log stuff log_auth,
log_file etc etc into the correct single log {} stanza and removed
the legacy log_ prefix which each entry had. its all working fine

there was another post by someone else on this list a while back
about latest CVS being more quiet than the old. perhaps this needs
to be highlighted a little better - perhaps have somehting in the
startup parser that can detect these old legacy configs and spew
out a warning?  in 'the old days' the log_ entries could lie
anywhere in radiusd.conf - really should only be in log {}
and no entries should start with log_  .. ah! but they do. we have
a small oddity

log_destination = files

surely this should also be cleared into the log {} stanza? eg

log {
destination = files

sorry for the false alert and thanks for the pointer/tip to getting
this little issue sorted.

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Re: latest CVS 2.0 beta hang problem

2008-01-05 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

okay - updated to latest CVS after I saw the CVS log messages
regarding this proxying issue.  things look a little better
but at the end the server is dead - unable to respond to
any legitimate requests - (ie even simple local non proxy ones)

latest output:

Sending Access-Request of id 108 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Proxy-State = 0x33
Proxying request 0 to home server port 1812
Sending Access-Request of id 108 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Huntgroup-Name = testhunt
Realm = testrealm
Realm = testrealm
Proxy-State = 0x33
Going to the next request
Waking up in 0.9 seconds.
Waking up in 28.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32772, id=3, length=66
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 108
Sending Access-Request of id 108 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Huntgroup-Name = testhunt
Realm = testrealm
Realm = testrealm
Proxy-State = 0x33
Waking up in 26.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32772, id=3, length=66
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 108
Sending Access-Request of id 108 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Huntgroup-Name = testhunt
Realm = testrealm
Realm = testrealm
Proxy-State = 0x33
Waking up in 23.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32772, id=3, length=66
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 108
Sending Access-Request of id 108 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Huntgroup-Name = testhunt
Realm = testrealm
Realm = testrealm
Proxy-State = 0x33
Waking up in 20.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32772, id=3, length=66
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 108
Sending Access-Request of id 108 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Huntgroup-Name = testhunt
Realm = testrealm
Realm = testrealm
Proxy-State = 0x33
Waking up in 17.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32772, id=3, length=66
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 108
Sending Access-Request of id 108 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Huntgroup-Name = testhunt
Realm = testrealm
Realm = testrealm
Proxy-State = 0x33
Waking up in 14.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32772, id=3, length=66
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 108
Sending Access-Request of id 108 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Huntgroup-Name = testhunt
Realm = testrealm
Realm = testrealm
Proxy-State = 0x33
Waking up in 11.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32772, id=3, length=66
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 108
Sending Access-Request of id 108 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Huntgroup-Name = testhunt
Realm = testrealm
Realm = testrealm
Proxy-State = 0x33
Waking up in 8.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32772, id=3, length=66
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 108
Sending Access-Request of id 108 to port 1812
User-Password = testing123
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Huntgroup-Name = testhunt
Realm = testrealm
Realm = testrealm
Proxy-State = 0x33
Waking up in 5.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32772, id=3, length=66
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 108
Sending Access-Request of id 108 to port 1812

Re: FreeRadius as PEAP proxy to IAS

2008-01-06 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 Everything work OK, Ovislink send request to FreeRadius server, FreeRadius
 send Access-Request to IAS (mschapv2) IAS send Access-Accept, but Ovislink
 received Access-Challenge from FreeRadius, one two, three ... and on the end
 authetication failed.

proxied connection - by default you will probably have the default proxy
attributes set - which will filter out required attributes for successful
replies to be returned. you will need to add a new entry to 'trust' the
IAS return values - and have more attributes allowed through. 

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Re: Error on radius

2008-01-07 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 'The maximum number of threads (32) are active, cannot spawn new thread to 
 handle request'

FreeRADIUS is getting many many requests but cannot handle them in
real time - usually due to the authentication or accounting being
too slow - you use SQL or AD for authentication? SQL for accounting?

 Also, do people know what is the maximum simultaneous incoming authentication 
 calls that the radius process can handle? Or what ways can be adopted to deal 
 with this?

we have ours at over 128 without any local issues

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Re: Error on radius

2008-01-07 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 Thanks Alan,
 We are using SQL for authentication and accounting - do you think this could 
 be the issue?
 I could potentially have thousands of requests coming in almost 
 simultaneously, is this going to be too much for the process to handle?

i dont know how good your SQL database is - specification or throughput
capability etc.  have you done benchmarks?   I would personally suggest
that you use the sqlrelay method for the accounting to stop the threads
being caught in accounting processes - as accounting causes update/write
to SQL which is a performance hit (compared to authentication which is just
usually a read)

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Re: proxied connection - please example

2008-01-07 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 Hi Alan,
 thank you for your quick answer.
 Please send me some example about this proxy configuration.

for example,
Service-Type == Framed-User,
Service-Type == Login-User,
Login-Service == Telnet,
Login-Service == Rlogin,
Login-Service == TCP-Clear,
Login-TCP-Port = 65536,
Framed-IP-Address ==,
Framed-IP-Netmask ==,
Framed-Protocol == PPP,
Framed-Protocol == SLIP,
Framed-Compression == Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP,
Framed-MTU = 576,
Framed-Filter-ID =* ANY,
Reply-Message =* ANY,
Proxy-State =* ANY,
EAP-Message =* ANY,
MS-MPPE-Recv-Key =* ANY,
MS-MPPE-Send-Key =* ANY,
State =* ANY,
Session-Timeout = 28800,
Idle-Timeout = 600,
Message-Authenticator =* ANY,
Port-Limit = 2

note the differences between this list and the DEFAULT one

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Re: How to enable only EAP-TTLS type and not EAP-TLS?

2008-01-09 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 I want to enable only TTLS authentication and if the client is requesting
 any other types EAP-TLS or PEAP the authentication should be denied.
 I am running freeradius-1.1.6, and if try to disable EAP-TLS module the
 server itself is not starting up.
 Please let me know if there are any ways to achieve this.

as per eap.conf

remove the unwanted sections (eg peap) - all apart from TLS as you
always need for TTLS and set the 

ignore_unknown_eap_types = yes

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Re: How to enable only EAP-TTLS type and not EAP-TLS?

2008-01-10 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

   RADIUS certificates for EAP should ALMOST ALWAYS be self-signed.  That
 means that no one else can successfully convince the users to send them
 the passwords.

seconded/thirded.  as UK eduroam support I agree that such a closed-loop
system provides a better protection.  though more config and deployment pains,
certainly ;-)

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Re: How to enable only EAP-TTLS type and not EAP-TLS?

2008-01-10 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 Oh, it exists. It's called subject_match within a network { } stanza of 
 wpa_supplicant, and all the Windows supplicants I've seen so far allow you 
 set your expectations on the server name. It's turned off by default though.

agreed. it is there.

however, this puts the security on the client end...and they'll still
get a connection with the proper server even if they've ommitted
all the checks.  this is bad generally - you need to have a way
of the server checking that these client settings are enforced.
oh well.  I guess thats what locked-down desktops, corporate images,
GPO pushed settings etc are all for.  not handy for supporting
the average user.

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Re: I can't get 'access-accept' from Linux clients

2008-01-10 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 I can't still figure it out why I can't access from Linux clients.
 I use version 1.1.7 of freeradius. Linux client is a Fedora 8 system.

what is the linux client config?

i see the following in your debug

  rlm_eap: Request found, released from the list
  rlm_eap: EAP/md5
  rlm_eap: processing type md5
rlm_eap_md5: User-Password is required for EAP-MD5 authentication
 rlm_eap: Handler failed in EAP/md5
  rlm_eap: Failed in EAP select
  modcall[authenticate]: module eap returns invalid for request 84
modcall: leaving group authenticate (returns invalid) for request 84
auth: Failed to validate the user.

i would also advise that you upgrade to 2.0.0 - not only could this
issue be resolves anyway - its a hell of a lof easier to debug - far
less EAP messages!

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Re: SNMP error

2008-01-10 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

known SNMP issues with 64bit and that version of SNMP.
you will need to follow the debug instructions to help debug

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Re: How to enable only EAP-TTLS type and not EAP-TLS?

2008-01-11 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 That road is painful. What we've come up so far with is supplying 
 pre-configured supplicants (SecureW2) that bring the proper CA certificate 
 along and set the expected CN automatically. It can even be preconfigured to 
 auto-discard any other certificates, which doesn't give the user any 
 opportunity to mess around.
 Of course, that is just pre-setting checkboxes in the supplicant. If a user 
 *really* wants to sacrifice security for getting online cheap and easy on 
 possible fraud networks, he can still toggle the settings manually later and 
 shoot himself in the foot with it.
 For the built-in supplicant in XP/Vista: it generally sucks. There is the 
 new Wireless Native API that is supposed to allow scripted auto-setups of 
 802.1X settings for an SSID, but we haven't tested if that's really 
 practical. If you can find a student to code on that API, please go ahead :-)

we have a similar method - preconfigured setup installer for OpenSEA
( and SecureW2 3.x - both have the required CN etc already
set.  handy for ensuring people have eduroam already configured too ;-)

my main issue with securew2 is that it is really just a windows zero
config supplicant plugin - ie it inherits all the windows supplicant
issues.  the cisco (pre meetinghouse) supplicant is one of the best
(aironet desktop utility) - the meetinghouse client is interesting -
users cannot simply configure the supplicant for EAP networks - an
admin system needs to be used to push settings out.  not handy
for those users with EAP at home :-)

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Re: LDAP Groups and EAP

2008-01-12 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

I'd like to add into this that if you upgrade
to 2.0 then the EAP is simpler and quicker - and
your LDAP wont get hit with each request. it'll
only get the bare required outside and then the
essential inner tunnel stuff.

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Re: probs with accounting Attribute Client-IP-Address was not

2008-01-12 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 it this a bug or it should be like that  ( Client-IP-Address same as
 NAS-IP-Address. ) ?

what makes you think they would be different? the client is your
NAS, yes?

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Re: SNMP error

2008-01-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 hi alan,

 i searched the for the debug instructions, but i found 
 what do you mean exactly by debug instructions
 i already have this in the radius debug mode

read doc/bugs in the distribution tar file. i can send you a copy if
your archive doesnt contain it. beware that you will need an OS
kernel that has all the debugging flags enabled (most default
distro kernels are compiled in such a way)

I have reported this bug to with the debug
output that my system was able to generate

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Re: help

2008-01-14 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 i have to install freeRADIUS 1.1.7 on fedora core 7 ,but i am unable to add 
 users to the 'users' file .

why? 2.0.0 is out now

 i am getting help from the website :

way way way out of date and it doesnt follow current best practice either.

 johndoe Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == johndoepassword
 Reply-Message = Hello, %u

johndoe Cleartext-Password := passwordhere
Reply-Message = hello, %u

 please tell me what to do 

basically ignore the output from the client - it cant tell you THAT much.
instead, look at the output from the server - which is plenty if you
use 'radiusd -X'

 should i install an older version ?

no. the opposite. install a newer version

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Re: help again

2008-01-14 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 if the website is old where should i go buddy

theres a bunch of docs that come in the freeradius tar archive
(they'll end up in /usr/local/share/doc/freeradius or wherever
you're chosen path during configure ; make ; make install

theres also


both are top google hits

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Re: seg fault

2008-01-14 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

   If malloc() is core dumping, then something else is going wrong.  i.e.
 some other part of the server is over-writing memory.
 when you say the server i assume you mean freeradius not another app.??

no - i'd read that as some other part of your 64bit x86 box is trashing
the memory.

hyperthreading on?

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Re: Mysql error

2008-01-14 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 I'm working with Freeradius in production enviroment (start up), at this 
 time is working with only two users, they can connect whitout problems and 
 all seems to work fine but looking into radius.log i found this messages:

you dont state what platform you are using or what version of freeradius

however, your mysql SHOULD have such a column in that table (its in the
supplied schema) - the error you are getting is the accounting packets
which cannot be stored as you are asking for that column...check
the sql/mysql/dialup.conf

sql/mysql/schema.sql:  xascendsessionsvrkey varchar(10) default NULL,

the stuff is in the supplied schema!

sql/mysql/dialup.conf: acctstartdelay,   xascendsessionsvrkey) \
here is the call as part of an UPDATE

check case sensitivity

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Re: Authorize/authenticate with LDAP

2008-01-16 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 Thierry CHICH wrote:
  freeradius Version 1.1.3 ??? I can't believe it ! I thank I was using the 
  version 1.1.6 ! Is it possible it change the beahvior if I upgrade ?
   In 1.1.x you can set the User-Name inside of the tunnel, and then set
 use_tunneled_reply = yes in the EAP config.  This will use that
 User-Name in the Access-Accept.
   In 2.0, you can just write logic that runs only in the inner tunnel,
 and sets the outer tunnel user name directly.

both covered a couple of times in the mailing list archive.

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Re: SQL query length

2008-01-16 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

   option is to 'exec' external scripts to perform more complex queries, am
   I right?
   It's an option, but not the only one.  You can use Perl or Python, too.
 Sorry if this seems studpid, but, do you mean that I can embed Perl in

no - you can call PERL from pre-auth, auth, post-auth, accounting etc
at which point the chosen script defined in the PERL section
of experimental.conf will be run and the subroutine associated
with the call will be run - at which point you can inspect
any RADIUS attribute, make a decision and return updated
attributes, ok, reject and so on.

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Re: Upgrading from 1.0.2 to 2.0.0 problems

2008-01-16 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

the first request looks like this.NOTE the test order...

 rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32775, id=35, 
 User-Name = test
 +- entering group authorize
 ++[preprocess] returns ok
 ++[chap] returns noop
 ++[mschap] returns noop
 ++[unix] returns updated

 ++[suffix] returns noop
 ++[files] returns ok
 ++[expiration] returns noop
 ++[logintime] returns noop
 ++[pap] returns updated
   rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type
 auth: type PAP
 +- entering group PAP
 rlm_pap: login attempt with password mytest4
 rlm_pap: Using CRYPT encryption.
 rlm_pap: User authenticated successfully
 ++[pap] returns ok
 Login OK: [test/mytest4] (from client flyer port 0)

second test looks like this:

 rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32775, id=43, 
 +- entering group authorize
 ++[preprocess] returns ok
 ++[chap] returns noop
 ++[mschap] returns noop
 ++[unix] returns notfound

 rlm_realm: Looking up realm for User-Name 
 rlm_realm: Found realm
 rlm_realm: Adding Stripped-User-Name = test
 rlm_realm: Proxying request from user test to realm
 rlm_realm: Adding Realm =
 rlm_realm: Authentication realm is LOCAL.
 ++[suffix] returns noop
 WARNING: Deprecated conditional expansion :-.  See man unlang for details
 expand: %{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}} - test
 users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 172
 ++[files] returns ok
 ++[expiration] returns noop
 ++[logintime] returns noop
 rlm_pap: WARNING! No known good password found for the user.  
 may fail because of this.
 ++[pap] returns noop
 auth: No authenticate method (Auth-Type) configuration found for the request: 
 Rejecting the user

you are calling the unix auth module before suffix - therefore the magic
hasnt yet happened. I'd try putting the unix module after the modules
that play around with User-Name 

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Re: Rlm_sql in freeradius-1.1.7

2008-01-18 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 This can be done if we use the attribute Called-Station-Id
 (or NAS-Identifier) with the operator '=~' and a value like
 this: (00-1b-d1-36-e2-85|11-1b-d1-36-e2-86|22-1b-d1-36-e2-87)
 This is a regular expression that will match the attribute
 if its value is one of them that are listed.

 This solution still has a restriction. Since the value of
 an attribute is varchar(253), it cannot contain more than 14
 MAC-s listed. So, a user cannot use more than 14 access points
 for connecting to the internet. For the time being this is
 acceptable for me, however I am still looking for other
 solutions. I am also planning to try freeradius 2.

in this case, use huntgroups - assign each station or NAS
to the huntgroup and then use a huntgroup check for the

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Re: unlang?

2008-01-18 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 I am not sure why, I inherited this setup and I am still trying to understand 
 it. The LDAP server is eDirectory (FreeRADIUS compiled with -with-edir)
 The -X output says:
 WARNING: Deprecated conditional expansion :-.  See man unlang for details
 expand: (cn=%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}}) - (cn=user)
 expand: o=uol - o=uol
 What is the replacement for :- given I don't know what it did in the first 
 place for man unlang to be any help!

if Stripped-User-Name exists, then use that, otherwise use User-Name
the :- operator is in unlang too - but the expansion check may need to be
rewritten - eg %{%{Stripped-User-Name}:-%{User-Name}}

its only deprecated right now - not too essential

 2) Rejecting a user
 I have a specific user account (call it special) it was barred using:
 special Auth-Type := Reject
 Reply-Message = Cannot use this user account
 in the users file.
 Variants like  special, Special and SPECIAL etc get by this check, and 
 out LDAP server allows them!, so I added:
 lower_user = before
 lower_pass = no
 nospace_user = before
 nospace_pass = no
 to radius.conf. These no longer seem to work. How do you achieve this with 
 version 2.0.0?

gosh. a lot of ways of doing this you could use the
unlang method to checkeg

if (%User-Name ~= /^special$/i )
 etc etc etc

or via the attrib filter rewrite

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Re: Administering with MySQL DB

2008-01-18 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

   thanks, Ive looked at this and its a good guide to initial install but 
 doesnt seem to provide any detailed info on how to administer the data in the 
 tables. IE there is a sample of some data from a test system but this doesnt 
 even mention the NAS table, how are other people administering their 

this is realyl a 'how to use mysql' question - there are several GUIs for
Mysql - eg PHPMyAdmin - however, it seems theres nasty security holes found
in it every week.
ideally, you would use the command line eg

eg to connect

mysql -u username radius -p

to see whats what

mysqlshow tables;

to get into

mysqldescribe TABLENAME;

to see something

mysqlselect * from nas;

if you need to insert/update, simply use the insert or update
command the the appropriate arguments (each DB admin have their
own prefered method) - do a quick google for insert mysql example

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Re: radius attributes for cisco ip phone

2008-01-18 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 HP ProCurve edge series can only dynamically assign a single untagged VLAN 
 to any one switch port.
 It is not possible to create dynamic VLAN trunks. It may be possible to 
 create a VLAN trunk statically, then leave the switch to do VLAN 
 assignment, and just deny/allow access via the RADIUS server.

..and with Cisco switches you can assign a switchport vlan and a voice
vlan for the port - with each servicing each device on the port - using
multihost 802.1x method...but the cisco phone has, of couse, cisco-centric

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Re: NAS list with MySQL

2008-01-19 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 Hi there... i am new to free radius. I already successfully installed
 freeradius 1.1.7 with mysql5.1. The point is NAS's IPs and secrets are
 configured in clients.conf. I cannot find anything how to put those data to
 SQL database. Sql.conf doesn't describe any table or value for clients, can
 anyone give any clue how to store those data in SQL database

sql.conf has the readclients directive and the sql schema clearly
shows the nas table 

mysqldescribe nas;

simply populate. enable the readclients directive.

with 1.1.x i believe you still need a single entry in clients.conf
- a fake entry - eg  or it barfs. 2.0.0 doesnt have this

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Re: NAS list with MySQL

2008-01-20 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 Can u tell me about stability in freeradius 2.0.0. I am preparing a project
 for servers wchich will have to serve more than few milion entries (users) and
 i am concercn using lastests versions

personally I would go for 2.0.0 - its been in beta for a long long
time, it handles the packets better, it has far better scalability
and its does have the quirks that live in the 1.1.x branch

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2008-01-21 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 I have installed MySQL and Freeradius2.0.0.
 I have updated the schema for MySQL and set the location, username and
 password in sql.conf.
 When I start radiusd -X I get the following output. I cannot see any mention
 of connecting to mysql.

you arent using sql for authentication, authorization or accounting? 
if this is the case, then you need to add 'sql' to the instantiate
stanza of the configuration to enable the module

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Re: SNMP error

2008-01-21 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 i followed the bugs file.
 i recompiled the freeradius  with   --enable-developer actually  i made RPM 
 file  with   (  rpmbuild -ta freeradius-1.1.7.tar.gz )

are you SURE That this worked fine - as if you used the standard
SPEC then you wouldnt enable the developer stuff.

 (no debugging symbols found)

you also need to ensure your kernel is built with debugging support


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Re: Problem with Vista EAP-PEAP Authentication

2008-01-22 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

FR 1.1.6, 1.1.7 and 2.0.0/2.0.1 work fine with vista (without any special
non windows-update KBs installed)

are you using source from, or some distribution package?

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Re: Blank spaces after username - problem with accounting -MySqldatabase.

2008-01-23 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 Please don't be angry. I'm trying to fix this issue because it works
 perfectly on FR1.1.7

if you've copied the config files direct from 1.1.7 to a 2.0.0
system then there will be quirks. 

wheres the full debug log? 

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Re: Procedure to test performance

2008-01-23 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 My radius server is not implemented yet, but i am wondering of a performance
 of it before it starts, I will need to simulate a performance test, My idea
 is to generate packet to analize the server.


its in the freeradius archive - eg freeradius-server-2.0.1.tar.gz
from FTP or WWW

 3. In your experience of bad performace what to focus on to improve it?
 Interfaces, RAM or proessor ?

depends on the type of authentication and methods being used. the vast
vast vast number of performance problems that are mentioned on this
list are due to SQL bottlenecks. the DB is never fast enough.

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Re: NAS list update without restarting radius server.

2008-01-23 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

  well the previous info regarding this only being read at startup was 
 specific to data in SQL, so I suppose a kill -HUP should work.
 But I haven't tested it :P, maybe someone else on the list can tell us, 
 otherwise give it a go by manually updating the clients.conf and
 try a kill -HUP,

according to latest sources (2.0.1) users file is HUP safe, SQL
is not (SQL logging is) - as Alan says - need it? code it.

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Re: Unable to run radclient - not found

2008-01-23 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 Trying to run radclient to test if I have things set up correctly and I get 

 Only similar thing I could find on the net was libcrypt being missing which 
 was pointed at being an incorrect installation of openLDAP (I think).

 I downloaded the src and compiled from there with ./configure, make and 
 then make install.

 Any suggestions?

as per the stuff that gets spewed to the screen when you do make install, 
ensure that /usr/local/lib in in your library path! /etc/
or somesuch (depends on OS/distro) will need to have that path added -
after which you need to

/sbin/ldconfig -v

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Re: Problem with MySQL + system auth

2008-01-23 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

   In working to get my new radius server working I have run into a snag.  I 
 need to authenticate using a SQL database or system password file depending 
 on where the request comes from, however the user may exist in both, with 
 different passwords.  How do I tell it to use the MySQL username/password 
 pairs 'only' when it comes from a specific NAS?  

many many ways - you could use huntgroups and Autz-Type, you could
use virtual servers and proxy the request - if NAS is this or that
then use this server definition.

 Suggestions, pointers to documentation I may have missed, etc are gladly 

looks like you've told the server to do a Crypt-Password - and it
doesnt match.  how ARE you storing the passwords in the SQL?

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Re: how to enable ldap during authentication

2008-01-23 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 I am using version 2.0.2-pre
 I would like to use ldap for freeradius authentication.
 I couldn't find anything on web about this topic.
 I have ldap module in the authorize section in my default virtual server.
 I see in the debug that  ldap module returns ok during authorization
 please point me what do I have to do to use ldap olso for authentication
 is it enough to put ldap invocation in authentication section?
 below debug from authorization

you cant use LDAP to authenticate if its not in the authenticate section.

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Re: authenticating with PIN only not username and password.

2008-01-23 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 hi all,

 Can someone give me an insigth into how a user can authenticate from 
 hotspot with 10digit PIN number not username and password.

make the hotspot login only ask for a PIN, then send that as the User-Name
with a password of the same value, or whatever via a RADIUS - as per normal.
then on radius server have something in users like

1234567890 Auth-Type := Accept, Cleartext-Password := 1234567890

probably a LOT LOT easier if you are generating these accounts via a system
to throw them into an SQL database - eg the MySQL - and use the DB
functions to check the user instead. scales nicely.

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Re: one RADIUS server per realm setup

2008-01-23 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

1. Proxy authorization as well - it's not clear how to do this. Can you? 
 I'd really just like to forward the entire request elsewhere, before 
 anything else happens, so I'd like to check the realm FIRST, and not do 
 anything if it's not a local realm.

yes, thats exactly what you do proxy stuff for - you'll define your
local realm, and null realm etc. you then define the realms and the
RADIUS server address for each of those realms. the requests
then get proxied to the remote systems.

its similar to what we do with eduroam in europe - and myself with
JRS (the 'UK side' of eduroam') -

I'm currently using freeradius 1.0.2, but I can upgrade if I need to.

definately upgrade - 2.0.1  the proxy stuff is soo much better
(failovers, dead timers, status requests etc)

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Re: Don't work freeradius with MySQL.

2008-01-24 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

turn on the SQL debug logging in FreeRADIUS and see
what the output of the SQl was

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Re: SNMP error

2008-01-24 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 i have OS RHEL5

it looks like it didnt build with the required debug parts - once
again, as you are using the SPEC for your distro they could have other
things that mess it up - I can only help if you build
from the source and leave package management stuff alone.

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Re: Question about forum

2008-01-25 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 There is a history of this mailing list, but searching something is a 
 Imho forum would be great for that.
 Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

forums suck imho

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Re: Terminate EAP-PEAP client connection at FreeRadius Proxy and proxy(forward) request as PAP

2008-02-04 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 Hi again and thanks,
 EAP-TTLS/PAP is the defaultI tried configuring the TTLS-PAP inner and
 outer tunnel but it will not work.
 A. If an incoming user conn. against the FreeRadius Server (Nr1) is
 belonging to OTHER (LOCAL) domain then
 the EAP-TTLS tunnel is ended and validated against the LDAP.
 PAP Tunneled (proxied)
 B. If an incoming user conn. against the FreeRadius Server (Nr1) is
 belonging to SECURSERVER domain then
 the EAP-TTLS tunnel is ended and PAP is proxied to other Radius (Nr 2)

i'll assume you are running with the attribute filter running
pre and post proxy?   if so, you will need to allow a few other
attributes through or proxy wont work.

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Re: Detail cisco logging

2008-02-04 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
  I have successfully configured freeradius 2.x to do AAA for my Cisco
 Catalyst 3560.  Using modules rlm_detail I am able to log when the session
 starts and ends, however I am also interested in logging exactly what
 commands were issued by the user.  Does anyone know how I can accomplish


not FreeRADIUS unless you contribute some code

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Re: Attributes sent to proxy servers ...

2008-02-05 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

you are still pre-proxy attr filtering? 

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Re: freeradius v.2.0.1 and Cisco 1200AP IOS V.12.3

2008-02-05 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 When installing FreeRadius 2.0.1, the only thing you should need is to add 
 this to /etc/raddb/users

 username  Cleartext-Password := thepassword

..and the clients file (and maybe even the firewall on the server! ;-) )
so that the AP acting as a NAS can talk to FR :-)

 ...and it should work. If it doesn't, by far the most likely explanation is 
 that you have the Cisco AP configured incorrectly; you will need to examine 
 the Cisco documentation, this is not a Cisco support list.


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Re: freeradius v.2.0.1 and Cisco 1200AP IOS V.12.3

2008-02-05 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 I have been working with freeradius v.2.0.1 and a
 Cisco 1200 Series Access Point (version 12.3 IOS) for many months now
 with no success to getting this working.  I am doing research on
 freeradius product for a univeristy campus that I go to for
 implementation in the near future.  I am out of ideas of how to
 configure this correctly.  I still to this day do not have my Cisco
 1200 AP authenticating with freeradius version 2.0.1.  Does anyone have
 a configuration setup of this type of scheme or are willing to tell me
 how to start from ground up to make this work.  My plan is simple at
 this point.  I want to use freeradius, a Cisco 1200 Series Access
 Point, and one windows xp pro client to connect to the AP and
 authenticate against freeradius.  I appreciate any input on this
 matter.  Thanks again open source community.

most of us would simply follow the FreeRADIUS EAP-TLS guide (which
covers PEAP etc too!) - which works 'out of the box' when you
do a make install and run it for the first time,

followed by following the cisco document on how to configure WPA
for the 1200 series AP. 

then, configure FreeRADIUS client.conf to allow the AP to talk to
the FR server

install the FR CA cert onto the Windows client. et voila. thats
most of the work done (or all of it if you EAP-TLS)

so. what exactly is your problem?  

have you followed the cisco docs so that your AP is configured to
do WPA and has the RADIUS server configured ?  whats the debug
output from your FR daemon?  

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Re: New bee to FreeRadius; need help in configuration

2008-02-05 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
   Have you considered using a ldap or sql backend instead of flat-file?

those , too, will need to be refreshed via a server restart - the SQL
clients are only read upon start.

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Re: Proxying VMPS requests

2008-02-06 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

we use FR with the VMPS module - and i can see the gotchas
with trying to run it through some of the other modules.

what we have is the VMPS calling post-auth - which runs
a PERL module. the PERL module does our dirty work (check
validity, return the correct VLAN etc) - but theres
no reason why PERL or Python etc couldnt be used to query 
your MACAUTH server instead (?)

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Re: need help in using mySql for freeRadius server.

2008-02-06 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

you are using 2.0.0 ...

they output you posted is not complete...

 Ready to process requests.

...which is the LAST line of output before the server is ready -
the output before gives us a lot of information.

can you connect to the mysql database from the command
line using the credentials you have supplied FR ? ie

mysql -u username -p database

also, is the box running eg 'selinux' - if so, the config
for selinux will need to be updated/changed so that the
process can talk to each other.  just disable selinux (and reboot)
or set it to permissive mode with error/warn logging to check

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Re: weird error

2008-02-06 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 Wed Feb  6 10:43:04 2008 : Error: rlm_eap: Failed to remember handler!
 Wed Feb  6 10:43:07 2008 : Error: rlm_eap: Failed to remember handler!
 Wed Feb  6 10:43:07 2008 : Error: rlm_eap_tls: Unexpected ACK received

 the reason i am looking over these logs right now is because the server 
 segfaulted with error 4, 4 seconds after this happened.

hmm, similar to a behaviour that i have seen - ours didnt segfault though,
it just stopped listening/answering. 

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Re: no start of radiusd after reboot : mysql connection error

2008-02-07 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 Do you mean that I must allow my user on the mysql server ? I don't think 
 so, since there is no traffic from the freeradius to mysql at boot time. 
 And furthermore, the user *is* allowed to connect to database from the 
 free-radius host
 There are perhaps permissions problems on the freeradius hosts, to launch a 
 particular process ?
 Please can you telle me how I can allow user/group to talk to the MySQL 
 server ?

sounds like SELinux to me - check your SELinux security
settings and their logs - if you are enforcing, your logs
will show the failure of this connection

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Re: no start of radiusd after reboot : mysql connection error

2008-02-07 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 Yes I already check that, SELINUX is disabled

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# cat /etc/selinux/config

 another idea ? perhaps something with permissions on binaries ?

what happens if you start the daemon from the command line

radiusd -x

(small x, not the big debug X! iirc, this runs it with
the configured priviledges rather than with root)

otherwise, as root, 'su' to the account you are running
the service as eg

su - radiusd

and run the daemon.  check what it can or cannot read!

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Re: radsqlrelay - and default config

2008-02-08 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

   Or, delete the sql_log queries, and use the ones from rlm_sql that are
 known to work.

yes.i was thinking about why we have the stuff defined twice.

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radsqlrelay - and default config

2008-02-08 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

I've been looking at the current state of the default (commented
out ready for use) radsqlrelay commands in radiusd.conf . for a
quick reminder they look like this:

#   sql_log {
#   path = ${radacctdir}/sql-relay
#   acct_table = radacct
#   postauth_table = radpostauth
#   sql_user_name = %{%{User-Name}:-DEFAULT}
#   Start = INSERT INTO ${acct_table} (AcctSessionId, UserName, \
#NASIPAddress, FramedIPAddress, AcctStartTime, AcctStopTime, \
#AcctSessionTime, AcctTerminateCause) VALUES \
#('%{Acct-Session-Id}', '%{User-Name}', '%{NAS-IP-Address}', \
#'%{Framed-IP-Address}', '%S', '0', '0', '');
#   Stop = INSERT INTO ${acct_table} (AcctSessionId, UserName,  \
#NASIPAddress, FramedIPAddress, AcctStartTime, AcctStopTime, \
#AcctSessionTime, AcctTerminateCause) VALUES \
#('%{Acct-Session-Id}', '%{User-Name}', '%{NAS-IP-Address}', \
#'%{Framed-IP-Address}', '0', '%S', '%{Acct-Session-Time}',  \
#   Alive = INSERT INTO ${acct_table} (AcctSessionId, UserName, \
#NASIPAddress, FramedIPAddress, AcctStartTime, AcctStopTime, \
#AcctSessionTime, AcctTerminateCause) VALUES \
#('%{Acct-Session-Id}', '%{User-Name}', '%{NAS-IP-Address}', \
#'%{Framed-IP-Address}', '0', '0', '%{Acct-Session-Time}','');
#   Post-Auth = INSERT INTO ${postauth_table}   \
#(username, pass, reply, authdate) VALUES   
#('%{User-Name}', '%{User-Password:-Chap-Password}', \
#'%{reply:Packet-Type}', '%S');
#   }

now - whilst radsqlrelay is recommended for those whose accounting DB systems
cannot keep up with the real flow of packets - and we recommend it - its not
productive to have imho a broken default config. the issues which i can see
from this are the following

1) with a default postgres install, those '0' dates are not going to work with 
supplied schema for PGSQL - in fact it takes a bit of breaking postgres for
such values to work.  the simple change is to have a null entry.

2) likewise for MySQL - '-00-00 00:00:00' is iirc the correct way of doing 

3) BOTH mysql and postgres (i havent done any looking into oracle) will have 
with the radacct entries - for each of them has another index in the radacct 
which cannot be null and must be unique - 

acctuniqueid varchar(32) NOT NULL default ''
KEY acctuniqueid (acctuniqueid)


such a value is not being provided in the field. which means when the user
finally runs radsqlrelay they will be faced with issues.

as far as i can see, radpostauth will work fine.

so what I'd propose is we get a few folk who are successfully using this 
get their radiusd.conf entries, and have 2 sections for uncommenting - one for
postgres and one for mysql. 

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Re: Newslists

2008-02-08 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

spending more time posting pseudo-insults and complaints to people posting 
bahaviour RATHER than the config/file-debug etc as requested aint going to 
help anyone.  sure, some sarcastic comments arent necessary, but the
basic method of using this list doesnt change.  

as previously mentioned, this list is occupied by folk doing lots
of other PAID work. none of us are paid for getting peoples configs
working (and trust me, various commercial enterprised have come
online solely through free help from this list). thus, we request
some bare minimum details to help.

the other possibility is you are a trail-blazer. in which case noone
can help you with your requirements. at least then if you do figure
it out, you too can post to other people in the future to make snide
remarks at their ineptitude (which you feel is happening now)

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Re: no start of radiusd after reboot : mysql connection error

2008-02-08 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 I add the following line to the /etc/init.d/radiusd :
# Palliatif au pb du non-demarrage de radiusd apres reboot
# cf thread no start of 
 radiusd after reboot : mysql connection error
ping -c 1

echo -n $Starting RADIUS server: 

hmmm, such a wierd setting requirement hints at the actual network interface
needing a little more time until it is alive.  this may point the finger
away from the server and onto the network switch/router that it is connected
to instead so you have eg 'spanning-tree portfast' configured on the port
that the server is connected to?  if not, you will have to wait up to 30
seconds after the network interface comes up before you are able to
send/receive network packets.

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Re: help in basic configuration in connection mysql with freeradius

2008-02-08 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 I am trying to use mysql database with free radius 2.0.0 for the first
 time. I am using centOS 4.5 and mysql 4.1.2.The authentication works fine if
 I am using the unix username and password.  I modified some configurations
 in radiusd.conf and sql.conf but it doesn't work. Please tell me the most
 basic steps to configure freeradius with mysql.
 Here is the log file while running in debugging mode:

home-built with no sign of SQL activity in the log file.  so. did the server 
build with mysql support? 

what errors were thrown during the ./configure stage?


./configure --with-whatever-arguments | grep WARNING

you will need mysql-devel package installed to build mysql support
into the system

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Re: Re: Freeradius2 and proxing

2008-02-08 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 I do not receive any comment about my supplied patch.

 I will try to explain my issue better:

I understood what you stated - and the patch does appear
to handle the 'old style' 1.1.x DEFAULT handle properly.

..the old system could just be given a DEFAULT and
stuff would go to it .  i'm not sure if theres another
quirky thing somewhere else..but your patch does
seem to do what it claims :-)

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Re: Using freeradius integrated with Active Directory toautenticatecisco passwords

2008-02-08 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 Thank you all.
 But how do I do this? Does any one has a tutorial about it?

add the required parts to the radius config files to enable
krb5 (direct password check) against the AD - you will also need to ensure
your kerberos environment is sane and works 

eg run the command

kinit your_user_id

on the command line to validate that your machine can get a kerberos

the bits you need to add to the radius config are:

krb5 {

to the module stanza (radiusd.conf)


Auth-Type krb5 {

to the authenticate stanza (radiusd.conf in 1.1.x and sites-enabled/default
in radiusd 2.x )

you MAY need to set Auth-Type = krb5 for the required user or NAS setting
depending on your config!

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Re: Newslists

2008-02-08 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 But when it checks for the attribute in the reply packet, it says it can't 
 find it, but it still does the attrib-rewrite changes the values and then 
 moans it couldn’t find the value pair. This is obviously not normal in my 
 opinion, and thus I asked about a specific problem. I only attached the debug 
 portion as it is specific to the problem.

post the relevant part of your config file?  We arent seeing
the whole picture. when you take a car to the garage, the mechanic
hears your story AND sees the car.

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Re: weird error

2008-02-08 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 else you can get into a situation where the compiler assumed the function 
 (in this case ldap_get_values) returns an int (32bit), but it actually 
 returns a pointer (64bit on 64 bit systems) which can then get truncated 
 (which is likely why it always looked the same, because the part that 
 stayed after the truncation was the same...)

 good debian wiki article about implicit pointer conversion

 #define LDAP_DEPRECATED 1 added as the first line in rlm_ldap.c ...

fixed the issue?

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Re: Newslists

2008-02-09 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 Ok but then 
 The thing about the attr_rewrite module is that it looks at ALL attributes
 in the list.  In this case, you have two Configuration-Tokens.  One has
 value SHAPED_NORMAL, and the other UNSHAPED_NORMAL.  It doesn't match
 the first, but it does match the second.  After that, it says it couldn't
 find any more.
 Where does it get the second Configuration-Token from ?

well, from your debug I see this:

Sending Access-Accept of id 195 to port 1820
Framed-Protocol := PPP
Configuration-Token := SHAPED_NORMAL
Session-Timeout := 86340
Acct-Interim-Interval := 3600
Configuration-Token = SHAPED_NORMAL
Reply-Message = Your maximum monthly usage time has been reached
Proxy-State = 0x313030

there are 2 Configuration-Token attributes.  possibly because
it was added in an incorrect way, or adjusted/set incorrectly originally?

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Re: Newslists

2008-02-10 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

..and i'd like to add that, once again, we are not seeing the whole
picture - eg your configuration files and/or SQL tables.  this case
hence drags on and on...

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Re: Newslists

2008-02-10 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 Yes this is why I started looking at the debugs to see what was happening
 and found the attribute rewrite issue where it says it cannot find the
 configuration token, if I take the Configuration token out of the radgroup
 reply it shows one, if I take the attrib-rewrites out it only shows one in
 the access accept packet.

_how_ are you adding it via the radgroup reply?  which operator
are you using?

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Re: rlm_perl with huge load (~1000-1500 request per minute)

2008-02-11 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 i use freeradiusd 1.7, rlm_perl with thread conf:
 thread pool {
 start_servers =  100
 max_servers = 1500
 min_spare_servers = 1
 max_spare_servers = 10
 max_requests_per_server = 10
 rlm_sql uses mysql.
 All works fine, but sometime, at moment with high load:
 Error: Discarding duplicate request from client nas_4:63429 - ID: 154 due to 
 unfinished request 2176280
 and radiusd like frozen, take 99% of CPU time, and not response for
 client's request.
 FreeBSD 6.3, Hardware is adequate - 2xXeon with 2 Gb Ram.
 any ideas?

yep - your database cant keep up with either the authentication traffic,
the accounting traffic or both.

try using sql_log for the accounting - to take it out of 100% realtime
for each incoming packet.

also your config looks a bit wonky.

 thread pool {
 start_servers =  100
 max_servers = 1500
 min_spare_servers = 1
 max_spare_servers = 10
 max_requests_per_server = 10

start servers = 100
max spare servers = 10

so the first thing it has to do it kill a load off(!) - set the spare to 100.
how many SQL threads are you running?

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Re: EAP session matching the State variable.

2008-02-11 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 i am sorry, but my server doesn't have any internet-access... so, i can't use 
 cvs for updating.

use CVS on another machine, tar up the resulting CVS checkout, copy
it to the server and recompile. it must have networking or some sort
to be a radius server, n'est pas? ;-)

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Re: multiple NAS's and Mysql

2008-02-12 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

a single FreeRADIUS server can do this. simply put each range
of NASs into different groups and then use the group and
groupreply tables in the SQL to do your return code work.

if you cant google for SQL howto freeradius then

if that document does help you enough, then please post
to the list with its weaknesses so that it may be strenghtened

that HOWTO link is posted each week on this list. how can we
make it more obvious? (open question to others who struggle
with the SQL and FReeRADIUS)

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Re: conneting to mysql

2008-02-12 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 In order to connect to mysql what are the necessary configuration files
 to be changed.

1.x or 2.x ?

generally, you need to edit radiusd.conf and.or sites-enabled/*
to ensure that the sql.conf is loaded. then you need to edit
sql.conf appropriately

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Re: FR2 - proxying inner tunnel

2008-02-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 Tue Feb 12 23:45:21 2008 : Error: Warning:  Found 2 auth-types on request 
 for user '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 Tue Feb 12 23:45:21 2008 : Debug:   rad_check_password: Auth-Type = Accept, 
 accepting the user

whoah.  WinXP is very fussy (as should all EAP clients) about getting a proper
EAP return.  you seem to have thrown an 'Accept' straight back to the challenge
rather than let the EAP engine do its business. 

config file or startup debug output please

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Re: accounting - no huntgroups

2008-02-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 Arran Cudbard-Bell wrote:
  Woah, get that working with SQL and you have an insanely useful feature.
  Oooo what VLANS does this NAS support, hmm i'll just check the client
  VLAN tags. Where is this NAS located, hmm i'll just check the
  arbitrarily populated location tag.
   Err... why?  You can do that already:
   if (%{sql: SELECT ... WHERE client = %{client:shortname} ...} 

yep - but i think the default schema for clients didnt have these
extra features added. at least someone mentioned synchronising them

more importantly for other people - do these attributes get passed
through the message structure for PERL and Python?

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Re: EAP-TTLS/PAP tunneling issue

2008-02-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 I've been simulating the traffic with JRadiusSimulator and used the 
 EAP-TTLS/PAP option. Is there any other simulator you know of which I can 
 use to simulate EAP-TTLS/(PAP and MS-CHAPv1)? I appreciate your help.

wpa_supplicant  is a good tool

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Re: Is tunnel right? (EAP-TTLS)

2008-02-14 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 Sorry for insist on, but is right that in debug mode show the user
 password, even using tunnel?

yes - if the password is available is a clear format - eg not
a challenge/response method.  ALL passwords get printed in clear

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Re: Is tunnel right? (EAP-TTLS)

2008-02-14 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 But, I don't understand, how can be shown it if password is encrypted
 in LDAP and I am using EAP-TTLS, is not the password into the tunnel?.
 I am using securew2 with PAP from windows clients. Does it mean that
 password could be sniffed when radius is not running in debug mode??

the server KNOWS the password. therefore it is showing it. thats how
it can do the LDAP HAS to know the password to make
the LDAP attempt successful. the password will always be available in
a raw format in the server engine.  if you dont like passwords,
move to a challenge/response system - eg MSCHAPv2

i wouldnt lose sleep over it. when the server is not running in debug
mode, the only way of sniffing the password is via a few changes to
the FreeRADIUS source code.  in general practice that password is
buried in a TTLS tunnel. its not readable by anything other than the
RADIUS server. think of the information flow and process.

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Re: where is db_mysql.sql in 2.0.2?

2008-02-15 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 hi Alan,
 where is the db_mysql.sql file in 2.0.2?
 i've searched whole, but found nothing.


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Re: Could not link driver

2008-02-15 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

  I couldn't be able to link the driver of mysql 5 with free radius
 2.0.2due to this file I couldn't locate this file
 in my
 entire system. I've gone througe all the faq's, but it doesn't work. the
 error's still there.

answered every week on this list.  your system didnt built FR with mysql 
why? probably because you dont have the required development package


if you run the configure stage through some sanity checking, you get to
see all the good stuffeg

./configure --with-blah-blah  | grep WARN

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Re: can't get WPA/2 and EAP-TTLS to work

2008-02-15 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 The wpa_supplicant keeps looping looking for missing keys
 accordint to Jouni.  I suspected my Cisco access point was
 not configured properly, but Cisco claims that FreeRADIUS is
 asking the access point about dynamic VLANs which aren't even
 configured in FreeRADIUS (see configurations below).

from what i can see, rubbish. freeradius as an AAA does not
ask NAs about their VLANs - dynamic or otherwise! there a re 
few things wonky or wrong. 

first , what version of FR are you using exactly? i would STRONGLY
recommend 2.0.2 as 1.1.x (you appear to be 1.1.7 with patches...)
isnt as configurable.


 foo User-Password == password

foo  Cleartext-Password := password

(as clearly in the docs)

 Thu Feb 14 08:41:05 2008 : Debug: rlm_eap_tls: add_reply failed to create 
 attribute MS-MPPE-Recv-Key: Unknown attribute
 Thu Feb 14 08:41:05 2008 : Debug: rlm_eap_tls: add_reply failed to create 
 attribute MS-MPPE-Send-Key: Unknown attribute

this aint good. you've got to have these in your TTLS or things arent
going to work. dictionary files all okay and present and loaded? 
you arent filtering attributes from my quick scan of the config...unless
you've not copied that part.

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Re: proxed EAP and eduroam project

2008-02-18 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 rather than a problem, this is a question.
 I assume you know what eduroam is, but just in case:
 What is eduroam

several members of this list are involved in eduroam at sites

 What happens is that the EAP conversation traverls in cleartext across
 the public internet (really the inter-university networks).

cleartext?  not really.  the proxied traffic will be at least
encapsulated via a shared secret between each RADIUS end point. 
and the inner method itself is sat in the EAP tunnel. unless
using very old method like EAP-MD5.  ideally you wouldnt use a PAP
method either - MSCHAPv2 challenge response in PEAP or EAP-TTLS
would give greater security.  however, EAP-TLS is the defacto
top-level way of doing it. platinum service, as it were - but
you've got to have a full PKI infrastructure for creation, 
deployment and revokation. 

looking to the future, RADSEC will be involved in 'beefing up'
the RADIUS to RADIUS communication channel. as well as the
automatic assignment/discovery of AAA end point systems.

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Re: FreeRadius question

2008-02-18 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 Ladies and Gentlemen,
 I am trying to find out how I can check what options
 the freeradius binary available for download was
 compiled with.   I have STFW and RTFM, but still am
 not sure as to how to check.  radiusd -X gives some
 information, but
 nothing about what freeradius was compiled with.  I am
 interested in finding out if the binary was compiled
 with e-Directory support. Thanks for any help.

WHICH binary available for download?

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Re: upgrade broke the users file - being read only partially - FR1.1.7 to FR2.0.2

2008-02-21 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 No love man.  
 Changed the huntgroup defination and also changed the
 sites-enabled/SERVER-1760 file to read. 

did you edit the users file according to the instructions too?
..the debug logs suggest otherwise 

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Re: your mail

2008-02-22 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 I am trying to setup freeradius 1. I have chap authentication working with 
 mysql but pap authentication will not work with mysql. This is what I 
 receive from the nas when someone trys to connect.

radius.conf does not contain the full sql details - eg sql.conf, 
the required SQL backend and your tables entries are all required

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Re: upgrade broke the users file - being read only partially - FR1.1.7 to FR2.0.2

2008-02-22 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
 Yes I did make that change. What in the output
 suggested I didn't? 

Auth-Type already set

 I don't know what the deal is, it seems odd that it
 will read the file and proxy my requests but failed to
 authenticate a locally defined user in the file. 

its matching on line * (iirc) the users file. and failing
because of that

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