[galaxy-user] Toolshed initial upload errors out

2012-04-10 Thread Paul-Michael Agapow
As per the title, I'm trying to setup a toolshed for our local use. After 
creating a repo, I try to upload the initial file only to get:

TypeError: array item must be char

Which seems to happen repeatedly, i.e. it's not a passing error.

While I'm here, a perhaps obvious question: where or how does the main Galaxy 
instance get the list of toolsheds to display? The main and test sheds are 
hardcoded in, I guess, but how does it pick up the local - simply by virtue of 
the fact that it is local?


Paul Agapow (paul-michael.aga...@hpa.org.uk)
Bioinformatics, Health Protection Agency

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[galaxy-user] Megablast question

2012-04-10 Thread shamsher jagat
I am using megablast and was wondering how can I get chromosome number
and coordinates of its hits.


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[galaxy-user] (no subject)

2012-04-10 Thread Michael Sikes


I have hit a brick wall when trying to convert wig files from the GEO  
to bigwig files.  Each time I try (and I have tried many times since  
October), I get the same error. For example, here is a downloaded wig  
file, that I assigned to the mouse mm8 genome, and the error I got  
when I tried to convert it to a bigwig file. The dataset came from  
Bing Ren's lab, and its GEO record is here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSM560344

The wig file was uploaded to Galaxy Dec. 8, 2011, and I assigned mm8  
rather than mm9 based on the GEO record:

49: GSM560344_03112009_313D2AAXX_B7.wi
~960,000 lines
format: wig, database: mm8
Info: uploaded wig file
display at UCSC main

The details for this upload are as follows:

Tool: Upload File
Name:   GSM560344_03112009_313D2AAXX_B7.wi
Created:Dec 08, 2011
Filesize:   12.1 Mb
Dbkey:  mm8
Format: wig
Tool Version:   
Tool Standard Output:   stdout
Tool Standard Error:stderr

Input Parameter Value
File Format auto
Conditional (files_metadata)32
Inheritance Chain


The wig-to-bigWig conversion on data 49 (using the wig to bigwig  
conversion tool in the convert formats toolbox) was run on March 21,  
2012 and gave the following error:

 77: Wig-to-bigWig on data 49
0 bytes
An error occurred running this job:line 152351 of stdin: chromosome  
chr13 has 120614378 bases, but item ends at 120614600
line 298005 of stdin: chromosome chr17 has 95177420 bases, but item  
ends at 95177625
line 325066 of stdin: chromosome chr16 has 98252459 bases, but item  
ends at 9825252

The details for this operation are as follows:

Tool: Wig-to-bigWig
Name:   Wig-to-bigWig on data 49
Created:Mar 21, 2012
Filesize:   0 bytes
Dbkey:  mm8
Format: bigwig
Tool Version:   
Tool Standard Output:   stdout
Tool Standard Error:stderr

Input Parameter Value
Convert 49: GSM560344_03112009_313D2AAXX_B7.wi
Conditional (settings)  1
Items to bundle in r-tree   256
Data points bundled at lowest level 1024
Clip chromosome positions   True
Do not use compression  True
Inheritance Chain

Wig-to-bigWig on data 49

I gather that the chromosome ends are not being snipped off, even  
though I toggle this option on the galaxy conversion tool. And I know  
it's doing something, because if I toggle that option off, I get an  
error that includes broken pipe and simply aborts. I apologize for  
knowing so little about the bioinformatics involved here. And I'm sure  
I've overlooked something that is likely obvious to others and/or  
failed to provide some critical bit of info in this email. But any  
help would be greatly appreciated.


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[galaxy-user] equicktandem search not yielding any results

2012-04-10 Thread Harry Podschwit
Hello all,

I am certainly new to using galaxy and I have already checked the
message boards to get some assistance on this but was unsuccessful.
Anyways, here is my problem, I have a a FASTA file of C. gigas partial
sequences. I was trying to use Galaxy's equicktandem tool to identify
micro satellites in the sequence. However, when I ran the tool it did
not yield any results. This is strange because I could visually pick
out where l thought the algorithm should have found a hit.
Additionally, trimming my collection of sequences to a single sequence
did not yield any hits.  Moreover, I created a fake sequence with very
obvious microsatellites and the algorithm appeared to work fine as
it identified the repeats. While I suppose it is certainly possible
that there may just not be any microsatellites in my sequence, I find
it highly unlikely and suspect something else is going on. This seemed
like such a simple tool yet I am having much difficulty in using it. I
am simply uploading my FASTA file normally and then taking that file
and using the tool. I am doing this all online through the galaxy
website not a local instance and if you would like to see yourself the
FASTA file can be downloaded at
http://genefish.wikispaces.com/crassostreome and the FASTA file is
cgigas_alpha_v0.3.2 (the collection of 272 sequences). Please help
this has been excruciatingly frustrating for me and I suspect that a
veteran Galaxy user may be able to see my error quickly.


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