AirPort slot problems?

2012-05-15 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
I have a 1Ghz eMac and a Dual 1,42GHz FW800 PowerMac G4, both bought used 
and without AirPort card. I needed Wifi on the eMac and I bought what I 
think is the correct AirPort vía eBay. When it arrived I put it on the eMac 
but it did not recognize it. I tried on the PowerMac (loaned to a friend) 
and, again, no luck. The seller was kind enough to send me another card in 
exchange for mine and when he received it he acknowledged it didn`t work.

I tried the new card and had the same problem. I contacted the seller and he 
assured me the card was working when he send it to me, telling me maybe my 
computers had some kind of electrical probelm which was damaging the cards. 
They came very well packaged and doesn`t looks like they suffered any damage 
in transit.

So, is there any possibility a damaged AirPort slot can damage a card? Also, 
is there anyway to test the AirPort slot to know if it is working.

I guess the problem may be on the eMac since in both cases I tried the card 
on it first.


Gorka from Spain 

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Re: Quicksilver processor upgrade easier than expected

2011-11-07 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
Mind you, the G4 was a fine machine and it served me well... I loved it, 

enjoyed it for 7 years.
Still, some heavy loads like Adobe CS make it huff and puff...

I think the problem with the G4s was a barely adequate supporting chipset 
with a low FSB and memory access speeds. The G5 overcame those problems and 
the computer felt/was much faster than the G4s.

Have a Dual 1,42GHz FW800 and a 1,5GHz PowerBook G4 and, under a standard 
load (web surfing, document editing, a bit of PowerPoint for work) they 
don`t feel much different running Leopard. Of course, the desktop have more 
RAM available which can make a difference when working with large files or 
with many open programs.


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eMac problems

2011-07-26 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
A couple weeks ago I bought a second hand eMac (1GHz ATI graphics) at a local 
store. I currently runs Os 10.3.9 and came with only 128Mb of RAM and a expired 
PRAM battery. I bought two 512Mb sticks and a fresh battery from OWC and now 
runs much better. I also purchased an AirPort Extreme wireless card from eBay. 
These are my problems:
* Panther is pretty obsolete now. I own an original retail Tiger installation 
disk, but when I try to install it it asks me for the admin password. I have no 
idea of what the password is and the store have no idea either.
* I can`t get the computer to recognize the AirPort Extreme card.
Is there a way I can make a fresh install of the OS?
Gorka from Spain

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Re: eMac problems

2011-07-26 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo

Thanks a lot for your quick answers!

I tried booting from the DVD while keeping C and option down but without 
luck. When booting with option down, the DVD drive (it`s a combo one) 
doesn`t recognize the boot DVD. Same with booting with C pressed, it doesn`t 
boot from the DVD. It`s an old one, maybe it can be damaged? I think I have 
a Panther disk somewhere else to try

On the AirPort Extreme, I followed the eMac manual (PDF from 
instructions and noted you had to push a little bit more to get rhe card 
properly seated, but no luck. I have a PowerMac G4 FW 800 loaned to a friend 
so I can try the card there.


Gorka from Spain 

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Re: Thanks, G-list!

2011-01-10 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo



-Mensaje original- 
From: Greg Kennedy

Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 8:38 PM
Subject: Thanks, G-list!

Thanks to everyone who has helped me with my various questions and issues 
over the past few weeks.  This is the result of all my tinkering:


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Re: Beige G3 not booting from CD!

2010-05-05 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo

Yes, but I don't want to run OS X on this machine. It feels so fast,

even with only 96 MB of RAM... I don't want to put Panther just to
drag things down... to run OS X, I have newer machines, like my 2006
iMac :).

Mine is SLOW, with 9.2.2 and 386Mb of RAM. And a modern IBM Deskstar 40Gb 
HD. Also has a FW400/USB PCI card of unknown origin.

I recently got through LEM Swap a Radeo 7000 card. I also have some 256Mb 
sticks and a G4 Sonnet ZIF upgrade in storage, although I don`t have the 
Sonnet CD with the software

Gorka from Spain 

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Re: Beige G3 not booting from CD!

2010-05-05 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
To get full advantage of the Radeon under OS X you'd need to enable 
Quartz Extreme using PCI Extreme! 3.1 available at MacUpdate. You can 
ignore the warnings if you're using Tiger 10.4.11, it works fine. It  was 
only under the bad OS X updates of 10.3.7 and 10.4.3-10.4.5 that  it 
didn't work. It's fine under 10.4.11.

So far I plan to keep running OS 9.2.2, vintage machine with vintage OS :) 
Once I get G4 up and running, I will upgrade!

In OS 9.x I like PowerLogix CPU Director for all  brands of CPU upgrades.
The better choices of L2 enablers are:
PowerLogix CPU Directer
XLR8 MachSpeed Control

Thanks a lot, Kris! You have solved one of my main doubts related to the G4 

Gorka from Spain 

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Re: Beige G3 not booting from CD!

2010-05-05 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo

And Gorka: to me, it feels fast! Indeed a lot faster than my 5200, and

all of my older 68k Macs... but for heavy work, general web browsing
and iTunes, I use my 2006 iMac! But I can't play those older games on
the iMac, nor can I talk properly to older hardware like my flatbed

Curiously enough, I feel my Performa 631 (21Mb RAM!) faster running Mac OS 
8. Of course, with software from that era

So far, I have been unable to get the thing into the net. I got an Asante 
Ethernet card with a RJ-45 jack, but doesn`t like neither my modern routers 
or my 10/100 switch.


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USB 2.0 with OS 9?

2010-04-19 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
Did OS 9 support the USB 2.0 protocol? I would like to get a USB 2.0 PCI 
card for a Beige G3 running 9.1 and some cards say they will run USB 2.0 
only under OS X.


Gorka from Spain 

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Re: USB 2.0 with OS 9?

2010-04-19 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
Sorry, no USB 2 drivers were ever written for OS 9. So the cards are 
correct, but they should still work at USB 1 speeds.

Thanks! I´m fairly new to OS 9. The machine already has a 2xUSB/2xFW400 PCI 
card so looks like a replacement wouldn`t be needed!

Gorka from Spain 

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Re: G5 1.8GHz tower doesn't work w/video well

2010-04-09 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
A few months ago I prepared a 22min video with iMovie 09 in a 2008 15in 
MacBookPro. Using an AVCHD camera, it truly taxed the system. All worked 
well except for a 3min clip out of synch. I tried everything to try correct 
it but to no avail.

The same clip mounted flawlessy in a dual 2GHz PowerMac G5 using Final Cut 


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Re: G5 1.8GHz tower doesn't work w/video well

2010-04-09 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo

I searched my gmail trash extensively to see what I had missed here.
Thinking I had lost a thread. But none found.

People was commenting their experiences with the iMovie suite. So I threw 

Your subject line mentions a  G5 1.8GHz tower  but the post mentions two
other machines ? ? ?


You mention nothing about RAM or project settings nor about where you 

the files used as resource. All of this and more effects the speed and
reliability of an edit.
I have very little experience with iMovie but consider any version of FCP 

be superior.
iMovie alone may account for your clip trouble.

That`s what I though! The machine was a 15in MacBook Pro with a 2,5GHz Core 
2 Duo and 2Gb DDR3 RAM. I downloaded everything in the HDD, a 5400rpm 250Gb 
unit which at the tine was almost empty.

But are you sure you did not accidently unlink the audio and video tracks?
I can only assume that is what you mean when you say the clip was  out of
synch .

Try realigning them and relink them. Or simply reload the source or 

the clip if it is part of a bigger clip.

You could also search the history if available and spot the event where 

condition was triggered. Just to try to prevent it happening again. Do you
save versions?

I downloaded the clips from the video camera (a Sony AVCHD camerad with a 
120Gb HD) into the HDD, loaded them with iMovie and tested them. All 
reproduced OK. Them I proceded to edit them and paste the complete clip. In 
some parts I turned off the original audio and included a new soundtrack 
from my iTunes library. The raw project worked flawlessy. Problem was 
exporting it to any video format. It took about an hour to process and I had 
the same problem with any format I tried: around min 15 the sound became out 
of sync with the image, garbling about four minutes of the clip. I tried to 
rearrange it, moving the problematic clip around, loading it again from the 
video camera to no avail.

I suspected it was a problem with that clip until I mounted perfectly 
under Final Cut Pro.


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Basic Video card question....

2010-04-01 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
Sorry if this questions seems to naive/basic, but my experience with AGP 
cards is limited.

I bought a flashed nVidia GeForce FX5200 128Mb to replace the 64Mb of a late 
2004 PowerMac G5 dual 2GHz. The FX5200 is shorter than the original ATI 
Radeon 9600 Pro, so the hook of the GeForce card where the AGP slot latch 
catches has to be introduced inside the slot.

Will the slot be damaged if I put the card hook into it? Or can I simply put 
the card all the way in the slot whitout problem? Have been googling around 
but cannot find a definitve answer.

Thanks a lot!

Gorka from Spain 

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Re: Basic Video card question....

2010-04-01 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
The FX 5200 is shorter that the original card, so the hook used to secure it 
to the AGP slot latch is lined with the slot and has to get inside if I want 
the card to fit.

It`s the same lenght as the Rage 128 fitted originally to early G4 
PowerMacs (I had one to compare), so it would perfectly full the Gigabit 
Ethernet AGP slot. The AGP slot in the G5 is far longer (64bit vs 32bit 
slot), so the hook with catches the G4 AGP slot latch would have to get into 
the longer AGP slot of the G5, in an area which has its own connectors, 
which MAY be damaged in the process.

I was worried this could damage the slot, so in doubt I did nothing and put 
back the original video card.

I was told by the seller the card was used in another G5, so I guess it 
should fit, but not being 100% sure I wanted to ask first.


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Re: PowerMac G3 boot troubles

2010-03-13 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo

Would the video still be the problem even if when I boot into open

firmware I can see the text on the screen?  Also, the HD doesn't sound
like it's crunching and churning like it usually does when the machine
boots.  I don't doubt that it's the battery, but would it let somehow
still load the monitor and video when going into open firmware?

My G3 desktop with failing PRAM battery made many odd things until I 
replaced the battery. This included no startup, several bomb warnings, no 
video Everything dissappeared miracleously when I put a fresh PRAM 


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Re: G4 dp 450

2010-03-07 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo

On Sun, Mar 07, 2010 at 11:41:19AM -0500, James Range wrote:

Thanks, I will definitely make the upgrade then.  Just wanted to check 
because I'll have more $$$ put into memory than did the entire setup.

You might check eBay, I've had good luck picking up memory for older
systems there.  Prices are a fraction of what you will find from other
online stores.

I got mine cheaply through LEM Swap.


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Re: Beige Desktop Ram Question

2010-02-09 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
768 MB total is the max, three 256 MB sticks of low-density PC66,  PC100, 

The 233Mhz Beige G3 desktop I recently resurrected (by simply changing the 
PRAM battery!) has one 256, one 128 and one 32mb DIMMs since at least 2005 
(when it was used for the last time).

I have two others 256Mb DIMMs I plan to use as soon has I have time again to 
tinker with this old machine.

BTW, I found it SLOW. It`s running Mac OS 9,1 and has one 40Mb IBM 
DeathStar HD built in 2001 replacing the original 4Mb unit supplied with the 

Gorka from Spain 

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Re: Beige Desktop Ram Question

2010-02-09 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo

It is a tad slow.. But what I am using it for it not that processor

intensive, however it does require the memory to run properly.  Seems
it spends most of its time scrolling out to virtual, finally starts
thrashing, and then requires a hard reset.  :(

I checked and saw the machine was configured with 769Mb of virtual memory on 
his own dedicated HD partition. No doubt when it was used with Photoshop 5 
it did need a bit more of RAM! The owner had not much memories about how it 
was configured as the machine had been stored since July 2005 and only took 
from storage late last year for one hour of usage before the PRAM battery 
failed and started to cause problems.

This particular machine had 2Mb of VRAM and the motherboard has Rev.A 
written just under tghe the PCI slots (one has a 2xUSB 1.1 2xFW 400 PCI 

Gorka from Spain 

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Re: Beige Desktop Ram Question

2010-02-09 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
Another way to get quicker HD response is using XPF to boot from a 
Firewire 400 external HD. This is cheap and gets rid of both the 1st 8  GB 
limit and the 128 GB limit, which only the ATA-133 card would also  do, 
but normally at higher total cost and less usage flexibility.

Now you mention it... the PCI USBFW card has one internal FW400 port. Can 
it be used with a INTERNAL FW HD enclosure??

Gorka from Spain 

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Re: Beige Desktop Ram Question

2010-02-09 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo

I think you mean 4GB and 40GB. My G3 here also has a 40GB in it :D

Yup! I was on RAM size mode while writing :-)

Gorka from Spain

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Re: Beige Desktop Ram Question

2010-02-09 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
You could if there were such a thing.  I've never heard of one.  The 
internal FW connector (on this card and on some PowerMacs) was intended 
for FW drives, HDs whose interface was FW, not via an IDE convertor but 
directly.  Such drives never materialized.

Thanks for the answer! It makes a lot of sense, had no idea anybody ever 
talked about a FW HD. I could find no space (not to mention heat dissipation 
problems!) to fit a FW enclosure INSIDE a beige desktop!

Gorka from Spain. 

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Re: legit software

2010-02-08 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo

Short response: NO!

This is what I found in a quick Google search:

Better not to even visit their webiste again!

Gorka from Spain

- Original Message - 
From: Charles Lenington

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 7:08 AM
Subject: legit software

Has anyone heard of this company or done business with them? Is the 
software legit? I need CS4 but I'm leery.

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Re: Beige G3 problems

2009-12-09 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
Yersinia is correct about your PRAM battery being suspect. If you
don't have a suitable multimeter or battery tester, one way to find
out if the battery is any good is to remove it entirely, and try
starting up without it. You system should boot, but you will receive
an error message re time and date being wrong/needing to be set. Use
the Apple Menu/Control Panel/Time and Date control panel to set the
correct time zone, time and date. All will be well until you shutdown.
At the next cold boot, you will get the Time and Date error again
unless you install a new PRAM battery.

The problem is the machine wasn`t booting at all! The machine boot stops 
after a couple seconds and then shuts down. I can give it a try, of course.

As someone mentioned, I`ll try to clean the PSU with compressed air before. 
As far as I could tell, it had lots of dust inside.

If you have the wrong RAM DIMM modules, you will hear the sound of
breaking glass at strat-up instead of the normal start-up chord.

The first time it booted after replacing the RAM hardware test was passed 
succefully, but got the bomb dialog when OS 9 loaded telling there was an 
app problem and the computer needed a safe restart from the keyboard. at 
that time I only an USB keyboard connected to the USB/FireWire PCI card 
which, of course, wasn`t working. It took me a week to try again with an ADB 
keyboard and them all of this happened

Thanks for your suggestions!

Gorka from Spain 

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Re: Beige G3 problems

2009-12-08 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
I put back the old memory to no avail.

I bought the new memory as Beige G3 compatible, so.

I also tried a startup from the front buttom with the same results.


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Re: Beige G3 problems

2009-12-08 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
Thanks a lot for your answer, Yersinia!

I have following a similar thread a few days ago which mentioned pressing 
the CUDA switch and resetting the PRAM in a Beige G3. I went to my stored 
manuals and checked them. According to the original manual (available for 
download at, you don`t need to reset the PRAM.

I didn`t try as I was worried it may have been an electrical problem and 
thus didn`t want to get into more failed boots to avoid permament damage. Of 
course, the PRAM battery of this machine is original and 12 years old. It 
sat idle for five years and although it seemed to work, it has been started 
maybe five times since put out of storage a couple months ago. It is likely 
to be in bad condition.

The machine was VERY dirty and looks like the original owner brushed the 
worst of dirt with a thin paintbrush! Maybe static damage to some 

To those who read about Apple voiding waranty on smoker`s machines, this 
particular computer was full of nicotine remains. The owner used to work a 
lot and had the machine in a tiny unventilated room, so all the smoke got 
into the machine and settled there.

Thanks again,

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: Beige G3 problems

 Gorka writes,

 I have an old 233MHz beige G3 desktop I workin with at a hobby.

 last week I installed a trio of 128Mb SIMMs I bought through LEM Swap. I
 exchanged the old memory for the new one following the Apple
 instructions per the manual (and after checking through the net) and
 restarted the computer. hardware started, but got the bomb dialog
 telling me there was a prolem with some app and asking me for a secure
 reboot through the keyboard.

 At that time I had only an USB keyboard as my ADB one was at home. Today
 I finally got my old ADB keyboard, opnened the case again, reseated the
 memory and hit the power up buttom in the keyboard.

 ... to no avail. I got the three lights in the keyboard, the PSU started
 t whirl... and after a couple seconds the machie shut down.

 Opened it again, checked everything was OK, all the connections
 secure,put back the old memory SIMMs, closed and tried again to boot,
 getting the same results.

 The machine is a beige desktop, 233MHz G3, 128 + 64 + 32Mb SIMMs , one
 PCI slot with 2xUSB 1.1 and 2xFirewire 400, one 10Gb and one 40Gb HD and
 running Mac OS 9.1. The machine was recently resurrected after being
 unused for five years and it ran smoothly until the memory swapt.

 Any ideas? Maybe the PSU failed? Besides the memory SIMMs nothing else
 have been touched

 Ooooh, a Beige G3/233 Desktop! I had one of those! OK, down to business.
 Here's what I'd do if I still had my Beige and was in your position:

 You don't mention if you pressed the CUDA button when you installed the
 new memory, so I'd recommend reseating the RAM yet again and pressing
 the CUDA button.

 If that doesn't work, I'd zap the PRAM (hold down the cmd-opt-P-R keys
 while pressing the startup button.

 If that doesn't work, I'd go for an open firmware reset. To do this,
 hold down the cmd-opt-O-F keys while starting up. When you get the
 command line, type:

 1. reset-nvram  (hit enter)
 2. set-defaults  (hit enter)
 3. resett-all   (hit enter)

 If none of these things work, and, since you also mention that the Mac
 had worked fine but had also been unused for a long time -- I was just
 in this situation with another PPC Mac (the fact that it hadn't been
 used in a while), a Mini, and when the PRAM battery was replaced, it
 worked fine. So if none of the above work for you, your Beige's PRAM
 battery may need to be replaced.

 Also, older Macs like that sometimes act wonky if you don't rebuild
 theier desktops. If you get this Beige to boot again, I'd suggest a
 desktop rebuild too. (hold down apple-opt keys while booting, then tell
 it yes when it asks to rebuild the desktop).

 Good luck!


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Re: Video upgrade options for a Gigabit Ethernet G4

2009-11-25 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
 I think at the lower end of the scale like a 16mb 2 x AGP vs a 16mb PCI 
 card there would be very little difference but when you start to compare a 
 128mb PCI vs a 128mb 4 x AGP card there would be a much bigger disparity 
 in performance.
 See here for a comparison
 In this case for Gorka , I mentioned these upper end ATI and nVidia cards 
 ( for a GigE anyway )because he sounded like he wanted a big increase in 
 pixel pushing power.

 within a reasonable budget! :)

This is a nine years old machine and while nice to work with, is well past 
its prime. This is mostly a budget hobby project with the aim of turning it 
into a chepao gaming machine (within its limits) and kid computer.


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Re: Video upgrade options for a Gigabit Ethernet G4

2009-11-25 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
Has anyone tried the 64mb ATI Radeon 9600 Pro shipped with 2004 PowerMac G5s 
in older G4 towers?

My friend`s G5 uses this card and I would like to know if it could be 
replaced by something better and moved to the G4 Gigabit. This would be a 
symbiotic move between the Macs!

Searched Google but it isn`t clear if this card can be used in AGP x2 slots!


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Re: Video upgrade options for a Gigabit Ethernet G4

2009-11-25 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
Well, that computer is also occasionally used by his older son, studying 
design, for design/Photoshop work!

Try to do that with a contemporary PC box :)

- Original Message - 
From: Kasey Smith
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 9:26 PM
Subject: Re: Video upgrade options for a Gigabit Ethernet G4

 On Nov 25, 2009, at 12:38 PM, Stewie de Young wrote:

 Gorka , I use my dual 533MHz Digital Audio ( only about a year
 younger than yours ) - OS10.3.9 , 1.5Gb Ram, 256mb video card, 80gb
 + 120Gb HDs as my main machine 8 hours a day drawing CAD plans for
 It is stable , fast ( fast enough for my CAD program anyway ) easy
 to work on and easy to expand.
 I earn a good living using this machine so your GigE still has many
 useful years left in it for sure.

 And I use a 400MHz PowerMac G3 with a second monitor as my main
 machine. It is plenty fast for IRC, web browsing, iTunes, and Mail
 all at the same time! (dual monitors helps) Oh, i also have XBolo,
 Otto Matic, and Chopper on it for games! :)

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Video upgrade options for a Gigabit Ethernet G4

2009-11-23 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
I`m slowly upgrading an old G4 Gigabit Ethernet for the young son of a 

I have already maxed out the memory through the LEM swapt list and it works 
much better with 2Gb of RAM (the system is currently running OS 10.4.11).

It is still used to play games and the original ATI Rage 128 with 16mb VRAM 
isn`t up to the task of running Medal of Honor as fluidly as it should.

Being not too familiar with this model, and after a Google search, I`m 
looking for advice on how to upgrade the video card.

As I have been able to check, this model only has an AGP x2 slot for video 
cards, plus the PCIs.

The ATI Radeon 7500 Mac Edition seems to be compatible, but at 32Mb doesn`t 
seems to provide much advantage for mid-2000s needs!

Has anybody proceeded with such upgrade and, if so, which cards have been 
used? I guess going for PCI would be better, although I`m not sure the speed 
of the PCI slots of this model can run modern cards.


Gorka from Spain. 

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Re: Sonnet Encore upgrade for desktop beige G3

2009-08-27 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo

 I had a similar set-up that worked fine for years.  The directions
 that you list above are correct.  IFRC, you have to take a look at
 the Beige's current processorthere were issues with some of them
 that interfered with the installation of the Sonnet card.  Do you see
 that in your instruction manual?  If you are planning on installing
 OS X, be sure that the Sonnet is installed first.

I have read the full manual (available from Sonnet) and the only problem 
they mention is the Royal VRM which, fortunately, doesn`t seems to be case.

No plans for OS X right know! If I can get the G4 running it can be a 

Looks like I will need the G4 enable files.


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Re: Sonnet Encore upgrade for desktop beige G3

2009-08-27 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo

I put the G3 back in place for the install, then
 installed the G4 enabler from Sonnet, and put the G4 back in the system.
 It ran well for another year or so before I traded the system to someone
 who needed a fast desktop that could run OS9 for some software he
 already had.  So, I would recommend putting the G3 back in place for the
 OSX install, if this is possible.

So I would need the G4 enabler software from Sonnet in order for the G4 to 


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Re: Boot Camp

2009-08-25 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo

 If you need to run some Windows programs, forget about boot camp and
 use a virtual machine app, such as Parallels, VMWare Fusion or Virtual
 Box (which is free, and improving all the time).

 This is far far safer, since a) you're not mucking about with your
 existing Mac partition...the horror stories of Boot Camp are legion,
 and b) you can simply copy your virtual disk; so when Windows eats
 itself or your Windows install is infested with viruses, you just quit
 the VM, trash the virtual disk file, copy the good one back over and
 start it back up. Elapsed time to 're-install ' windows? under a minute.

I have a 2008 15in 2,4Ghz Intel Core 2 2Gb RAM Mac Pro running the last 
version of Leopard with VM ware and Win XP SP2 works REALLY slow. Takes ages 
to load and the resposiveness isn`t exactly crispy.

Anyone has the same problems with virtualization?


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Re: Recommendations for iPod repairs?

2009-08-21 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo

I repaired my 5th gen ipod broken screen through The 
components were fairly priced, although SH was a rip off (more than the 
actual cost of the components, which may have weight less than 100gr!).

They have both repair tutorials and troubleshooting guides. Maybe you can 
get down to ID the exact problem.

- Original Message - 
From: Ken Daggett
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 7:17 PM
Subject: Re: Recommendations for iPod repairs?

 On 21 Aug 2009, at 09:06:27 PDT, iWill wrote:

 I am guessing a battery issue, but it could be something else, so I
 thought that I would ask if anyone has any recommendations for repair
 Hmmm. It's been a couple of years, but I had a Nano with a
 busted screen. I googled around and found a source on-line
 that sold screens. The instructions were good and I got
 mine opened and repaired for about $30. They also had
 batteries with similar instructions.


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Re: Migrating from Eudora ?

2009-08-13 Thread Gorka L Martinez Mezo
Some four/five years ago I moved to Thunderbird due to my good experiences with 
Firefox... until I realized it had corrupted all the mail I have imported from 
Outlook Express! This included stored emails and attached files. Fortunately, I 
have saved the mail files and thus nothing valuable was lost.

Did anybody suffered the same problem?

Gorka from Spain
  - Original Message - 
  From: Nestamicky 
  Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 4:47 PM
  Subject: Re: Migrating from Eudora ?

  On 8/13/09 5:59 AM, Lawrence David Eden wrote: 
What, if any, are the advantages of 
migration to a different mail program?

  Try Thunderbird and you'll never go back.


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