[galaxy-user] a question about cuffdiff values

2012-08-06 Thread Elwood Linney
I am a Galaxy-naive molecular, developmental biologist studying
repression/derepression of early embryonic gene expression in zebrafish

After attending the Galaxy meeting I returned home and worked up two
mRNAseq files to determine RNA expression differences using cuffdiff
between a treated and an untreated sample (i.e. data from cuffdiff under
the title of gene differential expression testing).

I downloaded the data, opened it up in an Excel file and captured all the
significant rows.

If I look at the value 1 and value 2 columns I find that many of the
numbers are single digits.  I expect that in one of the columns that the
numbers will be very low (that is, less than 1) because the treatment
should be inducing gene expression in a subfamily of genes that are

My questions are:

1) what do these numbers represent?

2) If in the value column where I expect a higher number has  a value of
10 or less mean anything or should one be selecting for values higher that
these single digit numbers

3) And in the column of genes that might be repressed is there really a
difference between a value of 0.1  versus something like 0.01 since that
can change my log ratios significantly--this, of course, goes back to my
first question

I would appreciate any help I could get, sincerely,

el linney
Professor of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Duke University Medical Center
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[galaxy-user] gene names from cuffdiff data

2013-01-07 Thread Elwood Linney
How does one get gene names when using cuffdiff when looking at gene
differential expression testing results?

I am doing some +/- exposure studies with zebrafish embryos and then
processing the 50bp single-ended fastq files through Galaxy with particular
interest in the cuffdiff readout of differential gene expression.  It seems
to be working well but my readout is only giving me gene ID's.  It would by
more efficient if I could get gene names from the output.

I suspect I may be able to do this through selection of options from the
UCSC TABLE BROWSER when I use its Zv9 danRer7 assembly as a reference
genome.   I see a place for selected genes but not for all the identified

Is this something that could be done directly or is there just a beyond
Galaxy method of gene gene lists from a list of gene ID's.


el linney
Duke University Medical Center
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[galaxy-user] does Galaxy have a tool for converting .sra files to fastq files?

2013-01-31 Thread Elwood Linney
Hello,  I would like to download some GEO files that complement my own
research with zebrafish embryos but apparently GEO is now only providing
.sra flles.

For a not very experienced unix person, does Galaxy have a tool for this or
is there a clear description somewhere else of how to do it for someone who
is not a bioinformaticist?


el linney
Duke University Medical Center
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[galaxy-user] downloading problems from main Galaxy

2013-07-11 Thread Elwood Linney
 when downloading steps in histories back to my computer the files are
sometimes incomplete (by incomplete I mean a significantly smaller size
that given during the download indicator)

after processing RNAseq files on main Galaxy I have the memory to download
steps or complete histories; this past week I have noticed, in a random way
that some individual tophat alignments or cuffdiff analyses do not download
completely to my computer--sometimes they do, but its random right now

Is there something I can do to eliminate this?
Does this have anything to do with how busy Galaxy is?

 I notice that it sometimes happens even if I try to download one file at a

el linney
Duke University Medical Center
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[galaxy-user] cannot download data to Galaxy

2013-09-11 Thread Elwood Linney
My connection with Galaxy online shutoff last night while I was
transferring data to it.  When I tried to connect again with Fetch this
morning I was not allowed and a message like Sorry the maximum number of
clients for this user are already connected.

I have had what appears to be the bad habit of not logging off to Galaxy.
I am working on the same data sets with three different computers, I only
have one login to Galaxy, so yes, I was logged in on 3 different
computers.  When I logged off of them, and tried to transfer data, I still
got the same message.

I realize people might be trying to get around the 250gb limit by having
multiple logins--I am not one of them, I am the only user on the three
computers I am using.  If not logging off when I leave the computer is a
problem to Galaxy, I will religiously log off each time I am not using the
computer (the computers are in three different rooms in my lab and my lab
consists of just me and a tech--I am the only one who knows the computer
login for both the computers and for Galaxy).

If I have created a problem by being lazy, I apologize, but I have grown
dependent upon using Galaxy online and some new data just came in.


Elwood Linney
Professor of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Duke University Medical Center
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[galaxy-user] portal to galaxy restricted

2013-09-13 Thread Elwood Linney
A message sent earlier this week by me indicated that I could not connect
to Galaxy via Fetch to download data.

A reply indicated a glitch was fixed.

I then could connect with Fetch and I tried to transfer 4 x 16gb files and
the connection disconnected about 4 times.

Now, once again, I cannot connect with Galaxy online to transfer data.

Is this a problem that can be solved-either at my end or at Galaxy?

Elwood Linney
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[galaxy-user] estimating galaxy on the cloud needs for RNAseq

2013-09-15 Thread Elwood Linney

I have been running sets of data for cufflinks/cuffdiff analysis on Galaxy
online--I am considering using the cloud but from what I can read, because
of different person's galaxy needs, I can't get an clear idea of what I
would need and how long it would take to process (and the cost) if I am
running weekly

4 x 16gb fastq files   to 6-8 x 16gb files--one set per week

Is anyone out there using the cloud exclusively for this type of analysis?
And can you give me an idea of what type of cloud setup I could use?  I
have no idea of how much time it would take to process these on the cloud
so its hard to estimate setup costs and specific requirements.

Elwood Linney
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[galaxy-user] Online galaxy turning everything red on RNAseq steps

2013-10-09 Thread Elwood Linney
Hello,  I have been waiting a few weeks to process some RNA seq datasets
but woke up this morning with lots of steps red.  I thought it just might
be because of the movement of the system but I processed steps for some
histories and everything has turned red.

I also noticed that online Galaxy now has RNAseq steps separated into two
sections--does this have something to do with the problems?

el linney
Duke University Medical Center
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[galaxy-user] problems in transitioning from Tophat to Cuffdiff

2013-10-22 Thread Elwood Linney
After successfully using RNAseq software in  Galaxy online for about 10
different datasets to just get gene expression differences between
replicates from control versus exposed zebrafish embryos,  I am having no
luck getting cuffdiff to work with the moved Galaxy.

I had this problem with histories developed before the move and histories
developed after the move.

I have had this problem using an order cuffmerge gtf file that worked in
the past in Cuffdiff, with a new cuffmerge file developed from cufflinks of
the files and by just using a ref file gtf from UCSC.

I don't know if this is just some interface problem with a different
version of the software that was included with the move, or a reference
genome that does not interface with Cuffdiff.  It has happened with about 5
different histories.

Is anyone else having this problem? And found a solution?

Elwood Linney
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[galaxy-user] Same RNAseq samples give different FPKM values when run against different samples

2014-02-15 Thread Elwood Linney
I am sure this has come up before and maybe I missed the answer.

If in using cuffdiff I run a sample 1(3 repeats)  vs a sample 2 and then
run the same sample 1(3 repeats) against a sample 3 or a sample 4, I get
different value for fpkm from sample 1 each time.

Is there something going wrong here or is there something in the program
that causes this difference?

I have seen this with online Galaxy and with the instance I have on my Mac

el linney
Duke University
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[galaxy-user] adding danrer7 as a reference genome for tophat2

2014-03-12 Thread Elwood Linney
Can you add danrer7 as a reference genome for tophat2 for online Galaxy?

Its there for tophat for Illumina.

Elwood Linney
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