[Audyssey] AddictMUD

2008-10-21 Thread Patrick Brown

AddictMUD has been around for 12+ years and has a very stable code
base, robust areas and a simple interface. It is based somewhat on the
Dragaera novels by Stephen Brust. There are many other areas in the
game dedicated to many different genres, some examples being Olympus,
Rome, Ender's Game, Dragonlance, Japan, Narnia and many, many more,
including unique areas. In terms of playability for the blind, I don't
know from personal experience, however a couple of my blind friends
have tried it and said it was easy to play using a screen reader. You
can play two characters at once, and create any number of characters.
There is pretty much no ceiling on how much you can improve your
character through leveling and remorting (going back to level one at a
certain level and gaining stats/extra equipment slots/special
abilities). There are also quests, both immortal run and integrated, a
bazaar system to buy and sell equipment and many other features. The
game is a non-PK game, there is no player versus player involved
except for the very occasional Total Carnage, in which the game is
backed up and people are allowed to kill and loot each other with no
drawback, as the game is restored afterward. There aren't a TON of
players, but there is a stable community of very helpful, nice people.
I think that anyone looking for a fun, ever-changing environment, they
should check out AddictMUD. Check out addictmud.org

Here is the address and port to the game itself:

game.addictmud.org port: 4000


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[Audyssey] Miriani - Patrick Fitzpatrick, the MAN, the MYTH, THE LEGEND...

2008-08-22 Thread Patrick Brown

My name is PATRICK BROWN and I play a CHARACTER named PATRICK
FITZPATRICK on a game called MIRIANI. I've noticed that a lot of you
wish to complain about me by name on this e-mail list, and Miriani in
general. To explain, Miriani is a player versus player role playing
game. So while you may play the role of the tea sipping partier who
hauls the occasional asteroid, I choose to play the dirty, rotten,
low-down space pirate. Sure, you have a right to play the game as you
wish, but I also have the right to play as I wish. Do I complain your
tea parties? No, I crash them. So don't complain about mine. If you
want to have undisturbed tea parties in outer space, go find a non-pvp
space oriented game. I'm sorry Patrick Fitzpatrick makes all your
Miriani lives miserable. Hell I even tried to tone it down because
people were crying and whining so much. Why don't you come fight back?
O NOES I have a battle-cruiser! Its so impossible! I was stomping you
people in carriers and transversers, do you really think its the ship?
Wow, I have a mighty occupancy scanner and a couple of laser rooms. Oh
no, so much better than a gunship. Also, conspiring against my
character on some e-mail list? Meta-gaming much? You people really
need to grow up. Honestly, none of you would last five minutes on Star
Conquest with Michael McCoder after you. Miriani is a great game, I
love it, everyone should just play and not complain so much. PEACE OUT

Patty Fitz P

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